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"3d scanning course training for vector software; 3d printing"
"In this course, we will talk about creating 3d files and vector software. We will create 3d designs, and you will be given some fun designs to keep and play with! We will also be showcasing how to use certain software to create original topology files that anyone can use. This can be used in animation, design, or any type of vector based style of usage. Hopefully, you will greatly enjoy this course as you will be acquiring 3d files!"
Price: 24.99

"3d Modeling course"
"In this course, you will acquire tons of 3d files. You will also learn how to render and create pixar quality animations! In this course, you will be given several downloadable 3d files. You will learn the innovation behind 3d rendering science. You will learn how to sell and distribute 3d files. Creating tons of 3d files simply from an iphone, you will be given the ability to be innovative with scalable vector graphics. It does not matter the file type, vector graphics are interoperable with one another."
Price: 24.99

"human anatomy and physiology"
"In this course, you will learn about human anatomy and physiology.  This can be applied to undergraduate students or even high school students.  Overall, this course will teach any individual the basics of anatomy and physiology.  One will learn origins, insertions, and actions of common muscles.  Additionally, various systems of the body will be referred to within this course as well.  We feel that we have a very creative approach to teaching anatomy and physiology at any level.  Using various pieces of software that were crafted for human anatomy education, teaching this subject is a breeze for us!  We hope you enjoy this course.  We have used several resources to craft this  course in a way that is fundamental to any student's understanding of the human body. "
Price: 24.99

"Bitmex Leverage Trading course for Beginners"
"In This course, I have explained the Bitmex Platform and its verious tabs such as trade (main dashboard), Account (how to deposit and withdraw your bitcoin), your referral link, your 2 factor security. Then I have discussed how to buy (Long) or sell (Short). How to buy with current market price also how to buy with limit (your desire price for both short and long). I have briefly explained stop loss to minmize your loss and also different stop loss strategies. Leverage scale is also explained in detail. verious sources I use to predict bitcoin price (personel opinion). students should do there own research and adapt there own trading style. Good luck"
Price: 19.99

"How To Structure Music For TV & Film Placements"
"Knowing how to structure your music for TV placements can be challenging and confusing. The last thing you want is to miss out on your music being used on the latest popular TV show due to improper structure.Join the owner of Clint Productions Anthony Clint Jr. for this visual music production experience dedicated to teaching you how to structure your music for TV & film. Using the same methods he has used to secure hundreds of placements on networks such as CBS, NBC, Fox Sports, E!, VH1, MTV and others."
Price: 24.99

". .learn automation systems and find fault..........................................................................................................."
Price: 44.99

"The Complete Android Developer Course Zero to Mastery"
"Welcome To The Complete Android Developer Zero to Masterywhere you are going to Learn every thing that you need to developer Great Android AppsFrom Scratch and with no Coding EXP, We Are going to Build 20 android apps and this course contain Every thing that you need to know about android development Topics are :- TextView and buttons -Images -Audios -Videos-Animations-Bottom Navigation View -Fragments -Android Libraries- Android Errors -ListViews-RecyclerView-Quiz App-Code Editor App -Some Android Features- Design Advanced Layout -Recording Video with the Camera -Take photo using Camear-Share Images *if you have some EXP with Android then you can skip the 2 First Sections *you can see the app that we are going to Build in the first Video of each section and you can see if you want to skip the section or not if you want to be android developer then you are in the Right place Take this Course and Become an Android App Developer Thank you :)"
Price: 34.99

"Instagram Marketing 2020: ottenere Follower per guadagnare"
"Un corso dove imparare ad usare Instagram in modo professionale ed una guida passo dopo passo nella realizzazione del tuo business online.Grazie a questo corso sarai in grado di creare da zero un profilo e di portarlo velocemente oltre i 10.000 followers. Sarai in grado di costruire un profilo accattivante e dall'aspetto professionale.Saprai esattamente cosa devi pubblicare e come si fa ad ottenere guadagni e clienti dal proprio profilo.Questo corso adatto a:persone che vogliono diventare Influenceraziende e professionisti che vogliono ottenere nuovi clienti tramite Instagram Marketingchi vuole avviare un business online grazie ad InstagramIl corso strutturato in 12 capitoli dove trovi teoria e pratica.Cosa impari:cosa Instagram e perch sceglierlo per il tuo businesscome utilizzare tutte le funzioni di Instagramcosa sono gli hashtag e come usarli al megliocome scegliere il tuo businesscome trovare cosa comunicare sul tuo profilocome scegliere e creare il tuo stile personalecome impostare la tua comunicazione attraverso le Buyer Personascome analizzare i competitor per trarne vantaggiocome creare materiale professionalele migliori app 2018 per modificare le immagini ed i videocome avere immagini per il profilo senza doverle crearecome pianificare e programmare i contenuti di un mese in un giornocosa sono gli anaytics e come leggerlicome utilizzare le storiecome ottenere migliaia di followers al mese, veri e adatti al tuo businessle leggi di persuasione cosa sono le CTA e come utilizzarle per convertirecome utilizzare la collaborazione (accesso a gruppi esclusivi)come organizzare un contest per espandere il tuo businesscome guadagnare con il tuo profilo instagramcome vendere su Instagramcome convertire i followers in clienticosa sono le ADS e come crearne unacome usare al meglio l'Influencer Marketingcome diventare un Influencer di sucessocosa IGTV e come usarlaSono in fase di produzione dei video di ""Casi Pratici"" dove potrai vedere come realizzo dei business su Instagram partendo da zero.Condivider con te alcune mie esperienze nel ruolo di Influencer. In questo modo potrai avere esempi pratici di come applicare tutte le cose che hai appreso nel corso.Cosa stai aspettando?! Approfitta ora di questa opportunit e unisciti alla community per crescere ancora pi velocemente! Attraverso questo corso hai la possibilit di iniziare a guadagnare fin da subito, scopri come!"
Price: 199.99

"Photoshop Grundlagen - Grundkurs fr jeden Einsteiger"
"Grundkurs fr Photoshop AnfngerDer erste deutschsprachige Kurs fr Photoshop Anfnger, der dabei hilft Photoshop und alle seine Werkzeuge zu verstehen. Warum Photoshop Basics?In diesem Videotraining werden wir alle AdobePhotoshop Grundlagen und Werkzeuge Schritt fr Schritt durchgehen, somit steht dir nichts mehr im Wege deinen coolen ""Stuff"" bei Photoshop zu erstellen!Dieser Kurs ist wie ein Seminar aufgebaut. Wir gehen auf jedes der Basics darauf ein und ich erklre dir alles Schritt fr Schritt. !! Keine einfache und langweilige Bildschirmaufnahme !!Die wichtigsten Themen aus dem Videokurs1. Retuschieren bei PhotoshopDeine Retusche-Versuche sind gescheitert? Gib dir nicht die Vorwrfe dafr! Photoshop hat mehrere Werkzeuge und verschiedene Techniken zum retuschieren. Welches Werkzeug ist denn jetzt das Richtige? Ich werde dir jedes Retusche-Werkzeug bei Photoshop zeigen und erklre dir ausfhrlich wie und mit welchen WerkzeugDu die besten Ergebnisse erreichst! 2. Freistellen bei PhotoshopPhotoshop hat mehr als 8 Freistellungs-Werkzeuge! Mit dem einen Werkzeug kann man den Hintergrund lschen, mit dem anderen Werkzeug lassen sich Personen gut auswhlen. Es gibt auch versteckte Werkzeuge bei Photoshop mit welchen man fast schon magische Ergebnisse bekommt. Ich zeige dir auch hier ausfhrlich jedes Werkzeug und zeige dir anhand von Beispielen wann Du das jeweilige Werkzeug anwendest. 3. Bildbereich ausschneiden und ersetzenDu hattest bestimmt schon mal den Fall: Du warstim Urlaub und es war bewlkt, wie schn es doch wre, wenn der Himmel sonniger wirkt. Genau fr solche Flle ist Photoshop mehr als perfekt! Ich zeige dir nicht nur wie Du etwas Ausschneidest, sonder auch wie Du einen Bildbereich ersetzten kannst bei Photoshop .4. Umfrben bei PhotoshopEs gibt Farbregeln in der Fotografie und in der Kunst allgemein, wie zum Beispiel:""Komplementre Farben"". Falls man diese Regeln nicht beachtet hat, kann man ein Bildbereich oder die ausgewhlte Farbe bei Photoshop verndern oder ersetzen. Es kann schwer klingen, aber es wird dir nach den ersten versuchen einfach erscheinen! Das war nur ein kleiner Teil von dem was Du in den 46 Modulen lernst!"
Price: 64.99

"Portraitfotografie mit Blitz + Retusche und Bildbearbeitung"
"Bei diesem Kurs lernst Du auergewhnliche Portrts zu fotografieren und zu bearbeiten! Keine typischen Bilder. Ich zeige dir wie ich mit nur einer externen Lichtquelle Portrts fotografiere und Du kannst diese Techniken fr dich personalisieren. Der Kurs zum grten Teil aus Bildbearbeitung. Wir werden mit Hilfe von Photoshop und Lightroom unser Bild-Look vervollstndigen. Diese Techniken kannst Du spter personalisieren um deinen eigenen Look zu erschaffen. Viel Spa bei diesem Kurs!Lerne deinen eigenen Bild-Look kennen!Du lernst dabei: Fotografieren mit einer Blitzquelle Lichtsetzung fr Portrts Portrt retuschieren Bokeh einfgen Dodge & Burn Dynamik im Bild verstrken Composing von Objekten Hintergrund austauschen Himmel austauschen Farblooks erstellen Auswhlen und Maskieren Portrait richtig NachschrfenLege jetzt sofort los, dein Portfolio wird dir dafr Danken! :)"
Price: 29.99

"PRO Photoshop Composing - Death Proof"
"PRO Tutorial Death Proof. In diesem Tutorial zeige ich dir, wie ich bei einem Composing vorgehe. Wir werden uns nicht nur damit befassen einen Hintergrund realistisch einzufgen und die Bilder realistisch ineinander verlaufen zu lassen, sondern auch die Lichtrichtung zu verndern, Lichtkanten nach zu malen, Regen zu erstellen, Scheinwerfer des Autos ein zu schalten und noch vieles mehr!Nach diesem Tutorial wirst du einen komplett neuen Level erreichen und deine nchsten Composings werden atemberaubend! Unten findest du einen kurzen Ausschnitt aus dem Tutorial.- ber 1 Stunde reines Lernmaterial alle BilddatenDu lernst dabei: Lichtstimmung verndern Regen erstellen und realistisch einfgen Nebel realistisch einfgen Lichtquellen nachtrglich zum leuchten Bringen Arbeiten mit mehreren Ebenen Retuschetechniken Schnelleres Workflow bei Photoshop Composing aus mehreren Bilder zusammenstellen Eigenen Farblook erstellen Die Details in deinen Bilder betonen und verstrken"
Price: 29.99

"Set up a successful Virtual Assistant business from home"
"Have You Had More Than Enough Of The 9-5 Grind?Feel like younever have enough quality timeto spend with your family and friends?Fed up withlong, painful and tiring commutesto the same workplace day-in day-out?Tired of working for aboss you dont like?Stuck in a rutwith your job and feel unsupported?Are you onmaternity leaveand not wanting to go back to your full time job?Worried about leaving your child andnursery fees?Maybe you're afull time mumand want to run a business around your children from home?Are you looking to make the transition from working full time to running an online business?Do you need guidance to get your online business started as a Virtual Assistant?Leaving the security of full time employment can seem daunting and it's important to have a process in place to make sure you address all the initial challenges you will face.We've Been There And Know How It Feels!This is why we've been able to put together so much information on how to set up successfully in a way that makes sense to new Virtual Assistants.Here Are Just Some Of The Great Benefits You Can Reap When You Have A Successful VA Business... Have the freedom and flexibility to work from wherever you choose Reclaim hours of travel time and energy by working from your own home office Create a balanced, healthy schedule that can maximise quality time spent with family and friends Workwithclients you actually enjoy helping rather thanforan unappreciative boss Create a business that you love, which you can grow - with great satisfaction Build a path to your financial freedomThe Expert VA Academy Training Course Includes All This...Online learning modules to study at your convenience around your current lifestyleStep-by-step guide to follow and learn at your own paceHow to set-up your business correctlyHow to market your business successfullyHow to find, sign up and keep your ideal clientsOver 30 videos detailing your steps to successful setup and beyond...Over 10 hours of practical-step exercises to jump start your business!Access to our ongoing support network as your business grows"
Price: 34.99

Price: 10200.00

"Introduction to Mixed Media - Creating Mixed Media Postcards"
"Have you always wondered on how to create a piece of mixed media art? If your answer is yes, then this class is for you.In this class I'm going to show you how you can use mixed media to create easy and fun postcards with materials you're most likely to have at home already.In this class we are going to look at techniques like collage, layering, adding stencils, stamps and colours and ideas on how to finish the cards with inspirational quotes.This class is perfect for students who are new to mixed media, as they will be able to create a whole project from start to finish and while learning a new skill and technique will have created four mixed media postcards at the end of this class. However, this class is also suitable for students who want to get into a habit of sending more letters or are looking for Happy Mail inspiration.Looking forward to seeing you in my class.Music used in this class ""These Moments"" by Nicolai Heidlas hooksounds"
Price: 19.99

"Blotted Line Monoprinting with Acrylic Inks and Watercolours"
"The blotted line technique combines drawing or tracing and printing and is suitable for beginners and experienced artists alike. What I really love about the blotted line technique is the fact that it allows people who think they can't draw or are very new to drawing to create a beautiful ink drawing.And although this technique involves the tracing of a source image, due to the student's very individual way of holding the pen and tracing the image, the finished print will be unique to them. You will be able to distinguish the different styles of different students.For the more experienced or professional artist the blotted line technique can be used in a more advanced way, help with creative blocks and be combined with other techniques.You will be learning what tools and materials you'll need for this class and get to find out about the special Bamboo pens I'm using when doing blotted line monoprints. I will show you how to go about choosing a suitable source image, how to set up your printing station and you can follow me doing two different monoprints.I'll be starting with a simpler source image - flowers in a vase and showing you the process of monoprinting from start to finish.Don't worry if you are new to using water colours, I've tried my best to simplify the method to make it achievable for everybody. I find that water colour pencils are a really good way of getting into using water colours. So, in the first video, I'm showing you how I use water colour pencils to colour in the monoprint.In the second video, I'm using a simple set of kid's water colours, just to be able to show you what can be achieved with affordable products. Obviously, if you have a really nice set of high end water colours, I encourage you to use those.The second monoprint will be a monoprint portrait of a girl and source images like this require a little be more skill or practice, but please don't be put off, I find that after a bit of practice most of my students get really fantastic results mastering more complex monoprints.Again, I'll be using water colour pencils and water colours to colour this second monoprint.I'm looking forward to seeing you in my class!"
Price: 19.99

"Create personalised Mixed Media Inspiration Journal"
"In this class you are going to learn how to turn a simple brochure and some found papers - e.g. off cuts, scrap paper, wrapping paper, tissue paper, magazine images, book pages, used envelopes, maps, sheet music - into a personalised Inspiration Journal.This Inspiration Journal is for you, but you could create a journal like this tor a family member or friend.It is to remind you of all the things you love doing, all the things that make you happy. It's to celebrate your achievements,rather than focus on all the things that are still on your to do list.It's to remind you that you are enough and that you are doing your best, to not compare yourself and your life to other peoples (especially with social media telling us on a daily basis how perfect everybody else seems to be.The creating of this journal is an act of mindfulness, and and act of self care.This journal is there for you to look at when you are having a bad day and are full of doubt, it is there to remind you how strong you are, that things are going to get better and that you make a difference in this world.The class has been divided into two parts.Part One focuses on the creation of the journal and teaches you simple mixed media techniques to cover the pages and get the brochure ready for journaling.Part Two works with the journal prompts (you will find a PDF file with journal prompts, quotes and poems in the Class Project section) and is going to show you how you can work with these journal prompts to create beautiful page spreads.This class is suitable for all levels. Advanced learners could easily incorporate further or more mixed media techniques to their journal.I really hope you like the idea of creating your very own Inspiration Journal and I'm looking forward to seeing you in my class.Nina xoPS I've got a few more bonus video lectures, which will be added to this class in the New Year.Music used in this class ""These Moments"" by Nicolai Heidlas Hooksounds"
Price: 19.99

"Tcnicas de clculo fcil"
"En este curso encontrars una forma nueva y fcil de abordar el tema de la aritmtica, desde la suma hasta la raz cuadrada.No se trata solo de una coleccin de trucos independientes, sino de un sistema integral, compuesto por sencillos mtodos interrelacionados que han beneficiado a miles de personas en todo el mundo y que puede extenderse a otras reas de las matemticas como el lgebra, la trigonometra y el clculo, entre otros."
Price: 44.99

"Google Classroom"
": ."
Price: 19.99

"Improve your core strength, flexibility and power of punches"
"The aim of this course is to show you how you can be more efficient during stretching, exercising and fighting by using Kyokushin methods.You will achieve better flexibility and splits, real core strenght and powerful punches, like the best Kyokushin karate fighters!You do not have to be a Kyokushin adept to join this course. If you are any other martial art fighter, it is also for you. We do not show how to punch or do side split. We learn how to do it better, or achieve it faster, by using special efficient Kyokushin methods which really work!We also show you how to avoid mistakes and injuries during martial art trainings."
Price: 159.99

"Avaliao comportamental: Teste DISC"
"Neste curso voc aprender os perfis comportamentais e como poder usa-lo!Os Assessments podem ser utilizados na contratao, remanejamento, coaching, mentoring, reestruturao de equipes ou at mesmo para auto-conhecimento.Tambm pode ser utilizado para os pre vestibulando, concurseiros ou pessoas que gostariam de aumentar o rendimento escolar ou universitrio. Em todos os casos, sempre para o melhor proveito dos potenciais profissionais e pessoais, de modo que possibilite viabilizar a produtividade, o desenvolvimento e o alcance do sucessoVANTAGENSQuais os benefcios desse produto?Liderana e desenvolvimento de executivos;Formao em gesto;O treinamento de vendas;Gesto de conflitos;Atendimento ao cliente;Comunicao;Reteno de Talentos;Treinamento em equipes;Auto conhecimento;Produtividade"
Price: 39.99

"Lerne Blockchain Entwicklung: Ethereum, Solidity und Truffle"
"In diesem Kurs lernst du nicht nur die Grundlagen, sondern auch den sicheren Umgang mit Solidity und die aktuellen Industry Best Practices! Statt der Theorie gibt es einen direkten Lab Einstieg und wir machen Learning-by-Doing. In einfach zu verstehenden Lektionen lernst du Schritt fr Schritt wie man Smart Contracts erstellt, Testet, auf Fehler prft, in den verschiedenen Netzwerken bereit stellt und anschlieend in verschieden Szenarien und Browsern verwendet. Du willst die Smart Contract Revolution nicht verpassen, weit aber nicht, wo du anfangen sollst? Du willst Solidity von Anfang an mit praktischen Beispielen lernen?Du bist am ""Big-Picture"" interessiert, aber mit den unzhligen Tools und halb-funktionierenden Anleitungen berfordert?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau der richtige fr dich!In diesem Kurs bilden wir ein praktisches Anwendungsbeispiel einer Blockchainanwendung von A bis Z ab. Zusammen mit mir wirst du ein Blockchain-Notariat entwickeln, testen und dann in verschiedene Netzwerke deployen.Zu allererst verwenden wir Remix und werden die Solidity Grundlagen besprechen.Dann geht es ans eigentliche Projekt. Wir definieren die Anforderungen und werden unseren Prototypen entwickeln.Danach besprechen wir die Details die man sich sonst mhselig aus dem Internet zusammensuchen kann. Wir reden ber Gas und Gaskosten. Wir besprechen die verschiedenen Netzwerke und Clients und wie Blcke und Transaktionen zustande kommen. Wir werden den Step-By-Step Debugger benutzen um unerwartete Fehler zu finden. Und wir besprechen Industry best practices. Zum drberstreuen gibt es MetaMask und was genau Private Keys sind und wie diese zu Accounts werden.Haben wir erst die Grundlagen erkundet geht es weiter zu Truffle und Truffle-Contract. Wir werden unsere Smart Contracts mit Unit Tests und Ganache testen. Du lernst nicht nur wir man Tests in JavaScript schreibt, sondern auch wie man Exceptions in Solidity testen kann. Dazwischen gibt es anhand von praktischen Beispielen eine einfache Anleitung wie man address.send(), address.transfer() und richtig einsetzt. Auerdem werden wir kurz das Thema Re-Entrancy Attacken anreien.Dazwischen lernen wir Go-Ethereum kennen und werden sehen wie einfach es ist ein Privates Netzwerk mit der genesis.json Datei zu erstellen. Dieses verwenden wir dann um den Unterschied zwischen Ganache, MetaMask und Geth kennenzulernen.Haben wir erstmal unseren Smart Contract in unserem Truffle Framework so aufbereitet, dass auch Teams daran arbeiten knnen, gehen wir zum HTML/JavaScript Teil ber. Dort besprechen wir anhand von Web3JS (1.0.0 und 0.20) wie man Transaktionen abschickt und mit Smart Contracts interagiert. Zustzlich zeige ich dir den Vorteil von Truffle-Contract gegenber Web3JS.Dann bauen wir unser eigentliches DApp Frontend. Dieses werden wir zuerst mittels Ganache testen und anschlieend im Ropsten Test-Netzwerk mittels Truffle und dem HDWallet-Provider verffentlichen. Danach probieren wir natrlich ob alles mit MetaMask richtig funktioniert. Nachdem wir sichergestellt haben, dass unser DApp auch wirklich geht, werden wir unser Frontend im dezentralisierten Dateisystem IPFS verffentlichen und auch dort nochmals testen.Wenn du genug davon hast veraltete und halb-funktionierende YouTube Anleitungen zu sehen und lieber gleich das volle Programm mchtest, dann melde dich jetzt an.Der Kurs kommt, wie immer, mit einem Abschlusszertifikat und unbeschrnkt lebenslangem Zugang. Videos sind in Full-HD aufgenommen, aber auch fr mobile Gerte aufbereitet um auch unterwegs den Kurs konsumieren zu knnen. Sound ist in glasklarer Studioqualitt. Es gibt ein Kurs-Forum und Beispiel-Code. Sollte trotzdem etwas nicht passen, dann gibt es natrlich ein volles 30-tgiges Rckgaberecht.Warte nicht lnger! Schau dir gleich die Demo-Lektionen an und melde dich dann zum Kurs an!Nichts kann dich aufhalten ein Ethereum Blockchain Entwickler zu werden!... wir sehen uns im Kurs! ..."
Price: 199.99

"The Complete 2020 Ethereum & Solidity Developer Bootcamp"
"Do you want to be 'coding the smart contract revolution', but don't know where to start?Want to learn everything there is to know about solidity, with a 'learning by doing' approach?Are you interested in the 'big picture' of the blockchain industry, but often overwhelmed by it all?If so, this is the course for you!You will not only learn the fundamentals, but also the safe handling of solidity and the current industry best practices!Rather than boring theory, this course is a direct lab entry where we Learn By Doing!Our digestible HD video lessons will provide you a step by step framework on how to create, test, troubleshoot, deploy to various networks, and Use Smart Contracts in various scenarios and browsers.We will illustrate the creation of a blockchain application from a to z!Together We Will Develop A Blockchain Notary Office, test it, and then deploy it to different networks.The steps we will be taking to build our blockchain application are...Solidity BasicsKey Characteristics Of How The Blockchain OperatesOur Notary Functionality in SolidityUnderstanding Tools & EthereumYour Guide To Web 3.0Tools Of Web 3.0Understand The Different Blockchain NodesUnderstanding Decentralisation At A Deeper LevelLocal Development With TruffleHow to Develop Distributed Applications In HTML & JavaScriptPublication Of Our ProjectSo...If you've had enough of wasting your time on outdated, and semi-working youtube tutorials - join us for the complete bootcamp!Our course comes with a Certificate Of Completion, Unlimited Lifelong Access, Student Forum, & Example Code.Should something still not fit, then you are entitled you a full 30 day money back guarantee.What are you waiting for? Take the course preview, and we will See You Inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Eine Frage der Disziplin"
"In diesem Videokurs lernst du:Grundlagen der Disziplin kennenBevor du dir Disziplin aneignen kannst, musst du erst die Grundlagen verstehen. Du wirst niemals diszipliniert sein, wenn du nicht verstanden hast, auf was es wirklich ankommt. Du lernst die Grundlagen der Disziplin kennen und erfhrst, was passiert, wenn du so weitermachst, wie bisher.Wie du Disziplin aufbaustNachdem du die Grundlagen kennengelernt hast, geht es in den Aufbau deiner Disziplin. Vom ersten Step, deiner Vision, bis zur Zielplanung, erfhrst du Schritt-fr-Schritt, wie du dir dauerhaft deine Disziplin aufbaust, um all das zu erreichen, was du dir vorgenommen hast.Wie du startest und durchhaltestDas Leben ist kein Sprint, sondern ein Marathon, deswegen wird nicht das Anfangen belohnt, sondern das Durchhalten. Wie du richtig startest und was du tun musst, um langfristig Disziplin aufzubringen, um ein erflltes Leben zu fhren wirst du in dieser Lektion ausfhrlich lernen.SelbstdisziplinSelbstdisziplin ist die wichtigste Eigenschaft, die du dir beibringen kannst. Du erfhrst, wie du in bestimmten Lebensbereichen Selbstdisziplin erlernen und beibehalten kannst.KONKRET BEDEUTET DAS FR DICHGlck und ErfllungWenn du aktiv mitarbeitest, ist dir ein glckliches und erflltes Leben garantiert. Wir geben dir die Werkzeuge mit auf den Weg, aber arbeiten musst du mit ihnen selber. Wenn du das machst, wirst du all das erreichen, was du dir vorgenommen hast. Das wird in dir wiederum ein Gefhl von Stolz, Freiheit, Glck und Erfllung hervorrufen.VerstndnisBevor du Disziplin erlernen kannst, musst du verstehen, wie sie funktioniert. Erst dann kannst du sie dir dauerhaft aufbauen und nutzen, um deine gesamten Vorhaben zu erreichen. Du wirst viel mehr verstehen als andere Menschen. Somit hast du einen gewaltigen Vorsprung gegenber den anderen und wirst dir deshalb viel leichter tun, diszipliniert zu sein und somit ein glckliches Leben fhren.Echte VernderungenSchluss mit einem unglcklichen Leben, in dem dir nichts gelingt, was du dir vorgenommen hast. Durch mehr Disziplin wirst du endlich echte und positive Vernderungen bewirken, die dich stolz und glcklich machen werden. Du wirst nicht mehr diejenige Person sein, die du einmal warst. Durch deine Vernderung wirst du ein neuer, positiver, glcklicher und strahlender Mensch. Andere Menschen werden das sehr schnell bemerken.Nur wertvolles WissenAnders als bei vielen anderen Kursen reden wir nicht lange um den heien Brei, da wir wissen, wie wertvoll deine Zeit ist. Aus diesem Grund ist der Kurs nicht sinnlos in die Lnge gezogen und wir erzhlen dir nur das, was dich auch wirklich weiterbringt. Jedes gesprochene Wort in dem Kurs ist wichtig und wertvoll und hilft dir, deine Disziplin aufzubauen und zu strken."
Price: 79.99

"tica Hacker - Tudo que voc precisa saber"
"Bom, neste curso irei mostrar para vocs todos os passo para entrar no ramo dos hackers.Faremos testes, abordaremos ferramentas e tambm como funciona a mente de um hacker.Espero poder ajudar a aumentar os conhecimentos de vocs e, atravs deste curso poder fazer com que voc alcance o conhecimento necessrio para buscar seus objetivos na rea.Lembrando sempre que, um Hacker quem descobre falhas, faz invases em pr de empresas e servios on-line, jamais um hacker usa seu conhecimento para prejudicar algum ou alguma instituio.Bons estudos."
Price: 19.99

"Gesto - Segurana Empresarial Teoria e Prtica Operacional"
"Curso na modalidade teoria e prtica operacional, desde o planejamento at a execuo dos processos de segurana empresarial, com atuaes dirias em quarenta e quatro ocorrncias operacionais e suas vertentes, trazendo ao participante uma viso sistmica e tcnica no que se refere a segurana de grandes empreendimentos. Dividido em 40 aulas explicativas e intuitivas, com contedos dinmicos e reais, saindo do popular teoria e entrado na prtica operacional, somos o cho de fbrica de desenvolveu uma metodologia objetiva com as mais variadas vertentes em segurana."
Price: 429.99

"Liderana 360"
"O curso tem como propsito motivar, identificar, empoderar, humanizar, e transcender o participante em seu maior projeto de vida; Ele mesmo. Conceitos de desenvolvimento pessoal fornecendo subsdios para o autoconhecimento e para os princpios e valores ticos e sociais, chamando ateno para a importncia do trabalho na liderana para agregar valores ticos. Relaes humanas, ressaltando o poder da empatia, da atuao do ser social, em especial voltada para questes sociais, auxlio ao prximo e sociedade em geral. Voltado para a histria e misso de vida do participante, suas crenas motivadoras e sonhos.A liderana e seus motivadores humanos, as oportunidades junto a sua misso de vida, quais os recursos necessrios, gerenciamento de vida eu mestre de mim mesmo, seus resultados baseados em suas escolhas, de onde est partindo e para onde quer ir.A concretizao de ideias do futuro lder, oferecendo ferramentas de suporte ao pensamento criativo; anlise de dados e tomada de deciso; formatao e apresentao de conceitos a parceiros estratgicos; bem como construo e gerenciamento das atividades das estruturas criadas.Sero realizadas reflexes sobre temas relativos consolidao e expanso das oportunidades identificadas nos mdulos anteriores, com foco na instrumentalizao da anlise de cenrios amplos e seus impactos."
Price: 369.99

"Fundamentos de las TIC"
"Fundamentos de las TIC es una iniciativa educativa que te ofrece un servicio educativo virtual a travs de UDEMY para brindarte una experiencia de educacin acorde a los requerimientos actuales, aprender qu son las TIC (Tecnologas de Informacin y Comunicacin). El propsito de este curso es formarte utilizando el Internet, para lo cual hemos elaborado una ciclo de 9 clases."
Price: 19.99

"How to prepare the moroccan traditional soup HARIRA"
"In our course  I will  show you the easy way to prepare one of the most delicious and nutritional  soups  in slowly and professionaly  way  Our couse contains four sections:In the first section  I will tell you a few information about hariraThe second one is about the necessery ingredientsIn the third one I will show you  the steps of preparing harira And the final one is about serving it .so don't hesitate to join us to surprise your family anf your friends "
Price: 19.99

"Eliminate Social Anxiety at Grocery Stores and Malls"
"ENJOYthe grocery store. Feel comfortable and confident in your own skin when shopping. No longer fear panic, wonder what others are thinking, or feel like these environments are against you.This course is designed to educate AND guide you through your social anxiety TOWARDSACTUALLYENJOYING grocery store and mall visits. Iteach tools that will help you grow into a stronger, happier and more confident person."
Price: 19.99

" web api and angularjs development to deployment"
"If you want to be an API based web application developer and want to develop your client side application using asp net web api and angularjs then you are in right track.In this course you will learn -How to create an angularjs module and include the module in your web project.Write angularjs controller and register with the module.Bind the angularjs module and controller with your view.How to use ui-route for anchoring.Create the master layout and render all the sub views in the master layout.How to use bootstrap in your web application.How to crate an API.How HTTP Verbs work.How api route works.How to use HTTP Verbs as prefix.How to use HTTP Verbs as attribute.How to use route attribute for writing custom route.How to write connection config and insert data into database.How to get list of data and show in html table.How to get single data and show in edit form.How to update and delete data.What should you return from API end point.How should you return from API end point.How to show success or error message on a successful or failed API calling.How to use $resource service instead of $http service for getting, inserting, updating and deleting data.How to upload file, show uploaded image and show image preview on selecting an image.How to create pagination.How to deploy your API application in live serverHow to deploy your web site in another live server and connect with your API server.How to get path and give permission to the directory for uploading files in live server."
Price: 49.99