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"Learn basics of C# by building your first game in Unity"
"If you are a beginner who want to enter game industry and what to learn how games are build from scratch, then this course is perfect for you.I'll teach slowly and step by step using unity engine. Unity is a popular game engine where you can develop games for lot ofplatforms like windows, mac, linux, android etc.We'll start with downloading and installing unity, setup the player and other 2d sprites, learn the basics of C#, develop the flappy bird clone from scratch and finally we'll build for game for windows and android platform.This course has about 7 hours content. by the end of this course, you'll get familiar with unity and C#. you'll get confidence to build your own games."
Price: 19.99

"Yenidoan ve Bebek Fotorafl Hakknda Her ey"
"Fotoraf reniyoruz: Yenidoan Fotoraflk Hakknda Her ey. Bu kurs ile yenidoan, doum ve bebek fotorafl ile ilgili tm bilgiyi ksa srede reneceksiniz. Kurs gerek fotoraf ekimi esnasnda hazrlanmtr. Bu sayede kendinizi eitmenin yannda hissedeceksiniz. Hem ekim ncesinde yenidoan hazrl, hem ekim srasnda fotoraf makine kullanm, hem dee ekim sonrasnda Photoshop CC uygulamas ile fotoraf dzenleme tekniklerini reneceksiniz. Yenidoan fotoraflarn vazgeilmez detayl klavuzu niteliinde gzel bir kurs.Stdyonuzu nasl temizleyeceinizi, yenidoan saln gz nnde bulundurarak temizlik rnleri ve hangi bitkileri seeceinizi kefedeceksiniz. Mobilya ve ekipmannzn yenidoan gvenlik standartlarn karladndan emin olabileceksiniz. Ayrca, ekim srasnda bir yenidoann gvenli bir ekilde pozlanmasna ve kullanlmasna odaklanacaksnz. Bu eitim seti; Patates uval, Froggy pozu ve kompozit grntler oluturmak iin kullanlan dier ileri teknikler gibi pozlarn nasl uygulanacan size retecektir. ekim ortamnda ne yapabileceklerini daha iyi anlamanza yardmc olmak iin yenidoan anatomisini ve geldikleri ortam reneceksiniz: dengesizlik, ar snma ve yaralanmalardan nasl kanlaca hepsi her detayyla bu sette.Yenidoan ekimlerin gvenlik aamas, bebeklerin ruh halleri ve ebeveynlerin tatmin edilmesi hususunun yan sra stdyonuzu yenidoan ekimleri iin hazrlama konusunda ipular iin Hatice Ebrar Salama katln.Bu eitim ile olaanst bir profesyonel yenidoan fotoraflk deneyimi ve arpc portreler yakalamanz kanlmaz.Hatice Ebrar Salam, yenidoan ve bebek portre konusunda uzmanlam bir portre fotorafs.Ebeveynler; bebeklerinin dnyaya yeni geldikleri andan itibaren, hayatlarnn balangcnda her detayn belgelemek iin yenidoan fotoraflarna ihtiya duyar. Yenidoan fotoraflar, ebeveynlerin isteklerini yerine getirmek iin ok fazla bask hissedebilir. Mkemmel ekimi yakalamak iin ve bu fotoraflarn konusunun inanlmaz derecede krlgan olduunu unutmamak gerekir.Konular:Yenidoan ve bebek gvenli poz teknikleriStdyonuzda ve harici ekimlerde gvenli bir ortam nasl kullanlr?Yenidoan davran nasl anlalr?Yenidoan arka plan, background deitirme teknikleriYenidoan ve bebek konsept seimi nasl olmalYenidoan ve bebek konsept oluturma hakknda her eyYenidoan bebek pozlandrma hakknda tm tyolarYenidoan bebek Photoshop CC uygulamalarYenidoan bebek uyutma, giydirme ve masaj yapma tekniiYenidoan fotorafl iin k kullanm tercihiFotoraf makinas ve ekipman seimi hakknda bilmeniz gerekenlerFotoraf makinas ve ekipman kullanm hakknda tm detaylarYenidoan fotoraf ekimi kostm alm dikkat edilmesi gerekenler1 ya bebek fotoraf ekim teknikleriSonunda yenidoan gvenlii ve mkemmel ekim kalitesine erime hakknda profesyonel hissedeceksiniz. Ebeveynler, ocuklarnn etrafnda size gvenebileceklerini hissedecek rahatlayacaklar ve ekim deneyiminiz o anlarn arasnda sizinle birlikte gzel anlacak."
Price: 69.99

"RPA para todo el mundo! (UiPath) (2019 -2020)"
"Aprenders cmo automatizar procesos de manera eficiente, rpida y segura con la herramienta de UiPath Studio y UiPath Robot. Entenders cmo funciona la plantilla del framework para crear un proceso de negocio transaccional que siga las mejores prcticas para implementaciones a gran escala. Finalmente sers de modificar la plantilla con el objetivo de adaptarlas a las necesidades de tus proyectos.!! Clases nuevas todas las semanas e interaccin constante con los estudiantes para responder preguntas y ayudarlos con sus procesos RPA !!!"
Price: 19.99

"Certificazione EPM Knowledge"
"ll modulo, EPM Knowledge, tratta le conoscenze fondamentali delle tecniche di Project Management (processi di Project Management e competenze comportamentali) attestando le capacit sufficienti per poter iniziare ad operare nella gestione progetti presso aziende ed enti. Il modulo aggiorna il precedente ePMQ Fundamentals.Il modulo fa parte della certificazione EPM Fundamentals della AICA. Certificazione che permette di ricevere la EPM Professional per potersi registrare in ACCREDIA come Project manager."
Price: 19.99

"SQL para Principiantes: Curso prctico"
"Quers adquirir un conocimiento que puede ayudarte a ganar ms de 80000 dolares al ao?Entonces este curso es para vos.Quers ser desarrollador de Software? No importa el lenguaje en el que quieras programar, en el 90% de los casos los datos sern almacenados en una base de datos relacional  y necesitars saber SQL.No hay casi ofertas laborales del mundo del software que no mencionen SQL entre sus habilidades deseables.Es que SQL es imprescindible en el escenario actual de la industria del software, y no parece que esto vaya a cambiar en los prximos diez aos.Por eso es muy importante que sepas leer consultas SQL, interactuar con datos almacenados en una base de datos relacional y crear consultas poderosas y optimizadas para trabajar en ambientes reales de produccin.En este curso aprenders desde cero, absolutamente TODO lo necesario para utilizar SQL en escenarios del mundo real, siempre con el enfoque prctico que este tipo de tecnologas requiere.A travs de ms de 90 lecciones y ms de 50 ejercicios prcticos, aprenders a escribir consultas SQL con todas sus posibilidades, y podrs tambin poner a prueba tus conocimientos para dejar de ser un principiante."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a Programar en LUA: Desde Principiante a Profesional"
"Este es un curso destinado a aprender LUA en su totalidad.Aprenderemos de pies a cabeza el sintxis de muchas operaciones y declaraciones as como tambin algunos trucos que nos servirn para hacer ms fcil nuestra forma de entender el lenguaje.No necesitas tener experiencia para tomar el curso, adems, si ya la tienes, mralo como una forma de afianzar tu conocimiento en LUA."
Price: 49.99

"Fundamentals of Meditation"
"In this course, we will cover the fundamentals of three meditations techniques: samatha, metta, and vipassana.With samatha meditation we will start familiarizing with awareness, which is the essence of meditation.We will then cover meditation approaches to cultivate important positive emotions: love, compassion, joy, and equanimity.In the third part of the course we will practice analytical meditation, in order to work with conceptual distortion and fixations of mind."
Price: 94.99

"Create a MLM website with Wordpress"
"Multi-Level Marketing Website in WordPress With Binary MLM, Forced Matrix and Unilevel MLMIn this course, you will learn how to create a multi level marketing website with Wordpress using two plugins. You will be able to create an awesome system for affiliate/members. This system will allow you to create and market your products/services automatically by members/customers/affiliates and increase your sales organically.The plugins can be accessed for FREE ( Save 106$ )ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 19.99

"Videos machen mit dem Smartphone"
"Nach Absolvierung des Kurses wirst du in der Lage sein, qualitativ hochwertige Videos mit deinem Smartphone zu produzieren.DIESER KURS BIETET29 LektionenAlle Inhalte als transkribierte UnterlagenUneingeschrnkter lebenslanger ZugriffRegelmige Updates bei NeuerungenE-mail SupportZugriff auf Handy/Tablet und TVAbschlusszertifikatBESCHREIBUNGDu willst professionelle Videos fr YouTube, Facebook, Instagram oder Prsentationen machen, weit aber nicht so wirklich wie? Dann bist du bei diesem Kurs genau richtig. Wir zeigen dir, was du wissen musst um geniale Videos mit deinem Smartphone zu drehen und zu bearbeiten. Du wirst sowohl die technischen Grundlagen deiner Smartphone-Kamera als auch kreative Inputs zur Bildgestaltung lernen. In praktischen und zeitgemen Beispielen zeigen wir dir Schritt fr Schritt, wie du fr Social-Media heute filmen musst, Interviews und Statements richtig aufnimmst und wie du dein Produkt cool in Szene setzen kannst. In der Postproduktion sehen wir uns verschiedene Apps und Programme fr die Bearbeitung deiner Videos an.WER DEN KURS BELEGEN SOLLTENeugrnder und Start-ups, die kostengnstig Videos produzieren wollenUnternehmer, die ihre Firma oder ihre Produkte vorstellen wollenUnternehmer, die als Experten ein Thema prsentieren mchtenMitarbeiter im Marketing, die selbstndig Videos produzieren wollenPersonen in der ffentlichkeitsarbeit von Vereinen, Feuerwehren und Organisationen, die selbststndig Videos produzieren wollenFotografen, Redakteure und Journalisten, die ihr Repertoire rund ums Thema Video erweitern wollenInteressierte, die einen Einstieg in das Thema Videoproduktion wnschenKURSINHALTKapitel 1: Was du lernen wirstKapitel 2: So filmst du mit einem SmartphoneDie GrundlagenObjektiveAE-SperreHilfslinien-RasterAuflsungFramerateStabilisation & StativMikrofonKapitel 3: Die BildgestaltungBildformatEinstellungsgrenPerspektiveBildfolgeDrittelregelSchuss und GegenschussAchsensprungKapitel 4: Interview vs. StatementKapitel 5: So drehst du ein InterviewSetting & BeleuchtungPositionInhaltKapitel 6: So drehst du ein StatementPositionInhaltKapitel 7: So setzt du dein Produkt in SzeneBest PracticeSettingBewegte AufnahmenKapitel 8: Mach aus deinem Rohmaterial coole VideosGrundlagenFarbeffekteMusikInterviewStatementProduktvideoANFORDERUNGEN:Du brauchst nur dein Smartphone (iOS, Android)Dieser Kurs ist gleich fr absolute Anfnger als auch mittlere Fortgeschrittene geeignet."
Price: 199.99

"Dive In : Discover Yourself"
"Self Exploration helps one find the power that lies within. Finding key will set one free.Most unfortunate event could be one passing through this life, without experiencing the real self. Seeds of all problems are within us, looking into wrong direction for solution takes us into whirlpool of perpetual confusion.Self Discovery is a course that'll guide you step by step to uncover your true being."
Price: 19.99

"The Secrets to Sports Betting - A Complete & Proven Seminar"
"Have you ever made a bad bet? Do you think sports betting is set-up for people to lose? Let's look and see. If you don't think there are real people out there who are actually profiting off this huge and lucrative market, then this course may not be for you. Sit back and press play. This seminar was created for you. I'm Ari Atari and I've been through the trenches, hired by professional betting services as a handicapper and guided hundreds of gamblers into becoming sports investors. Check out each section of this course and enjoy it. The wealth of information I've released to you will translate into the wealth created from successful sports betting practices. At the end of the course, you will receive a free bonus including my 2 ebooks that are sold in every online retailer from Amazon to Apple books. If sports betting appeals to you, then you should equip yourself with all the tools to make you informed and empowered in an industry that is designed to take your money if you aren't ready. This course will make you more than ready. Welcome to Sports Investing."
Price: 24.99

"Master Your 2019 Front-end Web Development Skills"
"In this course we will talk about latest front end web development skills.By covering this course you will be able to create wonderful front end of websites of your own. This course covers all the content that is required for the front end web development. It includes HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 4.3 and Java Script.By the end of this course, you will have impressed yourself, and will be able to hit the ground running with your newly acquired skill to build amazing front end interfaces."
Price: 114.99

"Basics Of Mechanical Design Engineering"
"This Course is an introductory course to all industrial specialized  Courses. This course gives you Insight on Mechanical Designing. In this Course you are going to learn.Different Designing work in different mechanical industries.Basic of Mechanical Drawing & Drafting.Conventional & Latest measuring Techniques.Aspects of Material selection.Material Testing & Process.Basics of Machine Designing & Core Concepts..Designing Procedure & Reverse Engineering."
Price: 1280.00

"Executive Tech Academy"
"Ein technisches Grundverstndnis hilft aus unserer Sicht, die Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation innerhalb des eigenen Unternehmens besser zu erkennen und zu bewerten. Der bewhrte Kurs richtet sich an Leute, die keine Programmiererfahrung haben, doch bei ihrer Arbeit regelmssig mit technischen Entscheidungen in Kontakt sind.Der Kurs umfasst mit Computational Thinking die Denkschule um mit informationsverarbeitenden Maschine richtig einzusetzen, vermittelt praktische Programmierkenntnisse und technische Grundlagen mit Fokus auf Web-Technologie. Die praktischen Programmierbeispiele werden in der Entwicklungsumgebung Scratch durchgefhrt. der Theorieteil ist mit Praxis-Beispielen versehen und bei jedem der Module werden weiterfhrende Informationen mitgegeben, die eine Vertiefung erlauben."
Price: 94.99

"Getting Organized by Developing a Second (Digital) Brain"
"You will learn how, by developing a second (digital) brain to remember more, you can get in control of the avalanche of information hitting you every day. This will not only give you peace of mind, but will also help boost your creativity.By the end of the course you will start to apply visual tools to organize your thoughts. You will develop an efficient journaling routine that combines regular reflection with building a personal reference archive for everything in your life.To get the most value out of the course you will be required to install a commercially available application called TheBrain. An important disclaimer: I am in no way associated with TheBrain Technologies LP. I am just an enthusiastic user whos been using the application since 2002.Over the past couple of decades I have tried and tested uncountable number of approaches to getting organized and staying on top of the information tsunami I face each day. I want to share with you the distilled best practices that I have developed over the past years. I am committed to helping you learn and adapt to your own situation the daily workflow and practices that form the backbone of my personal information management.There are many courses about managing your time, your to-do lists, or even organizing your home and physical environment. While you may use some of the insights from this course for those purposes, this course is primarily not about those topics. In this course you will develop your own daily self improvement workflow and tools for organizing important thoughts, experiences, knowledge, and reference materials.The course includes:10 lectures organized into 4 sections5 assignments guiding you through the process of creating your own Getting Organized system6 mind maps 2 quizzes to validate your understanding of key concepts1 template for your new Digital BrainAbout TheBrainTheBrain is available on Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS. While there is an unlimited free license for TheBrain that will be sufficient for implementing most of what I'll be sharing with you, a paid license or service will be required to implement some of the approaches demonstrated. TheBrain offers  a 30 day pro trial. During this period you will be able to use all the application features and thus experiment with all the best practices thought in the course."
Price: 99.99

"Flutter para Iniciantes"
"Deseja aprender sobre o Flutter, mas no tem conhecimento suficiente? Esse curso foi pensado e modulado para voc! No necessrio nenhum conhecimento prvio sobre o assunto, basta ter interesse e vontade em aprender. Vem com a gente! Vem Fluterar! Quando somos iniciantes em algum assunto, temos certas dificuldades e medos para com o tema. Quanto a isso, no se preocupe, esse curso feito para voc, modulado para voc, pensado em voc meu amigo, minha amiga, iniciante em flutter. Ser um prazer ter voc como aluno."
Price: 54.99

"The Startup Course: How to start a business online in 2020"
"Are you looking to start your own business online or to go online with your existing business?Perhaps you've seen examples of people who work for themselves full time, or making additional or passive income through an online business and would like to try this for yourself?If so, this is the best start your own business online course for you right now in 2020!This course is not just about theory. You will learn, step-by-step, how to:Purchase your own domain name;Create your own professional looking website for free;You will build the same website I have running online now and can see how it's done;Put your website online in under 10 minutes to be seen by the world;Not only will you learn how to actually create a website, but also how to:Find customers through the many different online resources available for all business types;Search engine proof your website and be seen in the search engines such as Google;How to build a social audience through platforms such as Facebook and Instagram with some great real-life working examples which saw amazing results;What marketing and advertising online is and how you can make sure you maximise your campaigns;There are many people on the internet making 4, 5 or even 6+ figures per month through their website. Everything is possible but every dream starts with the first step.Don't wait - take your first step today!"
Price: 89.99

"10 Day Sales Transformation: How To Transform Your Sales"
"Learn the fundamentals you need to know before you even start selling. How to build belief in yourself.  How to overcome rejection.  How to build your reputation and authority in your name and brand.Learn the 3-part Sales Creation formula I have used to create a 6 figure income.Learn how to stand out from everyone else selling your product and service, so you can out value everyone in your market place.  If you're being shopped on price this is a must have course for you!Finally learn the proper way to follow up and build a pipeline for unlimited confidence and sales creation!"
Price: 49.99

"How to Discover & Unlock Your Spiritual Gifts"
"Imagine being able to leave the people-pleasing merry-go-round of overwhelm, burnout, toxic people and negative mindset. When I was a marketing manager traveling 80 nights a year, I knew deep within my core of my spirit there was more whispering to me about my purpose; much more than the lush paycheck, bonuses, and elegant wine and dine events. I was seeking spiritual one-ness, wholeness, and meaning behind my life. I started on my own spiritual awakening journey and many breakthroughs, some of which I teach in this course.Through this course, you will learn how to identify where youre stuck, heal past toxic memories and relationships, learn how to become spiritually aligned, unlock your true spiritual gifts and ignite your potential for massive breakthroughs and changes ahead."
Price: 29.99

"My Custody Coach - Win-Win Child Custody"
"This course is designed to help all divorcing parents get through the custody process .  More than 50% of marriages end in divorce.  And most involve children.  Getting through the process and doing what is best for you and your children without destroying your finances and keeping your sanity can be quite a challenge.  While most family lawyers are well versed in the legal aspects of divorce, they are usually ill equipped or not motivated to handle the emotional aspects of divorce.  Plus there is always the inherent conflict where they are trying to bill you as much as possible.  It is just not a process that works and many people and their families come out of divorce either emotionally or financially scarred for life.  I have been through two divorces and two custody battles.  At the conclusion of both I was awarded more time with my three boys.  Going through he first divorce I received a very expensive education.  By the second time I figured it out and realized that your lawyer needs to be managed.  It is my hope to give you to tools to get through the process without having to filing bankruptcy, gain more time with your children and not lose your sanity!  This course is designed to help you do exactly that!  Once you realize your marriage no longer works, you start to think about ending the relationship and the implications. Immediately all kinds of thoughts begin to run through your head. How will this impact my children, my life, and my finances? Where will we live? Will the children live with me or my ex? Will I lose my children? Will I have to go through a custody evaluation? Should I fight for custody or just settle for whatever offer is presented? How much will this cost? If we disagree, will I be able to get a fair custody agreement? How do I deal with my negative emotions? Where do I start? Quickly you become overwhelmed with the magnitude and consequences of the decision and the realization that it will impact virtually every area or your life.Divorce is right up there with death of loved one, job loss, moving and, of course, ending a relationship as one of lifes most stressful events. In fact, with divorce you get a bit of each all rolled up into one perfect storm of stress that can test even the most well-grounded people. While some people thrive on stress, most make less than perfect decisions under such demanding circumstances. During a divorce, you are experiencing many powerful emotions while attempting to comprehend the fallout of ending a relationship, the possible loss of your children and your home and the financial carnage that follows. This is a difficult state of mind for making well thought out decisions. Common sense becomes scarce. And it is magnified knowing that if thought out poorly, it may haunt you for the rest of your life. It has been said that there are as little as six days or events that define the course of our lives. Divorce is definitely one of them. I have gone through two divorces and subsequently two custody evaluations. I didnt request either but was awarded additional custodial time as a result of both. You may have noticed I did not use the word win. That is because no one really wins custody. But if you focus on what is important, which is your children, take the high road and you are successful, both parents will be given the opportunity to do what is best for your children. Hopefully you will rise to the occasion.I want to share the lessons that cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal bills and years to learn in an effort to not only reduce your legal bills but also preserve your childs mental health and help you retain your sanity. And you cannot put a price on that! Have you ever heard the saying, if you think education is expensive try ignorance or it is much easier to raise a child right than to try to fix a broken adult? In order to help you avoid these pitfalls, I will cover the key areas you will need to know if you want to have shared custody. Throughout the book I randomly alternate between child and children.I will guide you through the custody process and give you strategies for obtaining a fair, practical and well thought out custody agreement. I have also included a list of mistakes parents make during divorce and custody and how to avoid them. I will reveal in Chapter 4 one of the most important techniques to influence children to want to spend more time with you.Let me stress right up front that nothing is more important than your children. Your primary goal should be doing what is best for them. If you start with this premise and work backwards, things will fall into place. Do not focus on timeshares or support payments. Every decision you make should start with the premise of doing what is in the best interest of your children. Take the time to create a Custody Agreement that works for the children and both parents. The more you compromise and work together, then the better off you and your children will be. The more you fight and prolong the process, the more your children will suffer and the more expensive the process will become. So be smart and put your ego and emotions aside. Ask yourself if you would rather use your savings for your children or your attorneys children!"
Price: 99.99

"Life Coaching"
"The purpose of our lives is to be happy! ~ The Dalai LamaThis is Joe Pastore with Platinum Method Coaching. This course was designed to give you the tools to effect meaningful positive change in your life and Take it to the Next Level. That means with any part of your life which includes: career, relationships, general life coaching issues, health or any other area that is out of balance.Do you ever feel like no matter what you do, its not enough? Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night feeling unaccomplished and unworthy of the things you really want, like great health, relationships, career or finances? Have you been considering starting your own business? Do you find satisfaction in what you do? Do you make enough money? Do you find satisfaction in what you do? Have you been thinking about a career change? Do you make enough money? Do you feel like you are trapped in your current position with no future? Are you content with your life? At the end of the day, do you feel happy and fulfilled or do you come home from work stressed out and drained?There are many reasons you may not be satisfied with where you are in life. If any of this sounds familiar, coaching can help.Isnt it time you took control of your life?Have you ever noticed how some people seem to get everything they want with ease while others struggle to move forward? Do you want to know the secret? What is it you truly desire?Coaching dramatically changed my life for the better and it can do the same for you. If you want to improve your Health, Wealth or relationships, coaching can help. I am excited to share my journey with you and get you started on your own path of achievement, success and fulfillment."
Price: 49.99

"Career Balance & the Pursuit of Happiness"
"There are three kinds of people in the world, those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what happened. If you are not the first, isnt it time you took control of your life?Do you ever feel like no matter what you do, its not enough? Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night feeling unaccomplished? Unworthy of the things you really want, like great health, relationships, career or finances? Have you been considering starting your own business? Do you find satisfaction in what you do? Do you make enough money?Have you ever noticed how some people seem to get everything they want with ease while others struggle to move forward? Do you want to know the secret? What is it you truly desire? And what would it be worth to you to get it faster than you ever dreamed possible?My name is Joe Pastore and I am a Certified Life Coach with Platinum Method Coaching. I am excited to share some tool, stories and some of my experience to help you get you started on your own path of achievement, success and fulfillment.This course is designed to give you the tools to effect positive change in your life. That could mean with regard to your career, relationships, health or any other area of your life that is out of balance. There are many reasons you may not be satisfied with where you are in life. Whether you are going through a break up, youve lost your job or simply woke up this morning feeling a little insecure; sometimes we all need to bring balance back into our lives. Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.At Platinum Method Coaching, you will work toward finding meaning in your life by achieving the goals you set for yourself. It can be a fulfilling job, more satisfying relationships, a career change, having more money, better time management skills or just going home feeling like you accomplished something and made a difference. Success is being able to spend your life in your own way! If you dont like how things are, change them, you are not a tree! The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be captive of your situation. Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you respond to it. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didnt do than by the ones you did. ~ Mark Twain"
Price: 49.99

"Digital Marketing and Social Media 2020"
"What is Digital Marketing?Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and other websites to connect with current and prospective customers.Why digital marketing?While traditional marketing might exist in print ads, phone communication, or physical marketing, digital marketing can occur electronically and online. This means that there are a number of endless possibilities for brands including email, video, social media, or website-based marketing opportunities.Because digital marketing has so many options and strategies associated with it, you can get creative and experiment with a variety of marketing tactics on a budget. With digital marketing, you can also use tools like analytics dashboards to monitor the success and ROI of your campaigns more than you could with a traditional promotional content -- such as a billboard or print ad."
Price: 49.99

"Certification in the Foundations of Ayurveda - Level 1"
"Welcome to the Foundations of Ayurveda. This is a certified course, you will receive a certificate upon completion and this course qualifies for Continuing Education hours for Yoga Alliance teachers (3 hours YACEP). Accompanying the video lectures is a manual that you can use a reference and resource during the lectures, on your own time, and in the future.Subjects covered in this course:- The meaning and origins of Ayurveda- The Chakras and how they manifest in both the physical and astral bodies.- How we balance our mental and physical state through diet, herbs, breath, and meditation- Nature versus imbalance (Prakruti vs. Vikruti)- The 5 elements- The Doshas (individual constitution)- Determining your Dosha- The Dhatus (body tissues)- The Gunas (qualities/characteristics)- Pranayama (breathing exercises- Dinacharya (daily schedule for optimum health)- The Doshas throughout a lifetime and in the seasons- Like attracts like and how to balance with opposing energies- Agni (the digestive fire and why it is crucial to good health)- Ama (toxins and the importance of proper digestion)- Malas (the metabolic waste products)- Prana (universal energy), Tejas (metabolism), Ojas (the immune system)"
Price: 79.99

"Complete Steemit Blogging Course For Beginners In 2020"
"So, friends, many of us want to grow on steemit and earn rewards on our Posts but when we start posting here no one is actually paying attention to our work and that disappoints many of us because we just put more than 1-2 hours to write the post but no one upvotes our work.So friends if you are a new user and just arrived on steemit then you first need to understand this platform that how this platform is working and for that, I will share 4 Easy tips by following that you can get some exposure on steemit and that will help you to increase your reputation here."
Price: 24.99

"Managing your Energy"
"Your body has ten energy centers which influence all your thoughts and feelings. Balancing your energy is the key to a stable life and good health. In this course you will be introduced to the ten energies, as they are described in the ancient wisdom of the Kabbalah. You will learn their locations in the body and their effect on your inner life. By the end of the course you will be able to detect the influence of the energies in your day to day life and to learn how to balance them."
Price: 39.99

"Funeral Service National Board Exam Tutor"
"All studied courses in Mortuary school will be reviewedExamples include but are not limited to Embalming, Restorative Art, Chemistry, Pathology, Funeral Service Law, Microbiology, Etc. Mortuary National exams vary from state to state. Please notify me of which state you reside in. All courses will be reviewed with students to identify their areas of strengths and weaknesses. The Science portion of the National exam strongly focuses on the Embalming and the Arts sections focus will be Restorative Art."
Price: 44.99

"O Novo Mtodo de League of Legends"
"Voc quer sair de QUALQUER ELO e chegar ao DIAMANTE ou at um Elo maior?Existe uma grande diferena entre os Jogadores Pro e os Jogadores de Elos mais baixos...e a maior diferena entre eles NO  A MECNICA.A maior diferena entre eles que os Jogadores Pro entendem exatamente como o jogo funciona e sabem usar o jogo e os ""atalhos"" certos em cada partida, com cada personagem em cada lane.  por isso que eles parecem to melhores do que os jogadores comuns.E se voc aprender exatamente quais so esses ""atalhos"", inevitavelmente voc vai chegar no mesmo Elo dos Jogadores Pro.E isso tudo possvel sem milhares de horas de jogo.Ao longo das ltimas 3 temporadas eu analisei e joguei milhares de partidas para descobrir exatamente o que diferencia um jogador Pro de um jogador comum e descobri uma srie de coisas que eles fazem em comum. Eu juntei absolutamente tudo isso e usei em mim mesmo para sair do Ouro para o Diamante I em menos de 1 semana.Esse mesmo mtodo eu ensinei para 2 amigos que saram do Prata IV para o Diamante 3 em menos de 1 ms.E agora, voc tambm pode ter acesso a isso tudo.Voc tem apenas 2 opes: continuar vivendo o Elo que est, enfrentando troll atrs de troll, sendo afundado pelo seu time e no conseguindo crescer no seu Elo porque voc no consegue carregar os jogos...Ou entoAprender como jogar como um Pro para subir de Elo Subir, independente do seu nvel atual.Est tudo nesse curso. Inscreva-se agora e garanta a sua vaga"
Price: 294.99

"Schlank entsteht im Kopf - OHNE DIT erfolgreich abnehmen!"
"In diesem Programm SCHLANK ENTSTEHT IM KOPF kannst du endlich abnehmen ohne Dit.Bei den meisten Programmen wird immer wieder an Deinen starken Willen oder das Durchhaltevermgen appelliert, damit erfolgreiches Abnehmen gelingen kann. Aber es sagt Dir niemand, dass dies ein Irrtum ist. Denn es hat gar nichts mit Deinem Willen zu tun, ob Du es schaffst oder nicht. Wenn Du das Geheimnis der schlanken Menschen kennst, brauchst Du keinen Willen mehr. Du wirst die wahren Ursachen kennen und kannst mhelos Dein Wunschgewicht erreichen.Du hast bisher immer nur gehrt, dass bestimmte Lebensmittel verboten sind. Du sollst kalorienreduziert und mglichst fettarm essen und am besten auch ganz auf Fett verzichten.Solange Du diesen Ratschlgen folgst, kann erfolgreiches Abnehmen nicht gelingen.Jeder Mensch hat einen anderen Stoffwechsel und insbesondere der Darm spielt eine wichtige Rolle dabei, ob Menschen schlank sind bzw. werden knnen oder ob sie bergewichtig sind oder bleiben.Denn ohne das Wissen darber, wie Du einen funktionierenden Darm bekommst, wirst auch Du weiterhin Dein Gewichtsproblem nicht in den Griff bekommen.Da es zum Thema ""Abnehmen Ohne Dit"" bisher keine professionelle Anleitung in dieser Form gab und mich zahlreiche meiner Coaching-Kunden immer wieder nach weiterfhrenden Hilfestellungen fragten, habe ich mich dazu entschieden, mein Wissen in einer leicht verstndlichen Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitung weiterzugeben.Vernderung beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt! Wenn Du etwas anderes willst, als das was Du bisher hattest, musst Du auch etwas anderes TUN! Wenn Du alles so machst wie bisher, also Kalorien zhlen, weniger essen, Diten, sich Genuss verbieten, dann wirst Du fr den Rest Deines Lebens in der Jojo Spirale hngen bleiben und nie wirklich Dein Ziel erreichen! Du kannst jetzt abnehmen ohne Diten einhalten zu mssen!Das ndert Sich fr Dich in diesem Kurs:Du darfst endlich das essen, was Dir wirklich schmeckt und genieen ohne schlechtes Gewissen.Du wirst nur noch essen, wenn Du hungrig bist und aufhren, wenn Du satt bist, so wie es schlanke Menschen auch tun.Du wirst nicht mehr stndig nur noch an Essen denken, sondern hast wieder Zeit fr die wirklich wichtigen Dinge des Lebens.Deine Essgewohnheiten werden sich automatisch verndern.Du wirst Deine Leber entgiften und Deinen Sure-Basen-Haushalt ausgleichenDu kennst eine super bung gegen Heihungerattacken und GelsteDu wirst Dich selbst annehmen, Deinen Krper lieben und nicht lnger gegen Dein Gewicht und Dich selbst ankmpfen.Du weit, wie Du Dir selbst gute Gefhle verschaffst und wirst glcklicher und zufriedener sein.Du lernst mehr auf Deine wahren Bedrfnisse zu hren, Dich selbst wichtig zu nehmen, was wiederum Dein Selbstwertgefhl und Dein Selbstbewusstsein strkt.Du programmierst Dich mit Autosuggestion ganz einfach auf ""schlank"" und bleibst es auch.Mein groes Versprechen an Dich ist, wenn Du meine Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitung eins-zu-eins umsetzt, dann:- werden fr Dich Diten und Ditprodukte der Vergangenheit angehren- darfst, nein sollst Du alles essen, worauf Du Lust hast und solange, bis Du satt bist- wirst Du wieder Spa beim Essen haben und Genuss erleben- kannst Du mit schlechten Gefhlen umgehen, ohne essen zu mssen- fhlst Du Dich wieder wohl in Deinem Krper und behandelst ihn liebevoll- kannst Du das Thema abnehmen fr immer vergessen und wirst Dein Wunschgewicht endlich erreichen!Alle Autosuggestionsbungen stehen Dir als MP3-Dateien zum Download zur Verfgung, damit Du auch offline darauf zugreifen kannst.Alle Materialien dieses Kurses kannst du herunter laden. Dadurch kannst Du sie auch immer offline nutzen."
Price: 99.99

"How to start investing; A step by step guide."
"In this course you will learn the basics on how to find a platform to trade on. How to save money to get started investing in your future and how to pick stocks that you understand and can trade with confidence! By the time you have finished this course you should have been signed up for a platform, figured out how much of your income you're going to be using for investing. And have a list of companies that you're going to enjoy owning a part of and starting your investing journey!!!"
Price: 19.99