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"Fingerstyle Blues Guitar - Acoustic Blues : 7 Blues Men"
"Fingerstyle Blues Guitar - Acoustic Blues : 7 Blues Men9 complete fingerpicking lessons complete with tabs to download.Contents:Screamin' & Cryin' by Blind Boy FullerSittin' On Top Of The World - Doc WatsonSt Louis Blues - Big Bill BroonzyCan't Cross Here - Jim BruceGuitar Shuffle - Big Bill BroonzyI Saw The Light - Reverend Gary DavisRunaway Man Blues - Floyd CouncilI Get The Blues When It Rains - Big Bill BroonzySo Lonesome I Could Cry - Seasick SteveEach lesson features:close-up shots of each handon-screen tablaturedownloadable tabsslow demonstrationstechniques and tips#blues #guitar #acoustic #fingerstyle"
Price: 49.99

"Einfhrung in Microsoft Power BI Desktop"
"Business Intelligence von morgen erfordert weit mehr als nur Excel und Powerpoint. Neue effiziente Tools mssen her um im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung Daten schnell dynamisch und effizient verarbeiten und visuell aufbereiten zu knnen. Und das betrifft alle Geschftsbereiche Controlling, Finanzen, Marketing,... gleichermaen. Deshalb:Hallo und Willkommen in der Welt von Power BIPower BI ist eine Suite aus Business Analytics-Tools, die dir dabei helfen neue Insights in deine Daten und dein Unternehmen zu generieren. Du kannst eine Vielzahl von Datenquellen anbinden, die Daten einfach aufbereiten und nach der Datenaufbereitung  Ad-hoc-Analysen durchfhren. Du kannst ansprechende Visualisierungen und Reports erstellen und zielgruppenspezifisch anpassen.Und genau das lernst du hierDas ist ein praxisbezogener Kurs. Wir gehen die einzelnen Kapitel gemeinsam durch. Es wird eine bungsdatei bereitgestellt, sodass du jeden Schritt selbst nachbauen kannst. Nach meiner Erfahrung bringt diese praktische Anwendung den grten Lernerfolg mit sich.Am Ende wirst du in der Lage sein ansprechende Berichte und tolle Visualisierungen mit Power BI Desktop selbststndig umzusetzen und sowohl das Management als auch deine Teamkollegen zu beeindrucken. Ich zeige dir einige tolle Tricks die du zustzlich noch nutzen kannst, um deinen Report noch besser zu machen.Falls du dein Wissen zustzlich noch erweitern willst, kann ich dir auch meinen zweiten Kurs dieser Reihe""Einfhrung in Berechnungen mit Microsoft Power BI"" den du ebenfalls bei Udemy findest empfehlenWenn du noch mehr lernen mchtest dann stehen dir auch die beiden weiteren Kurse der Serie3. Effizientes Arbeiten mit Microsoft Power BI Desktop4. Datenanalyse und Visualisierung mit Power BI Desktopzur VerfgungAlso los. Worauf wartest du noch?"
Price: 199.99

"Master Excel Lookups and References"
"I've developed this course for Stanford University. Now, it's finally available to you as well. Join my Stanford students and learn, so that you too can invigorate and dominate your Excel workflow better than ever before!Enroll now and master Excel's most important and powerful lookup-and-reference functions. Propel your skills beyond VLOOKUP and discover the full power and hidden potential of Excel lookups.Few things can transform your Excel workflow faster than tapping into the true power of Excel lookup-and-reference functions. Learn VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, OFFSET, INDIRECT to immediately skyrocket your skills to a higher orbit.This course will demonstrate what you need to know about these amazing Excel tools, covering how to create powerful formulas that automatically find and display exactly what you want in your datasets.First, you'll master the venerable VLOOKUP and its remarkable potential, and how you can apply it to your workflow.Then you'll move on to more elegant solutions: discover the MATCH function and the benefit of combining it with VLOOKUP.Next, you'll learn how to take advantage of INDEX and MATCH for ultimate flexibility.Plus, discover more efficient ways to consolidate data with the little-known INDIRECT function and tickle your creativity with the esoteric OFFSET function.After completing this hands-on training program, you'll be able to:Recognize the value of lookups and references to your specific workflowTake the full advantage of the following Excel functions: VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, TRANSPOSE, and INDIRECTCreate flexible lookups for Excel dashboards with drop-down listsAppend detailed data to large datasetsCreate range-based lookups with the ""approximate match""Find specific items using the ""exact match""Create two-dimensional lookups by combining VLOOKUP and MATCHUse named ranges and Excel tables as reference listsLookup data from a ""secret"" tableOvercome the limitations of VLOOKUP by using INDEX and MATCHCreate automatically-expanding references with the OFFSET functionConsolidate data from multiple sheets with the INDIRECT functionUse TRANSPOSE function to flip your data 90 degrees with links to the original cellsAnd so much moreThis course will tickle your creativity and boost your Excel skills like nothing else.Enroll now, so you can begin to learn immediately!"
Price: 99.99

"Bsicos del Marketing"
"En 120 minutos haremos un recorrido por los principios de marketing ms relevantes y significativos, siguiendo un plan que el alumno podr aplicar luego paso a paso para redefinir y formular el marketing de su propio negocio desde el anlisis hasta la ejecucin.Estructura del cursoEste plan, que servir de temario para el curso, consiste en:1. Saber qu es el marketing y cmo puede ayudar a tu empresa2. Comprender y conocer mejor tu negocio3. Conocer los recursos de marketing disponibles4. Disear el marketing con sentido: Formular la estrategia5. Implementar el marketing con orientacin: Ejecutando la tctica6. Descubrir y conocer las oportunidades7. Preparar tu negocio para el cambio constante"
Price: 19.99

"CPM/PERT for Project Management"
"Critical Path Method (CPM)/ Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) are the most sought after techniques in Project Planning and Scheduling. Stakeholders in any major project demand for CPM/PERT analysis to get convinced about the likely success of project. This course goes into the nuances of this powerful technique and helps project management professionals make use of it in gaining finer insight into the project. This course also discusses about how to use the CPM/PERT analysis for preparing Gantt Chant.An interesting case has been included in exercise form that makes you apply these techniques in resource planning, resource allocation, prioritizing the activities and handling change in critical path. PERT CPM examples discussed in this course are easy to understand even for beginners. A section has been added for Probabilistic models that help in evaluating and managing uncertainties. Few cases in handling adversities during project and some more exercises will be included in this course shortly."
Price: 3200.00

"Microsoft Teams Essentials"
"Learn To Collaborate and Communicate with Microsoft TeamsMany businesses are using Microsoft Teams to facilitate communication, collaboration, file sharing, and more. This mini-course covers everything you need to know in order to start using Microsoft Teams in just the first two modules (20 minutes). The last three modules cover Teams best practices, including: When should you create a Team or a Channel? Preventing duplicate Team or Channel names Using Tabs to connect to key apps Tips for using Search How to make sure Notifications is alerting you to the right conversations and events Three ways to edit a Document in Teams How to find misplaced Files How to get people to start using Teams"
Price: 24.99

"SharePoint Online Basics"
"Microsoft SharePoint has been called one of the most powerful tools for business collaboration. Steve Ballmer once said that SharePoint unleashes a suite of capabilities that dramatically improves the way people work.But what does SharePoint actually do, and how do people and businesses actually use it?In this Introductory course, SharePoint architect and Microsoft Certified Technical Specialist Idaho Edokpayi demonstrates the basics of using SharePoint and SharePoint Online. In fourteen short modules Idaho demonstrates how SharePoint can be used to store documents and information, build intranet websites, securely share files, and more."
Price: 34.99

"The Easiest, Quickest & Most Effective Way to Train Your Dog"
"Dog owners are not trainers. Many pet dog trainers forget that most dog owners do not have their experience or expertise.1. Pet dog training must be easy, otherwise many owners (e.g., children) cant do it. Dog training should not require a complicated skill set, consistency, or good timing. Many owners simply do not have these skills; they need to be taught during the process. First start with the easiest technique (all-or-none reward training) and then the quickest technique (lure/reward training), before introducing more demanding and time-consuming methods, e.g., shaping.2. Pet training should be quick, otherwise many owners wont have the time. Speed of learning is the quintessence of successful pet owner and pet dog training.3. It should go without saying that training should be effective. Trainers should objectively quantify behavioral change (in the intended direction) and especially, the speed of behavioral change and the Response-Reliability Percentage.4. And of course, training should be fun for dogs, owners and the trainer. Why not?"
Price: 99.99

"Aprende a trabajar con Cameo 3 y crea tu propio Negocio"
"En este curso aprenders a trabajar con Cameo 3 y viniles textiles para personalizar camisetas, gorras, cojines, etc. Tambin te ensear a trabajar con papel transfer para que tus diseos tengan ms color y personalidad.Exploramos el como realizar cajas de carton para recuerdos, envases de tortas, kit de fiesta, scrapbook, tu imaginacin es el lmite.Usaremos el plotter de corte Cameo 3 para poder realizar verdaderas obras de arte. Y sobre todo darle el toque que tu quieras a tus prendas de vestir.Vamos al Curso."
Price: 29.99

"Algorithms & Big O - 101 Basics Course: CRUSH The Interview!"
"CRUSHYOURNEXTTECHNICALINTERVIEWwith the tips and tricks you learn in this incredible course!WHY SHOULD YOU TAKE THIS COURSE?If you've not had a technical interview for a while or at all, then this course will help you prepare by brushing you up on the basic concepts again. This course is great for those who are actively looking for work again in the TECHINDUSTRY or for those who are new students looking to get into a software engineering position.1. Go over the basics FAST rather than spending days, you can learn the basics in a short period of time2. Focus your time on applying the information learned here to any upcoming technical interviews3. Gain MASSIVEconfidence going into those next technical interviews and have a better chance at getting the job!If you've got a technical interview coming up and need all the help you can get to CRUSHTHEINTERVIEW, then THISCOURSEISFORYOU! I was once like you, FRUSTRATED with having to relearn everything just so I could get into the highly competitive tech industry again. I had not been back in school for a while after working for years!I didn't know where to start and I wish I had a course like this that would just give me all the basics in a short period of time so I could focus more on learning what I needed to GETTHEJOB!!Now I'm here to share with you the basics including some amazing tips and advice so you can go into these technical interviews and CRUSHTHEINTERVIEW!Here you will learn some of theBASICSfrom variables to loops to even advanced items like Big O and Recursion! Finally you'll learn tips and tricks that have helped me get job offers due to my confidence in these various technical interviews!INSTRUCTOR INVOLVEMENT: Due to the busy schedule Nav has as he is developing new games and apps, speaking at seminars around the world, running his various companies, building new programs and courses, and ofcourse spending time with his family, fans and other students, etc. it will naturally be a challenge for Nav to be available all the time. Note: Please make sure your questions are related to this course when asking questions as Nav has several courses on various topics. If you have a question on another course or topic that Nav teaches that is outside the scope of this course, please ask it in that specific webinar or discussion section.WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE?This course is aimed at software professionals who are actively searching for employment in the tech industry ORare students in university who are looking to get a job. The assumption is that you already know most of this stuff and that you simply are reviewing the concepts in this course. The GOALis not to teach you these concepts as you would learn in school but to simply brush up your skills and help you to do better in your technical interviews and hopefully even LANDAJOB!(If you do, please let me know!I love hearing success stories from my students!)WHY TAKE THIS COURSE?1. You're actively job searching and anticipate you will have a technical interview coming up2. You're looking to save time and money rather than doing searches and reading books on the topics, you just want the fastest way to get the information you need so you can focus on the upcoming interviews3. You want to increase your CHANCES of getting a job by learning methods and tips to give you an ADDED EDGE over your competition.CRUSHTHATINTERVIEW NOW - TAKE ACTION TODAY!Important information before you enroll:In case you are not fully satisfied with the course, don't forget you are covered by a 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questsions asked!Once enrolled, you have unlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will have instant and free access to any updates I may add to the course over time."
Price: 199.99

"Painting Autumn in Watercolors - SketchBook Everyday Series"
"Welcome to the SketchBook everyday Series of courses. In this ninth course, you will learnhowto paint 6 autumn related objects like pumpkins, acorns, leaves, mushrooms, trees and a fox using watercolors.My name is Mandar, an Artist, illustrator, and a sculptor. I will be leading you through this course.By taking this class youll learn how to paint these autumn essentials using bright and transparent watercolors. Well be using many watercolor techniques such as layering, wet in wet, wet on dry and lifting color bring out the 3 dimensionalities of these objects.This class is for perfect for complete beginners as well as for artists with some experience who want to simplify their painting style.You will see every line that I draw, every brush stroke that I make and I'll also be talking to you about my process.No prior art making experience is necessary to take this course. Just having interest in painting with watercolors is enough.I look forward to seeing you inside the class and also seeing vibrant autumn favorites that youll paint!Happy Painting,Mandar"
Price: 59.99

"Magento 2 en Espaol"
"Bienvenidos, El objetivo de este curso es dirigirlos en el camino correcto para administrar tu tienda virtual en la plataforma de Magento 2. No nos escondemos nada, en el sentido de que no les vamos a ensear a subir un producto sencillamente, aqu te enseamos la forma correcta para que ese producto que subiste se pueda posicionar en google, cargue rpido, no desgaste recursos del servidor y sea amigable para el usuario final persuadindolo a hacer la compra en ese momento, esto es un ejemplo de la diferencia entre los videos, que incluso nosotros, publicamos en youtube para el pblico en general y lo que enseamos ac para nuestros clientes de paginasweb .pe y de HostSale .pe.Gracias y xitos"
Price: 49.99

"On-Camera Charisma for YouTube Stars - YouTube Marketing"
"The On-Camera Charisma for YouTube Stars - YouTube Marketing Course is designed to help you boost your charisma for the camera. The best way for you to improve your own YouTube Marketing is to look and sound great in every video.You can spend all of your time and money on thumb nail images, key words, back links, SEO and descriptions, but if you look or sound scared or boring, your YouTube videos and your YouTube marketing will all be for nothing.Many YouTube marketers and would-be marketers never reach their full potential because they lack confidence in their on-camera presence. If you want to become a YouTube Superstar, you need to know how to look and sound fantastic and fill of confidence in every video.Don't let your poor on-camera performance ruins your YouTube marketing efforts. You can speak with authority in every video you make for YouTube, as well as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin.On-camera Media Training is essential in the modern world. Every day, there are more and more opportunities to speak and present in front of video cameras. You can be a YouTube Star! These techniques also work if you are creating an online video-based course, being interviewed on CNN, hosting a YouTube Channel, creating video proposals for clients, creating a Facebook How-to Video page, or giving a speech via Skype video and you need to look and sound your best when speaking in front of a video camera.In this On-Camera Charisma for YouTube Stars - YouTube Marketing Course you will learn insider secrets from the world of high level media training, public speaking, presentation skills, communication skills and teacher training practices. You will learn how to do the following:Look your best on cameraMake videos easily, without stressConnect with your viewers, students, fans and tribe membersHost a program, online show or courseKeep the camera from adding 15-20 pounds to youSelect flattering clothesFrame messagesAnswer questions from reportersMaster makeup essentialsSave massive time when recording your own videosMaster the simplest editing technique of allExude on-camera confidenceThis YouTube Marketing/media training course is for people who are in a hurry! You can get in and out in 2 hours with this executive media training on-camera course.  You will never be intimidated again by opportunities to appear on camera. You will know that you can speak with poise and confidence when creating videos or when being interviewed by journalists on TV.This course covers beginner, intermediate and even advanced tips for all aspects of being on camera related to media training, public speaking, presentation skills, communication skills and teacher training practices. Message from the instructor:  ""I'm not here on Udemy to make so-called 'passive-income.' I show up for work every day. I answer your questions every day. More important, when you post a video of yourself speaking on camera, I will watch you and give you unique, personalized critiques based on my 30+ years of coaching 10,000 plus executives and personalities around the globe communicate more effectively to the media and on camera."" TJ WalkerAre you ready to stand up from behind the camera and move to the front of the camera where you and your ideas can be seen and heard? then enroll now!Please note: This  is a course about speaking on camera, not writing or creating special effects. If you are looking for a course on media training, public speaking, presentation skills, communication skills and teacher training that uses lots of music, sound effect, and PowerPoint slides, this course is not for you. But if you are looking for a skilled and experienced practitioner who can actually demonstrate every aspect of theory on who to speak on camera and to the media, then this is the course for you.Please note that this is a concise less than 2 hour course for people who are in a hurry. If you want to know everything there is to know about media training, you may wish to check out TJ's 26 hour complete media training course.""The course is beyond imagination. Tools and tips of TJ Walker are clear straight to the point & very helpful. Unlike most of the instructors, TJ Walker is brief, exact, not repetitive in fact, there is so much information delivered in a couple of minutes videos that makes me wonder if the length of the videos is measured correctly! The absolute cherry on the cake is a personal review with suggestions for improvement for any videos that students post in QA as a part of the course assessments. Answers are often quick as just a couple of minutes from posting a question/link. This course deserves 10 stars !!!"" Udemy student Daniella LartidesEnroll today in the On-Camera Charisma for YouTube Stars - YouTube Marketing Course"
Price: 199.99

"Introduccin a Google Analytics"
"Conocer el funcionamiento de la herramienta Google Analytics proporcionamayor facilidad y flexibilidad para la extraccin de datos y conclusiones que ayuden a tomar decisiones estratgicas de negocio. Conocer si estamos alcanzando nuestros objetivos, o si por el contrario, debemos tomar medidas correctoras, supone una mayor eficiencia en el desarrollo de nuestra actividad.Temario del cursoEstrategia de medicin:Cmo fijamos objetivos? Qu es una KPI y cmo se definen? Ejercicio prctico.Puesta en marcha:Cmo se instala? Cmo cuenta las visitas? Cmo se estructura?Mtricas bsicas:Conocer e interpretar las mtricas bsicas que nos ofrecen los informes predeterminados.Configuracin de la herramienta:Vistas, filtros, objetivos, embudo de conversin, eventos y e-commerce.Funcionalidades de la herramienta:Accesos directos, segmentos avanzados, dashboards."
Price: 24.99

"Adobe XD CC - Mster: Diseo profesional de prototipos. 2019"
"Hola! Soy Marlon Ceballos, Adobe Community Professional y consultor de aplicaciones Adobe con ms de 20 aos de experiencia pedaggica. Te doy la bienvenida al curso Adobe XD CC - Mster: Diseo profesional de prototipos.XD es la aplicacin de Adobe para disear, prototipar y compartir experiencias de usuario de productos interactivos como sitios web y aplicaciones, ente otros. Este es un extenso y completo curso avanzado que consta de 104 videos organizados en 15 captulos que suman ms de 13 horas de contenido totalmente prcticoAl finalizar este curso, estars en capacidad de realizar, de forma profesional, tareas que hacen parte del proceso de diseo de experiencias de usuario con Adobe XD: desde creacin de wireframes hasta diseo de prototipos interactivos que podrs compartir y con los cuales podrs hacer pruebas, incluso con usuarios remotos. Iniciaremos aprendiendo conceptos fundamentales sobre UX Design o diseo de interfaz de usuario; luego trabajaremos con las herramientas bsicas de Adobe XD como herramientas de texto y herramientas de dibujo, usando tambin funciones de la aplicacin como capas y smbolos. Con los conocimientos adquiridos en las anteriores secciones, crearemos el diseo y prototipo de un sitio web para escritorio, tablet y smartphone. Posteriormente, crearemos el wireframe, diseo y prototipo interactivo de una aplicacin mvil; despus, realizaremos el proceso de compartir nuestro prototipo, y finalmente, aprenderemos a exportar los recursos de nuestro prototipo usando diferentes funciones de Adobe XD.La metodologa usada est basada en ejemplos prcticos, por lo cual, ste curso incluye los archivos de ejemplo para que puedas descargarlos y practicar cada uno de los ejercicios mostrados.Si eres un usuario que ya conoce esta aplicacin, no necesitas ver todos los temas ni seguir un orden especfico, por el contrario, puedes ver la descripcin de cada seccin y leccin y decidir qu temas ver. Adems, si an tienes dudas sobre la calidad pedaggica y de contenido del curso, te invito a ver los videos gratuitos que contiene cada captulo.Regstrate ya en este curso y aprende a crear prototipos profesionales e interactivos llevando a otro nivel tus procesos de diseo de experiencias de usuario.Si deseas contratar ste u otro curso para un grupo empresarial o universidad de forma presencial u online puedes contactarme desde el sitio web de Xpert o por mensaje privado desde mi perfil de Udemy"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Body Language for Business Course"
"Body language. Having strong body language and non-verbal skills in business has never been more important. In order to be successful in today's business world, it is important to not just know the part and act the part, but to look the part and move the part as well.Like it or not, we are all being judged (consciously and unconsciously) in the business world by how we sit, stand, move, talk, and engage. This body language course will give you the tools you need in order to know how to come across your best at all times.Please note, this course is the longest, most through, most comprehensive body language course on this platform, clocking in at 10 hours and more than 150 lectures. Plus, the instructor gives you individualized, personalized feedback and critiques of your own body language!TJ Walker, a world class presentation skills, body language and non-verbal communication expert to executives around the world, is here to guide you on how to handle yourself(and your body) in every business situation. The Complete Body Language for Business reflects the modern reality that executives and workers need to convey comfort and authority not just in face-to-face meetings and presentations, but also in on-demand and live video communications on Skype, Facetime, YouTube, Zoom, WebEx and other platforms. This body language course will give you all the tools you need to interact with customers, clients, colleagues and bosses in the modern workplace. And you'll gain the tools you need to ace job interviews. You will never need to feel awkward or uncomfortable in the workplace again. You can look and feel as comfortable conducting a meeting on Skype video or giving a keynote presentation as you are talking to your best friend. Note: This course will not peddle you the same old tired (and fake!) clichs about body language being 93% of communication. It will teach you have to use effective body language, combine with your other job skills, for maximum positive career impact. What will students achieve or be able to do after taking thiscourse? Come across as comfortable, confident and relaxed in any work setting Display excellent body language in the workplace Come across authoritative on Skype video, TV and other on-camera work opportunities Exude leadership when speaking and presentingPlease note: this is a body languageand non-verbal communications course conducted by a real person who is speaking and demonstrating communication skills. If you are looking for a course with lots of animation, slides,special effects, slick edits, and robotic voices, this course is not for you."
Price: 199.99

"Estrategia en Internet"
"Sabes sacarle todo el partido a Internet como medio? Cunto peso deberan tener las redes sociales en tu estrategia de comunicacin? Cmo estructurar un plan de contenidos? Deberas activar un e-commerce?Esta masterclass te ayudar a entender Internet como canal y a plantear una estrategia basndote en la utilidad que las empresas pueden sacar de este medio. Para ello, partimos de la premisa de que los conceptos Internet y Digital no son lo mismo. El cambio digital en una empresa es mucho ms amplio, como explica Fernando de la Rosa en Transforma tu negocio al mundo digital. Digital implica tener la visin de cmo la tecnologa transformar los negocios. Internet es una consecuencia muy visible de esa transformacin."
Price: 24.99

"Compra programtica"
"Lacompra programticaes una clara tendencia en Digital. Por ello es importante saber diferenciar los conceptos y aprender cmo aplicarla correctamente.Se trata de una tendencia novedosa, con muchos conceptos, terminologa y forma de trabajar diferentes a lo que se ha venido haciendo en Digital. En publicidad programtica la clave est en lasaudiencias(no en saber el soporte como ha sido habitual hasta ahora). Precisamente el entender la audiencia como undato desvinculndola del soporte, nos permiteimpactar a nuestro pblico objetivo de forma nunca antes vista."
Price: 24.99

"El Modelo de Ventas"
"Si te ronda por la cabeza la sensacin que el entorno digital va a impactar en tus ventas y en tu rol de vendedor, pero no ests siendo capaz de entender cmo activarlo, ste curso te ayudar a descubrir unaperspectiva distinta, derribar viejos mitos y excusas, y empezar a construir unamejor estrategia de ventasen la era digital.Cuando conviertas en accin este pensamiento, te aparecern las piezas del puzzle que echas en falta para completar tuvisin comercial digitalnica e intransferible. Los grandes cambios pueden nacer de aprendizajes tcnicos y racionales, pero solo se completarn con xito si hay un impacto emocional en los lderes y protagonistas del mismo. Te mostraremos el camino de sentimientos y emociones por el que debers transitar para conseguir hacer el salto al siguiente nivel comercial:ser un vendedor digital."
Price: 19.99

"Define tus KPIs y objetivos en el entorno digital"
"Internet, como sistema de organizacin de la nueva economa, supone un cambio de paradigma que requiere una forma distinta de hacer negocios, pero tambin un cambio en los procesos de toma de decisiones, basadas en los datos que tenemos a nuestro alcance.Tenemos una vasta cantidad de datos e informacin sobre nuestros activos digitales y nuestro propio entorno. Pero estosdatos han de servir para monitorizar la estrategia digital de nuestra empresa, de nuestras campaas, de nuestro contenido, en definitiva, de todas nuestras acciones. La correcta sincronizacin entre los objetivos de negocio y los objetivos digitales constituir una de las principales fortalezas de las empresas en el entorno digital."
Price: 24.99

"Ecommerce para fabricantes"
"Muchas empresas venden por Internet sin saberlo o sin gestionarlo. Si preguntas a una empresa de bebidas refrescantes si hacen Ecommerce, te contestarn que no. El Ecommerce se asocia a tener una tienda en Internet, a encargarse de enviar los productos a casa del consumidor.Pocos piensan que actualmente sus distribuidores ya estn en Internet y estn vendiendo por la web.La no gestin de este nuevo canal hace que vendas menos y representa una ventaja para las empresas activas."
Price: 24.99

"Cmo crear campaas de comunicacin y marketing integral"
"Las acciones de marketing y comunicacin a da de hoy deberan basarse enestrategias de contenidospensadas tanto para off como para online que puedanapoyar y detectar acciones tcticas segn nuestros objetivos.El primer paso que debemos tener claro es elterritorioal que queremos asociar nuestra marca. Desde ese mismo territorio comonezaremos a comunicar de forma relevante para el consumidor.En este curso veremos, adems, cmo van hilvanando historias enmltiples touchpointspara ser relevantes al consumidor y poder aproximarnos a l ms all del beneficio de nuestro producto o servicio."
Price: 24.99

"Intro To PostgreSQL Databases With PgAdmin For Beginners"
"In this course I'll teach you how to setup and use PostgreSQLdatabases with the PgAdmin 4 interface! There's a reason why Postgres is so popular, find out why in this course! You have many databases to choose from, and even many free databases to choose from. But Postgresql is constantly ranked a top database for everything from data analytics to basic web development - and everything in between. Postgres is pretty easy to use! You'll be amazed at how quick and easy it is to dive in and get started!In this course, you learn to:Install pgAdmin and PostgreSQLWhat Is A DatabasepgAdmin OverviewCreate Table ColumnsAdd Data To A TablePostgreSQL Select StatementsPostgreSQL Where ClausePostgreSQL WildcardsPostgreSQL AND OR NOTPostgreSQL Order ByPostgreSQL Insert IntoPostgreSQL UpdatePostgreSQL DeletePostgreSQL LimitpgAdmin Menu WalkthruPostgreSQL Foreign KeysPostgreSQL Inner JoinPostgreSQL Join Where HackPostgreSQL Delete TablePostgreSQL Import and Export TablesPostgreSQL Backup and Restore DatabaseAnd More!This course is perfect for anyone just starting out, you don't need any special skills or prior knowledge to take this course.And as always, we offer a 100% money back guarantee if you aren't completely happy with the course. No questions asked!My name is John Elder and Ihave nearly 40 courses here at udemy, with close to 45,000 students and over 105,000 enrollments. I've been writing code and developing neat things online for over 20 years and I'd love to teach you what Iknow!What are you waiting for, let's learn somePostgreSQLdatabase wizardry!-John ElderCEO Codemy. com"
Price: 199.99

"Community Management - Introduccin."
"En los ltimos aos, con la extensin de internet y las redes sociales, se han creado nuevos puestos de trabajo cada da ms demandados, entre ellos el Community Manager. En este curso aprenderemos las bases de esta profesin y conoceremos los procedimientos bsicos y algunas herramientas para ejercer este trabajo.La estructura del curso es la siguiente:- La figura del Community Manager- Definicin y caractersticas principales- Funciones y responsabilidades- Perfil - Dedicacin- El da a da del CM- Aproximacin a los medios sociales- Estrategia- Planificacin- Guas de uso y manuales de estilo- Protocolos de gestin y prevencin de crisis- Herramientas bsicas de gestin- Informes y reportes- Buenas prcticas- Conclusiones"
Price: 19.99

"Disea un cuadro de mando para tu plan de marketing digital"
"A da de hoy, laaldea globalya es una realidad continua. La marca junto con los activos de una empresa ya no solo es impactada localmente, no hay fronteras y una solucin regional puede ser un desastre de ndole internacional. Para poder gestionar adecuadamente un concepto, marca, producto de consumo mundiales preciso contar con un cuadro de mando digitalque nos permita entender y reacccionar a nuevas variables, con nuevos tiempos y dando nuevas respuestas localizadas.TEMARIO DEL CURSOMDULO I: Crear una estrategia que fomente la homogenizacin de su Identidad Digital CorporativaMetas realistas que integran Web 2.0, SoLoMo / LoCo, Digital SignageDepartamentos involucradosFactores base: marca, empresa, direccin, RRHHCasos de decisiones desastrosas y mal solucionadas:Nikon (EEUU Japon)United Airlines (EEUU)Zara y los Bloggers (Espaa)MDULO II: Controlar y medir con un Cuadro de Mando para preservar la Identidad Digital Corporativa. Recursos: Plan de accin y calendarizacinQu informes solicitar y cmo integrarlos en el cuadro de mando?Integracin de mercados/ Unidades de negocio: actitudes y tabes a tener en cuentaGestionar el rol del enlace entre DBUs o NexerCasos de xito:KLM -HolandaOtrosMDULO III: Monitorizar resultados y planes para implementarCmo identificar las relaciones causa-efecto entre los diferentes indicadoresInsights on the flyReporte de MonitorizacinReaccin ante el cambio de nuestra huella digitalDesarrollo de planes de reaccin para afrontar las malditas 72h de una crisisCasos de xito despus del desastre:Bodyform (UK)Dominos Pizza (USA)Otros"
Price: 24.99

"Habilidades digitales bsicas"
"Cualquier profesional protagonista del nuevo entorno laboral debe tener tres habilidades indispensables para mantener su supervicencia: tener unaidentidad digital, conocerherramientas para una comunicacin efectivay sabergestionar de modo productivo la informacin.Este curso se adentra en cada una de las habilidades que contempla desde una doble perspectiva. En primer lugar, desde laconcienciacin(esto est pasado, esto me afecta y es relevante para mi como profesional) y en segundo lugar, desde lacapacitacin(esto tiene solucin y se puede enfocar de las siguientes maneras, con las siguientes herramientas). De este modo, el alumno no solo despierta la urgente necesidad de contemplar una serie de habilidades digitales. Tambin aprende cmo activarlas parasaltar a la accin al finalizar la sesin.TEMARIO DEL CURSOMdulo 1. Identidad DigitalDefinicin y relevancia de la identidad digital: las razonesConceptos claveMatriz de gestin de la privacidadCmo se crea la identidad digital?Construye tu identidad digital profesional con LinkedinMdulo 2. Comunicacin digitalComunicacin en el entorno digital: comunicacin externa, interna, sncrona, asncronaMapa de comunicacin corporativa: 2 tipos de empresasComunicacin digital interna: uso ptimo del emailComunicacin digital externa: RRSS para uso profesionalMdulo 3. Gestin de la informacinDefinicin y relevancia de la gestin de la informacin: las clavesCuatro pasos para crear una dieta digitalHerramientas clave para gestionar la informacin"
Price: 49.99

"Teach Your Own Udemy Workshop (Unofficial) Online or Offline"
"Totally Updated for fall 2019.Do you want to teach others to take their skills, hobbies, or business experiences and share them as an online course on the Udemy platform?Use the content of this course and not only will you learn to put courses up on Udemy, you'll also be able to conduct your own workshop - online or off. You'll be able to help others turn their knowledge into profit and become known as experts in their fields with the help of Udemy.What will you be able to teach in your own Udemy workshop?* Required content on Udemy videos, amount of content, quality, course image, promo video* Basic information for each course title, keywords, category, language* Fees* Benefits of having a course free or paid* Details of a Udemy course summary, objectives, level, audience* Curriculum content adding lectures and sections, supplementary material, publishing (this part isn't as clear as it could be)* Course settings privacy, price, coupons, other instructors, 3rd party integration* Added features social sharing, certificates, student questions, announcements, gift cards, instructor support group, the bonus lecture  * Tips for best practices based on positive and negative reviews given by actual Udemy studentsAs well as knowing what to teach in your workshop, you'll have access to slides and a script to use for your training. You'll even have handouts for your class and tips for teaching. Everything to get you on your way in your training career!"
Price: 99.99

"Law of Attraction Life Coach Certification (Accredited)"
"Students who complete this course will receive an official life coach CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy. This course is also accredited by internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency (Provider No: 50134), and 15 CPD or CEU credits are available upon request. Details for how to request the official certification and optional 15 CPD/CEU credits can be found at the end of the course.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 150,000 happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Are you ready to use the Law of Attraction to transform your life and the life of others? Do you love the idea of inspiring others to attract, manifest, and allow the best and live life on fire by using the law of attraction?  Does the idea of empowering another human being to truly come alive, take back their personal power, and remember who they are will REALLY rock your world?  Would YOU love to experience more positive and rewarding interactions with anyone and everyone who matters to you?  If any of the above rings true for you, wed like to invite you to become a Certified Law of Attraction & Allowing Success Life Coach! The Law of Attraction Life Coach Certification program provides you with high-vibe, result-oriented coaching processes and tools that you can use to help your clients allow their success by mastering the LAW OF ATTRACTION in their lives. Youll discover why there is FAR more to working with the Law of Attraction than vision boards and affirmations, and most importantly, REALIZE YOUR VISION for yourself, your coaching business, and coach your clients to do the same!  The Law of Attraction Certification will help you supercharge your coaching or service-oriented practice by:Applying law of attraction principles to your business Attracting your IDEAL CLIENTSGetting yourself in a state of ALLOWING before every sessionCreate your own Law of Attraction COACHING PROGRAM (using our Allowing Your Success process as a blueprint or customizing your own)You will help your CLIENTS use the Law of Attraction:Cultivate trust in themselves to find their own answers and solutionsRecover from major life challenges like a champKnow when it is best to take action and when it is best to chillFind their path of least resistance to their greatest well-being and success at ANY given momentQuiet a runaway mindHow to use the Law of Attraction tools to unlock a block and allow ideas, solutions, and creativity to flowExperience greater clarity, focus, and excellenceLearn how Manifestations work and how to become master manifestorsHow to use Law of Attraction tools to allow abundance to flow with greater joy and easeCultivate greater self-love and confidenceHow to use Law of Attraction tools to Attract, allow and enjoy healthy, rewarding, productive relationships Use the power of music to shift their vibeLET GOOD (AKA whatever their beautiful heart desires) happen and ENJOY the journey along the way!Plus, youll learn the science and psychology behind the law of attraction so that you and you clients can gain a better understanding of the true power of the mind. Youll learn:Where the law of attraction and psychological research intersect How to get your brain focused in the right directionWhy visualization works and why its used by athletes and top performersHow affirmations literally rewire your brainAnd how emotions work (and how to stop negative emotions before they start)Plus bonuses, upgrades, and happy surprises along the way! And, to add the icing and cherry on top Knowing that YOU get to be a catalyst for fab-YOU-lous and that you get to witness a fellow traveler switch her/his light on to really start living life on FIRE is one of the greatest joys a coach or mentor can experience!!  And, the sprinkles on top of all THAT? Every time you revisit the Law of Attraction and manifestation material, design a program, and work with a client, YOU focus on Allowing YOUR Success, joy, and well-being!  Talk about a win-win-two-for-one-special-to-the-max!Feeling excited about igniting and transforming lives while Allowing YOUR Success in the process?!  Then we look forward to seeing you in the Law of Attraction Life Coach Certification.So, are you ready to help your clients attract abundance, happiness, and a life on fire? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason.  ABOUT THE INSTRUCTORS:The Law of Attraction Certification is taught by three experts in the fields of life coaching, personal development, and psychology. Instructors Joeel & Natalie Rivera are infopreneurs, content publishers, coaches, and professional speakers. Joeel is a former Psychology Professor with a Masters in Counseling and is completing his dissertation for his Ph.D. in Psychology, with a focus on happiness. They have more than 70 thousand students from over 190 countries.Terez Firewoman Hartmann is a Law of Attraction/Allowing specialist who helps others live life on fire through her work as a professional speaker, author, coach, retreat facilitator and recording/performing artist. Shes taken the stage for Disney, Hard Rock, the Superbowl, international conferences and more, had her music used for film, radio and theater, and together we look forward to helping you allow your success!     "
Price: 199.99

"Dog Behavior & Training Problems"
"Preventative measures and simple solutions for the most common dog behavior problems, including house soiling, destructive chewing, excessive barking, digging, separation anxiety, no recall, running away, pulling on-leash, jumping-up and hyperactivity.These problems can be immensely frustrating and can have a terrible impact on quality of life for dogs and their owners. Fortunately, all of these problems can be resolved with the patience and proper training. The earlier you address these problems, the easier they are to resolve, so don't delay, start training immediately.Of course, the easiest and most effective approach is to prevent these problems before they develop in the first place, especially since these problems are all very predictable."
Price: 99.99

"Dog Aggression Fighting & Biting"
"Obviously, prevention is the key to success oodles of early socialization and handling with people and frequent off-leash walks, play and socialization with other dogs. With all cases of aggression (regardless of cause), the first step is to determine whether or not the dog is actually dangerous. Being reactive is not the issue; all animals react, humans included.The essential question is: Do they cause physical harm? Dog bite incidents are objectively assessed on a 16 scale based on wound pathology. Dog fights are assessed by calculating the Fight:Bite Ratio. Most dog bites and dog fights cause little, if any, damage and so, the prognosis is excellent for a hasty resolution via speedy classical conditioning techniques and basic lure/reward training for control and focus.With severe damage though, the dog is dangerous, the prognosis for resolution is extremely poor and so rehabilitation should not be undertaken cavalierly, if at all."
Price: 99.99