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"Liderana e Feedback Empresarial"
"Nesse curso, divido conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo da vida profissional e pessoal. Ser lder mais que assumir um cargo ou um perfil. Envolve desenvolver caractersticas da personalidade e fazer a diferena na sociedade. tomar iniciativa, assumir riscos e ser fortemente envolvido pelas pessoas.Assim, vamos abordar alguns assuntos, como:O que ser um lder, seus desafios, suas caractersticas. A comunicao na liderana e a prtica do feedback. Liderana Situacional e tipos de lderes. Vamos desenvolver alguns testes, se autoconhecer e tambm realizar um planejamento pessoal, por meio de testes on line, da Janela de Johari e do Plano Individual de Liderana.Durante o Curso Liderana e Feedback Empresarial, pratique e ouse fazer as indicaes, pois somente com seu envolvimento e questionando, os resultados sero percebidos em sua vida. As tcnicas so indicadas, mas o autodesenvolvimento somente depender de voc.Comseu empenho, poder obter os melhores resultados."
Price: 99.99

"Python & Cryptocurrency Trading: Build 8 Python Apps (2020)"
"If you are interested in cryptocurrency and you want to learn python, this course is perfect for you. Take your Python skills to the next level by creating 8 cryptocurrency applications.Source code for all applications is included in course documentation.Project 1: CoinMarketCap 'Clone'This application will get all the data from CoinMarketCap and display the result in a PrettyTable.Project 2: Cryptocurrency Top 100 RankerAllows you to filter all the cryptocurrencies available on CoinMarketCap and it will display the top 100.Project 3: Write Data to Excel FileStore cryptocurrency information inside ofexcel workbooks using Python. Project 4: Portfolio CalculatorThis program will help you keep track on you cryptocurrency profit. It calculates profit for each cryptocurrency, profit for total portfolio and others.Project 5: Cryptocurrency Price AlertYou can set a price above and a price below and the computer will speak to you for exemple: ""Bitcoin price is 8000"" or ""Bitcoin price dropped 6000"", also you can run this program in the background.Project 6: Cryptocurrency Data Analyzer Create your own cryptoccurency ranking algorithm. You can rank cryptoccurency based on your preferences and view the results in a sorted order. For exemple you can take into consideration the change in the last 2 min, last day, week, month and even year. Or based on volume, number of orders, moving averages and many other parameters. There are dozens of APIs with real time cryptoccurency data available on CoinMarketCap and Binance.For Projects 7, 8 You Will Need to Have an Binance Account and Python 2.Project 7: Pump & Dump Trading BotWe are going to build step by step an simple Pump & Dump Trading Bot for Binance exchange. Do not use it with real money, only for educational purposes.Project 8: Binance HotKeys ProgramTrade cryptocurrencies at the press of a button. This program is available in the documentation of this course and it has about 300 rows of code that's why we are not going to write it and I am only going to explain you how it works . Do not use it with real money, only for educational purposes."
Price: 199.99

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Price: 49.99

"PMP Certification Practice Test 6th Edition- 2018"
"The goal of this Courseis to provide condensed mock exams and practice tests which allow you to become comfortable with the pace, subject matter, and difficulty of the PMP exam. Practice exams in this Course are condensed to be completed in one hour;allowing you to balance your time between practice tests and offline study."
Price: 199.99

"Creating your Path to Health"
"In this course we will go over the most effective and scientifically backed techniques to help you get to optimal health, loose weight or lean out, and feel confident with nutrition knowledge as well as exercise and fitness knowledge. This is for people who are tired of fad diets and fitness fads, who really want to take their health into their own hands. I believe people are unique and the best diet and exercise routine is the one that they personally create for themselves through science, guidance, and experience. By the end of this course you will have the knowledge and skills to create your own diet and exercise plan that is unique for your body and works perfectly for you!"
Price: 149.99

"Como formar frases em Ingls 2"
"O presente curso e uma continuao de primeiro curso, que tem como objetivo, demonstrar como formar frases em Ingls na terceira pessoa. Isso capacite aluno ou aluna de relatar atividades que fizerem em grupo para o seu chefe ou para professor, ou ate em situaes que envolve agentes de segurana."
Price: 54.99

"Educao Financeira e Planejamento Financeiro Pessoal"
"De forma bem sucinta, esse curso permitir que voc entenda sobre finanas pessoais e tenha base para elaborar seu prprio planejamento financeiro. Alm disto, com as planilhas disponveis no curso, voc poder construir seu oramento pessoal/familiar e gerenciar sua vida financeira.Quer colocar sua vida financeira em ordem?Quer aprender a construir um oramento detalhado e realizar o controle peridico de suas finanas?Se voc respondeu ""sim"" a estas perguntas, esse curso proporcionar essa realizao!Entrando em mais detalhes, este curso est pautado em dois pilares bem definidos, como o prprio ttulo diz: Educao Financeira e;Planejamento Financeiro Pessoal. um curso bsico feito para quem deseja aprender os passos para a realizao de um planejamento financeiro calcado em base slida de conhecimento sobre educao financeira.Esse curso no ""o curso da sua vida"". Ele no pretende abordar tudo a respeito das finanas pessoais, pois esse um universo sem fim. Mas ele ser a base que possibilite voc saltar alto no que diz respeito ao seu controle financeiro. E uma vez suprido esta etapa do controle, o cu o limite.Ele est dividido nas seguintes sees:Educao FinanceiraApresento os conceitos da educao financeira e como ela importante em nossas vidas. Falar um pouco sobre os nossos sonhos e como podemos fazer para torn-los realidade. Abordo tpicos sobre Independncia Financeira e Liberdade Financeira. Por fim, falo um pouco dos hbito financeiro (bons e ruins) e como eles impactam positiva ou negativamente o nosso dia a dia.Planejamento FinanceiroEsta a seo mais relevante do curso, na qual apresento os passos para a elaborao do seu planejamento financeiro por meio da ferramentas de controle financeiro como Oramento e Balano Patrimonial.Na sequncia, demonstro em duas aulas como preencher o as planilhas de oramento e de balano patrimonial, alm de disponibilizar alguns exerccios para teste prticos.Em seguida, falo um pouco sobre como estruturar seus objetivos e metas pessoais/familiar e com isso voc pode retroalimentar o seu planejamento anual (oramento).Gesto de RiscoNesta seo abordo sobre o Plano de Emergncia, que trata-se de um planejamento para momentos em que necessrio um aperto financeiro e sobre a importncia e principais tipos de Seguros para as pessoas fsicas.No geral, a gesto de risco permite estar preparado para situaes indesejveis, por isso a sua importncia em um planejamento financeiro.InvestimentosPor fim, eu abordo, de forma bem simplificada sobre os investimentos renda fixa e previdncia privada. Como esse assunto muito vasto e no objetivo desse curso, a ideia apenas fornecer uma viso geral.Uma vez que estiver com as finanas em dias e conseguir ter supervit mensal (receitas maior que despesas), pode comear a poupar e iniciar uma nova linha de estudos com foco em investimentos, para que consiga investir com sabedoria.IMPORTANTE: Antes de optar pelo curso, analise com calma a descrio de todas as vdeo aulas (todas elas possuem um descritivo de seu objetivo), pois tomei o cuidado de descrever minimamente cada uma, e assista ao vdeo de abertura, que de livre acesso.O curso no apresenta frmulas secretas nem receitas mgicas. Ele baseado no conhecimento tcnico necessrio que possibilite a criao de um planejamento financeiro pessoal de forma estruturada.Para reforar, este curso no uma seo de coaching e nem autoajuda... Ento, leia o programa do curso com ateno e se voc est pronto para comear, ns nos encontramos na prxima aula."
Price: 84.99

"The Joel Byars Method to Starting a Podcast"
"What makes this course different?Joel Byars is an accredited instructor in both stand-up comedy and podcasting, so you are in good hands. He understands the power of educating while entertaining and the impact that has on information retention. Hey, that rhymed!In this course, Joel uses his award winning Hot Breath! Podcast as a case study to illustrate in detail how the lessons taught in this course have specifically worked and can be replicated to build your own successful podcast. He is revealing all his podcasting lessons learned the hard way so you don't have to. This carefully crafted course is designed to give you all the essential podcasting information as efficiently as possible to get you podcasting quicker! That's why you're here, right?Students will also receive a customized ""Podcaster Passport"" lesson plan to be your tactical blueprint for building your own successful podcast. YOU WILL LEARN: How to start a podcast from concept to completion. A comparative study of the equipment you need for the budget you have.How to get quickly get published on iTunes, Spotify, etc.The right hosting site for your podcast. How to brand your podcast like a pro. How to consistently grow your listenership. What audio editing software to use. Effective social media marketing strategies. How to book popular guests on your show. How to conduct an entertaining interview. +MORECOURSE GIFTS:A Custom Podcaster's Passport - A carefully designed course blueprint for students to follow as they complete the course and build their own podcast. A certificate of completion for your records. Podcasting is booming and this class is your guide to quickly finding your unique voice and podcast audience. Join us!"
Price: 49.99

"Corso di Tromba base per Principianti"
"La tromba uno strumento meraviglioso, pu darci veramente un sacco di soddisfazioni! E' per molto importante avere una guida all'approccio. Impostazione del labbro, soffio e respiro ci cambiano la vita e ci facilitano tutto il resto dell'apprendimento! Classica, Blues, Jazz, Reggae, Rock, ecc... : questo corso vi porterad un punto di partenza tale che potreteintraprendere qualunque genere."
Price: 34.99

"Amazon FBA Eitimi (26 SAAT) - A-Z"
"UDEMY PLATFORMUNDAK EN OK ZLENEN (5500 + RENC) VE EN KAPSAMLI ( 26 SAAT ) TRKE ""AMAZON FBA"" KURSU AMAZON'DA E-TCARET LE PARA KAZANARAK GRMCLK DNYASINA ADIM ATMAK STYORSANIZ BU KURS TAM SZN NHerhangi bir n bilgi olmadan yani sfrdan Amazon FBA yaparak nasl para kazanacanz reneceiniz bu kursta sizleri ok geni bir ierik bekliyor.Tamamen yeni balayanlar iin oluturduum bu kursta her ey adm adm anlatlaca iin kafanzda hi bir sorun kalmayacak. 5000 den fazla renciye Amazon FBA anlattm iin karlaacanz sorunlar neredeyse hepsini biliyorum ve sizleri ynlendirerek ilerleyeceimden hi pheniz olmasnKursu bitirdiinizde artk ;Nasl Amazon Satc Hesab aacanzHesabnz askya alndnda nasl tekrar aacanzNasl Payoneer veya Hyperwallet hesab ap paranz ekebileceiniziAmazon FBA ile satta karlaabileceiniz bir ok problemin zmnNasl kar edebileceiniz Rekabeti az olan rnler bulabileceiniziNasl Kelime ve Rekabet analizi yapabileceinizirnlerinizde nasl fark yaratabileceiniziNasl Tedariki bulacanzreticilerle Nasl irtibat kurup anlaacanzrnnz iin Nasl logo ve paket tasarlatacanzrnlerinizin fotoraflarn nasl dzenleyeceiniziOptimize ekilde nasl rn listenizi (sayfanz) hazrlayacanzSat stratejilerini nasl kullanacanzSatlarn %70 i ilk sayfada gerekletii iin ilk sayfaya nasl kacanzlk sayfaya kmak iin rekabeti az olan kelimeleri nasl bulacanzPPC reklamlarn nasl efektif kullanacanzGiveaway stratejileri oluturarak nasl ilk sayfaya geleceiniziDardan trafik ekerek (web sitesi ve sosyal medya) nasl sat yapacanzSadk mteri kitlesi oluturabilmek iin Chatbot Marketing nasl yapacanzSatlar ile birlikte nasl yorum (review ) ve geri bildirim (feedback ) saynz artracanzRENM OLACAKSINIZ ..."
Price: 409.99

"Yapay Zeka ChatBot - Facebook Messenger - Chatfuel"
"Chatfuel ile kod yazmadan Trke konuan ChatbotUdemy platformu zerindeki Chatbot'lar ile ilgili en kapsaml ve en aklayc Trke kayna tekil eden kursumuz vastasyla ;Chatfuel platformu ile Facebook Messenger zerinde Chatbotlar gelitirmeyi renebileceksinizKursumuz boyunca en az 5 tane Chatbot gelitireceksiniz.Chatbot'larnz nasl daha akll hale getirebileceinizi reneceksiniz.Chatbot'lar vastasyla irketinizin satlarn nasl artrabileceinizi reneceksiniz.Mteri memnuniyeti iin ok nemli olan Mteri hizmetlerinizi Chatbot'larla daha da etkili hale getireceksiniz."
Price: 409.99

"La gestione e il recupero dei crediti"
"Questo corso si rivolge:a professionisti ed imprenditori che vogliono apprendere le basi della gestione crediti aziendale;a dipendenti che vogliono migliorare le proprie competenze per partecipare al credit management;a chi cerca un lavoro nell'ambito della gestione e recupero del credito.Si propone di dare indicazioni utilizzabili fin da subito per imparare a valutare i crediti aziendali con il fine di definire e mettere in atto la strategia di recupero pi consona, considerando tutte le possibili strade ed i possibili esiti.Tratta pi precisamente i seguenti argomenti:Come valutare i crediti di un'azienda (sia complessivamente che i singoli crediti);Come valutare il debitore e la sua situazione;Come avviare una trattativa col debitore;Le strategie di sollecito scritto;Le strategie di sollecito telefonico;Le strategie di sollecito domiciliare;L'utilizzo di outsourcer specializzati;Le attivit dei legali (introduzione);L'impatto a bilancio e fiscale (introduzione).Il corso fornisce gli strumenti base per la gestione dei crediti, e pur essendo di livello base mira a dare nozioni immediatamente spendibili. Non un corso per specialisti del settore, ma da le informazioni fondamentali - che si potranno affinare con l'esperienza - cercando di mantenere un linguaggio semplice ed immediatamente comprensibile da chiunque rientri nelle situazioni di cui sopra, proprio per portare fin da subito dei risultati."
Price: 164.99

"HTML5 & CSS3 Uygulamalar"
"Bu kursa kayt olarak HTMLve CSS ile ilgili birok uygulamay adm adm izleme ansn elde ettiniz. Burada izlediklerinizi uygulayarak web sitelerinize dinamik birok zellik kazandrabilirsiniz. Bu uygulamalar sayesinde kendinizi gelitirerek kodlar farkl amalar iin kullanp, daha dinamik web sayfalar yaratabileceksiniz. +Kendinizi gelitirmeniz dilei ile. +Farkl denemeler yapmaktan ekinmeyin. lerleyen zamanda dier kurslarmda web tasarm sac ayann ikincisi olan adobe illistratr eitimi dzenleyerek almalarnzn grsellerini hazrlayabilmenize yardmc olacam. Sac ayann nc ayanda ise tam anlamyla alan dinamik ve ok renkli web sitesi yapacaz. Takipte kaln."
Price: 49.99

"Sfrdan Responsive Web Site Yapm"
"Bu 5 videoluk kursumuz ile size batan sona bir web sitesini sadece HTML ve CSS kullanarak nasl yapabileceinizi anlatyoruz.Html'i CSS ile birletirince nasl modern, yeni tasarm bir web sitesini oluturuyoruz sizde aracaksnz. Html ve Css birleip birde 3-5 satrlk bir js den sonra bakn nasl ho kullanl bir web sitesi yapabiliyor olacaksnz.++ Wordpress ynetim paneline yaptmz web sitesini uyarlayacaz...Bu kurstan sonra farkl CSS uygulamalar ile kendinizi yanstan bir web sitesini bir ka saat ierisinde oluturabileceksiniz.stediiniz gibi bir web sitesi yapp zgn olmak istiyorsanz, farkl css uygulamalar renmeli ve kendinizi gelitirmelisiniz.Dier kurslarm takipte kaln. Kendinizi gelitirmeyi ihmal etmeyin."
Price: 59.99

"Curso de Blender modelando e animando mascotes"
"A animao de personagens/mascotes cartoon est cada vez mais presente na publicidade (mascotes apresentando produtos), TV, cinema, websites e games.Neste curso aprenderemos a criar e animar um mascote que neste caso um gatinho em estilo cartoon de forma bem simples com o software gratuito blender verso 2.79. Iremos modelar a partir de formas geomtricas bsicas cada parte do personagem/mascote otimizando e facilitando a construo, aps a modelagem iremos aplicar cor, plano de fundo e por ltimo uma animao para entendermos os conceitos bsicos de animao do blender, com isso iremos aprender na prtica a utilizar algumas das ferramentas mais usadas no blender para modelagem e animao"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Segurana da Informao"
"Este curso de segurana da informao predominantemente terico e destinado aqueles que esto cansados daquelas formas de apresentao tradicionais e metdicas com termos difceis de se entender e muito tediosas, procurei colocar ilustraes, infogrficos e animaes para explicar os conceitos sobre o assunto sempre sob o ponto de vista do conceito do hacker tico. Assim entendendo como agem os hacker no ticos iremos compreender melhor o porqu das atitudes preventivas a fim de evitar possveis transtornos na rede."
Price: 19.99

"The Ultimate Guide to Job Interviews"
"Over the past ten years, I have worked closely with a large number of unemployed people, as well as people who wanted to get a better job and get ahead in their career. Since 2008 I've coached and mentored hundreds of candidates in Corporate world andhelped them getting the job they really wanted. After taking this course you will know the best way to present your strengths and skills in every job interview. Also, you will learn a great system for eliminating anxiety and insecurity before the job interview. Get this course today and master your job interviewing skills!What will you learn? This course will provide much priceless information, such as:- why interviewers ask certain questions- what do interviewers really want to hear from you- how to avoid ruining your chances for getting the job - reveal the best way to answer interview questions - reveal the most frequent job interview questions- and much, much moreWhat are Udemy students saying about this course? ""I found this course to be very helpful. The checklist of important employee qualities is indispensable, as is the course designer's explanations of them. Any job seeker would benefit quickly from this presentation, and I will definitely take advantage of it in searching for my next position."" John Rosenman""I found the course to be insightful, informative and useful. I can apply these topics to my own life on several levels. I would encourage others to get it."" Mario Petrovic""Getting an invite to a job interview does not mean you get the job. It's actually the toughest part of getting in. Neven provides relevant information on how to properly prepare for the interview and how to be confident and leave a good impression. He also stresses an importance of your looks, outfit and behavior. Go through the course and get that job you wanted! :) "" Renato Bratkovic""Superb material, really enjoyed it, the course is a good synthesis of advice we usually assume like we already know but somehow forget to use in practice. Personally getting a job is a sales game, don't be fooled, the employer is also embellishing the position not telling you the negative aspects of job, so you need to point out the strong sides, and let him not guess your weak points. "" Vladimir Puljko""This course is short and concise, and exactly what you need to prepare yourself for an interview. Neven speaks clearly and the lectures are easy to follow."" Villiers Steyn"
Price: 149.99

"Use palette knife, easy and impressive"
"Hello, everyone. Welcome to our palette-knife painting course.During this course, we'll paint 4 pictures of butterflies.At the beginning of each lesson, we'll do some exercises. We'll practice to paint butterflies.After that, we'll paint our picture. I'll give you step-by-step instructions.I'll show you how to paint the backgrounds for your pictures.During this course, we'll paint 4 pictures. We'll paint the pictures using different colors. There will be several colors that we'll use for each of the pictures. At the end of the course, I'll put all 4 pictures together. You'll see how beautiful they'll lookLet's start =)"
Price: 19.99

"9A0-389 Adobe Campaign Developer100% Sure Pass 18-Oct-18"
"This course contains all the practice sets which are relevant for real exam of 9A0-389. Contains a total 41 questions. No time consuming video, no long lecture. Only all relevant questions for you. For any assistant you can email or message us. We have a team of experts; well definitely help you in all possible way."
Price: 34.99

"1Z0-144 Oracle Database 11g: Program with PL/SQL"
"Oracle PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate exam certification 1Z0-144 is having 63 questions and a Duration of 90 minutes, passing score is 65%. By following this dump you would be confident not only about passing but having a great percentage in the exam. Exam Price is US$ 245. Don't waste your time to find long courses and also don't waste your precious money in any non-trusted site. Here you will get this course very cheap and there is udemy assurance present for a 30 days money back."
Price: 19.99

"Finanas Pessoais: O passo-a-passo do diagnstico financeiro"
"Muito se fala em conquista da Independncia financeira a partir de supostas ""receitas de bolo"" cujos ingredientes nem sempre so aplicveis nossa realidade.Neste curso voc ir aprender a utilizar desta poderosa ferramenta de Planejamento Estratgico para construir o seu relatrio de diagnstico financeiro e a partir desta anlise, traar seu caminho para a sua liberdade financeira!Faa parte de uma elite capaz de utilizar das informaes de mercado para organizar suas finanas, sair de uma situao de dvida, potencializar seus ganhos e alcanar sua sonhada Liberdade Financeira.Lembre-se:Enriquecer uma questo de escolha!"
Price: 69.99

"Die ersten Schritte in Grafikdesign"
"Hallo und herzlich Willkommen! Was ist Grafikdesign? Und was macht ein Grafikdesigner oder Grafikdesignerin? Willst Du in Grafikdesign arbeiten? Willst Du vielleicht Deine eigenen Materialien fr Dein Geschft kreieren? Oder bist Du einfach eine kreative Person und willst Deine artistischen Fhigkeiten einsetzen?Dann ist dieaser Kurs genau richtig fr Dich!Gewinne die Aufmerksamkeit Deines Publikums indem Du spektakulre Designs konzipierst.Erfahre was Grafikdesign genau ist und beherrsche alle Grundkenntisse, so dass Du Deine Projekte so schnell wie mglich beginnen kannst.Schaue dir Designs kritisch an, und stelle, fest was sie gut oder schlecht macht. Keine Angst! Du musst nicht wie ein Profi zeichnen oder malen knnen um in Grafikdesign Erfolg zu haben!Warte nicht mehr lnger! Starte jetzt deine Reise in Grafikdesign!"
Price: 79.99

"Salesforce Lightning Component :Aura components"
"Programming Salesforce Lightning Components DEV 601Create custom, reusable Lightning Components and Applications.Surface Lightning Components and Applications in Salesforce.Build a responsive application that runs in Salesforce1 and Lightning Experience.Define input forms with client-side data validation.Build Lightning applications that enable a user to search, read, and update data from a Salesforce org.Make Lightning Components available to other developers through unmanaged packages.Theme your application by customizing the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS)."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Java Para Iniciantes"
"Vamos ver desde do incio como o Java funciona e conforme o curso ir avanando iremos construir um sistema do comeo ao fim.Esse um curso de Java que iremos utilizar o Swing, no um curso de Java para a Web.No fim do curso tenho certeza que voc ser capaz de construir um sistema Java."
Price: 579.99

"Build An Advanced Java Swing App Using MySQL"
"This course will teach you how to create a complex GUI application using Java Swing and MySQL Database. You will learn how to:- Create a Login and Sign Up System that communicates with a MySQL database- Use MySQL Workbench- Use Swing Layouts to arrage items nicely into a JFrame- Structure projects in packages, organizing code in multiple small methods- Use a variety of SQL statements and operators, going from a simple SELECT to a complex JOIN (SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, ALTER, LIKE, JOIN etc.)- Create Custom components you will learn how to create a custom ScrollBar, edit a JTables cell to look and act as a JButton and many more!- Work with events, going really broad into the subject of Event Handling- Work with many component like: JFrame, JPanel, JLabel, JButton, JSpinner, JScrollPane, JTextField, JList, JTable, JComboBox, JSeparator etc."
Price: 29.99

"B-1 Backend basics for IT recruiters (IT recruitment)"
"We would like to represent you a course that is called B-1 Basics for backend developers recruitment. This course will be extremely useful for all IT recruiters who hiring backend developers no matter how big or small experience they have. During the course, we will deal with such concepts as the API, REST, SOAP, XML, JSON, databases etc. What do they are meant? What do they are needed for? Also we can understand how these terms are connected with backend developers qualification. If a recruiter has a good level of technical knowledge in the sphere in which he works, he can close positions quickly and qualitatively, build up a relationship with candidates, maintain communications with technical specialists. All knowledge that you will receive during this course are designed for use in hiring."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de quesos vegano nivel I"
"Curso de quesos veganos nivel I en el que aprenders divirtindote y con ingredientes fciles de encontrar.No necesitas experiencia previa, es apto para cualquier tipo de pblicos. Cocineros curiosos, vegetarianos, alrgicos a la lactosa o simplemente para apasionados de la cocina vegana.Ahorrars muchsimo dinero al cabo del ao elaborando t mismo tus propias recetas desde casa."
Price: 19.99

"Comenzar a ser vegano vegetariano. Iniciacin al veganismo."
"El curso est enfocado para alumnos que est interesados en iniciar una alimentacin vegana y que no sepan cmo hacerlo. Restaurantes que quieran ampliar sus conocimientos gastronmicos dentro del mundo vegetal.Curiosos en aumentar sus conocimientos curinarios.Cualquier persona que quiera mejorar su manera de alimentarse de una forma ms saludable y no sepan cmo."
Price: 19.99

"Blockchain Development: Convert An App To A Dapp (2020)"
"Want to built your own blockchain application?No worries! This course has got you covered!Blockchain is the talk of the town, every major company out there are getting into blockchain and there is a lack of blockchain developers! This could be ""YOUR"" opportunity! There are not many resources out there for learning Solidity and pretty much nothing that converts standard app to a decentralized one and that's what most companies are looking for.The purpose of this course is to give you hands on experience in building a centralized and a decentralized app. Basically the best of both worlds from scratch!I spend a lot of time making sure on providing the easiest possible way to teach everyone how easy it is to get started and made sure that this is the best information you can get.Want to know about Ethereum? Want to know how Solidity, the language, in which Ethereum smart contracts run? Want to know what is a smart contract?The answer is in this course!All the materials here are also perfect for applying for a new job!Things you need to know? Basic of Javascript, HTML, CSS will be enough to follow along this course. Remember that if your in a mac we will be using the terminal a lot so familiarising yourself with it would be great! And for Windows users the process is the same but you should definitely google the commands if you don't know any.You will get stuck!But thats why I am always going to be here replying to all the questions! There is no better time to learn SolidityBlockchain Developers are the most wanted developers at the moment so don't miss this chance.What you will be learning!EthereumSolidityWeb3.JSMetamaskNode.JsNpmAsync/AwaitMYSQLExpressReact JSGITGITHUBRest API DesignAXIOSPostmanCDNRemix DebuggingMany more toolsGoal Of The CourseGetting you ready as a blockchain developer, and convert regular centralized applications to decentralized ones.So why wait?! Grab the course now!NEW 2020 UPDATES!Except for the UI View of the websites shown in the course, everything else is the same, so please don't worry and I am always there for supporting!"
Price: 34.99

"How to get a teaching job in Vietnam"
"If you are passionate about children, have an undergraduate degree -in anything- and want to travel the world then this course is designed perfectly for you. Ready for a new exciting life abroad in Vietnam? Then take my course today and get ready for your next adventure; becoming a teacher in Vietnam."
Price: 19.99