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"Universidad Java: De Cero a Master +82 hrs (JDK 13 update)!"
"!Somos Best Seller!. Actualizado a Java 13 y Java EE 8, + 82 horas de video, +41,000 estudiantes, + 12,800 reseas de alumnos muy satisfechos, y el mejor Soporte de ALTA PRIORIDAD de cualquier duda de tu curso, nicamente para alumnos inscritos al curso. NUNCA ESTARS SOLO.  ""La Universidad Java es el mejor curso para aprender a programar en Java y en Espaol"". Nuevo: Hemos actualizando el curso de Universidad Java a la ltima versin de Java, que es Java 13 y Java EE 8. Adems hemos mejorando el curso con cada una de las recomendaciones que nos han hecho nuestros alumnos. De esta manera cumplimos con el compromiso de mantener actualizado el curso a la ltima versin disponible de Java y ser el mejor curso para aprender Java en Udemy.Este curso es una especializacin en la tecnologa Java. Comenzaremos desde los Fundamentos de Java, y te llevaremos paso a paso hasta convertirte en un experto Java en tiempo record y as puedas crear aplicaciones Web y Empresariales, incluyendo temas y tecnologas como Fundamentos de Java, Programacin Orientada a Objetos, Patrones de Diseo y Mejores prcticas Java, JDBC, HTML,CSS y JavaScript, HTML5 y CSS3, Servlets y JSP's, Java Empresarial (Java EE), incluyendo EJB's, JPA, Web Services, Seguridad, todo esto utilizando Maven, Log4j2, patrones de diseo, mejores prcticas, arquitecturas empresariales multicapa y mucho mucho ms. Con todo lo anterior, tendrs las bases para preparar varias certificaciones como programador Java, adems de adquirir el conocimiento para poder aplicar a varias vacantes laborales para comenzar a trabajar como programador Java en tiempo record.La Universidad Java lleva aos en el mercado capacitando profesionales Java listos para incorporarse al mercado laboral Java. Y ahora la Universidad Java est en UDEMY para brindar todo el arsenal de herramientas y tecnologas Java que necesitas para el mundo real y profesional en Java.El mejor curso Online para aprender Java. El contenido est dividido en niveles perfectamente estructurados, cada nivel apoyado del anterior, con el objetivo de ir agregando conocimiento Java de manera incremental y as te puedas enfocar en dominar los temas poco a poco y de manera paulatina. As asegurar el xito de tu capacitacin Java. La Universidad Java incluye los siguientes temas de estudio en la tecnologa Java y tecnologas relacionadas:Nivel 1. Fundamentos de Java Leccin 1 - Comenzando con la Tecnologa JavaEl asombroso mundo de la programacin en JavaQu es la tecnologa Java (desde un enfoque prctico)Nuestro primer programa en Java desde ceroLeccin 2 - Variables y Operadores en JavaUso de Variables en Java y para qu las utilizamosTipos de Datos en Java y cmo se clasificanManejo y Clasificacin de operadores en JavaLeccin 3 - Sentencias de Control en JavaUso de la estructura if-else y dnde utilizarlaManejo de la esctrutura switch y cuando aplicarlaLeccin 4 - Manejo de Ciclos en JavaUso del ciclo for y su usoUso del ciclo while y cmo aplicarloUso del ciclo do-while y cuando utilizarloLeccin 5 - Programacin Orientada a ObjetosIntroduccin a la Programacin Orientada a Objetos (POO)Manejo de Clases en JavaUso de Objetos en JavaLeccin 6 - Funciones en JavaDeclaracin de Mtodos o Funciones en JavaUso y llamado de Funciones en JavaLeccin 7 - Manejo de Datos en JavaUso de Arreglos en JavaManejo de Matrices en JavaLeccin 8 - Herencia en JavaManejo de Herencia en JavaUso de superclases y subclases en JavaLaboratorio Final del NivelEjercicio Final donde se integra todo lo aprendido en este NivelNivel 2. Programacin con JavaLeccin 1 - Polimorfismo en JavaQu es el polimorfismo y su aplicacinSobreescritura en Java y su usoLeccin 2 - Manejo Avanzado de Objetos en JavaConversin de Objetos (cast)Identificando el tipo de objeto con el operador instanceofLa importancia y uso del operador thisLeccin 3 - Manejo de Bloques de Cdigo en JavaAlcance de Variables (Scope)Uso de bloques estticos y no estticosLeccin 4 - Uso de Clases Abstractas e Interfaces en JavaDiferencias entre Clases Abstractas e InterfacesDeclaracin y uso de Clases AbstractasManejo de Interfaces en Java y cundo utilizarlasLeccin 5 - Manejo de Excepciones en JavaProcesando las excepciones en JavaUso de try-catch y propagacin de ExcepcionesMdulo 6 - Manejo de Colecciones en JavaUso de las colecciones en JavaManejo de List, Set y Map y la aplicacin de cada estructuraMdulo 7 - Manejo de Archivos en JavaManejo y uso de archivos en JavaManejo de Streams en Java y sus usosLaboratorio Final del NivelEjercicio Final donde se aplica todo lo aprendido en este nivelNivel 3. Conexin a Bases de Datos con JDBCLeccin 1 - Comenzando con JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)La necesidad de una base de datosInstalando MySql y OracleDescarga de controladores (drivers) para conectarnos a la baseLeccin 2 - Conectando a la Base de Datos (BD)Pasos para conectarnos a una base de datos relacionalCdigo JDBC para conectarnos a la base de datosLeccin 3 - Sentencia SelectPasos para ejecutar la sentencia Select de SQL con JDBCUso de la sentencia select para leer la informacin de la BDLeccin 4 - Manipulando Datos con JDBCPasos para ejecutar las sentencias insert, update y deleteUso de las sentencias insert,update y delete para manipular informacinSeparacin de funciones select, insert, update y delete con JDBCLeccin 5 - Metadatos con JDBCConocimiendo la estructura de las tablas de BD con JDBCLa importancia del uso de Metadatos en JDBCLeccin 6 - Patrones de DiseoPatrn de Diseo DAO (Data Access Object)Patrn de Diseo DTO (Data Transfer Object) o VO (Value Object)Laboratorio Final con la integracin de todo lo visto en este NivelNivel 4 - Servlets y JSPsLeccin 1 - Introduccin a la Tecnologa Web con JavaEl asombroso mundo de la tecnologa Web con JavaLa revolucin de las aplicaciones Web y cmo aprovecharlaEl servidor de aplicaciones Glassfish y cmo utilizarloLeccin 2 - Conceptos Bsicos de los ServletsSin misterios: qu es la tecnologa de los ServletsElementos y ciclo de vida de un ServletLeccin 3 - Manejo de Sesiones con ServletsImplementacin del concepto de Sesiones con ServletsAprenderemos el uso del objeto HttpSessionImplementaremos un carrito de compras WebLeccin 4 - Conceptos Bsicos de los JSPsEstudiaremos cmo crear pginas Web dinmicas con JSPsAprenderemos los elementos fundamentales de los JSPsLeccin 5 - Conceptos Avanzados de Servlets y JSPsVeremos cmo crear una aplicacin Web integrando los Servlets y JSPsProcesamiento de datos con Servlets y despliegue de informacin con JSPsLeccin 6 - JSTL y EL (Expression Language) en JSPsEntenderemos las etiquetas JSTL para facilitar el uso de JSPsVeremos el poder de EL (Expression Language) en los JSPsLeccin 7 - Patrn de Diseo MVC (Model View Controller)Estudiaremos una arquitectura multicapas del mundo real con Servlets y JSPsAplicaremos el patrn de diseo MVC con Servlets y JSPsLeccin 8 - Aplicacin SGA (Sistema de Gestin de Alumnos)Integracin de los primeros 5 niveles en un proyecto final (SGA)Anlisis, Diseo y Desarrollo de la aplicacin SGAEste nivel les permite conseguir empleo desde becario o programador Java JrNivel 5 - Java Server FacesLeccin 1 - Introduccin a JavaServer FacesQu es JSF y su rol en Java EEConceptos bsicos de JSF y MVCHolaMundo con JSFLeccin 2 - ManagedBeans en JSFConcepto de ManagedBeans en JSFUso de ModelManagedBeans en JSFExpression Language (EL) en JSFCocepto de BackingBeans en JSFManejo de Alcances (Scopes) en JSFLeccin 3 - Reglas de Navegacin en JSFReglas de Navegacin en JSFCiclo de Vida en JSFLeccin 4 - Validadores en JSFManejo de Validadores en JSFUso de Convertidores en JSFManejo de Mensajes e Internacionalizacin en JSFLeccin 5 - Manejo de Eventos en JSFUso de Value Change ListenerManejo de ActionListener y ActionEvent en JSFUso de librera estndar y SelectItems en JSFLeccin 6 - Manejo de FaceletsLa evolucin de JSP y el uso de FaceletsEl uso y la importancia de Faceltes en JSFNivel 6 - Java EE (ncluye EJB's y JPA, Web Services y Seguridad)Leccin 1 - Introduccin a Java EEIntroduccin al mundo Java Empresarial (Java EE)Stack de Tecnologas Java EEArquitectura Multicapas en Java EEInstalacin de las Herramientas (Eclipse, MySql)Instalacin del Servidor de Aplicaciones GlassfishUso de Maven y JavaEEHolaMundo con JavaEELeccin 2 - Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)Introduccin a los EJBTipos y Configuracin de un EJBInyeccin de Dependencias en Java EEEmpaquetamiento y Contenedores empresarialesLeccin 3 - Introduccin a Java Persistence API (JPA)Introduccin a Java Persistence API (JPA)Entenidimiento de las clases de Entidad en JPAManejo de EntityManager y Persistence UnitUso de JUnit y JPALeccin 4 - Consultas con JPACiclo de Vida en JPATipos de Relaciones en JPAConsultas JPQL en JPAUso del API de Criteria en JPAManejo de Transacciones en JPALeccin 5 - Rol de JSFRol de JSF en Java EEAjax en JSF PrimeFaces y JSF Integracin JSF, PrimeFaces, AJAX, EJB y JPALeccin 6 - WebServices y JavaEEIntroduccin a los Web ServicesTipos de Web Services JAX-WS y JAX-RSQu es un Documento WSDLUso de Documentos XML y XSD (XML Scheme)Manejo del API de JAXBEstrategias de Generacin de Web ServicesDespliegue de Web ServicesCreacin del Cliente del Servicio WebLeccin 7 - REST Web ServicesIntroduccin a REST Web ServicesAnlisis de Peticiones HTTPAnotaciones del API JAX-RSIntegracin de EJB y JAX-RSCreacin de un Cliente RESTDocumento WADL y XSD del REST Web ServiceDespliegue de un REST Web ServiceCreacin Cliente REST Web ServiceLeccin 8 - Seguridad en Java EEIntroduccin a la Seguridad en Java EEAutenticacin y Autorizacin en Java EESeguridad en la Capa Web en Java EESeguridad en Capa EJB en Java EEAutenticacin de Clientes en Java EEAutenticacin del Cliente WebAutenticacin del Cliente SOAP y REST Web ServiceEjercicio Final con la integracin de todo lo aprendidoY por si fuera poco, te obsequiamos como bono de regalo los cursos de ""HTML, CSS y JavaScript"", ""HTML5 y CSS3"", y ""Android con Java y Kotlin"", los cuales estn incluidos de manera gratuita en este curso e incluye lo siguiente:Bono Regalo 1: Nivel - HTML, CSS y JavaScriptLeccin 1 - Introduccin a HTMLEstudiaremos una introduccin a la tecnologa HTMLEnteniendo el papel de HTML en el mundo de las aplicaciones WebLeccin 2 - Componentes en HTMLLos componentes de HTML y cmo se estructura una pgina WebUso de componentes de Texto, Fuentes, Preformato y ms en HTMLLeccin 3 - Introduccin a CSSIntroduccin a las Hojas de Estilo CSSLos aspectos ms importantes a considerar al utilizar CSSUso de clases e indentificadores en CSSLeccin 4 - Formularios en HTMLElementos a considerar al crear Formularios HTMLComponentes para la creacin de Formularios HTMLLeccin 5 - Introduccin a JavaScriptQu es JavaScript y cmo aplicarlo en nuestras pginas HTMLElementos bsicos del lenguaje JavaScriptLeccin 6 - Validacin de Formularios HTMLIntegracin de Formularios HTML y JavaScriptValidacin de Formularios con JavaScriptBono Regalo 2: Nivel - HTML5 y CSS3Mdulo I. Introduccin y Documentos HTML5Mdulo II. Formularios y Manejo Multimedia en HTML5Mdulo III. Storage y Manejo de ArchivosMdulo IV. Geolocalizacin en HTML5Mdulo V. Drag and Drop y Canvas en HTML5Mdulo VI. Lo nuevo en CSS3Bono Regalo 3: Nivel - Android con Java y Kotlin (Introduccin)Mdulo I. Introduccin e Instalacin de Android StudioMdulo II. Creacin de aplicaciones con Android y JavaMdulo III. Creacin de aplicaciones con Android y KotlinAl finalizar obtienes un certificado de haber concluido con la Universidad Java. Y a partir de ese momento grandes oportunidades laborales y profesionales te esperan en el mundo real.Tambin te recomendamos inscribirte a nuestro curso de Universidad Java 2, ya que es el complemento ideal de este curso, el cual incluye temas como:Struts FrameworkHibernate/JPA FrameworkSpring FrameworkJBoss AdministrationLgica de Programacin y mucho ms!!!As que adems de este fabuloso curso de la Universidad Java, te recomendamos tambin inscribirte al curso de Universidad Java 2 donde expandirs tu conocimiento como programador Java en tiempo record!!Recuerda, que tu satisfaccin est garantizada o tu dinero de vuelta.Saludos y te vemos del otro lado.Ing. Ubaldo AcostaPasin por la tecnologa JavaFundador de Global Mentoring"
Price: 19.99

"Java EE:Desde cero a Experto (EJB, JPA, Web Services, JSF)"
"El curso de Java EE de Global Mentoring es el mejor y mas completo curso para aprender a programar utilizando la versin Java Enterprise Edition en Espaol. Comenzaremos con una Introduccin a la Tecnologa Empresarial de Java, y te llevaremos paso a paso hasta convertirte en un experto Java en tiempo record y as puedas crear aplicaciones Web y Empresariales, incluyendo temas y tecnologas como EJB's, JPA, Web Services, Seguridad, Servlets y JSPs, JavaServer Faces(JSF), PrimeFaces, AJAX y muchos ms temas de la tecnologa Java EE. El contenido est dividido en niveles perfectamente estructurados, cada nivel apoyado del anterior, con el objetivo de ir agregando conocimiento Java EE de manera incremental y as te puedas enfocar en dominar los temas poco a poco y de manera paulatina. As asegurar el xito de tu capacitacin Java EE. Ofreceremos soporte de cualquier duda del material didctico incluido en este curso de Java EE.Por si fuera poco, manejamos una nueva metodologa de enseanza que hemos denominado Speed Learning. Esta metodologa consiste en videos concisos y que van directo al punto a estudiar, complementado con eBooks con explicaciones e imgenes paso a paso (los cuales puedes imprimir, o hacer bsquedas de cualquier texto que necesites, o usar para tu estudio offline), ya que como sabemos no podemos hacer bsqueda de texto dentro de video. Adems nuestra metodologa incluye ejercicios perfectamente estructurados y muy didcticos, que te permitirn acelerar tu aprendizaje eLearning. Sin prdida de tiempo en videos donde tienes que observar al instructor codificar un ejercicio, demasiada teora, poca prctica ni nada de eso. Nuestra metodologa Speed Learning te garantiza que en el menor tiempo posible adquirirs el conocimiento necesario para el mundo laboral y profesional Java.El curso de Java EE incluye los siguientes temas:Curso de Java EE :Leccin 1 - Introduccin a Java EEIntroduccin al mundo Java Empresarial (Java EE)Stack de Tecnologas Java EEArquitectura Multicapas en Java EEInstalacin de las Herramientas (Eclipse, MySql)Instalacin del Servidor de Aplicaciones GlassfishUso de Maven y JavaEEHolaMundo con JavaEELeccin 2 - Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)Introduccin a los EJBTipos y Configuracin de un EJBInyeccin de Dependencias en Java EEEmpaquetamiento y Contenedores empresarialesLeccin 3 - Introduccin a Java Persistence API (JPA)Introduccin a Java Persistence API (JPA)Entenidimiento de las clases de Entidad en JPAManejo de EntityManager y Persistence UnitUso de JUnit y JPALeccin 4 - Consultas con JPACiclo de Vida en JPATipos de Relaciones en JPAConsultas JPQL en JPAUso del API de Criteria en JPAManejo de Transacciones en JPALeccin 5 - Rol de los Servlets y JSPsRol de los Servlets y JSPs en Java EERol de los JSPs en Java EEIntegracin Servlets y EJB en Java EELeccin 6 - Rol de JSFRol de JSF en Java EENuevas caracteristicas de JSFAjax en JSF PrimeFaces y JSF Integracin JSF, PrimeFaces, AJAX, EJB y JPALeccin 7 - WebServices y JavaEEIntroduccin a los Web ServicesTipos de Web Services JAX-WS y JAX-RSQu es un Documento WSDLUso de Documentos XML y XSD (XML Scheme)Manejo del API de JAXBEstrategias de Generacin de Web ServicesDespliegue de Web ServicesCreacin del Cliente del Servicio WebLeccin 8 - REST Web ServicesIntroduccin a REST Web ServicesAnlisis de Peticiones HTTPAnotaciones del API JAX-RSIntegracin de EJB y JAX-RSCreacin de un Cliente RESTDocumento WADL y XSD del REST Web ServiceDespliegue de un REST Web ServiceCreacin Cliente REST Web ServiceLeccin 9 - Seguridad en Java EEIntroduccin a la Seguridad en Java EEAutenticacin y Autorizacin en Java EESeguridad en la Capa Web en Java EESeguridad en Capa EJB en Java EEAutenticacin de Clientes en Java EEAutenticacin del Cliente WebAutenticacin del Cliente SOAP y REST Web ServiceEjercicio Final con la integracin de todo lo aprendidoAl finalizar obtienes un certificado de haber concluido con el curso de Java EE. Y a partir de ese momento grandes oportunidades laborales y profesionales te esperan en el mundo real.Pero an hay mas!!!Debido a que varios de nuestros alumnos nos han comentado que necesitan reforzar algunos conceptos de Java bsicos, agregaremos los cursos de manera gratuita a tu curso de Java EE los siguientes cursos:1) Fundamentos de Java2) Programacin con Java3) Java con JDBC4) HTML, CSS y JavaScript5) Servlets y JSP's6) JavaServer Faces (JSF)Este contenido es completamente gratis una vez que entras a tu curso de Java EE, as que esperamos disfrutes los siguientes cursos que son un bono de regalo por haberte inscrito a nuestro curso de Java EE, con la intencin que puedas repasar los temas descritos en caso de que as lo requieras. Estos cursos se encuentran en el mismo temario de este curso de Java EE, solo debes revisar que temas te interesa repasar, para que no tengas que consultar en otro curso esta informacin.As que no esperes ms e inscrbete ya mismo a este fabuloso curso de Java EE de Global Mentoring. Recuerda que tu satisfaccin est garantizada o tu dinero de vuelta.Saludos y te vemos del otro lado.Ing. Ubaldo AcostaFundador de Global Mentoring y la Universidad Java"
Price: 19.99

"Programacin con Java: Ms all de los Fundamentos de Java"
"Este curso es la continuacin de nuestro cursoFundamentos de Java: Aprende Java desde cero, sin misterios.Este curso de Programacin con Javaes el mejorcurso para continuar aprendiendoJava en Espaol, y es la continuacin del curso de Fundamentos de Java.Al igual que en el curso anterior,te llevaremos paso a paso para que adquieras los conocimientos de la programacin orientada a objetos utilizandoellenguaje Java y as puedas empezar a estudiar temas ms avanzados.El contenido est dividido enniveles perfectamente estructurados, cada nivel apoyado del anterior, con el objetivo de ir agregando conocimiento Java de maneraincremental y as te puedas enfocar en dominar los temas poco a poco y de manera paulatina. As asegurar el xito de tu capacitacin Java.Ofreceremossoportede cualquier duda del material didcticoincluido en este curso de Programacin con Java.Por si fuera poco, manejamos una nueva metodologa de enseanza que hemos denominadoSpeed Learning. Esta metodologa consiste en videos concisosy que van directo al punto a estudiar, complementado con eBooks con explicaciones e imgenespaso a paso (los cuales puedes imprimir, o hacer bsquedas de cualquier texto que necesites, o usar para tu estudio offline), ya que como sabemos no podemos hacer bsquedadetextodentro de un video. Adems nuestra metodologa incluyeejercicios perfectamente estructurados y muy didcticos, quete permitirn acelerar tu aprendizaje eLearning. Sin prdida de tiempo en videos donde tienes que observar al instructor codificar un ejercicio, demasiada teora, poca prctica ni nada de eso. Nuestra metodologa Speed Learning te garantiza que en el menor tiempo posible adquirirs el conocimiento necesario para el mundo laboral y profesionalJava.El curso de Programacin conJava incluye los siguientestemas de estudio:Nivel. Programacin conJavaNivel 2. Programacin con JavaLeccin 1 - Polimorfismo en JavaQu es el polimorfismo y su aplicacinSobreescritura en Java y su usoLeccin 2 - Manejo Avanzado de Objetos en JavaConversin de Objetos (cast)Identificando el tipo de objeto con el operador instanceofLa importancia y uso del operador thisLeccin 3 - Manejo de Bloques de Cdigo en JavaAlcance de Variables (Scope)Uso de bloques estticos y no estticosLeccin 4 - Uso de Clases Abstractas e Interfaces en JavaDiferencias entre Clases Abstractas e InterfacesDeclaracin y uso de Clases AbstractasManejo de Interfaces en Java y cundo utilizarlasLeccin 5 - Manejo de Excepciones en JavaProcesando las excepciones en JavaUso de try-catch y propagacin de ExcepcionesLeccin 6 - Manejo de Colecciones en JavaUso de las colecciones en JavaManejo de List, Set y Map y la aplicacin de cada estructuraLeccin 7 - Manejo de Archivos en JavaManejo y uso de archivos en JavaManejo de Streams en Java y sus usosLaboratorio Final del NivelEjercicio Final donde se aplica todo lo aprendido en este nivelAl finalizar obtienes un certificado de haber concluido el curso de Fundamentos deJava.Te esperamos del otro lado.Ing. Ubaldo AcostaFundador de Global Mentoring y la Universidad JavaPasin por la Tecnologa Java"
Price: 19.99

"Java con JDBC: Conctate a cualquier base de datos con Java"
"Este curso es la continuacin de nuestros cursos Fundamentos de Java y el curso de Programacin con Java.Este curso de Java con JDBC es el mejor curso para continuar aprendiendo Java en Espaol. Al igual que los cursos anteriores, te llevaremos paso a paso para que adquieras los conocimientos para conectarte a cualquier base de datos, en particular veremos como conectarnos y trabajar con la base de datos de MySql con el API de JDBC. Este curso es la base para entender cursos ms avanzados como el curso de Hibernate Framework o la tecnologa de JPA.El contenido est dividido en niveles perfectamente estructurados, cada nivel apoyado del anterior, con el objetivo de ir agregando conocimiento Java de manera incremental y as te puedas enfocar en dominar los temas poco a poco y de manera paulatina. As asegurar el xito de tu capacitacin Java. Ofreceremos soporte de cualquier duda del material didctico incluido en este curso de Java con JDBC.Conexin a Bases de Datos con JDBCLeccin 1 - Comenzando con JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)La necesidad de una base de datosInstalando MySql y OracleDescarga de controladores (drivers) para conectarnos a la baseLeccin 2 - Conectando a la Base de Datos (BD)Pasos para conectarnos a una base de datos relacionalCdigo JDBC para conectarnos a la base de datosLeccin 3 - Sentencia SelectPasos para ejecutar la sentencia Select de SQL con JDBCUso de la sentencia select para leer la informacin de la BDLeccin 4 - Manipulando Datos con JDBCPasos para ejecutar las sentencias insert, update y deleteUso de las sentencias insert,update y delete para manipular informacinSeparacin de funciones select, insert, update y delete con JDBCLeccin 5 - Arquitectura MulticapasEstructurando nuestro cdigo JDBCCreando la capa de datos en una Arquitecturas MulticapasLeccin 6 - Patrones de DiseoPatrn de Diseo DAO (Data Access Object)Patrn de Diseo DTO (Data Transfer Object) o VO (Value Object)Laboratorio Final con la integracin de todo lo visto en este NivelTe esperamos del otro lado.Ing. Ubaldo AcostaFundador de Global Mentoring y la Universidad JavaPasin por la Tecnologa Java"
Price: 19.99

"Advanced Oracle SQL"
"Do you know the basics of Oracle SQL?Already know how to write a SELECT statement or INSERT data into a table?There's plenty more to learn about Oracle SQL, and this is the course to take.Take your Oracle SQLskills to the next level by enrolling in this Advanced OracleSQL, which follows on from my Introduction to Oracle SQL course.You'll learn more advanced concepts, at an easy-to-follow pace, including:Insert, update, and delete using subqueriesHierarchical queries and what they are used forSynonyms, indexes, and other database objectsThe WITHclause and why it's so usefulTimezones and transactionsAnd more!Watch the promo video for this course for more information, and then enrol i this course!"
Price: 49.99

"How to Create an Effective Personal Elevator Pitch"
"In this course were going to learn about a communication tool that could potentially make or break your career.Weve organized this course into four modules.In module 1 well focus on introducing you to the personal elevator speech and well make sure that you can explain what it is, why its important, how long it should be and what components or information should be included in a well crafted elevator pitch.In module 2 you will use the resources that we provide to develop a concise statement of who you are in a professional contextModule 3 focuses on articulating the value that you offer your target audience. When you complete this module youll be able to use the resources that we provide to develop a statement that clearly articulates exactly it is that you can do or what you can offer a potential customer, business partner or employer, the types of problems that you are uniquely qualified to solve, and a statement of the major benefit that individuals will experience from interacting with or using you including your unique selling proposition,In module 4 you will learn how to communicate your message so that you achieve the ultimate goal of an elevator speech which is to obtain a followup conversation."
Price: 24.99

"Anncios Facebook"
"Curso online: Anncios FacebookInvista com eficincia em Facebook Ads e obtenha mais notoriedade, interao e vendas!Esta formao, livre de horrios, ministrada pelo formador Vasco Marques, autor dos livros: ""Marketing Digital 360"", ""Vdeo Marketing""e ""Redes Sociais 360"".Benefcios:Invista em anncios de forma eficienteObtenha mais trfego e conversesAlcance novos pblicos no FacebookAlcance pblico com interesse na sua empresaSaiba qual o retorno do investimentoIdentifique anncios com melhores resultados"
Price: 39.99

"Autocad 2010"
"Starting with understanding the Interface of Autocad 2010, you will be amazed where you reach by the end of this course. With the wide applications of Autocad in Mechanical, Architecture and Civil fields, this is one software that you need to know to put down your engineering ideas on paper. Learn to draft 2D models, to apply constrains, dimension parts, to make 3D models in this well structured course of Autocad."
Price: 19.99

"OSX Mountain Lion"
"Finding it difficult to get your hands on the macbook you just bought ? Here's the answer to all your queries about the Operating System Mountain Lion. In this thoughtfully designed course, we have tried to cover all the essentials of this amazing Operating system. Take this course and see yourself work more efficiently than ever !!!"
Price: 19.99

"What's new in Excel 2013"
"In this course, we have tried to cover all the updates that have been made by Microsoft in their latest version of excel 2013. This is a quick crash course to Excel 2013. The course will take only about an hour to complete and by the end of this course you will already be familiar with the new interface and features of Excel 2013. To make things easier for the learners, we have also provided a link to download all the exercise files that can be used for this course. So you don't have to waste any time looking out for examples. We care about your precious Time !! Take this course to get familiar with Excel 2013 and waste no time in self exploring the change over that Microsoft has brought to Excel 2013."
Price: 19.99

"Macros & VBA Excel"
"This course is an Introduction to VBA & Macros in excel. In this course we have tried to cover all the topics necessary for you get started on creating applications in Excel as per your needs. As always, to make things easier we have included links to download Exercise files as well as the results for each topic."
Price: 19.99

"A complete guide to Solidworks 2014"
"This course is designed as a comprehensive guide to learn one of the most widely used CAD & CAE software, Solidworks.Starting with understanding the Interface ofSolidworks, you will be amazed where you reach by the end of this course.What will you learnThe course is spread over 100 lecturescovering all the important features of the software in a easy and lucid language. It begins with the most basic of features such as the interface of solidworks, use of mouse, how to model in solidworks,creating simple parts in solidworks, moving on to the 3D modelling and eventually moving onto the more complex features of assembly and drawing.Being able towork expertly on 3D modelling software is a very effective way of putting your engineering ideas on paper and this course is designed to guide you through it. Solidworks has got a variety of applications in very diverse fields such asMechanicalArchitectureMedicalCivilAviationThe wide and extensive use of the software makes it a must have on our CV, and we are here to ensure that it is learned it the best way possible.So what are you waiting for take this course and see yourself work more efficiently than ever! Lets get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Como Tudo Comeou - Histria e Geografia do Livro de Atos"
"Uma Viso histrica e comentarios do livro de Atos comapresentao introdutria dos eventos mais importantes da igrejaprimitiva e os seus primeiros lderes. Apresentao das viagens missionrias de Paulo mostrando as suas estratgias missionrias e estilo de pregao.Desenvolvimento geografico e de crescimento mediante a transio das cidades e das liderans entre Pedro e paulo nestes primeiros anos da igreja primitiva.Os tipos de discursos e da oposicao que a igreja viveu no seu tempo para se implantar como uma religiao no meio do imperio Romano"
Price: 39.99

"Vencendo a Ansiedade: Dicas Para enfrentar a ansiedade"
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a descobrir sintomas da ansiedade e ansiedade txica ou doentia.Mostrar os tipos de ansiedade que adoecem e que precisam de cuidados especiais.Com passos simples e prticos o aluno poder conhecer como pode controlar a ansiedade e os caminhos a seguir para viver uma vida de qualidadeUma apresentao de princpios ou dicas daespiritualidade como um dos caminhos que podem, desde que bem aplicados na vida, ajudar a vencer a ansiedade ou controlar os momentos anisoosDescobrir passos para deter na origem de todos os sintomas da ansiedade"
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda a Estar e Viver Sempre Bem Casados"
"Com quase 4 dcadas de casamento, desejamos compartilhar um pouco da experincia e aprendizado junto a minha esposa e trs filhas neste tempo. Apresentao de princpios mantidos durante sculos que so primordiais para um casamento duradouro. Ocasamento foi feito para durar e transpor os problemas e as dificuldades mas por ser uma aventura desconhecida se requer conhecer alguns aspectos bsicos para se relacionar e construir esta famlia que todos desejamos"
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda Fazer Exegese Bblica Sem Complicaes - O SABER"
"Uma das maiores dificuldades para o estudante de teologia, pastor, sacerdote, lder ou qualquer pessoa que deseja se aprofundar no estudo da Bblia, a questo exegtica. Geralmente a falta de conhecimento das linguas originais (Gero, Hebraico e Aramaico) impedem os estudantes a se arriscarem a este fascinante estudo. Por causa das regras gramaticais e nomes dificeis de serem lembrados, muitos desistem do estudos.O desejo deste curso vencer os traumas e medos para que de forma natural o aluno se familiarize com as questes exegticas e com o caminhar do estudos, tomei animo em avancar no conhecimento e de novas ferramentas.A WEB e a literatura na lingua portuguesa d uma grande ajudar para este desenvolvimento. A tecnologia e informtica facilita cada dai mais ao acesso do estudos."
Price: 39.99

"Agora Voc vai Conhecer Realmente a Histria de Jesus"
"Os evangelhos apresentam a vida de Jesus. Os textos foramescritos para um contexto e um tempo diferente do nosso. Para uma melhor compreenso e interpretao dos fatos precisamos conhecer com profundidade o que os autores escreverame as suas razes. Conhecer a autoria, tempo, locale leitores o primeiro passo de uma boa compreenso. importante ter as informaes dos grupos sociais, religiosos e polticos da poca de Jesus para entender melhor os debates estabelecidos com JesusEste curso tem como objetivo apresentar ao aluno informaes relevantes para entender o ministrio e ensino do Mestre da Galilia. Uma apresentao cronolgica da vida de Jesus ajudaro o leitor da Bblia a experimentar os passos de Jesus na terra. Apresentao dos ensinos e da pedagogia de Jesus so importantes para conhecer o seu ministrio"
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda de Forma Fcil a Pregar a Bblia"
"Oferecer o contato inicial da ARTEDEPREGAR ou Homiltica. Conhecer as estratgias para ter uma boa comunicao na transmisso da mensagem bblica em qualquer contexto. Ao mesmo tempo assimilar os caminhos de aperfeioamento na comunicao e evitar os rudos na comunicao. Assimilando e conhecendo as diversas formas de sermes que podem ser usados para comunicar a verdade bblica"
Price: 39.99

"Create Responsive HTML5 eLearning with Articulate 360 Rise"
"Articulate 360 Rise allows you to build interactive, responsive eLearning courses with ease. It is a web-based application giving you the power to simply fill out some forms, choose your media and watch the responsive magic happen. In this course Jeff takes you through start to finish of everything you need to know with Rise including how to customize some of the code that gets exported from the Rise toolBy the end of this course you will be able to go into Rise and build your own responsive HTML5 eLearning and know some of the in and outs of the tool to take full advantage of Rise."
Price: 99.99

"Cooking With Rice- Chef Keith Snow-Food Storage Feast"
"Rice is one of the most consumedof all grain crops, worldwide. Howver, many people are used to eating rice that is over cooked, soggy, clumpy andstuck together. We decided to educate people on several easy yet delicious ways to cook and use rice in wonderful ways. This mini course will teach you what varities we recommend, how to stora them, we to find them and of course, how to cook with them.Here are the dishes we show yo uhow to make:Mexican RiceArroze Verde-Green RiceThai Fried rice w ChickenConfetti RicePorcini Mushroom RisottoCoconut Raisin Rice Pudding"
Price: 19.99

"With more than 239,928 subscribers, World Renowned Lifestyle and Relationship expert, the author of the First book on Ayurveda and Relationships- Lissa Coffey invites you toDiscover the Most Unusual, Scientific & Practical Biological Method of Making Your Relationships with ANYONE (especially your partner) thrive in 17 different Ways!Be it choosing the right partner or making it work out better with someone, a science more than 5000 years old will do for your relationships what NOTHING else can!Enhance the quality of your relationships with 17 ways customized to work for the unique personalities that you and your partner haveUse some simple Practical hacks based on the biological principles that govern the universe to prevent arguments and amplify bliss in your personal relationshipsLearn about your partner what you could never guess about them, and understand the hidden biological reasons behind why they act the way they doLearn the right buttons to push to get them to relax and enjoy some quality time with them without spending time and money on evenings that only end up as disasters!Kick out unknown (until now) elements that silently aggravate negativity in your householdThe right foods, the right colors, the right locations, the right habits- get it all to make your ideal relationship a reality- today!Discover the Hidden Ayurvedic Secret to Relationships!Ayurveda and Relationships?!!Yes!Ayurveda explains the nature of everything in the universe. It is a compelling way of looking at all of life, the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Ayurveda types people according to both their physical features and personality traits. Ayurveda tells us how we tick, and how we relate to the rest of the world, including the other people in it!Once we understand the basics of Ayurvedawe see that we can get along with anyone. There are no bad matches! So whether you want to end the squabbling with your mate, youre having a hard time with your boss, or your boyfriend just cant commit, with this system of Ancient Indian Love Matches, youll find ways to make the relationship work.This 5000 years old Science of Life or The Ayurvedic System of Healthcare contains within it a logical system of balancing not just your body and mind but also your relationships!Ayurveda explains, that our body, like the universe, is made up of 5 elements:air, water, fire, space and earth.These elements, in their biological form, are known as doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata is made up of a combination of Air and Space. Pitta is a combination of Fire and Water. Kapha is made up of a combination of Earth and Water.Every activity and function of our mind and body is dependent upon the balanced or unbalanced state of our doshas.Because we all have all of the elements in our bodies, we all have each of the doshas as well. But every one of us is born with a unique, individual balance of these doshas. So, no two of us are alike!And this reveals to us the Ayurvedic Secret of Relationships!The idea is to find what our own special combination of doshas is, and to work to keep in balance so that we stay in radiant health, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Once you have figured out your own dominant dosha and your mates, if you have one you can learn how to make the most of your particular love match.If you dont already have a partner, this information can help you decide which dosha might make the best love match for you. Just remember: theres no such thing as a bad match!Using my Dosha Mate system, youll learn how to connect with and accept anyone, anywhere in the world.Divided in different pairs and combinations, it gives you a full report of the compatibility of your Dosha with another persons Dosha.This system shows us how we can please each other and ourselves at the same time. It shows us how we can live in harmony with those around us by recognizing a persons natural qualities and bringing more love into the world.Here youll find clues as to how you interact with each other, your communication styles (physical and emotional as well), instinctual preferences with regards to food, travel, lifestyle and work among others.Not only will The Dosha Mates tell you more about the ones you love but it will also help you practice some easy tweaks in your lifestyle to be more than happy to be together!Through this Course You Will:Learn more about a person by just looking at their physiology & their dietDiscover how you and your partner can enjoy a unique Bliss Factor based on your Unique Biological Set-upUncover the biological influences on attraction between you & your partner and make Sensual Pleasures and intimacy work better between the both of you!Learn The most important thing that your particular can do to keep yourselves in balance and enjoy a healthy, love-filled lifeFind out what are the hidden challenges particular to your relationship and how you can overcome them in super easy waysCommunicate better with your partner by understanding the undercurrents of communication specific to you and your partner.Avoid conflicts by knowing what not to do in a particular situation and eliminate hidden triggers of irritability, frustration, anger and lethargy based on your partners DoshaLearn what makes your partner feel in a particular way, predict more accurately how they will react in what situation and the learn best way to evoke and soothe your partners emotionsGet the basic rules of diet that the both of you should follow to be healthy and maintain healthy relationshipsLearn what would be Great Dates for you and your partner along with the best getaway suitable to your particular Dosha-CombinationLearn the hidden dynamics of your relationship in terms of work and business based on your personality typeGet the best lifestyle for you and your partner individually and the most suitable lifestyle for the both of you to be together based on your personality typesHow your Doshas affect the home that you create together with your partner and how you can make it more blissful & harmonious to live together!Heres why Dosha-Mates will give you an edge and a subtle power & contentment in your relationships:Understanding people through new and interesting ways is a learning experience in itself and empowers you with deeper emotional intelligence and enables you to not only enjoy better relationships yourself, but also help others in understanding others better!Lastly, there is No other course like this- Lissa Coffey, being the only writer to have written so extensively on Ayurveda and Relationships has revealed her learning and proven secrets to better relationships for the first time ever through this course!This is a fun course-The simple and straightforward format of the course makes it very easy and enjoyable for you to go through it.Let alone the financial setbacks of bad relationships with actual expenses, lower productivity and self sabotaging patterns, the Emotional cost of disagreement and unpleasantness is too high to incur, especially, when you can completely avoid it and actually enjoy the pleasures of a fantastic relationship with some very simple acts!You have a deeper and a more understanding perspective which brings you New found meaning in your relationshipsYou have less fights, less arguments, less health bills, lower stress levels, reduced financial stressYou feel better about yourself, you know the right things that will work for both you and your partner and can thus quietly and effectively work on enjoying a meaningful and fulfilling relationship.Youre more positive, less depressed, have a more encouraging approach to resolving issues rather than creating themWhen you can take up some simple lifestyle habits, you dont reach the point of breakdown so easily- your daily bickering reduces and your everyday interaction becomes much more harmonious and enjoyableWhen you eat right, you feel right- when you feed your relationship the right things and keep poisonous habits away from it, you enjoy deeper, more fulfilling and happier relationships- this program will help you learn best ways to react or NOT react specific to YOUR particular combination of Doshas or personality types!The relationship of the mind and the body is already established- this program gives you physical hacks to enjoying better personal relationships!This is not some random relationship theory- its a science based on the body- the physical composition of the unique individual that you areCourse OverviewAyurveda explains the nature of everything in the universe. It is a compelling way of looking at all of life, including our relationships. Once we understand the basics of Ayurveda we see that we can get along with anyone. There are no bad matches! So whether you want to end the squabbling with your mater, youre having a hard time with your boss, or your boyfriend just cant commit, with this system of Ancient Indian love matches youll find ways to make the relationship work. Each module looks at 17 different points of compatibility within a match."
Price: 24.99

"The Map to Happy"
"Life doesnt come with an instruction manual. But if you want to get to that place where you feel happy and at peace no matter what challenges life presents you with, then this is the map for you! The Map to Happy shows you the way to bring simplicity and elegance into your everyday life. It helps you focus on the beautiful aspects of daily living that make the difference between a common life and one filled with magic, mystery, and joy.Course SummaryGain a higher perspective and understanding of life.Finding your greatest teachers in your friends and family.Learn the wonder of connection, and the splendor of solitude.With daily directions to follow youll arrive at a profound new awareness in just nine weeks."
Price: 24.99

"Udemy Masters: Learn Online Course Creation - Unofficial"
"UPDATE FOR 2020 with Phil's latest techniques and best practices!What is your ideal life? Does the word FREEDOM come to mind? Freedom from stress. Freedom from worry. Freedom from money. Freedom from bosses. Freedom to be with your friends and family.Freedom to do what you love every day.Ultimately, freedom is what this course is all about.I want to show you how I've built a life of freedom by sharing my knowledge with the world. It's a wonderful thing to make more money than I've ever made before... by teaching others skills that will improve their own lives.You want freedom, and you're either:Someone who has never created an online course beforeSomeone who is trying to sell online courses, but isn't having as much success as you'd likeI can help you, no matter what situation you're in. THIS COURSE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO:Create online courses that actually sellCome up with great online course topicsValidate your course idea to make sure it will be profitableDesign an engaging outline sure to get great student reviewsUnderstand the equipment needed to get started on any budgetEdit more engaging and super duper high quality videosLaunch your course successfully, even without an audienceChoose a platform(s) to put your courses onSell courses on marketplaces like Udemy and SkillshareSelf-host your courses with tools like Teachable and ThinkificBuild an automated sales funnel to sell your course while you sleepGrow your own loyal following for your own brandUse YouTube, webinars, blogging, and podcasting to sell coursesIncrease your income by re-purposing course contentAlong with the video content of the course, there are many bonuses.BONUSES:Downloadable resources and guidesAn audio version of the course to listen on the goQ&A videos the answer your specific questionsAssignments that make you productive while taking the courseAn instructor who truly cares about your successI SHARE ALL MY SECRETS IN THIS COURSEThese are techniques that I use every day to grow my 6-figure business (having sold over $1,000,000 in courses since 2012). They are techniques that other successful course creators are using to build their own businesses.IT WILL NEVER BE A BETTER TIME TO START TEACHING ONLINE THAN TODAYThe key thing to know before starting is that you don't need anything to get started.You don't need an audience.You don't need to know how to make videos.You don't need to know how to teach.You don't need to know how market.You just need to be persistent. You just need to believe in yourself. You just need to keep your eye on the goal (whatever that may be - financial independence, $100,000 per year, an extra couple bucks for coffee, an avenue to share your knowledge with the world).WHY AM I DOING THIS?Teaching online has changed my life. It's helped me pay for vacations around the world, pay off $107,000 in student loan debt, pay for our wedding, invest for a better future, and purchase our first home.Now I want to give back. In 2013, I started teaching other people how to create and sell online courses. Since then, thousands of people have used my techniques to create their own online courses and change their own lives. A lot has changed since 2013 when I launched my first online teaching training course. I've spoken with and interviewed hundreds of other online instructors to learn what they're doing to grow their online course business. I started the Online Course Masters podcast to document some of these conversations. While the podcast, my blog, and my YouTube channel are all ways in which I give amazing, high-quality, and valuable training to people like you, online courses are still the best way to take a student from A to Z. That's why I created this course - to walk with you through the entire process.With our 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, there's no reason to hesitate.I'll give you two more reasons why you should enroll right this second:Your investment in this course will quickly be paid back even just by implementing some of the techniques I share with you. There are hundreds of gold nuggets to choose from, making this course the best investment in your own education and future success.While today is still the best day you can get started with creating and selling online courses, it will get harder for course creators as the markets get more and more competitive. You want to start as soon as you can (like today) to take advantage of this growing market. Instead of struggling and trying to do everything yourself, just learn from someone who has already figured it out. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOUR SUCCESSIn the first section, I give you 3 ways to improve your courses right now to get better course reviews!See you inside!Phil"
Price: 199.99

"WordPress for Beginners: Create Your Own WordPress Website"
"You're here because you want to create your own WordPress websites, right?This WordPress for Beginners course is the perfect place to start. This complete WordPress course is designed for beginners like you who have never built a WordPress website (or any website for that matter).WordPress is the perfect tool for creating a fully customized website for any purpose. Whether you want to create a blog, a personal portfolio, ora business website to sell your products and services,you can do it with WordPress.While WordPress might seem scary from the outside, once you get started, it's fairly intuitive. Everything from hosting to installing a theme, then actually building your first pages can be learned in the first few lessons of this course.With this WordPress course, you don't need to actually pay for hosting to practice with WordPress. I'll show you how to create a free temporary site so you can follow along.Why learn WordPress from me?I've been building WordPress websites for years. Just like you, there was a time when I was a complete newbie! I was honestly scared of starting a WordPress website because it seemed so daunting.Now I love WordPress! I wouldn't recommend using any other web-building tool.I still remember what it is like to be a beginner, and I've kept that in mind while creating this entire course. I walk you through every process step-by-step to make sure you understand things clearly. And if there is ever anything that is confusing, just let me know and I'll create more lessons that explain or walk you through myself.WORDPRESS COURSECONTENT:Build your own beautiful website using WordPress.Design your WordPress website the way you imagine.Customize your WordPress website for any purpose of yours - whether it's a blog, a portfolio to show off your work, or an e-commerce site to sell your products or services.Host and publish your website in an inexpensive and secure way.Design pages, menus, sidebars, footers, and create a professional and modern website.Find and install themes.Find and install plugins.Back up your WordPress website in case of emergency.Get your website found by search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.Set up email opt-in forms throughout your website.Increase social sharing of your posts and pages with free plugins.Set up comments and contact pages, while blocking spam.Speed up your website with caching plugins.Make your website secure and protected from hackers.Set up a membership and / or e-commerce site.DESIGNA WORDPRESSWEBSITETHATWORKSFORYOU:No matter what your goal is with your WordPress website, I want to make sure you're able to achieve those goals. That's what I promise to help you out with.WORDPRESS PLUGINSYOU'LLLEARNABOUT:JetPackGoogle AnalyticatorGoogle Analytics DashboardBackup BuddyBackUp WordPresVaultPressAll in One SEOPackYoastSEOGoogle XMLSitemapsW3 Total CacheWP Super CacheSumoMeMailPoetOptin MonsterLeadPagesOptimizePressShare by SumoMeFloating Social IconsAkismetDisqusContact Form 7Fast Secure Contact FormsPrettyLinkRedirectionEditorial CalendarSucuriWordFence Securitymany more!Who is this WordPress course for?This course is for anyone brand new to creating WordPress websites. If you have never built a website before, great. If you've built a website on another platform like Wix, Weebly, GoDaddy, or others, that's fine too. This course is not for people trying to learn to code a custom Website. In this course, we'll learn how to use the thousands of themes and plugins already out there to design our own custom websites.With our 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, there's no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, try it out, and see if you like the course!I can't wait to help you build your own WordPress website!Cheers,Phil"
Price: 99.99

"Landscape Photography: You Can Take Your Own Stunning Photos"
"YOUCANTAKEBEAUTIFULLANDSCAPEPHOTOS!That's why you're here right?We're excited to show you how to take your own amazing landscape photos.With this complete landscape photography course, you'll learn the ins and outs from the gear we recommend, the settings we use, the composition tips we have, and the photo editing process we use to end up withaward-winning landscape photos.Follow us as we head out to Joshua Tree National Park to teach this landscape photography course!In this course we combineentertainment+education in thiscomplete behind-the-scenes course. We're not just sitting behind our computer desk, showing you slides. We're out in the field, showing you exactly what we do to shoot our own landscape photos.Key things you will learn in this landscape photography course:What gear you need for landscape photographyHow to prepare for your photography tripBasic camera settings such as shutter speed, aperture, and ISOHow to compose beautiful landscape photosUsing a polarizing filter to improve your photosHow to shoot a panorama with any cameraHow to edit landscape photos to make them look even betterAerial landscapephotography with DJI drones (coming soon)Course bonusesDownloadable cheat sheetsBehind the scenes lessonsFull editing case studiesPractical assignmentsQuizzes to test your knowledgeWhy learn from us?We are three instructors who love photography, and love teaching. We're the teachers of the best-selling Photography Masterclass. We always take our student's feedback, and use it to improve our courses. That's why we created this course in the first place - because fellow students wanted us to create a landscape photography course.What students are saying about our courses:Absolutely loved loved loved this course. - AshontiI really like this course. Its the best course I have ever taken on photography. I have come to really like Phil and Sam, and I think if you take the course you will to :D - TJI loved this course! The basics of photography were fully covered, plenty of practical examples, the tutors were very clear in their explanations and very quick in answering to any question. - OrnellaPerfect course for beginners and intermediate photographers. Duration of the lessons is great you can move at your own pace without needing to sit for hours for just one class. - OmarIf you want to take great landscape photos, this is the course for you.Remember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, see if you enjoy the course, and start shooting better photos today!Cheers,Phil, Will, and Sam"
Price: 99.99

"Night Photography: You Can Shoot Stunning Night Photos"
"YOUCANTAKEBEAUTIFULNIGHTPHOTOS!That's why you're here right?We're excited to show you how to take your own amazing night & low-light photos.With thiscomplete night photography course, you'll learn the ins and outs from the gear we recommend, the settings we use, the composition tips we have, and the photo editing process we use to end up withaward-winning night photos.Follow us as we head out to Joshua Tree National Park to teach this night photography course!In this course we combineentertainment+educationin thiscomplete behind-the-scenescourse. We're not just sitting behind our computer desk, showing you slides. We're out in the field, showing you exactly what we do to shoot our own night photos.Key things you will learn in this night photography course:What gear you need for nightphotographyHow to prepare for your photography tripBasic camera settings such as shutter speed, aperture, and ISOHow to compose beautiful night photosUsing a shutter release remote to shoot long exposuresHow to shoot light trail photosComposing creative night photos of the starsHow to shoot photographs of the moonHow to edit night photos to make them look even betterCourse bonusesDownloadable cheat sheetsBehind the scenes lessonsFull editing case studiesPractical assignmentsQuizzes to test your knowledgeWhy learn from us?We are three instructors who love photography, and love teaching. We're the teachers of thebest-selling Photography Masterclass.We always take our student's feedback, and use it to improve our courses. That's why we created this course in the first place - because fellow students wanted us to create a night photography course.What students are saying about our courses:Absolutely loved loved loved this course. - AshontiI really like this course. Its the best course I have ever taken on photography. I have come to really like Phil and Sam, and I think if you take the course you will to :D - TJI loved this course! The basics of photography were fully covered, plenty of practical examples, the tutors were very clear in their explanations and very quick in answering to any question. - OrnellaPerfect course for beginners and intermediate photographers. Duration of the lessons is great you can move at your own pace without needing to sit for hours for just one class. - OmarIf you want to take great night photos, this is the course for you.Remember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, see if you enjoy the course, and start shooting better photos today!Cheers,Phil, Will, and Sam"
Price: 99.99

"HTML5 + CSS3 + Bootstrap: The Beginner Web Design Course"
"***NEWHTML5 and CSS3 COURSEONUDEMY! ***Do you want to learn how to build your own websites?Do you want to become a web developer?Do you just want to know how to customize the design of a website created with Wordpress (or other web-builder) so it looks like you want it to?HTML &CSS are the basic building blocks of the website world! And this is the perfect course for you to dive right in and learn them.Why should you enroll in this course?1. It's great for absolute beginners, with NOcoding or web development experience required!Many of the other courses on HTML5 and CSS3 on Udemy are too advanced, or use language that is confusing to a beginner. We break down every definition and step of the process so you never get lost.2. Project-based learning. Plus it's free to build websites!Learning is better when you're actually doing. As you follow along with each section of the course, you'll be building your own websites. Plus, we'll be using free applications to do so - Brackets and Google Chrome. No matter what type of computer you have - Windows, Mac, Linux - you can get started.Seriously, within the first hour of the course, you'll be building your own basic websites!3. No more boring lectures!If you've watched other HTML5 and CSS3 courses or tutorials before, you know that it can be difficult to make it interesting and fun. The instructors Nick and Phil strive to make each lesson fun and interesting, so you feel like you're actually learning something new... and progressing... all while having fun!4. Real world case studies!It's great to learn how to use HTML and CSS, but it's even better if you know how what you are learning applies to real-world websites. Throughout the entire course, Nick shows how real websites are using HTML and CSS today. Phil follows up with personal case studies of how even beginner's can use HTML and CSSto customize their own websites.WHATWILLYOULEARNINTHISCOURSE?Start by understanding how to use HTML5, CSS3, and BootstrapEach section builds upon the previous ones to give you a complete understanding of the basics of HTML, CSS, and BootstrapOnce you are in the Bootstrap section, you'll learn how to quickly develop and design beautiful responsive websitesFinally, you'll put all your knowledge together withfull website projects such as creating a modern landing pageISTHISTHEPERFECTCOURSEFORYOU?YES-if you are a complete beginner with no experience building a website.YES -if you already know some HTML and CSS, but want to learn everything from the ground up so you know how to build a complete website.YES -if you don't necessarily want to be a web developer, but want to understand how HTML and CSSwork so you can customize your own WordPress site(or other type of website)NO -if you already know the basics of HTML and CSS. If that's the case, we recommend a more advanced HTML and CSS course.WHATDOYOUGETWHENYOUENROLL?Lifetime access to all of our videos. Start whenever you want - and go at your own pace!Download any of the lectures, so you can easily watch back on your computer or device.Downloadable cheat sheets and guides that make writing website code much more efficient.High quality support in the course Q&A for whenever you are stuck and have any questions.An amazing new skill that is in high demand for getting a well paid job.READYTOENROLL?With our 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, there's no reason to hesitate. Enroll now to try out the course completely risk free!We can't wait to see you in the course!Nick and Phil"
Price: 199.99

"Street Photography for Beginners"
"You're out in your city... or traveling to a foreign land, and you want to capture the story of that place with your camera. But you hesitate taking a photo of that interesting person. Or you snap a photo of a building that doesn't come out as you imagined.We can help you become a betterphotographer!In thisphotography course, award winning photographer Anthony Carbajal and best selling online course creator Phil Ebiner team up to bring a once in a lifetime course.Anthony was diagnosed with ALS(Lou Gehrig's disease) in his mid-twenties. At the time, he was photographing 50+ weddings a year, and was one of the most sought-after photographers in Southern California. Unfortunately due to the disease, he was unable to photograph weddings anymore.He turned his passion to the streets!Since then, he's been capturing the stories of the streets through his beautiful street photography.Anthony wants to help you become a betterphotographer!HOWWILLYOULEARN?Understand the basic principles of taking greatphotosChoose great locations and times to photographGet comfortable photographing strangersKnow the rules when it comes to photographing people and places in publicShoot more creative compositionsEdit your photos better to make them really stand outGrow your own following online, on platforms like InstagramUltimately, you will learn how to take photos you absolutely love, photos that truly tell the story of your surroundings.WHATOTHERSTUDENTSARESAYING:Don't just take our word for it. Here's what other students are saying about our photography courses...'An absolutely great photography course.' - Rick'You will not be disappointed by take this course if you want to learn photography.' - Stephen'Great course! This course included just about everything.' - Robert'This was fast and very very useful.' - SergejOURPROMISETOYOU:We promise to make this course the bestphotography course that we can, to make you a betterphotographer. If at anytime you think we can improve it, just let us know how. We'll be happy to provide one-on-one support, or add lessons to the course to answer any of your questions.We have a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. So there's no reason to hesitate! You can basically try the course for free, and see if you learn anything.We can't wait to see you in the course.Even more so,we can't wait to see your future photos!Cheers,Phil & Anthony"
Price: 99.99

"Affinity Photo: Complete Guide to Photo Editing in Affinity"
"Do you want your photos to look better to look amazing?Do you want to learn one of the hottest and most inexpensive photoediting applications, used by professional photographers on both Mac and PC?If so, youre in the right place - and were happy to have you here!It's great to have you here. ILOVEPHOTOGRAPHYand PHOTOEDITING!Maybe you're an amateur photographer who has done a little bit of photo editing, or maybe you have quite a bit of photo editing experience. Either way, we've made this course to help youmake images that matter.Start editing photos in Affinity Phototoday!You've always wanted to learn how to easily edit your photos. Affinity is the perfect tool for you. It's robust, yet intuitive. This course will teach you everything you to start photo editing today.COURSEBONUSES!Supplied photosso you can follow along with everything we do in the coursePro Tips and Guides to help you outPractice activities to share your work and get feedbackWHYTAKETHISCOURSEFROMME?I'm Phil Ebiner, and I've been editing photos for years. I love helping others learn new skills and applications - specifically beginners. Most students find that I'm able to explain complicated topics and tools so that even beginners can easily understand it. Also, this course is very project-based, so you are learning while you're actually editing your photos.Plus, Video School Online is the creator of some ofthe world's most popular photographycourses - with over 300,000 students and thousands of 5-star reviews like these ones:Well organized and easy to follow! -Ana ToliI am an absolute beginner. This course gave me every tool I needed to edit my photos....5 Stars!- Jim KingI loved this course...After viewing this course I can now edit my photos to exactly the way I like them. -LindaMY PROMISETOYOUI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.I want to make this the best course on how use Affinity Photo. So if there is any way wecan improve this course, just tell me and I'llmake it happen.WHAT'STHISCOURSEALLABOUT?This course will teach you how to use Affinity Phototo its fullest potential.When you are done with this course, youll be able to edit your photos in Affinity Photo like a pro. Youll be able to set up Affinity Photo so it will run its best saving you hours of frustration and youll have the confidence that youre not going to lose your images.Youll also be able to professionally retouch images and youll spend less time doing it with pro Affinity Photo tips and tricks.Well do this by covering Affinity Photo setup and configuration, exposure adjustments, adding drama and power, mastering Affinity Photo tools, covering top Affinity Photo personas, recovering details in shadows, how to edit a landscape photos, how to retouch a portraits, and much more.Make your photos shine with this great course.Each lesson is available for download, so you can take it with you wherever you go.KEYTOPICS:Navigating the Affinity Photo applicationStarting a new photo editing projectUsing basic editing tools to fix photo problems like crop, white balance, and exposureEditing with advanced techniquesImproving portraits and photos of peopleExporting photos for any purposeand so much more!With our 30-day 100%money back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and we'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Phil"
Price: 199.99

"Digital Marketing Masterclass - 23 Courses in 1"
"You're looking for acomplete digital marketing course to teach you everything you need to become a digital marketing expert, right?You've found the right digital marketing course!With the skills learned in our digital marketing course, you can:GROW your own businessLAND a job in this hot marketing industryHELP a client increase their businessWe want to help you grow your business with social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and more!We promise to do everything we can to help you with all of these digital marketing & social media marketingstrategies:BRANDINGWEBSITESEMAILMARKETINGBLOGGINGCOPYWRITINGSEO (Search Engine Optimization)YOUTUBEVIDEO MARKETINGFACEBOOK PAGESFACEBOOK GROUPSFACEBOOK ADSFACEBOOK FOR LOCAL BUSINESSESGOOGLE ADSGOOGLE ANALYTICSTWITTERINSTAGRAMGOOGLEPLUSPINTERESTLINKEDINPERISCOPELIVE-STREAMINGONSOCIALMEDIAPODCASTINGQUORAMost of the tools and strategies werecommend and teach you to use are completely free!WHATDOYOUGET WHENYOUENROLL INTHEDIGITALMARKETINGMASTERCLASS?Lifetime access to the course and all updatesPersonalized support and answers to your questionsUdemy certificate of completion30-Day 100% money back guarantee -no questions asked!DIGITALMARKETINGCOURSEBONUSES?Downloadable checklists to keep you on trackDownloadable guides to help you take actionCase Studies to show you behind the scenes of our strategiesWHOAREYOURINSTRUCTORS?The cool thing about this course is that you two teachers! Phil Ebiner and Diego Davila have been using digital marketing to grow their own six-figure businesses.With over 300,000 students combined in their Udemy courses, Phil and Diego knows what it takes to help absolute beginners learn complicated digital marketing skills. They've combined techniques and strategies taught in many of their other best selling courses, and put it all together with this complete digital marketing course.GETREADYTOTAKEACTIONThroughout the entire course, you'll be taking action!You'll learn the proper techniques and strategies for each section. Then you'll see how these strategies are used in the real world with case studies. Finally, you'll take action yourself, and see real results!NOWISTHETIMETOSTARTUSINGDIGITALMARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIAMARKETINGTOGROW YOURBUSINESS!Whether you're completely brand new to all of these topics, or you use a few of them, now is the perfect time to take action.Enroll now so that you can take advantage of the skills you learn to grow your business!"
Price: 199.99