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"PNL Sistmica (Nvel 1) com Marco Meda"
"O QUE A PNL?A Programao Neurolingstica (PNL) definida como o estudo da estrutura da experincia humana subjetiva. Ela cr que todo o comportamento tem uma estrutura a partir de padres lingsticos. O Dr Richard Bandler e John Grinder (criadores da PNL) construram modelos que podem fazer com que o nosso crebro funcione em um potencial muito mais elevado.De acordo com Bandler: A PNL foi especificamente criada para nos permitir fazer a mgica, criando novas maneiras de entender como a comunicao verbal e no verbal afetam o crebro humano. Desta forma ela se apresenta como uma oportunidade no s de comunicarmo-nos melhor com ns mesmos e com os outros, mas tambm, de aprender como obter maior controle sobre o que ns consideramos funes automticas da nossa prpria neurologia.POR QU APRENDER PNL & HIPNOSE?Porque nem sempre sabemos os reais motivos que limitam nossas aes e nos trazem resultados abaixo do esperado. A Neurocincia com foco dedicado na mudana de comportamento, usa atravs da PNL tcnicas profundas de entendimento da mente humana para saber quais so os bloqueios Travas que possumos. Tais tcnicas visam reconhecer nossas crenas limitantes e promover as mudanas necessrias para que novos comportamentos e novas atitudes possam surgir.A hipnose por sua vez, aliada a PNL, promove um mergulho na mente inconsciente, com o objetivo regressivo em determinados momentos da nossa vida, seja na infncia ou juventude. Tal abordagem promove um despertar de condicionamentos e padres negativos que no trazem resultados frente aos nossos objetivos. Aps o despertar expandimos a nossa Conscincia e assim estamos aptos a realizar curas psquicas e emocionais para transformar nossas vidas.QUAIS OS BENEFCIOS VOU TER COM A PNL & HIPNOSE?Primeiro grande benefcio est na possibilidade de voc aprender a lidar com suas prprias emoes. Voc ser capaz de mudar padres de pensamento reativos que do origem a momentos de fria, ira, stress e nervoso. Ser ainda capaz de refletir sobre emoes ligadas a tristeza e a depresso, de forma a gerar ressignificados nas experincias ocorridas e assim gerar profundo aprendizado com tais emoes.Voc ter ainda como benefcio a possibilidade de aprender a lidar com o medo e a fuga. Poder aprender com suas sombras, seus traumas e suas dvidas de uma forma muito mais consciente, tornando-se mais capaz de realizar tudo aquilo que deseja.O QUE NA PRTICA VOU FAZER COM A PNL?Voc tomar conscincia da sua linguagem (Lingustica) que vem boicotando e sabotando sua vida pessoal, seus relacionamentos, seu bem estar, sua felicidade e sua carreira profissional. Atravs de tcnicas de reprogramao mental, voc far um ajuste desta linguagem. Metaforicamente como um computador (Crebro) com vrus (Lingustica errada), que ir receber um novo programa (Programaes) e assim ir ajustar a sua mente (Neuro).COMO A NOSSA ABORDAGEM?Nossa abordagem est pautada na 3a. Gerao da PNL, idealizada principalmente por Robert Dilts e Judith DeLozier, o qual foi chamada de PNL SISTMICA. Ela inclui elementos relacionados ao campo energtico gerado pela interao entre pessoas, alm de trabalharmos com os campos morfoenergticos e campos psicogeogrficos.Trabalhamos com o conceito prtico da somatic mind a inteligncia presente ao longo das clulas no nosso corpo (seja nos nveis mais baixos como comportamento e habilidades, bem como os mais avanados como crenas e nvel de identidade). Nos baseamos nos conceitos da Psicologia Transpessoal, bem como acessos em nveis de conscincia superiores, envolvendo os estudos de Inconsciente Coletivo e Arqutipos de Jung.Os nossos 4 programas (Nvel 1 ao 4) trabalham com a evoluo da PNL Tradicional para a PNL Sistmica.NOSSA FORMAO COMPLETA EM MASTER PRACTITIONER EM PNLSo 4 mdulos, sendo 4 mdulos online aqui na Udemy e 4 mdulos presenciais na nossa escola em Serra Negra - SP. Todo o curso certificado e homologado pela ABRATH - Associao Brasileira de Terapeutas Holsticos, assim a MEDA - Minha Escola de Autoconhecimento que lhe oferece dupla certificao: Practitioner em PNL e Master Practitioner em PNL, uma vez que em Serra Negra trabalhamos com tcnicas em nvel Master. Todos os cursos possuem seu registro de RDA - Registro de Direito de Autor na Biblioteca Nacional, onde Marco Meda assina os cursos como Terapeuta Responsvel pelo curso sob o registro CRTH-BR 2704."
Price: 129.99

"Microsoft Exam DP-200 and DP-201 : Practice Tests (New 2020)"
"Welcome to Microsoft Exam DP-200 and DP-201 : Practice Tests New 2020Azure data engineers are responsible for data-related implementation tasks that include provisioning data storage services, ingesting streaming and batch data, transforming data, implementing security requirements, implementing data retention policies, identifying performance bottlenecks, and accessing external data sources.Azure data engineers are responsible for data-related tasks that include designing Azure data storage solutions that use relational and non-relational data stores, batch and real-time data processing solutions, and data security and compliance solutions.This practice test will help you prepare for the real Microsoft official exam test environment. Exam DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution Topics:-Implement data storage solutions Manage and develop data processing Monitor and optimize data solutions Exam DP-201: Designing an Azure Data Solution Topics :-Design Azure data storage solutions Design data processing solutions Design for data security and compliance This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.Wish you all the best for your exam !"
Price: 29.99

"CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) 6 Practice Exams Prep"
"Are you looking for material that can prepare you to use CompTIA Network + (N10-007)?Whether you want a dream IT job or a fundamental navigation experience in today's difficult technical problems, CompTIA certification drives you in your career. CompTIA industry certifications tell employers that you are a capable and motivated person, but studying for them is a challenge!What makes us the best tool for preparing for the certification exam?Our CompTIA Network + materials (N10-007) are ALWAYS up to date!Compatible with mobile devices.We understand. Studying for an exam is not just time consuming, you can't always take a computer to study. We are compatible with mobile devices running on iOS and Android so you can study wherever life takes you.This CompTIA Network + professional practice exam course (N10-007) is for anyone looking for study material that provides the following:454 high-level questions - has 6 sets of CompTIA Network + practice tests (N10-007) with a time limit of 140 minutes for each set.SIMULATES THE REAL EXAMINATION ENVIRONMENT - mimics the current and most recent CompTIA Network + exam (N10-007) to help you pass and even the exam.IMPORTANT NOTEThese CompTIA Network + (N10-007)) Professional exams have a pass score of 70%, but it is highly recommended that you repeat these exams several times until you consistently reach a score of 80% or more on each exam.Remember that using this product alone does not guarantee that you will pass the exam, as you still need to take your own readings and practical exercises on the CompTIA Network + (N10-007). However, these practice exams provide a comprehensive assessment in which area of knowledge you need to improve and even help you get a higher score!"
Price: 184.99

"Ilustrando um Gatinho o Adobe Illustrator cc 2019"
"O Adobe Illustrator um poderoso editor de imagens com a capacidade de criar e editar logotipos, folders, aplicar efeitos, fazer montagens, entre outras possibilidades diversas. os profissionais comTenha todas as ferramentas de desenho para transformar cores e formas simples em logotipos, cones e imagens sofisticadas. As ilustraes do Illustrator so baseadas em software vetorial, portanto podem ser reduzidas para telas de dispositivos mveis e ampliadas at o tamanho de outdoors, sempre ntidas e bonitas."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a Criar Sites em WordPress do zero de maneira rpida"
"O WordPress um poderoso Sistema de Gerenciamento de Contedo (CMS), o que significa que foi projetado para ajud-lo a organizar e exibir o contedo em seu site. Com ele, voc pode montar praticamente qualquer tipo de site desde um simples blog at um magnfico comrcio eletrnico.Com sua interface intuitiva e fcil de usar este fantstico aplicativo atualmente responsvel por criar e gerenciar mais de 30% de todos os sites da internet, trabalhando eficientemente para marcas populares como Sony, Microsoft, Times dentre outras.Flexvel e com incrvel capacidade de expanso permite aos usurios criarem as funcionalidades dos seus sonhos com a instalao de diversos Plugins disponveis no site oficial.Por seu prestgio o WordPress resultou em uma enorme, prspera e acolhedora comunidade de desenvolvedores quase sempre feliz em ajudar. Por ser cdigo aberto, gratuito, seguro, com inmeras pessoas trabalhando para torn-lo melhor e com diversas funcionalidades a ferramenta sem dvida uma soluo de alta qualidade."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Arduino: do bsico ao avanado na Programao C/C++."
"Se voc deseja entrar no ramo de programao mais nunca programou na vida esta no lugar certo, utilizando exemplos simples, o curso relata de maneira fcil e prtica as principais abordagens e estruturas de programao, mesmo para os que nunca viram um compilador ou uma placa eletrnica na vida.O curso aborda as rotinas iniciais que se baseiam a maioria dos projetos executados com sucesso, muitos deles tem rotinas simples, de fcil aplicao, trabalhando com fluxogramas, a programao fica muito mais simples de se entender as linhas de programao aplicadas aos projetos.No nosso treinamento ser desenvolvido um controle de temperatura, iluminao e nvel de gua do aqurio, emitindo alarmes se nvel de gua muito baixo e temperatura muito fria ou quente da gua, o projeto visa entender o funcionamento de leitura de entradas e sadas, logica de tomada de deciso, criao de menus no display assim como salvar informaes de temperatura minima e mxima."
Price: 114.99

"Before Your First Date"
"The Course is about Discovering the wonderful world of Relationship, starting with the Basics and becoming Prepared for your Initial Meeting with a Stranger which might otherwise be Awkward.There are over 4.5 hours of content in this course with 38 LecturesHere is what we will be covering inside:Section 1:IntroductionLecture 1: Introduction (Preview enabled)Lecture 2: Welcome to this Online Course (Preview enabled)Lecture 3: Course Overview Update Section 2: Relationship Basics Lecture 4: Putting Yourself Out There - Part 1Lecture 5: Putting Yourself Out There - Part 2Lecture 6: Making the First Move in a New Relationship (Preview enabled)Lecture 7: Defining the Relationship - Part 1Lecture 8: Defining the Relationship - Part 2Lecture 9: Defining the Relationship - Part 3Lecture 10: The Stages of DatingLecture 11: Building RapportLecture 12: Enjoying YourselvesLecture 13: Love is The Answer Section 3: The First Meeting Lecture 14: Getting to Know One Another - Part 1Lecture 15: Getting to Know One Another - Part 2Lecture 16: Getting to Know One Another - Part 3Lecture 17: Make Her Feel Comfortable - Part 1Lecture 18: Making Her Feel Comfortable - Part 2Lecture 19: Making Her Feel Comfortable - Part 3Lecture 20: Are You Making Her Uncomfortable?Lecture 21: The Rules of EngagementLecture 22: On The Non-DateLecture 23: Do you Need a Plan?Lecture 24: Plan ALecture 25: Plan BLecture 26: Planning The Meet-upLecture 27: Events Leading up to the Meet-upLecture 28: The Meet-upLecture 29: he Meet-up - Step by Step BreakdownLecture 30: The Phone CallLecture 31: When She Arrives ...Lecture 32: So It BeginsLecture 33: What Now?Lecture 34: Please Dont Be Boring!Lecture 35: Check PleaseLecture 36: After the First Meeting Section 4: Thank You & Final Remarks Lecture 37: Thank You For Taking This Online Course!Lecture 38: Other Online Courses in this Series on Dating"
Price: 199.99

"Customizao de formulrio - QGIS"
"Neste curso vocs aprendero a customizar a tabela de atributos do QGIS, tornando-a visualmente mais agradvel e intuitiva, possibilitando uma melhor e mais dinmica leitura das informaes. Sero abordados temas como:Organizao dos dados em abasAnexao de imagens a feiesCriao de grficos automatizados na tabela de atributosVisualizao de imagens vinculadas a feies geogrficasEdio de HTML em tabela do QGIS"
Price: 39.99

"SAP MM Online Practice Test"
"This course shall help all SAP learners to enhance their skill conceptually and it makes your exam , interview, and certification selection easy.This course is also beneficial to revise your SAP Material Management knowledge to sharpen your skill. In the current scenario, SAP Consultant must have conceptual as well as practical knowledge of topics."
Price: 19.99

"Basic of Clinical Data Management"
"The course would give you a detail of all crucial topics related to Clinical Data Management and its basics. The 10 modules would lead to systematically to the depth of each specific subject. At the end you will come out with filled with knowledge about Clinical Data Management which would be extremely useful when you start working in CRO or Pharma companies as clinical research professional.1)Introduction to CDM2)Clinical Trial Phases in Clinical Data Management3)Case Report Form4)Clinical Data Management System5)Data Entry6)Data Cleaning7)Medical Coding8)Data Cleaning External Data9)SAE Reconciliation10)Database Lock"
Price: 69.99

"Citrix ADC 12 Essentials and Citrix Gateway (CCA-N) 1Y0-230"
"Citrix ADC 12 Essentials and Citrix Gateway (CCA-N) 1Y0-230 Practice Tests*One test contains only 25 questions (instead of the official 64 questions) and the time limit is 60 minutes (instead of the official 90 minutes)**Answers have been curated and official reference resources have been provided*Mixed set of questions covering all sections of the 1Y0-230 exam, seen below:Getting StartedBasic NetworkingCitrix ADC PlatformsHigh AvailabilityLoad BalancingSSL OffloadSecuring the Citrix ADCTroubleshootingCitrix GatewayAppExpert Expressions and PoliciesAuthentication, Authorization and PoliciesManaging Client ConnectionIntegration for Citrix Virtual Apps and DesktopsConfiguring Citrix Gateway"
Price: 24.99

"Securing Access to Databases of Microsoft Azure"
"Hackers attack databases to gain access to personal data, perhaps to use it for personal gain or for some illegal practice, therefore it is mandate for an organization to adopt database monitoring and security as one of its PRIMARY CONTROLMoving a database to a cloud computing environment, there is a need to identify security requirements. In a cloud computing environment where dynamically virtually scalable resources are available for use over the Internet  Database security is a challenge due to virtual set up and use. Security is critical due to the varied IT services that can be provided through a cloud.The use of the cloud computing environment to cater to the demands of users in the internet has made database security a critical issue. Database Security is a critical issue in cloud computing due to the variety of IT services that can be provided through a cloud environment. In this course we will discuss various methods with the help of which you can ensure database security. You will learn how to ensure data confidentiality, integrity and availability on any databases. We will discuss all methods which Microsoft offers to protect  databases systems  against potential threats. Techniques like Cryptography, secret key methods, digital signatures and certificates are introduced as means to protect databases.There are techniques and approaches currently used for database security. Monitoring, electronic signatures, vulnerability assessment, data masking, encryption, are all currently available to protect data when transmitted across sites and enforcing access control based on policies set for database inquiries.Since there is huge range of cloud-based database solutions available in Azure, there can doubts around the authentication, authorization and encryption for services. In this course you will learn.Cloud Security - Shared Responsibility model.Azure SQL DB Security ConsiderationsAccess Control (Access Management) in Azure SQLDemo :Create SQL server, SQL DB and Manage admin level access.Demo :Manage access via RBAC and Firewall Settings.Auditing and threat Detection in SQL DBDemo: Configure Auditing on SQL Server and SQL DBDemo : Enable Transparent Data Encryption on SQL databaseDemo: Configure Advance data security on SQL Server and DBCosmos DB security considerations.Network Security using IP firewall in Cosmos DB.Management plane and Data plane security in Cosmos DBDemo : Create Cosmos DB, RBAC Access and Use of Master KeysOn Completion of this course, you will gain skills, knowledge and have practical exposure to secure Azure database s."
Price: 19.99

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Price: 139.99

"Living A Legendary Life - Wired For Greatness"
"Living a legendary life, essentially, means that youre living your best life. It means trying to maximize the potential in everything you do to give yourself the best chance of feeling good.Living a legendary life also means that you need to find balance. This is a vital element of staying healthy and happy. When youmanage your energy and time wisely, you can nurture yourself to the full. Taking care of your mind, body and spirit allow you to live the best life you can.With this video guide you will discover practical tips to help you achieve your full potential. Discover how you can implement change to make your life the best it can be.Topics covered:Awareness And PlanningHow To Invest In Your Physical HealthHow To Invest In Your Mental HealthHow To Let Go of NegativityHow To Adopt The Attitude Of A WinnerHow To Find Your Place And PurposeHow To Embrace PositivityHow To Dedicate Time To What Matters MostHow To Build Others Up, Dont Tear Them DownHow To Be Yourself"
Price: 149.99

"Cinema 4D Mograph Clone Transform"
"In this Cinema 4D course, you will learn how to transform from one shape to another using Mograph and Fields. You can easily apply these techniques to a wide range of other projects and styles.To follow along with the course, youll need a version of Cinema 4D that has the Mograph module and Fields. In other words, Cinema 4D R21(or higher) or Cinema 4D R20(Broadcast or Studio edition).We learn best by doing, so this is a hands-on, project-based course. We will go through the lessons step by step.Some prior knowledge of Cinema 4D is helpful, as I wont explain the most basic aspects of 3D applications.Heres a glimpse of what well cover:Mograph Cloner Blend ModePlain Effector Modify CloneSDS Weight TagAxis locationShader FieldsUsing Extruded Objects in the Fields ListDelay Modifier Field LayerRig Building with ExpressoUsing Alembic FilesLightingCamera AnimationFusion ShaderVariation ShaderYoull have access to all the project files to make it easy to follow along. However, I encourage you to build your separate project(s) and try out variations of what well build together.Lets jump in!"
Price: 89.99

"Python / Flask - Python API LINE bot"
"APILINEbotLINEbotPython / Flask APIGoogle ColaboratoryHeroku"
Price: 5400.00

"Orc Cyborg Character Creation in Zbrush"
"Do you hate it when the big muscular creatures you model, don't came up the way you want them to? Do you want to learn how to make nice muscular body anatomy, mechanical parts and model great guns only in Zbrush, fast and efficient?Then i welcome you to Nexttut education's ""Orc Cyborg Character Creation in Zbrush""course.INSTRUCTOR : My name is Niko and I am a 3D character artist for games for about 10 years now. I have worked for numerous games and currently work for one of the world's most famous game companies -  Gameloft.  GOAL OF THE COURSE : By the end of this course, you'll be able to model nice muscular orcs with armors, guns, artificial cyborg arm and a base in Zbrush from start to finish. YOU WILL LEARN :Sculpting the orc headSculpting the orc muscular bodyRefining the head and body with skin detailMaking the 3D sketch of the whole modelMaking the robotic armMaking clothes, belts and armorMaking a bulky gunMaking a base and a monster headPoly paint the characterPosing the characterRendering the character with passesComposing a final render in PhotoshopWe will start by spending 30 minutes to customize our workflow in Zbrush so we could work much faster and efficient. Then we will make the head of our orc where i'll explain what you should watch for, when modelling head from a concept. Then we will make some metal parts on the head and the metal skull. After that we will make the body, again from sphere, following our concept. After we are done with the body, we will start making 3D sketch of our model, to get the correct placement of all our accessories, clothes and armors. This is a pretty important stage, in the end of which we will have very good idea how our model will look when it's finished. Then it will be time to start extracting belts, armors and boots. After that we will start refining all those things that we have made, and the model will start to look pretty good. Then it will be time to do the weapon of our character, which will be a hard surface gun done entirely in Zbrush, and add it to the scene.We will also make a base with a monster head below the orc, so he could look more grounded. Once we are happy with the overall look of our character i will show you how to make good pose with the transpose master in Zbrush.  Finally we will make the render passes in Zbrush and combine them in Photoshop, to achieve the best possible look for our model.IDEAL STUDENTS : I have designed this course for intermediate 3d modeling students, who wants to model beautiful looking production ready bulky and muscular characters but they struggle to get it because they don't find a tutorial which is step by step, no fast forward, no skip and coming from a production artist who is doing this for years. The course is also for artists who wants to speed up their workflow in Zbrush and improve their skill in making muscular male anatomy, clothes, accessories, guns and a robotic arms.WHO IS NOT THE IDEAL STUDENT :This course is not designed for absolute Zbrush beginners, I expect you to have some sort of Zbrush experience. But intermediate Zbrush users, and even professionals could learn a lot from the techniques and workflow I show in this course."
Price: 99.99

"Logistic Regression with python from scratch to advanced"
"Are you ready to start your path to becoming a Machine Learning expert!Are you ready to train your machine like a father trains his son!""A breakthrough in Machine Learning would be worth ten Microsofts."" -Bill GatesThere are lots of courses and lectures out there regarding logistic regression. This course is different!This course is truly a step-by-step. In every new tutorial we build on what had already learned and move one extra step forward and then we assign you a small task that is solved in the beginning of next video.We start by teaching the theoretical part of concept and then we implement everything as it is practically using pythonThis comprehensive course will be your guide to learning how to use the power of Python to train your machine such that your machine starts learning just like human and based on that learning, your machine starts making predictions as well!Well be using python as programming language in this course which is the hottest language nowadays if we talk about machine leaning. Python will be taught from very basic level up to advanced level so that any machine learning concept can be implemented.Well also learn various steps of data pre processing which allows us to make data ready for machine learning algorithms.Well learn all general concepts of machine learning overall which will be followed by the implementation of one of the most important ML algorithm Logistic regression. Each and every concept of logistic regression will be taught theoretically and will be implemented using python.Machine learning has been ranked one of the hottest jobs on Glassdoor and the average salary of a machine learning engineer is over $110,000 in the United States according to Indeed! Machine Learning is a rewarding career that allows you to solve some of the world's most interesting problems!This course is designed for both beginners with some programming experience or even those who know nothing about ML and Logistic Regression!This comprehensive course is comparable to other Machine Learning courses that usually cost thousands of dollars, but now you can learn all that information at a fraction of the cost! With over 50 HD video lectures and detailed code notebooks for every lecture this is one of the most comprehensive course for Logistic regression and machine learning on Udemy!We'll teach you how to program with Python, how to use it for data pre processing and logistic regression! Here a just a few of the topics we will be learning:Programming with PythonNumPy with Python for array handlingUsing pandas Data Frames to handle Excel FilesUse matplotlib for data visualizationsData Pre processingMachine Learning concepts, including:Training and testing setsModel trainingModel ValidationLogistic regression with sk-learnLogistic regression from absolute scratchImplementing logistic regression on different data setsand much, much more!Enroll in the course and become a data scientist today!Who this course is for:This course is for you if you want to learn how to program in Python for Machine LearningThis course is for you if you want to make a predictive analysis modelThis course is for you if you are tired of Machine Learning courses that are too complicated and expensiveThis course is for you if you want to learn Python by doingThis course is for someone who is absolute beginner and have very little idea of machine learningThis course is for someone who want to learn Logistic regression from zero to hero"
Price: 199.99

"Develop Mobile Data Collection Solutions using Kobo Toolbox"
"More organizations than ever before are embracing the switch from data collection using paper forms to using mobile devices. This is so due to the benefits of mobile data collection that include better data quality, speed and convenience, as well as being low cost. One of the best platforms for developing and deploying mobile data collection forms is Kobo Toolbox. The platform which includes a mobile app for data collection and web based tools for developing forms, aggregating data, managing data, and data visualizations, is by far the most feature rich and can be used throughout an organizations data management cycle.By the end of the course, participants will be able to:- Develop a data collection form in Kobo Toolbox- Implement skip and validation logic- Deploy the form into mobile devices- Collect and upload data- View and download data- Visualize data using reports and maps"
Price: 19.99

"Complete KoboToolbox Training Course"
"This is the ultimate Kobo Toolbox course where you will learn how to develop survey data collection forms, deploying them on mobile devices, collecting data and managing the data. I have included almost everything you need to know to get started and to reach mastery of Kobo Tolbox (or Open Data Kit - ODK). Plus, I will be updating the course every week with new lessons developed to answer any specific questions that you will ask (including those asked in different forums on the internet).You will learn:How to develop forms using Kobo Toolbox's form builder integrating skip logic, validation logic, calculated fields, translations and cascading selectsHow to deploy the forms on Android devices including tweaking settings and options on your fleet of mobile devices used to collect survey dataHow to manage data uploaded to Kobo Toolbox by viewing, editing, accepting, downloading it and creating custom data visualization reportsHow to develop advanced forms using XLSFORM Other advanced form builder/xlsform features updated weekly (e.g. advanced calculations, controlling repeat groups, using regex etc)Why you should take the courseI have covered almost everything you need to know about building forms and managing data using Kobo ToolboxIf you have specific questions, you will be able to ask and I will respond by releasing a lesson videoYou will learn through watching videos and practicing along using the tools I have developed - better than sifting through forumsEach section has a project you can use to practice alongI have included tons of resources for practice and referenceCourse RequirementsBasic knowledge of survey questionnaire formulationTools: a computer; web browser (Google Chrome/Firefox); an active internet connection and an Android device for testing"
Price: 59.99

"Woodworking: Drawer Making: Dovetails and Drawer Locks"
"Imagine the number of opening and closing cycles a drawer sees in its lifetime. Not only are people constantly pulling and pushing on drawer boxes, in most cases drawers are loaded with heavy stuff. Especially in your shop. Thats a lot of abuse. If youre taking the time to make a drawer, take the time to make it right and take this online video Course produced in conjunction with Woodworkers Guild of America to help you create superior drawers for any project.Dovetails and drawer locks are time-tested joints for drawers. Using these types of joints will greatly reduce the likelihood of the joints on a drawer failing. Our Drawer Making: Dovetails and Drawer Locks woodworking instruction course teaches you must-have skills for these joints.HALF-BLIND DOVETAILSHalf-blind dovetails are commonly used for drawers, and many people look for this joint as a sign of craftsmanship. This video instructional course teaches you how to set up and use a router-based jig. Jigs make dovetails easier than hand cutting, but there are many aspects of set-up that need to be done correctly in order for the jig to work correctly. This class provides many dovetail jig tips and tricks including lubricating the jig, aligning the drawer parts, setting bit depth, and handling the router.TABLE SAW DRAWER LOCKSWith a little practice and finesse, you can easily produce drawer lock joints on the table saw using a dado head. Once the blade height and fence position are correctly set, this is an incredibly fast way to make a solid joint, and cut the groove for the drawer bottom.JOINERY ALTERNATIVESLike half-blinds, through dovetails require the correct setup. This video instruction will help you get a perfect fit. Drawer lock router bits may seem fussy to use, but not when you know the tricks this video class teaches you.Woodworkers Guild of America instructor George Vondriska brings many years of residential and commercial cabinet making and furniture making experience to you through this course. His easy-to-follow process and clear step-by-step instruction will help you to increase your confidence in making a better drawer, no matter what your next project is.In addition to these key drawer making essentials in video form, this online class provides you with some downloadable resources and helpful information to print and keep, including: A detailed Guide you can follow for the key steps of the course instruction; and source references for any specialized tools and material used in the course."
Price: 49.99

"Woodworking: Finishing Essentials"
"The finishing process can be intimidating. With so many hours invested in a project, it feels as though one false move while finishing can undo all your hard work. Thats why we created this course, in conjunction with Woodworkers Guild of America. Well demystify finishes that are common in the marketplace, help you understand which finish is best for your projects, and provide great preparation and application tips that will help you achieve a better finish.THE FINISHING PRODUCTSIn this course Woodworkers Guild of America Instructor George Vondriska intentionally chose to use finishing products that are readily available at home centers. No exotic finishes or obscure techniques, youll find that the approach taken in this course is very mainstream. That makes it accessible, and makes it easier for you to realize success with your finishing processes. With the wide array of products and application tips shown in this course, youre sure to find a few that work with your projects, your shop, and your approach to woodworking.TECHNIQUESThis course concentrates on techniques that will be easy for you to use. Cotton rags, cheese cloth, home center off-the-shelf brushes, aerosol finish Its how you use these items that is most important, and were here to teach you. With our application techniques in hand youll be more confident about choosing stains and top coats, and finding the best application method for each.OUR CHEAT SHEETIn addition to the information provided through video in the course, were providing a printable Class Guide that includes information about the major advantages and disadvantages of a variety of stains and top coats. Youll find this very helpful as you decide which finishes to use, and create your finish shopping list.In addition to the hands-on video instruction youll receive, this class provides you with some downloadable resources and helpful information to print and keep, including the detailed Class Guide mentioned above as a recap of the key points of the class instruction and a resources document that will give you information on the products youll see in the course."
Price: 49.99

"Guitar Solo Mastery - The Ultimate Guitar Soloing Course"
"Welcome to The Complete Guitar Solo Mastery Course!Do you want to be a great guitar solo player? How would you like to develop the ability to solo all over the fretboard like your favorite guitar legends?This course has been specifically designed for those at the beginner and intermediate stages of electric guitar playing who want to master the art of being able play and improvise dynamic guitar solos all over the fretboard.Not only will you learn how to solo all over the fretboard, you will gain insight and understanding on how to be a unique, melodic, and inspiring guitar solo artist.  In this course, your knowledge and ability in guitar soloing will be built from the ground up. With over 9 hours of video instruction, here's what will be covered in this course:You will learn the notes on your fretboard and and essential guitar theory to ensure you have a strong foundation for guitar soloing all over the fretboard. You will learn fundamental techniques such as how to pick correctly and different picking styles for maximum speed.You will learn the most essential scales that the majority of all guitar solos ever played are built on. You will learn all the essential guitar solo techniques such as bends, vibrato, sliding, hammer-ons and pull offs, note stacking, etc. to create expression when soloing.You will learn how to combine your knowledge of scales with these solo techniques to create dynamic and meaningful melodic solos.You will learn tons of licks in the ""Lick Library"" which will teach you how to combine different scales and techniques to create cool phrases. This also acts as ""Vocabulary"" when you are improvising and writing your solos. You will improve your dexterity and technical ability in soloing as you work on the scales, exercises, and licks.You will learn how to navigate your fretboard and solo wherever you like based on your solid understanding of guitar theory. You will learn Songwriting. This is where you gain understanding of how to put it all together to write inspiring guitar solos. My goal is to make sure you become a dynamic guitar soloist and not a guitar scale robot!I will walk you through one of my new songs and explain every step of the way to help you gain understanding and insight of how a full guitar solo is constructed. This will be a valuable experience to help teach you how to create your own guitar solos. You will learn advanced scale techniques that will set you above the crowd when playing guitar solos.You will learn advanced concepts such as how to solo over difficult chord and key changes.You will learn how to solo in different keys and gain the confidence by practicing over backing tracks in different keys.And much more! Along the way I will also share unique insights on guitar playing and help to steer you in the right direction!With a Full 30 Day Money Back Guarantee on Udemy, what do you have to lose? Try it out today and begin moving closer to your dream of being able to solo like a legend!"
Price: 99.99

"Node.js and Express REST API with Real World Projects"
"This is a no holds barred, action packed course, titled Node.js and Express REST API with Real World Projects. The course takes you through all you need to start building industry standard REST APIs using Node and Express. To demonstrate My Confidence About This Course, I have created a CV that contains all the Concepts that I covered, and the Projects I have executed in this course. You can Take This Course and Start Looking for Job Immediately using the CV I have prepared.Your prospective employer wants you to come onboard and start building applications for them straight away. That is what I did in this course. To provide the knowledge that will allow you go straight into the industry and start working immediately. With over 100 Lectures, I did not leave any stone unturned!!Basically, the whole course can be grouped into Three Main Themes:Introduction to Web APIWhere I introduced how Web APIs work and how Asp.Net Core implements Web APIsCrash CourseWhere I provided a short but comprehensive tutorial on JavaScript- the primary programming language for the courseThe Real World ProjectsWhere I built Two SOLID Real-World REST API Projects. The type of Projects that you will be working on when you get into the industry."
Price: 199.99

"Pro UX/UI Mobile Design (2020)"
"? ? (2020) ! ) - ,  , , ! , ."
Price: 1799.00

"Formao em Liderana"
"O curso SEJA UM LDER DE PESSOAS tem como principal objetivo transformar voc em um lder que desenvolve outras pessoas e leva resultado e transformao para qualquer indivduo.O curso aborda todos os assuntos necessrios para voc aprender a ser um LDER e ser reconhecido com uma inspirao e exemplo a ser seguido."
Price: 39.99

"Amazon Coupon Arbitrage 2.0"
"Online Arbitrage is a great Business. It allows you to consistently multiply your money over & over again right from your computer.The issue with most Online Arbitrage Business models is you often need to invest money into products & then wait for those products to sell before you get your money back.But what if you could get products for for pennies on the dollar right to your door? That would change the Business model completely & mitigate any potential risk to the person starting it, right?That's EXACTLY what this course will show you how to do. It'll list a number of websites where you can source cheap products online to resell for a ridiculously high profit margin.You'll learn how to get high quality Amazon products at up to 99% off with coupon codes. Then, you can literally resell those same products back online at their full retail price & keep the difference for yourself!If you're interested in learning how you can multiply your money over & over again right from your computer with Coupon Arbitrage, enroll today."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Ethical Hacking By Hacking Real Websites Legally 2"
"If you want to learn ethical hacking the fun and easy way like playing a computer game, then this course is for you. There exists on the Internet several websites which allows people to hack and learn hacking.  These websites typically have different levels from easy to advanced. By hacking each level and gradually levelling up, you will learn hacking.  Traditionally, ethical hacking is taught by installing virtual machines on your PC and hacking the virtual machines inside your PC. This way of learning hacking can be pretty boring as there are no challenges or rewards. Also it can be quite laggy unless you have a high end machine. In addition, some people find learning Linux and installing virtual machines too troublesome. In this course, I will show you an alternative way, which is more fun and where you will enjoy the thrills of hacking real websites legally and solving each level and going from easy and gradually to more advanced levels - just like paying online games.  The website we will be hacking is HackThisSite!! which is a popular hacker's playground where hackers play hacking games reminiscent of CTF (Capture the Flag) and learn at the same time. However, without some help and guidance you will find it quite challenging. Hence this course. I will walk through each level from Basic to RealisticYou do not need to go through the hassle of installing virtual machines  or Linux on your computer. All you need is a PC. In this course I am only using a Windows PC to do hacking.Great way to learn Web Development & Information Technology (IT):If you had always wanted to learn HTML, Javascript, PHP, MySQL, etc, what better way than to learn how to hack. So, I invite you to learn to hack and in the process, you will also learn web development and IT. This is much more fun & exciting than learning it the traditional way - the boring way through formal IT courses and books. You will be killing 2 birds with one stone, i.e. learning how to hack and also learn IT.  So let's get started in your journey of hacking to learn.Bug Bounty:Last, but not least, the site creators of HackThisSite encourage you to literally hack their site  to explore the security of their site and they will reward those who responsibly disclose their exploit with an entry into the HackThisSite hall of fame.This course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee.  So, go ahead and enroll in this course now and start hacking the fun and easy way!"
Price: 39.99

"Microsoft Visio 2016 Essentials"
"In this course we will be covering the basics required to create many types of drawings in Visio, includingCreating a Visio diagramSaving a Visio drawingClosing and opening existing Visio drawingsUsing the View toolsCustomising the Quick Access ToolbarOpening a Basic diagramAdding shapes to a basic diagramSelecting shapesMoving & Resizing shapesFormatting shapesConnecting shapesWorking with textCreating a Basic Flowchart diagramCreating a cross-functional flowchartCreating an Organisation Chart diagramPrinting a drawing"
Price: 24.99

"Rhino Grasshopper Architecture Atrium Space Frame"
"Are you interested in Grasshopper and want to learn how it works? Don't be intimidated and give it a try! My name is David Copete and I will make sure to guide you through the exercise steps so you can learn the interface. Once you get through the initial learning stage, it will become one of your most useful design tools.In this class you will learn how to create an Architecture Atrium Space Frame with Connections using Grasshopper for Rhino. Grasshopper is a bit intimidating at first, but with some experience it can become one of the most useful tools. These tutorials are great for students who are trying to expand their design arsenal. They will allow you to create some complex and impressive designs in a quick amount of time. The steps in this tutorial are useful for many other applications. So make sure to follow me for future lessons, and let me know if you have any questions, or ideas for future videos. By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of how Parametric Design works and how you can apply it to your specific use case.I highly recommend this lesson! Why?It is simple and straightforward with full explanations of the process of parametric design using Grasshopper.I will show you a real world example. By the end of the lesson you have a useful script that you can use to share with your firm, or impress your friends and teachers.Who can benefit from this lesson?Designers who want to learn Grasshopper and Parametric DesignArchitectsEngineersDesign students3D modelers interested in parametric design.3D Print designers"
Price: 19.99