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"ISO 5817 - Kaynak Sreksizlikleri Kalite Seviyeleri Eitimi"
"     Kaynakl imalat ISO standartlarnda zel bir proses olarak nitelendirilir. Bu nedenle de kaynak ilemlerinin de kalite gvencesi ve ynetimi iin Uluslararas zel standartlar yaynlanmtr. elik, nikel, titanyum ve bunlarn alamlarnda ergitme kaynakl birletirmelerde oluabilecek sreksizlikler iin kabul red kararn verebilmek iin kullandmz deerlendire standart ISO 5817 standartdr. Bu eitim ile bu standartn kapsamn, ieriini ve kaynak sreksizliklerinin deerlendirme tekniini reneceksiniz.      zellikle iletmelerde kaynakl imalat blmnde alanlar, kariyer hayatlar boyunca bu alanlarda alma potansiyeli olan alanlar ve henz renci olup bu alanda alma potansiyeli olan (makine, endstri, inaat, metalurji/malzeme, otomotiv vb. blmler) kiiler iin yararl nemli bir eitim olduunu vurgulamak isterim.Bu eitimin kapsam;       elik, nikel, titanyum ve bunlarn alamlarnda ergitme kaynakl birletirmeler de oluabilecek kusurlar iin kalite seviyelerini ieren TS EN ISO 5817 standartnn yapsn ve ieriini katlmclara aktarmak eklindedir. Yani ISO 6520 eitiminde ergitme kaynaklarnda meydana gelebilecek sreksizlik trlerini snflandrm ve bunlarn neler olduunu anlatmtk. Bu eitimde bu sreksizlikleri neye gre ve nasl deerlendireceimizi anlatacaz. Sreksizlikler kabul edilebilir seviyede mi yoksa kabul edilebilir snrlar dndam bunun deerlendirmeleri hakknda konuacaz."
Price: 49.99

"ISO 9606 - Kaynaklarn Vasflandrlmas Standart Eitimi"
"      Kaynakl imalat zel bir proses olmas nedeniyle bu proses ierisinde yer alan tm personelin yetkinlik seviyeleri belirli ve belgelendirilmi olmaldr. malatta grev alan tm kaynaklarn yaptklar kaynak operasyonunu kapsayacak ekilde sertifikalandrlmalar gerekir. Bu konuda ilgili Uluslararas standart ISO 9606 standartdr. Bu eitim ile birlikte bu standart tm detaylaryla birlikte reniyor olacaz.     Bu eitimin amac, metalik malzemelerin ergitme kayna iin kaynaklarn vasflandrlmas konularn ieren ISO 9606 standartnn elik kaynaklar iin olan birinci blmnn ieriini katlmclara aktarmaktr.Eitimin kapsam;ISO 9606-1 standat ierisinde yer alan konularn blm blm ilenmesi, standart ierisindeki tablolarn yorumlanmas, ve bu standarta gre kaynaklarn nasl vasflandrld, kapsamlarnn neye gre belirlendii gibi konularnn ilenmesi eklindedir."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Professional Email Writing"
"In this course you will be able to understand basics of Electronic Mail. Moreover, you will learn how to write email for different situations.  Specially you will be able to write professional email. This course will shorten gap between you and professionalism. Course comprises of short lecture in simple language and this professional command."
Price: 19.99

"Aura Reading; Your Aura Guide To Seeing and Healing Auras"
"Have you felt that there was something more to your mood or why you felt a certain way around other people? Perhaps it was your Aura or your response to their Aura. Learn more about this powerful concept. Learn Aura reading. Learn to read your Aura. Learn to heal your Aura. Improve your clairvoyant skills to sense your Aura and other peoples Auras. Complete exercises to improve your reading abilities. Learn Aura color therapy. Be confident in learning more about other people by being able to read their Auras. This course comes with a certificate of completion. It also comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. Enroll today."
Price: 199.99

"Reconocimiento de Emociones para Deteccin de Mentiras"
"Las microexpresiones faciales son un elemento esencial en la deteccin de mentiras y son una poderosa herramienta para el xito en ventas, negociaciones, reclutamiento, presentaciones y liderazgo.Las microexpresiones  pueden ser tan cortas como 1/25 de segundo, son filtraciones emocionales y se consideran de los indicadores ms confiables de lo que alguien realmente siente.Es importante dominar las Microexpresiones?El ser Maestro en el Reconocimiento de las Emociones por la Expresin Facial te da ventajas en situaciones como:Ventas. En su presentacin en la Universidad de Harvard en junio de 2013, Patryk y Kasia Wezowski mostraron los resultados de su investigacin en Inteligencia Emocional. Cada persona que aprendi a leer expresiones faciales aument con precisin su Inteligencia Emocional (medida con la prueba MSCEIT ms resistente) con un promedio de 10% despus de 4 horas de entrenamiento.Negociacin. Dentro del proceso de Negociacin es importante reconocer las emociones de mi contraparte. SI por ejemplo doy una cotizacin por $100 y veo una expresin de asco, si es un cliente de largo plazo, puedo tomar una accin adecuada ofreciendo el 25% de descuento y as poder cerrar el trato.Mejorar las relaciones interpersonales. Al poder reconocer las emociones en otros puedo decidir mis acciones para obtener el resultado ms conveniente segn sea la relacin y la situacin.  El material de este curso est basado entre otros en las investigaciones de:  Paul Ekman quien desarroll el FACS, particip como asesor en la serie de TV Lie to Me y en la pelcula Intensamente.David Matsumoto, estudiante de paul Ekman ha continuado con la investigacin y aplicaciones de las Microexpresiones.Freitas Magalhaes, actualmente certifica en el FACS y es un investigador de la emocin en diferentes mbitos.#Mentira #LieToMe #TestifyToMe #LieSpotting #LieDetection #Intensamente #PaulEkman #Emociones #EmocionesUniversales #Microexpresiones #Microexpressions #DeteccionDeMentiras #Micro-expresiones #Mentiras #Mentira #EQ #InteligenciaEmocional #Nonverbal #NonverbalCommunication #Lie #Lies #DeteccionDeMentira #FACS #Rostro #Cara #Expresion #Expresiones #Reconocimiento"
Price: 69.99

"ADHD- Inclucating discipline in children / kids"
"I am an Instructor and I am doing this course for Oscyrus Courses . This course ADHD - Inclucating discipline in children kids  is a basic awareness course.As part of this  Course :  #   ADHD- Inclucating discipline in children kids.   #A lot of individuals may be familiar with the term ADHD but not really know much more about it. The aim of an instructor is to not only apprise the viewer what exactly ADHD is by giving a definition and an outline of the symptoms but to provide a self assessment test that anyone can do in the comfort of their home to determine whether or not the possibility of ADHD exists.Of course a doctor has to make the final decision but this information and test can help you to think a bit more about some of the things that you are experiencing and also make you better equipped with questions and answer for the doctor that you go to in order to validate the diagnosis.Based on what is presented attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is not a disorder that cannot be controlled. The challenge is finding the right type of treatments and awareness and coping strategies to help you to do so. When it come to dealing with a disorder you have to take the first step. This course will only help you to be more prepared for the process ahead or make you better understand what someone diagnosed with ADHD is going through."
Price: 19.99

"ADHD - Tapping Your Confidence and Achieve Realistic Goals"
"Hi there,I am Harish. I am an Instructor @ Oscyrus Courses. I am doing this course for Oscyrus Courses.First of all, Oscyrus Courses welcomes you .This course helps you to boost your confidence and achieve realistic goals.This course consists of various motivational strategies and hacks to increase your confidence to achieve your goals .This course might be helpful as relief and may act as motivational boost to achieve realistic goals.This course might be helpful for ADHD affected to Increase their motivation.Learn to tap your confidence and achieve realistic goals"
Price: 19.99

"ADHD : GK Digest -General Question Answers Quest"
"In this course, you will learn ADHD : GK Digest - General Question Answers Quest.Many experts say that, conservatively, well over six million children have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. With the mounting pressure placed on parents to pursue a diagnosis and medicate hyperactive children, the urgency of life-changing decisions can weigh heavily on the whole family. Conflicting advice bombards parents from all sides-often leaving families more confused and anxious than before. This ADHD Course seeks to quell fears and rationally addresses various common questions and concerns to help parents make sense of the information chaos.Whether viewers browse through the question-and-answer format or read from start to finish, they will come to:- understand the biological causes of AD/HD.- cope with AD/HD's emotional impact on family and friends.- find  relief through real-life examples of challenges and their solutions."
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) Practice Exams 2020"
"CompTIA Network+ helps develop a career in IT infrastructure covering troubleshooting, configuring, and managing networksNetwork+ ensures an IT professional has the knowledge and skills to:Design and implement functional networksConfigure, manage, and maintain essential network devicesUse devices such as switches and routers to segment network traffic and create resilient networksIdentify benefits and drawbacks of existing network configurationsImplement network security, standards, and protocolsTroubleshoot network problemsSupport the creation of virtualized networksThe new exam has been updated and reorganized to address the current networking technologies including the following:Critical security concepts to helping networking professionals work with security practitionersCloud computing best practices & coverage of newer hardware and virtualization techniquesConcepts to give individuals the skills to keep the network resilient"
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA CySA+ Cybersecurity Analyst Certification (CS0-001)"
"CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) is an IT workforce certification that applies behavioral analytics to networks and devices to prevent, detect and combat cybersecurity threats.CySA+ is the only intermediate high-stakes cybersecurity analyst certification with performance-based questions covering security analytics, intrusion detection and response. High-stakes exams are proctored at a Pearson VUE testing center in a highly secure environment. CySA+ is the most up-to-date security analyst certification that covers advanced persistent threats in a post-2014 cybersecurity environment.About the examNew CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-002) exam coming in Q2 2020!The beta exam has ended.If you took the CompTIA CySA+ certification beta exam, thank you! You will be receiving an email from Certmetrics in the near future which will contain important information and detailed instructions regarding how to download your PDF beta score report.As attackers have learned to evade traditional signature-based solutions, such as firewalls, an analytics-based approach within the IT security industry is increasingly important for most organizations. The behavioral analytics skills covered by CySA+ identify and combat malware, and advanced persistent threats (APTs), resulting in enhanced threat visibility across a broad attack surface.CompTIA CySA+ is for IT professionals looking to gain the following security analyst skills:Perform data analysis and interpret the results to identify vulnerabilities, threats and risks to an organization.Configure and use threat-detection tools.Secure and protect applications and systems within an organization.CompTIA CySA+ meets the ISO 17024 standard and is approved by U.S. Department of Defense to fulfill Directive 8570.01-M requirements. It is compliant with government regulations under the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA). Regulators and government rely on ANSI accreditation because it provides confidence and trust in the outputs of an accredited program. Over 1.3 million CompTIA ISO/ANSI-accredited exams have been delivered since January 1, 2011."
Price: 19.99

"Bird Watching in Florida"
"This course is unique in that we take you into every nook and cranny in Florida to help you find a particular species  you are looking for, or finding the perfect place to do some birding, anytime of the year! Want to go birding in the Florida Keys in November? We show you where to find the most species. Want to find the elusive Barred Owl in the Panhandle in May, we'll show you where to look. All that and much more."
Price: 19.99

"De 0 a Profesional del 3D Con Sketchup"
"En este curso vamos aprender de 0  a ser un profesional del Modelado 3D y la Visualizacin en tiempo real con el programa de Sketchup de una forma muy fcil. Este curso es especial para Arquitectos, Artistas, Diseadores, Ingenieros, Educadores, Carpinteros para todas las persona que quiera iniciarse en el mundo del 3D  de forma fcil y rpida. Con este curso vas a poder representar en 3D  tus ideas, con eso conseguirs comunicar mejor una idea o concepto a las dems personas ( Una imagen vale mas que mil palabras y un vdeo vale mas que mil imgenes)."
Price: 19.99

"Become a Master Teacher: How to Teach the Four Cs"
"Walk into the master teacher's classroom and you'll feel educational electricity. The students are completely alive and learning in the moment. The teacher is the conductor of an academic orchestra and the students are completely in tune.To become a master teacher, you don't need oodles of charisma. You don't need a larger-than-life personality. All you need are the four Cs:Critical ThinkingCreative ThinkingCommunicationCollaborationMaster teachers inspire students to chase their dreams, shoot for the stars and make the world a better place. Fulfil your own potential today by learning how to teach the four Cs! We all have the power to become great."
Price: 129.99

"How To Make A Website Without Coding"
"If you've tried really hard to make a website for your company or even for any product or service you're promoting or offering but struggled when it comes to coding , then this course is yours As it will walk you through on building your websites easy without too much effort and without coding , totally customized just by a click This course is for * Small business owners * Online Marketeers * Freelancers * Everyone who is looking to make his / her website on their own"
Price: 49.99

"PCAP Certification Associate : Python Practice Test"
"Why Choose the PCAP Certification Associate Exam Practice Test ?Quality Python test content is extremely important to me so that you can perform extremely good in PCAP Certification Associate Exam . I ensure that all objectives of the exam are covered in depth so you'll be ready for any question on the exam. My Python practice tests are created from original PCAP Certification Associate Exam and the official PCAP Certification Associate practice test  so that the level of questions and pattern can be maintained. I work hard to understand the exam objectives, taken the exam my selves before creating these practice tests. My quality content guarantees you to pass the PCAP Certification Associate in flying colors.Udemy Q and A feature helps you  to clear your doubt from meAs the questions are similar to original PCAP Certification Associate exam there are  90% change of  question coming similar from here onlyYou don't have to go and buy official  PCAP Certification Associate practice test i have included those similar difficulty level  questions here onlyQuestions are similar to exam questions so you test your knowledge of exam objectivesDetailed explanations for both correct and dis-tractor answers reinforce the materialPCAP: Exam InformationExam name: PCAP Certified Associate in Python ProgrammingExam Code/Exam Version: PCAP-31-01 (retired), PCAP-31-02 (published)Exam Level: AssociateAssociated Certifications: PCPP Certified Professional in Python Programming (PCPP-32-101 and PCPP-32-201) Coming 2020Pre-requisites: NoneDuration: 65 minutes (exam) + 10 minutes (Non-Disclosure Agreement/Tutorial)Number of Questions: 40Format: Single-choice and multiple-choice questions Python 3.xPassing Score: 70% (PCAP-31-02)"
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Certification SQL server Exam (70-761) :Exam Tests"
"Microsoft Certification SQL server Exam (70-761) :Exam TestsMicrosoft Querying Data with Transact-SQL certification is mainly targeted to those students who want to build their career in Microsoft SQL Server domain.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning  of taking 70-761 exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.Exam Topics covered as per syllabus 70-761 exam Certification skill questions :Manage data with Transact-SQL Query data with advanced Transact-SQL components Program databases by using Transact-SQL Wish you all the best !!"
Price: 24.99

"Analyse de donnes statistiques avec SPSS"
"Les objectifs de ce cours sont de prsenter une introduction liminaire trs concise et facile utiliser d'une multitude d'outils de calcul utiles pour donner un sens aux donnes, qu'elles proviennent des sciences sociales ou fondamentale. L'accent mis sur ce cours est l'analyse des donnes et tirer des conclusions partir d'observations empiriques. L'objectif  n'est pas sur la thorie. Les formules sont donnes l o cela est ncessaire dans de nombreux endroits, mais le cours se concentre sur les concepts plutt que sur l'abstraction mathmatique. Nous mettons l'accent sur les outils de calcul utiliss dans la dcouverte de modles empiriques et proposons une varit d'analyses statistiques et de tches de gestion des donnes populaires que vous pouvez immdiatement appliquer au besoin vos propres recherches. Le cours prsente des analyses et des dmonstrations utilisant SPSS. La plupart des ensembles de donnes analyss sont trs petits et pratiques, donc leur entre dans SPSS devrait tre facile."
Price: 149.99

"How to Heal Stress and Anxiety: Dare to Rise From Fear"
"This course is a brief overview of theory and exercise of how to heal stress and anxiety: The true road to feeling safe by shining light onto fearTheoryLecture 1) What is anxiety?In this lecture we will create awareness of what anxiety actually is.Lecture 2)  What are your anxiety triggers? Creating awareness. Scale yourself from 1-10 with how anxious you are with each trigger and overall anxiety levelLecture 3) How to respond vs. react with anxiety- Holding space for fear with your awareness and allowing the experience of feeling fear- Gently sending self compassionLecture 4) How to allow fearLecture 5) What is resistance to fearApplication ExerciseLecture 6) Apply anxiety/allowing meditation daily or when applicable"
Price: 74.99

"ATENO MULHERES! Se voc est acima do peso, ou no est satisfeita com o seu corpo, essa mentoria para voc! Meu nome Matheus Shock, eu sou Personal Trainer, e venho pesquisado dentro da minha rea profissional que a obesidade est cada vez mais presente na vida das mulheres. Pensando nisso criei uma Mentoria com treinos dirios e desafios alimentares para 1 ms com intuito de ajudar as mulheres emagrecer!"
Price: 39.99

"CSQA: Certified Software Quality Analysis"
"Applicant Prerequisites: (CSQA)To qualify for candidacy, each applicant must meet ONE of four prerequisites listed below:A 4-year degree from accredited college-level institution & 2 years experience in the information services fieldA 3-year degree from accredited college-level institution & 3 years experience in the information services fieldA 2-year degree from accredited college-level institution & 4 years experience in the information services fieldSix years experience in the information services fieldANDAre working, or have worked at any time within the prior 18 months, in the field within covered by the certification designation.An applicant for certification must adhere to the Code of Ethics that outlines the ethical behaviors expected of all certified professionals by the ISCB.Depending upon a compliance sample selected according to program criteria, the applicant may be required to provide upon request detailed education, employment, and reference documentation supporting the information entered in the Customer Portal during the application process. If selected the applicant must supply the required documentation and those who fail to provide the requested documentation may be subject to decertification."
Price: 199.99

"CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional"
"This course includes 6 practice exams that mimic what you can expect to see in the certification exam. This course will prepare you with the necessary intelligence, practice, and confidence you will need when you walk in to take the certification exam and pass on your first attempt.Receiving this certification is the proper next step for your career.This certification is one of the longer ones, with 250 questions, and a 6 hour time limit.  It covers a wide array of content and it's important to have as much practice as you can, and this course includes 6 practice tests with 250 each, to make your first attempt, your last attempt. "
Price: 19.99

"Gain Focus in Your Day with Microsoft To Do"
"Microsoft To Do is designed to let you take control of your day by having a place for each task without needing to see them all at once. Whether or not you are an Office 365 user, To Do will help you stay focused on your tasks. Traditional lists of tasks can be daunting to manage, but To Do will guide you towards a clean, simple view of the tasks that you choose to focus on each day."
Price: 24.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2020 - Exams"
"Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect - EnglishThis course provides: 75 unique questions in 4 Practice Tests covering the difference topics of the certification including:   - Domain 1: Design Resilient Architectures  - Domain 2: Define Performant Architectures  - Domain 3: Specify Secure Applications and Architectures  - Domain 4: Design Cost-Optimized Architectures  - Domain 5: Define Operationally Excellent Architectures Detailed explanations and reference Links. Exam tips to be ready to pass the exam.Unlike the vast majority of exam tests out there, this pack include questions that have been created by Associate Amazon AWS certified professionals. Our goal is to provide comprehensive Amazon AWS Certification Practice tests suite that will help you to pass the exam but also have a deep understanding of Amazon AWS and its various services. We have set the threshold to 72% which is the minimum required to pass the exam, but we strongly recommend to get a passing score of 80% to be sure you are ready for the exam.Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect - EspaolEste curso proporciona:   75 preguntas nicas distribuidas en 4 exmenes de prueba de 25 preguntas cada uno. Los examenes de pruebas cubren todos los temas de la certificacin incluyendo:  - Dominio 1: Diseo de arquitecturas resistentes.  - Dominio 2: Diseo de arquitecturas eficaces.  - Dominio 3: Especificacin de arquitecturas y aplicaciones seguras.  - Dominio 4: Diseo de arquitecturas con coste optimizado.  - Dominio 5: Definicin de arquitecturas para lograr la excelencia operacional. Explicaciones detalladas de las respuestas y enlaces a la documentacin oficial de Google. Consejos para poder pasar el examen ms fcilmente.A diferencia de la mayora de tests disponibles en internet, este curso proporciona un pack de examenes contiene preguntas nicas que han sido creadas por profesionales que atesoran la certificacin de AWS Certified Solutions Architect. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar un amplio conjunto de tests que ayudarn a los alumnos a aprobar el examen, pero a la vez llegar a comprender de manera profunda los conceptos clave de la nube de Amazon AWS y sus servicios.  Hemos fijado el porcentaje de aprobado para los exmenes en un 72%, que representa el mnimo exigido por Amazon, pero recomendamos encarecidamente obtener un porcentaje del 80% para estar seguros de que podrn pasar el examen con facilidad."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Fotografia do Zero"
"J se perguntou? Tenho Mind Set de fotgrafo?Pensa comigo; quando dirige e ao mesmo tempo conversa com um amigo que est de passageiro, realiza as manobras de direo sem se preocupar, de forma leve e natural, que seu crebro j criou (treinou) o Mind set DIRIGIR. Meu conselho : Crie (treine) o Mind set FOTOGRAFAR.Foi treinando uma amiga a fotografar que me dei conta o quo automatizado estava meu conhecimento em relao a iluminao, e como nada to bvio na mente de quem est comeando, foi ai que me lembrei de como era complicado a 17 anos atrs para mim numa poca de filme, isso mesmo, nada de digital nos dois primeiros anos de fotografia na minha vida. Comear a fotografar com filme e s cegas (dependendo totalmente do fotmetro) de certa forma foi muito bom j que no havia a possibilidade de ver o resultado num visor, podia contar apenas com a interpretao do fotmetro da cmera e com meu conhecimento sobre luz, e os comandos da cmera. Hoje agradeo muito este sufoco!Digital lindo! facilita o fluxo, eu amo! mas tambm pode te deixar com algumas fragilidades tcnicas se no treinar sua mente para entender a luz e o equipamento.Pensa comigo, quando Imagina um fotgrafo profissional, a imagem que vem na sua mente de algum preocupado e confuso com seu equipamento? com medo da iluminao? Acredito que no.Voc com certeza ter a imagem de uma pessoa segura na sua tcnica, confortvel com a iluminao, e muito a vontade com a cmera, e provavelmente se divertindo enquanto cria suas imagens.Pois acredite! Seu cliente espera exatamente o mesmo.No importa que tipo de fotgrafo voc , que rea de atuao escolheu, com certeza, vai precisar automatizar em voc a forma como seu equipamento funciona, para que em um instante, seja capaz de fazer a leitura da iluminao disponvel e decidir na velocidade de um click, que abertura, velocidade e ISO fotografar, assim como algum que precisa fazer uma curva dirigindo, sabe exatamente, quando acionar a seta, o quanto precisa reduzir a velocidade para realizar a curva em segurana, e ao mesmo tempo sentir o quanto precisa girar o volante.Uma pessoa com uma mquina profissional na mo, s ser um profissional, quando sua mente for de um fotgrafo profissional!Vamos criar uma mente de fotgrafo Juntos?"
Price: 84.99

"SolidWorks 2020 Learning by Doing 1. Car Canopy Design"
"In this course, we will learn more about SolidWorks by going through a real world example. We will go through the process of designing a car canopy. We will start with concept design, then we will run Finite element analysis (FEA). Then we will make some modifications to enhance the model. After verifying the model with the analysis. we will start creating the actual detailed model. Then we will create detailed drawing for fabrication and the last thing is that we will export some files for plasma cutting."
Price: 99.99

"Creator Theology 101 - The Creator Today"
"The history of the Creator creating since the Ancient Egyptian periods up until today.  Real examples of people, places, and events in order to show that the Creator is alive and well and still with us in the year 2020 and beyond.  In this course, the instructor covers a lot of history pertaining to Ancient Egypt, mythological Greek gods and goddesses, and American history.  But really the purpose of the course is to show you that the instructor really is the Son of the Creator and he uses a lot of example messages to convey the information.  The Creator is currently using individuals to develop telepathy and this course will open your eyes as to how messages are conveyed.  The Creator is creating examples today to show you that He does still exist."
Price: 119.99

Price: 1280.00

"Agile/Scrum practical guide with your virtual team"
"THIS COURSE WILL GIVE YOU NOT ONLY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE BUT TEACH YOU HOW TO APPLY THEORY IN REAL PROJECTS.No matter what your role this course is designed for everybody. Theoretical Part: We will start with fundamentals learning Agile values and principles, the difference between Agile and Waterfall, understand what types of projects work better with Agile and which ones with Waterfall.We will then proceed with Scrum fundamentals and define the difference between Scrum and Kanban, Scrum roles and artifacts.2. Practical Part:We will start our journey with the team with the definition of the product vision. The team will be working on the development of the platform that helps people organize the events and keep in touch with the participants.Once the product vision is defined, we will start working on the Backlog, creating User stories in JiraThen we'll cover estimation techniques as well as run the estimation and planning session with the virtual teamAdditionally, we will include Release planning and release management in JiraWe'll then learn how to monitor and support the team's progress We will  run the sprint demo and learn different  retrospective techniques At the end of each section, you will have to take a quiz testing your understanding of the material covered. Why take this course?There are a lot of courses giving you theoretical knowledge, but how to apply this in real projects?  This course will prepare you and demonstrate the real case scenarios.  So you will be ready to either join or lead an Agile development team.I offer you full support,  answering your questions. Feel free to reach out! :)Ready to get started?  Hurry up and enroll now :) See you in the course!"
Price: 109.99

"Medical English for ESL Medical Students and Professionals"
"The ""Medical English for ESL Students and Professionals"" course consists of 52 lessons, over 6 hours of recordings and 950 Medical English words and phrases. All lessons have text, pictures to study from, and recordings of the teacher. The course consists of 2 Levels - Beginners and Intermediate. The Beginner Level is for people with little or no knowledge of Medical English. It slowly builds up a solid foundation, covering topics such as Organ Systems, Medical Equipment, Medication, Hospital Departments, and Most Common Diseases. In the recordings the teacher speaks slowly and clearly to ensure that she is fully understood by the students. There are lots of repetitions of the new words and phrases and plenty of pronunciation practice. The Beginner Level consist of 29 classes, 482 new Medical English words and phrases, and more than 3 hours of recordings.In the Intermediate Level the level of difficulty is much higher than in the Beginners level. The texts are longer, the words - more complicated, and in the recordings the teacher speaks faster. There are different medical topics which help the students not only build up Medical English words but also learn/review/participate in discussions on important subjects concerning Western Medicine such as History of Western Medicine, Chronic Diseases, Infections and Infectious Diseases, Cancer and Cancer Treatments. This Level is for more advanced students or students who have completed Level 1. It consists of 23 lessons, 463 Medical English words and phrases, and nearly 4 hours of recordings."
Price: 59.99

"Autoestima en 21 das"
"Una sana autoestima es la base del bienestar emocional y la felicidad. No te voy a mentir, es un proceso, reconstruir la autoestima a unos niveles saludables requiere constancia y esfuerzo, adems, muchas veces, no sabemos ni siquiera cmo hacerlo. As que en este curso te presento un proceso en el que a lo largo de 21 das podrs practicar diferentes ejercicios que contribuyan a que tu autoestima mejore. Los 21 das son algo simblico, es difcil cambiar al cien por cien en tan poco tiempo, pero s es suficiente para que nos pongamos en marcha y descubramos la importancia de hacerlo y lo bien que podemos llegar a sentirnos cuando empezamos a cuidarnos, respetarnos y querernos. Descubre cmo hacerlo de manera prctica con los 21 ejercicios que te presento."
Price: 19.99