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"The Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting"
"Without goals or dreams, we are not living but mere existing. The fact that youre here, reading this right now, means youre ready to be the absolute best you can be and create a powerful life with real meaning and purpose.Maybe youve set a brand-new goal for yourself, but you have no idea where to start. Or perhaps youve always wanted to achieve something, but feel overwhelmed just thinking about it. Whatever it is, youre in the right place. The Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting is not like other online courses or self-help books. We dont just teach, but coach you towards positive outcomes helping you master powerful goal-setting tools you can use for the rest of your life. Unlike many self-help books, we dont give you a blueprint of what we think works. Youll learn how to shape your very own strategy to move forward and achieve your next career or life goal successfully.We also apply the concept of minimalism to all our courses. By stripping away whats not necessary and letting go of what no longer serves you, youll get closer to your true purpose and the goals you need to set to be true to yourself. From short to medium and long-term goals, design your future and take control of your career, finances, relationships, free time, personal growth, material possessions, health and wellbeing.Enrol now and youll get:Access to a powerful goal-setting toolkit that will help you to accomplish personal and professional goals, now and in the futureA goal-setting model thats designed to sidestep the most common pitfalls and reasons for failureA no-nonsense framework to achieve a healthy work-life balanceA beautifully designed workbook with lots of practical exercises and proven goal trackerA certificate of completion, plus 25% off one-to-one Skype coaching sessions"
Price: 99.99

"Excel Basiskurs - Lerne die relevanten Excel Grundlagen!"
"*** Mit diesem Kurs erhltst Du: ***Praxisorientierte Einfhrung in Microsoft Excel, direkt zum Mitmachen24/7-Zugriff auf alle Lektionen und ProjektdateienZugriff auf Kursforen um Fragen zu stellenViele bungen mit MusterlsungenLebenslanger Zugriff30 Tage Geld-zurck-Garantie!In diesem Excelkurs lernst Du alle wesentlichen Grundlagen, um Microsoft Excel richtig zu bedienen. Von der Dateneingabe ber finanzmathematische Funktionen bis zur Datenvisualisierung lernst Du wertvolles Excel Know-How kennen. Nach diesem Kurs bist Du in der Lage ein Haushaltsbuch oder einen einfachen Businessplan zu erstellen. Ein Kurs zum Mitmachen, mit vielen praktischen Beispielen sowie bungen.  Dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle, die gerne Excel lernen mchten und auch schon erste Erfahrungen gesammelt haben. Der Kurs ist so konzipiert, dass Du ohne Vorwissen starten kannst. Folge mir direkt am Bildschirm auf der Excel-Oberflche an direkt umsetzbaren Beispielen zum Nachmachen und werde blitzschnell souvern im Umgang mit Excel. Mit vielen bungsaufgaben sowie mehreren Quizrunden kannst Du Dein erlerntes Wissen direkt auf den Prfstand stellen.Schaue Dir einen Auszug einiger Lektionen im Lehrplan weiter unten an, um einen Eindruck ber diesen Microsoft Excel-Kurs zu erhalten.Die Themengebiete lassen sich wie folgt zusammenfassen:Excel-Dateien erstellenDateneingabeText- und ZellformatierungenBerechnungen mit Formeln und FunktionenSUMME()MITTELWERT()ANZAHL() uvm.Logikfunktionen: WENN(), UND(), ODER(), NICHT()Datenvisualisierung, z.B. Diagramme oder SparklinesSeiten- und DruckeinstellungenEin fast 45 Mintiges Abschlussprojekt (Erstelle Dein eigenes Haushaltsbuch)WISSEN VERTIEFEN MIT EXCEL BUNGENJeder Lernabschnitt wird mit Quizaufgaben oder praktischen bungen abgerundet. Du kannst Dir soviel Zeit nehmen wie Du mchtest. Vergleiche Deine eigenen Ausfhrungen anschlieend mit einer Musterlsung. Somit kannst Du perfekt die erlernten Microsoft Excel Grundlagen gleich in die Praxis umsetzen.ANFORDERUNGENNeben dem Wille, Excel lernen zu wollen, bentigst Du lediglich einen internetfhigen PC (Empfohlene Systemanforderung: Windows PC & Microsoft Office 2016).Du bentigst die Software Microsoft Excel (ab 2007): Microsoft Excel 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 erforderlich, Bestandteil des Microsoft Office-Pakets. Dieser Excelkurs basiert auf Microsoft Excel 2016. Die Grundlagen lassen sich problemlos auf ltere Excel-Versionen bertragen. Bei lteren Versionen wird sich die Menoberflche und einige farbliche Gestaltungen von der aktuellen Version jedoch unterscheiden. Versionen lter als Microsoft Office Excel 2007 unterscheiden sich deutlich von der Excel Oberflche 2016.Hinweis fr Mac-Nutzer: Die Excel Version fr Macs unterscheidet sich wesentlich in der Menfhrung. Dennoch lassen sich die Lehrinhalte auf die Mac-Version bertragen.Alle Lektionen sind mit kleinen Animationen und einer Anzeige der verwendeten Tastaturbefehle dargestellt. So kannst Du immer bestens nachvollziehen, was ich fr Aktionen durchfhre.In diesem Basiskurs lernst Du alle relevanten Grundlagen, um die Software korrekt zu bedienen. Der Kurs ist so angesetzt, dass Du danach alle notwendigen Excel Grundlagen besitzt, um einen einfachen Haushaltsplan oder Businessplan zu erstellen sowie zu verstehen. Fremde Excel Dateien stellen nach diesem Kurs  keine Herausforderung mehr fr Dich dar, denn Du weit wie Du strukturiert an ein Projekt herangehen kannst.FR WEN IST DIESER EXCELKURS GEEIGNET?Dieser Grundlagenkurs ist fr Dich geeignet, wenn Du Excel Anfnger bist oder schon bereits einige Erfahrung in Excel gesammelt hast. Wenn Du Deine Arbeit mit Microsoft Excel selbstsicher durchfhren und Dein Wissen vertiefen mchtest, dann bist Du hier genau richtig. Der Kurs ist zum Mitmachen konzipiert. Du kannst einerseits die dargestellten Inhalte parallel nacharbeiten und andererseits in den bungen Dein Wissen zustzlich vertiefen. Mit vielen Tipps und Tricks wirst Du eine Menge Zeit sparen und Deine Arbeitszeit mit Excel optimieren.Was Du in diesem Kurs nicht lernst:Da es sich hier um einen Grundlagenkurs handelt, werden hier keine Datenbank-bezogenen Inhalte vorgestellt. VBA Programmierung, Datenbankfunktionen wie VERWEIS()-Funktionen, Pivot-Tabellen sowie Power Pivot oder Power-BI sind nicht Bestandteil dieses Kurses.Ich freue mich auf Dich!- Georg*** JETZT EINSCHREIBEN und Zugang sichern: ***Praxisorientierte Einfhrung in Microsoft Excel, direkt zum Mitmachen24/7-Zugriff auf alle Lektionen und ProjektdateienZugriff auf Kursforen um Fragen zu stellenViele bungen mit MusterlsungenLebenslanger Zugriff30 Tage Geld-zurck-Garantie!Kompatibel mit Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 und Excel 2019 (365)"
Price: 199.99

"Copywriting - A estratgia secreta do marketing digital"
"Apos esse curso voc vai:Aprender a criar uma comunicao persuasiva para seu clientes comprar imediatamenteVai dominar os pilares da persuaso gerando enormes fluxos de vendas no seu caixaVai aprender como impactar e gerar emoo que fazem as pessoas compraremVai dominar os 3 tipos de oferta que geram centenas de reais Vai saber como vender qualquer produto apenas usando algumas linhasVai dominar os segredos que existem por trs de um vdeo de vendaVai saber exatamente o que tem na mente do seu pblico que fazem eles comprarem agoraMesmo que voc j tenha:Tentado escrever algum e-mailVendido na internetTentado criar um script sozinhoTentado criar anncios ou qualquer tipo de ao de venda na internetEsse curso te ensina uma maneira revolucionria para dobrar seus lucros.Ele te dar possibilidades  de vender centena de reais apenas escrevendo textos persuasivos.Esse curso um verdadeiro Guia para quem quer dobrar seus faturamentos de forma fcil e segura.Aqui est tudo que voc precisa para ganhar segurana na hora de oferecer seu produto....Nada funciona  sem o copywriting. E nesse curso voc vai conhecer qual o segredo que leva um produto a vender muito, quase da noite para o dia sem precisar investir centenas de reais em uma campanhas.Voc vai descobrir quais os principais conceitos de Marketing Digital e Vendas que usado por empresas como POLISHOP que uma das maiores empresa que usam copywriting em seus comerciais. Nesse curso voc vai perceber que seu produto pode ir muito alem do que voc imagina, e at dobrar seus lucros usando apenas as palavras certas.Voc vai conhecer o caminho mais seguro da venda onde voc pode aplicar facilmente em qualquer negocio mesmo que voc nem tenha habilidades em vender.Essa a unica oportunidade que voc encontrou agora para vender o que voc quiser, pois as tcnicas desse curso j impactaram mais de 4.512 alunos espalhados pelo mundo e agora chegou a vez de impactar voc.E esse curso o primeiro curso em portugus aqui na udemy, e sendo o primeiro ele foi criado para ensinar pessoas comuns que querem vender o dobro e aprender a como persuadir clientes e influencia-los eles at a compra. Alm de voc descobrir quais as palavras que vo explodir suas vendas voc vai descobrir como usar os caminhos cientficos para fazer com que qualquer pessoa  compre de voc.Ele est estruturado com as melhores tcnicas de persuaso de 2019 focada em vendas e junto com essas estratgias tem templates e scripts de vdeos de vendas e scripts de e-mail, blogs e sites que faro seu pblico comprar seu produto tomarem a deciso imediata. Se voc quer elevar o seu produto fsico ou online esse curso vai fazer o que voc sempre quis, vender mais e colocar seu negcio no piloto automtico de venda atravs do copywriting. Se voc quer aumentar os resultados dos seus anncios de Facebook, Google e outros canais voc precisa aprender a usar palavras que vendem. Se voc quer aumentar abertura e taxa de cliques em suas campanhas de e-mail marketing e aumentar o tempo de reteno em seus vdeos de vendas voc precisa usar scripts que convertam.Se voc quer vencer o bloqueio na hora de criar um texto atrativos para suas campanhas voc precisa conhecer copywriting a fundo e esse curso vai fazer exatamente isso. Saiba que para elevar o nvel do seu marketing voc precisa ter uma comunicao eficaz, e o mtodo aplicado nesse curso faz exatamente isso sem segredo algum, basta seguir os passos.Ento clique agora no boto de comprar e veja com seus prprios olhos a enxurrada de contedo que preparei aqui nesse curso para voc.Faa essa escolha de aprender palavras que vo dobrar suas vendas e te levar ainda mais longe.Apos esse curso voc vai:Aprender a criar uma comunicao persuasiva para seu clientes comprar imediatamenteVai dominar os pilares da persuaso gerando enormes fluxos de vendas no seu caixaVai aprender como impactar e gerar emoo que fazem as pessoas compraremVai dominar os 3 tipos de oferta que geram centenas de reais Vai saber como vender qualquer produto apenas usando algumas linhasVai dominar os segredos que existem por trs de um vdeo de vendaVai saber exatamente o que tem na mente do seu pblico que fazem eles comprarem agoraMesmo que voc j tenha:Tentado escrever algum e-mailVendido na internetTentado criar um script sozinhoTentado criar anncios ou qualquer tipo de ao de venda na internetTe espero l para te revelar os segredos das palavras que vendem muito!!!"
Price: 489.99

"Marketing Digital Completo: Aumente Seu Poder De Venda."
"Ateno voc que precisa do marketing digital.Se voc tem interesse em aumentar seu poder de venda nos prximos dias e surfar na prxima onda de dinheiro do mercado digital.Pare tudo que est fazendo e leia com muita ateno os prximos pargrafos.Pois eu quero te apresentar uma oportunidade quente (quase fervendo)Uma oportunidade nica para voc eliminar de vez o fracasso no mercado digital......e finalmente atrair as pessoas certas (as que compram) para o seu negcio..E por se tratar de uma vantagem quase injusta, no significa que ela seja ilegal ou ilcita. Mas uma chance que voc deve aproveitar rapidamente aps voc ler Pois para mim um privilgio trazer uma oportunidade to clara para esta carta.finalmente voc:Ganhar mais dinheiro na internetExplodir suas vendasBater maiores metas em seus lanamentosE isso pode acontecer j nos prximos dias que voc usar essa vantagem para aumentar o seu poder de venda......e de quebra, vai eliminar de uma vez por todas a frustrao de no conseguir convencer seu pblico a comprar seu produto.Pois se voc no atrai as pessoas certas para seu negcio a culpa no sua.O que eu vou revelar aqui trata-se de informaes privilegiadas que voc precisa aplicar urgentemente se pretende colocar mais dinheiro no seu bolso pelos prximos dias.Por isso importante que voc aja rpido no posicionamento dessa oportunidade...que de longe a maneira mais rpida para voc aumentar o seu poder de venda na internet.E derrubar obstculos que te paralisam na hora de:Fazer lanamentosFazer campanhas de e-mail marketingEnviar ofertas via WhatsAppFazer campanhas em FacebookCriar vdeos de vendasCriar pgina de vendasCriar Funil de vendasE quando voc entender os mecanismos que fazem suas vendas explodirem.Voc vai comear a surfar em uma onda de dinheiro que estava o tempo todo bem na sua frente.E eu no estou exagerando quando eu digo que voc vai aumentar o seu poder de venda...e ainda vai eliminar os erros que voc comete na hora de criar suas estratgias.Pois eu sei exatamente o que :No vender nada em lanamentos de produtosNo saber o que enviar para a lista de e-mail Ficar horas com a folha em branco tentando criar estratgias de vendasFazer uma oferta segura e que funcioneSe voc comete alguns erros desse acima voc est deixando de ganhar mais dinheiro...pois so erros fatais que causam um desnimo e uma sensao terrvel de achar que voc jamais vai ser um caso de sucesso como empreendedor.E logo depois do primeiro fracasso vem a ideia de abaixar o preo do seu produto achando que isso vai resolver alguma coisa naquele momento...e mesmo assim nenhuma venda feita durante todas as tentativa.E ainda tem a dvida que voc acumula por ter tirado dinheiro de onde no poderia para investir em campanhas e em ferramentas de marketing.Assim, voc fica durante dias desanimado tentando achar o porque voc no consegue ter um poder de venda iguais os outros empreendedores.Aps digerir todo aquele fracasso voc insiste em entrar novamente no crculo de erros agindo da mesma forma esperando resultados diferentes.Esperando pelo menos algumas vendas para conseguir de volta o valor do investimento.O foco que era lucrar, se tornou em pensamentos de fracasso como:Se eu fizer pelo menos 8 vendas eu recupero meu investimento de volta A voc cruza os dedos e espera as coisas acontecerem, e mais uma vez fracassa...Eu preciso ser transparente com voc...... e dizer que dessa forma voc vai ser SOMENTE mais um entre milhares de empreendedores.Por isso voc no pode deixar passar mais nenhum dia e agir rapidamente assim que eu te revelar como voc vai aumentar seu poder de venda no mercado digital......mesmo se voc j tentou todas as estratgias da internet e acha que um empreendedor experiente.No se trata de quanto tempo voc tem de atuao, mas sim de aplicar estratgias bem-sucedidas que esto fora do radar de milhares de empreendedores nesse momento.Somente com isso voc estar pronto para criar sozinho estratgias que realmente vo funcionar at quando voc estiver dormindo.Mas antes de eu revelar cada detalhe dessa estratgia, eu quero te fazer uma nica pergunta.Como voc se sentiria sabendo que uma deciso que est diante de voc teve o poder de mudar sua vida?Eu vou me sentir 10 vezes melhor do que voc por ter proporcionado essa oportunidade para voc.Acredite, tudo depende da sua iniciativa em usar estratgias bem-sucedidas.Eu te espero no Curso para ensinar a voc tudo que voc precisa para tornar seu negcio mais incrvel. Forte Abrao."
Price: 474.99

"Raising Capital: How to Find Private Investors & Raise Money"
"RaisingCapital is a course createdto help those looking to consistently raise capital over time from investors without having to cold call them or slowly network through existing connections. In this course we provide a 5 step system to attract investors to your offering over time so they are wanting to get their foot in the door at your office instead of having to cold call potential investors endlessly with no response.While this course does discuss marketing material fundamentals, and top mistakes to avoid while raising capital its unique value is in the holistic evergreen approach to building up capital raising momentum in a way that adds genuine value and builds your firms reputation over time. This capital raising system was developed based on author Richard C. Wilsons experience in raising over $250M in capital, building the Family Office Club community of over 1,500 family office investors, and now building up a single family office advisory business overseeing $5B in assets. The methods suggested in this courseare what has led to that success and they have been tested over the course of Richard offering over 93live events and speaking to over 40,000 professionals globally over the past 11years."
Price: 19.99

"HR - Agile HR Fundamentals ( Human Resources )"
"Course has been structured to help you learnWhy Agile is Need of the Hour in today's VUCA worldBasics of Agile methodologies/frameworksA Paradigm Shift from Traditional to Agile Human ResourcesWhat is Agile HRAgile Movement in Human Resources functionThis Online HR course is an introductory course that will help you to understand changing dynamics in todays world and new values and prractices that can be applied for Human Resources transformation to harness agility.A 'food for thought' for Human Resources professionals and leaders, quizzes and assignment are integral to the course."
Price: 179.99

"Recruiting & Talent Acquisition - Value Stream Mapping (VSM)"
"In today's dynamic and disruptive Business ecosystem, Organizational leaders and HR Specialists need to be ""Champions of Transformation"". To maximize sustainability, HR agility and organizational performance, it is imperative to understand an organization system and its entities, how the entities interact with each other and the impact of interactions on the whole organizational system. HR leaders should map the value streams and processes across HR function and organization to launch true transformation and deliver value to customers (internal and external).This course provides a comprehensive introduction to systems thinking and value stream mapping (VSM). You will learn how VSM steps can be applied to performance management and talent acquisition processes. The course includes article and real-life case example of value stream mapping implementation for recruitment function. As a bonus, this course includes Talent Acquisition VSM Canvas and Checklist tools which you can download and use for your team and organization."
Price: 199.99

"eBay DropShipping Class From Beginner to Experienced Seller"
"In this class, you will understand and learn the basics of drop shipping. You will learn how to start with drop shipping in just a few hours of practice. After listening to my class, you will be able to understand all the formulas for making profits using ebay as a drop shipping platform. You will create your own sustainable system and earn money using nothing more than your own skills.In this class, you will learn how to use this proven method in order to change your earnings forever. You can use this method to start your own part time job or even full time job that is paid much more than the regular every day job.Your earnings will be completely based on your abillity to use the skills that i will show you in my class, and if you do it right, you guys will be quiting your full time jobs in no time and start your own drop shipping business.Some of you must be worried now, you must be thinking that in order to make some profit you will actually have to spend some money first but that is not true. You can start from nothing! Just like i did many years ago. You can even make profit without even spending a single dollar and i will show you how.Learn how to setup an eBay account, learn how to create your own eBay store and optimize settings to fit your needs.Learn the basics of drop shipping from most popular web sites in the world like Amazon, Aliexpres, Alibaba, Sears, Costco, Walmart and many more.You guys will learn how to change your Lifestyle business completely.I will also show you how to spot a perfect product for drop shipping and make the most out of one single product.At first you will need to practice a couple of hours per day in order to get some skills using the technique that i will teach you in my class.You will also get the full time support from me and updates every month.New updates will come every month with some new video so you can check our class often for new videos and techniques.All the best guys, i hope you will start doing drop shipping just like me, every single day."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Arabic alphabets, vocabulary, Important phrases."
"This course is anintroductionto Modern Standard Arabic which will develop studentsproficiency in the standard written Arabic language, as well as formal spoken Arabic. It contains quizzesthat aredesigned for beginners and the correct answers are provided in orderto test your knowledge and improve your Arabic written and communication skills. You will learn the alphabets,vocabulary and very important phrases used across the Arab world."
Price: 24.99

"Crea tu Sitio Web en 4 Horas con Wordpress"
"En este curso, te acompao desde cero, a crear tu sitio web. Un sitio web elegante, profesional y que tenga las bases fundamentales para luego desarrollar tus estrategias de marketing digital.No necesitas conocimientos previos. Adems te llevas de regalo una herramienta profesional para construir pginas webs, utilizadas por los mejores diseadores del mundo. Disfrtalo."
Price: 39.99

"Learning The Straight Razor Shave"
"31 minutes longTaught by a professional former Barber School InstructorFor both the beginner and professionalNo advertisements for materials usedHelp is a phone call away during normal business hours30 day money back guaranteeThis instructional ""Straing Razor Shave"" video is the colaboration between ""My Barber Store and ""The Barber School"" in providing the best online course for learing how to give a professional straight razor shave."
Price: 19.99

"Procedural Characters in GameMaker 2"
"The GameMaker 2 procedural character course will take you through the art, programming and design of procedural 2D characters in GameMaker studio 2. You will learn to develop characters with randomized body features, procedural color schemes and programmed animation. All of the skills developed in this course will also be directly applicable to things like customizable characters and character creators!"
Price: 99.99

"Addressing the Behavioral Health Needs of Older Adults"
"This course provides an overview of some of the behavioral health challenges that arise for adults during the aging process, including both mental health and substance use concerns. Lecturers include physicians, a nurse practitioner, three social workers, and two Adult Protective Services workers. Their lectures cover the aging process, medication management, substance use disorders and other addictions, community resources available in the state of Ohio, and three practical application case studies. Those completing the final quiz with a score of 80% or better qualify for 6.5 SocialWork CEUs."
Price: 49.99

"Affiliate Marketing: Sales Funnels and Email Marketing"
"Hello and Welcome.....To begin Affiliate Marketing, you really only need 3 things. This course covers what those 3 things are and breaks them down to the core. I cover the basics and how to get started quickly and correctly. Follow along with the training and you will creating your own sales funnels in no time.What's Included in the Course:You get 5 already made landing pages for you to choose from to use in this sales funnel. Landing pages that are converting at over 50%. Check out my instagram page for proof. You also get a 30 day pre-written email sequence that I will show you how to connect to the landing page. That is 30 already written emails that you will be automatically sending to your subscribers.I will show you how to use FREE and PAID traffic sources to the fullest.I will also show you how to track your traffic so you utilize your time and money wisely.I can not make this any easier for you to get started with building an Affiliate Marketing Business if that is truely what you are looking to do.Big Bonuses:Prove to me that you are serious with this and connect with me once you have completed the course and I will help you get started with some traffic. I will add you into my Facebook group and into my traffic rotator so you can start to get some traction with your funnels.I am committed to helping you succeed. The rest is up to you......"
Price: 24.99

"Formao do Preo Ideal para Pequenos e Mdios Varejistas"
"Depois de presenciar empresas quebrando, prejuzos nas vendas, falta de gesto financeira nos pequenos e mdios negcios, este curso tem o intuitode esclarecer os empreendedores quanto aos reflexos no caixa da empresa quando da formao do preo ideal no comrcio, tomando por base a atividade de cada tipo de negcio, considerando os gastos realizados pela empresa.Ao final do curso, o aluno estar apto a calcular o preo ideal para se manter competitivo e enfrentar a concorrncia."
Price: 114.99

"The Digital Nomad Bootcamp: Work From Anywhere On Your Terms"
"Over the last few years, I've really enjoyed the fruits of my labor in the past.I've been creating online businesses and systems for a few years, as well as having experience in a digital marketing agency. I've tried pretty much every 'make money online' scheme that there is out there. Really.I've come to realize a few things, not the least of which is that the BEST and most enjoyable long term money maker, is actually the one that's the best for the WORLD too. It comes down to this:Find a topic that you know a lot about or are PASSIONATE about, and then share that information with as many people as you can. Set up systems that let you get PAID to do it, and this enables you to travel the world, work for yourself and live the life of your dreams. Sounds almost too simple, right? This is not a strange system that involves risking money or investing or anything like that. This is based on pure and simple MARKETING and evergreen (always working) concepts of market demand and the internet. This method allows you to take ANY topic (within reason, provided enough people are interested in that topic) and turn it into a moneymaker. This is not a get rich quick scheme, and the information in this course is very valuable. This is the condensed version of everything I've learned over the last 8 years of being in business online, and if I watched this course right at the start before I knew anything, I'd be able to MASSIVELY fast forward my results and live my ideal life years ago. What I'm saying is that this is different from most courses on Udemy, which teach mainly theory and ideas. This is practical, real-world stuff that you can implement TODAY that will actually work for you if you put in the work. It doesn't take a genius, just someone willing to put in the work now and reap the benefits later (for life). I'm often asked how I afford to travel so much seemingly at will, wherever I want without ever worrying about the cost and it's because I've developed several websites and social media channels that provide a PASSIVE income. What's more secure, one job in a fixed office that could fire you at any time, OR30+ different sources of passive income, and if you decided to you could INCREASE any one of them at any point, just by putting in more work and building more of the information marketing funnel? I know what I'd rather. This is NOT for the masses of teenagers looking for instant online money makers, this is for people who understand that there's no get rich quick scheme that doesn't involve a balaclava and a gun.This course is worth the price, and more, as you'll find out when you start putting it into ACTION.The way I see it?You have THREE options. Option 1: You close this tab, and go back to your job you hate, and essentially bury your head in the sand, hoping 'one day' you'll fix this problem. Option 2: You struggle over YEARS, learning how to do everything, trying to compete with other sites, clawing your way to having even a part-time income. There's no guarantee you'll even succeed here. Option 3: You take this course. Learn from my experience over the last 8 years, and INSTANTLY start putting the stuff that WORKS into action. Start taking action every day from now on, following my plan, and see results in just 3 months time. In 6 months? You could be traveling the world, with a passive income of more than $5000 a month. See you on the other side my friend."
Price: 199.99

"Photography (PhotoSA)"
"All levels are welcome, digital or film: New to photography, hobbyists, part-timers, even pros: Meet others in the area that are also interest in photography! Each meeting has a different topic.We help our members reach their full creative potential by: Sharing ideas and information on all aspects of photography. Providing regular programs and competitions for members. Creating a space for constructive dialogue, feedback and criticism. Providing advice, help and encouragement. Providing or sponsoring lectures, demonstrations, and exhibitions for the benefit of the community. Providing opportunities for good fellowship and mutual aid."
Price: 29.99

"Impara Linux: dalle basi alla certificazione LPI - Exam 102"
"Grazie a questo corso pratico imparerai tutto ci che c' da sapere su Linux ed il suo ecosistema, tramite spiegazioni ed esempi concreti di utilizzo.Al termine, se vorrai, potrai anche affrontare i due esami LPI e conseguire una certificazione professionale riconosciuta internazionalmente.Questo corso relativo al secondo esame di certificazione LPIC-1 (Exam 102)Il programma del corso  pensato per imparare Linux dalle basi e conoscere ogni suo aspetto: dalla diagnostica dei problemi pi comuni all'amministrazione / gestione di Server Linux e PC Desktop; apprenderai le conoscenze necessarie per comprendere e personalizzare ogni aspetto del sistema Linux. Una dispensa completa ed indispensabile per chiunque voglia avvicinarsi al mondo Linux con consapevolezza e farsi solide basi.NB: Il programma del corso aggiornato agli ultimi obiettivi d'esame (v5.0)Per maggiori informazioni sul programma, consulta il curriculum qui sotto, o visita il sito lpi [punto] org"
Price: 149.99

"Impara Linux da zero: LPI Linux Essentials"
"Grazie a questo corso pratico imparerai tutto ci che devi sapere, da utente novizio, su Linux ed il suo ecosistema, tramite spiegazioni ed esempi concreti di utilizzo.Al termine, se vorrai, potrai anche affrontare l'esame di certificazione LPI Linux Essentials e conseguire una certificazione riconosciuta internazionalmente.Il programma del corso  pensato per imparare Linux ""da zero"" e conoscere il mondo dell'Open Source, con i suoi pro e contro.Sarai in grado di affrontare senza timore il tanto misterioso terminale per eseguire le operazioni pi svariate, dalla gestione di file e directory, all'estrapolazione e filtraggio di informazioni dai file, alla gestione di base degli utenti sul sistema, del tuo computer sulla rete e tanto, tanto altro! Una dispensa completa, ben organizzata ed indispensabile per chiunque voglia avvicinarsi al mondo Linux con consapevolezza e farsi solide basi.NB: Il corso aggiornato agli ultimi obiettivi d'esame (v1.6)Per maggiori informazioni sul programma di Linux Essentials, consulta il curriculum qui sotto, o visita il sito lpi [punto] org"
Price: 149.99

"Tm ynleriyle The Present Perfect Tense konu anlatm"
"Bu kursta The Present Perfect Tense yapsn tm ynleriyle reneceksiniz. Kafanzdaki tm sorulara cevap bulacaksnz."" Present Perfect - Simple Past"" yaplarnn farkn kavrayacaksnz ve kursun ardndan bu konularla ilgili sknt yaamayacaksnz. Ayrca"" Present Perfect"" yapsna drt beceri; dinleme, konuma, okuma ve yazma baznda hakim olacaksnz ve ngilizce konuurken ve yazarken Present Perfect Tense"" i etkili bir ekilde kullanabileceksiniz. Bununla birlikte kurs esnasnda ve kurs bittikten sonra bana ynelttiiniz tm sorulara cevap alabileceksiniz ve derslerin kaynaklar blmnde konuyla ilgili dkmanlar bulabilecek, indirebilecek ve bunlardan ve dier dev ve egzersizlerden faydalanabileceksiniz."
Price: 19.99

"Tm Ynleriyle ngilizce Modals Yardmc Fiilleri"
"""Modals"" yardmc fiilleri cmlede fiilin belirttii anlama duygu, dnce ve tarz katan yardmc fiilllerdir. Bir anlamada fiilin kyafetleridirler. Trkede kip ne ise ngilizcede de ""Modals"" yardmc fiilleri odur. ""Modals"" yardmc fiillerine ne kadar hakim olursanz ngilizceye de o kadar hakim olursunuz ve etkili kullanrsnz. ""Modals"" olmadan ngilizce anlatmlar eksiktir. ngilizceyi etkili konuan insanlara ahit olduunuzda size ""Ne kadar gzel konuuyor. Ben de byle konuabilsem!"" dedirten ey byk lde o konumaclarn ""modals"" yardmc fiillerine olan hakimiyetleridir. Bu kurs ""modals"" yardmc fiillerine hakim olmanz ve ngilizceyi Etkili kullanmanz salayacaktr. Bu, zel ders formatnda bir kurstur. Kurs esnasnda ve kurs bittikten sonra da soru sorabilecek ve cevap alabileceksiniz. Ayrca her blmde ekler ksmnda derslerle ilgili pdf formatnda ekstra konu anlatm ve egzersiz materyaller bulabilirsiniz. Baarlar dilerim."
Price: 79.99

"Unreal Engine 4 - Rendering and Graphics"
"ster mimari animasyon ile uran ister oyun gelitirme konusunda, mutlaka bilinmesi gereken konular bu eitim setinde ilendi. Projelerinizi yaparken gnler kaybettiren hatalar projenin banda zeceksiniz. Derslerde olabildiince detayl bir anlatmsz konusu, bu dersleri alanlar Unreal Engine 4 iinde aydnlatma ve render konusunda olduka ileri seviyede bilgi sahibi olurlar. Bu eitim setini Post Process Effects eitim serisi ile birlikte almanz tavsiye ederim."
Price: 99.99

"Complete Oracle SQL Masterclass: Go from zero to Hero (2020)"
"Become an expert in SQL and learn one of employer's most requested skills of 21st Century! SQL is used in many job roles including Database Administration, Data Science, Performance Engineering, and Web Development. A person with expert level knowledge of SQL can earn minimum $100000 (That's five zeroes after 5) per year.This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward course for the Structured Query Language (SQL) on Udemy! Whether you have never used databases before, already know basics of SQL, or want to learn about the advanced features of SQL, this course is for you! In this course I will teach you SQL with Oracle. With over 180 lectures and more than 20 hours of video this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned to make you an expert in the SQL.This course will teach you SQL in a very practical manner, with every lecture comes a full SQL programming video and a corresponding PDF that has SQL code! Learn in whatever manner is the best for you!We will start by helping you get Oracle XE and SQL Developer installed on your Windows computer.We cover a wide variety of topics, including:Basics of RDBMS and SQLGetting Started with SQLInstallation of Oracle and SQL DeveloperThe WHERE ClauseSingle ROW FunctionsGroup FunctionsJoining data from multiple tablesDML Statements and TransactionsDDLs, Tables, and Data DictionaryConstraintsViewsSynonyms and IndexesSet OperationsSequencesSchemas, Roles, and User Access ControlAdvanced Topics in Oracle SQLPython 3 and SQLAdditional Resources and ToolsMySQLRDBMS and SQL for Data ScienceBonus SectionYou will get lifetime access to over 180 lectures plus corresponding SQL code PDFs for the lectures! So what are you waiting for? Learn SQL in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 19.99

"Python 3, BBC Microbit, and MicroPython Bootcamp (2020)"
"Become a Python 3 Programmer and learn one of employers most requested professional skills of 21st century! An excellent Python 3 programmer makes more than $100000 (that's five zeroes after one) a year.This is detailed, simple, and yet straight-forward course for beginners on the Python 3 and MicroPython programming language on Udemy! Whether you have never programmed before, already know basics of programming, or want to get started with Python 3 and MicroPython, this course is for you! In this course I will teach you the basics of Python 3 and MicroPython.With over 110 lectures and more than 11 hours of videos, this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned to teach you the basics of Python 3 and MicroPython! This course includes Lectures, PDFs, and python 3 example program files to give students in-depth idea of the programming with Python 3 and MicroPython!This course will teach you Python 3 and MicroPython in an easy yet practical manner. Every lecture comes with a full programming video and a corresponding downloadable code file! Learn in whatever manner is the most suitable for you!We will start by helping you get Python 3 installed on your Windows computer. If you have a Raspberry Pi then its great! We can get started quickly without installing anything as Raspberry Pi comes with all the necessary tools to get started with Python 3 and MicroPython.We cover a wide variety of topics, including:Python 3 installation on WindowsIntroduction to Raspberry Pi and Raspbian OS SetupPython 3 on Raspberry PiPython 3 ModesIDLE3Running Python 3 ProgramsBasic SyntaxExpressionsArithmetic OperatorsPrecedence and Associativity of OperatorsConditional StatementsLogical and Bitwise OperatorsLoopsUser Defined FunctionsRecursionDocStringsPyCharm, Geany, and Mu IDEsStrings and CollectionsObject Oriented ProgrammingExceptionsDate, time, and MathsCommand Line ArgumentsIntroduction to BBC MicrobitIntroduction to MicroPythonIntroduction to Mu Python EditorBreadboards and Power supplyJumper wiresLEDs and ResistorsBBC microbit MicroPython Programming with Mu Editor on Raspberry PiBBC Microbit MicroPython Programming with Mu Editor on WindowsProgramming built in 5x5 LED display in BBC MicrobitAdvanced Programs on BBC MicrobitPython on Androidand much more!You will get lifetime access to over 110 lectures plus corresponding PDFs and Python program files for the video lectures! So what are you waiting for? Learn Python 3 in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 19.99

"Complete MySQL course for Data Science (2020)"
"Become an expert in SQL and learn one of employer's most requested skills of 21st Century! SQL is used in many job roles including Database Administration, Data Science, Performance Engineering, and Web Development. A person with expert level knowledge of SQL can earn minimum $100000 (That's five zeroes after 5) per year.This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward course for the Structured Query Language (SQL) on Udemy! Whether you have never used databases before, already know basics of SQL, or want to learn about the advanced features of SQL, this course is for you! In this course I will teach you SQL with MySQL. With over 105 lectures and more than 12 hours of video this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned to make you an expert in the SQL.This course will teach you SQL in a very practical manner, with every lecture comes a full SQL programming video and a corresponding PDF that has SQL code! Learn in whatever manner is the best for you!We will start by helping you get MySQL and SQL Developer installed on your Windows computer.We cover a wide variety of topics, including:Basics of RDBMS and SQLGetting Started with SQLInstallation of MySQL and SQL DeveloperThe WHERE ClauseSingle ROW FunctionsGroup FunctionsJoining data from multiple tablesDML Statements and TransactionsDDLs, Tables, and Data DictionaryConstraintsViewsPython 3 and MySQLPandas and MySQLRaspberry Pi and MySQLAdditional Resources and ToolsYou will get lifetime access to over 105 lectures plus corresponding SQL code PDFs for the lectures! So what are you waiting for? Learn SQL in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Python Image Processing with Scikit-image (2020)"
"Become a Master in Image Processing with Python 3 and acquire employers' one of the most requested skills of 21st Century! An expert level image processing and computer vision professional can earn minimum $100000 (that's five zeros after 1) in today's economy.This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward course for the Image Processing with Python 3 on Udemy! Whether you have never worked with Image Processing before, already know basics of Python, or want to learn the advanced features of scikit-image with Python 3, this course is for you! In this course we will teach you Scikit-image with Python 3, Jupyter, NumPy, and Matplotlib. (Note, we also provide you PDFs and Jupyter Notebooks in case you need them)With over 100 lectures and more than 12 hours of video this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned in teaching you Image Processing with Python 3!This course will teach you Image Processing in a very practical manner, with every lecture comes a programming video and a corresponding Jupyter notebook that has Python 3 code! Learn in whatever manner is the best for you!We will start by helping you get Python3, NumPy, matplotlib, Jupyter, and Scikit-learn installed on your Windows computer and Raspberry Pi.We cover a wide variety of topics, including:Basics of Scientific Python EcosystemBasics of Digital Image ProcessingBasics of NumPy and MatplotlibInstallation of Python 3 on WindowsSetting up Raspberry PiTour of Python 3 environment on Raspberry PiJupyter installation and basicsNumPy NdarraysArray Creation RoutinesBasic Visualization with MatplotlibNdarray ManipulationRandom Array GenerationBitwise OperationsStatistical FunctionsBasics Image Processing with NumPy and MatplotlibInstallation of Scikit-imageReading and Displaying ImagesShapesTransformations on imagesHistogram EqualizationThresholdingFilteringMorphologyImproving ImagesFeature DetectionSegmentationMiscellaneous operations on imagesand much more.....You will get lifetime access to over 100 lectures plus corresponding PDFs, Image Datasets, and the Jupyter notebooks for the lectures! So what are you waiting for? Learn Image Processing with Python 3 in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Python & Matplotlib Data Visualization (2020)"
"Become a Master in Data Visualization with Python 3 and acquire employers' one of the most requested skills of 21st Century! A great data visualization engineer earns more than $150000 per year!This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward course for the Data Visualization with Python 3 on Udemy! Whether you have never worked with Data Visualization before, already know basics of Python, or want to learn the advanced features of matplotlib and NumPy with Python 3, this course is for you! In this course we will teach you Data Visualization with Python 3, Jupyter, NumPy, and Matplotlib. (Note, we also provide you PDFs and Jupyter Notebooks in case you need them)With over 85 lectures and more than 10 hours of video this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned in teaching you Data Visualization with Python 3!This course will teach you Data Visualization in a very practical manner, with every lecture comes a full programming video and a corresponding Jupyter notebook that has Python 3 code! Learn in whatever manner is the best for you!We will start by helping you get Python3, NumPy, matplotlib, and Jupyter installed on your Windows computer and Raspberry Pi.We cover a wide variety of topics, including:Basics of Scientific Python EcosystemBasics of Digital Image ProcessingBasics of NumPy and MatplotlibInstallation of Python 3 on WindowsSetting up Raspberry PiTour of Python 3 environment on Raspberry PiJupyter installation and basicsNumPy NdarraysArray Creation RoutinesBasic Visualization with MatplotlibNdarray ManipulationRandom Array GenerationBitwise OperationsStatistical FunctionsPlotting with MatplotlibOther types of visualizations (bar, histograms, scatter, and bubble)Contours3D Visualizations (plot, mesh,  and surfaces)Advanced Concepts in MatplotlibBasics Image Processing with NumPy and Matplotliband much more.....You will get lifetime access to over 75 lectures plus corresponding PDFs, Image Datasets, and the Jupyter notebooks for the lectures! So what are you waiting for? Learn Data Visualization with Python 3 in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Matplotlib and NumPy Image Processing (2020)"
"Take your first step in the world of Image Processing by taking this beginner level course. This course is intended as the first leap towards the vast world of scientific computing, Image Processing, and Computer Vision. This course will teach you following topics. Installation and brief overview ofNumPyMatplotlibJupyter We will also learn how to setup Python 3 on a Windows PC and a Raspberry Pi. We will have a brief tour of Jupyter for Python 3 Programming. Then we will have a look at the following topics,Introduction to NumPyBasic Visualization with MatplotlibBasic Image ProcessingAdvanced Image Processing This is intended to be a very beginner level course. Prior programming experience is mandatory. Prior programming experience in Python will be very helpful. This is a very useful course for the students who want to learn basic and advanced image processing with Python 3 in very less time."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Python 3, Anaconda, Spyder, and Jupyter (2020)"
"Become a Master in Anaconda, Conda, Spyder IDE, IPython, and Jupyter Notebooks and acquire employers' few of the most requested skills of 21st Century! A great Python and Data Science engineer earns more than $150000 per year!This is themost comprehensive, yet straight-forward course for the Anaconda, Conda, Spyder IDE, IPython, and Jupyter Notebook with Python 3 on Udemy!Whether you have never worked with Python 3 before, already know basics of Python, or want to learn the advanced features of Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook with Python 3, this course is for you! In this course we willteach you Anaconda, Conda, Spyder IDE, IPython, and Jupyter.Withover 10 lecturesand more than 1 hours of video this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned in teaching you Anaconda, Conda, Spyder IDE, IPython, and Jupyter with Python 3!The course has videos on the following topics.Python 3AnacondaCondaSpyder IDEIPythonJupyterThis course will teach you Anaconda, Conda, Spyder IDE, IPython, and Jupyter in a very practical manner, with every lecture comes a full video and a related PF for instructions! Learn in whatever manner is the best for you!We will start by helping you get Anaconda, Conda, Spyder IDE, IPython, and Jupyter installed on your Windows computer."
Price: 19.99

"Teach Therapeutic Art"
"This is a complete training designed to give you all the tools you need to teach watercolor painting classes.It assumes that you are punctual and motivated and like to work with people in a creative situation, but has no other prerequisites. When you practice the paintings in the lesson planyou will quicklyhave them mastered by heart. These are simple pictures but challenging for most beginner painters. With repetition, this will become a snap and you are then in a position to help other when they get stuck (the same way you did until you perfected each painting.)You will learn the optimal way to set up and run the classes that will be a big hit with the directors. It will assure you that the with this teaching method,directorswill be continuing on with more classes from you.All the materials and where to buy them at the best price is also gone over. This is not a big investment, and they will last for years.Lastly, since you have many choices for where and with whom you want to work, I will make sure you understand a head of time what you can expect and how much to charge for each of the many venues you can approach with you painting classes."
Price: 49.99