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"Learn Mixed Martial Arts And Self Defense Striking Online"
"Are you a newbie to martial arts?Are you about to join a gym for the first time?Are you an instructor needing a step-by-step curriculum to teach new students?Then you should definitely enroll yourself into my Beginner Kickboxing 101 Fundamentals course! This course is designed to help you get a good grasp of kickboxing fundamentals so you can learn more efficiently. This course is very straight forward, and to the point, meaning it's not confusing and filled with too much info. These principles are universally found in boxing, muay thai, and mma striking curriculum. This course requires no equipment what so ever, and not even a partner! Questions? Email me at"
Price: 199.99

"Ultimate Self Defense & Fitness Martial Arts Course"
"LATEST UPDATE: NEW VIDEOS ADDED - MAY 2019!Get the Ultimate Self Defense and Fitness Martial Arts Course!This step by step system is backed up by over 15 years martial arts experience studying boxing, kickboxing, and taekwondo. You will learn how to get in incredible shape while learning the best techniques derived from the styles I mentioned all by yourself and without the need for a partner!You get:- 3+Hours Of detailed Martial Arts striking videos- Follow along workout mp3s and pdfs- an accountability facebook group to share your progress with fellow martial artistsAND...UPDATEDEVERYMONTH WITH FRESH NEW CONTENT!Learning self defense online can be difficult, especially finding a legitimate martial arts instructor that will show you proper techniques derived from boxing, kickboxing, taekwondo, karate, kung fu, mixed martial arts, bjj ect.However, now is the time to enroll into a striking martial arts course that will show you the ins and outs of each technique step by step. Suitable for beginners to advanced.Whether you're a beginner martial artist seeking a course that will show you how to use self defense properly, or an enthusiast looking to clean up your striking technique for fitness reasons, this course will definitely help you achieve your goals.These martial arts techniques can be used for close combat situations, long distance fighting, and can be used both for competitive martial arts competition and self defense. Learning how to fight shouldn't be a difficult task, with the resources we have these days, you should be able to find a course that will show you powerful methods for kicking and punching utilizing boxing, kickboxing, taekwondo, karate, close combat, self-defense, krav maga, and other martial arts from a good instructor. Rest assured, you've come to the right place! I will walk you step-by-step with the same methods I have used to teach my own students in martial arts classes. Achieving peak fitness, self defense, and learning how to use martial arts effectively is at utmost priority. There's a good reason why those involved in the military utilize martial arts effective for hand to hand combat, and the mixed martial arts techniques Iwill show you can be used for competitive mma fighters but also self defense. I'm so convinced you'll get some amazing benefits from this martial arts fitness and self defense course which is why I offer:>No risk to you with our 30 day money back guarantee <"
Price: 199.99

"bungen, um den Krper geschmeidig und gelst zu halten"
"Hallo, ich bin der Dennis und mag dir gerne ein paar ganz einfach bungen zeigen, mit denen man sich echt super entspannen kann.In meinem Kurs lernst du die 5 Elemente bungen aus dem Qigong kennen. Auerdem zeige ich dir wie du dich gemtlich dehnen kannst und so dein Krper einen guten Start in den Tag hat.Qigong5 ElementeDehnbungen und Massagen fr den AlltagSeinem Krper, dem Zuhause, etwas gutes tun :)"
Price: 39.99

"Alle bungen zum Loslassen Meditation Innere Erfahrungen"
"Spirituelles Bewusstseinscoaching von HerzenBlockaden lsen Gefhle fhlen Vergangenes integrieren Frieden findenHallo :) mein Name ist Dennis Geier.In meinen Kursen spreche ich aus dem Moment heraus und ber das, was gerade auftauchen mchte.1. Damit kann ich dir helfen und dich untersttzen:1.1 Krperarbeit => Zum Lsen von Blockaden auf der Krperebene.1.2 Augenblick => Alles fhlen ohne zu bewerten und die Gedanken stiller werden lassen.1.3 Bewusstsein => bungen der Achtsamkeit und des Geschehen lassens.1.4 Vergangenheit => Sich seinen inneren Kindern und Verletzungen mit der Polarittsarbeit zuwenden.Ich helfe dir, durch das Fhlen der Gefhle, dem Entdecken der eigenen Wnsche und Ansprche, sowie dem bewusst werden von Allem, was auftaucht (bewusst und unbewusst), einen harmonischen Lebensfluss in dein Leben zu integrieren.2. Hilfsmittel und Themen beim Spiritcoaching2.1 Kennenlernen der Bewusstseinsebenen: Gefhle, Gedanken, Krper und tiefere Erfahrungen2.2 Familien- und Lebenserforschung z.B. Polarittsarbeit2.3 bungen des Geschehen lassens z.B. Bewusstheitsbung nach Christian Meyer2.4 Zum verfeinern und vertiefen: KrperarbeitHier begleite ich dich bei deinen inneren Prozessen. Deine Wnsche entdecken, die eigenen Ansprche erlsen und dich ganz auf das Wahrhaftige einlassen.Der Fokus liegt ganz klar auf der bewussten Wahrnehmung von allem, was auftauchen mchte, dem Fhlen der Gefhle und dem Geschehen lassen.Ich freu mich auf deine Rckmeldung.Bis dann und LG Dennis"
Price: 69.99

"Aprenda o autoCAD planta baixa arquitetnica 2D do zero!"
"O treinamento aborda as principais ferramentas do programa para o desenvolvimento de projetos arquitetnicos. Foi concebido para estudantes e profissionais com pouco ou nenhum contato com o autoCAD, desenvolvendo uma planta baixa contendo planta de cobertura, dois cortes, vigas baldrame e duas fachadas, seguindo rigorosamente todos os parmetros definidos pelas normas da ABNT."
Price: 384.99

"AQA GCSE Maths Paper 1 - Worked Solutions"
"In this tutorial series I will go through all the questions in detail and provide you with comprehensive worked solutions.Once you know how to approach each question, it will give you the confidence and the tools to answer similar questions in the future. Each question has its own video, so you dont have to wade through vast quantities of footage to find the one question you are stuck on."
Price: 19.99

"Finanzas para emprendedores: Plan financiero desde cero"
"Si tienes un proyecto de negocio o ya lo iniciaste, es muy importante que tengas una planeacin financiera efectivay que domines las principales variables financieras que afectan tu negocio, a fin de saber si te dar las ganancias que esperas de l.En este curso aprenders:Cuales son los conceptos financierosque debo conocer?Cmo hacer un plan financiero de forma prctica y sencilla?Cunta inversin inicial requiere mi proyecto o empresa?Cmo saber si mi proyecto de negocio o empresa es financieramente viable y rentable?Con este negocio obtendrutilidades o prdidas?Este curso es a nivel bsico y es ideal para aquellas personas que no tienen conocimiento previo de finanzas, o que tienen poco conocimiento del tema."
Price: 570.00

"Pitch de inversin para startups: atrae a tus inversionistas"
"Si eres emprendedor y buscas conseguir inversionistas para tu startup o empresa, este curso es vital para t. Un emprendedor debe crear un pitch deck perfecto, no importa si buscas inversin de un inversionista ngel, un fondo de Venture Capital o de algn familiar o amigo. Un pitch efectivoTu startup puede tener un futuro muy prometedor, pero si no sabes transmitir en tu pitch deck lo que los inversionistas quieren ver, dificilmente conseguiras que te inviertan dinero.El fondeo de tu startup est en juego, no cometas los errores ms comunes de los emprendedores al presentar un pitch deck de inversin.Sabrs los elementos de forma y de fondo que debe tener un pitck deck y cmo debers presentarlo para atraer a ms inversionistas.Las lecciones de este curso vienen de 10 aos de experiencia en el tema, lo que me funcion para cerrar inversionistas de Venture Capital para mi startup, y lo que he asesorado a muchos emprendedores.En este curso aprenders:La importancia del pitch de inversin.Cmo disear presentaciones de impacto.Tcnicas de comunicacin que te servirn para presentar tu pitch.Conocers los errores ms comunes que cometen los emprendedores al presentar su pitch.La estructura de contenido que debers incluir en tu pitch deck."
Price: 345.00

"Homemade Vanilla Ice cream"
"We all know that ice cream is one of the most important meals of the day during the summer. If you aren't having it once, you're having it twice,Especially when you just finished a run or another workout and all you want to do is take a cold shower and drink 30 glasses of water. Thank god there is ice cream, cold and refreshing! You dont need an expensive ice cream machine to enjoy homemade ice cream. In this course I will prepare no-machine ice cream recipe and without eggs as well. It is easy to whip up and fast to make.So you can enjoy it with your family during summer and serve it to your kids without worrying about the ingredients."
Price: 39.99

"Instantly Rock An 80s Hit With Your Guitar: Jessie's Girl!"
"This is a fun and easy course to teach you to perform Jesse's Girl Instantly! You will know how to rock the tune within an hour of completing the course. This is the simplest way to play and sing the song you will EVER find.So, grab your favorite beverage, and put aside distractions for an hour!"
Price: 99.99

"Instantly Rock A 60s Hit With Your Guitar: Happy Together"
"I will show you how to Instantly play and sing this very cool 60s song. We will go over the simplest and easiest ways to learn and play Happy Together, by The Turtles. We will very carefully go over all of the chords, notes and lyrics of the song. In under an hour, you will be very good at this number. So Much Fun."
Price: 99.99

"Easy 18 Qigong for Health and Stress Reduction"
"Qigong movements help promote a tranquil mind, decreased stress, and improved health. These beautiful,simple moves are easily attainable with Susan's approach and ease of instruction. AllQigong movements are soft, gentle and flowing, yetchallenging at the same time. Qigong and Tai Chi are often referred to as ""meditation through movement"" because one's mind becomes quieted throughengaging in themovements ofslowness and fluidity. Each movement has specific inherent medical benefits. There is more and more medically based research supporting the benefit ofQigong andTai Chi for:healingboosting the immune systemincreasing energyreducing painincreasing strength and balancereducing stress and anxietyAnyone can perform the movements, regardless of age or fitness level. There is no getting up and down off of the floor, no holding of awkwardpostures, and no extreme stretching or pushing of one's body into discomfort. Rather, we respect our body and remain in a comfort zone of movementthroughout. The movements flow from one to the other, generating a gentle flow of ""Qi"" in our bodies. This ""Qi"", or life force/energy, creates an environment of healing, both mentally and physically, prompting a calmness, internal peace and cultivating both inner and external strength."
Price: 29.99

"How to Paint Pomegranates in Watercolor"
"In this course we will learn to paint these amazing pomegranates with watercolor. We are going to use several watercolor techniques: wet-on-wet, wet-on-dry and more. I Will show you my creative process and make it easy to follow. I'll explain everything to you: how do I do it and what materials I use.You will also receive a reference photo, a black & white drawing, and an extra bonus: a grayscale image for coloring with other media too.This is a wonderful opportunity to gain quality insights into the beautiful world of watercolor painting.My mission is not only to teach you to paint, but to motivate you to paint! I hope you enjoy yourself in the process."
Price: 29.99

"Canva - Als Anfnger faszinierende Grafiken erstellen 2.0!"
"Jetzt der aktualisierte Kurs mit bessere Stimme, Videos, Inhalt und der neusten Version Canva 2.0Du kannst nach durcharbeitung dieses Kurses immer noch nicht selbststndig designen ? Dann kriegst du sofort dein Geld zurck!Der komplette Canva Kurs in Deutsch. Der dich zum selbstndigen Grafikdesigner in unter 2 Stunden macht.Du bist ttig im Online Marketing / Offline Marketing?Brauchst gute Grafiken fr deine Social Media Seiten? (z.B. YouTube Banner, Facebook Banner % Post, Twitter Beitrge, Instagram Beitrge, Pinterest Infografiken)Oder mchtest einfach Hobby-mig Designen /Grafikdesign knnen ?Hast aber leider keine Mglichkeit in kurzer Zeit wunderschne Grafiken zu erstellen?Dann habe ich natrlich die Lsung fr dein Problem! - Canva 2.0Mit dieser kostenlosen und einfachen Webseite zeig ich dir in unter einer Stunde, wie du Grafikdesign fr Social Media Bereich erstellst!Grafikdesign frs Online Marketing erstellst!Ein Verstndins fr Grafik Thinking (Grafischen Denkst) bekommst!Den Editor komplett verstehst und meine Tipps dich weiter bringenAm Ende dieses Kurses ist aber das Ziel, dass du selbststndig deine eigenen Grafiken entwickelst ohne viel Hilfe und du deiner Kreativitt freien Lauf lassen kannst! Ich zeige dir letzens endlich nur meine Tipps aus 8 Jahren Erfahrung mit dem Tool und du wirst die Grundfunktionen perfekt beherrschen. Das verspreche ich und wenn du sogar nicht zufrieden bist gibt es ja immer noch die 30 Tage Geld zurck Garantie!DENN: DIESERKURSISTKEINNORMALERCANVAKURS! DULERNST NICHTNURDIEBASICSSONDERAUCHWIEDUBILDER GESTALTEST DIE VERKAUFEN UND DIR MEHR FOLLOWER EINBRINGEN UNDGEHEIMETIPPSDIENUR 1% DERNUTZER KENNEN!Canva ist sehr einfach nach dem einmal alle Funktionen klar sind. Damit du nicht alles nach dem Video Training vergisst, habe ich dir noch ein Ebook am Ende des Kurses mit gegeben. Dort kannst du jederzeit hereinschauen, wenn du nur kurz Hilfe brauchst. Auerdem bin ich jederzeit per Udemy kontakierbar. In der Fragen Sektion kannst du jede Frage stellen, die dir noch unter den Ngeln brennt. Ich freue mich auch dich!Bereits ber 170 Begeisterte Teilnehemer!Viele Gre aus Dortmund~Jonah aka Der Designer"
Price: 24.99

"Bsico de Vendas. Aprenda RPIDO e comee a VENDER HOJE!"
"Este curso feito para pessoas que desejam aprender o bsico sobre vendas. Ele mostra que vendas no uma arte dominada por poucos, vendas na verdade um conjunto de tarefas que do timos resultados quando seguidas com disciplina. Se voc tem algum produto ou servio e precisa comear a vender, se quer aprender um pouco sobre a rea comercial das empresas ou se deseja padronizar um processo de vendas em sua equipe, este treinamento para voc!"
Price: 249.99

"Introduction to Ballpoint Pen Drawing"
"Hello Friend! Thank you for checking out this course! I made it with you in mind and I know you will find great value! In this course I outline and describe how to use a ballpoint pen to achieve different textures and how to combine these different textures to create a well balanced drawing. I take you through some useful drawing exercises, the supplies that I use, and 4 separate images to practice the textures. Let's get started!"
Price: 24.99

"=========== ===========PythonMachine LearningPythonNumpy=========== ===========1. Python2. Numpy/3. Flask4. 5. Deep Learning6. Python3=========== ===========PythonPython(Jupyter Notebook, Anaconda)"
Price: 2400.00

"Cisco SDWAN Viptela Architecture & Deployment"
"What is SD-WAN ?Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) is an overlay architecture that overcomes the biggest drawbacks of traditionalWAN. SD-WAN builds a secure, unified connectivity over any transport (MPLS, Broadband, LTE, VSAT etc.)and provides simplified operations with centralized management, policy control and application visibilityacross the enterprise.Significance of ViptelaThe Most Deployed SD-WAN in Global 1000 Companies .With SD-WAN built on the Viptela Fabric, enterprises can provide secure connectivity everywhere, deploynew services and applications faster, and drastically simplify operational complexity in the WAN.In this course you will find explanation of Viptela Architecture & Deployment approaches."
Price: 19.99

"Cisco SDWAN Viptela Deployment Basic Lab"
"What is SD-WAN ?Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) is an overlay architecture that overcomes the biggest drawbacks of traditionalWAN. SD-WAN builds a secure, unified connectivity over any transport (MPLS, Broadband, LTE, VSAT etc.)and provides simplified operations with centralized management, policy control and application visibilityacross the enterprise.Significance of ViptelaThe Most Deployed SD-WAN in Global 1000 Companies .With SD-WAN built on the Viptela Fabric, enterprises can provide secure connectivity everywhere, deploynew services and applications faster, and drastically simplify operational complexity in the WAN.In this course you will find explanation of Viptela Fabric &how to deploy control plan with lab &Data plan (Theory )."
Price: 19.99

"Cisco Meraki : Step by Step Troubleshooting"
"Cisco Meraki operates the industry's largest-scale Cloud Networking service. The Cisco Meraki cloud service powers over tens of thousands of networksworldwide and connects millions of devices. Cisco Meraki also has the mostexperience in the cloud, having run its production service continuously for seven years. The Cisco Meraki Cloud Networking platform is trusted by thousands of IT professionals, from enterprises to hospitals, banks, and retailers.This course will cover troubleshooting steps for VPN , Packet loss, traffic shaping & DHCP ."
Price: 19.99

"Cisco UCS Central Basics with Lab"
"Cisco UCS Central extends the functions and concepts of Cisco UCS Manager. It dramatically simplifies operations, automates routine tasks, enhances consistency, and reduces risk. Cisco UCS Central software provides unified management and scalability of multiple Cisco Unified Computing System (Cisco UCS) domains for up to 6000 servers. It addresses the need to deploy workloads and infrastructure and enforce policy compliance across widely separated locations. Cisco UCS Central supports global management of inventory and resources, such as resource pools, and Cisco UCS service profiles implement automated, role- and policy-based management on a global scale."
Price: 19.99

"VxLAN :: Implement MP-BGP EVPN VxLAN Control Plane"
"Virtual Extensible Local Area Network (VXLAN) is an L2 overlay scheme on top of an L3 network, also described as an L2 in L3 tunnel. It runs over the existing networks and provides the means to stretch the L2 network. As a standardized overlay technology, multiple vendors have adopted VXLAN as a datacenter solution to provide scalability and allow layer 2 across IP network. MP-BPG EVPN as the VXLAN control plane protocol provides a robust scalable solution to overcome the limitation in VXLAN flood and learn mode. Only VMs within the same VXLAN segment can communicate with each other. Each VXLAN segment is identified by a 24 bit segment ID called VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI). This helps to overcome the 4094 VLAN scale limitation and enables extension to 224 segments. VXLAN uses BGP as its control plane for Overlay. It makes its forwarding decisions at VTEPs (Virtual tunnel end points) for L2 and L3. Forwarding happens based on MAC or IP learned via the control plane (MP-BGP EVPN) . VXLAN uses IGP, PIM and BGP as its underlay in the fabric. This lab introduces students to the industry standard MP-BGP EVPN and Cisco implementation of VXLAN on NXOSv. Student will use virtual Nexus switches to implement MP-BGP EVPN VXLAN control plane. Upon completion of this lab, users will able to Manually configure BGP EVPN in a standard Spine-Leaf topology Use command line to verify VXLAN/BGP EVPN."
Price: 19.99

"CCNA Cloud Fundamentals CLDFND 210-451 (1/2)"
"This course is designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to perform foundational tasks related to Cloud computing Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: Describe common cloud characteristics Describe and Identify the cloud service models Describe and Compare cloud deployment models Identify cloud deployment decision factors Identify and Illustrate key features of UCS Define server virtualization Describe network architectures for the data center Identify infrastructure virtualization Analyze and Identify storage provisioning concepts Describe and Compare the difference between all the storage access technologies Describe and Compare various reference architectures for converged infrastructure"
Price: 24.99

"Receta de Pastelera: Cake de Zanahoria by Maria Selyanina"
"Bizcocho nmada desde su origen, la historia del pan de especias nos hace viajar por el mundo. Los primeros bizcochos que se acercan de los panes de especias remontaran desde tiempos del dios Ra en Egipto. Ellos consuman un pan con miel, luego los griegos coman ""el Melitounta a base de harina de ssamo y miel. Y los romanos tambin conocan el ""Panis mellitus, un pan frito baado con miel.El pan de especias tal como lo conocemos, seria de origen china, el Mi-kong (Pan de miel). Estaba hecho con harina de trigo, de miel y plantas aromticas. Al siglo XIII, el Mi-kong era una racin de guerra de los soldados de Gengis Khan quien lo traern a los pases rabes. En la Edad Media, durante las Cruzadas, son los occidentales quien volvieron con la receta y las especias. Se habla por primera del ""Lebkuchen, pan de especias en alemn, en Ulm en 1292, luego se generaliza en los monasterios del Sacro Imperio. En 1453, sabemos que el pan de especias estaba sobre las mesas de los monjas cisterianos de Matienthal en Alsacia para las fiestas de Navidad. Ms tarde en la poca moderna, los panes de especias se distinguieron y el pan de especias se convierte en un dulce. En Alsacia, se form una corporacin aquella Henri IV acord unos estatus en 1596. AHORASOLO 9,99 USANDOELCODIGO: UDEMY_PC_1 !!!"
Price: 19.99

"Receta de Pastelera: Banoffee Pie by Chef Maria Selyanina"
"Una forma de crear nuevos postres es coger como base entre los ya existentes, una combinacin o idea, y sobre esta base desarrollar una versin ms moderna y creativa.En nuestro caso, el prototipo de la tarta Banoffee Pie se presenta con el mismo nombre de origen Ingls. Como lo indica su nombre, los dos ingredientes principales de este postre son el pltano y caramelo, de las palabras Ingleses banana (pltano) y de toffee (caramelo).La historia de Banoffee pie es relativamente joven. Su aparicin se atribuye a 1971, cuando uno de los Chef britnicos decidi cambiar la receta del famoso American pie con caramelo. Inicialmente, hubo muchos intentos de utilizar diferentes frutas como relleno, pero el verdadero xito se produjo despus de un da cuando fueron incluidos los pltanos en la receta y se apareci el nombre de la tarta inmediatamente. A partir de ese momento se inici una procesin triunfal de Banoffee pie en las recetas familiares y en los mens de muchos restaurantes del mundo.Nosotros tampoco pudimos ignorar la Banoffee Pie en nuestra gama de los postres tradicionales con un toque moderno, era muy interesante crear una versin moderna, utilizando las nuevas formas de tecnologa y la decoracin. AHORASOLO 13,99 USANDOELCODIGO: UDEMY_PC_3 !!!"
Price: 19.99

"Receta de Pastelera: Bombn de Molde - Chef Maria Selyanina"
"Solo se requieren conocimientos bsicos de trabajo con el chocolate y pesaje de los productos segn la receta indicada.Dirigido a los amantes del chocolate que quieran aprender a realizar bombones de chocolate con molde.Realizar bombones de chocolate usando las tcnicas de atemperado de chocolate, trabajo de pintado con moldes, rellenos y presentacin."
Price: 19.99

"Receta de Pastelera: Tronco de Navidad - Maria Selyanina"
"La tradicin de la Bche (Tronco-Lea)En los pas francfono se suele acabar la comida de Navidad al degustar la ""bche de Nol"". Esta tradicin culinaria reproduce en realidad un otro rito liado a la celebracin del solsticio de invierno desde la Edad media por toda Europa.Desde varios siglos, se tiene por costumbre en Navidad, de quemar un tronco (una lea grande) en la chimenea de la casa quien tiene que consumirse muy despacio idealmente durante 12 das hasta el ao nuevo o por lo menos 3 das. El tronco tiene que ser de un rbol frutal para garantizar una buen cosecha para el ao siguiente. El tronco esta bendigo, mojado de vino en ciertas regiones o de sal contras las brujas.Antes del ritual se esconda dulces en los huecos del tronco para los nios, era como un recuerdo a las delicias de Jardn de Eden."
Price: 19.99

"Receta de Pastelera: Campo de Amapolas by Maria Selyanina"
"Solo se requieren conocimientos bsicos de pastelera moderna y pesaje de los productos segn la receta indicada.Dirigido a los amantes de la Pastelera Moderna que quieran aprender a realizar uno de los Pasteles de Autor de Maria Selyaniana, Chef Ejecutiva de la International Pastry School of Barcelona.Conocer las tcnicas de realizacin de un Pastel de Corte tales como: bizcocho pain de Gnes, gelificado, mousse, glaseado y decoracin de chocolate."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Pastelera: Croissant y sus elaboraciones by MS"
"Solo se requieren conocimientos bsicos de pastelera clsica y pesaje de los productos segn la receta indicada.Dirigido a los amantes de la Pastelera Clsica que quieran aprender a realizar una de las piezas ms significativas de la Pastelera Francesa.Conocer las tcnicas de realizacin del croissant clsico y otras elaboraciones con la masa de croissant, tales como pain au chocolat, roll de canela y croissants rellenos."
Price: 19.99

"Java. JFrame, , , , , . 50 , . , , ."
Price: 49.99