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"Wireframing & Prototyping Free Balsamiq Alternative - Pencil"
"Wireframing and PrototypingCourse - What Students say:""I'm going to recommend this course to all product managers and team leaders in our company. It's not only about the Pencil tool - but also about some cool ideas and good practices for wireframing in general. I specifically like the lectures about creating wireframes for dashboards and for mobile devices.""**** Updatesto Wireframing and Prototyping courseAugust 2017****A new user interface version has been introduced for Pencil. This lesson quickly covers the new look and feel and shows you how to get around with it.****Updatesto Wireframing and Prototyping courseApril 2016****New wireframing and prototyping for specific use casessection added with videos to show you how to create wireframes in Pencil for specific uses - such as Mobile device appprototyping or for planningBig Data WebsiteDashboard screen wireframes.***********************************************************************************Are you planning or designing a website, a software product or an application? If you are then creating a great user interface is probably one of the most important factors to the success of the project.There are many tools to design a software user interface. In this course I introduce you to an easy to use, freely downloadable tool called Pencil, and quickly show you how to create user interface wireframes and prototypesby yourself.Within an hour, you will be able to create your user interface sketches and prototypes, and share them with clients, designers and developers.No prior skills or experience is required to take this course. It takes you all the way from downloading and install the free Pencil tool, through creating wireframes and prototypesand working with all the Pencil tools, and onto saving and exporting your prototypedesigns.You'll also find some extra Goodies on the course, such as icons and assets you can add to Pencil, and example wireframe designs to help you get started.There are several paid wireframing tools out there- tools such as OmniGraffle, Blasamiq, Axure and Visio would cost you anywhere from $89 to $600 and more. Before using those, make sure you take this course to be able to try out wireframing by yourself for free. Even if you do plan of using one of the paid tools for wireframing, the skills you will learn and apply through this course will prove invaluable."
Price: 29.99

"Creativity Enhancement for Kids: a Parents & Teachers Guide"
"Creativity is one of the most critical skills of the 21st century.With all the innovations in technology, the changing economic world, the reshaping of social and business structures - we will all need Creative Thinking as a fundamental skill.What does the need to be Creativemean to parents and teachers?We need to be preparing our kids and students. We need togive them the creative thinking skiils and creativitytools they will need to face this constantly shifting reality.This course will show you how. The course covers the essentialtools andmethods that will help youenhance yourchildren's creative thinking skills.Ittakesyou step by step through explaining the creativitytools, clarifying how YOU can use them with children, and providing you with examples and tips to get you started.I created this course because I wanted us as parents and educators to take charge and enhance our children's ability to use creativity and to make it a natural part of their thinking habits.Who should take the ""Creativity Enhancement for Kids""course?The courseis designed with3 types of students in mind:Parents who want to develop the creative skills of their children and make it a part of their natural habitsTeachers and educators that are looking for ways to enrich their teaching methods on any subject matter, as well as to impart fundamental creative thinking abilities to their studentsAnyone who is interested in creativity techniques and would like to improve their own ability to use them and help others use them"
Price: 49.99

"Google Tag Manager for Beginners+ (Challenges)"
"**** UPDATED: March 2019 ****- New set of videos updated to 2019- New Resources added****************************Are you an Digital Marketer, Digital Analyst and use Tools like Google Analytics or Google AdWords on a regular basis? Then you probably know how important it is to track data and conversions. Are you measuring these data points yourself yet? No? Still have to run to a developer to get the job done? Then Google Tag Manager is for you.Take this free Introduction course to Google Tag Manager and learnwhat Google Tag Manager is all abouthow to install Google Analytics with the help of GTMhow to deploy Event Tracking with GTMand get further Resources to dive deeper into GTMAt the end of this course you will have a good overview on what GTM is all about and can decide if you want to dig deeper and learn more.We also prepared some Challenges for you to practice what you have learned for a greater learning effect.NO prior Knowledge required - (though it might be good if you know what Google Analytics is). This is an introductory course and will teach you GTM from the ground up.If you want to track Conversions, User Behaviour and more, yourself, without needing help from a developer... than sign up right now.see you on the inside...- Julian, Creator of Measureschool"
Price: 24.99

"Master en Bootstrap 4: Crea pginas web responsive desde 0"
"ACTUALIZADO PARA BOOTSTRAP 4 (ALPHA 5) 30 de Octubre del 2016!__________________________________________________________________________________DE QU SE TRATA EL CURSO?Bootstrap es el framework HTML+CSS+JS ms popular del mundo y en su ltima versin trae mejoras indiscutibles, como el uso de Flexbox y la incorporacin de nuevos componentes. En este curso te explico cmo crearproyectos web exitosos, en tiempo record, escribiendo menoslneas de cdigo CSSy100% Responsive. Te invitoa que veas cualquiera de las clases queestngratuitasantes de comprar el curso y seguro que desears ver el resto del curso.CMO EST ESTRUCTURADO ESTE CURSO?El curso se divide en varias secciones. Empezamos por entender el concepto clave La filosofa Mobile First, para luego empezar a crear el diseo del sitio completo desde 0, usando Adobe Illustrator CC (No necesitas conocerlo, nosotros te enseamos a dominarlo). Luego procedemos a crear el diseo del sitio usando solo HTML5 y CSS3 sin usar Bootstrap 4. Porque?, esto te permitirentender la manera en la que Bootstrap influye en el desarrollo de tu proyecto. El siguiente paso es entender ala perfeccin el nuevo modelo de caja ""Flexbox (Flexible Box)"" yhemos dedicado una seccin completa, de ms de 5 horas de grabacin. Tambin creamos 3 mini-proyectos con situaciones concretas para que entiendas perfectamente cmo aplicar flexbox en sitios web reales.Luego pasaremos a explicarte el uso de Bootstrap y todas las novedades que nos trae la versin 4 y profundizaremos en todos los conceptos necesarios para implementar exitosamente este Frameworken tus proyectos. Despus procederemos implementar el sistema de columnas que maneja Bootstrap, para que cada caja HTML se adapte a cualquier dispositivo. Finalmente crearemos animacin personalizada usando CSS3, insercin de efectos Parallax, lacreacin deun encabezado animado y todos los detalles que un proyecto de calidad necesita. EN RESUMEN EN ESTE CURSO APRENDERS: HTML5 + CSS3 + Jquery(Desarrollo de un Proyecto Real).Aprende a crear tus propios diseos nicos y personalizados usando Bootstrap 4.Accede a ms de 30 horas de grabacin en HD, con contenido claro, ejemplos concretos y didcticos.Accede al contenido desde tu mvil, Tablet o PC (24/7).Obtn todos los archivos originales necesarios para apoyar tu aprendizaje: Gua de estilo para Bootstrap 4 (Cheat Sheet), diseos en Adobe Illustrator, Plugin de terceros y ms.Animaciones CSS sin flash (ya est obsoleto)."
Price: 159.99

"Seguridad mxima para Joomla 3: Protege tu CMS favorito"
"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACTUALIZADOPARA JOOMLA 3.6.4--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DE QU SE TRATA EL CURSO?Te enseamos a implementar y gestionarun sitio Joomla seguro y punto.Joomla!, al igual que otros CMS,requiere de acciones para afinar su seguridady es responsabilidad de todo administrador, conocerlas y ponerlas en prctica.Este curso te introducir en el campo de la seguridad informtica orientada a Joomla!. Aprenders, paso a pasoyde forma sencilla, a implementar unarobusta capa de seguridad queneutralice los ataques a tu web, aprenders adetectarlos y cmo reaccionar frente a estos.Aprenders a construir una defensa slida que neutralice los ataques a tu web, conocers cmo detectarlos y cmo reaccionar frente a estos.A Google le gusta mostrar sitios web limpios.Si tu sitio se encuentra infectado, rpidamente Google te penaliza y empezars a perder posiciones. Por ms que tengas muy buen contenido, la respuesta es simple:GOOGLE NO MUESTRA SITIOS WEB INFECTADOS.Pero eso no es todo, si alguien intenta ingresar a un sitio web con Malware,Google Chrome muestra un mensaje de alerta, informndole al usuario que, el sitio donde va a acceder est infectado. Si te interesa aparecer en los resultados de Google, preocpate en mantener tus sitios Web limpios y saludables.CMO EST ESTRUCTURADO ESTE CURSO?El curso se divide en varias secciones.Empezamos por entender los conceptos claves relacionados aLa Seguridad en Joomla, para luego empezar a realizar la instalacin de diferentes scripts que nos ayudarn a diagnosticar el estado de un sitio web.Finalmente veremos el proceso de desinfeccin de un sitios web creado con Joomla desde 0 y paso a paso.EN RESUMEN EN ESTE CURSO APRENDERS:Introduccin a la seguridad web.Configuracin y definicin de permisos.Seguridad desde el Cpanel.Manejo de usuarios y configuracin de permisos en Joomla!.Veremos como implementamos un completo antivirus.Bloqueo de ip.Actualizar Joomla!.La mejor solucin para crear backups.Diagnosticar un sitio Joomla infectado. Recuperar y desinfectar un sitio Joomla"
Price: 74.99

"Crea Sitios Joomla Extraordinarios para Empresas con Gantry"
"Teenseo como hago para disear sitios web extraordinarios en ""pocosdas"":SIN PROGRAMAR, SIN CODIFICAR, SOLO ARRASTRAR Y SOLTARDE QU SE TRATA EL CURSO?Te enseara construirsitios web profesionalesusando Gantry, el mejor generador de plantillas gratuitas para Joomla.Gantrynosofreceuna gran cantidad de opciones que nospermite,lograrel ms alto nivel depersonalizacin, nunca antes hanvistopor losamantes de Joomla.Gantry nos permite construir desde diseos sencillos, hasta complejas estructuras(Layout) sin tener conocimientos de programacin.POR QUGANTRY?No necesitamos tocar ninguna lnea de cdigo (Si eres diseador web, tambin te permite hacerlo).Es completamenteGratuito (Esto te permite reducir costos y ofrece precios accesibles).Te ofrece unaInterfaz intuitiva (Slo arrastrar y soltar).Incorpora un potente gestor de mens, nunca antes visto.No se requiere experiencia endiseoweb.Los diseos creados con Gantry 5se adaptan a Mviles y Tablet (SonResponsive).Te permite crearsitios extremadamente veloces ya que incorporasu sistema propio de compresinde archivos.Fue creado pensado en el SEO(Es responsive, Veloz, Pgina deError 404 incluida, Cdigo HTMLsemntico, etc).Y para losdiseadores web:GANTRY 5 USAFLEXBOX en toda su estructura.PARA QUIEN ESTADIRIGIDOESTE CURSO?Personas quedesean tener su propiositio web 100%personalizado:Aquellos que conocen Joomla,peronecesitan tener un control totaldel diseo de su sitio.Personas quedesean generar cientos de dlarescreando sitios web:El tiempo es dinero yconuna menor inversin de tiempo en la elaboracin de tus sitios web,mucho mejor para t. Gantry te permite armardiseos personalizadosen tiempo record.Podrs construir mas sitiosweb y vivir de esto (Ascomo lo hago yo).CMO EST ESTRUCTURADO ESTE CURSO?Empezamoscon un corto video introductorio. Usted aprender a instalar Gantry 5 y todas las configuraciones iniciales dentro de Joomla.Luego seguimos con los primeros ajustes necesarios dentro deGantry, configuramos el diseo dela pgina inicial yel diseodelas pginas internas, al mismo tiempoaadimos estilos personalizados usandoCSS.A continuacin analizamos uno de los conceptos propios de Gantry""Las Partculas""que en realidad son piezas de contenidoque se pueden configurar en el administrador de Gantry, muy similar a los mdulos de Joomla, pero con caractersticas propias. Partculas como""Custom HTML"", ""Logo"", ""Fecha"", ""Social"" y ""Contenido de ejemplo"" mejorarn nuestroflujo de trabajo.Las ""Partculas"" pueden hacer todo tipo de cosas, desdeinsertar un pequeo bloque de cdigoHTML o tener unbloque de informacin detallada, con imgenes, enlaces, texto, etc.Luego veremos uno de las ""Joyas de Gantry"", el""Gestor mens"" y losdiferentes tipos deestructura de mensque podemos crear (mltiple columnas, conos en los enlaces,carga de mdulos, etc).Luego nos centramos en los que creemos es""LA PEPITA DE ORO DE ESTE CURSO"",aprenderemos a crearestructuraspropias(Layout) con Gantry.Te ensearemos a construir tus propiasestructuras a medida usando archivos ""Twig""(Plantillade Layout para Gantry, no es HTML, no es CSS).Al final del curso,sers capaz deusar Gantry 5 con total seguridadydesarrollar plantillas 100%personalizadas,completamenteResponsive(PC, tablet, smartphone) y disearlos sitiosweb conJoomla, que siempre has soado!.EN RESUMEN EN ESTE CURSO APRENDERS:Planificar un proyecto web exitosousando Gantry 5.Crear diseos desde 0usando Gantry 5.Tips para optimizar tu tiempo y crear ms sitios web en un menor tiempo.Accede a ms de 15 horas de grabacin.Obtendrstodos los archivos originales necesarios para apoyar tu aprendizaje: Diseos en Adobe Illustrator, Fuentes de texto,Extensiones para Joomla (gratuitas y comerciales)y ms.QUIEN SOY?Me llamoErick Mines CEO de Aulaidealy te llevar de la mano a lo largo de estecurso, te aseguro que no estars solo.Tengo ms de 10 aos trabajando con Joomla y ms de 6 aosusando Gantry (Desde que vio la luz). Cientos dede proyectos web exitososcreados usando Joomla y Gantryme respaldan.Un abrazo y te veo dentro del curso.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Te invitoa que veas cualquiera de las clases queestngratuitasantes de comprar el curso y seguro que desears ver el resto de este entrenamiento.-ACTUALIZADO PARAJOOMLA 3.7 Y GANTRY 5!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 164.99

"Domina HTML5 y CSS3 en 8 das"
"En este curso te enseara escribir el HTML5 y CSS3 que usars en la vida realy empezar tu carrera como Diseo web!.DE QU SE TRATA EL CURSO?Te proporcionaremos todo el conocimiento necesariopara que finalmente te conviertas en un experto en HTML5 y CSS3.Iremos paso a paso en este viaje y te transformaremos, deun principianteaun diseador de pginas web profesionalescapas de codificar sus propios sitios web, ya sean personales o para empresas.En mis aos que vengo enseando diseo web, he descubierto que la formas ms efectiva de aprender cualquier lenguaje de programacin es Sumergirse en el cdigo y ensuciarselas manos.PARA QUIEN ESTADIRIGIDOESTE CURSO?Estudiantes de diseo web:Si estas aprendiendo a crear web, este curso te mostrar de forma clara como codificar desde 0 tu sitio web usando HTML5 y CSS3.Administradores web:Personas que tienen unblog personal o administran un sitio web y estn en constante contacto con cdigoHTMLy desean saber modificarlo correctamente, sin estropearlo todo.Marketers y afiliados:Estas creando productos para vender online o estas promocionando productos como afiliados y no sabes cmo insertar esas lneas de cdigo dentro de tu web?, tranquilo en este curso aprenders hacerlo.CMO EST ESTRUCTURADO ESTE CURSO?En este curso asumiendo que usted no sabe nada de diseo weby empezamospor ensearte las principales herramientas para hacer un sitio web; Luego nos sumergimosms y trabajamos con HTML5 y CSS3.Al finalizar este curso vas a construir un hermoso mini-sitios web, que te va a encantar. Con todas las caractersticas que un proyecto web requiere.EN RESUMEN EN ESTE CURSO APRENDERS:Planificar un proyecto web exitosousando HTML5 y CSS3.Crear el diseos de un sitiodesde 0.Tips para optimizar tu tiempo y crear ms sitios web en un menor tiempo.Accede a ms de 20 horas de grabacin.Obtendrstodos los archivos originales necesarios para apoyar tu aprendizaje: Diseos en Adobe Photoshop, Fuentes de textoy ms.QUIEN SOY?Me llamoErick Mines CEO de Aulaideal.comy te llevar de la mano a lo largo de estecurso, te aseguro que no estars solo.Tengo ms de 10 aos como diseador webycientos de proyectos web exitososme respaldan.Un abrazo y te veo dentro del curso.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Te invitoa que veas cualquiera de las clases queestngratuitasantes de comprar el curso y seguro que desears ver el resto de este entrenamiento."
Price: 74.99

"The Player Control with Playstation and Arduino - VR"
"Virtual reality is technology of future. As a developer if you want to produce something this set is for you. Using the Arduino, we're going to learn to control body movement of Playstation 3 football playersNote: My mother tongue is Turkish that's why i have tried to express this work as faras i can in English.Comoponents Required:Playstation 3 Joystick (sixaxiss) and Playstation ConsoleLSM9DS1 IMUSensor- SparkfunADXL335 Accelerometer - SparkfunCD4066 DigitalRelay ICArduino Uno/MegaLed,Button,Resistor,Breadbord,Band,Bandage,Jumper Wires,Multiple Wires,TVI will teach you step by step how to go about building this project. I will also share the code with you so that you can replicate the project yourself."
Price: 29.99

"Adobe Illustrator: Learn Easy Logo Design."
"Do you want to learn how to use the logo designed by famous?You can find the basics of logo design in this course. You can create a strong foundation and professional logo design for this course is for you. With little effort you can design the logo.You must have basic knowledge of Illustrator before taking this course. Middle and high quality logo can easily learn to do. More advanced logo to make your skills and abilities are only limited by your imagination.Courses will be constantly updated.This course- Will understand the basics of Illustrator.- You will learn the basics of logo designing.- Be able to design the logo as you imagine.- Basic level, the experts will prepare the ground level.Note: Use the Illustrator version of Adobe Illustrator CC"
Price: 29.99

"30 Ways to Get Traffic to Your Real Estate Business"
"Most real estate professionals are taught prospecting techniques, but are in the dark about ways to market their business to get in front more prospects, easily, in ways in which they like to interact. If you aren't using online and mobile resources in your real estate business, you will be missing out on the millennials, who represent the majority of today's home buyers.In this course, I will teach you how to promote your websites and get more traffic by utilizing 30 different resources to elevate the Search Engine Optimization of your sites. You will discover alternate ways to utilize online resources to get in front of more targeted prospects and build rapport with your audience which sets the stage for them to want to do business with you.We will cover websites, social media and mobile integration, and ways you can build back links to all of your sites to push your rankings up in the search engines, creating a business that provides value to prospective clients."
Price: 19.99

"#06: Bernina Software 7 Fundamentals Fill Stitches Part One"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn all the ins and outs of Bernina Software 7. This course is 55 min of Bernina Software 7, and the sixth course of twenty courses where we will explain the workings of Bernina Software 7. Explore Step Fill types, settings and stitchangels, as well as what Pull compensation is, what it looks like, and how to manage. We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 20 courses of mot more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99

"#19/20 Bernina Software 7 the Fundamentals of lettering"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn all the ins and outs of Bernina Software 7. This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and the sixteenth course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. To digitizing letters for logos or for any other use, and to combine it with embroidery design, all depend on the end user. Know the size limitations for specific fonts, as well as underlay and stitch settings. Outline of lettering gives another outcome, and can be use for just outline type of lettering. How to search and download fonts you do not have for a project and how to install it so it is accessible for the software. Shadow lettering is also a big one, as well as the envelope style for lettering."
Price: 29.99

"#21 Bernina Software 7 Fundamentals: Elastic Lettering"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn all the ins and outs of Bernina Software 7. This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and the sixteenth course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. Get started with the first step to Elastic Lettering, and work through the font type. Work with Curve choice in Elastic Lettering, show all options you can use. Texture edge in lettering, what you should know about settings. Use different fill types and create a color blending filled letter manual. Create with the auto color blending tool and compare the difference. What to do when stitch type fillings is not vissible when selected. .................................. We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 40 courses of not more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99

"#22 Bernina Embroidery Software 7 Fundamentals: Wingdings"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn all the ins and outs of Bernina Software 7. This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and the sixteenth course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. Introduce you to the Wingding, dingbat and Applique font Create a square design using one of the dingbat fonts. Create a Redwork design with one of the dingbat/wingding fonts A beautiful quilt block design, or whatever you want to us it for. The same design, different look, with a bit of tweaking with the stitch types. Introduce wreathing and kaleidoscope uses in a design. Advanced Applique combined with a wingding or dingbat font, all you need to know. Continue with the Advanced Applique and see the final results. Applique font is also very exiting. I show you both: the fun, and the limitation. Explain the applique steps that need to go to your cutting machine or the cutting tool ................................. We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 40 courses of not more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99

"#23 Bernina Software 7 Fundamentals: Monograms"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn all the ins and outs of Bernina Software 7. This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and the sixteenth course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. Introduce you to the Monogram Digitize Tool in the toolbar Names or initials can be created with combination of frames and backgrounds. Add some designs for an even more personal look. Add ornaments to enhance the frame around the Monogram Letters Create a background behind the letters to work well on all types of fabrics Color management and final outlay tweaking. Summary of this Monogram project to prevent bad stitch outs. We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 40 courses of not more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99

"#24 Bernina Software 7 Fundamentals: Applique"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn all the ins and outs of Bernina Software 7. This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and another course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. Introduce you to the Applique tool and its benefits and uses Explain in Object Properties for Applique the correct settings to use. Add normal digitizing stitches before the Applique option is used. Insert your fabric for a realistic view to what the final project will look like. To remove bulk when layers of applique objects are on top of each other. Create a shape in art canvas to transfer for an Applique design Use outline options to give this shaped design some character. ................................. We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 40 courses of not more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99

"#25 Bernina Software 7 Fundamentals: Applique"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn all the ins and outs of Bernina Software 7. This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and another course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. Introduce you to the Advance Applique tool and its benefits and uses Take you on a trip for free cliparts, how to find, how to save and how to use. Confirm the artwork to be used as is, or to just use part of it. Select decorative stitches, and what to know when you do that Apply stitches, while we work around a specific order Create those beautiful eyes and finalize the outlines. We repeat edit choices we have used before, and allow you to try something new Edit the overlap of all the outlines so the Advance Applique can be used. Create those lovely kissable lips to perfection Apply Advance Applique and place fabric pieces where needed .......................................................................................... We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 40 courses of not more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99

"#26 Bernina Fundamentals: Advance Applique"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn all the ins and outs of Bernina Software 7. This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and another course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. Transform a design that was not created for applique to an applique design Use above mentioned object and convert from stitches to artwork Confirm the artwork to be used as is, or to just use part of it. Use Artwork from other sources to create another Advance Applique design. Turn basics into breathtaking creations with Advance Applique .......................................................................................... We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 40 courses of not more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99

"#27-28 Bernina Software 7 Fundamentals: Punching"
"of Bernina Software 7. This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and another course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. Explain the term Punch or Punching and how it relates to machine embroidery Preparations to start a new design is important, that is what we do. Explain the red line in the hoop and how to extend for the Punch tool. Outline design to finish for the Applique look with decorated outlines. Create this design now in a beautiful Monogram for a more personal stamp Manage the color film as well arrangement for center alignment Punch a partial part of a current design for a very mod look. .......................................................................................... Turn Embroidery Stitches into Punch objects Dress up rest of design with fill stitches and combine all. We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 40 courses of not more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99

"#29 Bernina Software 7 Fundamentals Buttonholes"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn all the ins and outs of Bernina Software 7. This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and another course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. The Buttonhole Bonanza introduction to show what you can expect. Work out a row of buttonholes with even spacing manually The Arrange tool in the toolbox is very handy in this project, I show you how Choose the Buttonhole tool from toolbox, and then use the settings for amazing results To insert garments as a background and view the buttonhole placement is done Decorative buttonholes has no limitations, it is unique, it is fun, just do it Place Patterns Stamps with your buttonholes, a few clicks, and voila .......................................................................................... We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 40 courses of not more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99

"#30 Bernina Software 7 Fundamentals Pattern Stamp"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn all the ins and outs of Bernina Software 7. This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and another course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. Finalize the last Drawing option in the Digitize toolbar Discuss and show the hoop settings and why it is important. Create Circles and Squares using the same method, and find the correct pattern. Clone or duplicate stitches, using mirror images and create a custom design Remove stitch selections and replace if you choose to use something else. Fill the closed area with patterns to create a filled object. Edit the layout of the pattern that you use as a fill stitch. .......................................................................................... We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 40 courses of not more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99

"#31 Bernina Software 7 Fundamentals Create a Pattern Stamp"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn all the ins and outs of Bernina Software 7. This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and another course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. Explain the purpose of this class, and preview my plan in action Use the Elipse and manage start and end stitches. Transfer the Elipse design into the Pattern Collection. Wreathing and more about the start and end and why so important Create a new pattern with blocks overlaying one another. Use the Pattern that you created and create a wow frame Use the Frame you created and turn into Applique .......................................................................................... We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 40 courses of not more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99

"#32 Bernina Software 7 Fundamentals Stumpwork"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn all the ins and outs of Bernina Software 7. This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and another course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. Introduce you to Stumpwork for what the results will be. Take you on a trip and show various Stumpwork options Understand the Stumpwork options in Bernina Software 7 Start to digitize in the order needed for Stumpwork Decorate some objects for a smart end result. Create a Stumpwork Object, and switch that object to Stumpwork Split objects that shape the Stumpwork from the original page Finish the design to send to machine for embroidery. .......................................................................................... We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 40 courses of not more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99

"#33 Bernina Software 7 Trapunto and Create A Border"
"This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and another course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. Create your own border and save it for future uses. Edit and add to the border some auto outlines Create Trapunto letters, and learn about the slow redraw Create a shape that can be used as a border in Corel. Transfer the shape to the embroidery canvas Create Monogram letters and edit untill it meets the eye More about the Monogram letters Get ready for the overlay of organza Understand all about stitch order, and placement lines Finalize the design to be send to the machine for stitch out sample. .......................................................................................... We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 40 courses of not more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99

"#34 Bernina Software 7 Mirror-Merge"
"This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and another course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn all the ins and outs of their software Introduction to the mirror-merge options. Use your hoop to identify correct sizing of project Planning your design and merging, specially your start and end points Mirror-merge allows you to choose to merge the designs or to just duplicate it. Ma, his making eyes at me: yip align those eyes, and hide them Wreath your flower petals and show off a beautiful balanced design. Add Morphing to our mirror-merge and wreathing and it just become more unique .......................................................................................... We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 40 courses of not more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99

"#35 and #40 Bernina Software 7 Arrange and Create a PDF Colo"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn all the ins and outs of Bernina Software 7. This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and another course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. Introduction of all the arrange options. Show step by step the options, and how to use it. Finalize all we can do with the allignment tools ........................................................................... Why will I need a PDF Color chart of a design? Sell your designs needs a color chart offered with every design, we reveal it all. .......................................................................................... We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 40 courses of not more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99

"#36 Bernina Software 7 Portfolio manage all our designs"
"This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and another course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. Introduce you to Portfolio How to customize the way you want to view designs How to customize the way you want to view artwork Designs can be send direct from Portfolio to your machine or device All design information as a group of designs or as one is stored in Portfolio Move designs from one place or folder to another is so easy, I show you how Use the help folder is also very handy to help you manage your portfolio Print designs information will also be revealed in class 35 section 2 in combination ........................................................................... We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 40 courses of not more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99

"#37 Bernina Software 7 Manage Colors"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn all the ins and outs of Bernina Software 7. This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and another course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. Introduce you to the various color manage choices Manage your introduction screen with the color chart Understand the color chart and the auto selection from a thread brand. Fine tune the color of a thread of your choice that might not be listed Create your own color chart with various thread brands you prefer. Work through the color film and create a perfect order in numbers Explain the duplication of colors in a design that can not be sorted. Summary of the class to work successful with colors and lists ........................................................................... We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 40 courses of not more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99

"#38 Bernina Software 7 CrossStitch Program"
"This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and another course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. Introduce you to the Cross Stitch program Introduce you to the variety of Cross Stitch stich patterns Combine external outlines from embroidery Canvas to your Cross Stitch design or object Explain all the icons and tools in the Cross Stitch program Use the help document included in the program as well as the online manual Thread charts and management of those charts is explained Manage my background grid and colors before I start a project Experiment with the different Cross Stitch types Continue with experimentation with the different stitch types Wrap up the class with all the steps learned in this class ........................................................................... We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 40 courses of not more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99

"#39 Bernina Software 7 XStitch from hand chart"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn all the ins and outs of Bernina Software 7. This course is not more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and another course of Master the Fundamentals of Bernina Embroidery Software 7. Explain where to get ideas from, and show you all Import a chart into Corel and crop the design background only and save In the XStitch program open the XStitch chart to start digitize the crosses The chart blocks needs to match the blocks of the XStitch program, I show you how Prepare your thread colors from the handchart in the program Sometimes you have to re- set your x stitch blocks for a better result Start filling the blocks with the correct stitch type and thread color Continue with the Xstitch digitizing like above Finalize the design, and tweak where you have to A design with lots of details and colors take some time, we continue Save the design as ARX which then can be opened in Embroidery Canvas ........................................................................... We have broken Bernina Software 7 down into 40 courses of not more than 60 min each for your convenience. In each course we will cover a section of the software."
Price: 29.99