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"Performance Management: Objective setting for NEW MANAGERS"
"If you want to get the best out of your team - working withhigh quality performance objectives is key.The ability to use performance objectives to provide focus and clarity for your team is one of the foundations of effective management.This short course will step new (and experienced)managers through the objective setting process.It willhighlight the common traps that even more experienced managers fall into and help you avoid them.Itwill enable newmanagers to hit the objectives deck running.Applying powerful performance objectives and skills dramaticallyincrease the probability you will:manage a best performing teammanage a team that know what is expected of themmanage a team that delivers on its objectives and gets results.The principles are important, but the execution critical.The course is short and focusedso you can refresh your thinking whenever you find yourself agreeing new objectives with team members.Think of it as apocket coach. Something you can access quickly and easily whenever you need to."
Price: 29.99

"Russian Verbs of Motion Made VERY Simple"
"My course is aimed to help you understand in what case and which form of verbs of motion to use. It is best for beginners and intermediate learners as we will learn by heart all the forms right at the lessons. You will watch some originalvideos using VOM (verbs of motion). They are made in a simple and fun way, so you won't be bored.By the end of the course you will know allthe24 forms of the present/future tense of ""to go""and in thepast tense (which is much easier) too.Finally, you will be able to understand original Russian cartoon with verbs of motion in it! Yes, it is possible, even at beginner level. I can assure you thatthe course will be simple and motivating to continue learning other VOM in Russian, because there are more thanjust ""to go""."
Price: 19.99

"iOS y Swift : Curso Completo de Cero a Profesional"
"Nueva versin del curso: Este curso es versin 2018, Te invitamos a unirte a nuestra nueva versin 2019-2020 la cual puedes encontrar en la biografa del instructor Juan Villalvazo en esta misma plataforma. En la nueva versin agregaremos lecciones nuevas y actualizadas durante todo 2019 y 2020, Gracias.Con este curso aprenders de la manera ms fcil, desde cero y de forma completa los siguientes temas : Instalacin y uso de XcodeToda la sintaxis del lenguaje de programacin SwiftUso y creacin de todos los tipos de datos, operadores y estructuras La programacin Orientada a Objetos, herencia, clases, mtodos y propiedadesComprensin y uso de peticiones a servidores por medio de servicios web RestComo crear apps para iOS y subirlas a un dispositivo real como el iPhoneComo crear Videojuegos con la tecnologa de SpriteKit Crear aplicaciones universales con Auto Layout y ConstraintsExtensionesOptionals de la manera ms completa y sencillaLa unin de cdigo con interfaz de usuario con IBOutlets & IBActionsProtocolos y delegadosVistas, ventanas, jerarqua de vistas y storyboardsViewControllers, segues, pasar de una vista a otra, pasar datos entre vistas Ciclo de vida de las vistas y ciclo de vida de la aplicacinTablas ( UITableView, row, cell, seleccin de filas, eliminar filas, creacin desde cero )Importacin y uso de archivos del bundle de la AplicacinARKitUserDefaultsCurso de Core DataImplementacin de la clase UICollectionViewImplementacin de tecnologa de inteligencia artificial y Machine Learning con CoreMLPush Notification y uso de Login de Facebook. Crear apps con el poder de la Nube usando Azure Cloud.CocoaPodsEste curso cuenta con Garanta del 100% durante 30 das, da clic en tomar este curso ahora mismo y forma parte de esta comunidad de ms de 7900 estudiantes.Muchas Gracias por tu tiempo y por darnos la oportunidad de compartir nuestro conocimiento.Nos vemos en clases : )!"
Price: 199.99

"Kotlin Introduccin a la Programacin"
"Si eres un experto en KotlinNOte recomiendo que tesuscribas.Este curso esta especialmente diseado para personas que nunca han programado o paraestudiantes de programacin novatos.Las lecciones de este curso fueron realizadastomando en cuenta a todas las personas que al igual que yo (Instructor Juan Villalvazo)batallaronpara entender coceptos de programacin, pero aun as no se dan por vencidos ya que en verdad quieren aprender a programar.Caractersticas de este curso:Ms de 3horas de video en Alta Definicin, grabadas y editadas para que aprendas en el menor tiempo posibleel lenguaje de programacin kotlin.Aprenders de la manera ms eficaz y sencilla temas como: IDE de Programacin,Constantes y variables, tipos de datos, funciones y mtodos, estructuras de control if -elseyswitch, ciclos for-while y do while, La programacin orientada a objetos (Clases, mtodos, variables de instancia,creacin y uso de objetos).Atencin de primera, si tienes cualquier duda de los temas vistos en el curso con gusto te ayudare.Todo esto dentro de una comunidad que se apoya mutuamente.As que si crees que este curso puede ser de tu ayuda, te invito a que formes parte de nosotros. Recuerda que este curso cuenta con garanta de 30 das, sipiensas que el curso no fue de tu ayuda, se te devolver lo invertido en el.Muchas gracias :)Nota: El precio del curso aumentara conforme se aadan ms lecciones, pero si te inscribes ahora cualquier leccin nueva que se agregu al curso, ser tuyade manera gratuita."
Price: 49.99

"Android y Kotlin Desde Cero a Profesional Completo +45 horas"
"Actualizado una vez ms el 4de Octubrede 2018Con este cursoaprenders de la manera ms fcil, desde cero y de formacompletalos siguientes temas :Crear aplicaciones nativas actuales con Kotlin el lenguaje oficial para hacer apps en Android.Instalacin y uso de la versin ms nueva deAndroid Studio 3.Toda la sintaxisdel lenguaje de programacin Kotlin.Novedades de Android Studio 3y Kotlin en el sistema operativo Android 8 Oreo.Uso y creacin de todos los tipos de datos, operadores y estructuras.Laprogramacin Orientada a Objetos, herencia, clases, mtodos y propiedades.Ciclo de vida y navegacin de una app AndroidComprensin y uso de peticiones a servidores por medio deservicios webRest.Crear aplicaciones universales con todos los tipos deLayout y Constraints.Intents, manifest, elemento R , actividades multiples.Solicitudes HTTPy parseo JSON.Emulador de Android,Panel de debug y errores.EventosVistas, Elementos de UIyListas: ListView,RecyclerView,GridView,Toolbar,Patrn ViewHolder, entre muchos otros en sus ms de 45horas delecciones en video.Uso de API de Foursquare para obtener datos de lugaresUso de localizacin y mapas de GoogleFragmentosUso de cmaraBases de datos SQLiteInicio de sesin y uso de API de FacebookBonus:Curso desintaxisdel lenguaje de programacin Java.Bonus:Recomendaciones y ancdotas de subir apps a la playstore.Bonus: Nuevas lecciones mesa mestotalmente gratis para los ya suscritos.Este curso cuenta conGarantadel 100% durante30 das,daclic en tomar estecursoahora mismoy forma parte de esta comunidad.Muchas Gracias por tu tiempo y pordarnosla oportunidad de compartir nuestroconocimiento.Nos vemos en clases:)!"
Price: 199.99

"Fundamentos de Programacin"
"Actualizado en noviembre de 2017En este curso de Fundamentos de Programacin aprenders de forma bsica y muy completa las nociones ms elementales sobre el desarrollo de software. Este curso dar un recorrido completo por todos los conceptos ms bsicos para aprender a programar, lo cual te permitir entender cualquier lenguaje gracias a la visin global que adquirirs. De hecho a lo largo del curso aprenders cmo aplicar cada idea en 9 lenguajes simultneamente.Aprenders las bases de la programacin en varias de las principales reas de desarrollo de software:El desarrollo webEl desarrollo de apps para dispositivos mvilesEl desarrollo de aplicaciones de escritorioTe animo a que veas el temario ycualquiera de las clases que estn accesibles antes de comprar el curso y seguro que desears ver el resto del curso.Los lenguajes que veremos en este curso son los siguientes:PythonRubyJavaScriptPHPJavaGoCC++C#Adems contars con material didctico descargable, ejercicios propuestos y ejemplos de uso en software de la vida real, para que entiendas cmo se han desarrollado tales programas y sepas t tambin cmo hacerlo.El curso est dividido en varios bloques:Introduccin a la programacinEn esta seccin entenders qu es programar, qu son los lenguajes de programacin, qu diferentes tipos de lenguajes hay, cmo interactuan con el procesador de la mquina, sabrs lo que se cuece realmente por dentro, qu reas del desarrollo existen y en qu lenguajes se pueden llevar a cabo, as como las diferentes herramientas que puedes usar para programar en cada uno de los 9 lenguajes que se abordan en el curso.Manejo de DatosAqu aprenders los tipos de datos que hay, cmo se administran en cada lenguaje, cmo hacer operaciones con los valores y recursos avanzados como los arrays y las matrices de varias dimensiones para almacenar datos en masa.Programacin EstructuradaEn este seccin entenders cmo funciona el flujo de ejecucin de las instrucciones escritas en el cdigo del programa, de eso modo aprenders a tomar el control de la ejecucin y decidir qu debe hacer tu programa en cada momento.Programacin ModularDescubre las forms ms bsicas de agrupar el cdigo en bloques independientes para tener todas las instrucciones mejor organizadas y de forma ms optimizada. Eso te ayudar a mantener y visualizar mejor el proceso de ejecucin.Programacin Orientada a Objetos (POO)No sabes programar si no entiendes los Objetos, qu son, cmo funcionan, cmo crearlos y administrarlos, as como establecer Herencia entre Objetos y el uso de Polimorfismo. En esta seccin te mostrar todos estos puntos con varios ejemplos prcticos.Pero eso no es todo, hay ms secciones que sern aadidas al curso de forma constante, como datos almacenados, estructuras de memoria dinmica, manejo de errores, buenas prcticas, etc. hasta abarcar todas las bases de este apasionante mundo.Todos los conceptos se explican en detalle, paso a paso y entendiendo el por qu de cada cosa. As podrs sentar las bases desde un principio en tu desarrollo profesional. Este curso te permitir expandirte a cualquier rea del desarrollo de software.Verdad que es genial? Pueslo mejor de todo es que est a tu alcance.Compra el cursoy disfruta de todo lo que te est esperando.Nos vemos!Jos Javier Villena"
Price: 199.99

"Curso Completo de Desarrollo ASP.NET MVC"
"Este curso est dirigido para todos aquellos desarrolladores que estn interesados en desarrollar las mejores aplicaciones web usando ASP.NET MVC de una forma ms rpida y segura.Este curso proporciona un enfoque prctico con ejemplos paso a paso que le ayudarn a aprender y poner en prctica los conocimientos adquiridos. Al finalizar este curso aprenders: Entender el patrn de arquitectura de software MVC Implementar y validar formularios Utilizar y entender el Entity Framework para el uso de datos Implementar operaciones CRUD Implementar seguridad y autenticacin en las aplicaciones ASP.NET MVC Utilizar y entender la Web API de ASP.NET MVC Implementar Bootstrap y jQuery en las aplicaciones web Ms Material Adicional!!ASP.NET Identity, con 12 captulos donde podrs conocer los conceptos bsicos del sistema de Autenticacin y Autorizacin de ASP.NET MVC y aprenders a realizar las modificaciones bsicas para adaptar este sistema de autenticacin a las necesidades de tus aplicaciones."
Price: 59.99

"The Complete Beginners Drawing and Shading Course"
"Have you always wanted to learn to draw?Have you struggled to take your drawing skills to the next level? Youre in exactly the right place. This course is for beginners and also for those who want to gain confidence with the fundamentals.I start you off nice and easy - Basic shapes and construction drawingMaster these and youll feel your confidence growing already. Lots of fun introductory projects like Peppie the Pup build your skills step-by-step.Wow! It looks so realistic! - Shading and Form Those skills youve admired in other artists for so long can be your skills too. Projects like The Shoe Well Travelled will challenge you (but you are up to the task!) Your drawing will almost pop off the page, amazing yourself and those around you.One of the most admirableskills in art - PortraitureCapturing a likeness is one of the most admirable skills in art. Its so satisfying. Render individual facial features and create a wonderful child portrait. Look at the world in a whole new way - Perspective and ProportionHow can you represent the three-dimensional world on a flat piece of paper? How do things we see change as they get closer, further away or turn towards us? These questions are all answered with perspective. Your eyes are now open to a whole new way of seeing and drawing.Plus an extra bonus...For additional inspiration I've include an extra bonus section where I detail my approach to drawing people and cute characters using construction drawing.This is the beginners drawing course you've been looking for...Even if you think you're not naturally talented my super easy methodsand in-depth explanations will set you on the path from your first pencil lines towards creating professionalgrade artworks.I've been teaching beginner artists for over 20 years.I know exactly what you need to get started the right way, and I've jam packed it into this course. Plus, if you have any questions at all throughout your drawing journey, just ask.My team and I are right here for you.With more than 4100 students enrolled the written reviews tell you all you need to know""I am really enjoying this course. The explanations are brilliant and there is so much material (among videos, documents and exercises) to explore! However what I love most is the possibility to be part of the course related FB group. That is amazing indeed!! Cindy does give a lot of feedbacks and all the members and the administrators are great!!"" - Giorgio""I'm learning things that seem so simple but have increased my artistic ability ten fold"" - Gideon Swanson""I learned a lot right from the beginning... I always wanted to draw and this lady is bang on."" - Elizabeth Brown""The step by step instruction is so in-depth, easy to follow and produces real results. Cindy and Tannis as well as the online facebook support group that goes with the course provides an extra dimension of responsive and kindly criticism and loads of support."" - Helen Hanby""Cindy Wider is a beyond amazing teacher! She constantly interacts with her students and gives lots of encouraging comments, helpful tips to make sure everyone gets the help they need... You'll never feel alone and got lost in the path of being a better artist!"" - Zehra Eylem Kazgz""Great match for me - and the FB group discussion and feedback has been super wonderful, too!"" - Ann Petrochko"" I love that shes so thorough with the basics and love her accent too."" - Rebecca Douglass""Clear and appropriate for beginners... I have noticed that she is very active and helpful in the facebook drawing community... Impressed with everything so far."" - Shak Man"" Cindy is very engaged with her students and is always very kind, supportive and encouraging!"" - Patricia Gliniecki""Great to have a course that starts off with the foundations and then builds upon them."" - Andrew Bensch""This course is perfect for complete beginners."" - Lindsay FerraraMy students say we have ""the best Facebook group on the internet!""When you enroll in this course you can join my Facebook group ""The Beginner Drawing Family"". It really is the most supportive and friendly community you'll find anywhere. My students call themselves 'DrawPj'ers"" (after my website). It's family friendly place where you can ask questions andrequest feedback from the community. When you're feeling confident you can share what you've learned with others taking the same exciting journey.I'll be there too with my team too. Ilook forward to meeting you and seeing all the wonderful things you create."
Price: 99.99

"ngilizce Zamanlar - En nemli Gramer Konusunu Hemen renin"
"ngilizce zamanlar, konusu Trke dilbilgisinde de olduu gibi en nemli gramer konusudur. Zamanlar iyi renmek, gramer temelinizi oluturur. Oluan bu temel zerinde de ngilizceyi renmeniz kolaylar.Bu derste ngilizce diline ait 8 adet zaman yaps (tense)anlatlmaktadr:Simple Present Tense (Geni Zaman)Present Continuous Tense (imdiki Zaman)Present Perfect Tense (Yakn Gemi Zaman)Simple Past Tense (Gemi Zaman)Past Continuous Tense (Srekli Gemi Zaman)Past Perfect Tense (-Mi'li Gemi Zaman)Will - Future (Gelecek Zaman)Going To - Future (Gelecek Zaman)Bu derste imdiki zaman, gemi zaman ve gelecek zaman ile ilgili temel yaplar basit ve sade anlatmla reneceksiniz. Ders sizin amacnza en verimli ekilde ulamanz iin zenle hazrlanmtr.Zaman yaplarnn zellikle kullanm alanlar zerinde durulmutur. Her zaman yaps (tense) iin olumlu, olumsuz ve soru cmlelerinin formlleri yannda rnek cmleler de salanmtr. Ayrca her birzamanile birlikte kullanlan, zaman yaplarn iaret edenzaman ifadeleri de (time expressions) dersin ieriinde sunulmutur.Ders gereksiz ayrntlardan arndrlm olup nemli olann sizi skmadan ingilizce temelinizi oluturmak olduu gz nnde bulundurulmutur.Bunun yan sra retilenleri pekitirici testler veyaklak 50 yeni kelime de renebileceksiniz.Ayrca derse kaydolduktan sonra yorum ksmnda aklnza taklan sorular sorabilirsiniz. Bunlar cevaplamaktan memnuniyet duyarm.Bu dersi aldktan sonra ngilizce renmek iin ilk ciddi adm atm olacaksnz.Daha fazla okuma, daha fazla kelime renme ve dinleme almalar ile ngilizce bilginizi gelitirebileceksiniz. ngilizce almasna balayp her ara verdiinizde yaadnz o kaybolmuluk hissini artk ortadan kaldracaksnz.Ayrca udemyde yaynlanan okuduunu anlama ve metin analizi isimli dier dersim iin %50 orannda indirim kazanacaksnz. Derste grmek zere."
Price: 19.99

"SQL Reporting Services 2016"
"En este curso aprenderemos a implementar un portal web empresarial para la gestin de la informacin.Para ello utilizaremos las herramientas de Microsoft como el Reporting Services en su versin 2016.El curso esta divididos en las siguientes partes:Introduccin conoceremos de que trata el curso al detalleConoceremos las herramientas que utilizaremosConoceremos las bases de datos que usaremos para los ejemplosEmpezaremos a crear reportes inicialmente usando herramientas bsicas del SSRS 2016 en base de datos relacionalesEmpezaremos a crear reportes inicialmente usando herramientas bsicas del SSRS 2016 en base de datos dimensionales ( cubos de informacion )Creacin de reportes avanzados usando SSRS 2016 , usandolas funcionalidades nuevas de la herramientaCreacin de dashboard usando SSRS 2016Creacin de KPIs usando SSRS 2016Implementacion de reportes y administracin del portal webCaso de Ventas, en el cual se implementara reportes tipos a los solicitados en organizaciones de ventas paso a paso.Tengo mas de 10 aos de experiencia en BI. y los casos que se proponen nacen de las necesidades de empresas reales que he podido conocer a lo largo de mi carrera profesional."
Price: 199.99

"Infinite Idea Generation for Blogging And Content Creation"
"Join over 1700 students who have left 10+ stellar five star reviews! ""When he says infinite, he really means it. After completing this course, I will never be stuck for what to post on my blog again."" - Louise Venison Have you ever found yourself sitting at your computer screen, trying to brainstorm, but no ideas come to mind? Would you like the ability to command an infinite number of ideas at any time? In this course, we'll cover: Great resources to use for infinite idea generation How to find the best value from those resources Finding out what your niche wants Tweaking your mental environment How to keep your thoughts organized Inside, you'll find a series of step-by-step videos that give you detailed explanations through screen captured recordings (also optimized for mobile devices). In addition, I'll show you how to have ideas delivered to you on autopilot! Your days of brainstorming are over. There's no more rain in your mental forecast! Become a student and expand your knowledge. ""Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes."" - Napoleon Hill ********************************************************************************* Things to consider: You have unlimited lifetime access, regardless of how much future content is added, at no additional cost There's a risk-free 30 day money-back-guarantee I'll respond to whatever questions you may have in the discussion area - usually within 24 hours or less"
Price: 24.99

"The Essentials of Feedback & Performance Management (2020)"
"This course is used at Citibank, Yelp!, Oracle, and other leading organizations.Version 2: Fresh for 20205/5 Stars: ""Great course, short so easy to binge watch. Very practical and detailed examples and situations."" - Audrey Morcos5/5 Stars: ""This was a very insightful course. The most valuable segments were the role playing examples and the Shane Stanford interview. Lots of practical things to unpack and implement from there."" - Joe Battaglia    Give Constructive Feedback, Build High Performance Teams, and Continuously Improve   Develop superior communication skills and highly effective feedback strategies, including productive methods for leading group meetings, giving constructive feedback, creating a collaborative team culture, and promoting continuous improvements in performance.      Great Feedback Skills Make You a Much Better Leader   One of the most critical skills in business and in life is the ability to give, receive, and use feedback effectively and thats borne out by research. According to a 2016 study published in the Harvard Business Review, internal trust is the #1 predictor of team effectiveness.    This course is designed for all result-oriented professionals, including senior managers, shift leaders, new team members, start-up teams, and freelancers. Now you can achieve next-level expertise in feedback, communication, and team building? With this course, you can:     Discover how the worlds leading companies attract and keep talentUnlock the secrets of working with a wide variety of personalitiesDramatically increase your communication skills across all scenariosBuild a deeper level of trust and connection with your co-workersLearn exactly how and when to give feedback for maximum impact             Create a continuous feedback culture inside your organizationMultiply your results with people operations and people analyticsEffective Communication is the Key to Positive Performance   For lasting success, its important not only to communicate, but to communicate exceptionally well. Respected leaders dont just give feedback, they give the right feedback, in the right way, at the right time. Company founders serve their teams best by focusing on performance management, always seeking new ways to uplift and inspire the people around them.      Thats what this remarkable course is all about. The methods outlined here have proven highly effective across all industries, across organizations of all structures and sizes, and across all geographies. Apply the methods to your own unique situation, and build your own skill set step-by-step with an interactive learning series that is divided into five distinct sections.    In section one of the course, youll get specific, actionable strategies for building trust inside teams strategies that you can start using right away. This section includes a variety of helpful tools, from formal psychological analyses to fun, collaborative games taught at comedy schools to foster on-stage communication. Bottom line is, trust is the biggest key to team performance.     In section two of the course, youll learn the communication skills that are 100% necessary if productive feedback is going to be possible. Youll find out what good feedback looks and sounds like, how to solicit feedback, what growth-oriented communication is, and how to steer conversation that allow you to be a stronger and more attuned leader and manager.    In section three of this course, you learn about specific forms of feedback. Youll discover how to use group feedback effectivelyhow to use digital mediums (e.g. messaging apps or email) for feedbackhow to lead performance reviews and performance improvement talksand much more. Youll be supported by an easy-to-follow structure as you build these skills.     In section four of this course, youll see the feedback methods youve learned put into action with examples and role-playing exercises, performed on screen. This handy learning reference will be available any time you need it!    In the fifth section of the course, youll learn the most rapid and effective prescription for improving performance in a constantly-changing world. Its called continuous feedback and companies like Google and Proctor & Gamble are using it with outstanding success. Youll learn the foundational principles of people operations, people analytics, and much, much more.   Once you complete the course, youll receive a verifiable certificate and gain access to a suite of support resources from the team at Eazl.  Who is the target audience?   Team leaders and managers aspiring to greater team success   Professionals looking to develop more finely-tuned soft skills   Startup teams wanting to build clarity and momentum   Freelancers seeking for help managing clients effectively   Team members working for higher responsibility and pay      Since giving you the most possible value is so important to us, Eazl is offering this course with our 30-day guarantee. If youre not totally wowed by the content, feel free to ask for a refund. We will give you one immediately, no questions asked. Sound good?Content Upgrade Journal:Version 2 (November 2020): This course now features professionally-developed closed captions in both English and Polish! We're thrilled that so many leading Polish organizations participate in this course. We're also adding the ability for you to get a custom, hosted, and verifiable Feedback and Performance Management certificate when you finish 100% of the course. Enjoy the update!"
Price: 94.99

"[2020] Facebook Ads: Facebook / Instagram Advertising Course"
"Take the course used by teams at Tesla, Walmart, the Economist & other leading organizations Complete 100% of the course and earn a custom Facebook for Business 2020 Certificate from EazlCourse Version 3 Content Fresh as of November 2019From Udemy's 9x Bestselling Production Team. Say goodbye to the fluff of other online advertising courses! Now, you can learn by doing for a faster, more effective approach to Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger advertising. Theres so much cool stuff with Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger ads that most people dont even know about. At last, you can be ahead of the game. Are you ready?Whether youre a corporate marketer seeking to become a better Facebook for Business ads manager, a small business owner wanting to leverage Facebook or Instagram more successfully, or any other professional looking to expand your influence through Facebook for Business advertising, this course is for you. And when you finish 100% of the course, youre eligible to receive a custom, hosted, verifiable Facebook for Business 2020 Certificate designed and issued by Eazl!Facebook for Business Advertising The Underutilized Secret Weapon of Modern BusinessDespite what most people think, Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger ads are not just about making sales. Facebook for Business is a powerful way to communicate with hyper-targeted groups of people. You can use Facebook, Instagram, or Messenger ads for community building, employee recruiting, public relations, event promotion, and of course, selling your products and services.With this course, youll discover remarkable strategies for leveraging Facebook advertising. Youll be able to:Understand the fundamentals of the Facebook for Business ecosystem and launch effective ad campaigns using the full suite of Facebook for Business featuresIdentify your Facebook, Instagram, or Messenger advertising objectives and utilize advanced tools like the Facebook Product Feed, Dynamic Creative, Canvas Ads, and custom breakdownsBuild core, custom, and lookalike audiences within Facebook for Business, including integrations with CRM platforms and e-mail management programsDiscover the untapped power of Dynamic Display Remarketing, Manual Pixel-Based Remarketing, and on-platform engagement audiencesGet instant access to step-by-step guides, templates, and interactive tools, including our Facebook for Business Product Feed templateGain a huge business advantage by leveraging custom frameworks like Eazls CRED system for developing revenue-positive ad campaignsWith this Facebook for Business suite at your fingertips, youll gain a much greater understanding and capacity for digital marketing, social media, and online advertising. In the world we live in today, this is a crucial set of skills for many top-notch professionals.(Remember, youll also earn your Facebook for Business 2020 Certificate. This certificate, offered by Eazl, is the verification to others of your Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger advertising skills. It can be shown to your clients or employers, linked to your resume, and presented on your LinkedIn profile).Great News You Can Do Everything in This Course on Your OwnSuper Easy Facebook for Business Strategies! No Developer Required!Suitable for anyone who has basic computer skills, this course provides a comprehensive overview of Facebook for Business. Theres so much you can do with Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger Ads on your own and without a developer (and youll learn how to do it all in just three hours!)The first section of the course will help you set up your Facebook for Business infrastructure. Youll learn what the core tools are, how to set them up, and how to use them. Youll also install the Facebook Ads Pixel and learn how to use Custom Pixel Events.In the next section, youll discover the advantages of Facebook for Business best feature hyper-targeting. Youll learn how to create core, custom, and lookalike Facebook audiences using demographic, behavioral, and interest-based data. Youll create customer audiences by importing external sources of data to Facebook (like an email list). Youll also become capable of setting up geo-targeted audiences, visitor to a destination audiences, income-targeted audiences, and a whole lot more.  Next, youll learn how to optimize the design of your ads. Youll learn how to use Dynamic Creative to automatically test which photos, videos, headlines, and other creative elements work best. Youll also learn how to use the Facebook Creative Hub and the new Facebook Canvas Ads (new for 2019).The final two sections of the course will focus on skyrocketing your skills for launching Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger Ads. Youll go through 5 real-world campaign setups and launches where youll learn how to use features like Facebook lead ads, Messenger ads, Product Sets, and custom offers. Then, youll learn how to use the CRED system for scaling your ad campaigns once youve found some initial success with an audience and ad group.By completing the course, youll earn your Facebook for Business 2020 Certification, which can strengthen your reputation, your resume, and your LinkedIn profile. This course also offers you a full money-back guarantee if youre not satisfied. However, it has already received 1,200 five-star reviews on learning platforms across the internet. Were confident youll love this learning experience!Content Upgrade LogCourse upgraded to Version 2 on October 21, 2018Course upgraded to Version 3 on October 30, 2019"
Price: 169.99

"Excel VBA Macros: Hyper-disambiguated Excel VBA Programming"
"This is a Udemy best-selleing course. Here is some of the feedback from other students:""Best intro I've seen for a non programmer. Explains key concepts well."" Ron Willett""Wonderful way of teaching. Shows the full hierarchy of both Excel and VBA objects. Now know the differences."" Bill Malemba""Concise, thorough, yet repetitive enough to allow the concepts to stick. Love the real-world examples and the emphasis on concepts over code parroting.Best VBA tutorial I've found, hands down, bar none - covers top to bottom application/VBA structure which is immensely helpful. Well-organized, all code can be re-visited with provided worksheets..."" Dy622""this is my favourite excel vba course. Lot of exercises, lot of different area is covered, and really explains everything from step 1, not just the how, but the why as well. thanks to the course I understand vba and macros better than ever before.""...Excel VBA programmingcan seem baffling, especially when you don't fully understand the code you are asked to write.Learn to write Excel VBAmacros, from scratch,toautomate Microsoft Excel tasks and operations.This course is aimed particularly at Excel users without much programming experience, who struggle to remember the syntax and structure of the VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)programming language. During the course, we will use a style of programming which emphasizes the significance of each line of code that you write. This means that when you revisit the code, the meaning of each line is apparent from the syntax, rather than becoming more and more unfamiliar. The course also demonstrates how to get the maximum benefit from IntelliSense, Microsoft's code completion feature.Whether you are looking to enhance your career prospects by adding Excel VBA to your C.V., save your company money or increase your productivity, this course will provide your with all the knowledge you need to get started.You can download all of the materials used in the lectures, so that you can follow along. (Please, remember to unZIP the downloaded files.)"
Price: 124.99

"Power BI Essentials: Introduction to Microsoft Power BI"
"Microsoft Power BI offers users true Self-Service BI. Power BI enables business users to interact with corporate information and to extract the reports and intel they need. Power BI allows users to access reports and dashboards using familiar tools and devices.Self-service BI has never been so user-friendly!MicrosoftPower BI Introduction will show you how to create compelling visualizations and reports which provide deep insights into your data.By the end of the course, you will be confident in using the three main components of Power BI:Power BI Desktopthe Power BI Serviceand Power BI Mobile Apps.You will know how to connect to a wide variety of data sources, using both Power BI Desktop, and the Power BI Service.You will be able to use the Query Editor to transform and morph data into the right format for your reporting purposes.You will be able to perform complex data modelling operations using relationships, calculated columns, measures, and DAX expressions.You will learn how to share dashboards and reports, with colleagues, business partners and potential clients.And how to use Power BIs sophisticated security features to control the exact content your audience is able to view.In short, this Microsoft Power BI Introduction will equip you with all the skills you need, to start using Power BI with confidence."
Price: 199.99

"Excel Basic Keyboard Shortcuts (Skills by Drills)"
"Are you anExcel user who wouldlike to become more fluent and skillfulin your use of Excel and, in particular, be able to use Excel shortcuts to increase your productivity and enhance your profile as an Excel user? If so, then this is the course you have been looking for.Microsoft Excel Essential Skills by Drills consists of a five day cycle of Excel keyboarddrills which you perform regularly (not just once), meaning that you are sure to remember these key Excel techniques. As an incentive to improve, each time you perform a drill, you will be given a confirmation of the time taken and you will beshown a leaderboard with your fastest five times.Understanding Excel key concepts is one thing; but by constantly doingthese drills, you will not onlyunderstand these key Excel features, you will become fluent in using them; and, more importantly, you will never forget them."
Price: 44.99

"Advanced Microsoft Word VBA Macro Programming"
"This advanced Word VBA macro programming course is designed for users who are already comfortable with the basics of Word VBA macros, and who have progressed beyond relying on the Macro Recorder.If you are still new to Word VBA, have a look at the Udemy course ""Microsoft Word VBA Macro Programming Introduction"". This advanced Word VBA course carries on from where the above Introductory course finishes. The main purpose of this course is to take a deep dive into programming the Word VBA object model; but in a practical, hands-on kind of way. Heres a summary of what you will learn:You will learn how to program the Application object, which represents Word itself; how to check the user's location and screen resolution; and how to check which fonts are used in a particular document.Moving onto files and documents, you will learn how to process all files in a given Folder; how to archive files older than a certain date; and how to test whether a given Document is currently open.Next, when we turn our attention to the Range and Selection objects, you will learn the similarities and differences between these two objects; and when to use one in preference to the other. You'll learn the important Word programming skills of verifying the type of object which is currently selected and checking the page location of the selection.In the chapter on Word text objects, you will learn the VBA syntax for processing paragraphs, sentences, words, characters and ranges. You will gain confidence in how to have your macros perform operations like inserting text and copying text without wiping the user's clipboard.This is also the section in which you will learn how to program the Range.Find object to find and replace both text and formatting attributes; how to change the Case of Text, how to create bulleted and numbered lists; how to use the Word VBA objects used which control the formatting of text; how to create style; and how to create tables of contents.Once weve covered the nuts and bolts of working with text, we'll examine the code which you need when working with longer, more complex documents. In this section, you will learn how to create sections, headers and footers; how to work with odd and even headers and footers; how to use the LinkToPrevious Property; inserting Page Numbers; insert an image into a Header; and how to program the PageSetup Object.Then we'll turn our attention to creating and manipulating tables with VBA code; performing such operations as merging cells, formatting tables, converting text to a table, we'll create a macro which will transpose the rows and columns of the currently selected table.The course also covers content controls and interactive forms. You will learn how to combine this powerful feature with VBA programming; how to create content controls programmatically; and how to write code which responds to content control events.Towards the end of the course, we'll discuss the different ways of distributing Your VBA macro solutions.And, to end the course, we'll create a series of solutions which demonstrate how to write Word VBA code which controls not only the Word object model, but the object models of other Microsoft Office programs.We'll create three inter-application solutions: the first combining Word and Excel workflows; the second Word and Outlook; and the third, Word and PowerPoint.So, by the end of this course, you will have a good grasp of all of the intermediate and advanced Word VBA programming techniques that you'll need to master, in order to feel comfortable when undertaking Word VBA projects; either in the workplace, or as a consultant."
Price: 124.99

"Excel XML, XPath and XSLT Workflows"
"This is a Udemy best-selling course. Here are some of the comments from other students:""Excellent instructor. The lessons are clear, practical and gradually increase the complexity. I had just a basic knowledge of XML and after this course I am learning a lot more.""""A very useful and unique insight into a lesser known area of Excel. I picked up a lot of tips that I probably wouldn't have been able to find by Googling. I also feel I have learned a lot about XML, XPath and XSLT, just in general terms, and not just in the context of Excel.""...Microsoft Excel is a very XML aware application, featuring not only XML, but also XPath and XSLT capabilities; and this intermediate/advanced Excelcourse explains all of Excel's XML-relatedfeatures in depth. The course assumes a goodfamiliarity with Microsoft Excel and the use of Excel formulas. However, no knowledge of XML, or its related technologies, is assumed.The course begins with an overview of the nature of XML and itemizes the different objects which can form part of an XML document. This introductory section also explains the use of DTDs and schema documents to validate XML. We then move on to look at the importing and exporting of data into and out of Microsoft Excel. We discuss the creation of XML maps and how they relate to XML tables, as well as the validation of XML data, using schema documents, both on import and export. Next, we explore online XML, as we use Excel's WEBSERVICE, FILTERXML and ENCODEURL functions to download XML data from online web services and use XPath statements to extract the information we want from the downloaded XML. Although FILTERXML and its XPath statements are designed to work only with online web services, this course will show you a crafty workaround which will enable you to use this function to extract data from your local XML documents as well. The final section of this course is given over to an XML capability which is well hidden in Microsoft Excel, namely the ability to transform XML as you import it by using XSL stylesheets. Thecourse provides an overview of how XSL sheets are constructed and how XPath is used within stylesheets to target the different parts of the input XML document which you want to transform and include in the output. In short, whatever Excel XML workflows you are faced with, this course will equip you to deal with them confidently and efficiently."
Price: 124.99

"The ActiveCampaign & Interest Driven Sales Funnels Course"
"ActiveCampaign is one of the most powerful marketing automation tools on the planet.And, at its ridiculously low price point, its competitors like MailChimp, Aweber, and even InfusionSoft are struggling to keep up.What makes it so powerful?Beyond its easy to use visual automation builder, ActiveCampaign offers advanced automation features like tagging, if/else statements, goals, open & click tracking, wait until certain conditions are met, and more.Plus, its conditional segmentation functions are light years ahead of any if its competitors. This feature allows you to segment your list exactly how you need so you can get the right message in front of the right people at the right time.Finally, ActiveCampaign lets you track your site's visitors.Yes! You can literally see how your subscribers engage with your website and trigger automations based upon what they're looking at!All these technical features are fine and dandy; however, without the proper strategy... they won't do you much good...Which is why, in addition to teaching you the ins-and-outs of ActiveCampaign, this course teaches you...The Interest Driven Sales Funnel Strategy!This strategy teaches you how to build automations and funnels that mold to your subscribers' particular interests - allowing you to better relate and sell more!Essentially, it works by ""watching"" how your subscribers engage with your emails, website, and other content and then triggers automations tailored to them.Yup, we're talking about behavioral marketing.To sum it up, this course not only teaches you how to properly use ActiveCampaign, but it also teaches you the strategy so you can use this powerful tool tomultiply your business...automatically!"
Price: 199.99

"The AliExpress Sales Funnel Course [ClickFunnels]"
"Did you know you can buy and ship a product from China to a customer in the US for pennies on the dollar?Yeah - we live in a truly amazing time where we don't need to carry any inventory... yet,we can sell a product to an individual, get the money in our pocket, and then go buy that product and ship it directly to our customer... keeping the difference.It's called dropshipping and there are many ways to do it...Like setting up anecommerce store to sell products...Unfortunately, ecommerce stores tend to befraught with limitations...It's very hard to offer upsells, downsells, and cross-sells, with a traditional ecommerce store. Sure, you can likely piecemeal an app or two together to kinda make something work... but, you'll have to conform to the platform/app.. and you never want your business to be limited by a tool.You need full control.You need that power if you really want to blow this thing up.Which is where ClickFunnels and sales funnels come into play...With a tool like ClickFunnels you're able to offer upsells, downsells, and cross-sells with ease...And, most importantly, you're able to put whatever you want, wherever you want on any page so it's truly customized for your business.So, that's what this course is going to teach you...The strategy, tactical, and technical elements behind building sales funnels with ClickFunnels to dropship product from AliExpress... basically, how to build a business fromnothing."
Price: 199.99

"Play Piano 15: Improvise You Light Up My Life by Ear Chords"
"Play Piano 15: Play Popular SongsBy Ear Using Chord Progression! Improvise & Put 2-5 Power Chords to ""You Light Up My Life"" + WORKBOOKSI have developed thisAmazing 2-5 Power Chord Reharmonization Methodto help you gain success to playing your favorite standards._____________________2-5 Power Chordsare found in many standards and popular movie themes. They make rich full sounds that will captivate your audience wanting more.""You Light Up My Life"" is ballad written by Joe Brooks. The song became the most successful single of the 1970s and set a new hot 100 record for the longest reign at No. 1In thissong ""You Light Up My Life"",I show you how to take a tune from its basic harmony ( I IV V7 ) to advanced sophisticatedchords.""You Light Up My Life"" is theme song of the Titanic Movie in 1997. The music is written by James Horner, lyrics by Walter Afanaseiff and recorded by Celine Dion. This became Dion's biggest hit and one of the best selling singles of all time.Here's the Secret Tip to this Song: There is a change of Key at the bridge to bring the song to a higher intensity. The song begins like many standards with the 2-5 chords: Dm7 G7. Even though the first section of the song is in the Key of C, C Chord is not even used at all in the arrangement. Em7 is used in place of C for the melodic flow of the song.We are going to follow a Play by Ear Procedure:First,we need to establish a harmonic foundation to the song with basic chords so that you understand how complex chords come into play. You are going to improvise the song with basic chord progression by EAR.I put in a section on Easy Improvisation. I show you different ways to improvise around the chord progressions so that you learn ""tone motion voice leading"". Even when you don't play the actual melody of the song, you can hear the song in the background when you play the harmonic chord progressions. This is a good ear training program to help you play many standard and pop songs by EAR.Second,Learn 2-5 Powr ChordRules & Chord Substitutions to""You Light Up My LifeImprovisation"".In this song, I teach you how to use 2-5 Power chords to reharmonize the song from the harmonic basic chord foundation.Learn how an easy chord progression of using2-5standards chord progressions.Learn how to createhalf-step chromatic movementto create beautiful sounding basslines.In the full arrangement, you will be playing the song in Key of G with the following chords:Dm7G7Em7A7b9G13Bm7b5E7AmEm7b5B7B7b9D7D7b9G7b9Dm11Dm9E7b9.Come on in and join us,Rosa*************************************Rosa's Online School: Teaching93 Courseson Music & Piano Courses!OVER74,000Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many5 Star Reviews *************************************About Rosa's online course at Udemy:Over74,000very happy students already in my Udemy classesSee the5 Star Reviewsfrom VERY satisfied studentsYou get free lifetime accessAll videos are at your finger tips to watch anytime & anywhereAll future extra lectures and upgrades arealways freeUnconditional Udemy30 day money-back guaranteeand that's my personal promise to your success!Join this happy family of students"
Price: 194.99

"#4 Piano Hand Coordination: Fun Piano Runs in 2 Beats C Key"
"Struggle with Many Pianists: They do not know how to coordinate Left Hand & Right Hand.Rosa's Method for EASY Effortless LH & RHCoordination:1. Do not Memorize Notes2. Learn to think in Chords3. Think in Left Hand & Right Hand Movement4. Feel the Beat5. One Hand Playing at a TIME.You can start playingbeautifulmusic today by learning how to put in BEAUTIFUL FLOWINGRUNS in Songswith guided videos in this course,just like having a teacher sitting right next to you.A student pays me $100 for 1/2 hour lesson, and now you are getting a super deal enrolling into this course. You always get life time access to my videos, a dream come true for all passionate piano students.Extra bonus serviceforeachstudent:a personal one-on-one feedback & evaluation when you send me a recording of your playing in the course. This is a real experience of a live piano teacher beside you to take your piano playing to the next level!Here's the Secret:Many professional musicians use thisPiano Runs LH & RHRollingTechnique in their performance. They don't tell you. This is why you need to take this course. I am telling you all the inside secrets of what we use - and they are unbelievably simple.You do not need to go through years and years of piano lessons to play like a pro!My video lectures will show you the secrets and piano tips of how you can playbeautiful nostalgic piano runs in the FLOWthat people love to listen to!You are going to able to learn how to coordinate both right hand and left hand easily to play piano runsin the flow in C Key.*****************************************************************************ThisPiano Course""Play Piano Runs"" trains all pianists to learn to play Rolling Waves of 2 Beatsinto the song ""Be Still & Know""in Key of C.Step by Step piano lessonsare provided for youso that you can focus on your practice everyday with a 1 to 2 minute video demonstration.Once you are able to play a song thoroughly in the Key of C, you can learn to play the song in another key. This is to help students not to restrict their piano playing in the Key of C. The problems with many students is that they get stuck in only the Key of C.I show you a step by step process to play the song in Key of CEFFORTLESSLY.You just need to have the piano tip to know what to concentrate so that you can practice very quickly and at ease.The piano videosare there to help you experience the 'quickness' of the hands, ie. to play the Piano Rolling Waveswith ease and in a flowing manner. Once you understand the music theory and how to train your finger muscle memory in my guided piano lessons, you will 'drift into the flow' of piano playing that sounds professional in a very quick time.In the next month, you will be able to learn theEasy Stepsto playing Piano Runsin a flowing manner using my piano method.The piano lessons are structured in the following way:You learn the chordpattern of Rolling Waveto Chords C, F, Gin C Key.You learn the LH & RHcoordinationof Rolling Wavesto Chords C, F Gin CKey.In the beginning stage, I show you how to play ""Be Still & Know:with music score sheet. LH & RH coordination.Then you learn the Rhythm of Left Hand Piano Run in 2 Beatsto see how the 'counting' fits into the bar when you play withLH & RH coordination.You learn to play the song following music score.You learn to play the song using chords & rhythm notation.Finally you get to the stage of playing the song by ear paying attention to the chord progression sounds.As a Bonus: You also learn how to end a song with a Cascading WaterfallEndingin the Key of C.My students are having fun in this course, so comeandEnroll in my course today,Rosa*************************************Rosa's Online School: Teaching93 Courseson Music & Piano Courses!OVER74,000Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many5 Star Reviews *************************************About Rosa's online course at Udemy:Over74,000very happy students already in my Udemy classesSee the5 Star Reviewsfrom VERY satisfied studentsYou get free lifetime accessAll videos are at your finger tips to watch anytime & anywhereAll future extra lectures and upgrades arealways freeUnconditional Udemy30 day money-back guaranteeand that's my personal promise to your success!Join this happy family of students"
Price: 194.99

"#5 Piano Hand Coordination: Piano Runs in 2 Beats Eb Key"
"Struggle with Many Pianists: They do not know how to coordinate Left Hand & Right Hand.Rosa's Method for EASY Effortless LH & RHCoordination:1. Do not Memorize Notes2. Learn to think in Chords3. Think in Left Hand & Right Hand Movement4. Feel the Beat5. One Hand Playing at a TIME.You can start playingbeautifulmusic today by learning how to put inBEAUTIFUL FLOWINGRUNS in Eb KeySongswith guided videos in this course,just like having a teacher sitting right next to you.A student pays me $100 for 1/2 hour lesson, and now you are getting a super deal enrolling into this course. You always get life time access to my videos, a dream come true for all passionate piano students.Extra bonus serviceforeachstudent:a personal one-on-one feedback & evaluation when you send me a recording of your playing in the course. This is a real experience of a live piano teacher beside you to take your piano playing to the next level!Here's the Secret:Many professional musicians use thisPiano RunsTechnique in their performance. They don't tell you. This is why you need to take this course. I am telling you all the inside secrets of what we use - and they are unbelievably simple.You do not need to go through years and years of piano lessons to play like a pro!My video lectures will show you the secrets and piano tips of how you can playbeautiful nostalgic piano runs in the FLOWthat people love to listen to!You are going to able to learn how tocoordinate both right hand and left handeasily to play piano runsin the flow in Eb Key.*****************************************************************************ThisPiano Course""Play Piano Runs"" trains all pianists to learn to play Rolling Waves of 2 Beatsinto the song ""Be Still & Know""in Key of Eb.Step by Step piano lessonsare provided for youso that you can focus on your practice everyday with a 1 to 2 minute video demonstration.Once you are able to play a song thoroughly in the Key of Eb, you can learn to play the song in another key. This is to help students not to restrict their piano playing in the Key of Eb. The problems with many students is that they get stuck in only the Key of Eb.I show you a step by step process to play the song in Key of EbEFFORTLESSLY.You just need to have the piano tip to know what to concentrate so that you can practice very quickly and at ease.The piano videosare there to help you experience the 'quickness' of the hands, ie. to play the Piano Rolling Waveswith ease and in a flowing manner. Once you understand the music theory and how to train your finger muscle memory in my guided piano lessons, you will 'drift into the flow' of piano playing that sounds professional in a very quick time.In the next month, you will be able to learn theEasy Stepsto playing Piano Runsin a flowing manner using my piano method.The piano lessons are structured in the following way:You learn the chordpattern of Rolling Waveto Chords Eb, Ab, Bbin EbKey.You learn the LH & RHcoordinationof Rolling Wavesto Chords Eb, Ab,Bbin EbKey.In the beginning stage, I show you how to play ""Be Still & Know:with music score sheet. LH & RH coordination.Then you learn the Rhythm of Left Hand Piano Run in 2 Beatsto see how the 'counting' fits into the bar when you play withLH & RH coordination.You learn to play the song following music score.You learn to play the song using chords & rhythm notation.Finally you get to the stage of playing the song by ear paying attention to the chord progression sounds.As a Bonus: You also learn how to end a song with aCascading WaterfallEndingin the Key of Eb.My students are having fun in this course, so comeandEnroll in my course today,Rosa*************************************Rosa's Online School: Teaching93 Courseson Music & Piano Courses!OVER74,000Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many5 Star Reviews *************************************About Rosa's online course at Udemy:Over74,000very happy students already in my Udemy classesSee the5 Star Reviewsfrom VERY satisfied studentsYou get free lifetime accessAll videos are at your finger tips to watch anytime & anywhereAll future extra lectures and upgrades arealways freeUnconditional Udemy30 day money-back guaranteeand that's my personal promise to your success!Join this happy family of students"
Price: 194.99

"#6 Piano Hand Coordination: Play Open 10 Ballad to 9/4 Song"
"Learn How To Play Beautiful Open 10th Ballad &Coordinate LH& RH when you play a song in 9/4 Times.In this course, you are going to expand your horizon and start implementing beautiful piano technique to songs that are in 9/4 time signature. A time signature represents the length of the melody in a song. There are common signatures, such as quadruple (4/4) and triple (3/4) time. Most songs are written in this time. However, some songs are written in uncommon time signatures, such as 5/4, 7/4, and 9/4. Once you know how to play songs in 9/4, you will be able to play in 3/8, 6/8 or 9/8 also.Time signatures are written as fractions. The top number represents how many beats there are in a measure, and the bottom number represents the note value which makes one beat.In a 9/4 Song, it means that there are 9 Beats in a measure.In this course, I am going to show you the following piano techniques:Play Open 10th Ballad in the flowLearn how to Rock your LH fingersAnchor you 3rd finger on the 5th toneStretch out your thumb to the 10th tone open soundCoordinate both LHand RH when playing quarter notesCoordinate both LH and RH when playing whole notes.Enroll and I will see you inside the course,Rosa*************************************Rosa's Online School: Teaching93 Courseson Music & Piano Courses!OVER74,000Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many5 Star Reviews *************************************About Rosa's online course at Udemy:Over74,000very happy students already in my Udemy classesSee the5 Star Reviewsfrom VERY satisfied studentsYou get free lifetime accessAll videos are at your finger tips to watch anytime & anywhereAll future extra lectures and upgrades arealways freeUnconditional Udemy30 day money-back guaranteeand that's my personal promise to your success!Join this happy family of students"
Price: 194.99

"#7 Piano Hand Coordination: Play Piano Runs in 3 Beats 9/4"
"Learn How To Play Piano Runs in 3 Beats &Coordinate LH& RH when you play a song in 9/4 Times.In this course, you are going to expand your horizon and start implementing beautifulpiano runsto songs that are in 9/4 time signature.Many students have difficulty playing runs smoothly. When they play runs, they look at individual notes and all the notes roll out mechanically and they don't sound beautiful at all.Here's the SECRET: NEVER memorize what notes to play in the runs! Always think in chordsDon't just use one hand to do runsLearn how to coordinate both hands to do beautiful runsDo not count mechanically as it is very stiffFeel the beat so that you can play in rhythmDon't worry when you hit a wrong note.In this course, you are going to follow my method to play piano runs in 3 beats:Play Beautiful Runin the flow in 3 beatsLearn how to let your fingers flow without counting mechanicallyPut both of your hands in chord positionsLearn how to move your LHand RH smoothlyAlternate LH&RH when playing the chordsCoordinate both LH and RH smoothly in the long notesLearn my Fun Practising Method:1. Practice one hand at a time.2. Practice with Score sheet so that you know how to fill in the runs.3. Practice with using Chords + Rhythm notations.4. Practice with only Chords.5. Finally practice playing by Ear.Enroll and I will see you inside the course,Rosa*************************************Rosa's Online School: Teaching93 Courseson Music & Piano Courses!OVER74,000Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many5 Star Reviews *************************************About Rosa's online course at Udemy:Over74,000very happy students already in my Udemy classesSee the5 Star Reviewsfrom VERY satisfied studentsYou get free lifetime accessAll videos are at your finger tips to watch anytime & anywhereAll future extra lectures and upgrades arealways freeUnconditional Udemy30 day money-back guaranteeand that's my personal promise to your success!Join this happy family of students"
Price: 194.99

"Master Class Piano Techniques: Tips To EZ Coordinate 2 Hands"
"In this Master Class Course,we are going to learn how to put in 3 different techniques into one song.If you can dress up the song inHave Thine Own Way, you will be able to apply the same piano principles to your favorite songs.Struggles with many pianists: Theyare stuckand do not know how to dress up a song. How can we make a slow going song and turn it into something that is not boring and dynamic?Here's the Secret:When the music is very plain, we can use a variety of piano techniques to dress up the song.Look at the song and take note of the note values.In this song, the melody tones are usually 1 beat or 3 beats.Ask yourself: when the 3 beat melody tones are one after another, what we can do to break up the monotony? In such cases, an quiet Open 10th technique sounds really good.Look for patterns in the song.The pattern in thissong is very repetitive. So we need to find places to create as much drama as possible.Find as many places as possible to make artistic sounds.You are gong to learn how to apply 3 different Techniques to this plain 9/4 Song:Quiet Open 10###sup/sup###Rolling Waves in 3 BeatsRaindrop FillerPiano Tip:Use Contrary motion to get artistic soundIn this Master Class Course, you are going to how to coordinate both your Left Hand & Right Hand easily.Play Open 10th Ballad in the flowLearn how to Rock your LH fingersAnchor you 3rd finger on the 5th toneStretch out your thumb to the 10th tone open soundCoordinate both LHand RH when playing quarter notesCoordinate both LH and RH when playing whole notes.Play Beautiful Runin the flow in 3 beatsLearn how to let your fingers flow without counting mechanicallyPut both of your hands in chord positionsLearn how to move your LHand RH smoothlyAlternate LH&RH when playing the chordsCoordinate both LH and RH smoothly in the long notesPlay Beautiful Raindrop fillers in the flow in 3 beatsLearn how to let your fingers flow without counting mechanicallyPut both of your hands in chord positionsLearn how to move your RH fingers moving up and downKnow how to play the chord tones in LHCoordinate both LH and RH smoothly as you create these dancing tonesLearn my Fun Practising Method:1. Practice one hand at a time.2. Practice with Score sheet so that you know how to fill in the runs.3. Practice with using Chords + Rhythm notations.4. Practice with only Chords.5. Finally practice playing by Ear.As a Bonus in this course, I am going to give you 2 more piano runs to create drama to the ending of songs:Bonus Video #1: C6 Rolling WaveBonus Video #2: C6 Cascading Waterfall RunEnroll into this class and I will see you inside,Rosa**Please Note: This course is a bundle of 3 Courses put together: Learn Hand Coordination # 6, 7 & 8. But for those who wish to have all these 3 courses together in one bundle, take advantage of this special course so that you can follow the flow to play Have Thine Own Way.*************************************Rosa's Online School: Teaching93 Courseson Music & Piano Courses!OVER74,000Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many5 Star Reviews *************************************About Rosa's online course at Udemy:Over74,000very happy students already in my Udemy classesSee the5 Star Reviewsfrom VERY satisfied studentsYou get free lifetime accessAll videos are at your finger tips to watch anytime & anywhereAll future extra lectures and upgrades arealways freeUnconditional Udemy30 day money-back guaranteeand that's my personal promise to your success!Join this happy family of students"
Price: 199.99

"#8 Piano Hand Coordination: Learn Piano Dance in 3 Beats"
"Learn How To Play Piano Runs Coming downin 3 Beats &Coordinate LH& RH when you play a song in 9/4 Times.In this course, you are going to expand your horizon and contrastingbeautifulpiano runs coming down in 3 beats.When we put in piano techniques, we need to learn to play in contrary motion to create artistic sounds.if we play runs always going up, it sounds very boring.Here's the Secret: Create artistic sounds with jumping notes. Go up and and Come Down.Raindrop Filler notes are created in the following way:The notes of the Raindrops are actually coming downThe notes are not all tumbling downThe notes vary going up and down to create a dancing moodWhen notes go up and down but in cascading format, they danceYou can create these raindrop fillers in 6 distinctive soundsIn this course, you are going to follow my method to play beautiful raindrop fillersin 3 beats:Play Beautiful Raindrop fillers in the flow in 3 beatsLearn how to let your fingers flow without counting mechanicallyPut both of your hands in chord positionsLearn how to move your RH fingers moving up and downKnow how to play the chord tones in LHCoordinate both LH and RH smoothly as you create these dancing tonesLearn my Fun Practising Method:1. Practice one hand at a time.2. Practice with Score sheet so that you know how to fill in the runs.3. Practice with using Chords + Rhythm notations.4. Practice with only Chords.5. Finally practice playing by Ear.Enroll and I will see you inside the course,Rosa*************************************Rosa's Online School: Teaching93 Courseson Music & Piano Courses!OVER74,000Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many5 Star Reviews *************************************About Rosa's online course at Udemy:Over74,000very happy students already in my Udemy classesSee the5 Star Reviewsfrom VERY satisfied studentsYou get free lifetime accessAll videos are at your finger tips to watch anytime & anywhereAll future extra lectures and upgrades arealways freeUnconditional Udemy30 day money-back guaranteeand that's my personal promise to your success!Join this happy family of studentsAbout Rosa's Online School:"
Price: 194.99

"#10 Hand Coordination - Transfer Chord Ballad 9 - C & Bb Key"
"#10 Hand Coordination - Transfer Chord Technique- Play Flowing Ballad 9 to a song: He is Lord C Key & BbKeyIts exciting for me to see my students having so much fun in learning piano! I am creating this new series of course for my students because they want to learn how to coordinate both hands in a flowing manner. Here's My Secret: Rosa's Unique Transfer Chord Technique - Use 2 Hands to play chords to create new sounds!Our struggles:we have already acquired some very basic skills to play good accompaniment to our songs, but we have reached a plateau that everything we play sounds very similar.we want to get out of the boring LH arpeggios but cannot because we dont know how else to play them.we are frustrated trying to figure out how to fit the entire arpeggio into a song.we do not know how to count the arpeggios to make them fit to the melody of the song.we find our LH ballad playing so predictable and boring that they even put us to sleep at times.we feel stuck in a rut and do not know how to spice up our ballad playing.If this is your experience, this new series of Mastering Fun Piano Techniques using my Transfer Chord Technique from Left Hand to Right Hand to add new sounds.Piano Tip:Use Transfer Chord to Play Flowing Ballad 9 Fillers!Purpose of this course:1. This course is designed to help studentsapply ONESpecific Piano Technique the Flowing Ballad 9 Transfer Chord Techniqueto He is Lord.2. From my own experience of teaching, I notice that students need toDRILLone technique at a time to their songs so that the technique can becomeautomaticin their playing. The series of video clips are prepared in slow motion and normal tempo so that students can practice, practice, and practice until they feel verycomfortablein using the technique easily to songs.3. In order that students can come away with confidence inMastering the Flowing Ballad 9 Transfer ChordTechnique, the steps shown are very thorough and systematic in the video clips and explained clearly in the lectures. All that is left is for students to have FUN practising them at the piano!This course will give you:1. Many great piano tips of how you can turn boring arpeggios into professional sounding ballads.2. This Flowing Ballad 9 is one that you want to MASTER! You can then apply them easily whenever you want to and it always sounds great.3. My Secret Piano Tip of using 2 Hands to get out of the boring rut of LH repeated patterns. Many concert pianists use this kind of techniques and thats how they flow in their piano playing.4. Learn how to play the Ballad Flowing 9 in 8th notes.5. Use the Color chord piano tip to put color tones into your ballad arpeggios playing.6. Watch, copy and play, play, play. Thats what this course is about!7. With that foundation, you can go and experiment the idea and create your own Ballad 9 with variations!Enroll and I will see you inside,Rosa*************************************Rosa's Online School: Teaching93 Courseson Music & Piano Courses!OVER74,000Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many5 Star Reviews *************************************About Rosa's online course at Udemy:Over74,000very happy students already in my Udemy classesSee the5 Star Reviewsfrom VERY satisfied studentsYou get free lifetime accessAll videos are at your finger tips to watch anytime & anywhereAll future extra lectures and upgrades arealways freeUnconditional Udemy30 day money-back guaranteeand that's my personal promise to your success!Join this happy family of students"
Price: 194.99

"#11 Hand Coordination - Flowing Ballad 9 - Because He Lives"
"#11Hand Coordination - Transfer Chord Technique- Play Flowing Ballad 9 to a song: Because He Lives in C Key & BbKeyMany students struggle with hand coordination. They stop and go when they play. This lead to a lot of frustration.In this course, I show you how to overcome the difficulty of hand coordination.Here's My Secret to EZ Hand Coordination: Play One Hand at a TimeThis will relax your brainYour brain will send signals to your hands easilyUse Rosa's Unique Technique:Transfer Chord TechniqueBegin with LHStart with 3 tones - open 10th soundContinue with RHPlay double tones on RH as you play more color tonesSong: Because He LivesProcedureof this course:1. This course is designed to help studentsapply ONESpecific Piano Technique the Flowing Ballad 9 Transfer Chord Techniqueto He is Lord.2. From my own experience of teaching, I notice that students need toDRILLone technique at a time to their songs so that the technique can becomeautomaticin their playing. The series of video clips are prepared in slow motion and normal tempo so that students can practice, practice, and practice until they feel verycomfortablein using the technique easily to songs.3. In order that students can come away with confidence inMastering the Flowing Ballad 9 Transfer ChordTechnique, the steps shown are very thorough and systematic in the video clips and explained clearly in the lectures. All that is left is for students to have FUN practising them at the piano!This course will give you:1. Many great piano tips of how you can turn boring arpeggios into professional sounding ballads.2. This Flowing Ballad 9 is one that you want to MASTER! You can then apply them easily whenever you want to and it always sounds great.3. My Secret Piano Tip of using 2 Hands to get out of the boring rut of LH repeated patterns. Many concert pianists use this kind of techniques and thats how they flow in their piano playing.4. Learn how to play the Ballad Flowing 9 in 8th notes.5. Use the Color chord piano tip to put color tones into your ballad arpeggios playing.6. Watch, copy and play, play, play. Thats what this course is about!7. With that foundation, you can go and experiment the idea and create your own Ballad 9 with variations!Enroll and I will see you inside,Rosa*************************************Rosa's Online School: Teaching93 Courseson Music & Piano Courses!OVER74,000Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many5 Star Reviews *************************************About Rosa's online course at Udemy:Over74,000very happy students already in my Udemy classesSee the5 Star Reviewsfrom VERY satisfied studentsYou get free lifetime accessAll videos are at your finger tips to watch anytime & anywhereAll future extra lectures and upgrades arealways freeUnconditional Udemy30 day money-back guaranteeand that's my personal promise to your success!Join this happy family of students"
Price: 194.99

"#12 Hand Coordination: Let your Hands dance with Ballad 9"
"Learn How To Coordinate Both HandsMany people want to learn how to coordinate both hands easily but after years of learning, they are still unable to coordinate both hands.The problem is that we want to learn TOO many things at one goal.Here's the SECRET: Learn only ONESpecific Technique at one timeTECHNIQUEfor this Course: Dance with LH using Ballad 9Piano Tip: When you can DANCE with your LH, you will be able to coordinate yourRHeasily!Song: God is so Good - C Key & D Key________________________________________________Purpose of this course:1. This course is designed to help students apply ONE Specific Piano Technique the Dancing 9 to 4/4 songs.2. From my own experience of teaching, I notice that students need to DRILL one technique at a time to their songs so that the technique can become automatic in their playing. The series of video clips are prepared in slow motion and normal tempo so that students can practice, practice, and practice until they feel very comfortable in using the technique easily to songs.3. Therefore, this course is NOT about arranging a specific song. 4. In order that students can come away with confidence in Mastering the Technique, the steps shown are very thorough and systematic in the video clips and explained clearly in the eBook. All that is left is for students to have FUN practising them at the piano!This course will give you:1. The Dancing 9 is an EZ technique that you want to MASTER! This fun technique will help turn a plain song to dance. It will give momentum to your song. It will make your song dance and not boring at all.2. Learn how to play the Dancing 9 in 8th notes.3. My Secret Piano Tip of how to start implementing 16th note ballad playing into your songs! This one is GOLD. I know, because it took me years to come to this SECRET TIP of playing 16th Notes Easily. Once you get this technique into your fingers, you will sound professional. Your songs will all sound fresh & contemporary! You will add newness to all the good ol fashioned Gospel Hymns!4. The video clips show you exactly how to play the Dancing 9 from 8th notes to prepare you to play 16th notes in the next courseto WOW your audience!5. Step by step for youto follow exactly how to put them into your songs. You will learn how to count to fit arpeggios into the melody of the song.6. Watch, copy and play, play, play. Thats what this course is about!7. With that foundation, you can go and experiment the idea and create your own Dancing 9 variations!**There are a lot of Play Along in this course!**My students have difficulty coordinating both hands together at times, so in this course I have done many play along for:1. Left Hand only for each line for each song & then play through the complete song.2. Both Hands in Slow Motion for each line for each song & then play through the complete song.3. Both Hands in Normal Tempo for each line for each song & then play through the complete song.The design is in such a way that students can slowly gain confidence by working on the Left Hand first, and then play through each line in slow motion, and finally play through each line in normal tempo.The whole program is designed in such a way that students have a method to practice the techniques & to move them to play by ear.1. Each line is played with Music Score in front of them.2. Each line is played with Chords + counting 3. Each line is played with chords only so that by the time students get to this level, they can play by EAR.Enjoy,Rosa*************************************Rosa's Online School: Teaching93 Courseson Music & Piano Courses!OVER74,000Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many5 Star Reviews *************************************About Rosa's online course at Udemy:Over74,000very happy students already in my Udemy classesSee the5 Star Reviewsfrom VERY satisfied studentsYou get free lifetime accessAll videos are at your finger tips to watch anytime & anywhereAll future extra lectures and upgrades arealways freeUnconditional Udemy30 day money-back guaranteeand that's my personal promise to your success!Join this happy family of students"
Price: 194.99