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"Global Environmental Problems: Surveying the Human Footprint"
"This course explores the environment through the lens of human influence. We will discuss human behavior as it relates to the treatment and use of the environment, from a geographical perspective. We will focus on spatial dimensions of global environmental issues, which includes Earth's subsystems, population growth, land-use change, industry and uneven development, specific examples of the human footprint, and climate change."
Price: 29.99

"Learning Sass - CSS Just Got Exciting."
"This Sass training course from Infinite Skills teaches you everything you need to know about this CSS stylesheet extension language. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no prior knowledge of Sass is required, however a fundamental understanding of CSS and HTML are recommended. You will start by learning how to install and use Sass on both a Windows and Mac OS, then jump into learning about variables and nesting. This video training course will teach you about partials, Sass Mixins, and advanced inheritance techniques. Finally, you will learn how to integrate Sass with WordPress and Ruby on Rails. Once you have completed this video based training course, you will have an in-depth understanding of how to work with Sass. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"Master Maya - A Guide to 3D Modeling With Maya"
"This Maya training video Infinite Skills introduces you to the 3D modelling and animation program, Maya. Created by AutoDesk (well known for their CAD software), and used by heavyweights such as Industrial Light and Magic, Electronic Arts and more, Maya is a complete and powerful 3D program. Starting with the basics, this course takes you through the interface of Maya. As this tutorial on Maya 2012 continues, you will learn how to model using NURBS and Polygons. You will learn about rendering, lighting, and texturing your objects. Lee also shows you how to animate your 3D models. Bump mapping, Raytracing, using Mental Ray, and projecting 2D maps are just a few of the other subjects covered. By the completion of this computer based training course, you will be fully versed in the basic tools and capabilities of Maya, and ready to create, animate and render your own 3D models! Working files are included to allow you to work alongside the author using the very same projects as in the training video."
Price: 49.99

"HTML5 Mobile Game Development with Phaser"
"What if you could make games for iOS, Android and the web using the technologies you already know and love: HTML, CSS and JavaScript? Learn game development by creating an infinite runner similar to Jetpack Joyride! In this course you will learn how to create mobile games using Phaser, an awesome JavaScript library that allows you to create professional games for both mobile and desktop using HTML5. By following the Learn by Doing approach that you find in all ZENVA courses, well put together an infinite runner game, similar to the iOS best-seller Jetpack Joyride. This course was created by Jeremy Dowell (a.k.a. Codevinsky) in collaboration with Pablo Farias Navarro, founder of ZENVA. Jeremy is a core member at the HTML5GameDevs forum and contributor to the Phaser engine. After coding in JavaScript for the best part of the last decades, Jeremy has authored web and mobile games in HTML5 and iOS, applications using Node.js and Angular, and technical tutorials for various platforms and technologies What you will learn in this course: Preloading your game assets such as images, sound and JSON files. Creating an infinite runner with parallax effect. Adding text and working with user input (touchscreen and mouse). Animating characters and enemies. Working with 2D physics. Showing the high scores in a scoreboard. Adding sound effects and music to your game. How to make your game juicy, going belong a simple playable demo."
Price: 199.99

"Direccin de Cmara: Alturas y Angulaciones"
"Todo Director de cualquier proyecto audiovisual, ya sea una pelcula de cine, un cortometraje, una serie, o incluso una web serie, es el responsable de utilizar las imgenes para narrar aquello que el guionista escribi. Para ello, cuanta con una serie de recursos visuales que debe conocer y dominar. Uno de ellos es la angulacin de cmara, puesto que cuando rueda una escena, el Director debe elegir correctamente la altura de cmara para conseguir aportar la profundidad emocional que crea necesario en cada momento de la historia. En este curso No tratamos por lo tanto de ensear nicamente en qu consiste cada tamao de plano, sino ms bien en educar la mente para aprender a utilizarlos segn sea necesario en cada situacin. Los recursos visuales son como las teclas del piano, y no basta con conocerlas, sino que hay que saber a tocarlas con propiedad. Los 36 ejemplos de pelculas de este curso te ayudarn a comprender cmo la altura de la cmara puede marcar la diferencia. Adems, entre otras, estas preguntas sern respondidas: Qu relacin existe entre lo que sucede en la secuencia y la angulacin elegida? Qu 3 usos puede tener una angulacin picada? Porqu el contrapicado es ms frecuente que el picado a pesar de tener menos usos? Cmo podemos manipular la emocin del pblico hacia los personajes con las angulaciones? De qu depende que una angulacin sea ms dramtica que otra? Qu tiene que ver la angulacin nadir con la arquitectura? Qu riesgo corremos al usar planos inclinados? Qu similitudes tienen la cmara gusano y el cenital? De todas estas cuestiones y muchas ms hablaremos en este curso de cine. Y como siempre, tendremos al final del curso una pregunta de reflexin, para que pongas en prctica los conocimientos adquiridos, a la que le adjuntamos las respuestas para que puedas autocorregirte."
Price: 19.99

"Play music on Harmonica using 8 notes - learn easy tunes!"
"MY PERSONAL GUARANTEE - I AM SO CONFIDENT YOU WILL LOVE THIS COURSE THAT IF YOU DON'T, I WILL REFUND YOU ALL THE MONEY (within 30 days of purchasing) WITH NO QUESTIONS ASKED . THIS IRONCLAD GUARANTEE IS BACKED UP BY UDEMY. This works for 10hole and 4hole harmonicas.If you have a 10hole simply put masking tape over holes 1,2,3 and 8,9+10. This will leave you with 4 holes - let's call then holes 123+4 for the sake of this course.If you ever wanted to learn the harmonica this brand new course is for you! Please enjoy the course and give it a review. Perhaps you have just had a workshop with Ben, if so this will go through some of the tunes you learn once again. Ben will hold your hand all the way through the videos with his infectious and humourous style of teaching. You will feel like he's right with you in a one to one lesson showing exactly you how to do it, and encouraging to to become confident and go it alone. This course gives you the basics in nice easy lectures. It's designed to be fun, friendly, easy for anyone to learn - even non-musical people! It is is designed to help you succeed and lead you on to the next in the series. There are pdfs and mp3 downloads with many lectures so you can read the tablature and play along with the audio music written especially for learning harmonica. Please be sure to visit the Questions area and Forum to interact with other students. It's a great way to learn more and helps you apply what the course gives you. Ben will check messages weekly where possible and will be most available on fridays (UK office hours) providing he's not teaching. So if you want to arrange a call or skype please message him. Ben Hewlett is the UK's most respected harmonica teacher and most prolific author. He will lead you through the ins and outs of harmonica playing through a series of short video lessons. His teaching style is confident, practiced, humorous, skillful, knowledgeable and packed with information in bite sized chunks. Ben is used to teaching all over the world at prestigious harmonica festivals and is delighted to offer his services to you."
Price: 34.99

"Tcnicas de bsqueda de empleo 2.0"
"Sabes cmo encontrar empleo en tiempos de crisis? Sabes como vender tu CV en las redes sociales? El mercado laboral se transforma con los cambios sociales, econmicos y tecnolgicos, se demandan habilidades de comunicacin y gestin del cambio, se requiere movilidad laboral y surgen nuevas profesiones. La sociedad demanda nuevas competencias para la vida y el aprendizaje permanente, y conocimientos relacionados con la tecnologa, las relaciones sociales, o la gestin del estrs y del cambio. Con la integracin de las nuevas tecnologas en nuestra sociedad nos encontramos con nuevas formas de trabajo y tambin nuevas formas de generar y encontrar empleo. La Bsqueda activa de empleo (BAE) requiere fortalecer competencias personales, gestin del tiempo y de los recursos personales y externos, elaborar un plan de seguimiento de oferta, preparar entrevistas y vender el CV con el uso de la tecnologa. El propsito de este curso es acompaarte en tu aprendizaje sobre habilidades para la empleabilidad y la bsqueda de empleo a travs de la red. El curso est estructurado en siete mdulos con ms de 3 horas de vdeo-grabacin y adems tienes disponible el contenido del curso en formato PDF."
Price: 19.99

"Chess: From Beginner to Advanced at Warp Speed"
"Recent Testimonials:""Great for players with a base knowledge of chess who are looking to better understand the fundamentals of the game."" - Robert Rosario""Good stuff, good teacher!"" - Francesco Morello""I am an intermediate level player and I've just finished the course. Really informative course, clear and concise explanations. Slow-paced, step by step analysis of each case. Very well prepared. Looking forward to see the advanced course!"" - Koray Yenal""Easy to understand. Covers helpful nuances. Adds good context and theory beyond the basics."" - Aaron Vannatter This course is for aspiring chess players who know how the pieces move and understand how to use some tactics such as forks and skewers but have never had any formal chess training. Through easy to understand diagrams and chess positions, I will take you through the thought process of a master chess player and teach you everything you need to know to go from a mediocre player to a very strong one. In this course you will learn how to find tactics over the board, make a strategic plan, and setup up your pieces for maximum effectiveness in the opening. I have condensed information that took me many years of hard work into 16 powerful chess lessons. If you want to improve your chess in as short a time as possible, this is the course for you!"
Price: 194.99

"Level 1 2014 CFA Program Corporate Finance"
"This program is a Support Tool & Guide to prepare for the Level 1 Examination of CFA Program to be held in June & December 2014. This program covers the topic - 'Corporate Finance' carrying approximately 8% weightage in the 6-hour Exam covering a total of 240 questions [120 questions each in Morning session (9 am to 12 noon) and Afternoon session (2 to 5 pm)]. It is an important tool of financial analysis & valuation. Some of the important concepts like NPV, IRR, WACC, etc get covered here. Keeping this in consideration, AFT has developed this module with about 3 hours of video lectures to make this topic easier for Candidates. We hope that you will find this program extremely useful. Required CFA Institute Disclaimer: "CFA and Chartered Financial Analyst are trademarks owned by CFA institute. CFA Institute (formerly the Association for Investment Management And Research) does not endorse, promote, review, or warrant the accuracy of the products or services offer by Academy of Financial Training."
Price: 39.99

"Virtualizando com Citrix XenServer"
"Com o curso Virtualizando com Citrix XenServer voc estar preparado com a base necessria para efetivamente instalar, configurar, administrar e solucionar problemas no Citrix XenServer 6.2. Os alunos tambm iro aprender como configurar um cluster de proteo com HA e criar e gerenciar vDisks em um ambiente XenServer. Atravs da utilizao de laboratrios prticos, voc ir adquirir as habilidades necessrias para configurar o Switch Virtual Distribudo (DVS), incluindo BOND das interfaces de rede que possibilitar alta disponibilidade e balanceamento de carta. Alm de aprender a criar e gerenciar mquinas virtuais Windows e Linux e os pools de recursos em que sero colocados. Descrio Neste curso, voc aprender as habilidades necessrias para configurar e administrar o XenServer 6.2, XenCenter. Atravs de laboratrios prticos, voc poder adquirir experincia com: Introduo ao Citrix XenServer Instalando e atualizando o XenServer Criando e gerenciando mquinas virtuais Criando e utilizando VM Templates Exportando e Importando VMs Migrando e Convertendo Mquinas virtuais Gerenciando Usurios XenServer Hosts e Resource Pools Networking no XenServer Storage no XenServer High Availability Memria RAM das VMs e do HOST Disaster Recovery e Backup Monitorando e Gerenciando o XenServer Troubleshooting Comandos do XenServer - CLI"
Price: 94.99

"Guin de Cine: Estructura Narrativa Clsica - Primer Acto"
"Hoy en da enganchar al espectador es cada vez ms complicado. Las expectativas de la audiencia son siempre muy altas, y su capacidad crtica est hoy en da muy desarrollada. Por lo tanto, los primeros 30 minutos de una pelcula son absolutamente decisivos para conseguir captarle la atencin y establecer una buenas bases para el resto de la narracin. Eso es lo que se llama el Primer Acto. En l debes enganchar al pblico y establecer las bases de lo que continuar. De su eficacia depende el resto del argumento. En este curso aprenders, a travs de sus 47 clips de pelculas, a que tus guiones arranquen con fuerza suficiente como para que el pblico no quiera levantarse de la butaca. Adems, conocers las respuestas a las siguientes preguntas: Cmo usar los primeros minutos de tu pelcula para generar ms tensin dramtica en el clmax? De qu formas podemos generar curiosidad en la audiencia nada ms comenzar la pelcula? Cundo es necesario usar un prlogo y cundo es opcional? Cules son los elementos imprescindibles que debe contener un conflicto? En qu consisten los 3 tipos de conflicto en los que desemboca cualquier historia? Cules son las 3 maneras en las que el conflicto se integra en el detonante? Cmo ha evolucionado el Mcguffin desde que lo acu Hitchcock? Por qu debemos posicionar emocionalmente al pblico frente a los personajes durante el primer acto y cmo conseguirlo? Qu tipos de Primer Punto de Giro existen, y cmo se relacionan con el tipo de detonante que tuvimos? De todas estas cuestiones y muchas ms hablaremos en este curso de guin audiovisual, que podrs aplicar a cualquier producto de ficcin argumental, ya sea un largometraje, cortometraje, serie o incluso WebSerie. Y como siempre, tendremos al final del curso una pregunta de reflexin, para que pongas en prctica los conocimientos adquiridos, a la que le adjuntamos las respuestas para que puedas autocorregirte."
Price: 19.99

"TIC para la enseanza"
"Te dedicas a la docencia? Te manejas con la tecnologa? Sabes cmo utilizar las nuevas tecnologas para la docencia? Las nuevas tecnologas de la informacin y comunicacin pueden ser integradas en la enseanza con diferentes propsitos y esto requiere cambiar paradigmas educativos tradicionales; formas de pensar y de actuar en la labor docente. Sus posibilidades son grandes especialmente para el aprendizaje permanente, individualizado y autnomo, para rentabilizar la enseanza, dar mayor flexibilidad en el aprendizaje, facilitar el acceso a variados recursos y mtodospara el conocimiento y la enseanza interactiva a distancia. La demanda derivada de las nuevas tecnologas de la enseanza exige una redefinicin de la figura docente. El concepto de docente como instructor del conocimiento se transforma en un concepto de experto en gestin deinformacin sobre una materia determinada. Requiere actualizar su conocimiento sobre las tecnologas y como integrarlo en su labor pedaggica y docente. El propsito de este curso es acompaarte en tu aprendizaje sobre el desarrollo de habilidades para el uso de la tecnologa en tu labor docente. El curso est estructurado en cuatro mdulos con ms de 3 horas de vdeo-grabacin y adems tienes disponible el contenido del curso en formato PDF."
Price: 19.99

"Guin de Cine: Estructura Narrativa Clsica - Segundo Acto"
"Una vez superado el arranque del guin, te enfrentas al reto del segundo acto: muchas hojas que escribir, muchas subtramas que gestionar, y un rumbo argumental que a poco que te descuides puede verse completamente alterado. Se suele decir que esta es la parte ms dificil de un guin, puesto que el guionista siempre sabe cmo quiere que empiece su pelcula y cmo quiere que acabe. Y en efecto es as. Hay una gran mayora de pelculas que se desinflan durante el segundo acto. Este curso te ofrece las herramientas creativas para que eso no te suceda a ti. Los 45 clips de pelculas de este curso te ensearn a superar las dificultades de este acto, para que el inters de tu audiencia no decaiga ni un minuto. Y, por supuesto, conocers la respuesta de estas preguntas: Por qu es un error presentar nuevos personajes ya avanzado el segundo acto y en qu situaciones excepcionales puede hacerse? En qu circunstancias podemos usar las coincidencias correctamente para mover la historia hacia delante? Cul es el mximo error que podemos cometer cuando manejamos micro-objetivos? Cules son los 5 elementos claves para generar tensin dramtica durante el segundo acto? Cules son las 4 razones para usar tramas secundarias y cmo vamos a integrarlas correctamente con la principal? De qu forma un punto de crisis ayuda a generar el 2 Punto de Giro? Cules son las 4 tcnicas que existen para crear 2 Puntos de Giro? Cmo conseguir que el 2 Punto de Giro sea capaz de precipitar los acontecimientos? De todas estas cuestiones y muchas ms hablaremos en este curso de guin audiovisual, que podrs aplicar a cualquier producto de ficcin argumental, ya sea un largometraje, cortometraje, serie o incluso WebSerie. Y como siempre, tendremos al final del curso una pregunta de reflexin, para que pongas en prctica los conocimientos adquiridos, a la que le adjuntamos las respuestas para que puedas autocorregirte."
Price: 19.99

"Guin de Cine: Estructura Narrativa Clsica - Tercer Acto"
"Cuando piensas que ya has hecho lo ms difcil, llega el tercer acto. Ahora es el momento en el que tu guin debe estar a la altura. Si no es as, todo lo anterior no habr servido para nada y los espectadores saldrn de tu pelcula con una sensacin de decepcin. Es frecuente que los finales decepcionen, o que la audiencia crea que no han estado a la altura. Es lgico que suceda eso, cuando el guionista ha generado expectativa pero luego no ha sabido resolverla de manera convincente. (y esto sucede tanto en largometrajes como en series). Para que esto no te suceda, te ofrecemos una serie de recursos que puedas aplicar en tus finales y conseguir que tu pblico salga con un gran sabor de boca. Por lo tanto, con ms de 35 clips de pelculas, este curso te permitir incorporar al tercer acto todo tipo de herramientas narrativas para conseguir que las sorpresas y la tensin dramtica del final satisfagan a tu audiencia. Tambin conocers las respuestas a estas preguntas: Cul es el error ms frecuente que podemos cometer con respecto al desequilibrio de fuerzas entre los personajes? Qu 5 elementos narrativos ayudan a generar tensin dramtica durante el clmax? Qu debemos hacer una vez que se ha acabado el clmax? Cmo hay que usar las tramas secundarias durante el tercer acto? A qu nos referimos cuando hablamos de un final abierto? Cmo vamos a conseguir que un final sorpresa funcione? Cules son las 4 formas en las que podemos cerrar nuestras tramas? Qu riesgos existen cuando diseamos un final feliz y uno que no lo es? De todas estas cuestiones y muchas ms hablaremos en este curso de guin audiovisual, que podrs aplicar a cualquier producto de ficcin argumental, ya sea un largometraje, cortometraje, serie o incluso WebSerie. Y como siempre, tendremos al final del curso una pregunta de reflexin, para que pongas en prctica los conocimientos adquiridos, a la que le adjuntamos las respuestas para que puedas autocorregirte."
Price: 19.99

"FOREX Currency Trading For Beginners"
"Learn Forex Trading. Trade under real market conditions as long as you want, risk free, using a Practice trading platform which gives you virtual money that never expires. The Foreign Exchange (often abbreviated as Forex or FX) market is the largest market in the world with daily trading volume of over 3.9 $trillion. With its high liquidity, low transaction cost and low entry barrier, the 24-hour market has attracted investors around the world. Recent technological advancement has broken down the barriers that used to stand between retail clients of FX market and the inter-bank market. The online Forex trading revolution originated in the late 90's, opening doors to retail clients by connecting the market makers to the end users. A chart is the most important tool for understanding what is going on in the market. Almost all traders today, particularly those who trade actively, use their preferred types of charts to analyse the market. In the end, a chart is a visual representation of the price movements, a reflection of the psychology of the market and a visualization of the interaction between buyers and sellers in the market. This course is structured in short and easy to follow format and is targeted at students who want to trade small accounts and learn to trade in the FX markets. The course introduces the student to experience the forex trading environment and learn with real time data flow with a reputable broker in a practice trading platform. An easy to follow, methodical approached is taught to shortlist current pairs with high probability of success. time market entry, profit taking and stop loss. Students are taught techniques for capital preservation."
Price: 24.99

"Managing Professional Development - Career By Design"
"The Managing Professional Development course is concerned with ensuring that as a Manager, you have the skills and techniques to develop yourself, and your workforce. This program is filled with practical and usable examples, exercises, tips and guidance, you need to get you to the top of your game with the essential management elements to develop yourself and your staff e.g. Learning to be a Leader, ABC's of Supervising Others, Hiring Smart and Motivating Your Workforce. Other topics such as interviewer skills, and hiring staff/selection skills and stress management to ensure you are at your most effective, and efficient, in your new managerial role. Once you've completed the course, email our exam department at to purchase your exam voucher and sit your final exam."
Price: 49.99

"Big Data Hadoop : Advanced concepts and Components."
"Big Data is the new Buzz work connecting the new trends of data analytics. Data management has shifted its focus from an important competency to a critical differentiator that can determine market winners. So to run along with latest trends check out this course to understand basics of Big Data. Big Data refers to technologies and initiatives that involve data that is too diverse, fast-changing or massive for conventional technologies, skills and infra- structure to address efficiently. Said differently, the volume, velocity or variety of data is too great. This course is intended for people who wants to know what is big data. the course covers what is big data, How hadoop supports concepts of Big Data and how different components like Pig, Hive, sqoop, Hbase, Flume & MapReduce of hadoop support large sets of data Analytics. Please note: Couse is a prerequisite to this course and is available for Free on UDEMY"
Price: 39.99

"Drawing & shading beautiful Male and Female face -easy steps"
"The course is about drawing lifelike pictures of male and female faces effortlessly. In this course the guru explains the learners, the composition of the facial structures, both front and side profiles, in a simple and effective way through step by step mechanism. The learners are surely going to enjoy geometry behind the face, and get benefitted from this course. We have included all the topics that are required to be covered, to transform you into a realistic artist who could draw any face. The course will help the learners to obtain a good grounding in the fundamental art principles, and various techniques that are vital in composing and finalizing beautiful, vibrant facial drawings. In this course, you will also learn how to create the shadow effect when the light falls on the face at an angle. The male face is different from that of the female face. The guru effortlessly helps the learners to understand the difference in the approach taken to draw and shade male and female face. The materials used to create the artwork are HB and 2B pencils, eraser, sharpener, Art paper. The course is structured in such a way that the learners can easily learn to construct a human face in a quick and efficient manner."
Price: 19.99

"Using Your Wacom Tablet (For New Users)"
"The course is aimed at two types of people: folks who are considering the purchase of a Wacom Tablet and want to make sure it's a good fit for them; and people who own a Tablet but feel like they aren't taking full advantage of it. In this course you learn the advantages of using a Tablet, 5 tips for getting comfortable with the Tablet, how to customize your settings for the Pen, Express Keys and more - and how to use your Tablet with Photoshop to be more accurate and save time."
Price: 29.99

"Financial Translation"
"Learn the basic concepts behind financial translation and start specializing in a high-demand sector. Introduction to Financial Translation English <>Spanish is intended for translators and financial professionals who wish to acquire both technical knowledge and language skills. The course aims to introduce you to the skills and techniques which you need to understand and translate financial and accounting documents. There are more than 500 million Spanish speakers as a first or second language, and 20 million Spanish students as a foreign language. Spanish is one of the six official languages of the United Nations, and it is used as an official language by the European Union and Mercosur. It is also the second most spoken language in the United States, where financiers with language skills are very sought after professionals. The course will cover the key areas encountered by financial professionals, translators, proofreaders and writers. We will focus on some general accounting and financial topics that impact all companies, individuals and institutions, as well as specific topics of interest to financial translation. This course is taught in English, but It provides a glossary at the end of each lecture with all the terms translated and spoken in Spanish. It also provides listening exercices in English and Spanish about topical financial issues. Although this course is designed for people with little or no understanding of accounting and finance, financial professionals will have the opportunity to learn -and practice- financial vocabulary in Spanish. Issues such as the nature of finance, financial translation criticalities, accounting, stakeholders, cultural adaptation or legal forms are discussed. The course also covers basic accounting documents, financial statements and the translation of its terms. You'll find several quizzes that will help you to reinforce what you have learned in the lecture. Useful examples of financial statements translations are also provided. By the end of the course you should have a basic level of competence which will enable you to enter a high-demand market with confidence."
Price: 59.99

"Aprende a usar Lightroom en el Ipad"
"Adobe nos trae la nueva versin de su software estrella Lightroom, Ahora en la versin para mobiles, en este curso aprenders a explotar lo mejor de esta versin, retocar, organizar, ver, compartir todas esas hermosas fotografas desde palma de tu mano. Esta jornada estara llena de sorpresas y te ayudar a crecer tus habilidades como fotografo, ya que la herramienta te ofrece las funciones de componer mejor la imagen ajustar niveles, luz, temperatura, etc. Hablaremos de: Retocar imgenes, hacindolas espectaculares. Componiendo imgenes usando la herramienta Crop Seleccionar las fotos ms bonitas, Usando Flags Compartir las imgenes con tus clientes, o en redes sociales, Y mucho ms. En este curso te convertirs en un genio del retoque con tu ipad y dars un paso adelante en esta nueva versin de Adobe Lightroom."
Price: 19.99

"The Art Of App Design & Marketing"
"Research shows that getting the app discovered is the major problem faced by app developers! With over a million apps currently available across all major platforms, simply publishing an app is no longer enough. This course is structured around three key principles to app success: Design Content Marketing Which when applied and utilized in the correct manner will maximize your chances of app success - we will teach you all this and a whole lot more on this course! So how will this course exactly maximize your chances of app success: We will teach you the main design principles to keep in mind when creating your app icon and splash image, to boost your chances of getting your app published in the stores and provide a high quality user experience at the same time. We will teach you how to write mobile-optimized content for your mobile site and application for a thoroughly satisfying user experience. We will teach you how to cut through the noise and let the world know about the amazing app that you have just created, taking your app to the next level. We will also fill your mind with app knowledge, and other tips, tricks and techniques all catered to making your app a true success. Enroll on this course today, and take the leap to boosting your app's success!"
Price: 19.99

"Pitching Eficaz (I) - Aprende a exponer tus ideas oralmente"
"Cuando tienes una idea o un proyecto y se la expones a alguien, ests haciendo un Pitching: le ests lanzando tu idea. En esta exposicin te lo ests jugando todo a una carta, as que cuantos ms aspectos tengas controlados, ms probabilidades de xito tendrs para sacar tu idea o proyecto adelante. Hoy en da tenemos que hacer Pitchings continuamente, cada vez que queremos convencer a alguien de las bondades de nuestro proyecto, o incluso cuando nosotros mismos somos el producto y debemos vendernos, como durante una entrevista de trabajo por ejemplo. De ah que sea imprescindible conocer qu tcnicas existen para conseguir vencer la resistencia de nuestro interlocutor y generarle inters hacia nosotros y nuestra propuesta. En este curso de Pitching, el primero de los tresdedicados a esta materia, aprenders entre otras cosas varias tcnicas para conseguir una reunin con un inversor, y sabrs de qu manera debes generar un vnculo con l para ganarte su confianza. As mismo aprenders varias tcnicas que te permitirn manejar los nervios ante la presentacin oral y mejorar tu autoestima, muy importante para generar la confianza suficiente como para poder iniciar una relacin profesional con el interlocutor. Aprenders tambin varias tcnicas para conseguir contactos profesionales, a travs de un networking eficaz y realista. Este curso finalizar con repasando los preparativos que conviene hacer los das anteriores al Pitching, para que todo vaya como la seda durante el momento de la verdad. En los otros dos cursos que forman tratan sobre esta materia, se estudiar el comportamiento que se debe tener durante el Pitching, y se analizarn los pormenores y particularidades de los Pitching que se centren en proyectos audiovisuales, ya sea cortometrajes, largometrajes, series o webseries, tanto si se trata de Pitchings del ascensor como exposiciones con un amplio auditorio durante un Talent Campus."
Price: 19.99

"Pitching Eficaz (II) - Aprende a exponer tus ideas oralmente"
"Este es el segundo de los 3 cursos que tratan la temtica del Pitching, la presentacin oral de un proyecto ante inversores o cualquiera a quien queramos mostrrselo. Hoy en da tenemos que hacer Pitchings continuamente, cada vez que queremos convencer a alguien de las bondades de nuestro proyecto, o incluso cuando nosotros mismos somos el producto y debemos vendernos, como durante una entrevista de trabajo por ejemplo. De ah que sea imprescindible conocer qu tcnicas existen para conseguir vencer la resistencia de nuestro interlocutor y generarle inters hacia nosotros y nuestra propuesta. En el curso anterior sobre Pitching, nos centramos en las fases previas: Cmo conseguir contactos profesionales a travs del Networking, cmo generar un vnculo de confianza con el inversor, o cmo mejorar nuestra capacidad de expresin oral. En este curso nos vamos a centrar en el Pitching en si mismo, es decir en el momento de la verdad, en los 5 minutos en los que tendremos que generar inters en nuestro interlocutor. Hablaremos en un primer lugar de los errores que debemos evitar cometer durante el Pitching, que pueden ser dialcticos, estratgicos, o incluso emocionales. A continuacin aprenderemos a estudiar in situ al inversor, y deducir sus necesidades para poder corregir el rumbo de nuestro Pitching si fuera necesario y adaptarnos a l. Para ello aprenderemos varias tcnicas de anlisis de su lenguaje verbal y no verbal. Ms adelante estudiaremos la estructura que debe tener nuestra exposicin, haciendo hincapi en los mtodos para captar el inters de nuestra audiencia. Prestaremos especial atencin al momento de las preguntas y respuestas, de las que depende que nuestro proyecto sea valorado positivamente o no. Por ltimo, analizaremos el momento de la despedida del Pitching, para no cometer ningn error que arruine todo lo conseguido anteriormente. En definitiva, en este curso tendrs las claves para que tu presentacin consiga generar suficiente inters en tu audiencia como para que se inicie un proceso de colaboracin entre ambos."
Price: 19.99

"Pitching Eficaz (III) - Proyectos Audiovisuales"
"En este curso, tercero en el que tratamos las tcnicas para disear un Pitching eficaz, se centra en los proyectos que pertenezcan al terreno del audiovisual, ya sea un cortometraje, un largometraje, una serie, o incluso una webserie. Los Pitchings, presentaciones orales de 5 a 10 minutos de un proyecto, se han convertido hoy en da en una obligacin para el guionista o productor que quieran vender su idea ante distribuidores o cualquier otro inversor, pasando por actores o equipo tcnico de renombre que nos interese que colaboren con nosotros. Ser capaz de aprovechar esos 5 minutos para generar inters es todo un reto, del que muchos no salen indemnes. En primer lugar analizaremos los diferentes entornos que existen en los que realizar un Pitching, desde los Talent Campus o PitchFest, hasta los informales Pitching del ascensor, pasando por las reuniones privadas con un inversor. Cada uno tiene sus particularidades que aqu veremos. A continuacin entraremos en la primera informacin que se debe comunicar al inversor, el gnero de nuestro proyecto. Veremos qu posibilidades tenemos para elegir el ms evocador y preciso posible. Ms adelante nos centraremos en la piedra angular de todo Pitching Audiovisual: La Logline, o frase que resume todo nuestro proyecto, y que contesta a la pregunta De qu va?. De su construccin depender que consigamos mantener el inters o que lo demos todo por perdido. Por ello desarrollaremos todas las tcnicas que existen para disearla, mejorarla, y no cometer errores en su construccin. Expondremos tambin los 5 enfoques que todo Pitch puede tener, segn las particularidades de cada proyecto, puesto que habr algunos ms centrados en los personajes, y otros en la trama, por ejemplo. Dedicaremos otro captulo a las formas de exponer tu visin, ya sea con Teasers, Trailers y dems ayudas visuales. Aprenderemos a usarlas correctamente para que no se transformen en armas de doble filo. Todo esto y mucho ms es lo que trataremos en este curso, el ltimo de los 3 que forman este bloque temtico sobre los Pitching, para que puedas usar los pocos minutos de tu presentacin para conseguir lo ms importante que puede darte el inversor: su confianza."
Price: 19.99

"Teacher Equilibrium: Be Happy and Avoid Burnout (K-12)"
"FROM THE DESK OF MS. KELLY KNOCHE To: New and stressed current teachers Dear fellow teachers, I know what is feels like to put the needs of my students ahead of mine - to do everything I can to make their lives better. Teachers are constantly told to put the students first. Its the reason we all went into the profession right? I did that and, in the process, forgot about myself. I realized that something was missing and I didnt feel complete. Most advice to avoid burnout goes something like this: Take care of yourself, eat well, exercise, and get plenty of sleep. That advice is usually peppered with: Make time to cook your lunches, meet with parents and coworkers until 6pm, and prepare at night for your upcoming day. This balance of time didnt make sense to me. The actual time it takes be my best teacher-self didnt align with the expectations of being a teacher and living a balanced, healthy life. I had dreamed of someone sharing tools with me that I could use in the 10 minutes of free time I had in between classes that allowed me to reset and recenter. Teacher Equilibrium is the course I wish I had when I first started. According to studies, most teachers experience job stress at least two to four times a day, with more than 75% of teachers health problems attributed to stress. Teacher burnout is almost epidemic in the US and is one of the causes of the 17% annual attrition rate amongst educators. In this course we identify the three primary factors of teacher burnout and give you the tools and techniques you need in order to best manage and overcome them. Discover your balanced self and find your Teacher Equilibrium. Each section of this course is broken down into three (3) segments: Individual: perform on your own in the privacy of your classroom or home Interactive: help you with interactions with students and coworkers Integrated: bring your students into the work that you're doing In addition to these segments we provide a reflection tool which gives you the necessary framework to reflect upon your workday to continuously grow and improve. These strategies have been created and tested by two educators with 10 years combined teaching experience. Both Kelly and Lance have used these strategies in their classrooms with students successfully, as youll see in the course. You will see firsthand in a live 4th grade classroom how these strategies can be employed and how powerful they can be once implemented. Teacher Equilibrium includes 51 lectures. Each video is less than three (3) minutes. The videos are easy to watch and are accessible on any computer or smartphone that allows you to go at your own pace. You can start employing the strategies you'll learn here right away. This course is designed for an educators schedule to fit neatly into your busy days. Also included are lesson plans that you can print out and have with you at all times. Upon completion of this course and the implementation of these strategies, you will be able to: Effectively communicate with students to end needless arguments and keep your classroom on track Understand how students are feeling, so you can be more empathetic Craft your own personal creed which will guide you through your toughest times Create strategies that will help students keep themselves accountable and take the burden off of you I hope to see you in the discussion boards soon! Best, Ms. Knoche The greatest use of a life is to spend it for something that will outlast it. - William James"
Price: 104.99

"Build & Publish a Word Search Puzzle Game for iOS, no coding"
"Thank you for your interest in this course, my name is Yohann, I will be your instructor. With this course, you get the full source code of a classic word search game for iPhones and iPads. (iOS7 and iOS 8 beta ready, universal app) The gameplay is simple & addictive. these are the main ingredients to make a successful game in the app store. In this course, I show you every single steps you need to start, and Im assuming you know nothing or very little,and Im gonna help you succeed having your very own game, published in the itunes app store, without having to write not even one single line of code! Since this source code comes with advertising banners you not only get an education but you also have the potential to make passive incomes from it. Many of my students that took my courses, just like this course, made it to the top iTunes charts and they are now making a living out of creating mobile games! This game source code costs hundreds of dollars on its own, and youre getting it for free with this course. You can keep using this code and make dozens of games out of it. In the video lectures, I will create a word search puzzle with a halloween theme, but feel free to create your own, it could be anything you can imagine such as Christmas, Hanoukka, Kwanza, easter, any holidays or any topics you can think of. Your imagination has no limit! This is a perfect way to start your mobile app business and this is a must-have app for anyone wanting to increase their app portfolio. Make the right decision and join us now. Ill see you in the classroom."
Price: 199.99

"Learn SQL For Oracle Databases - Using Toad From Scratch"
"What is this course about? This course teaches how to use SOL to communicate with Oracle database using Toad for Oracle editor. What Kind of Course material is included? All the contents are video based there are 38 video lectures that includes : Database Concepts SQL Sub Languages (DDL,DML) Data Types and Constraints(Varchar2,Number,Date,NOT Null,Primary Key) Reading ,Limiting and Sorting Data Table Joins (Extract data from several tables) Aliases Functions (Character,Group). How Long is this course? The course is approximately four hours long and is structured in a logical easy to follow functional way . Why take this course? Taking this course will give you a well sort after skill that will last many years. Databases are vital and to have the skill to talk to them is invaluable."
Price: 164.99

"Grow Your Business with Feng Shui"
"In this 90-minute interview-style course, Feng Shui experts Nicolette Vajtay and Carol Olmstead teach you how to enhance the Career area (Gua) of your home and office to exponentially grow your business and bring more flow into your life. Nicolette and Carol explain the Feng Shui Bagua, then give you specific information about rearranging the Career area in your home and office so you may welcome new opportunities and allow miracles to flow into your life. Youll learn how to enhance the Career area in your home and workspace to raise your chi and attract new opportunities and connections. After taking this class, youll know how to identify whats holding you back and restricting your ability to move forward. More importantly, youll have the Feng Shui tools to adjust, deflect, or remove the restrictions from your space and rearrange your office for career and life success. The Career area represents the work we do in this world, and youll learn the Feng Shui adjustments, cures, and tips that can better connect you with your passion and purpose, so you can move that vision out into the world. As you watch Nicolette and Carol complete a hands-on office transformation, youll learn specific Feng Shui principles for a business, including desk placement, lighting, the use of plants, clutter clearing, and placement of artwork to enhance your space. Youll come away with Feng Shui skills you may use immediately to create a workspace that helps your business grow, flourish, and succeed. Even if you dont run a business, the Career sector affects your life journey, so if you feel stuck and want to move forward this course is for you! Similar to what acupuncture does for your body, Feng Shui for your home unblocks your stuck energy, known as chi. When the chi around you is blocked, your opportunities are blocked and you feel stuck in your career, depleted in your health, or angry about your life circumstance. However, just like acupuncture unblocks stuck chi in your body and restores health, Feng Shui for your Career Gua and office removes stuck energy and restores your business to a state of health and vitality."
Price: 34.99

"Excel Dashboards tips to impress your Manager"
"An Excel Dashboard provides insight, analysis and alerts. Theyre fully interactive and dynamic and can help with project management, customer service, retail management, financial forecasting and much more.Key features:Usually fits on one pageDisplays key trends, comparisons and data graphically or in small tablesProvides the reader with conclusions to their objectiveIs often interactive allowing the user to filter data and switch views themselvesEmploys best practices that enable the report to be updated quickly and easily (often at the click of just one button)"
Price: 19.99