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"Wordpress Beginners - Learn Wordpress For Beginners"
"Wordpress For Beginners 2018 with Theme CustomizationWould you like to have your own Wordpress website FULLY CUSTOMIZEDto your liking? Would you like to test your wordpress website on your own computer locally and then LAUNCH YOUR WORDPRESS WEBSITE TO THE WEB?? In short, are you looking for a beginners course to Wordpress? If so, this beginners course is for you!!What You Will Learn In this Course as a Wordpress Beginner:You will download XAMMPand Wordpress in order to Run Your Wordpress Website Without an Internet Connection.You will learn about the WYSIWYG editor in order to add website content.You will learn about the media library and how to manage your images.You will learn how to create a custom CSS file in order to customize your Wordpress theme.You will design custom backgrounds with PIXLR, on online graphic design tool, and change your file upload limits in wordpress.You will add post and format your post background.You will further customize your post and add a custom background and images to the post.You will add Linksto your images in your post.You will add a Wordpress page.You will add buttons to your post that will link to external sites.You will learn about categories and how to add/manage categories.You will learn how to manage tags.You will learn about widgets and how to add/manage widgets.You will obtain the ability to take the knowledge learned as a beginner in this course and use it to CUSTOMIZE ANY THEME THAT YOU INSTALL!!You will learn how to create a hosting account and reserve a domain name with Godaddy in the event you want to go LIVE.Finally, you will take your local Wordpress website and upload it to the web!!So What Makes Wordpress So Cool as a Beginner??What's cool about a beginner to Wordpress is you do nothave to purchase web hosting or a domain name. You can use free toolsin order to testyour Wordpress website.The main goal of this course is to take an absolute beginnerto Wordpress and have them coding like a PRO by the end of this beginners course. No prior coding experience is necessary in this Wordpress Beginners Course. By the end of this beginners course, you will be able to take the skills that Ipresent to you and do things with Wordpress as a beginner that you could only once imagine.About this Beginners CourseThis beginners course will guide you from the very first step of download and installation to the final step of uploading and publishing your Wordpress website on the web.I will take the default 2018 Wordpressthemeand make a movie-theme in addition to text and images. I will also create affiliate-typeads and links to movie trailers.During the development process, we will also use online graphic design and graphic generator tools so that you can create custom graphics and cssfor the Wordpress website.Why Should You Take ThisBeginners Course?Are you abeginner to programming and would like to know a little bit about Wordpress under the hood without getting lost in technical jargon? If so,then this beginners course is for you. ""Wordpress Beginners"" is a complete beginners course for anyone who is a beginner to Wordpress regardless of their prior knowledge or experience.By the end of this beginners course, you will have tested your wordpress website on your own computer ( known aslocalhost). After testing yourwebsite, you will then learn how to take a normal, basic theme and create a custom theme that is totally unrecognizable to the original theme.During this beginners course, you will learn common Wordpress terminology such as, categories, widgets, plugin installation, customcss stylesheets, etc. From there, you will then be able to upload your site to the internet so that the world can see your Wordpress website!!"
Price: 19.99

"Criando e impulsionando o seu Facebook e o Instagram"
"OFacebook tem atualmente mais de 2 bilhes de usurios no mundo e o Instagram tem 700 milhes de usurios, e as pessoas passam cerca de 2 horas por dia em mdia utilizando as suas redes sociais. fato que um negcio que esteja fora das redes sociais perde um pouco a credibilidade, mas e se voc no tem o investimento necessrio para que algum faa as suas publicaes, anncios e o atendimento, voc vai ficar sem ningum e perder a credibilidade digital da sua empresa?Nesse treinamento voc vai aprender o bsico para comear a divulgar o seu negcio via redes sociais.Aqui voc vai aprender:Criar a sua pgina;Conhecer o painel administrativo da plataforma;Criar as suas publicaes;Fazer o impulsionamento de maneira correta;Mensurar os seus resultados.E voc tambm vai ter acesso ao grupo de alunos para troca de experincias e dvida que eu vou responder diariamente."
Price: 39.99

"2020/1/2GoogleDialogflowAPI20203V1V2V120204LINE(1)Fulfillment(4)2019/6/15LINE@LINELINEDialogflow5 LINEBotLINELINE@LINE Official Account ManagerWebhookMessaging APIMessaging API()LINE Developers()5LINE Developers5)2019/1/10(LINEDialogflow)LINEDialogflowLINELINEDialogflow2019/1/11LINE DevelopersWebhookLINEDialogflowLINE DevelopersWebhookAIAIAILINEGoogleAIDialogflowFacebook MessengerTwitterAIDialogflowAIIntentEntityAIAIAI(Fulfillment)JavaScriptAPIAPIGoogle Apps Script(GAS)APIAIFAQ()JavaScript"
Price: 19800.00

"Ingles para todos luz de Oscar Wilde"
"O mtodo de ensino criado por Nadja Gonalves proporciona uma grande quantidade de ferramentas para aprendermos a lngua inglesa de maneira original, dando a instrumentalizao necessria no somente para um bom uso do idioma em situaes do cotidiano, mas tambm para dar a preparao adequada para utiliz-lo em concursos de mestrado, doutorado e negociaes.O uso da literatura do mais expressivo escritor irlands do seu tempo, Oscar Wilde, conhecido por seu estilo apurado e crtico dos preconceitos sociais, proporciona um ambiente atraente e ldico para o aprendizado."
Price: 39.99

"Yeni Balayanlar in Photoshop CC"
"Yeni Balayanlar in Photoshop CC Eitimi ie ektiiniz fotoraflar daha beenilir hale getirme, fotorafta rtu, maniplasyon ve daha birok eyi yapmay reneceksiniz. Artk herkes fotoraf ekiyor fakat Photoshop bilen fotoraf olduka az sizi burada Photoshop bilen fotoraflar kategorisine sokmak iin elimizden geleni yapacaz. Kurslara eklemeler her zaman devam edecek. Hadi balayalm!"
Price: 49.99

"How to build a website using WordPress"
"Wordpress Tutorial : Wordpress Course : Website Installation & creation Step By StepThis is one of the best WordPress courses you will find. You can start this course with no knowledge nor understanding of WordPress and can become super confident in your ability to produce quality Wordpress websites! Congratulations for reading till here and for being ready to take this important decision !"
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentals Of Advance Biology Techniques Part 1"
"Many times I feel that biology students face problems in understanding biophysical techniques (Biophysics) or they simply dont like this subject. It is because that in most of the books and research papers these techniques are explained by use of excessive maths. I am trying to create videos courses on different biophysical and biology techniques like NMR, Mass, Chromatography, CD etc to give introduction of these techniques specifically to biology students.In this video course you can learn about various techniques in a very easy wayVideo Lecture 1 Introduction to courseVideo Lecture 2 Gene expression analysis by Quantitative Real Time PCRVideo Lecture 3 Multicolor Flowcytometry and its applications in life sciences researchVideo Lecture 4 Analysis of apoptosis by Annexin PI methodVideo Lecture 5 Basics of mass spectroscopyVideo Lecture 6 Step by step guide of lineage tracingVideo Lecture 7 Circular dichroism spectroscopyVideo Lecture 8 Electrophoretic mobility shift to analyse DNA-Protein interactionVideo Lecture 9 Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) to analyse protein-protein interaction"
Price: 24.99

"how to develop amazing self confidence"
"IN todays competitive world it is very much important to have the skills to express yourself . Talent is complete only if we are able to express with our talent. To express ourselves freely it is important to have greater self confidence. confidence is the fundamental step towards success. This course will help participants to increase their self confidence, change their beliefs in a better way. It will help them to express themselves freely with greater success."
Price: 1280.00

"Erfolgreich passives Einkommen erhalten mit #digitaleDateien"
"Lerne, wie du dir mit Clipart ein passives Einkommen aufbauen kannst oder sogar zum Hauptberuf machen kannst!Was ist nun genau ein Clipart? Ein Clipart ist ein Bild, dass du wie einen Aufkleber berall aufkleben kannst. Aber eben digital, also in deinem Computer und nicht in ein Buch oder auf einen Karton. Wobei ..eigentlich geht das mit Cliparts auch. Wenn man diese ausdruckt und in ein Buch klebt.Du kannst Clipart dazu verwenden, dein eigenes Design zu entwerfen um dieses dann, zum Beispiel auf T-Shirt, Karten, Stoffen und noch vielen weiteren Produkten zu verkaufen. Man kann die Clipart als Werbung fr sich selbst oder seinen Kunden fr sein e-book, seine Webseite, im sozial Media oder Blog verwenden. Das besondere daran ist, es mssen nicht einmal deine eigenen Clipart sein.Du mut nicht einmal besonders kreativ sein, um mit Clipart ein Einkommen zu steigern. Sowohl als Anfnger aber auch als Fortgeschrittener Designer ist dieser Kurs fr dich etwas, wenn du mehr darber erfahren willst, wie man mit Clipart passives Einkommen erhlt oder dies sogar zum Hauptberuf machen kann. Alles was du dafr brauchst ist Durchhaltevermgen!In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen,*was Clipart sind und welche Unterschiede es dazu, zu beachten gibt.*wie du mit Clipart ein Produkt gestaltest um dieses dann zu verkaufen.*was du beim Einsatz von Clipart beachten solltest.*wo und wie du deine Werke verkaufen kannst.*was fr ein Programm Photoshop ist und wie man damit umgeht.*wie du dein Design mit Clipart in Word/Pages oder Photoshop erstellst. *woher man Clipart bekommt und wie diese in Projekten einzuordnen sind.*wie du deine eigenen Clipart auf den Markt bringst.*wie du deine designten Produkte verkaufst.*was Pinterest ist und was du mit dieser Plattform alles fr Informationen erhltst.*wie du dich in Pinterest anmeldest und was dies mit deinem zuknftigen Business zu tun hat. *wie du deine Nische findest um danach deine Produkte zu erstellen.*wie du mit meinen Tipps und Tricks gleich erfolgreich durchstartest.*was dies mit Selbstndigkeit zu tun hat.*wie du von Anfang an ein passiven Einkommen erhltst.Es stehen fr dich ber 12 Lektionen und mehreren Videos, sowie Arbeitsbltter und Aufgaben im Kurs bereit. Das tolle daran ist! Du kannst Anfangen sobald der Kurs fr dich freigeschalten wurde und dann in deinem eigenen Tempo die einzelnen Lektionen durchgehen. Du brauchst keine Vorkenntnisse zu haben, lediglich einen PC und eine Internetverbindung besitzen.Ganz am Schluss habe ich dir noch eine Bonuslektion angefgt. Diese hlt eine berraschung fr dich bereit. Ebenso weitere Informationen, damit es fr dich auch noch nach dem Kurs weiter geht. Soll ich dir noch etwas verraten? Ich stand vor ein paar Jahren genau an der gleichen Stelle wie du. ber die Jahre habe ich mir sehr viel Wissen durch lesen und ausprobieren angesammelt. Was ich dabei heraus gefunden habe, erfhrst du alles in meinen Kurs von mir. Ich zeige dir wie du deine Kreativitt bndelst und dadurch ein tolles Produkt entstehen kann.Du hast es in der Hand!Du kannst dir natrlich auch alles selbst beibringen und Monate oder Jahre dafr bentigen, so wie ich. Oder du nutzt die Gelegenheit und springst gleich drei Treppen weiter. Melde dich jetzt an und starte durch ein Clipart Designer zu werden."
Price: 199.99

"Masterclass: International Protocol, Image and Etiquette"
"Este curso tiene material en Ingls pero el audio est en EspaolThis course has material in English but, the audio is in Spanish.  The protocol and Etiquette are universal themes but are different depending on the country where you are at.This course shows these differences that every country has when it's about protocol, etiquette, behavior rules and professional image in each country.It's didactically designed to teach you the tools and techniques to master the protocol and etiquette to expand the cultural and personal development of the student and expand their social, cultural, and business horizons in this interesting global world."
Price: 94.99

"Entrena tu cerebro y tu mente con mindfulness"
"Hola soy Joan, y ser tu entrenador en este curso online de mindfulness.En este curso no te hablar de hojas flotando en un ro, ni de escuchar el agua de la lluvia, ni de relajacin. Mi objetivo con este curso es que aprendas a utilizar la tcnica del mindfulness como un entrenamiento para fortalecer las habilidades mentales y emocionales que te harn tener una vida ms exitosa, saludable y feliz. Qu beneficios te ofrece este curso: El mindfulness te da herramientas prcticas para fortalecer laatencin, concentracin y las habilidades emocionales que te ayudarn a mejorar en tu desempeo y eficacia en el trabajo, tener mejores relaciones sociales y vivir una vida ms plena y feliz.Aprenders cmo funciona tu mente para poder regular tus pensamientos y emociones. Te ayudar a reducir las emociones negativas, el estrs, la ansiedad, la depresin y la frustracin.Aprenders a trabajar y eliminar los hbitos negativos que te limitan.Aprenders cmo el mindfulness cambia tu cerebro y lo ayuda a ser ms eficiente.Este curso consta de 6 mdulos con vdeos en los que aprenders:Introduccin: Qu es el mindfulness y por qu es importante?Fundamentos de la prctica del mindfulness.Conoce tu mente a travs de la prctica del mindfulness.La ciencia detrs del mindfulness.Prctica personal de mindfulness (9 meditaciones).Retos: Integra el mindfulness a tu vida diaria.Adems, tendrs la oportunidad de asistir a Webinarios con el instructor para aclarar las dudas que te vayan surgiendo y para darle seguimiento a tu progreso, tanto en el curso y cmo prctica.Pero eso no es todo, hemos preparado unos bonus para complementar lo que aprenders en el curso.Incluye:Gua de meditacin para tu prctica personal.Gua de Reto para integrar el mindfulness en tu vida diaria.Audios descargables de las meditaciones personales para que puedas practicarlas desde la comodidad de tu hogar, en tu trabajo o en un viaje que realices. Simplemente crgalos en tu mvil o reproductor de MP3 y medita.nete a nosotros, y descubre el maravilloso mundo del cerebro y del desarrollo personal."
Price: 69.99

"Create and Deploy a Token and ICO on Ethereum with No Coding"
"The old economy is fading fast while the crypto-currency universe is expanding rapidly with no end in sight. You will learn valuable new skills to ensure you don't get left behind in this exciting new space.In this course, you will acquire some practical blockchain powers so you can improve your value as an entrepreneur, employee, job seeker or for whatever project you have in mind. It's our hope that you will do good in the world with this new knowledge.David Blackmore is a seasoned educator and technologist who will walk you through the steps of setting up your account right through to issuing your first token and ICO crowd-sale on the Ethereum network using a single smart contract andMyEtherWallet.The token will be a standard ERC20, it will have the main functions and can be used as a general base for more sophisticated applications than just transferring them. The ICO crowd-sale contract will enable you to set the amount per ETH and your total token supply. You will be able to create a time line bonus for your pre-sale, automatically calculate and send tokens to purchasers during your ICO. Many successful ICO's have extremely similar contracts.There are a few different components you will need as you are guided toward building your own token.Ethereum Address on the Ropsten NetworkSome test Ethereum which we'll get from a faucetA text editor like (I.e. Sublime / Atom) which are free to downloadSolidity contract which we will provide from our GithubAttachments with all the links are provided and David will take you through detailed screencasts, launching his own contracts along with you so you experience as you see the entire process.So lets get started on our ""Journey to the Token and Your ICO""."
Price: 144.99

"Issue a Security or Asset Token on Ethereum With No Coding"
"With a security or asset token you can sell tokens backed by shares or assets in real estate and other real world assets including entertainment, sports, gaming and resource companies. You will be provided with example contracts of a rental property, film, sports team and a resource company that you can edit insert into our working smart contract template and deploy on the Ropsten Ethereum test network which you can then use the exact same steps to deploy your new security or asset token on the main Ethereum blockchain network.I am an award winning educator, tech founder and CEO and have already successfully launched my own ICO. Over 115 different tokens have officially launched using this very same process already.How it WorksImagine that you have a four bedroom property. The property is valued at $1,000,000 you want to raise $400,000 to improve the property or purchase other properties. How can you do this quickly without much friction? A Security or Asset Token is a method that converts rights to an asset into a digital token. Tokenization can transform this property into 1,000,000 tokens.Thus, each token represents a 0.0001% share of the underlying asset. Finally, we issue the token on the Ethereum blockchain network, so that the tokens can be freely bought and sold directly from seller to buyer wallets, from a website or on different exchanges.You will have a front row seat as I will take you through every step of the way creating your own Security of Asset Token as we launch ""YourAssetToken"" in real time together on the Ropsten Network from start to completion, using a single smart contract and My Ether Wallet . I have found that this is the simplest way to set up a Security or Asset Token contract that is flexible for numerous uses and once you learn to do it once you can replicate it as many times as you want.This will be UDEMY's first course on this subject.In addition to showing you how to create your ethereum wallet, edit your smart contract and launch your very own security or asset token on the Ethereum blockchain, I will:Provide a real world examples of ""Off Chain Contracts "" for real-estate, a film, a sports team and a resource company and show you how to edit it and insert it into your smart contract already coded and ready to be edited with your name, symbol, token price and other details.Show you how to tokenize securities or assets, and value your tokens in relation to them. Show you what proof of title is and all the legal considerations involved in simple terms without legal jargon.With great power comes great responsibility, so please be cautious with your new blockchain superpowers. My hope is that you use this new knowledge for good as you will be empowered by the potential that this technology puts in your hands. So join me as we create your Security or Asset Token smart contract then launch it on Ethereum Blockchain network."
Price: 99.99

"From Idea to ICO the Smart Way"
"If you are considering developing a token or launching an ICO than you will love this course. I will walk you through each step from quickly evaluating if a token is the right fit your type of business to writing your own white-paper, best options for creating and deploying tokens and crowd-sales, setting up your designated, website, listing and promoting your ICO and how you can take it to the next level using free resources.Learn from a seasoned award-winning ED-Tech CEO who has gone through each and every step himself. I have created and issued token and crowd-sale smart contracts on Ethereum and launched a successful ICO.This course requires no previous experience. I will save your hours of time searching and piecing information together and show you the way to the best ICO possible in order of first things first, with little or no funds or coding. I will show you practical tips on how to get started the right way through to completion without wasting time or money and avoiding pitfalls along the way.Thanks for your precious time, look forward to seeing you inside the course."
Price: 19.99

"Convirtete en desarrollador Blockchain con Ethereum"
"Blockchain es una tecnologa revolucionaria que va a cambiar el futuro y para muchos va a tener el mismo impacto que la propia aparicin de internet en los aos 90. Cada vez ms empresas y entidades centran su atencin en el desarrollo de Smart Contracts para poder crear aplicaciones descentralizadas y distribuidas y actualmente se requiere un gran nmero de profesionales en el sector, siendo una gran oportunidad formarse en esta tecnologa.En este curso, comenzaremos con una introduccin terica sobre que es Blockchain y mas concretamente, profundizaremos en la plataforma Ethereum y una vez entendamos cuales son las principales caractersticas de esta plataforma, nos sumergiremos en un amplio viaje para convertirnos en desarrolladores Ethereum.Comenzaremos nuestra andadura desde cero, dando los primeros pasos con el lenguaje Solidity, aprenderemos a compilar y a desplegar Smart Contracts en distintos entornos y a verificar la calidad de nuestros contractos mediante el desarrollo de tests de integracin.Segn vayamos adquiriendo ms conocimientos, iremos creando Smart Contracts mas complejos, adquiriendo nuevas habilidades con el lenguaje de Solidity y obtendremos una amplia experiencia utilizando herramientas habituales del ecosistema Ethereum como web3, truffle, solc, metamask, hdwallet y ganache.Para afianzar los conocimientos al final del curso, crearemos una pgina web completa utilizando JavasScript y framework React.js, para que nuestros usuarios puedan utilizar nuestra aplicacin descentralizada alojada en la red Ethereum a travs de una interfaz sencilla e intuitiva, donde podrn firmar sus transacciones y sentirse cmodos interactuando con una aplicacin desplegada en Blockchain."
Price: 19.99

"Medicare A Guide to Understanding Original Medicare"
"Medicare is a powerful health insurance program that currently serves over 50 million qualified Americans! In this course, the Instructors begin with the basics of Medicare. Learning some facts and simple strategies to successfully navigate the Medicare maze may well be the best use of anyones time.What you will be able to do at the conclusion of the course: Use the information learned to choose and enroll in a prescription drug plan (Part D). Know what your current hospital deductible (Part A) is and where to find information for all future changes in the hospital deductible. Know what your current annual medical deductible (Part B) is and where to find information for all future changes in the medical deductible. Determine the current medical premium (Part B) and know where to find information on yearly changes to the premium. Build a strong understanding of Original Medicare that allows the course participant to decide whether to purchase additional health insurance coverage through a supplemental plan or a managed care (Part C) plan. This Medicare course contains over () lectures and () hours/minutes of content. What makes this Medicare course unique is: (1) the Instructors are not selling health insurance and (2) the Instructors are blunt in their explanations and with the facts that they share."
Price: 49.99

"Parenting Teens in the Age of Anxiety"
"Rates of anxiety continue to surge, and no age demographic has seen a spike in anxiety more than teenagers. But what is behind the surge of anxiety rates? And what can parents and teens do to manage their anxiety?Jonathan Hetterly, an expert in teen culture, will explore how changes in society, adolescent development, and the family unit has contributed to a generation of teens struggling with anxious thoughts and feelings.Hell offer practical tips and tools for parents and teens on how to decrease and manage anxiety in their lives. Be prepared to laugh, to be challenged, and to find hope in his webinar on Parenting Teens in the Age of Anxiety."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Como Gravar Vdeos Profissionais com seu Smartphone"
"Voc quer aprender a gravar vdeos profissionais com um smartphone?Nesse curso eu vou lhe mostrar que possvel fazer vdeos profissionais com um smartphone.Seus vdeos ficaro claros e como uma tima imagens, mesmo sendo gravado durante a noite.A qualidade do udio aumentar drasticamente.Voc aprender:Configuraes especiais de seu Smartphone para gravao de vdeos;Acessrios essenciais;Padres de enquadramento e composio;Tcnicas de gravaes e cenrios;Duas dicas fantsticas de edio de vdeos;E muito mais...Com o contedo que voc aprender nesse curso os seus vdeos:- Aumentaro as visualizaes;- Seu canal do youtube ir explodir o nmero de inscritos;- Suas vendas como afiliado chegaro outro nvel;- A qualidade de seus vdeos deixaro seus cursos mais profissionais;- Ter a admirao de parentes e amigos atravs de seus vdeos nas rede sociais."
Price: 99.99

"Edicin de Video en Premier Pro CC"
"Quieres sumergirte en el Mundo de la edicin?Este es el Curso indicado:-Viendo los datos bsicos para saber que tipo de computadora te ayudar a trabajar de una manera mas efectiva-Luego veremos como funciona el Adobe premiere Pro-Sincronizaremos el Audio con el Video-Haremos un tratamiento del Video (Correxin de Color)-Como Funsiona la Musicalizacin en el Audiovisual-La Creacin de Creditos-Exportar el Video, que sea ligero y mantenga su calidadPROGRAMASQUEUTILIZAREMOS:Adobe Premiere Pro CC"
Price: 19.99

Price: 44.99

Price: 49.99

"SAP Query"
Price: 44.99

"Ionic 3 - Construindo um App estilo food com NodeJS"
"Ionic um framework para criao de aplicaes hbridas com HTML, CSS (SASS) e JavaScript (TypeScript).Se tornou muito famoso por conta de sua baixa curva de aprendizado e facilidade na criao de belssimos aplicativos hbridos com componentes que se assemelham muito a aplicaes Android, iOS e Windows Phone nativas.Com o framework possvel fazer acesso a recursos nativos do dispositivo tais como Cmera, GPS, Sistema de Arquivos, Armazenamento Local, Notificaes, etc, atravs dos plugins Apache Cordova, tudo de forma muito simples e rpida, pois o Ionic encapsula estes recursos para facilitar ainda mais o desenvolvimento, provendo uma interface para trabalhar com os plugins usando TypeScript, Promises e Observables.Iremos apreender vrias tcnicas de desenvolvimento em NodeJS e Ionic, tcnicas essas usadas para publicao de aplicaes reais no mercado, ou seja, voc ter mais desempenho e qualidade em seu desenvolvimento de App's."
Price: 99.99

"App GetMestres - Ionic 4, TypeScript, NodeJS, MySql, Angular"
"O Curso est sendo desenvolvido em formato de mdulo, com pequenas interaes, em conjunto com todos os interessados. Os cronogramas e grade das aulas, sero atualizados a cada nova disponibilidade dos vdeos. O Curso tambm trar mdulos mais interativos, onde os prprios alunos podero fazer perguntas e interagir com o ministrador do curso nas prximas aulas, de forma gil em tempo real. - - - -Neste curso ir apreender a desenvolver api's usando NodeJS com TypeScript, tambm ir apreender a manipular dados utilizando ORM para Javascript TypeORM com banco de dados MySql, tambm iremos criar uma aplicao PWA com  Angular para administrao das informaes e o App GetMestres, um app de servios, bastante semelhante ao que possui no mercado atualmente.Venha conosco nesta jornada...- - - - Ionic  um framework para criao de aplicaes hbridas com HTML, CSS (SASS) e JavaScript (TypeScript).Se tornou muito famoso por conta de sua baixa curva de aprendizado e facilidade na criao de belssimos aplicativos hbridos com componentes que se assemelham muito a aplicaes Android, iOS e Windows Phone nativas. Com o framework possvel fazer acesso a recursos nativos do dispositivo tais como Cmera, GPS, Sistema de Arquivos, Armazenamento Local, Notificaes, etc, atravs dos plugins Apache Cordova, tudo de forma muito simples e rpida, pois o Ionic encapsula estes recursos para facilitar ainda mais o desenvolvimento, provendo uma interface para trabalhar com os plugins usando TypeScript, Promises e Observables.- - - -AngularJS  um framework JavaScript cdigo aberto, mantido pelo Google, que auxilia na execuo de single-page applications. Seu objetivo aumentar aplicativos que podem ser acessados por um navegador web, foi construdo sob o padro model-view-view-model (MVVM), em um esforo para facilitar tanto o desenvolvimento quanto o teste dos aplicativos.A biblioteca l o HTML que contm atributos especiais e ento executa a diretiva na qual esta tag pertence, e faz a ligao entre a apresentao e seu modelo, representado por variveis JavaScript comuns. O valor dessas variveis JavaScript podem ser setadas manualmente, ou via um recurso JSON esttico ou dinmico."
Price: 159.99

"Winning Pre-flop Poker Strategies And Analysis"
"In this course you will find powerful information to improve your No Limit Hold'em pre-flop game in a way that has not been done before. Want to see how winning players are doing that works versus one limper? It's in here. Want to see what sort of hands to defend 3-bets with in the cutoff versus a small blind 3-bet? It's in here. We will study pre-flop in extreme depth - every little nuance to pre-flop play will be analyzed and investigated."
Price: 199.99

"Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE V9) Practice Tests."
"The Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE) Certification is a technical deep-dive that proves your extensive information on Veeam solutions. The VMCE certification is documented proof that an engineer possesses the necessary level of expertise to correctly deploy, configure and administrate Veeam Availability Suite V9. It is a great investment for an IT professional looking to increase productivity, reduce operating costs, propel personal career advancement and achieve industry recognition. Official EXAM formatExam Title : VMCE_V9 Veeam Certified Engineer Certification V9 ExamDuration of Exam : 90minutesNumber of Questions : 50Passing score :70%Exam Format :Multiple-Choiceand Multiple selectionsWhat we offer in our practice exam ? Provide Explanation where applicable for easy understandingPractice tests arecreated by VEEAM SME and Backup administrators around the world.150 UNIQUE practice questionsin three Exam . Format the same way which will reflect Real Exam..100% verified answers.Why take this course?We kept these questions always current as we monitor any update through VEEAM official site and materials.We carefully selected each question to cover the whole syllabus , so you will build your confidence in no time.Will make you ready for the real Exam. Who is the target audience?Anyone wanting to test their knowledge before taking the official VEEAM VMCE 9 exam."
Price: 64.99

"Alfresco Content Services - Practice Exam (ACSCE-5x)"
"Talking to Alfresco certifications, you will think of its popularity and difficulty. The high quality of Alfresco real exam is recognized by the authority of IT field, so you will have green card to enter into Alfresco once you pass exam. You might think the preparation of Alfresco real exam is a tough task, but you will pass exam with the help of our selected 120 questions. We focus on the Alfresco practice test for many years and are specialized in the accuracy and valid of Alfresco test questions to ensure high pass rate. It just takes your spare time to practice these selected Alfresco test questions and review Alfresco practice test. If you do these well, passing test will be easy for you.If you look at the real exam curriculum , youll see that the test is divided into five areas: Architectural Core, Repository Customization, Web Scripting, UI Customization, and Alfresco API. We also structure our practice exam the same way so you get confident over time ."
Price: 69.99

"5 Ways To Start an Online Home Business"
"Are You Struggling To Make Money Online, And No Matter What You Do, Thing Dont Even Appear To Be Working The Right Way? Then You Need To Enroll In This Course.This course is exclusively designed to help you make 2018 the year of your business success. In this course, we will look into 5 business models that do not require a lot of investment and therefore have very little chances of failure, if done right of course. Dont worry, you not only learn what these business models are but also that why are these models so successful and how you can get started and gain success as well. We are using our years of experience as digital marketers and internet entrepreneurs to create this course. The goal of this course is to put you on a workable track that will enable to start getting tangible results . Our idea behind this course is to provide you with 5 super successful business models that have made thousands of online business owners billions and continue to make them more. You just have to learn the concepts in this course, imitate what we explain and how each business model works, and there is no way you can fail again.This course is not a one time or event sort of gig with instant money solutions; we are talking business here. These business models, when applied the right way not only make you money but will keep making you money over and over again.Hundreds of our students started working on these models as a part-time business, and now they are making at least 4-figure income every month. You can also earn more than what your regular full day work pays you.Why people canto succeed with online business ?One of the biggest reasons that new online business owners fail is not having enough knowledge.Once you have knowledge you need to take taking action. Most people who want to make money online never go past the planning and Action stage; therefore, they never succeed.Our Key take away from this course is : Dont go for perfection right from the start, start slow, start in any way you can but just get your business out to the public and be seen. You might get some criticism but eventually, you will make it big, stay consistent and focused and we can guarantee you success.Dont try to wear too many hats or start with more than one business model at once. We are providing you insight into 5 models for you to see which model suits you the best. Just focus on that until you can see money coming in.BUT Most Important Of All, You Need A PLAN.By taking this course, you will have a good insight into 5 brilliant business to make money online. You will also know how each of these business models is working in the real world, and making money.We have explained each business model with an example so that you can also understand how other successful online entrepreneurs are making money. We will critically evaluate each example discovering the action plan in each model and deriving a success blueprint that you can replicate and gain success as well.Earnings and Income Disclaimer :All products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Use caution and seek the advice of qualified professionals. Check with your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor, before acting on this or any information.Users of our products, services and web site are advised to do their own due diligence when it comes to making business decisions and all information, products, and services that have been provided should be independently verified by your own qualified professionals. Our information, products, and services on this web site should be carefully considered and evaluated, before reaching a business decision, on whether to rely on them. All disclosures and disclaimers made herein or on our site, apply equally to any offers, prizes, or incentives, that may be made by our company.You agree that our company is not responsible for the success or failure of your business decisions relating to any information presented by our company, or our company products or services."
Price: 19.99

"Get More Done with Trello : Online Project management tools."
"Do you have goals and ambitions for your Personal , Business or Work life you want to achieve in the coming days or months?Im sure you do and youre looking for solutions that will help you achieve this faster without much headaches.All you need is a structure.You need something that will gather all your thoughts, ideas, projects, people and your entire business process on in one central place so that you can exercise full control over those activities at a glance.The answer to your need is:Trello , A Free Tools that will Free Up Your Time by Streamline Your Processes.Thats what Trello is there for.It creates visibility and accountability. It can fit in the way the work and can adapt to your business processes.It gather all your team in one place and help them collaborate with each other while youll still be able to know exactly in every details whats going on in each phase of the project development.It helps you focus on the important things that matter and that allow you to grow your business faster.Manage Any Project.Your Way.This is probably one of the best project management platform youll ever need for your business.Trello gives you a visual overview of what is being worked on and who is working on it.Youre the boss.You remain in control of all activities if you want to.Or if youre not comfortable with controlling everything, no problem.Start delegating your assignments and set team leaders to manage certain projects and tasks while still meeting deadlines.Trello is powerful when you know how to use it.So lets take a deeper look at...Why You Need To Get Started Now with Trello:Centralize Everything.Get everything in one place. Know everything at a glance. Stay Focus.No distractions with emails and messaging. Focus on what are important till the completion of projects. Accountability.Know what and when your teams are working and make them accountable for specific assignments. Deadlines Make People Efficient.Trello works with deadlines. Time allocated to complete an assignment. This improves efficiency. Its FREE.You can get started for free. Use the basic edition if youve got no money to pay for it yet. And the list goes on and on.Trello is without a doubt one of the best project management platform out there and that is why I decided to come up with this unique over the shoulder video series to get you started very quickly with it.How ToGet MoreDone For Faster Results With TrelloTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as we show you how to get your business processes streamlined on Trello and accelerate your team productivity within days from now.We reveal our best tips for using this amazing platform. You get to see everything. We explain everything to you.There will be no guess work.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover Inside This Video Training:Learn how to work with Trello and how it's going to help your business. Learn how to work with the interface and background. Learn how to correctly configure your settings before starting to use it. How to use Trello Power Ups feature and some very interesting tips you should know. Learn how to use labels and comments the right way. Learn how to create checklists, teams and boards very quickly. Discover how to integrate it with your Google Drive. earn how to use the tracking and storage features The fast and easy way to share files and open up discussions. How to integrate Trello in your mobile. This course is backed by Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee. if you're not getting the results we are promising you then the refund is yours no questions asked. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. So why are you waiting for .... ? Get the first step and get organized with Trello to your Personal and Professional Life."
Price: 49.99

"Palo Alto Networks certified Sec Eng (PCNSE) practice test"
"The Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer (PCNSE) is a formal, third-party proctored certification that indicates those who have passed it possess the in-depth knowledge to design, install, configure, maintain and troubleshoot the vast majority of implementations based on the Palo Alto Networks platform. The PCNSE exam should be taken by anyone who wishes to demonstrate a deep understanding of Palo Alto Networks technologies, including customers who use Palo Alto Networks products, value-added resellers, pre-sales system engineers, system integrator, and support staff. You might think the preparation of PCNSE real exam is a tough task, but you will pass exam with the help of our selected 75 questions. We focus on the PCNSE for many years and our SME's are specialized in the accuracy and valid of PCNSE test questions to ensure high pass rate. It just takes your spare time to practice these selected PCNSE test questions and review PCNSE practice test. If you do these well, passing test will be easy for you.Our goal is to make you confident so you can pass the real exam with confidence. What is the format of the new PCNSE exam?Certification Name: Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer Delivered through Pearson VUEExam Series: PCNSE Seat Time: 90 minutes Total Exam Time: 80 minutesPalo Alto Networks Exam Security Policy: 5 minutes; Survey: 5 minutesNumber of items: 75 Format: Multiple Choice, Scenarios with Graphics, and MatchingLanguages: English and Japanese What we offer in our practice exam ? Provide Explanation where applicable for easy understanding.Practice tests arecreated by Palo Alto SME and administrators around the world.100 UNIQUE practice questionsin four Exam . Format the same way which will reflect Real Exam..100% verified answers."
Price: 19.99