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"iOS12 - Dveloppez des applis iOS et watchOS"
"Bienvenue dans la formation acclrededveloppement iOS12 en langage Swift 4.2Au programme, vous trouverez :Des dmonstrations, des TP etdes quiz pour dcouvrir lesfondamentaux du langage SwiftLa cration d'interfaces visuelles, du simple au complexe, avec auto-layout, les tableview, les barresd'outils (tabbar controller) ...Une introduction aunetworking avec Alamofire pour faire des appels rseau en toute simplicit et afficher des flux d'actualits grce l' API The GuardianLa programmation oriente objet (POO)Les design patterns etarchitectures avecle classiqueMVC(Model-View-Controller), mais aussiMVVM, Delegation et ExtensionLa persistancedes donnes avecUserDefaults, Realm etdans le cloudavecFirebase 3Et, Les nouveauts iOS12 dcouvrir.Cette anne,le nouveau Core ML 2 et Siri ShortcutLes Projets :La classique Todo List pour faire vos dbuts avec les bases du dveloppement iOS avec la cration d'outlets et actions. Vous aurez crvotre premire application intractive la fin de ce premier chapitre.Vous apprendrez galement utiliserUser Defaultspour persister les donnes dans votre iPhone.La programmation oriente objet avecSwift QuizNetworking (les appels rseau et les web services) avec Alamofire pour afficher des flux d'actualit grce l'APIThe Guardianl'Authentification avecGoogle SignInFirebase Realtime Database pour stocker et synchroniser les donnesdans le cloudLes notifications locales (UserNotifications) pour programmerdes rappels et forcer l'engagement de vos utilisateurs. Simple mettre en place en quelques lignes de codeLa programmation ractive avec RxSwift etRxCocoaUne introduction watchOSavec Openweathermap pour collecter les prvisions mto, un REST API gratuit et simple d'utilisationEt,les nouveaut iOS12 :CoreML 2. Dcouverte du machine learning et de l'intelligence artificielle avec cet exemple servant identifier des objets dans une image. Il s'agitune introduction simple et pratique l'usage duframeworkCoreML.Siri Shortcutspour crer des raccourcis vers les actions frquentes de vos applis.Les outils utiliss :Xcode 10: puissant IDE qui inclut des outils de debuggage, de refactorisation avance, une intgration GIT pour garder leshistoriques et versions de ses projetsRealm & UserDefaults: pour persister et synchroniser les donnes.Firebase : service backend dans le cloud pour sauvegarder, requter et synchroniser les donnes de votre appli en temps relGoogle Developers: utilisation des services de Google Maps pour afficher des points dintrt sur une carte pour la catgorie des bars et restaurantsAlamofire : pour faire des appels rseau de manire asynchroniserapidement"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Accounting. Understand Business."
"Understanding Accounting is Understanding Business. Take a minute and think about the world we live in today. Whether it is social media, sport teams, non-profits, or local mom and pop shops- all of these are individuals, like me and you, creating a business and delivering it to the masses. Regardless of your background, you are immersed in a world of business. A foundation in accounting can help you navigate the complexities and develop a new perspective on the world we live in. Accounting is the language of business and in its simplest form, accounting is a platform that allows businesses to record transactions. Business and accounting come hand in hand. You cannot have one without the other. This course seeks to teach you basic accounting principles through a business lense. By the end of this course, you will understand key accounting concepts that are universally applicable to all businesses. In turn, you will be able to apply these concepts to: Streamline your Small Business Improve Investing/Analytical Skills Manage Personal Finances Develop Bookkeeping Principles Understand Business Operations About the Course This beginner course is a 15 chapter series of video lectures and textbook with an emphasis on financial accounting. It is imperative that you utilize both to get the most of the course. It is designed to make accounting as simple and relevant as possible. Many other courses will have lessons on regulatory agencies or governmental accounting, however, this course purposely leaves those out. Frankly, unless you want to become a CPA, that information is too specialized and you simply will never use it. This course focuses only on concepts that can be applicable to your every day life. The course starts with an overview of accounting and business concepts and then dives into technical theory. After going over technical concepts, it then takes a step back and shows how the technical theory relates to business operations. Lastly, it concludes with a chapter on utilizing technical theory to analyze companies."
Price: 199.99

"TheTaxMasterClass - 2018 Tax Planning Strategy"
"What is Included:-15 Lectures-75 Page Textbook-Access to community discussion-Current tax law as of 2018Course Introduction:TheTaxMasterClass is an online course that helps students navigate the complexities of tax law. Based on the latest law from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, this course teaches practical tax planning strategies within the new tax environment. By the end of the course, students will be equipped with strategies to maximize their deductions in the short term and minimize tax exposure in the long term.We've all heard the story before. Mitt Romney, multi-millionaire congressman, paid an effective tax rate of roughly 14% in 2011! How is it possible that the someone making that amount of money pays a lower tax rate than most Americans?The answer?Proper tax planning.Proper tax planning is perhaps the most important step to the promised land of financial freedom. The strategy is simple- the more income that you generate at a tax free or a lower tax rate means the more money you get to keep. If you reinvest this money, your money works for you, generating a stream of passive income ultimately accumulating wealth.Anyone can apply these strategies- not everyone knows about them.2018 Tax Reform marks the most significant overhaul to the US tax code for over 30 years. There are major changes to the tax code that will have a substantial impact to individuals and companies alike. Given these sweeping changes, there is no better time than now for individuals to sort out their income tax strategy."
Price: 199.99

"Experience Design Patterns In Java"
"Boost your software designs by taking this content-rich and hands on fully featured training course. This course will give you insight in the more than 20+ design patterns from the book ""Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software"", by Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides, which is considered the reference on the subject. For each pattern a clear example is given to understand the problem the pattern will solve, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. You will be able to practically understand how the pattern works with the detailed included Java lessons. At the end of this course, you will be able to Identify common problems in your code Apply the correct design pattern Talk with colleagues using a common vocabulary (and be a hero) Implement a better object oriented solution that is a lot more maintainable and readable - All of the video lectures are download-enabled. If you have a slow internet connection, or want to take this course with you on your laptop, smartphone or other portable device, sign up and download all the videos and other course materials now. Sign up now to get lifetime access to this course. With Udemy's 30-day money-back guarantee, it's risk-free."
Price: 94.99

"Learn to write Clean Code in Java"
"Have you ever seen code, where you need to read it over and over again, before you can actually understand what the code does? Or when you barely dare to change the code, fearing you might break it. I think we all know that feeling...This course will learn you when you are facing poor code, you will be offered some techniques to refactor it into better code. And in the end, you will have acquired the skill to do code reviews and detect code that in the long run will not be maintainable, readable or easily testable.Hope you enjoy this course and that we make this world one with better programmers; Cheers!"
Price: 34.99

"Bestgorize Your Kindle eBooks"
"At the bottom of every webpage of, Amazon continues to say: "Make Money with Us". Today, no one should insist on seeing any evidence to know that authors are really making it on Amazon through Kindle publishing. No one needs to wait long before seeing how Kindle authors actually make money with Amazon. Right now, Kindle publishing booms and Amazon intensifies the efforts to make it boom better and bigger than ever. But for you to make it with Kindle publishing, you cant be ignorant about choosing the best Kindle Store categories for your Kindle ebooks. A fact is that we can't ignore or hide this true statement the true statement that so many authors or coaches who teach about Kindle self-publishing just gloss over the subject of Kindle ebook categorization on the KDP dashboard. They weakly treat it as if it is not one of the TOP TWO MOST IMPORTANT ASPECTS of POSITIONING Kindle ebooks to Amazon ready buyers Amazon buyers keyword research/optimization being the second aspect. Another true statement is that selection of Kindle Store categories is NEVER to be glanced over as far as a huge number of Kindle authors (including you) face the problem of selecting a set of targeted Kindle categories on the KDP dashboard, but finding their Kindle ebooks in another set of Kindle Store categories which are quite different from the categories selected initially.The Problem Exactly For the KDP publishing platform, Amazon uses the BISAC categorization which is the publishing industry book classification standard. For the Kindle Store, Amazon focuses on the interests of buyers and the trends in the writing market to classify Kindle ebooks and, therefore, Amazon uses its own in-house classification standard. Yet, Amazon requires that Kindle Authors should use the KDP dashboard to categorize their Kindle ebooks. This is where the problem lies and the problem is that of incompatibility of categories between the publishing point and the selling point on Amazon. Unfortunately, Amazon neither teaches about (nor provides a users manual on) how to land Kindle ebooks in targeted Kindle categories. Even, begging and waiting for the intervention of the KDP support team doesnt always work through up to expectations. Now, the question is why should you beg and wait and repeat the request for re-categorization intervention often and often when you can spend less than 5 minutes to do the thing for which you are begging and waiting. Introducing the Udemy course titled: Get Your Kindle eBooks Directly to Your Targeted Categories:How to Land Your Kindle eBooks Straight into the Best Kindle Store Categories: KDP Mis-Categorization Worry Now Resolved This is the course which you have been looking for. I know that because you want to unravel the secret of how to land your Kindle ebooks straight into the best Kindle Store categories that they should belong. The core objective of the course is to resolve your worries about the challenge of Kindle ebooks mis-categorization by giving you the secrets for overcoming them. This is a first-of-its-kind course and you will not see it anywhere on the Internet other than on Udemy. The course is a unique one that, I guarantee, will offer you the do-it-yourself skills you need for choosing, without any Amazon intervention, the best Kindle Store categories for your Kindle ebooks. It is very clear that the problem of Kindle ebooks mis-categorization is a big hurdle in your way of building the deserved sales for your Kindle ebooks. In other words, while readers are really buying Kindle ebooks every minute, Kindle ebooks mis-categorization indirectly causes loss of sales for you. This is because mis-categorized Kindle ebooks will always miss the deserved visibility to the right Amazon buyers. The course teaches various things about direct categorization of Kindle ebooks into intended Kindle Store categories, but it specially provides and substantiates the clues that:You must be cognizant of the fact that hundreds of categories in the Kindle Store are not, at all, available on the KDP dashboard.Remember that buyers dont buy with the categories on the KDP dashboard. As you know, they buy by making use of the Kindle Store categories ONLY. Inside the course, I show you the specific type of categories you must stick with in the Kindle Store.It is wrong to start your Kindle ebooks categorizing straight away on the KDP dashboard without a ready C.I. (I show you and explain what C.I. is, where to view and copy it free on the Internet and why you definitely need it before rushing to the KDP dashboard to start the categorization process for your Kindle ebooks).You must run away from using general categories on the KDP dashboard for categorizing your Kindle ebooks. Instead, you must categorize into ending categories which enable your Kindle ebooks to gain visibility so quickly. (I clearly demonstrate categorizing into ending categories in the course).To simplify how to top-rank your Kindle ebook (and possibly dominate certain categories in a short time), you must dodge competitive categories by finding and using unloaded hidden categories. I teach you 5 ways to find hidden categories. This is not the unnecessary drilling of categories you have been taught so far by the gurus.You must watch out for newly added Kindle Store categories and quickly occupy them as an advantage over your competing Kindle authors.And more including Amazon three criteria you must fulfill to really categorize your Kindle ebooks the very smart way. Even, your quick glance through the curriculum below will be okay to know about all what are taught in the course. View the course previews as well and register now. Once again, the title of the course is: Get Your Kindle eBooks Directly to Your Targeted Categories:How to Land Your Kindle eBooks Straight into the Best Kindle Store Categories: KDP Mis-Categorization Worry Now Resolved Remember, the title of the course, itself, is a promise made and in the course the promise is delivered. Register now to have the promise delivered to you."
Price: 29.99

"Corporate Communication Strategies for Business Success"
"WHY ARE YOU YELLING? Stressed out from all the time and money lost as a result of poor communication in your life? Get everyone on the same page with the lessons and wisdom shared in Corporate Communication Strategies for Business Success, by Paul D. Foster. It's a practical and to-the-point guide for facilitating productive workplace communication that can be applied to both your professional and personal life. This course will help you lead a happier, more productive life, with richer and more fulfilling relationships. In this course, we share real stories, important concepts and practical methods for dealing with the problems that come from poor communication. It's no-nonsense, actionable real world advice that will help you unlock your full potential with just a few easy steps."
Price: 24.99

"Mentorship At Work For Veterinarians"
"We are all mentors in the workplace. Some are much better than others. This course will help you become a better mentor regardless of your current level of proficiency. Mentorship is an essential skill for modern veterinarians. Do it right and you get dedicated and motivated veterinarians and support staff. Mentorship is a skill that can be learned and improved. If you want to reduce staff turnover, improve motivation and increase skill development and knowledge transfer in the workplace, this is the course for you. This workshop is unique as its content was created by interviewing veterinarians from all stages of their career paths. The course if comprised of 35 lectures divided into five sections. The first section shows the role that mentorship currently has in various veterinary clinics and explains the role it has in the development of new veterinarians. Section 2 presents the mentorship conversation and gives students a detailed process for having productive mentorship conversations with their new vets or support staff. Sections 3 and 4 include detailed examples of what successful veterinarians do to be great mentors. Lastly, Section 5 presents a detailed roadmap that students and customize and adopt to create successful mentorship relationship within their workplace. The content for this course is a compilation of proven mentoring practices that are presented through a series of videos, worksheets and a detailed handbook. This workshop provides veterinarians with the knowledge and tools necessary to become better mentors. With the use of proven, real-life examples, the course shows how to create work environments that promote knowledge transfer and skill development."
Price: 19.99

"Easy How To Facebook Fan Pages Training"
"This Easy How To Facebook Fan Pages Training is a social media course that is intended to educate people on Facebook and how to setup Fan Pages the right way. In this Fan Pages course you will learn how to: Identify the proper keywords to target, Understanding your Avatar Understanding your Demographics How to setup the fan pages effectively, How to introduce your fan page to get the most organic traffic possible, How to structure your content How to schedule out posts How to use the additional TABS How to use #Hashtags How to modify status updates How to Optimize Your Fan Pages This course is intended to teach people who want to use Facebook properly using the best methods to help establish brands, niches, or whatever is trending on Facebook. This course will shed light on some of the best practices that are being used currently on Facebook and is broken down to bite sized pieces that anyone no matter what your skill level can easily start and benefit from. The course is intended to provide the most useful training that has helped out many people establish the right kind of Fan Pages for their business. Anyone can use Fan Pages to establish a web presence for FREE and knowing how to use these Fan Pages in a way that will allow the opportunity to establish a huge following online within Facebook and potentially getting your pages going viral."
Price: 34.99

"CCENT and CCNA Real World Labs - Cisco Training"
"20 hours of Real World Videos and Packet Tracer / GNS3 Labs and Challenges! Learn things that you really need to know. Right... so you want to work in networking? Great choice... wait a minute... what about your experience? Oh... you read two books and played with Packet Tracer? That might NOT be enough! 20+ hours of Real Life Networking videos (HD) including troubleshooting of switches, routers and access points (wireless), creating a perfect network diagram, installing and managing monitoring tools (PRTG, Kiwi Syslog etc.), applying for a job as a Cisco Engineer, working with Cisco TAC Support... NO boring and useless topics which you will not find in the real world! GNS3 and Packet Tracer Labs and Challenges Real World Questions and Quizzes . Why are your videos better than 1000+ similar offers online? Simple! Because it is ALL about real life examples! No boring and useless topics, no marketing, no useless commands - labs, labs, troubleshooting exercises.... I cover things that you SHOULD know but you will struggle to find in a book: network diagrams, monitoring tools, racks, applying for a Cisco job etc. . I am studying towards CCENT/CCNA. Will it help me get my cert? Of course! There are a lot of questions and labs on your CCNA exam so for sure my videos and labs will help you prepare for your exam. However, my project is more focused on real life examples so not all CCNA/CCNA Sec topics will be covered and some will be covered in more details (including some CCNP topics and Microsoft topics). That's a good thing as you can use my videos at ANY stage of your career in Networking!"
Price: 19.99

"Effective one-on-one meetings - crash course"
"""High performing companies have a leadership vision, motivate employees, and listen to them""Do you realize that effective one-on-one meetings can increaseteam productivity by 80%? Do you wantmotivated staff? Or maybe you struggle to explain things to your boss? You have come to the right place!This short crash course focuseson essential skills you need to master in orderto lead an effective one-on-one meeting.You will learn:What it means to have a proper one-on-one meetingMistakes to avoidHow to schedule a meetingWhat to do to plan a meetingBenefits of meetingsTips and recommendationsThere is an e-book containing all slides and links for further reading. So... do you want to learn how to lead an effective one-on-one meeting? Join now!"
Price: 19.99

"Windows Server 2016 - Praktyczny przewodnik i konfiguracja"
"Windows Server naley do najpopularniejszych platform spotykanych w rodowiskach produkcyjnych. Najnowsza wersja wydana przez Microsoft to Windows Server 2016. Naucz si jak wykona podstaw konfiguracj serwera oraz zdoby umiejtnoci niezbdne do pracy jako administrator rodowisk opartych na Windows Server.Kurs zawiera rnieprezentacj sprztu serwerowego - najnowszej generacji serwer HPMicroServer Gen10.Do kursu doczone s e-booki, ktre krok po kroku pokazuj jak rozpocz konfiguracj. Kurs jest doskonaym wprowadzeniem do bardziej zaawansowanych cieek certyfikacyjnych (MCSA) oraz uzupenieniem wiedzy dla inynierw sieciowych i informatykw przernych specjalizacji.W kursie midzy innymi:Instalacja Windows Server 2016Wprowadzenie do wirtualizacji (VirtualBox, Hyper-V)Podstawy Active DirectoryDodanie komputera do domenyWdroenie DNS, DHCP, GPOUprawnienia uytkownikwBezpieczestwo danych, RAIDSprzt: prezentacja HPMicroserverWprowadzenie do PowershellMonitoring serwerwDemonstracja moliwoci Windows Server 2016 EssentialsCay kurs koncentruje si na praktycznych aspektach, z minimaln iloci teorii konieczn do rozpoczcia pracy z system Microsoft Windows Server 2016. Wysoka jako nagra oraz audio.Do kursu doczony jest kilkuset stronicowy e-book, ktry pokazuje detale konfiguracji serwera.Kurs nie koncentruje si na adnym konkretnym egzaminie, dziki czemu w 6 godzinach zawarta jest esencja niezbdna do rozpoczcia przygody z Windows Server.Docz ju teraz i zdobd wiedz, ktra moe pomc w zdobyciu wymarzonej pracy."
Price: 29.99

"Windows Server 2016 - Practical Guide for Beginners"
"Are you looking for a quick and easy-to-followpractical guide for Microsoft Windows Server 2016? Do you want to start learning and installingbasic Windows Server roles and features? You've come to the right place.No boring topics here, an excellent practical guide for beginners with real-world examples.You get more than 5 hours of high quality videos, covering the following topics:How to install Windows Server 2016 using VirtualBoxOverview of Active Directory and basic termsDeploy Active Directory Domain ServicesInstall DNS andDHCPCheck a real server in action - HPMicroserver Gen10Configure system settings using a GPO policyShare files and foldersLearn about RAIDProvide remote access using RDP and TightVNCCreate your first script in PowerShellMore advanced topics:NPS andRadius for a Cisco firewall and switchJoin now to learn all the basics about Windows Server 2016. See a real server in action:HPMicroserver Gen10. Learn how to troubleshoot issues you might face - when things go wrong, we keep recording!Join now!"
Price: 34.99

"CCNA - Praktyczny poradnik inyniera sieci -Cisco w praktyce"
"Certyfikaty s niezwykle wanym elementem w obszarze IT. Cisco oraz podstawowy certyfikat CCNA jest standardem w zakresie potwierdzenia wiedzy z zakresu sieci komputerowych. Zdanie egzaminu to jedna rzecz, zupenie inn jestpraktyczna strona pracy inyniera sieci komputerowych. I o tym wanie jest ten kurs. Jeli kto ma wiedz z zakresu CCNA (niekoniecznie zdany egzamin!), to bdzie mg nauczy si jak poznane tematy przekadaj si na codzienn prac. Kurs pomoe w utrwaleniu wiedzy a by moe nawet w zdobyciu upragnionej pracy.W kursie midzy innymi:Jak zdoby dowiadczenie wymagane do pracy jako inynier sieciowyRozwizywanie problemwTworzenie i analiza schematw sieciNative VLAN w praktyceInstalacja i test systemu do monitorowania NagiosWireshark w praktycePene laboratorium z IP SLACo to znaczy SNMP Walk w praktyceBrak poczenia ze switchem, wolny transferBezpieczestwo sieci (w tym bonus: VPN)Kurs jest przeznaczony dla osb, ktremaj wiedz w zakresie podstawowej konfiguracji urzdze Cisco (na przykad: telnet, ssh, ACL, NAT, SNMP, RIP) oraz rozumienie terminologii na poziomie CCNA.Zobacz jak wyglda prawdziwy wiat sieci komputerowych! Zapraszam!"
Price: 99.99

"Virtual Private Networks for beginners Advanced topics"
"Learn more aboutVirtual Private Networks. Protect your privacy online, create a secure tunnel, and learn how to configure a router to support a secure VPN tunnel. Even though this course is still for beginners, you will get a chance to see a lot of interesting labs and real-world examples: L2TP IPsec, SSL, and OpenVPN. We will even try to flash a router using DD-WRT.Virtual Private Networks for beginners Advanced topics:Labs and real-world examplesOpenVPN (on a router and as a virtual machine)VPN examples: NAS, routers, firewalls, UTMs, PPTP, L2TP IPsec, SSL, OpenVPNNordVPN on a routerto protect your privacy online automaticallyTroubleshooting a VPN serverDeeper understanding of protocols: hashes, digital signatures, and moreIPsec in depth (still for beginners!)Dynamic DNSPort forwardingTroubleshooting tipsLearn more about VPNs.Join now!"
Price: 34.99

"VPN po polsku - bezpieczestwo Twojej sieci oraz anonimowo"
"Bezpieczestwo sieci komputerowych jest niezwykle popularnym tematem. Jako uytkownicy Internetu chcemy dodatkowo zapewni sobie pen anonimowo. I to s dokadnie te dwa tematy, ktre znajdziemy w niniejszym kursie:VPN jako sposb na bezpieczestwo oraz anonimowo w sieci.Poznamy IPsec, SSL VPN, OpenVPN oraz aplikacje CyberGhost i NordVPN.W kursie midzy innymi:Podstawy dziaania tuneli VPNRodzaje poczeVPNZapewnienie anonimowoci w sieci przy uyciu VPNSzyfrowanie danychHashJak bezpiecznie przechowywa hasaLaboratoria: PPTP, L2TP IPsec, SSLOpenVPN w praktyceIPsec dla bardziej zaawansowanychSSTP na serwerze WindowsZapraszam do kursu, ktry w przystpny sposb wprowadzi w wiat tuneli VPN oraz pokae cae mnstwo praktycznych przykadw: router, NAS, wirtualne maszyny, CyberGhost, NordVPN a nawet wymiana oprogramowania na routerze.Zapraszam serdecznie!"
Price: 99.99

"Mster en Oratoria: Convence y Enamora al Hablar en Pblico."
"Qu dicen los estudiantes:""Me ha servido de mucha ayuda para expresarme con propiedad y a levantar mi autoestima ya que voy a implementar todo lo aprendido en mi mbito laboral y vida cotidiana me gusta mucho este curso amo la oratoria"" .- Andrea Fabiana Casco.""Muy Bueno el curso, ya que se tocan temas muy puntuales, tiles y necesarios de tener en cuenta a la hora de hablar ante un publico o simplemente en las interacciones diarias"". - Braian Leandro Gutierrez.""El profe es un excelente orador y ensea los distintos temas de una forma clara"". - Ariel Jos Caballero. El curso ""Oratoria avanzada: cmo hablar en pblico"" es impartido por N.C. Kurt, autor de 6 libros y profesor de oratoria con ms de 10 aos y miles de alumnos satisfechos con sus clases presenciales y esta versin on-line del curso, promete ser aun mejor.La vida en general es una cuestin de comunicacin. Pasamos la mayor parte de nuestro tiempo comunicndonos. Todos los das y a toda hora nos encontramos transmitiendo y recibiendo informacin. An en los casos en que la comunicacin no es la habilidad principal de nuestro trabajo, slo es de nuestra vida, ya que todos la utilizamos de alguna manera durante cada da de nuestra existencia.En este curso el autor y conferenciante N.C. Kurt, nos hace reflexionar sobre la enorme injerencia de la comunicacin y, especialmente, la oral, en todos los mbitos de nuestra vida.Cada seccin es sustancialmente prctica:- Cmo investigar un tema?- Cmo centrar o enfocar el contenido?- Cmo armar el guin de nuestro discurso?- Cul es la estructura msadecuada?- Cmo vencer el pnico escnico?- Cules son los miedos ms comunes que padecemos?- Cules son los mejores argumentos a utilizar en cada situacin?Y mucho, mucho ms!Mediante las tcnicas y estrategias que el autor nos ensea durante cada clase, aumentaremos nuestra confianza en nosotros mismos, nuestra autoestima y comenzaremos a desenvolvernos con una fluidez sorprendente, que impresionar a todo nuestro entorno, favoreciendo que obtengamos todo aquello que nos proponemosen la vida."
Price: 39.99

"Productivity and Time Management Techniques & Hacks"
"Exhausted? Struggling to complete your to do list? Stressed? Unable to finish your work on time? A slave to a list of tasks that grows faster than your ability to complete it? Don't let time be your master - learn how to master time!This five-star rated course takes a three-hour live masterclass by world-renowned productivity trainer Diana Jervis Read, and reduces it down to a single hour packed with essential time management techniques.When you take this course you will learn: How to create a powerful person vision and purpose.How to take control of your diary and calendar. How to end unwanted email interruption forever.How to develop a workable work life balance. How to stop living your life to other people's agendas. If you put into action the time management techniques taught in this course: You will gain an extra hour of time - each and every day.You can look forward to more time with your family.You will gain the prioritisation skills employers crave.You can finally achieve the work life balance you seek.You will learn how to do more work in less time.Once completed, you will benefit from increased performance, more free time, and a real sense of achievement at the end of each day.You will learn how to use DISC psychometric profiling to understand your inner strengths and weaknesses and how your personality affects your relationship with time. Together, the four sections of this course take you through the key time management skills you will need to prioritise even unforeseeable workloads, minimise stress, defeat procrastination, master delegation - and increase control, concentration and motivation.Here are just some of the positive comments from students who have already benefited from this course: "As the Director of the National Security Institute (NSI) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, we are currently undergoing a review of our policies and procedures. I have found the information on this course invaluable at the personal, professional and organizational levels. It is influencing the changes currently under review at the NSI. I highly recommend it both for individuals and organizations." - Professor Peter D'Arcy, Director NSI "Amazing return on investment! Just one hour watching this course has taught me enough to find an extra five hours a week!" - Thomas Quinton "This brilliant hour is an absolute must for anyone self employed. Thanks Diana." - Steve McDowell "They should teach this at school! A ridiculously small price to pay for giving me back control over my day. In using these system, nothing gets overlooked. Just brilliant!" - Lorna MorganNeed more convincing? It's worth remembering that this course is backed by Udemy's 30-day money back guarantee - so there is no risk in trying it.By using the time management techniques in this course you WILL be able save an hour of time a day.Transform your relationship with time and take control of your life in just one hour."
Price: 44.99

"Writing Short Stories: The Essential Guide"
"If you want to write fiction, then short stories are a great place to start and they can be a good source of income. This course will show you how to find ideas, how to put your stories together, and how to submit them to an editor. You'll learn the essential elements of short story writing such as plot and structure, dialogue, characterisation, setting, tense, viewpoint, and much more. Why not give it a try? Sell one short story and the course will more than pay for itself!With over 1,500 students, this is my most popular course. Sign up today and learn the art of short fiction. And don't forget that the course is backed by Udemy's 30 day money-back guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied, you can ask for a full, no-questions-asked refund - which means you've got absolutely nothing to lose by enrolling on the course TODAY.During the course we'll look at: story openings conflict using flashback creating characters writing dialogue viewpoint and tense settings and description, and how to end your story. You'll be able to download writing exercises, a regularly updated list of current short story markets (including how much you can expect to be paid), lecture handouts, and short stories. Towards the end of the course we'll look at one of the most important parts of the writing process - editing. You'll also get tips on proofreading, and how to prepare and submit your manuscript to fiction editors. And in case you get struck down with it, we'll look at how to overcome writer's block. The course will be delivered using video lectures, writing exercises, information sheets, stories to read, and a recap quiz."
Price: 94.99

"Evernote Hands-On Training"
"Evernote Hands-On Training introduces Evernote as a productivity tool which helps you collect, organize and share information easily using desktops, laptops as well as mobile devices. You will learn how to create notes using a variety of media including text, images, audio, and video. You will learn how to clip information from the web and save it automatically in your Evernote account. You will learn how to organize your notes and share them with friends and colleagues. If you have private or sensitive information you would like to store, you will learn how to encrypt that information. You will learn how to search and backup your notes and integrate your notes with social media. This course is designed to train you in the skills mentioned above through almost 3 hours of video demonstrations accompanied by 7 hands-on projects. Each project has accompanying resources including directions and a guide which has step-by-step instructions and screenshots -- all designed to ensure that you have everything you need to successfully complete the project. In addition, each project has a video demonstration showing how I completed the steps so that you as a student can have something to compare your project with and to provide you with feedback which is necessary for successful learning. If you take this course, watch the demonstrations and do the projects, you will have a thorough understanding of what is available in Evernote and more importantly, you will know how to use it. Please note that the focus of this course is to get the beginning Evernote user familiar with what is available in Evernote by focusing on the desktop/laptop version. We do look at how to access notes and information within Evernote mobile apps but the mobile versions do not have all the features of the desktop version so you will need to follow the course primarily on your desktop or laptop -- if you try to follow this course by just using a mobile device, it will be difficult to follow the steps as there are significant differences between the features of the desktop and mobile versions of Evernote. Once you become skillful using Evernote on the desktop/laptop, you can transfer those skills to your mobile devices."
Price: 19.99

"How to build vision and mission"
"n this Course you will learn to be visonary leader. We have five steps in this Course .First we will see how to define key organizational values and what they mean in action. Second step is how to scan the current situation. Which means, we will examine the current environment internally and externally. In the third step we will learn to define our mission, and than we will create a vision, which means a clear image of preferred future. Finally we will see how to create strategic plans, action plans and feedback loops to implement the values, vision and mission."
Price: 19.99

"How to make a marketing plan"
"In this Course, step by step you will learn how to develop your own marketing plan. You will find all necessary documents which will guide you, during your plan preparations.We will Show you clear definitions for Marketing, Marketing Manager, Marketing Plan. Then we will teach you, the steps before you develop your plans. You can also benefit from our sample marketing plan for a housmade cake company.You will learn where to start and what to do to make your marketing plan. I will share my 30 years of knowledge and experience with you."
Price: 34.99

"Etkili hitabet iin etkili beden dili"
"Bu eitimde hem grsel hem de zel teknolojiler kullanarak yaptmz almalar size sunacaz. nsanlarn konuurken genelde ne hatalar yaptklarn sizlere gstereceiz. Yaplan bu hatalarn iletiimde kar tarafa verdii yanl izlenimlerin neler olduunu greceksiniz. te yandan biraz alarak, beden dilinizi nasl etkili kullanacanz size gstereceiz. ok kk tyolar ile tm yaamnzda insanlarla ve topluluk karsnda iletiimde ok etkili olabilecek beden dili ve hitabet teknikleri gelitireceksiniz."
Price: 34.99

"PACK 10 clases prcticas de modelado en MODO"
"Este curso consta de 10 clases prcticas centradas en el modelado 3D y orientadas a resolver todo tipo de situaciones prcticas que se presentan en la mayora de proyectos de modelado. Se trata de clases de duracin media sobre aspectos concretos y como resolverlos de una manera directa y productiva. Hablaremos tambin de recursos, trucos y mtodos probados en proyectos reales.Las lecciones son:Calcar perspectivas: La herramienta PhotoMatchSesin de modelado: Una copa de heladoCrear un suelo de piedras al azar: ReplicatorsCrear una cortina rastrera con dinmicas de telasCrear ojos realistas: el punto claveCrear presets: aadiendo elementos reutilizables a tu biblioteca drag&dropAssets de agua editables: Splash KitPintura 3D con la herramienta Projection InkRetopologa en MODO: Todo lo que necesitas saberSesin de modelado: Creando una fresa"
Price: 19.99

"PACK 10 clases prcticas de renderizado en MODO"
"Recopilacin de 10 clases prcticas centradas en el renderizado en MODO. Multitud de tcnicas, trucos y mtodos para solucionar las situaciones que pueden presentarse en un flujo de trabajo real, incluyendo ideas sobre iluminacin, planteamiento de escenas, optimizaciones, integraciones de objetos 3D en fotos reales y mucho ms.Incluye:Crear un estudio fotogrficoCrear una escena para catlogoIluminacin de interioresHDR Light Studio para MODOComo iluminar un cortometraje sencillo y rpidoOptimizar Iluminacin Global en MODOComo crear presentaciones en 360 gradosRender de exteriores avanzadoComo renderizar sin GI y que quede bienCrear integraciones 2D/3D con Shadow Catcher"
Price: 19.99

"PACK 13 clases prcticas de texturizado en MODO"
"Recopilacin de 13 clases prcticas sobre texturizado, repasando multitud de mtodos y tcnicas de resolucin de situaciones, desde UV mapping completo hasta texture baking o efectos especiales y trucos probados en un entorno de produccin real.Incluye:Crear materiales realistasTrabajar con mapas de desplazamientoTruco: Vetas de madera correctasCrear gotas irregulares sobre una superficieCrear un ocano animadoCrear nubes cartoonEjercicio de UV mappingTexture BakingEjercicio de UV mapping IICrear texturas seamless con Texture BombingShader de piel humanaTruco: Crear gotas usando un material furCrear fludos usando Hypervoxels"
Price: 19.99

"TRIPLE PACK 3x2: 33 clases prcticas de MODO"
"Este pack incluye los tres cursos independientes sobre clases prcticas de modelado, texturizado y renderizado en MODO. En total, consta de 33 clases prcticas sobre temticas variadas, centradas en resolver situaciones reales con mtodos probados en entornos de produccin real. Incluye el siguiente contenido:1. PACK DE MODELADOCalcar perspectivas: La herramienta PhotoMatchSesin de modelado: Una copa de heladoCrear un suelo de piedras al azar: ReplicatorsCrear una cortina rastrera con dinmicas de telasCrear ojos realistas: el punto claveCrear presets: aadiendo elementos reutilizables a tu biblioteca drag&dropAssets de agua editables: Splash KitPintura 3D con la herramienta Projection InkRetopologa en MODO: Todo lo que necesitas saberSesin de modelado: Creando una fresa2. PACK DE TEXTURIZADOCrear materiales realistasTrabajar con mapas de desplazamientoTruco: Vetas de madera correctasCrear gotas irregulares sobre una superficieCrear un ocano animadoCrear nubes cartoonEjercicio de UV mappingTexture BakingEjercicio de UV mapping IICrear texturas seamless con Texture BombingShader de piel humanaTruco: Crear gotas usando un material furCrear fludos usando Hypervoxels3. PACK DE RENDERIZADOCrear un estudio fotogrficoCrear una escena para catlogoIluminacin de interioresHDR Light Studio para MODOComo iluminar un cortometraje sencillo y rpidoOptimizar Iluminacin Global en MODOComo crear presentaciones en 360 gradosRender de exteriores avanzadoComo renderizar sin GI y que quede bienCrear integraciones 2D/3D con Shadow Catcher"
Price: 39.99

"Create a traditional japanese scene in Modo"
"Learn to model, texture and render a traditional japanese walkway decorated with some ancient weathered stone lanterns and a floor covered in fallen leaves. This course will guide from zero to the final render, trying to recreate a reference photograph and setting up a nice organic look along with a warm autumn mood.The topics covered in this course will be:ModelingUV mappingHand painted texturingScene managementIlluminationRendering processEnhancing the image in PhotoshopIncluded in the course are the complete scene full with textures and lightning setup and the PSD file ready to load into Photoshop with the final art."
Price: 39.99

"Introduccin a MeshFusion"
"Aprende a utilizar las herramientas de MeshFusion directamente dentro de MODO para crear objetos booleanos totalmente editables y sin preocuparte de la topologa.En este curso aprendremos qu son las operaciones booleanas y como podemos usar MeshFusion para crear objetos en base a estas operaciones editables en tiempo real, mientras dejamos nuestro objeto preparado para impresin 3D automticamente."
Price: 19.99

"Sex Jumpstart: Reconnect Meaningfully Sexually for Couples"
"Have you lost interest in sex? Identify the warning signs! Touching takes place only in the bedroom Sex does not give you feelings of connection and sharing One of you is always the initiator and the other feels pressured You no longer look forward to sex Sex is mechanical and routine You almost never have sexual thoughts or fantasies about your spouse You have sex once or twice a month at most Sex JumpStart is an 8-part program on how you can have the best sex of your life this year. This program runs for the month of December 2013 with two videos being released per week. We help you shake things up. We help you get out of the rut. We help you revisit what are some of the reasons you love about your partner and maybe some ideas on what you can do moving forward. Through Sex JumpStart, I will help you understand what it is you are missing with your partner. Why did you lose that loving feeling? You need to handle and treat each other in was you want to be treated. With Sex Jumpstart, You will get to explore yourselves and discover something new within your partner! By the end of the program, you will get to answer these vital questions: What do you really want to happen with your relationship? What are some of the obstacles in you moving forward with your relationship and your sex life with your partner right now? What about your sex bucket list? How can you understand your better half? Besides taking you through the G.R.O.W. model, I will be introducing you the Sensate Focus Approach where you will learn to: Build on the confidence in the way you touch each other Move forward in your relationship Realise that sex is not just about penetration. Penetration is just a small part of the love making process Recognise that sex is not just about techniques Believe in a deep way that sex has a lot to do with the way you connect with your partner Sign up for Sex Jumpstart today!"
Price: 29.99