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"Corso completo di Data Science con Python"
"Questo corso sul Data Science con Python nasce per essere un percorso completo su come si evoluta l'analisi dati negli ultimi anni a partire dall'algebra e dalla statistica classiche. L'obiettivo accompagnare uno studente che ha qualche base di Python in un percorso attraverso le varie anime del Data Science.Cominceremo con un ripasso delle basi di Python, a partire dallo scaricamento e installazione, all'impostazione dell'ambiente di lavoro, passando per le strutture, la creazione di funzioni, l'uso degli operatori e di alcune funzioni importanti.Passeremo poi a vedere come manipolare e gestire un dataset, estrarne dei casi oppure delle variabili, generare dei dataset casuali, calcolare delle misure statistiche di base, creare grafici con i pacchetti Matplotlib e Seaborn.Nelle sezioni successive cominciamo a entrare nel cuore del Data Science con Python, a cominciare dal preprocessing: vediamo infatti come ripulire e normalizzare un dataset, e come gestire i dati mancanti.La sezione successiva ci permette di cominciare a impostare dei modelli di machine learning con Python: vedremo tutti gli algoritmi pi comuni, sia supervisionati che non supervisionati, come la regressione, semplice, multipla e logistica, il k-nearest neighbors, il Support Vector Machines, il Naive Bayes, gli alberi di decisione e il clustering.Passeremo poi ai pi comuni metodi ensemble, come il Random Forest, il Bagging e il Boosting, e all'analisi del linguaggio naturale e al suo utilizzo nel machine learning per la catalogazione dei testi.****************************************************Aggiornamento Marzo 2018 - pubblicata la sezione sul deep learning con Python: 3 ore e mezzo per imparare le basi delle reti neurali feedforward, con backpropagation e convoluzionali!*******************************************************Questo corso sar completato durante le prossime settimane con altre sezioni relative a:- Big Data- Serie Temporali- Web Scraping- Sistemi di raccomandazione- Social media mining- Social Network Analysis- altri pacchetti per la creazione grafici"
Price: 184.99

"Corso completo di Data Science con R"
"Questo corso sul Data Science con R nasce per essere un percorso completo su come si evoluta l'analisi dati negli ultimi anni a partire dall'algebra e dalla statistica classiche. L'obiettivo accompagnare uno studente che ha qualche base di R in un percorso attraverso le varie anime del Data Science.Cominceremo con un ripasso delle basi di R, a partire dallo scaricamento e installazione, all'impostazione dell'ambiente di lavoro, passando per le strutture, la creazione di funzioni, l'uso degli operatori e di alcune funzioni importanti.Passeremo poi a vedere come manipolare e gestire un dataset, estrarne dei casi oppure delle variabili, generare dei dataset casuali, calcolare delle misure statistiche di base, creare grafici con i pacchetti Matplotlib e Seaborn.Nelle sezioni successive cominciamo a entrare nel cuore del Data Science con R, a cominciare dal preprocessing: vediamo infatti come ripulire e normalizzare un dataset, e come gestire i dati mancanti.La sezione successiva ci permette di cominciare a impostare dei modelli di machine learning con Python: vedremo tutti gli algoritmi pi comuni, sia supervisionati che non supervisionati, come la regressione, semplice, multipla e logistica, il k-nearest neighbors, il Support Vector Machines, il Naive Bayes, gli alberi di decisione e il clustering.Passeremo poi ai pi comuni metodi ensemble, come il Random Forest, il Bagging e il Boosting, e all'analisi del linguaggio naturale e al suo utilizzo nel machine learning per la catalogazione dei testi.Nelle ultime sezioni vedremo alcuni rudimenti di analisi temporale, sistemi di raccomandazione e social media mining.****************************************************Aggiornamento Aprile 2019 - pubblicata la sezione sul Big Data con R: oltre 4 ore in piche portano il corso a oltre 19 ore*******************************************************Questo corso sar completato durante le prossime settimane con altre sezioni relative a:- Serie Temporali- Web Scraping- Social Network Analysis"
Price: 179.99

"Guida completa al Deep Learning e alle reti neurali"
"Questo corso sul Deep Learning e reti neurali mira ad essere una guida e un punto di partenza per chi si avvicini allo studio delle reti neurali con i linguaggi R e / o Python.Le reti neurali sono l'ultimae pi promettentefamiglia di modelli per il machine learning avanzato, in quanto permettono non solo di predire dati a partire da un dataset classico, ma anche e soprattutto di portare a termine dei compiti che sono molto al di l del machine learning classico, comericonoscere oggetti in immagini,creare musica a partire da un gruppo di file audio, di generare un frame inedito di un videogioco e di creare un chatbot che risponda ai clienti al posto nostro.In questo corso, che presuppone una conoscenza di base di R, di Python o di entrambi, cominceremo a scoprire come funziona e come possiamo utilizzare una rete neurali, tramite due dei framework pi interessanti e utilizzati nel deep learning: TensorFlow in backend e soprattutto Keras.Capiremo quindi come nata l'intuizionedel neurone artificiale e come queste retisi differenzinodal cervello umano. Passeremo poi ad analizzare la struttura di una rete neurale, e come essa apprende tramite il metodo della backpropagation.Impareremo in particolare ad utilizzare le reti neurali per il machine learning su un dataset di tipo classico,sia nelle reti feedforward sia avvicinandoci al concetto di retropropagazione.Applicheremo le reti neurali a problemi relativi alla classificazione di dati e alla regressione.Passeremo poia capire come il computer 'vede' delle immagini, e come possiamo impostare una rete perch preveda il contenuto di un'immagine tramite le reti convoluzionali.Impareremo ad applicare le nostre reti a dati di tipo sequenziale, come testi e dati sequenziali, per poi passare alle reti non supervisionate che ci permettono con successo di clusterizzare i nostri dati separandoli in gruppi omogenei.*****************************************************************Oltre a nuove lezioni nelle sezioni gi presenti, sono previsti futuri aggiornamenti nei seguenti ambiti:- pytorch- chatbot- servizi di cloud e di gpu"
Price: 189.99

"Complete Your Thesis in 6 Months"
"Are you stuck in your PhD program? Are you afraid that if you don't produce results soon then your university will kick you out of the program?Have no fear. With this brand new course, based on cutting-edge research on the most effective methods of dissertation writing, you will be called ""Dr."" faster than you thought possible.This is a course that will teach you the A-to-Z of finishing your dissertation. Everything from putting together a dissertation proposal, choosing a defense committee, writing your first draft, finishing your dissertation, defending your dissertation, and even life after your PhD.Students who have taken this course have seen incredible results.The methods used in this course will help you finish your PhD program on average three years faster than you would otherwise (based on results among previous participants)Would you like to get three years of your life back before you lose them?We've outlined everything in these 6 modules:#1 How to choose the perfect dissertation topicThis session will help you choose the perfect topic: ambitious enough to impress your advisor, but not so ambitious that it is impossible to finish. You'll also learn how to choose the right advisor, and how to accelerate your research with dynamic note taking.#2 Writing the first draftI've taught writing methods to thousands of students, helping them go from crippling writer's block to producing hundreds of words a day. Learn how to make it impossible not to write every day, and write more in 1 hour than you used to do in 8.#3 How to keep writing during your dissertation slogHow do you deal with your defense committee when they send you contradictory revision requests? How do you avoid procrastination and even depression during the mid-point of your thesis? Learn how to overcome the challenges that sink most doctoral projects.#4 The exact steps to producing a perfect dissertation draftLearn the editing techniques to produce a perfect dissertation draft for your defense committee.#5 How to do a perfect dissertation defenseSail through your defense with ease by using these strategies to impress your committee, communicate the importance of your research, and maybe even enjoy the process.#6 Preparing for life after the dissertation: How to launch your academic careerLearn how to position yourself for success in the cut-throat world of the academic job marketThe course also includesAccess to over 40 video lessons (nearly 10 hours of content)Samples of dissertation proposals, outlines, and chapter draftsAccess to private Facebook group, where you can work out problems with other PhD studentsFull service supportLifetime access to the learning materialsBONUS Training: How to form a writers' groupBONUS Training: How to apply for a tenure-track job after graduation"
Price: 24.99

"ALGEBRA Basics Review - a Step-by-Step course"
"Hi my name is Olu Sanya and I welcome you to this ALGEBRABasics Reviewcourse. The # 1 question I get from students in our TestPrep Classes is, OLU how do I start the question? I have designed this ALGEBRAReview course with that question in mind;In this course, you will learn how to start & completely solve 10 ofthe most commonly asked topicson tests like theSAT, ACT, GRE & GMAT as well asgeneral high school math classes. You don't have to worry if you have forgotten all the Algebra you were in school, in this course, I assume you know nothing so I take my time to break every question down as I start from the basics. Checkout the free videos.Textbook required for this courseNO TEXTBOOKis needed for this courseAll Quizzes are available online and the links are included in this course when you buy it.Included when you buy this CourseI assume you know nothing, so I take time to breakdown each questions carefully.30ALGEBRABasics Reviewstep-by-stepsolutionVideosOver 650ALGEBRABasics Review Quizzes questions4 hrs of pure ALGEBRAFUN!!!Study PlanChange video setting to ""1080p"" button at bottom right of Video for improved Video qualityWatch each of my Lesson videos,then do the quizzes at the end of each Lesson"
Price: 19.99

"Blogging Bootcamp - How to Start a Successful Blog!"
"The Blogging Bootcamp is a 30 day course that is designed to help you go from zero knowledge to starting asuccessful blog that you can then monetize and turn into a full time career!This course is taught by full time blogger Johnny FD who has been featured in publications such as Business Insider, Entrepreneur and even Forbes.Blogging Bootcamp is the first 15 foundation videos of the full course called Income Boss, and is designed to help you get your blog up and running, and build the free traffic foundations required to start monetizing."
Price: 74.99

"Pro Skills Pack - Boost your skills with Adobe After Effects"
"If you want to learn some new software, which is better:Watching tutorials? Or doing projects?In our experience we havefound that the answer is of course a Bit of BothThats why we came up with the idea for the PRO SKILLS PACKA pro skills pack is a challenge! In fact, its multiple challenges, each specifically designed by an industry pro to teach you the skills that are most commonly asked for by todays clients.Each time we put a pack together we ask ourselves Out of the clients weve been working for lately, what are the most important skills weve used? And then we design challenges to help teach you those skills.How does it work?First, Each challenge will tell you what it is that you need to try to accomplish. This is called The Brief, and that's also the part where you will getthe downloadable assets, footage and graphics thatyou willneed to try the project yourself.Then once youve given it a shot, you can take a look at how your pack sponsor, approached the same assignment. First in a quick overview video to show you the main concepts used (less than 3 minutes), and then in a full length tutorial with step-by-step detail so you can dive into any specific moment for complete clarity. (30 minutes)Its a really effective and engaging way to learn skills that youll use all the time. So come check out the collection of Pro Skills Packs and learn something new we think youll really enjoy it. And of course, if you try something you decide you didnt need, just tell us within 30 days and well give you your money back.Have any questions please feel free to reach out! Hope to see you in this course."
Price: 39.99

"Develop a Custom WooCommerce Shipping Method - with eBook"
"In this course Iwill teach something Iwish I had known much sooner. Ireally lost so much time when Ineeded to code custom shipping methods for various companies! Reading the code of WooCommerce can be time consuming.I will show you everything about creating Shipping Methods.In this course you will learn:What Shipping APIenables you and where to read the codeHow to define a shipping methodHow to structure a shipping methodHow tomake the plugindependant on WooCommerceHow to integrate the Shipping Method with WooCommerceShipping ZonesHow to programmatically work with Shipping ZonesIn this course you will receive my eBook ""WooCommerce for Developers""for FREE (regularly $10)with much more lessons such as:Creating a WooCommerce Payment GatewayCreating a print option in Order listingManaging Stock Levels with 3rd Party APIsCourse OverviewLet me tell you how will we tackle this together. First, you will download the eBook. You can even print it if you want and then check each part of the course inside the book.Use the eBook as a reference guide when working on WooCommerce projects.You will then learn about the Shipping API and which methods and attributes shall you use when creating our own Shipping Method. You will also get much more details on countries and availability.After you get over the Shipping API, you will see how to define a Shipping Method. It isvery important to understand everything before you open your editor and start writing code.Once you define the Shipping Method, you will start coding the plugin. You will make this plugin dependant on WooCommerce and you will not allow any code to perform if WooCommerce is not active.You will create your own Shipping Method class, calculate the shipping following the definition of the shipping method and then you will register the method in WooCommerce.Once you are done with the whole Shipping Method, you will refactor the code (just a bit). This refactoring will integrate your WooCommerce Shipping Method with WooCommerce Shipping Zones."
Price: 34.99

"Formation la photographie pour les dbutants"
"Dans cette formation je me propose de vous initier la photographie.Cette formation essentiellement thorique vous apportera des bases solides vous permettant de vous ouvrir de nouveauxhorizons.L'ide tant pour moi de vous affranchir de la thorie, des principes fondamentaux de la photographie et de vous amener matris votre outil....votre appareil photo.Dans le but de le mettre au service de votre intention et de votre crativit.Je suis photographe professionnelle depuis maintenant presque 20 ans, principalement dans le domaine de la mode et de la publicit.Je m'efforcerai ici de vous amener trs progressivement matriser les principes de la photographie.Je vous invite donc me suivre dans cette belle aventure."
Price: 149.99

"Parenting Children Who Have Experienced Trauma and Adversity"
"You want to help your child heal from a traumatic experience, but youre not sure how. Responding to behavior is just a band-aid that doesnt address the deeper, underlying issues. You know that there has to be a better way. In this course, youll learn about how trauma impacts brain development and how you can harness the power of narrative to help your child heal. Youll learn how to create a healing trauma narrative to promote resilience and post-traumatic growth. Youll learn how to implement Trauma Informed Parenting on a daily basis to help support your child in moving through their own healing process.The Trauma Informed Parentingcourse is made up ofeightmodules, each consisting of three individual lessons. Course materials include a mix of videos, reading assignments, and worksheets. Dont be intimidated this is not graded and there is nothing to turn in!Once you purchase the course, you will have lifetime access to the course materials, including all future updates. Youll also be invited to join our exclusive Trauma Informed Parenting Facebook group where you can ask questions and share information with other trauma informed parents.Module 1:Getting StartedThis module welcomes you to the course! Youll learn about what to expect, take a look at the course syllabus, and join the private Trauma Informed Parenting Facebook group for support as you move through the modules. Youll take a look at where you are now and set goals for your time in the course to make sure that you can apply the information to your own life in a meaningful way.Module 2:Adverse Childhood ExperiencesIn this module, youll learn all about the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) study and how it applies to your own life, as a parent, and how it applies for your child. Youre learn about what the ACES study means and have the opportunity to journal and reflect on how this has had an influence on your own life.Module 3: The Impact of Trauma on Brain DevelopmentIf you want to respond to your child and others in a truly trauma-informed way,you haveto understand how adversity in childhood impacts the development of the brain. After completing this module, you will understand the basics of early brain development and some significant ways that trauma impacts brain development. You will practice linking your childs behavior to trauma and uncover triggers for challenging behaviors.Module 4: ResilienceUnderstanding all of the science and theory of adversity is super important, but lets be real, it doesnt do any good if you dont know how to apply that science and theory to your own life. In this module, you will learn about neuroplasticity, how to help the brain change, and how to help your child build resilience by strengthening emotional regulation.Module 5: HealingBreathe a deep sigh of relief, module 5 is where the work of healing truly begins. In this module, youll learn how to harness the power of story to help your child heal. Youll learn about implicit memory and figure out how those hidden memories locked away in your childs amygdala continue to impact their behavior every day. Finally, youll start to sketch the skeleton outline of your childs healing narrative by identifying emotional anchor points in their life.Module 6: Creating a Trauma NarrativeIn module 6, all of the works begins to come together as your childs trauma narrative takes shape. This is the place where you write the story that will help you walk the sacred path of helping your child heal and move forward with intention. Its hard work and your child is so incredibly lucky to have a parent who is so invented in facilitating the healing process.Module 7: Trauma Informed ParentingYouve created your childs healing narrative and now its time to talk about how to use the narrative and how to identify and respond to challenging behaviors through the lens of the Trauma Informed Parenting Guidelines.Module 8: Wrapping UpThis is the time for me to remind you that you cant give what you dont have and that self-care is an act of service. You have to take care of yourself in order to be able to take care of anyone else. Expect a little gushing from me as I thank you for allowing me to be a part of your sacred journey. So much respect, my friend.Ready to start helping your child heal? Congratulations! Working through this course takes courage andcommitment. Once you have made the decision to enroll in the course, you and your child canbegin to move forward together on an intentional journey of healing and growth. The totalvalue of the course materials is approximately $2500, but the changes you will be able to make after applying the course materials to your life will be truly priceless. Remember, once you purchase the course, you will have lifetime access to all materials, including updates."
Price: 149.99

"Advanced Job Seeking with LinkedIn"
"LinkedIn is THE primary candidate sourcing tool used by Recruiters worldwide making it an essential site for all jobseekers. Most LinkedIn courses will explain how to set up a fully keyword optimised profile, build a network, find advertised jobs...this course doesn't!If you are looking to understand the basics of how to use LinkedIn....this course is NOT for you! If however you are already a LinkedIn user and want to understand some of the more advanced 'ninja' tricks used by superusers then you are in the right place!I spent 20 years as a Recruiter and during that time I learnt something very important about job seekers...Those that gain the greatest opportunities are those that go the extra mile and do more than just the basics and wait for Recruiters to call.Effective job seeking is all about being PROACTIVE! LinkedIn is a contact sport!This course will walk you through the most advanced techniques I know......and I have been training LinkedIn to audiences throughout the world since 2008."
Price: 49.99

"Ultimate Neural Nets and Deep Learning Masterclass in Python"
"USEDBYSOFTWARESTUDENTSATCAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITY-WORLD CLASS DEEPLEARNINGCOURSE -UPDATED CONTENTJanuary 2018Master practical deep learning and neural networkconcepts and fundamentalsMy course does exactly what the title describes in a simple, relatable way. I help you to grasp the complete start to end concepts of fundamental deep learning.Why you need this courseComing to grips with python isn't always easy. On your own it can be quite confusing, difficult and frustrating. I've been through the process myself, and with the help of lifelong ... I want to share this with my fellow beginners, developers, AI aspirers, with you.What you will get out of this courseI will give you straightforward examples,instructions, advice, insights and resources for you to take simple steps to create your own neural networks from scratch. By the end of the course you will be able to create neural networks to create your very own image classifier, able to work on your own images.I personally provide support within the course, answering questions and giving feedback on what you're discovering/creating along the way. I don't just throw you in at the deep end - I provide you with the resources to learn and develop what you need at a pace to work for youand then help you stroll through to the finish line. Studies have shown that to learn effectively from online courses tutorials should last around ten minutes each. Therefore to maximise your learning experienceall of the lectures in this course have been created around this amount of time.My course integrates all of the aspects required to get you on the roadbecoming a successful deep learningdeveloper. I teach and I preach, with live, practical exercises and walkthroughsat the end of each section!Why this price?As a professional AI developer Ihave over five years in Senior positions in software development and technology entrepreneurship, with experience in tutoring and creating online courses, catering to thousands of students.Face to face I charge $50 per hour for a student. To complete the curriculum that Iofferit would cost them between$500 - $1000.To reach more people than I could face to face I decided to create this course. As I add more content I intend to raise the price but for now I've decided on this price- the cost of aroundjust three lessons.By paying a small cost for this course I believe you will get your value back, with a lot more by the time you have completed it.Ask yourself - how much is mastering the fundamentals of python (and setting up your skills for AI engineering)worth to you?How long will it take?Although everyone is different, on average it has taken existing students between 4 - 6 weeks to complete the course, whilst developing their skills and knowledge along the way.Who this is not forThis course is not for anyone looking for a one-click fix. Although I provide you with a path walked enough times that it can be a relatively smooth journey it still requires a lot of time and effort from you to make it happen. If you're not interested in putting in your energy to truly better yours skills in python then this may not be the right course for you.Is there a money back guarantee if I'm not happy?Absolutely. I am confident that my course will bring you more value than you spend on the course. As one of the previouslytop featured Udemy Instructors my motto is 'your success is my success'. If within the first 30 days you feel my course is not going to help you to achieve your goals in python programmingthen you get ano questions asked, full discount.What materials are included?The majority of my lectures I have chosen to be in video format so that you can hear and see me when we're going through each and every area of the course.Aswell as the course lectures, presentations, scripts and quizzes the course will soon also offers my full support as an instructor to answer questions, provide feedback and supportI will be constantly adding more valuable content and resources to the course as time goes by. Keep checking back here if you're not sure right now and feel free to send me a message with any questions or requests you may have.So go ahead and click the 'Take this course' button at the top right of your screen. I look forward to seeing you on the course."
Price: 194.99

"The Ultimate Python Masterclass - learn from scratch"
"USEDBYSOFTWARESTUDENTSATCAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITY-TOP RATED, WORLD CLASS PYTHON FUNDAMENTALS COURSE-UPDATED CONTENTJanuary 2018Master practical python concepts and fundamentalsThiscourse on python does exactly what the title describes in a simple, practical andrelatable way. I help you to grasp the fundamentals of python with live coding, practical examples, projects and quizzes, moving step by step through beginner and then intermediate concepts - getting you to the point where you are ready to being a career in python -to apply the foundations of python into real life projects, such as games, websites, GUIs,data science orAI.Why you need this courseComing to grips with python isn't always easy. On your own it can be quite confusing, difficult and frustrating. I've been through the process myself, and with the help of my peers and mentors I've quickly become a proficient python developer.I want to share all I've learnedwith my fellow pythonbeginners, developers, AI aspirers. My inspiration comes from believing that, if taught effectively in a carefully planned and considered way, the vast majority of people will be able to master python. That's why I've created this course.What you will get out of this courseI will give you straightforward examples,instructions, advice, insights and resources for you to take simple steps to start coding your own programs, solving problems that inspire you and instilling the 'developer's mindset' of problem solving.Iprovide support within the course, answering questions and giving feedback on what you're discovering/creating along the way. I don't just throw you in at the deep end - I provide you with the resources to learn and develop what you need at a pace to work for youand then help you stroll through to the finish line. Studies have shown that to learn effectively from online courses, tutorials should last around ten minutes each. Therefore to maximise your learning experienceall of the lectures in this course have been created around this amount of time or less.My course integrates all of the aspects required to get you on the roadbecoming a successful python developer. I teach and I preach, with live, practical exercises and walkthroughsat the end of each section.Why this price?As a professional AI developer Ihave over five years in Senior positions in software development and technology entrepreneurship, with experience in tutoring and creating online courses, catering to thousands of students. I've been trained at Cambridge University and the prestigious Pi School of Artificial Intelligence in Rome.Face to face I charge $50 per hour for a student. To complete the curriculum that Iofferit would cost them over$1000.To reach more people than I could face to face I decided to create this course. As I add more content I intend to raise the price but for now I've decided on this price- the cost of aroundjust three lessons.By paying a small cost for this course I believe you will get your value back, with a lot more by the time you have completed it.Ask yourself - how much is mastering the fundamentals of python, preparing you for a career in python programming (and setting up your skills for AI engineering)worth to you?How long will it take?Although everyone is different, on average it has taken existing students between 4 - 6 weeks to complete the course, whilst developing their skills and knowledge along the way. It's best not to speed through the content, and instead go through a handful of lectures, try out the concepts by coding, yourself, and move on once you feel you've grasped the basics of those lectures.Who this is not forThis course is not for anyone looking for a one-click fix. Although I provide you with a path walked enough times that it can be a smooth journey it still requires a lot of time and effort from you to make it happen. If you're not interested in putting in your energy to truly better yours skills in python then this may not be the right course for you.Is there a money back guarantee if I'm not happy?Absolutely. I am confident that my course will bring you more value than you spend on the course. As one of the previouslytop featured Udemy Instructors my motto is 'your success is my success'. If within the first 30 days you feel my course is not going to help you to achieve your goals in python programmingthen you get ano questions asked, full discount.What materials are included?The majority of my lectures I have chosen to be in video format so that you can hear meand see me live coding when we're going through each and every area of the course.Aswell as the course lectures, practicals,and quizzes the course will soon also offers my full support as an instructor to answer questions, provide feedback and support.I will be constantly adding more content and resources to the course as time goes by. Keep checking back here if you're not sure right now and feel free to send me a message with any questions or requests you may have.So go ahead and click the 'Take this course' button when you feel readyonyour screen. I look forward to seeing you inthe course."
Price: 119.99

"3ds Max + AE: Learn VFX, Camera Tracking and Compositing"
"There are few better ways to present a project to your clients than through aerial fly-overs of a proposed building. Drones have made it easier than ever to aerial footage of your projects sites. In this course you will learn to take drone footage (or really any kind of footage), whether it is shot by you or someone else, and composite in your 3D creations easily and convincingly. 3DS Max and After Effects already have all the built-in tools that you need for creating visual effects using 3Dcomposited into live footage. Follow this course and you will be amazed at how quickly and easily you can be up to speed, creating your own movie-like effects, using software you probably already have access to.This course is broken down into three main sections:Inside of After Effects -- This is where I will show you how to generate and export 3D camera tracking data for later use in 3DS Max.Inside 3DS Max --From AE, we will get a camera the exactly matches the zoom angle and movement of our live video footage, but in Max we will have to adjust its scale and rotation in order to get it to match with the real world. Once we have that, we can add any 3Delements we want to the footage.Bring It All Back Together In After Effects -- This is where we will do some compositing. The goal is to make the 3D animation elements and the live footage mesh together seamlessly and convincingly.This course is hands on. You will be following along with me creating a basic aerial fly-over. You will learn the exact workflow that you need, plus a ton of tips and tricks that will help you to not get hung up when you graduate to your own projects. I have already done all the troubleshooting for you, so learn from my experience.Check out the promo video to learn more about me, and about the project you will creating in the course.Join the course today for lifetime access!Check out my other Arch Viz / 3D courses as well (More about those at the end of this course). I have learning opportunities for all levels, and courses that cover various different aspects of the industry.*This course uses the latest and greatest in the two main software packages that are discussed.**Frequent updates and additional lectures***Lifetime access to all content and future content"
Price: 49.99

"3ds Max & Vray: Advanced Arch Viz Interior Projects"
"Where This Course Will Take YouThis course takes you beyond basic tools in 3ds Max, and into the world of high-end architectural (arch viz) imagery. You will learn the professional workflow and tools that are used in the industry to achieve stunning, photorealistic results in 3d. Industry standard tools including 3ds Max, Vray, Marvelous Designer and Photoshop are all used and demonstrated.Project FilesFollow along with the various parts of the project that are provided for you and create a professional arch viz interior by the end. Along the way you will have learned all sorts of tips and tricks, workflow techniques, andtools in advanced software packages, all while creating your own custom rendered scene to add to your portfolio.Join Now For Lifetime Access to All Project Files and Future UpdatesIf you are ready to take your renderings to the next level with all the professional tools and techniques, this is the class for you. Join today and you will gain immediate, lifetimeaccess to all course models, textures, etc., plus all the professional lectures that you need to increase your skills.A couple of things to note:This course is taught by a practicing professional in the arch viz industry (12 years experience)The instructor has over 36,000 students and an average 4.3 rating on 9 available coursesThe course uses the latest software versions, and will be continually updated as software evolvesThe course will also be updated with additional lectures and content regarding new techniques30 day money back guaranteefrom Udemy if the class is not what you expectedSo, what are you waiting for? Join now for immediate, lifetime access to all content!"
Price: 99.99

"Desenvolvimento de Aplicativos iOS12 em Swift4 app iPhone"
"Quer criar o app dos seus sonhos ou conseguir um emprego como desenvolvedor iOS?Ento voc achou o curso certo. Nesse curso eu ensino, sem enrolao e com experincia de mercado comprovada, como criar apps profissionais para iPhone e iPad usando as ltimas verses das ferreamentas da Apple (o XCode 10 e o iOS 12).Por que escolher esse curso?Meu nome Rodrigo, sou desenvolvedor mobile profissional, sendo que sou bolsista na Apple Developer Academy (o curso oficial da Apple no Brasil para desenvolvedores), ganhei em 2017 e 2018 o prmio mundial WWDCScholarship, concedido pela Apple aos melhores aplicativos de estudantes, e sou scio de uma empresa de desenvolvimento de aplicativos em Curitiba. Essa minha experincia de mercado focada em aplicativos faz com que eu consiga trazer os conceitos como eles so necessrios no mercado, e no como os outros professores que nunca trabalharam na rea ensinam. Eu sei ensinar desenvolvimento iOS, porque eu sou profissional no assunto.O que eu vou aprender nesse curso?Voc vai aprender tudo que necessrio, pela minha experincia, para conseguir o seu primeiro emprego na rea ou construir o aplicativo que voc tanto sonha. Comeando com conceitos bsicos como programao em Swift e Autolayout para criao de telas, at a comunicao com servidores e a criao de telas complexas que ficam lindas tanto no iPhone quanto no iPad, vamos criar uma base forte para que voc, depois de assistir as aulas, seja capaz de fazer o aplicativo que quiser.Ainda no est convencido?Eu confio tanto na qualidade do meu material que meu curso est coberto pela poltica de reembolso da Udemy -- se em at 30 dias voc se arrepender da compra, o seu dinheiro ser devolvido integralmente! Mais detalhes em:"
Price: 579.99

"WakeUp Iluminao - Fotografia de Retrato com Flash"
"Este curso foi criado para todos os entusiastas da fotografia que usem ou pretendam aprender a usar corretamente o Flash. Nele partilho todas as tcnicas que fui desenvolvendo ao longo de 19 anos de experincia e das mais de 12.000 sesses j realizadas. Atravs de 12 aulas e de 1h10min de contedos, ir perceber todos os detalhes necessrios para poder realizar os seus retratos utilizando corretamente a luz de Flash.POR QUE DEVO REGISTAR-ME?Se se inscrever neste curso, ir beneficiar de todos os processos que a minha experincia me levou a criar, ir permitir acelerar o seu processo de aprendizagem pessoal, e ultrapassar muitos dos obstculos e frustraes mais comuns.TUDO QUE PRECISA SABERComo controlar a luz de flashQuais os melhores modificadoresComo iluminar para um fundo branco e para um fundo pretoPerceber como podemos obter um fundo preto a partir de um fundo brancoCenrio com 3 pontos de luzTutorial de ps-produo"
Price: 79.99

"Baby Safety and Posing for Newborn Photographers"
"This course was created for allenthusiasts of newborn photography and within it all the methodology developed over 11 years experience, and more than 3.000 photographic sessions, is shared. After 8 lessons and 1h05 min of content, you will understand all the details and techniques that are used to execute successful poses with babies and how my photographic sessions are held.WHY SHOULD I REGISTER?If you enroll in this course, you will benefit from all the processes which my experience has lead me to create, you will rapidly increase your own personal learning process as well as overcome many of the most common obstacles and frustrations.EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOWHow to accomplish poses with newborns, the best sequence of poses and all the secrets that are hidden underneath the blankets and which make all the difference."
Price: 59.99

"Scurit et poses des nouveau-ns pour les photographes"
"Ce cours a t cr pour tous les enthousiastes de photographie de nouveau-ns e jypartage toute la mthodologie que jai dvelopp pendant 11 annes dexprience etplus de 3.000 sance dj effectues. Grce 8 cours et 1h05min de contenues, vousallez comprendre tous les dtails et les techniques que jutilise pour russir, avec succs,les poses avec les bbs et comment jlabore mes sance photo.POURQUOI JE DOIS MINSCRIRE ?Si vous vous inscrivez ce cours, vous allez profiter de tous les procs que monexprience ma men crer ; a vous permettra dacclrer votre apprentissagepersonnel, et de surmonter plusieurs obstacles et frustrations trs communs.TOUT CE QUE VOUS AVEZ BESOIN DE SAVOIRComment raliser les poses avec les nouveau-ns ; quelle est la meilleure squence deposes, et tous les secrets qui sont cachs sous les tissues et qui font toute la diffrence."
Price: 59.99

"Davud Hoca ile JavaScript, Ajax, jSON"
"JavaScript artk web sayfalarnn vazgeilmezi oldu, jquery gibi bir ok ktphane, mobil responsive tasarmlar, ajax ilemleri, json ile verileri yorumlama gibi ana ilemler hep javascript ile yaplyor.Bu eitimde Ajax ve Json ile gzel bir balang yapp, temel konulardan ileri konulara JavaScripti reneceiz.JavaScript alt yaps olan kiiler rahatlkla Node.js , React.js gibi konulara gei yapabilirler.Eskiden JavaScript sadece bir ka satr gerekli kodu modifiye etmek iin lazmd ama artk sadece dzenleme deil, bu kodlarda yazmanz gerekecek. Gelecekte JavaScript iyi bilmeyen bir web master kabul edilmeyecektir.te bu sebeple JavaScript renmek iin Doru Zamandasnz."
Price: 19.99

"Davud Hoca ile HTML - CSS"
"HTML renmeniz iin hazrladmz 7 saatlik bu kurs ile web tasarmna ilk adm doru atm olacaksnz.HTML tm web sayfalarnn taraycda sunulan halidir, Web sunucular i kodlar sonucunda tarayclarna anlayaca ekilde kodlara dntrrler, ite bu kodlar HTML kodlardr.HTML ok basit ve keyiflidir, hi bir zorluu yoktur. Eitimde HTML iin gerekli olan tm konular rneklerle aklanmtr.HTML rendikten sonra CSS, Bootstrap ve Programlama dilleri ile devam etmek gerekmektedir.HTML eitiminde grmek zereDavud Hoca"
Price: 19.99

"ASP.Net Web Pages ve C# Eitim Seti"
"ASP .NETsrekli gelien ve takip etmesi ve renmesi olduka zor olan bir teknolojidir, bu sebeple bir ok kii renmesi kolay olan PHP'ye ynelmi ve web sayfalarn PHP'de yapmaktadr.ASP.NET Web pages ise PHP'ye yok benzeyen Razor syntaxi ile rahatlkla web sayfalar yapmay salamaktadr. Bu kursun devam olan ASP .NET Web pages ile blog yapma kursunda sfrdan bir kurs yaplarak, ASP . NET web pages uygulmas gsterilmitir.Bu kursta ASP.NET ile ilgili temel bilgilere sahip olup, gelecek hayatnzda hangi dili seeceinize karar verebilirsiniz.Kursta temel konular yannda MVC modeli gibi baz gelimi konularda anlatlmtr.ASP .NET i deerlendirmek isteyenlerin bu kursu izlemesini tavsiye ediyoruz. Yaklak 5 saat sonunda ASP.NET size gremi deil mi karar vermekte bir adm atabilirsinizHerkese yi renmeler"
Price: 19.99

"ASP.Net Web Pages ile Blog Yapma"
"ASP.NET web pages ile PHP'de kod yazar gibi alabilirsiniz. Razor syntaxinin gc ile rahatlkla kod retebilirsiniz. Bu eitimde sfrdan temel bir blog sistemi yazld, veritaban oluturuldu, kategoriler, blog postlar ve bir ok dier ilem eitimin iine sdrld.Layout oluturuldu ve template gibi kullanld, bylece sayfalarda kod tekrar engellendiDaha nce ASP.NET renmek isteyip renemediyseniz, bu kurs sonras kendinizi ASP.NET'e daha yakn hissedebilirsinizKurs dosyalarn almak iin bize yazmanz yeterlidir.yi renmeler"
Price: 19.99

"Davud Hoca ile Angular JS"
"AngularJS, google'nin destekledii, javascript MVC ktphanesidir. MVC (Modal View Controller) verinin, grnmn ve kontrollerin ayr tutulmasna dayanr. Modal: Verilerin tutulduu nesnelerdirBu angularJS kursunda, temel elementleri, directiveleri, stringleri, objeleri, arraylar, controllers, filters, gibi kavramlar, SQL verisini PHP veya ASP.NET ile JSON olarak almay DOM, Event, Modules, Validayion gibi kavramlar reneceiz.Bu kurs Davud Hoca Sfrdan leri Dzey Web Tasarm ve Programlama Serisinin Temel Eitimlerindendir.Kursu anlayabilmek iin temel JavaScript Eitimine ihtiyacnz vardr."
Price: 19.99

"Davud Hoca ile Java ve Android"
"Android; Google ve Open Handset Alliance tarafndan, mobil cihazlar iin gelitirilmekte olan, Linux tabanl zgr ve cretsiz bir iletim sistemidir. Sistem ak kaynak kodlu olsa da, kodlarnn ufak ama ok nemli bir ksm Google tarafndan kapal tutulmaktadr. Google tarafndan cretsiz olmasnn sebebi, sistemin daha hzl ve abuk gelimesi, birok popler marka tarafndan kullanlmas ve bu sayede reklamlarn daha fazla kiiye ulamasn salamaktr. Google, Android sistemi zerinde alan Google Play marketteki oyun ve uygulamalar zerinde ald reklamlar yaynlayarak para kazanmaktadr. Android'in desteklenen uygulama uzants "".apk""dr.Android, aygtlarn fonksiyonelliini genileten uygulamalar yazan geni bir gelitirici grubuna sahiptir. Android iin halihazrda 1 milyondan fazla uygulama bulunmaktadr. Google Play Store ise, Android iletim sistemi uygulamalarnn eitli sitelerden indirilebilmesinin yan sra, Google tarafndan iletilen kurumsal uygulama maazasdr. Gelitiriciler, ilk olarak aygt, Google'n Java ktphanesi araclyla kontrol ederek Java dilinde yazmlardr.Open Handset Alliance, 5 Kasm 2007'de Android'i kurduunu duyurmutur ve ardndan 34 adet donanm, yazlm ve telekom irketi, mobil cihazlar iin telif hakk olmayan bir iletim sisteminin teknolojinin geliimi iin yararl olduu konusunda hemfikir olmulardr.Android, Linux ekirdei zerine ina edilmi bir mobil iletim sistemidir. Bu sistem ara katman yazlm, ktphaneler ve API C diliyle yazlmtr. Uygulama yazlmlar ise, Apache harmony zerine kurulu Java-uyumlu ktphaneleri iine alan uygulama iskeleti zerinden almaktadr. Android, derlenmi Java kodunu altrmak iin dinamik evirmeli Android Runtime (ART) kullanr ve cihazlarn fonksiyonelliini artran uygulamalarn gelitirilmesi iin alan geni bir programc-gelitirici evresine sahiptir. Google ayn zamanda iletim sistemindeki hatalar bulan kullanclar para dl ile dllendirmektedir.Bu kurs Davud Hoca Sfrdan leri Dzey Web Tasarm ve Programlama Serisinin Temel Eitimlerindendir.Kursu anlayabilmek iin temel Java programlama bilgisine ihtiyacnz vardr."
Price: 19.99

"Davud Hoca ile Bootstrap"
"Bootstrap Nedir?Bootstrap Front-End Developerlar iin gelitirilmi ak kaynak kodlu ve cretsiz bir CSS framework'tr. Bootstrap sayesinde masast, tablet, mobil cihaz ve tm tarayclara uyumlu web siteleri gelitirebiliriz. Bunun yannda bir web sitesi iin gerekli olan tm bileenleri yapsnda barndrr. (Form eleri, tablolar, butonlar, uyarlar, navigasyon bar, sayfalandrma, etiketler, alan menler vb. tasarm eleri.) Bu hazr bileenleri kullanarak hem gelimi bir grnm hem de her cihaza uygun bir tasarm gerekletirmi oluruz.Bu kurs Davud Hoca Sfrdan leri Dzey Web Tasarm ve Programlama Serisinin Temel Eitimlerindendir.Kursu anlayabilmek iin CSS reniyorum Eitimine ihtiyacnz vardr."
Price: 19.99

"Davud Hoca ile SQL"
"SQL, (ngilizce ""Structured Query Language"", Trke: Yaplandrlm Sorgu Dili, telaffuz: s kju l/) verileri ynetmek ve tasarlamak iin kullanlan bir veritaban ynetim sistemidir. SQL, kendisi bir programlama dili olmamasna ramen birok kii tarafndan programlama dili olarak bilinir. SQL herhangi bir veri taban ortamnda kullanlan bir alt dildir. SQL ile yalnzca veri taban zerinde ilem yaplabilir. SQL'e zg cmleler kullanarak veri tabanna kayt eklenebilir, olan kaytlar deitirilebilir, silinebilir ve bu kaytlardan listeler oluturulabilir.Bu kurs Davud Hoca Sfrdan leri Dzey Web Tasarm ve Programlama Serisinin Temel Eitimlerindendir.Kursu anlayabilmek iin temel Web programlama bilgisine ihtiyacnz vard"
Price: 19.99

"Test your Knowledge in Banking Credit Analysis Process"
"Welcome to this course onTest your Knowledge in Banking Credit Analysis Process.This is a Practice Test course only and you can test your knowledge on the various topics.Each and every section will have various questions framed as Multiple Choice Questions.You will be given a time frame and cut off marks for clearing the course.You can expect questions on the following topics:a) Financial Statementsb) Ratio Analysisc) Cash Flow and Fund Flow Analysisd) Term Loan Appraisale) Working Capital Managementf) LC and BG"
Price: 1280.00

"Beat Google HummingBird And Reclaim Your Google Ranking"
"Google Hummingbird was implemented in August 2013, and according to Google itself, it's the biggest change in Google search engine technology in the last 15 years. This has changed the way you do business online, and the way pages are ranked on Google.  In this nearly 3 hours video course, I talk about Google HummingBird, how it works, what's the technology that runs it, how it changes the search engine, and what you'll need to do get ranked on Google henceforth.  If you own a blog or an Internet website, you need this course to make sure that you retain your rankings, and you are able to exploit this wonderful new opportunity to rank highly on Google.  This course also covers bad SEO techniques that you're already using, which will harm your site, and the good SEO techniques that you must start using to get good Google rankings. "
Price: 189.99

"How to rank videos on YouTube"
"YouTube is the world's 3rd most popular website, and video marketing is the hottest opportunity of the moment. Video producers are generating traffic on YouTube and monetizing it through YouTube partnerships, product promotions or by transferring the traffic to their products and domains.  But SEO on YouTube is very different from traditional SEO. The parameters are different and that's why those who try to apply traditional SEO to videos haven't seen great success rates.  This course will teach you everything about video SEO that you need to know to get organic traffic on YouTube effectively. "
Price: 169.99