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"Librate de las creencias que limitan tu Autoestima"
"Ser feliz es sencillo, si sabes cules son las bases de esa felicidad. Este curso te ayuda, paso a paso y a travs de ejercicios prcticos, a descubrir lo positivo en ti y aprovecharlo para crear la vida que deseas.Tu Autoestima influye en tus relaciones, en el xito de tus proyectos y en tu salud (dolores articulares, problemas en la espalda, afecciones en la sangre, en los ligamentos, tendones, y enfermedades autoinmunes, entre otras). Descansa, encuentra la paz. S libre!Echa un vistazo a los vdeos de avance del temario!Estos ejercicios te ayudan en todos los aspectos de tu vida. Descubrirs cosas que afectan a stas reas (economa, familia, salud) de las que no te habas dado cuenta antes.Te has preguntado por qu hay cosas que a otros les funcionan y a ti no? Descubrirs tambin que la visin que tienes de ti, de lo que haces y del mundo influye profundamente en ello.ste es un Curso Completo y Prctico te ayuda a verte y valorarte como realmente eres, mostrndote cmo: Identificar las creencias que tienes sobre ti mismo/a y que no corresponden con quin eres Ser consciente de los patrones de pensamiento y comportamiento automticos Modificar, sanar y superar las creencias limitantesVivir tu vida de otra manera "El curso ha sido muy provechoso. Los materiales son muy grficos y estn muy claros. Adems, Margarita ha estructurado perfectamente el temario, con un montn de ejercicios que te ayudan a profundizar, a mirar hacia dentro para transformarte. He ganado en claridad y he aprendido qu he de hacer para mejorar mi autoestima y quererme por lo que soy." - Concepcin Sanjernimo - Business New Generation Sus ms de 50 clases contienen claves y ejercicios que me han servido a m y a otras personas, con los que podrs crear CAMBIOS REALES. Cada tema incluye ejercicios para realizar, con los que descubrir dnde estn las percepciones errneas y cmo reenfocarlas.Eres una persona valiosa. Tienes algo importante que aportar a los que te rodean. Y puedes vivir una vida feliz, saludable y prspera.Aprende a aprovechar quin eres y a sacar lo positivo que tienes en el interior."
Price: 49.99

"History of the Middle East - 600 A.D. to Today"
"Become highly informed on the past and present of the Middle East in minutes a day with this introductory history course. Know as much about Middle East history as a history major Learn in a fraction of the time and money Understand the intricacies of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Sound highly knowledgeable about world affairs to your friends and associates. Learn history through highly entertaining videos and audio lectures To most Westerners the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict appear utterly bewildering. Palestinians want to bomb Israelis that force them at gunpoint to live in restricted parts of the country. Arab leaders are furious about this situation and want Israelis wiped off the map and their land given back to Palestinians, even though the real estate of the Holy Land looks something like rural Utah. And nearly all the worlds leaders see fit to chime in on this dispute over the two tiny lands. To untangle the modern Middle East conflict and the 2,000 years behind it, this course is divided into 25 concise lectures. Each one is devoted to a major theme in Middle East history, such as the beginning of Islam, the Crusades, Genghis Khan, and the beginning of Israel in 1948. Each lecture is 10-20 minutes, giving you a fast overview of the issues to understand how they connect Middle East current events. STUDENT TESTIMONIALS: "The instructor clearly demonstrates the relevance of the topic to ongoing conflicts and issues in our world today. If you want to better understand the world or just like learning something new, do yourself a favor and buy this course!" -- Raj Lulla"
Price: 24.99

"Learn Easier Study Better"
"Learn Easier Study Better was created with middle and high school students, online learners, and adult learners returning to a student role, in mind. Typically these types of students are the ones who most need to learn how to develop their ability to learn independently, boost their confidence in their abilities and basically learn easier and study better. However anyone who feels that they could improve their learning and study abilities will benefit from this course. This course helps these students accomplish exactly this in two main ways. First, it will increase students' meta-cognition. This is the ability to think about one's thinking. Thus students will learn to recognize what it is that they do that helps their learning as well as what they do that hinders their learning. Secondly, this course encourages students to develop a growth mindset. A growth mindset includes perseverance and a "can do" attitude. A growth mindset is more indicative of success than IQ! In this course you, you will learn to improve and maintain your motivation and attitude toward learning, understand the learning process, increase your confidence in your learning, and learn an assortment of tricks and strategies to help you learn and study more effectively. This is taught through standard videos, narrated slideshow videos, handouts, reading texts, and key concept visuals. Students will learn through repetition, reflection, and using the three modes of learning (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic). It should take a student 4-5 hours to complete this course. This time lime includes watching the videos, reading and viewing the text materials and doing the handout exercises. The benefits of the work that you will do in this short time will be felt throughout your life!"
Price: 19.99

"Physics 12: Classical Mechanics"
"This course contains video tutorials in classical mechanics at upper high school and pre-university levels. Each section of the course begins with video tutorials in concepts, rules and formalism of relevant topics; then you can take a quiz and watch problem and solution lectures. Each lecture has a supplementary material that is either the summary of the lecture with its important equations in pdf format, or it is the image of the lecture. This is a live course; I will improve the course by modifying the lectures and adding more lectures on it especially problem solving lectures. Changes will also be based on student's feedbacks. So if you subscribe to this course in addition to the lifetime access to the improving and growing number of lectures, you can also ask your questions, make comments on this course; and you can also send me any problem relevant to the course, after finding its solution I will add it to the problem and solution lectures."
Price: 34.99

"GRE Math Prep Course The A - Z on GRE Math Topic by Topic"
"Hi my name is Olu Sanya and I welcome you to this GRE Prep course. The # 1 question I get from students in our GRE Prep Classes is, OLU how do I start the question? I have designed this GRE course with that question in mind, In this course you will learn how to start & completely solve the most commonly asked questions types on the GRE test by seeing how I breakdown 240 categorized GRE questions. You don't have to worry if you have been out of school for 5 months or 5 years, in this course I assume you know nothing so I take my time to break every question down as I start from the basics. Checkout the free videos.Textbook required for this course : Barron's 6 GRE Practice Tests, 2nd EditionISBN-10: 1438006292ISBN-13: 978-1438006291Included when you buy this Course I assume you know nothing, so I take time to breakdown each questions carefully.240 GRE Math Video SolutionsThe videos are categorized by topics so you can progress from easy topics like Basic Arithmetic to more challenging topics like Probability.FREE GRE Math formula Sheet PDF (available for download in Lecture 3)FREE 1 hr Skype Session on GRE Math or General Graduate School admissions questions.Study Plan Start each section by watching a few of the videos in that section.Change video setting to ""1080p"" button at bottom right of Video for improved Video qualityAttempt solving 3 or more questions in a roll in that section using the Barron's 6 GRE PRACTICE TESTS 2nd Edition Textbook then use the video solution as an instruction tool for whichever question you get wrong or if you need a different way to solve the question."
Price: 39.99

"ACT Math Prep Course"
"Hi my name is Olu Sanya and I welcome you to this ACT Prep course. The # 1 question I get from students in our ACT Prep Classes is, OLU how do I start the question? I have designed this ACT Prep course with that question in mind, In this course you will learn how to start & completely solve the most commonly asked questions types on the ACT Math test by seeing how I breakdown 209ACT Math questions . You don't have to worry if you have forgotten 8th, 9th or 10th grade Math, in this course I assume you know nothing so I take my time to break every question down as I start from the basics. Checkout the free videos in this course.Included when you buy this CourseI assume you know nothing, so I take time to breakdown each questions carefully.209 ACT Math Video Solutions for Pre-Algebra, Elementary Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, Coordinate Geometry, Plane Geometry, Trigonometry from the ACT Workbook (available for download in Lecture 2)FREE ACT Math formula Sheet PDF (available for download in Lecture 2)FREE ACT Math/Verbal Workbook PDF (available for download in Lecture 2)Study PlanDownload & work through FREE ACT Math/Verbal Workbook PDF (available for download in Lecture 2). Watch my Math video solutions for Pre-Algebra, Elementary Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, Coordinate Geometry, Plane Geometry, Trigonometry in this course as an instruction tool for whichever question you get wrong or if you need a different way to solve the question.Take a timed practice test using Test 1 : Real ACT Test June_2017 &Test 2 : Real ACT Test Dec_2015 (available for download in Lecture 2)Watch my Math video solutions for Test 1 &Test 2 in this course as an instruction tool for whichever question you get wrong or if you need a different way to solve the question.Change video setting to ""1080p"" button at bottom right of Video for improved Video quality"
Price: 39.99

"SAP Web Dynpro ABAP - The Learning Guide"
"Web Dynpro is SAPs state-of-the-art technology for creating application user interfaces (UIs). This course explains the fundamental concepts of how to develop applications based on Web Dynpro for ABAP. Build modern user interfaces using Web Dynpro for ABAP, and learn how to create applications which use all fundamental concepts in this exciting area. Web Dynpro for ABAP is one of SAP's UI technologies of choice. After an introduction into the Web Dynpro framework you start developing the context, user interfaces and learn how to program the different controllers. You'll learn how pop-ups and value help are implemented and what component reuse means in Web Dynpro. The use of the ALV and Portal integration are discussed as well as the online interactive forms. The course includes: 36 Combined tutorials with theoretical background and system demos 17 Practical tutorials and system demos 2 Advanced tutorials on Adobe Integration 11 Quizzes to check your knowledge The complete WDA Developer Guides for download The recommended learning time (including completing your own exercises) is 5 days."
Price: 84.99

"Storyboard Booklet: Telling your story and learning indesign"
"Does your book tell a story? We are ready to show you how to create a great book using Indesign with Adobe Indesing. Elevated Seo and Web Design has a cover with chains. Haha don't be chained down to your desk get out and see the world. So, What's your story? Tell it through a digital interactive Booklet that represents your business with class. Better yet, print this book and make a great first impression. Not only with these books make a great leave behind you can use them to help you sell! Really, help you sell, you say? Yeah, that's correct. Use your book to tell your story, selling with a story. You can be walked through these step by step classes that will show you all the things you need to know about creating a book. This book is a walk through your business. The truth; this is a great course, and it's not just about sales, NO. It's about InDesign. Adobe InDesign. We use the tool to create a book, and we use the book to show you the Tool InDesign. This will help you get your brand marketing message across to the masses and to whom ever you show this to. Prospect, friend or current client they won't be able to say no, not only that. This Story board will inspire. Are you inspired yet, we want to share inspiration. Always trying to do better and attract more clients we are taking our marketing to another level to share our story using this Storyboard method. We don't cover what to do with your booklet after you make it nearly as in-depth as actually creating a good book with a creative storytelling and a compelling message that flows across the business identity. The business identity, branding, story-boarding, these are all creative talents that help you to show your true colors and help you tell your story. Jump on for a fun ride as we dive into the Elevated story, Do SEO super heroes exist? We are thrilled to help you along in discovering your true talents and telling your story and sharing your message. Please join a great group of students as we embark on this journey together! See you on the inside."
Price: 19.99

"Small Talk Networking: How to Talk To Anyone"
"Do you ever wish you had the confidence to talk to anyone and be completely comfortable in any social or networking setting? Wouldn't it be awesome to easily meet new friends, approach strangers on the street with ease? In this course you will learn how to be comfortable in any social setting and gain the confidence to meet new people for business, networking, dating and expanding your circle of friends. In less than 3 months 1870 people enrolled to become more socially confident! What others are saying about the course: "Small Talk is direct with full of actionable tips. If you would like to up your small talk game or grow your networking skills, check out this course." -Alex Sartore "You guys have taken something that i feared so much and turned it into something so easy to do. I am much more comfortable with talking to people I know and even more comfortable with making small talk with people I don't know. I highly recommend this course to anyone and everyone!!!" -Tasmin De Villiers "This course has helped me ''remember'' how it is to meet new people, how to approach them, giving practical examples in case I'm out of imagination, keep the conversation going and keep contact with them so I can call them friends one day :)" -Delphine De Sanglier You will learn: How small talk has changed in the digital age. One simple way to jumpstart your social success. How to take charge of your social life with networking. How to use simple daily observations to start conversions. How to master first impressions. The core basics of any good conversation. How to exit a conversation gracefully. How to get someone's contact details to keep in touch. When and how to correctly follow up. What some of the best openers and ice breakers are. What conversations are safe and what to stay away from. How to use your body language in a positve way. What body language to avoid at all costs. How to use small talk to become successful in both business and relationships. What's in the course: Through the use of video tutorials, Powerpoint presentations and real-world examples you will gain the tools needed to approach anyone. After the first 20 minutes of the course you will already have acquired the basic skills needed to make your first approach and by the end of the course you will have mastered the art of small talk. In a series of quick 5 minute videos with one easy exercise at the end of each section you will breeze through this course and take with you the art of small talk. You should take this course if: You want to be socially confident. You want the skill set to successfully talk to anyone. You want to know what to say when starting conversations. You want to be comfortable in different social situations. You want to master small talk and networking. You want to take control of your social destiny. Scroll back up and join the course today. We look forward to seeing you in the course. -Larissa and Johnny"
Price: 144.99

"Relationship Ready: How to Get a Girlfriend or Boyfriend!"
"Be Prepared to Find Love by 2020! This is the ultimate relationship coaching course. If you are looking for dating tips of men or dating tips for women than we are here to help! This course will provide dating advice that could change your life.  If you are you tired of being single and ready to find the one than you should start focusing on relationship coaching with a course like this one. Are you dreaming about finding the perfect match and being in an amazing healthy relationship with your significant other? Are you frustrated with the dating scene and the difficult process of finding that person? You don't have to feel this way anymore. This course will help you attract the love life you want with actionable dating tips for both men and women.          In this course you will learn dating techniques and go through relationship coaching that will have potential partners begging at your feet (no jokes!), you will learn the techniques that will allow a relationship to grow and become better with time, you will learn how to become emotionally ready for your next commitment and how to love the life you are living with your partner!    What are others saying about this course:    I really enjoyed the content of this course, a lot of practical information that you can apply not on your dating life but also you other side of personal life. The action items and worksheet really help me to actually apply the course to my life. Really helpful relationship advice! Beside I like how both of them present the content, very engaging. Overall an awesome course that you must take if you want to have great relationship. -Vigilius Tridian    This course is awesome. Johnny and Larissa know what they speak about. The course is great for the extroverted and the introverted. No matter where you fall on the social spectrum, their advice will help you in finding the relationship you want. The content was actionable and memorable. The production quality was also great. Well worth your time and money!- Kevin Douglas    After Taking This Course You Will:  Finally meet your perfect match!Break old habits that's been preventing love from finding you!Feel Empowered with winning attraction formulas!Discover new hope in your love life!Have more confidence when dating!Enhance your overall love life and receive more love!Find solutions to age old problems!Develop success habits!Develop a criteria against which you can measure your perfect match!Know exactly what you want!Know how to find your perfect match!  What's in the course:          Through the use of video tutorials, Powerpoint presentations and real-world examples you will gain the tools needed to become relationship ready.          After the first 20 minutes of the course you will already have acquired the basic skills needed to start your journey on becoming the best catch.          In a series of quick 5 minute videos with one easy exercise at the end of each section you will breeze through this course and make you relationship ready in no time.    You should take this course if:  You are ready for an amazing relationship.You are tired of being single.You want your next relationship to last a lifetime.You want to become the perfect catch.You want to learn the habits of people in successful relationships.You want to take control of your love life.You are looking for dating tips.You are looking to invest in personal development.You are looking to take the ultimate relationship coaching program!    Scroll back up and join the course today.        We are excited to see you in the course!          -Larissa and Johnny "
Price: 149.99

"Make The Right Video: Land the clients that pay top dollar"
"What is the difference between the freelance video editor who gets paid $20/hr and the professional who can make $15,000 for a 60 second deliverable? Hint: it is NOT their editing skills. In this course I am going to show you how to make videos that big companies will pay you thousands for ... videos you already have the skills to make. More specifically, I will walk you through the exact process I have used to: Land video projects with Dish Network, American Express, Humana, The Home Depot, Whisper, United Way and a bunch of other brands Win a Mini Cooper Countryman from an online video contest hosted by Dairy Queen! Produce a Kickstarter video for a project that got just shy of 600% of its goal ($115,000) Get top rankings for youtube videos, one of which has gotten over 132,000 views Consult a contestant of a national video contest that literally won him a MILLION dollars! You might be thinking: Hey Logan, this all sounds awesome! But HOW the heck am I actually going to do these things?"" I'm so glad you asked :-) Here are just a few of the proven methods you will learn in this course: How to stop the bickering of your clients and get them to respect YOU as the expert The exact process I use to break through ambiguous client requests to deliver results that blow their minds and get me constant referrals Step-by-step instructions on how to use the same process that the big brands like Denny's and Dominoes Pizza use to develop their commercials. Communication Power-UPs that you can apply to any video to help make it perform better out in the market Practical tricks to get yours videos SEEN We'll even cover In-depth Youtube SEO Here is the best part: You do NOT need exceptional editing skills, current clients or industry contacts. The strategies taught in this course are guaranteed to increase your video production earnings whether you are a veteran or are just getting started. Read what students are saying: ""This course is, by far, the best course I have taken here on UDEMY. The production is ultra-professional, the content is compelling and engaging and Logan hosts it with a perfect blend of professionalism and subtle humor."" - Christian ""Awesomest video course ever ever ever! I will give 6 stars!!!"" - Syed ""Make The Right Video will actually teach you something that you DON'T know! If you are a photographer, designer, or any sort of creative this course will help you out because the focus isn't on how to make the VIDEO right but how to make the RIGHT video."" - Aaron If you're ready to take your career to the next level through the highly refined techniques that are used by agencies and consulting companies every day, then it is time to get started! - Logan Bean, Video Production Expert and Founder of MakeTheRightVideo"
Price: 199.99

"The Inception Power Up - Make them remember your message"
"Last year, the average cost of a Superbowl ad was over 5 million dollars! Thats a lot of investment going into a 30 second video! How can these huge brands confidently trust that such a little video can be worth it? Welcome to the big leagues of video design! The Inception Power Up is a technique developed by the author of the Make The Right Video framework and is implemented in many of the biggest commercials in the world. In this course you will learn how a combination of subtle principles in humor theory and storytelling techniques can be used to firmly implant a message into your viewers mind. When you have a lot riding on your video, the Inception Power Up is a powerful tool to rely on for todays video marketer. The Inception Power Up is a 'plug-in' to the Make The Right Video Framework, though the content in this course will be extremely helpful to anyone making videos, its best consumed in context of the Make The Right Video perspective."
Price: 34.99

"Safer Sex Education & Relationships"
"Designed for an audience aged 13-18 years old, this course has the fundamental objective of discouraging teenagers from rushing into relationships or participating in underage sexual activity. Each module includes information films and also key facts sheets delivering vital facts about sexually transmitted diseases, stressing the importance of practising safer sex. The films in each module contain detailed pictures of the male and female genitals, illustrating various sexually transmitted disease symptoms. Some may find the pictures disturbing, but we feel it is important to ensure we deliver real facts and messages. It is hoped that by exposing teenagers to such pictures, content and information will deter them from engaging in early sexual activity and will stress the importance of using barrier contraception. On completion of 10 modules there will be a multiple choice exam. The course is the equivalent of a half-days learning, but please note that timings are approximate as different people work at different rates. The course is made up of 10 video modules, key facts sheets and a multiple choice exam at the end to test the learning of the student. The modules include: Introduction to Relationships Module 1 Chlamydia - The Facts Module 2 Gonorrhoea - The Facts Module 3 Pubic Lice - The Facts Module 4 Herpes - The Facts Module 5 HPV Genital Warts - The Facts Module 6 Hepatitis - The Facts Module 7 Syphilis - The Facts Module 8 HIV AIDS - The Facts Module 9 Contraception - Whats Available Module 10 Pregnancy - Parts 1 to 3"
Price: 34.99

"3D Printing Business Secrets: From Modeling to Marketing"
"OVER 900 satisfied Students!!! Everyone talks today about 3D printing revolution and so on, but no one is telling you how you can gain income in real. So that's the reason I decided to create a course about Making Money with 3D printers. You will learn how to model 3D objects and how to sell them. The course consists of three parts: 1. Creating 3D objects using variety of free software products; 2. 3D printing and how does it work; 3. Selling and promoting worldwide. You will discover more than 30 websites, over 60 links, and 4 hours of content. You will find new niches for selling products and you will get everything you need to become an entrepreneur using 3D and marketing skills. You will get everything needed to become entrepreneur using 3D and Marketing skills based on selling in multiply levels. Starting business without investment is possible, learn how! ______________________________________________________________________ you have unlimited lifetime access all additional lectures in this course are always free 30 day money-back-in-full guarantee I am always available to you more than 800 students enrolled in my courseyou will get hugh package of free tools and softwaresyou will learn how to model and design stuff by your selfeyou will not need professionals for realizing your ideas any more ______________________________________________________________________ -More than 60 videos -More than 80 links -Where to find inspiration -How to create 3D -How to use free softwares -How to use 3D printers -Where and how to promote -How to create Blog and Webshop -How to sell trough coupons -Where to sell -How to raise money -How to spy other blogs and competitors -How to raise funds -More _______________________________________________________________"
Price: 24.99

"Learn How To Design Awesome Interiors-Beginner guide"
"Learn how to make Thousands by designing interior spaces for real customers? Get best skills for creating interior visuals by learning 3D softwares? Make nice income as freelancer or start your business as 3D interior professional? Do you want to produce best realistic interior images? Do you want to make Thousand in a week by designing interiors as a freelancer? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Within this course you will learn how to design interior spaces and to create amasing images from it.s - Presenting your work in best way for getting new customers - Making great income by designing realistic interior spaces - All techniques needed for starting business as interior designer - Simple tricks and techniques you need for 3D modeling and graphic postproduction - 3D resources- Great tips of how to start ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You will learn how to: - Work with softwares as: 3Ds Max, Vray, Photoshop - How to promote your work and to find new clients - Where to promote and to sell your products - Making extra Thousands of Dollars by freelancing- Understand architectural plans and to convert them into 3D You will get knowledge not only how to grow your career but also how to start making money by designing interiors for real customers."
Price: 49.99

"Mental Health Disorders in Infancy and Early Childhood"
""Mental Health Disorders in Infancy & Early Childhood was an excellent course! The instructor was very engaging, and clearly is an expert on this subject. I learned many things I didn't previously know, and would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in learning more on this very important topic.""The content of the the course is very informative and the grouping of lectures well done. The instructor is well prepared and the brevity of each lecture makes you want to go the next lecture. I think this course can be useful to most anyone; everyone has contact with a young child at some level: parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, teacher, babysitter" Infant and early childhood mental health is a serious public health issue. Research illustrates the critical importance of early intervention in helping children to reach their potential and thrive. By developing your knowledge of this topic, you will be helping to spread awareness and understanding of the challenges facing our nation's youngest citizens. Join over 300 other students who are benefitting from the material provided in this course. By taking this course, you will receive: * Lifetime access to high quality updated content * Over 17 BRAND NEW lectures added in January 2015! * Knowledge about common mental health disorders in infancy and early childhood * The ability to recognize common symptoms of mental health disorders in early childhood * Information about appropriate evidence-based practices for early childhood *Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) study statistics and the implications for health and well-being throughout the lifespan *An overview of early brain development and the importance of early experiences *Concrete tools for building resilience in children This class consists of video lectures and supplemental PDF files. Quizzes are included to strengthen your learning and increase your retention of course materials. This class is geared toward professionals or students working with young children. This class is also intended to be taken by parents with young children. However, the material in this course is suitable for and applies to everyone who has ever had or will ever have any contact with kids. In other words, everyone! Increased awareness of the mental health challenges facing our nation's children is the first step in reversing this dangerous trend."
Price: 39.99

"LinkedIn Job Search"
"*Course updated: November 13, 2014* Nearly 200 students enrolled in a matter of weeks and already many 5 star reviews* Note - Price increase imminent. This course will be priced at $147 from 23rd November 2014 Trying to find a new job can be a frustrating and time consuming experience these days. Are you finding it hard to get the attention of recruiters? Here are 3 important facts about recruitment Recruiters use LinkedIn every day. Recruiters love LinkedIn, it's their main source of candidates Recruiters would rather find you than you find them So as a job seeker you need to; Be easy to find on LinkedIn Look highly competent Be easy to get in touch with You can also go further than that by using clever search and activity alert techniques to find openings before the recruiters even know about them! So stop waiting for the right job to come to you. Get active on LinkedIn and start making things happen! This course shows you how... And you have the security of a 30 day refund you really have nothing to lose. Click on 'take this course now' and lets get moving! In addition if you think LinkedIn is just about getting approached or seeking and applying for roles you are wrong, LinkedIn is far more than that. Finding or getting approached about jobs is only half the story, LinkedIn can actually help you turn those interviews into offers! This course shows you how... Don't forget you have a 30 day, no questions asked guarantee. So what are you waiting for? Click 'Take this course now' Jacqui was a trainee architect with a promising career ahead of her.......or so she thought! Then one day, her manager informed her that the firm had hit hard times and some staff would have to be laid off - to her great surprise she was one of them. She was devastated! What would she do? Who could she turn to? ....and then she met Mr LinkedIn 6 weeks later she received 2 job offers, both better roles and on higher pay than the job she lost. This course shows you how she did it. Click 'Take this course now' to find out how Through the medium of a story this course will take you through every detail of how to leverage your free LinkedIn account to its maximum and land the job of your dreams. Join us won't regret it. Click on the blue 'Take this course now' button and start your 30 day money back guarantee period....What have you got to lose?"
Price: 19.99

"Marathon Training with the Pose Method"
"The Learn How to Run Program is a comprehensive 12-week course with three simple goals for it's participants: Prevent Injuries, Run Faster, and Run Longer. The course is structured into two categories. The first is to provide simple, yet sufficient, foundational knowledge about movement and running. The second is a complete set of drills and exercises along with a schedule for practical skill development. No other methodology about running has a standardized, systematic approach backed by over 40 years of research and practical implementation. By the end of the course you'll be running freely and without injuries."
Price: 49.99

"Discover Inner Peacefulness Authentic Yoga Hatha in 31 mins"
"--- Discovery Inner Peacefulness Authentic Yoga Hatha in 31 mins -- *** ALERT - SOLD OUT 500++ in LESS THEN 17 hours in last few days! ** BUT GOING UP to $109 in next 47 hours! Experience Training that makes a Quality Difference Now! * Simple - LOVE Our Authentic Yoga Discovery Training or Use OUR 30 Day Risk Free - 100% Money Back NO Questions Asked! * --- Discovery Inner Peacefulness Authentic Yoga Hatha in 31 mins -- * Within 7 mins of your beautiful Yoga Discovery journey...through our FREE Yoga Hatha VIDEO Training Discovery the correct techniques to manage and beat daily stress, anxiety that can lead to depression focusing on the methods that a difference through OUR Yoga Journey together Today. Together with the DAILY Teachings will ensure your achieve the correct balance between Mind, Body and Soul EVERY day moving forward once YOU Join us Today! Enabling us to understand our weakness and overcome them to make LIFE CHANGING Results to our hidden physical and mental potentials. Authentic Teachings to ensure your on the right path shows through varies different methods very detailed - Over 9 hours Extremely detailed Yoga Discovery Training via Video + Text + Quizzes Extremely high quality Step by Step Video Training OVER 2 HOURS broken down into Focused Videos to achieve your Potential Easily! High Quality Step by Step Yoga Positions/Poses Structure 37 Lectures Test your Knowledge learnt PowerPoint presentations JOIN US Today in creating YOUR Beautiful Yoga Journey Today :-)"
Price: 19.99

"Balance your mood, manage your stress and flourish"
"TOP RATED MENTAL HEALTH COURSE ON UDEMY ============================================== - Lifetime access to this course and all supplemental learning materials. - Free six months access to subscription-based mental well-being app - Rize - enrolled students only. Limited time offer. Do you sometimes find stress getting the better of you? - can't shut your thoughts off when you want to relax, feeling held back from living a healthy lifestyle where you're reaching the goals you really want from life? Maybe you're interested in developing an emotional resilience - able to bounce back much more easily from the challenges life can throw at all of us sometimes, or you're looking for a way to enhance the quality of your life. This course has been specifically designed to explain simply yet effectively the subject of mental well-being. The curriculum has been tailored to make sure that your learning experience will be relevant, accessible, simple, engaging and effective. With over 3+ hours of videos, audio lectures, interactive quizzes and a handful of text-based lectures I will lead you through a range of therapeutic concepts - accessible to you through your computer or on your smartphone via the Udemy app. Through this course I will help you to find the right tools for you that can help you to support your mental well-being. Therefore within the lectures I provide simple, interactive exercises that will enable you to try out and integrate the concepts within the course into your life. My course includes: - The basics of the exercises we will be using, and your supplemental worksheet 'diary' - Evidence based therapeutic concepts and exercises that you can practise here with me and then integrate into your daily life - Simple and lifestyle changes to aim for and accomplish - Exercises that will help you to 'flourish' - Supplementary materials - Milestone quizzes to make sure you're absorbing all the information we're throwing your way - Free access to my subscription-based app - Rize Mental well-being is important to your health. It helps you to manage your mental health, your focus, lifestyle, and reaching your goals in life. By integrating therapeutic and evidence-based concepts such as mood tracking, cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness, physical exercise and diet, activity plans, flourishing, and more you can make a big difference to your life.. The course will take on average thirty days to complete, with no more than twenty minutes each day. If you're unsure don't worry: I offer a full 30 day money back guarantee if you're not completely happy with the course. I have provided some of my lecture material as available for a free preview. So scroll down and take a look to get a feel for my course and see if it might be right for you. Here are a few of the reviews for my course, so you can see what my current students are saying about it: * * * * * ""The instructor obviously took his time to structure this course. What I like is that it flows well, and when I messaged him with a few parts I was unsure about it took less than an hour to hear back from him! 100% recommended."" - Liam Jacob * * * * * ""This is an amazing course to go through. It explains magnificently how our mental health connected to our physical and social health. I like the easy flow of the lectures.I am looking forward to read the reference books as well. This course gave me an entire new perspective on my life and world around me and how can I improve my thought process. I was surprised when I found some of the examples actually are like my own ways of thinking and I am happy to learn how I can remove those negative thinking and move forward. I am going to follow all the mental, physical and lifestyle improvement activities suggested. I would thank the instructor for sharing important sites for urgent support. I think lots of people will benefit from it."" - Jia Sen When you're ready to, click the ""Take this course"" button on the top right of your screen, become a part of our learning community and start improving your mental well-being. I look forward to seeing you on the course and to helping you to Rize, one thought at a time."
Price: 119.99

"Learn Swift: Build an MVP using Gamification"
"In this course you'll learn Apple's new programming language, Swift by building and MVP and using gamification to keep track of the skills you master. This course is not about theory (there are some lectures about that to help you), instead you are going to be presented with the techniques you need while building a multi-screen iOS real game. An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is definitely the best way to start an app development. Using this technique, you build just the essentials to start testing your app with your clients before spending huge amounts of money an time. After completing the course, you'll be able to build any basic version of your idea. With that app in hand you can validate your idea with key costumers and can get an investor to put some money on your company. For every section you finish, a gamified panel will be presented showing what you have done and what skills were mastered, making it easy to keep track and most importantly giving you the motivation you need to become a Swift especiatlist."
Price: 29.99

"3ds Max + V-Ray: 3ds Max PRO in 6 hrs"
"  *Course Updated 06/14/2019 - 2 new practice projects being added with more advanced techniques*Much more content coming soon (advanced techniques for arch viz, interior renderings with V-Ray, animation, etc)*I'll be your technical support - I answer questions every day in the discussion area, and I always respond to your private messages.  In these advanced computer programs, you will inevitably run into technical problems.  I am always here to answer all your questions and help you troubleshoot.  You can't find another course anywhere that gives you this much training, from a practicing professional, who is also at your beckon call to help, for such a reasonable price.  *Recent Student Feedback        ""The Missing Link          Having done numerous on-line 3D courses I am always looking for new ways of doing things to speed up production and modeling. The course although basic is very well structured with very few ambiguities. What Adam outlines in the Intro clip is what you should achieve relatively easily by the end of the course. . The only downside is that he hasn't done more advanced Visualisation courses yet. When they do come on stream I will no doubt enroll as his skill and experience within the industry comes through in his presentation.""  NOTE: I do, in fact, have some more advanced classes now.        ""This course is perfect for the beginners in 3ds max and V-ray. The information is clear and easy to understand. The course was a blast...""  About This Course:When I first made this course, it was to fill a void that I noticed in the arch viz industry. There are not a lot of tutorials out there that help you to learn arch viz from the beginning in a professional way, using the PRO software and a PRO workflow. So, I created this course, and I never could have imagined how popular it has become! It has also evolved a lot since that first time I published. Here are some key things to know:ORIGINAL COURSEteaches 3ds Max and V-Ray from the very beginningfollows a project from nothing, all the way to the enddemonstrates the exact workflow that I use daily as a practicing professional (thus the PRO part)uses my UI setup, shortcuts, etc (all downloadable for your use)shows you everything you need to know to create a basic projectuses 3ds Max 2011, so as long as you have any version after that, you should be able to follow (updates have been made where necessary to account for changes all the way up to most current versions)contains 6 HRS of video from start to finishADDITIONAL CONTENTbrings you up to speed with the latest versions of the software and fills in the gaps where they existmore advanced techniques (i.e. HDRI lighting, etc)more advanced and complex projects currently two additional projects to follow along with, including an advanced interior and exterior.much higher production quality than original videosawesome new content being added regularly to make you aware of new techniques, software updates, projects coming soonAbout 3ds Max and V-Ray:                    Knowing how to use these two programs together is a valuable skill. Seriously, I taught myself how to use these programs many years ago, and now I get paid quite well for my expertise.  3d is not just my hobby, it is also how I support my family.  You can learn, and start a career in 3d too.  Everything you need to get started is in this course.  I will take you through 3ds Max and V-Ray from the very beginning, and by the end you will be well on your way to creating your own images and filling up your portfolio with polished work.  Keep in mind, you do not typically need formal training to get a job in 3D.  What it takes is an awesome portfolio, so let's get started on yours.    Some Questions To Ask Yourself:  Are you currently in a job you do not enjoy?Jobs in 3d are seriously fun and rewarding!    Are you an architecture student who feels overwhelmed sometimes trying to learn complicated software just to present your design properly? This course can get you up and running QUICK!  Plus, you'll learn it the right way, from a pro.        Are you a SketchUp user who is no longer satisfied with the modeling / rendering capabilities of SketchUp, and are ready to take your 3d skills to the next level? SketchUp is great at what it does, but it falls short when it comes to making flashy, photoreal images.  Also, bring your sketchUp with you, then learn to import it into 3ds Max and render with V-Ray, the best render engine out there.        Are you a practicing architect that needs a better way to portray your designs to clients? You've come to the right place.  I am an expert at just that.    Maybe you're a gamer who wants to create your own game assets?  Even you should learn 3ds Max.  It is the industry standard for video games, and I personally have used it for asset creation for my unity 3d games.        Course Structure (Original 6 hrs of instruction)For absolute beginners, I will show you how to get the software as a free trial and start finding your way around.  I will also go over how to customize your UI for a professional workflow, because why learn the slow way to do things, right?  I'll also share with you my custom UI files.  Of course, you can skip all of this if you are more seasoned.Next we will start with the basics of modeling.  I will show you different techniques, and we will begin to work on our project.  Again, files will be provided if you want / need them.With modeling down, we will go into V-Ray and start playing with lighting, materials, cameras, render settings, etc.Finally, we will learn how to enhance our images with Photoshop.  I give some great post-processing tips in this course.By the end you will be able to create architectural renderings on your own with a completely professional setup and workflow.  Then it is your turn to start practicing your skills, creating beautiful work, building a portfolio and landing a job.AFTER THE INITIAL PROJECT - once you have completed your first project and learned the basics, I will then move into more advanced techniques (also, there is fully professional interior V-Ray project coming soon that students will be able to learn along with -- this is for more advanced users, or people who are ready to move on from the initial 6 hrs of instruction)  How Will This Course Benefit You?        If you are a beginner, this class will be a great overview of how to get up and running.  It will cut out all the stuff you do not need and show you exactly the workflow necessary to work like a pro.        If you are a veteran user, take this course to polish your V-Ray skills, and also to streamline your workflow.  I show so many tips and tricks that I use everyday to pump out arch viz projects fast and on budget.  There is no need to sacrifice quality and creativity if you can fly through the project quickly and on budget.  I'll show you how.  COMING SOON: If you feel like you have mastered the basics, I have now added more advanced / obscure techniques that can really help your images to stand out, and much more will be coming soon, including a professional V-Ray interior shot that is completely photoreal.  Ready To Sign Up?                      What are you waiting for?  If you're still not sure, check out the preview videos.  Also, check out my profile to the left and see some of my portfolio.  Cool, right?  Wan't to make some of your own images?  Let's get started.  6 hrs is all you need to get started, then take the skills I share and practice, practice, practice.                      Remember, I will provide the files and download links that you need for everything.  My models are included.  Come with nothing, leave with a finished project and a great knowledge base.    Start Your Love Affair With 3d Today!                      PURCHASE THE COURSE.                      *If the price isn't right, keep an eye out for Udemy promotions and coupon codes around the web, but I think a 6 hr training for $64 is a pretty good deal.  Sure beats a semester at community college :)                *30 day money back guarantee, no questions asked!  (If you hate it, get a refund)                      -Adam Zollinger                      Professional (self-taught and ready to teach you) 3d Artist "
Price: 129.99

"3ds Max: Model High-Poly Assets For Your Arch Viz Scenes"
"***MUDBOX workflow included*** ***More lectures coming soon*** ***30 day money back gaurantee, no questions asked.*** WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING ""I've been watching the first chapters and I like the way Adam teaches. His way of teaching is easy to follow and understand"" ""I wanted to learn more about modeling in Max and I did. The course also has a lot of added bonuses I wasn't expecting. Wasn't too familiar with Vray or Mudbox before. Both are good tools, and they are covered here. The instructor knows what he is doing. The sound is good and he is easy to follow."" HIGH DETAIL / HIGH POLY MODELING IN 3DS MAX I do architectural visualization using 3ds Max, so I work on making furniture every day. It is often one of the most challenging parts of my job. In this course, I want to teach you all the various techniques and workflows that I use. You will not only learn how to model furniture, but you will also be educated in the art of poly modeling, and creating high-detail assets in general. This is a valuable skill to have in 3d as it often gives your images that extra realism that it needs to become truly ""photo real"". *As an added bonus, if you know how to make models like these, you can actually sell them to other people online. There is a huge market for them. The course covers the info you need to do that as well, but most importantly it is about being a great modeler. *Many lectures and new techniques are continually being added. This course is intended to be a true masterclass for furniture modeling, so there are many different techniques and workflows to discuss. As the curriculum is built upon, the price will go up, so get in early. WHY THIS COURSE? First of all, it is cheap! Secondly, you learn a ton about modeling from a practicing professional. There are so many bonuses in this course, including the Mudbox workflow, Photoshop painting, V-Ray materials and rendering setup, and so much more. Plus, you get all my poly modeling techniques along with special tips using cloth modifier and other unique workflows. There is a ton of bang for your buck in this course. There is something here for everyone, and if you follow the course you will definitely leave with a modeling toolbox that is overflowing with options. COURSE STRUCTURE This class focuses on the modeling of high-poly / high-detail furniture. This is something that people in the industry need every day. If you look around the web you will find many architectural renderings that are full of stunning, immaculately modeled, furniture. In this course, I will take you through the process, step by step, on how to create these kinds of models. Follow along with me, and by the end you will have created an organic chair model that looks great. Even better, you will have the skills necessary to create all the custom furniture you need, and sell it online to others if you see fit. I will also provide my files for download so you can tinker with, adjust, study, or sell my model if you like. After I have taken you through the modeling of a chair step by step, we will then get into additional techniques and workflows that will be helpful to anyone trying to create photo real models. In this course we will go over: Creating the basic shape of a modern chair.Using the shell modifier, symmetry, turbosmooth, and poly-modeling techniques to get closer to a finished model.UVW unwrapping furniture using basic 3ds Max tools.Painting a custom map in Photoshop.Applying texture maps in 3ds Max, using V-Ray materials.Setting up a studio shot for your furniture piece.Post-processing your rendering using V-Ray render elements and Photoshop. ***A nice thumbnail image makes for nice sales.BONUS TECHNIQUES Using the cut tool to model in wrinkles.Using the cloth modifier to achieve natural folds and bends in our modelsUsing 3ds Max Graphite modeling toolsAdded fur and fringe to our furniture with V-Ray fur (COMING SOON)3ds Max to Mudbox to 3ds Max workflow for ultra real modelsAlong with all of this, you will pick up nice little tips and tricks along the way as well. You will be able to see how a practicing professional does the job. After you have mastered the art of creating good furniture using 3ds Max, and rendered a beautiful thumbnail using V-Ray, I will show you where to upload your models if you want to sell them, and give you the insight necessary to stand out from the crowd. Join The Course Today Whether you want to learn how to model high-poly furniture for your own personal projects, or if you are interested in creating content to sell, it doesn't matter, this class has the info you need. By the end you will feel comfortable using poly tools with 3ds Max to create just about anything you can imagine. Sign Up Today! IMPORTANT: This course is fully refundable for 30 days, no questions asked. There is no risk to you in signing up for this course. Try it. If you hate it, get a refund. *More lectures will be added to the course in the coming months in order to keep the class up to date. As the course expands, so will the price. Get in early so you can have access to all the lectures as they become available. See you in class."
Price: 49.99

"Photoshop: Learn Digital Painting Basics in Photoshop"
"Photoshop Painting is fun and relatively easy. Follow along with me and I will show you exactly how to create your first Photoshop portrait using a pen tablet (Wacom or equivalent). *NOTES: The current price is an introductory rate, and will go up as more lectures are added. More technique videos are coming soon You do not need to know Photoshop to take this course. I will quickly cover the basics before moving into more advanced information. ***30 Day Money Back Guarantee*** No questions asked. If you hate the class, just return it. No risk. What You Will Learn By the end of this course you will feel comfortable painting in Photoshop using various different techniques. You will also have a good understanding of PS tools and workflows in general. Specifically, I will be demonstrating how to paint a simple "watercolor" portrait from start to finish, but along the way you will pick up on many other techniques that will help you to feel comfortable coming up with your own unique creations. I also discuss techniques for different kinds of paint like oil and acrylic. The course is meant to give you a comprehensive introduction to digital painting while following along with my project. Course Structure In this course we will start from the beginning, for those of you who are not familiar with PS. I will go over the UI basics, show how to download PS if you need to, and go over which pen tablet is best for you. There is a link to a fantastic buyers guide if you don't already have a pen tablet input device (They are absolutely necessary to do any serious painting in PS. Cost: $30 - $500 -- cheap ones work fine for this course). Next I will show you the basic techniques of mimicking different kinds of paint, and continue to teach you about the various tools in PS and how to use them. The next section will go over how to setup our file and our layers in order to be ready for painting. By this point we will also have our custom brushes ready, and our UI optimized for painting. Finally, we will start laying down some paint on our digital "canvas". You will watch me paint in real time while I explain my thought process and the PS tools that I am using. I will also throw in some time lapse video of me painting, so you can see the entire process. To finish of the course, you will be instructed how to polish off your painting with some finishing touches. We will go over things like texture overlays, adjustment layers, blending modes, etc. Why Take This Course? Take this course if you think digital painting sounds fun, because you're right, it is. Also, if you want to someday pursue a career in any kind of digital art, this is a great starting point for you. You will never regret learning Photoshop. It is used in so many different applications. This particular application is fun and rewarding. Trust me, even you can create beautiful imagery in Photoshop. Just follow along. Join Now I can't wait to get started as your teacher. I'll see you in class. **Send me a message if you have any questions about the course or want to know about upcoming deals."
Price: 49.99

"Photoshop for Arch Viz: Project Based Post-Processing Course"
"*New Project Added 10/12/2018 *Recent feedback: ""If anybody is still wondering about getting this course or not than just stop and get it it's worth it and you won't get more informative lessons on post processing your renders that easy. Great work on the course, i enjoyed it!"" The Course To become a true master of architectural visualization, or 3d in general, you have to understand good post-processing techniques. All the fancy renderings you see out there on the internet are processed in some way, usually Photoshop. Photoshop can be just as complicated to master as the 3d software, but it is equally as important for a striking image. Follow me in this course, and you will get all my techniques for processing a 3d image. The course structure follows 4 major sections, all of them building upon each other. They are: Basic processing of an image setting up your renderings to give you the right channels / render elements creating perfect selection setsusing render channels to enhance your scenebasic Photoshop adjustments Advanced Compositing use raw 32 bit render channels to composite a rendering from different elementslearn to have complete control over lighting in postchange your day rendering to nightturn off the sun in postcontinue with a non-destructive workflow Composite In Cutouts learn to make people and other objects fit seamlessly into your scene Final Touches this is where I teach you everything I know to enhance your sceneJUST ADDED: New Post-Processing Projectdownload render elements of a new project and finish it off with pro post-processing tips If you are looking to take your rendering skills to the next level, this course is for you! Join up now, and in no time you will be a Photoshop expert, taking your architectural rendering from average to spectacular. See you in class!"
Price: 99.99

"UE4: An Advanced Real Time Arch Viz Project"
"*Latest Software**More content being added regularly***NOTE: This is a project based course in which a large amount of 3d content will be provided to your for download. The content is yours to use for the course and other purposes. (No resale)Content Provided to Students:Complete house model (3ds Max + V-Ray / 3ds Max + Corona / .fbx / sketchUp)All necessary texture maps / materialsVarious furniture models with all materials appliedVarious object models with materials Foliage ModelsModels / Materials can be used in both 3ds Max and UE4 (also in .fbx and sketchUp)All models are UVW mapped / unwrapped as necessaryCOURSE OUTLINEIn this course, you will learn everything you need to know about architectural visualization using real time technology with Unreal Engine (UE4), the most advanced and professional real time tool available to arch viz artists (It's also free). You will also make use of Datasmith, a tool designed to translate your 3d rendering projects into real time (projects can come from 3ds Max, Revit, SketchUp, etc.) The course will be split into several large sections, with some sections coming later as software and techniques evolve.SECTION I:In the first part of the course, the focus will be on transitioning an existing 3d rendering project into real time UE4. You will learn to achieve photo realism with your materials, lighting and post-processing, all using built-in real time tools. From there, students will generate photo realistic animations and renderings that render in REAL TIME! No more waiting for overnight renderings. Change your camera motions, object animations, camera / lighting effects all with immediate feedback.Topics included:importing using datasmithUE4 materialsLighting techniques and settingsPerfect light bakesFixing ErrorsPhotorealismAnimating Cameras and ObjectsLevel SequencerLighting with HDRIFoliage / LandscapingMuch MoreSECTION II: (coming soon)In this section, students will convert and optimize their scene for desktop navigation so that it can be shared with others, and navigated in real time on any computer. We will explore interactivity in this section and start learning about blueprints. Students will also learn to use the UE4 widget system to create interactive menus, buttons, etc.SECTION III: (coming soon)Students will optimize their project for VR navigation using a headset. We will look at specific interaction blueprints for VR, and approach the project in a way that gives the best interactive and immersive experience."
Price: 99.99

"Este Curso trata sobre los principios tericos y los procesos que rigen a la Gerencia o Management de obra y tambin presenta algunas de sus tcnicas de resolucin. La terminologa es la estrictamente profesional y se corresponde con la habitualmente utilizada por los tcnicos, pero la misma es fcilmente comprensible para quien se inicia en el tema. En el curso se incluyen material escrito (definiciones, clasificaciones) y grfico (imgenes) elaborado a partir de distintas fuentes y de la experiencia acadmica y profesional del autor, que posibilita organizar racionalmente el anlisis y suministrar los ejemplos como una confirmacin de la teora expuesta. El Curso exige un mnimo tiempo de estudio porque en los videos que lo constituyen, los textos han sido resueltos como titulares ejemplificados por imgenes. Para repasar y/o profundizar los conceptos vertidos en el video, se han incluido en cada seccin material adicional en formato PDF como sntesis del video correspondiente. La estructura del curso est por 6 Secciones y un Quiz de verificacin que responde al formato Verdadero-Falso. La importancia de este curso se debe a la trascendencia de esta disciplina en el control y eficacia de ejecucin de proyectos como asimismo la nueva luz que la misma ha introducido en los cada vez ms complejos procesos y los tiempos de la construccin edilicia, mediante la aplicacin de mtodos y tcnicas de seguimiento y control."
Price: 19.99

"Whole Bible Survey: Part 1 (Old Testament)"
"The Beginners Bible Survey is an introductory course (intended for the first "semester") on the Bible that, in an easy-to-follow format, presents all the important themes of the entire Bible and ties both Old and New Testaments into one story. There is a wealth of information here for those who are interested in where the Bible came from, the history of Israel, the beginnings of the Church, and even the Bibles description of the end of time. It's a fundamentals survey, which means that anyone from high school level upwards will be able to benefit from it. It is non-denominational, it is not sermons its simply approaching the data of the Bible as a textbook, according to the way the Bible presents itself. Included within Part One of the Survey is: Introductory material: The background of how the Bible came to be The eight stages of history of the Old Testament The geography of the Bible A simple outline of the entire Bible The Torah: Themes of the five books of Moses The Creation process Sin and Death The Covenant with Abraham Moses and Deliverance The Name of the LORD The Law of Moses The role of the Witness in Scripture Each lesson consists of an informative and engaging video in which the instructor walks you through the concepts, carefully explaining what the ideas are and what they mean for the message of the Bible. Along with the video, you can download the appropriate section of the textbook Mystery Revealed: A Beginners Bible Survey, the original text written by the instructor. Then each lesson provides a quiz covering the material in the video lecture, designed to help summarize and enhance your understanding of the concepts. Your understanding of the Bible, and the God that it describes, will suddenly become fuller and richer after covering this course! (The instructor's Part Two course continues the OT, and the Part Three course covers the NT)"
Price: 29.99

"Whole Bible Survey: Part 2 (Old Testament cont)"
"The Beginners Bible Survey is an introductory course (intended for the first "semester") on the Bible that, in an easy-to-follow format, presents all the important themes of the entire Bible and ties both Old and New Testaments into one story. There is a wealth of information here for those who are interested in where the Bible came from, the history of Israel, the beginnings of the Church, and even the Bibles description of the end of time. It's a fundamentals survey, which means that anyone from high school level upwards will be able to benefit from it. It is non-denominational, it is not sermons its simply approaching the data of the Bible as a textbook, according to the way the Bible presents itself. Included within Part Two of the Survey is: The historical books of the Old Testament: Joshua and the Conquest of Canaan The story of the Redeemer in Ruth King David's 5-Point Plan The Temple of God The Wisdom books The secret to answered prayer the wisdom of Israel Major themes: The Priest and his service The Prophets of Israel Each lesson consists of an informative and engaging video in which the instructor walks you through the concepts, carefully explaining what the ideas are and what they mean for the message of the Bible. Along with the video, you can download the appropriate section of the textbook Mystery Revealed: A Beginners Bible Survey, the original text written by the instructor. Then each lesson provides a quiz covering the material in the video lecture, designed to help summarize and enhance your understanding of the concepts. Your understanding of the Bible, and the God that it describes, will suddenly become fuller and richer after covering this course! (The instructor's Part One course covered the background and overview of the Old Testament, and the Part Three course follows this one and covers the NT)"
Price: 29.99

"Whole Bible Survey: Part 3 (New Testament)"
"The Beginners Bible Survey is an introductory course (intended for the first "semester") on the Bible that, in an easy-to-follow format, presents all the important themes of the entire Bible and ties both Old and New Testaments into one story. There is a wealth of information here for those who are interested in where the Bible came from, the history of Israel, the beginnings of the Church, and even the Bibles description of the end of time. It's a fundamentals survey, which means that anyone from high school level upwards will be able to benefit from it. It is non-denominational, it is not sermons its simply approaching the data of the Bible as a textbook, according to the way the Bible presents itself. Included within Part Three of the Survey is: Where things stand at the beginning of the New Testament The Four Gospels and what they describe of Christ's ministry The Glory of God, the foundation of the Christian faith The work of the Spirit in the Church How to teach and preach the Gospel of Christ The skill of spiritual survival in hard times The book of the Revelation How the Old and New Testament pull together into one system The structure and function of the Church Each lesson consists of an informative and engaging video in which the instructor walks you through the concepts, carefully explaining what the ideas are and what they mean for the message of the Bible. Along with the video, you can download the appropriate section of the textbook Mystery Revealed: A Beginners Bible Survey, the original text written by the instructor. Then each lesson provides a quiz covering the material in the video lecture, designed to help summarize and enhance your understanding of the concepts. Your understanding of the Bible, and the God that it describes, will suddenly become fuller and richer after covering this course! (The instructor's Part One and Part Two courses cover the Old Testament.)"
Price: 29.99