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"Metas Poderosas + Sesiones de Coaching"
"Si no trabajs por tus sueos, alguien te contratar para que trabajes por los suyos. (Steve Jobs)Este curso contiene:Clases para aprender a disear y concretar metas.Como enfrentar los obstculos que aparecern.Como mantenerse motivado y enfocado en las metas.2 Sesiones de Coaching online personalizadas a programar con un Coach.Una planilla de actividades para completar.Una planilla de seguimiento de tus metas.Qures un cambio en tu vida? Sents que estas desorientado/a? Que no sabes realmente lo que quers? Te cuesta cumplir lo que te propones o no lo pods cumplir?Quers:Bajar de peso.Iniciar una carrera universitaria.Mejorartu relacin de pareja.Cambiar de trabajo.Hacer tu viaje soado.Prepararte para una maratn.Irte a vivir a otro pas.Crear tu propio negocio.No importa cuan grandes o pequeos sean, para alcanzar nuestros sueos y ambiciones personales necesitamostener metas claras y actuar de acuerdo a ellas.Parece sencillo pero la realidad es quemenos del 7% de las personas que establecen metas para el nuevo ao las cumplen.Y ni hablar de los que nunca se plantearon nada en primer lugar, ya sea por desconocimiento de su importancia o porque ya se han resignado a la vida que llevan aunque no los satisfaga.Hemos detectado esta problemtica en nuestro entorno y es por eso que diseamos este curso. En lenseamos los mismos principios y tcnicas que nosotros tambin aplicamosen nuestra propia vida para disear nuestras metas y hacerlas realidad.Hablaremos no slo de lo que hay que hacer sino de lo que NO hay que hacer:los errores y obstculos ms comunescon los que nos encontraremos en el camino que hemos elegido.HabrEJERCICIOS PRCTICOSpara internalizar el aprendizaje.Al finalizarvas a llevarte una PLANILLA GUA,como la que nosotros mismos utilizamos, para que tengas en un lugar visible en tu casa. Ah encontrars:Las preguntas que DEBS hacertes o s antes de comenzar a avanzar hacia tu meta (para no llevarte sorpresas en el camino),Una GRILLA DE REGISTROdonde podrs tomar cuenta de tu progreso.Pods tener tu meta clara o no tenerla en absoluto (aunque sabs que quers un cambio). En el cursovamos a guiarte para que puedas definirla de forma correcta y motivarte para tomar accin hoy mismo.Hasta puede que incluso te termines dando cuenta que quers conseguir algo por las razones equivocadas (como complacer o contradecir a mam o pap).Queremos que avanzar es pos de tus mejores objetivos sea una constante en tu vida, un camino de evolucin y desarrollo.Queremos no slo que consigas lo que te propones, sino ms importante an,que puedas transformarte como persona en el proceso.Porque esa es la mayor recompensa. Ezequas Toledo y Matas Larrea-Accin Total Coaching-"
Price: 24.99

"Convirtete en un experto en Excel: Frmulas y Funciones"
"Quieres aprender paso a paso cmo destacar en tu puesto de trabajo y crear un diferenciador para tu hoja de vida utilizando Excel? En este curso podrs lograrlo con o sin ninguna experiencia.El mtodo del curso es sencillo y fcil de implementar. Para que puedas aprender de la mejor forma posible, he dividido el curso en pequeas pldoras de video, donde recibirs una gua paso a paso de todo lo que necesitas saber acerca de las frmulas y funciones de Excel.Ten en cuenta que para convertirte en un experto en Excel todo lo que necesitas es prctica. Conforme vayas avanzando y practicando cada vez ms, desarrollars mucha experiencia que te permitir crear frmulas nuevas ya que tendrs un mejor entendimiento de cmo funciona la plataforma.Por qu aprender Excel?Excel es una herramienta indispensable en toda organizacin, y a pesar de eso muy pocas personas logran explotar su mayor potencial. Es aqu donde comenzars a destacar como todo un experto en la plataforma, creando y optimizando reportes a travs de frmulas y funciones que nadie ms puede realizar.En todas las industrias, un especialista en Excel es un miembro fundamental del equipo de trabajo. Imagina a un contador que no sepa utilizar Excel, o un ingeniero que no tenga idea de cmo crear frmulas sencillas.Microsoft Excel da para todo, y en este curso 100% online quiero ensearte a aprovechar al mximo esta maravillosa herramienta. Aprenders a crear reportes claves y a utilizar las frmulas ms complejas, convirtindote en un experto en Excel avanzado.Es tiempo de realizar un CAMBIO en tu carrera profesional!Este curso est diseado con el objetivo de ayudarte a dar un giro a tu carrera profesional. Encontrars videos cortos que te guiarn paso a paso a travs de las distintas herramientas y funciones con las que cuenta Excel. No necesitas experiencia! Ya que contars con contenido desde lo ms bsico en Excel hasta frmulas ms avanzadas.Qu te parece echarle un vistazo a los que mis antiguos alumnos opinan?TestimoniosDaniel Vega: ""El curso est muy bien explicado por el Sr Corts, supero mis expectativas. Todo explicado de una manera sencilla y clara. An no he terminado el curso, llevo ms de la mitad, pero puedo recomendarlo a un 100%.""Isaac Martnez Bravo: ""Un curso a pesar de ser corto. Muy dinmico; explicado; y sobre todo muy educativo; instructor experto en la materia recomiendo este curso. Vale la pena para los que estamos estancados en Excel""Por qu este curso te ayudar a destacar con Excel?Utilizando una metodologa terico-prctica, gracias a este curso de Excel podrs desarrollar todas las capacidades para convertirte en un especialista de alto nivel. Al inscribirte a este curso, tendrs acceso exclusivo a: Ejercicios descargables para que practiques conceptos bsicos y frmulas avanzadas dnde y cuando quieras. Explicacin Paso a Paso de los ejercicios para que desarrolles tu visin de Excel mientras los realizas en simultneo. Respuesta a todas sus preguntas en videos cortos pero bien desarrollados para un mejor entendimiento. El Grupo Oficial de Facebook para recibir contenido adicional.Qu aprenders en este curso?Ests a tan slo un paso de convertirte en un especialista en Excel! Al finalizar el curso, tendrs todas las habilidades necesarias para: Navegar por medio de la Interfaz de Excel como todo un experto. Aplicar formato a Bases de Datos, manipular textos, celdas, filas y columnas. Construir reportes importantes utilizando grficos para mostrar patrones, tendencias y resultados. Crear presentaciones exitosas en PowerPoint (esencial para mostrar tus resultados). Analizar la informacin en tus reportes e identificar lo ms importante a presentar. Trabajar con amplias bases de datos Crear frmulas que nadie ms puede crear. Organizar bases de datos como todo un maestro, utilizando filtros y validacin de datos para dar un look ms profesional. Crear reportes complejos de manera rpida y sencilla. Y mucho ms!Qu necesitars para ingresar al Curso de Excel Online?Ests cada vez ms cerca de aadir un valor importante a tu carrera profesional. Adems de contar con el Microsoft Excel instalado y actualizado en tu computadora, te voy a pedir que tengas: El deseo de crear un diferenciador para tu Hoja de Vida gracias a Excel. La voluntad de aprender y el deseo de adquirir una nueva e importantsima habilidad. Acceso a Internet.Para quin es este curso?No importa si tienes o no tienes experiencia en Excel. Este curso es para ti! Para ti, que quieres dar un golpe sobre la mesa de tu vida y transformarla para siempre. Para ti, que quieres destacar en tu empleo como experto en Excel. Para ti, que quieres atreverte a ir ms all y cambiar tu forma de trabajo y la de tus compaeros. Para ti, que quieres aprender a crear reportes complejos de manera rpida y fcil. Siendo capaz de trabajar con completa facilidad con formulas y funciones de Excel.Estoy completamente convencido que Excel es una herramienta que no puede faltar en nuestra hoja de vida. En este curso encontrars todo lo que necesitas y tendrs toda la ayuda que necesites de mi parte. Recuerda que la prctica hace al maestro, y cada vez que aprendas a dominar una frmula nueva, sers capaz de crear frmulas nuevas para crear reportes ms complejos.Qu ests esperando? Inscrbete hoy mismo!Quin es Alberto Corts?Tengo ms de 5 aos utilizando Excel para impulsar mi carrera profesional. Actualmente me desempeo como Especialista Regional en Marketing Digital, y a lo largo de mi carrera he sido capaz de crear y optimizar procesos en mi departamento para destacar utilizando mis conocimientos en Excel."
Price: 199.99

"Pengenalan NodeJS dan MongoDB"
"Node JS menyediakan platform yang membuat bahasa JavaScript dapat dijalankan di sisi server. Sedangkan MongoDB adalah salah satu jenis database NoSQL yang berbasis dokumen dengan fomat JSON. Pada database SQL, data disimpan dalam bentuk tabel. Sedangkan pada MongoDB data disimpan dalam bentuk dokumen dengan format JSON. Semoga dengan mempelajari modul ini kalian bisa lebih memahami dan bisa menggunakan NodeJS dan MongoDB, Selamat Belajar!"
Price: 350000.00

"Belajar Mengenai PHP & MySQL"
"PHP adalah bahasa pemrograman yang didesain untuk menciptakan halaman web interaktif maupun aplikasi berbasis web pada computer. Kode PHP berjalan diantara halaman yang direquest dan web server. Tugas utama PHP adalag melakukan transaksi data dan printing HTML ke browser. Semoga dengan mempelajari modul ini kalian dapat memahami dan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan juga Database MySQL. Selamat Mencoba!"
Price: 350000.00

"Project Planning Tools"
"Learn how to successfully start a project with the useful and easy to use tools, that could also help you to manage and lead your projects to success.In this course, you will be given a guidelines and easy to follow practical workout for creating a project charter, project management plan, reporting and business case. You will also receive a templates that you can use, adjust and apply. These are essential tools of a starter pack and you should have them at hand when you are starting a new project. This training is suitable for both project management practitioners and beginners who want to have a useful starter pack with tools for commencing a new project. We'll illustrate you our approach of creating a most commonly used tools that could help in successfully managing project. These tools could be applied for any project of any size in any industry.What you will learn?First we will show you how to create one project charter. Then we will go through one comprehensive project management plan which includes: Schedule plan, Communication sheet, Risk register, Budgeting sheet and Change management process. Then, we will show you how you can easily report status of your project and give you the guidelines for creating a good and readable business case. Finally, we will give you a chance to prove your knowledge and test what you have learned in a final assessment. Why you should take this course?This course is designed for the people who are practitioners and project managers on projects, or beginners willing to gain new skills and have starter kit for any project. In this course we will show you from the first hand experience how you can create most commonly used tools when commencing a project.Who are the instructors of this course?Two Agile experts with:- a proven real-life software industry experience,- certifications in PMP, PMI-ACP and CSM,- knowledge in system modeling and working tools and- willingness to share the experience and knowledge. In this course we will not burden you with a lot of theory, but we will concentrate on what is needed and could be applied in practice."
Price: 19.99

"Esci dalla tua gabbia e diventa libero!"
"Se vuoi uscire da questa gabbia utilizza la mappa delle 4C. Questo corso ti aiuter ad avere il giusto atteggiamento e una psicologica robusta per riprenderti in mano la tua vita per essere finalmente libero.Libero di decidere per te scegliendo la vita che vuoi e che hai sempre desiderato avere.La mappa dalle 4C una ricetta con risultato assicurato.Dopo ben 28 anni sono uscito dalla religione dei testimoni di Geova e oggi dopo aver scritto il libro Ero un testimone di Geova dalla gabbia alla libert mi trovo ad aiutare molte persone a riprendersi in mano la vita, proprio per questo ho deciso di creare questo video corso."
Price: 49.99

"Python --"
"PythonPython10SublimeTextPython CSVJSONYAMLMSPythonEmailSMSTwitterWebBeautifulSoupRequestsSeleniumWebDjangoFlaskWebSQLiteDBMySQLNumpyPandasPythonGoogleMapsWebPython"
Price: 19.99

"A-Z Microbit: Officially accredited by Microsoft [2020]"
"________Have you always wanted to understand the hype behind robotics, coding, electronics, tech, but were overwhelmed by the complexity and not sure where to get started?This course will avoid all that confusion by taking you step-by-step through understanding everything about robotics, coding and electronics.Each module of this course revolves around learning key concepts via building fun projects, robots and experiments.Some of the projects we create in the course are: Sunflower robots, Wall detection cap for blind people, air piano, deuce game generator, digital hot-potato, Treasure hunt using wireless data transmission, pressure sensitive instrument, rock paper scissors generator and more!Furthermore, each module of the course also includes concepts breakdowns, coding walk-through, challenges and assessments,assembly videos, and demos. The course is centered around the BBCMicrobit Platform:The world's easiest and most friendly electronics and coding platform. In fact all the coding can be done on any device- computer, tablet, or phone.All the code we write will be picture based graphical code. No confusing text based code! Graphical code is much easier to understand but the computer science principles learnt in the course are identical to what professional programmers use.The course progression is as follows:The course will first introduce us to what the MicroBit platform is and how to use itThen we will learn the fundamentals of programming and computer science (coding)We will then dive in to electronics by exploring the built in sensors and output devices of the MicroBit (simple electronics)Only once comfortable with coding and electronics such as sensors will we start to use external electronics and learn how to wire (code+advance electronics +robotics)Lastly we learn how to integrate wireless communication into our projects.(code+electronics+robotics)Each module will build on what you learnt in the previous module and no prior knowledge will be required.This course will make you a creator, an innovator, a leader in a increasingly digital world filled with robots.With a solid understanding of electronics, sensors, and computer science principles, you will be primed to progress to harder concepts like IOT, AI, Machine learning. Learnings from this course will be applicable to all fields from manufacturing, or military, automation, self-driving cars, smart cities etc. Tools required-No hardware&tools needs to be purchased.MicroBit has a free built in online simulator. However, it is recommended that you do purchase the following hardware to physically see how your code works for the projects we create.Module 1, Module 2, Module 3- Just a MicroBitModule 4- LEDs, Push Button, Servo, Distance sensor, speaker/earphones for music, moisture sensor, aligator clips + jumper cablesModule 5- Secondary MicroBitA full list of recommended hardware+multiple purchase links (with international shipping)is available in the last document of the courseCheck out my Youtube video tutorials as well!"
Price: 84.99

"Essential Oils Around the Home: A Beginner's Guide"
"Essential Oils Around the Home: A Beginner's Guide - Learn the basics of aromatherapy and how to create natural home care products with essential oils.Are you a health conscious person who wants to learn how to make natural home care products with essential oils? If so, then this course is for you!This course will empower you to be able to create natural products to safely use in your own home. You will be able to replace a wide range of toxic cleaning and household products with affordable, safe and all natural alternatives.In this course you will learn:Basic terminology regarding essential oilsBasic safety considerations and guidelinesHow to properly dilute essential oils for safe and effective useThe properties of essential oils that we can benefit fromThe 4 best essential oils to start with and how to use them around your homeThe basics of diffusing oils around your home, and recipes for:Purifying the AirDeodorizingBedtimeMood ElevationHow to create several natural home products including:All Purpose CleanerAnt and Insect RepellentFoaming Hand SoapRoom FreshenerAs with all Udemy courses, there is a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee to ensure you are satisfied with this course.Thanks and Ihope you enjoy this Essential Oils course!--Jordan Scroble"
Price: 49.99

"TCC Real"
"Estudantes de graduao vo aprender como delimitar um problema real, para ser utilizado no TCC.Um problema real ser definido como uma situao que algum ao seu redor est passando (ou at voc mesma), e outras pessoas assim como elas tambm passam.Tambm vo aprender a alinhar seus valores, conhecimentos e habilidades com o problema escolhido, permitindo assim escolher algo que tenha relao com sua capacidade de resolver.Um problema real bem recortado, aumenta as chances de alcanar:+ Nota+ Relevncia+ Agilidade no TCCUm problema real serve como base para encontrar um tema - que dever ser construdo junto com as(os) professoras(es)/orientadoras(es) da graduao."
Price: 294.99

"Lighting In Unity The Art of Lighting for Games"
"*NEW* Added Much Awaited Challenges and Solutions that will help students build upon their skills that may help them find employment in roles with titles such as Unity Gameplay Programmer, Unity Artist, 3D Artist, 3D Generalist, Level Designer, and Environmental Artist -- Extended Content Making AAA quality visuals is not as hard as you think. you don't need to be great at 3D math, programming or art.It all starts with knowing the basics of the game engine you are using. In Unity to make games look high quality, it is necessary to understand how it's subsystems like Lighting work.In this course, we will cover Unity's entire Lighting Pipeline that will help you create more cinematic and immersive games. This course doesn't require you to have any programming or 3D art experience. All you need to know is the basics of the Unity editor.We will kick start by covering the basics of lighting, with a complete dark church scene and as we move further we will add the different type of lights to our scene and continue to learn more advanced lighting concepts such asADVANCED LIGHTPROPERTIESlike cookies, halos, culling, light flares.SHADOWS- cover advanced shadow settings such as shadow cascades, shadow distance and much more.DIRECTANDINDIRECTLIGHTINGGLOBAL ILLUMINATION ANDLIGHTMAPPING- will discuss the concept, cover both baked and real-time GI.QUALITYSETTINGSREFLECTIONSby understanding reflection probesLIGHTPROBES And much more!This Unity course also includesvarious challenges (New Content Added Weekly!) We will be using a beautiful church scene and as we move through the course you are expected to follow along with us so that you will get a practical knowledge of the Unity's lighting setup. we encourage and expect you to practice all the techniques side by side as we move on. Remember to get good at something it is important to practice it, and If you feel stuck feel free to re-watch the videos or ask a question in the forum section. Our team will try it's best to answer all your questions.This course is perfect for developers working on games that require deep knowledge about Unity's Lighting System. Anyone using the Unity engine will benefit since we comprehensively cover how to correctly use many of its more advanced lighting sub-systems.This course is designed in a short, concise and direct manner. So that you can gain most out of this course without wasting much of your time. Why Learn Game Development with Unity?The gaming industry is a $100 billionindustry worldwide. By 2020, that number is expected to near $120 billion. WithUnity being the most widely used engine to develop games across multiple platforms, there has never been a better time to get into the field. As you will learn, the types of games you can create with Unity and C# are limitless. Game development makes a great hobby, allowing you to learn a new skill and play your game with family and friends. It is also an exciting and rewarding career, whereplenty of successfuldevelopers, have learned thefundamentals of game development through courses like this, and not in the traditional classroom setting.Every great game starts somewhere, so why not make it yours?While people often find coding or making games intimidating, this Unity course utilizes a unique teaching method which will allow you to gain a thorough understanding of concepts while you develop your own games. Thanks to the Unity community, youll be able to connect with other developers, work together on new projects, and make some incredible games!If you have a few gaps in your experience, dont worry. Thats what this course is for! Youll have the opportunity to gain practice and learn best practices from an expert Unity instructor. Join us on this adventure today! Well see you inside the course.Note :- This course comes with 30 day money back guarantee and lifetime access +support from us."
Price: 19.99

"- Manychat"
", -! , -. - 5 . -, -, . , 98% ."
Price: 39.99

"Curso Marketing Digital 2.0 Herramientas y estrategias 2019"
"Este curso de marketing digital esta orientado a emprendedores que desean ingresar al mundo del mercadeo digital para sus propias empresas, para estudiantes de mercadeo que desean conocer mas sobre estrategias de marketing y para personas que laboran dentro de departamentos de mercadeo y quieren actualizarse con temas del mundo digital.Abarcaremos una gran cantidad de temas pero todos bajo la concepcin de crear un ecosistema de ventas de 360 grados, que permita a pequeas y grandes empresas el poder ser mas competitivas.Temas que trataremos:Marketing tradicional Vs Digital Evolucin del marketingObjetivos SMARTEngagemtEstrategias y tcticas de mercadeoInbound Vs Outbound marketingMarketing de contenidosSEOSEMHerramientas de GoogleIntroduccin a Google Search consoleIntroduccin a Google ADSIntroduccin a Google AnalyticIntroduccin a Google adesenseIntroduccin a Google SiteIntroduccin a Google SiteEstrategias de RemarketingIndexar sitios WebBloggerMarketing en redes socialesCrear una pagina de FacebookFacebook ADSIntegracin de WhatsappInstalacion de Pixel de Facebook y campaas de remarketingCreacin de landing pageMedicion de KPIsVIdeo marketingWebinarsIntroduccin a CRM HubspotCreacin de Embudos de venta.Todas las clases son en vdeo con una duracin entre 4 y 20 minutos dependiendo cada uno de los temas.Al finalizar el curso tendrs todas las bases para realizar tu propia campaa de marketing digital totalmente integrada de una forma fluida, ademas de conocer toda la terminologa utilizada en este fascinante mundo."
Price: 99.99

"The 7 Skills of Speed Reading"
"If you've tried other courses and had limited results, this is the course for you.The 7 Skills of SpeedReadingwas developed by Katya Seberson one of the top Manhattan tutors with over a decade of experience teaching speed reading andMay Ling Lai, a Wall Street executive who actively speed reads as a part of her career. We are two real actual speed readers that were unhappy with the other courses that existed on the market. Try our course if:1)You need to learn to speed read 2)Have tried other courses with limited results3)Hate reading and are turning to speed reading as a potential solutionWe know there are other courses that exist and have also reviewed them ourselves. While the intentions of other instructors are in the right place, most courses have many errors or misleading elements. There are a lot of gimmicks. Others are teaching advanced skimming techniques rather than speed reading. This is unfortunately, because many more people should be able to do this craft and have it augment their livelihood. A typical speed reader can take in information anywhere from 3 to 5 times faster than the average native English speaking reader. This speed will be 2 to 4 times faster than where listening comprehension breaks down. Given that you can take in information so much faster, speed reading is a major advantage for anyone whose livelihood depends on thinking. In the age of automation, that is nearly every person. We break Speed Reading into 7 skills that can be developed to grow your skills for the immediate term and for a lifetime. The 7 skills are - at this point - typically indirectly taught or not taught at all in school.They are completely ignored in most other courses. This is likely why so many have experienced mixed results. With this method, you will not give up speed for comprehension.We believe as more and more people learn the skill, this will be the biggest differentiator in one's career. Most people that are speed readers do not share with others how they acquired the ability. This is true in fields like Law, Technology, Financial Services, Consulting, and more. This is often because they did so by chance and have not thought about how you might transfer this knowledge effectively.This course provides a no gimmicks way to learn to speed read. It will address claims and misinformation found commonly in other courses. We believe that by providing a real course that addresses the true obstacles that stop people from unlocking their innate abilities, we can help many achieve the goals they have, whether profession or personal."
Price: 59.99

"Aprende a crear ilustraciones 3D con Daz Studio"
"Con este curso aprenders a crear completas ilustraciones 3D utilizando el software gratuito Daz Studio sin necesidad de conocimientos de dibujo ni de modelado 3D. Aprenders los conceptos bsicos para organizar una escena, colocar los personajes, ambientar con una iluminacin correcta y renderizar la imagen final.Qu aprenders en este curso?Crear una cuenta de usuario en Daz3D y acceder a sus productosUtilizar el sistema de descarga e instalacin de productos de Daz Studio (DIM)Conocimiento de las opciones ms importantes del software Daz StudioComprender cmo son los modelos 3D, tanto rgidos como articuladosColocar los modelos en una escenaIluminar la escenaColocar la cmaraRenderizar la ilustracinCmo y dnde obtener ms recursos para tus ilustracionesA lo largo del curso iremos creando una ilustracin desde el primer paso hasta el ltimo utilizando para ello el contenido gratuito que incluye el programa.Por qu creo que puedo ayudarte?Adems de ser informtico titulado y tener ms de 20 aos de experiencia como profesor de informtica en muy diversas ramas de la misma, llevo casi 10 aos utilizando Daz Studio. Durante estos aos he formado parte de foros y grupos de ayuda, he creado videotutoriales en Youtube y he sido premiado en diversas galeras con muchas de mis ilustraciones. Tambin he creado ilustraciones para portadas de libros, eventos, documentales y discos musicales. En el ao 2017 decid dar el salto y comenc a modelar mis propios assets para Daz Studio. Comenc con el modelado de ropa y ya tengo a la venta peinados, escenarios y personajes. Todo ello gracias a mi esfuerzo por mantener un constante aprendizaje y perfeccionamiento en mi tcnica y mis conocimientos, por lo que estoy convencido de que podr ayudarte a iniciarte en esta aventura, o a mejorar tus conocimientos si ya ests dando tus primeros pasos."
Price: 149.99

"Neue Google Search Console fr Einsteiger - Webmaster Tools"
"Du mchtest dein Ranking auf Google verbessern? Das ist dein 1. Schritt dahin. Ich freue mich darauf dir zu zeigen wie deine Webseite besser auf google gefunden wird. In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie du deine Wordpressseite ber die Search Console bei google registrierst und was dir die Google Search Console darber hinaus noch fr Vorteile bringt.Ich werde dir das neue Interface vorstellen und zeigen was sich mit der neuen Google Search Console im Vergleich zur alten alles verbessert bzw. verndert hat.Ich werde dir zeigen, wie du deine geupdateten Seiten bei google indexieren lsst, wie dir google hilft deine Webseite mobilgertkonform zu gestalten und wie du Fehler bei der Indexierung auf den Grund gehst.Ich freue mich auf dich!Dein Jan"
Price: 19.99

"Canva - Graphic Design fr Online Marketer"
"Du mchtest Designs und Grafiken erstellen, die deine Leser und Kunden lieben? Die deine Leser dazu bewegen mit dir zu interagieren und zu kaufen? Und das schnell und einfach ohne sich wochenlang in Photoshop & Co. einzuarbeiten?Dann ist dieser Canvakurs genau der richtige fr dich!In meinem Kurs lernst du anhand von praktischen Beispielen wie du mit Hilfe von Canva kinderleicht Social Media Bilder fr Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube oder deinen Blog erstellst. Und das in nur 2 Stunden.Im Gegensatz zu Photoshop oder Gimp haben die Entwickler von Canva besonderen Wert auf Einfachheit und den Einsatz von smarten Designvorlagen gelegt. Das untersttzt dich bereits vor der Erstellung deines Wunschbildes in deinem kreativen Prozess.Das lernst du im Einzelnen:berzeugende Social Media Grafiken erstellen und exportierenT-Shirt Logos schnell und einfach erstellendie Nutzung von Transparenz (auch in der kostenlosen Variante)Canva auf dem Smartphone, um auch unterwegs verlorene Zeit zu nutzen und dein Business voran zu bringenCanva im Vergleich zu anderen Bildportalen, hier kannst du bis zu 90% gegenber anderen Portalen wie Shutterstock sparenAlso, worauf wartest du noch? Fangheute damit an, deinen Businessprozess zu vereinfachen und schnelle und berzeugende Ergebnisse zu produzieren. Ich freue mich auf dich!Dein JanP.S: Wenn dich mein Kurs nicht berzeugt, kannst du ihn in den ersten 30 Tagen ohne Begrndung und komplizierten schriftlichen Aufwand zurckgeben."
Price: 19.99

"The Research-Based Natural Health Course"
"This course explores various health studies that show linkages to supplements and the effect on the human body. This course cuts through the fluff that traditional health courses are notorious for and delivers information that has been tested through scientific study. This course also contains personal tips thatthe instructor has seen help countless numbers of people. The course provides you with a website on which you can search through research studies on your own and discover topics of personal interest to you. Furthermore, the course provides links to FDAQualifiedHealth Claims which the student can review and act on the information according to their own volition. This course offers a more scientific approach to natural health than the typical natural health course and is for everyone who wants to maintain or improve their health."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Cyberpsychology"
"The internet, the world wide web, and social media are fantastic tools which have served a purpose to allow us to stay connected to others and gain instant access to the information we needed to know. During the start of the 21st Century we readily accepted technological change as we could foresee the immediate benefits it could bring to our lives. We wanted this change to ensure we never had to spend too much time on tasks we wouldn't want to do. We just wanted the fastest and easiest way to reach our goals and meet our needs. As soon as we would reach a point where a specific need was satisfied, we started to want more and demand more from technology. Eventually as technology kept growing we slowly became more and more entrenched within it. For example, a lot of us possess a laptop, a mobile phone, a tv, an iPad, a gaming console and maybe even a smart watch. A lot of us also wouldn't be able to directly explain why all of these gadgets were needed at the same time other than to say that we just ""had to have it"" because it's new and it looks cool. However with a lot of these devices we can waste away a lot of our time if we get sucked into the hype too easily. We may even use cyberspace as a means to escape or disconnect from our offline reality. For example, have you ever found yourself scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed, passively observing and not even processing anything that you have read? Have you spent hours on social media watching videos you have a mild interest in, just to know what is trending? What we only realise afterwards is it is all just fake news, people posting content just for the sake of likes and popularity, but we are all sucked into it because we are all subdued by this addiction to the internet. It can seem like an endless cycle of tedium, which distracts us from getting to the tasks we need to do or want to do.I want to help to break you out of this cycle and help you to gain back the control you may have lost. Technology was never meant to hinder the evolution of humanity, but now it seems as if it has weighed us down. I feel it is important that we can preserve humanity in the face of technology. As Albert Einstein said: ""No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."" We enjoyed the new luxuries that technological advancements have brought us and how it gave us access to easily connect with others and gain knowledge, however we have lost ourselves in the process of pursuing so much. We have lost clarity on why we are using technology so much, and how much technology is benefitting us. We are incapable of saying no and putting a pause to our screentime. We even leave ourselves vulnerable to online scams as we are not fully present whilst engaging with technology.Bearing all of this in mind, this course will help you to:Understand the difference between who you are offline and online.Offer a comparison between the interactions you make offline and online so you can find your authentic voice within that.Ensure that your values and beliefs are not compromised and influenced by the noise of the internet.Learn when and how to say no to the internet.Gain practical tips you can use daily to take back your control and maximise the benefits of the internet whilst mitigating against the risks.Safeguard you from your personal and psychological tendencies to be drawn into the internet so that you can become a more active user rather than a passive user.Manage your feelings of depression or anxiety whilst using the internet.Understand the ways you can be scammed and what to do to stay safe online."
Price: 49.99

"Twilio SIP Trunk integration with Asterisk"
"Voice call based applications can be designed well using Twilio APIs. However for fine grain control over audio RTPs can be achieved by handling the media streams directly. This is achieved by using asterisk for media handling and manipulation. This course runs through basic demonstration of fitting in asterisk with twilio trunks. Using this, one can design innovative call based services such as IVR, preferential call forwarding, live call snooping, automatic machine detection etc."
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop para Fotgrafos - Diagramao"
"Conhea equipamentos e aplicativos teis para auxiliar na diagramao e tratamento de fotos e melhorar seu fluxo de trabalho.Aprenda conceitos de programao visual e mtodos de organizao das fotos para uma boa distribuio e aproveitamento eficaz.Veja tcnicas bsicas e avanadas aplicadas na prtica durante a diagramao de lminas de um lbum."
Price: 189.99

"Ruby desde cero"
"Este curso est estructurado para entender Ruby y cimentar las bases para desarrollar aplicaciones en este poderoso lenguaje. Es un curso explicado desde cero, sin tanta saturacin de terminologas y tecnicismos, lo cual te ayuda a entender fcilmente su sintaxis.Ruby es poderoso y puede usarse en desarrollo web, desarrollo de aplicaciones de escritorio y mviles, crear juegos y adems, forma parte de uno de los ms populares framework, Ruby on Rails."
Price: 29.99

"You can draw... Christmas!"
"Learn how to draw cute Christmas characters in the easiest and most fun drawing course.Perfect for beginners, parents and grandparents who want to have fun learning to draw together.It really is very simple, starting with the most simple shapes I'll show you how if you can draw a square, a triangle a circle and some squiggles you can draw these Super-cute Christmas characters.Packed with over an hour of content, follow step-by-step instructions, Super-Tips and bonus features.So grab a pencil and let's get started :)"
Price: 29.99

"Noes de PCM e prticas de manuteno"
"Neste curso voc entender o que PCM, um setor muito importante nas grandes industrias, tambm vai aprender sobre algumas praticas de manuteno utilizadas para gerenciar este setor.Este curso uma oportunidade para estudantes e profissionais que querem, ou esto iniciando uma carreira na rea de manuteno, seja eltrica, mecnica, civil, etc. Ele traz alguns conceitos bsicos sobre organizao e planejamento de manuteno, pois a manuteno no se trata somente de ""estraga e conserta"", os equipamentos precisam ser gerenciados e para isso existem tcnicas de manuteno, como por exemplo, manuteno corretiva, preventiva e preditiva."
Price: 39.99

"Product Management"
"PM(@haruki_sonehara) at gmail dot com"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Visual Studio Code"
"In just a few years, Visual Studio Code has become the most popular editor for Web Development. In short, it is open source, cross-platform, full of functionality, and has an amazing community behind it. Many of the biggest names in Web Development have already made the switch, and so should you! If you're looking to learn the ins and outs of VS Code while increasing your efficiency and proficiency as developer, this course is perfect for you. Whether you're brand new to Web Development or a seasoned veteran, there's something for everyone."
Price: 89.99

"Comprehensive Strategies to Inspire Your Writing Muse"
"This course was created by writers, for writers. Do you love to write but struggle with your inspiration or motivation? If so, this is the course for you! Jeannie Hall, a Self Love Coach for Writers, demonstrates multiple strategies, tools and techniques to help pull you out of your creative funk. Certified in both NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Jeannie will demonstrate usable, practical processes that will help you feel better about both your writing and yourself."
Price: 149.99

"Aprenda a pintar una flor de Malvon con acrilicos"
"Aqu una flor muy linda, trabajada en doble carga, flotados y colores simples pero brillantes. Si les gusta pintar flores, y el medio es acrlico, con practica y tcnicas muy sencillas van a lograr resultados sorprendentes. Los invito a tomar esta clase, que junto con el tutorial y los vdeos instructivos, les sera muy fcil realizar.La forma de pago es muy simple a travs de PayPal, segura y rpida."
Price: 19.99

"Este clase a distancia (online) grabado en alta calidad de video (Full HD) vas a aprender: A aplicar luces y sombras con acuarela, lapices de colores o acrlicos, para crear volumen en tus ilustraciones. Descubrirs algunos trucos para identificar figuras geomtricas en las plantas y flores para que te resulte ms fcil dibujarlas. Observars las partes de las plantas a detalle, lo que te ayudar a identificar las partes indispensables que necesitars integrar en tu composicin. Podrs encarar tu diseno de dos maneras diferentes: aplicando directamente el medio o utilizando grafito para aplicar la tcnica de grisalla.- Sobre los materiales a utilizar, como usarlos y cuidarlos.- A bocetar el diseo con un modelo real, como armar una composicin.- Hojas: como pintarlas- Ptalos: distintas formas, pliegues y texturas.- Esfumado con lpices de colores- Tcnica de nervaduras, esfumadoNO SE REQUIEREN CONOCIMIENTOS PREVIOS."
Price: 69.99

"Programacin 3D para Newbies usando C++ y OpenGL. Desde Cero"
"Hola chicas y chicos de todas las edades !Bienvenidos al curso de Programacin 3D para Newbies usando C++ y OpenGL Desde Cero.Este curso es un Primer Paso Prctico, Para Principiantes, Simple y Directo a la Base tras Videojuegos 3D, Simulaciones 3D y Animaciones 3D, usando C++ y OpenGL Desde Cero.Algunos puntos sobre este cursos son:Es un Primer Paso Prctico a los lenguajes de programacin, con C++.Es un Primer Paso Prctico a la Programacin 3D, con OpenGL. Es Simple y Directo, es decir sin complicaciones tericas. Partimos Desde Cero, es decir que lo ms probable es que no necesites conocimientos previos en programacin de computadoras. Es de enfoque Inicial y Directo a la base detrs  de Videojuegos 3D, Simulaciones 3D y Animaciones 3D.Es fruto de mi experiencia prctica enseando Desde Cero programacin 3D a Newbies o Principiantes en Programacin de Computadoras. Te cuento que alguna vez me encontr estudiando una carrera universitaria relacionada a la programacin de computadoras. Empec a estudiar con mucho inters, pero la mayora de cursos fueron muy tericos, de poco o ningn contenido prctico. No fue hasta 5to ao cuando recin pude llevar un curso relacionado a la programacin de grficos por computadora. Un curso muy terico. A la mitad de dicho curso recin dibujbamos lneas, puntos y crculos 2D. Pienso que no fue necesario esperar tanto tiempo para que me ensearan a dibujar algo con programacin  y menos an de forma tan terica. Creo que pudo hacerse  de forma prctica y directa, desde un principio, y as hubiera sido ms entretenido y estimulante. Y ya despus se poda profundizar en las partes tericas. Creo que cualquier entusiasta de cualquier rea de la ciencia o el arte podra estudiar las bases de la Programacin 3D en forma prctica, simple y directa. Y sacar ventaja de entender la base detrs de Videojueogos 3D y  Aminaciones 3D. Todo esto puede ser el inicio de una aventura muy entretenida e interesante."
Price: 59.99