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"Edio de vdeos de forma rpida e fcil com Camtasia"
"O Curso de edio de vdeos com o Camtasia, tem como objetivo lhe proporcionar aptido para organizar seus vdeos ps gravados, no intuito de edies gerais como: Corte, juno de udios, imagens, locuo, efeitos de transio entre os vdeos, efeitos de foco em imagens, etc. Separado em vrios tpicos, vamos iniciar do mais bsico, realizando a importao das mdias, at o processamento final do arquivo. Assim estar apto a editar seus vdeos e disponibilizar em Youtube, facebook, instagram e at mesmo em ferramentas de ensino EAD."
Price: 39.99

"70-410 MCSA Windows Server 2012 Certification :Practice Exam"
"70-410 MCSA Windows Server 2012 Certification :Practice ExamWindows Server Certifications (MCSA) are quite important for the growth of IT companies. Once you have achieved the certification, the doors to numerous job profiles such as computer systems administrator or a computer network specialist will be open for you .MCSA Windows Server 2012 certification is mainly targeted to those students who want to build their career in Windows Server domain.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning  of taking 70-410 exam in near future."" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.""Exam Topics covered as per syllabus 70-410 exam Certification skill questions :Install and configure servers Configure server roles and features Configure Hyper-V Deploy and configure core network servicesInstall and administer Active DirectoryCreate and manage Group Policy Wish you all the best !!"
Price: 24.99

"310-110 Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer Exam"
"218 UNIQUE practice questions for 310-110 Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 310-110 Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer ExamTotal Questions : 218Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :140 minsPassing Score : 75 (163 of 218)"
Price: 169.99

"CompTIA MB0-001 Mobility + Certification Practice Exam"
"283 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA MB0-001 Mobility + Certification Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA MB0-001 Mobility + Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 283Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :180 minsPassing Score : 75 (212 of 283)"
Price: 179.99

"TB0-116 TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Practice Exam"
"129 UNIQUE practice questions for TB0-116 TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : TB0-116 TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Practice ExamTotal Questions : 129Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :75 minsPassing Score : 75 (96 of 129)"
Price: 144.99

"C_HANAIMP_1 Certify Application Associate SAP HANA 1.0 Exam"
"157 UNIQUE practice questions for C_HANAIMP_1 Certify Application Associate SAP HANA 1.0 ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C_HANAIMP_1 Certify Application Associate SAP HANA 1.0 ExamTotal Questions : 157Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (117 of 157)"
Price: 159.99

"Creating 3D Monster Tentacles in Maya 2018"
"EVERYBODY wants to create monsters and creatures and horror characters for movies and games!Monsters are cool. Monsters allow you to use your imagination and push your 3D talents to the max.One of the most common parts of monsters you will see in movies and games are TENTACLES.Artists like creating tentacles because they look slimy and creepy and disgusting and terrifying, but also look cool.This course shows you the many different ways to create MONSTER TENTACLES in Maya.I will take you on a step-by-step guide in creating tentacles using different methods.Each method gives the same result - a cool looking tentacle.But Maya is so flexible and has so many tools that there are many different methods you can use to create tentacles.And that's what makes Maya so great!So strap in tight and get your horror vibe on as I take you through the journey of creating...MONSTER TENTACLES!"
Price: 19.99

"Make a Website without Coding - No HTML, CSS, Wordpress..."
"No Code Website Course!Have you ever wanted to develop a website, but just haven't had the time to learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript? Are you a web designer who needs to quickly build prototypes to share with clients and colleagues? Or are you just wanting to learn something really cool to share with your friends?There are many tools out there that allow you to do this, like Macaw, Adobe Edge Reflow and Webflow. However, only one provides you a way to do this without downloading software.In this course, I will take you through how to use Webflow to build a simple prototype website in this case, a Company Portfolio. You'll build this site throughout the course, but you'll be learning how to use Webflow for future projects to help you succeed in your web design and development career!Things you'll need to remember and do in this course:Forget HTML and CSSNo need to understand JavascriptPhotoshop? Nah.Webflow and Figma? Hell Yeah!!Responsive design is easier than you think.Publish and deploy with the click of a buttonPrototyping doesn't require tons of time and heartacheBuild a website from scratch without codeWho this course is for:Beginners who don't know codeDesigners who want to quickly prototype websitesDevelopers who want to design awesome websitesAnyone willing to learn"
Price: 89.99

"Microsoft Windows 10"
"ObjetivoPossibilitar que o aluno utilize plenamente o sistema operacional Windows 10, sabendo personaliz-lo e configur-lo; que trabalhe com diversos aplicativos nativos do sistema; que acesse a internet para navegar, enviar e receber e-mails e realizar pesquisas com sucesso.Aplicao/rea de atuaoAplicado na rea pessoal e profissional para usurio de computadores e de dispositivos mveis com o sistema operacional Windows"
Price: 39.99

"Build a Social Network in 20 Days from Scratch:PHP+MYSQL, Js"
"Do you want to be pro web developer or want to create social network engine? Do you want level up your coding skill in php, mysql and javascript? If so, you are in right place. $1000+ valued course will provide you almost all necessary web coding technology top of php, mysql and javascript that will make you a pro full stack web developer and in step by step guide this course will introduce you to the almost all important feature of a social website engine like facebook. This course pack with more than 35+ hours of content with source code. In details writing with explanation from scratch creating such website will give you a class of confident that will make you able to create almost all types of website. A premium class course that absolute worth  of more than then its price tag that nothing to compare with the course content in whole internet. Some of the feature like advance react system, reply system is so much distinctly unique that is hard to find in any course in the world. So why are you waiting for. Enroll lets move in our first day class."
Price: 119.99

"Dropshipping sur Cdiscount : Mode d'emploi en 30 minutes"
"Dcouvres le Dropshipping sur Cdiscount et commence vendre sans stocke et sans aucun budget publicitaire.Dropshipping sans Facebook Ads et sans Instagram. Uniquement avec le trafic gratuit de Cdiscount.Dcuple ton chiffre d'affaires ds maintenant dans cette mini formation o je vais te montrer en 30 minutes chrono comment faire des ventes sur cdiscount sans stock"
Price: 19.99

"Certified Software Test Engineer"
"To qualify for candidacy, each applicant must meet ONE of four prerequisites listed below:A 4-year degree from accredited college-level institution & 2 years experience in the information services fieldA 3-year degree from accredited college-level institution & 3 years experience in the information services fieldA 2-year degree from accredited college-level institution & 4 years experience in the information services fieldSix years experience in the information services fieldANDAre working, or have worked at any time within the prior 18 months, in the field within covered by the certification designation.An applicant for certification must adhere to the Code of Ethics that outlines the ethical behaviours expected of all certified professionals by the ISCB.Depending upon a compliance sample selected according to program criteria, the applicant may be required to provide upon request detailed education, employment, and reference documentation supporting the information entered in the Customer Portal during the application process. If selected the applicant must supply the required documentation and those who fail to provide the requested documentation may be subject to desertification."
Price: 199.99

"Tratamento de feridas"
"O cuidado com as leses de pele necessita de ateno especial por parte dos profissionais de sade, destacando-se o papel do enfermeiro, que deve buscar novos conhecimentos para fundamentar sua atuao e cuidado. Atualmente com o avano tecnolgico os produtos e mtodos utilizados na rea do tratamento de feridas esto cada vez melhores, e hoje em dia tratar uma leso no apenas fazer com que ela cicatrize, preciso saber a causa, e tratar as comorbidades presentes que contribuem para a piora ou para o surgimento de novas leses.Com o objetivo de dar subsdio aos profissionais de sade que buscam atualizar seus conhecimentos tcnicos cientficos, para melhorar sua prtica clnica no cuidado de feridas o Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa Leforte desenvolveu uma serie com trs (3) cursos sobre a Avaliao e Tratamento de Feridas , divididos em curso : Bsico, Intermedirio e Avanado.Confira abaixo o contedo abordado neste primeiro curso Bsico.Contedo:O mdulo bsico de avaliao e tratamento de feridas sero abordados:Anatomia da PeleFisiologia do processo cicatricialFatores sistmicos e locais que retardam o processo de cicatrizaoTcnicas e solues para limpeza do leito da feridaAspectos gerais na avaliao de feridas complexasAspectos gerais no tratamento de feridas complexasIndicao de coberturasRegistro da ferida"
Price: 149.99

"Hablemos A2. Espanhol para brasileiros"
"Ao igual do curso do nvel A1, este curso voltado especialmente para brasileiros ou falantes de portugus, interessados em se comunicar em espanhol em situaes bsicas e cotidianas. Neste nvel voc aprender a: expressar cortesia, descrever pessoas fsica e emocionalmente, falar sobre a famlia, expressar gostos e preferncias sobre comidas, descrever rotinas dirias e falar sobre meios de transportes. Enfim, a caminhada pelo seu mundo mais cotidiano.Esse tambm um curso de imerso, ministrado inteiramente em espanhol, para se familiarizar com o idioma desde o incio.Bem vindo ao mundo do espanhol!"
Price: 54.99

"Afastamentos do Trabalho e Benefcios Previdencirios"
"Voc est procurando um curso objetivo e descomplicado para entender sobre os AFASTAMENTOS DO TRABALHO E SEUS RESPECTIVOS BENEFCIOS PREVIDENCIRIOS?  Voc encontrou o curso certo sobre este assunto! o/Com as habilidades que vai aprender aqui no curso, voc pode:INSTRUIR os colaboradores da empresa que trabalha ou seus parentes e amigos, em caso de um afastamento do trabalho por motivo de doena, doena profissional ou ocupacional, acidente ""comum"", acidente do trabalho, gravidez e recolhimento a priso.ENTENDER a legislao previdenciria no que tange aos benefcios previdencirios estudados.FAZER o clculo dos benefcios previdencirios abordados no curso.AGENDAR percia mdica, solicitar auxlio-maternidade, seguro-desemprego tudo pela internet.O que voc recebe ao se inscrever no curso AFASTAMENTOS DO TRABALHO E BENEFCIOS PREVIDENCIRIOS?Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as atualizaes.Suporte personalizado e respostas s suas perguntas.Certificado de concluso Udemy (voc poder incluir no seu currculo).Garantia de devoluo do dinheiro de 30 dias caso o curso no seja o que voc espera, assim voc poder pedir o reembolso de 100%. Mas vou te falar um coisa, tenho certeza que vai amar este curso =)O DIFERENCIAL DO CURSO AFASTAMENTOS DO TRABALHO E BENEFCIOS PREVIDENCIRIOS .Download de todos os materiais utilizados no decorrer das aulas, contendo mais de 19 recursos para download.Boletim informativo quando h alguma novidade na legislao previdenciria que tenha relao ao abordado no curso. Observao: Material disponvel para download na aula que houver a atualizao.Sobre a Instrutora.Depois de anos trabalhando com o Departamento Pessoal e Recursos Humanos passei por inmeras situaes, inmeras mesmo (rsrs..), ento trouxe neste curso um pouco do meu conhecimento sobre a legislao previdenciria, ajudando voc a entender sobre auxlio-doena comum, auxlio-doena acidentrio, auxlio-acidente, salrio maternidade (licena-maternidade) e muito mais. No curso tambm abordei como realizar os clculos para chegarmos aos valores que de fato o trabalhador ir receber do benefcio previdencirio estudado.O pr-requisito para fazer o curso a vontade de aprender ou aprimorar os conhecimentos. No necessrio ter conhecimento prvio de legislao, pois estudaremos a legislao previdenciria atualizada (2020) e explicarei tudo o que precisa saber sobre o assunto, ento fique tranquilo com relao a isso =)Espero que goste dos contedos abordados e nos vemos nas aulas!Prof. Vanessa SilvaInscreva-se agora ^_^"
Price: 99.99

"Gesto Financeira para Pequenas Empresas"
"O curso de Gesto Financeira um mtodo simples e gil para pequenas empresas administrarem suas finanas de forma eficiente com foco nos lucros.A proposta que com 15 minutos dirios o empresrio consiga fazer toda sua gesto para ter controle de 100% de suas finanas.O curso 100% prtico e desde a primeira aula o contedo j ser aproveitado.Eu como empresrio sei que grande parte da teoria no se aplica no dia a dia do empreendedor, ento eu compactei o essencial para aplicao na administrao de pequenas empresas.Esse mtodo eu uso na minha empresa e nos clientes que tenho de consultoria.Aprenda como fazer lanamentos, fluxo de caixa, planejamento oramentrio (Budget), entre outros.Adquirindo o curso voc receber uma planilha nica automatizada para facilitar sua vida e dia a dia.Seja bem-vindo ao curso de Gesto Financeira para pequenas empresas."
Price: 324.99

"How to Treat Carpal Tunnel, Wrist and Hand Pain"
"In this course I walk you through how to use Gua Sha, Acupuncture Channel Theory and stretching techniques to alleviate pain, swelling and inflammation, as well as numbness and tingling you may be experiencing from an injury, carpal tunnel syndrome or other chronic condition.  Used as a regular self-care practice, you will experience immediate results and get back to the activities you enjoy.  Course OverviewThis training will cover:The causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, wrist and hand painSigns and symptomsStretching exercisesUsing the Traditional Chinese Medicine modality of Gua Sha to treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, wrist and hand painWhat contributes to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?Signs and symptoms of Carpal Tunnel SyndromeWhat causes joint pain?Warning signs that indicate you should see your doctor"
Price: 49.99

"The HTML5 BuilderBook 2020"
"Welcome to the HTML5 BuilderBook 2020. HTML is the first language you need to learn to be able to build websites .HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the code that is used to structure a web page and its content.The HTML5 BuilderBook 2020, will help you build a strong HTML foundation in the following topics:HTML attributesHTML TagsHTML Images , VideosHTML tablesHTML FormsCourse and Overview.This course is good for developers with beginner experience in HTML or intermediate experience.In the course, I will first walk you throughwhat is HTML , the basic tags and why we use them. I have easy to digest articles articles for beginners to understand HTML, for purposes of use as reference when building your projects.After going through the basics, we will build our first real world basic website with just basic HTML.Our first build will be a Travel Diary complete with a working contact form , a rating system with just basic HTML.No CSS is used in this project or hard external libraries.The course will be periodically updated with new builds to solidify your foundation in HTML5."
Price: 59.99

"CompTIA Security+ Certification Exam SY0-501 Practice Exams"
"The CompTIA Security+ certification exam is a globally recognized exam t taken by individuals to demonstrate their knowledge in IT security as well as general IT skills. Once the exam is completed with a passing score, a certification is awarded to show that the recipient is well acquainted with network security and risk management. People have asked if it is truly possible to pass the Security+ (plus) exam on the first attempt and earn Security+ certification.The main objectives that any Security+ certification candidate needs to fully understand are:Identifying network attack strategies and defensesUnderstand the principles of organizational security & the elements of effective security policiesKnow the technologies and uses of cryptographic standards and productsIdentify network and host-based security technologies and practicesDescribe how wireless and remote access security is enforcedDescribe the standards and products used to enforce security on the web and communication technologiesIdentify strategies for ensuring business continuity, fault tolerance, and disaster recoveryHaving a firm grasp of the concepts and main objectives will go a long way while studying and subsequently sitting for the exam. It may also be helpful to familiarize yourself with keyword abbreviations, such as: MAC (mandatory access control, FTP ( File Transfer Protocol), SFTP ( Secure File Transfer Protocol), etc.The Security+ exam must be finished within 90 minutes. The exam consists of no more than 90 multiple choice and performance-based questions, which means you will have to average answering one question at least every minute."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Integration Course : SOAP API"
"Prerequisites:Basic Understanding of API Programming.Good understanding of Apex and Visual force Development.Basic understanding of Salesforce Admin Concepts.Good understanding of Object Oriented Programming Language (OOPS).Good understanding of Salesforce Object Query Language and DML operations.Q : Why to Enroll this course?1. Real time Project Oriented Training with live examples.2. Provided you the live class notes to recall the sessions in future and practice.3. Course is delivered as a high interactive session, with extensive live examples.4. This course is specially designed for the  developers / admin / project managers who wants to understand the Salesforce API Progamming using SOAP API.5. Latest videos from a live batch.About Me:9+ years of Real time Experience in Salesforce CRM Cloud Application development. Currently working as a Senior Technical Consultant & Senior Developer.6+ years of teaching experience in Salesforce CRM on different salesforce modules like Admin, Development, Integrations, Lightning and LWC.What you will learn at the end of the course: Course ContentSimply, Complete knowledge about SOAP API in Salesforce.Course Content:1. Introduction to Force Dot Com Platform Integration.2. Why Integration? What are the reasons to go for Salesforce Integrations.3. Real time scenarios on Business level integrations.4. Different type of APIs used in Salesforce Integration.5. SOAP API Architecture.6. Different type of WSDL files used in Salesforce.7. Using Salesforce Provided Webservices (Enterprise and Partner WSDL)8. Using User defined Webservices (Host a user created webservice to the external Service).9. Testing the webservices using SOAP UI Tool.10. Integration one Salesforce instance to another Salesforce Instance using Partner WSDL.11. Consuming external WSDL files in salesforce.12. Remotesite Settings.13. JSON Serialize and Deserialize14. Invoking future callout from trigger (@future annotation)15. Mock test class code coverage.16. Governing limits.17. API Limits.18. Best practices."
Price: 49.99

"SalesForce Administration Essentials (ADM201) Practice Test"
"Scenario based exam questions for SalesForce Administration Essentials for New Admins (ADM201)  Certification,Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts.Exam Questions similar to SalesForce Administration Essentials for New Admins (ADM201) Certification Exam.After taking the practice test you can at-least get 70 to 80% on the actual AZ-100 exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights ,SalesForce Administration Essentials for New Admins (ADM201) Certification.All the questions covered in the sample Salesforce Administrator simulation exam are basic Salesforce ADM-201 Certification exam questions.Lessons and TopicsTopic            WeightingOrganization setup            2%User setup            7%Security and access            14%Standard and custom objects            15%Sales and marketing applications            15%Service and support applications            12%Activity management and collaboration            3%Data management            8%Analytics            10%Workflow/process automation            12%Desktop and mobile administration            1%AppExchange            1%SalesForce Administration Essentials for New Admins (ADM201) Certification Practice Test.Designed for those who have some experience as an administrator but would not consider themselves an expert, the SalesForce Administration Essentials for New Admins (ADM201) Certification consists of multiple choice questions to be completed in a certain time.Exam Name :  Salesforce AdministratorExam Code : ADM-201Duration : 105 minutesNumber of Questions : 60Passing Score : 65%Total Questions in this practice test to check your knowledge: 290"
Price: 64.99

"Ultimate GCSE AQA English Lit An Inspector Calls Course!"
"Are you a parent homeschooling your child and not sure how to go about teaching them English for their GCSEs? Alternatively your child may sadly have failed their GCSEs in English and need to resit? Perhaps you are a mature student who needs to sit your GCSEs to take your career to the next level? Whatever your needs, we've got you covered! The 'Ultimate Literature AQA GCSE An Inspector Calls by Priestley Course' is a comprehensive course for students wishing to their GCSE qualifications in English Literature which are all part of the AQA GCSE specification. Taught by Barbara Njau, who is an experienced and qualified English Teacher, you will gain all the knowledge you are seeking to pass the GCSE at a Level 9 - which is an A*!"
Price: 59.99

"Ultimate Literature AQA GCSE Macbeth by Shakespeare Course!"
"Are you a parent homeschooling your child and not sure how to go about teaching them English for their GCSEs? Alternatively your child may sadly have failed their GCSEs in English and need to resit? Perhaps you are a mature student who needs to sit your GCSEs to take your career to the next level? Whatever your needs, we've got you covered! The 'Ultimate Literature AQA GCSE Macbeth by Shakespeare Course' is a comprehensive course for students wishing to their GCSE qualifications in English Literature which are all part of the AQA GCSE specification. Taught by Barbara Njau, who is an experienced and qualified English Teacher, you will gain all the knowledge you are seeking to pass the GCSE at a Level 9 - which is an A*!"
Price: 59.99

"Ultimate GCSE AQA English Literature Jekyll and Hyde Course!"
"Are you a parent homeschooling your child and not sure how to go about teaching them English for their GCSEs? Alternatively your child may sadly have failed their GCSEs in English and need to resit? Perhaps you are a mature student who needs to sit your GCSEs to take your career to the next level? Whatever your needs, we've got you covered! The 'Ultimate Literature AQA GCSE Jekyll and Hyde by Stevenson Course' is a comprehensive course for students wishing to their GCSE qualifications in English Literature which are all part of the AQA GCSE specification. Taught by Barbara Njau, who is an experienced and qualified English Teacher, you will gain all the knowledge you are seeking to pass the GCSE at a Level 9 - which is an A*!"
Price: 59.99

"Ultimate English Literature GCSE AQA Poetry Anthology Course"
"Are you a parent homeschooling your child and not sure how to go about teaching them English for their GCSEs? Alternatively your child may sadly have failed their GCSEs in English and need to resit? Perhaps you are a mature student who needs to sit your GCSEs to take your career to the next level? Whatever your needs, we've got you covered! The 'Ultimate English Literature GCSE AQA Poetry Anthology Course' focusing on 'Love and Relationships' is a comprehensive course for students wishing to their GCSE qualifications in English Literature which are all part of the AQA GCSE specification. Taught by Barbara Njau, who is an experienced and qualified English Teacher, you will gain all the knowledge you are seeking to pass the GCSE at a Level 9 - which is an A*!"
Price: 59.99

"Ultimate English Literature GCSE AQA Unseen Poetry Course"
"Are you a parent homeschooling your child and not sure how to go about teaching them English for their GCSEs? Alternatively your child may sadly have failed their GCSEs in English and need to resit? Perhaps you are a mature student who needs to sit your GCSEs to take your career to the next level? Whatever your needs, we've got you covered! The 'Ultimate English Literature GCSE AQA Poetry Anthology, Unseen Poetry Course' is a comprehensive course for students wishing to their GCSE qualifications in English Literature which are all part of the AQA GCSE specification. Taught by Barbara Njau, who is an experienced and qualified English Teacher, you will gain all the knowledge you are seeking to pass the GCSE at a Level 9 - which is an A*!"
Price: 59.99

"Ultimate English Language GCSE AQA Paper 1 Course"
"Are you a parent homeschooling your child and not sure how to go about teaching them English for their GCSEs? Alternatively your child may sadly have failed their GCSEs in English and need to resit? Perhaps you are a mature student who needs to sit your GCSEs to take your career to the next level? Whatever your needs, we've got you covered! The 'Ultimate English Language GCSE AQA Paper 1 Course' is a comprehensive course for students wishing to their GCSE qualifications in English Literature which are all part of the AQA GCSE specification. Taught by Barbara Njau, who is an experienced and qualified English Teacher, you will gain all the knowledge you are seeking to pass the GCSE at a Level 9 - which is an A*!"
Price: 59.99

"Ultimate English Language GCSE AQA Paper 2 Course"
"Are you a parent homeschooling your child and not sure how to go about teaching them English for their GCSEs? Alternatively your child may sadly have failed their GCSEs in English and need to resit? Perhaps you are a mature student who needs to sit your GCSEs to take your career to the next level? Whatever your needs, we've got you covered! The 'Ultimate English Language GCSE AQA Paper 2 Course' is a comprehensive course for students wishing to their GCSE qualifications in English Literature which are all part of the AQA GCSE specification. Taught by Barbara Njau, who is an experienced and qualified English Teacher, you will gain all the knowledge you are seeking to pass the GCSE at a Level 9 - which is an A*!"
Price: 59.99

"Ultimate Hitler and Nazi Germany Course!"
"An exhaustive summary of the History of Germany from the rise of Hitler until the Holocaust. Discover who was Hitler, his early life and how he became the leader of its country. Learn who were the Nazis, how Germany was drastically transformed by them, and how the Second World War started.This course is made for you if you want to study the History of Germany from 1933 to 1945, when Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party controlled the country through a dictatorship."
Price: 59.99

"Ultimate History of the Elizabethan Era Course!"
"This course explores the life of Queen Elizabeth I of England, from her birth to the end of her reign. Learn everything about her government, the life during the Elizabethan era, the different troubles she faced and the important episode of the War with Spain. This in-depth course is made for you, if you are studying the history of Queen Elizabeth I as part of your coursework. It is the perfect tool to be prepared for exams or simply discover more on the 'Virgin Queen'."
Price: 59.99