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"Short Course on Professional 3d Product Rendering"
"In this course, you will get to know the ultimate way to light and render your models from the basic shade to realistic renders in no time.I have created this short course to give you great technical skills in shortest time.You need to have 3dsmax and vray for this course!By the end of this course- You will be able to create realistic shade materials- You will be able to create photorealistic renders of your product models.- you will be able to create a studio lighting setup inside 3dsMax- You will be a pro at Studio Light RenderingSO what are you waiting for?Lets start the journey together :)See Ya!"
Price: 19.99

"What does an actuary actually do?"
"Whether you are an actuarial student, someone who works with actuaries, or just interested in what an actuary actually does, you may be surprised to hear that the every day work of an actuary may be quite different from what you've studied in your course notes or read online.We can all probably visualise what the work of a doctor, lawyer or teacher entails, but the actuarial profession remains shrouded in mystery.  Even for those who have completed an actuarial degree, there is often a huge gap between one's theoretical studies and the work one actually does in the corporate world.This course aims to bridge that gap, providing a practical, intuitive and conversational overview of the typical processes actuaries are involved in, current hot topics in the industry and challenges those in the profession face - all the things they don't teach you at university or in actuarial exams.For aspiring actuaries this course will provide a head-start going into an insurance-based job, allowing you to feel a lot more comfortable with real-life actuarial concepts and language, confident enough to join in conversations and  able to express questions you have with more clarity.  It will also help you answer questions like ""Is this really the kind of work I want to be doing?  Is the actuarial profession really for me?"""
Price: 54.99

"""Die Acht Brokate"" Einstieg in Shaolin Qi Gong (Teil 1)"
"Shaolin Qi Gong kann Stress reduzieren (wissenschaftlich erwiesen) und den Kopf frei machen. den Blutdruck senken und die Immunabwehr strken (wissenschaftlich erwiesen). dein Energielevel steigern, indem dein Qi in Fluss gebracht wird. den Regenerationsprozess frdern und Alterserscheinungen hinauszgern.In diesem Kurs lernst du die ersten drei Bewegungen der beliebten Qi Gong Form Ba Duan Jin, Die Acht Brokate.Der Kurs richtet sich an Anfnger, setzt allerdings eine gewisse Grundfitness voraus. Menschen mit krperlichen Einschrnkungen knnen die Bewegungen vereinfachen und ich zeige auch Alternativen. Dennoch sei gesagt, dass dieser Kurs eher sportliches Qi Gong beinhaltet und auch einen Fitnessteil hat."
Price: 24.99

"""Die Acht Brokate"" Einstieg in Shaolin Qi Gong (Teil 2)"
"Shaolin Qi Gong kann Stress reduzieren (wissenschaftlich erwiesen) und den Kopf frei machen. den Blutdruck senken und die Immunabwehr strken (wissenschaftlich erwiesen). dein Energielevel steigern, indem dein Qi in Fluss gebracht wird. den Regenerationsprozess frdern und Alterserscheinungen hinauszgern.In diesem Kurs lernst du die ersten drei Bewegungen der beliebten Qi Gong Form Ba Duan Jin, Die Acht Brokate.Der Kurs richtet sich an Anfnger, setzt allerdings eine gewisse Grundfitness voraus. Menschen mit krperlichen Einschrnkungen knnen die Bewegungen vereinfachen und ich zeige auch Alternativen. Dennoch sei gesagt, dass dieser Kurs eher sportliches Qi Gong beinhaltet und auch einen Fitnessteil hat."
Price: 24.99

"""Die Acht Brokate"" Einstieg in Shaolin Qi Gong (Teil 3)"
"Shaolin Qi Gong kann Stress reduzieren (wissenschaftlich erwiesen) und den Kopf frei machen. den Blutdruck senken und die Immunabwehr strken (wissenschaftlich erwiesen). dein Energielevel steigern, indem dein Qi in Fluss gebracht wird. den Regenerationsprozess frdern und Alterserscheinungen hinauszgern.In diesem Kurs lernst du die ersten drei Bewegungen der beliebten Qi Gong Form Ba Duan Jin, Die Acht Brokate.Der Kurs richtet sich an Anfnger, setzt allerdings eine gewisse Grundfitness voraus. Menschen mit krperlichen Einschrnkungen knnen die Bewegungen vereinfachen und ich zeige auch Alternativen. Dennoch sei gesagt, dass dieser Kurs eher sportliches Qi Gong beinhaltet und auch einen Fitnessteil hat."
Price: 24.99

"El juego para dejar el paal es un juego divertido para poder ensear a nios y nias a dejar el paal, sin que los nios se frustren y sin que los adultos pierdan la paciencia. En tan  solo cuatro semanas los nios y nias controlan sus esfnteres jugando y divirtindose."
Price: 19.99

"Emerging Technologies 2020"
"A synopsis and an extensive look at the 8 emerging technologies that are reshaping our future. They are :1) AI (Artificial Intelligence)2) BigData3) IoT (Internet of Things)   4) RPA (Robotic Process Automation)5) Cloud Computing6) AR/VR/MR (Augmented / Virtual / Mixed Reality)7) BlockChain8) CyberSecurityThe course is made up of 40 lectures (5 lectures for each technology) and you will also get 40 resources to strengthen your understanding of the course.All 8 sections begin with Definition, History and Use Cases. Trends are discussed at the end of these sections.You will not only learn about these hot technologies but also its applications.and the players of the industry.Just to give you some examples: You will be able to understand the difference between AI/ML/DL/Data Science (this is covered in the AI section). You will learn about the difference between Big Data and IoT (In the IoT Section). You will learn a lot about AWS (In the section of Cloud Computing) This course is apt for all who are aspiring to understand the impact and future of cutting edge technologies of the new decade."
Price: 74.99

"Ladezeit Extrem! - Page Speed Optimierung fr WordPress"
"Du lernst alles rund um das Thema Ladezeit-Optimierung fr WordPress. Dadurch wirst du bessere Rankings in Suchmaschinen (SEO) erzielen und mehr Besucher auf deine Webseite anziehen.Laut Studien kostet jede Sekunde verlorene Ladezeit ca. 7% Conversion (!)Deswegen solltest du keine weitere Online-Marketing Aktionen mit deiner Webseite machen, bevor du nicht die Ladezeit deiner Webseite massiv verbessert hast.Dieser Kurs wird dich dabei untersttzen Schritt fr Schritt alle wichtigen Stellschrauben zu optimieren."
Price: 89.99

"Pass the Certified Associate in Project Management Exam"
"This exam is valid for CAPM : Certified Associate in Project Management Exam Certification.Welcome to the course CAPM : Certified Associate in Project Management ExamThe course contains 2 practice tests, with 500 questions in total, timed to 150 minutes and passing score adjusted at 90% Questions are very similar to the real exam.You  have the chance to mark questions for review, saved and skip questions"
Price: 19.99

"RStudio For Beginner Data Scientists"
"This course aims to cover the fundamental aspects of RStudio, whilst also providing some practical examples of how to use RStudio in a data science use case. This course provides varied difficulty of material to test whether the concepts covered in the lectures have been understood and can be applied."
Price: 49.99

"Techniques de mmorisation"
"Ce premier module vous permettra de dcouvrir des techniques de mmorisation utilises par les champions du monde de la mmoire. Adaptes l'usage scolaire, elles vous permettront de mmoriser de manire efficace tout en vous amusant. Alors avec de l'entranement vous allez certainement devenir un futur gnie de la mmoire."
Price: 19.99

"Life Leadership - kreiere dein Leben"
"Du entscheidest dich dafr, der Leader deines Lebens zu sein.Du whlst dein Leben zu kreieren.Das ist ein Kurs fr deine Persnlichkeitsentwicklung.""KEIN EREIGNIS HAT IRGENDEINE MACHT BER MICH,AUSSER DER, DIE ICH IHM IN MEINEN GEDANKEN GEBE.""""DAS HRTESTE BEI DER VERNDERUNG IST ES,DIE NEUE WAHL ZU TREFFEN, DIE WAHL,NICHT MEHR SO WEITER ZU MACHEN WIE BISHER.""Anthony Robbins"
Price: 144.99

"Lecciones Aprendidas para disear la WBS de tu Proyecto"
"En este curso te comparto mi experiencias y anlisis sobre algunas tcnicas que puedes poner en prctica para el diseo e implementacin de una WBS que realmente aporte valor a la gestin de tus proyectos.Este curso aborda un completo anlisis de factores de xito y tcnicas de itnegracin de la WBS con diferentes procesos y herramientas de la gestin de proyectos."
Price: 34.99

"Como dar una clase de baile y montar coreografias creativas"
"Te enseare los tips mas importantes para que tu clase de baile sea un xito! Aprenders a estructurarla para lograr los objetivos de todos tus alumnos y te conviertas un profesor de baile buscado.Tambien te dare las herramientas para montar una coreografia creativa, te enseare creer en tus ideas y a plasmarlas en tu montaje."
Price: 19.99

"Arduino ESP8266 : Robotik Kodlama Eitimi 2020+"
"ncelikle unu belirtmek isterim Visual Studio Code nimetlerinden faydalanan ilk Robotik Kodlama Eitimi.Bu Eitimde Robotik Kodlama Eitimine Farkl bir Bak as getireceiz. Visual Studio Code ile Platform Bamsz projeler gelitireceiz. Arduino,ESP8266 ,Raspberry pi, Orange pi artk hepsini tek bir platform ile programlayabileceiz. Robotik kodlamaya sfrdan ve derinlemesine bir giri yapacaz.Artk Eitim amal projelerden kurtulup gnlk yaamamzda sklkla kullanacamz gelimi projeler gelitireceiz."
Price: 19.99

"Whiteboard Coding/Programming Interview Secrets"
"For beginner to advanced programmers: A complete course from a Sr. Software Engineering Manager (hiring manager) at a major tech company in Washington. Learn the secrets to whiteboarding software engineering interviews & cracking a higher offer in your programming interview. Whiteboarding is the most stressful & pivotal part of your onsite interview. Learn what managers want to see on an interview, along with video walkthroughs covering the most common questions."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Excel VBA for the Real World"
"By taking this course you will get the following benefits:1. Learn to create dynamic codes in your automation. 2. Get more time to focus on other assignments as you will be able to execute complex tasks in a single click. This will help you become more efficient.3. Get the right information to automate reports for Data Analysis. You will learn to automate the creation of pivot tables and  pivot charts in Excel VBA and useful methods such as:A. Replace.B. Sort.C. Remove Duplicates.D. AutoFilter.E. Find. To dynamically find columns names, rather than fixed column positions in a data set.4.  Start learning to automate Microsoft Word from Excel. 5.  Learn about Excel VBA Dictionaries and ArrayLists to improve the efficiency of your codes.6.  Learn advance decision making logics along with Excel VBA Loops to create advanced and flexible codes in Excel VBA.The List above contains just some of the many benefits and advantages that Excel VBA brings to the table."
Price: 159.99

"Curso de Excel 2013"
"Voc sabia que o Excel um dos softwares mais utilizados nas empresas? Venha aprender Excel e esteja preparado para: entrevistas de emprego, um cargo novo ou at mesmo a sua organizao financeira pessoa. No nosso curso vamos aprender:*Criar planilhas*Criar tabelas*Trabalhar com impresso*Criar grficos* Conhecer funes* Colocar senha nas nossas planilhas* E muito mais......"
Price: 39.99

"Sanando Mi Nio Interno"
"Hola, mi nombre es Karlin RomeroSoy Especialista en:Medicina Tradicional ChinaMaestra ReikiMagnetoterapeutaMasoterapeuta Nuestro nio interno, nos ayudara a recrear vivencias, situaciones que han marcado nuestra vida y que deseamos sanar, nos ayudara a olvidarnos del rencor, de los abusos, los maltratos, de todo aquello que nos doli y que de cierto modo nos duele y no nos deja continuar. Esta dedicado a todas aquellas personas que incluso no se quieren a si mismas y que requieren hacerlo para poder dar cario a quienes le rodean, seres que viven en la amargura, en el odio y el resentimiento.Es imprescindible mutar toda esa energa negativa por una armoniosa, que te permita sentirte feliz, tranquilo y de esta manera desenvolverte  mejor en tus actividades.No olvidemos que llegamos a este plano terrestre para cumplir una misin que les haga sentirse plenos."
Price: 19.99

"Drums and Business by Edu"
"Um curso pra voc que gosta de msica e quer estar por dentro da carreira internacional! Um curso (guia) prtico e objetivo para solucionar a maioria das suas duvidas em relao ao mercado internacional, o foco para voc baterista, mas qualquer instrumentista bem vindo.*Estar preparado para os desafios da carreira;*Primeiros passos para o processo do intercambio musical;*Tticas de marketing e desenvolvimento local;*Audies;*Exerccios de bateria voltado ao mercado internacional;*Saber se posicionar no mercado atual;E muito mais..."
Price: 19.99

"PMP exam Preparation 35 PDUs PMBOK6 Arabic"
"13 150 10 ( 100 )50 35"
Price: 99.99

"Apprendre la photo avec son Smartphone"
"Objectif du cours :  obtenir l'oeil du photographe. Outil ncessaire : ce cours de photographie est accessible avec un simple smartphone. Programme : ce cours est divis en 2 sections : 1re section : vous apprendrez maitriser l'ingrdient le plus important d'une photo : la lumire 2me section : vous comprendrez comment mieux percevoir votre environnement afin de construire vos photosContenu : toutes les vidos de formations contiennent des explications thoriques et des exemples pratiques avec les photos du formateur et des photos de d'autres photographes."
Price: 29.99

"Find the Salsa Rhythm in Less Than 1 Hour"
"This course was designed by a salsa dancer for salsa dancers so you know that I have experienced every struggle you are having right now, from understanding the music, making the difference between instruments and of course the big one for all beginners: when is count 1 starting. Even if you dance Salsa on2 this course will still be helpful because the instruments are the same and who knows count 1 it's very easy to use count 2 as well.Here you will find the following sections and lectures:Section 1: Why am I qualified to teach this course? What is Salsa Music?Section 2: Learn about instruments used in Salsa music. Clave. Cowbell. Congas. Piano. Bass. Timbales. Guiro. Bongos. Maracas.Section 3: Structure of a Salsa Song. How is the song created. When are new instruments introduced. When is count 1 starting and the difference between count 1 and the other counts.Section 4: Analyse popular salsa songs.Section 5: Best advise I ever got.I am confident that all these lectures will help you understand Salsa music more than you do right now, please feel free to ask me any questions, as we are all different people maybe you will have a new issue that I haven't discussed here.Viva la Salsa!"
Price: 19.99

"Gymbo Knows Fitness & Health: Quick Tips for Max Results"
"Gymbo Knows!Lose weight, gain muscle, get lean, increase vitality and better your health. No matter what your goals maybe- this training is a great supplement to your routine. This course is designed for men and women that seek to make impactful, noticeable and achievable health and wellness lifestyle changes TODAY.  After training 1,000s of professional athletes, collegiate standouts, body builders, and regular everyday people seeking to make a positive impact in their life, Jim ""Gymbo"" Collins has created this online training program that will fit perfectly into your schedule.  The course is customized specifically for beginners with expert advice and tips for intermediate and expert users.   Learn exercise routines, tactics and other quick tips that transform the ordinary into extraordinary, quickly and consistently.  After taking this course, students will be able to maximize their personal gains at the gym and/or while working out.  The course covers full body exercises and assumes the students have little to no experience with exercise equipment and fitness routines.  Learn from the best, train with Gymbo! "
Price: 34.99

"Aprs mon voyage vlo de 9 mois entre Paris et Thran j'ai appris normment sur le cyclotourisme.Je souhaite partager toutes les connaissances sur le voyage vlo pour permettent aux personnes de partir en voyage dans les meilleurs conditions possibles.Plus de 30 vidos tales dans 5 heures 6 modules qui abordent tous les aspects du voyage vlo3 Listes de Matriel compltes pour 3 faons diffrentes de voyager (Performance, Economique, minimalisme)Je partage avec toi, toutes mes connaissances sur le sujetDes astuces pour voyager moins cher !MODULE 1 / PRPARATION DUN VOYAGE A VLO (1h25)1- Prparation Mentale et Physique (8min05) Les 3 barrires mentales Mes conseils pour partir dans de bonnes conditions physiques2- Prparation Administrative (22min24) Les 9 dmarches engager avant de partir Les 8 documents emporter avec soi Comment faire une sauvegarde de ses documents importants3- Visa et autorisations dentre dans le territoire (14min29) Les diffrents types dentre Quest-ce quun visa ? Trois moyens dobtenir un visa Faire un visa la frontire Voyager avec seulement sa carte didentit 2 exemples de Visa Exemples de passages aux frontires4- Prparation du matriel (33min40) 3 listes compltes de matriel en fonction de vos ressources et envies Limportance du minimaliste en voyage Comment devenir minimaliste ? Les diffrents choix en matriel de bivouac Aspects techniques sur le matriel de bivouac Filmer son voyage Lobjet quil ne faut surtout pas oublier (50% des voyageurs loublient)5- Le Budget (6min34) Analyse complte de mon budget en voyage vloBudget du matriel et de la prparationBudget Nourriture / Hbergement / Autre--------------------------------------MODULE 2 / LE VELO (1h01)1- Les Critres dun bon vlo de voyage (7min58) Les Trois critres Les 6 diffrents types de vlo Le choix du type de cadre Le choix des dimensions de roues2- Transformer un VTT en vlo de voyage (14min33) Les 4 lments de base dun cadre de vlo de voyage Les 4 grandes modifications apporter un vlo pour le transformer en vlo de voyage Quelques petites astuces techniques3- Les 6 diffrents types de vlo de voyage (12min49) Trouver le vlo le plus adapt son physique / son envie / son projet Comment trouver un vlo un prix abordable Quelle solution vlo pour les enfants ( tout ge)4- Le Transport du matriel (7min30) Les 3 critres dun contenant qualitatif Les 2 types de sacoches Organiser ses sacoches La remorque pour vlo5- Entretien et rparation (14min56) Les 8 lments dentretien du vlo Les 6 types de rparation du vlo6- Outils et pices de rechanges (4min07) Tous les outils et pices emporter Tous les outils et pices NE PAS emporter--------------------------------------MODULE 3 / ITINRAIRE (30 min)1- Comment planifier son itinraire (14min32) Les 6 lments ABSOLUMENT prendre en compte pour crer son itinraire Les 5 lments qui favorisent la cration de litinraire2- Comment a t planifi litinraire Cyclonomade entre Paris et Thran (11min13) Toutes les tapes qui ont mens la formation de litinraire3- Comment sorienter (4min14) 4 faons de sorienter Quelles applications GPS pour vlo--------------------------------------MODULE 4 / ORGANISATION DUN VOYAGE A VELO (1h04)1- Organisation gnrale (7min44) Voyager plusieurs Quel est le rythme dun voyage vlo Les diffrents modes de voyage dans un mme voyage2- Organisation dune journe vlo (11min30) Comment sorganiser deux Savoir utiliser les coordonns GPS Trois stratgies de journe type vlo3- Le bivouac / camping sauvage (25min16) La rglementation du Bivouac Apprendre reprer un lieu de bivouac dun coup dil Les 5 types dendroit viter Les 8 types dendroits privilgier 6 conseils supplmentaires 12 exemples photo de lieu pour bivouaquer4- Bien organiser ses journes de repos (3min32) 4 choses essentielles faire 9 Exemples de distractions productives 3 Exemples de distractions non productives 4 Exemples de grandes expriences de vie5- Prendre lavion avec son vlo (10min30) Les 4 grandes tapes, deux mthodes possibles La politique des compagnies ariennes Comment prparer son vlo Organiser ses bagages6- Ou shberger (Quand on ne bivouac pas) (5min17) 2 Solutions Payantes 5 Solutions Gratuites 3 Solutions sans internet--------------------------------------MODULE 5 / GESTION DES RESSOURCES (40min)1- Leau (5min24) Toutes les solutions pour trouver de leau Comment purifier son eau2- La Nourriture (2min27) Quoi ? Comment ? et o manger ? Quoi emporter pour prparer manger ?3- Llectricit (5min01) Les 3 sources dnergies nomades, laquelle choisir ? 9 endroits o vous trouver de llectricit4- Internet (3min15) 4 moyens faciles davoir internet en voyage5- Largent (9min55) 3 rgles de bases pour bien grer sa CB et sa banque 7 Conseils pour viter les gros problmes Que faire en cas de perte de CB ?6- Hygine (7min41) Comprendre limportance de leau et lutiliser intelligemment Prendre sa douche dans la nature (3 solutions) Prendre sa doucher sans polluer7- Sant (5min54) Conseils de prvention Quoi emporter comme mdicaments ? Quoi mettre dans sa trousse de secours ?--------------------------------------MODULE 6 / GESTION DES DANGERS (41min)1- La route (4min30) Prendre consciences des diffrents dangers de la route2- Les intempries (16min07) La technique ultime contre le froid Les vtements contre le froid Quelques conseils pour lutter contre le froid intelligemment Comment grer la pluie et lhumidit ? Quels vtements contre la pluie ? La foudre, comment faire face ce danger mortel Le soleil, la chaleur, mes petits conseils3- Le vol (6min08) Au moment des courses La nuit pendant le bivouac A lhtel ou lauberge4- Les accidents (3min09) Quel comportement adopter face un accident5- Les animaux (10min57) Les chiens (3 stratgies pour ne pas tre embt vlo) Les moustiques, quelles solutions ? Les tiques, danger et solution Insectes, que faire en cas de piqure ? Les ours, comment grer ce danger Les serpents, comment grer ce danger"
Price: 79.99

"GST/HST for Canadian Small Businesses"
"The last thing a small business owner needs is more things to worry about; we cross the GST/HST off your list. This is the comprehensive easy-to-understand guide to the GST/HST in Canada, taught by former CRA experts. This course covers when you need to get registered, walkthroughs on how to fulfill your obligations, and claiming credits.  You won't need to spend time on the phone with the CRA, because you'll already know everything you need."
Price: 119.99

"Learn the Bel Canto Singing Technique"
"The Bel Canto singing technique is simply designed to teach you how to use your voice healthily and effortlessly for singing.  Bel Canto is an Italian term that translates to beautiful singing . It is a common misconception that Bel Canto can only be used to sing Classical, Opera. Although Bel Canto is used popularly in Opera, it can be used to sing in any genre or style of music including pop, rock, country, r&b, jazz and musical theater.The Bel Canto Singing Technique will help you:1. Manage your breath efficiently2. Sing healthily and effortlessly3. Sing high and low notes with ease4. Connect or bridge the registers of your voice5. Sing with an even and balanced tone throughout your vocal range6. Sustain or hold notes for a long duration7. Sing with power and resonance8. Have control over the volume of your voice9. Sing for a longer duration without tiring your voice10. Sing in any style11. Resolve any vocal issuesThis technique teaches you how to use your voice to the best of its ability and reach your full potential as a singer without straining or hurting your throat in any way.The Bel Canto Singing Technique will help you practice and perform without experiencing any vocal fatigue. It doesnt matter whether youre an amateur or professional singer because the Bel Canto Technique can be used by anyone who wants to sing well. In those lessons you will learn how your body works, how the sound is produced and how you can sing!If you understand how your body works then the singing technique is only 1! Because there is only one way our body works.My singing lessons are a great way to improve your voice. Voice lessons will help you learn to use your breath properly, support your singing properly in such a way that your voice will have plenty of power on its own without the use of mikes, focus the sound so that it projects well, increase your range (high and low), and generally increase your voice's versatility. You will learn how to use your voice properly so that it can do all that you ask of it and stay healthy.In the end of this course you will receive a Certificate of Attendance.**(Sound in the Video: Bensound)"
Price: 99.99

"Curso instagram 2020: todo sobre instagram MARKETING"
"En este curso aprenderas a:- Crear comunidades para cuentas de IG- Administrar cuentas de IG- Optimizar perfiles  INDESTRUCTIBLES de Instagram- Pautar anuncios de IG como un profesional- Crear contenido viral- Crear contenido de valor- Crear historias que vendan- Hablar con influencers de IG- Vender con IG- Usar 18 herramientas para tener xito en IG- Hacer shoutouts con influencers- Usar HASHTAGS para tu xito- Hacer anlisis de mercado de tu nicho- Crear buyer persona- Aprender a curar posts exitosos- muchas cosas ms que aprenders durante el curso"
Price: 149.99

"Microsoft Azure AZ-301 Practice Test"
"Microsoft's new AZ-301 Azure Architect Design exam is one of the most popular options for designing Azure solutions. This practice test course contains five complete practice tests with explanations and references so that you can prove your skills in Azure Architecture.This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: deploy and configure infrastructure; implement workloads and security; create and deploy apps; implement authentication and secure data; and develop for the cloud and Azure storage.* Determine workload requirements (10-15%)* Design for identity and security (20-25%)* Design a data platform solution (15-20%)* Design a business continuity strategy (15-20%)* Design for deployment, migration and integration (10-15%)* Design an infrastructure strategy (15-20%)"
Price: 34.99

"Learn CSS Grid by building a Pokmon card!"
"In this course I will be teaching you how to use CSS Grid to build a Pokmon card from scratch. I believe that building something fun is the fastest way to learn anything new, so why not a Pokmon card? Prior knowledge of CSS is not required. In fact, CSS Grid is so awesome it should be one of the first things you learn!"
Price: 19.99