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"Forex Trading Opera como un verdadero Profesional"
"Eres un trader de Bolsa, Futuros, Forex o Criptomonedas que quiere aprender a operar de forma optima? Te gustara tener un paso a paso claro a seguir para analizar un grfico de forma eficiente UTILIZANDO UN SISTEMA mas no una Simple Tcnica ? Ests cansado de investigar en Internet sobre el tema sin encontrar una explicacin comprensible que te permita ver un grfico y reconocer de inmediato qu pas con el precio y qu posiblemente pasar?Entonces has encontrado el curso de trading mas completo de todo UDEMY para ser un profesional e ir al siguiente nivel!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Esto es lo que aprenders ?MODULO 1- Introduccin a los mercados financieros - que es un broker o exchange- conceptos bsicos y desiciones antes de tomar una operacin -MODULO 2- Gestin de capital y nivel de conciencia- Seguimiento Anlisis de Tendencia  - Soporte y Resistencia - Periodos de Acumulacin y Distribucin MODULO 3- Introduccin a la geometra de mercado- Patrones hbridos , Continuacin de Tendencia y Patrones de Cambio de Tendencia- Fibonacci 1y 2 - Introduccin a las Ondas ElliottMODULO 4 - Fractalidad de mercados financieros - Ondas elliott Master Class- Accin de PrecioMODULO 5 - Anlisis Completo en VIVO -  Mentalidad - Master class (extra) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por qu hacer este curso?Una vez mi Mentor me dijo Santiago: Es inteligente aprender de tus errores Pero es de sabios aprender de los Errores de otros a travez de este curso tienes la oportunidad de ahorrarte mucho tiempo y dinero, tienes la oportunidad de aprender de  alguien ms que ya pas por ese estas buscando una simple estrategia predeterminada para tener resultados djame decirte que este curso no es para ti ! Aqu Aprenders no solo una simple estrategia sino un SISTEMA DE TRADING s con certeza que lo encontrars en mi curso!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quin soy yo y por qu te quiero ensear esto?Mi Nombre es Santiago Diego Cndor, trader  en Forex, criptomonedas y bolsa de valores desde hace 3 aos y enseo a traders principiantes a operar (sin importar el mercado) de forma simple, pero efectiva con un SISTEMA DE TRADING Bastante sencillo para empezar a aplicar desde el primer da y as comenzar tu proceso como trader profesional.Aplico a mi operativa de swing trading esta metodologia el cul me da una efectividad del 72.3% y con el cual he logrado ser consistente y rentable en el mercado que opero.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Me encantara ayudarte en tu proceso como trader profesional a travs de este mtodo tan efectivo!Te espero en el curso."
Price: 94.99

"Everything You Need to Know for the SAT Reading Section"
"This course provides everything you need to know to do well on the SAT Reading Section. Included are techniques for reading the passages, recognizing typically right and typically wrong answers, identifying question types, planning your pacing, and understanding the structure and scoring scheme of the section. You will be able to follow along through video lectures, content quizzes, and downloadable handouts."
Price: 19.99

", . ??? , . / . , ( ) . / ( ) , ? . , . ? : , 10 , , 90% . ? ( 10 9 ) ? , . ! 60 , , ,"
Price: 99.99

"Oposiciones: Curso de la Constitucin Espaola de 1978"
"Vdeo 1: Ttulo preliminar.Vdeo 2: Ttulo primero de la Constitucin espaola de 1978, captulo 1 y captulo 2, seccin 1.Vdeo 3: Ttulo primero de la Constitucin espaola de 1978, captulo 2, seccin 2 y captulo 3.Vdeo 4: Ttulo primero de la Constitucin espaola de 1978, captulo 4 y desarrollo de El defensor del pueblo.Vdeo 5: Ttulo primero de la Constitucin espaola de 1978, captulo 5."
Price: 19.99

"Enscape 2.3-2.5"
"UdemyQ&A MessagesPAT1.PAT2.1 2 3 3D suHDRIIES"
Price: 24.99

"Enscape 2.6"
Price: 19.99

"Beat the Banks: How to Secure Finance for Your Company"
"In this course youll learn how to raise or secure finance for your businesses, from banks and other sources. This includes tips and tricks on what banks or investors look for, how to prepare, and how to increase your chances of securing funding.I understand the aches and pains of requesting finance from banks: both from personal experience or on behalf of my clients now as a broker and mentor; and also in providing the finance as a banker. I now wish to share my knowledge to be able to simplify this process for you and maximise your chances of obtaining the finance you need.I can draw upon my experience in these different roles as well as drawing on the common bits of feedback and queries from my clients over the years, to tell you what you want to know as well as what the banks dont want you to know!I can tell you what their bugbears are and what they love to see. I can teach you helpful tips and tricks when speaking to banks and finance providers to help you secure finance. I also want to demystify and simplify the whole process of obtaining finance and put it into simple terms. This will help you with your conversations with banks as well as improve your understanding of how to raise finance, assess yourself whether you are ready for this, and what the best solutions are for you.I can help you negotiate better rates with the banks, and give you more bargaining power in your conversations with them. I can bust some of the myths around banking and tell you, truthfully, exactly what it is the banks do with your information to make their decisions.The banking world loves to use complicated jargon and acronyms and I will break these down and tell you in a simple format exactly what they mean, why the bank uses them and why it is useful for you to know.I will help you structure your application, showing you exactly what you need to provide and how to present it, and explain why it is needed.Ill also explain how to choose a bank or funding provider, how to approach them, how to present to them and how to negotiate with them. I want to give you a frank account of how they operate and how this can help you. I can help you get under their skin to gain an advantage for yourself in your next approach."
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to Cyber Security"
"Technological advancements are making our life easy but also making us vulnerable to the Cyber Attacks. Therefore, Cyber Security is becoming more critical lately due to the dependence of individuals on the internet and networking. This results in the hiring of Cyber Security Professionals by IT Industries.Under this course of Introduction to Cyber Security get acquainted with the Cyber Security modules from the basics such as Ethical Hacking, Risk Assessment, Vulnerability, and Cyber Threats. Learn the risks and methods of securing data and information from online theft. Practices intended to protect software, systems, gadgets from the damage or unapproved access and how to maintain the smooth process of computer systems by avoiding the errors and obstructions of the services."
Price: 59.99

"Wi-Fi Hacking: A Step by Step Guide to Wireless Hacking"
"Since the introduction of Wireless Networks, the number of people switching to a Wireless Network have increased at a rapid rate! It is believed that these Wireless Networks are designed as a secure solution but that is not the case. These networks are as vulnerable as any other network are!After the successful completion of this course you will be able to:Understand what makes a Wireless Network vulnerable.Learn about different Attack Vectors.Get familiar with concepts such as WAP, WEP, WPS, SSID.Understand how to Bypass WLAN Authentication."
Price: 69.99

"Cryptography for Beginners to the Advanced Level"
"Cryptography is associated with the process of converting ordinary plain text into unintelligible text and vice-versa. It is a method of storing and transmitting data in a particular form so that only those for whom it is intended can read and process it. Cryptography not only protects data from theft or alteration, but can also be used for user authentication.After the successful completion of this course you will be able to:Understand what cryptography really is and how it works.Understand the working of different tools used such as AES and DES.Understand the encryption and decryption algorithmsUnderstand how cryptography and cyber security are connected."
Price: 69.99

"Bug Bounty Hunting: Guide to an Advanced Earning Method"
"This course includes all the methods to find any vulnerability in websites/ web applications and their exploitation. This Bug Bounty Hunting program is designed to inform all the latest vulnerabilities on websites like CSRF attacks, Web Application attacks, Injection attacks and many more. You will also learn the procedure in which you get paid or earn many other rewards by documenting and disclosing these bugs to the websites security team. So, this course will give you a precise introduction to the bugs that you can report and earn money."
Price: 69.99

"Nmap Guide: Basic to Advanced Level"
"This course focuses on comprehending the basics to advanced topics of the most used open-source Network Security tool Nmap. Starting from download and installing Nmap on your Windows or Linux systems, we will move to the advanced topics related to the uses of this tool.Learners will discover techniques like scanning and interpreting the results in this course. We will use the most compatible Linux distribution Kali Linux and its examples, so it would be better if you have a basic understanding of Linux before getting started here."
Price: 69.99

"Basics of Networking"
"Computer networks establish the connection between two or more computers to form a network that enables the exchange of data, files and other resources with each other. The connection link formed between computers is called nodes.This Basic Computer Networking Course will teach you all the fundamentals of Computer Networking. Understand the basic working of computer networks and their types, along with the comprehensive lectures on the TCP/IP model explaining the functioning of each layer. By discussing the practical application of the networking modules, this course will cover all the required practical aspects of networking."
Price: 69.99

"Advanced Hacking with Metasploit"
"This course will explain the advance level concepts of the largely popular penetration testing tool: Metasploit. Metasploit framework is extensively used for testing and describing common security vulnerabilities.This is a practical based course that will work on real-life case studies and also introduce you to multiple latest features of Metasploit. Those features include post-exploitation techniques such as reverse connection and remote access of someones computer, screenshot of the victim's desktop, search function, etc. You will get to install the GUI version of Metasploit and learn how can you scan and analyze the target using GUI Metasploit. This is an advance level course that also provides a brief introduction of Metasploit and the lab setup for its framework."
Price: 69.99

"Hacking with Metasploit: Pre Exploitation Techniques"
"Metasploit is a powerful penetration testing tool used to make hacking easy. It is an open-source tool that can be used to interact with payloads on victim machines - download documents, create remote users and take screen captures from exploited Linux and Windows servers. This course will explain all the fundamentals of Metasploit, from its basic introduction to the lab environment setup. Identify and exploit the vulnerabilities to find the methods of hacking into the system. Learn the environment setup of Metasploit for practice purposes using Kali. You can establish a strong ethical hacking base by learning the essential penetration testing techniques with this comprehensive course from scratch!"
Price: 69.99

"Open Banking"
"Ol, somos a Alphareta, uma startup com foco em assuntos relacionados tecnologia e dados. Queremos te convidar para participar do curso: ""Open Banking: A transformao do sistema financeiro e surgimento de novas oportunidades""  Neste curso voc ir compreender as mudanas que o sistema financeiro mundial ter atravs do Open Banking e como ele contribuir para o surgimento de novos modelos de negcios. Alm do envolvimento com assuntos satlites como: Lei Geral de Proteo de Dados (LGPD), API e Blockchain. Ainda nesse material, voc ir conhecer quais so os princpios, as regulaes nacionais e internacionais, casos de usos globais, melhores prticas que devem ser atendidas tanto pelos bancos quanto pelas empresas que desejam embarcar nessa transformao.  O Open Banking uma iniciativa global que veio para aprimorar os servios financeiros mundiais e proporcionar controle aos clientes sobre os seus dados. No Brasil, o Banco Central deu incio ao processo de implementao do Open Banking com objetivo de aumentar a eficincia e a competio no sistema financeiro nacional e abrir espao para a atuao de novas empresas do setor.Esse curso dedicado para todos queles interessados em conhecer mais sobre o tema, que estejam envolvidos em projetos de meios de pagamento ou gesto financeira, tambm queles de olhos nas oportunidades desta mudana, ou simplesmente possuem relao direta ou indireta com instituies financeiras.O Open Banking pode facilitar a comunicao de qualquer tipo de empresa com as instituies financeiras e prover melhores experincias aos seus clientes.Deste modo, convidamos voc a fazer nosso curso, elaborado sobre tudo que voc precisa saber sobre Open Banking, atravs de muitos exemplos prticos e referncias nacionais e internacionais especializadas nesse tema."
Price: 579.99

"Feminism in Popular Culture"
"This course will trace the emergence of new types of women in popular culture,, particularly in television, and offer students the opportunity to follow and discuss shows of their liking such as Jane the Virgin, Ugly Betty, Orange is the New Black, and Crazy Ex Girlfriend, using communication critics such as Susan Douglas, whose Where the Girls Are lays out themes and paradigms of study from traditional shows since the early days of television. The class will look at how themes of the women's movement are represented and taken to a broader level incorporating issues such as body size, new family forms, class, ethnicity, reproductive rights, and career choices as well as intergenerational strife among women. Students will participate in weekly forums at first structured around an article comparing two forms of all-women societies on planets in Star Trek created in 1968 and 1988, , and then around more current shows representing issues of contemporary times. The forums will create safe spaces to discuss gender challenges and transformation that is going on at a very rapid pace today."
Price: 199.99

"FC0-U61 : CompTIA IT Fundamentals Certification Exam Tests"
"Wel come to FC0-U61 : CompTIA IT Fundamentals Certification Exams TestsThe new CompTIA IT Fundamentals exam focuses on the knowledge and skills required to identify and explain the basics of computing, IT infrastructure, software development, and database use. With this new version comes the addition of the + to further distinguish ourselves within the marketplace and represent CompTIA quality and standards.This practice tests course provides practice for taking the real CompTIA exam and improve your skill in IT Fundamentals ."" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with CompTIA in any way.""Exam Topics covered in CompTIA IT Fundamentals Certification Exams skill questions :1.0  IT Concepts and Terminology 2.0  Infrastructure 3.0  Applications and Software 4.0  Software Development 5.0  Database Fundamentals 6.0  Security"
Price: 29.99

"Cisco 200-125 CCNA Certification Exam : Practice Tests (NEW)"
"I have prepared this course for all those candidates who are planning  of taking CCNA (200-125) exam in near future .Cisco pioneered routing and switching technologiesand continues to lead the way, with the greatest market share and largest installed base across many industries.Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching certification provides you with the knowledge and expertise to succeed in networking.With a CCNA Routing and Switching certification, your IT career path will have seemingly limitless possibilities.This practice tests course provides practice for taking the real exam and this practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment.Exam Topics covered in CCNA Certification Exams skill questions :Network fundamentalsLAN switching technologiesIPv4 and IPv6 routing technologiesWAN technologiesInfrastructure servicesInfrastructure securityInfrastructure managementWish you all the best !"
Price: 24.99

"70-740 MCSA Windows Server 2016 Certification exam Tests New"
"70-740 MCSA Windows Server 2016 Certification exam Tests NewStudents for this exam are involved with the installation, storage, and compute functionalities available in Windows Server 2016. Students perform general installation tasks, as well as creating and managing images for deployment.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning  of taking 70-740 exam in near future.This practice tests course provides practice for taking the real exam and this practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment."" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.""Exam Topics covered in 70-740 Certification Exams skill questions :Install windows servers in host and compute environmentsImplement Hyper-V VirtualizationImplement local and enterprise storage solutionsNano ServerImplement Windows containersImplement high availabilityMaintain and monitor server environments and much more..Wish you all the best !!"
Price: 34.99

"220-1001: Comptia A+ Certification Exam Tests (New Updated)"
"220-1001: Comptia A+ Certification Exam Tests (New Updated)You can begin building a career that promises better pay and benefits than you may have now with CompTIA A+. Its a fantastic way to get into an IT career and growBeing CompTIA A+ certified means that you understand the cutting-edge fundamentals of computer hardware and software. Youll learn how to troubleshoot a wide range of devices, from computers to smartphones. CompTIA A+ is the best starting point for any career in IT  it can help you get your first job in IT, and set you on a path to IT success.This practice tests course provides practice for taking the real exam and this practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment.Exam Topics covered in CompTIA A+ 220-1001 Certification Exams skill questions :Mobile DevicesNetworkingHardwareVirtualization and Cloud ComputingHardware and Network TroubleshootingActual CompTIA A+ Exam Details:Exam Name :- CompTIA A+Exam Code : 220-1001Duration : 90 minsNumber of Questions : 90Passing Score 675 / 900Schedule Exam : Pearson VUE"" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with CompTIA in any way.""Wish you all the best !"
Price: 24.99

"220-1002: Comptia A+ Certification Exam Tests (New Updated)"
"220-1002: Comptia A+ Certification Exam Tests (New Updated)You can begin building a career that promises better pay and benefits than you may have now with CompTIA A+. Its a fantastic way to get into an IT career and growBeing CompTIA A+ certified means that you understand the cutting-edge fundamentals of computer hardware and software. Youll learn how to troubleshoot a wide range of devices, from computers to smartphones. CompTIA A+ is the best starting point for any career in IT  it can help you get your first job in IT, and set you on a path to IT success.This practice tests course provides practice for taking the real exam and this practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment.Exam Topics covered in CompTIA A+ 220-1002 Certification Exams skill questions :Operating SystemsSecuritySoftware TroubleshootingOperational ProceduresActual CompTIA A+ Exam Details:Exam Name :- CompTIA A+Exam Code : 220-1002Duration : 90 minsNumber of Questions : 90Passing Score 700 / 900Schedule Exam : Pearson VUE"" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with CompTIA in any way.""Wish you all the best !"
Price: 24.99

"MD-100 : Microsoft Exam Practice Tests ( New Updated Tests)"
"MD-100 : Microsoft Exam Practice Tests ( New Updated Tests)This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: deploy Windows; manage devices and data; configure connectivity; and maintain Windows.This practice tests course provides practice for taking the real exam and this practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment.Exam Topics covered in Microsoft MD-100 Certification Exam :Deploy Windows (15-20%)Deploy Windows 10configure language packsperform a clean installationmigrate user dataperform an in-place upgrade (using tools such as MDT, WDS, ADK, etc.)select the appropriate Windows editiontroubleshoot activation issuesPerform post-installation configurationconfigure Edge and Internet Explorerconfigure mobility settingsconfigure sign-in optionscustomize the Windows desktopManage devices and data (35-40%)Manage local users, local groups, and devicesmanage devices in directoriesmanage local groupsmanage local usersConfigure data access and protectionconfigure NTFS permissionsconfigure shared permissionsConfigure devices by using local policiesconfigure local registryimplement local policytroubleshoot group policies on devicesManage Windows securityconfigure user account control (UAC)configure Windows Defender Firewallimplement encryptionConfigure connectivity (15-20%)Configure networkingconfigure client IP settingsconfigure mobile networkingconfigure VPN clienttroubleshoot networkingconfigure Wi-Fi profilesConfigure remote connectivityconfigure remote managementenable PowerShell Remotingconfigure remote desktop accessMaintain Windows (25-30%)Configure system and data recoveryperform file recovery (including OneDrive)recover Windows 10troubleshoot startup/boot processManage updatescheck for updatestroubleshoot updatesvalidate and test updatesselect the appropriate servicing channelconfigure Windows update optionsMonitor and manage Windowsconfigure and analyze event logsmanage performancemanage Windows 10 environment"" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.""Wish you all the best !"
Price: 24.99

"MD-101 : Microsoft Exam Practice Tests ( New Updated Tests)"
"MD-101 : Microsoft Exam Practice Tests ( New Updated Tests)This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: deploy and update operating systems; manage policies and profiles; manage and protect devices; and manage apps and data.This practice tests course provides practice for taking the real exam and this practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment.Exam Topics covered in Microsoft MD-101 Certification Exam :Deploy and update operating systems (15-20%)Plan and implement Windows 10 by using dynamic deploymentevaluate and select an appropriate deployment optionspilot deploymentmanage and troubleshoot provisioning packagesPlan and implement Windows 10 by using Windows Autopilotevaluate and select an appropriate deployment optionspilot deploymentcreate, validate, and assign deployment profileextract device HW information to CSV fileimport device HW information to cloud servicetroubleshoot deploymentUpgrade devices to Windows 10identify upgrade and downgrade pathsmanage in-place upgradesconfigure a Windows analytics environmentperform Upgrade Readiness assessmentmigrate user profilesManage updatesconfigure Windows 10 delivery optimizationconfigure Windows Update for Businessdeploy Windows updatesimplement feature updatesmonitor Windows 10 updatesManage device authenticationmanage authentication policiesmanage sign-on optionsperform Azure AD joinManage policies and profiles (35-40%)Plan and implement co-managementimplement co-management precedencemigrate group policy to MDM policiesrecommend a co-management strategyImplement conditional access and compliance policies for devicesimplement conditional access policiesmanage conditional access policiesplan conditional access policiesimplement device compliance policiesmanage device compliance policiesplan device compliance policiesConfigure device profilesimplement device profilesmanage device profilesplan device profilesManage user profilesconfigure user profilesconfigure Enterprise State Roaming in Azure ADconfigure sync settingsimplement Folder Redirection (including OneDrive)Manage and protect devices (15-20%)Manage Windows Defenderimplement and manage Windows Defender Application Guardimplement and manage Windows Defender Credential Guardimplement and manage Windows Defender Exploit Guardimplement Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protectionintegrate Windows Defender Application Controlmanage Windows Defender AntivirusManage Intune device enrollment and inventoryconfigure enrollment settingsconfigure Intune automatic enrollmentenable device enrollmentenroll non-Windows devicesenroll Windows devicesgenerate custom device inventory reportsreview device inventoryMonitor devicesmonitor device health (e.g., log analytics, Windows Analytics, or other cloud-based tools)monitor device securityManage apps and data (25-30%)Deploy and update applicationsassign apps to groupsdeploy apps by using Intunedeploy apps by using Microsoft Store for Businessdeploy O365 ProPlus; enable sideloading of apps into imagesgather Office readiness dataconfigure IE Enterprise modeconfigure and implement assigned access or public devicesImplement Mobile Application Management (MAM)implement MAM policiesmanage MAM policiesplan MAMconfigure Windows Information Protectionimplement Azure Information Protection templatessecuring data by using Intune"" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.""Wish you all the best !"
Price: 29.99

"312-50 : Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Exam Tests (Updated)"
"312-50 : Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Exam Tests (Updated)  CEH certification is one of the most current certification courses for IT security specialists, especially for those, who are looking for job prospects in penetration testing.The EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification is designed to qualify skilled information system security professionals in performing ethical attacks against target information systems to assist an organization in developing preemptive approaches against hackers.This practice tests course provides practice for taking the real exam and this practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment."" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with  EC-Council in any way.""Wish you all the best !"
Price: 29.99

"MCSA 70-741 : Networking with Windows Server 2016 Exam Tests"
"MCSA 70-741 : Networking with Windows Server 2016 Exam TestsThis exam assesses an individuals knowledge and skills in working with networking features and functionality available in Windows Server 2016Candidates for this exam perform tasks related to the networking features and functionalities available in Windows Server 2016. Candidates should have familiarity with implementing and managing DNS, DHCP, and IPAM, as well as deploying remote access solutions such as VPN and RADIUS.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning  of taking 70-741 exam in near future.This practice tests course provides practice for taking the real exam and this practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment.Exam Topics covered in 70-741 Certification Exams skill questions :Implement Domain Name System (DNS) (15-20%)Implement DHCP and IPAM (25-30%)Implement Network Connectivity and Remote Access Solutions (20-25%)Implement Core and Distributed Network Solutions (15-20%)Implement an Advanced Network Infrastructure (15-20%)"" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.""Wish you all the best !!"
Price: 29.99

"70-742 Exam Identity with Windows Server 2016 (MCSA) : Tests"
"70-742 Exam Identity with Windows Server 2016 (MCSA) : TestsWindows Server Certifications (MCSA) are quite important for the growth of IT companies. Once you have achieved the certification, the doors to numerous job profiles such as computer systems administrator or a computer network specialist will be open for you .Candidates for this exam manage identities using the functionalities in Windows Server 2016. Candidates install, configure, manage, and maintain Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) as well as implement Group Policy Objects (GPOs)I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning  of taking 70-742 exam in near future.This practice tests course provides practice for taking the real exam and this practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment.Exam Topics covered as per syllabus 70-742 exam Certification skill questions :Install and Configure Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Manage and Maintain AD DSCreate and Manage Group PolicyImplement Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) Implement Identity Federation and Access Solutions "" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.""Wish you all the best !!"
Price: 59.99

"70-743 : Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Latest Practice Tests"
"70-743 : Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Latest Practice Tests  Microsoft Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA - Windows Server 2016 certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who want to build their career in Windows Server domain .This exam verifies that the candidate possesses the fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the area of Microsoft Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA - Windows Server 2016.Candidates have already earned an MCSA: Windows Server 2008 or MCSA: Windows Server 2012 R2 certification. This exam covers key aspects of installation, storage, compute, networking, and identity functionality available in Windows Server 2016I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning  of taking 70-743 exam in near future.This practice tests course provides practice for taking the real exam and this practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment.Exam Topics covered as per syllabus 70-743 exam Certification skill questions :Install Windows Servers in host and compute environmentsImplement storage solutionsImplement Hyper-VImplement Windows containersImplement high availabilityImplement Domain Name System (DNS)Implement network connectivity and remote access solutionsImplement an advanced network infrastructureInstall and configure Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)Implement identity federation and access solutions"" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.""Wish you all the best !!"
Price: 59.99

"70-744 : Securing Windows Server 2016 Latest New Exam Tests"
"70-744 : Securing Windows Server 2016 Latest Exam Tests New Providing server security solutions is one of the Microsoft core areas this is done through certain steps such as implementing threat detection solutions and securing of Windows Server environments.One of the tests that prepare the candidates to undertake these tasks is Microsoft 70-744 Exam. This is the Securing Windows Server 2016 exam that leads to the MCSE Certification.This exam focuses on how to secure Windows Server 2016 environments. It covers methods and technologies for hardening server environments and securing virtual machine infrastructures using Shielded and encryption-supported virtual machines and Guarded Fabric.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning  of taking 70-744 exam in near future.This practice tests course provides practice for taking the real exam and this practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment.Exam Topics covered in 70-744 Certification Exams skill questions :Implement Server Hardening Solutions Secure a Virtualization Infrastructure Secure a Network Infrastructure Manage Privileged Identities Implement Threat Detection SolutionsImplement Workload-Specific Security "" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.""Wish you all the best !"
Price: 59.99

"New CompTIA Network+ N10-007 Practice Exams (Latest Tests)"
"New CompTIA Network+ N10-007 Practice Exams ( Latest Tests)CompTIA Network+ helps develop a career in IT infrastructure covering troubleshooting, configuring, and managing networks.CompTIA Network+ N10-007: Whats in this versionThe new exam has been updated and reorganized to address the current networking technologies including the following:Critical security concepts to helping networking professionals work with security practitionersCloud computing best practices & coverage of newer hardware and virtualization techniquesConcepts to give individuals the skills to keep the network resilientThis practice tests course provides practice for taking the real exam and this practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment.Exam Topics covered in CompTIA Network+ N10-007 Certification Exams skill questions :Networking ConceptsNetwork InfrastructureNetwork OperationsNetwork SecurityNetwork Troubleshooting and Tools"" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with CompTIA in any way.""Wish you all the best !"
Price: 54.99