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"Discover How to Increase Engagements on Your Website - 2019"
"If you are a business owner with a WordPress site - then you need to increase your visitor engagement if you want more leads, sales, and profits.Getting your customers to interact with you is crucial. The more they engage - the more they will come to know, like, and trust you.Now to create a fantastic experience for your visitors, there are several different things that we'll be focusing on to ensure you get these straight.The first is - how fast your site loads. Think about it for a second. Nowadays, attention spans are getting shorter.If you go to a site and it takes 20 seconds to load, would you be willing to wait, or would you go back to Google and look for another one? You'd probably go back to Google. Unless, of course, it's a site you've been to before and you like it.Secondly, there are areas of your site that you can enhance to make it more engagement friendly."
Price: 199.99

"Quick Simple But Powerful Content For Social Media"
"It's a fact. In order to survive in social media you need consistent content.But not just any content will do. You need content that is engaging but catches your audience within minutes.Content that is too long can become boring and lose your visitors interest and theyll soon go to your competitors.Problem #1 - Not everyone can create content.If you don't have the artistic or creative ability to write content, then it doesn't matter anymore.Now you can create simple images that are super engaging. Problem #2 - But not everyone is a graphic artist either.What if there was a way to create daily content in less than 10 minutes?Is that even possible?This specific training course was designed to help you watch over my shoulder, step-by-step, click by click, to ensure that you are able to successfully and effectively create simple content quick."
Price: 199.99

"Modern Reinforcement Learning: Deep Q Learning in PyTorch"
"In this complete deep reinforcement learning course you will learn a repeatable framework for reading and implementing deep reinforcement learning research papers. You will read the original papers that introduced the Deep Q learning, Double Deep Q learning, and Dueling Deep Q learning algorithms. You will then learn how to implement these in pythonic and concise PyTorch code, that can be extended to include any future deep Q learning algorithms. These algorithms will be used to solve a variety of environments from the Open AI gym's Atari library, including Pong, Breakout, and Bankheist. You will learn the key to making these Deep Q Learning algorithms work, which is how to modify the Open AI Gym's Atari library to meet the specifications of the original Deep Q Learning papers. You will learn how to:Repeat actions to reduce computational overheadRescale the Atari screen images to increase efficiencyStack frames to give the Deep Q agent a sense of motionEvaluate the Deep Q agent's performance with random no-ops to deal with model over trainingClip rewards to enable the Deep Q learning agent to generalize across Atari games with different score scalesIf you do not have prior experience in reinforcement or deep reinforcement learning, that's no problem. Included in the course is a complete and concise course on the fundamentals of reinforcement learning. The introductory course in reinforcement learning will be taught in the context of solving the Frozen Lake environment from the Open AI Gym. We will cover:Markov decision processesTemporal difference learningThe original Q learning algorithmHow to solve the Bellman equationValue functions and action value functionsModel free vs. model based reinforcement learningSolutions to the explore-exploit dilemma, including optimistic initial values and epsilon-greedy action selectionAlso included is a mini course in deep learning using the PyTorch framework. This is geared for students who are familiar with the basic concepts of deep learning, but not the specifics, or those who are comfortable with deep learning in another framework, such as Tensorflow or Keras. You will learn how to code a deep neural network in Pytorch as well as how convolutional neural networks function. This will be put to use in implementing a naive Deep Q learning agent to solve the Cartpole problem from the Open AI gym. "
Price: 199.99

"Twitter 2020 Crea una comunidad fiel en torno a tu marca"
"Con este curso aprenders lo bsico para crear y desenvolverte con fluidez y gran criterio en Twitter.3 razones para realizar este curso:- Poca gente sabe manejar bien Twitter lo que te har destacar fcilmente y lograr poco a poco a incrementar tu comunidad (despacio pero seguro).- Logrars que tus publicaciones tenga el mayor alcance orgnico (no pagado) posible.- Podrs tener acceso de por vida al curso y realizar todas la preguntas que consideres importantes para mejorar tu perfil en esta red social."
Price: 39.99

"Stampa 3D - Corso Completo"
"In questo corso si analizza il mondo della stampa 3D partendo dalle fondamenta. Si parte dalla definizione stessa di tecnica FDM per arrivare all'ottenimento di un oggetto ottimizzato; per questa ragione il corso si rivolge sia a neofiti che ad utenti esperti, offrendo utili approfondimenti.Il Dottor Cristian Cargnino ti guider nel corso, mettendoti a disposizione le conoscenze acquisite nei suoi studi in Ingegneria dei Materiali unitamente all'esperienza maturate sul campo con 3DSpider, realt di produzione di oggetti di design e plastici architettonici. Il corso prevede: Fondamenti di stampa 3D - Introduzione al corso, tecnica FDM, materiali plastici e loro utilizzo, considerazioni sui limiti dei macchinariGuida all'acquisto della stampante - Siti web e community di riferimento, analisi qualitativa di una selezione di stampanti, suggerimenti per il miglioramento dell'esperienza di stampa Ottimizzazione del processo produttivo - Personalizzazione della stampante, parametri di stampa ottimali per il PLA, problematiche comuni, post-produzione dei modelliAnalisi qualitativa dei modelli - Test di collaudo, analisi oggettiva di modelli con diverse propriet, guida alla rimozione di supporti, esempi rilevantiProgrammazione di stampa - Guida completa all'utilizzo di CURA Inoltre in corso contiene pi di 50 quiz, cos da poter verificare e consolidare le conoscenze apprese nel corso delle lezioni.Il corso stato concepito senza fronzoli, con un'esposizione chiara e concisa, inserendo, oltre agli utili consigli pratici, quei fondamenti teorici necessari per avere una comprensione ampia e completa dell'argomento.All'interno del corso sono inoltre messe a disposizione slide e altri utili documenti scaricabili, per agevolare l'apprendimento.Qualsiasi problematica, perplessit o domanda di approfondimento verr trattata in maniera rapida ed esaustiva."
Price: 29.99

"Dropshipping de A a Z Criar Loja Online no Shopify em 2020"
"Bem-vindos ao curso completo Dropshipping de A a Z no do Shopify.Neste curso vou vos ensinar como criar a vossa loja virtual no Shopify passo por passo. No precisa ter nenhum conhecimento prvio do e-commerce ou habilidades tcnicas como programao de cdigos.Se voc sabe navegar na web, Quer dizer que voc est pronto para criar sua loja online com ajuda deste curso completo.No final deste curso, Voc vai poder fazer sua loja virtual lucrativa que pode mudar completamente a sua vida financeira.O curso foi feito pensando nos iniciantes, mas se voc j est na rea e encontra algumas dificuldades ou quer aprender mais sobre lojas online, Dropshipping no Shopify, POD e muito mais, tenho a certeza que as nossas aulas vo ajudar muito. Alm disso, neste curso partilhamos dicas novas que no podem ser encontradas em nenhum outro stio.Ento, do que voc est a espera?  vamos comear agora a construir um futuro seguro a nvel FINANCEIRO!"
Price: 19.99

"Manejo de SuiteCRM para Emprendedores y Empresas"
"Un CRM (Customer Relationship Management). es el software que te aseguro tendra un enorme impacto en tu negocio, siempre y cuando se utilice de la manera adecuada.Los Beneficios de un CRM para ti, tu emprendemiento y para tu empresa:AUMENTARAS TU PRODUCTIVIDAD DE UNA FORMA INIMAGINABLETENDRAS UN CONTROL MEJORADO EN LAS OPORTUNIDADES DE NEGOCIO QUE TENGASMAYOR CAPACIDAD DE MIRAR EL MERCADO DE TU PRODUCTO O SERVICIONO PERDER OPORTUNIDADES DE VENTAS POR ERRORES U OLVIDOS EN LA GESTION En este curso aprenderas:Crear cuentas, contactos y clientes potenciales.Crear oportunidades y seguirlas de principio a finAgendar reuniones, llamadas, correos, tareas, notas Almacenar Documentos como si fuese una nube propiaManejo de casos en postventas de productos o serviciosLas caractersticas de SuiteCRM se adaptan a las circunstancias de cada empresa. Aun si, stas funciones han sido priorizadas atendiendo a los casos ms habituales.1. Fcil utilizacin y configuracin por tu equipo comercial.2. Fcil gestin de listas de datos y campaas.3. Fcil seguimiento de clientes y propuestas comerciales.4. Acceso mvil y acceso remoto (cloud).5. Integracin con atencion al cliente6. Posibilidad de gestionar distintos territorios de ventas."
Price: 29.99

"Create mobile apps in few hours"
"This course is for absolute beginner although you have little to no programming language. You will learn how to upload data and retrieve data from web and local server as well. I try to make the course simple and easy to pick up so that everyone can master immediately and write his/her own apps in few hours."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Professional Touch Typing Course"
"In this course I teach you to understand the fundamental of touch typing, why of touch typing, typist cycle and 10 steps that can help you to build your typing skill. When I was in grade 12, I was thinking of how to type like people in a movie especially American movie.Now, I found a new and better way of typing with accuracy and speed. It is the fundamental system I practiced with and learn from many typists like Sean Wrona."
Price: 99.99

"How to create Really Profesional Free website on Blogger"
"Want to create your own professional looking website or blog for free? This is the right course for you. I have been working in digital marketing for the past 5 years. Every now and then we have clients who would like to do some digital advertising but they dont even have a website or its so bad that they need a new one. Because they are small companies they cannot afford to hire someone to make it, and afford the hosting and other related expenses. Or they just want to test things out if they work before they invest larger money in project.That is why we created this course so you could learn how to make your own website or blog totally for FREE.After finishing this course you will be able to create your own website or blog in less than a day. You dont need to pay for hosting or SSL certificate. The website will look really good and it is amazingly fast. Something that Google search engine reall loves these days. + the website is totally mobile friendly.Join this course now and learn how to make these amazing websites and blogs for any purpose."
Price: 19.99

"Da zero ad AutoCad 2020 in TRE ORE: il corso base PER TUTTI"
"Ho distillato per te oltre 20 anni di esperienza personale trascorsa utilizzando quello che considerato universalmente come il RE dei CAD, condensando in poco meno di 3 ore tutto quello che c da saper per cominciare a camminare da soli e produrre autonomamente elaborati grafici eleganti e professionali.Il corso  ti insegner ad usare qualsiasi versione di AutoCad (passata o futura) grazie ad un approccio che si basa su una selezione di pochi ma fondamentali comandi che saranno sempre presenti in ogni versione in quanto fanno parte dello scheletro portante di questo software sin dal secolo scorso.A differenza di altri corsi, certamente pi completi, ma proprio per questo lunghissimi da seguire e spesso noiosi e prolissi, questo corso stato concepito per renderti operativo in SOLE TRE ORE, entrando subito nel vivo con un approccio davvero PRATICO: si parte infatti da un caso reale e assai frequente, soprattutto per chi svolge una libera professione, ovvero il ricalco e la messa in tavola (e stampa) di un semplice appunto (che pu essere il rilievo sul posto, un fax, una scansione giunta via mail, ecc.) Si parte quindi dall'installazione di AutoCad (successiva alla creazione di un account, che consente un utilizzo illimitato e GRATUITO del software rimanendo perfettamente nella legalit), alla modifica delle preferenze del programma, ai trucchi per migliorare le immagini da ricalcare, alla disamina di tutte le funzioni pi importanti fino al calcolo della superficie commerciale di vendita dell'immobile utilizzato come caso di studio, per arrivare infine alla stampa definitiva su carta o PDF della planimetria realizzata.In queste 3 ore di pura esercitazione, in modalit screencast, apprenderai il know-how che si acquisisce frequentando lunghi corsi in aula (spesso costosi e dispersivi!) e al termine di tutte le varie videolezioni pratiche sarai in grado di creare qualsiasi cosa possa essere rappresentata con delle primitive elementari tipo linea, cerchio, arco, ecc.: dalla pianta di un appartamento, al prospetto di un edificio a una sezione architettonica... la fantasia il solo limite!"
Price: 99.99

"Da zero ad Excel (per Mac) in DUE ORE: il corso PER TUTTI"
"DISCLAIMER PRELIMINARE (!!!)Il videocorso fa riferimento alla attuale versione 2019 PER MAC, ma se hai Windows potrai comunque ritrovare le stesse funzioni di cui parlo nelle videolezioni, con lievi differenze solo a livello di interfaccia e posizione dei comandi. I concetti di formule, somme automatiche, riferimenti assoluti e relativi, area di stampa, formati numerici, formattazione delle celle, sono in tutto e per tutto IDENTICI e lo saranno anche nelle versioni (anche in Excel 2079!!!), perch fanno parte dei capisaldi di questo software, che esistono dal secolo scorso:-)I casi studio presi ad esempio in questo corso sono costituiti da computi metrici estimativi, listini prezzi di immobili, ecc. Il motivo per cui ho scelto questi ambiti di applicazione legato al fatto che ho avuto a che fare con computi metrici e listini prezzi per anni (e quindi ho maturato una certa esperienza nella loro compilazione)... probabilmente, se fossi stato un amministratore di condomino, avrei preso come esempio un piano di riparto spese condominiali; se invece fossi stato un manager aziendale avrei utilizzato un'analisi di bilancio, e cos via. E chiaro poi che dal listino prezzi a un computo metrico estimativo, a un piano di riparto spese condominiali, la differenza solo in quello che si va ad inserire nelle celle ma la filosofia di utilizzo e la strategia di impiego delle formule pressoch identica in tutti i casi...INTRODUZIONE GENERALEMicrosoft Excel il foglio elettronico pi famoso della storia e, in assoluto, uno dei programmi pi antichi (le prime versioni risalgono agli anni 80!). forse il mio software preferito, vuoi perch lo uso da oltre 25 anni, vuoi perch sempre stato capace di accompagnarmi in qualunque ambito lavorativo mi trovassi (come forse hai avuto modo di constatare leggendo il mio curriculum o sbirciando sul mio sito web, sono un ingegnere un po atipico, che ha svolto tantissime attivit da libero professionista, non sempre attinenti allingegneria civile).Se dovessi consigliare a una persona di acquisire la conoscenza di UN SOLO PROGRAMMA, non esiterei a suggerire Excel! Moderno, intuitivo, potente, scalabile Excel unapplicazione che si ama al primo utilizzo. E un programma con cui puoi farci di tutto, dalla semplice fattura, in cui inserisci solo limponibile e poi lui in automatico ti compila i campi IVA e INARCASSA (o INPS), fino al listino prezzi con centinaia di appartamenti (o computer, o borse, o scarpe, ecc.) che al variare di un solo parametro (che pu essere il prezzo a metro quadro o il valore di una specifica aliquota IVA)... boom, si aggiorna in un centesimo di secondo.Veder modificare istantaneamente centinaia di righe di un listino prezzi al solo variare di un parametro una soddisfazione che si pu provare solo vivendola, e in questo videocorso ho cercato di trasmettere tutto il mio entusiasmo e la voglia di usare questo programma. Ovviamente, come di consueto, partendo rigorosamente da zero!IN COSA SI DISTINGUE QUESTO VIDEOCORSO DAGLI ALTRIEsistono decine, se non centinaia di corsi su Excel, tuttavia, la maggior parte di essi tende ad essere molto dispersiva (vi sono corsi di decine di ore!), al fine di analizzare dettagliatamente, per amore di completezza, il 100% delle funzioni di questo programma. Il risultato di questi videocorsi ""sontuosi"" assai spesso quello di scoraggiare lo studente, che il pi delle volte, abbandona il percorso formativo dopo aver frequentato una percentuale esigua (e insufficiente alla piena autonomia) di lezioni.La mia ventennale esperienza di utilizzo quasi quotidiano di questo programma mi ha invece insegnato che le operazioni e le funzioni che si usano con maggior frequenza sono un 10% (a dire tanto!) di tutte quelle messe a disposizione dal programma, ma queste poche vanno padroneggiate senza esitazione alcuna.La caratteristica peculiare di questo corso proprio quella di renderti subito OPERATIVO/A in SOLE DUE ORE DI APPRENDIMENTO. Niente fronzoli o descrizioni di funzioni che statisticamente non userai MAI.Si entra subito all'interno della filosofia di Excel, partendo da casi pratici e di frequente casistica ma soprattutto cercando di non dare nulla per scontato: si parte dal reperimento di una copia originale del programma fino ad arrivare a parlare di formule, formattazione celle, stampa di fogli di lavoro, ecc. In queste 2 ore di pura esercitazione, in modalit screencast, apprenderai il know-how che si acquisisce frequentando lunghi corsi in aula (spesso costosi e dispersivi!) e al termine di tutte le varie videolezioni pratiche sarai in grado di creare qualsiasi foglio di calcolo che possa essere di ausilio alla tua attivit."
Price: 69.99

"Da Zero a Photoshop in DUE ORE E MEZZA: il corso PER TUTTI"
"DISCLAIMER (!!!)Questo non vuole essere un corso per fotografi, illustratori o grafici PROFESSIONISTI ma si rivolge a tutta quella nutrita schiera di freelance (architetti, ingegneri, agenti immobiliari, web-designer, info-producer, Youtuber, aspiranti influencer, commercianti con siti e-commerce, self-publisher, ecc.) che, pur non avendo un core-business legato alla produzione di foto o illustrazioni professionali, ha quotidianamente a che fare con immagini da migliorare o personalizzare con testi, effetti grafici, ecc. da inserire all'interno di siti web, annunci, documenti, presentazioni, ecc.INTRODUZIONE GENERALEPochi sono i software che un freelance smart e moderno oggi deve conoscere bene; tra questi sicuramente annovero Excel e Word, ma con loro c' sicuramente lui, Photoshop, il software di fotoritocco pi famoso della storia. Considerato da molti troppo professionale e quindi ostico da imparare, erroneamente lasciato da parte da coloro che non si considerano addetti ai lavori. In questo videocorso sfateremo assieme questo mito e ti insegner, in circa due ore e mezza, a muoverti autonomamente tra le funzioni di pi frequente utilizzo che il software mette a disposizione. Ovviamente, come di consueto, partendo rigorosamente da zero!Il corso vuole insegnarti a prendere una dimestichezza tale con Photoshop, da rendere questo potente software un compagno di lavoro indispensabile e davvero amichevole con cui migliorare la propria attivit, esattamente come lo stato per me durante anni di libera professione.COME STRUTTURATO QUESTO VIDEOCORSOSi parte dall'installazione di una versione di prova di Photoshop (successiva alla creazione di un account sul sito Adobe), per arrivare alla modifica delle preferenze del programma, ad una panoramica generale su concetti base della grafica, alla disamina di tutte le funzioni pi importanti e pi utilizzate in Photoshop, fino alla realizzazione di una elegante planimetria a colori utilizzata come caso studio (confesso di non essere riuscito, in questa esercitazione, a far tacere la mia natura da ingegnere civile ed ex agente immobiliare).Al termine del videocorso sarai quindi in grado di ritoccare immagini, ridimensionarle, modificarle, migliorare le tue foto e correggerne gli errori di esposizione e di saturazione per farle apparire professionali e accattivanti. Insomma, ti saprai muovere con disinvoltura all'interno di questo programma, senza andare a tentoni ma comprendendo quello che stai facendo."
Price: 79.99

"Channeling: Accessing messages from Guides and the Cosmos"
"In this course, you will learn what channeling is, what types of energy can be channeled and how to create a sturdy connection in order to receive messages from these high level frequencies and the guides and beings that dwell there.This technique can be used to connect to angels, spirit guides, departed loved ones, the akashic records, past lives and so much more. Becoming more accustomed to the technique, you will be able to also channel healing energy from the highest levels of the cosmos.There is no prerequisite and no attached belief system, making this course universal and adaptable to people from all walks of life."
Price: 99.99

"Start an Interior Design Business from Scratch"
"Are you tired of your 9-5 and want to turn your passion for Interior Design and Decor into a career?  Do you dabble in Interior Design as a Hobby, but just know this is your TRUE PASSION in life?  Do your friends and family tell you ""You should be a Designer"" or are they always asking for Interior Design or Style advice? Do you want to take the leap and start your own Interior Design Business but DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START?  Well, my friend, you are in the right place.  Take the first step toward realizing the career of your dreams, kick the fear away, and learn everything you need to know to get that first official PAYING client.  I created this Workshop to help cut down your learning curve and help you avoid major pitfalls, so you can go confidently in building the Interior Design Business of Your dreams.These are the EXACT STEPS I took when I started building my own Interior Design Business from scratch.  In this course you will learn:1The BasicsTypes of Interior Designers, How Define your Brand and Ideal Client, How to form a Business and Goal Setting .2BrandingHow to create your Unique Brand Identity and Logo, Social Media Tips, and how to create a Portfolio...even if you don't have one right now.3Fees and ContractsDesign Fees, How to Charge, How much to Charge, How Different Designers Charge, How to Collect Payment and a copy of a Design Services Agreement you can use in your own business.4MarketingActionable Steps to Market yourself and your new business that don't cost anything. These confidence boosting steps will help to eliminate your fear of being a ""newbie"".5Next StepsClosing your First Deal, the Client Welcome Pack, an Intro to Project Management and a Step by Step overview of an Interior Design Project.6Bonuses! Yay!1) Client Welcome Pack PDF Example, 2) A list of important Interior Design Business Tools, 3) A list of important Interior Design Terms and Lingo 4) an ADDITIONAL Full Service Interior Design Contract."
Price: 199.99

"Curso Preventivo Para Doenas de Alto Risco"
"Neste curso voc aprender de forma rpida distinta e fcil Quais so as doenas que mais incapacitam e matam no mundo Este um curso voltado para pessoas da rea de sade pessoas que se interessam em abrange o conhecimento em respeito as doenas que mais tem capacitam no mundo"
Price: 39.99

"Getting Started with HashiCorp Vault"
"As HashiCorp Vault continues to grow exponentially in the market, so do the skillsets needed to properly deploy and maintain the solution. Designed for students with little to no experience with Vault, this course will provide you with the education needed to be up and running with Vault in no time.This course follows the NEW HashiCorp Certified: Vault Associate Exam (BETA) Objectives which was launched at HashiConf on September 9-11, 2019.During your journey, Skylines Academy will lead you through a series of sections, modules, and demos to prepare you for managing HashiCorp Vault in the real world.What you will learn:About HashiCorp Vault services and componentsHow to configure and deploy key HashiCorp Vault servicesCore HashiCorp conceptsHow to get started on your journey to becoming an expert in HashiCorp VaultCourse Curriculum:We will continue adding modules to the course over the next month. Stay tuned for updates and enjoy the first few sections of our brand new HashiCorp Vault course by Author Bryan Krausen.Course IntroductionHashiCorp Vault OverviewData Protection in VaultVault ConfigurationDeploying VaultAccessing VaultSecuring Vault with PoliciesAuthentication Methods Vault Secret Engines Auditing Vault Vault Clustering and ReplicationLectures will educate you on the fundamental terms and principles of the HashiCorp Vault and demos will enable you with a hands-on experience using scenarios to empower you in the real world.Thank you for joining us!Bryan Krausen & The Skylines Academy Team"
Price: 99.99

"Microsoft MS-100 Certification M365 Identity and Services"
"With the NEW MS-100 Certification Course: M365 Identity and Services, youll be able to take and pass the MS-100 exam. The MS-100 exam, coupled with the MS-101 exam (course coming soon!), will award you the Microsoft 365 Certified Enterprise Administrator Expert certification.The MS-100 course is intended for individuals and teams who have some foundational knowledge of Microsoft 365 features and services.This course includes the following curriculum:Introduction and Study ResourcesDesign and Implement M365 ServicesManage User Identity and RolesManage Access and AuthenticationPlan Office 365 Workloads and ApplicationsLectures will educate you on the terms and principles of the M365 platform and demos will enable you with a hands-on experience using scenarios to empower you in the real world.Welcome to the Skylines Academy MS-100 course! Were happy youre joining us!"
Price: 99.99

"H84 Autocoaching - Com Certificado"
"O programa H84 Autocoaching foi desenvolvido para ajudar voc a organizar sua vida! O objetivo alcanar um melhor desempenho em todas as reas, especialmente naquelas que proporcionam realizao e felicidade.Com o H84 voc vai aprender este caminho! A organizao, o planejamento e a orientao adequada promovem reais mudanas em seus hbitos e consequentemente em seus resultados.A construo deste programa veio de lgicas produtivas do seu inventor, Hlder Boaretto. Alm dos conhecimentos tcnicos na rea de coaching, o H84 foi construdo a partir de ricas experincias do dia a dia, envolvendo gesto de equipes e gesto de atividades junto de melhorias.Para compartilhar estes conhecimentos e auxiliar voc na busca por melhores resultados que foi criado e desenvolvido este programa de autocoaching. Tudo online, no seu tempo, para voc se desenvolver e se sentir mais realizado. Afinal, por que continuar sendo o mesmo se voc pode ir alm?Venha para o H84 Autocoaching! Conhea o contedo que vai ajudar voc a evoluir!"
Price: 159.99

"Richtig Schenken"
"In diesem Online-Training lernen Sie, bewusst und gezielt die Beziehungen zu nahestehenden Menschen durch und mit dem richtigen Schenken zu pflegen und zu strken.Jeder von uns kennt Schenken und hat schon einmal etwas verschenkt. Jetzt erfahren Sie die psychologischen und soziologischen Hintergrnde des Schenkens und lernen die geschriebenen und ungeschriebenen Gesetze des Schenkens kennen. Schenken sagt etwas darber aus, wie Sie die Beziehung zu einem Menschen sehen und wie Ihr Bild von dem Menschen sowie ihr Bild von sich in der Beziehung ist. berlassen Sie dies nicht dem Zufall. Verderben Sie die Freude am Geschenk nicht durch vermeidbare Fehler wie etwa eine achtlose bergabe.Durch die bung mit einer Fallstudie machen Sie sich Ihre Kenntnisse und Einstellungen zum Schenken bewusst. Daran knpfen die Kursinhalte an.Fr einen dauerhaften, schnellen berblick bekommen Sie eine Zusammenfassung bzw. Checkliste zum Download.Sie haben einen uneingeschrnkten lebenslangen Zugriff auf Handy/ Tablet und TV. Selbstverstndlich haben Sie ein 30 Tage Rckgaberecht."
Price: 39.99

"Presents. The Art of Giving"
"In this online training you will learn how to consciously and purposefully cultivate and strengthen relationships with close people through and with the right giving.Each of us knows giving and has given something at some point. Now you will learn the psychological and sociological background of giving and the written and unwritten laws of giving. Giving says something about how you see the relationship with a person and how your image of the person and your image of yourself is in the relationship. Do not leave this to chance. Do not spoil the joy of a gift with avoidable mistakes such as careless delivery.By practicing with a case study you will become aware of your knowledge and attitudes towards giving. The course contents follow on from this. For a permanent, quick overview, you will receive a summary or checklist for download.You have unlimited lifelong access to mobile phone/tablet and TV. Of course, you have a 30-day right of return."
Price: 39.99

"Psychic and Intuitive Development: Intuitive Evolution"
"What is Intuitive Evolution?This is a course I have designed specifically for you, the individual wanting to learn more about the spiritual arts.We all are born with the ability to do ""Psychic Readings"". But, Psychic development is more than just doing readings. It is you being able to find a way to trust your intuition. A way for you to understand why you feel and know the things you do. We all were born naturally with the ability to use that sixth sense, or e.s.p. I truly believe that it just takes you a little bit of guidance by a trusted spiritual advisor to get you there! No matter what position you hold in life, You are capable of learning how to tap into your own gifts and access the higher realms.Thru this course you will have access to each lesson, step by step. It starts at the very beginning of the core of Psychic Abilities. You will be guided with video lessons, how to videos, and hands on exercises to help you gain a better understanding of what abilities you may not know you are capable of.(We are all capable of ALL the abilities. I will show you how.)I call this Intuitive Evolution for a simple reason.This is ""Your Intuitive Evolution"".I help you evolve your sixth sense in a way that you can't find anywhere else, or for this price. This is more than just a course where you learn as you go. This is the whole deal!! The whole shabang!!You will get access to:ALL COURSE MATERIALWORKBOOKSEVERY LESSONHANDS ON EXPERIENCEONE ON ONE SESSIONS WITH MEPRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUPLIVE VIDEO CONFERENCE CLASS SESSION (WEEKLY)VIDEO REPLAYS OF CLASSTHINK YOU MIGHT BE PSYCHIC?All it takes to dial up your intuitive super powers is a little guidance.What we cover in the Intuitive Evolution Course:* Guided meditations to meet your Spirit Guide, Guardian Angel, and be the best Spiritual Divine being you can be*Introduction to Psychic Abilities*Protection Techniques*Angels and Guides, How they are different from eachother and how to access them*Meeting your Guides*What is your specific Learning Style, and how to use it to gain universal information*A deeper look at the 8 Clair abilities*What are Chakras, How to clear them and blockages*How to read Oracle cards for yourself, and others*The different Oracle Card Layouts you can use for everyday life and unanswered questions*How to use a pendulum, What is your yes and no on a pendulum, The different charts to use to gain answers from a pendulum, Using a Pendulum on others, How to find Healing thru the use of a Pendulum*Palmisty, and How to read your own palm and others*What are the different crystals, and the many uses for crystal healing and Light work*Akashic Records, What are they, and how to access themBy the end of the course you will be proficient in psychic readings, tarot, oracle, pendulum, palmistry, meditation, chakra clearing, and so much more! You will be the expert. I teach this course the same way my mentor taught me, and use the same progression of learning that he taught me. I have had the blessing of teaching hundreds of students, and have a thriving clientele, all due to me learning how to tap into my abilities, and use them for my and  your highest good!"
Price: 124.99

"Introduo ao AltoCad Civil 3D 2018"
"Este curso possui 35 (trinta e cinco) videoaulas, divididas em 7 (sete) sees as quais mostram como utilizar algumas das principais ferramentas do AutoCad Civil 3D 2018. As videoaulas abordam assuntos especficos e de maneira prtica, para que o aluno saiba e entenda o passo a passo de como aplicar e obter os resultados, com a utilizao deste programa, durante a realizao de seus projetos."
Price: 204.99

"The Simple Guide to Freelance Writing"
"Do you like to write, though you don't know where to start?  Are you overwhelmed? The Simple Guide to Freelance Writing is a step by step writing guide. The Simple Guide to Freelance Writing has video guides, handouts, and spreadsheets to assist your growth as a writer. Learn:What is a niche and how a niche will assist your writingUnderstanding your keywords and competitors Where to write for your nicheand much moreThe Simple Guide to Freelance Writing course will not only give you the tools to succeed but also how to get started ASAP."
Price: 99.99

"Project & Development (Learn about Project Cycle Management)"
"PLEASE NOTE: This Class covers only the 1st session (as a 1st Segment of the course). For Complete course and further learnings, please also join other sessions from the same course because they are all connected chronologically to learn Project Design, Planning and Development. Below is the the course detail of the complete course.::::::SMART COURSE FOR PROGRAM & PROJECT PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT::::::Description:Projects are the cutting edge of development and will continue to be the main vehicle through which development plans and programs will be implemented in the foreseeable future. After almost six decades of development efforts, the countries, companies and organization still lacks the capacity to formulate, design, appraise, implement, monitor and evaluate programs and projects. The emphasis of the training will be on providing will a well-rounded basic knowledge and skills on Project Inception, Preparation, Planning, Proposal Development and Appraisal which are initial and most essential aspects of project cycle. The course will be practitioner oriented. It will provide a sound understanding of the theoretical underpinnings and skills required to plan, design and appraise programs and projects. This course will expose participants to the common practices and documentation of the development agencies at regional, national and international levels.Training Objective:To develop a sound understanding of the issues addressed through development programs and projects, tracing the evolution of development concerns over the past six decades.To develop in-depth understanding of the fundamental concepts and approaches to inception and designing programs and projects in the development field.To improve the knowledge and skills in planning, identifying, designing and appraising the development programs and projects.To provide familiarity on formats and procedures adopted by different organization at national and international level.To provide and understanding of the requirements of donors in the preparation of projects and programs.To develop a trained team for proposal development among all departments who will take an oath of office to dedicate specific time from their regular work toward proposal developmentOrganization of this training:The course will be presented in three major segments as follows:SEGMENT 1 Planning Program and ProjectsSEGMENT 2 Project Design and PreparationSEGMENT 3 Related Things to Program/Project DevelopmentMethodology of course deliverySince the course required the learning of analytical skills and exposure to new tools, it will use a broad range of pedagogical methods. The course teaching will include interactive sessions and some exercises(if students are willing to do along) in particular to develop hands- on capability in the skills required. Learning by doing will be a major trust of the course. The emphasis of these methods and approaches will vary according to the topics covered.Assurances of learning from this Training:Participants attending the course would:Acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills in planning, identifying, designing, proposal development, donors and appraising the program/projectsLearn important Project Development Tools and skills: Stakeholder Analysis, Problem and Objective Trees; Logical Framework, Activity Scheduling and Budget PreparationBecome competent Project and Program Development Practitioners and would be able to contribute effectively to the work of project preparation teams, participate in discussion and make decisions on project and programs.Prepare sound project proposals for national and international fundingBecome analytical development thinkers andBecome effective development communicators with the ability to prepare comprehensive project documents and defend them.Course details:SEGMENT -1 - Planning Development Programs and ProjectsSession-1 Project and Development (This class is covers this session, For others below, join other classes of mine of the same course)SEGMENT 2 - Project Design and FormulationSession-2 Stakeholder Analysis, Problem and Objective AnalysisSession- 3 The Logical Framework AnalysisSession - 4 Activity Scheduling & BudgetingSEGMENT 3 - Related Things to Program/Project DevelopmentSession-5 Country Strategies, Programming and IdentificationSession-6 Role of Program/Project Manager in this overall ProcessMisc. Exercises, Project and Group Work"
Price: 19.99

"How to do Problem Analysis and Mapping in Planning Process"
"PLEASE NOTE: This class covers only the 2nd session of the major course, called ""Smart Course for Project Design, Planning and Development"". To have a maximum learning about Program and Project Design, Planning and Development, you may join the other sessions from the same course because they are all connected chronologically to each other and having a flow in learnings. This course/session details are as follow. Description:Projects are the cutting edge of development and will continue to be the main vehicle through which development plans and programs will be implemented in the foreseeable future. After almost six decades of development efforts, the countries, companies and organization still lacks the capacity to formulate, design, appraise, implement, monitor and evaluate programs and projects. The emphasis of the course will be on providing will a well-rounded basic knowledge and skills on ""problem identification, mapping and development cause-affect relationship"" during Project Inception, Preparation, Planning and Proposal Development stage which are initial and most essential aspects of project formulation. The course will be practitioner oriented. It will provide a sound understanding of the theoretical underpinnings and skills required to plan and design programs and projects. This course will expose participants to the common practices and documentation of the development agencies at regional, national and international levels.Course Objective:To develop in-depth understanding of the fundamental concepts and approaches to ""problem identification and analysis"" during inception and designing programs and projects.To improve the knowledge and skills in ""identifying the core problem"" in planning and designing the programs and projects.To provide familiarity on formats and procedures adopted by different public and private organization at national and international level.To provide and understanding of the requirements of specific tools in ""problem identification and mapping"" as required by companies, major donors and agencies in the preparation of projects and programs.Methodology of course deliverySince the course required the learning of analytical skills and exposure to new tools, it will use a broad range of pedagogical methods. The course teaching will include interactive sessions and some exercises(if students are willing to do along) in particular to develop hands- on capability in the skills required. Learning by doing (exercise on learnings) will be a major trust of the course. The emphasis of these methods and approaches will vary according to the topics covered.Learning from this course:Participants attending the course would:Acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills in ""identification of core problem"" during planning, identifying and designing the program/projects.Learn important Project Development Tools and skills: Stakeholder Analysis and Problem AnalysisBecome competent Project and Program Development Practitioners and would be able to contribute effectively to the work of project preparation teams, participate in discussion and make decisions on project and programs.Prepare sound project proposals for national and international funding andBecome analytical thinkers."
Price: 34.99

"How to do Objective & Strategic Analysis in Planning Process"
"PLEASE NOTE: This class covers only the 3rd session of the major course, called ""Smart Course for Project Design, Planning and Development"". To have a maximum learning about Program and Project Design, Planning and Development, you may join the other sessions from the same course because they are all connected chronologically to each other and having a flow in learnings. This course/session details are as follow. Description:Projects are the cutting edge of development and will continue to be the main vehicle through which development plans and programs will be implemented in the foreseeable future. After almost six decades of development efforts, the countries, companies and organization still lacks the capacity to formulate, design, appraise, implement, monitor and evaluate programs and projects. The emphasis of the course will be on providing will a well-rounded basic knowledge and skills on ""Objective Analysis & Mapping, Development of Means-End Relationship, Alternative Analysis and Identification of best Solution/Strategic Option"" during Project Inception, Preparation, Planning and Proposal Development stage which are initial and most essential aspects of project formulation. The course will be practitioner oriented. It will provide a sound understanding of the theoretical underpinnings and skills required to plan and design programs and projects. This course will expose participants to the common practices and documentation of the development agencies at regional, national and international levels.Course Objective:To develop in-depth understanding of the fundamental concepts and approaches to ""Objective Analysis & Mapping, Development of Means-End Relationship, Alternative Analysis and Identification of best Solution/Strategic Option"" during inception and designing programs and projects.To improve the knowledge and skills in ""identifying the goal/core objective"" in planning and designing the programs and projects.To provide familiarity on formats and procedures adopted by different public and private organization at national and international level.To provide and understanding of the requirements of specific tools in ""Objective Analysis & Mapping, Alternative Analysis and Identification of best Solution/Strategic Option"" as required by companies, major donors and agencies in the preparation of projects and programs.Methodology of course deliverySince the course required the learning of analytical skills and exposure to new tools, it will use a broad range of pedagogical methods. The course teaching will include interactive sessions and some exercises(if students are willing to do along) in particular to develop hands- on capability in the skills required. Learning by doing (exercise on learnings) will be a major trust of the course. The emphasis of these methods and approaches will vary according to the topics covered.Learning from this course:Participants attending the course would:Acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills in ""Objective Analysis & Mapping, Alternative Analysis and Identification of best Solution/Strategic Option"" during planning, identifying and designing the program/projectsLearn important Project Development Tools and skills: Objective and Strategic Analysis"".Become competent Project and Program Development Practitioners and would be able to contribute effectively to the work of project preparation teams, participate in discussion and make decisions on project and programs.Prepare sound project proposals for national and international funding andBecome analytical thinkers."
Price: 34.99

"Due ore al giorno, un anno ogni cinque"
"L'avevi mai pensato? Considerando il tempo lavorativo, 2 ore al giorno equivalgono ad 1 settimana in 1 mese, 3 mesi in 1 anno. Ogni 5 anni, 2 ore per ogni giorno lavorativo rappresentano esattamente 1 anno. Poter disporre di 1 anno ogni 5 anni di vita lavorativa. Si pu fare, guadagnando 2 ore ogni giorno. Godere quasi di una vita supplementare, una sorta di anno sabbatico ogni 5 di lavoro. Bastano 2 ore al giorno, weekend esclusi e ferie escluse. Guadagnare 1 ora al mattino e 1 ora al pomeriggio. Ecco fatto.Questo corso di Gestione Efficace del Tempo offre strumenti ed accorgimenti cui tutti possiamo ricorrere nelle nostre giornate lavorative, per conquistare finalmente questo incredibile tesoretto.Tempo e vita non viaggiano in parallelo e non sono aspetti separati. Il nostro tempo la nostra vita.La nostra vita linsieme delle nostre giornate.Tutto qui.""Lo scopo del lavoro guadagnarsi il tempo libero"" (Aristotele)"
Price: 69.99

"Advanced Tour Guiding Skills"
"Learning new skills and applying them to your tours have never been easier with tour guide central expert instructions and practical approach. This course includes valuable tips and techniques on how to become a more effective communicator and command guest attention during tours. The course also demonstrates how experienced guides lead tours and hence help you take your skills to a whole new level. The knowledge and skills you will gain from this course will have an immediate impact on the quality of your tours that will be witnessed in guest satisfaction levels and their positive reviews."
Price: 49.99

Price: 10200.00