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"Easy watercolor painting: Cactus Flower"
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting.So let's start creating!"
Price: 19.99

"Easy watercolor painting: Beach Theme"
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting."
Price: 19.99

"Easy gouache painting: Abstract Lady"
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting.So let's start creating!"
Price: 19.99

"Easy gouache painting: Pansies"
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting.So let's start creating!"
Price: 19.99

"Easy Watercolor painting: Fall Landscape"
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting.So let's start creating!"
Price: 19.99

"Easy watercolor painting: Face with doodles"
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting.So let's start creating!"
Price: 19.99

"Easy watercolor painting: Menorah"
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting.So let's start creating!"
Price: 19.99

"Easy watercolor painting: Rose"
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting.So let's start creating!"
Price: 19.99

"Ease watercolor painting: Thanksgiving"
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting.So let's start creating!"
Price: 19.99

"Easy Watercolor Painting: Christmas Wreath"
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting.So let's start creating!"
Price: 19.99

"El contenido de este curso est pensado para que aprendas a programar al AVR. No importa si empiezas desde CERO o si ya tienes previo conocimiento, el contenido est basado en mi experiencia docente por ms de 15 aos, con tal didctica que te ASEGURO APRENDERS A PROGRAMAR AVR. El contenido de este curso est basado tambin en la experiencia de campo... en la INDUSTRIA. Hasta el da de hoy he diseado, vendido e instalado diferentes equipos usando el contenido de este curso."
Price: 1095.00

"Corso di PNL Sistemica per Coach e Professionisti."
"Sei un coach, sei un counselor, sei un operatore olistico?Allora sei nel posto giusto.Io sto per presentarti qualcosa che veramente potrebbe darti una svolta alla tua professione.E un qualcosa che e frutto di ventanni di esperienza, che e servito soprattutto a me per riuscire a migliorare il mio lavoro perch anche io faccio lo stesso mestiere che fai tu e uscire da quegli impasse che ogni tanto capitano quando incontri quei clienti e non sai bene come inquadrare la loro problematica o il loro desiderio di realizzare i loro obiettivi.Ci sono volte in cui accade questo; sembra che non sia esattamente chiaro quello che potr avvenire, come dovr avvenire, e si e un p come alla ricerca delloro come facevano i vecchi cercatori nellovest degli Stati Uniti.Ebbene io desidero offrirti questa opportunit, svelarti questo mio segreto, che ha consentito a me di essere tranquillo, molto consapevole di quello che accade, e soprattutto di riuscire a realizzare in tempi brevi uno strumento per il cambiamento e levoluzione.Io non mi preoccupo mai di quanto tempo servir per aiutare un mio cliente a raggiungere il suo obiettivo, perch sono centrato nel riuscire a realizzarlo nel pi breve tempo possibile; questo e quello che garantisce il passaparola positivo, cio quando le persone dicono: caspita, avevo questo problema, volevo riuscire a raggiungere questo obiettivo, non ci riuscivo, ho incontrato il mio coach e in tempi congrui sono riuscito a realizzarlo.Questo e quello che ti voglio offrire e questo sono certo che aiuter te, come ha anche aiutato me, nel corso della mia attivit.Lascia che mi presenti, io mi chiamo Andrea Di Gregorio lavoro da venti anni in questo bellissimo ambiente che e la formazione, il coaching ed il counseling, e mi sono formato prima di fare questo come mia attivit principale, anzi ormai unica, negli Stati Uniti da Robert Dilts che e definito il Padre della PNL Sistemica.Ebbene l ho imparato cose che nella PNL Classica non ci sono, non se ne parla, non vengono molto utilizzate: si parla certo di PNL, lo sappiamo tutti, un materia piuttosto diffusa anche dalle nostre parti, ma quella di terza generazione non tanto, ci sono delle sfumature, ci sono delle tecniche molto potenti e in questo corso tu potrai vederle ed impararle da riuscire ad ottenere attraverso una loro combinazione una formula magica per poter riuscire a raggiungere il risultato che tanto si vuole, per noi ma soprattutto per i nostri clienti.Con questo voglio darti il benvenuto in questo stupendo, fantastico scenario che c alle mie spalle, perch ti sto parlando proprio dalla mia sede: io abito e lavoro qui, in Canton Ticino in Svizzera, nella splendida cornice del lago di Luganoanche questo lho visualizzato nella mia mente tanto tempo fa e poi si e realizzatoma queste cose forse gi le conosci.Bene a tra poco, buon divertimento!"
Price: 34.99

"The Unknown Truth About Weight Loss"
"I will go through step by step in this course on how to lose weight. And how to lose weight fast. This is not a fruit from another country, or a pill you take. This is a simple plan to put in to place to have the fat melt away. I did it, I know you can."
Price: 29.99

Price: 6600.00

Price: 6600.00

Price: 6600.00

"H301 Part12"
Price: 6600.00

"H301 Part22"
Price: 6600.00

Price: 6600.00

"H302 Part22"
Price: 6600.00

"Azure AZ-103"
"AzureAz-103AzureAZ-103 Azure"
Price: 29.99

"Learn PCB Design in Altium Designer from scratch"
"In this course you will learn how to:- Draw schematic, update schematic and annotate schematic- Create components, draw schematic symbols and footprints- Place components into your PCB- Route simple PCB- Create 3D model of your board- Create board variants with different components fitted / not fitted- Create Bill of Material (BOM), FAB & Assembly Dwg- Create assembly drawings showing position of components on the board- Generate Gerbers, Pick and Place, Drill file and other files needed for manufacturing"
Price: 19.99

"The Power of owning your 'Digital Presence' as a Musician"
"Facebook, Twitter, Youtube... They all have their own rules. They like to change them from time to time which impacts your reach to your fans. Learn how to build your own digital home on the internet so you make the rules. By the end of the course you'll have built your own site, started email marketing, built your own eCommerce store to sell your merch and much more."
Price: 44.99

Price: 99.99

"Russian Cases Made Easy. Russian Language for Life"
"If you feel that you are completely confused with the Russian cases, it's time to put everything in order. This course will suit any level: if you just start thinking about mysterious cases or you have already spent years doing this. Course structure:The course consists of 21 lectures about the most popular ways to use Russian cases. No information that you will not see in life after! Each lecture includes a video with clear explanations, helpful charts and interactive tasks to use the new knowledge in practice.By the end of the course, you will be able to use Russian cases correctly and without any hesitation.Get an additional video at the end of this course on how to study Russian grammar faster and more effective way depending on your strength and weaknesses."
Price: 19.99

"Temel ve Orta Dzey After Effects Eitimi"
"Gerek sosyal medya sayfalarnz Youtube Hesabnzn grntsn daha karizmatik bir grnme kavuturacak bu eitim serisi Sosyal medyadaki itibarnz arttrp daha popler olmanz salayacak.After Effects programn bu eitim serimizden sonra rendiklerinizi paraya evirip gerek reklamc olarak gerek sosyal medya tasarmcs gerek ise internet zerinden freelancer olarak para kazanabileceksiniz.Whiteboard Animasyon 2 Boyutlu Animasyon Kinetik Tipografi Temel Montaj ve Efekt bilgisi gibi bir ok nitelik kazanabilecek ve hayatnz boyunca kullanabileceksiniz"
Price: 129.99

"- 01. BeeCar Basic"
"STEAMScratchScratch , IOT/18BeeCar:LED:(1)"
Price: 29.99

"Exam MB-230: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Service"
"Our course content, like the Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB 230 certification exam, is continually evolving. We have released a new version of the 2019 course, with a stronger and deeper focus on end to end customer service knowledge in depth.Are you looking for MB-230 Exam Training?Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one of the best and fastest growing business application among many businesses. You will get in-depth knowledge on how to pass MB-230 certification exam in a week or so. After completion of this course you will book your certification exam and pass in your exam in first attempt. As right now there is a huge demand of Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM consultant in the market across the globe.Who this course is for: Beginners in Dynamics 365 CRM Existing Consultants (Functional or Technical)"
Price: 69.99

"Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Field Service - MB-240 Exam"
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Field Service is a complete field service management software that includes service locations, service agreements, customer assets, predictive maintenance, preventative maintenance, work order management, resource management, product inventory, scheduling and dispatch, mobility, collaboration, customer billing, and analytics. As a Certified Field Service Solution Architect based in Canada. I will provide you some real life Field service project experience, Implemented for more than 8 industries."
Price: 49.99

"PL-900 Exam: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals 2019"
"This course will provide you practice test for Power Apps Fundamental Exam also cover the following: What is Power Platform? Apps in Power Platform are Power Apps, Power BI, Microsoft Flow (Power Automate), Power Virtual Agent, Common Data Service (CDS), connectors, and AI builder. First time Microsoft release any exam for Power Platform. In my course all below topics are covered with practice tests for PL-900 exam. Understand the business value of Power Platform (20-25%)Understand the Core Components of Power Platform (25-30%)Demonstrate the business value of Power BI (15-20%)Demonstrate the business value of Power Apps (15-20%)Demonstrate the business value of Microsoft Flow (15-20%)You can also follow Power Apps community with #PowerAddict."
Price: 49.99