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"Interplanetary Spacecraft and Satellite Engineering"
"The Interplanetary Spacecraft and Satellite Engineering Course is a multidisciplinary course where we will study the components and systems which compose a Spacecraft. My intention is that you understand the main topics regarding the design and engineering of Spacecraft clearly, by describing in clear terms all the systems which operate in a Spacecraft. The structure of the Course is the following: IntroductionSpace EnvironmentOrbital MechanicsSpace PropulsionCommunicationsAttitude ControlPower SystemsWe will discuss topics such as Radiation, Mechanics and Rigid-Body Physics, Autonomous Stabilization, Mission Definition, Spacecraft Dynamics, Photovoltaic Power Generation and many more. The objectives of the Course are for you to understand how the instruments operate, which systems are optimal for each given mission, to identify the components of a Spacecraft, and in fact to be able to Design your own Spacecraft as a Rocket Scientist!I encourage you to begin this journey to Spacecraft Engineering, you won't regret it! If you have any doubts during the course feel free to contact me, I'll answer as quick as possible!"
Price: 99.99

"Ingeniera de Vehculos Interplanetarios y Satlites"
"[Pronto Nuevas Actualizaciones de los contenidos]El curso de Ingeniera Aeroespacial: Vehculos Interplanetarios y Satlites es un curso multidisciplinario en el que estudiaremos los componentes y sistemas que componen un vehculo espacial. Mi intencin es que puedas entender claramente los principales temas relacionados con el diseo y la ingeniera de la nave espacial, describiendo en trminos claros todos los sistemas que operan en una nave espacial.La estructura del Curso es la siguiente:IntroduccinAmbiente espacialPropulsin espacialComunicacionesDiscutiremos temas como Radiacin, Mecnica y Fsica de cuerpos rgidos, Estabilizacin autnoma, Definicin de misin, Dinmica de Naves Espaciales, Generacin de Energa Fotovoltaica y muchos ms.Los objetivos del curso que t puedas comprender cmo funcionan los sistemas, qu sistemas son ptimos para cada misin determinada, identificar los componentes de una nave espacial y, de hecho, poder disear tu propia nave espacial como un Ingeniero Aeroespacial.Te animo a comenzar este viaje a la Ingenieria Aeroespacial, no te arrepentirs! Si tienes alguna duda durante el curso, no dudes en ponerte en contacto conmigo, te responder lo ms rpido posible!"
Price: 159.99

"Whole Personal Development: Steps to Permanent Weight Loss"
"Many weight loss programs deal with an exhausting list of foods to eat and avoid while guiding you through detailed calorie counting plans. Steps to Permanent Weight Loss is different in the sense that it educates the student on the true path to accomplishment by harnessing the power of focus. Once you focus on your true weight loss desires, and improve on your expectations, you will be able to form your new weight loss realty. Join me as I guide you to permanent weight loss by first helping you build your mental image of a success and delve into the habits that will help you maintain a healthy fat free lifestyle."
Price: 59.99

"Practical Strategies to Unlock the Power of Analytics"
"While many companies understand the value of data and analytics, not many are successful in realizing the value from analytics. Global research and advisory firm Gartner finds 87% of organisations have low analytics maturity. To address this challenge, this training introduces you to the key elements behind unlocking the value of Enterprise Analytics. This training has 5 lectures. The first lecture looks at the impact of data and analytics in todays economy. It talks about the definition of analytics, the 4 main domains in analytics, and lists the 4 key building blocks in unlocking the value of enterprise analytics. In the second lecture, the training looks at the first of the4 analytics building blocks i.e. Quality Data. The third lecture discusses the second building block i.e. Stable ITsystems. In the fourth lecture, the third building blocks i.e. Analytics models are covered. Monetization which is the forth build block of analytics is covered in the fifth lecture. This training is for specialists, managers, and executives from IT and Business functions looking to derive insights from data."
Price: 19.99

"Learning to test using fitnesse"
"This course will provide a complete know-how as to how one can write test cases and start testing using fitnesse and orgnanize your test cases by arranging them into a test suite.Run them , understand how it works and see the visual representation of results on the web page known as wiki. Understand how to debug them from the wiki.This course is for beginners who want to know and understand fitnesse and how it works in conjunction with java."
Price: 1280.00

"Help for those who have left the Church, but not the faith"
"Did you know that according to some statistics that those of us who have left the Church are numbered in the millions? And yet, we often feel so alone after leaving the familiar community of a local Church body. As a former pastor who has also adandoned the Church but not my faith, I thought it might be a great help to create a course on how to do life outside the Church, and to find others that are likeminded. If this sounds like you, join us as we journey together forging new paths on our quest for a full life outside the coveted Sunday morning service."
Price: 19.99

"Google G suite - do Usurio ao Administrador"
"Este curso ir lhe proporcionar maior conhecimento sobre os recursos da conta do Google e tambm do Gsuite. Seja ele Basic ou Business, voc ira aprender a configurar e utilizar os apps de forma produtiva e simples, entrando no processo de transformao digital aprendendo a colaborar online com colegas de trabalho, clientes etc."
Price: 39.99

"Van storytelling naar storyselling. Van werk tot merk."
"Van storytelling naar storyselling.Your story, your world. Leer jouw ondernemersverhaal ontdekken om de wereld te betoveren en te veroveren.1 idee: Vuur! Branding.Punt A. Passie over jouw zaak. Je slaagt er echter niet in om anderen te verwarmen.Punt Z. Jouw merk, jouw werk steekt het lont aan met vlammende woorden om de wereld razend enthousiast te maken.Ik lever jou het ABC om rechtstreeks van A naar Z te geraken met een scenario dat jou in de schijnwerpers zet om hot shot te worden. 1. Wat is storytelling? Herontdek bekende verhalen en de wetenschap van storytelling.2. Ontdekkingsreis naar je eigen waarden. Structuur en waarden in een verhaal.3. Verken de verhalen van je eigen (w)onderneming. Leer je bedrijfsverhaal kennen + WIEL-methode.4. Vertaal jouw verhaal. Ideen voor je bedrijfsverhaal verzamelen en moodboard maken.5. De succesgeheimen ontsluierd. Regisseer jouw bedrijfsverhaal met de CAST-methode.6. Stel een routeplan op naar je eigen merk. Pak je merk structureel aan met het CANVAS-model.7. Verover de wereld. Kies een slogan en base-line. Vuurwerk en een oefening think out of the box."
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Muse: Crea y Publica una web responsive sin programar"
"En este curso de Adobe Muse aprenders a crear un sitio web html, totalmente adaptable a todas las pantallas, desde cero hasta su publicacin en Internet y sin saber programar. Por qu deberas hacer este curso? Porque conseguirs crear una web funcional y atractiva que ser nica ya que no utilizars plantillas, sino que disears tu propia web profesional.Por qu no deberas hacer este curso?No deberas hacer este curso si quieres hacer una web a travs de plantillas o realizar una tienda online.Por qu deberas elegirme como instructor?Por mi experiencia no slo como diseadora sino tambin como docente, ya que me dedico profesionalmente a la formacin, por eso este curso est ideado para que consigas realizar una web profesional con xito.Cuando acabes el curso sers capaz de:- Disear el sitio web.- Crear un archivo.- Disear las pginas maestras de nuestro sitio web.- Hacer que el sitio web sea adaptable a todas las pantallas.- Creacin de los mens.- Crear y aplicar color.- Uso de tipografa.- Crear estilos tipogrficos.- Crear enlaces dentro de nuestra pgina y enlaces a otras pginas.- Insertar un mapa de ubicacin (google map).- Crear formularios.- Insertar videos de Vimeo y Youtube.- Usar widget para enriquecer y hacer que tu sitio web sea sper atractivo, atrayendo ms trfico a tu web.- Publicar nuestro sitio web directamente desde el programa o exportando los archivos a html.Nos vemos en el curso."
Price: 39.99

"Hedge Funds: The Complete Guide"
"Introduction to hedge funds, executing brokers and prime brokers, both synthetic (derivatives)and traditional, what they are, what they do and what risks are associated with them. This course is about the interrelationship between hedge funds, investment banks and their investors.The course will provide a broad review or many different areas of hedge funds and investment banks from strategies, management, operations and marketing. Also, the history of hedge funds will be explored, including the risks of failure of hedge funds, such as LTCM, and brokers, such as Lehman Brothers, and the distress or certain investment banks, such as Bear Stearns. Also, practical applications of launching and running a simulated hedge fund will demonstrate the challenges, risks and potential rewards of alternative investments to investors, hedge funds and their service providers."
Price: 29.99

"RHCE Practice Exam Questions(EX300- Exam Version RedHat 7)"
"Important Note - RHCE exam on RHEL 7 is still available until June 2020.If you are a RHCSA progressing to becoming an RHCE, you have two options. You can continue preparing for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 version of the course and take the current RHCE exam (EX300) until June 2020 you can elect to prepare for the new exam (EX294), based on the upcoming release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.Complete information on Red Hat website.About this Course:In this course, All Objectives of RHCE exam are covered according to latest exam syllabus onRedHat official websiteand Tasks are explained step by step in very details, specially tasks related to user and host access for different services.Tasks explained mimic the real RHCE exam questions but they are not real Exam questions. You will be able to Pass the RHCE exam first time if all the Objectives covered will be well understood and you practice a lot before taking the exam.Recently Red Hat recently announced that exam will be conducted on Red Hat 7 (RHEL 7) version. No information is provided regarding minor version which was 7.0 earlier.I used Server and Client machines on CentOS 7.0 which is exactly same as Red Hat 7.0 . One extra machine client2 is used mostly for testing purposes and is on CentOS7.4 platform. With the help of this machine , differences are explained between 7.0 and 7.4 (or 7.5) from RHCE exam point of views. It does not matter on which minor version exam will be conducted if you know the differences for nmcli interface and NFS secure (NFS Kerberos protection) between 7.0 and later Releases 7.4,7.5 and 7.6.I wouldsuggest to practice using one machine on CentOS 7.0 (or Red Hat 7.0) and other machine(s) on later Release like 7.6 for the exam.PDF FILES EXPLAINING ALL STEPS FOR DIFFERENT TASKS ARE UPDATED ON RESPECTIVE SECTIONS. THESE FILES WILL BE VERY HELPFUL FOR YOU DURING AND WILL SAVE YOUR TIME.Note - One Extra Chapter explaining Installation of LDAP, Kerberos, Integrated DNS Server (with FREE IPAServer Solution) is included to help you to prepare the Lab Set for the exam."
Price: 19.99

"RHCSA Practice Exam Questions Video Course(EX200-RHEL 8.0)"
"Note- RHEL 8.0 is already released and now new registrations for the RHCSA exam are accepted for RHEL 8.0.It might be possible to take the exam on old version RHEL 7 but better to go for RHEL 8 because there is not much differences .Only few new topics are added and some are removed. Refer to Red Hat site for complete details.I already updated all objectives to meet  all requirements of RHCSA exam on RHEL 8.0 version.Objectives related to old version of exam (RHEL 7)  are still not removed keeping in mind that some of you might be taking the exam on old version.They are kept at the end of course. About Course  : In this course ,All Objectives of RHCSA exam are explained with the help of different tasks( Which mimic real exam questions) on each objective covering complete syllabus as mentioned on Red Hat official Website.Tasks are explained through video lectures.After going through this course , you will be ready to take the exam and you will pass the exam at First attempt for sure but you must practice everything you learnt from this course before taking the exam. You will find all tasks on exam from these Objectives only!!I also mentioned all the commands I used for different tasks in presentation to make it easy for you to practice yourself (After pausing video)  with the help of these commands and related configuration files. You will not need to watch the lecture again in case you forget some step while practicing.One extra chapter to Install LDAP and Integrated DNS Server with FREEIPA Server solution is also included. This chapter also explains how to configure NFS and SAMBA share. Everything explained in this chapter is not part of RHCSA objectives but you will need this to prepare LAB environment for the exam to practice all tasks of course.ALSO DOWNLOADBLE PDF FILE CONTAINING ALL TASKS WITH STEPS IS ADDED IN THIS COURSE AT THE END TO HELP YOU TO PRACTICE BEFORE YOU TAKE THE EXAM.I would expect positive or negative ratings/reviews depending on your experience and expectations. Both positive and negative reviews are most Welcome. This will help me to produce better content in future.Many Thanks!!"
Price: 19.99

"Prticas Sustentveis"
"O curso Prticas Sustentveis orienta o passo a passo como a escola pode incluir a sustentabilidade na estratgia de ensino.Resultado da parceria entre escolas municipais de Orlndia/SP e Sales Oliveira/SP , o contedo apresentado pela Gestora Ambiental , Michelle C.R.Miele , que aborda como a sustentabilidade pode ser inclusiva e interdisciplinar na escola, ao mesmo tempo em que reduz os impactos ambientais e aumenta o valor social da escola.O curso tem durao de 1,5h e se divide em vinte e trs aulas, que abordam desde as vantagens da sustentabilidade para a escola, passando pelo planejamento, execuo das aes, eficincia, relacionamento com a comunidade, chegando at compreenso de como aproveitar as mudanas dos hbitos para garantir um ambiente mais sustentvel.O objetivo mostrar que a sustentabilidade deve acontecer de dentro para fora da escola, e que nem sempre preciso dispor recursos financeiros, mais sim mudar comportamentos e atitudes para aproveitar as oportunidades."
Price: 39.99

"Guide to understanding and assessing personality"
"Learn more about personality, approaches and psychological assessment that will be useful in your everyday life to interact effectively with people who are around you and implement your life and career goals. Explore the puzzle of personality Recognize how unique you are.Spark your inspiration by identifying your strengths and talents.Learn why personality matters.Boost your creativity by learning personality theories. Create a better understanding of personality assessment evolution.Gain a deeper insight into personality Personality or persona? Is success in your DNA? Are ""success"" genes your destiny? Do people's personalities change after 30?Personality touches upon almost every aspect of what makes people who they are. It is seen in our thoughts, emotions, close relationships and other social interactions. ""The real stars are not good actors or actresses. Theyre personalities"", said an american actress Jayne Mansfield.Theories are very important in studying personality. They are used to explain and predict a wide variety of behaviors. They give us knowledge to better understand ourselves and people around us. Overviewof the course This course contains 20 lectures and 1,5 hours of video with two assignments and a quiz putting your new knowledge into practice.I designed it to be easily understood by absolute beginners who want to grow the number of neural connections in their brain. The course will take you through development of personality based on scientific research. You will learn personality theories which will give you ideas about your own personality and conflicts struggling in your mind.You will be able to identify your strenghts and weaknesses with the knowledge of personality assessment instruments. As well as you will have an idea why it is important to explore and measure your personality if you want to succeed professionally. You will walk away from the course with gaining a deeper insight into personality and its driving forces."
Price: 74.99

"Square Payment Credit Card Reader for Craft Markets"
"Have you signed up for a Square Card Reader as the payment processing device for your craft markets?Are you simply processing credit cards and missing out on the features and reporting automatically built in?Do you know all the features to create efficiency at markets, capture customer information and give you quick detailed reporting on what items are selling?Over 12 videos this course will take you through all the steps to becoming a Square expert, using all the built in features to put insights about your craft markets at your finger tips. Learn easy ways to make Square work better for your handmade product based business with inventory management and advanced item set up.Save yourself hours of research and shortcut straight to learning Square from a genuine handmade business owner who understands craft markets, finance and running a handmade product based business. Extra content include information on setting up stock keeping units (SKUs), market packing checklists, inventory production advice and Square integrations."
Price: 39.99

"Say Goodbye to Anxiety the Fast Easy Way"
"THis content is a breakthrough approach to Become Anxiety Free NOW!Discover theMOSTsurprising reason why you feel so stressedSoulLifeSerenity Intuitive StressRelief and Relaxation is an Online Program To Help You Become Stress Free where I show you how to eliminate stress, anxiety, overwhelm and pressure so you can relax, be more confident,have more funand achieve your dreams.My program is easy, innovative and introduces new ways to overcome anxiety for good not just band-aid or manage it. The energy is changing and many are becoming more susceptible to the symptoms of anxiety. I help them not just to manage their anxiety, but to dissolve it."
Price: 194.99

"Iniciacin a Bitcoin y las Criptomonedas"
"El curso se compone de 9 captulos que te ayudaran a entender qu es bitcoin, como funciona y cuales son los aspectos ms importantes a la hora de comprar, vender y guardar Bitcoin y las criptomonedas de forma segura.Qu es Bitcoin?Cmo funciona?Aplicaciones de la Tecnologa BlockchainCmo comprar BitcoinsGuardar criptomonedas de forma seguraCarteras mvilesCmo comprar otras monedasOrganizar y hacer seguimientoQu comprar y cmo vender"
Price: 39.99

"Become an Azure DevOps Hero"
"Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment using Azure DevOps! This course isn't just a bunch of theory on how we think you should deploy software; there are no power point slides. This is a hands on deep dive into how to deploy a three tier application through multiple environments with quality gates. We have developed a three tier application that we will deploy throughout this course and by the end of this course you will know how to deploy Azure SQL Databases, .net core apis and React front end applications.Once you have finished this course you will be able to apply this knowledge to your own projects and ship products to production quicker than ever before.We will teach you how to spin up azure resources with the click of a button and deploy infrastructure for a full stack application in minutes.But most importantly we are going to teach you how to schedule your releases so they go live when you are asleep.In this course you will get online support so if you have any questions you can post them in the discussions and we will get back to you within 24 hours"
Price: 104.99

"Guided Meditation for Spiritual Awakening process"
"God helps those who help themselves. Self help is the best help. One must at all times try to support oneself and not rely on other people to come and assist. One should have faith that our problem will be solved through some external forces, or good person or God. This course explains without losing hope how to conquer obstacles that present before ones life. Course includes many modules, such as what is meditation, Concept of Mediation, Pre-requisites for meditation, Preparation before meditation, various types of Guided Meditation pieces, what is Spiritual Awakening, the power of prayer &more. In detail, you will see that these modules are inter-connected. Though I already tried to cover almost all the subjects related to spirituality, I want you to do more research on it from your side with your unique perspective and vision. If you will go detail in each subject you will have more urge to know about that subject. When you will start this subject I want you to sit with pen & paper is your effective tool which you require before start this course. Trust on your Spirtual Teacher & on your own intuition is the key to unlock your hidden potential! All the best!!"
Price: 99.99

"Hundepsychologie von A bis Z"
"Entdecke dieunterschiedlichen Rassen und ihre Eigenschaften.Verstehe dieUnterschiede zwischen Hund und Wolfaus evolutionrer Sicht.Analysiere das Verhalten in sozialen Situationen, umbessere Entscheidungenzu treffen.Lerne Verhalten von Hunden vorherzusagen.Lerne wie du als Menscheindeutig mit Hunden kommunizierst.Bekmpfe Verhaltensprobleme(wie Aggression, Territorialitt, Bellen) an der Wurzel, also da wo sie entstehen - im Gehirn.Der Hundepsychologie Kurs bietet Ihnen die Chance komplexes psychologisches Wissen an Ihren Umgang mit Hunden einzubringen. Komplexes Wissen wird in diesem Kurs fr jeden verstndlich aufbereitet und zugnglich. Beispiele wie Sie das Wissen in Ihren Alltag integrieren sind praxisnah und dem Stand der aktuellen Wissenschaftlichen Forschung entsprechend. Nach diesen 7 Stunden Kursinhalten wirst du dazu in der Lage sein nach kurzer Analyse das Verhalten von Hunden sicher vorherzusagen und zu begrnden. Du wirst es schaffen Situationen artgerecht zu definieren und durch psychologisch artgerechten Eingriff zu beeinflussen. Die Kursinhalte sind in 20 Themen gegliedert:1. Hundepsychologie - Was ist das?2. Evolutionspsychologie - Vom Wolf zum Hund3. Die Entstehung von Bewusstsein4. Neuropsychologie des Hundes5. Die verschiedenen Hundepersnlichkeiten6. Das Paarungs- und Revierverhalten von Hunden7. Sozial Psychologie8. Telepathie und Tierkommunikation9. Die fantastischen Sinne des Hundes verstehen10. Die optimale Psyche eines Hundehalters11. Hundesprache und Ausdruck12. Aggression13. Vom Jungen zum Alten Hund - Die Erziehung14. Motivation von Hunden15. Emotionen von Hunden16. Kognitionspsychologie und Kognitive Prozesse von Hunden17. Wie Intelligent ist Ihr Hund?18. Lernen und Verhaltensanalyse19. Wie Hunde lernen?20. Das Gedchtnis von Hund und MenschMit Hilfe neuester psychologischer Forschungsarbeiten wurde dieser Kurs aufgebaut, um Hundepsychologie fr jeden zugnglich zu machen.Wrde dies einen groen Unterschied im Umgang mit Hundenfr den Rest deines Lebens bewirken?Aus der Erfahrung unserer Kunden knnen wir sagen Ganz sicher!Online Hundepsychologie von A bis Z ist einintelligenter, praxisnaher und nachhaltig wirksamer Kursim Umgang mit Hunden.Fr Welpenbesitzer, Ersthundebesitzer und erfahrene Hundesportler der Online Hundepsychologie Kurs bietet fr jeden hilfreiche und relevante Informationen. Der Kurs wirdauchals Weiterbildung frHundetrainerempfohlen, um Hundebesitzern psychologisches Wissen besser bermitteln zu knnen.Entwickle Meisterschaft in dem Umgang mit Hunden.Erfahre deine bestehenden Hunde-Bekanntschaften auf einem neuen Niveau von Verstndnis, Kontrolle und Achtsamkeit.Behandle Verhaltensaufflligkeitenmit einem von dir erstellten psychologisch korrekten Trainingsplan.Dieser Kurs vereint die detailliertenEssenzen aus den letzten Jahrzehnten der Hunde-Psychologie-Forschung, privat und aus der Arbeit von tausenden Forschern.ber 50 Videos mit wesentlichen Lektionen aus der Wissenschaft, Hunde richtig zu verstehen, zu analysieren und zu kontrollieren. Neuestepsychologische Erkenntnisse vereinen sich mit traditioneller Weisheit.Lauschen Lesen Umsetzen VerstehenHundepsychologie von A bis Z ist gut in deinen Alltag integrierbar.Du hrst die jeden Tag eine Lektion an und setzt sie sofort um. So reift deine psychologische Kompetenz im Umgang mit Hunden auf einespielerische und gleichzeitig profunde Weise.Einfach, klar, praktikabel.Tiefgrndig und dabei oft auch humorvoll und berraschend.Integral konzipiert. Es sprichtKrper, Gefhle und Verstandan.Nachhaltig wirkend. Wir setzen nicht auf einmalige Spezialeffekte, sondern auf eine Vernderung deiner psychologischen Wahrnehmung.Lass dich verzaubern, inspirieren und sanft herausfordern!Der erfahreneHundetrainer und Psychologie-Student Rene Plchlzeigt dir Schritt fr Schritt wie dieWissenschaft der Hunde-Psychologieaufgebaut ist.Der Kurs hat 7 strukturierte Themengebiete, die aufeinander aufbauen, mit dem Ziel Hundepsychologie zu Verstehen. Der Kurs baut auf dieallgemeine Psychologie der Menschenauf und wird auf die Hundepsychologie spezialisiert.Das schnste Geschenk ist es dieBindung und das Vertrauenzu unseren Hunden zu strken!Ich freue mich auf dich!Ren"
Price: 199.99

"Drawing Comics - Anatomy and Figure Drawing"
"Let me ask you something. Do you ever struggle with anatomy?Maybe you're not completely sure where the muscle groups go, so you just kinda guess instead - and hope it's right.Or do you ever get people who leavefeedback on your work,simply stating ""You need to improve on your anatomy"" and then forget to tell you how, or where to even begin?You might be motivated to learn anatomy, but just feel so overwhelmed by the thought of how long it's going to take to learn every single muscle from memory.If that's you,Ed Foychuk's newcourse""How To Draw Comics Anatomy""might just be just what you need tohelp you solve those anatomical obstaclesonce and for all.When it comes to drawing characters in comic books, animation, story boarding or concept design, understanding anatomy is critical to drawing people that look accurate.Every muscle carefully clicks into the body like an interlinked jig-saw puzzle to power the human machine. They propel each movement with momentum - tensing, twisting and pulling to execute our desired, physical action.It's a complex system to say the least.But learning anatomy is necessary to truly harness the power of dynamic figure drawing.If you can hack the intricate, underlying system of muscles within the human body- to understand how each muscle connects to the next; it's size, form and purpose, the level of confidence you possess in your figure drawing abilities will sky rocket.In fact, you'll have complete control over the way you draw your characters.Imagine, being able to draw your characters in any pose, from any perspective, knowing that theiranatomy is properly structured, without ever having to second guess yourself.That's what this course aims to give you in 14 lessons, spanning over 6 hours of intensive anatomy training.When you get this course you'll watch example after example as to how the muscle structure of each part of the human body is broken down, analysed and reconstructed.Each demonstration is specifically designed for you to follow along with, with easy to follow steps that clearly show you how to givethe basic foundations of your figures sound anatomy.How To Draw Comics Anatomy covers suits such as:Simplified SkeletonTorsoBreastsBackShouldersNeckArmsLegsButtHandsFeetStructuresAdding ClothesLine of ActionPlus you'll also learn how to construct a proportionally accurate, simplified skeleton to serve as the foundation of your character's anatomy.On top of that you'll get a PDF companion included in this course which is to designed to compliment the video tutorials your instructor, Ed Foychuk has put together. And while it could be of some help on it's own, it really is made for you to follow along with the video lessons."
Price: 29.99

"STAND OUT! Resume Course"
"TAKE YOUR RESUME FROM ESSENTIALLY NOTHING TO TRULY STANDING OUT!40% of resumes are of low quality.50% of resumes are ""really good.""Even if your resume is ""really good,"" it is not standing out to resume readers. To get more and better interviews, you need a resume that truly STANDSOUT!This course will help ensure that your resume grabs the attention you deserve."
Price: 29.99

"Introduo programao em Java"
"Este o curso ideal para quem est iniciando seu aprendizado em Java. Voc vai aprender os principais fundamentos da programao em Java com explicaes claras e objetivas e exemplos prticos utilizando um mtodo testado e aprovado em sala de aula. Voc aprender a programar em Java do zero, passando pela instalao e configurao do ambiente de desenvolvimento utilizando JDK, JRE e a instalao da IDE Netbeans. Em seguida voc aprender a criar seus programas usando aplicaes prticas com variveis, constantes, entrada e sada de dados com scanner, estruturas de deciso, loopings, arrays, arquivos, tratamento de exceo, classes e objetos.Em pouco tempo voc estar dominando uma das linguagens de programao mais usadas no planeta e com grande apelo no mercado de trabalho.Aprenda Java agora!"
Price: 189.99

"Linguagem C - direto ao ponto"
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a programar em Linguagem C de forma prtica e direta. As explicaes tericas so claras e objetivas. Voc vai desenvolver seus conhecimentos atravs de exemplos prticos e exerccios. Se voc estudante universitrio, este o curso certo para voc aprender rapidamente e desenvolver seus projetos em C."
Price: 129.99

"Curso de formulacin orgnica."
"Hola, soy Daniela! te invito a que accedas a mi curso de formulacin orgnica. Es un curso donde no slo encontrars explicaciones muy precisas y simples sobre los diferentes componentes de una molcula orgnica, tambin encontrars ejercicios prcticos y material muy til para tu aprendizaje.Hice este curso teniendo en cuenta las dudas que tienen mis alumnos a la hora de nombrar y formular compuestos qumicos por lo que es un curso muy completo y fcil de entender.S un experto en formulacin orgnica!"
Price: 29.99

"Dicas de Regimes Tributrios, Terceiro Setor e ITG 1000"
"Detalhes sobre como optar por um regime tributrio e observar as condies mnimas contbeis para o terceiro setor (empresas sem fins lucrativos) e para MICRO e PEQUENAS empresas. Tanto no segmento tributrio quanto na contabilidade em si, necessrio aplicar conhecimentos bsicos destes mbitos a fim de melhorar e maximizar o resultado financeiro das empresas administradas."
Price: 39.99

"Cavaquinho: possibilidades e estratgias"
"O curso Cavaquinho: possibilidades e estratgias, tem como objetivo apresentar o instrumentos aos alunos e as suas possibilidades de aplicao em vrios gneros musicais, tais como: samba, pagode, chorinho, msica popular brasileira, black music, salsa entre outros. Alm de estratgias para o aperfeioamento no instrumento, possibilitando aos usurios uma aprendizagem de modo fcil e significativo."
Price: 39.99

"Cisco CCIE Evolving Technologies V1.1"
"This course is for anyone who's studying for the CCIE written exam and feels that he or she could take some help with regard to Cloud, Network Programmability and IoT related topics. These are areas that most network engineers do not work on in their day to day lives.Each student will also get complementary access to our Evolving Technologies V1.1 Quiz on CCIEin8Weeks (reach out to us via our CCIEin8Weeks website).Each exam topic has an Exam Essentials, which you can refer to if you are looking for key exam related takeaways and more in-depth details respectively."
Price: 19.99

"How To Get out of Debt 3 Alternative Ways Become Debt Free"
"How To Get out of Debt 3 Multiple Ways , Pay off debts with Why and How to live debt free lifestyle Personal FinanceYou want to get out of debt, you might already know some of how to go about it BUT missing a few things that you don't know or can't understand, if you get your psychology correct, your WHY and HOW then you will be on a faster path to better financial life depending on where you are it's different for everyone and getting out of debt is subjectivein this course, you will learn many things of which you can put some ideas into action to see results if you have 6 figs or more income, its little easier to pay off faster than someone whos minimum wage with high debt to income ratio,depending on how much debt and which type of debt and time plan Money, Debt are subjective, someone making 100K income but living paycheck to paycheck is very different than someone making 50k and living balanced frugal life with savings for investing is a different life There is no right or wrong, its about your own financial habits and educate yourself so you can live better You will also learn one key big AHA of Save Money versus new Opportunity that can open your eyes to new perspectivesTraining will include both How to of many financial details including several WHYs which are far more important than howIFyou GET YOUR WHY CLEAR and more CLEAR then your how to is a lot easier to follow, and you will start making changes quickerwhere are you born is not something everyone else can choose but how you are with your finances, habits is something you can choose and change with education and invest in yourself You will learn 3 alternative ways on how you can pay off debt These 3 ways are completely in your control and you can start making progress immediately based on what you like You don't always have to save to pay off debts,You can use creative thinking with resourcefulness Learn what else you can do, get what you want like pay off debts and be debt free You will also Learn personal finance fundamentals in 5 categories of your expenses and how to plan for your ideal money life Learn how to save money with percentage thinking big picture viewThis can show you how to pay off debt and live debt free lifestyle You want to get out of debt, that's the challenge you are in, it's simple but not easy getting out of debts, being debt free is 80% psychological and only 20 percent how-to details,First, you believe it's possible to get out of debt, even if it's just high-interest credit card debts That's why you here reading this, so congratulations for trusting yourself it's possible and starting a new journey of getting closer to debt free life Getting out of debts is a process not a one-time event like winning the lottery so you have to look at your habits and make small changes there first you will learn in HOW Three high-level view of numbers you need to keep in mind to review again and you can use these in any way learn motivational strong mental reminders to pay off debts you are already sold on you need to pay off debts you will learn a few more reminders to keep in your mind in why to get there fasterlearn 7 mistakes of debt thinking and how to see an alternate perspective of these 10 ways to Feel Good about Yourself, review these when you feel bad about yourself or facing challengesuse them to feel betterone word to stop using in your life and use this other word instead, once you use this other word and agree to this one powerful command, it will help you in your journey of getting out of high-interest debts faster Regardless of your current budgeting finance skills this course will help you with alternate ways of looking your total personal finance situation, help you more aware of your own psychology why of your personal finance including budgeting and finance fundamentals IMAGINE your life debt free how does it feel or your life could be what if using this training you are able to pay off debt faster, use creative thinking and find at least one good idea worth $1000 from this isn't it good to live debt free life?owe no credit card debts owe nothing to anybody?as you take this training, you will now get excited about getting closer to debt free goals when you get this training, you are on fast track than othersThis training will help you in your debt free journey This training will work for you and help to pay off debts a lot faster depending on which of these ideas you put to workmake yours a life of success and debt free with this course help This Training is for you if you want to get out of high-interest debtsif you want to be good with managing finances if being debt free and managing your finances well is your goal then Get this Training and it will work for you moving you closer to your goals in your financial area of life BONUSLearn empowering questions to pay off debt faster and take massive action"
Price: 199.99

"Take Action Now 60 Powerfull Action Words for Productivity"
"Take Action Now with 60 Powerfull Action Words for ProductivityUse 60 Powerfull Action Command Words To Take NOW ActionStart Finish Projects ,Be Productive ,Do More Using Secrets of Psychology Start Finish What You Want To Do And Build Action HabitsPowerful words are words that empower people to communicate at a higher awareness level with greater clarity and precision.Your words are Powerfull Make Powerfull Command words work for you Words have the power to change your mind ,thoughts, feelings and actions Use this to overcome Procrastination or start new habit or make action more consistent and daily habit These Command words go into your subconscious and work for you if you are taking training,learning new ,you might have taken some where you need more action on what you already know ,learnt ,or in general life you need to take more action or your should do list This can help you in taking more action in what ever ACTION Means to you by using ""Take Action Now"" Training You will be affected on an emotional, not just an intellectual level some of these are my own words and others quotes by very successful people this is good collection of all action powered word commands that will make you act even if you remind yourself of 7 or 3 of these depending on your situation you will act more after listening to this recommended to listen to this Take Action to program your subconscious mind Take what I am teaching you and let these words work on youand you will be astounded with the actions and results after listening to Section 3 ACTION 7 timesI do want you to listen to this as often as possible as by Taking ACTION you get to see progress and feel good about yourself I want you to ask yourself the following questions:How bad do you want to master taking consistent action in your life?Am I willing to stop settling for less than I what i could get out of life I hope you responded favorably to the aforementioned questions. Imagine how good you would feel knowing that you could take lot of action and reach your goals and get success In life few things help you and also help others taking action is one of those which helps you and by taking action you can also help othersthis is something i was using myself some of these words are quotes by very successfull people and well known in historyI made several of these words for my self so i could remind myself and program myself to start projects ,finish projects ,build action habits and now you can do the sameThis works for me and will work for you you get all these in quick consumable video/audio that you can listen repeatedly suggest listening to section 3 ""60 command words to NOW ACT"" atleast 3 times these command words will sink into your mind and you can feel the words making you want to do more of what you should be doing ,what you want to do This course will help you in taking more action work on your subconscious directly and you feel empowered to take more action and more results Heres what covered section1 ->intro about fundamentals of taking action ,Taking Action and Being,dont skip section2 ->asking powerfull word questions ,dont skipsection3 ->60 command to ACT NOW ,Listen atleast 3 times This can be used for either health ,money, relationships in your life This works on your inner communication on how you talk to youself and feel about yourself you might have taken few udemy courses but did not finish trainingdid not take action on them you would like to be more effective with your trainings you would like to have better life in your financial,love,health areas by taking more actionDo you want to take more action Do you want to get more out of trainings Then this course is for youGet this Training and it will work for you moving you closer to your goalsImagine your life with success and living your ideal life as you wish when you finish this training ,you will find yourself seeing results As you take this training ,you can see yourself acting more when you go through this course ,you will find yourself taking more action and see results in your life You will find positive energising words and questions that will boost your life actions,habits,resultsyou will be also effected on emotional level What if you take action and start,finish your projects ,do the thing that you are avoidingImagine all the results you get by taking action on your want to do ,should do after you go through this course just few times Take now Action and get this training The more you listen to ""60 command words to NOW ACT"" Lecture ,the more action you will be doing Looking back from 3 months , you will be glad you took this training Bonus 3 ways to motivate yourself video Two Bad Words to Avoid using and what are the two words you must use to replace these words you might be using without being aware Who is the Target Audience?Udemy Students who would like to finish courses,Take Action on what they already know todo or start new actions, start,finish projects anyone who want to start your own business part time or full time as this will help in action"
Price: 49.99