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"Como Criar um Site ou Blog em Wordpress na Prtica"
"Voc conhece algum negcio de Sucesso que no tenha um site?Se voc um Empreendedor ou ainda tem um Negcio Iniciando e, precisa Criar Contedo e ter uma Presena Online.Voc precisa de um site e/ou blog para divulgar o seu negcio, deseja criar artigos, expor suas ideias, mostrar seus produtos e/ou servios, ter uma presena online, mas no sabe como e nem por onde comear?Ento voc precisa aprender de forma prtica e simples, e sem enrolao, a criar e seu prprio site e/ou blog.Cerca de 88% das pessoas que adquirem quaisquer produtos pesquisam na web antes de realizar suas compras. Ter um website de negcios no mais um luxo hoje em dia e sim essencial. Isso porque possvel encontrar tudo online. Por isso eu quero mostrar para voc o passo a passo para a criar o seu proprio site ou blog de forma rapida, pratica e simplificadaIremos abordar todos o passos, desde a contratao do dominio at a criao dos primeiros artigos, e o principal, tambm vamos abordar como deixar o seu site com blog otimizado para os mecanismos de buscas, afinal no adianta nada ter um site, se ningum o encontrar na internet. Concorda?Voc vai aprender:Criar o seu site em wordpressFazer o Seo e otimizar para os mecanismos de buscasInstalar o pixel do FacebookCriar um email profissionalInstalar o certificado digital (SSL)Criar paginas com o ElementorCriar postagensE muito mais...Tudo de forma prtica e simples!Eu acredito que o tempo o tempo o maior ativo que temos hoje, por isso meu objetivo aqui no trazer ""trocentas"" aulas para encher linguia!,Meu objetivo focar no que realmente importante para voc conseguir de forma simples e prtica criar o seu site e/ou blog em wordpress, mesmo que voc no entenda nada deprogramao, html, codigos e tudo mais. O que voc precisa saber, s saber mexer na internet.Por isso assista s aulas disponveis para visualizao gratuita e se voc achar que esse curso para voc.Inscreva se agora mesmo e comece j a transformar o futuro do seu negocio!No exite em me contactar! Todos os meus contatos voc encontra aqui no meu perfil de instrutora da Udemy."
Price: 19.99

"Pre-Algebra Explained"
"Are you looking to Master Pre-Algebra and Ace your next Exam? In this course, you will master the basic concepts of pre-algebra with our step by step tutorials and quizzes. The concepts you will learn are fundamental to success in higher math classes such as Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus. We will review operations with whole numbers, and then move on to learn how to perform operations with integers, fractions, and decimals. We will wrap up our course by learning how to find the mean, median, and mode for a group of numbers, along with how to convert between various units of measurement."
Price: 49.99

"Algebra 1 Explained"
"Become a Master of Algebra 1andAceyour nextExam! In this course, you will master the concepts of Algebra 1 with ourstep by steptutorials and quizzes. The concepts you will learn are fundamental to success in higher math classes such as Algebra 2, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus. The topics of the course include:Variables &ExpressionsSolving Linear Equations Solving Linear InequalitiesGraphing Linear Equations in two VariablesFunctionsRules of ExponentsScientific NotationOperations with PolynomialsFactoringRational ExpressionsRadicalsSolving Quadratic Equations"
Price: 49.99

"Algebra 2 Explained"
"Become a Master of  Algebra 2 and Ace your next Exam! In this course, you will master the concepts of  Algebra 2 with our step by step video tutorials and test your knowledge with over 1000 Practice Questions. The concepts you will learn are fundamental to success in higher math classes such as Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus. The topics of the course include:SetsSolving Linear Equations/InequalitiesSolving Absolute Value Equations/InequalitiesGraphing Linear Equations/Inequalities in two VariablesFunctionsVariationSystems of EquationsRules of ExponentsOperations with PolynomialsFactoringRational ExpressionsRadicalsSolving Quadratic EquationInverse FunctionsExponential and Logarithmic EquationsGraphing Elementary Functions (Transformations)Function CompositionGraphing Conic Sections: Circles, Ellipses, HyperbolasSolving Non-Linear Systems of Equations/Inequalities"
Price: 59.99

"Introduction to Agile Project Management"
"Nowadays, the need for Agile approach in solving problems is necessity. There is no successful project without good Project manager. For the Project manager to be a good in his/her job, it is not enough anymore to follow traditional practices, but to engage in changing the whole mindset toward the Agile way of thinking. What you will learn?We will start in this course with the history and general principles of project management. Then, we will elaborate traditional project management methods which will give you solid basis and set foundations for understanding the need for agile approach in the whole project management concept. After that, we will address agile manifesto and frameworks and jump to the agile practices and possible applications. At the end of this introductory course, we prepared for you a small and hopefully interesting game which will give you insights how agile really works. In final chapter, there is a 20 question final assessment with situational questions. Why you should take this course?This course is designed for the people who are either new in project management, or willing to improve their skills. In this course we will show you from the first hand experience what are some real obstacles on projects that you can expect and propose solution to overcome them. Furthermore, we will show you how you can make your everyday project management routine more interesting by playing Agile games with the team. You will learn how to engage participants and to emerge them into future perspective environment. Who are the instructors of this course?Two Agile experts with:- a proven real-life software industry experience,- certifications in PMP, PMI-ACP and CSM,- knowledge in system modeling and working tools and- willingness to share the experience and knowledge. In this course we will not burden you with a lot of theory, but we will concentrate on what is needed and could be applied in practice."
Price: 29.99

"Mercari Masterclass: The Complete Guide to Mastering Mercari"
"WELCOME TO MERCARI MASTERCLASS: A BEGINNERS GUIDE TO MASTERING MERCARI!**Mercari is currently only available in the United States, United Kingdom, and Japan**An in depth Step-by-Step Course on how to create, market, and scale your Mercari Store and turn it into a consistent revenue stream.In this course you'll learn how to turn your old belongings into cash using the newly created iOS & Android app Mercari. Don't return your old junk to the thrift store or throw it in the trash. Sell it online and you'll be shocked by how much money you can make!Want to get serious and take it up a notch? You'll find the tools you need in this course to ensure your inventory and stock of items continually grows alongside learning how to market your products effectively.The best part? There are no start-up costs whatsoever to get started with Mercari. Look around your house for anything and everything picking up dust and you'll have more than enough to get the ball rolling. All you'll need is a mobile device, a Mercari account, and any belongings you're willing to part with for some cold cash.Ready to use Mercari? Jump inside the course and let's get started!Topics we will cover include:ACCOUNT SET-UP & NAVIGATIONOnline SafetyDifferences Between Desktop and Mobile VersionHOW TO CREATE THE PERFECT PROFILEBalance, Credit, & CouponsDealing With Mercari Customer ServiceWhat to do if Mercari Isn't Available in Your CountryHOW TO CREATE THE PERFECT PRODUCT LISTINGSWhat Can You Sell?The Importance of Highly Detailed ListingsUnderstanding Titles, Keywords, & SEOUtilizing BundlesORDER FULFILLMENT, PACKAGING, SHIPPING, RETURNS, PURCHASES, & CUSTOMER CAREShipping & PackagingReturns & CancellationsCustomer ServiceGetting PaidMaking PurchasesAvoiding Scammers Pt. 1Avoiding Scammers Pt. 2MARKETING YOUR STORE: DRIVING FREE TRAFFIC TO INCREASE SALESInternal TrafficExternal Traffic Pt. 1 - MarketplacesExternal Traffic Pt. 2 - Analytics & URL ShortenersExternal Traffic Pt. 3 - Blogs & QuoraExternal Traffic Pt. 4 - FacebookExternal Traffic Pt. 5 - InstagramExternal Traffic Pt. 6 - TwitterExternal Traffic Pt. 7 - PinterestExternal Traffic Pt. 8A - YouTubeExternal Traffic Pt. 8B - YouTubeExternal Traffic Pt. 9A - Forums & GroupsExternal Traffic Pt. 9B - Forums & GroupsExternal Traffic Pt. 9C - Forums & GroupsExternal Traffic Pt. 10 - Paid TrafficSUSTAINABILITY: ACQUIRING MORE ITEMS TO SELL WHILE GROWING YOUR STOREAcquiring More Items to Sell - OnlineAcquiring More Items to Sell - OfflineDROPSHIPPINGWarningLogistical ProblemsWhat to Sell?SourcesSources to AvoidListing & FulfillmentINCREASING PROFIT & SCALINGScaling Your StoreWhat to do if Sales Slow DownWRAP-UP & THANKSCOMPLEMENTARY MATERIALMercari Information ReportShipping, Packaging, and Logistics ReportMercari Listing ChecklistCustomer Service Scripts & Dealing with Scammers ReportMarketing & Dropshipping ReportApproved Resources, Recommendations, & Supplies ReportJoin my Mercari, eBay, & Poshmark Sellers Facebook GroupJoin my eCommerce Facebook Group"
Price: 199.99

"Mediao de Conflitos: Curso Bsico Foco na Prtica"
"Do que trata este curso? Este curso tem enforque na prtica da Mediao. Como assim? Por meio da demonstrao de um conflito simulado voc acompanha a experincia da Mediadora nos desafios de cada fase, desde a pr-mediao at o encerramento. Para qu? Para que voc entenda a razo por trs dos conceitos bsicos, o como e para qu das principais ferramentas ensinadas e o que fundamental saber ao sentar-se mesa com as partes em conflito.O que mais? Exerccios elaborados para testar, gerar reflexo e maior segurana para a prtica.Como sero as aulas? Video com alta qualidade de imagem e som. As aulas seguem a sequencia lgica das fases em uma Mediao. Contedo claro e objetivo.Qual a durao do curso? O curso foi elaborado com uma boa dose de humor para que voc finalize de forma gil e plena. perfeito para quem quer irdireto ao ponto.Por que fazer este curso? Faa se est em busca de aprimorar a sua tcnica e desenvolver segurana para praticar a Mediao. No faa caso esteja em busca de capacitao formal ou certificao judicial.Como funciona a certificao feita pela Udemy?Os cursos da Udemy so cursos livres de educao continuada vlidos para fins curriculares, crditos de carga horria ou extenso em universidades, concursos pblicos e outras possibilidades nas modalidades de atualizao, aperfeioamento e capacitao. Regulamentados por Lei Federal de n 9.394/96, normatizaes legais, e oDecreto Presidencial n 5.154 de 23 de julho de 2004, bem como as normas da Resoluo CNE n 04/99 MEC (art. 7, 3) de 7 de outubro de 1999, so vlidos em todo o territrio nacional. Os certificados no podem ser utilizados para tcnico profissionalizante, graduao, ps-graduao, como tambm no do direito de assumir responsabilidades tcnicas. Consulte previamente o edital ou instituio em que pretende apresentar o certificado para verificar as especificaes e as regras que se aplicam."
Price: 129.99

"Heal Your Gut in 30-Days: 8 Steps to Better Digestion"
"Are you done with suffering from chronic discomfort from annoying digestive symptoms? Are you ready to not be that person who is always wondering where the next cleanest bathroom is located? If so, you've come to the right place! I'm Erin Peisach, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and your Gut Health Specialist. I'm the owner of Nutrition by Erin, a virtual nutrition private practice where I help clients nationwide improve their gut health through tailored diet and lifestyle interventions. I specifically work with people of all ages managing IBS, Crohn's, Colitis, GERD, SIBO, Celiac disease, and other digestive disorders. Additionally, I've experienced drastic changes in my own gut health over the years, so I know firsthand what it's like to go through all this.I developed this course to help share my knowledge with you in a step-by-step fashion. Through the years, I've come to understand what works and what doesn't. I read the research, stay updated on current nutrition trends, and provide an honest and accurate report of how to implement nutrition guidelines. Through writing a nutrition-blog, Ive solidified my ability to educate in easy-to-understand ways on sometimes confusing/overwhelming nutrition and health topics.I'm excited to say this is my first Udemy course! I am a passionate educator with years of experience providing group in-person nutrition courses on a wide array of topics. I love to enhance student engagement with the material by providing numerous opportunities to take your learning into action. I encourage you to reach out to me personally at any point in the course to share questions, concerns, or insight. Youll also have access to the courses Facebook Support Group where graduates and current students can share tips, tricks, and love/support! Your 30-day gut-healing journey entails 8 personalized action-steps: 1. Step 1: Self Report Card- This section allows you to reflect on how youre doing before you dive into the course. Youll complete a digestive-based Symptom Survey, which acts as your report-card. Youll be able to assess your progress throughout the 30-days. Youll also complete a Product Inventory worksheet to organize all of the supplements and medications youre using. Lastly, youll start completing a food & symptom diary that youll keep throughout the program to stay on track and accountable. 2. Step 2: Personalized Elimination Diet Part 1- This section of course teaches you what an elimination diet is, who it helps, and why you should follow one. Youll learn about the common food triggers for various types of digestive issues like IBS and GERD. Lastly, youll complete your own Food Trigger worksheet as the basis of your personalized elimination diet. 3. Step 3: Personalized Elimination Diet Part 2- This section of course helps you to put together your actual meal plan that youll follow through the 2-3 week elimination diet. Youll get pro-meal planning tips and tricks so you can adhere to the diet successfully! By the end of this section, youll be ready to start your diet on your anticipated start date.4. Step 4: Eating Behaviors- This section of course helps you identify and overcome eating behaviors that may be impairing your gut health. Youll learn why these behaviors sabotage digestive health. Youll complete the Eating Behaviors Self-Assessment and set SMART goals to help encourage positive behavior change. 5. Step 5: Stress Management- This section focuses on the connection between stress and gut health. Youll complete the Stress Self-Assessment worksheet to fully understand how stress may be playing a role in your everyday life. Youll set SMART goals to help manage your stress response in a healthy way. 6. Step 6: Healthy Body Weight & Activity- This section covers the connection between body weight (under and overweight) and your digestion. Youll also learn about physical activity and its importance in gut healing. Youll set SMART goals related to incorporating this essential aspect of overall health into your life. 7. Step 7: Supplements & OTC Products- This section reviews the importance of being knowledgeable about the products you take. While its not possible to provide all-around product recommendation to each student, youll gain insight into what you should use for various types of gut ailments. Youll edit your Product Inventory worksheet to reflect your new regimen. 8. Step 8: Oral Food Challenge- This section teaches you what an oral food challenge is and how to perform one, step-by-step. This is the most important part of the course because you start understanding your body and how it responds to each of the potential triggers. After completion of your challenges, youll feel empowered to build a healthy-gut-maintenance diet! This course is NOT for the person who isn't ready to make health changes. If that sounds like you, perhaps take some time to think this over before moving forward.However, if youre ready to make a change and feel your best, then youre ready to jump into Heal Your Gut in 30 Days. You are in the best hands if you suffer from a digestive disorder like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohns disease, Ulcerative colitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Celiac disease, small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), or other functional bowel disorders. These are the clients I work with daily in my nutrition private practice, Nutrition by Erin, to heal and feel like new. The holistic and comprehensive approach this course takes will, without a doubt, lead you to better health! While I cant make any specific promises, I know for sure that focusing on nutrition and lifestyle factors within your control makes you feel healthy and empowered. Lets face it, you have nothing to lose by taking a month to commit to healing your gut, the root of all disease. Youll also learn the basics of living a healthy life, meal planning, and goal setting. I hope this course gives you hope that things can get better with a little self-love and commitment. Thank you for taking the time to explore this course."
Price: 49.99

"Spotify Marketing Mastery : Music Production & Marketing"
"If you are an artist, band, or musician, then you know how frustrating it can be to get on different playlists. Despite your best efforts, it just seems to be inching along... while others are growing their careers by the thousands of fans every day. What's the deal? You watch other artist's careers take off as their followings grow, and you wonder if that could ever happen to you. Yeah, I get it. We've helped hundreds of artists get past this very hurdle in their careers. Here are a couple of reasons why you should be putting your focus on Spotify: Spotify has quickly become one of the most important streaming platforms of our generation. CD sales are almost extinct and digital downloads are on the sharp decline as well.Some Spotify playlists have a bigger reach than radio stations in a major metropolitan cities!You can reach your goals, too! Imagine if...... you are consistently getting on playlists for each and every release.... you are gaining true fans for your music.... you are gaining playlist followers at a staggering rate.Over the past three years, I've discovered just how POWERFUL your presence on Spotify can be.#musicdistribution #musicpromotion #spotify #musicmarketing #promoteyourmusic"
Price: 24.99

"Empathy 101:"
"In this course, you will learn about the latest empathy research in philosophy, psychology, aesthetics, and neuroscience. But more importantly, you will learn the history of three crucial habits of empathic behavior. The first habit is a habit of perception in which you feel into an object of your perception or reflection. The second habit involves the ability to feel with or grasp and understand the experiences of others. And the third habit is recognized in the tendency to feel for or care for another person. We will explore these habits in depth so that you can put them into practice in order to change your perception about the perspectives of others."
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Dynamics CRM Administration"
"Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a web application that sits on top of the Microsoft Technology stack and includes a variety of other servers and roles - Active directory, SQLServer, Exchange Server, and SharePoint Server to name a few. CRM is a business application that embraces end user customization and can change rapidly in response to business needs. These customization's are deployed via a Solution file. This course will give you a foundation in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Administration and provide you with the information you need to handle the day-to-day administrative details. Each Solution will have its specific needs and each organization will have it's own way of handling it. While a CRM Administrator's role can vary widely from one organization to the next, this course focuses on the key areas that are common to all solutions."
Price: 39.99

"Create Virtual Machines and Networks"
"This course will give you a step-by-step method and instruction on building a virtual environment so you can mimic any Windows production environment. With the material provided, you will be able to build a virtual machine (VM) with VirtualBox to and then be able to network together 2 or 3 or more of them into a virtual network. Once built, you can use the network for a variety of purposes; from playing with the latest Microsoft software to exploring the latest updates."
Price: 19.99

"Become A Successful Freelance Copywriter - Home Business"
"Do you ever dream of starting your own home based business?What if you could work from home and do what you love?What if you could quit your 9-5 job and become a successful Freelancer?Guess what - ITIS POSSIBLEFORYOU!Many people have created a successful freelance copywriting business and you can do it too.The course teaches you:How to attract your ideal clientsEssential systems and processes to have in place to keep you sane and your clients happy!How to build a profitable business doing the work you loveWhat we will cover:How to identify the services you will provide, your USP, brand and nicheHow and where to find your ideal clientsEssential systems and processes to have in placePricing - What and how should you chargeMarketing yourself online and offlineThe Copywriters ToolkitHow to successfully build your business going forwardThis course does come with a 30 day money back guarantee so there is nothing to lose. Enroll right now and we will see you on the inside."
Price: 199.99

"Ce cours est destin aux personnes qui veulent dbuter leur carrire de rseau informatique Cisco. Il vous permettra de connaitre les notions de bases d'un rseau informatique et de prparer votre certification CCNAICND1. Le cours est compos de 24 chapitres:COURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 1 Qu'est ce qu'un rseauCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - chapitre 2 - Le Modle OSI et TCP IPCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 3 Les Cbles et quipements rseauCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 4 - La technologie EthernetCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 5 - Adresse MAC et Adresse IPCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 6 - Adressage IP et Dcoupage des RseauxCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 7 - Cisco Packet Tracer - Prsentation de LInterfaceCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 8 - Les ProtocolesCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 9 - TCP et UDPCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 10 - Systme dexploitation Cisco IOSCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 11 - Configuration initiale du Routeur et CommutateurCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 12 - Le Protocole DHCP et ARPCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 13 - Fonctionnement du commutateur - Domaine de Collision et DiffusionCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 14 - TELNET et SSHCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 15 - Les VLANsCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 16 - Les diffrents types de mmoire dun Routeur CiscoCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 17 - VTP - VLAN natif et Interface VLANCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 18 - Le Protocole Spanning-TreeCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 19 - Le Principe du RoutageCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre - 20 - Le Routage Statique et DynamiqueCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 21 - Le Protocole de Routage OSPFCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 22 - Les Listes de Contrle dAccsCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 23 - NAT La translation dadresseCOURS RESEAUX CCNA ICND1 - Chapitre 24 - Le Protocole IPV6"
Price: 24.99

"CISA Last Minute Sprint"
"Information technology, long considered as only an enabler of an organizations strategy, is now regarded as an integral part of this business strategy. Strategic alignment between Information Technology and enterprise objectives is one of the critical success factors. With the changing landscape concerning security, corporate governance, IT service delivery and systems reliability as well as regulatory requirements, the CISA course becomes vital for information technology line and senior managers. The course molds information technology professionals into complete and competent individuals. The course covers the following current five Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) domain areas:1. The Process of Auditing Information Systems (21%)2. Governance and Management of IT (16%)3. Information Systems Acquisition, Development and Implementation (18%)4. Information Systems Operations, Maintenance & Service Management (20%)5. Protection of Information Assets (25%)"
Price: 179.99

"Como fabricar um food trailer - Projeto 67"
"Nesse curso voc conhecer todos os segredos tcnicas para fabricar seu prprio food trailer com ferramentas bsicas usadas na fabricao metal mecnica.Dentre outros benefcios do curso voc ter acesso :Projeto completo e detalhado com mais de 40 pginas de contedo para voc fabricar .seu food trailer de forma artesanal ou profissional. Folhas de desenhos detalhadas com lista de completa de peas, itens e componentes. Todas as informaes de medidas e quantidades de forma clara. Voc tambm receber um arquivo em 3D do seu projeto onde poder visualizar atravs de um programa gratuito todos os detalhes do seu projeto com total liberdade. At hoje temos 135 projetos entregues com 100% de satisfao dos nossos clientes. Isso reflete o compromisso que a Escuber - Reboques e Carretinha tem com a qualidade. Food Trailers funcionam como restaurantes sobre rodas e tm conquistado cada vez mais espao nas ruas do Brasil. Eles so tendncia de bom negcio porque oferecem ao consumidor a possibilidade de comer bem e pagar pouco, alm de terem um importante diferencial: a mobilidade.Com esse empreendimento, o empresrio pode ir procura do pblico e conquistar clientes em vrios pontos da cidade. Outra vantagem que o investimento bem menor do que o custo para abrir um restaurante, o que o torna atrativo para quem deseja dar o primeiro passo nessa rea.Montar um food trailer exige planejamento e pesquisa. A maioria dos veculos que atuam nesse segmento formada por trailers, furges, camionetes ou caminhes adaptados.Em geral, eles so equipados com fogo e geladeira industriais, um tanque para detritos, um exaustor e um reservatrio para economizar gua com capacidade para 50 litros.Na etapa de planejamento, o empresrio deve levar em conta qual comida deseja comercializar para definir quais equipamentos sero necessrios dentro do veculo. Isso influenciar diretamente nos gastos com matria-prima e estrutura."
Price: 384.99

"English for cosplay"
"3 unit articolate su 23 mini-lezioni di inglese per migliorare il tuo vocabolario relativo ad aspetto fisico, sartoria, make up, accessori, nonch la conoscenza di espressioni utili nella tua esperienza di cosplayer - durante il set fotografico, alle convention e sui social network. Per migliorare la tua capacit comunicativa e padroneggiare da subito un inglese migliore!"
Price: 24.99

"Italiano per cucinare"
"Un corso creato con Sarah, mia collaboratrice ed insegnante certificata DITALS dItaliano L2/LS. Intro+7 unit, esercizi per metterti alla prova, due deliziose ricette da sperimentare e materiale stampabile. Un corso bilingue studiato appositamente per gli amanti della cucina che desiderano migliorare il proprio Italiano con laiuto della lingua Inglese come riferimento in caso di bisogno. Course created with Sarah, my business partner and certified teacher of Italian L2/LSIntro+7 units, exercises to test yourself, two tasty recipes to try and printable material. A bilingual course dedicated to cooking lovers who want to improve their Italian with the support of the English language."
Price: 19.99

"Importar Da China e Revender no Mercado Livre"
"Se voc resolveu se tornar um empreendedor revendendo produtos da China, saiba que nem sempre preciso se preocupar apenas em ter um site ou uma loja virtual para vender. Voc pode tambm usar o Mercado Livre e se sair muito bem!O Mercado Livre um site excelente para quem quer comprar e vender sem complicao, j que o site simples e conta com uma plataforma que pode ser usada sem dificuldades por qualquer pessoa. Como j est h bastante tempo no mercado, o Mercado Livre tem bastante confiana e credibilidade, tanto para quem compra quanto para quem vende.Este Curso ir te ensinar o passo a passo clique a clique de como voc ir importar seus produtos da China, passando por todos os tramites da importao, Todos os macetes de revende-los no Mercado Livre e todas as dicas e segredos que adquiri nesses mais de 3 anos importando da China. Este curso formado por 8 vdeo aulas prticas, lhe mostrarei o passo a passo de uma forma bem simples e fcil.Este curso ideal para iniciantes, sem nenhuma exigncias de conhecimentos especficos, tornando qualquer pessoa que tenha um computador e internet apta para comear a trabalhar em sua prpria casa agora mesmo! Ento bora comear, meu mais novo aluno(a)!?"
Price: 189.99

"How To Start Digital Marketing Agency Business"
"how to start a digital marketing agency is very good course created using white board animation and text. following things you will learn in this course.Steps Involving in starting a digital marketing agencyHow to minimize investmentOptimization of resources& overall overview and guide to setup a successful digital marketing agency business and grow from zero to six figure income, so enroll today and start your business."
Price: 19.99

"Como encontrar o Propsito da sua vida"
"Este curso ""Como encontrar o Propsito da sua vida"", tal como o nome indica, tem como objetivo ajudar a quem se sente um pouco perdido com o seu propsito, com a sua misso. Sente-se desmotivado? A sua profisso no desafiadora ou no se sente realizado com a sua vida? Este curso para si.Quando conhecemos e implementamos estratgias que nos motivam e nos fortalecem, ento finalmente poderemos superar os desafios da vida com outros olhos e outra atitude.Neste curso possvel aprender algumas estratgias que serviro para refletir sobre quais as suas motivaes ou propsitos de vida.Ao estabelecer metas para ultrapassar os obstculos poder com confiana e positivismo saber lidar com as suas cicatrizes e inseguranas, ou seja, com os problemas do passado que ainda vos causa dor e no vos permite prosseguir para o alvo.O objetivo olhar para o passado como fonte de aprendizagem e visualizar o futuro com esperana, mas o mais importante olhar para o hoje, o nosso presente, com gratido, coragem e convico daquilo que fomos chamados para fazer, o nosso propsito de vida."
Price: 19.99

"Durmiendo genial"
"Este curso trata de la importancia de dormir bien por la noche para tu salud, felicidad y rendimiento. Vivimos en la cultura de la productividad, 24 horas al da, 7 das a la semana, y a veces esto supone un coste para nuestra salud Adems estamos continuamente conectados con la tecnologa, los telfonos mviles, ordenadores y otros dispositivos electrnicos. Tienen funcionalidades muy tiles pero en muchas ocasiones ocasionan impactos negativos en nuestro sueo, tanto en cantidad como en calidad Mantener unos hbitos de vida saludable nos va a ayudar a mejorar la calidad de nuestro sueo, que es uno de los pilares de la salud. Mejorando nuestro sueo nocturno seremos ms productivos durante el da y tendremos ms vitalidad. De hecho las personas que duermen menos y con menos calidad suelen ser menos productivas durante el da. Este curso se compone de las siguientes partes:Dormitorio y cama: el lugar donde dormimos es nuestro santuario de recuperacin. Conocers cules son los aspectos ms importantes para potenciar tu descanso.Rutinas de antes de ir a dormir: entender su eficacia a la hora de conciliar el sueo y favorecer la calidad del mismo. Aprendiendo tcnicas para aplicar en tu da a da.Rutinas al levantarnos: conocer cmo afectan a nuestra vitalidad y a la mejora del sueo nocturno.  Podrs experimentar con nuevas habilidades para utilizar en tu vida cotidiana.Descansos durante el da: que compaginarn tu recuperacin de la noche. Conocers que franjas horarias son las mejores y qu actividades puedes realizar en ellas, ya sea una autntica siesta o un descanso despierto.Tcnicas corporales y mentales: que te facilitarn la recuperacin de tu organismo, por la noche e incluso durante el da. Vas a conocer algunas estrategias para aplicar cuando lo necesites Asimismo te ensear algunas aplicaciones y productos que te ayudarn a complementar las habilidades y rutinas detalladas. Entre las herramientas que se tratan durante el curso estn:Rutinas y hbitos para dormirTcnicas corporalesHabilidades proporcionadas por la psicologa cognitiva y deportivaConocer y tratar situaciones conflictivas al dormir (solo, en pareja,)Este curso cubre toda la informacin importante para aquellas personas conscientes de su salud, y que quieren tener un mayor bienestar. Tambin apunta algunos mitos y supersticiones sobre el sueo, y asegura que la informacin se entiende, presentando la evidencia detrs de la misma.De DORMIR BIEN a DORMIR GENIAL..."
Price: 19.99

"The Breast Cancer ""Miracle"""
"Ewan Cameron is a Vancouver-based health researcher that has uncovered the truth about Huntingtons disease and how the pharmaceutical industry has kept this hidden from the public. a graduate of the northern Alberta institute of technology, he completed his journalism studies in the early 2000s before joining a local newspaper, where he became disillusioned by his editors refusal to publish health-related and pollution-related news stories. the reason? they would upset their corporate clients on which the newspaper depended for advertising revenue. after setting up his own blog and publishing more than thirty health-related books under a pen name, Ewan was contacted by a whistleblower working at a U.S. pharmaceutical company. some of the explosive material he revealed is contained in the pages of this book.In this explosive expos, Ewan Cameron reveals:- Discover why everything you know about breast cancer is wrong -17 natural cancer remedies they dont want you to know about -Womens 5 bad habits that actually cause breast cancer -How to eliminate breast cancer without invasive surgery or prescription drugs -15 real-life stories of people who cured themselves of breast cancer naturally -How to remove the toxic chemicals lurking in your home that could be killing you -How to restore your health with the power of your mind -How to live to 100 and beyond with vibrant healthand much, much more!"
Price: 24.99

"Wimpernverlngerung Basic"
"Bei dieser Schulung werden wir mit Ihnen die Wichtigsten Punkte der Arbeitsvorgehensweise durchgehen und Tipps und Tricks verraten. Am zweiten Termin fhren Sie ber eine Neumodellage (auf Ihrem Model) und bekommen danach Model-Karteikarten fr die nchsten 10 Modele zum Ausfllen. Sobald Sie diese ausgefllt und mit entsprechenden Fotos vorgesehen an uns zurckschicken, bekommen Sie ein Zertifikat. Unsere Zertifikate werden in englischer Sprache ausgestellt und international an erkannt.Unsere Anleitungsfilme in HD Qualitt untersttzen Sie dabei Ihr neues Wissen zu festigen. Die Videos fhren Sie Schritt fr Schritt durch die bungen, vermitteln Wissen und geben Anleitungsvorschlge.Bestellen Sie mit unserer Hilfe Ihr bungsmaterial, um den praktischen Teil der Schulung zu absolvieren.Ab jetzt steht Nichts mehr im Weg!"
Price: 99.99

"Empreendedorismo - Criatividade Empreendedora"
"Nesse curso vamos entender como podemos treinar e praticar para que sejamos mais criativos e se valer dela para empreender. Precisamos entender alguns conceitos e analisar alguns cases para que tornemos mais claro como podemos fazer parte da criatividade empreendedora. Esse curso apenas um ponto de partida para despertar sua vontade de pensar diferente e ser um empreendedor de sucesso."
Price: 99.99

"Empreendedorismo - A Nova economia e o Futuro dos negcios"
"Esse curso aborda a nova economia, essa era do excesso de informaes e de crescimento exponencial. Vence aquele que se adapta melhor. Voc sabe quais so as novas tecnologias? Como elas iro impactar o mercado e a pessoas? No curso O futuro dos negcios voc ir descobrir. O futuro pertence queles que acreditam."
Price: 159.99

"Become a Learning Machine"
"One of the key factors in your success in todays world is your ability to learn effectively and quickly.Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply trying to learn new things, applying effective learning techniques to learn quickly and effectively will give you the edge to get ahead. After becoming aLearning Machineyou will be able to learn any subject or skill. From playing the drums to human anatomy in a much more effective and efficient way!"
Price: 129.99

"Hiring Writer Like a PRO Even If You've Never Hired Before"
"Are you thinking about Outsourcing Content Creation because...You suck at writing?You hate writing?You're tired of writing?Or you simply want to spend your precious time on more productive stuff that yield higher ROI while making sure your contents are covered?I'm sure many of you have heard of the book ""The 4-Hour Workweek"" by Tim Ferriss and understand the importance & power of outsourcing.But most people are having the same problems:You don't know where to hire writersHow to find the best onesHow to interview themHow to make sure they meet your expectations and provide you with top-notch contentsWhen most people think of hiring writers, the first few things that come to their mind would be:FiverrUpworkTextbrokerBut if you go and ask those who've hired on these platforms before, many of them will be pretty upset because they either:Feel that it's too expensiveCouldn't find a good writerOr the writers they hired just couldn't deliver the contents they wantI agree that you can still find good writers on these platforms but there're just a ton of issues hiring freelance writers from these places.So in this course, I'm NOT going to give you those generic guidance and tips on how to hire writers from these platforms.Instead, Here are My Promises to You...I'm going to show you a Little-known Platform where you can hire high quality writers at very affordable prices (I hired my Full-Time writer at just $400/month and he is doing an amazing job!)Your writer will willingly write as many posts as you want at a fixed price!I've broken down the entire hiring process into 5 Simple Stages that you can easily follow and implementMost importantly, I've prepared ALL the Proven Templates you need to interview and communicate with your job applicants. All you need to do is to copy, paste & customize the proven Templates and send them to your applicants. This will help you immensely in choosing the BEST Writer for you to hire!So, even if you've never hired anybody before, I promise that by the end of this course, you'll be able to have the confidence in hiring the right writer that's most suitable for you.Let me ask you...If you hate or suck at writing, do you want to continue struggling with something that you're not good or passionate at?If you are good at writing, don't you want to scale your business to the next level?Now, imagine this...Imagine you have a great writer working with you in the long term now and he/she is managing most of the content creation on your site.I'm not saying you can't continue writing or working on your site. I'm just saying that can you imagine the amount of extra time you have to work on other projects, websites, businesses, collaborations... when you have a trusted writer working for you?That's the key to scale your business and your income!Click on the Buy Now button on this page and let me help you scale your business to the next level through outsourcing.I'm sure this course will definitely save you lots of time and money for all the trials and errors to find the best writer :)"
Price: 34.99

"Business Development Masterclass - Business Growth Secrets"
"For any business to succeed, it is crucial that leaders have a clear idea of their business vision and mission, as well as a compelling strategy to help them to get there.Without a solid strategy, businesses will be overwhelmed by competitors and market forces. Business development is a vital step for everyone that seeks to grow their company into an industry leader. Getting a competitive advantage in the marketplace demands a complete understanding of business development.Developing a business requires more than just sales. It's also about relationships, surpassing the competition, and demonstrating real value. Business development is also about communication, from cold-calling potential customers to preserving long-term relationships, to sharing ideas and knowledge with colleagues and stakeholders. Therefore the business developer must be able to talk with confidence, as well as being empathic and open minded to be able to address others needs and concerns.Business development requires not just understanding your own business, but also that of rivals and of the market as a whole. Part of acquiring that understanding is just researching, listening and being receptive, but also gathering and analyzing data. Understanding which market segments respond better to what types of campaigns, how broad the market is, and whether the market is presently changing will give you the leg up.In this course, you're going to learn proven business development strategies that will help you to become a global industry leader. You will understand how to boost your profits by developing strategic partnerships, and making strategic business decisions. You will acquire a better understanding of your market and prospects, using proven strategies based on real market research. You will learn how to attract clients and keep them, while running a profitable and productive business. In addition, you'll discover how to expand your most profitable client relationships, and how to create a breakthrough customized business development strategy to mine the untapped potential in your organization. You will acquire a new understanding of the business development process that will allow you to implement superior business plans. Whether you're just starting out or are an experienced business leader, this course will help you to reach and exceed your business goals. It assists business owners and managers to ensure a massive business growth through efficient customer nurturing and management. It also comprises marketing strategy and client management. You will learn how to structure, systemize, and execute a powerful development plan, with step-by-step expert guidance. What youll learn in this course: What is Business development and how it can grow your business Understand the core concepts of business development Build a practical business development strategy Incorporate sales, marketing, and customer management in general business planning Create and implement a growth-enhancing strategies Recognize potential leads Build mutual relationships Track your development plan performance Best approaches for networking Managing teams and performance Learn how to use competition to your benefit Learn how to build rapport Learn proven techniques that help you close the sale Overcome doubts, and objections Build trust by connecting with customers on a deeper level Learn how to design a winning sales call Effective communication skills that empower you to deal with pivotal moments in your career Use body language to increase your success Improve your conversation skills Use the power of storytelling Strategies to develop, validate, and communicate requirements that speed-up decision-making Build credibility and trust Build strong relationships with clientsEnroll NOW and learn how you can turn your company into a global business leader!"
Price: 199.99

"Business Branding Masterclass - Develop a Successful Brand"
"In the world of business, having a strong brand is everything. Those who lack a powerful branding strategy are certainly going to struggle in their climb to success. Having a compelling brand can make the difference between success and failure in the business world. In this course you will learn how to develop a powerful brand strategy by blending your personality and values with the functionality of your products, becoming a authentic brand and company.Not only will you learn how to create your basic brand identity, but you will also discover how to generate personalized strategies that will assist you in growing your brand. With proven technique and approaches, this course will set you on the path to selling more and at higher prices, giving your customers precisely what they want and skyrocketing your profits. In addition, you're going to discover secret elements involved in developing a successful brand, from thestrapline that gives the brand a story and a purpose to clever uses of typography that blend design and language. This course delves into every step of the development process required to build the simplest and most compelling brands. If youre ready to generate massive success with your very own business, Enroll Now and make the smartest investment you could possibly make. An investment in yourself, your knowledge and your business growth. What is in this Course?32 lectures of condensed learning experienceStep-by-step instructions on all the stages for designing a brandAn engaging style of teachingWhat you'll learn in this course: What is branding and how it can help you grow your business Understand the core concepts of branding and why people buy brands Create an authentic brand with personality and gain your customers's loyalty Discover the secret elements required for creating a successful brand Create your brand values Develop your unique design and logo Learn exactly what steps to take to protect your brand name Avoid the most common mistakes in branding Understand how to visually communicate your products and services Learn how successful organizations use strategies to stand out from the crowd Learn marketing tips and best practices for branding Learn how to create a brand promiseEnroll NOW and learn how to build a brand that will connect with customers."
Price: 199.99