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"Plugin Development in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement(CRM)"
"This course is a must to have course for any Dynamics 365 developer who want to sharpen his development skills by learning how to develop Plugins. Plugins are the most important and commonly used way of developing custom login in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement(CRM), so every developer should have this skill.This course focus on the topics from the very basics of plugin till the plugin debugging.Module 1: Intro to Custom Development in Dynamics 365Intro to Extending Dynamics 365 CRMXRM PlatformWhy Custom Development is needed?Dynamics 365 CRM Extensibility Architecture Different methods to extend Dynamics CRMSupported Vs un-supported customizationHow to use SDK for custom development? Module 2: Plugin DevelopmentUnderstanding Event Execution pipelineDeveloping PluginsModule 3: Deploy and Register pluginsDeploy and Register pluginsUse Plugin Registration toolDevelop plugins for CRM onlineModule 4: Debug pluginsDebugging Pluginson CRM online and on-premiseModule 5: Advanced Plugin ConceptPre-entity and post - entity imagesUse Shared Variables in PluginsSecure and Un-secure configuration in Plugins"
Price: 99.99

"A Prtica da Aprendizagem Mediada"
"O que voc vai aprender neste curso?Voc vai aprender tanto na teoria quanto na prtica a como elaborar, aplicar e avaliar os resultados de atividades que tm por objetivo o desenvolvimento cognitivo. Algumas das tcnicas e conceitos que voc vai dominar:VerbalizaoMapa Cognitivo Operaes Mentais IntencionalidadeSentido(s)TranscendnciaMultimodalidadeMomento para pensarDissonncia cognitivaRepetioVerbalizaoFunes CognitivasTodos estes conceitos so tratados em detalhe e com exemplos prticos de sua aplicao.Este curso para voc?O aluno ideal para este curso so pais que queiram melhorar o desenvolvimento cognitivo dos seus filhos, professores que queiram que seus alunos de fato aprendam e se sintam motivados, e trabalhadores e responsveis de empresas que queiram atingir um melhor resultado atravs da capacitao de seus colaboradores."
Price: 19.99

"Easily Setup A DigitalOcean VPS With A Free Control Panel"
"Digital Ocean is one of the biggest VPS and Cloud Computing Companies out there thats why in this course we shall be setting up a full VPS and install a free Control Panel ZesleCP then we will cover most of it's features which includes; FTP , Email , Private Nameservers , Domains & Subdomains And the free Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates."
Price: 29.99

"Farmakoterapia kobiet ciarnych"
"Czy wiesz, jak dostosowa zasady leczenia popularnych dolegliwoci i chorb do potrzeb kobiety ciarnej?Czy wiesz, ktre witaminy powinny by suplementowane, a ktre nie?Czy wiesz, ktrych zi pacjentki powinny unika, a ktre mog bezpiecznie stosowa?Sprawd si!Odpowiedz na ponad 70 pyta poruszajcych ten niezwykle istotny i interesujcy temat. Ciesz si prawidow odpowiedzi, ale te ucz si na popenianych bdach.Pytania s opatrzone wyczerpujcymi komentarzami, ktre bd dla Ciebie rdem przydatnej wiedzy.Osoby zainteresowane dalszym zgbianiem wiedzy zachcamy do zapoznania si z pozycjami poniej, z ktrych korzystalimy wybierajc dla Was najciekawsze i najbardziej przydatne informacje:Schaefer C, Peters PJW, Miller RK. Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation Treatment Options and Risk Assessment 3rd Edition, Elsevier Ltd. ISBN 9780124080782uczak A, Nowak M, Szaek E. Bezpieczestwo lekw rolinnych w ciy. Farmacja Wspczesna 2017; 10: 140-146Szaek E, Grzekowiak E. Bezpieczestwo farmakoterapii w okresie ciy. Farmacja Wspczesna 2008; 1: 109-1Opinie lekowe ekspertw Polskiego Towarzystwa Ginekologw i Poonikw dostpne na stronie Internetowej PTGINKurs nie jest przeznaczony dla pacjentw. Udzia w kursie nie moe zastpi konsultacji medycznej. Informacje zawarte w kursie maj charakter informacyjny. Podejmowanie decyzji terapeutycznych wymaga kadorazowo dogbnej, wielokierunkowej analizy przypadku. Autor nie ponosi odpowiedzialnoci za utrat zdrowia czy inne komplikacje, bezporednie lub porednie, wynike ze stosowania zalece umieszczonych w kursie."
Price: 129.99

"Affiliate Marketing Master Class Step By Step Guide 2020"
"""Affiliate marketing has made businesses millions and ordinary people millionaires.""If you've ever wanted to make money online, I'm sure you came across the term affiliate marketing. Maybe you even purchased eBooks and video training, joined affiliate networks such as Clickbank and JVZoo and thought the sales would start rolling in. Because when peopel think about affiliate marketing, they think about the 'fantasy' they've been told - the Easy Button. You start to get the idea that you can quit your day job, push the Easy Button, and live happily ever after after. But then, when you follow that, they seem to make money... but you don't. Sounds familiar?We've all been there. But today, it's going to change. Is affiliate marketing is as easy as youve heard? it's not a 'push-a-button-and-be-rich' business, but it's not rocket science either. You just need a strong foundation and to keep building up your business from there. And that's exactly what this course is for.You see, you wouldnt build a house without a strong foundation. And neither should you build an affiliate business without first snapping some very important pieces into place.  Skip these beginning steps, and your affiliate business will be about as a strong as a house of cards. You will learn in Modern Affiliate Marketing Earn Money In 2020 Complete Guide...How to approach affiliate marketing differently and truly understand your business.How to avoid common mistakes that are ruining your business.How top affiliates - also known as super affiliates think, and what it takes to become a super affiliate.How to drive traffic to your offers.1How to approach social media marketing the right way, and what are the pros and cons of every major social media network!And much more..."
Price: 199.99

"Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) Administration"
"Today applications, whether on Internet or Intranet, on the cloud or in premises must be able to authenticate and authorize users access along with high level of security and virtualisation.As per current market scenario, there are lots of vendors available who are providing fragmented tools and components to achieve tasks such as storing objects, accessing, synchronizing, virtualizing but not as one unified solution.OUD is preferred over OID or ODSEE and integrated with almost every Oracle product like Oracle EBS (R12) Financial, Database for EUS, Fusion Middleware like SOA, OBIEE, WebCenter or Integration with Microsoft Active Directory (MS-AD).Today there are lots of IAM Jobs but not good enough good resources who understand Oracle Unified Directory 11gR2 as this is one of the most important Oracle Fusion Middleware Application"
Price: 199.99

"Invatati Design UX (User Experience) de la zero!"
"<< Design UX dintr-un altfel de punct de vedere >> se adreseaza incepatorilor in acest domeniu, studentilor si programatorilor care vor sa inteleaga ce este si de ce este extrem de important in procesul de dezvoltare al unei aplicatii.Se adreseaza in egala masura tuturor celor din alte domenii care eventual doresc o reconversie in IT intr-una dintre cele mai fascinante si cautate discipline in acest moment.De asemenea sunt bineveniti toti cei care - indiferent de experienta profesionala - doresc sa isi extinda aria de expertiza abordand un domeniu extrem de cautat si apreciat in lumea IT.""Traim, gandim si visam in culori. Iar eu cred ca PC-ul, tableta si smartphone-ul trebuie sa faca la fel.Tehnologia trebuie sa devinao parte din noi, sa ne conectezeca indivizi, ca oameni, ca societate. Si cel mai important, sa neatinga inimile. Pentru ca daca poti atinge inima cuiva, posibilitatile sunt nelimitate"""
Price: 19.99

"Compreendendo o TDAH"
"OTranstorno de Dficit de Ateno e Hiperatividade (TDAH) um dos transtornos mentais mais comentados na atualidade, principalmente pela sua prevalncia entre crianas. Este um curso bsico sobre o TDAH para quem deseja saber mais sobre como ocorre o dficit de ateno e a hiperatividade, quais os principais sintomas, como feito o diagnstico, como realizado o tratamento e diversas outras questes importantes."
Price: 54.99

"Render 100% Revit com a Arq. Brbara Pavanello"
"Contedo Programtico do CursoAteno: Esse curso indicado para quem j sabe usar o Revit e precisa aprender a decorar e finalizar seus projetos para criar lindas apresentaes renderizadas diretamente no Revit. Para quem ainda no possui um certo domnio do programa, recomendamos aFormao em Revit da Axiom.Construo:Mostraremos brevemente a construo do Loft do zero, inserindo paredes, laje, piso laminado, forro de gesso, estrutura metlica (pilar e viga), parede cortina (painel de vidro), piscina, escada e guarda-corpo.Decorao:Nessa etapa o contedo ser passado de forma mais minuciosa, faremos a insero dos mobilirios, parede de cobog, itens de decorao, letreiro luminoso em alto relevo e toda a parte de configurao de materiais.Iluminao Artificial e Natural:Nesse curso utilizaremos diversos tipos de iluminao no Revit, Iluminao de embutir, iluminao pontual, arandelas, pendentes, rasgos no gesso com fita LED, iluminao da piscina, e vamos ensinar a importncia das configuraes de luz artificial e natural no ambiente.Renderizao e Finalizao:Posicionamento de cmeras, login na Autodesk, render online (cloud), configurao de cenas com backgrounds (fundos) diversificados (manh, tarde e noite), renderizao com iluminao natural, artificial e cenas noturnas, render 360 com QRCode, como dispor o QRCode na prancha ou at mesmo gerar um link que pode ser enviado por WhatsApp do seu projeto em 360.Atravs desses mtodos e conhecimentos, voc poder otimizar muito tempo, alm de obter resultados incrveis utilizando somente a plataforma BIM."
Price: 489.99

"Aprenda Hacking Web y Pentesting"
"Si le apasiona el mundo del pentesting, este curso le permite aprender cmo hackear pginas/aplicaciones web desde cero a niveles ms avanzados, al igual que lo hara un atacante real. No se necesita ningn conocimiento previo en la materia.En primer lugar, realizaremos las prcticas bajo un entorno controlado e instalaremos todos los programas necesarios.Despus, explicaremos el funcionamiento de un sitio web y cmo podemos llegar a lograr el control total de este.Una vez comprendidos estos aspectos bsicos de un sitio web, comenzaremos con el ncleo del curso. El ncleo del curso se desarrolla en tres partes principales:1. Recopilacin de informacin: Se trata de la primera fase de un ataque. En ella se intenta recolectar toda la informacin posible acerca del objetivo como, por ejemplo: tecnologas, informacin sobre el DNS, sitios web en el mismo servidor, subdominios... Esta informacin permite a un atacante hacerse una imagen previa de la estructura, versiones usadas... del objetivo y perfilar su ataque, aumentando las probabilidades de xito.2. Vulnerabilidades: En esta seccin aprender como identificar, explotar y solucionar las vulnerabilidades ms comunes e importantes. Se explicar cada una de estas y qu nos permiten, su explotacin desde un nivel bsico a uno ms avanzado y finalmente veremos el cdigo que las causa junto con cmo solucionarlas. Estas son las vulnerabilidades cubiertas en el curso:Carga de archivos: Permite a un atacante subir cualquier archivo en el servidor web objetivo.Ejecucin de cdigo: Permite a un atacante la ejecucin de cdigo arbitrario en el sistema operativo del servidor web objetivo.Inclusin local y remota de archivos: Permiten a un atacante ejecutar cdigo malicioso y/o llevar acabo robo de informacin mediante la manipulacin de parmetros vulnerables en el objetivo. Las LFI afectan ficheros a nivel local del servidor y las RFI permiten la carga de ficheros remotos.Inyeccin SQL: Permite a un atacante inyectar consultas SQL a travs de las entradas de datos de una aplicacin, esto supone: extraer/modificar/eliminar informacin y/o comprometer cuentas administrativas.XSS: Permiten a un atacante ejecutar cualquier cdigo JavaScript, esto supone: acceder a todo tipo de informacin sensible almacenada en la parte del cliente. Existen tres categoras diferentes de XSS: almacenado o persistente, reflejado y basado en el DOM.CSRF: Permite a un atacante iniciar sesin en otras cuentas de usuarios sin conocer su contrasea.Ataques de fuerza bruta y diccionario: Permiten a un atacante adivinar contraseas de inicio de sesin del objetivo.3. Post-explotacin: Este captulo describir qu puede hacer con el acceso que obtuvo gracias a las vulnerabilidades anteriores, como, por ejemplo: interactuar con una shell inversa, acceder a otros sitios web en el mismo servidor, ejecutar comandos de la shell, eludir privilegios ilimitados, descargar/subir archivos en el servidor web objetivoCuando termine el curso, podr lanzar ataques y probar la seguridad de cualquier sitio/aplicacin web, pero no solo eso, tambin podr corregir estas vulnerabilidades y protegerse.NOTA: Este curso se cre solo con fines educativos y todos los ataques se inician en un entorno controlado o contra dispositivos con autorizacin."
Price: 99.99

"Kanban Fundamentals: How to Become Insanely Productive"
"Are you searching for the perfect productivity system for your startup?First the bad news: It doesnt exist. Youre going to have to do the work no matter what system you use.Now the good news: Kanban is an easy-to-use and -learn system that can help avoid feeling overwhelmed by those endless To Do lists.Kanban is a simple system for creating products based on continuous deliveries. This system originated from the Japanese manufacturing system, but you can use it to achieve more in work or your business or personal life.Kanban is a key way to introduce lean principles in your organization. Lean can help your teams better prioritize their work and continuously improve by removing the waste from your process. In this course, you will learn essential lean principles and discover how to use a kanban board to help your team prioritize more effectively. Learn about starting enterprise lean, setting up a board, optimizing your flow, and much more."
Price: 19.99

"Get More Dates: The Introverted Man's Guide to Dating Apps"
"Did you know that over 10 million people check Tinder every single day trying to find dates? And thats just from 1 dating app! Yet there are millions of guys swiping right every day and not getting anything out of it.If you're not happy with your dating life, now's the easiest time to start filling your schedule with more dates regardless of what dating app youre using or how much dating experience you have.As an introvert, I struggled to get dates earlier in my life. But as I got older, gained more confidence and started using dating apps like Bumble and Tinder, I slowly figured out how to chat with girls and set up dates.Most guys are intimidated by dating apps or just don't know what to do... but the reality is that if you take the right approach and put in just a little bit of effort, you can take advantage of the millions of girls that want to go on fun dates with guys like us. Here's a glimpse of what you'll learn:- Whats going on in the modern dating app world and the reality of what girls look for in guys- How to focus on what you want to make your dating app experience even more successful- The 3 key mentalities you need to give yourself the best chance at success- How to improve your profile to get as many matches as possible- My 2 go-to opening lines that have got amazing response rates for years- How to start and continue a conversation in a natural, genuine way (with real examples of what I say and why)- What to do if she stops responding- How to get girls itching to go out with you- Exactly what to say to a girl to get her number and a date- Best first date ideas and which ones to use in any scenario But that's not all. Because dating apps are so much more than watching some (awesome) videos, I also included bonus resources to help you get more dates and meet more women:Dating App Journal Template - A journal entry resource that accompanies Lesson #2, where I help you outline your goals and plans to achieve them. With a better idea of what you want in your dating life, youll be in a better position to succeed.Self-improvement and Mentality Boosters - I discuss self-improvement a lot in the 1st half of the course, but I wanted to include even more resources because of how important it is (not just for dating, but for life). This bonus includes a quick discussion on the best practical ways to improve your mentality for all aspects of life, including a breakdown of exactly how I keep my mentality as positive and confident as possible and my favourite (free) resources & articles. Real-life Dating App Conversation Breakdowns - I include examples and screenshots of real life dating app opening lines to show you exactly how to get responses almost every time and I also go through 5 entire conversations with real matches analyzing each of my messages so you get an idea of what a complete conversation looks like from start to finish. I havent seen anyone break down dating app conversations like this before!When was the last time you wasted money on Tinder Plus, Match or a crappy date that didnt go well because the girl just wasnt excited from the beginning?Ive never spent a dollar on dating apps and neither should you!Imagine having more matches than you can handle and not having enough days in the week to book exciting dates with girls who want to go out with you? Because thats the reality for guys like me and if I was able to do it, I know you can too.Its all about the approach. And with my approach, I know youll see amazing results. All the best!"
Price: 24.99

"Photoshop Master Class: Professional Magazine & Book cover"
"This course is for everyone who is interested in learning essentials of Photoshop without any previous knowledge of Photoshop, you will be able to start designing some creative magazine covers and professional Book covers.Every aspect of designing a magazine cover or book cover is completely covered in this ultimate Photoshop course. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced designer, you will gain a lot through this course.After the complete package of designing Magazine and Book cover, Design theory , Essential elements for designing, Your will be taught the secret tips for earning Money by designing Magazine and Book covers."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a ter uma comunicao clara em qualquer ambiente"
"Voc quer aprender a se comunicar melhor e passar as suas ideias de forma clara e objetiva? Esse treinamento mostrar como fazer isso de forma simples e clara. Tambm ajudar em sua conduta independente do seu setor e ambiente de atuao. Faa parte dos profissionais que querem se comunicar melhor e trace seus objetivos com uma conduta excepcional."
Price: 19.99

"C++ Programming from Beginner to Advanced"
"C++ Programming from Beginner to Advanced, is created special for any person who wants to learn the C++ language, step by step, but needs a solid part of theoretical notions and applications. Any chapter of this course, has a theoretical part, a major part of explanations by working directly with code, a set of problems to work at home and at the end of the course, 100 solved problems.At the end of each chapter, there is a Quiz, special for some keys notions.After this course, any person who enrolled, must be prepared to create a solve for any problem from these lessons and to pass at the Expert level, to learn more deeply this amazing language."
Price: 79.99

"A Guide to AP Calculus BC"
"I have designed this course based on my experiences with AP Calculus BC. In this course, I will cover the extra topics you need to know for the AP Calculus BC exam. After AP Calculus AB, there are really only two major extra chapters in AP Calculus BC. By breaking down these topics, you will learn how to approach and solve different questions. My focus, similar to my course on AP Calculus AB, is on both teaching the topics and connecting them to the relevant AP style questions.Unlike my AP Calculus AB course, this course does not have tests and solutions. This is because your primary source of practice should be previously released AP exam FRQs. This is my suggestion for your study:Watch these videos and after finishing a few videos, find an AP FRQ relating to the concepts in those videos. This will show you how to apply concepts to the AP style questions. By doing this repeatedly, you will be on the track to earn a 4 or 5 on the exam."
Price: 24.99

"A Guide to Geometry"
"Geometry is another fundamental subject in math. It is where students build on concepts in Algebra and learn more about different theorems involving angles, triangles, and other figures. In Geometry, students learn how to apply theorems to solve for unknown elements of problems.I have designed this course based on the structure of a the Common Core Geometry textbook. I will cover everything from conditional statements to solving for angle and segment lengths using different postulates and theorems. Certain chapters will be longer than others but as a general range, a chapter's worth of content will range from 40 minutes to 1 hour."
Price: 34.99

"A'dan Z'ye Cubase Vokal Kayt / Mix / Mastering Nefer Flex"
"Trkiye'nin ilk ve tek Cubase Eitim Setine Ho Geldiniz! Bu kurstaki Cubase dersleri , sadece mzik yapmak isteyenler iin deil ayn zamanda ses teknolojisi hakknda bilgilenmek isteyen herkes iin yararl olacaktr. Ses ile alakal her hangi bir meslekle urayorsanz bu kurstan reneceiniz ok ey var. rnein 'Youtube erik reticileri' bu kurs sayesinde daha kaliteli vokaller kullanarak ieriklerini daha geni kitlelere ulatrabilirler. Steinberg Cubase ok amal ve yksek teknolojili bir mzik programdr. Bu eitim serisinde rendiiniz ilemleri , farkl mzik programlarnda da kullanabileceksiniz."
Price: 109.99

"..... :1- .2- .3- ."
Price: 19.99

"Body Language - A Simple Guide To Improve Your Communication"
"Your success in almost all aspects of your life is determined by how well you present yourself. Whether you are going for a job interview, giving an important presentation or going on a date, it is critical that you are aware of how your body language is perceived by other people. Up to 90% of the message you convey comes from your body language. It is therefore important for you to understand what signals you are sending to people but more importantly not send the wrong message. When you understand how to read other people's body language you can interpret how they feel and what are their intentions just by observing them. This is a powerful skill to have not just in your personal, but also in your business life.This body language course was designed to be clear and concise. This course is designed to help people from all levels with information to significantly improve your communication skills.Target audience:Business leadersEntreprenuersEmployeesEmployersStudentProfessionalsCoaches"
Price: 49.99

"Sports videography: How to Shoot Football Games like a pro"
"Football is one of the most popular sports in the United States, and as such, coaches from youth leagues right up to high schools and beyond are more often seeking quality videotape so they can break down the film, evaluate players and strategize for future opponents. The problem is, there are not enough talented videographers to record their games professionally. Sure, anyone with an iPad can pan back and forth to follow the action, but that method sorely misses the details in player identification and following the action closely enough, and it also lacks context such as penalties and down and distance. Plus, what do you do if you have no elevation to shoot from, or if it rains?My course How to shoot football games like a Pro details everything you need to know so that you can more adequately capture a game at any level. You might be a videographer looking for an extra revenue stream; maybe you're a parent looking to get better footage of your student-athlete; you could also be a student or assistant coach tasked with filming high school or youth football games for your team. Either way, this comprehensive course will show you everything you need to know to be able to record football games with professional results. Your instructor has been running a successful sports videography business for over 15 years, and uses actual game examples and techniques to turn you into a top videographer who will soon be in demand for your services."
Price: 39.99

"Guia completo do freelancer para dominar o 99freelas"
"Qual seu estilo de vida ideal? Tem vontade de obter liberdade financeira, fazer um extra ou trabalhar de onde quiser?No. Voc no ter um chefe todo tempo no seu p. Voc poder trabalhar na hora que voc quiser alm de criar uma nova fonte de renda para fazer aquela viagem inesquecvel e realizar seu sonhos. disso que esse curso vai tratar: Liberdade, lucratividade, realizao. Com muito esforo e foco voc vai poder viver da sua paixo e at mesmo criar um negcio com funcionrios.Vou mostrar como ganhei milhares de reais como freelancer. Vou mostrar o passo a passo para que voc possa fazer o mesmo.Quero ajudar pessoas que:1. Querem entrar no mundo do freelancer 2. Esto patinando na hora de conseguir novos projetosEu posso te ajudar no importa sua situao.ESSE CURSO VAI TE MOSTRAR COMO:1. Criar um perfil que faa os clientes brilharem os olhos2. Comear do zero e conseguir fechar os primeiros projetos3. Vencer a concorrncia sem ter que cobrar o menor preo4. Dicas para construir um portflio de qualidade5. Definir uma fatia certeira do mercado para voc atuar.6. Analisar concorrncia7. Entregar projetos de alta qualidade recebendo 5 estrelas na avaliaoE AINDA TEM OS BNUS1. Voc receber diversos PDFs contendo guias2. Perguntas e respostas para voc treinar3. Desafios para te manter ainda mais motivadoABRO O JOGO NESSE CURSOVou mostrar minha dashboard, minhas conversas, meus fechamentos. Voc poder hackear o jogo conseguindo bons resultados logo no comeo da carreira. Pessoas de sucesso no 99freelas usaram essas tcnicasNO TEM MELHOR MOMENTO PARA COMEAR QUE AGORAEntre em campo, comece a jogar e logo em seguida os gols comearo a sair. Deixe o passado para trs e viva o futuro que voc sonhou agora.Voc no precisa ser um profissional renomado.Voc no precisa ter um portflio com muitos trabalhosVoc no precisa saber tcnicas de negociaoVoc simplesmente precisa ser persistente e aplicar as tcnicas da forma que te ensinei e os resultados viroPOR QUE ESTOU FAZENDO ISSO?Comecei a carreira de freelancer h cinco anos atrs e passei anos patinando sem fechar vendas. At que uma hora dei um basta e resolvi entender como o jogo funcionava. Estudei e comecei a ter resultados e agora quero ajudar pessoas como voc a ter resultados tambm.Voc ver meu painel do 99freelas onde mostro que j faturei mais de R$ 4.500,00. E no para por a. J faturei mais que o dobro fora da plataforma com contatos que vieram de l e das minhas mdias sociais como Linkedin e Facebook.E se voc ver com os prprios e mesmo assim no se sentir satisfeito pode pedir seu dinheiro de volta em at 30 dias. Todo o dinheiro de volta sem precisar dar explicaes.MAL POSSO ESPERAR PARA VER VOC FATURARLogo de incio j entrego dicas para voc comear j a montar um perfil de qualidade e comear a conversar com seus futuros clientes."
Price: 579.99

Price: 7800.00

"In Windeseile ganze Songs am Klavier spielen lernen"
"Einfach vor das Klavier setzen und drauf los spielen...Fr viele angehende Musiker noch ein Traum. Mit dem Keymaster-Klavierkurs muss dies allerdings kein Traum bleiben!Der Keymaster-Klavierkurs zeigt dir, wie du auf schnellstem Wege deine ersten Melodien und Songs spielen kannst. Sonst trockene Theorie lernst du geschickt verpackt in interaktiven Lernvideos - das wichtige beim Erlernen des Klavierspielens ist schlielich der Spa an der Sache!"
Price: 49.99

"Techniques And Tricks For Boosting Site Sales (Persian)"
"In this PERSIAN Course , we answer all the following questions:How to create valuable content for Google and site visitors?What is the conversion rate optimization ( CRO )?What is the way to analyze the behavior of site visitors?What parts of my site will attract more attention?What is the secret of selling my site?Can you send messages to them without receiving emails from users ?!What is the title of the site advertising more effective?How does content marketing affect my site sales?What is a marketing funnel?What is an effective link building tool?What is the impact of video content on the increase in site sales? What is Skyscraper? What is the difference between internal and external SEO?Introducing offline and online marketing methods (Inbound and Outbound)Introducing techniques for producing valuable and uncompromising contentImportant HTML tags that you need to enhance content SEOUse social networks to improve SEOIntroducing a solution for automatically sending content to all social networksWhat is a social signal?What is a landing page or landing page?What are the magic words in advertising to increase sales and sales?How can we improve customer experience in the online store?What title is more clicked!"
Price: 99.99

"Beginners Guide To Trading Forex"
"For a beginner, the Forex market is difficult to navigate. All that research you need to do, which currency pair to trade, choosing the appropriate capital management ratio, choosing the right broker, etc... Its a hard game to break into and even harder to get right. On the other hand, diving into the specifics of Forex trading will open the door to consistent profits that can bolster your bank balance every day for the rest of your life.The Beginners Guide To Forex Course is for those of you who are just starting to consider trading Forex but dont know where to start, given the abundance of information on the Internet. It will help gain an understanding of the very basics. This course includes 10 professionally produce videos & and a downloadable E-Book.Here's What You'll Learn In this Course:What Is Forex?Why Trade ForexCurrency Pairs & Currency Price QuotingBest Time To Trade ForexChart PatternsSupport & ResistanceTrend LinesTechnical IndicatorsTechnical AnalysisFundamental AnalysisTrading Psychology Risk ManagementForex trading can be quite lucrative if done correctly. Like most, there is a system to the success. This course will provide you with the knowledge to start participating in this lucrative market. Good Luck& Happy Trading!!!!"
Price: 149.99

"Machine Learning Projects: Recommendation system website"
"Recommendation systems are at the heart of almost every internet business today; from Facebook to Netflix to Amazon. Providing good recommendations, whether its friends, movies, or groceries, goes a long way in defining user experience and enticing your customers to use your platform.This course shows you how to do just that , using machine learning algorithms and implement them to Django to create an attractive recommendation website."
Price: 29.99

"Eyebrows and Makeup"
"Brows is an essential feature of the face so it is important you know how to shape and define them. It is important you know the difference between a foundation and a concealer. What does a foundation do to the Skin?Have you ever made a mistake while applying eyeliner. You will learn the best way to correct it. Are you going on a first date, know the best colour of lipstick to use."
Price: 99.99

"Learn How to Draw and Paint in Photoshop"
"Start your artistic journey here and learn the techniques and processes for drawing and painting in a digital medium. In this course I will walk you through the steps for creating stunning digital artwork plus I'll share the tips and techniques that I've used as a professional artist for over 15 years in the animation industry. If you are just starting out as an artist or are keen to develop your natural ability to create art then this course is for you."
Price: 54.99

"Learn to Storyboard for Film or Animation"
"This course covers everything you need to know to about the creative process of Storyboarding for Film or Animation. You will learn concrete skills such as how to draw characters, how to draw in perspective, what camera angles and shots to use for your scripts, and how to make your shots and scenes flow together. As a Storyboard Artist you get to draw the film, shot for shot. It's by far the most creative job in the whole production process. Whether you are interested in gaming, animation, sketching, comic books or filmmaking, the concepts and techniques in this course will get you started on the road to professional success. You can begin to build a portfolio from right within the course, or you can start storyboarding your own projects now to a professional standard. I've packed this course with only the most relevant and detailed material. I've distilled everything I've learnt in my 15 years as an animation and film professional into each lesson."
Price: 99.99