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"English Foundations: Los Fundamentos del Ingls en 10 das."
"English Foundations es un programa de adquisicin de ingls elaborado para hablantes hispanos que, aunque cuentan con cierto vocabulario en su segunda lengua y pueden entender partes de conversaciones y algunos textos, sienten que no pueden producir oraciones que suenen correctas o que tengan sentido lgico. El curso ha sido diseado y es dictado por Alejandro Fuentes, profesor de ingls para propsitos especficos que ha dedicado su carrera a innovar en el uso de tecnologas audiovisuales para la enseanza de idiomas. Pionero en la implementacin de entornos de realidad virtual para una mxima inmersin durante el aprendizaje de ingls, ha incorporado esta tecnologa en el presente programa con el propsito de lograr lecciones ms entretenidas, memorables y que garantizan que el estudiante logre sus objetivos al final de cada unidad. El programa est dividido en 10 unidades, cada una de las cuales toma entre una y dos horas para ser completada, dependiendo del vocabulario que el estudiante maneje previo a la leccin. Si quieres tomar el programa de manera intensiva, te recomendamos completar como mximo una unidad al da, para un total de 10 das de trabajo. Al finalizar el curso, tendrs un conocimiento slido de los fundamentos del ingls, en otras palabras, de la estructura de las oraciones elementales en afirmaciones, negaciones y preguntas. Esto te permitir hacer mejor uso de los miles de recursos disponibles online para el continuar avanzando en el aprendizaje de este idioma. English Foundations es apto tanto para quienes no cuentan con ningn conocimiento previo de ingls, como para quienes han estudiado otros cursos sin lograr una base adecuada de ingls bsico. Revisa las clases disponibles para pre-visualizacin y descubre si este curso es realmente para ti. Si sientes que puedes seguir las explicaciones y que ests aprendiendo algo nuevo, no lo dudes ms y toma este programa!Good luck! "
Price: 44.99

"Share Your Knowledge and Earn Money Online"
"Are you ready to share your knowledge to earn income online? This course will guide you through the process from idea to launch (and beyond). What can you teach online? How do you do it? What should you charge? Which technology tools can you use? How do you maintain and grow your business? All of these questions and more will be answered in this comprehensive course. In addition, you will be provided with activities to guide you through the process of starting your business. Whether you are preparing to teach live one-on-one classes or launch an online school, you will have a better understanding of how to start, manage, and grow your business after completing the lessons within, ""Share Your Knowledge and Earn Money Online""."
Price: 29.99

"Coaching de Vida"
"Como tener una Mente Sana, cuales son las herramientas que tenemos que utilizar para llegar a este punto.  Los Pasos a seguir para poder vibrar con una mente sana, cuales son la Energa en Movimientos, como nuestros sentimientos son tan importantes, y como podemos controlar todos estos. Tambin encontrar cual es la energa mas poderosa que es el Amor."
Price: 270.00

"NetBeans 11: The Essential Crash Course"
"NetBeans 11: The Essential Crash CourseThis course is designed to introduce Apache NetBeans 11 as an IDE with realistic projects. Students can expect to learn the basics of the IDE in less than an hour with this essential crash course. Course Outline:Introduction will help you setup the JDK and NetBeans to run on your computer. You will find this process is quick and easy, so you will be up-and-running fast.Hello World Project will introduce the IDE's interface, windows, and views. This first project will show you how to create a project and add content to it.Electric Car Project will dive a little deeper and allow you to clone an unfinished GitHub repository to finish adding functionality using NetBeans features and shortcuts. Debugging will also be introduced in this section.Course Features: Screencasts are of high quality resolution. The entire IDE is on display so you don't miss anything while watching the course.The project repository is located on GitHub. A link is included in the Electric Car Project section. This will be where course code is uploaded and maintained. Each project has a solutions file.Any questions you have will be answered promptly. Please go to the author's profile for contact."
Price: 19.99

"Emagrecer em 20 min"
"Voc quer perder peso, mas acaba sempre esbarrando nas diversidades dirias, como: falta de tempo, m alimentao ou filhos para cuidar?Se eu te disser que 20 minutos por dia so suficientes para voc ser considerada uma pessoa ativa e colher benefcios. Se a ideia emagrecer, o melhor seriam exerccios mais intensos e mais curtos, ou seja, treinos anaerbicos.O programa de emagrecimento em 20 minutos perfeito para voc, pois est composto com exerccios para voc realizar, em 8 semanas, sem precisar de qualquer tipo de aparelho e com rotinas de atividades aerbias prescritos de segunda a sbado. So mais de dez vdeo aulas com demonstrao dos exerccios "
Price: 69.99

"Zero Dor - Exerccios que aliviam e/ou acabam com dores"
"Com esse curso, aps um dia cansativo de trabalho, seu corpo necessita alongar, ou seja, esticar corretamente msculos e tendes que foram muito exigidos em sua jornada. Movimentos simples, porm, que exigem um grau de concentrao. Caso voc no realize esses movimentos estar mais propenso a ter dores nesses locais, podendo desenvolver leses que limitaro sua produtividade. Nesse curso, preparamos uma surpresa para voc que quer ter uma maior flexibilidade no seu corpo. Ensinamos como transformar os exerccios em um treinamento de flexibilidade que lhe trar mais preparo e conscincia corporal. Quem flexvel tem menos chances de leso e de sentir dor. Treine em qualquer lugar com esse curso.  "
Price: 29.99

"Rebuilding the Divorced Man"
"Are you going through a divorce. Have you  separated? Does your life feel like a slow moving train wreck and you are passenger at the head of the train? When divorce hits a man he frequently experiences a number of profoundly mentally distressing things all at once What Divorced Men Experience:He feels a total loss of direction when providing for the family over many years was his life's mission.he feels a total loss of identity as he is no longer the head of the family or someone's husband.He feels a deep sense of grief, not only for the loss of the marriage but the loss of who he thought his partner was. He feels like a failure in the relationship.He feels like he doesn't know what to think about now caring for his family first is no longer the first thing is his mind.In short, his entire mental architecture is rapidly disrupted.The 6 Steps of the program include:Assisting men to process the feelings of grief and loss associated with divorce.Increasing your ability to maintain your emotional regulation in trying circumstances and rebuilding an independent sense of your identity.Severing the emotional connections between you and your ex so you can feel less pain in the present.Assist you in see the past as a source of you and treasured memories rather than pain.Assist you in coming up a new mission and getting you moving forward and focused on what you want. Assist you in understanding what happened in your relationship and what to do in the future to avoid what happened.This program was created from years of work with men assisting them to recover from divorce and to move forward positively with their lives."
Price: 79.99

"Guitarra Solo"
"Ol! Tudo bem com voc? Espero que sim!Aqui o Fabiano Antunes!Bom, vou contar um pouco da minha trajetria e porque montei esse curso.Como todo guitarrista ou violonista, eu senti a necessidade de aprimorar a minha tcnica e ter um domnio maior do instrumento, foi a que tive a ideia de montar esse estudo focado no desenvolvimento tcnico e de criao.Queria me sentir mais a vontade em tocar ao longo do brao do instrumento, sem me preocupar em qual regio estaria, pois para tocar bem requer muito estudo e determinao, no verdade ?E como tempo algo precioso, precisava de algo simples e focado em curto prazo.E como funcionou pra mim, decidi montar esse curso para que voc tambm possa ter esse domnio em curto prazo, fazendo cada passo a passo na bula do msico.Os exerccios propostos servem tanto para o iniciante do zero quanto para aquele que j toca super bem.Aqui o voc aprender  a desenvolver todos os movimentos mais utilizados na Guitarra, movimentos verticais, horizontais, diagonais e mapeamento do brao inteiro da guitarra ou violo.Os Motivos Meldicos abriro a sua criatividade para que voc desenvolva novos caminhos, licks e solos incrveis. Com este curso voc ser capaz de criar seus prprios solos, ento no perca tempo, mo na massa e bons estudos!"
Price: 39.99

"3 Hour FAA Part 107 Knowledge Test Prep for Drone Pilots"
"Knock out your studying for the FAA Part 107 exam with 3 hours of useful and relevant content brought to you by a Certified Flight Instructor who has real world manned aviation, BVLOS and Part 107 experience. This course was designed to minimize fluff material and maximize focus on the important things you really need to learn not only to pass your exam, but to also help you understand how to safely and legally operate small unmanned aircraft in the real world as well."
Price: 19.99

"Business of Interior Design"
"In Business of Interior Design, you will learn practical guidelines in a step by step manner to start and grow your business. Above all you will get top trending keywords for Interior Design, social media hashtags for Instagram and sample invoice to kickstart your business to success. In first section, you will learn how you should charge your client, how to find new clients, establish great client relations along the project,  customer emotional journey along the design process. In the second section, you will learn accounting best practices and invoicing mistakes you should avoid so that you stay out of trouble. Looking forward to see you all starting you amazing new journey into designing people dream homes!"
Price: 19.99

"Conversational English as a Second Language"
"Techniques to succeed in meaningful and constructive dialogue are the focus of this course. While maintaining  politeness and courtesy, we will explore how to use conversational English as a second language for purposes of interpersonal connections as well as business transactions. Because communicating effectively can be a mutually exclusive benefit, the aim is to set high standards for both speaker and listener. The main goal of this course is to improve upon your existing knowledge of English by practicing and listening to dialogue."
Price: 29.99

"Conversational English Plus for Second Language Learners"
"Continue to develop your approach to using English as a second language in social settings. Be prepared to use English in public by working out questions and answers in advance to do business, and to make simple transactions politely and successfully.Overcome common obstacles like dread and fear by setting up language resources, having conversations in mind to be both spontaneous and pre-organized."
Price: 29.99

"Get your relationship on the right track!"
"I will give you the tools to get your relationship on the right track.You will learn what is importend to get a communication that lifts your relationship, instead of going to war every time you try to communicate with your partner.I will give you the solution on what to do in three key areas of your relationship."
Price: 24.99

"Introductory Course to C : C Basics"
"Learn - the mother of every programming language the C language. Through this course your mind will surely get amazed, and you will dive into the deep concepts of C language.This course on C language covers all the basic C concepts with practical real-world example.Some features of this course on C language are:Introduction to COperatorsDecision making and branchingDecision making and loopingIntroduction to arraysIntroduction to functionsThis course covers all the main and to know topics of the C language. As you will find it contains all the topics discussed in wide insight with proper detailing and examples .This course on C language will surely help you develop a techy outlook. This course will surely help you develop any of the projects related to operators, decision making using if, if else and switch statementsThis course targets both the Beginners and the Intermediate level learners. Since this is a crash course it will take you to a rapid ride of all the concepts but in detailed manner.Enroll now and start learning the essential concepts of C language in just one course."
Price: 109.99

"The complete concept specific C course with examples"
"Learn - the mother programming language the C languageThis course on C language will provide you detailed conceptual knowledge about the different features of this computer language. This course covers all the concepts of C language in wide perspective. This course deals with the complexities of Decision making, looping, arrays, search, etc with detailed concepts and hands-on example.Some features are :Introduction to CBasics of COperators in CLive ProgramsDecision making and branchingDecision making and loopingIntroduction to arraysOn Demand video classes Part 1Introduction to functionsDifferent kind of user definded functionsCovering more topics in FunctionsThis course on C language helps you get through all your professional requirements for being a programmer. This course on C language will surely help you develop a techy outlook. This course will surely help you develop any of the projects related to operators, decision making using if, if else and switch statements This course targets both the Beginners and the Intermediate level learners. Since this is a crash course it will take you to a rapid ride of all the concepts but in detailed manner. The newbies will find it very interactive with all the tutorials descriptive up to the mark , on the other side the intermediates get to revise and clear their doubts.Enroll now and enjoy the new language."
Price: 124.99

"C : Understanding all the Simplicities and Complexities of C"
"Learn - the deep dive concepts of C language. This course on C language is a mind booster with certain essential topics of C language in just a course. You now don't need to buy different courses to learn different concepts. This course on C language fulfills this condition.This course covers all the information on C language such as :Introduction to functionsFunction declarationFunction definition and function callingArguments and return typeCategories of functionsNo arguments and no return valueArgument but no return valueNo argument and return valueArgument and return valuePassing arrays to the functions as argumentsCall by valueCall by referenceCalling function inside a functionRecursion of functionsIntroduction to pointersMore explanation on pointersPlaying with pointersArray of pointersAddress of pointer into another pointerIncrement or Decrement on PointersAccessing arrays with pointersPointers and FunctionsPointers pointing to the functionProgram to check whether a number is palindrome or notStrings Part 1Strings Part 2Joining two stringsJoin two strings with given sizeCopy one string to other stringCopy n characters from one string to anotherString compare functionString reverse functionPalindrome strings using string libraryProgram to add the digits of a given numberProgram to find the factorial of a given numberCount the length of given stringThis course helps you to develop coding concepts using Functions, Strings and Pointers. This course on advanced C language will also help you develop error free codes and will help boost your understanding of the language.This course targets both Newbies and Intermediates. This course will help newbies to know how to create simple sweet and short codes using the different features of C language discussed in the lectures.Enroll now and experience the whole New World of Coding"
Price: 119.99

"Effective ways to program in C: Mastering C the easy way"
"Learn - the language of computer The C language, the coding language. Since C language is known as the mother of every language, you are here on the right platform to learn this through our course of C language. This course on C language covers all the essential concepts in detail with hands-on example.Since C is the most basic language , this course is made with a view that it builds a strong base for other upcoming modified languages like C++, JAVA,etc. This course has a wide insight and covers all the important features of the C language like:Basic StructuresData TypesLong and Short modifiersOperatorsASCII valuesDecision making and BranchingArraysLoopsArguments and Value Return FunctionsThis course on C language helps you get through all your professional requirements for being a CODER. It also helps you make your special place in the field of the much popular computer languages on demand in market. It will also help aspiring Coders who are at present studentsbuild up a strong base for the Programming LanguagesThis course on C language is the most suitable course for both the beginners and the intermediate coders. The newbies will find it very interactive with all the tutorials descriptive up to the mark , on the other side the intermediates get to revise and clear their doubts.I am available for more than 13 hours on the platform, you can ask me any doubt any time. Also, we are offering 30 days money back guarantee with no questions asked.Enroll now !Be the next great Coder!"
Price: 114.99

"Superb way to program in C :Learning easy error free C codes"
"Welcome to the all rounder course of C programming language.This course on C aims at providing you a sound knowledge of the trending C concepts in the programming world today. This course contains all the features of C programming language at one place explained at their best level with the help of hands-on example.This course covers each big and small concept of C. Some of them are as :Introduction to COperatorsDecision MakingLoopingArraysFunctionsPointersStringsStructureUnionSo some advanced topics are also covered here which will help you later to write complex programs.The course is aimed to deliver an intermediate level programmer from a newbie. If you have no experience in programming or if you have little experience in programming, this course would help you to learn the concepts you're missing. So this course includes classes from zero level to intermediate level.Enroll now to find each video class with sample programs to make learning easier for you."
Price: 114.99

"Learn C++ for Interviews"
"The course covers all topics of C++. The course can be used to become a pro in the language. STL is also discussed. All the questions are taken from vast trusted sources and are the ones which are necessary and sufficient for any technical interview. OOPS questions are discussed in detail as they carry maximum importance in any interview."
Price: 19.99

"Instagram Secrets 2020: Scratch to 20k Followers {Hindi}"
"This is the most interesting & detailed course on Instagram Marketing anywhere.With more than 2 hours of video, you wont find a more thorough and up to date course out there. We cover everything you need to know to start from scratch and grow an account to 20k followers.This course is for both beginners to Instagram and more advanced students that have some experience with the platform.Well first start by teaching the basics of: Setting up and optimizing an account Developing a content strategy Creating your first batch of content Learning how to post & how to optimize hashtagsAfter that, well start exploring intermediate growth strategies like: Shoutouts Top post targeted hashtagsAfter we establish a consistent system for growing our audience well start diving into advanced concepts: Using stories to increase engagement through your feed and expand your reach Designing an Instagram Live strategy to consistently create spikes in follows How to run competitions to grow engagement and follows.And much much more!This course is designed to apply to both individuals that want to grow a following for themselves, but also businesses that want to start a presence on the platform and use it to grow their brand.----------------------------------------------------Are you tired of courses that just repeat information you could have found on a blog or YouTube? Or maybe youve been stuck with instructors that TELL you what to do but have no idea what it takes to really accomplish what theyre teaching?Follow along as we take an account from complete scratch to 22,000+ followers.We start from the absolute beginning with conceptualizing the account, and we end with a well-defined content strategy, over 175+ posts, and have even started to generate revenue with our account.No fake followers, & no cheating. 22,000 REAL followers with an average engagement rate over 7%. Our account is growing by over 100+ followers a day, using the strategies taught in this course."
Price: 1280.00

"The Basic Beginners Course on Javascript"
"Welcome to this course on Functions in Javascript.Wanting to build decent and mind blowing projects in Javascript, then you are on the right platform.Function is specifically a mini program designed to accomplish a particular task, which can be executed when called. This attribute of functions helps programmers to attain anything and almost everything in a flash of a second. If you want to achieve the same, better get started with the course as soon as possible.This course deals with all the primary to advanced concepts associated with functions such as:Defining Functions,Method Invocation, Function arguments and parameters, Variable length argument lists, Function properties, methods and constructors, The bind() method, The Function() constructor, Processing arrays with functions, Memoization and so on.Having taught offline for some years, I know what the beginners or the advanced learners want from any tutorial or course. I have included exactly what you would have been looking for quite some time. This is a all round course that will help you enhance your skill set and develop amazing projects related to functions in Javascript.Enroll to find more!!Hope you enjoy learning from this course!"
Price: 139.99

"JS Programming - a general guide with detailed examples"
"Welcome to the all new course on JavaScript Modules and Classes.Learn the language of smart programmers through this mind blowing course on JavaScript classes and modules. This course on JavaScript covers all the essential concepts for anyone to build a deep understanding of JavaScript classes and modules. It will surely help you to look at the problems and projects with a more wider and technical outlook. Each concept is fully explained with the help of examples and illustrations, which ranges from Introduction to classes and modules, Classes and Prototypes, Java style classes in Javascript,The instance of operator to The constructor name and Duck-typing.This course will extremely be helpful in developing projects related to classes and modules. It will help you to learn the error way to write the JavaScript programs, thus enabling you to develop decent projects.This course is basically structured to cover all level of learners whether core or advanced. Core learners will be helped as they will get to build a firm base for programming from our very conceptual and example based videos. The advanced learners now a platform where they can go through some of the forgotten concepts as well as study the new tricky ways to deal with programs with this easy to comprehend tutorial.Enroll now and start learning."
Price: 124.99

"Accelerated JS Training Guide for all level JS learners"
"Start learning from this excellent course on programming!This course will help any genre of learner to get accustomed with his ability to extend his skill set in Javascript. From basics to advanced level concepts, everything is covered in an illustrative and elaborative manner. Avoiding lengthy theories this course offers you to understand Javascript through real time coding while simultaneously explaining you the useful concepts in an interactive manner. Some of the major concepts of this course are:For Functions it includes:Defining Functions,Method Invocation,Function arguments and parameters,Function properties, methods and constructors,The bind() method,The Function() constructor,Processing arrays with functions, MemoizationFor Classes and Modules it includes:Introduction to classes and modules,Classes and Prototypes,Java style classes in Javascript,The instanceof operatorThe constructor name and Duck-typing.If you are interested in gaining an deep knowledge into the insights to Javascript and to master this language as your mother tongue, that you are able to solve any problem related to javascript functions, classes and modules, then this is the course especially designed for you. This course will also help you form a base for other higher libraries and frameworks like React, Node.js. In general you will get all what you need to learn about these concepts from this course.Why wait? Start now and introduce yourself to an all new world of programming experience you would have never thought before.Hope to meet you inside!"
Price: 119.99

"Unleashing the JS basic concepts : JS the beginners guide"
"Welcome to the example-driven learners guide to Javascript Subsets and Extensions.This course takes a deep dive into the simple as well as the complex concepts of Javascript Subsets and Extensions. All the concepts are explained with the help of examples and illustrations for the better understanding of the learner. Being a concept specific course this course takes into account all the practical implementation of the theory being explained. The learner is shown how to run a particular code in the tutorial.Some of the concepts covered are as follows:JavaScript SubsetsConstants and Scoped variablesDe-structuring AssignmentThe for/each loopShorthand functionsSome advanced concepts are also included such as ECMAScript for XML.This course will extremely be helpful in developing projects related to Pattern Matching, Regular Expression. It will help you to learn the error way to write the Javascript programs, thus enabling you to develop decent projects.This course is basically structured to cover all level of learners whether core or advanced. Core learners will be helped as they will get to build a firm base for programming from our very conceptual and example based videos. The advanced learners now a platform where they can go through some of the forgotten concepts as well as study the new tricky ways to deal with programs with this easy to comprehend tutorial.Enroll now and start learning."
Price: 129.99

"JS Intermediate : The complete course for all levels"
"Welcome to the concept specific course on Javascript dealing with pattern matching and regular expressions from beginner to advanced level.Javascript being base of every modern web applications and technologies from social apps to Phaser and many others, demands and in-depth knowledge of the concepts as well as its exemplementry point of view. This course is specially designed keeping these factors into consideration. This course deals with all the to know facts and examples of Javascript starting from:Defining regular expressionsRepetitionFlags toString methods for pattern matchingAll concepts are explained with examples and the code is run to the learner to see, learn and get a better understanding of what exactly the instructor wants to convey.This course will extremely be helpful in developing projects related to Pattern Matching, Regular Expression. It will help you to learn the error way to write the Javascript programs, thus enabling you to develop decent projects.This course is basically structured to cover all level of learners whether core or advanced. Core learners will be helped as they will get to build a firm base for programming from our very conceptual and example based videos. The advanced learners now a platform where they can go through some of the forgotten concepts as well as study the new tricky ways to deal with programs with this easy to comprehend tutorial.Enroll now and start learning."
Price: 104.99

"Complete beginners training on JS"
"Welcome to this course on additional building blocks of JavaScript - Expressions and OperatorsSince JavaScript is known as the mother language for web developing, you are here on the right platform to learn this through our course of JavaScript language. This course on JavaScript Expression and operators covers all the essential concepts in detail with real-world example. It is a course covering only two concepts, hence has explanations of each and every subtopic and attributes in a collaborative and interactive manner. Some concepts are :JavaScript Assignment OperatorOperator PrecedenceVarious operators like + Operator, Unary operator, bit wise operatorUse of logical operatorsAdvanced use of expressions and operators in the form of EVAL(), Strict EVAL() and many more features are discussed.This course will help you in varied sectors of web developing. This course will help you develop error less projects on web developing related to expressions and operators. This course also helps you to follow your passion with more firmness both at personal and professional level. This course provides you a clear understanding of all the topics covered in detail.This course will help anyone who wants to learner these concepts mentioned in the course from scratch. Anyone who wants to increase its JavaScript skill set would learn new interactive options and programs available with JavaScript. Both intermediate and advanced level learners can take up this course and build amazing projects, websites and web applications.Why wait? Enroll and get started!"
Price: 134.99

"Learning the JS basic concepts : JS the beginners guide"
"Welcome to this dynamic course to dynamically create webpages, websites and web applicationsThis course takes a deep dive into the insights of JavaScript Events, Event handlers in full detail. You will get to learn all the concepts with necessary elaborative examples of real-world programming for your better understanding. Basically based on user experience and making the web pages and websites more interactive and attractive, this course on JavaScript Events, Event handlers promises the same. It is created in the most easiest ways for any learner to learn this concept from scratch.Some of the concepts are:Event categoriesMouse events, Key events and HTML5 eventsTouchscreen and mobile eventsSetting event handler propertiesEvent handler argumentExample: Dragging document elementsExample: Handling mouse wheel eventsDrag and Drop events and many..Being a to the point course for all level of earners willing to learn these concepts, this course will prove to you a one time investment helping you to develop outshining skills. From beginners to advanced level learners, anyone can take this course for an all new experience with programming at their level. Beginners would get to learn from scratch while advanced learners can take up this for clearing doubts and learning the easiest paths to programming.Want to code the dynamic way out Enroll and start learningHope to see you inside"
Price: 139.99

"The basic beginners guide on JavaScript 2019"
"Welcome to the ultimate level tutorial on DOM, Attributes, Scrolling in JavaScriptThis course on JavaScript is an intermediate level course consisting of all that you should need to know in order to become an amazing programmer with influential skills to master the language. This course helps you outshine in the company in which you are working or amaze everyone at academic level with your outstanding plus crystal clear knowledge on JavaScript.Some of the concepts are :Overview of the DOMSelecting elements by ID, Name, Type and manyDocument Structure and TraversalHTML attributes as element propertiesElement content as HTML, plain text and text nodesQuerying the geometry of an elementHTML FormsForm and element event handlersDocument propertiesThis is just an overview, the complete course contains many such topics .You will not only build a strong base but also will get to learn some amazing projects of JavaScript through this course. JavaScript being the #InTrendingLanguage of all times for developing web applications and service, this course is organized into different sections. Each sections contains different concepts in a series kind of manner, this helps learner to get an in-depth knowledge of the concepts.This course will help anyone who wants to learner these concepts mentioned in the course from scratch. Anyone who wants to increase its JavaScript skill set would learn new interactive options and programs available with JavaScript. Both intermediate and advanced level learners can take up this course and build amazing projects, websites and web applications.Why wait? Enroll and get started!"
Price: 109.99

"Learn JS core concepts and master its complexities JS"
"Welcome to this course on enhancing your artifacts skills with JavaScript.This course is basically a course dealing with the concept of Client side JavaScript. This course designed with the view to give you immense knowledge on this concepts in the most simple an interactive manner possible. It is being made complete practical course with real-world examples and practice codes for the learners benefit. Once you enroll you will find yourself in a whole new world of programming and definitely be wonder-struck with the application of JavaScript in this domain.Broader view of the concepts included are as follows:Simple client side java script for revealing contentsJavaScript in Web applications and Embedding JavaScript in HTMLScript type and JavaScript in URLsSynchronous, Asynchronous and Deferred ScriptsClient Side JavaScript Threading ModelCompatibility LibrariesSecurityScripting plugins and ActiveX controls and many more.Designed to help the learner in mastering the Client side java script, this course will definitely help you make interactive web applications and services. This course if for anyone and everyone who wants to excel in presentation point of view in Javascript. Newbies can learn from scratch and form a base for understanding the higher much advanced versions and advanced programmers will be benefitted by learning the missed concepts of Client side java script.Enroll to make your websites and web applications more interactive and attractive."
Price: 139.99

"JS - deep insights to some weird but JS important concepts"
"Your wait for a wonderful course on JavaScript classes, modules, pattern matching and regular expressions is just a click away.This course on JavaScript is an intermediate level course consisting of all that you should need to know in order to become an amazing programmer with influential skills to master your firm/organization in which you are working or amaze everyone at academic level with your outstanding plus crystal clear knowledge on JavaScript.On an overall this course is divided into various sections. Each section contains lectures explained with examples for the learners benefit. The main and very fundamental concept of this course is to make you accustomed with what exactly is real-time programming.Some of the concepts included are as follows:Classes and ConstructorsClasses and PrototypesAugmenting classesClasses and TypesObject Oriented Techniques in JavaScriptSub classesClasses in ECMAScript 5Defining regular expressionsAlteration, Grouping and ReferencesSpecific Match PositionString methods for pattern matchingThe RegExp object and further manyBeing a to the point course for all level of earners willing to learn these concepts, this course will prove to you a one time investment helping you to develop outshining skills. From beginners to advanced level learners, anyone can take this course for an all new experience with programming at their level. Beginners would get to learn from scratch while advanced learners can take up this for clearing doubts and learning the easiest paths to programming.Enroll nowHope to see you inside."
Price: 99.99