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"[C] 2017"
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Price: 55000.00

"How to Sing: Strong Foundation in Indian Vocals Beginners"
"If you are looking to develop a strong foundation in Singing, to nurture your creative side or to simply own a tool to stay happy in an increasingly stressful environment, we have just the perfect course for you.This course by Artfills is a foundation course in Indian (Hindustani Vocals) and is perfect for new learners or people looking to brush up on basics they may have learned earlier or learners of other vocals styles wanting to learn Indian classical style to add a new dimension to their singingTo ensure the quality of learning as per your needs, the entire curriculum is designed by top professional artists.Not only will you get access to best quality lessons but to ensure quality of learning you will also be provided with theory and notes, practice routines and final assessment for personal feedback on your progress.Learning Indian classical Arts has numerous benefits for the development of your mind, body and social skills. Indian Classical Arts have survived for thousands of years because they have been beneficial to people over the ages. I hope you make that choice for yourself todayArtfills, choose HAPPY!"
Price: 7680.00

"ocuklar ve Eitmenler iin Scratch ile Oyun Tasarlama"
"Bu eitim kodlamaya balamaya karar vermi olan veya kodlama konusunda ocuklara eitim vermek isteyen herkes iin hazrlanm dolu dolu bir eitimdir.Bu kurs, kodlamaya balamak isteyen ancak nasl balayacan bilmeyen herkes iin bir yol gstericidir. Balang dzeyinde algoritma kurmay ve bu algoritma uygulamalarn basit bir ekilde gsterir.Bu kurs ile ayn zamanda Scrath'i renecek ve scratch ile oyunlar gelitireceksiniz.Scratch ile kendi etkileimli hikayelerinizi, oyunlarnz, animasyonlarnz programlayabilecek ve oluturduklarnz internette bulunan evrimii toplulukta dierleri ile paylaabiliceksiniz.Scratch, genlerin yaratc dnme, sebep sonu ilikisi kurma ve takm halinde alma gibi 21. yzyln temel yaam becerilerini edinmesine yardmc olur.Scratch, MIT Medya Lab'nda yer alan Lifelong Kindergarten grubunun bir projesidir. Ve tamamen cretsizdir."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Python 3"
"Python is now the fastest growing programming language in the world, and rapidly rising to the top to become the most popular.Starting as a niche scripting language, it has evolved over the years to become a much loved and powerful general purpose programming language. It finds use in all walks of life, from web services to embedded systems, from data analysis to artificial intelligence. Most university level engineering and science students must have a grasp of python for numerical and data analysis tasks. Software professionals must also quickly scale up their familiarity with python as it makes rapid strides in the corporate world. Tech majors from Google to IBM, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook now use python.This course aims to provide a solid grounding in python for those students who have some understanding of computer programming or already know another programming language. Working professionals who have some familiarity with computer programming or are experts in other programming languages will also benefit from this course. Even if you have already done some programming in python, this course can help you refresh your knowledge and solidify your grasp of the language. The syllabus is modeled after programming languages courses taught in most prestigious universities around the world.What this course will cover:Numbers and StringsVariables, Statements and ExpressionsFunctionsLists and DictionariesControl Flow and LoopingSets and TuplesFile and Console I/OPython Objects and NamespacesObject Oriented ProgrammingFunctional ProgrammingException HandlingThe Python Standard LibraryRegular ExpressionsTesting and DebuggingThe course lectures are organized into Sections. Each Lecture has in-lecture Quizzes, and each Section has a Coding Exercise. There are 2 practice tests -- a mid-term exam and a final exam.Only the Practice Tests and Coding Exercises are graded.Lectures also include more than 150 live demonstrations of actual python code snippets to explain every concept.So join this course now, and open the door to new avenues, skills and career opportunities.Enroll Now! Refer a friend and earn gifts! For details, contact"
Price: 159.99

"Build an Affiliate Marketing Website with Wix"
"Objective - taking this class will give you the foundational skills necessary to build your first 5 page personal affiliate marketing website using Wix. Topics we will cover include: structure and organization of your site, developing your themes, registering a domain name, hosting your website, building the layout, header, footer, and page content, where to source your images from, how to personalize and brand your website, integrate with social media platforms for advertising, and monetize your site with an affiliate marketing platform. We will discuss and implement the basics of SEO as well as cover how to drive traffic to your website with pay-per-click advertising & Facebook advertising. For this tutorial- we will build an online affiliate casino website & sell affiliate casino links. You can pick ANY market you choose and the technical approach and strategy will be nearly identical.By the end of the class, as you follow along, you will have your own profit generating affiliate website ready to go live."
Price: 29.99

"Distributed Systems & Cloud Computing with Java"
"Have you always wanted to build software that reaches millions of users and impact people's lives?Have you been wondering how modern companiesHandle massive amount of internet traffic and transactions?Securely store billions of our photos, videos and other data?Provide impeccable user experience and high performance 24/7 all around the globe?Then you are in the perfect place!In this course you will: Master the theory of Distributed Systems, Distributed Computing and modern Software ArchitectureGain the practical skills necessary to build Distributed Applications and Parallel Algorithms, focusing on Java based technologiesDeploy groups of distributed Java applications on the CloudScale Distributed Databases to store petabytes of dataBuild Highly Scalable and Fault Tolerant Distributed Systems Along the way you will learn modern technologies like:Apache KafkaApache ZookeeperMongoDBHAProxyGoogle Cloud PlatformJSON Java HTTP Server and ClientProtocol BuffersGoogle Cloud PlatformAnd many othersSo what are you waiting for?Join us today on this incredible journey!"
Price: 199.99

"YouTube zlenme Arttrma Ve Aramalarda kmak in 16 Taktik"
"Yolun her admnda senin iin burada olacam. Kurs ierii veya bu konuyla ilgili herhangi bir konu hakknda herhangi bir sorunuz varsa, kursa her zaman soru gnderebilir veya dorudan mesaj gnderebilirsiniz. Bu kursu YouTube kanalnz nasl gelitireceiniz konusunda en iyi kurs yapmak istiyorum. yleyse, eer bu dersi gelitirebileceim herhangi bir yol varsa, sadece bana syleyin ve ben bunu gerekletireceim.Kendi markanz bytmek, DAHA FAZLA GRNTLENME VE ABONE KAZANMAK, ya da sfrdan bir kanal balatmak istiyorsanz, bu sizin iin mkemmel bir yol! Bir YouTube kanalna balamak iin motivasyonunuz ne olursa olsun, doru yere geldiniz.Binlerce grntleme ve aboneye sahip profesyonel videolar oluturmaya balamak iin ihtiyacnz olan her eyle tek bir yer ve sonunda para kazann! YouTekno'nun bu eitimi, yksek kaliteli videolar, grntlemeler ve aboneler ile sfr becerilerden eksiksiz bir YouTube kanalna gtren hzl ve etkili bir kurstur. Bir YouTube kanal oluturmann belirli ynlerine odaklanan ok sayda YouTube kursu olsa da, yeni balayanlar ve YouTube kitlelerini hzla bytmesi gereken herkes iin kapsaml bir kurs bulmak zordur. Sizlere bu deneyimi yaatabilirsek, ne mutlu bize :)"
Price: 19.99

"Make Epic Videos for the Internet!"
"I've spent the last 10+ years making videos for brands & artists and there has clearly been a major shift in content being consumed. Everyone used to throw around words like ""Professional"" and ""Commercial"". Now it's all about ""Viral""""Memes"" ""Trendy"".After seeing the significance of online video, I started a youtube channel and my life was changed in a matter of months.We no longer need big expensive productions to make good videos. What's important is what you put in front of that camera, how you tell your story, understanding what makes stimulating content, and presenting it in a way that'll leave your viewers begging for more."
Price: 49.99

"IELTS Writing Task 2 with an IELTS Examiner (Score 7.5+)"
"This course teaches you IELTS Writing Task 2 in detail. We will cover how to write an essay step-by-step from introduction all the way to conclusion with complete instructions. I will write essays for you in class and I will analyze essay samples written by myself. I am thoroughly familiar with the structure of the exam as I have worked as an IELTSExaminer. Learn how to write high-scoring essays!"
Price: 199.99

"GMAT Sentence Correction Bootcamp. Go from Zero to Hero"
"This course dives deep into GMAT Sentence Correction. It teaches rules of Grammar and Sentence Structure pertinent to GMAT in detail. It also analyzes hundreds of questions from previous GMAT tests. It covers traps in each and every single question and explains how to manage time under stressful conditions. This course is for people who are taking the GMAT within a few weeks to a few months."
Price: 19.99

"PowerPoint : Infographies vido, Video infographics"
"Les besoins de partage d'information explosent : rseaux sociaux, formations en ligne, transformation digitale ... et la vido s'impose comme un mdia trs efficace face au texte et l'image. Le dilemme : des cots de production souvent externaliss et levs, des collaborateurs qui ne s'imaginent pas producteurs de vido !Ce premier volet consacr aux infographies vido a t test et finalis en entreprise. La mthode propose de balayer tous les concepts et de raliser pas pas en moins d'une heure une infographie vido. Pour vous aider, 13 vidos, 13 supports de cours au format Pdf et l'ensemble des fichiers ncessaires la conception. Pour les plus impatients, vous trouverez la fin du cours la version PowerPoint compltement finalise, ainsi que la vido gnre ;-)Quels sont les avantages suivre ce cours ...Tout d'abord, vous amliorerez votre communication personnelle en augmentant la varit de vos supports, la qualit de ceux-ci et votre visibilit.En entreprise, vous contribuerez la rduction des cots de production vido. En 2017, les cots de conception d'un cours priv en ligne (Spoc) consacr au Big Data ont t diviss par 3 en utilisant PowerPoint comme plateforme de conception.Pour les plus aguerris d'entre vous, vous pourrez galement envisager de vendre des prestations de services sur le sujet. Personnellement, j'accompagne la stratgie de communication budget mesur de plusieurs startup.J'espre que vous prendrez autant de plaisir suivre ce cours que j'en ai eu le concevoir.Bonne dcouverte.Information sharing needs are exploding : social networks, online training, digital transformation ... and video is becoming a very effective medium against text and image. The dilemma: production costs often outsourced and high, employees who do not imagine becoming video producers!This first section devoted to video infographics has been tested and finalized in companies. The method proposes to scan all the concepts and to realize step by step in less than one hour a video infographic. To help you, 13 videos, 13 course materials in Pdf format and all the files needed for the design. For the more impatient, you will find at the end of the course the completely finalized PowerPoint version, as well as the generated video ;-)What are the benefits of taking this course ...First, you will improve your personal communication by increasing the variety of media, the quality of media and your visibility.In business, you will contribute to the reduction of video production costs. In 2017, the costs of designing a small private online course (Spoc) devoted to Big Data were divided by 3 using PowerPoint as a design platform.For the most experienced of you, you can also consider selling services on the subject. Personally, I accompany the low-budget communication strategy of several startups.I hope that you will take as much pleasure in taking this course as I had in designing it.Good discovery."
Price: 29.99

"PowerPoint : Diaporamas vido anims"
"Vous souhaitez amliorer vos communications et apprendre produire des vidos de qualit en privilgiant la crativit et en minimisant la technique, vous tes au bon endroit ;-)Ce second volet consacr aux diaporamas vido a t test en centre de formation et finalis grce au retour d'apprenants dbutants. Cette formation vous propose de raliser pas pas un diaporama vido compos de visuels, de vidos et d'animations. Pour vous accompagner, 17 tutoriels vidos, les supports de cours au format Pdf associs, les exercices rsolus au format Pptx et l'ensemble des fichiers ncessaires la conception sont inclus dans cette formation.Quels sont les avantages suivre ce cours ...Tout d'abord, vous amliorerez vos communications personnelles et professionnelles en augmentant la varit de vos supports, la qualit de ceux-ci et votre visibilit.Vous rduirez sensiblement les temps et cots de vos conceptions. Mes tudiants me disent produire plus rapidement avec PowerPoint des squences qu'ils concevaient auparavant avec un logiciel de montage vido.Si vous souhaitez partager vos comptences sur Udemy par exemple, vous pourrez utiliser ce format et l'inclure dans vos formations pour captiver vos apprenants.J'espre que vous prendrez autant de plaisir suivre cette formation que j'en ai eu la concevoir.Bonne dcouverte."
Price: 59.99

"GDPR fast and efficient for freelancers and small businesses"
"Dear StudentYou need a privacy policy? Not sure what the GDPR is but you need to solve it out for your website? This course helps you to set up the necessary documents and on the way I will explain you the most important things about it. Of course it is possible to talk about such a law or data protection for hours. But I know, you want to spend your time probably on other things. Let's get your things done together.Two goals I had in mind when preparing this course for you:You set up your own data protection system with all the necessary basics along templates provided. This allows you to proudly use GDPR in your marketing and your point is supported with a set of documents.You gain know-how and confidence into data protection. This allows you to know all your rights and gives you a feeling about your freedom within data protection boundaries.Let us go step-wise through your organisation, explain the parts of the GDPR and how you can handle them. Templates and additional links for special cases are provided. You can increase trust of your customers in your business.The target group of this course are freelancer, self-employed workers, small enterprises, clubs, charities, associations and societies actually from all over the world who have customers in europe. You cannot dedicate people to do it, you have to solve it out on your own. Anyway I will explain the core of the GDPR to you and at the end you will feel comfortable with the GDPR.Get an edge over your competition by providing clear answers!Present your preparations proudly to your business partners and customers!Raise trust in your business!The course guides you and some documents you have to work out on your own. Literally you can do it in a few hours. I cannot think of a faster way to get it done. Kind regards,Dr. Axel Rasche"
Price: 184.99

"DSGVO fr Selbstndige, Ihr eigenes Datenschutzsystem"
"Guten TagSie bentigen eine Datenschutzerklrung? Nicht sicher, was die DSGVO ist, aber Sie mssen es fr Ihre Website lsen? Dieser Kurs hilft Ihnen, die notwendigen Dokumente zu erstellen und auf dem Weg werde ich Ihnen die wichtigsten Dinge erklren. Natrlich ist es mglich, stundenlang ber ein solches Gesetz zu sprechen. Aber ich wei, Sie wollen Ihre Zeit wahrscheinlich mit anderen Dingen verbringen. Lassen Sie uns diese Herausforderung gemeinsam zgig erledigen.Zwei Ziele, die ich bei der Vorbereitung dieses Kurses im Auge hatte:Sie richten Ihr eigenes Datenschutzsystem mit allen notwendigen Grundlagen entlang der bereitgestellten Vorlagen ein. Dies ermglicht es Ihnen, Datenschutz stolz in Ihrem Marketing zu verwenden und Ihr Punkt wird mit einer Reihe von Dokumenten untersttzt.Sie gewinnen Know-how und Vertrauen in den Datenschutz. Dies ermglicht Ihnen, alle Ihre Rechte zu kennen und gibt Ihnen ein Gefhl fr Ihre Freiheit innerhalb der Datenschutzgrenzen.Lassen Sie uns Schritt fr Schritt durch Ihre Organisation gehen, lernen Sie die Bereiche der DSGVO kennen und wie Sie damit umgehen knnen. Vorlagen und zustzliche Links fr Sonderflle werden zur Verfgung gestellt. Sie knnen das Vertrauen Ihrer Kunden in Ihr Geschft steigern.Die Zielgruppe dieses Kurses sind Freiberufler, Selbststndige, Kleinunternehmen, Vereine, Wohlttigkeitsorganisationen, Verbnde und Vereine mit Kunden in Europa. Sie knnen das nicht unbesehen auslagern, Sie mssen es teilweise selbst lsen. Jedenfalls werde ich Ihnen den Kern der DSGVO erklren. Am Ende werden Sie sich mit der DSGVO wohl fhlen.Wir werden damit beginnen, Ihre persnlichen Datenbestnde zu sammeln, einen Zweck und eine geeignete Rechtsgrundlage fr die Datenerhebung zu finden, die erforderlichen Daten und Ihre Handhabung zu prfen, zu dokumentieren und die Rechte der Kunden zu behandeln. Einige Dinge werden Sie in Krze aufschreiben und dann ist es fr Sie und Ihre Partner klar, dass Sie damit vertraut sind.Es ist ein einstndiger Kurs mit etwas zustzlicher Zeit von Ihrer Seite. Ich kann mir keinen schnelleren Weg vorstellen. Probieren Sie es aus und sehen Sie sich meine Testvideos an.Mit freundlichen Gren, Dr. Axel Rasche"
Price: 184.99

"Curso de Analista de Sistemas Debian"
"O Objetivo principal do Curso de Analista Debian, desenvolvido pela Universidade do Linux, projetar nossos alunos para o mercado do trabalho, aplicando-lhes todo o conhecimento com base na experincia vivida por nossos profissionais na rea, seja atuando diretamente como analista ou com larga experincia no campo pedaggico do Linux, usando uma forma de ensino totalmente inovadora onde ao final do curso o aluno estar pronto para aplicar todo o conhecimento aprendido e estando preparado para ser um Analista Debian de sucesso.Programa do Curso de Analista de Sistema Debian9Captulo 1 - Histria do LinuxCaptulo 2 - Introduo a Distribuio DebianCaptulo 3 - Comandos BsicosCaptulo 4 - Atalhos do ShellCaptulo 5 - Editor de Texto Vim e Comandos internosExerccios de FixaoCaptulo 6 - Estudo do FHS, Discos e PartiesCaptulo 7 - Instalao e Configurao do DebianCaptulo 8 - Comandos de Administrao do SistemaCaptulo 9 - Administrao de Usurios e GruposCaptulo 10 - Sistemas de Arquivos LinuxExerccios de FixaoCaptulo 11 Comandos de BuscaCaptulo 12 Comandos de CompactaoCaptulo 13 Comandos de BackupCaptulo 14 - Controle de ProcessosCaptulo 15 Atualizao do SistemaCaptulo 16 Shell ScriptCaptulo 17 Agendamento de TarefasCaptulo 18 Configurao de RedeCaptulo 19 Acesso RemotoCaptulo 20 - Recuperao de SistemaAvaliao Final - Estudo de Caso"
Price: 309.99

"Curso Administrador de Sistemas CentOS 7"
"O Objetivo principal do Curso de Administrador CentOS7, desenvolvido pela Universidade do Linux, projetar nossos alunos para o mercado do trabalho, aplicando-lhes todo o conhecimento com base na experincia vivida por nossos profissionais na rea, seja atuando diretamente como analista ou com larga experincia no campo pedaggico do Linux, usando uma forma de ensino totalmente inovadora onde ao final do curso o aluno estar pronto para aplicar todo o conhecimento aprendido e estando preparado para ser um Administrador CentOS7 de sucesso.Programa do Curso de Administrador de Sistemas CentOS7Captulo 1 - Histria do LinuxCaptulo 2 - Introduo a Distribuio CentOS7Captulo 3 - Comandos BsicosCaptulo 4 - Atalhos do ShellCaptulo 5 - Editor de Texto Vim e Comandos internosExerccios de FixaoCaptulo 6 - Estudo do FHS, Discos e PartiesCaptulo 7 - Instalao e Configurao do CentOS7Captulo 8 - Comandos de Administrao do SistemaCaptulo 9 - Administrao de Usurios e GruposCaptulo 10 - Sistemas de Arquivos LinuxExerccios de FixaoCaptulo 11 Comandos de BuscaCaptulo 12 Comandos de CompactaoCaptulo 13 Comandos de BackupCaptulo 14 - Controle de ProcessosCaptulo 15 Atualizao do SistemaCaptulo 16 Shell ScriptCaptulo 17 Agendamento de TarefasCaptulo 18 Configurao de RedeCaptulo 19 Acesso RemotoCaptulo 20 - Recuperao de SistemaAvaliao Final - Estudo de Caso"
Price: 309.99

"Curso Administrador de Redes Linux"
"O Objetivo principal do Curso de Administrador de Redes Linux, desenvolvido pela Universidade do Linux, projetar nossos alunos para o mercado do trabalho, aplicando-lhes todo o conhecimento com base na experincia vivida por nossos profissionais na rea, seja atuando diretamente como administradores ou com larga experincia no campo pedaggico do Linux, usando uma forma de ensino totalmente inovadora onde ao final do curso o aluno estar pronto para aplicar todo o conhecimento aprendido e estando preparado para ser um Administrador de Redes Linux de Sucesso.Programa do Curso de Administrador de Redes Linux onde voc aprender:Captulo 1 Conceitos de Redes Captulo 2 Estudo dos Protocolos e Portas de redeCaptulo 3 Endereamento IPCaptulo 4 Principais Arquivos de Rede no Linux Captulo 5 Configurando um Servidor na rede Exerccio de FixaoCaptulo 6 Ferramentas de Testes de Conexo Captulo 7 - Comandos avanados de Anlise de trfego de rede Captulo 8 Realizando transferncia de arquivos em rede Captulo 9 Ferramentas essenciais para validao de servios e recursosCaptulo 10 Monitoramento do Ambiente de rede Avaliao Final - Estudo de Caso"
Price: 174.99

"Locucin Bsica Nivel 0"
"La locucin audiovisual Tienes inters en lo que es este entorno profesional? Quieres saber cmo se trabaja? An no has empezado a trabajar o a formarte como actor o actriz de doblaje porque antes quieres saber ms antes de dar el paso? Este es tu curso. Desde 0, este curso se ensear lo bsico que hace falta para convertirte en un locutor o una locutora de xito."
Price: 24.99

"Learn UX: Wireframe and Prototype a Mobile App"
"In this class you will learn how to rapid wireframe and rapid prototype a mobile app using Balsamiq.My name isGene Guyand Im a Product Designer and Developer. I tailored this class specifically for beginners and intermediate UX Designers who would like to learn how to useBalsamiqto wireframe and prototype, as well as level up their UX design skills as demand for UX designers is increasingly on the rise.After a short introduction, we will discuss the Balsamiq software, why wireframing is important, and go over the tools, basic concepts, and terminology of Balsamiq. After that we will take what we have learned and I will walk you through a sample mobile app project that we will wireframe and prototype together. You will also learn some tips and tricks along the way.At the end of this course youll have the opportunity to create your own set of wireframes and prototype based on a mobile app of your choice. You will be able to use this set of wireframes and prototype as a project in your portfolio.The course will be constantly updated with new content, thereby making this a long term high value purchase, that will accelerate your ambition.I cant wait to see you in class and start wireframing and prototyping together! :)"
Price: 29.99

"Microsoft Excel Hands on Specialization For Data Analytics"
"Welcome to this course: Microsoft Excel Hands on Specialization For Data Analytics. Microsoft Excel is one of the easiest to use data analysis tools you will ever come across. It has a battery of supplied functions to answer statistical, engineering and financial needs. In addition, it can display data as line graphs, histograms and charts, and with a very limited three-dimensional graphical display. Its simplicity and powerful features has made it the go to tool for all your data needs. Complex operations with Excel, such as creating charts and graphs, visualization, and analyzing data make it a great tool for managers, data scientists, financial data analysts, and those who work closely with data. Learning data analysis and will help you bring your data skills to the next level.In this course, you'll learn:Learn How to create formulas to help you analyze and explain findingsLearn and Understand Data CleansingLearn various ways to model data for businessesBuild impressive tables and combine datasets using Excel's built-in functionalityLeverage Excel's powerful built-in tools to get the median, maximum, and minimum values of your dataLearning Power Query, Power Map, and Power PivotAt the end of the course, you'll be provided with useful shortcuts and tips, enabling you to do efficient data analysis with Microsoft Excel. So let's get started."
Price: 194.99

"Data Science The Complete Guide (incl. Python & R)"
"Welcome to this course: Data Science The Complete Guide (incl. Python & R). Data science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from data in various forms, both structured and unstructured, similar to data mining. Anaconda is an open source platform that brings together the best tools for data science professionals with more than 100 popular packages supporting Python, Scala, and R languages. This course gets you started with Anaconda and demonstrates how you can use it to perform data science operations in the real world.In this course, you'll learn:Understanding the Key ConceptsLearn and Understand Python PandasLearn and Understand Bokeh Learn How to Manage PackagesMachine Learning With Scikit-LearnLearn How to Analyze your data efficiently with the most powerful data science stackLearn How to Perform cleaning, sorting, classification, clustering, regression, and dataset modeling using AnacondaAt the end of the course, you'll have an in-depth understanding of how to use Anaconda to find solutions for clustering, classification, and linear regression. So let's get started."
Price: 194.99

"Learn And Understand Chef: The Complete Guide"
"Welcome to this course: Learn And Understand Chef - The Complete Guide. Chef is a configuration management tool that lets you automate your more cumbersome IT infrastructure processes and control a large network of computers (and virtual machines) from one master server. Chef provides tools to manage systems at scale. This means that building, rebuilding, configuration, and scaling to meet your customer's needs is possible in just a few minutes in a real-time environment. This course takes you on a comprehensive tour of Chef's functionality, ranging from its core features to advanced development. In this course, you'll learn:Get familiar with the Chef ecosystem and its associated componentsInstall all the components of Chef, including troubleshooting instructionsModel your infrastructure using Chef Test your cookbooks with Test KitchenLearn How to Create Custom Ohai Explore various aspects of the Chef APIExtend the functionalities of Chef At the end of the course, you will be so well-versed with Chef that you'll be able to explore some fun uses of Chef, which will allow for better productivity. So let's get started."
Price: 194.99

"Cisco CCNA Routing & Switching (200-125):The Complete Course"
"Welcome to this course: Cisco CCNA Routing & Switching (200-125) - The Complete Course. This course covers the accelerated CCNA certification exam. It will help you stay up-to date with your networking skills, you'll find information here that will ensure your success as you pursue knowledge, experience, and certification. This course starts with the basics and will take you through everything essential to pass the certification exam.In this course, you'll learn:Learning LAN switching technologiesLearning IP routing and IP servicesLearning IPv4 and IPv6 addressingLearning Network Device SecurityLearning WAN technologiesLearn how to manage Cisco infrastructureTroubleshoot networks using key IOS toolsAt the end of this course, you'll learn all the critical information you need to know to score higher on your CCNA exam!"
Price: 194.99

"Cyber Security: Learn How to Protect Your System & Web App"
"Welcome to this course: Cyber Security - Learn How to Protect Your System & Web App. With industries expanding, cyber attacks have increased significantly. Security is a major issue that organizations are now facing. Cyber threats are on the increase with the rising growth of technology, thus giving rise to the need for ethical hacking and advanced security. Understanding your control system's vulnerabilities and learning techniques to defend critical infrastructure systems from cyber threats is increasingly important. With the help of real-world use cases, this course will teach you the methodologies and security measures necessary to protect critical infrastructure systems and will get you up to speed with identifying unique challenges.In this course, you'll learn:Gain a clear understanding of the attack methodsLearn both web application vulnerabilities and web intrusion testingLearn how to analyze a web application using application threat modelingUse Metasploit and more tools for network infrastructure testsLearn how to perform an incident investigationLearn how to perform log analysis to identify suspicious activitiesAt the end of this course, you will have hands-on knowledge of using different tools for cyber security. So let's get started."
Price: 194.99

"Rhino3D The Complete Guide (incl. Grasshopper)"
"Welcome to this course: Rhino3D The Complete Guide (incl. Grasshopper). Rhinoceros is a commercial 3D computer graphics and computer-aided design (CAD) application software. It is used in processes of computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), rapid prototyping, 3D printing and reverse engineering in industries including architecture, industrial design, product design as well as for multimedia and graphic design. Grasshopper is a visual programming language and environment that runs within the Rhinoceros 3D computer-aided design (CAD) application. Programs are created by dragging components onto a canvas. The outputs to these components are then connected to the inputs of subsequent components.In this course, you'll learn:Rhino3D and Grasshopper InstallationLearn About Grasshopper InterfaceAnatomy of a Grasshopper ComponentLearn About Grasshopper Data TypesLearn About Grasshopper Component SetsLearn About Grasshopper Data TreesLearn About Parameter SpaceAt the end of the course, you'll have an in-depth understanding of how to create your own consumer products in Rhino3D and Grasshopper. So let's get started."
Price: 194.99

"The Complete Python Pandas Developer Course"
"Welcome to this course: The Complete Python Pandas Developer Course. Python is a ground breaking language for its simplicity and succinctness, allowing the user to achieve a great deal with a few lines of code, especially compared to other programming languages. The pandas brings these features of Python into the data analysis realm, by providing expressiveness, simplicity, and powerful capabilities for the task of data analysis. This course will provide you with unique, idiomatic, and fun recipes for both fundamental and advanced data manipulation tasks with pandas. In this course, you'll learn:Learn how to use pandas to perform data analysis in PythonLearn how pandas can be used to support the end-to-end process of data analysisLearn how to access data from external sources such as files, databases, and web servicesLearn how pandas builds on NumPy to implement flexible indexed dataUtilize pandas unparalleled time series functionalityLearn How to create beautiful and insightful visualizations through pandas At the end of this course, you'll understand how to use the features of pandas for interactive data manipulation and analysis."
Price: 194.99

"Creative Thinking Personality Traits-Unleash Creative Forces"
"You may be knowledgeable but if you do not have the power of imagination, you cannot fly away and discover new lands or compose or create new possibilities. If you don't create new possibilities, you become STUCK, BORING AND LIMITED.You may be skillful but without the capacity to work unhindered by embracing solitude, you will never create anything GREAT.You may be sharp but if you are not open to experiences, you cannot grow and mature by accumulating new and variety of experiences. What that means is that you remain AMATEUR throughout your life. you can be a genius but without the sufficient creative energy to manifest your creative undertaking into reality, you will always remain UNACCOMPLISHED. You may be intelligent but if you do not have the flare of curiosity, you cannot be an explorer. If you do not explore, you cannot know or learn new things. If you do not learn new things, you will soon become STUPID!You may be brainy but if you don't access intuition, you cannot have breakthrough insights. Of course, without the breakthrough ideas, you will produce ORDINARY AND MEDIOCRE WORK.You may be exceptionally talented but without the necessary sensitivity, you will never be able to reach the HEARTS, or touch the SOULS, or blow the MINDS of other may be resourceful but without the ability to stay calm and composed during the times of uncertainty, you will GET LOST FOR SURE and end up producing RANDOM may know everything but without the courage and braveness to face challenges and take risks, you will never be SUCCESSFUL in your creative endeavors.As you can see for yourself, contrary to our belief that creativity is all about being talented, intelligent, skilled, knowledgeable or resourceful, rather it is more of having certain qualities or personality traits.Creativity is a natural outcome of having certain personality traits.NOW if you want to understand these qualities and build them into your creative personality so that creativity becomes a natural expression for you ...Then this is the RIGHT COURSE FOR YOU.These are the most important personality traits of creative people-BEING CURIOUSIMAGINATIVEWORKING IN SOLITUDEOPENNESS TO EXPERIENCEHIGHLY ENERGETICINTUITIVEBEING SENSITIVETOLERANT OF UNCERTAINTY RISK TAKINGThis is the one and the only course on Udemy about creative personality!What will I learn after taking this course?What Is Curiosity?My Childhood Stories Of CuriosityLearn To Ask Curious QuestionsWhat Is Imagination?Learn To Imagine New PossibilitiesStudy Examples Of Imaginative People Like Albert EinsteinUnderstand The Need for SolitudeLearn To Embrace SolitudeExamples Of People Who Worked In Solitude What Is Openness To Experience?Darwin's Story Of Keen Sense ObservationWhat Are The Different Aspects Of Openness to experiences?Personal Experience Of ""Aesthetic Chills""How To Make Use OF Serendipity?How To Maximize Creative Energy?How To Conserve Mental Energy?How To Tap Emotional Energy?Look At Four Types Of IntuitionBriefly Understand The Creative ProcessDevelop creative thinking ability.What Is Sensitivity?Understand Why Creative People Tend To Be Very Sensitive?What Is Tolerance Of Ambiguity?See The Difference Between Less Tolerant vs High Tolerant Understand Various Kinds Of Risk Involved In Various Fields Of CreativityExamples Of Famous People Who Failed Before SuccessYou can scroll through the lecture video titles or watch the preview videos to get a more detailed perspective on the course.OVERVIEW The course consists of nine main sections dedicated to nine personality traits starting with curiosity and ending with risk-taking. In each section, you will learn not only about the central personality trait but also many other connected ideas in the form of examples, analogies, stories and useful information, all aiming at the central idea, meanwhile giving you as many reference points as possible and making your understanding as broad as possible. Mastery of these personality traits means laying a firm foundation for all your present and future creative endeavors. I have tried my best to strike the right balance between theory and practice. It is quite informative. At the same time, it is quite implementable as well. The course will walk you through the most important territories of creativity by giving signs and directions if not by hand in hand. By covering a wide range of concepts, it aims to increase your overall knowledge about creativity and bring about a feeling of knowing and familiarity with different aspects of creative personality.The unique thing about this course is that it is a smooth combination of both formal and informal approaches. In the sense that, the academic topics like openness to experience, tolerance of ambiguity and sensitivity are presented in an informal and straightforward way without getting bogged down in the details of the theory.All videos are short videos and you will be able to finish the course very quickly.Course updated regularly with new content to stay relevant & up-to-date. This is my very first course on Udemy. It was shot and edited entirely by myself (learnt editing from youtube).What I mean to say is, you know, there is a lot of space for imperfections to creep in! I am being totally honest with you right now-since this is my first time talking in front of a camera, I might appear self-conscious and my accent might change a bit at times(If you are OK with it just don't worry about it). My apologies for that. You should know that I am working continuously on my self and I hope to get better at delivery with time and practice and definitely you would see a lot of improvements in my second upcoming course!OK ...Alright's time now to build your creative personality...Now is the time to TAKE ACTION and bring lasting changes to your creative personality and develop your creative thinking ability...This is the time to work on your creative personality and gain a larger perspective on creativity as a whole ...If you don't love the course or enjoy the course or if it doesn't meet your expectation or if it doesn't make a positive impact on your creative self...You have got nothing to lose! Because Udemy will give you a refund with their 30-day money back guarantee!So what are you waiting for?GO AHEAD AND ENROLL TO THE COURSE TODAY BY CLICKING ON 'BUY NOW'SEE YOU ON THE INSIDE!"
Price: 199.99

"Touch Your Toes Yoga"
"Over 28 days we'll work on improving hamstring flexibility and towards being able to touch your toes in a standing forward fold. This course is designed for those who are inflexible and flexible without injuries. You'll need 2-5 minutes every day and a few props or items that you probably already own like cushions, blankets and a yoga strap or belt. This course includes four weekly pose videos, worksheets to download and guidance to help you improve flexibility. As a bonus you'll also receive a short guided meditation to help you relax and recharge at any point in the day."
Price: 19.99

"Temel ROS Eitimi"
"Bu kurs ierisinde temel kavramlar anlatlmaktadr. Uygulamaya ve programlamaya ynelik bir eitime ihtiyacnz varsa Uygulamalar ile ROS Eitimi'ne bakabilirsiniz.Bu kurs ierisinde Robot Operating System (ROS) yapsROS komutlarnn kullanm ROS dosya yapsROS tabanl C++ ve python dillerinde programlamaKurs ierisinde temel linux komutlarnn kullanmlar anlatlmaktadr. Eitim dili Trkedir.Bu kurs ierisinde anlatlanlarn byk bir ksmna wiki.ros ve Github sayfam zerinden ulaabilirsiniz. Kursu almadan nce kursu detayl olarak inceleyiniz ve kursun ihtiyalarnz karladndan emin olunuz. Udemy zerinde alnan kurslarn 30 gn ierisinde iade hakk olduunu unutmaynz.Robot Operating System: Robot kontroln, simlasyonunu ve gelitirme srecini kolaylatrmak iin gelitirilmi ak kaynak kodlu ve linux tabanl alan bir yazlm iskeletidir. C/C++, Python Java ve Lisp dillerini desteklemektedir. Stanford Yapay Zeka Laboratuvar tarafndan desteklenmektedir.ROS gnmzde bir ok profesyonel gelitirici tarafndan kullanlmaktadr. ROS u anda dnya apnda yzlerce niversite ve teknoloji start-up'lar tarafndan kullanlmaktadr."
Price: 399.99

"ROS - Urdf ve Xacro ile Robot Modelleme"
"Bu kurs ierisinde ROS zerinde robot modelleme anlatlmaktadr. Bu kurs ierisinde anlatlanlarn byk bir ksmna wiki.ros ve Github sayfam zerinden ulaabilirsiniz. Kursu almadan nce kursu detayl olarak inceleyiniz ve kursun ihtiyalarnz karladndan emin olunuz. Udemy zerinde alnan kurslarn 30 gn ierisinde iade hakk olduunu unutmaynz.Bu kurs ierisinde Robot Operating System zerinde URDF ve XACRO dilleri kullanlarak RVIZ ve GAZEBO simlasyon ortamlarnda robot modellemesi yaplarak robot simlasyonu anlatlmtr.Robotun fiziksel parametreleri tanmlanm ve hareket kabiliyetleri belirtilmitir. Robot modeli oluturulurken dikkat edilmesi gereken tm admlar ve robot modellemede kullanlabilecek yntemler anlatlmtr.Rviz ve Gazebo simlasyon ortamlarnn kullanmlar anlatlmtr.Robot Operating System: Robot kontroln, simlasyonunu ve gelitirme srecini kolaylatrmak iin gelitirilmi ak kaynak kodlu ve linux tabanl alan bir yazlm iskeletidir. C/C++, Python Java ve Lisp dillerini desteklemektedir. Stanford Yapay Zeka Laboratuvar tarafndan desteklenmektedir.ROS gnmzde bir ok profesyonel gelitirici tarafndan kullanlmaktadr. ROS u anda dnya apnda yzlerce niversite ve teknoloji start-up'lar tarafndan kullanlmaktadr."
Price: 399.99