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"Android Material Design Course: Learn Mobile UI/UX"
"JOIN OVER 1700 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN THIS COURSE!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course content is being updated every week! Suggestions for additional course content are highly appreciated!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Android Material Design: Learn UX, UI & Android Marshmallow course you're going to learn how to design mobile applications by going through all User Experience, User Interface Design techniques, and finally designing the whole application from very start to the very finnish. Also, were going to focus on Android Design and in particular Android Material Design, which is the latest visual language developed by Google.Android Material Design was firstly introduced with Android Lollipop operating system, which is quite different from the older Android versions. The latest Android Marshamallow OS is using Android Material Design guidelines and visual language, so were going to cover what has changed and how we can design beautiful Android applications.Also, in this course youre going to learn User Experience design principles and techniques, which will make your app not only beautiful, but also usable, useful and valuable for the users. Finally, we are going to put everything together and go from the very start to the very finnish and design example Students 4 Students application by using User Experience Techniques, User Interface and Android Material Design guidelines. Were going to learn the process step by step without leaving any details behind. But if its not enough for you, were also going to learn a little bit of coding to create a basic application which is going to be a perfect one to introduce you into some of the coding techniques for Android Lollipop and Marshmallow. At the end of this course you will be able to turn your initial app idea into fully functioning Android Material Design based application which can be published to Google Play Store or just show it to your cat.We created this course as a great resource for anyone, who wants to start their own career journey in UI/UX design, especially in mobile design business. Personally, I structurized this course and put myself into beginners shoes, with only practical and interactive lectures. Feel free to go through course description, curriculum and I hope that I will see you inside this course!"
Price: 49.99

"Learn How to File Taxes for Uber and Lyft Drivers"
"Taxes for Uber, Lyft, and Sidecar drivers are handled differently than what most full time workers are used to. Since we are now considered self employed contractors, we are now responsible for own taxes, including payroll deductions for Social Security and Medicare. This course has many tips on taxes and goes over one of the most common tax deduction, which is mileage. It also covers instances where you want to deduct expenses, but its not recommended unless your car's depreciation is high or have more than 4 vehicles in your fleet. For most drivers, deducting your mileage on your vehicle with the proper records is the easiest way to reduce your tax liability. Also included in this course is a detailed video on how to file your taxes with Turbotax Home and Business! Here is the list of items it covers: Do Lyft and Uber Drivers Pay Taxes? What about Quarterly Estimated Taxes? Introduction to Rideshare Taxes Tax Deductions and Calculations for Rideshare Drivers The 1099 Form Taxes: The Schedule C Taxes: IRS 1040-ES The Schedule SE Deduct Mileage, Lease Payments or Car Expenses? Section 179 Deduction For Expense-Based Calculations The Best Kept Secret in Rideshare Taxes How to File your Taxes with Turbotax Home and Business (Video Walkthrough)"
Price: 39.99

"Curso de ASO para Aumentar tus Descargas de apps un 500%"
"Descubre cmo dar visibilidad a tus apps para obtenerdescargas gratis en las tiendas de Google Play y App Store de Apple.Sin duda, el mrketing de tus apps es lo que te va a dar el salto cualitativo que esperas. Es lo que le va a dar visibilidad a tu aplicacin y adems las conversiones que deseas.Se trata de un curso que va al grano. No se trata de teoras de mrketing, son tcticas y estrategias que aplico a mis apps para obtener el mejor resultado en el menor tiempo posible.Vas a descubrir cmo dar la mxima visibilidad a tus apps con herramientas de inteligencia competitiva especficas de apps. Existen millones de apps zombies en Google Play y App Store de Apple, son aquellas que no tienen descargas. Pero no quiere decir que no sean buenas, solamente que una cosa es que las apps sean buenas y otra que tenga visibilidad para llegar a tu pblico objetivo.Descubrirs :Cmo buscan las apps los usuarios.Cmo y por qu los factores de visibilidad no son iguales en Google Play y App Store de Apple.Cmo utilizar de forma adecuada las herramientas de inteligencia competitiva para apps.Cmo escoger las palabras clave de tu pblico objetivo.Cmo modificar los factores a tu favor para tener mayor visibilidad en las tiendas de apps.Cmo inspirarse en lo que funciona de la competencia para aplicarlo en tus apps.Cmo llegar a tu pblico objetivo para poder ofrecerles tu valor aadido.Se trata de un curso de 140 minutos, de conocimientos condensados sobre lo que funciona para tener visibilidad y ventas.Algunas de mis apps han sido destacadas en las tiendas de apps, te aseguro que no es casualidad. Puedes ver en el primer vdeo cmo Apple, ya desde la publicacin de la app, la pone dentro de las primeras 10 posiciones en muchos paises y en diferentes categoras.He publicado ms de 90 apps y tengo ms de 3 aos de experiencia en el mrketing de aplicaciones para mvil."
Price: 199.99

"Tu Idea para una App no es tan Genial"
"En mi blog, muchos apprendedores me preguntan sobre aspectos para crear su app para mvil, sin darse cuenta que fallan en lo esencial, su idea de app.Por mucho que hagas bien las cosas con tu app, si te equivocas en lo bsico, la idea, todos los esfuerzos posteriores no te servirn para nada. Tu app ser un fracaso.Pero ests aqu porque ya te has dado cuenta de eso. Ya no eres un apprendedor que se ha enamorado de la idea y desea lanzarla s o s, sobre ese tema en concreto. Te has dado cuenta del primer error de los autores de apps:""Tengo una idea de negocio genial para hacer una app""Nop! Djame que te diga que tu app no es tan genial como crees. Disculpa si soy algo rudo, pero la realidad es la realidad. Solo corro el riesgo de no equivocarme en un 95% aproximadamente. Quieres tener xito o tener razn?Seguir con tu idea o escuchar lo que tengo que decirte?No es que no quiera que lances tu app (es lo que ms satisfaccin me produce cuando trabajo con mis alumnos), es que deseo que lo hagas con la informacin adecuada.Tu idea ser buena solo si el mercado, la gente, decide que es buena. Y ser buena si la gente decide utilizar tu app porque aporta valor a sus vidas y de alguna manera, es diferente a otras aplicaciones que ya hayan en el mercado.Porque no creas que tu idea es nica. De nuevo, con riesgo a no equivocarme en un 95%, tu idea ya est en el mercado a travs de alguna otra app. Quizs no es exactamente la app que queras hacer, pero probablemente ser muy parecida.Qu pasa si tu idea de app o parecida, no est en el mercado? Pueden pasar dos cosas:1) La idea no es buena porque ha fracasado cuando otros la han llevado a cabo.2) A nadie se le ha ocurrido antes.Con respecto a la opcin 2, De verdad te quieres arriesgar a crear una app que no sabes si va a tener xito?Esa es tu decisin, particularmente creo que solo es interesante a lanzar una idea genial de app cuando ya has publicado otras apps y tienes cierto conocimiento de qu es lo que funciona en el mercado y qu no funciona.Invertir tiempo y dinero en un proyecto que entraa mucho riesgo porque es tu primera app y nadie ha tenido la idea genial, es la primera causa de tener emprendedores de apps fracasados en Espaa.Qu hacer?Sencillo, crea diferentes apps de bajo presupuesto y aprende cmo funciona el mercado. Despus y solo despus, asume el riesgo de crear una app con Tu idea genial.Sabes qu?Muy probablemente, esa idea genial ya no lo ser tanto, una vez que conozcas qu funciona en el mercado y qu no funciona.Luego tendrs otra idea genial , pero como tendrs un conocimiento del mercado que antes no tenas, las probabilidades de xito sern mucho mayores.Qu te propongo?Que sigas los pasos que enseo en el curso.Te parece parece coherente?Esto que te digo est basado en mi experiencia. Yo no invento la rueda, no trato de innovar, trato de mejorar lo que ya hay.No lo hace ya la industria?Fjate, en temas de propuestas de mrketing y de productos, pocos innovan. Los coches cada vez se parecen ms, las motos tambin... Si algo funciona, Para qu cambiarlo? Si no tienes los recursos para salir de un batacazo, echa un vistazo al curso."
Price: 99.99

"Aristotle - The Good LIfe"
"What this course isnot. It is not the A. B, Cs on happiness. It makes no claims to acquiring happiness in 1, 2 , 3 steps. It doesnot reduce the human condition to basicprinciples.It does not claim that acquiring happiness is easy or the same for everyone. It makes no promise of being able tomake you happy. Happiness is complicated, because humanity is complicated, especially in its individually realized states.But it does aim to provide a paradigm which has survived the centuries, been tried and tested, and which remains compatible with present-day aspirations. It will be in understanding some of the underlying assumptions and philosophical premises of Aristotle (for the most part) that you will be better positioned to comprehend your own paradigms of life, and take counsel in life lessons you bring to your life through the voice of Aristotle and others. But this will require your commitment, and disciple as you delve into the readings. I aspire not to make it easy as that wouldbe demonstratively self-annihilating. But alas,it is not easy. That we expect it should be is a lesson already won if you venture to register for the course.In this course you will gain insights from the greatest philosophers in human history on the good life, or human happiness. With a hands-on approach, you will learn What makes you happyHow to take charge of your lifeHealthy habitsHow to become a great thinker Confidence and caringYou know there are no ""happy pills"", ""magic formulae"" or any long-lasting ""quick fixes""! This is your life we are talking about! You'll want to invest in this project, in YOU, to (re)build a successful and happy life. By the end of this course you will rid yourself of bad habits, recognize common flaws in your reasoning, find the source of your anxieties and become a balanced, passionate, vibrant and happy person.What are you going to get out of this course? You will acquire fresh perspective and a deeper appreciation for life. You'll understand that Socrates' famous saying ""the unexamined life is not worth living"" is about the danger of floating with stream of life, and the importance to stem the tide and run your own course."
Price: 19.99

"Critical Thinking: Improve Reasoning & Communication Skills"
"In this course you will develop critical thinking skills. Specifically, you'll learnwhat critical thinking iswhat arguments arehow to construct good/valid argumentsthe difference between deductive and inductive argumentssome of the classic fallacies, like the red herring, ad hominem and false dilemmaThis is a hands-on course, that has direct and immediate applicability. You will be able to detect poor reasoning strategies in yourself and others, acquire greater clarity of thought, become more precise, and proficient at the presentation of arguments in defence of your beliefs.What are you going to get out of this course? You will become aware of your own thinking processes and better able to detect hidden and false assumptions, you will become better communicators, open-minded, less judgmental, yet confident in your judgments."
Price: 24.99

"Learn comprehensive web development"
"This course is designed with a motive to teach you end to end web development. I have an agenda of my own to empower you to be successful in being able to develop webpages for fun or profit!! HTML5, CSS3, Jquery, Bootstrap are basic building blocks of today's webpages. It is essential to learn them in considerable depth to be a successful frontend developer. PHP and MYSQL are popular processing and backend technologies. This isn't your typical course It's more than that! This will teach you all of the listed technologies under one roof. This course is divided into six major modules: Module 1: Covers HTML 5 in detail Course Intro HTML 5 basic concept Choosing a editor More basics How to set a webpage title How to use text headings How to use paragraphs How to use line breaks Test101 How to make the text bold How to use strong text How to italicize text How to mark a text Delete and insert text How to insert superscript and subscript text on pages. How to add quotes to webpages Test102 How to add a block-quote to your page Attributes How to add address to your page Display images on your webpages How to display code on your page Define keyboard input on pages Display text as it appears in your editor/code window Abbreviate text on pages Cite references for borrowed content Summarizing all that we've till here in one video How to add comments Links Part1 Links part 2 Links Part3 Links Part4 Learn to work with unordered list Let's make an ordered list Create a distribution list HTML 5 page structure Tables intro How to add table headers How to add table captions Introduction to forms Form text boxes Form checkboxes Form radio buttons Form dropdowns Form submit button Form textarea Multimedia Intro Add videos to your webpage Add audio files to your pages Adding Youtube videos DIV's -- Module 2: Covers CSS3, to beautify the page Requirement CSS Intro CSS Selectors Change text color(Internal style) Create an external style sheet Reference external style sheet Defining styles on an external style sheet Multiple CSS selectors Select by ID Select by Class Difference between Class and ID selectors How to add comments How to open and use colorpicker General theory RGB and HEX Using RGB and HEX values in CSS Add background color Add gradient background Play with font sizes Add background images Background image repeat options Aligning text Decorating text Playing with margins Playing with padding Adding shadows to text How to blur text shadows Integrating Google fontsWorking with list stylesUsing images for list-stylesShorthand for list-styleStates of linksNormal and hover effectsVisited and active linksAdd border, define color, and style for tablesPadding cells and aligning text in tablesStyling tablesBorder properties and valuesPlaying around with visiblity settingsPositioning theoryStatic positioningAbsolutee positioningRelative positioningUsing both absolute and relative positioningUsage of floatStyling formsStyle form as a wholeStyle H1 and SPAN in formsStyle button in formStyling SELECTAdding box shadowCSS transitionsCSS transparencyPseudo element throryPseudo element first letterPseudo element afterPseudo element before Module 3: Explores Jquery to add features to pages Jquery IntroExploring JqueryHow to download JqueryHow to include local libsHow to include CDN referencesDocument ready eventTest if Jquery works fineShorthand for Document readySelectorsATTR methodJquery and CSSDOM manupilationUsing effects in JqueryJquery UI IntroHow to download Jquery UIHow to work with AccordionHow to use datepickerHow to use dialogsWorking with menusWorking with AutocompleteUsing tabs in Jquery UIAnimate using Jquery UI Module 4: Introduces Bootstrap framework for responsive design Bootstrap IntroDownload PingendoClassesRowns and columnsWorking with PingendoDemo page with PingendoDemo page 2 with Pingendo Module 5: Teaches you basics of PHP WAMP installationPHP variablesPHP IF and ELSE statementBasic MYSQLI connectionphpMyAdmin basicsphpMyAdmin inserting records. Module 6: Help you to perform CRUD using MYSQL How to select results from Database and display them on pagevideos pending.... This course will suit different style of learners. It is designed to help beginners and intermediate learners. You have complete control over what you want to learn Choose the modules you like." In the current standing, every business, big or small needs to have strong online presence to profit from e-Commerce. If you are planning to setup a webpage, start an online website, or learn these concepts, this course is a great resource. The course is structured, and ordered evenly to teach you little by little. What's included? You get 15+ hours of video lectures Code snippets in .txt files ( I am not able to upload .html) directly as no support for same on Udemy. A PDF document that contains all the codes we covered. You will get two template I've developed while I was training my last batch plus any templates I develop for this series. There will be sufficient number of quizzes added to test your knowledge. I will make them as hard as possible as you progress! This is one heck of a course tailored to test your patience. I will give you ~250 videos. You can take your own sweet time to complete the training. You must take this course to learn end to end web-development. You will learn front-end, back-end and also the processing language to connect both of them. Dive in! Immerse yourself!!"
Price: 49.99

"C++ Object Oriented Programming From Scratch"
"In this course we will uncover the Details of the most important concept in the programming world, which is, Object Oriented Programming. To make this notion very clear in your minds, this course will have as a basic Syntax: the C++ programming language as it's one the most useful syntaxes in nowadays in addition to java and python. In addition, our course will focus especially on the use of the OOP concept in the world of applications using the Qt framework, and this is the specialty of this course. through the presented tutorial we will discuss the following notions: -Classes And Objects. -Constructor -Destructor -Accessors -Overloading -pointers -Inheritance -Polymorphism -Static member -Qt And OOP this is what you've got to learn to get a solid base in OOP. So let's get started in this course step by step together and to uncover the world of Object Oriented Programming."
Price: 19.99

"C++ programming in Qt Framework: Part II"
"This course is the second part for my C++ And Qt Programming For creating Powerful Softwares And Applications, and it's the continuation of my first course ""C++ Programming in Qt: Create GUI Softwares"".the students that would take this course are supposed to have an overview of Qt Framework, although, if you are a beginner then you should take my first course and then complete it with that one in order to keep track with the level of my other students that have taken both courses.In order to keep up with this course you should have Qt Creator installed on your computer. if so then it's ok just go ahead and watch the course until the endthis course covers the following concepts:Manipulating Files in Qt using I/O StreamsView And Model Architecture In Qt Or What we Call VMC Architecture.How Translate Your Softwares From a Language To another.if this content attract your attention then you are not wrong. feel free to take it and i promise you that at the end of this course you will boost your programming skills far from just an intermediate."
Price: 24.99

"C++ Network Programming With Qt Framework"
"in this course we will discussthe following:Networking Basics: even if you don't know nothing about networking, this course will give the essentials so you can still be able to implement your networking Project.Network programming with Qt so you will understand how Qt deals with Networking elements and how it implements them.Web-Engine in Qt and how the chromium project is included in Qt.learn how to create a download manager (simple one) and how to work with proxies in your Application and last bun not least we will create also a simple web browser."
Price: 29.99

"Java Functional Programming"
"this course will teach you the following Parts of Functional Programming:Getting to know the concept: we will answer to the questions of What is Functional Programming and why should weuse it.How to use Lambda expressions on Collections: collections are a very important part of JAVA and every developer is concerned with it so in this course we will discover how you can use lambda expressions to improve your usage of java collections.How to use Comparators and Filters: complex operations like filtering and comparing data is made very easy like never using lambda expressions with some quiet beautiful utilities offered by JDK.How to design with lambda expressions: if you are designing your applications using strategy pattern (which makes you handling more and more hierarchy problems), lambda expressions is made for you to minimize the complexity generated by the hierarchy of your classes and interfaces."
Price: 44.99

"Erfolgreich durchs Vorstellungsgesprch"
"Was dir dieser Kurs bringtDu hast in ein paar Tagen ein Vorstellungsgesprch, und suchst die optimale Vorbereitung? Dann ist dieser Kurs fr dich. Im Kurs lernst du alle relevanten Inhalte eines Vorstellungsgesprchs kennen und kannst dich strukturiert vorbereiten. Du verlierst die Nervositt, weil du weit, was dich erwartet. Im Gesprch kannst du dich so optimal prsentieren und deine Chancen den Job zu bekommen erhhen sich deutlich.KursinhalteDu lernst, welche Fragen dich im Bewerbungsgesprch erwarten, wie du dich vorbereitest, und welche Strategie zum Erfolg fhrt. Wir zeigen dir an Hand von vielen Bespielen, mit welchen typischen Fragen du rechnen musst, worauf deine Gesprchspartner achten, und was sie mit der Frage testen mchten, und natrlich wie du optimal antwortest. Und das ohne dich verstellen zu mssen. In unserem Kurs geht es nicht um auswendig gelernte Antworten, sondern um die bestmgliche Prsentation von dir und deinen Kenntnissen und Fhigkeiten. So klappt es endlich mit dem Jobangebot!"
Price: 49.99

"Become Disaster Resilient! Start your CERT Team!"
"Learn what a Community Emergency Response Team does, where to find a CERT class, how to join or start one and how to keep it alive. Includes some generic checklists and online Federal and State resources. This course will take around 4 hours to complete. The course is an online course.Why take this course? Imagine a tornado or flood has hit your neighborhood. You were not told to evacuate. You check your family and house to make sure they are OK. They are. But when you look out the window, you see several neighbors are in their yard injured, one house is damaged and you know an elderly woman lives there alone. There is a small fire beginning in one house.In an emergency, what do you do first? Help the injured? Great. Now what do you do next? Search the single womans house? Fight the fire? How much of this can you do alone? Did you call 911? Oh, circuits are busy because this affected many neighborhoods. Emergency response will be delayed. Now what? Your neighbors are coming to you to find out what THEY should do. What will you tell them? When emergency responders arrive how do you tell them what is going on and get your neighbors help?CERT is the program that teaches you and your neighbors (or business co-workers) what to do in an emergency. Churches, businesses, colleges and schools use CERT training to prepare their staff and students.CERT training can be tailored to specific needs and is sponsored by local emergency management, fire or police departments.Many CERT programs used trained CERT members to support their emergency response in the Emergency Operations Center, Police administration or to feed and water firefighters on large fires.As a CERT member, you will receive a CERT response kit that will let you grab and go when a disaster threatens. Then mobilize your neighbors and join the team. After you take a CERT basic training class (which covers organizing your team, medical first aid and triage, firefighting, hazmat, search, rescue, disaster psychology and communications), we show you how to find funding sources, engage local emergency responders and train for the disaster most likely to affect your community. Finally, find out how to maintain the program and keep your membership roster full!"
Price: 19.99

"Create Custom Window Valances"
"Make beautiful custom window valances out of stock white trim moulding with only a few tools! Combine several standard moulding shapes to create a wide window valance or ornate profiles. We will discuss basic woodworking techniques as we move through the course. There is a resource checklist you can download and print. The course will take approximately 4 hours to cover the material and complete the periodic learning checks. The course is structured as lecture plus questions and answers with activities thrown in to demonstrate principles and skills. Take this class if you are interested in learning how to create beautiful window treatment valances."
Price: 19.99

"Remote Influencing - Manifest Your Mind"
"Remote Influencing is the flip-side of the Remote Viewing coin. Instead of downloading information from the Universe (Remote Viewing) you'll be uploading information into the quantum wave, where all possibilities exist simultaneously, to snap into one possibility, based upon your informational upload. Or in a word, when reality becomes ""manifest."" But in this case, the Universe becomes manifest in the way you need, rather than some random way. In Chaos theory, this is known as the ""butterfly effect."" Where a little influence upon the Universe can set off a chain reaction to a much greater effect or outcome. You'll learn how to effect the Universe by uploading the controlled information you have, to the reality you need."
Price: 199.99

"Remote Viewing SHTF Remediation - Expert Edition Part 2"
"A lot of my students have asked me about Ed Dames predictions about the killshot, a series of massive solar flares that bring civilization to the brink. I have held off, (until now) from going into the subject because so many people either roll their eyes, or become paralyzed at the very idea. After some soul searching, its clear that NOT telling you what I know about the subject is an act of gross malpractice as a Remote Viewing Teacher. So, Im teaching you what I know, so youll know. If youve had this nagging feeling, or dark cloud hanging over your head because you can feel that something about the future, just isnt right. You already know it in your bones. In a nutshell, the Killshot is real. Its coming. And, if youre not prepared, the world and everything you know about it, is going to get really ugly. But, it doesnt have to be all that terrible, if you know what to do and where to go, and if you can make it to the other side, some really amazing things will happen. In this course youll: Learn what he Killshot is all aboutWhere the few safe zones resideUnderstand the reason for securing your sanctuary locationDiscover the Road to the Killshot through a series of past/future events Know what you need to secure yourself and your familyWhat to expect before/during/after the Killshot event. While this subject does deal with a very dark topic, its not all doom and gloom. There is hope for those who make it out the other side. We are evolving. For evolution to take place, nature makes room for the next phase to succeed and flourish. We have the ability to do what the dinosaurs couldnt, avoid extinction through evolution."
Price: 199.99

"Remote Viewing Enigma- The Alien Conspiracy"
"There is a lot of noise, disinformation and toxic debate on the topic of Ufo's and Alien conspiracy. We're going to review what's what and who are the dominate voices in this debate. Then we're going to shoot passed theses voices and see for ourselves what is real and what is misinformation.As Remote Viewers, you have the tools others do not, in a world that is to you, without secrets. We will be targeting:Solar WardenSecret Space ProgramVisitationsReversed Engineered CraftHidden BasesLunar StructuresAnd more...Thissubject matter is the most important thing humanity can know, what is behind the veil. Getting it right is never more crucial."
Price: 199.99

"Remote Viewing GPS - Expert Edition Part 1"
"This course is the Holy Grail of the Remote Viewing world. (Largely because one could use this knowledge to find the Holy Grail.) Remote Viewing has finally advanced enough to where the exact location of a person, place, thing or event, can be located in tandem with the Global Positioning System (GPS). In this course, youll be able to: Locate buried treasureFind a missing childFind a murder victims lost remainsEstablish your sanctuary site in a disasterTrack a most wanted fugitive.Know the location of the next terror attack, or mass shootingLocate Real Estate for personal use or investmentEven use it to hunt for Big Foot and UFOs. Doing all of this from the comfort of your kitchen table. By using your Remote Viewing skills, along with the recommended software, or even Google Earth, youll be able to discover what others have lost, or are unable to find. ButThis course is not for everyone. You must have taken the previous courses, the Basics, Advanced and Masters courses in order to understand how to work this course successfully. You must be fluent in the standard Remote Viewing protocols and the Associative Remote Viewing protocols in order to tackle these complex methods and strategies. If you have achieved that level, congratulations! You are the elite, the expert class that can finally complete your RV skill set."
Price: 199.99

"Hoodoo You Love"
"This course existsbecause it'sprobably the most requested course topic of my current students, both men and women. Given that love and relationship is what all of us want and need out of life, it's really not a mystery.In this course you'll have a strong understanding of howto effectively bring love into your life.What resources you'll need.You'll discover what love spells actually doAttract a new loverHow to return anEx-loverHow to protect yourself from an obsessionFinding happiness in a relationship can be difficult. Getting to the point where a relationship exists, can be even harder. Both take work, however it doesn't always have to be HARD work. Throwing ""works""is simple solution to getting the ball rolling, keeping a wandering eye focused on you, or bring home love lost."
Price: 199.99

"Intro to Design Thinking: Innovation Strategy for Business"
"Design thinking may be a relatively new concept, but it has actually been around for a very long time. Everything around you has been designed. The chair you're sitting on. The device you're looking at. The grocery store around the corner, the car that's parked out front, everything has been designed. Everything has been designed in an attempt to delight you. Often, that translates to higher pricing power and higher profits.You do want higher profits, right?If so, you need to check out this course. This course teaches you how to think like a designer, and how to design an experience that will delight your consumers.This course is not intended for designers. They already know how to think like a designer - they're making a career out of it. This course is designed for business people. This course doesn't start at the design process - this course has a strong emphasis on what happens before you start designing. As business people, we know that we do not have the luxury to have someone else tell us what needs designing, what needs to be re-imagined. We have to come up with the business problem all on our own! This course aims to help you do exactly that.This course also is not intended to replace designers. While this course will teach you the design process, there are professionals out there who specialize in design. No man is an island. Adding talent to your team is always a good idea (budget permitting).What this course will do is to get your creative juices flowing! Besides teaching you the process, this course is also filled with real-world case studies to serve as inspirations and examples. And perhaps you'll discover that you're not just a business person, but there is an inner-designer within you! And you may find a whole new market that creates new opportunities for your business. Or you may come up with the next can't-do-without product that would significantly add to your bottom line.Are you up for the challenge? Are you ready to bring out the creative genius in you?"
Price: 34.99

"Marketing Tool: Media Budgeting: CPC/PPC, CPA, CPM explained"
"Are you new to the world of advertising? You know you have a great product. But you want to get the words out about it. You decided to try advertising only to be overwhelmed by the industry jargon.What is CPC?What is PPC?What is CPM?What is CPA?Which is best for me?How do I budget?If you have these questions, you've found the right course!This course will explain these various pricing models, so you can create your advertising budget accordingly.This course is designed for beginners. We'll go through each basic concept and industry jargon. We'll apply the concept into spreadsheet, showing you step-by-step how to set up your budget. If you want to dive into online advertising, but don't know where to start, start here now! See you in class!"
Price: 19.99

"Strategy Tool: Business Model Canvas, a 1-page business plan"
"You have a business idea, but you don't know what are the different pieces you need to put in place to make it a viable business...This is where the Business Model Canvas comes in. The Canvas models out the different pieces of your business and shows you how the pieces fit with each other. Essentially, it is a one-page business plan. So instead of spending hours and days writing out a 100-page business plan, you will spend minutes. This approach allows you to more quickly identify if there are any gaps in your business plan that you ma need to address. It also allows you to get your business off the ground faster, so you can test out your assumptions. This course is for:Entrepreneurs who are looking to start a businessSmall business owners who are looking to grow their business by bringing to market new productsBusiness owners who are looking for a systematic method to diagnose their business and better understand the fundamental pieces that make their business possibleWant to get started with your business? Want a method that helps you identify what it may take to turn your business from idea to reality?This course is for you! Enroll and get started today!"
Price: 34.99

"Music Theory, Guitar and Ear Training"
"COURSE UPDATED JULY 2019!I've completely replaced the original course with 76 all-new video lessons!  There are several new resources and downloads and lots and lots of brand-new hands on demonstrations!  I'm trying to meet the needs of all my students (new and old) while keeping this course fresh and updated.  thanks for your support! -Will------------------------------------This course combines music theory for guitar with in-depth explanations of harmony, melody and rhythm.  You'll learn how these concepts relate to playing (and understanding) music by ear.Finally, you can develop your musicianship beyond academics and technique.   You'll discover how philosophy, intuition and emotion play an essential role in your music.  Plus, learn to recognize chords with Ear Training.Learn intuitively from graphically enhanced lectures Understand how to groove Hear and recognize tension and resolution chords by ear Discover and understand common chord progressions Theres more to music than just academics and technique. Learn music theory guitar skills.Finally, you can learn music theory for the guitar through convenient, refreshing and engaging lessons.  Whether youre a beginner, adult student, a regular performer or aspiring song-writer, you can learn how to go beyond scales and chords into the realm of self-expression. You'll develop a holistic understanding of music through 37 face-to-face video lessons.  You'll quickly begin developing an understanding that you can build on and grow with for the rest of your life!Content and OverviewThis course is ideal for beginner, adult students and intermediate guitarists. Ive thoughtfully prepared 37 clear, concise lectures.  Each section explains a specific element in music by focusing on music theory and ear training - in the context of the guitar.  This course focuses on useful topics that will teach you a holistic approach to music (including ear training). Youll begin with in-depth lectures that cover all of the essential information about harmony and melody that you'll ever need. Many lectures include hands-on activities and exercises designed to apply the skills you'll be learning.Throughout this course, youll discover the power of your intellect to learn new material, while also leveraging the flexibility of your intuition to understand concepts like groove, tension and resolution.The later sections of the course explain Rhythm, The Blues and Ear Training. Youll learn how to play guitar, following chord diagrams, guitar tab and music notation. Youll understand why and how hit songs often contain the same chords. Youll also learn how to use your ears to learn new music quickly and accurately.As a performing musician and private instructor with over 12 years of professional experience, my methods not only explain how music fundamentals work logically, but also demonstrate the interconnected relationships that are essential to understand if you want to play music by ear and from the heart."
Price: 59.99

"Audio frequency recognition, Equalisers and Psychoacoustics."
"Do you know how to use equalisers?Do you understand audiofrequencies?Do you understand hearing damage and how to prevent it?Are you a budding audio engineer?Are you a musician?You need this course! Don't be intimidated anymore by mixers, equalisers and sound engineers.....In this course you will learn:how humans hearwhat hearing damage is and how to prevent ithow to identifyany frequencyhow to eliminate feedbackhow to make instruments and tracks sound full using 'timbre'how to use all equalisers (single band EQs, parametric EQs, graphic EQs)selective vs subtractive equalisinghow to 'ring out a room'As a bonus you'll learn all about psychoacoustics - the manipulation of sound to 'fool' the brain.Students love my courses!Hear what theyhave to say:'MattWong... I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me...He [Matt] keeps you engaged and takes the loads of information in bite size form.'-Nyk'Great pace and delivery, however the animation is amazing. Seriously one of the best courses I've seen. It's very engaging!' -Umesh'...the editing is amazing and the pace engaging. Great work!' -Davide'Very organized and well presented...superbly done.' -Moslem'Of the courses I've reviewed so far yours has demonstrated the best delivery' -Yi-Choong'This is a wonderful course--very smooth presentation and great content.' -Sally'The video and audio are great, and the instructor certainly knows what he is talking about.'-Dr Kluge---------------------------------------Stop guessing and become an audio sniper. No frequency will be safe from your well-honed ears after taking this course!---------------------------------------30 Day Money Back Guarantee. Udemy will refund you 100% if youdon't love the hard work I've put into creating this course.They won'teven tell me who requested refunds. Howeasyandanonymousis that?!"
Price: 94.99

"Bases de datos en Internet: MySQLi Fcil y prctico!"
"Conoces html?. Tienes la base para crear pginas webs sencillas pero quieres ir ms all?Uno de los puntos imprescindibles para todo programador web que se precie es dominar la gestin de las bases de datos conectadas a tu pgina web.En nuestro curso de MySqli podrs aprender los fundamentos del trabajo con bases de datos en internet, lo que te permitir crear sitios webs dinmicos, montar tu propia tienda online, foros y, en definitiva, sitios que almacenen informacin e interactuen con los usuarios.Todo, como nos gusta, de forma sencilla y amena, en un curso con ms de 6 horas de video, repleto de ejercicios y casos prcticos que pondrn a prueba lo aprendido."
Price: 29.99

"Lkelaskut terveydenhuollossa"
"Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulun ja Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun yhteistyss tuottaman lkelaskennan kurssin (1op) runkona toimii 24 lkelaskutapausta ksittelev videokokonaisuus. Jokaiseen videoon liittyy tutorointisivu ja itsearviointitehtv. HUOM! Kurssin suorittaminen ei tuo ptevyytt lkkeiden annosteluun. Ptevyyteen vaaditaan laissa mritelty tutkinto (esim. sairaanhoitaja). Kurssi kattaa lkelaskennan matematiikan sairaanhoitajan tarvitsemassa laajuudessa. Kurssi on tarkoitettu opintoja aloittavalle opiskelijalle tai tyelmss olevalle henkillle aikaisemmin opitun kertaamiseen. Kurssin pedagogisena pteemana on lkelaskuihin liittyvien pelkojen ja epvarmuustekijoiden poistaminen, sek oman osaamisen systemaattinen arviointi ja kehittminen. Kurssin runkomateriaalin sisllt on suunniteltu vastaamaan tyelmss eteen tulevia tilanteita, jolloin matematiikan ohella opiskelijalle j kytntn liittyvi muistkuvia laskujen suorittamisesta, laskettujen annosten suuruusluokista sek hyvist toimintatavoista. Monella tavalla kytntn linkittyvn materiaalin odotetaan tuottavan pysyvmpi ja laaja-alaisempia oppimiskokemuksia kuin puhtaasti laskentaan keskittyvill vidoilla olisi voitu saavuttaa. Keskeinen osa tll kurssilla oppimista on itsearviointi: Jatkiuvan itsearvioinnin avulla opiskelijalle tarjotaan reaaliaikaista tietoa omasta etenemisest suhteessa kurssin kokonaistavoitteeseen. Lisksi opiskelijalle voidaan tarjota personoituja suosituksia materiaaleista, joita hnen olisi ehk hyv lukea optimaalisen etenemisen nkkulmasta."
Price: 49.99

"Model complex 3D architectural geometry with Rhinoceros"
"Update Feb. 2015: A new Section is in preparation, recreating the basic shape of a ""Shell House"". This will be available for all student members, so join the course now before the price is increased to $69. This is a basic introduction and overview of modelling complex 3D Freeform shapes in the context of architectural design. Have you ever wondered how certain architectural designs are actually created? You might assume that it is helped by software, but which system is suited for this? In regular CAD software that architects often use, such as AutoCAD or SketchUp, the creation of organic models and surfaces is hard to impossible. We use Rhinoceros, a quite popular NURBS modelling software for McNeel. This is very popular within several innovative architectural offices where it is used for complex forms, organic architecture and extensive tweaking of 3D models. The software can also be used complementary to other architectural design software, although it is quite complete in itself. The course starts with a basic introduction and overview of the software and then a few example projects are developed. They are inspired by famous and iconic architectural projects, but are not full reconstruction. We use the examples to inspire you and focus on a certain part of element which we will strip down to the basic geometric operations, giving you insight in how to approach more complex projects. You dont need any other software then Rhinoceros, on Windows or OSX, but be ready to try and fail, often. As many modelling tasks require a specific order of operations. We cannot prepare a solution for every possible task, but by building upon a few basic examples, you learn an approach which focuses on dividing the task at hand into smaller problems, that are easier to tackle. And these can then be applied in other situations. So come join us and learn the basics of 3D Freeform Modelling with Rhinoceros."
Price: 99.99

"Develop Parametric Architecture with Grasshopper"
"Update 2017: Added notice thatthe Mac version of Grasshopper is available (in WIP)Update 2nd March 2015: Completed Section 6 about Data Trees and two Diagrid examples + bonus tip on remapping domains. Update 26th Feb 2015: Added section 6 about Data Trees & Section 7 about Galapagos: a module for automatic optimisation and finding optimal solutions. Update 23d Feb 2015: Section 5 with eight new lectures added: almost 45 minutes! Create a twisted tower, inspired by a design from S. Calatrava. Update 20th Feb 2015: Added a PDF eBook with the course summary and highlights. This even previews some of the upcoming chapters. Course price reflects recent updates. Join over 300 students now and receive all future updates or additions with no added cost. In this course, you apply a basic knowledge of 3D modelling into a Parametric Approach. Instead of creating one or two design models for a project, you learn how to develop an interactive, adapting model, controlled by a few chosen design parameters and capable of generating a wide range of design variants. Use the clever components to define an efficient and powerful system of interconnected components, creating geometry and applying geometric and mathematical operations. Learn the same techniques innovative architectural offices apply, such as Foster of Hadid, to develop their complex designs. Use a combination of modeled and generated geometry and still allow visual, artistic control over the result. In a series of around three hours of video tutorials and a few short quizzes we learn Grasshopper, a parametric design add-in for McNeel Rhinoceros, which can be freely used, provided you have access to Rhinoceros. The first lectures will explain the user interface and the basic concepts to control numbers, points and curves. We extend this into 3D Surfaces and look at different approaches for panelling and subdividing of a faade or roof model. There will be an extensive section where youll create a model that is similar to a twisted tower design by Calatrava, built in Sweden, step-by-step. And finally, well take a look at options for generative modelling, where we look at optimisation, using the Galapagos module. So please join us and discover this widely popular visual programming system and discover how you can create some surprising results with ease."
Price: 99.99

"BIM met ArchiCAD - Module 2: Uitvoeringsontwerp"
"This is the second module of a course (in Dutch), which takes you through the modelling of a small, single-family residential building, from scratch. It follows the Building Information Modelling (BIM) methodology and uses Graphisoft ArchiCAD, which is a popular BIM authoring software, available for OSX and Windows.Deze reeks videos is een introductie tot het maken en presenteren van digitale gebouwmodellen met ArchiCAD. Deze werden geconcipieerd en opgenomen door Stefan Boeykens en maken gebruik van ArchiCAD 18 NED (de regionale versie van ArchiCAD voor Belgi en Nederland, verdeeld door Kubus). Het grootste deel van de inhoud is bruikbaar met andere taalversies of ook (iets) oudere versies van ArchiCAD.Deze tweede module bouwt verder op de eerste module en omvat de ontwerpfase UitvoeringsOntwerp", met de focus op het uitwerken en detailleren van een meer compleet gebouwmodel, zoals uitgewerkt doorheen het ontwerp en voor een bouwvergunning.Tegelijk wordt ook het palet gereedschappen van ArchiCAD verder verkend.Er wordt een 3D Model van een kleine, eengezinswoning uitgewerkt. Hoewel alle stappen worden doorlopen, wordt niet iedere modelleerstap voorgedaan.Er wordt wel een algemene bouwkennis verondersteld en ook een zekere ervaring met algemene grafische software is aanbevolen.Het ontwerp bevat een aantal bewust gekozen elementen, zoals een deel plat dak en een deel hellend en ook de aansluiting tegen een buurwoning.De eerste module (in een aparte cursus) ging in op het "VoorOntwerp" en de eerste kennismaking met de ArchiCAD software."
Price: 99.99

"Model Checking for BIM with Solibri"
"In this course, you will learn about Solibri Model Checker, a powerful and cross-platform software for the visualisation andevaluation of models stored in the IFC-format (Industry Foundation Classes), the open standard for the exchange of Building InformationModels. We will open IFC-models, navigate through them in 3D, but also check their content and quality and extract some schedules.We learn about the powerful set of filtering, reporting and communication tools that are available with Solibri."
Price: 149.99