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"Learn Photoshop CS6 FAST in under 3 hours!"
"This course is great if you are just beginning at Photoshop CS6 or are looking for a quick refresher course. It will help you master the most essential elements of Photoshop and get you started working on your images in no time! I understand that your time is precious and you do not need to master the more complex elements which you might not even need! This course is focused on getting you started with digital image editing with PS CS6, quickly and efficiently. You will learn about: * PS interface * Managing files * Selections * Image adjustments * Retouching and more Start working with Photoshop in under 3 hours!"
Price: 94.99

"Autoliderazgo - Construye la vida que T deseas"
"Tienes la vida que realmente deseas? Has estado dispuesto a tomar accin para alcanzar los sueos y metas que quieres?  Ests dispuesto a ir ms all de la teora y construir la vida que realmente quieres vivir?Sabas que el xito de tu vida, tus relaciones y tu abundancia financiera depende un 80% de tus pensamientos y creencias y un 20% de tus acciones?Autoliderazgo es camino para que aprendas a construir la vida que deseas. Todo inicia en la calidad de tus creencias, pensamientos y conocimiento que son los que te llevan a tomar acciones y stas a los resultados que obtienes. Hoy eres resultado del proceso anterior. Este curso te ayuda a reflexionar en ello, crear un prctico plan de accin y avanzar hacia una mejor calidad de vida tanto personas, como social y laboral. Aprender a ir por resultados ms que slo fantasear con una vida mejor. He logrado la vida que deseo y hoy te comparto este curso porque deseo que ms y ms personas realicen sus sueos y sus metas. El poder es tuyo y t decides, yo te muestro un camino probado en cientos de personas, y deseo que seas un nuevo testimonio de xito. Tan seguro estoy de lo que digo que si no te es til tienes una garanta de devolucin de 30 das. Si lo aplicas, mejoras! Soy Guido Rosas y he dictado ms de 1000 conferencias de Autoliderazgo en diversos pases de habla hispana y Estados Unidos; hoy te comparto la experiencia probada para que t logres obtener una vida mucho mejor a la actual en las reas que t elijas.Salvador Torres, uno de los estudiantes, opina: No hay duda que me queda un sabor de boca placentero, pues este curso es magnfico, no solo en contenido, sino en la calidad humana que percibo en el Instructor, Lic. Guido Rosas,  mis humildes felicitaciones para Usted, por este material tan valioso que nos pone al alcance de todo aquel que desea superarse. Gracias por compartirActualizado en Noviembre 2019  Autoliderazgo es un curso terico prctico que te lleva a un prctico plan de accin hacia una mejora de tus resultados.    Toma las riendas de tu vida y construye la vida que deseas para ti!        Si te hicieron creer que lo mejor no era para ti, que tenas que vivir la vida que te toc vivir y que tienes que resignarte a vivir la vida que puedas tener sin que te guste, empieza a cuestionar tus creencias obsoletas. Es momento de generar un cambio a favor y asumir tu Autoliderazgo.  Empodrate hacia una vida mejor desarrollando tu Autoliderazgo. No pienses en que mejorars... aprende y mejora.      En este curso:  Comprenders la importancia de la calidad de tus pensamientos y el impacto en los resultados de tu vida.Aprenders a escuchar tus creencias limitantes y cmo convertirlas en creencias constructivas.Comprenders la importancia de tus acciones y cmo tomar un mejor camino para reaccionar menos y accionar ms a favor de las cosas que deseas lograr.Aprenders a construir metas posibles y alcanzables dentro de tus capacidades y creencias. Te conocers ms a ti mismo.Podrs disear un plan de accin para alcanzar mucho mejores resultados en tus proyectos y desarrollo de nuevas metas. En pocas palabras: Tendrs las herramientas para construirte una vida mucho mejor de la que vives el da de hoy.      El curso Autoliderazgo te lleva paso a paso hacia un prctico plan de accin para lograr mejoras en tu vida tanto a nivel personal, como familiar y con mejores resultados de negocios.        Asume tu liderazgo personal y toma las riendas de tu vida hacia la vida que t desees.  Con el curso te regalo el libro electrnico de Autoliderazgo del cual se han vendido ms de 25,000 ejemplares impresos en el mundo de habla hispana.    Autoliderazgo, un curso con herramientas prcticas que ha sido dictado para miles de personas en diversos pases del Continente Americano, ahora est a tu alcance en cualquier pas del mundo. Lo ms importante es que en tu poder est la decisin de seguir pensando que mejorars o tomar accin para mejorar tu vida y tus resultados."
Price: 2970.00

"MS Excel Advance Training: Solve Difficult Problems"
"Updated on 18 August, 2015""Advanced Excel 2007 for Professionals"" is a comprehensive online training program. It is covered in 6 hours of videos and covers exhaustive list of topics. There are so many features available in excel that can save a lot of time & can make your work presentable. We are specialists in offering expert level training courses and other great features of Excel. As part of our Advanced Excel training you will gain the necessary knowledge required for the efficient use of the tools and other exciting features which this outstanding software has to offer. Categories of all Functions Covered:Basic Excel Calculation & FunctionExcel Short CutsConditional FunctionsText and Lookup Function: Right, Left, Mid, Find, Search, Len, Rept etcFinance, Database Functions NPV. IRR, FvSchedule, PMT, IPMT, PPMTMaths & Stats Sumif, Averageif, Countif, Ceiling, Floor etcDate & Time Workday, Networkdays, Datedif, Edate etcWhat IF analysis Data Table, Scenario manager, Goal SeekArray Functions SumProduct, TransposeAdditional Features in 2010 Customize Ribbon, SlicerTools and Commands:Conditional FormattingPaste SpecialGo To Special, Sorting, Filter, Adv FilterError Tracking, Evaluate Formula, Name ManagerImport Date from webText to Column, Data Validation, ConsolidateWhat IF Analysis, Scenario Manager, Goal SeekGrouping, SubTotal, SolverWorkbook & workSheet ProtectionsPivot TableSpinner, Scroll Bar, List Box, Combo BoxAnalysis Tool Pack Much more to explore in the videos."
Price: 34.99

"How to talk to my family & friends about my child's autism"
"As a parent of a child with autism, it can be a daunting task looking for help and information. This 35 minute class will begin the conversation to prepare you and your family for living with autism. I have been working with individuals and autism spectrum disorder since 1980. Currently, I am the Director of Staff Development for the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services. This ensures my varied background working with families. I can offer you direction, support and assistance in speaking with professionals. I can help you talk about autism with your family and friends. In this course, you will learn: 1. What can I do as a parent of a child with autism? 2. What resources are out there for families who have children with autism? 3. How do I talk to my family and friends about autism and our child? 4. What therapies are available for individuals with autism? 5. How do I "speak" about autism with the professionals? 6. What do all the autism acronyms mean? Today, almost everyone knows someone with autism. And yet, there is rarely any information on how we can support a family with this diagnosis. All too often, because people don't know what to dothey do nothing! I will provide you with guidance on having that conversation with friends and family. You will need those close to you to have understanding about how this affects your family. I will provide you with guidance on having that conversation with The Professionals. It may not be easybut you will need them. I commend and praise you for taking these first steps in educating yourself about your child's autism. You know what they say 'knowledge is power' and you will need both! This will be a life-long journey. Dr. V-"
Price: 19.99

"Strategies: Teaching an Inclusive Class For All Students"
"The number of children being diagnosed with Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is on the rise. This is creating increasing demands on the educational system and its most valuable asset, the teacher. This class will provide useful and practical resources for ALL teachers. Students with ASD differ from their peers in a variety of ways, though they may outperform them in certain areas. Some have stronger rote abilities and can do spatial, matching and perceptual tasks with greater ease than their peers. Some may excel at mathematics and science. The task for the teacher is to know that the student with ASD will have a mixed ability of strengths and weaknesses. In the best classroom, the teacher focuses on the students strengths while teaching to the specific weaknesses. A good teacher will always develop an interest in their students. A good teacher in an integrated classroom will also need to have an understanding of autism. This class will provide you will ideas to assist ALL children."
Price: 19.99

"Autism - Tips for Air Travel - Yes You Can!"
"How to travel safely, smoothly and sanely with children who have autism spectrum disorder...Autism - Travel made easy(ier) - YOU CAN JOURNEY too! This course will provide you with easy and practical information to assist you and your family to have a safe and smooth vacation for everyone, especially your children with autism spectrum disorder. I will provide you with easy, inexpensive ways to make your trip an adventure for all. I will provide you some insight information I have gathered while working with children with ASD. Hello, my name is Dr Valarie Whiting and I have worked in Human Services for more than 30 years. I have worked with many innovators, top teachers, and researchers in the autism world. I hope you will look at my information and share your experiences as well. I am so happy you decided to buy this class! I know you will learn something helpful! Dr. Valarie"
Price: 19.99

"The Six Steps to Living Your Powerful Potential"
"Do you feel stuck in place, held back by false beliefs in your inability to change? Are you fed up with those who try to tell you what youre capable of and should be doing with your life? Do you still harbor a hope that its not too late to live your dreams (even if you may have forgotten what those dreams are)? If so, this course will help you: Cultivate the courage to take action despite your fears Learn how to effectively build the strength and skills you need to succeed Maintain the focus necessary to take everything youve learned and direct it to developing and reaching your potential Continue progressing forward. This course is different in that it isnt a one-time quick fix. You will learn and practice the Six Steps so that you can use them again and again to continually grow and strengthen the potential within you. Once you have gained the knowledge and ability to step through this process, you can continually climb higher and higher toward your potential."
Price: 29.99

"Painting and Finishing Scale Plastic Models"
"Painting plastic models such as airplanes and cars is the most fun yet challenging part of building them. There is a tremendous amount to learn to produce a decent result. This course will walk you through the various materials, tools and techniques, and give you the confidence to produce great model paint jobs. Master the Art of Painting Plastic Models Types of Plastic Model Paint Paint Brushes, Spray cans, and Airbrushes Weathering to simulate wear, aging and rust Dry-brushing, panel fade, washes, paint chipping Camouflage Application Bare Metal Foil Applying Decals Making your own Markings You will likely spend tens of hours (or in some cases hundreds of hours!) getting your plastic model to the stage where it is ready for painting and finishing. You will more than likely invest additional hours in painting several layers before the model is done. One mistake due to lack of preparation or not recognizing a potential problem could leave you frustrated. Why settle for a poor paint job, or risk having to spend more time taking paint off your model? I've already made just about every mistake possible, so let my experience be your guide! This course contains information that is usually gained through years of trial and error. This is where the weight of experience really helps you: how to prevent problems from happening, recognize them when they do, and what corrections you can make. The Troubleshooting guide is arranged in a neat table format, allowing you to find what you need quickly. It's also illustrated with photos and diagrams. Contents and Overview This course contains 19 lectures, 1 hour 20 min of video content, and 30 pages of written content. It's designed for any plastic model builder, who wishes to improve their painting and finishing skills. You'll first learn when and how to use Acrylic, Enamel and Lacquer paints. You'll then be shown how to paint with a brush, spray cans, and airbrushes. You'll learn to apply decals, and how to use bare metal foil to simulate chrome. Finally, you'll add amazing realism to your models with weathering techniques. By the end of this course, you'll be able to apply a paint finish that rivals those you see in hobby shops or even museums."
Price: 19.99

"3ds max for beginners"
"This training will give you a start in computer graphic and 3d modeling. You will learn basic skills in 3ds max and Vray and can apply it in any types of CG. This course will be best thing for beginners in 3d modeling, architectural visualisation and animation. After training you will do basic 3d models, customize Vray materials, texturing 3d models and create your first object We will have 3 topics - For beginners. In this topic you will learn basic skills in 3ds max and surfing in programm interface. We will get acquainted with the basic tools of navigation - First object. It this topic you get first skills in 3d modeling. You can apply them in different fields of activity like interior visualisation, exterior modeling, architecture, animation and concept modeling - Vray materilas. It this topic you will learn V-ray plugin. Basic skiils in vray settings, materilas and texturing."
Price: 19.99

"HTML5 Mobile Apps: Create an App for iPhone, iPad & Android"
"LATEST: Updated for Feb2018 Join over 1400 students! In this course, you will learn how to create a dynamic App for iPhone, iPad and Android with HTML5 from scratch, publish it to the App Stores and integrate Google's Admob mobile advertising into your app so that you can start making money from your App 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You will learn how to: Design a Professional App Icon for iPhone, iPad & Android Design a Professional Splashscreen for iPhone, iPad & Android Code a Sliding Navigation Menu with Menu Items Integrate Facebook & Twitter App Sharing Design a Custom App User Interface Code a Full Map with Markers & Popup Text Windows using Google Maps API Code a Contact Pages with One-Touch Email & Call Triggering Create a Dynamic News Feed with Dropbox Create Required App Store Screenshots in Different Dimensions Integrate Interstitial & Banner Advertising using Google's Admob Utilize Cordova & Third-Party Plugins Submit your App to the Android & Apple App Store for iPhone, iPad & Android Create a Promotional Website & Poster For Your App FREE Additional Materials: App Icon & Splashscreen Bundle (over 100 variations to choose from!) App Promotional Poster (Fully Customisable) Complete App Promotional Website Step-by-Step PDF Guides Fast & friendly Support This course includes complete working source code that I use to develop mobile apps that I charge clients more than 5000 for!"
Price: 39.99

"Memorize 50 Elements From The Periodic Table In 30 Minutes"
"Do not waste hours to memorize the elements again. Learn through fascinating stories that are light on your brain ( usually funny ) and easy to recall. The stories are developed with advanced mnemonic chaining technique that gives keep giving triggers about up-coming elements whilst you are learning one chain. This ensures that your are in the flow and never get stuck while you are recalling a chain. When you normally memorize something, chances are that you will not be able to recall it when you are in extreme pressure, for example in situations like writing an exam and facing a tough question. You suddenly go blank and cannot remember what you learned. Remembering it through 'easy to recall stories' is the best way to avoid these kind of blackouts. Remember that the more creative and unrealistic the stories are the more easily you recall them. So, the stories here does not make sense but will be easier to recall at a later point in time. In addition, this course will train your mind to solve memorizing challenges using the advanced mnemonic chaining technique. You will never waste hours trying to memorize anything."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Apple Watch Programming Quickly By Examples"
"Course Description *** 700+ happy students, many 5-star ratings and fantastic testimonials from satisfied students! Hurry! Get this regularly updated course today, before the price rises further! *** Update 01/02/2015: Added new lecture on Context Menus. Update 27/01/2015: Added new lecture to implement Segues In Apple Watch. Update 14/01/2015: All the videos are now optimized for mobile viewing. Now you can see the active area of Xcode zoomed in. Start learning from your mobile today! Dont waste hours reading the new documentations and tutorials - with lots and lots of boring theory stuff - for Apple Watch. Beat the competition, jump right in and use your creativity to build applications today that will help you dominate the fresh new Apple Watch App market. Take this course and build your first sample app within 60 minutes. If you hit a trouble, you always have the support forum to ask questions, collaborate with peers and learn more effectively. Dont miss out the Apple Watch gold rush! This course will teach anyone who has basic programming knowledge in any language how to create Apple Watch apps using Swift. This is the best time to learn Apple Watch programming and make the most money in the first wave of Apple Watch apps and dominate for years! The course will show you 100% code and live coding demo video on building real world apps that run in the Apple Watch and primarily covers the new UI concepts introduced in Apple Watch. I will add more samples and contents to this course as Apple releases more complete versions of the WatchKit sdk in early 2015. Currently they have exposed only very limited feature sets. How is this course different to others? I love learning from my mobile even while travelling. I've done the favour for my students, videos in the course are mobile-optimized. You can see active area of the xcode zoomed in so that you can even watch the whole course from your mobile screen. For a single one-off free students will get full lifetime access (including video downloads) to the course and all the future updates I add later. Most of the lectures will be hands-on videos of real applications, we will deal with very little theory where it is useful. Theory parts are made interesting to learn and is created using white-board animations that are easy to follow. Graphical representations are used more than text to convey core ideas. You can get up and running with your first 'Hello World' app in a very short time of just first 15 minutes and start building a real world app in the first 45 minutes. Who is this course for? Anyone who wants to build Apple Watch applications. The ordinary mobile market is already saturated. Apple Watch is the new wave. It brings fantastic opportunities for developers to create amazing apps that never existed before. If you want to earn good money selling apps in the Appstore then investing time and resource to learn Apple Watch programming is the key to your success. Being among the first few people who make Apple Watch applications will give you a good lead in the new app ecosystem of Apple Watch. What are the requirements? A Mac. Basic programming experience in at least any one language is required. I've included some fantastic links to learn it for free online. A real Apple Watch to see the live code in action is NOT required. You can use a simulator to see that from within your Mac. What am I going to get with this course? 100% live programming video, that you can save offline. Complete code of the examples demoed during the course. I will be assisting you with any difficulty via the support forum. Post a query and I'll get back to you in a maximum of 48 hours. What is the most tangible outcome of this course? Have you ever imagined that it is possible to read long novels in the Apple Watch screen? Yes!! It is possible, in this course you will build a live speed reading application on the Apple Watch and increase your reading speed over 600%. This idea have the power to let users read long novels in a matter of hours without straining their eyes and without sacrificing the font-size for the small screen space. This opens up an 'industry' of opportunities. Want to learn how? Join today! Make your app navigate page by page, by using Segues in Apple Watch Who am I? Hello, I'm Akhil , you instructor for this course. Im from India. I have a Bachelors degree in Computer Science and have over 3 years of work experience in Computer Programming with clients from all United States and many other parts of the world. I also have an MBA degree specialized in IT and Systems. I have experience working in several technologies like Java, Android, Php, Html etc for the past 3 years. And trust me Xcode + Swift is the easiest of them all. Since its so easy to understand and learn Swift, I thought its worth my time to put up a course to teach others how I did it."
Price: 19.99

"Make your speech more impactful"
"Make your speech more impactful is based on the book of the same name written by Wang. In this course, Wang talks about the ten things that all speakers need to consider before their next speech, whether it is a presentation in front of clients or a motivational speech for little kids before their soccer final. This course is predominantly delivered through video with a number of handy checklists that can help everyone do a quick review of their speech to understand whether it is making the impact it deserves. All in all, the course is about an hour long and each lecture is broken down into an explanation and an example, with a checklist that you can download for future use. Have you ever marvelled at a professional speaker and wondered how they do it? Do you have a speech or work presentation that you need to prepare for? This course will teach you the ten key fundamental things that you need to make your speech more impactful and once you are registered, you will have lifetime access. As always, this and all my other courses comes with a 30 day money back guarantee - if you are not happy, I will refund all of your money. Leave a rating and a review and get a free e-book version of my book: Make Your Speech More Impactful. Wang"
Price: 19.99

"Apologetics: The Top Ten Questions of the Christian Faith"
"I was that annoying kid, growing up in a Christian home, that just couldn't shut up. I had so many questions, I drove everyone crazy! "Did Adam have a belly button?" "Was there really a magic apple?" "Why didn't Eve flip out when a snake started talking to her?" As I grew up, I became what I consider a 'Christian Skeptic'. A Christian Skeptic? Isn't that a contradiction in terms? NO! I had to understand clearly WHY I would believe something before I would place my faith in it. I studied as much of philosophy and religion as I could find; I finally pursued an advanced degree in Christian Apologetics (why we believe what we believe). If you're anything like me, or know someone who is, then this course was created for you! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lately, Christians have been accused of 'not thinking', or worse... But, the field of Christian Apologetics is the study of What we believe, and Why In this course, we cover 10 of the most troubling questions of the Faith - questions that most Christians have struggled with at one time or another, and that others outside the Faith may wonder about as well. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Top 10 Questions ./ Issues of the Faith: 1) Can I Make It to Heaven If I'm 'Good Enough'? 2) Isn't the Trinity Illogical? 3) Isn't Christianity Just a 'Crutch' for Weak Minded People? 4) Can a Modern Person Believe in Miracles? 5) Aren't Christians Intolerant? 6) How Can A Loving God Send Someone to Hell? 7) Isn't the Bible Full of Contradictions? 8) What About the Heather - Are They Lost Forever? 9) Where Did God Come From? 10) Where Did Evil Come From, and Why Does God Allow It? Bonus Questions: ---Why Is the OT God So Evil? ---Why the Bible is So Special ---Why Christianity Makes Sense ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you're a Christian and often wondered about these questions, then this course is for you. If you're a seeker looking for the Christian perspective, this course is also for you. 20 Videos, lots of resource materials, including the lecture notes and PowerPoint's are available for further study. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Taught by Michael Sutherland, Grad School Professor and author of the Christian Apologetics 101 Study Curriculum."
Price: 19.99

"Freshman Year Spanish: First Semester"
"Hola, amigos! This course will provide you with everything you need to know in order to jump start your Spanish language learning. You will learn essential grammar and vocabulary while exploring real locations throughout the Spanish-speaking world! Learn Real Language and Explore Real Places Youll be introduced to core concepts that include everything from pronunciation to conjugation. Youll have access to a variety of vocabulary packets. And finally, youll experience 8 different countries and visit 12 distinct locations. 15+ Comprehensive Grammar Lectures 6 Robust Vocabulary Packets 8 Different Spanish Speaking Countries (12 different locations) 3 Helpful Quizzes Quality language acquisition takes time and requires consistent practice and dedicated study. I have studied the history of language learning, and I'm here to tell you that there is no secret or quick fix to learning a second language. Successful language acquisition boils down to two things: student engagement and access to quality language resources. This, mis amigos, is your resource for learning the Spanish language."
Price: 19.99

"LinkedIn Mastery: Creating an Awesome Profile"
"Ever wonder how to create a LinkedIn profile that gets you more views, more contacts and more business? You've found the right course! As of March 2014, more than 49.5% of LinkedIn users have under-performing personal brands on the network. A variety of reasons contribute to that. Their profiles are incomplete. Their status updates under-perform. Their networks are too small for what they want to accomplish. However, LinkedIn has become a powerful resource for me, as Ive used it to launch many of my businesses, services and products, and Im looking forward to teaching you how you can do the same. One of the most important elements in using LinkedIn successfully is to have a profile that LinkedIns search engine loves (that means that your profile is optimized with keyword-rich content), and that compels the reader to want to know more, while already telling them enough about you to know, like and trust you. So, welcome to The Bite-Sized Marketers LinkedIn Mastery series, where the first course in the series shows you how to Create an Awesome Profile. I hope you enjoy it!"
Price: 39.99

"LinkedIn Mastery: Growing Your Network"
"Welcome to The Bite-Sized Marketers LinkedIn Marketing Guide series! This series will introduce you to LinkedIn, and why its an important element in your marketing toolkit. As of March 2014, more than 49.5% of LinkedIn users have underperforming personal brands on the network. There are a variety of reasons that contribute to that. Their profiles are incomplete. Their status updates underperform. Their networks are too small for what they want to accomplish. However, LinkedIn has become a powerful resource for me, as Ive used it to launch many of my businesses, services and products, and Im looking forward to teaching you how you can do the same. If youve taken the first course in this series, Creating an Awesome Profile, then youre ready to start growing your network. There are a variety of ways to do this within LinkedIn, and were going to cover the most common methods in this course as well as giving you an understanding of the different types of LinkedIn networkers youre likely to encounter. I hope you enjoy it!"
Price: 34.99

"Etsy 101: How To Sell Your Printable Quotes Online With ETSY"
"Introducing...Etsy 101: How To Sell Your Printable Quotes Online With ETSYThis completely guided course will teach you the basics of creating, and selling unique and personalized Printable Quotess, for your Etsy business.Isn't it time for your Etsy shop to flourish?Who this course Ideal for?:Anyone that would like to begin working from homeAnyone seeking additional streams of incomeNewbie Etsy SellersEstablished Etsy sellers looking to grow their Etsy shopsAnyone with a willingness to learn!*Do not take this Etsy Printable Quotes course if you're looking for a 'get rich quick scheme'. Contrary to many beliefs, success isn't something that comes easily, it takes time, patience and determination.* So, if you're interested in learning how to Creating and selling Printable quotes on Etsy... Continue reading...Information you will Learn:Throughout the duration of this course, you will learn how to create and sell Printable Quotes On etsy.I will teach also provide you with my FOOLPROOF method for growing (or commencing) your Printable Quotes Shop on Etsy's marketplace. YEP, you hear it correctly, I am going to teach you how to not only CREATE printable quotes, but, also run a SUCCESSFUL Printable quotes shop on Etsy!Starting an Etsy shop can be difficult at times. Like many new business ventures, there are trials and tribulations that come with it, however, it doesn't have to be hard! This course will guide you through the entire creation process, and provide you with resources and tools to ensure your success.Join this course NOW to learn how to Grow your Etsy Empire!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND LEARN HOW ETSY CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM WE ALL SEEK!What are you waiting for? Scroll up the page and ENROLL for this course Today!"
Price: 104.99

"The Christmas Clipboard Bundle Mini-Course For Etsy Sellers"
"Introducing...The Christmas Clipboard Bundle Mini-Course For Etsy SellersThis completely guided mini-course will teach you the basics of using this Christmas Clipart Bundle.Isn't it time for your Etsy shop to flourish?Who this course Ideal for?:Anyone that would like to begin working from homeAnyone seeking additional streams of incomeNewbie Etsy SellersEstablished Etsy sellers looking to grow their Etsy shopsAnyone with a willingness to learn!*Do not take this Christmas clipart course for Etsy sellers if you're looking for a 'get rich quick scheme'. Contrary to many beliefs, success isn't something that comes easily, it takes time, patience and determination.* So, if you're interested in learning how to utilize the Chrismas Clipart Bundle... Continue reading...Information you will Learn:Throughout the duration of this course, you will learn how to create and utilize the Christmas clipart bundle for your Etsy Shop.I will teach also provide you with my FOOLPROOF method for creating AMAZING designs using the Christmas Clipart Bundle Etsy Shop on Etsy's marketplace. YEP, you hear it correctly, I am going to teach you how to run a SUCCESSFUL shop on Etsy, along with how to utilize various resources such as the Christmas clipart bundle!Starting an Etsy shop can be difficult at times. Like many new business ventures, there are trials and tribulations that come with it, however, it doesn't have to be hard! This course will guide you through the entire creation process, and provide you with resources and tools to ensure your success.Join this course NOW to learn how to Grow your Etsy Empire!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND LEARN HOW ETSY CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM WE ALL SEEK!What are you waiting for? Scroll up the page and ENROLL for this course Today!"
Price: 19.99

"Etsy 101: Creating resume templates to sell on Etsy"
"***** Updated on November 21st, 2019 *****Introducing...Etsy 101: Creating resume templates to sell on EtsyThis completely guided course will teach you the basics of creating, and selling unique and personalized Resume Templates for your Etsy business.Isn't It Time for your Etsy shop to flourish?Who this course Ideal for?:Anyone that would like to begin working from homeAnyone seeking additional streams of incomeNewbie Etsy SellersEstablished Etsy sellers looking to grow their Etsy shopsAnyone with a willingness to learn!*Do not take this Etsy Resume Templates course if you're looking for a 'get rich quick scheme'. Contrary to many beliefs, success isn't something that comes easily, it takes time, patience and determination.* So, if you're interested in learning how to Create and sell Resume Templates on Etsy... Continue reading...Information you will Learn:Throughout the duration of this course, you will learn how to create and sell Professional Resume Templates.I will teach also provide you with my FOOLPROOF method for growing (or commencing) your Resume Templates Etsy Shop on Etsy's marketplace. YEP, you hear it correctly, I am going to teach you how to run a SUCCESSFUL Resume Templates shop on Etsy!Starting an Etsy shop can be difficult at times. Like many new business ventures, there are trials and tribulations that come with it, however, it doesn't have to be hard! This course will guide you through the entire creation process, and provide you with resources and tools to ensure your success.Join this course NOW to learn how to Grow your Etsy Empire!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND LEARN HOW ETSY CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM WE ALL SEEK!What are you waiting for? Scroll up the page and ENROLL for this course Today!"
Price: 24.99

"Etsy 101: Etsy's Top 5 Categories and Sellers of 2019"
"Introducing...Etsy 101: Etsy's Top 5 Categories and Sellers of 2019This informational course will provide information on growing and marketing, your Etsy shop Based on the Top  5 sellers on Etsy and their categories.Isn't time for your Etsy shop to flourish?Who this course Ideal for?:Anyone that would like to begin working from homeAnyone seeking additional streams of incomeNewbie Etsy SellersEstablished Etsy sellers looking to grow their Etsy shopsAnyone with a willingness to learn!*Do not take this Etsy Top Categories and Sellers course if you're looking for a 'get rich quick scheme'. Contrary to many beliefs, success isn't something that comes easily, it takes time, patience and determination.* So, if you're interested in learning how to Grow your Etsy shop... Continue reading...Have you ever wondered what Etsy's heavy hitters so successful?Do you question your own marketing and branding on ETSY?Are you having trouble scaling up your Etsy business?If you answered yes to any of these questions then, This course was designed with YOU in mind.Information you will Learn:Throughout the duration of this course, you will learn The steps that the top 5 sellers on Etsy are using, and how you can use them too!I will teach also provide you with my FOOLPROOF method for growing (or commencing) your Etsy Shop on Etsy's marketplace, and how YOU can compete with more established businesses. YEP, you hear it correctly, I am going to teach you how to run a SUCCESSFUL shop on Etsy!Take a closer look at the strategy, best selling products, and shops on Etsy 2019.Its no secret that ETSY is undoubtedly a mecca for one-of-a-kind vintage pieces, creative supplies, and handcrafted goods. Many of Etsy's Top shops sell items such as jewelry, clothing and digital products. But what is it about their shops that separates their items from yours? -Is it their listings? Tags? or Marketing on and Off of Etsy?Etsy has hundreds of successful top sellers -I want you to be one of them. It's time to learn the correct way to enhance and grow your ETSY business!Starting an Etsy shop can be difficult at times. Like many new business ventures, there are trials and tribulations that come with it, however, it doesn't have to be hard! This course will guide you through the entire creation process, and provide you with resources and tools to ensure your success.Join this course NOW to learn how to Grow your Etsy Empire!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND LEARN HOW ETSY CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM WE ALL SEEK!What are you waiting for? Scroll up the page and ENROLL for this course Today!"
Price: 19.99

"Yoga Teacher Toolbox: Corrections & Adjustments"
"Yoga Teacher Toolbox: Corrections & Adjustments will give yoga teachers the information and confidence needed to provide effective aid to students during their classes. Teachers will learn how to determine if a correction is appropriate and how to provide that correction. Giving corrections and adjustments to students will allow them to deepen their yoga practice and experience yoga in a new way. This course will also deepen its students' (the yoga teachers) practice by demonstrating self-correction techniques and sharing insight into several poses. The course is divided into several sections. After the course introduction, it will address the overriding principles of giving corrections and adjustments. Topics covered in this section will address areas such as getting to know the students and their backgrounds, using verbal and physical cues, finding a unique style of corrections, and developing the yoga teachers confidence in this area. Then, the course will provide several demonstrations for providing corrections and adjustments for standing, kneeling, seated, supine and prone yoga poses. Finally, the lessons help the yoga teachers experience the topic as yoga students. Verbal instruction will help the course students get into the pose and experience the corrections themselves. Nearly all lectures will be in a video format with accompanying slides. Demonstrations will be filmed with the teacher and a model so the students can see how the body can be adjusted during a yoga pose. Finally, verbal instructions for self-correction will appear with a photo of the pose. While this course is designed for yoga teachers, yoga students will also benefit from the content. Anyone with basic yoga experience will find that they can deepen their practice by going into poses and making corrections to increase the effectiveness of those poses. The course contains 26 lessons, and each one is 5-10 minutes. There are also 3 downloadable resources with information to supplement the course."
Price: 29.99

"Drive Thousands to Your Website with Zero SEO Knowledge"
"LAST UPDATE: October 5, 2015 JOIN OVER 1,400 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS USING MY 7 STEP STRATEGY TO DRIVE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF VISITORS TO YOUR WEBSITE, EVEN IF IT IS BRAND NEW, WITH ZERO SEO SKILLS! Here's my promise: You will make your money back on this course in just 2 weeks! No BS! In January 2014, I started an eCommerce business with zero SEO experience. I knew I needed immediate traffic and sales to earn money in order to reinvest. I decided to take a completely non-convention route, and started selling 5 figures a month without any advertising budget or traffic from Google. So far this year, I have sold nearly $85,000 through unconventional strategies discussed in this course. UPDATE: I ENDED 2014 WITH JUST SHY OF $100,000 IN TOTAL SALES! This course provides a detailed strategy on driving traffic to your new website without a large advertising budget or SEO experience, and then how to convert that traffic in sales. You do not need ANY technical background to take this course, as the techniques discussed are for people just getting started in eCommerce. I've shared these tips with many other successful eCommerce entrepreneurs, and based on the success others have seen, decided that there is great value in sharing the strategy. From taking this course, you WILL create many streams of traffic to your website WITHOUT spending lots of money on advertising. I enjoy engaging with all students who take this course, and bouncing ideas off other Internet Marketers. If you sign up for this course, you can communicate with me whenever you'd like 1:1. If there are topics that you'd like for me to discuss on this course that aren't currently included, please let me know so I can put together a lecture series!"
Price: 24.99

"Master Tarot Card Reading For Newbie"
"Master Tarot Card Reading For Newbie 1 Online course for being fortune teller 2 - 3 . Master Tarot Card Reading For NewbieOnline course that help you to be a fortune teller with intensive content and easy to understand even know nothing be can do.After this class done, it will make you can forecast everything with using tarot card and also use this to be a hobby or part time job for making money for you.Intensive within 2 - 3 Hours that make you understand enough to perform fortune teller yourselves and other.Start now!! To get advantage to differ from other people as you will have a passive skill that more interesting that other thought.It can be use for any purpose in work and also daily life too. What're you waiting for? Learn now!!"
Price: 39.99

"Flat Design One Page Website with Photoshop and Illustrator"
""Good design is good business." - Thomas J. Watson Why? Just sit down one weekend and earn a skill that you can profit from for a long time, it's easy as that and thats what is seperating YOU from other people. You are here to gain a new skill and go further with your life. This course isn't about coding a website template, it's just about the designing process! You're going to see an in-depth course on how to create TWO flat design and one-page layout websites with Photoshop and Illustrator. Flat design is really the top-notch trend right now, everyone wants to master it and big companies are using it for their products for example Apple with iOS8 and OSX Yosemite, as well as Microsoft with their Metro UI. Combining flat design and one-page layouts is really setting a new trend right now. It looks great, modern and fresh, but it's also simplistic which is why people are going to stay on your website. What you'll earn Master modern flat design Master one-page layouts Create vector icons Design TWO stunning websites Sell your own templates Be up to date in webdesigning Content and Short Overview 28 lectures and over 5 hours of material, as well as source files are going to show you, how to do successful webdesign with Photoshop and Illustrator, especially with modern styles. If you are having troubles or want more content, just write a post in the Udemy course-forum and I'll try to do my best to record a new video and add it to this course so you'll have the best experience while studying your new skill. Be the next generation of web designers "Hard work beats talent when talent doesnt work." - Kevin Durant. This quote of Kevin Durant was always my strongest motivation when starting to earn a new skill. Working on yourself on a daily basis is the key to success, you invest in YOURSELF and profit from it for a long time. Start with this course on flat design and one-page websites, continue with HTML/CSS and coding in another course and start adding skills to your skillset every month and trust me, you will be successful!"
Price: 29.99

"Accounting for everyone!"
"Hi everyone, Im very happy to welcome you to this course which I hope will answer your questions about accounting. The course title is "Accounting for everyone". Obviously you can't learn all the accounting techniques in an hour -unless you get all that information uploaded into your brain. So, the objective of this course is to give you the basic instruments to help you understand financial statements. This is the first step before you are able to analyze financial statements and diagnose a problem. The target audience for this course is entrepreneurs, accounting students, business students and anyone who wants to be a corporate banker, an investment banker or a management consultant. This course is not going to be very technical or use a very complicated jargon. It will be part of a series of courses which will help you improve your ability to diagnose corporate problems and find the appropriate remedy to them. The lectures are presented in the form of a simple power point presentation narrated by Axile (thats me). I will also create a Google hangout so students can ask more questions about this topic or get some advice on the banking industry. I will also add some exercises and quiz to make sure that YOU understand the different concepts. If this is what you are looking forenjoy the course and dont hesitate to ask questions! Looking forward to working with you! Axile"
Price: 34.99

"Business Model Canvas: Turn Ideas into Successful Startups"
"Having a Passionate Idea is a Good Start, But Turning that Passion into a Successful Business Venture is Where the Fun Really Begins - Do you want to build a successful start-up business? - Are you wondering how the other entrepreneurs did it? - Have an idea, innovation or just a passion for a particular business concept? - Are you struggling to move to the next level with your business plan? - Need a business modeling tool to boost your potential or chances of becoming more organized, strategic and profitable? Did you answer yes to any of the above? Then this is certainly the course for you and you probably don't have to read any further but instead only need to enroll now! I've heard and known many entrepreneurs who wished they had all the necessary resources and know-how to take their idea to the next level, but for some reason or the other they didn't. Becoming an entrepreneur or creating a successful start-up isn't the dramatic stressful process some deem it to be. In fact, in many countries small and medium sized businesses stimulate economic activity by providing jobs, wages, local production and revenues to owners. In order to accomplish this, there involves a process that requires having access to the right tools along with being dedicated and committed. This business modelling course will provide several lectures that will guide an aspiring entrepreneur through the steps to completing a business model canvas. The canvas represents one of the first and most important steps in developing your ideas. By utilizing this tool you would have greatly increased your chance for successfully creating a start-up from its initial idea stage. The course is designed with you in mind and really examines all the necessary faucets for you to be able to successfully complete a business model canvas for your new idea or for improving an exiting process or business model. This ""Bringing your Ideas to Life"" course is packed with over 20 lectures and a number of practical exercises to stimulate you during the learning process. The lectures are also complemented with other videos, links and notes to ensure that each student gets the most out of the experience. You can go at your own pace to maximize the learning experience and absolutely anyone who is interesting in business modelling, planning and proposal writing can participate in this course. It provides important elements related to... the importance of completing a canvas for your business idea what exactly is the business model canvas how to complete the building blocks of the canvas to expound on ideas or improve the chances of successfully preparing a plan canvas examples for well-known businesses such as VISA and Foursquare and also links to other canvases These lecture series are one of a kind. There are no other courses so specific in this important topic. Take this ultimate Business Model Canvas Course now and learn how you can transform your ideas into a successful money making opportunity."
Price: 29.99

"Business Building Tips: How to Set Up a Membership Site"
"Have you ever wanted to build a profitable stream of recurring income? See exactly how I build membership sites that generate thousands of dollars per month. In this course I'll teach you How to pick the perfect niche for your membership site and what to avoid My exact thought process when planning out my sites The best software and tools to use Everything you need to know If you're truly serious about building a solid stream of income, this is the perfect course for you. No prior experience is required! The only things you'll need are a domain name and membership site software (I'll tell you the best one to use). I'm readily available to answer any questions you might have. Thanks for taking this journey with me!"
Price: 19.99

"Build your dream Web site easily with WordPress"
"Welcome students! In this course you will learn how to build an operational Web site in less than an Hour with only Web surfing skill required! We will be learning WordPress . WordPress is the brains behind your Web site. This is where you will be making all of the changes to the look of your site. We will learn how to navigate WordPress which will allow us to add photos, videos, links and anything else you have ever seen on some other site or can think of. You will also learn about Web site Themes, Menus, Post and Pages to round out site. After your site is up and running you can always go back and tweak it forever! You can also help your friends build sites. Make site for other people for $$$"
Price: 34.99

"Email List Building Secrets 101"
"You've always heard the saying "The Money Is In The List"... How do you go about building a list? Is there a right and wrong way to build a list? Are some methods better than others? What about free methods vs. paid methods? There are free traffic sources... Forum Marketing Article Marketing Social Media Marketing ...and on and on and on.... All these traffic sources work, but usually you put in a lot of work and the results you get are not worth all the time you put into it. Then there are paid traffic methods.... Google Adwords Banner Traffic PPC CPV and many other abbreviations These results with these traffic sources are usually better than free traffic sources but, well, they are paid traffic sources. Most of the time you are going to spend 100's and 100's of dollars to see which one works best for you and your offer. In these videos, you'll discover: The fastest and easiest way to jump starting the size and quality of your list using both of these methods The tools, tips, and tricks you need to make sure to use in order to succeed with both methods Putting Together such a perfect offer that the visitors to your site are powerless and have no choice but to give you their email address and pull out their credit car The secret place where both of these methods are taking place everyday, day and night A Little Known Warning about these methods that if not followed can bring all your progress to a shrieking halt A few simple steps to take your business to the next level and beyond"
Price: 39.99