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"Do It Yourself Immigration: Temporary Protected Status"
"This course is intended to give an overview of Temporary Protected Status (TPS), as granted by the U.S. government, and provide detailed instructions on how to apply for TPS without the need for an attorney. If you have no prior criminal convictions or immigration violations, this course may save you hundreds of dollars in attorneys' fees. By the end of this course, you will know how to complete every required form, which supporting documents are required, how to secure work authorization, and how to maintain your TPS status."
Price: 49.99

"Career Development - Get the BEST Job Evaluation EVER!"
"Career Development Strategies - How to Get the Best Performance Evaluation EVER! Have you ever wondered: How to get a better Performance Evaluation? How to get the recognition you deserve at work? How Career Advancement is affected by your behavior? Did you answer Yes to any of these Questions? If so, then take advantage of this exclusive Udemy Learning Course about Career Development - How to Get the Best Performance Evaluation EVER! This Course will improve your Job Security and Job Satisfaction. In this course you can expect to learn 25 powerful Career Development techniques that will truly improve your career advancement opportunities. Use these to get noticed and to greatly improve your standing at work. Don't fall behind or be ignored any longer. Become rapidly noticed by management for your performance, accomplishments and skills. Receive that promotion and raise you deserve! Take my course - study it, test it, implement it...and, if for whatever reason you are not happy then you can get a 100% "no questions asked" refund. You will have 30 days to test drive my course and be covered by this 100% money-back guarantee. So, you have absolutely no risk! Believe me, with over 25 years of workplace experience, I can assure you that this Career Development Strategies course is all you need to accomplish all of this. My simple, powerful techniques will quickly change how you are perceived in your work environment. I personally wish I knew all about this when I was in my 20s! Here is a sample of what you will learn about Career Development Strategies: Important information about what is expected of you How to send emails, The Right Way! What it takes to be noticed by management Behaviors that will negatively affect your Career Advancement Goals What every employer is looking for What every employer is looking to avoid How to make yourself Bullet Proof at work Also included in this Career Development Strategies Course: A Powerful E-book demonstrating the 25 Career Development Strategies that will improve your Job Security and get you noticed at work. A Career Aptitude Test Quiz to ensure you are fully aware of the changes you should make. This Career Development Strategies course will provide you with the tools you will need to become a STAR as work. It is like having your own personal Career Guidance Counselor! Ask yourself these Final Questions: Are you confident, indispensable and fully recognized at work? Are you doing everything to achieve your Career Advancement Goals? Are you secure in your job? If this time you answered No! Take this course and change your career path and your financial success. Do not get left behind. Join the 600+ successful students that are using my Career Development Strategies and are already improving how they are being perceived at work - start today, win tomorrow! To your success, David Peterson"
Price: 19.99

"How To Buy a NEW Car with Confidence!"
"How to Buy a New Car will teach you everything you need to know if you are planning on purchasing a New Car. As a previous car salesman, I know the secrets that dealerships do not want you to know. This course will teach you: Important information about when to buy a new car Proven times when NOT to buy a new car Essential preparation work before going to a dealership How to negotiate, The Right Way, to get the best deal on a new car The Secrets of how to play the new car purchase GAME! Stop paying too much for a new car. Learn what every car purchaser should know. Discover what a trial close is, and learn what you should know BEFORE you Buy a New Car. Take my course - study it, test it, implement it...and, if for whatever reason you are not happy then you can get a 100% ""no questions asked"" refund. You will have 30 days to test drive my course and be covered by this 100% money-back guarantee. So, you have absolutely no risk! What do you have to lose? 30 minutes could save you thousands. Buy this course and you will get FREE access for my soon to be released How to Purchase a Used Car course. Also in included in this course is a FREE NEW CAR PURCHASE CHECKLIST. This checklist will ensure you get everything you want. Learn the New Car Purchase GAME and become more confident when you buy a car. When you know the GAME, you will actually enjoy buying a new car. So, do not leave home without this information. Join the other successful students that are already more confident when buying a new - start today! To your Success, David Peterson"
Price: 19.99

"How to Buy a USED Car - The RIGHT Way!"
"How to Buy a USED Car, The Right Way! Take this course BEFORE you buy a Used Car? Learn what to do before you buy a used car Learn where to buy a used car and where not to buy a used car Learn how to negotiate when you are buying a used car Learn what to look for when checking out a used car 45 minutes could SAVE you 1000s of dollars. I have been a car salesman and have bought cars for over 25 years and will teach you what I have learned the hard way, so you dont have to! Have you ever paid too much for a used car? Have you ever bought a used car that turned out to be a lemon? Do you have very little experience buying a used car? Are you planning a buying a car in the near future? Did you answer YES to any of these questions? If so, then take advantage of this exclusive Udemy Learning Course about How to Buy a Used Car, it could save you $1000s of dollars and help you avoid endless headaches. In this course you can expect to learn How to Buy a Used Car, The Right Way. You will become confident and knowledgeable about the Used Car Purchase Process. Take my course - study it, test it, implement it...and, if for whatever reason you are not happy then you can get a 100% ""no questions asked"" refund. You will have 30 days to test drive my course and be covered by this 100% money-back guarantee. So, you have absolutely no risk! With over 25 years of car buying experience, I can assure you that this course will teach you How to Buy a Used Car, The Right Way! Follow my process, learn my techniques and you will be successful. I have sold and bought over 20 cars and have learned what to do and what NOT to do along the way. Also Included in this How to Buy a Used Car Course: A Free Checklist of Everything to Look for when Purchasing a Used Car Buy this Course and I will give you Free Access to my other Course How to Buy A New Car This course will provide you with the tools you will need to become a Car Purchase Expert. Ask yourself theseFinal Questions: Are you confident when buying a used car? Do you know how to evaluate if a used car is good? Do you know how to negotiate a car purchase? If this time you answered No! Take this course and help ensure you get the BEST DEAL you can when buying a used car. To your success, David Peterson"
Price: 44.99

"Real Life Coding: Developing Survey Application"
"This course will take you through the steps necessary to build a useful, real life web application based on requirements from an actual marketing department. Watch as the web developer in this video series is given the task of creating survey functionality to be used on a web site and poll participants via email marketing blasts. Additionally this developer must collect real time feedback from attendees at live events. Learn which technologies should be used and how each requirement should be fulfilled. Sit next to the developer and see how it's all put together. This course is not about teaching a specific language or technology, but rather it demonstrates how to use several technologies and programming tools together to accomplish the given goals. By watching this video series you will benefit by learning how to code and tie different layers of application together in an efficient way. This course will help expand your web development skills and will provide you with ideas to help you approach future projects with confidence."
Price: 24.99

"Successfully Transitioning Into Supervision"
"The objective of this course is to provide students with practical information, tools and techniques that can immediately be applied in their new or current role as a supervisor or manager. Students will learn how to get off to a great start by communicating with the appropriate people and learn how to maximize the resources that are available. They will also learn how to shorten their learning curve by empowering employees and gain a better understanding of how to create their own future by establishing goals. Lastly, they will learn to be a humble leader that is committed to providing support and service, as well as receive my personal advice regarding the most important behaviors of successful supervisors. In order to encourage and assist students in the implementation and application the content in this course, Action Plans are provided at the end of most modules. This course will enhance your performance and increase the probability of you becoming a top performing, successful supervisor."
Price: 94.99

"Philosophy of Language: Intriguing Puzzles and Paradoxes"
"Are you interested in the philosophy of language? Curious about the philosophical problems that significant figures in the history of analytic philosophy were preoccupied with? Intrigued by the phenomenon of vagueness and paradoxes that boggle your mind? This course will stimulate your mind, challenge what you've always taken for granted, and bring you to a higher level of philosophical skill. In this course, I explain in clear language 4 philosophical problems. Step by step, I will explain each argument and provide potential solutions to some of the problems. Topics include: Kripke's Wittgenstein, Vagueness, Quine on the analytic/synthetic distinction, Davidson on meaning. Full transcripts for each lecture are provided. 30 day full refund if not satisfied. Grab a cup of coffee and start listening to the first lecture. Over 600 students have enrolled. We're waiting for your insights and questions! Enroll now!"
Price: 19.99

"Linear Algebra for Beginners: Open Doors to Great Careers"
"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The prerequisite to the course Linear Algebra for Beginners: Open Doors to Great Careers 2.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Would you like to learn a mathematics subject that is crucial for many high-demand lucrative career fields such as:Computer ScienceData ScienceActuarial ScienceFinancial MathematicsCryptographyEngineeringComputer GraphicsEconomicsIf you're looking to gain a solid foundation in Linear Algebra, allowing you to study on your own schedule at a fraction of the cost it would take at a traditional university, to further your career goals, this online course is for you. If you're a working professional needing a refresher on linear algebra or a complete beginner who needs to learn Linear Algebra for the first time, this online course is for you.Why you should take this online course: You need to refresh your knowledge of linear algebra for your career to earn a higher salary. You need to learn linear algebra because it is a required mathematical subject for your chosen career field such as computer science or electrical engineering. You intend to pursue a masters degree or PhD, and linear algebra is a required or recommended subject.Why you should choose this instructor: I earned my PhD in Mathematics from the University of California, Riverside. I have extensive teaching experience: 6 years as a teaching assistant at University of California, Riverside, over two years as a faculty member at Western Governors University, #1 in secondary education by the National Council on Teacher Quality, and as a faculty member at Trident University International.In this course, I cover the core concepts such as:Gaussian eliminationVectorsMatrix AlgebraDeterminantsVector SpacesSubspacesAfter taking this course, you will feel CARE-FREE AND CONFIDENT. I will break it all down into bite-sized no-brainer chunks. I explain each definition and go through each example STEP BY STEP so that you understand each topic clearly. I will also be AVAILABLE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS you might have on the lecture material or any other questions you are struggling with.Practice problems are provided for you, and detailed solutions are also provided to check your understanding.30 day full refund if not satisfied.Grab a cup of coffee and start listening to the first lecture. I, and your peers, are here to help. We're waiting for your insights and questions! Enroll now!"
Price: 19.99

"Cuidados naturales para tu beb"
"El nacimiento de un hijo es una experiencia maravillosa que nos regala la vida, llega un nuevo ser lleno de amor que mantendr un vnculo muy especial con la madre hasta mucho despus de nacer. En este curso aprenders cmo cuidar a tu beb sin romper ese vnculo, desde el respeto y utilizando remedios naturales no agresivos que mantendrn a tu beb sano sin necesidad de frmacos o productos industriales. Este curso de crianza natural est impartido por una prestigiosa partera con ms de 40 aos de experiencia y unos 2.000 alumbramientos. Todos los remedios que se explican en las clases estn comprobados durante aos y no revisten ningn efecto secundario. Aprende a criar a tu beb desde el amor y respeto con las herramientas que te da la naturaleza y que te devolvern la confianza innata de toda madre: tu sabes que es lo mejor para tus hijos."
Price: 24.99

"Salud y vitalidad: la clorofila"
"Clorofila: Alimento de luz, la base de la vida! Este curso trata sobre la clorofila. Un pigmento de color verde con muchas propiedades teraputicas, utilizado por algunas culturas desde la antigedad para curar distintas enfermedades. Hipcrates alrededor del ao 400 AC ya mencion las propiedades de los alimentos como fuente de medicina. Durante los aos 1960-1990 en Boston, La Dra. Ann Wigmore demostr personalmente las virtudes de este pigmento, que utiliz para tratarse el cncer en dos ocasiones, con excelentes resultados, y para restablecer la funcin de sus piernas tras un accidente de coche cuando los mdicos que la asistieron solo podan concebir una amputacin total. Ella logr recuperarse por completo con dieta cruda basada en la incorporacin y aplicacin directa sobre las heridas de clorofila fresca varias veces al da. La clorofila es la sangre de los vegetales y es exactamente igual a la hemoglobina de nuestra sangre a nivel de forma molecular. La clorofila promueve la actividad de enzimas protectoras, enzimas detoxificadoras del organismo que ayudan a prevenir el desarrollo de distintas enfermedades, entre ellas el cncer. La sangre es la vida liquida de las personas. Mantenerla libre de toxinas y con alta concentracin de oxigeno mantiene en perfecto estado de equilibrio todo el sistema. Es por eso que la clorofila puede ayudar a curar infinidad de enfermedades. Es un recurso al alcance de todos para aumentar la capacidad de oxigenacin de la sangre. A medida que la sangre pierde su capacidad de transportar oxigeno los glbulos rojos, que son los encargados de llevar oxigeno a todos los tejidos y rganos del cuerpo, sufren un fenmeno llamado Rouleau o pilas de moneda. Este fenmeno lo podemos ver en enfermedades crnicas, y cuanto ms avanzada mayor es el apilamiento de globulos rojos. Esto tambin se relaciona con el grado de toxicidad que tiene la sangre y por lo tanto con la acidificacin del medio interno. La clorofila aumenta la alcalinidad del medio interno yayuda a la desintoxicacin de los rganos filtrantes de la sangre como hgado, rin, intestino y pulmones, por lo que ayuda amejorar la calidad de la sangre. De esta manera, con rganos que funcionan correctamente, el cuerpo tiene capacidad de auto regeneracin. Tambin es capaz de limpiar la sangre de nicotina, cuyos restos podemos ver en esta muestra de sangre. Ventajas de la incorporacin de clorofila en nuestra dieta: Limpia la sangre y rganos de toxinas y metales pesados. Alcaliniza el medio interno. Aumenta la oxigenacin de la sangre por lo cual aumenta la oxigenacin de los rganos. Esto eleva el nivel de energa en todo el cuerpo. Es fuente de enzimas, oligoelementos, vitaminas y minerales, especialmente hierro, calcio y magnesio. Estimula la cicatrizacin y regeneracin de los tejidos. Equilibra la flora intestinal y repara la membrana intestinal, aumentando as la auto-inmunidad. Desodoriza el cuerpo. Mejora el sistema circulatorio, digestivo, reproductivo y circulatorio por su capacidad antioxidante y antiinflamatorio."
Price: 19.99

"Learn a Combat Proven Fighting System: WCA Crash Course"
"The Course is comprised of the most effective self-defense and street fighting techniques that flow with our natural instincts. The course was developed by Matt "Sensei" Bryers - 3rd Degree Kobukai Ju-Jitsu Black Belt, 20+ Years Combatives Experience, Certified Hand-to-Hand Combat Instructor and more. Teaches Police Officers, SWAT Team Members, Corrections Officers, Security Professionals and Every-Day Joes Heres what you will learn: Simple yet BRUTAL technique that is the Ultimate Fight Changer. This one technique will revolutionize the way you fight. Its instinctual, natural and utterly brutal. Hardcore Ballistic Striking Techniques These striking techniques go beyond throwing some lame haymakers that barely work. Im going to teach you how to make your striking so effective that its almost too easy to end the fight Standing Combat Jiu-Jitsu Techniques We all know that jiu-jitsu is one the most effective martial arts out there. It is the base martial art of military programs, police officer training and Mixed Martial Arts (UFC). If you need to fight and survive, you NEED to know to use Jiu-Jitsu. But dont worry, I break it down for you and make it simple, effective and easy to learn. Ground Combat Jiu-Jitsu Techniques In a real fight, going to the ground is dangerous, especially in a multiple opponent scenario. BUT if you do end up there, you HAVE to know what to do! If not, youre going to get your ass kicked or your face stomped in. I like my face Im sure you like yours too, theres no reason for a face stomping. Learn how to fight off the ground, get back to your feet, and finish the fight."
Price: 19.99

"TRITAC Combatives System: 'No Rules' MMA ... with Weapons"
"TRITAC COMBATIVES - FRAMEWORK FOR COMBAT SKILL DEVELOPMENTConfidence in martial arts isn't earned by throwing the best high kick or just grappling on the ground. True confidence is built from knowing that you have the ability to fight and win when the 'shit that hits the fan'. Whether you're a LEO and the stop just goes wrong, or when driving home some dude just takes it too far... the ability to defend yourself and fight is vital to your survival.TRITAC is NOT a martial arts style. It is a framework of concepts, movements, techniques, and flows (drills) that give the student the ability to focus on specific gaps in their fighting game, or explore enhance existing combat skills. We relate TRITAC to MMA with no rules, against multiple opponents, and where the use of a weapon, improvised or concealed, is a strong possibility. TRITAC is designed for the individual. Combat is in our nature. It's part of being a human. As individuals, we all have our own natural expression of combat, our instincts. The way you fight, won't be exactly the same way I fight. We may share similar techniques that we may use in combat, but no two humans think, react, move the same. A true fighting system is a play-book that is expressed by the individual When thinking about no-rules, survival-based combat, the only thing we can do is train to be prepared for any situation, any attack, and to remove 'holes' in our fighting game. One style does not have the answer. A style is an idea, a concept that you can use to fight. It should never be a rule-book for fighting, only a concept that might for you.THE TRITAC COMBATIVESLEVEL 1 TRAININGCOURSEThe TRITAC Combatives self defense training course is a system for studying, training and learning reality based self defense. This is a hand to hand combat training DVD focusing on skill sets for street fights or life or death self defense situations. The skills you will develop are similar to a MMA fighter, minus the rules :). There are 6 main areas of combat skills you will focus on to become a well-rounded, powerful combat martial artist. LEVEL 1 CURRICULUM:Concepts & Movement (14 Videos):Stances & FootworkThe 'Fence'The 'Frame' ConceptCombat MovementsEvasionsCQC Striking (22 videos):PunchesHammer FistsElbowsFramesHeabuttsKneesKicksEntries & Takedowns (22 videos):Frame EntriesHammer EntriesLevel-Change EntriesTrips & RearsBack Control TakedownsAttacking Elbow ClearsGround Combat (25 Videos):Climbing EscapesEscaping ControlsSubmissions DefenseCombat GuardGet-upsGround & PoundSituational Defense (21 Videos):Grab DefenseGrab & Hit DefenseBear Hug DefenseRear Bear Hug DefenseChoke DefenseRear Strangle DefenseWrist Grab CountersFront ShieldingRear ShieldingWeapons Combat (23 Videos):Knife DefenseKnife AttacksStick / Club DefenseStick / Club AttacksDefense & Attack Drills"
Price: 69.99

"Play Gospel Music By Ear"
"This course is about teaching you how to play gospel music by ear. We want you to have enjoy the experience that music brings , joy and beautiful sound. This course is designed for beginners from ages 5 and up. What do you need for this course is a keyboard or piano, internet access, and time and patience to make beautiful music. We will show you how easy it really is once you get the basic musical foundation. Our course paves the way for you to go down the road to play gospel music. Materials include tutorial videos, still illustrations of keyboards with notes to help reinforce the basics of music. We also include still photos for instructional purposes as well as several quizzes to confirm your understanding of music basics. The course starts with basic music theory incorporated with videos to reinforce the music theory to get you started playing piano today. This course is fun and easy and before you know it you will be playing for your own pleasure and satisfaction. You could be playing by the end of this course. Just follow our easy steps from as simple as the alphabet. This course takes you from what are the notes on the keyboard to moving towards playing music and sounding out music via the keyboard and your own memory of music that you may know and always wanted to play. We are committed to teach you to play and the know how and support to get you there. This course is the beginning of something beautiful and that is music. At the end of the course you will be able to play the melody of music you may know. This course was designed to be easily understood by beginners so thats why one should consider this course. This will help you navigate the keyboards, learn they keys,sound them out and start playing after putting it all together. We make it easy for you to start playing today."
Price: 19.99

"How to Produce a professional radio show with Ableton Live"
"UPDATED ON January 12 2015: A quick tip video to celebrate the new year! Requested by one of the students, you can now see how to add effects to your tracks using the send and returns commands. (less cpu demanding than adding the same fx on every track!) - Do you want to be the next Hardwell or Tiesto? Or / And make a name for yourself in the DJ market & get more gigs? Then this course is for you. One of the fastest way to establish your name out there as a DJ is reaching a wide audience quickly. And radio is the perfect way for this. Follow everything Ill teach you in this course and youll be able to produce a real radio show that radios wont be able to resist broadcasting. Radios schedules are full of badly produced radio shows and theyre craving for better shows. I can tell you this since Im a program director myself, working in radio for the last 15 years. -Discover the secrets that will make your radio show desirable for a program director. Even A-List DJs make mistakes because theyre not aware of certain aspects of radio which lead them to produce bad radio shows. Ill be delivering to you my 15 years expertise in the radio world so you can skip the mistakes and getting straight to offer a true professional-sounding radio show. Ill point everything you need to know about what to do and what NOT to do! This course will cover everything from the content, to commercial breaks, where to put the jingles, how often, how long the tracks should last for, how to a clock for your show (one of the most important thing!)and much more. -The best tool for the job Ableton live isnt only a great tool for producing music and performing live. It is THE fastest tool there is to produce your radio show as fast as possible. And youll see how in this course! Even if you dont know how to use the software, youll be up and running in no time as I explain here everything you need to know to produce your radio show ( along with some other tips along the way! ) -Who is this course for? This high level course is designed for producers and/or DJs who want to be heard on the radio. Its also aimed at radio show producers/hosts, or radio production companies who might want to level up the quality of their work by tailoring exactly the program to the requirements of radio. The techniques can be applied to any genre of music. By the end of this course, youll have acquired all the required skills to deliver a very high quality product to radios. Don't get fooled by the apparent short length of the course and the videos. It's pretty intense, which is why you'll probably want to take notes, rewind, and watch again to make sure you haven't skipped anything as pretty much everything taught in this course if of importance! Best of all, I'll happily give you feedback on your projects, don't hesitate to send me link if you want me to give a listen to something and tell you personally where you should be improving !"
Price: 139.99

"Music Production - advanced techniques used by the pros"
"Updated July 6th with new documentation regarding a brand new free ableton live plug-in! This course intends to give you some of the best kept secrets among top music producers and professionals of all genres but it also intends to give you tips that will speed up your production process a great deal to help you make better tracks and finish them much faster. Make Better Music Today! Mastering do's and don't's Learn how to beef up your bass sound Discover the secrets to make fatter sounds and more tricks to easily put in practice Ever wondered what's lacking your productions to compete with professional and successful songs? Welllook no further, if you're serious about making music, this course is for you. Although this course might be useful to beginners it will make more sense if you have a little bit of experience at producing already. Logic and Ableton Live will mainly be used here to cover the subject. But be assured that most of the content here can be done with any DAW (Except for a few Live only tricks which I'll teach you along the way!) At the end of this course you will be closer than ever to making professional music!"
Price: 69.99

"Branding Autopilot: 1-Page Magic Marketing System of Love"
"This course is designed specifically for ""Entrepreneurs With Heart""... in other words for people in business whose main priority is helping more people and making more heart-based profits. If you don't deeply care about people, this course isn't what you're looking for. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marketing doesn't have to be the cold, disconnected discipline of manipulating people. In fact, the best marketing doesn't come across as marketing at all. What if you could learn the secrets of marketing within a holistic framework? Would you reach more people? Would your business suddenly overflow with more profits and opportunities to serve? Absolutely. Discover the Heart of the Matter when it comes to building your brand, reaching more people who love to work with you, and make more heart-based profits. At the end of this course you will have a custom roadmap perfectly crafted to guide every marketing decision you'll ever have to make again. Along the way, you will learn about some incredible parts of the brain that help you (and your clients) get everything you're looking for. You learn intelligence boosting exercises to use in the workshop section and the fundamental steps to successful communication. Money is made in the mind (mentally) before it is ever made in the hand (physically)Dollars are ideas people trade for your products & services (your business ideas). Optimize creative brain states for more authentic, holistic, problem-solving marketing campaigns.Possess your own customized 1-Page branding matrix that is at the heart of every business with remarkable messages and customer-winning products. This isn't your grandma's course in marketing... and we don't pretend it is. This is a full-on, focus your attention, unleash your imagination, meaning-making, brand building, high-definition ride for holistic practitioners, business owners, and any Entrepreneur With Heart crazy enough to go out and change the world with their skills, services, and passion. One of the core principles (you'll learn on the inside) is + GOODNESS IN, GOODNESS OUT + , a powerful meme that shifts the odds in your favor. If you don't get anything good from the course, Udemy gives you 30 days to refund your cost for the course. We will be adding new lectures and materials along the way and as a Metaphysical Marketing Entrepreneur, you'll also get special access to other courses I release. I can't wait to show you how to make more Heart-Based Profits, increase the magnitude and reach of your brand, and create your own million-dollar brand blueprint. Go ahead and take this course now to discover your brand power, grow your tribe, and make a more meaningful impact with your business materials. Metaphysical Marketing mobilizes customers through any media... social media... email lists... information products... live seminars... even coaching, consultation, and instruction... by giving you the road-map of influence and desire... leading to dollars and value delivery. I've helped thousands of people transform their lives, relationships, and businesses for over a decade. I made this course to help solve the problem of ""poor marketing""... and to show you how to make your business more profitable by marketing with more HEART... the central organ vital to every buying decision. ""Horne brings heart to projects you will be well served to work with him. Keeping a flow increasing is the best way I can describe his services.""- Dr. Ben Mack If you're ready for a remarkable, new future serving more customers and making more money... to fund the life you're dreaming of... take this course now. If you're the same person and your business isn't changed from what you gain here.. you can leave the course and get all your money back within 30 days. P.S. Lifelong students are first to get helpful, bonus resources that are not included in the core lectures. You'll always get priority discounts or exclusive sneek-peeks on new courses I release. P.P.S. You'll receive a certificate for Metaphysical Marketing when you complete your 1-Page brand matrix and finish the course. Come in and Start Learning Now."
Price: 119.99

"Creative Brain Training for Neuroplasticity & High I.Q."
"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ""I have started already! Brilliant course, very easy to follow and implement, I have already done my first 11 minute session with surprising results!"" - (Student) ""I highly recommend this course for anyone looking to widen their thinking perspectives and creative power."" - (Student) ""I'm excited to start applying the concepts in this course. AHA is right!"" - (Student) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you want to be smarter? Do you need to solve problems more efficiently? Do you feel like you're struggling to find your creative voice? Is there a mystery you need to conquer, a job you need to master, or a language you need to learn? How come it looks like some people tap into endless pools of intelligence, creativity, and insight? Are they genius and what would you accomplish when you think like a genius, too? The key isn't who you are, where you were born, or what you do for a living. The key is how you THINK. How you use your mind is the door to your experience. Geniuses are people who encourage creative processes in their mind. Ultimately, they create time and space for richer mental connections to form. This is the science of neuroplasticity. Look at Einstein's brain, and you'll see that his brain wasn't any bigger than yours or mine, but it had more neural connections than average. Some areas of his brain packed more punch because of how he used his mind, his thoughts, and his imagination. He wasn't born that way either. Genius thinking increases your intelligence to problem solve, create, focus, and perceive. These are the keys to transforming life (and the world!) from the inside out. That's where your brain training comes in. With this creative course to productive brain training you: Gain mental clarity in work and playReduce stress and remove self-doubtSee a number of possibilities where most people only see oneConnect with your deep intuitive knowledgeExercise mental mastery in real-life scenariosAdvance your mind in the directions you choose (from physics, patents, parenting, writing your book, teaching a course, academic excellence, skill building, life hacking, world peace, autodidact titillation, character development, to developing apps or building your business... You decide.) To rise above overwhelming ""uh-oh's"", and start getting on demand epiphanies, you only need 11 minutes a day for the technique plus 11 minutes for review for a minimum of 11 days. You could easily spend $1,000's of dollars searching for solutions... or you can get right to the heart of the matter in this laser-focused course. Genius problem-solving and creativity is not restricted from you. Genius thinking is yours if you're daring enough to: Embrace your potentialSeize your passionTrust your selfThink biggerAnd overcome obstacles in a bold way. In just a few hours, you will be thinking in extraordinary, new ways with simple, but wildly effective brain training. I understand if you think maybe it works for some people... but I personally guarantee this course will eliminate your self-doubt. You will discover your inner genius. Test it out 11 minutes at a time for 11 days. If you aren't amazed by your personal development and increase in creativity, your problem-solving abilities, and I.Q. boost have a full 30 days to tell Udemy you want a refund. Stimulate Your Inner Genius and take this course today for the best brain training using creative writing, speaking, and intelligent thinking exercises."
Price: 169.99

"The Weather Around You, Understanding How the Weather Works"
"Ever wonder why afternoon thunderstorms form in the summer, or how hail forms? Maybe you have another question about weather but do not want to learn all of the complicated mathematics and science that are included in a detailed meteorology class? In this course, The Weather Around You, I will teach you what you want to know about basic weather phenomenon, from how small air eddies form, to how the earth's tilt and orbit impact our weather. We will work our way into many different concepts necessary for understanding the weather. As we move through the course together, we will discuss air pressure, energy and how it actually warms us up, water's role, clouds, precipitation, storm formation and so much more. Toward the end of the course we will also discuss how different weather events are formed, such as thunderstorms, tornadoes and lightning. Each lecture will cover a specific idea or concept about the weather, without lingering too long on any one subject. lectures are generally 5 - 10 minutes in length and have a brief review at the end. After each section you will be given the opportunity to see how much you have learned by taking a short quiz pertaining to the information we have covered! When you finish this course you will have a great understanding of what the weather is doing around you, as well as know what the weather forecasters actually mean when you hear them use weather related terms!"
Price: 19.99

"Save Time in Character Animation for After Effects"
"Stop your I dont have time for this and animate quickly, using a powerful technique that helps you animate with just a few clicks and drags. The most common reason why people neglect to pursue something in their lives is because the lack of time. Lots of work, lots of things to do. Thats the very reason why millions of people love to learn how to do things faster and easier. But how can you do something if there is no such way yet? Frustration hurts, but I had to overcome it. And better yet, help others to avoid it. When I started to take a bit of my sleep time to start a project in animation, I just knew it was going to take me forever, and after the frustration of dropping the project for a couple of months, I came back for revenge! (Not in the negative way, more like in an EPIC WAY!) It was after watching a couple of tutorials for After Effects on Video Copilot that I learned the power of expressions. Got me inspired. There could actually be a way to solve this! As you know, there is no spoiler in saying this, but yes, I found a way. HOORAY! Finally, a solution! That solution is what this course is about. Teaching you how to speed up your animation time with an advanced technique: Rigged Characters. Rigging characters has been used since a couple of years ago, but what I teach you here is how to automate the movements by using expressions (Java code and lots math) inside After Effects to give you the ability to move your characters with just clicks and drags. Just check 1 hour of free lessons to see if you find the techniques interesting. What options do I have for animating a character? Picture this. You have a project in your mind, lets say, a 2 minute animation. You have the plot in your mind, its a good story and you even have the main characters drawn and ready. You know how to use After Effects, because you went to Video Copilot and learned the basics for free. Option 1: Puppet tool You could put your drawings inside After Effects and put a couple of puppet pins, so you can move the character by changing the position of the pins. Right? Well that takes a lot of time to animate, its faster than drawing frame-by-frame, but still takes a lot of time. Option 2: Cut out animation Maybe you dont know about the puppet tool technique and you just split the character into the different parts of the body. The arms, the legs, the body and the head. Everything in a separate layer. Animating that rig takes a lot of time too. Maybe its faster than classical animation but it won't be as fast as a few clicks and drags to change the position. What can you do to make it super fast? Option 3: Advanced Rigging Using a powerful rig that calculates everything for you so you only have to make a few clicks and drags to change the position of your character. Its so easy that you will remember when you played with toys Have you ever played with toys? If you wanted to raise the hand of your Action Figure or your Barbie, all you had to do was to take the hand and raise it right? Imagine if animating was that simple. Well, this is what this course is going to teach you. How to change body positions in a snap. When you find a solution, everybody wants to know it After I came up with this technique, I brought it to the studio I work for (I do motion graphics for commercials), and they went crazy. They started to ask me for lots of tips because I knew that the secret to be faster in animation was by using expressions. Anybody who knows how to use After Effects knows that the secret to speed up your work is by automating with expressions. And the only way I could help everybody, was by organizing the process and create a couple of videos. Thats when the idea for this course was born. Rigged Characters are the common way to speed your animation, everybody knows that Rigged Characters are what most professionals under a schedule use. Im talking about Nickelodeon, Disney TV. They all use techniques to rig characters and animate faster. But until now, there was no way you could achieve all this in After Effects, you had to do your animation in Toon Boom, or Animate Studio. What about us? The After Effects Community? Well, this is my contribution. An Advanced Rig that helps you control your character easily and quickly, all inside After Effects. If you havent checked yet, take a look at 1 hour of free lessons and see for yourself how easy you can achieve this rig, and how it can help you to animate faster. It all sounds great, but, What level of knowledge do I need? Because I know there is a lot of people who doesnt know how to use After Effects, I made an update and included a tour of the software. Everyone is getting it now. And if you are a veteran user, you might discover some advanced little tips that can help you cut your work time in half. Check the reviews. Animating faster is not only something people with little time need, but also big studios who work under a schedule. This course will help you achieve faster times, deliver work earlier and stay ahead of schedule. What if I dont understand something? What if I need help? If you have a question, just ask me and I try to reach as fast as possible. I answer all questions, mostly on the same day. I check my inbox twice a day. And just so you know, this course has had tons of modifications thanks to the many questions I received. Many lessons have been re recorded so anyone can understand the concepts. Really, any doubt you have is actually a way to help improve this course. Check the free lessons now! What are you waiting for? Preview the free hour of video lessons and if you believe this course is what you were looking for, enroll for the complete 4.5 hour course and discover the secret techniques that can help you cut your working time in half. Inside you will find the project files to follow along and easy to follow instructions to achieve this powerful technique. Enroll today!"
Price: 49.99

"Excel Course 10- Advanced Excel Skills And Career Tips"
"Please note:This courses content is also used as part of our 35 hours Excel course. If you are an enrolled student of the latter, please do not buy this individual course since the content will be the same. If you are not a student of the latter mentioned course and decide to buy this sub-individual course, please note this courses content is repeated in certain parts of our 35 hours Excel course. What can learning Excel do for you? Here are some of the jobs which use Excel as a main tool along with the average salary (figures as of 6th March 2015): Sales and Marketing Manager: $47,514 Office Manager: $31,979 Financial Analyst: $49,933 Management Consultant: $72,683Great right? Want even better news?This Excel course can help you get there. This Excel course will teach you Excel skills that can help you get these types of roles plus give you substantial advice on how to write Excel examples of work you have done, on your resume. A free one hour personal consultation over Google Hangouts is also given with me to help you do this and get that dream Excel job. You will learn amazing Excel techniques to save time, be more productive and get noticed. All workbooks are provided and case studies are used to teach concepts. Regarding support, as with all our Excel courses made by us (Mach 42 Productions), full support is given on the material via the discussion forums.Remember also, if you don't like this course for whatever reason within 30 days, you are entitled to a full refund. So take this course and I look forward to seeing you on the other side."
Price: 149.99

"Rock The Review: Get Promoted as VIP Talent"
"** Course valued at $500. ** Over 250 students within 24 hours of going live Are you getting overlooked for new projects and promotions? Are you putting in long hours of hard work, hoping someone will notice? You are starting to feel undervalued and unappreciated in the office- you are starting to feel invisible. It hurts, because you know you have a lot to offer and you crave to feel fired up at work. Its time to feel confident and fulfilled at work . Its time for you to discover your unique talents and confidently communicate your value to get the opportunities you deserve. Your performance review is the ideal opportunity for you to showcase who you are, why you matter and ask for what you need to take it to the next level of your career. Isnt it time to own your awesomeness? Im Tania DeSa, a leadership trainerwith an MBA who has acted on these strategies to achieve success across industries, organizations and countries. Im going to help you own your awesomeness and stand out in the workplace as top talent. This course will help you: Get clear on your career direction Courageously ask for what you want Decide what you want (and dont want) in a role Confidently showcase your talent Build a stellar relationship with your boss Fearlessly ask for what you want (and get it) Measure your success effortlessly throughout the year Its time to ignite your purpose, own your worth and amplify your impact in the workplace. Its time to build a clear vision for where you want to go and then take action to make that vision a reality. I want to help you achieve your career ambition. I want to help others see you as the superstar you are. I will guide you through a step-by-step process of rocking your performance review. You will hear case studies from my own career, practical advice from Fortune 500 managers, directors and CEOs, and get fill-in-the-blank templates to use in your own performance review. Ive consolidated years of experience into a single success system that you can complete in a few lunch hours during the workweek. You CAN rock your performance review to shine as top talent and catapult your career to the next level. Youre not alone and it doesnt have to be difficult. What you do matters so let me support you in owning your worth and rising to new levels of greatness at work (and lets have fun in the process). ** This Course is valued at over $500, but I'm on a mission to help you be seen and heard at work so I'd like to offer the course to you at an over 70% discount**"
Price: 179.99

"I brew-U brew: small spaces, minimal gear, lotsa beer"
"Take a look in any home brewing catalogue and you'd likely feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of trinkets available for purchase. Doesn't that seem kind of strange given the fact that beer has a 7,000 year history? I've brewed in barns, houses, 125sq/ft apartments, a commercial brewery and with electricity, propane and even over firewood. This course is the summation of my 12 years of brewing and experience. The longer I brew the more I keep coming back to simple, DIY brewing. Over this course, I will walk you through 3 different brewing rigs and their many potential variations. In addition, I will give you a tour of 6 different kegerator configurations and help you find an equipment build that fits your brewing needs without crushing your homebrew budget. Come with me on 2 actual step-by-step brews on 2 different systems: a 50 dollar brew-in-a-bag system and my super efficient 10 gallon/4.5 sq. ft vertical system. This course includes videos, illustrations, PDFs and pictures and access to I brew-U brew's discussion group."
Price: 29.99

"I Brew U brew: Brew like a Bachelor"
"In this second I Brew - U Brew course series, I draw from my 13 years of brewing experience, in order to teach you deliberate and time conscious methods of how to make 5 gallons of all-grain beer, while utilizing DIY techniques in a very tiny brewing space. Forget everything you know, as you witness alternative mashing, fermenting, bottling and kegging techniques. I'll also show you efficient and time-saving strategies, while completely eliminating the need for a mash tun, all the while turn up the heat on the Brew in a Bag method. Bachelorism is more than a marital status, its a way of brewing. Deliberate, repurposed, ambitious, thirsty and resourceful - there is a little bit of bachelor in all of us! By purchasing "I Brew - U Brew: Brew like a Bachelor," you'll have an unlimited access to videos, PDFs, screencasts and illustrations. After completing this course, you'll be a confident single batch (5 gallons) Brew in a Bag brewer. This will help you transition seamlessly into a double batch (10 gallons) mash tun-focused brewing system, which is illustrated in my other course "I Brew - U Brew: small spaces, minimal gear, lotsa beer.""
Price: 29.99

"Psychosynosis: to learn more effectively."
"UPDATE: Almost 400 students within the first day!! I'm honored to share my work with everyone and will continue to add more content through december to teach, stimulate, engage, and provoke thought. Sign up today for the low price of $9!! Price will be increased soon! __________________________________________________________________ Would you like to develop psychological immunity, mindfully learn from some of the worlds greatest thinkers and learn..HOW to learn more effectively in ANY and EVERY field you come across? Then this course is for you! I have spent many years in psychology both from a research perspective and through my own independent self-study of knowledge and how our brains interact with it. Through this study in psychology, neuroscience, creativity, education, philosophy, and health, I have concluded that the relationship we have to knowledge and how we interact with it through our brains is the key in successful learning. In this course you will: Learn how to be more mindful of the hidden potential in everything you learn Develop your brain by educating and training it through different fields Combine different areas in life to see the common theme and open up new avenues for learning + succeeding in life Learn from some of the worlds greatest thinkers Gandhi Helen Keller Bruce Lee Viktor Frankl Carl Jung Aristotle Even Sherlock Holmes! Develop greater attention and communication skills Develop better relationships with others and yourself as well! Enhance empathy Lower stress and anxiety Develop psychological immunity to obstacles in your life Interact with every course on Udemy (even across courses) on a much deeper level through research informed by psychology, neuroscience and creativity experts Transform a piece of knowledge that may seem of little value into something priceless This simple yet powerful course will teach you all of this and supply you with the tools to utilize Psychosynosis in your own life, in any and every field. Im honored to share my work with you! It has saved my life in many ways and can enhance your own in so many ways! Enroll today!"
Price: 19.99

"Treat Depression and Anxiety With Exercise!"
"Update: Over 200 students in under 12 hours of going live!! Join the Get Fit, Get Smart Revolution today!!!! _______________________________________________________________________ Do you suffer with symptoms of depression and anxiety? Do you feel the blues? Feel nervous before big events? These are the silent killers of the braina nd body but they don't have to be! Exercise and movement are the secret keys to dealing with these issues (in addition to whole host of other health conditions) but nobody is telling us how it works? Our brains and hearts have neurological growth factors that become amazing brain boosters that flood our bodies and minds. These brain boosters can even reverese the effects of stress! Learn how to treat depression, anxiety, get fit, get smart and get healthy all through movement! Learn about the exciting new research coming out of the top universities in the world, including Harvard! Learn what no doctor in the world will tell you! Learn how to save your own life, boost your brain and live a healthy life! This course will show you HOW these brain boosters work, what they can do for you and how exercise can help boost your brain! Supported by a wealth of research! Resources on how to tackel fitness now matter how you prefer to do it! No gym, no problem! Bodybuilding? There's a great book for that! Want to learn the secrets of exercising properly? I will show you the best resource for that! I have a personal knowledge of both physical and psychological problems people face every day. I have a degree in psychology with a background in clinical neuroscience. I'm also a certified life coach and an ISSA fitness trainer with almost ten years of training experience myself. I was once classified as overweight, suffered with depression/anxiety, had high blood pressure - I even almost had brain surgery! Exercise and my devotion to fitness is what helped me crawl out of that dark place and lose 50 pounds. I saved my own life and hel become a better me! You can too! I'm here to help and want to share my knowledge! Take this course and be armed with all the knowledge and motivation for fitness you will ever need!"
Price: 19.99

"Instant Plug and Play Affiliate Funnel Profits"
"Wondering how to earn enough in a month in affiliate commissions to quit your day job, while building your list and partnering with a multi-million-dollar company (without getting out your credit card)?This is the same system that allowed an accountant to quit his job in 4 monthsThe same system that allowed a woman whose life was in a bad place, even spent some time in the affiliate contest and her dream car while making 10K a month.The best part:This training involves a FREE plug n play funnel you can use to do just that RIGHT NOW! In fact, the EXACT same funnel they used to get that same success!Are you tired of dealing with failing at affiliate marketing? Do you feel like all the gurus know something you dont?You are not alone. A lot of people end up frustrated when trying to make money online with affiliate marketing because theyre using methods they find on YouTube that just dont cut it (sound familiar?)You have no productYou have no listYou have no experience or street credUnfortunately, these solutions havent worked that well and ended up leaving you without a real and lasting solution.But now, theres an answer that fix that (and has won multiple people their dream car paid for. Seriously.)Introducing the affiliate side hustle business in a boxHeres just a few things about it that will help you. without all the headaches of creating content, building a list and begging affiliates to share their goodiesA powerful done for you, plug and play, affiliate marketing funnel that builds your list, helps you make affiliate commissions on autopilot, and sell products to eager customers (and Ill show you where they are ready, willing and able to buy secret ninja trick.shhhhh!)And theres a whole lot more.Stop the frustration of solutions that dont work and buy now.You can stop struggling to make money online with affiliate marketing by having all the work done for you and a multi-million-dollar company on your side (hint: he gets paid more money to speak than top actors and politicians!)BUY NOW and be set up in under an hour!(VERY IMPORTANT: THIS COURSE INLUDES A DONE FOR YOU, PLUG AND PLAY FUNNEL YOU CAN START DRIVING TRAFFIC TOO RIGHT NOW! We even share top traffic sources!)"
Price: 139.99

"13 Linkedin Lead Generation Hacks"
"""Unlock the Secrets on How to Use LinkedIn to Generate Targeted Leads and Dramatically Increase Sales for Your Business""Finally! Discover Everything You Need to Know for Your Business to Find Success on LinkedIn!Since its launch in 2003, LinkedIn has been known as an excellent place to search and find a new job and stay connected with link-minded individuals and former colleagues and friends. However, LinkedIn is so much more than that.For businesses, it is a powerful marketing tool that can help them generate more target leads and dramatically increase sales for their business.In today's age of social media, leveraging a professional social network like LinkedIn to drive sales leads is becoming more critical than ever before.Most Businesses Fail When It Comes To Using LinkedInMany businesses have failed to effectively harness the power of LinkedIn for a variety of reasons, including:They don't think that their customers are on social media.They believe that only young people use social media.They think that social media marketing is too much work and a waste of time.The feel that if they use social media platforms, like LinkedIn, they will only open their business to criticism.They dont really understand how to use it.They don't think that social media marketing drives any meaningful results.Unfortunately, these kinds of excuses are doing nothing to help you grow your business.With more than 500 million users, LinkedIn is the largest professional networking site in the world and an excellent place for companies to make meaningful connections with others in their industry, find highly qualified and targeted leads, and to drive more traffic to their business websites to increase brand awareness and generate leads.If youre ready to ditch the excuses and finally tap into the power of LinkedIn, youre in luck, because Ive compiled a comprehensive guide that will show you how to use LinkedIn to generate targeted leads and dramatically increase sales for your business.Allow me to introduce to you...LINKEDIN SUCCESSHow To Use LinkedIn To Generate Targeted Leads and Dramatically Increase Sales For Your BusinessHeres what youll discover when you take the first step and purchase this powerful guide for finding success on LinkedIn.Learn how to create a killer company profile on LinkedIn that will help you convert more leads and increase sales.Discover the secrets to effectively using content marketing on LinkedIn to gain more connections and increase brand awareness.Find out how to utilize LinkedIn Groups to increase leads and become known as an expert in your industry.Learn why its important to measure and monitor the results of your marketing efforts on LinkedIn.Learn why upgrading to a premium LinkedIn account can get you even more targeted leads.Discover the secrets to finding and selling your prospects on LinkedIn.Find out what rookie LinkedIn mistakes you need to avoid to use LinkedIn to generate more leads successfully.And much more!FAST-ACTION BONUS #1: Point-By-Point ChecklistView or print this handy checklist so that you can check off each point.It is like a summary of the entire guide but in actionable, bite-sized points so that you can successfully get through the course.FAST-ACTION BONUS #2: Resource Cheat SheetYou'll also get access to a rolodex of top sites, blogs, forums, tools, apps and services to get you even further.Inside you'll find:Top blogs and forumsTop toolsTop tips and how to's+ more!Plus 13 hacks to Linkedin Lead Generation!How to increase engagement 11xHow to utilize video to increase engagement with our leadsHow to instantly add professional authority to all your emails - for FREEHow to use the authority of others and have them build your list FOR you!Psychological hack to get people to ask about your products!Have the best sales person promoting you 24/7 around the clock, even when you sleep!How to use your cover photo as a lead generation tool!Where to find DFY content of the highest quality to brand yourself as an authority TODAY - with NO work.Get Linkedin to promote you for FREE!Discover a way to have conversions on your lead magnets and registration pages at 90% to 99%! Salespages are dead!You will also get VIPaccess to FREE masterclass training from world renown Linkedin Expert John Nemo!Here are just some of the benefits that youll gain:You'll gain an inside look into the recent LinkedIn upgrades and what the site has in store for the future.You'll discover what elements are essential for making your LinkedIn profile stand out from the more than 500 million users worldwide.Youll learn how to use content marketing to increase profile views, become a thought leader in your industry, and gain more connections. Youll discover why creating your own LinkedIn group can give you the best chances of being seen as an expert and how it can dramatically increase the leads you receive.You'll learn which tools can be used to measure and monitor your marketing efforts effectively.Youll discover which type of LinkedIn account is best for your business and how you can utilize each to grow your leads and increase your business sales. Youll find out the best practices for finding more leads and how to get those leads to buy from you.Youll find out what not to do when it comes to finding new leads and increasing sales for your business. And so much more!"
Price: 199.99

"Fiverr Reseller Academy"
"Are You Ready To Start Building Your Online Empire Five Bucks At A Time?Its About Time For You To StartMaking Money On Fiverr TODAY!Compared to traditional freelancing, Fiverr removes a lot of doubt and guesswork from the freelance process.If you are looking to earn a full-time income, you have to learn how to use Fiverr the right way.You don't have to play the Fiverr freelancing game to lose!Dear Friend,Fiverr has taken the internet by storm.There is really no other way to say it. This little freelancing platform that could has totally transformed people's expectations of getting and providing freelance services through an online exchange format.It seems that Fiverr has solved the two most common problems freelance platforms have historically struggled with.Fiverr not only offers a ton of services from a wide range of eager providers from all over the world, but it also is able to pull in lots of buyers.When you put these two factors together, it is no surprise that Fiverr has become the ""go to"" freelance service destination on the internet.Fiverr has many testimonials of people claiming that their income on this platform has replaced their regular job's income.But there's a big warning sign. You have to be careful about using Fiverr the right way.If you don't know what you're doing or if you don't have a strategy, you end up wasting time and, yes, money, in the form of opportunity costs.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My AdviceYou are going to understand the truth about making money off Fiverr.You will learn to identify six different methods anybody can use to make real money off Fiverr.You will learn everything there is to know about playing the Fiverr game the right way.You can begin to understand how lucrative this micro-freelancing platform can be.You are going to learn exactly how to think outside of the traditional freelancing box.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...I N T R O D U C I N GHow To Make Money On FiverrA Systematic Guide To Building Your Online Empire Five Bucks At A TimeNo stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the sameHeres Just AQuick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside...Fiverr's SecretThe Good News?The Biggest Hassle with Fiverr6 Better Ways to Make Money Off FiverrOffer premium value-added servicesBundle others services and sell turnkey assetsBundle others services and sell operational assetsBuy Services That Help You Buy Resellable High-Value AssetsResell Cheap Fiverr Services at Other Higher Value LocationsUse Fiverr Services to Build Your Own AssetsPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually start making money off Fiverr! Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou want to dedicate yourself to charging a lot more for your time.You want to stop trying to turn your spare time into spare cash.You know that traditional freelancing is also not very scalable.You want to have the chance to make real money off Fiverr.You want to learn how to play the Fiverr freelancing game to win.Does This Sound Like ExactlyWhat You Need?But maybe your question is:How Much?If you were going to hire an expert on this, to show you how its done, you could easily find yourself investing hundreds of dollars for this sort of coaching.In fact, many people invest hundreds and thousands of dollars to get into coaching programs or attend workshops...But, you wont have to invest anywhere near that today.When You Make The Wise DecisionTo Grab This Today Youll Also Get These...Fast Action BonusesFast Action Bonus #1 How To Make Money On Fiverr - Cheat SheetThis cheat sheet is a handy checklist that makes it easy to get started.It breaks up the entire guide into easy-to-follow steps so that you can make sure you have all the highlights of everything covered inside right at your fingertips.Valued at $27Fast Action Bonus #2 How To Make Money On Fiverr - Mind MapSome people learn better by looking at a mind map. The mind map gives you an overview of everything covered inside the guide. You can also print it out for quick reference anytime you need it!Valued at $17Fast Action Bonus #3 How To Make Money On Fiverr - Resource GuideThe Resource Guide gives you a quick point of reference to all of the resources mentioned throughout the guide.This makes it easy to plug-in and stick with what youre looking for.Valued at $17PLUS - SUPER BONUSES!!!FREE Affiliate Marketing Master Course (Taught by a real six-figure marketer!)You Will Learn...What Affiliate Marketing is and why it is without a doubt, the best business for beginners looking to make money onlineHow to choose your Profitable Niche and position yourself in a way that gives you the most opportunities for monetizationWhere to find the best affiliate programsto join and how to make sure you'll get paid on time.How to partner with trusted brands and the world's largest e-commerce leaderThe 3 different types of affiliate programs that yield the most consistent resultsWhere to Find the Best Trafficfor high conversions and which traffic sources you must avoid if you want to be successfulThe 1 Thing that separates Professional Affiliate Marketers making a full time income from the amateurs who struggle to make their first dollarHow to Get Floods of Highly Targeted Traffic to your affiliate offersFREE Shopify Mastery Course (Get your store up in 24 hours and make bank today!)What You Are Going To Learn...How to get your store up and running quickly and easily, without stressThe 3 pages you must have on your store to stay legalHow You can begin making sales BEFORE you even pay ShopifyAll the settings you need to adjust (and which ones you don't)How to almost instantly add products to your store (including beautiful images)How To fulfill your first order after you make a saleInstalling the Facebook Pixel (without this your Facebook Ads wont work properly)How to keep your store organized by creating collectionsFREE Business in a Box Super Funnel (Copy and paste this business that made George WIckens over $4, 000 in one month!)*MORE Secret Bonuses Inside!* (10x Value of this course - you NEED these!)Try This Guide On MY DIME Theres No Risk!There are a lot of people that claim to offer a solution on how to start How To Make Money On Fiverr, so its understandable if youre a little skeptical.I can keep telling you just how great my guide is, but you really need to go through it and see for yourself what its all about to know if its for youThats why Im going to give you a FULL 30 days to decide if this is for youIf for any reason, or no reason at all, youre not 100% satisfied with whats inside, simply send me an email, and Ill refund every penny of your tiny investmentNo questions asked!Thank you so much for taking the time to take a look at this extremely limited offer that has the potential to help you tap the power of motivation to push you to live a more effective and purposeful life!Ill see you on the inside![SIGNATURE]PS Ive compiled some of the most frequently asked questions about the guide that will show you how to plan for success!Frequently Asked QuestionsWhats this all about?This is a guide that will show you how to get motivated on command, so you can achieve your state of flow.Who is this for?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou want to produce a lot of stuff, take care of your best work and feel good about it.You want to push yourself to do more and more complicated stuff.You know that the future is not going to happen until you lift a finger to do things now.You want to live a more effective and purposeful life.You want to learn how to get motivated on command.How long until I see results?You can begin seeing results extremely quickly Within days and sometimes even within hours of getting started. The more you make this a part of your daily life, the better the results youll get.How do I get INSTANT ACCESS?Click the button below nowDo I need to buy anything other than this guide?Thats the great thing about this All you need to learn about viral marketing, is in this step-by-step guide.How much?If you were going to hire an expert on this, to show you how its done, you could easily find yourself investing hundreds of dollars for this sort of coaching. But, you wont have to invest anywhere near that today.Is there a guarantee?You bet. You get a full 30 days to make sure this is for you. If for any reason, or no reason at all, youre not 100% satisfied, simply send me an email, and Ill refund every penny of your tiny investmentNo questions asked!"
Price: 199.99

". , , ! , , , ? , ? SMM ? ? ? , ! ? ; ; ; ; , , , . ? , ; () ; ; ; . ! . , ! . , !"
Price: 19.99

"- Udemy:"
"- ! , ? , , ? , , ? , ! - , , , , , ! , -! ? , , . , . . -. . -. , . -. - . -. -. , , . , Udemy. Udemy. -. ? , . , , , , , . , , . , . . , . , , . . ! . , -! . , , !"
Price: 24.99