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"Everyday Chakras: Easy Energy Work for Health and Happiness"
"Without the option of spending hours daily in guided meditation or scooting off to week-long Zen retreats, you've got to make energetic health fit into everyday life! As a professional Tarot reader, I love what I do, but was finding myself drained and run down after intense sessions. Looking to take better care of myself, I was nudged from the Universe to investigate Chakras as a framework for managing the considerable energetic demands of my work. Staying laser-focused on practical, accessible, and simple options that dont require much fuss, I was shocked how much impact these very simple techniques had in a very short time. I found myself not merely "less drained," but enjoying significant improvement in physical complaints, with clearer thinking and better focus to boot. Although Chakra work does not replace traditional medical support, it does provide a perfect (and effective) compliment to more traditional therapies without risk. Everybody has non-negotiable demands on time, attention and energy. So often, vital self-care gets relegated to "someday" that never seems to come. We can all use simple, practical ways to stay at our best. Chakra work addresses this need elegantly. Whether we're facing extraordinary challenges or whether we just want to be as happy and successful as possible, Chakra work provides easy, accessible and rewarding options to "center" in the midst of busy life. That's why I decided to share the research I did for myself with others; I knew firsthand how much it could help. This course walks you through each of the Chakras and how they work, individually and within the system. We'll discover how to identify centers that are out of balance and more importantly, simple approaches to bring your energy back into alignment. You'll learn my "Meditation in a Minute" technique to immediately shore up functioning in any area of your life. You'll be armed with information on food, essential oils, gemstones and everyday activities that can help you stay healthy, focused and in balance. Sections cover getting oriented to the Chakra system, the lower Chakras, the upper Chakras, quizzes and review checkpoints to make sure you are fully prepared to put into practice what you've learned. I will be available to answer questions and offer support. Even if you're not ready to enroll in this course, I do hope you make some space for Chakra work in your life. I was blessed with great results from my own Chakra work and hope to inspire others to embark on experiments for themselves. Thanks for coming along on the journey with me."
Price: 19.99

"ACT, SAT And CXC CSEC Math: Algebra Mastery"
"This course is an introduction to the basic principles and skills of algebra. Topics include: Expressions Exponents Linear Equations in one variable Linear Equations in two variables Absolute Value Equations System of Linear Equations Inequalities The course contains a series of video tutorials that are broken up into various levels. Each video builds upon the previous one. These videos can be used as a supplement to your current Algebra 1 class or as a stand alone course. The course also contains a Diagnostic Test on Algebra and Functions. This test is an essential part of the course. The purpose of the test is to help find your strengths and weaknesses. As a bonus, the test has questions on basic Functions. The course contains 108 minutes of video content plus an additional 20 minutes for the Diagnostic Test for a total of 128 minutes. The course primarily targets students who are preparing to take the ACT, CXC CSEC and SAT Maths Test with a focus on the Algebra Section of these test. However, other individuals who wishes to learn basic Algebra principles and skills can benefit from this course. This course is consistently monitored/ review and i am ready to answer your questions. Solutions and Review of the Diagnostics Test are available to any student of this course upon request."
Price: 19.99

"How Do I Teach That?"
"Cooking up a great lesson involves many ingredients put together in the right way. This course will give you all the ingredients to create that appetizing lessona lesson that will change your students. Step by step well teach you how to catch your students attention, present content in an effective way, and show how to apply it to make a change in the learner. Teachers and trainers will find this course useful! It will teach you how to develop an effective lesson plan, which is relevant, engaging your students with each other and with you, and active in the learning process. You will watch videos, listen to audio sessions, then do exercises (downloadable resources, Prezi, and discussion) and develop your own lesson plan as you work your way through this course. It will take 2- 3 hours depending on the time you spend developing your new skills. Well give you all the tools necessary for preparing any lessonfor anythingand anyone! If you search out there, youll find lots of ways to cook up a lesson plan, but Im going to make it easy! Step by step, just like an easy recipe. There is a need for teachers who can bring about lifechange in their students. Because you are taking this course, we know you have a desire to improve your teaching skills and abilities. Maybe teaching just isnt fun anymore, or maybe this is your very first time teaching a course, or first time training someone at work. By the end of this course you will experience lifechange learning yourself! We will introduce you to a whole new way of teaching that will get your students involved and have fun. As a result, your students will learn; changing the way they look at life and how they live life, because of you."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Prctico SQL Server Reporting Services 2012 (SSRS)"
"Este curso cubre el uso de la herramienta de generacin de informes Microsoft SQL Reporting Services, tambin conocido como SSRS. SSRS es una herramienta utilizada por un sinfn de empresas y organizaciones que utilizan bases de datos y por medio de SSRS son capaces de extraer los datos y transformarlos en informacin til para estas. Este curso proporciona todo lo que necesitas saber para empezar el desarrollo de informes utilizando SSRS. Descargaremos e instalaremos las herramientas gratuitas, configuraremos nuestro propio servidor de informes; Comenzaremos desde los fundamentos de la creacin de tu primer informe, y luego pasaremos a una personalizacin intermedia, llegando a aprender a publicar estos informes en nuestro servidor y que puedan estar disponibles para ser visualizados por usuarios finales. Los informes creados en el curso estn disponibles para su descarga, para referencia futura. Si estas buscando hacer cualquier tipo de reporte, entonces debes ver lo que SSRS tiene para ofrecer. No es slo una herramienta til para la creacin de informes dentro de tu propia empresa o negocio, es una herramienta que puede ser utilizada en cualquier entorno donde se necesite contar con informacin consolidada en un reporte."
Price: 34.99

"Crea un Sitio Web de Avisos Clasificados, Sin Programar!"
"Crea un sitio Web de Avisos Clasificados, sin Programar! Con "Crea un sitio Web de Avisos Clasificados, sin Programar", usted aprender todo lo necesario para crear desde cero su propio Sitio Web de Avisos Clasificado, sin necesidad de programar ni una sola lnea! "Crea un sitio Web de Avisos Clasificados, sin Programar" Es un curso para aquellas personas que quieran crear Portales de Avisos Clasificados por ejemplo MercadoLibre, Yapo, Olx, VivaStreet, Clasificados, etc. La inscripcin a este curso le dar la oportunidad de crear su propio sitio web de avisos clasificados como estos sitios web que se mencionan ms arriba. Despus de completar este curso, usted tendr su propio sitio web de clasificados, donde la gente va a publicar anuncios. Usted aprender paso a paso la creacin de sitio web de clasificados. Sin tener que programar una lnea de cdigo. Con "Crea un sitio Web de Avisos Clasificados, sin Programar", usted aprender todo lo que necesita para crear un sitio web de clasificados. Cmo un Portal de Avisos Clasificados Gana Dinero? 1. Anuncios Destacados Esta es una de las formas ms sencillas para monetizar un sitio web de clasificados. Normalmente, un sitio web de clasificados tendr un enorme nmero de usuarios por los muchos anuncios. Algunos de ellos podran querer sobresalir y destacar sus anuncios y que estaran dispuestos a pagar una cuota para obtener sus anuncios que se distinguen del resto. Clasificados propietarios consideran anuncios destacados como una de las maneras ms eficaces para captar la atencin del lector. Por lo tanto, tiene mucho sentido incluir esa posibilidad en su sitio web. Aunque hay que tener en cuenta el nmero de usuarios que tiene en su sitio web de clasificados. Normalmente, los usuarios desean que su anuncio se publique en un usuario interesado, y prefieren que ofrezca sus anuncios en un sitio web de alto trfico. Por lo tanto, para hacer el sitio web de clasificados empez necesita una buena campaa de SEO, a menos que usted ya tiene una base de clientes grande o una idea nica! 2. Banners de Publicidad Para mejorar su Portal y obtener dinero al mismo tiempo considerar el uso de banners. Los sitios web clasificados son atractivos para los anunciantes. Dirigidas a un grupo especfico de personas con intereses en particular. 3. Publicaciones Pagadas Con muchas ofertas de clasificados gratuitos por ah, puede ser extrao pedirle a un usuario que pagar por algo que poda hacer gratis en otro lugar. Pero! podras cobrar por publicar en los siguientes casos: - Usted est apuntando a un nicho especfico que nadie ms tiene acceso. - Usted ya tiene una enorme base de datos de los usuarios que vienen regularmente a su sitio web. - Usted tiene una categora que sabe que dar un gran beneficio para sus clientes. - Y cualquier razn creadora que usted podra pensar. 5. Links de Afiliados Si su sitio web de clasificados es especfico para un determinado nicho, puede firmar un acuerdo con los vendedores interesados. Entonces usted puede tener una determinada pgina en su pgina web y vender sus productos. Y podras puede ponerse de acuerdo sobre algunos trminos, por ejemplo: -Pago por la conversin de trfico. -Una cuota mensual slo para tener su enlace all. -Conseguir una comisin por ofrecer cupones para sus productos. 6. Membresa Premium Usted puede dar a algunas de las caractersticas a los usuarios por una cuota mensual. Y aqu se puede ser tan creativo como quieras, no hay lmites. Algunas ideas simples que encontr para caractersticas especiales para membresas Premium: - Dale un poco de destacados / Mover al principio anuncios - Dar un crdito para su publicacin en las categoras de pago - Basta con ser capaz de publicar en su pgina web - Las suscripciones mensuales / anuales - Descuentos en alguna de las funciones El curso completo est basado en un ejemplo de sitio web de clasificados, inspirado principalmente en MercadoLibre, Yapo, Olx, VivaStreet, Clasificados, que usted aprender a crear a partir de cero. Estamos convencidos que la mejor forma de aprender es mtodo de aprendizaje basado en proyecto, ya que te obliga a aprender todos los conceptos aplicndolos con algo que usted puede utilizar y reutilizar al final. Por qu Crea un sitio Web de Avisos Clasificados, sin Programar? El curso completo tiene 27 clases en video, divididas en 2 captulos. Cada captulo le dar un nivel de conocimientos en el desarrollo de un sitio web de clasificados. Vamos a empezar desde lo bsico con la descarga de archivos importantes de internet, creacin de base de datos, instalacin de sitio web, adicin de ubicaciones - monedas - la eliminacin de los anuncios, de usuario, de comentarios, configurar internamente su portal y como aadir nuevas funciones en ste. "Crea un sitio Web de Avisos Clasificados, sin Programar" le dar una nueva perspectiva sobre cmo funcionan los sitios de clasificados y despus de completar el curso usted ser capaz de crear sus propios sitios web de clasificados y para sus clientes sin necesidad de escribir una sola lnea de cdigo. El Internet est evolucionando muy rpido y tambin lo son las plataformas. Hay algunos grandes sitios de clasificados, donde la gente publica para vender o comprar todo tipo de cosas, los que las rocas son slo algunos de ellos. Es preferible tener un sitio de clasificados de nicho que se centra en un tema en particular. Cuando se aprende el contenido de este curso usted ser capaz de crear su propio sitio de clasificados de nicho como un MercadoLibre, Yapo, Olx, VivaStreet, Clasificados, etc"
Price: 19.99

"Business Secrets: How To Buy A Business For Faster Profits"
"OVER 180 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS HAVE ALREADY TAKEN THIS COURSE Updated Again 9th January 2015: Entire New "Going Deep" Section Did you know that Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates have all bought businesses? Did you know that buying an existing business, can make you be profitable from day 1 instead of struggling to make ends meet? This is the perfect course for you if... You always wanted to own your own business You have held back because you felt starting a business was too risky You've considered buying a business but don't know where to start, or how to get the money You want to join the serial entrepreneurs buying, building and selling businesses In How To Buy A Business With Your Lunch Money, Carl takes you step by step through the process he used to buy businesses successfully and profitably and shows you how to fund it even if you don't have access to bank loans. In this training you will discover... The Exact 6 Steps To Buying A Business The 5 Must's Before You Consider Buying A Business (Most People Get This Wrong) 7 Ways To Fund The Purchase Of A Business (and Only 1 Is The Bank) How You Can Make A Career out of Buying and Selling Businesses How Carl Got A $30,000 Business To Agree To Sell For Just $1 and Be Happy About It And Much More... *NOTE: This is NOT for "get rich quick" or "multi-level marketing" types. These strategies are used by the top entrepreneurs to build serious wealth through business. Let's face it, results from courses like this are not typical and most people probably won't make a cent because they don't implement or follow through. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: I give you my personal promise that this course will show you strategies that have been used by Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and other top entrepreneurs and can make you (as well as save you) alot of money when you put them into practice. If you don't agree I don't want your money. Simply ask for all your money back 100% anytime in the first 30 days. DON'T WAIT... If you are ready for the perfect introductory program to help you understand the processes and steps involved to buy a business, and have your eyes opened to how the top entrepreneurs do it with little to none of their own money, then "Take This Course""
Price: 154.99

"Email Marketing for All Levels: Set Up Email Campaigns"
"Join 1,300+ Successful Students - Materials Updated January 2015 Are you a business owner or internet marketer? Do you have an email database but are struggling to make it actually generate cash? In this Email Profits course, you'll be taken step-by-step through building your own profitable email marketing campaign that sells a product or service and puts cash in your bank account. Imagine, if each email you sent made you $1,000+, this is completely possible and you'll be shown example email campaigns that did. In this training you will discover... How to create an email marketing campaign that brings in $$$ Step-by-Step walkthrough and explanation of TWO profitable email campaigns Simple and Easy to use Email Planner to ensure you properly persuade readers to take action And Much More... *NOTE: Let's face it, results from courses like this are not typical and most people probably won't make a cent because they don't implement or follow through. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: I give you my personal promise that this course will show you a complete walkthrough of two of my profitable email marketing campaigns, why they worked and how to create your own. Implementing this will easily make you more than you paid for this course, if you don't agree then I don't want your money. Simply ask for all your money back 100% anytime in the first 30 days."
Price: 64.99

"Introduction to Embedded Systems using 8051 Microcontroller"
"The course will teach you the basic fundamentals of embedded software and interfacing. You will learn about 8051 architecture and the basics of writing an embedded software for it. After finishing the course, you can start working with other microcontrollers like ARM, AVR, and PIC.8051 It's simple architecture, once you learn it, you can work with other complex architectures. I don't want to teach how to use registers to drive PWM or ADC,..etc.Other courses, are just teaching basic concepts, and copying the data sheet, to configure the registers for different hardware components. I want you to learn how to write software code for PWM, ADC, DAC,..etc without hardware. once you know that, its very easy to use AVR, it's just a matter of configuring registers, nothing more that, and that's useless to teach. I want to create a course that's different and unqiue. You can find a 8051 kit here"
Price: 19.99

"SEO 2019: Learn Search Engine Optimization Quickly & Easily"
"Join over 2,000 students who have learned search engine optimization (SEO) and are optimizing their websites and increasing their rankings without spending a dime.Search engine optimization doesn't have to be difficult, and you certainly don't need to buy expensive software or hire an expensive agency. Gaining an understanding of how search engines function and the quick tweaks you can make to your website to rank higher will help you increase your traffic andultimatelygrow your business.You'll learn how to:Quickly research keywords that attract relevant visitorsAnalyze said keywords and prioritize them based on effectivenessRework your web content to accommodate search engines like Google, Yahoo and BingBuild links that point back to your siteTrack your progressPaired with quizzes, helpful content, and a few tips here and there, you'll get a taste of everything involved with increasing the search visibility of your website.Here's what a few of my favorite students had to say:""I thought that I knew something about SEO, but this course has shown me that I have a lot to learn. I'm going to have to watch it over, and over to make certain that I do things the correct way."" CraigThis is a fantastic course, especially for the price. There is a lot of information packed into about an hour of lecture, so you can move through it fairly quickly while still getting a ton of resources. Highly recommend."" Briana I would recommend this class to any serious Digital Marketer who is interested in SEO practices. This cheap course provides great and in depth study of SEO practices done the correct way. Evan simply goes above and beyond."" ChristianAll the Information You Need to Master Search Engine OptimizationImagine what it would be like to handle the SEO of your website yourself, without having to fork over piles of cash to a search agency. With any luck, at the end of this course, you'll feel confident enough to take the reins and get your site to that top spot all on your own. In dozens of easy-to-understand videos, I will uncover the secrets of conquering the practice of search engine optimization. These videos are delivered online so you can watch them from the comfort of your own home. By incorporating intermittent quizzes, you can be sure you comprehend the most important concepts and keep yourself motivated to stay attentive.Course OverviewAs any search engine optimizer will tell you, successful SEO starts with keywords. This course will start by walking you through my go-to strategies for finding keywords that are relevant for your target audience. The next step in the process is analyzing the keywords and prioritizing them based on effectiveness. I'll show you how to calculate the Keyword Efficiency Index (KEI), a good starting point for anyone new to the practice of SEO.With a list of highly effective keywords in hand, the course will move to teach students how to properly optimize their content. You will learn how to best incorporate your keywords and how often to employ your keywords on each page. The course will also explain the differences between the major search enginesGoogle, Yahoo and Bing.Once your web content is optimized for search engines, you'll want to start attracting more visitors and search engine crawlers. The course will take an in-depth look at the most effective and popular strategies for building links.And, last but not least, you will learn how to track your progress so that you can always be improving.If you are unsatisfied for any reason, I'll provide a 100% refund."
Price: 19.99

"Definitive Guide to Create Promo Videos in PowerPoint (2019)"
"Last updated 3/30/2019.Join over 3,400 students who have discovered how easy it is to create animated, promotional videos with this to-the-point tutorial for all PowerPoint users.Creating videos doesn't have to be difficult or expensive. Using a few little-known capabilities of Microsoft PowerPoint, you can start cranking out YouTube-ready videos to promote your business, to pitch your online course, or just for fun!You willlearn how to:Animate and automate text, images, and objectsIncorporate sound effects and background musicAnd, record voice-over narrationsall in PowerPoint!Here's what a few of my favorite students had to say:""[By] far the most immediately useful course I have invested in on Udemy."" - B. Williford""[By] far one of the best courses on Udemy."" - A. Pazeto""I didn't know PowerPoint was this versatile and will absolutely use what I learned when I have to give a presentation again!"" - R. AndelEvan really uncovered some great tips. Easy to follow. Beautifully presented. Thank you."" - B. GordonThis is a solid course. It delivers on all promises made. Satisfied."" - J. SmithA Clever Way to Create Awesome, Animated VideosModern, promotional videos are a great way to capture attention and endorse your business, product, or online course. Traditionally, producing an animated video required a fat wallet, specialized skills, and expensive equipment. Animated videos were great but not realistic for entrepreneurs, small business owners, or anyone on a tight deadline.Being able to produce animated videos quickly, easily, and independently is a powerful and useful skill for anyone seeking to build or grow an online business or course. Learning how to do this in an easy-to-use program you likely already have is almost too good to be true. Almost.Course OverviewSuitable for all PowerPoint users, this course is straightforward and to the point. Unlike many online courses, my lectures include no tangents, no spiraling, and no bloat. This course consists of 14 concise lectures, and in less than an hour you'll learn to make awesome, animated videos.Starting with an empty PowerPoint template, this course will break down the steps required to prepare your presentation for high definition (HD) video creation. With these basics mastered, the course will teach you how to add, animate, and automate text, graphics, and objects.The next stage will be audio, where you'll work with sound effects, background music, and voice-over narrations. Though all of these elements can be managed in PowerPoint, some people find it easier to pull them into a video-editing software. (Just to be safe, this course will teach both!)The last step to the process is exporting your videooptimal settings and a few considerations before wrapping up your video.Complete with project files and a free 15-slide video template, this course will fully prepare students who complete it with the skills and knowledge to start creating (and even selling) animated videos.If you are unsatisfied for any reason, I'll provide a 100% refund."
Price: 19.99

"VFX Bootcamp Zombie Highway"
"I will guide you through a small VFX pipeline to make an amazing movie clip-Once learned you will have the knowledge to take on your own footage and create some stunning visual FX. I will cover Matte painting work and how to use resources from our original footage, than we proceed in creating movement in the shot with various items like smoke- Then on to some 3d integration to make the shot really sing. You will learn how to: Create a realistic matte painting(add items,delete items from our footage) Create your own smoke VFX Create lighting for your scene Take a 3d model and and use in footage with its own shadow VFX and many techniques to make a real Hollywood clip! Bonus Tutorial: Learn to take any 3d object and place into any live footage! This technique is one of the best things I have ever learned! With this knowledge you can place robots,spaceships and any thing you can imagine inside live footqage- to me this bonus is worth the price in its self, why because it took me months to figure it out lol I know you will be truly happy with this bonus for sure-"
Price: 19.99

"Weight Loss with Self Hypnosis: Hypnotherapy to lose weight"
"Hypnosis can help you to lose weightACTUAL STUDENT REVIEWThis course has shown me that my weight is really just a symptom of how I relate to myself. I now feel armed with the tools that I need to improve many things about my life""- Jane WatkinsHypnosis is the epitome of mind-body medicine. It can enable the mind to tell the body how to react, and modify the messages that the body sends to the mind."" New York TimesWould you like to enjoy real and sustainable weight loss?Hypnosis is a natural state of consciousness in which the subconscious mind can be programmed for positive changes. While hypnosis is not a magical cure for weight loss, skilful use of the hypnotic state can help you to improve the elements of your life that reflect into your weight.Self Hypnosis for Weight Loss is equivalent to five sessions of Clinical Hypnotherapy for losing weight. In this life changing course, Nicholas Harris will guide you in practical therapy processes that have helped thousands of people to successfully lose weight.If you are ready to feel better about yourself, expand your life, improve your relationships, increase your job opportunities, get better sleep and enjoy overall health and wellbeing then this course is for you!Using hypnosis, you will train your mind to help you want to eat healthily and exercise regularly. You will create a positive relationship with food, increase your self-confidence and resolve emotional blocks in your life.These tried and tested methods communicate with your subconscious mind in a powerful way, helping you to form positive new thought patterns. Rather than worrying and feeling bad about your weight, you can focus on other things enjoying your work, hobbies, friends, family and romantic relationships.This course will help you to wake up feeling refreshed, going through your day feeling stronger, healthier and happier.Welcome to Self Hypnosis for Weight Loss. It is time to change your life.You have everything you need to look and feel greatHave you ever noticed the relationship between your weight and your sense of general wellbeing?By the end of this course, you will feel more in control of every part of your life not just your weight. Armed with a clear understanding of what you need to do to make the changes you want (and with the tools necessary for success), you will be empowered to walk the path of health.Enrol in the course today. Join our community - over 400 students are already losing weightYour enrolment in this course is backed by Udemy's 30 day, 100% money back guarantee. Enrol today and begin feeling better about yourself tomorrow.You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Welcome to Self Hypnosis for Weight Loss."
Price: 94.99

"Going Viral"
"Cat videos are more than just online diversions. Sometimes they are powerful online marketing tools. Would you like to learn more about how to use the power of social media to get your message out? Viral marketing is a powerful and yet inexpensive way to market online. This course breaks it down for you by giving you a comprehensive view of the types of viral marketing and how you can use viral content to reach your target audience. We avoid jargon and strive to make the course accessible to everyone regardless of past experience with online marketing."
Price: 39.99

"Customer Care: Getting it Right"
"How people are treated by organisations when they first make contact can be crucial. As the saying goes, if you don't look after your customers, someone else will. Developed by highly respected author, educator and expert in communication skills, Professor Bernard Moss, this important e-learning module offers the equivalent of a full days continuous professional development. This is ideal training for receptionists or anyone whose role brings them into face-to-face contact with the public in private, voluntary or public sector organisations. This course provides an excellent foundation for high-quality customer care. The course is built around a set of acted-out scenes in which you get to see examples of how to provide high-quality customer care and - importantly - telling examples of how not to do it. This approach enables you to get a clear picture of what is involved in effective customer care. Participants are provided with a Module Companion E-book which can be printed out to act as a focal point for taking notes about the important insights the course provides and for completing the exercises that are an integral part of the learning. Although the course is the equivalent of a full-day's training, it does not have to be taken in one sitting. It can be followed flexibly to fit in with your busy schedule and at a pace to suit you. If your work involves you in welcoming people to your organisation - whether in a commercial or a public service setting - this course will help you to make sure you do this to the best of your ability."
Price: 34.99

"Solve Rubik's cube in 6 easy steps"
"Did you get a Rubik's cube but it is on the shelf since you first shuffled and then never managed to solve it? Dust it off, I'll show you how to solve it. I learned to solve the cube when I was 8, though my sister decided not to teach me the very last step and I had to figure that out myself. Since then, I taught a dozen of my friends how to solve the Rubik's cube with the very same method, and we challenge each other to see who's the quickest. My best time is 1 minute 23 seconds. Are you up to the challenge, too? I'm not good at 3D modelling or high-tech video editing, but I learned to create good quality videos and added what I lacked from Rubik's cube tutorials: just a few easy steps that would be understandable even for an 8-year old and a bit of personal touch. So let me sit down next to you and show you how to solve the cube with my 6 super-easy steps. You'll see the videos as if the cube was in your hand, I'll point out the shortcuts, and mistakes, and well... I'll help you practice as long as you master the Rubik's cube! I also added some extra content about how to choose the proper cube if you don't have one, do fun patterns once the cube is solved, do some basic maintenance (please-please, do not remove the stickers, ever), and what to do if you're facing a cube with nothing but mirror-like sides... So are you up to my challenge?"
Price: 19.99

"Excel VBA for Business: Barcodes"
"Speed Up Productivity and Lower Data Entry Errors! It's no secret that data entry errors can cause big problems. Fortunately, this course provides you with a complete set of skills to help you create programs in Excel. This course provides over 2 jam-packed hours of tutorials, including: Data Entry with Barcodes Barcode Scan to Look-Up items from your worksheet/databases How to Auto-Move screens during or after a scan How to process Barcodes with random lengths Lots of Tips for creating and getting a good scan, Everytime! FREE Companion workbook with real life examples FREE Macros and Buttons to Generate Avery 5160, 5162, 5163 and Large label sheets - PLUS Unlimited space for your custom sized projects ****** See what others are saying ****** "Just finished Dan's course. He has a wealth of knowledge with Excel VBA and applies simple yet thought provoking ways to apply barcode scanning and tracking methods. This course was designed to benefit Excel beginners to advanced users. Also Dan's approach to solving problems during his lectures displays his confidence of this subject matter. Take this course if you are interested in extending your knowledge of Excel VBA. ExcelVBA IS Fun!" - Kevin Nee "Hi Dan, After watching all of the videos I can defiantly see us using this for our company. We currently depend on pencil and paper and the honor system for tracking labor hours for jobs. Each employee is responsible for tracking the hours they spend on a given job. We could print a barcode for each job and apply the label to a board or something like that. Then when an employee starts on that job they would scan that label then select their name. Then the program would stamp the start time, when they are done they scan the bar code again select their name and the program would stamp the stop time. I will defiantly continue studying this course and look into coming up with something of this nature for our company. Thanks for the course." -Scott "Really awesom course!! Thank you!!!!" -Eunicer R. You'll receive all these benefits: Included in the course are 20+ Video Lectures describing the process as well as hands on technical demonstrations for all course materials We provided you with everything you need to get started Today with your Barcode Excel VBA program - Font & How to use them properly, Workbook and how to use it. Subscription to this course entitles you to LIFETIME Video and Attachments updates, and we will add more material along the way. Check it out!"
Price: 79.99

"Excel VBA to PDF Forms Mastery Course"
"PDFs are everywhere! They are the most common document format and chances are your company is using them. Most companies spend hours filling out the same forms day in and day out, such as leases, invoices, contracts, new employee packets, Tax Forms, Loan documents and the list goes on! In this course, we explore a new method to automate your workflow - utilizing the power of Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic to dynamically populate your PDF forms. Ill teach you step-by-step how to create a little-known filetype called an FDF file which stores PDF form data! Youll learn how to add and populate PDF checkboxes, option buttons, drop-downs, text boxes, and list boxes. Ill also teach you how to merge pdfs, manipulate page order, and even Auto-Magically add fields to scanned documents using a special Recognition Mode. Ill even reveal the best programs to edit pdfs (without paying 400-500 dollars on expensive programs like Adobe Acrobat Pro)! Youll get several template files with full source code so you can get started right away, and I also include several exercises to keep you on track. In each of my short progressive videos, youll learn another technique to help you accomplish your goals. With lifetime access, you can return to review the lessons at any time, and the forum is always here to help. We also include a Full 30 day money back guarantee! Join today and start taking control of your workflow. Ill see you in the forums!"
Price: 119.99

"Piano Zen: Experience Your True, Unlimited Musical Potential"
"Do you think it's possible to have a Piano Zen experience while practicing? Believe me, it can happen! I realized 12 years ago that a slower, more mindful approach to practicing the piano was not only a more effective, quicker way to learn but also a more natural and musical way as well. Most people that try to learn the piano bring a lot of tension and anxiety to the process. However, it doesn't have to be that way. In fact, practicing the piano can be a wonderful, relaxing, and deeply expressive experience. And, you'll find that is easier than you ever imagined! The Stillpoint approach combines relaxing and mindful contemplative techniques to make learning the piano a calm, pleasant, stress-free experience. Stillpoint techniques help you to slow down the way you learn so that you can find a balance between mind and body. If you have an interest or experience in Eastern disciplines like tai chi, yoga, qi gong, or Zen meditation, you will find the Stillpoint techniques very familiar and engaging. However, you don't have to be a tai chi or yoga enthusiast to get benefits from the course. You may just be interested in a musical activity that provides a little relief from the tension and stress of your busy day! When you take a Stillpoint lesson, it is like having a Stillpoint instructor right there with you guiding every step of your piano lesson. All of the guess work about how to practice the piano is gone. This program will encourage you to embrace mindfulness at the piano to unlock your true, unlimited musical potential. Sign up today and let's get started together!"
Price: 44.99

"New teacher's guide to the first month of school"
"This course is for new or first year teachers who are getting ready to plan for a new year. Every teacher has a horror story about their first year of teaching. Many veteran teachers and new teachers alike believe this is part of some horrible initiation that every new teacher has to go through. This course is for those new teachers who don't want to have a horror story. Participants will learn lesson planning, classroom management and relationship strategies that are key to getting off to a good start and will improve their chances of having a successful year. Participants will learn step by step instructions for creating lessons that will engage students. You will be able to access a lesson planning template with guiding questions to help you develop your lessons using the ideas of backwards design (Understanding by Design). You will prioritize the most important classroom management routines and procedures to focus on during the first month and learn how to effectively implement those routines and procedures. You will learn which relationships to harness in the first month in order to get off to the best start possible. Finally, you will learn how to plan an amazing first day. In addition to the lesson planning template, you will have access to a lecture and lesson planning template specifically organized for planning group work, one of the main pitfalls for new teachers. Participants will receive twenty-three lectures divided up into four sections: lesson planning, classroom management, relationships and planning the first day. There is an introduction and conclusion for each section with a total of 30 minutes of video lectures that provide steps and tasks to complete. If the process is followed, you will leave the course with a solid plan for the first month of school that will ensure a smooth year."
Price: 19.99

"Teaching & Raising Successful Kids"
"This course will explore the social-psychological theories of achievement, such as grit, self control, resilience, and growth mindset, that underlie student learning. Participants will learn strategies for increasing achievement in their classrooms, schools and at home in order to meet the social emotional learning rigor of the Common Core Standards and help children develop the achievement skills necessary for the 21st century and beyond. The class will explore how to build a school culture that emphasizes these skills as fundamental components of success. The course will feature the latest research in adolescent brain development, student motivation, and social psychological intervention. Growth mindset is the idea that the human brain actually has the ability to grow and change allowing us to learn based on the amount of effort we put forth rather than relying on our innate intelligence. In fact, recent research is providing evidence that our innate intelligence is less important and less powerful than many of us have been taught it is. Think about all the people that have demonstrated the ability to succeed despite many obstacles. Research has shown that the intelligence and talent that we are born with is not as good a predictor of success as the effort that we put forth to attain goals. So, if this is true, how do teachers and parents use this information to help kids succeed? Maybe our test scores arent dependent on IQ scores? This course identifies specific, actionable strategies, many of which can be implemented today, that will help all kids succeed. If you are a teacher who thinks your state test scores are dependent on the intelligence of the kids you have been assigned to teach, you will learn ways to increase achievement in all children you are assigned to teach. If you are a parent, who has a struggling student or a student for whom learning comes easily, you will learn strategies that will help both types of learners achieve high expectations throughout their entire lives."
Price: 24.99

"Web Performance Testing using Jmeter"
"This is another award winning and popular course from us and we are showcasing it on Udemy for the first time.Just like our other courses, we have kept all the intro and basic course videos for free and available for preview for your convenience so please feel free to explore and test drive it. If you want to become a master in QTP, look no further and don't lose the opportunity. Performance is a crucial factor for any organization in todays IT world. Poor performance can cause huge damage for websites and software programs. It is essential to improve and monitor applications performance on a daily basis. Performance testing is an important part of modern software testing. We must not ignore performance testing in order to achieve the expected quality for our software. Jmeter is one of the most popular and leading open source performance testing tool in todays market. It has become very popular because of its usefulness and cost-free approach. As we know, open source tools typically come with some challenges. It is difficult to find the right training solution for Jmeter since training support is not available from the vendor. It is not easy to acquire knowledge from different resources and QAEversity's team of expert instructors are focused on making it little more easier for the knowledge seekers with detail-oriented Jmeter video tutorials.. In this course, different aspects of Jmeter have been discussed including Jmeter installation, application overview, basics, thread groups, samplers, http requests, listeners, assertions, and proxy."
Price: 19.99

"Advanced Automation Testing with Quick Test Pro (QTP) or UFT"
"Udemy's Best Seller in QTP/UFT since 2014! **Course &materials are last updated on November 27th, 2018- Over 33,000 students enrolled worldwide** A community of over33,000 students worldwideand still counting!This is another award winning and popular course from us and we are showcasing it on Udemy for the first time. Just like our other courses, we have kept all the intro and basic course videos for free and available for preview for your convenience so please feel free to explore and test drive it. If you want to become a master in QTP/UFT, look no further and don't lose the opportunity. Unified Functional Testing, UFT (previously known asHP Quick Test Professional orQTP) does cost a fortune but it's still a market leader in the automation testing industry. Nowadays, many open source and low-cost automation tools came into play but QTP/UFT is still popular for its advanced features and controls. QTP/UFT provides a better control over our automation process. It is suitable for people with non-programming and programming backgrounds. QTP supports VB script for customization and better control which is easy to learn. However, it has been difficult to find a end-to-end QTP training solution for basic and advanced QTP concepts. It is essential to have advanced QTP skills to be able to gain competitive advantages in today's market. QAEversity is committed to provide a unique learning experience for delivering QTP training online. In this course, we cover all the important aspects of QTP starting from the very basics to the most advanced level concepts. This course treats every student as a freshman and explains each and every single step thoroughly. It can be a great source to brush up a specific topic or master the entire course. This course covers basic and advanced topics including, QTP installation overview, QTP checkpoints, parameterization, variables, output values, advanced descriptive programming, environment variables, VB script functions, read/write excel, error handling, data driven, keyword driven, and hybrid framework."
Price: 54.99

"Mobile App Testing-Android/iOS App Test Automation with Java"
"This is another award winning and popular course from us and we are showcasing it on Udemy for the first time. Just like our other courses, we have kept all the intro and basic course videos for free and available for preview for your convenience so feel free to explore and test drive it. If you want to become a master in mobile testing, look no further and don't lose the opportunity. The true evolution of the internet started in the late 1900s and technology has really changed the way we communicate. Our world has become much smaller with the help of modern technologies. The revolution of smartphones and tablets brought us a new era of communication and computing. Nowadays, our everyday computing is not limited into the larger screens and we cannot imagine a single day without the pocket-sized devices. It has brought a lot more challenges to the service providers. In todays world, service providers need to worry about making their websites applications compatible for pocket-sized devices. It is must required to survive in todays market competition. This is where mobile testing comes into play and it has become a crucial part of our software testing. Nowadays, our applications need to be compatible for different screen sizes and operating systems. Mobile automation is still a brand new technology in the market and its difficult to find mobile automation expertise. As a result, we often find it very difficult to find proper resources to learn mobile testing. QAEversity is focused to make it easier for QA professionals to deliver the proper mobile testing training solution. We have taken a step-by-step process to discuss manual and automated mobile testing from scratch. In this course, all aspects of mobile testing is covered including different mobile testing tools, manual testing of android devices, setting up and configuration of android driver and emulator, writing java codes, changing user agents of browser, mobile automation hands-on project, Mobile automation using Perfecto Mobile, and native mobile application testing."
Price: 29.99

"Advanced Automation Testing Using Selenium WebDriver & Java"
"**Course &materials are last updated on November 27th, 2018- Over 33,000 students enrolled worldwide** This is another award winning and popular course from us and we are showcasing it on Udemy for the first time. Just like our other courses, we have kept all the intro and basic course videos for free and available for preview for your convenience so please feel free to explore and test drive it. If you want to become a master in Automation Testing using Selenium and Java, look no further and don't lose the opportunity. Selenium created a new revolution in the automation testing industry. Selenium is open source, free of cost. It is a very powerful tool for automating our web based applications. Selenium supports Java, Ruby and few other languages but Java is most commonly used in Selenium. Selenium provides full-control over automation testing using powerful frameworks including Selenium WebDriver/Junit. Another good thing about this tools is that it can run against multiple browsers. It supports multiple browsers including IE,Firefox,Google Chrome, Safari and few more. Nowadays, many companies are migrating to Selenium and cutting down cost of automation testing. Selenium is becoming very popular for its diverse capabilities and cost-free approach. Unfortunately, it is not easy to find expertise in Selenium and Java/Ruby. Many companies are interested to adopt Selenium as their regression testing solution but do not have the required expertise. It is also difficult to find a comprehensive training solution for basic and advanced selenium training since there is no support available from the vendor. In this course, we take a step by step approach for discussing all the basic and advanced level concepts of Selenium so that anyone can master it. Our set of basic and advanced selenium training videos are focused on delivering a quality solution so that people from all over the world can share a platform to learn Selenium. This course includes, Eclipse installation and configuration, Selenium IDE, Java code basics, Selenium WebDriver/JUnit, firebug/firepath, read excel sheets, data driven framework using webdriver and much more."
Price: 19.99

"Software Testing,QA Testing, Manual Testing,SDLC,Test Plan"
"**Course &materials are last updated on November 27th, 2018- Over 33,000 students enrolled worldwide** This is another award winning and popular course from us and we are showcasing it on Udemy for the first time. This course is available for only $34.99 instead of $99 for a limited time!! Just like our other courses, we have kept most of the videos for free and available for preview for your convenience so please feel free to explore and test drive it. If you want to become a master in Software Testing, look no further and don't lose the opportunity. Quality Assurance is a must need in todays era of technology. Meeting the expected quality of an application has become an essential factor for organizations. This is where software development and software testing concepts come into play. Organizations need to follow certain quality assurance standards in order to survive in the market competition. It is must required to understand software development life cycle before executing software testing concepts. We often ignore software testing fundamentals and manual testing concepts which is hugely harmful. IT professionals can never reach the expected level of success without a strong foundation in software development and software testing concepts. Also, it has not been easy to find project oriented and real-time training in software testing fundamentals. However, we all need to learn the basics of quality assurance and testing before jumping into any sort of automation. In this course, we took a hands-on and step by step approach to make it easier for IT professionals to master software testing core concepts. This course includes basic and advanced QA training videos with practical examples of different aspects of testing including software development life cycle (SDLC), overview of specific roles and real-time work environment for a software tester, different types of testing, creating comprehensive test plans, and test cases."
Price: 34.99

"Web Services Testing using SoapUI"
"This is another award winning and popular course from us and we are showcasing it on Udemy for the first time. Just like our other courses, we have kept all the intro and basic course videos for free and available for preview for your convenience so please feel free to explore and test drive it. If you want to become a master in Web Services Testing using SoapUI, look no further and don't lose the opportunity. Web services are basically application components that communicate over open protocols. HTTP and XML are the baseline for web services. The invention of web services opened new doors for modern web application. Nowadays, we cannot imagine any software or web applications without web services. It has become a crucial part of modern web development. Web services testing is becoming a major part of quality assurance. QA teams require to keep web services in mind while planning for testing web applications. This is why web services testing skills have become very popular in todays IT market. It is still a new technology in the market. As a result, web services testing using SoapUI tool has become one of the most in demand jobs in QA field. Many companies are still facing troubles to find required expertise in web services testing and SoapUI. Finding a end-to-end SoapUI training solution has not been easy yet. We have brought a compact SoapUI training solution that can be affordable to everyone. Our set of SoapUI and Web service training video covered all basic and advanced level concepts of SoapUI including introduction, SoapUI FAQs, Installing SoapUI, Function testing, security testing using SoapUI, Installing local web services, SoapUi tets structure, secret tips for beginners, datadriven testing using SoapUI, JDBC connection, Groovy language, Groovy scripting in SoapUI, creating mock services, CDATA, event handlers, testing REST services, load and performance testing using SoapUI, and creating customizing reports."
Price: 34.99

"Master Graphic Design Using Photoshop with Rachael"
"QAEverty's team member and professional graphic designer Rachael demonstrates all the basic and advanced level concepts of Photoshop in this course to make you an expert in graphic design and Photoshop. Also, she shares some secrets in mastering Photoshop as beginners. Just like our other courses, intro section of this course is free and available for preview so that you can get an advanced idea of the materials and style. This course describes all basic and advanced techniques including Photoshop Introduction, navigation and settings, resizing and cropping, layers, selections, colors,vector and pixel shapes, advanced masking techniques,combining expressions, shadows and Photoshop mastering secrets. Some of us know how to play with colors and images but professional touches are required to be able to do quality work. This course not only demonstrates combining images but also shows how to combine expressions from different images. It is necessary to understand the right color combinations and Photoshop tool needs to be handled properly in order to maser graphic design. On the other hand, understanding vectors and pixels are much needed. This course shows you exactly how to play with selections and layers as well. Resizing and shadows are very other techniques that need to be handled carefully. Nowadays, Photoshop has become essential for any types of design work. It has not been easy to find advanced Photoshop training and the graphic design work is becoming more competitive everyday. We have designed this course to create more Photoshop experts and provide you with the quality Photoshop training. You can take this opportunity to start here and go to the next level of graphic design. Also, this can be your first step towards the way of mastering Photoshop. QAEversity is a product and joint venture of Software Web Tech USA and our instructors are dedicated to bring the best experience for you."
Price: 24.99

"Master Website Development From Scratch Using HTML & CSS"
"Our expert instructor and developer, Karlien demonstrates all the basic and advanced concepts of web development in this course. Also, she shares the secret techniques of HTML and CSS to make you an expert. Just like our other popular and award-winning courses, this course includes lot of preview videos for you to get an advanced idea of the materials. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and it has been the mother of markup languages to create baseline structure and contents for websites. HTML targets browser-based software applications for design. HTML code structure includes pair of tags. Web browsers typically read html documents and convert them into visible web elements for users. HTML closely works with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for customizing the look and feel of web contents. The process of inventing this amazing language started in the 1980s by physicist Tim Berners-Lee. Lee created the first coding of HTML in the 1990s. HTML also helps us to interpret and compose text, images and other material on web pages. No one can step into Website Design without the knowledge of HTML. HTML training and HTML tutorial videos are vastly available since it is a mandatory skill for web designers, but it has been difficult to find free HTML training videos that discuss all basic and secret recipes from scratch. Also, we often make HTML concepts sound boring and difficult. As a result, new comers may lose interest in web design from the beginning of their learning. A professional web design course often costs us a fortune. Erudeversity is committed to make it easier for everyone. Our set of HTML tutorials and free html training videos discuss basic and advanced HTML concepts from scratch and we like to keep the doors open for everyone without any fee! No matter where you come from, getting into the web design industry dont have to cost a fortune anymore. All you need is a little bit of passion to learn web design. By the end of the HTML videos, you will become a master in basic website design. Now everyone can learn the required HTML concepts including Addressing web pages, HTML writing platform, overview of notepad++, writing first line of HTML code, proclaiming headings, adding paragraphs, color and formatting, adding images to your web page, inserting background images, Adding link, craeting submit forms, adding multimedia/sound on web page. We also discussed the CSS concepts for customizing the look and feel of the web pages. At the end, we walk you through the process of publishing your first web page. So what are you waiting for? Get started and become a website developer from scratch and master web development techniques to reach the top level of success in this industry."
Price: 19.99

"Become Expert 2D Animator from scratch using Flash Animation"
"Nowadays, the animation industry is booming and the demand for animators is increasing day by day. It has not been easy to find a proper animation training for beginners. Adobe's Flash is one of the most popular animation tool currently in the market. Adobe Flash is a multimedia and software program used for creating vector graphics and animation. Flash is also used for streaming videos. Adobe Flash is mostly popular for 2D animation. Adobe Flash Player makes the Flash content accessible on various operating systems such as Windows, OS X and Linux, and is available free of charge for common web browsers. Flash contents can also be viewed within mobile platforms. Latest version of Flash Player is compatible with 3D plugins as well. This course is designed for beginners and no prior animation knowledge is required to take this course. The course takes a step-by-step approach to start from the very basic and jump into the advanced flash animation techniques. You can become a master of animation using this course and take your learning to the next level. This course demonstrates basic and advanced animation concepts including designing characters, tracing characters, creating joints, working with outlines, accessorizing character, using replacement animation, rigging characters in flash, rigging replacement animation, and rigging characters using the bone tool. More advanced flash animation topics will be added to this course by next month which will add dialogues, stories and facial expressions to this cartoon animation course. Cartoon animation has made easy throughout this course. If you always wanted to become a full-time or part-time cartoon animator, then you should consider taking this course. Just like our other courses, most of the flash animation/cartoon animation tutorial videos are available for free for a limited time. Don't forget to enroll and take this life-changing step towards your passion for animation."
Price: 19.99

"Master Website Design and Development Using WordPress"
"WordPress started its journey as an open source blogging tool but now it has become more popular as a content management system (CMS). WordPress is built on PHP and MySQL. WordPress has really changed the way we do web development. WordPresss content management system makes it easy for developers to create rich and interactive websites. WordPress basically provides us themes and framework which help us to reduce coding effort. WordPress also comes with library of plugins. These themes and plugins take care of most of the coding for us. As a result, web developers can save a lot of coding time and focus more into the design concepts. WordPress do not require any knowledge of programming languages and non-technical people are able to create web pages with the help of WordPress. WordPress is a free tool but WordPress training courses are pretty expensive. Erudeversity likes to keep the training part free as well. WordPress aimed to create a free platform for everyone, but getting proper training lessons in using WordPress has not been as easy. Our free WordPress Training course discusses all basic concepts including WordPress installation, configuration, server setup, understanding WordPress settings, toolbar, creating posts and pages, and overview of WordPress. At the end, we give you a walk-through on how to publish your first WordPress site with free hosting! Now everyone can become a web developer. Our WordPress training videos are a comprehensive way to get started with web development. Just like our other courses, most of the course videos are available for preview so that you can test drive the quality of content. If you want to become an expert web developer, then this is the first step for you to get started. Get enrolled and take the opportunity to become an expert web developer without any prior knowledge of WordPress."
Price: 49.99