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"Excel VBA Acessando Banco Dados Mysql, Sqlserver e Access"
"Este curso tem como objetivo principal ensinar a conectar a 03 tipos de banco de dados diferente com crud completo para cada banco.Ao final deste curso o aluno ser capaz de criar seu prprio crud usando banco de dados mysql,access ou sqlserver tando para uso local ou via nuvem, ser explicado como pode usar estes banco locais e na nuvem."
Price: 39.99

"Excel VBA - Cadastro de Cliente com Foto"
"Este curso tem como objetivo principal ensinar a fazer um cadastro de cliente com upload de fotos usando o excel vba com interface grfica. Tudo ensinado passo a passo e de forma simples e prtica para uma melhor compreenso.Ao final deste curso o aluno ser capaz de criar seus prprio crud com foto e usar o cdigo fonte como exemplo em outros projetos que venha a desenvolver."
Price: 39.99

"Excel VBA - Acesso Dados Web"
"Este curso tem como objetivo principal ensinar a acessar dados de uma pgina web html. Utilizar recursos para preencher dados de um endereo pesquisando pelo cep, fazer login numa pgina entre outros. Tudo ensinado passo a passo e de forma simples e prtica para uma melhor compreenso.Ao final deste curso o aluno ser capaz de ter conhecimentos para acessar dados pgina web."
Price: 39.99

"AWS Solutions Architect Associate 2018-19 Practice Exams"
"************************All questions and practice tests are designed as per the latest exam formatWeekly updates according to the feedback from the latest exams30 days money back guarantee210 new questions from the recent exams (October'18 & November'18)Get 1 practice test each month updated as per latest examsPrepared by AWS Certified Solutions Architect ProfessionalsResponsive user Interface, mobile screen compatibility Q&A Section************************Cloud Technologies are high in demand now a days and it will be trending for next 8-10 years. Any skill with cloud flavor is like a strawberry on the hot cake or may be a cold or old one but who cares! strawberries are awesome and good for health :). The new market for the IT professionals are growing largely in Cloud technologies and it is expected that more than 2 million people will be required in next 5 years to work on it.More than $9 billion market out there for cloud migration. Is there any reason for not upgrading your skills now?! Check out the new services by AWS, products like Satellite & Robotics are the next gen booming knowledge. Cloud technologies are everywhere and it will reach all corners in next 5-10 years, from Data-science to IoT, machine learning to Self driving cars, analytics, robotics, blockchains and Satellites of course as well.World is expected to see more than a millioncloud computingjob roles by 2022 as more organisations shift their operations to the cloudinfrastructure by 2020 with an annual growth rate of more than 30%.Skills inDevOps, software-as-a-service, infrastructure-as-a-service,automation, agile and software-defined network are going to be critical for IT professionals to land these jobs. Keeping these skills in mind; the job profiles such as Cloud Architect, Cloud Software Engineer, CloudEnterprise Architectand Cloud Infrastructure Engineer are in great demand.Roles in cloud computing will offer much higher salary package than the traditional IT services roles, and they could often double the current pay offered to the IT professionals.************************Work hard and smart, learn, practice, be optimistic and crack it!!"
Price: 5440.00

"Personal Finance for Big Thinking Teens"
"Students will learn the essentials of money management and stewardship, including how to create & use a budget to make better decisions. Theyll gain an understanding about the worldly and eternal value of their time, education, and career. Well dig into the uses and dangers of credit, the foundations of saving and investing, and how to manage the risks and distractions this world will throw at their plans. Students will leave the course with a solid understanding of how to manage their resources from an eternal perspective."
Price: 19.99

"El Renacimiento: optimismo, insurreccin y hereja"
"El vitalismo, el entusiasmo ilimitado, la adoracin de la belleza en todas sus formas y el antropocentrismo renacentista llenarn con su desbordante fe en las capacidades del ser humano las sesiones de este curso. A travs la lectura de las obras de tres personajes contrapuestos, recprocamente extraos que, desde distintos ngulos, expresan la esencia del humanismo renacentista, entraremos en contacto con la poltica, la ciencia y la magia hertica que convivieron perfilando las races ms desconocidas de la Modernidad. Pico della Mirandola: sobre la concordia y la dignidad del hombreDe la mano de Giovanni Pico della Mirandola experimentaremos el optimismo, la pasin desmedida por la vida y la creacin de la visin del ser humano como cima de la creacin frente al pesimismo medieval que lo condenaba a vagabundear perdido en un valle de lgrimas, a travs de la lectura del afamado Discurso sobre la dignidad del hombre.Galileo Galilei o cmo salvarse del fuego: ciencia en los lmites de la religinCon Galileo Galilei dirigiremos nuestra mirada al firmamento y nos asombraremos con la belleza de los astros mostrada por su famoso telescopio. Profundizaremos en su enorme ingenio matemtico y, ante todo, descubriremos el valor de un ser humano decidido a defender la verdad por encima de todo. Leeremos fragmentos escogidos de dos de sus obras capitales: Sidereus nuncius y Dilogo sobre los dos sistemas mximos del mundo ptolemaico y copernicano. Giordano Bruno o cmo morir en la hoguera: magia, cosmologa y herejaFinalmente , Giordano Bruno nos mostrar la cara ms cruel de la supersticin, al mismo tiempo que la ms esperanzadora de las teoras fsicas a travs de la lectura de uno de sus textos ms relevantes, La cena de las cenizas. Un universo infinito, lleno de otros soles y planetas clausurar nuestra aventura renacentista."
Price: 69.99

"Los padres de la ciencia moderna"
"Cursodedicado a lahistoria de la cienciaque centra su atencin en el estudio del origen, desarrollo y madurez de lafsica moderna. Desde las primeras crticas a la supersticin medieval y la propuesta de un mtodo experimental por parteFrancis Baconen elNovum organumy laNueva Atlntida, pasando por la revolucin que cambi el puesto del hombre en el cosmos con elCommentariolusy elDe revolutionibus orbium coelestiumdeCoprnicoy las correcciones respecto al modelo orbital, de inspiracin pitagrica, realizadas porKepleren suAstronoma nova, hasta llegar a la obra cumbre de la fsica moderna, losPrincipia mathematicadeNewton, nos deleitaremos con una lectura filosfica de algunos de los textos ms significativos de la civilizacin occidental.PRIMERAPARTE:Qu es la ciencia... y qu no es?Comenzaremos el curso explorando los orgenes, las races protocientficas de la ciencia moderna. Exploraremos sus antecedentes ms antiguos desde Mesopotamia pasando por Egipto, Grecia, Roma, la Edad Media cristiana e islmica, hasta llegar al Renacimiento. SEGUNDAPARTE: Bacon: el abandono de los dolos y la meta del progresoAnalizaremos a continuacin la crtica de Francis Bacon a la supersticin medieval. La cada de Aristteles y la feroz condena de Bacon del dogmatismo y irracionalidad constituyen el primer escaln del edificio de la ciencia moderna.TERCERAPARTE:Coprnico: el baile de los planetas y la conmocin del humanismoLa audaz propuesta del astrnomo prusiano Nicols Coprnico no slo signific el auge de una nueva explicacin fsica de la mecnica celeste sino la conmocin de los ms profundos cimientos religiosos de la Europa renacentista. Leeremos en el De revolutionibus erbium coelestioum las claves que catalizaron el inicio de la revolucin cientfica.CUARTAPARTE:Kepler: geometra y aritmtica en el seno oculto de la naturalezaFigura clave de la revolucin cientfica, Kepler simboliza el auge de la matematizacin de la fsica. Analizaremos su interpretacin mstica de la ciencia presentada en su obraMysterium Cosmographicumas como su defensa de las leyes que rigen el movimiento elptico de los planetas alrededor del sol enAstronomia nova.QUINTAPARTE:Newton: la naturaleza de la luz, la ley de la gravitacin y el mecanicismoPartculas, movimiento y vaco en un tiempo y un espacio absolutos. stos son los ingredientes bsicos de la ms brillante e influyente teora fsica construida en occidente. Conoceremos sus fundamentos y repercusiones en la construccin del pensamiento ilustrado."
Price: 69.99

"El origen del mal y la conquista de la felicidad"
"Qu es el mal? Existe en el mundo o se trata de una idea histricamente construida? A qu nos referimos cuando decimos que algo es ticamente bueno? Qu caminos hacia la felicidad propone la filosofa? Es esta alcanzable para el ser humano? Cul es el fundamento de nuestros valores? El presente curso de filosofa clsica, -formado por cuatro grandes secciones- est destinado al anlisis de estas y muchas otras preguntas capitales a travs del estudio de las propuestas de tres de los ms relevantes pensadores que han reflexionado filosficamente sobre el campo de la tica: Aristteles, Immanuel Kant y John Stuart Mill. A lo largo de las sesiones que componen esta completa mirada a una de las ramas ms vigentes e interesantes de la filosofa, tendremos oportunidad de leer fragmentos de algunas de las joyas ms brillantes del pensamiento occidental: tica a Nicmaco, Fundamentacin de la metafsica de las costumbres, Crtica de la razn prctica, El utilitarismo y Sobre la libertad. Nos preguntaremos sobre las bases de la conducta humana, el mecanismo que impulsa nuestras acciones y la posibilidad de considerarnos libres y, con ello, seres ticamente responsables. I- Los fundamentos de la tica Qu es la tica? Cul es el objeto de estudio concreto de esta rama de la filosofa? En esta primera parte estudiaremos en profundidad las nociones de accin, valor, eleccin, deliberacin y juicio. Todos ellos trminos capitales para poder comenzar a reflexionar con profundidad sobre la obra de los tres grandes autores que estudiaremos en la segunda parte del curso. Analizaremos, adems, las conclusiones experimentales de la ciencia acerca de la libertad humana estudiando el clebre experimento de Libet y conoceremos las principales posturas filosficas en torno a la existencia o no de la libertad humana. II- Aristteles y la tica de la felicidadLa tica a Nicmaco de Aristteles es uno de los libros ms atemporales jams escritos por el ser humano. Conservando la misma vigencia, relevancia, energa y capacidad de explicar algunas de las claves centrales del comportamiento humano, durante ms de 2400 ha custodiado algunas de las ideas ms influyentes de Aristteles. Su lectura nos llevar al estudio de una tica que considera la felicidad como el fin de la vida humana. III.Kant y la tica del deberCreadas por el genio inigualable de uno de los mayores pensadores europeos la Fundamentacin de la metafsica de las costumbres y la Crtica de la Razn Prctica constituyen dos de los monumentos ms fabulosos de la filosofa. Nos enfrentaremos a su compleja pero inmensamente rica propuesta para comprender las bases de la deontologa kantiana que an hoy siguen vivas en nuestra comprensin del deber y el imperativo categrico. IV. John Stuart Mill y la tica utilitaristaLa prosa crtica y sagaz de John Stuart Mill, uno de ms relevantes filsofos britnicos, llevar hasta el lmite -mediante inesperados y crudos dilemas- nuestras ms arraigadas convicciones morales. Mill nos podr a prueba y nos sealar las bases del modo pragmtico y utilitarista de entender las relaciones humanas que gobiernan nuestra poca contempornea. La libertad se convertir en el eje de una nueva tica pblica en el que el peso de los valores socialmente admitidos se convertir en el principal objeto de atencin de la tica."
Price: 69.99

"Nietzsche: lo dionisaco y el eterno retorno"
"Curso dedicado al pensamiento profundo, divergente y absolutamente rompedor de uno de los filsofos que ms han influido sobre la filosofa contempornea: Friedrich Nietzsche.  Estudiaremos su propuesta de anlisis del nihilismo y defensa del vitalismo dionisaco a travs de la lectura de fragmentos escogidos de algunas de sus obras capitales como La gaya ciencia, La genealoga de la moral, El nacimiento de la tragedia y As habl Zaratustra, huyendo de los tpicos y las simplificaciones que le reducen  a ser meramente aquel que declar la muerte de Dios. El nacimiento de la tragedia y el espritu presocrticoEn la primera parte estudiaremos la vinculacin del pensamiento de Nietzsche con la filosofa griega, su regreso a los orgenes y su anlisis del pensamiento occidental a travs de las figuras de Apolo y Dionisos mediante el estudio de fragmentos seleccionados de El nacimiento de la tragedia. Asimismo observaremos de qu modo el impulso apolneo comenz a inundar el pensamiento occidental a travs de la moral socrtica y la filosofa platnica, extendindose por el cristianismo medieval.Dios ha muerto y nosotros lo hemos matadoEn la segunda parte de este curso comenzaremos a profundizar en la comprensin de una de las ideas ms clebres de toda la filosofa nietzscheana: la declaracin de la muerte de Dios. Para ello profundizaremos en la crtica realizada por Nietzsche a la decadencia racionalista de la modernidad sirvindonos de textos capitales para la filosofa europea como el Discurso del mtodo de Ren Descartes. Leeremos el aforismo 125 de La gaya ciencia donde Nietzsche proclama por primera vez la muerte de Dios y profundizaremos en las nociones de nihilismo y voluntad de poder. El eterno retorno La tercera gran parte que constituye el curso estar consagrada al estudio de la doctrina del eterno retorno, una de las propuestas filosficas ms importantes de toda la obra de Nietzsche. Para ello analizaremos los tres errores cometidos por la metafsica occidental y su necesaria cada y superacin, as como la reformulacin de la nocin de tiempo realizada por Nietzsche en As habl Zaratustra. Zaratustra y el superhombreCerraremos nuestro ciclo dedicado a la filosofa de Nietzsche con la lectura de un conjunto seleccionado de textos de la obra ms conocida y, a la vez, ms enigmtica de Nietzsche: As habl Zaratustra desvelando las claves de algunos de los fragmentos ms decisivos para el desarrollo ulterior del pensamiento europeo. Conoceremos en profundidad la idea nietzscheana de superhombre y veremos cun difcil es este camino solitario hacia la autosuperacin vitalismo, hacia la salida alegre del oscuro nihilismo mediante la transvaloracin artstica de todos los antiguos valores."
Price: 69.99

"Building Facebook Messenger Chatbots 101"
"Join Jennifer Nelson for this informative 60-minute class on using ManyChat to builda chatbot onFacebook Messenger. You don't have to be a developer or coder to build your chatbot, it's easier than you think.In this class, you will learn how to quickly set up a Facebook Messenger chatbot that greets your website visitors, that guides them through your site, and that ultimately helps you to collect email addresses for your mailing list.By the end of this class, you will have a new marketing tool that helps you to build a subscriber list onbothFacebook Messenger as well as your email list. Two birds in one stone! Woohoo!This class is geared towards those that have a published website. In order to complete your class project, you will need to sign up for an account with ManyChat (free version is fine). You will also need to have a Facebook Business Page setup for your company. No coding skills are required."
Price: 99.99

"The Strange Pull of What You Really Love"
"During this course Iwill help you to discover your authentic self by guiding you to identifyyourdeepestpassion,yourgreatesttalents,your desired impact, yourbeliefsaboutsuccess, and thethingsthatmakeyoumosthappy.Knowing your authentic self is essential for livinganexceptionallife!After completion of the course you will be guided to using your authentic self in making decision that impact college choices, career, and your entire life!"
Price: 39.99

"Storytelling Through Video for Filmmaking Enthusiasts"
"Hey there! Are you as pumped as I am about creating powerful videos without spending years at film school or buying expensive equipment? Many people are just not aware of how to get their videos to create more impact. They may invest in fancy equipment and have achieved a polished look, but are wondering why there is no 'wow factor'. Over the next lessons, we'll go behind the scenes of the edit and train your eye to identify the elements that will improve your videos. I will be showing you how to:Craft a story from seemingly random clipsCut clips more effectively so every second adds valueUse different filming techniques seen in the moviesTrain your directors eye and see detail where you may never have noticedTell your story and make a meaningful montage that carries sentimental valuePets, kids, and life are filled with so many beautiful spontaneous moments. It's time to learn to artfully capture them and produce video montages that will hold the sentiment forever.So grab your smartphone, get some free editing software, and let's get started!"
Price: 74.99

"Lighten Up"
"This course is geared towards those who are not interested in yet another diet but rather long for a sustainableway to live in peace with food and their bodies. It is a step by step guide describing my personal journey ofhow Ifound my comfortableweight and how I ended binge eating and the endless vicious cycle of dieting. Theres no homework, no exercises, and Im not one more person telling you what to do. This is my story, put into a module format, about a long-term struggle with weight and how I finally broke free from diets, and mandates, and self-help gurus. The modules are clear and easy to understand. They shed light light on every step and every notion of my path.Im a companion with you on this journey, and want to help break you free from the thoughts and notions that keep us tied into diet culture. Gain awareness of what weight issues are really about so you can be successful in finding your true, comfortable weight. WATCH OR LISTEN - this course works either as a complete audio version or video and text."
Price: 54.99

"Hacking Corporativo - Curso Completo - De cero a cien"
"Este curso no tiene otro objetivo ms que retarte y llevar tus habilidades de hacking al siguiente nivel. Va desde lo ms bsico en conocimientos de ciberseguridad y hacking, pasando por tcnicas intermedias y algunas avanzadas en el camino. Aprenders sobre las herramientas y tcnicas utilizadas en el cibercrimen y la forma de pensar de un hacker malicioso.El contenido tan variado y detallado, permite que puedas rellenar algunos huecos conceptuales si eres un usuario intermedio, o en caso de ser alguien que recin se inicia en este mundo, aprovechar al mximo lo completo que es el curso."
Price: 199.99

"KPSS Tarih'e Dair Herey"
"KPSS Tarih'e Dair Herey kursu rencilere konu anlatmlar sunarak tm tarih nitelerini detayl bir ekilde anlatmay hedeflemektedir. Kurs ileyii retmen anlatm eliinde, konuyla alakal ana maddeleri ve grselleri ieren sunum eklinde ilerlemektedir.Kursta kullanlan tm slaytlar rencilere indirilebilir olarak sunulmutur. Kursta kullanlan herhangi bir materyalin pakette yer almamas dahilinde bizimle iletiime geebilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Make Android App Without Coding in Urdu/Hindi"
"In this course you will learn how to make Android Application without any programming knowledge and skill. This course is designed for the students who are interested to learn Android Application without coding. So this is a good opportunity for the people who want to create any type of application from beginning level."
Price: 19.99

"Effective Ways to Adobt Natural Beauty for Oily Skin"
"Welcome to the course on ""Effective Ways to Adobt Natural Beauty for Oily Skin"".Oily skin is the consequence of over abundance discharge of skin oil or sebum. Although Oily skin is for the most part connected with high school years or adolescence, a few people have clear and faultless composition for their whole lives. Oily skin merits legitimate consideration, in the event that you need to look excellent. Oily skin can be exceptionally irritating, particularly when your skin looks oily and ugly. Be that as it may, this oil will keep your skin looking more youthful for a long time to come on the off chance that you handle it correctly. Adopting a characteristic wonder routine for yourself will keep your slick skin gleaming throughout the day. Does it appear as though your skin dependably has a slick sparkle? Perhaps your skin erupts amid the mid year or when you're worried. Luckily, there are straightforward approaches to rapidly evacuate abundance oil. Legitimately rinse and saturate your sleek skin or attempt quick home solutions for get your skin looking extraordinary.Thanks"
Price: 119.99

"Easily to Open Own Retail Business and How to Grow"
"Welcome to the course on ""Easily to Open Own Retail Business and How to Grow""On the off chance that you are a trying or set up business visionary hoping to open a small retail business, there are numerous interesting points previously opening your entryways. Choices swarm with respect to area, kinds of stock you will offer, and different elements that will eventually influence the achievement of your store. It is imperative that you or somebody you will collaborate with has broad experience working in different jobs inside a little or extensive retail business to explore through the way toward opening a retail business. As a retail business person, it very well may be anything but difficult to hit a droop and feel disappointed when deals are down orif you're simply not getting enough pedestrian activity. It's time like these whenit'd be incredible to counsel with a retail showcasing master and get help turningthings around regardless of whether it's only for a solitary recommendation that you can put without hesitation immediately."
Price: 144.99

"Use Coloured Pencils to draw a beautiful Kingfisher"
"In this course you will follow along with my students and create a wonderful drawing of a Kingfisher using coloured pencils. There will be shorter demonstration clips from other lessons such as an owl, a ballerina, and a statue. Also a downloadable PDF file of materials you need and suppliers along with a photograph of the Kingfisher you are about to draw."
Price: 19.99

"Beginners Guide to Painting Watercolour Skies"
"Have you ever wanted to paint in watercolours but afraid to start, well this course will ease you into watercolours and guide you along the way. I will show you how to paint eight watercolour skies along with a bit of landscape to finish them off. I will also add extra demonstrations on wet in wet washes and tree painting. There is also a downloadable PDF file with art materials needed and another about my art class studio. At the end you will have more confidence in laying down watercolour washes."
Price: 19.99

"Paint A Winter Scene In Watercolours"
"In this painting course I will take you through a large watercolour (22"" by 15"" ) of a bridge crossing over a stream near to where our gallery is. It involves skies, distant and foreground winter trees, along with stonework painting and shadows on snow. As an extra I have provided a 15 minute demonstration of a large tree with snow covered branches, and also an extra video on how to paint stonework. Plus a downloadable PDF file on watercolour materials."
Price: 19.99

"How to do a Pen and Ink drawing with a watercolour wash."
"The main lesson in this course will be a full length painting of Nice drawn with Pen and Ink and then watercolour washes ran in to complete the painting. I will also show you some smaller demonstrations of similar paintings with more detailed drawing. I will show you how to paint simple figures in landscapes that are quick but effective. Extra will be a downloadable brochure on watercolours and suppliers."
Price: 19.99

"Let's Paint Childhood Memories"
"I know we live in a world where photographs are taken so easily by mobile phones now and sometimes instantly forgotten. But what if you want to show your family and friends a more intimate view of your childhood, one that shows what you were doing when the camera wasn't there, one that captures growing up and playing with friends, I'm sure your family would treasure this more than a photo album. In this course I will show you how to paint little sketches of scenes you remember but have no photos to show. You can then put them in a book or on a slideshow to share. As you go along your mind will be jogged with memories you had forgotten and you will want to sketch these out for your book. And now you have a valuable set of sketches that will tell your story better than a photo could ever do. I have painted over a hundred sketches from my childhood and still continue to add more as I remember them. As well as a book or slideshow you will have lots of original paintings that you could mount and frame. You could have an exhibition, I did just that and it was a great success."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Hangul; The ABCs of the Korean Language"
"If you have been wanting to learn Korean but you have no idea where to start from or how to start, this course is the PERFECTplace to begin with.I believe that if one is serious about learning ANYlanguage, he or she should always start from the basics and learning Hangul is the perfect starting point for any Korean learner.With proper knowledge of Hangul,1) Learning new grammar and vocabulary will be made easier (a lot of online learning resources are written in Hangul)2) Your pronunciation will be more accurate sounding to the native Koreans3) You can chat with other Koreans using their native language (Koreans can't really read romanization)4) You will be able to read captions that appear on Korean variety shows (best reason ever)This course was designed to cater to complete beginners of the Korean language. Content in this lecture has also been arranged to make learning easy, progressive, and logical.I look forward to teaching you this beautiful language."
Price: 19.99

"Learn to retouch boudoir and nude photos fast and simple"
"Working in Adobe Lightroom Classic and Photoshop, we will go through the entire process - importing, backing up, pre-filtering, selection, retouch and export. Retouching process starts in Lightroom and covers color correction, lighting adjustments, local adjustments and export to Photoshop.We move on to Photoshop to work with the model's skin both with and without external plugins, make beautiful proportions with Liquify, dodge and burn fast and easy, make creative color correction and export for web and censored version for Facebook/Instagram.Feel free to follow along with the exact same files that I will provide, or with your own RAWs. You will end up with 2 professionally retouched photos that you can use in your retouching portfolio."
Price: 99.99

"Exposing Spinal Pain Imposters: Differential Diagnosis Spine"
"Delaying proper treatment due to poor diagnosis is detrimental to a patient's well being. The sooner a patient with a non musculoskeletal issue is referred to the correct practitioner, the sooner the patient will receive the best and most appropriate treatment. Join Debra Dent, BPT, Dip Manip PT, OCS, FCAMPT, as she brings her 40 years of experience together in this dynamic seminar to explore serious pathologies and diseases of the trunk and spine. Discussion of the latest evidence in screening and physical testing will be presented. Explore evaluative processes to improve awareness of differential diagnosis and test results that might be performed by other health professionals. Walk away with a thorough knowledge of appropriate screenings for patients with musculoskeletal issues.Please Note: For CEU credit you will need to apply to your licensing board on an individual basis.Part 1: Differential Diagnosis of the SpineThe initial hour of this seminar will deal with the statistics, Clinical Prediction Rules and understanding red and yellow flags. There will also be a review of the systems, mandatory questions required on history. The course will also examine diseases within these systems such as neurogenic, vasculogenic, spondylogenic, psychogenic, and viscerogenic.Objectives:The Student will be able to:1. List five statistical references that relate to evidence based practice.2. List four Red flags that are pertinent in the evaluation component of treatment.3. Identify the five categories that pertain to possible spinal pain and referred pain.4. Describe the characteristics of two metabolic diseases that can affect the spine.Part 2: Cervical, Cranial and Upper ExtremityThe second hour in the Differential Diagnosis of the Spinedeals with the Cervical Spine and Cranial regions. Specific mandatory questions,red flags and specific charts on signs and symptoms of diseases and conditions of thisregion are presented. Headache classifications and a broad number of diseases of theupper quadrant are presented in detail along with their signs and symptoms. Evidencebased CPR's such as the Canadian C Spine Rule, CPR for Myelopathy andRadiculopathy and specific screening tools are outlined. A discussion of how to screenfor BPPV is also presented.Objectives:The Student will be able to:1. Recognize and list four red flags for the cervical and shoulder girdle.2. Identify three medical conditions that may refer to the cervical spine but are non-musculoskeletal in origin and require a physician's intervention.3. Be able to name and describe two CPR for the Cervical Spine.4. List one dural test that is done for the nervous system in the Cervical region.Part 3: Thoracic and ThoraxThe third hour in the Differential Diagnosis of the Spinedeals with the Thoracic spine and the Diseases and conditions that can affect thisregion. Specific mandatory questions, red flags and specific charts on signs andsymptoms of diseases and conditions of the Thoracic spine are presented. TheViscerogenic, Vasculogenic, Spondylogenic issues for this region are outlined anddiscussed in detail. CPRs for Ankylosing Spondylitis and Vertebral Fractures arediscussed along with the evidence. Abdominal palpation and chest expansionmeasurement is also outlined.Objectives:1. Identify and describe two musculoskeletal issues of the thoracic region.2. List one dural test that is used to evaluate the thoracic region which will assist indetermining normal neuromeningeal pathway mobility.3. List two CPR of the spine in the thoracic region that have good reliability and areeffective in use.4. List and describe two vascular diagnoses which may relate to Thoracic Spinereferred painPart 4: Lumbar Spine, Pelvis and HipThe fourth hour in the Differential Diagnosis of the Spine seriesdeals with the Lumbar Spine, Pelvis and Hip Regions and the diseases and conditionsthat can affect this region. Specific mandatory questions, red flags and specific chartson signs and symptoms of diseases and conditions of the Lumbar Spine, Pelvis and Hipregions are presented. Discussions of the Viscerogenic, Vasculogenic, Spondylogenicconditions that can affect this region are presented and discussed in detail. Screeningtools along with the CPRs and their evidence are presented for the Lumbar Spine,Pelvis and Hip regions.Objectives:1. Identify two serious pathologies that appear to be related to the lumbar spine but arenot.2. Describe three categories of pelvic fractures than may occur.3. Describe the objective differences between vascular claudication and neurogenicclaudication.4. List the five screening tests for the pelvis and SI joint."
Price: 139.99

"Become a Powerful Speaker"
"This short course is tailored to your busy schedule so that you can watch each lesson, learn the powerful strategies and start implementing them to see results.In the Become a Powerful Speaker course you will learn -How to structure your presentations so that you can articulate your idea betterYou will also learn how to captivate your audience for the whole duration of your speechYou will also learn the ONE thing you need to do to make sure your audience to like you""Lis is a person who can bring out the best in you. Whether its for your business or personal improvement she has a depth of experience a can draw on a large body of knowledge and skills to meet your needs. If public speaking or presenting is challenge for you or someone you, know Lis is the person you want to be referred to and will want to work with to advance.Richard Birchall, Senior Systems Analyst at Maple Leaf FoodsLis Manson gave a presentation to the Advisors at our office. Her presentation was 50 minutes in length, but I can attest that those in attendance received ten times fifty in value! The feedback I have received was very positive, and I can highly recommend her presentation to any individuals, groups or companies looking to improve performance and/or get clarity in their business.Stephen Klugman, Insurance Advisor at RBC InsuranceLis is a gifted story-teller. What you hear you will she always presents with confidence, clarity, wit and wisdom. I think you'll find her laughter infectious too.Lynn GauthierIf you want to learn to speak with purpose and passion, I highly recommend the Winning With Words workshop. Lis Manson is an engaging speaker and stands out from the rest with her personal and easily relatable style. I learned so much in this workshop and now feel more confident to speak in front of audiences of any background and size.Mike Aquan-Assee"
Price: 29.99

"Mastering the Art of Presentations"
"This short course is tailored to your busy schedule so that you can watch each lesson, learn the powerful strategies and start implementing them to see results.In the Mastering the Art of Presentations course you will learn -How to face and overcome your fear of presentingUnderstand the fundamentals of story tellingThe secrets to delivering your point with authorityHow to manage your body movement to have control on stageYou will also learn the ONE thing you need to do to make sure your audience to like you""Lis is a person who can bring out the best in you. Whether its for your business or personal improvement she has a depth of experience a can draw on a large body of knowledge and skills to meet your needs. If public speaking or presenting is challenge for you or someone you, know Lis is the person you want to be referred to and will want to work with to advance.Richard Birchall, Senior Systems Analyst at Maple Leaf FoodsLis Manson gave a presentation to the Advisors at our office. Her presentation was 50 minutes in length, but I can attest that those in attendance received ten times fifty in value! The feedback I have received was very positive, and I can highly recommend her presentation to any individuals, groups or companies looking to improve performance and/or get clarity in their business.Stephen Klugman, Insurance Advisor at RBC InsuranceLis is a gifted story-teller. What you hear you will she always presents with confidence, clarity, wit and wisdom. I think you'll find her laughter infectious too.Lynn GauthierIf you want to learn to speak with purpose and passion, I highly recommend the Winning With Words workshop. Lis Manson is an engaging speaker and stands out from the rest with her personal and easily relatable style. I learned so much in this workshop and now feel more confident to speak in front of audiences of any background and size.Mike Aquan-Assee"
Price: 29.99

"Aprende a invertir en bolsa y mercados financieros"
"El dinero a todos nos hace la vida ms fcil. Es ms, trabajamos muchas horas para conseguirlo, y sin embargo, apenas le dedicamos tiempo a aprender cmo el dinero puede trabajar para nosotros.Personalmente, he dedicado mucho tiempo y dinero en formacin con este fin, y a da de hoy, no conozco un sitio mejor en el que invertir mi dinero que los mercados financieros.La mayora de las personas consideran la inversin en bolsa una actividad lejana e inaccesible, reservada para unos pocos privilegiados millonarios, incluso con un grado de dificultad elevado.Pero claro, eso es porque nunca han sabido o nunca nadie les ha contado cmo funciona la inversin en la realidad.En este curso te aprenders lo que a m me hubiera gustado que me ensearan el da que decid dar el paso e invertir en bolsa y mercados financieros.Al terminar la formacin no habr secretos para convertirte en un inversor de xito. Tendrs el camino perfectamente definido si decides continuar con el proceso. Descubrirs un universo que siempre ha estado a tu alcance pero al que no habas querido ni siquiera mirar.Rompers los mitos que ahora tienes sobre la inversin en bolsa: No necesitas tener mucho dinero para invertir y es mucho ms sencillo de lo que imaginas. No necesitas ser alguien extraordinario para conseguir ingresos adicionales cada mes.Aprenders cmo es prcticamente imposible arruinarse en bolsa.Experimentars las ganancias que puedes conseguir invirtiendo en los mercados de forma prctica.Elcontenido del cursoes el siguiente:Ten en cuenta que hay muchos conceptos, mucha informacin y muchos aos de experiencia aqu condensados, as que tmatelo con tranquilidad y calma tus ansias por llegar cuanto antes al final.Cada mdulo del curso es un tema diferente, que originariamente eran semanas. El curso es abierto, puedes enfocarlo como mejor consideres, aunque te sugiero dejes algunos das entre mdulo y mdulo. Trabaja en los conceptos, haz los ejercicios y permite que el tiempo haga el resto.Los primeros tres mdulos del curso corresponden a los conocimientos generales de la bolsa y los mercados, temas tericos pero importantes.Del mdulo 4 al 6 aprenders a entender los grficos y leer los precios de los activos, desde una perspectiva nica.La parte final, del mdulo 7 al 10 pasars a la accin, con temas mucho ms relacionados con la operativa diaria. 1. Seleccin del broker / banco. Funcionamiento de los mercados.Primero te enseo el funcionamiento de los mercados de forma muy bsica y comprensible.Luego, abrimos mis propias plataformas de broker en ING y Bankinter, y las comparamos con los servicios de brker de empresas especializadas donde tengo cuentas abiertas (CMC Markets, IG Markets, Hanseatic Brokerhouse e Interactive Brokers). Te enseo a abrir una buena plataforma DEMO gratuita y de por vida para que puedas practicar lo que vemos durante el curso (ojo, no tengo ningn acuerdo/contrato con ninguna plataforma). 2. Dinero,apalancamiento y rentabilidad. No caigas en la trampa.Revisamos la matemtica financiera bsica, introducimos la gestin del capital (importantsimo para tener xito) y los cebos que utilizan los mercados para atraernos a ellos, algunas ""trampitas"", como los dividendos de las empresas cotizadas, o el maquillaje que hacen a la rentabilidad de las operaciones. 3. Descripcin de los productos derivados, futuros, acciones, ndices y forex.Ampliamos tu horizonte de inversin, a todos los productos derivados, dado que se operan exactamente de la misma manera que las acciones a travs del banco. Los estudiamos uno a uno, para que los conozcas al completo. 4. Abrimosun grfico: Representacin del precio, anlisis tcnico y chartista. Indicadores y osciladores.Abrimos la plataforma del broker para ver las herramientas que nos ofrece. Estudiamos los conceptos ms tiles del anlisis chartista y tcnico. Las barras, velas japonesas, para qu utilizar las velas Heiken Ashi, cmo identificar soportes y resistencias, lneas de tendencia, canales, y una breve introduccin para detectar lo que llamamos Manipulacin del precio (potentsimo). 5. Abrimosun grfico (II):Vamos directamente al mercado y ponemos en prctica lo estudiado en el punto anterior, para que veas cmo realizar anlisis tcnico de varios productos. 6. El precio y el volumen. Por qu suben y bajan los precios, elsentimiento de la masay lamanipulacin de las manos fuertes.El principal factor diferencial del curso. Aprende a hacer anlisis tcnico solo viendo el precio y el volumen. Nada ms. Detecta el sentimiento de la masa, cundo hay desesperacin (entenders entonces el grfico del Banco Popular), cundo hay euforia. Sabrs cmo se siente alguien que est en el otro lado del mundo delante de su ordenador. 7. Tipos de rdenes de compra y venta. La asuncin de la prdida: el stop loss.Sencillo, los tipos de rdenes al mercado. Difcil, asumir las prdidas y poner stop loss. 8. Diario de trading.Principal herramienta para llegar al xito como inversor. No esperamos a otros cursos. Directamente aqu. 9. Bsquedas para seleccin de activos. Preparacin de la sesin.Cmo buscar activos de inters. Si te vas a poner delante del ordenador, cmo preparar una sesin de inversin. 10. Realizacin de una operacin.El objetivo del curso, encender el ordenador, abrir el broker, entrar al grfico e introducir una operacin. Sntesis de todo lo aprendido en este proceso.ESTS DECIDID@ A APRENDER ALGO QUE PUEDE CAMBIAR TU FORMA DE ENTENDER LA VIDA PARA SIEMPRE?"
Price: 199.99

"Aprende los sistemas de trading de los mejores profesionales"
"En este curso aprenders cinco sistemas de inversin profesionales de los mejores traders del mundo:Boris Schlossberg y Kathy Lien, traders millonarios con su simple sistema para Forex.John Carter, y el sistema con el que hizo la operacin del milln de dlares.Rob Hofmann, el trader con mayor cantidad de concursos de trading internacionales ganados de la historia (25).Jeff Cooper, escritor del libro Hit and Run, la biblia de los traders a corto plazo, que opera desde su casa en Malib.Jos Luis Cava, uno de los inversores con mayor renombre en Espaa.El objetivo es solo uno:Abre los ojos.Entenders la extrema simpleza de los sistemas profesionales. No son complicados en absoluto. No aciertan siempre. Pero son ganadores.Ese es el secreto de la inversin. Utilizar algo que a la larga siempre gana.No busques el Santo Grial, no busques el sistema perfecto, no desesperes en rachas en las que no funciona bien. Ah no est el secreto de las ganancias consistentes.Estos vdeos te lo van a demostrar.Y para finalizar, un BONUS, la masterclass que lleva por nombre el objetivo del curso: Abre los ojos. No te va a dejar indiferente..."
Price: 19.99