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"SwiftUI Swift"
"Swift UIKit Storyboard Swift UI - ! SwiftUI  Apple, Swift UI. SwiftUI ."
Price: 19.99

"SwiftUI for beginners"
"If you just started learning Swift or want to switch from UIKit and Storyboard to Swift UI - this course is for you!In this SwiftUI course, we will take a closer look at how the new framework from Apple works, get to know the basic components, and write the first application on Swift UI.After completing this course, you will be able to continue to confidently develop and learn SwiftUI yourself."
Price: 29.99

"UX Design de A Z: tudo sobre experincia do usurio"
"QUER SABER TUDO SOBRE UX DESIGN E DESENVOLVER UM PROJETO DIGITAL DE PONTA A PONTA? ENTO VOC EST NO LUGAR CERTO!POR QUE ESTE CURSO COMPLETO?Com o curso, voc tem acesso a: - Mais de 60 ferramentas de UX Design- Dezenas de cases e exemplos prticos da rea- Acesso a diversas entrevistas exclusivas de profissionais UX do mundo inteiro- Dezenas de recursos extras (templates, eBook e muito mais)- E, ainda, praticar desenvolvendo um projeto digital de ponta a pontaCOMO VOC IR APRENDER?As aulas esto divididas em sees que trazem exemplos prticos e sem enrolao! Aqui, voc aprende por meio de aulas diretas e com o contedo atual de UX! Ao final de cada seo, voc poder colocar o contedo em prtica atravs de tarefas optativas que iniciam no comeo do curso e vo at o final das aulas!QUAIS OS RECURSOS EXTRAS QUE O CURSO OFERECE?  - Links de vagas no mercado UX- Os mais recentes artigos e livros da rea- Entrevistas exclusivas com profissionais da rea- Templates de todas as ferramentas apresentadas no curso- eBook com contedo resumidoCOMO UX DESIGN PODE AJUDAR NO DESENVOLVIMENTO DE PROJETOS DIGITAIS?Projetar as melhores experincias em servios e produtos digitais.Desenvolver e monitorar produtos digitais com base em mtricas e indicadores chave de performance (KPIs) para a rea de UX Design.Criar wireframes baseados em tcnicas e princpios mais utilizados em UX e como se comunicar com eles.Criar prottipos de todos os nveis: de baixa fidelidade at alta fidelidade navegveis.E muito mais!QUEM SO OS PROFISSIONAIS QUE ESTO NO CURSO?INSTRUTORASBruna Ruschel (Doutora e Mestre em Design) e Chaiane Bitelo (Doutoranda e Mestre em Design).PROFISSIONAIS CONVIDADOSAugusto Lohmann, do Viajar Demais (Rio de Janeiro)Bruno Rodrigues, autor do livro ""Boas prticas de UX Writing""Daniel Furtado, do canal Wezen e UXNOW (Campinas)Deyse Daneze, da Talent Rocket (Berlim, Alemanha)Diego Schmitt, das Lojas Renner (Porto Alegre)Gabriela Pessoa, do Descomplica (Rio de Janeiro)Guilhermo Reis, da Globocom (Rio de Janeiro)Paola Sales, do Descomplica (Rio de Janeiro)Patrcia Prado, da Ideativo Design (Florianpolis)Taihana Araujo, da Camp Pacific (Vancouver, Canad)Ubiratan Silva, da Online UX Team (Florianpolis)QUAIS FERRAMENTAS VOC IR APRENDER NO CURSO?Anlise dos 10 tipos de inovaesAnlise de mercados anlogosPesquisas AutomatizadasPesquisas contextuaisEntrevistas em profundidadeCard sortingGrupo focalAnlise de tarefasTestes de usabilidadeAnlise heursticaMapa mentalDefinio de grupos de usuriosDefinio da personaJornada do usurioBlue print do servioMapa de experincia do usurioMapa dos stakeholdersMapa de oferta-culturaMapa da empatiaBrainstormingSCAMPER6 chapusMoodboardFerramenta 635Co-criaoWorkshop de DesignSistemas de informao, organizao, busca e rotulagemUX WritingProttipos de papel, navegveis e codificadosVrios testes com usuriosROI de UX (KPIs e mtricas)QUAL O CONTEDO RESUMIDO DO CURSO? Introduo a UX DesignComo fazer UX DesignFase 1 da UX: Estratgia Fase 2 da UX: User ResearchFase 3 da UX: Sntese e Anlise dos DadosFase 4 da UX: IdeaoFase 5 da UX: Arquitetura da Informao e UX WritingFase 6 da UX: Desenvolvimento dos WireframesFase 7 da UX: Design de InteraoFase 8 da UX: ProttiposFase 9 da UX: Testes com UsuriosFase 10 da UX: ROI de UXCanais com o mercado e materiais Open SourceEsperamos por voc nas aulas! ;)Um abrao,Bruna e Chai."
Price: 549.99

"Wedding Planner: come organizzare il matrimonio perfetto"
"Il corso Event Management & Wedding Planning nasce a partire da un manuale  patrocinato dall'Universit di Economia Aziendale di Torino (SAA School of Management) : ""Event Management & Wedding Planning"" - Costruire da zero il proprio Brand (Tecniche di Creative Marketing ed avviamento alla realt imprenditoriale) di Silvia Carlotta Belli - Europa Edizioni - Roma 2017Lobiettivo principale del corso consiste nel formare figure professionali specializzate, in grado di avviare un'attivit in proprio nel campo degli eventi o rappresentare un valido aiuto per realt gi in essere.Il corso si divide in due moduli:Primo modulo: focalizzato a fornire tutte le conoscenze manageriali, burocratiche e di marketing per avviare un'attivit in proprio definendo un'immagine di Brand forte e vincente. Secondo modulo: focalizzato sulla gestione degli eventi dalla A alla Z con una netta distinzione che suddivide gli eventi in eventi aziendali, privati e matrimoni, argomento in cui ci addentreremmo davvero nello specifico.Se Ti stai chiedendo:quali sono i primi passi da muovere?come si definisce la propria tariffa per non risultare fuori mercato?come gestire la questione preventivi (visto che, per la wedding planner, realizzare un preventivo rappresenta il 70% del lavoro da svolgere per un evento) ed evitare che i preventivi inviati si disfino, sempre, in una palla di fumo (o, peggio, finiscano costantemente in mano alla concorrenza)?come abbattere la diffidenza di fondo tra cliente e Wedding Planner e trasmettere la propria unicit?come si sceglie linquadramento fiscale giusto?come bisogna approcciarsi con i collaboratori per instaurare solide collaborazioni?come ci si tutela, verso clienti che non pagano, per non rimetterci (somme da capogiro) di tasca propria?quali sono tutte (ma proprio tutte!) le dinamiche che ruotano attorno al mondo del Wedding?In cosa si differenza l'organizzazione di un evento privato da un matrimonio?E per organizzare un evento aziendale qual il project plan da seguire?Nel corso troverai tutte le risposte a questi dubbi e molto altro ancora!"
Price: 139.99

"Personal Shopper - Bridal Stylist - Consulente di Immagine"
"Il settore del fashion e del fashion retail sempre pi agguerrito. Sempre pi c' bisogno di figure specializzate che emergano dalla massa per caratteristiche, competenze e professionalit. Il corso pone le basi per accedere a questo mondo fatato, solo apparentemente superficiale, ma - concretamente - molto complesso. Il consulente d'immagine ha il ruolo di guidare i passi del cliente nella definizione di un proprio stile, unico e personale, che ne faccia emergere la pi vera essenza e personalit, facendolo sentire a suo agio e permettendogli di guadagnare maggiore fiducia in s stesso. Il consulente deve saper valorizzare la fisicit del cliente, scegliendo abiti nelle fogge e nei colori pi adatti alla persona che si trova dinnanzi. Questo non facile. Anche perch non si tratta di seguire necessariamente la moda. Il consulente d'immagine dovr, infatti, essere un abile psicologo per riuscire, oltre a valorizzare l'immagine del cliente, farlo sentire a proprio agio nei ""nuovi panni"" in maniera che egli stesso riesca, poi, mantenere il nuovo stile nel tempo, guadagnando un immagine vincente e convincente, utile a spendersi al meglio sia sul lavoro che nella vita privata.Il consulente d'immagine (o style coach), poi, gioca un ruolo interessante sia nel lungo periodo (ovvero nell'accompagnare il cliente attraverso un percorso di restyling del proprio guardaroba) sia nella ricerca di un solo outfit per una specifica occasione d'uso. Il corso si divide, quindi, in 4 parti di cui due  sono rivolte alla consulenza di immagine per la vita di tutti i giorni, sia uomo che donna mentre le restanti due aprono le porte al mondo del Wedding, entrando nel vivo di tutto ci che c' da sapere sull'abito da sposa e da sposo."
Price: 104.99

"Anlise Fundamentalista"
"Existem dois extremos no mundo dos investimentos: os gananciosos e os conformados. Os primeiros visam enriquecimento rpido, e acabam entrando em pirmides ou bolhas, que causam perdas financeiras. O outro extremo daqueles extremamente conservadores, que se limitam aos ganhos tmidos da renda fixa. O objetivo deste curso mostrar um caminho seguro e prspero para investir em aes utilizando a anlise fundamentalista, levando o aluno para o mesmo caminho dos maiores investidores do mundo. Ser ensinado como interpretar os balanos financeiros das empresas, os indicadores de desempenho e de preo. Ao final do curso, o aluno sentir segurana para investir no mercado de aes com embasamento e sem ""achismos""."
Price: 84.99

"How to make Uplifting Trance 2019"
"We lift the lid on Uplifting Trance so that you learn the skills and techniques to get that 138 BPM track.You will follow Rick Snoman award winning record producer, as he takes you from a blank DAW to a track for basic mixing. You experience in detail the techniques and skills used to get that professional sound.You will start by learning how the backbone of the example track is built. You will learn the theory of root notes, chord development, and progressions and the role they will play when designing and developing your tracks in the future. You will learn simple, quick and easy techniques to use to create your own uplifting trance tracks with memorable leads.Rick then continues to build the track, with the introduction of vocals, plucks and special effects. Rick hits stage 4 in the development of a track and its educational for us all to see how a professional deals with this stage of building a track. Rick then performs arrange and automate before he demonstrates how to ride the mix. It ends with a complete 138BPM uplifting Trance track, demonstrating to you many of the skills and techniques you will be able to employ in the development of your own tracks."
Price: 34.99

"Microsoft Power Bi for planning and control engineers"
"          *"
Price: 19.99

Price: 19.99

"How to Draw Cute Cartoon Animals"
"How to Draw Cute Cartoon Animals using simple shapes. I will cover the circle and cross technique and why I use it. I will continue to add to these lessons so we will grow together as a group. If you have any questions feel free to email me anytime. Currently I have uploaded a few videos for you to watch where I will teach you how I draw each character to bring them to life."
Price: 19.99

"Creating Digital Art with Procreate on iPad"
"You will learn how to use Procreate from setting up your canvas to layers to adding colors to your shapes. We will be building simple characters from the simple skeleton form to a full colored character with a background. I have been using Procreate for 9 years and I will show you how to use every tool that is available in this amazing program."
Price: 19.99

"How to Edit with iMovie"
"In this course I will teach you how to edit movies only using iMovie and your iPad. Everything was shot with my iPhone except for 2 drone shots. I will also teach you how to set up your iPhone to shoot in the best quality. I will take you from importing your videos to cutting them to selecting the best shot for your movie."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle SOA Suite 12c - APIs REST and SOAP + Orchestration"
"In this course you going to see how you will can use the Toolkit from Oracle SOA Suite 12c.Overview and I going to show the principal features in Oracle Service Bus and BPEL.If you have some knowgment is good to see about this new version of product and if are you new is perfect to start to learning. This course is perfect to start to work in SOA methodology.  Also I include: GitLab with sources.Get best price with this discount coupon: 134E41AF1213D9A91E98"
Price: 69.99

"IBM App Connect Enterprise & IBM Integration Bus & Broker"
"In this course you going to see how you will can use the Toolkit from IBM App Connect Enterprise v11 new version of IBM Integration Bus v10 Overview and I going to show the principal features in Toolkit like Compute (ESQL), Mapping, HTTP Request, Propagate, Bugs, etc.If you have some knowgment is good to see about this new version of product and if are you new is perfect to start to learning. This course is perfect to start to work in SOA methodology.  Also I include: GitLab with sources.Get best price with this discount coupon: CB8674F3C50851BC6B42"
Price: 69.99

"Starting Amazon AWS - Lambda & API Gateway + JS"
"Course for anyone who'd like to learn about AWS and how you can use API Gateway, AWS Lambda, AWS IAM, AWS DynamoDB and AWS CloudWatch.In this course learn how to use and work:API Gateway  (Create APIs, Stage properties, Publish, Working with version, Rollback, Logs, Testing)Lambda (Create Functions using NodeJs, Testing, Calling API, External API, Transformation Mapping, Script Testing)DynamoDB (Overall inside Tables, Sequence, Id, Data Scan, Query, Backup)Cloud Watch (Check de CPU, Memory, Function Call error, Logs)After you completed this course, you will able to create your APIs and Serverless Apps using Amazon with API Gateway with Lambda, insert your data in DynamoDB and check your logs in CloudWatch.See you!Get best price with this discount coupon: E356959E5E06895B38C6"
Price: 39.99

"Seja um Desenvolvedor Full Stack - Focado para Trabalhar"
"Curso realizado sem cdigo pronto, tudo feito na hora, simulando um ambiente de trabalho real, para mostrar o que acontece no dia a dia do programador, e como solucionar os problemas que acontecem e vo acontecer com voc no trabalho.Nesse curso iremos inserir voc nesse mundo de TI, e vamos conhecer um pouco de cada linguagem de programao, e claro tambm a programar com Java, Node JS, Angular, XML, JSON, XML, Cloud Computing como Amazon AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Web Services (APIs como REST e SOAP), Ferramentas de criao de APIs como IBM Integration, Oracle SOA Suite, OSB, Banco de dados Mysql, vamos ver como testar e tambm debugar cdigo.Claro, vamos comear primeiro a entender os conceitos bsicos do que uma linguagem de programao, quais linguagens existem e para que cada linguagem utilizada.E depois vamos para a parte pratica!Durante o curso, fique vontade para me fazer perguntas ou tirar duvidas.A parte terica, voc poder utilizar o celular para aprender, porm quando chegarmos na parte prtica voc vai precisar de um computador ou notebook para poder instalar os programas e testar. O curso ser compatvel com os ambientes operacionais com Linux, Windows e Mac.Para que voc j possa acompanhar, o curso est sendo feito diariamente, assim voc poder concluir junto com o professor.Contedo extra que ser disponibilizado no currculo do curso:Mdulo Prtico - Linguagem Java Mdulo Prtico - Linguagem Node JS Mdulo Prtico - Webservices / APIs Mdulo Prtico - Linguagem Angular Mdulo Prtico - Cloud / ServerlessMetodologias de Desenvolvimento de ProjetoUtilizem o cdigo do cupom para ganhar o desconto:B2ADA3A1E32599E82F4FTe vejo l."
Price: 29.99

"Learning Spring with Spring Boot"
"In this course along with learning the basics of Spring Boot Framework while designing a Parking Lot Application , you will be learning some of the most desired skills of being counted among the best techies in the industry for web application development. you will learn and understand how to create Swagger-Api, how to use Lombok Framework to minimize the boilerplate even further then most techies can possibly imagine and last but not least understanding of embedded database and leveraging the same for faster application development."
Price: 24.99

"Completed Earning Zero to Hero in Fiverr"
"Hi,I m Awais Javeed i m work on Fiverr as a Auto Blogging i have 5 years experience in Blogger and three years experience in Wordpress and Fiverr i will teach you full basic to advanced Blogger Wordpress some secret of Auto Blogging and Fiverr also give some bonus resourcesThanks"
Price: 54.99

"The Program Based Coaching Framework - Break out of the box!"
"Are you stuck in a rut of trying to figure out your coaching business?Hating the idea of limiting yourself down to a specific niche, servicing only a handful of people?Frustrated because everyone is saying how easy it is - or worse - telling you that this is what you HAVE to do?I was there!Feeling like I failed at my business before it even really got started.  Like man, if I can't manage this SIMPLE basic stuff that I have to do how will I ever make a living at this??Annoyed, frustrated, running in circles and hopping from thing to thing cuz really, I hated it all.Do you KNOW that you are a great coach?  That you could REALLY help people if they would just SEE that?But nope, instead of helping people you are holding back, fussing the details and panicking about marketing.There is ANOTHER WAYYou CAN build a business without struggling against what feels right to you, and what everyone is saying you HAVE to do.That is TRUE to who YOU areTo what you WANT to doand WHO you want to helpSo you can CONNECT to the people who will resonate with your message and KNOW that you can help them.  So you can offer coaching that you are EXCITED to do every single time!So you can be confident in your marketing copy and get RESULTS from it, without feeling like a used car salesman.In this course we will start with a deep dive into what you want to help people with - ALL OF IT - not just a tiny specific niche.Then we get into who you can help - ALL OF THEM - not some hyper specific dreamed up client avatarThen, the really awesome stuff, how to create coaching programs, in WHATEVER format you want (group, course, 1on1, whatever) that SPEAK to those people!oh yah, and how to create content that will call to those people, make it clear that you see them and you can help them.SIMPLENo titles - no niches - no client avatarMODULARWork with who you want, on what you want, when you wantThat's it!!!Would you like to know more?  Check out the intro videos, they are all free to watch before you buy!"
Price: 24.99

"The Perfect Program Planner"
"Are you STUCK when trying to create great programs for your clients?""What do I include?  How long should they be?  What format should I use?""""It's all super confusing, and I'm NOT paying some coach THOUSANDS of dollars to help me figure it out.""""I don't want to buy some pre-made thing that everyone else is doing, and that doesn't reflect who I am!""Or WORSE - You've created programs, but no one would buy them and you're left wondering why you even bothered because no one seems to care about what you're offering.""I keep telling people this stuff can help them, and they don't seem to notice.""""I have NO idea how to market things.  I'm not a sales person!""""Why does no one seem to get the value in this?""Do you have a goal of creating your own courses for Udemy, and just have NO idea where to even start with it?""It just feels to complicated.""""I'm not sure where to start or if anyone will care.""Or just in general, have this AMAZING idea and don't know how to get it out into the world?In YOUR voice - YOUR way!  Not some cheesy carbon copy of what every other coach or helper out there is doing!You see other helpers launching courses and programs all the time, and think - ""Man, that could be me!  If I could even get someone to sign up for what I offer 1on1......""I am here to tell you - LOUD and CLEAR - You CAN create programs - in WHATEVER FORMAT you WANT to do - that there are people out there waiting to buy!That it doesn't have to be hard, or complicated.  It NEVER has to be a rip-off of what someone else is doing and it sure the hell doesn't have to cost you a second mortgage to learn.This course is designed to teach you a framework - a SYSTEM - that you can use, over and OVER AGAIN to create great programs whenever you want.1 on 1 programsGroup programsCoursesWHATEVER FORMAT YOU WANTAnd I'll teach it to you step by step - in an easy to follow, PLAIN ENGLISH format that anyone can follow.  From start to finish you will learn how to:Get CRYSTAL CLEAR on WHY this needs to be created, and WHO needs itWHY they need it, and what results you can provide themMap out, step by step how you WILL get them to those resultsIdeas on different formats you can use to deliver When you should (and should NOT) include things like notes and workbooksHow to map out your tasks, one by one so you can CRUSH them and get this thing CREATEDHow to write gripping sales copy, that will make the people who need this stand up and say ""YES!  This is EXACTLY what I need!""This framework works - and it works for anyone in a service based industry because it can be adapted to YOU.  I'm talking to you Coaches, Tarot Readers, Astrologists, Psychics and anyone else out there with a heart to be of service to others.I've used this method to create courses (for here and other platforms!), 1on1 offerings, group programs and more.  Same system - it works for ANYTHING.If you are DONE being stuck trying to find that magic formula for putting your offerings together.OVER having that big idea for a course in your head, and not out there making you money.FED up with copy and paste templates where you're expected to just copy some guru.and you are READY to createPOWERFUL programs that help people with REAL LIFE problems they are facingIn your own voice - YOUR WAY That are EASY to market and sell to your ideal clientsThat people out there are WAITING and WISHING for Then check out the preview videos for this course and try something new.  Embrace YOUR message - YOUR way and learn how to go from idea to MONEY MAKING program right now!"
Price: 24.99

"SFCC (Demandware) salesforce commerce cloud sample questions"
"The sample questions contained in this test makes sure that you have touched all the areas that one should have read thoroughly to be successful in the exam.It is highly recommended sample test. Students should aim to understand each and every question in the test and if they get it wrong or have have confusion then refer the Demandware documentation.Rest assured that the questions will be of only the types that have been covered in this test."
Price: 19.99

"Controle Financeiro - A Melhor forma de ver resultados"
"Tenha em suas mos o controle de suas despesas e receitasVoc saber seus saldos futuros e poder controlar melhor suas finanasEsse curso ajudar voc a no se perder em suas despesas e receitasO objetivo evitar surpresas na hora de planejar seus investimentosAqui voc aprender do bsico e progressivamente vai aprendendo a construir uma planilha bem elaborad"
Price: 39.99

"Figma Fundamentals: Use Figma Like a Pro"
"Figma is a cloud-based UX design and collaboration tool that is similar to Sketch in functionality and features, but with big differences that make Figma better for team collaboration. Figma simplifies the design process and is more effective than other programs at helping designers and teams work together efficiently.In this course, learn how to use Figma and how to get a Figma project started. We will get into how to add content to your design project by working with frames, creating and editing shapes, drawing, adding and formatting text, and more. In addition, learn how to create a prototype, share designs using the collaboration features in Figma, and generate assets for development.By the end of this course you'll have a good understanding of using Figma and be able to use it for you next project."
Price: 19.99

"Python Made Easy: For Absolute Beginners"
"In this course, you are going to learn everything you need to get started in learning to program in Python. Python is useful for a lot of things some of which are automation, data science, machine learning, application building, web development and a lot more. It is easy to learn as a first language and a very valuable skill-set to have in the job market.We will be going through the basics, we will go step by step through the process of installing Python, we will also look at how to display text on the screen using the print function, we will look at python IDLE, running Python in script mode, variables, string, how to work with numbers, modulo operator, accepting input, list, relational operators, if statements, elif statements, else, dictionaries, tuples, while loop, for loop and function. The course is designed with beginners in mind so no experience is needed to take this course. The course will be presented using Python IDLE. IDLE works well on both Unix and Windows platforms and it is not complicated to use. The course is presented in a relaxed environment in a semi-formal way. If you have always wanted to learn a programming language but didn't know where to start, then you have come to the right place. I hope you enjoy the course as much as I enjoyed putting it together. If you have any question please feel free to reach out to me."
Price: 54.99

"Start Learning Today Adobe Illustrator CC Techniques 2020"
"Introduction to Advanced Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 Techniques of  2020How to use Basic shape and make designBest technique to use gradient in TextMake St-rock in text and ImageHow to make pattern designAdvance key board Shortcut toolsHow to make Banner for your travel companyCreate Social media postMake Creative Facebook coverThis Course is Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 But Tools and technique is 2020 Adobe Illustrator is the world's leading vector based software, it can be used to create stunning and amazing art. This course teaches you the basics and concepts that can be useful in any kind of project. With Instructor Ahmed you will learn about the necessary tools, pallets and shortcuts, how to deal with swatches and how to use some advanced tools like the arc tool, and the reflection too, and the line segment tool.What will you learn in this Adobe Illustrator CC course? Start by understanding the Adobe Illustrator work space and tools Dive into creating your own shapes & lines Use the pen & curvature tool to improve your designs Advance your graphics with strokes, pencils & brushes Speed up your workflow with the shape builder tool Align and distribute objects to create amazing shape and textures Add and stylize text to your projects Create beautiful graphics with masks and compound shapes Get creative with effects and advanced techniques Understand color and how to use it like a pro Save & export your projects for any kind of projectReal World Skills + Fun Illustrator ProjectsDesign your own amazing graphics while learning new skills. This Adobe Illustrator CC course is jam-packed with projects and project files for you to follow along with.Thank you"
Price: 184.99

"Earn Money From Shutter Stock to Sell Photo's"
"Ability to take photographs that sell well online.You will learn what the characteristics of a good stock photograph are.The ability to submit photographs to one of the world's biggest stock photography websites, namely: Shutterstock.Photographs in such a way that they stand a great chance of being accepted as stock.Add powerful captions and keywords to your images, increasing the chances of potential buyers finding and downloading them.The monitor the success of your photographs once they've been accepted on Shutterstock.Upload your photographs onto multiple stock photography websites, further increasing your earning potential.Digital photography can be profitable!! Earn additional, passive income with your photographs by selling them online to an international audience!Get to know the world of stock photography& Vector Illustration upload and start earning money with your photos online!Ever wonder whether its possible to sell your Vectors  images online? The answer is: Yes, you can! And its easier than you think!Anyone who takes photographs with a DSLR camera can sign up as a stock photographer on one of many online stock photography websites. In this course, I will help you to sign up as a contributor on Shutterstock specifically, not only because its one of the worlds biggest stock photography websites, but also because its got a very user-friendly interface and because youll earn more here than through any other stock photography website.What Type Of vector do you sale What types of photographs sell online.What you can expect to earn as a stock photographer.What the characteristics of a good stock photo are.What the Shutterstock submission guidelines are.How to upload photos to Shutterstock and how to monitor their success.How to get paid through Shutterstock.The value of a good stock photo filing system on your computer.How to upload your photos onto multiple stock photography websites so that you can earn even more money!How to sign up and register as a Shutterstock contributor.This course is for Every one who can earn money from shutturstock through professional photographers with DSLR camers who wish to earn an additional passive income with their photographs. and vector artist also earn money form this site Start selling today"
Price: 199.99

"How to create a resume and a video CV that stands out !"
"Dear students,Through this course you will be able to master CVs and video CVs in no time !How ?First, i will explain step by step every section that are a part of a CV and will give you examples from my own experience to illustrate my words.Secondly, i will show you examples of wrong CVs and will tell you how to improve them.Thirdly, I will explain how you can differenciate yourself from others using video CVs : the new weapon in the world of work when you apply for a job.The purpose of this course :I want, at the end of this course, that every one of you will be called by employers for a job interview : the next step and most crucial one.I also want you to understand the tips that i give to create a CV adapted to your needs and your profile : do not forget that you must be the one using personalization.Always ""stay hungry stay foolish"" : you must believe in yourself and give your best shot so you will be the final candidate and will catch the job of your dreams.Thank you for reading,Eva Lopez--Coquelle"
Price: 19.99

"Comment planifier son voyage"
"Dans mes cours, vous allez apprendre les piliers pour programmer des voyages. Que vous soyez en couple, seul(e) ou en groupe, osez voyager. Le voyage permet de s'vader, s'enrichir et dcouvrir de nouvelles cultures, de nouveaux paysages et de nouvelles personnes, alors ne ratez pas l'occasion. Adapter son voyage son budget est totalement ralisable alors il n'y a plus qu' programmer et c'est donc pour cette partie-l que je vous viens en aide.Bonne lecture et surtout bon voyage."
Price: 19.99

"Passive Income Strategy to Earn Six Figures"
"Welcome to the Passive Income Strategy to live your dream life course where we aim to build an online business empire !!!One of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to online entrepreneurship is how to make 6 figures a year. Six figures are very attainable if you follow this method consistently. It wont happen overnight and it wont be free (it will take time and there are costs associated as you scale) but if you are willing to put the hours in, you will succeed.Often times the simplest ideas will produce the biggest returns, and this is a prime example of how you can take a simple idea and grow it into a profitable online business. No tricks, just hard work."
Price: 99.99

"AWS Fundamentals : Getting Started with Amazon AWS"
"Do you want to learn how to take your application on the cloud, Do you know there were around 18 million cloud computing jobs globally. Its one of the hottest skills of 2019 and of course, one of the highest-paying professions. Learn AWS and be a part of cloud computing ecosystem. Amazon web services is the market leaders in this field. popularly called AWS, is a comprehensive and secure cloud services platform provided by Amazon. The AWS Cloud or Amazon cloud offers a wide range of infrastructure services, such as storage options, computing power, networking and databases to businesses, helping them scale and grow. Amazon delivers its services on-demand with pay-as-you-go pricing policy. Try your hands on AWS and cloud computing with the help of this course. This course will help you build a strong foundation on AWS.Let's see the Pre - Requisite For courseIt can be learned by anyone from scratch. The cloud infrastructure is used almost by everyone in various ways. So, you need not be a technical pro to grasp It.Myth You should know coding to learn it.Fact To try your hands-on, you can take cloud computing courses and begin using a public or private cloud computing service. You need not be a coder.Myth CC is a niche domain only meant for techies and developers.Fact Anyone can learn it. It is transforming the way companies conduct business and this involves all the internal stakeholders of the enterprise. Therefore, It is equally important to be learned by managers, marketing experts, system administrators, and developers. Yes, approaches and specific aspects will vary with different roles and responsibilities.Myth You should have previous IT experience to learn cloud computing.Fact It can be learned by anyone from scratch. The cloud infrastructure is used almost by everyone in various ways. So, you need not be a technical pro to grasp It.With the growing buzz and exponential rise of cloud dependency, demand for cloud computing professionals is not going to decrease in the coming years. The best way to learn it is to enroll in cloud computing courses and practice through hands-on labs. The lab sessions acquaint you with the actual AWS environment.Kickstart your endeavor today. Lets meet in the cloud!So what are u waiting for Let's get started!"
Price: 199.99