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"ES6 In A Nutshell For JavaScript Developers"
"In this course we will start with the basics of the ES6 syntax. You should have some familiarity with JavaScript already. If you don't there are plenty of free online references to learn the basics of JavaScript fast. After learning the basic syntax, we will then take it to another level building a cutting edge static website that makes use of React &GraphQL. Anybody that buys my courses will also get 2 FREE courses that Ialready have published. Just message me to inquire."
Price: 19.99

"Interior Decorate like a Boss"
"In this course you'll learn how to create a great space from beginning to end. I'll teach you how to createyour floor-plan, work with color, accessorize, and so much more.You don't need any previous experience with interior design to take this course. I've also included a workbook that you can download and use throughout the course to make it easy for you. Happy Designing!"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Papiroflexia"
"Curso bsico para aprender a crear figuras de papelcon la tcnica japonesa del Origamipara jugar, organizar el escritorio, decorar la casa o la clase, etc. En este curso aprenders a hacer los diseos bsicos tradicionales: barco, pajarita,sombrero, juego comecocos, flor, punto de libro, marco para fotos, pulsera, soporte para tarjetas, una caja con asas,base para mbil, pez, y una grulla"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Backup & Restore with CommVault,Get a High paying JOB"
"This course is designed for an anyone who knows nothing about backup and restoring files and wants to use the skills taught here to Get an IT JobYou will learn how to installGet a High paying IT JobCommVault version 11Open Filer Storage NetApp ONTAPAmazon Web Services AWSCloudUbuntu on a Microsoft Windows DomainMicrosoft Windows Server 2012Microsoft Active DirectoryMicrosoft SQL server 2014Microsoft SQL server 2017Microsoft SharePoint 2019Oracle 12cVMware 6.7These skills also transfer into other Information Technology fields, giving you the tools to separate yourself from your competition."
Price: 199.99

"Aprenda Violo do Zero Rpido e Fcil"
"Curso dividido em 4 fases com todas as aulas gravadas em vdeos Exerccios / Ritmos / Progresses HarmnicasAcordes MaioresAcordes menores Acordes Maiores com 7Acordes menores com 7 O objetivo principal aprender o contedo, e no apenas terminar o curso. Leia todo o contedo com ateno redobrada, no tenha pressa. Explore profundamente as ilustraes explicativas, pois elas so fundamentais para exemplificar e melhorar o entendimento sobre o contedo. Quanto mais aprofundar seus conhecimentos mais se diferenciar dos demais alunos dos cursos. O aproveitamento que cada aluno faz, voc que far a diferncia entre os alunos certificados dos alunos capacitados. Busque complementar sua formao fora do ambiente virtual onde faz o curso, buscando novas informaes e leituras extras, e quando necessrio procurando executar atividades prticas que no so possveis de serem feitas durante o curso. A aprendizagem no se faz apenas no momento em que est realizando o curso, mas sim durante todo o dia-a-dia. Ficar atento s coisas que esto sua volta permite encontrar elementos para reforar aquilo que foi aprendido. Critique o que est aprendendo, verificando sempre a aplicao do contedo no dia-a-dia. O aprendizado s tem sentido quando efetivamente colocado em prtica."
Price: 69.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner- Updated:400+ Questions"
"I have created this set of quiz to help AWS aspirants who are planning to give AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam. It will help you to pass the exam as well as improve knowledge on AWS services with the help of answer explanation and reference link.These are full length practice tests which will give you real exam simulation. I am adding 5 complimentary Questions to each sets. I have included recommended white paper as well along with the quiz as you will find most of the relevant questions from whitepapers.Recommended General IT KnowledgeCandidates should have a basic understanding of IT services and their uses in the AWS Cloud platform.These training courses and materials will help with exam preparation:AWS Training on amazon site AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials course AWS Technical Essentials course AWS Business Essentials courseAWS Whitepapers: Overview of Amazon Web Services whitepaper, April 2017 Architecting for the Cloud: AWS Best Practices whitepaper, Feb 2016 How AWS Pricing Works whitepaper, March 2016 The Total Cost of (Non) Ownership of Web Applications in the Cloud whitepaper, Aug 2012 Compare AWS Support PlansResponse TypesThere are two types of questions on the examination: Multiple-choice: Has one correct response and three incorrect responses (distractors). Multiple-response: Has two correct responses out of five options.Exam ResultsThe AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) examination is a pass or fail exam. The examination is scored against a minimum standard established by AWS professionals who are guided by certification industry best practices and guidelines.Your results for the examination are reported as a scaled score from 100 through 1000, with a minimum passing score of 700. Your score shows how you performed on the examination as a whole and whether or not you passed. Scaled scoring models are used to equate scores across multiple exam forms that may have slightly different difficulty levels.Try to practice as many time you can. If you are getting 85% in the quiz then I can say you are ready to schedule your exam date.Wish you good luck.RegardsDhananjay Singh"
Price: 19.99

"Certified Scrum Master (CSM) Exam-Pass in 1st attempt(Q-210)"
"We have created these realtime full practice tests based on our real exam experience and over one and half decade industry experience.With the help of these practice test you would be able to pass your CSM certification exam in first attempt. Real exam has 35 questions and out of which minimum 24 answers should be correct to clear the exam. While this is Practice only test course, we have tried to add explanation for each question to help you understand the right choice and fundamental knowledge on Scrum Principles.Wish you good luck for your practice and final exam."
Price: 19.99

"Autocad 3D para iniciantes"
"AutoCAD um sofware do tipoCADcomputer aided designoudesenho auxiliado por computador- criado e comercializado pelaAutodesk, Inc.desde1982. utilizado principalmente para a elaborao de peas dedesenho tcnicoem duas dimenses (2D) e para criao demodelos tridimensionais(3D). Alm dos desenhos tcnicos, o software vem disponibilizando, em suas verses mais recentes, vrios recursos para visualizao em diversos formatos. amplamente utilizado emarquitetura,design de interiores,engenharia civil,engenharia mecnica,engenharia geogrfica,engenharia eltricae em vrios outros ramos daindstria."
Price: 19.99

"Escribe historias y personajes memorables con mtodos claros"
"Quieres tener todo lo necesario para hacer realidad tu historia, pero solo encuentras informacin confusa que te deja a medio camino?Crear una historia no tiene por qu ser frustrante o una cuestin de inspiracin y talento, ni tampoco necesitas aos y cientos de libros para comenzar a crear cosas increbles. No nos malentiendan, eso no quiere decir que los libros y la prctica no sirvan para nada, sino que muchos sienten que no hay otro camino para hacer historias ms que aos y aos de trabajo y lectura a ciegas hasta llegar a ser una especie de maestro en la materia. Esto no tiene por qu ser as y te dir por qu. Mira, toda disciplina requiere prctica, pero si tienes un proyecto entre manos, sea de ndole personal o comercial, estoy seguro que habrs sentido la frustracin de que no importa cuntos videos te hayas visto o cuantos libros hayas ledo, las cosas no acaban de cuadrar, has reescrito el mismo captulo ms veces de las que te gustara y sigues usando tcnicas que se basan en el instinto, lo cual, seamos honestos, cobrar factura en forma de tiempo e incluso dinero. Lo s porque yo tambin he estado ah. Es por eso que quiero mostrarte que hay otras formas de trabajar, una centrada en objetivos, con trminos claros, metodologas prcticas y que NO, no limitan tu creatividad e imaginacin, simplemente hacen tu vida ms sencilla y mantienen el reto donde debe estar, en tu creatividad y capacidad para crear un producto que llegue a la audiencia y tenga una unin en todas sus partes. Esto se logra gracias a una forma de trabajo, mindset y una serie de metodologas que hemos desarrollado a travs de la experiencia, todo basado en muchos libros y teora que, si bien fueron invaluables en su momento, raramente daban herramientas y respuestas concretas. Es por esto que quiero invitarte al curso ms completo que vas a encontrar sobre cmo crear historias que funcionan y como escribir personajes que mueven la trama a nuestro favor. En este curso aprenders: Los errores ms comunes que hacen reescribir una historia ms de lo que nos gustara. No hay porque regresar despus de escribir 50 paginas El mindset correcto que necesitas y que nunca ensean para crear de forma eficiente, ahorrndote tiempo y generando resultados Cmo crear historias que mueven, emocionan, generan tensin y tienen profundidad, pero que a su vez son amigables para el espectador. Si! Esto es posible Una metodologa de nuestra autora que te permite generar tu propia brjula narrativa para no perderte y poder diagnosticar rpidamente si estas por el mal camino, ahrrate tiempo y frustracin Las principales estructuras dramticas, cmo funcionan y que hay detrs de ellas El significado detrs del mito moderno, porque las historias nos atraen y cmo implementarlo en nuestro relato Y muchas cosas ms Si ests listo para comenzar a trabajar de forma eficiente, creativa y con una gua clara para hacer realidad tu historia, no lo pienses ms. Toma el curso, aprende tcnicas practicas, conceptos reales, ponlo en practica y lleva tus historias al siguiente nivel."
Price: 1470.00

"Psicologa para escritura de personajes"
"Quieres escribir personajes ms profundos y entender la mente humana para llevar tus historias al siguiente nivel?No es necesario nacer con una sensibilidad especial o pasar aos observando el comportamiento humano para lograr escribir personajes humanos. La realidad es que hay un gran cumulo de conocimiento que, por alguna razn, casi nadie ha explotado para la creacin de personajes: Estudiar directamente conocimientos de psicologa y entender como funciona la mente humana. Los dibujantes aprenden anatoma para poder deformarla a su gusto Porque no se hace lo mismo con la psicologa de nuestros personajes? Esto no tiene por qu ser frustrante, tardar aos o una cuestin de inspiracin y talento, aqu te presentamos conocimientos concisos, claros y especialmente seleccionados para ser prcticos y tiles en la escritura de tus personajes basndonos en aos de estudios cientficos en la psicologa y prctica narrativa.Es por esto que quiero invitarte al curso ms completo que vas a encontrar sobre cmo escribir personajes con deseos y motivaciones que transmitan los sentimientos que quieres.En este curso aprenders: El por qu, cmo y el sentido de las acciones y sentimientos humanos El cmo las interacciones y experiencias pasadas afectan el presente de tu personaje Cmo entender el conflicto interno de tu personaje y usarlo a tu favor Cmo crear un trasfondo profundo pero coherente y cmo se refleja en los conflictos de la historia Una metodologa completa para esquematizar la psicologa de tu personaje Cmo se estructura la mente humana, cul es su lgica y que elementos nos son realmente tiles Cmo crear personajes tridimensionales con una psicologa real Y muchas cosas msEste curso tiene como objetivo proveerte de una visin bien seleccionada de la psicologa humana para lograr salir con conocimientos suficientes de la mente para la creacin de tus personajes, extender tus lmites y ser capaz de construir personajes tan humanos como desees."
Price: 1470.00

"Entiende el porqu y cmo de tu vida - Cambia tu vida"
"La vida puede llegar a ser confusa, en ocasiones sofocante y lo peor es que muchas veces ni siquiera sabemos por qu, lo cual muchas veces nos deja indefensos. No sabemos que hacer si para empezar no sabes que nos pasa. Te imaginas poder entender el porqu de tu sufrimiento, de aquello que te frena? Esto es posible y est a poco de ser una realidad para ti.Hola, Soy Angel Rodriguez Bustamante. Actualmente soy Psiclogo, terapeuta, escritor, consultor narrativo, emprendedor y lo que falt por venir. A lo largo de mi vida he logrado competir nacionalmente en artes marciales, cuando estaba en la secundaria abr y administr mi propio blog llegando a las 5000 visitas diarias, he sido ponente en eventos sobre salud mental, videojuegos, cine y narrativa, he dado conferencias frente a cientos de personas, he logrado ejercer la terapia psicolgica lo cual era mi sueo y adems de todo esto y entre otras cosas, he trabajado profesionalmente en el desarrollo de videojuegos y comics as como fundar mi propia escuela de narrativa Online. Ha sido una aventura increble. Ahora no te digo esto para presumir, sino para hacerte ver todo lo que he podido lograr conocindome, trabajando en mi persona y asumiendo el deseo honesto de cambiar y mejorar. De hecho, las cosas no siempre fueron asDjame decirte que, as como me ves ahora, hablndote a travs de una pantalla, hubo un tiempo en el que no poda ni siquiera hablar normalmente con otra persona, cuando una mujer estaba a 3 metros de distancia temblaba y lo nico que deseaba era ser invisible para que nadie me viese y nadie me hiciera sentir mal literalmente me identificaba a m mismo, como un insecto. Me daba asco. Ahora quiero que lo pienses un poco, una persona que no poda hablar sin temblar, que deseaba ser invisible est aqu, haciendo cursos en video para que miles de personas lo vean... Increble no?Este cambio es la muestra del poder que conlleva adentrarnos en nosotros mismos, conocernos, entendernos y comprometernos con avanzar. Ahora, no te voy a mentir, es doloroso y difcil. Esto no es una pldora mgica o un curso motivacional donde te prometer que si lo pides se te dar. Ningn cambio viene sin algo de caos antes, sin esfuerzo. Entendernos y conocernos puede dar miedo, pero la recompensa no tiene comparacin alguna. Es por esto que quiero invitarte a formar parte de este estilo vida, quiero invitarte a cambiar tu vida, la manera en la que te ves a ti mismo, porque te lo mereces. Quiero invitarte al mejor curso que he creado para desvelar el misterio, unir las piezas y por fin entender por qu y cmo de quienes somos. Y una vez que lo hacemos, recobramos las riendas de nuestras vidas y comenzamos a dirigir el camino. Te hablo del curso Resolviendo el rompecabezas de mi vida donde te llevo paso a paso a traves de psicologa real especialmente seleccionada para ayudarte a entender de forma sencilla y efectiva tu pasado, presente y planificar tu futuro. Entiende de donde sale la ansiedad, los miedos, el sentimiento de que debes hacer algo, aunque no quieres y muchas otras cosas ms. Comprende cmo funciona tu mente, descifra el cdigo secreto, lelo y decide que deseas cambiar. En este curso tambin te doy consejos e informacin sobre como buscar terapia psicolgica, los tipos de terapia y a cul acudir, la diferencia entre un psiclogo y un psiquiatra al igual que recomendaciones generales para la ansiedad y la depresin, los dos padecimientos que ms se han expandido en el mundo actual Este curso est pensado para darte todas las herramientas que necesitas para retomar las rindas de tu vida a travs del conocimiento. Y que as, des el primer paso a una nueva vida. Si ests listo para tomar esas riendas y cambiar el rumbo de tu vida conocindote y entendindote, inscrbete al curso. Es hora de avanzar."
Price: 1545.00

"It's not that Scary: A Beginner's Guide to Public Speaking"
"It's not that Scary: A Beginner's Guide to Public Speaking is an ideal course for anyone who doesn't have much experience at public speaking or generally finds speaking in front of many people challenging. Together, we will go step by step through fundamentals of public speaking combined with useful exercises and many tips & tricks to help you stand confidently in front of people, give your audience a great time and craft your own personal style, all in a compact format with the duration of slightly more than one hour.After this course you will be able to:Fully understand and successfully deal with stage frightHave a confident presence in front of peopleUse your body language to create a connection with your audienceGesture so that your body supports your messageFind the optimal volume for the room of any shape or sizeMaximize the potential of your voiceSuccessfully avoid becoming monotonousCome up with a creative and attention-grabbing opening and endingShape your message and the content of your speech in an effective wayExplain concepts by adapting to your audienceRegardless whether you're a student, entrepreneur, executive, team leader, lawyer, teacher or simply wish to get better at making speeches for personal improvement, this course will give you a strong footing for any kind of public appearances -presentations, pitching, panel discussions, lectures, toasts -anything that includes stepping up an speaking in front of people. Plus, we will also have some fun along the way."
Price: 199.99

"Master en Consultas Con Microsoft Sql server 2008-2019"
"Por qu Comprar el Curso?, Por las Siguientes Razones-----------Ver los Comentarios 5 Estrellas-----------Mario Enrique CarrascoMe alegro mucho de haber tomado este curso ya que estaba teniendo problemas con SQL, y realmente estoy aprendiendo muchsimoGonzalo LlanosExplicacin clara, sugerencias de nuevas herramientas de trabajo.Manuel Andres Camposano RecaldeMuy bien explicados los ejemplos, muy prcticosMaster en Consultas Con MicrosoftSql serverva a aprender sobre definicin de datos, manipulacin, y control de lenguaje. Tambin lo va a ayudar a ser un mejor Administrador de Bases de Datos. Se empieza introduciendo a los orgenes y capacidades del Transact SQL.archivos lote y funciones.Despus explora a fondo los 4 comandos bsicos: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, y DELETE. Usted tambin va a aprender sobre ndices."
Price: 64.99

"Optimizacin de Consultas con Sql Server 2008-2019"
"Por qu Comprar el Curso?, Por las Siguientes Razones-----------Ver los Comentarios 4 y 5 Estrellas-----------Jose Luis Contreras HernandezExplica el curso con buena motivacion y con ejemplos de la vida real; a mi ayudo a entender de porque mi base de datos perdia perfomance y me ayudo a entenderlo y mejorar el funcionamiento del mismo.Lio Ramrez CortsMuy bueno e interesante, recib respuesta rpida del profesor.Diego BarrigueteFue una buena eleccin haber conseguido este curso, mencion herramientas que nunca haba visto en mi carrera profesional, algunos conceptos se han quedado a medias, pero en general el curso est bien.El CursoOptimizacin de Consultas con Sql ServerEste curso esta los estudiantes que administran y mantienen bases de datos SQL Server, los conocimientos y habilidades aprendidas les ayudaraoptimizar el rendimiento y optimizar sus bases de datos.La audiencia principal de este curso son las personas que administran y mantienen las bases de datos de SQL Server y son responsables del rendimiento ptimo de las instancias de SQL Server que administran. Estas personas tambin escriben consultas en contra de los datos y necesitan garantizar un rendimiento de ejecucin ptimo de las cargas de trabajo."
Price: 64.99

"Administracin Avanzada Con Sql Server 2008-2019"
"Por qu Comprar el Curso?, Por las Siguientes Razones-----------Ver los Comentarios 5 Estrellas-----------Ronaldo Omonte cubasExtraordinario curso muy prctico fcil de entender me ayudo mucho con el SQL. MUY RECOMENDADOLuis Ledo Torrezmuy bueno y con mucho detalleVernica Janeth Lpez Me gusta la manera que explica sobre todo porque no slo explica sino que realiza la prctica lo cual deja ms claro los procesos para la administracin de sql server, ademas de que te aclara las dudas y como punto extra domina muy bien el tema y resuelve de manera eficiente los problemas que se presentaronAprende a Instalar,configurar, administrar y auditar tus bases de datos con SQL Server 2016. Asegura el contenido de la base de datos en tus servidores desde el punto de vista de los usuarios que se conectan, conoce adems cmo prevenir desastres y automatizar procesos con tus bases de datos. Aprende formas de monitorizar tus sistemas SQL Server y estar al corriente de todo lo que pasa con tus bases de datos."
Price: 99.99

"Aprende a Crear Dashboard con DevExpress desde cero 2019"
"Este curso de Dashboard es para no programadores,Con DevExpress Dashboard para .NET, la creacin de sistemas de soporte de decisin enriquecidos y ricos en informacin para ejecutivos y usuarios de negocios en plataformas y dispositivos es una simple cuestin de seleccionar el elemento UI apropiado (Grfico, Tabla dinmica, Tarjeta de datos, Indicador, Mapa de rbol, Mapa, Cuadrcula o elementos de filtro simples) y colocar campos de datos en los correspondientes argumentos, valores y series. Y debido a que DevExpress Dashboard proporciona automticamente la mejor opcin de visualizacin de datos para usted, los resultados son inmediatos, precisos y siempre relevante"
Price: 34.99

"Bitcoin y Criptomonedas desde cero"
"Oyes hablar acerca de Bitcoin y de criptomonedas pero te suena a Chino, quieres aprender de qu se trata pero no sabes por donde empezar. Pes bien, Este es tu curso!, aqu descubrirs sin necesidad de ningn conocimiento previo y de una manera sencilla todo lo que necesitas saber cerca del Bitcoin, Blockchain, minera..., asique, A qu esperas?!, entra y descubre este maravilloso mundo que va a cambiar la red tal y como la conocemos!"
Price: 19.99

"Planta Humanizada Avanada no Corel Draw"
"No curso de Planta Humanizada Avanada voc ter acesso ao mtodo mais eficiente at o momento: Corel DRAW em conjunto com o AutoCAD! Voc aprender o passo a passo para preparar um arquivo, aplicar texturas, efeitos e por fim criar uma prancha personalizada, muito chamativa, mas ao mesmo tempo muito cativante e comercial!Isso mesmo, ao fim deste curso voc estar apto a produzir plantas baixas humanizadas para o mercado Imobilirio e da Construo Civil! E o melhor, tudo direto ao ponto, sem rodeios, revelamos os segredos utilizados pelos melhores profissionais!A Humanizao facilita ao cliente, leigo no assunto, a interpretar melhor os desenhos tcnicos (planta baixa, geralmente direto do AutoCAD).O curso vai te auxiliar no processo de criao de apresentaes para as disciplinas de faculdade ou at mesmo aumentar sua receita e seus lucros agregando mais valor ao seu servio!E AINDA TEM MAIS: Ao adquirir este curso voc receber todos os arquivos utilizados, incluindo a planta baixa completa do projeto, texturas, blocos, backgrounds e muito mais."
Price: 54.99

"Lumine V4 para Projeto Eltrico Predial"
"O objetivo do curso capacitar o aluno no uso do software Lumine V4 na elaborao de projetos de instalaes eltricas, atravs de um exemplo completo para aplicao das principais ferramentas do programaO AltoQi Lumine um programa para projetos de instalaes eltricas que permite o projeto de instalaes eltricas de baixa tenso para resistncias e edifcios lanando automaticamente a fiao necessrias e fornecendo tabelas de cargas e quantitativos estimado dos materiais. Possui um ambiente de CAD integrado, no qual objetos grficos representam elementos eltricos que possuem informaes para o dimensionamento do projeto. O cadastro de peas agrupa dados de simbologia, dimensionamento e listagem de materiais. O dimensionamento da rede eltrica baseado na NBR 5410/2004.Alm da importncia de se utilizar o software, vrias instituies de ensino possuem o mesmo disponvel em seus laboratrios, assim como o mercado de hardlocks usados (licenas do software) est muito aquecido.Ao concluir o curso, voc estar apto a criar esses projetos com foco nas boas prticas de engenharia, com rapidez e obedecendo os princpios da economia e da razoabilidade tcnica."
Price: 69.99

"Revit MEP Eltrica para Projeto Eltrico Residencial"
"Achou que usar o REVIT em seus projetos de Instalaes Eltricas Residenciais era complicado e exigia muito investimento em tempo e dinheiro?Pelo contrrio, fcil e simples aprender o uso do Revit MEP Eltrica com nosso curso para Instalaes Eltricas Residenciais! Curso totalmente prtico e com a criao de um projeto eltrico para um sobrado, do incio ao fim, com base nas normas da ABNT e tabelas que lhe daro agilidade e velocidade durante o processo de projeto.Alm disso, as empresas esto utilizando cada vez mais o Revit para desenvolver seus projetos e os profissionais de eltrica se veem diante de diversas dificuldades para adaptar seu projeto ao novo ambiente BIM.Atravs do software voc capaz de criar, configurar, inserir e rotular todos os componentes, dispositivos e fiao eltrica, tudo isso de forma rpida e simplificada, garantindo a qualidade de seu projeto final, reduzindo muito o tempo dispendido.Aproveite esta oportunidade e destaque-se no mercado, pois as palavras do momento so BIM e REVIT, portanto, os profissionais e estudantes que sabem trabalhar plenamente com esta ferramenta se destacam diante de outros profissionais, permitindo com que seu currculo seja extremamente mais valorizado, conquistando autonomia para a soluo de problemas e atendendo s demandas de projetos cada vez mais eficientes e rpidos. E, certamente, te colocando em uma posio de destaque na hora da disputa por uma vaga no mercado da construo ou na escolha do cliente.O melhor investimento em seu conhecimento e aprimoramento pessoal e profissional!"
Price: 69.99

"CISSO - Certified Information Systems Security Officer"
"This course is provideddirectly by Mile2.This official Mile2 video includes an authorized exam prep and exam simulator, available uponrequest.Upon completion, Certified Information Systems Security Officer students will not only be able to establish industry acceptable Cyber Security & IS management standards with current best practices but also be prepared to competently take the CISSO exam.The Certified Information Systems Security Officercertification training was a direct initiative of the DND Department of National Defence of Canada in cooperation with the DOD Department of Defense of the United States; defined in the dual initiative titled CANUS CDISM MOU - ID#: 1974100118.In the CANUS CDISM MOU, it stated the following: I. The CDRSN National Information System Security Officer (ISSO) is the focal point for all security issues pertaining to this network. II. The Director Information Management Security (DIMSECUR) is the DND authority for security assessment of the CDRSN, including the approval of Interim Authority to Process (IAP) and Authority to Communicate. With these initiatives in mind, Mile2 created the Certified ISSO. The CISSO addresses the broad range of industry best practices, knowledge and skills expected of a security manager/officer. The candidate will learn in-depth theory pertaining to the practical implementation of core security concepts, practices, monitoring and compliance in the full panorama of IS management.Through the use of a risk-based approach, the CISSO is able to implement and maintain cost-effective security controls that are closely aligned with both business and industry standards. Whether youre responsible for the management of a Cyber Security team, a Security Officer, an IT auditor or a Business Analyst, the C)ISSO certification course is an ideal way to increase your knowledge, expertise, and skill.ACCREDITEDby the NSA CNSS 4011-4016MAPPEDto NIST / Homeland Security NICCS's Cyber Security Workforce FrameworkAPPROVEDon the FBI Cyber Security Certification Requirement list (Tier 1-3)Exam InformationThe Certified Information Systems Security Officer exam is taken online through Mile2s Assessment and Certification System (MACS), which is accessible on your mile2account. The exam will take 2 hours and consist of 100 multiple choice questions. The cost is $400 USD and must be purchased from Mile2.What are the requirements?1 year experience in at least 2 modules or1 year in IS managementWhat am I going to get from this course?Confidently take the CISSO certification examEstablish industry acceptable Cyber Security & IS management standardsWhat is the target audience?IS Security OfficersIS ManagersRisk ManagersAuditorsInformation Systems OwnersIS Control AssessorsSystem ManagersGovernment"
Price: 19.99

"CPTE - Certified Penetration Testing Engineer"
"This course is provideddirectly by Mile2. This official Mile2 video includes an authorized exam prep and exam simulator, available uponrequest.The vendor-neutralCertified Penetration Testing Engineercertification course is built firmly upon proven, hands-on, Penetration Testing methodologies utilized by our international group of Penetration Testing Consultants.TheC)PTEpresents information based on the5 Key Elements of Pen Testing; Information Gathering, Scanning, Enumeration, Exploitation, and Reporting.The latest vulnerabilities will be discovered using these tried and true techniques.This course also enhances the business skills needed to identify protection opportunities, justify testing activities and optimize security controls to reduce risk associated with working with the internet. The student will be using the latest tools, such as Saint, Metasploit through Kali Linux and Microsoft PowerShell. Mile2 goes far beyond simply teaching you to Hack. The C)PTE was developed around principles and behaviors used to combat malicious hackers and focuses on professional penetration testing rather than ethical hacking. Besides utilizing ethical hacking methodologies, the student should be prepared to learn penetration testing methodologies using advanced persistent threat techniques. In this course, you will go through a complete penetration test from A-Z! Youll learn to create your own assessment report and apply your knowledge immediately in the workforce. With this in mind, the CPTE certification course is a complete upgrade to the EC-Council CEH! The C)PTE exam is taken anytime/anywhere online through mile2s MACS system, making the exam experience easy and mobile. The student does not need to take the C)PTE course to attempt the C)PTE exam.Upon completion,Certified Penetration Testing Engineerstudents will be able to establish industry acceptable auditing standards with current best practices and policies. Students will also be prepared to competently take the C)PTE exam.Exam InformationThe Certified Penetration Testing Engineer exam is taken online through Mile2s Assessment and Certification System (MACS), which is accessible on your mile2account. The exam will take 2 hours and consist of 100 multiple choice questions. The cost is $400 USD and must be purchased from Mile2."
Price: 19.99

"CDRE - Certified Disaster Recovery Engineer"
"This course is provideddirectly by Mile2.This official Mile2 video includes an authorized exam prep and exam simulator, available uponrequest.The Certified Disaster Recovery Engineer (CDRE) course is based on the curriculum recommended by Mile2 for the CDRE certification. CDRE is a vendor-neutral certification that enables the candidates to learn and implement ways to respond in a disaster situation. This includes threats such as cyber-crime, information leakage, natural calamity and power shut-down etc. The course also enables the students to establish business continuity and disaster recovery plans based on the industry best-practices.The goal of Certified Disaster Recovery Engineer (CDRE) course is to enable the candidates to keep the critical business functions of any organization operational during the time of crisis or disaster. The main component of any organization that is most critical for its survival is information technology. All of the systems in a modern enterprise depend on the IT infrastructure. Hence, the need to have a comprehensive DR & BCP plan is very essential for any organization.Exam InformationThe Certified Disaster Recovery Engineer exam is taken online through Mile2s Assessment and Certification System (MACS), which is accessible on your mile2account. The exam will take 2 hours and consist of 100 multiple choice questions."
Price: 19.99

"CPTC - Certified Penetration Testing Consultant"
"This course is provideddirectly by Mile2.This official Mile2 video includes an authorized exam prep and exam simulator, available uponrequest.The vendor-neutral Certified Penetration Testing Consultantcourse is designed for IT Security Professionals and IT Network Administrators who are interested in taking an in-depth look into specific Penetration tests and techniques against operating systems. This course will teach you the necessary skills to work as a penetration testing team, the exploitation process, how to create a buffer overflow against programs running on Windows and Linux while subverting features such as DEP and ASLR. This course will guide you through the OWASP Top 10, teach you how to create shellcode to gain remote code execution, as well as, teach you to build and understanddifferent proof of concept code based on exploits pulled from exploit-db and testing using a debugger. The course starts by explaining how to build the right penetration testing team, covers scanning with NMAP, leading into the exploitation process, a little fuzzing with spike to help guide our proof of concept code, writing buffer overflows, understanding OWASP, Linux stack smashing, Windows exploit protection and getting around those protection methods, a section on report writing, and capping off the course with a scenario that will test your skills as a penetration testing team."
Price: 19.99

"CCSO - Certified Cloud Security Officer"
"This course is provideddirectly by Mile2.This official Mile2 video includes an authorized exam prep and exam simulator, available uponrequest.The Cloud is being widely adopted today for a diverse set of reasons. However, many are finding that security in the cloud is a huge challenge - either because of implementation or governance. Yes, governance of security, related to your cloud vendor is a huge challenge. However, many global standards have been developed that provide a great baseline for cloud security along with governance. This course combines the knowledge from the leading global standards of cloud security into one class. We also provide practical skills regarding implementing cloud security, auditing and compliance. This is all managed by a unique delivery of cloud security along with the hands-on labs needed to truly understand what is happening to your data at all the layers of the cloud stack. This relevant course introduces many technologies used in the cloud from implementing a private cloud architecture to using a new key management solution from various vendors. Upon completion, the Certified Cloud Security Officer candidate will not only be able to competently take the C)CSO exam but will also understand basic cloud security knowledge to keep companies IP and IT infrastructure safe."
Price: 19.99

"CNFE - Certified Network Forensics Examiner"
"This course is provideddirectly by Mile2.This official Mile2 video includes an authorized exam prep and exam simulator, available uponrequest.The Certified Network Forensics Examiner vendor-neutral certification was developed for a U.S. classified government agency. The C)NFE takes a digital and network forensic skill set to the next level by navigating through over twenty modules of network forensic topics. The CNFE provides practical experience through our lab exercises that simulate real-world scenarios that cover investigation and recovery of data in a network, Physical Interception, Traffic Acquisition, Analysis, Wireless Attacks, and SNORT. The course focuses on the centralizing and investigating of logging systems as well as network devices.The Certified Network Forensics Examiner exam is taken online through Mile2s Assessment and Certification System (MACS), which is accessible on your mile2account. The exam will take 2 hours and consist of 100 multiple choice questions. The cost is $400 USD and must be purchased directly from Mile2."
Price: 19.99

"CDFE - Certified Digital Forensics Examiner"
"This course is provideddirectly by Mile2.This official Mile2 video includes an authorized exam prep and exam simulator, available uponrequest.The Certified Digital Forensics Examiner vendor-neutral certification is designed to train Cyber Crime and Fraud Investigators whereby students are taught electronic discovery and advanced investigation techniques. This course is essential to anyone encountering digital evidence while conducting an investigation. Mile2s Certified Digital Forensics Examiner training teaches the methodology for conducting a computer forensic examination. Students will learn to use forensically sound investigative techniques in order to evaluate the scene, collect and document all relevant information, interview appropriate personnel, maintain chain-of-custody, and write a findings report. The Certified Digital Forensics Examiner course will benefit organizations, individuals, government offices, and law enforcement agencies interested in pursuing litigation, proof of guilt, or corrective action based on digital evidence.TheCertified Digital Forensics Examinerexam is taken online through Mile2s Assessment and Certification System (MACS), which is accessible on your mile2account. The exam will take 2 hours and consist of 100 multiple-choice questions. The cost is $400 USD and must be purchased from mile2."
Price: 19.99

"CIHE - Certified Incident Handling Engineer"
"This course is provideddirectly by Mile2.This official Mile2 video includes an authorized exam prep and exam simulator, available uponrequest.The Certified Incident Handling Engineer vendor-neutral certification is designed to help Incident Handlers, System Administrators, and any General Security Engineers understand how to plan, create and utilize their systems in order to prevent, detect and respond to attacks. In this in-depth training, students will learn step-by-step approaches used by hackers globally, the latest attack vectors and how to safeguard against them, Incident Handling procedures (including developing the process from start to finish and establishing your Incident Handling team), strategies for each type of attack, recovering from attacks and much more. Furthermore, students will enjoy numerous hands-on laboratory exercises that focus on topics, such as reconnaissance, vulnerability assessments using Nessus, network sniffing, web application manipulation, malware and using Netcat plus several additional scenarios for both Windows and Linux systems.Graduates of the mile2 Certified Incident Handling Engineer training obtain real world security knowledge that enables them to recognize vulnerabilities, exploit system weaknesses and help safeguard against threats. This course covers the same objectives as the SANS Security 504 training and prepares students for the GCIH and CIHE certifications.The Certified Incident Handling Engineer exam is taken online through Mile2s Assessment and Certification System (MACS), which is accessible on your mile2 account. The exam will take 2 hours and consist of 100 multiple-choice questions. The cost is $400 USD and must be purchased directly from Mile2."
Price: 19.99

"CPEH - Certified Professional Ethical Hacker"
"This course is provideddirectly by Mile2.This official Mile2 video includes an authorized exam prep and exam simulator, available uponrequest.The vendor-neutralCertified Penetration Testing Engineercertification course is built firmly upon proven, hands-on, Penetration Testing methodologies utilized by our international group of Penetration Testing Consultants.TheC)PTEpresents information based on the5 Key Elements of Pen Testing; Information Gathering, Scanning, Enumeration, Exploitation, and Reporting.The latest vulnerabilities will be discovered using these tried and true techniques.This course also enhances the business skills needed to identify protection opportunities, justify testing activities and optimize security controls to reduce risk associated with working with the internet. The student will be using the latest tools, such as Saint, Metasploit through Kali Linux and Microsoft PowerShell. Mile2 goes far beyond simply teaching you to Hack. The C)PTE was developed around principles and behaviors used to combat malicious hackers and focuses on professional penetration testing rather than ethical hacking. Besides utilizing ethical hacking methodologies, the student should be prepared to learn penetration testing methodologies using advanced persistent threat techniques. In this course, you will go through a complete penetration test from A-Z! Youll learn to create your own assessment report and apply your knowledge immediately in the workforce. With this in mind, the CPTE certification course is a complete upgrade to the EC-Council CEH! The C)PTE exam is taken anytime/anywhere online through mile2s MACS system, making the exam experience easy and mobile. The student does not need to take the C)PTE course to attempt the C)PTE exam.TheCertified Penetration Testing Engineerexam is taken online through mile2s Assessment and Certification System (MACS), which is accessible on your mile2 account. The exam will take 2 hours and consist of 100 multiple choice questions. The cost is $400 USD and must be purchased directly from mile2."
Price: 19.99

"Web Marketing 4.0: il corso completo di marketing sul web"
"Benvenuto nel mio corso di web marketing, dove ti insegner tutti gli strumenti principali per fare ricerca di mercato e promuovere il tuo prodotto nel web.Sono Fabio, e attualmente sono project manager in un'agenzia di web marketing, precedentemente sono stato Media Manager di Costa Crociere e digital marketing manager di un'impresa di occhiali di lusso.Il marketing digitale diventato la nuova frontiera per vendere i propri prodotti e in questo corso non ti parler solo del perch importante fare comunicazione sui social media e come, bens ti parler dei vari strumenti da utilizzare per cercare mercati e sviluppare nuove idee per migliorare il tuo business.Tramite gli strumenti digitali imposterai la tua strategia di marketing online: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube e tramite un sito web realizzato con Wordpress e ottimizzato per Google. Potrai portare il tuo business online e farlo decollare dopo aver capito chi il tuo consumatore ideale.Impara quali sono tutti gli strumenti digitali che ti servono per essere presente online e creare delle strategie di successo nei vari canali digitali che il web ci permette di utilizzare.Imparerai aCreare un sito da solo ed amministrarlo in autonomia;fare social media marketing;ottimizzare la SEO, rendere il tuo sito visibile su Google;fare ricerca di mercato con i vari tool presenti sul web;utilizzare Google Analytics per scoprire chi visita il tuo sito;installare il pixel di Facebook ed utilizzarlo correttamente;fare adv sui social media;fare SEM, search engine marketing e fare le inserzioni sponsorizzate su Google;crea campagne DEM con Mailchimp.Nel corso vi una parte estremamente ampia sulla teoria del marketing, scritta dalle ricerche e dai libri di marketing che leggo quotidianamente.Il corso pratico per chi vuole implementare delle strategie ma ottimo anche per chi vuole studiare il marketing e capire realmente cosa sia.Il corso stato creato a luglio 2019 ed stato continuamente aggiornato e sto sostituendo tutte le lezioni vecchie con audio migliorato e argomenti aggiornati.Dal 15 gennaio 2020 i vecchi contenuti sono stati completamente sostituiti."
Price: 149.99