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"How to solve a challenging math problem"
"Mathematician Dr Michael Sun takes you through how to solve a difficult problem first hand. After reviewing some basic arithmetic, right triangles and algebra, we look at one problem we have never seen before. We go through the process of solving the problem naturally using a general problem solving approach which we outline as we go."
Price: 24.99

"Australian Intermediate Maths Olympiad practice tests"
"One 4 hour exam with problems on geometry, number theory, algebra, combinatorics and probability.First test takers can send a scan of their responses for feedback.Mark values are allocated similarly to previous years exams. The last 2 questions of the exam require explanations or proofs while the remaining 8 problems usually have integer valued answers. In Australia the actual exam is by invitation only held once a year in September. There is also a bonus investigation question to break ties. Good results in this competition will allow students to be invited to tryout for the Australian IMO team. The first students to take this course will be able to have their papers marked."
Price: 24.99

"Logic and functions"
"[Under construction: get in early and influence the creation of the course at a lower price!] We talk about logic as the glue that holds the ideas of mathematics together.We give a working definition for logical statements and then derive many fundamental results from them treating logic as a mathematical subject! The idea of proof and its manifestations are discussed in detail. We then study sets and functions on them and immediately we are able to re-express our working definition of logical statements using the idea of functions. We proceed develop the basic theory of functions naturally all the while doing exercises and proofs. We conclude with a statement that beautifully summarizes all of the topics involved and their connections: it involves defining two functions that represent the relationship between the set of logical statements on a set and the set of all subsets of that set and then proving that there is some sort of symbiosis between these theories."
Price: 24.99

"A study in coordinate geometry"
"Find out what coordinate geometry is and what basic tools are available and then apply them with a heavy dose of algebra to prove a formula that finds the shortest distance from a point to a line. A wonderfully connected study of straight lines and points on the x-y plane."
Price: 24.99

"Proving the chain rule"
"Sometimes it's just important to not understand or not accept an incomplete proof as it is to understand and accept a correct proof. When presented with a proof, the student should naturally be appropriately skeptical rather than assume it is probably correct. This approach will have the most educational value in the long run. In this course we first go through a commonly presented proof that's incomplete and examine its flaws. Then we adapt it to a complete proof. Quizzes are inserted between lectures to keep you on the same wavelength as whats going on.Let us learn together!"
Price: 54.99

"English vocabulary PRIORITY"
"When your goal is to learn English, it is very important you start learning things that will help you learn even more things rather than learn one-off useless things that are rarely used and generally unhelpful, despite being difficult.This will halve the time it takes for you to learn English! We learn the most used words first so that they can help us learn new words.The top 25 words in the English language account for about a third of usage. This makes it a priority to have a deep familiarisation with them to help you learn other words. The mathematical idea behind this is that of exponential growth which can vastly accelerate one's learning. Said in another way, we are using the words we learn first to help us learn the words we will need later."
Price: 24.99

"Transcending trigonometry"
"A hands on, active learning style is used to engage the student to master a crucial piece of mathematics. We strive to understand the role of the cosine and sine rules in the theory of triangles. Once this is done we apply them to prove what is known as Heron's formula to train our algebra skills and consolidate our newly learned knowledge. Extension material is provided at the end connecting students to the most challenging problems for further study."
Price: 54.99

"From Counting to Complex numbers"
"[This course is still under construction! Please come and determine the materials that go inside! Price will go up once the course is finished]I want to take you back to the beginning when you learned how to count but change the style of how you learned it to suit your present mature self. We do not assume anything but this does not mean the journey will be easy. Historically people took a long time to accept even negative numbers as something that exists! We will go from counting numbers all the way to complex numbers and if you complete the journey with us then you can be confident in your mathematical foundations."
Price: 99.99

"Back to basic Math!"
"Will help get you confident with basic maths and help you get exam ready!Quiz problems solved. Class test problems solved. Final exam problems solved. Step by step.Walks through many basic maths problems from simple arithmetic to equation solving.Also covers statistics and hypothesis testing problems. This was originally created to help struggling students at University of Western Sydney with Quantitative Thinking.This is an independent initiative and not affiliated with the university and any proceeds raised will go towards developing materials to help kids learn maths."
Price: 24.99

"Taking the HSC Maths Extension 1 exam"
"The goal is not to go through and explain the answers to the problems but to give you a demonstration of how someone can go into the exam and approach questions that they just saw for the first time.Goes through my reaction and solution of the 2017 HSC exam for maths extension 1. Includes how I approach the reading time as well as my natural reaction to each question in the order that I would attempt it. Mistakes (if any) are left uncut for extra realism."
Price: 24.99

"Discrete maths problems"
"From helping students with discrete maths (DMT137) we have accumulated quite alot of problems and solutions that serve as a great resource for students to practice and prepare for exams as well as to test their own understanding or aid learning.This has helped many students go from just passing or even failing to achieve Distinctions or better(GPA3.5+)"
Price: 24.99

"Tournament of Towns trickery"
"The Tournament of Towns is one of the first opportunities students get to compete mathematically under very relaxed time constraints. Deals with problems encountered in the Tournament of Towns Junior A level exams, and goes through the approach of arriving at a solution from scratch rather than reverse engineering a solution."
Price: 99.99

"Higher School Physics (HSC)"
"Goes through new physics syllabus for year 12 students with emphasis on concepts and rigour. Should give you a better grounding for university physics than the usual treatment. Ideal for students who want to continue with physics beyond high school. A summary of the space topic of the old syllabus is also included."
Price: 99.99

"Uygulamalarla MATLAB Eitim Seti"
"MATLAB (matrix laboratory), ok paradigmal saysal hesaplama yazlm ve drdnc nesil programlama dilidir. Drdnc nesil programlama dili : Kullanm ok daha kolay, daha az kod yazarak ynergeler, hazr ablonlar ve sihirbazlar sayesinde belirli ihtiyalarda uzmanlam pratik zmler gelitirmeye ynelik dillerdir.Bu kursla birlikte MATLAB'n temellerini reneceksiniz. Ayrca MATLAB'la birlikte bir ok alanda yapabileceiniz uygulamalara ait fikirleri ve rnek uygulamalar greceksiniz."
Price: 34.99

"The Dark Arts of Media Manipulation"
"What will I learn?How to defend myself against increasingly personally-targeted propaganda techniques, which work by tapping into our deepest thoughts, fears and desires. RequirementsWhile no prior knowledge is needed you must:approach the course with an open mind. be prepared to leave your comfort zone. practice self-honesty. apply what you learn, because this course is really about everyday defence. Description of the CourseThe main focus of the course, however, is on self-development, so the short video lectures are supplemented by a great deal of additional material including links to videos, articles and self tests. These give you the opportunity for active involvement, as well as for further personal study, allowing you to adjust your learning path according to your own interests and needs. By the time you have completed the final self-examination, you should not only have acquired a great deal of in-depth knowledge of the modern propaganda machine, but also the ability to accurately assess your own vulnerabilities to all of its workings."
Price: 59.99

"Master the Concepts of ""Engineering Mechanics"" (Series -1)"
"This course comprises of 1st one 5th of the total syllabus of Engineering Mechanics (or 1st one 3rd of Statics). This course gives all necessary fundamentals and the must prerequisites of Engineering Mechanics which are necessary to make student feel confident to learn further concepts and solve Advanced problems of the Engineering Mechanics course."
Price: 1280.00

"A Quick Guide For CATIA (Part Design Module)"
"This is a crisp and short to the point course on how to use several features and tools available at hand in CATIA V5 software (Most profound CAD software). The course entirely focuses on how to develop 3D models using PART DESIGN module of CATIA. Students will enjoy engineering designing once they go through the course."
Price: 1600.00

"Change your life...for real and for good!"
"There are a million resources on the latest diet, the next big investment, a guide to a better body, how to get a relationship, food to improve health... but very few venture into the science and psychology behind change, why we don't make the changes we want and how to make the changes we do!This course is designed to do just that!We'll work step by step to understand your drivers of change and the patterns behind our behaviour. Best of all we'll design your very own life dashboard together to show you what needs to change and how.At the end of our time together you'll know and be able to easily implement your desired habits. You'll also have your own eBook and a list of resources to help you along the way."
Price: 74.99

"Aprenda desenhar e sombrear do zero"
"Se voc quer aprender a desenhar do 0 ou talves j tenha uma noo de desenhos e s quer reaprender a desenhar ou at mesmo j um profissional nos desenhos mas gosta de revisar estudos ento saiba que esse curso o ideal pra voc. Pagando muito mais barato na internet em apenas um unico pagamento voc pode ter o curso completo de desenhos aprendendo a desenhar personagens, criar cenarios, criar animais e sombrear as cenas."
Price: 159.99

"Aprenda a criar belas cenas no blender do zero."
"Quer aprender a mecher no software 3D blender? ento esser curso pra voc!Nesse curso alem de voc aprender belas cenas tambm aprendera a usar fisicas do blender, sistemas de particulas, aprendera a usar o blender cycles, tambm tem aulas no blender renderizador. E no curso voc tambm pode aprender todo o basico no software 3D, como tecla de atalhos, ferramentas e os modificadores do blender. Se voc comprar esse curso voc vai aprender a criar lindos landscapes, tambm aprender varios modos de criar gramas, pedras, arvores e materiais realistas para assim poder chegar cada vez mais a fantasticos renders no blender. Alem disso no final do curso eu lhe mostrarei todos os cursos onde eu aprendi e ainda tenho aprendido! Te indicarei o caminho pra caso voc queira seguir carreira no blender e mesmo que queira apenas continuar praticando sem seguir carreira tambm mostrarei como. Com cursos nacionais e internacionais, pagos e outros gratuitos."
Price: 294.99

"Simulados de todas as provas do enem desde 2009 at 2013."
"Em 2009 foi o ano que comearam aceitar a publicar os gabaritos e no apenas as provas porm ter que anotar cada questo que voc acertou e depois verificar na folha questo por questo pode ser muito chato ento pra isso que existem os simulados. Tambm esse simulado pra voc poder ter um prvia do seu conhecimento e saber oque estudar pra provas como enem, vestibulares e concursos que exigem uma avalio teoricaca. Tambm podera saber como so as provas do enem. Voc tambm sabera aqui a suas notas sem ter que precisar calculalas pois o sistema fara isso pra voc automaticamente.Mostrando pra voc uma base que voc pode usar pra saber seu desempenho. E refazer os simulados varias e varias vezes pra voc saber se est melhorando ou no. Alem disso voc tambm pode olhar as questes que so as corretas e quais voc selecionou.ento venha saiba qual seria sua nota se voc fizesse o enem O melhor simulado do enem voc encontrara aqui.E lembrando que se voc ver um erro no nosso simulado voc tem uma area pra fazer seu comentario e se de fato estiver errado sera arrumado com toda certeza. (bviamente). Infelizmente a plataforma udemy no permite mais que seis simulados ento no podemos por todos porm voc tera todos os simulados at 2013 e tambm temos outro pacote de simulados apartir de 2014 caso voc queira apenas os acima de 2014."
Price: 39.99

"Life Through a Mathematician's Eyes"
"In this unique course, you will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for all aspects of life around you through the use of mathematics. The course will discuss how you can understand nature in mathematical terms, the math behind the scenes of the technology we rely on in our daily lives, and the interplay between math and art."
Price: 34.99

"Cybersecurity Data Science"
"The best of the best badass hackers and security experts are using machine learning to break and secure systems. This course has everything you need to join their ranks.In this one-of-its-kind course, we will be covering all from the fundamentals of cybersecurity data science, to the state of the art. We will be setting up a cybersecurity lab, building classifiers to detect malware, training deep neural networks and even breaking CAPTCHA systems using machine learning.If you've tried to enter the super hot field of cybersecurity and machine learning, but faced rejection after rejection, needing experience to get experience, feeling hopeless that the demand and pay are so high, but nothing you are doing is letting you in, this is your chance to gain an edge over the competition. This is your chance to get credentials and real experience.If you are looking to break into the field of cybersecurity data science, pick up on the bleeding edge tools, and become the best in the field of cybersecurity, this course is for you.We will be using python and scikit learn for majority of our machine learning, and keras, a wrapper for tensorflow, for deep learning. This course is hands on and practical. Consequently, a student is expected to put in the work and not be shy about getting their hands dirty with some malware!If you still haven't chosen to enroll, you might be thinking:- I'm trying to get a job in cybersecurity as a data scientist. Will this help me get one? Yes, and if 6 months after completing this course you're not able to break into the field, message me and I will personally refund you via PayPal. Just make sure to use the coupon code from my ML4CS website so I can give you back the full sum.- What if this course sucks. I don't want to take another boring course. If you find the course boring, no worries. Quickly press the pause button and get your money back using the 30-day money-back guarantee. Send me a message after letting me know my course is boring and I'll try to make future content more interesting.- Do I need to know stuff about cybersecurity? Because I don't. Nop. I'll teach you everything you need to know. You don't need to know jack-squat about cybersecurity.- I'm not very good at coding in Python. You can find the code repo for this course in my github repo. I'll be walking you through this code and you can play around with it on your own. But if it's still looking too complicated, no worries, come back once you've leveled-up your Python chops. - What if I am stuck on understanding something. Who is going to help me? I don't know anyone who knows this stuff. If you have a question about the course, use the Q&A and I promise to answer your question. I have a 100% response rate so far and I plan on continuing it. If you have a question about cybersecurity data science not directly pertaining to the course and you are a student of mine, you can use the ML4CS forum and I or someone else on the forum will answer your question."
Price: 39.99

"In this course you learn how to format resume, what sections need to be present, what is the best way to write each section of your resume. Most importantly you learn that it will not be a human who is the most important reader of your resume, but a computer, and thus, if you want someone to look at your resume, you must write it a certain way.Each class is very short (2-3 minutes) and has guides and examples which you can follow and have a good, solid resume by the end of the class."
Price: 19.99

"Blender esercitazioni pratiche Modulo 1"
"Questa serie di esercitazioni dedicata a chi ha gi seguito uncorso di basee che vuole migliorare le proprie capacit mettendo in pratica l'uso di Blender in progetti pi avanzati e completi. In questo primo modulo affronteremo insieme la realizzazione di una proposta di ristrutturazione in ausilio all'agenzia immobiliare per proporre all'acquirente una visione di come si potr trasformare l'ambiente principale dell'appartamento.Partiremo da una planimetria catastale vera, modellando la stanza quindi illuminandola, arredandola ed applicando tutti i materiali.Completeremo la scena utilizzando oggetti scaricabili liberamente da Internet."
Price: 24.99

"Curso dedicado para disear de manera coherente, practica, familias de soporteria para instalaciones elctricas, hidro-sanitarias, contra incendios, HVAC, y que representen de manera lgica para el acomodo de soporte de la instalacin en 3D y sea cuantificable y modificable, para modelos complejos y dar parmetros que faciliten el rendimiento del modelo ."
Price: 270.00

"Master Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory"
"Hi! Welcome to the ""Master the Fundamentals of Sets in Mathematics"", the only course that you need to learn and master the fundamental concepts of sets in mathematics.Some special features of this course are: Videos are interactive, short, crisp and to the point.Each and every concept is explained with the help of various examples to help you gain an in-depth understanding. Every concept is followed by quizzes and assignments so as to have enough practice and help you test your understanding along the way.Personalized Feedback. You will be provided feedback on the Assignments you submit at each step as you progress through the course. This helps the instructor track your understanding of the topic and guide you based on that.The language is very easy to understand. Even if you don't have a good hand at English, you won't feel the need to open a dictionary to look up the words.The course is constantly updated with new content. Think of it as a subscription to never-ending source of student training. Master the Fundamentals of Sets in Mathematics is organized in the following sections: Sets - IntroductionRepresentation of SetsSome Special SetsMore about Sets: Subsets, Supersets, Power Set, Universal SetVenn Diagrams and Sets OperationsSo, what are you waiting for? Have a walk through the sample videos and get enrolled in this course. Will see you inside!!!"
Price: 24.99

"Dog Care Guide: Ways to take care of your dog as he ages"
"The course is designed to help all the lovely pet parents to enrich the lives of their pets during their golden years. As a dog ages, his immunity decreases and his organs dont work as efficiently as they earlier used to. As a result, he becomes prone to develop age related issues like vision and hearing impairment, arthritis, urinary incontinence, obesity, seizures, canine cognitive dysfunction and dental diseases. This course is a one stop solution to tackle all these age related issues in your pooch.Further, the course emphasizes on Tips for managing your lovely dog if he is suffering from any of these age related issuesPossible symptoms and the underlying causes to understand and manage these issues in a better wayDiet suggestions to combat these age related issuesThis course is also for those pet parents whose dogs are approaching their senior years. You will get to know various preventive measures to avoid these age related issues in your dogs and help them live gracefully in their golden years!"
Price: 19.99

"Crez Ds Aujourd'hui Votre Premier Jeu Vido Avec Unity"
"Unity est un logiciel de dveloppement de jeux vido incroyablement utile. Il vous permet de rapidement crer pour toutes les principales plateformes de jeux vido, de console mobile, avec de nombreux outils afin de vous faciliter le travail, et peut tre utilis gratuitement.Si vous rvez de crer vos propres jeux vido, de donner vie vos crations, mais ne savez pas par o commencer, c'est probablement la solution idale pour vous, permettant de rapidement vous lancer dans l'aventure.Cependant, Unity peut tre intimidant : crer un jeu vido est difficile, et en crer un en 3D l'est encore plus. Objets, textures, code, physique...Unity propose bien des tutoriels, mais ceux-ci sont disponibles uniquement en anglais.Heureusement, si vous vous voulez apprendre utiliser Unity et ne parlez pas couramment anglais, ce cours est pour vous !Ce cours s'adresse aux dbutants complets dans l'utilisation du logiciel Unity qui souhaitent apprendre en franais.En seulement quelques heures, je vous guide dans la cration d'un jeu trs simple, rminiscent de ""Super Monkey Ball"" , mais qui vous permet de comprendre toutes les bases du dveloppement sous Unity. Cration de matriaux et d'objets, dplacements, collisions, affichage de textes, physiques, sons, textures et modles 3D, changement de niveau... Autant d'lments primordiaux la cration d'un jeu vido 3D.Avec toutes ces informations, vous avez un excellent point de dpart dans le dveloppement de jeux vido, et vous pouvez vous intresser des sujets de plus en plus complexes jusqu' ce que vous soyez capable de raliser le jeu de vos rves...De plus, je vous offre galement un guide de 10 pages au format PDF qui vous guide dans le processus de cration de jeu vido. Il vous aide mettre en place vos ides de dpart, et vous conseille pour le design et le scnario de votre jeu vido en concordance avec son gameplay. Il prsente galement les diffrents logiciels de dveloppement, et vous donne une ide de ce que vous pourrez faire une fois votre jeu sorti.En plus, je vous fourni galement 615 effets sonores et 242 musiques libres de droits que vous pourrez utiliser sans limites dans vos propres projets ! Ne remettez plus vos rves au lendemain sous prtexte que vous ne savez pas ou ne pouvez pas. Unity est gratuit, et ce cours vous permet de dmarrer avec vlocit et efficacit dans son utilisation.Tout ce dont votre jeu besoin pour exister, c'est de votre envie, de votre dsir, de votre volont le crer. Il vous suffit de faire les efforts ncessaires, et vous y arriverez.N'attendez plus : lancez-vous, avec ce cours, dans l'aventure ardue mais incroyablement satisfaisante du dveloppement de jeux vido !"
Price: 29.99

"Stresstastisch - Der leichte Weg zu mehr Stressfreiheit"
"Kennst du das auch?Du bist gestresst und fhlst dich oft gehetzt?Du leidest vielleicht unter unerklrlichen Schmerzen und bist oft mde, sowie erschpft?Du bist oft gereizt?Du mchtest mehr Wege entdecken noch besser mit deinem Stress umzugehen? Hast du solche oder hnliche Themen?Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Stresstastisch ist die Mglichkeit, nach der du suchst. Doch eins vorweg:""Dieser Kurs ist nicht fr alle Menschen geeignet!"". Er richtet sich an die Menschen, die wirklich mehr Stressfreiheit in ihr Leben lassen mchten. Die Mglichkeiten suchen mit Stress noch besser umzugehen. Die daran Glauben, dass Stress eine Ursache hat und uns keineswegs einfach nur so zustt. Stress knnen wir niemals ganz aus unserem Leben verbannen, doch wir knnen lernen mit ihm umzugehen. Wir knnen lernen uns mit ihm zu arrangieren und wir knnen akzeptieren, dass er auch berlebenswichtig ist. Der Name bei Stresstastisch ist Programm. Trotz Stress fantastisch fhlen. Seit ber 10 Jahren arbeite ich mit Menschen zusammen und helfe ihnen ihre Ziele zu erreichen und sich ein stressfreieres Leben aufzubauen. Du kannst es auch.Mit Stresstastisch. Dies ist keineswegs wieder so ein herkmmlicher ""Du kannst es schaffen Kurs"", sondern einer der an die Basis geht. In ihm setzt du dich mit dir selbst auseinander und entdeckst neue spannende Mglichkeiten, sowie Wege, mit deinem Stress noch besser umzugehen. In ber 45 Min Videomaterial lernst du alles wichtige zum Thema Stress. Wie entsteht er?Welche Auswirkungen hat er auf unseren Krper?Was hat ein Elefant und ein Hund mit Stress zu tun?Und vieles mehr. Desweiteren wartet der beliebte Stress-Typen-Test auf dich. Heute wissen wir, dass es 7 Stress-Typen-Anteile gibt. Doch welcher ist bei dir mehr oder welcher weniger ausgeprgt?Finde es wie viele Menschen vor dir heraus. Dann warten noch 18 Methoden auf dich. Stelle sie dir wie einen groen Werkzeugkoffer vor, welcher dir eine groe Vielfalt an Lsungsmglichkeiten mit an die Hand gibt. Praxiserprobt und Alltagstauglich. Abgerundet wird Stresstastisch durch die 2 begehrten Traumreisen. In der Vergangenheit von Leistungssportlern und Managern genutzt, finden die Traumreise heutzutage wirklich jeden Menschen. Egal ob jung oder alt. Egal welchen Beruf du nachgehst. Mit den Traumreisen profitierst du gleich doppelt, denn sie setzen unterbewusst neues ungeahntes Potenzial frei und entspannen auch gleichzeitig. Ich werde dich auf der spannenden Reise zu mehr Stressfreiheit begleiten. Ich bin gespannt mit welcher Methode du beginnst. Hole dir nun Stesstastisch direkt zu dir nach Hause und beginne damit, dir das Leben aufzubauen, wovon du schon immer getrumt hast."
Price: 79.99