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"How to teach your child to think like an ENTREPRENEUR"
"Do you wonder what future awaits our children with the current global economic crisis? I do. And I wonder if there is something I can do differently as a parent to equip my daughters with the skills required to survive and thrive in an economy where most of the jobs that will be available to them when they leave school might not even exist yet. We are on economic quicksand, the dream of the corner office and the gold watch and the pension are gone. We need to move quickly and smartly, we need to adapt to the change that is being forced onto us. Ready or not, the connection age is here and the rules have changed. If your child is old enough to be in school, he or she is old enough to start learning how to be a successful entrepreneur. Teaching your child how to implement good business skills and creativity will be immeasurably valuable skills for the future. Of course, not all children will be interested in entrepreneurship, but giving your child the opportunity to discover the world of business early in life is a wise and lasting gift. Entrepreneurs are not born, they are made. The key skills can and should be taught. We need to teach our children to care enough about their dreams to develop the judgment, skills and attitudes to make them come true. Give it a try. Your childs future depends on it!"
Price: 19.99

"Web Hosting for Beginners"
"In this beginners course, you'll learn how to manage your own website. The web hosting for beginners course covers: How to find a web hosting company Explanation of domain names Overview of cPanel (An easy to use web hosting platform) Learn how to create/delete an email account Learn how to change your email account passwords Access your email via webmail Re-direct a domain Create a subdomain Check your web stats using one of three tools Discover how to install WordPress the easy way Discover how to install Joomla the easy way And few other useful things you need to know in order to manage your website and be less dependent on your hosting company This course is based on my 12 + years of designing and hosting websites and helping clients to manage their own websites. Clients are able to understand basics like how to manage emails, checking web stats and more after just a 30 min to 1 hour training session. I will give you an overview of the most powerful web hosting platform, cPanel, which will put you in the drivers seat of managing the back end of your website. cPanel is very easy to learn and in just 30 minutes, you will get an overview of how you can manage your own website. The course includes mostly videos, a few PDF documents and a short quiz to test your knowledge. In addition to that, I have also included a discount coupon for HostGator. The course will also be updated in the near future to address any questions I receive and to further improve it based on your comments and recommendations. It is important to note that this course does not show you how to create a website, teach you HTML, Joomla, WordPress etc. It just focuses on hosting your website."
Price: 19.99

"Git fundamental - Aprende lo importante desde cero"
"Cientos de estudiantes satisfechos han tomado este curso especialmente diseado para principiantes y le han dado 5 estrellas de promedio y excelentes reviews: "Acabo de finalizar el curso, lo recomiendo 100%." "Es de los temas que cualquier desarrollador tendra que saber y Jorge lo explica muy bien!" "Claramente explicado y de una forma muy simple y agradable." Inscrbete ya y aprende Git de una vez por todas y convirtete en un desarrollador completo. Git se ha convertido en el sistema ms importante y fundamental para el desarrollo de cualquier tipo de aplicacin. Gracias a que es totalmente gratis y con el respaldo de la comunidad open source, ningn desarrollador, ingeniero en computacin o gerente de proyectos debe ignorar este conocimiento. Git permite tener mejor control sobre el proyecto, facilita la cooperacin entre miembros del proyecto y se convierte en un mtodo avanzado de respaldo. Este curso te introduce, desde el nivel ms bsico y a travs del poder del video, los fundamentos de Git desde cmo instalarlo hasta cmo usar las herramientas avanzadas y el portal Github. Si buscas en internet, puedes encontrar cientos de cursos, videos y otros recursos gratis, pero es un trabajo increblemente tedioso y deja ms dudas que respuestas. En este curso podrs aprender, de manera sencilla y sin saltos, los conceptos de Git, desde lo ms bsico hasta lo ms avanzado junto con una comunidad de estudiantes que estn aprendiendo el mismo concepto. Adicionalmente los instructores responden las preguntas que tengas en cada leccin si te quedas atascado en cualquier lugar del curso. El curso est dividido en 6 secciones: Introduccin Fundamentos de Git Repositorios remotos Ramificaciones en Git Herramientas de Git El portal Github El curso cuenta con ms de dos horas de video tutoriales y material de soporte en casi todas las lecciones. Puede completarse en un da pero es ms ptimo tomar cada leccin y luego practicar los conocimientos, as que una semana es el tiempo ptimo para completarlo (una seccin por da). Sin embargo el material es tan completo, que estamos seguros que volvers una y otra vez a revisar los temas fundamentales. Adicionalmente, estamos actualizando el curso constantemente, aadiendo lecciones gracias al feedback de nuestros estudiantes. Tambin tendremos Google Hangouts donde podrs preguntar al instructor cualquier pregunta que tengas sobre el curso o sobre Git en general."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo estar seguro en Internet - Sin ser un tecnlogo"
"Todos los das leemos en las noticias sobre un nuevo ataque informtico en contra de instituciones, compaas y usuarios. Miles de millones de dlares son robados usando tcnicas de hacking sencillas, explotando la falta de conocimientos de la persona comn y corriente. Segn el reporte de seguridad para el 2014 de la reconocida empresa Symantec hubo un aumento del 91% en ataques coordinados, 552 Millones de identidades fueron expuestas, 38% de los usuarios de celulares han sido hackeados y uno de cada 392 correos es un intento de hackeo tipo phishing. Lo ms importante para protegerse contra estos ataques cibernticos no es a travs de software o pagando servicios costosos -- es a travs del conocimiento. Este curso te introduce, desde el nivel ms bsico y a travs del poder del video, los conocimientos y las herramientas necesarias para que tu y tu familia puedan usar el internet sin tener que preocuparse sobre la prdida de datos, robo de identidad otras operaciones que pueden poner en riesgo tus finanzas y tu bienestar social. El instructor, Jorge Escobar, es un arquitecto de plataformas web con ms de 15 aos de experiencia liderando equipos de desarrollo. Uno de los proyectos que lo especializ en el tema de seguridad cibrnetica fue la implementacin de la conformidad con regulacin PCI (Payment Card Industry) de una aplicacin de pagos recurrentes que requera de procesamiento y almacenamiento de cientos de miles de registros de clientes con informacin completa de tarjeta de crdito, direccin y datos personales. Si buscas en internet, puedes encontrar cientos de cursos, videos y otros recursos, pero es un trabajo increblemente tedioso y deja ms dudas que respuestas. En este curso podrs aprender, de manera sencilla y sin necesidad de tener conocimientos tcnicos avanzados, las tcnicas de seguridad ciberntica, desde lo ms bsico hasta lo ms avanzado junto con una comunidad de personas que estn aprendiendo el mismo concepto. Adicionalmente los instructores responden las preguntas que tengas en cada leccin si tienes preguntas adicionales o necesitas expandir en un tema especfico. El curso est dividido en 6 secciones: Introduccin Cmo funciona el internet Mtodos de los hackers Las 6 reglas para mantenerse seguro Seguridad familiar Herramientas Recursos El curso cuenta con ms de una hora de video y material de soporte en casi todas las lecciones. Tambin hay ejercicios y exmenes que complementan tu conocimiento de los temas aprendidos. Puede completarse en un da, pero es ms ptimo tomar cada leccin y luego practicar los conocimientos, as que una semana es el tiempo ptimo para completarlo (una seccin por da). Sin embargo el material es tan completo, que estamos seguros que volvers una y otra vez a revisar los temas fundamentales. Adicionalmente, estamos actualizando el curso constantemente, aadiendo lecciones gracias al feedback de nuestros estudiantes. Tambin tendremos Google Hangouts donde podrs preguntar al instructor cualquier pregunta que tengas sobre el curso o sobre temas de proteccin de internet en general."
Price: 19.99

"How to Plan and Outline Novels (Using Scrivener)"
"In this course, Smarter Artist co-founder Sean Platt will show you the step-by-step process our 3-person bestselling author team uses to plan and outline over 2 million words per year of high-quality, reader-loved fiction without hassle, delays, or the frustration most writers face. The most important thing any independent author must do to sell more books and make more money is to "write, publish, and repeat," getting new work to market fast. In this course, we'll show you how to get faster while making your stories richer, deeper, and flat-out better. Through ten videos and just under 3 hours of content, you'll learn a pre-production process we call "story beats" -- a way of planning that combines the thoroughness of traditional outlining with the flexibility and high creativity of "seat of the pants and trusting the story" writing. Having the very best beats in place before writing will take the frustration out of daily writing because you'll always know your characters, their world, their motivations, and their conflicts. You'll know what they look like, how they act, and what they're up to. Sean will show you this process using our favorite writing program: Scrivener. He'll show you what to put where, how to use images and the different sections to define your project, and how to show up at the desk tomorrow ready to kick butt and take names."
Price: 19.99

"""Write. Publish. Repeat"" Conversations"
"At the end of 2013, the crew behind the top-rated Self Publishing Podcast released their book Write. Publish. Repeat. WPR went on to become a #1 bestseller, hailed as an addition to the "must have" book list for writers. This 30-part video series, in which the three authors (Johnny, Sean, and Dave) expound on all of WPR's key pointsa year later, is the next step for forward-thinking, smart indie publishers. Write. Publish. Repeat. Conversations is the video companion to Write. Publish. Repeat. We not only go into more depth on the book's content as it applies to our day-to-day business, but the series also updates the book with all we've learned after another year publishing at Sterling & Stone, our cutting-edge company that runs six imprints across the publishing spectrum. Students of this course will learn how to take take their art and make a viable business from it. The e-book age is a golden time for writers ... and Write. Publish. Repeat. shows you how to take advantage of it, and profit from your creativity."
Price: 49.99

"Hypnosis: The Complete Hypnotherapy Certification"
"Description:The unknown secrets of conversational hypnosis is about to reveal to you , how to hypnotise anyone , anywhere with just the use of language. Through out this course you will be taught by a Master of Hypnosis Scott Jansen and he will be guiding you through simple to learn covert techniques of hypnosisBuild a strong foundation with conversational hypnosis and wow your clients and subjects with ease This is your ABC into the world of hypnosis for fun with engaging lectures , and lecture notes giving you a step by step program to follow Even if you are brand new to hypnosis or a season therapist , this course will give a you an understanding on how to use hypnosis on the fly lectures and demo's with actual students are used to explain with clear and concise steps on how to achieve mastery in hypnosis with lecture notes as a guide through these steps You will find ever lecture has a recording ( from a live Hypnosis training ) and set notes that correspond to every step Scott teaches With easy to follow material you could master your first Hypnotic trance with in the first hour of this course giving you an upper edge of long , laborious material . This is direct and too the point . Over all 3-5 hours of learning A powerful hypnosis skill at your finger tips: If you have every had the interest on Hypnosis or seen the likes of 'Derren Brown' or other mind magicians this is for you . The fundamental corner stone of covert , conversational hypnosis is at your finger tips . Soon subjects around you will be dropping like fly's into trance and they will have no idea when you started or how you did it so quickly . *Discover 8 in depth lecture with 15 SUBJECTS COVERED , WITH VIDEO AND SLIDE SHOWS taking you step by step These hypnosis techniques were taught to current therapists , coaches and gurus to develop them selves in their chosen field . These ideas and method are easy quick and fun to learn and even a novice to hypnosis, can master these for amazing results."
Price: 24.99

"Hypnosis: The Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis Program"
"Description:The unknown secrets of conversational hypnosis is about to reveal to you , how to hypnotize anyone , anywhere with just the use of language. Through out this course you will be taught by a Master of Hypnosis Scott Jansen and he will be guiding you through simple to learn covert techniques of hypnosisBuild a strong foundation with conversational hypnosis and wow your clients and subjects with ease This is your ABC into the world of hypnosis for fun with engaging lectures , and lecture notes giving you a step by step program to follow A simple formula to follow to create a hypnotic affect from anything How to work with people that say Hypnosis doesn't exist How to "" Freak "" people out with hypnotic tricks of the mind The steps to any hypnotic phenomena How to stick people body parts to things like a hand to a face How to use the right set up to create a deep instant trance A powerful skill at your finger tips: If you have every had the interest on Hypnosis or seen the likes of 'Derren Brown' or other mind magicians this is for you . The fundamental corner stone of covert , conversational hypnosis is at your finger tips . Soon subjects around you will be dropping like fly's into trance and they will have no idea when you started or how you did it so quickly ."
Price: 24.99

"Hypnosis: Advanced Self Hypnosis"
"Your unconscious is the key to a great life. Without access to this treasure trove, life is often an unbearable struggle for survival. Each moment an uphill battle. Hopes, dreams and goals difficult to attain. Joy, happiness and success fleeting. And you're left ""stuck-in-a-rut"" and frozen in place. That's the kind of mental and emotional drain sapping the life out of millions of people. Leaving them to plod along frustrated. Not knowing how to make things better. When you feel like that it's impossible to change your life. Unless... you discover how to tap the unconscious mind... remove all the obstacles buried inside... and... replace them with the success mindset that can transform you into a total winner. (It's a lot easier than you think!) Learn this simple skill and personal, relationship, health, money and other problems vanish... goals and dreams become reality fast... and... life turns from a stormy sea into a calm safe harbor of easy achievement and peace of mind. - Discover the simple 4 step formula to get the most from your mind - Course structure Includes 26 lectures - Simple instructions and examples - Simple troubleshooting ideas to over come blocks - Step by Step combination of entire program - Setting the right mind conditions for success - Knowing the 3 biggest mistakes made that send you to failure . This will give you the unlimited ability to almost order anything in your life and finally achieve goals with ease and fun"
Price: 24.99

"Hypnosis: Unlimited Wealth Mastery"
"If you would like to unblock your limitations , clear old thinking and super charge your success ( yes even if you are learning hypnosis and want to master it ) this 60 day challenge is the start ! Maybe this is you or you know someone like it . You strive for success in anything , you get so far and something happens ..... You hit a wall or you lose the motivation . Yes its unfair isn't it , you have all the hope and attitude to do great then this happens . So what is this . Let me introduce you to your imprint stage This is the stage as a child where everything is up for grabs ( goals and aspirations ) . Your environment ( inducing your parents ) put into motion what the world is like , and in a round about way , imprint their beliefs and how they view the world on you . Then essentially you become this . Now I'm sure you have heard this before so lets move onto how this sabotages you NOW... Your unconscious mind develops your inner thoughts around this : maybe you heard from your dad money is hard to come by money doesn't grow on trees maybe from your mum she said stick with a 9-5 job and be safe . All of these stick inside your mind . You could probably think of statements you often heard and i invite you to think of your issue in your life now and notice that they reflect these statements you have heard before. So what is the solution ? YOU NEED TO CLEAR THESE ! How do we clear them ? Its actually quiet simple . We use the language that can instantly erase these ideas . Here's the kicker you don't even have to know exactly what they are , you just have to be aware that something isn't exactly the way you want it , maybe finances , love , confidence etc ."
Price: 24.99

"Hypnosis: Pain Control Menstrual Cramps"
"Over the years you may have read ... or been told .... that it was ""all in your mind"" ... that you were exaggerating the actual discomfort ... or that it was simply the price you had to pay for being female. IT IS ALL IN YOUR MIND and using our mind its easy to conquer. During this easy to follow training you will become an expert in your own pain control. You will understand the exact reasons for pain and how to instantly put a stop to bad cramps that can cripple some women. Its said that 43 million women in the USA alone suffer from pain that can cause inability to function. - You will know what pain is - Pains function in our body - How to use this pain message to help us battle cramps - 2 simple to follow and use self hypnotic techniques that can be used at anytime by anyone - How to master these ideas so they are natural - 7 structured lectures with methods - Material is covered verbally with written instructions - Course will take 45 minutes to finish If you suffer from cramps , irritability , pain and throbbing using these methods will allow you to live a normal life during your cycle stages and live beyond the pain"
Price: 24.99

"Hypnosis: Master Hypnotist Secrets"
"Description:Imagine using natural unconscious signals and signs in the body to induce a deep hypnotic trance in your clients with only conversation. Build a strong foundation with conversational hypnosis Do you realize that a subjects nerves , feeling scared and worried about hypnosis can be used as a door way into a trance quicker than when not used. Imagine hearing this from a subject "" I'm nervous about going into hypnosis"" and knowing how to use this statement to put them into hypnosis before they could resist you. The ideas and method will show you an advanced way taught to beginners of how to induce trance in clients even if they resist you.In depth look into unconscious moments and sensationHow to direct attention to allow trance to growUsing unconscious signals to recognize tranceInteracting with unconscious signalsUsing powerful suggestions types to direct the therapyThe echo and pause that only masters use and knowHow to deepen trance with no wordsHow to create trance with no formal inductionUtilizing nerves , fear and anxiety to help trance beginTesting your clients after hypnosisAttaching a positive therapy outcome to your trance workProving to clients that hypnosis occurredKnowing exactly what to say when a client respondsHow to say less than formal hypnosisA Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips: If your a coach or therapist and get worried about when clients state they feel anxious or nervous this simple guide will show you what and how to deal with it . Never be stuck for what to do or say and by the end of this training you will hope that all your clients are nervous before they visit you"
Price: 24.99

"Stopp deinen Schmerz im Rcken"
"bungen ohne Zusatzgerte sind die wirkungsvollsten im funktionellen Training. Lernen Sie die korrekte Ausfhrung der einzelnen Bewegungselemente und bringen Sie Ihren Krper in Form. In diesem Kurs lernen Sie die Grundbungen des Functional Trainings. Ein Satz von Variationen prsentiert das Training abwechslungsreich und kurzweilig. Schpfen Sie aus diesem Baukasten und stellen sich Ihre eigenes Programm zusammen. Dieser Kurs ist als Personal Trainer aufgebaut. Er vermittelt Ihnen alles Wissenswerte um mit dem Functional Training anzufangen und Richtig anzuwenden. Ideal ist der Kurs fr ungebte und Personen mit Gewichtsproblemen, sowie fr Personen die mal ein anderes Training ausprobieren mchten. Besorgen Sie sich schnelle eine Trainingsmatte - wenn Sie noch keine besitzen, als Student in diesem Kurs einschreiben und schon geht's los! Eine Trainingsstunde, die es in sich hat. Viel Erfolg!"
Price: 79.99

"Photoshop fr Web-Designer"
"Der erste deutsche Photoshop Kurs auf Udemy! Erleben Sie Photoshop wie ich es verwende. Dieser Kurs ist kein verfilmtes Handbuch - das Adobe auch als kostenloses Video anbietet, in dem jedes Werkzeug und jede Funktion in wenigen Sekunden vorgestellt wird. Nein, hier lernen Sie konkrete Projekte umzusetzen und erleben die Funktionen und die Werkzeuge von Photoshop nebenher. In den vielen live gegebenen Kursen habe ich festgestellt, dass dies eine der besten Lernmethoden fr meine Studenten ist. In diesem ersten Kurs sind einige Projekte zusammengetragen, damit Sie den Einsatz und die Verwendung der wichtigsten Werkzeuge kennen lernen. Das sind zum Beispiel der Pinsel, das Schneidmesser, das Pfadwerkzeug, die Auswahlwerkzeuge, die Kanle, die Weichzeichner, die Scharfzeichner, Tonwertkorrektur, Farbton/Sttigung viele Filter und einiges mehr. JETZT MITBONUS ""MATRIX Screen selbst gemacht"" Seien Sie kreativ. Probieren Sie aus. Verlassen Sie ausgetretene Pfade und kombinieren Sie die Verwendung von Filtern und Werkzeugen Neu! Jetzt einschreiben und sofort besser Photoshoppen."
Price: 19.99

"Stop back pain now! Enjoy your life - reactivated"
"In the practical training, exercises without ancillary equipment are the most useful. Learn the correct performance of each movement element and get your body into shape. In this course, you will learn the basics of functional training. A set of variations presents the varied and entertaining training. Benefit from this construction kit and assemble your program. This course is built like a professional trainer. He will give you all the information you need to know to start the functional training and how to use it correctly. The course is ideal for untrained people and people with weight problems as well as people that just want to try something different. Go get yourself an exercise mat if you do not already own one. Sing up as a student, and off we go! Its a training hour that packs a punch. Good luck!"
Price: 79.99

"Social Media and Technology in the Supply Chain"
"Important notes: Current promotional price is $19, but will increase to $149 New lectures and updates Support Whatever your current position employed within SC&L function, this course will give you a practical understanding of the impact of social media in the supply chain and its consequences. it addresses the multiple issues social media and new technology generates in the supply chain and logistics markets (SC&L). It addresses the communication issues affecting and impacting on distribution road, air, sea and rail, that is applicable to manufacturing, production and retail. I have incorporate my practical real time experience, giving you real time comprehension of operations in SC&L. This course is structured in 18 sections with 135 lectures and should take students about 4.5hrs to complete. If you are working in SC&L in roles such as; procurement, operations, distribution, sales and marketing, distribution, freight management and manufacturing functions - this is a course for you"
Price: 19.99

"Communications in the Supply Chain"
"Important notes: Current promotional price is $29, but will increase to $149 New lectures and updates Support Good communications is about developing image, reputation, credibility and authority. It influences opinion and behaviour all organisations have to communicate. They have no choice. They must influence all those groups around them, upon which their success relies, by the projection of their actions and reactions. Manufactures, producers, retailers, suppliers all have to make sure their messages are communicated consistently and coherently to every audience both inside and outside of the business. Development of a strong brand positions a range of products and services a company brings to the market. It conveys the value of the company. Branding is increasingly important where product differentiation is less easy to establish. The rise of social media and technology and the ability to deal direct with the end consumer, is generating significant complexity in the supply chain. As todays consumers have been conditioned by multiple industries, to expect personalised interactions across different channels. It is all about customer connectivity. Omnichannel retailing has created multiple sales opportunities for retailers. Simultaneously it is creating havoc in their operating model and upstream supply chains, whilst they attempt to integrate the e-commerce purchasing volumes. Allowing them to develop the buy-anywhere-fulfil anywhere and return anywhere retail consumer experience. This course provides a practical examination of the communication process within the modern SC&L."
Price: 19.99

"Impact of Social Media on the Supply Chain"
"This course addresses the multiple issues social media and new technology generates in the supply chain and logistics markets (SC&L). The industry terminology used throughout this course, is mainstream within SC&L industry. The course focuses on traditional communications in the SC&L which until now have been unidirectional, in that it informs only in one direction or another, e.g., customer relationship management (CRM) - aimed at just for consumers. Social media amalgamated with new technology is now enabling omnidirectional communications, which is contributing to increased complexity in the SC&L. If you are working in SC&L in roles such as; procurement, operations, distribution, sales and marketing, distribution, freight management and manufacturing functions - this is a course for you"
Price: 19.99

"How to Create a Powerful Capability Statement (Step-by-Step)"
"HOW TO CREATE A POWERFUL CAPABILITY STATEMENT.. so you can win government contracts is a course teaching you how to create the ideal marketing collateral for the government market. After years of working as a consultant in the government industry, I was deeply disturbed by the challenges which small business have. I saw the disparities that limited small businesses from success. According to the SBA, small businesses represent 99.7% of American companies, yet they are only winning 20% of federal dollars. Women owned small businesses represent 41% of companies, yet are only winning 4.3% of contracts. Minorities represent 35% of the population, yet are only winning 5.6% of contracts. As such, I left the consulting world and decided to start the Government Contractors Association. I wanted to do something to help impact the disparities and challenges which existed in the most lucrative industry. This course is one of the many training tools and resources which I have created to help change the disparities and the ""economic injustice"" which exists in the government market. In this course, you'll learn that the government does not use brochures or flyers. They use capability statements. If you want to have the best chance of winning contracts, then you'll need to have a literature that speaks to your audience. This course guides you step-by-step on how to create a capability statement. It explains why you need one, what are the components and how to use it. In this course you'll also receive guidance on how to find an agency so you can market your capability statement to. You'll learn 7 important keys to unlock more contract opportunities. You'll also receive templates and samples so you don't have to start from scratch. Just use the templates and edit them so you can finalize your capability statement quickly. This is your opportunity to grow your company in the $500 billion government market. Use this course to help you to create your marketing capability statement for the largest customer in the world."
Price: 199.99

"Der Fluch - Schutz bei Flchen, Energiezaubern, Liebeszauber"
"Alexander Nastasi setzt sich seit Jahrzehnten mit dem Thema Energien auseinander. Ob es um die Energetisierung von Wasser oder um die Reinigung von Wohnrumen geht, wei er, wie es geht und wie man schnell die gewnschten Effekte erzielen kann. Im Mai 2012 erschien sein Buch ""Der Fluch"", das er als Minianleitung zum Schutz vor energetischen An- und bergriffen herausgegeben hat. Vom ersten Tag an hatte es einen groen Erfolg am Markt und zeigte, dass eine einfach zu verstehende Anleitung zum Schutz auf dem deutschen Markt gefehlt hat. In diesem Kurs geht es genau darum: Wie kann ich erkennen, dass ich Opfer eines Fluchs, eines energetischen An- und bergriffs wurde und wie kann ich ihn unterbinden und mich erfolgreich davor schtzen? Dieser Kurs ist in drei Teile untergliedert: Den Erklrungen vermittelnden ersten Teil, in dem es darum geht, Zusammenhnge zu erkennen. Den zweiten praktischen Teil, in dem Sie erfahren, wie Sie mit verschiedenen Mglichkeiten gegen einen Angriff vorgehen knnen und den dritten Teil, in dem es um den Schutz von Gebuden, Fahrzeugen, aber auch Angriffe auf Firmen geht. Im Extra am Schluss stellt der Autor seine weiteren zu diesem Thema passenden Bcher und Kurse vor und zeigt Wege der Kontaktaufnahme. Es besteht nach Durchlaufen des Kurses die Mglichkeit, Untersttzung per Skype / Telefon zu erhalten. Diese Energiearbeit ist nicht im Kurspreis enthalten und wird separat berechnet. Auch knnen Firmen eine entsprechende Dienstleistung buchen. Informationen dazu im Video ""Abschlussvideo""."
Price: 19.99

"SharePoint 2013 Development Using C# - Part II"
"SharePoint is a versatile platform for building solutions that address a wide range of business needs. SharePoint is a development platform, upon which powerful and compelling portal applications can be built.This course provides developers with a thorough, in-depth guide to the internals of writing code for the SharePoint platform. SharePoint 2013 programming model can be divided into categories like : Managed Client Side Object Model, Java Script Client Object Model, Silverlight Client Side Object Model, REST & OData Interface.In this course by development expert Kameswara Sarma Uppuluri, you'll learn essential concepts that you need to know to get started building applications for SharePoint platform such as CSOM,JSOM,SCOM,REST & OData,Custom Actions,Custom Groups,TImer Jobs.. and more. The course provides step-by-step walk-throughs and coding demos that you're encouraged to code along with to enhance the learning process.This course is broken down into 16 modules with each module providing source code where applicable so that you can follow along with Kameswara Sarma Uppuluri. Some of the modules can be seen in the below list.Working with CSOMWorking with JSOMWorking with SCOMWorking with REST & ODataCustom ActionsCustom Groups...."
Price: 49.99

"SharePoint 2013 Development using C# - Part I"
"SharePoint is a versatile platform for building solutions that address a wide range of business needs. SharePoint is a development platform, upon which powerful and compelling portal applications can be built. This course provides developers with a thorough, in-depth guide to the internals of writing code for the SharePoint platform. SharePoint programming can be divided into categories like : Programming using Server Object Model, programming using SharePoint Web Services, Programming the Web Parts etc. In this course by development expert Kameswara Sarma Uppuluri, you'll learn essential concepts that you need to know to get started building applications for SharePoint platform such as features, event receivers, web parts and more. The course provides step-by-step walk-throughs and coding demos that you're encouraged to code along with to enhance the learning process. This course is broken down into 16 modules with each module providing source code where applicable so that you can follow along with Kameswara Sarma Uppuluri. Some of the modules can be seen in the below list. Server Object Model Approach SharePoint Web Services Approach Features Event Receivers Standard Web Parts Visual Web Parts"
Price: 49.99

"Kilts and Kerns: The Scots-Irish Connection Part 1"
"Both Scotland and Ireland possess common roots of language, culture, and tradition. Throughout the past two thousand years, these two lands, though separated by the Irish Sea, have nonetheless shared many triumphs and woes. As the centuries passed, mercenaries, settlers, and entire clans moved back and forth between Scotland and Ireland, weaving together the tales of these two peoples. The course will provide a basis for students to understand the complex relationship between these two Celtic nations. The lessons in Part 1 will cover the interactions of the Irish Scots with groups such as the Picts and Romans, the Kingdom of Dalriadas rise and fall, Iron Age Celtic society, and the impacts of various invaders into the Celtic lands of the British Isles."
Price: 19.99

"Learning French from the zero, Easy Steps To Learn Quickly"
"JOIN OVER 1.300 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN THIS COURSE.Welcome to The Course , This Course Is Designed To familiarize you with The French Language ; Through the course we will cover the :pronunciation , Vocabulary , Grammar , conjugation .This course is a series of video lessons That introduce The learner To various aspects of The French Language .There is no need to have had any experience with The French Language ,this is a step by step course , So You Have To Take The entire Course And Dont Skip Through The course ."
Price: 19.99

"Easy, Healthy, Crockpot Cooking! Cooking Lessons for Dad!"
"Crockpot Cooking Lessons for Dad is for beginner cooks (like my dad) who want to enhance their health by learning to prepare simple, healthy, delicious meals in a crockpot (or slow cooker). By the end of this course you will know how to use a crockpot to cooka large variety of of easy, healthy recipes. Preparing more home cooked meals will help you to improve your diet and enhance your health. These crockpot recipes will save you time and effort in preparing delicious food. Often it is hard to fit healthy cooking into a busy lifestyle. by the end of this course I expect you will be eating lots of healthy food!In addition, you can cook in a crockpot when you do not have access to a kitchen. A crockpot is a great tool that lets you prepare amazing recipes with just a little hands-on time and effort. In this course you will have instructional lessons and well as step-by-step cooking demonstrations. You can take this course at your own pace. I suggest when you are ready to start cooking in your crockpot, you try one new crockpot recipe each week. Before you make the assigned recipe you be able to watch me prepare the recipe in the cooking lesson to get a general idea how to make it. Later you can watch the cooking lesson again as you make the recipe. This method will make it so easy for you to be successful with each recipe. I am also here to answer any questions you have about the course and recipes. In this course you will receive many step-by-step cooking demonstrations to show you exactly how to prepare each recipe (and more to come!). With these instructions, the free cookbook, and some practice, you can easily master the recipes and have excellent results. In this course you will learn: How to use a crockpot (or slow cooker). The different varieties of crockpots, slow cookers and their functions. How to cook many easy, healthy recipes in a crockpot. How to adapt recipes for the crockpot. How to create new recipes by varying the ingredients. How to fit healthy cooking into a busy life. This cooking course is made for beginners that have no or little cooking experience. These course will also be appreciated by busy people who already know how to cook and want to learn more about healthy crockpot cooking. The ingredients for these crockpot recipes are: Easy to find Healthy Budget friendly Simple Easy to pronounce Tools for this course: A crockpot (or slow cooker) Measuring spoons and cups Cutting board Sharp knives Serving, cooking, and eating utensils This cooking course will really help you to fit healthy cooking into your busy life with little hands on time and effort. No cooking experience is needed. You do not even need a kitchen! By the time you are done with this course you will know how to cook many delicious recipes so you can eat healthy everyday! As you replace worthless processed foods with simple health-promoting foods, you will be on your way to living a longer, healthier, and happier life! Sign up for this course now to start your exciting, new crockpot cooking adventures!"
Price: 119.99

"Diseo de Instalaciones Sanitarias - Suministro de Agua"
"A quin est Dirigido el Curso? Estudiantes de los ltimos semestres de Ingeniera Civil o Profesionales en el rea. Duracin y Metodologa El contenido es equivalente a 32 horas acadmicas de un curso presencial. Aproximadamente el 60% del material disponible est en forma de videos, en los que se presentar al participante los aspectos especficos sobre algn tema. Se presentar al participante, a manera de autoevaluacin, una serie de preguntas que le permitirn establecer el alcance de comprensin obtenido del tema. Se utilizar a lo largo del curso un ejemplo de diseo de una edificacin residencial de 5 niveles. Todos los clculos sern desarrollados a travs de hojas de clculo (Excel) que sern suministradas al participante conforme se desarrollen los temas. Revisado todo el contenido, el participante tendr acceso a una serie de presentaciones en las que se realizar la revisin del diseo de los distintos componentes de una edificacin multifamiliar de 4 niveles, con 4 viviendas por nivel. En ellas, se explicarn y darn conceptos y comentarios adicionales a los vistos a lo largo del curso."
Price: 59.99

"Redes de Tuberas con Autocad Civil 3D"
"En este curso conocers todo lo necesario para poder crear redes de tuberas de alcantarillado sanitario o pluvial utilizando las herramientas que AUTOCAD CIVIL 3D incorpora. Conocers la forma de crear un dibujo de la red de alcantarillado sanitario partiendo slo de la informacin de elevaciones del terreno. Y, a partir de aqu, podrs definir, paso a paso, la ubicacin de bocas de visita o pozos de inspeccin, tuberas o colectores y lograr establecer, utilizando las reglas de piezas de civil 3D, sus parmetros caractersticos, como pendientes, y profundidades de rasante. Aprenders a crear los perfiles longitudinales de los colectores de la red y logrars dominar, de forma progresiva, la proyeccin de piezas y objetos en ellos, aprendiendo a ajustar a partir de puntos especficos, las elevaciones de rasante de tuberas y estructuras. Adicionalmente revisars los aspectos relativos a la creacin de tamaos de piezas a partir del catlogo que el programa incorpora, siendo posible de esta manera adaptar la plantilla de dibujo a la normativa aplicable en tu pas. Las 12 clases que conforman este curso representan casi 3 horas de informacin especfica y, pese a estar realizadas en la versin 2015 de CIVIL 3D, son completamente compatibles con las versiones anteriores, desde la 2010, as que no hay excusas para empezar a aprender lo relativo a redes de tuberas con AUTOCAD CIVIL 3D. Tutoriales al Da CIVIL 3D ya tiene ms de 4 aos ofreciendo en su sitio WEB detallados tutoriales, artculos y manuales relacionados con el uso de esta poderosa herramienta de diseo en ingeniera. El contenido est cuidadosamente preparado por ingenieros civiles con amplia experiencia no slo en el uso del AUTOCAD CIVIL 3D sino tambin en las distintas reas de aplicacin del programa."
Price: 44.99

"Grow Your Tarot Business: Professional Tarot Card Success"
"(Updated March1,2017) Make MONEY(lots of it!) with your professional Tarot business online. Learn ALL the techniques for a PROFITABLE, PRINCIPLED and PORTABLE business. Do what you LOVE and love what you do everyday. Createa thrivingUNIQUE Tarot business online that sets you apart from the rest.Having a Tarot business online can be a lucrative income source while you transform lives doing what you love! This amazing course is specially created for all the aspiring and current Tarot business website owners out there who want to be a spiritual and financial success The course is designed and taught by a Certified Professional Tarot Reader who has been in business for over 15 years online, earning a six-figure income while teaching Tarot to people across the globe and giving Tarot consultations. This course is normally a 1:1 course for $1497. Now you will learn the tips, strategies and skills to be a spiritual business success at a fraction of the cost. JOIN NOW and start boosting your Tarot income. Now included: Free PERSONAL BRANDING session with the course creator. When you've finished 100% of the course, send an email to to schedule YOUR PERSONAL BRANDING SESSION"
Price: 199.99

"YouTube Marketing: Rank in Google & YouTube"
"What does this course teach? This course focuses on using video as part of an overall marketing strategy. Specifically, this course teaches students how to use video content to rank higher in the major search engines for specific keyword pertinent to the businesses products and services. Why take this course? Consumer are consuming video content in record volumes and the trend is continuing to grow. Research shows that a higher ranking on Google, for example, can significantly increase traffic to a website. Research also shows that video content on a website can increase sales, foot traffic to stores, and reduce the number of product returns. Who should take this course? Small business owners and entrepreneurs will gain tremendous value from this course. What's the format of the course? The course is broken into seven modules with over 20 high-quality videos. The course also contain downloadable content to help implement what's taught in the class. Who teaches the course? The course is taught by Ron Desi. He has ten years of video, video content creation, and video marketing. He also has over over fifteen years of graduate level teaching experience and eight years of online teaching experience."
Price: 19.99

"How to Dance: 4 Basic Moves that Create Most Grooves"
"In this course, you will learn the 4 most essential moves to be able to dance whenever, and wherever you like! We will be going over the basic structure of the majority of grooves. Grooves are what make up the dances behind many of the dance styles you see today. This is especially true of Street Dance Styles.You will understand the basic structure of Grooves, and be able to add these to your movement vocabulary. If you have never danced before and don't know where to start, this will be a perfect introduction to help you understand the basics so you can get to dancing right away. If you have danced before, this may be a refresher, and may also help you find ways to branch out and expand your dance vocabulary to other styles of movement."
Price: 29.99