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"Curso Online de Adobe Indesign CC."
"O Curso de Adobe Indesignabrange de forma ampla todos os recursos da ferramenta, traz uma atualizao dos novos recursos da verso CC 2018.Como brinde o aluno ainda ganha o aprendizado do uso de plataforma adicional para desenvolvimento de ebook e livros como alternativa ou complemento acadmico para possveis demandas do mercado de trabalho e diferencial no currculo de nossos alunos.Neste curso o aluno aprender a diagramar livros digitais ou para impressos.Recomendado para reciclagem do conhecimento ou capacitao em busca de colocao profissional para Designers, Publicitrios, Jornalistas ou Empreendedores de infoprodutos e pessoas interessadas no assunto.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 79.99

"Curso Online de Adobe After Effects CC. Fundamentos"
"Este curso abre portas para o mercado que mais cresce no mundo todo, o mercado udio visual....Ao final deste curso o aluno estar mais perto de oportunidades de emprego e poder aderir a iniciativa empreendedora pela produo de vdeos....Uma tima oportunidade para iniciar seu canal no Youtube ou aprimorar a qualidade de seus vdeos de educao a distncia.Esse curso de nvel bsico e o aluno ir aprender os fundamentos bsicos da plataforma Adobe After Effects.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 54.99

"Curso Google Drive. Planilhas (Excel Genrico)"
"Saber desenvolver ou trabalhar com planilhas um pr-requisito para qualquer cargo do mercado de trabalho atual e isso um fato a muitos anos e com certeza ir se estender por muitos anos a frente....Esse curso tem como diferencial animao grfica para dar destaque e nfase a pontos didticos das vdeo aulas para ajudar a tornar o seu aprendizado mais eficiente possvel. O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 49.99

"Curso OnLine de Web Design com WordPress"
"O Wordpress uma plataforma de gerenciamento de contedo, conhecida como CMS mais popular da rede mundial de computadores, dentre suas vantagens existe a possibilidade de adicionar recursos adicionais e criar sistemas complexos sem precisar conhecer programao.O profissional pode criar uma revista digital, blog ou at mesmo um site de port folio com uma apresentao visual fantstica sem sequer conhecer de design pela aquisio de templates, o que torna a plataforma ainda mais fantstica e uma das mais populares da rede mundial de computadores.A verso do curso no a mais atual, porm a viso geral dos recursos vlida para todas as verses, assim como as dicas abordadas no decorrer do curso.Tenho uma verso mais completa que pode oferecer um timo custo benefcio para o aluno, essa uma verso isolada que visa atender quem busca apenas por algo mais objetivo que as verses muito completas de meus cursos.Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 49.99

"3 Pasos para una Espalda Sin Dolor"
"""Realmente es una gran ayuda para aliviar el dolor de espalda.""""He tomado este curso con un terrible dolor de espalda. He tenido numerosas lesiones en los ltimos aos e incluso tuve un procedimiento hace unos 8 aos que di cierto alivio. El dolor haba vuelto a aparecer en los ltimos meses debido a una lesin reciente. Comenc a hacer los ejercicios hace unos 4 das y ha tenido mejora. En realidad, estoy durmiendo durante la noche otra vez. Recomiendo este curso para aliviar el dolor de espalda o incluso si slo se quiere aprender a aliviar el dolor de la columna vertebral. Gracias Mark Perren-Jones por hacer este curso! "" Tracey Toy""Gran curso! sto es exactamente lo que he estado buscando hace ms de 5 aos!""""Cuando v este curso por primera vez, pens"" Wow, sto es precisamente lo que he estado buscando... "" Esta es la solucin perfecta para mi condicin. Amando este curso mucho ... hasta el punto Y el contenido valioso. Gracias Mark! "" MIDHUMLa descripcin y demostracin de las diferentes causas y cmo se relaciona en funcin a lo dems, la reduccin del dolor es fcil de entender y de una manera positiva, invita a la auto participacin. Cualquier individuo, que aprecie el cuidado de la espalda debe tener este video. Poner la informacin en prctica en los ltimos das ha sido verdaderamente gratificante"". Rick K.En este curso usted va a aprender lo fcil que es arreglar su propio dolor de espalda, citica, enfermedad degenerativa del disco o incluso estenosis espinal.Tambin aprender exactamente qu causa su dolor de espalda y protuberancias de disco para que finalmente pueda dejar de afectar su espalda. Como ver, es absolutamente esencial que primero elimine las causas de su dolor con la esperanza de aliviarse permanentemente.Una vez que haya aprendido las causas de su dolor de espalda y comenzar a implementar las correcciones posturales, corregir las tcnicas de flexin y elevacin, etc., en su vida cotidiana. Entonces estar en camino a la curacin de su espalda en lugar de afectarla todos los das.En el curso, usted aprender ejercicios especficos que necesita para eliminar su dolor de espalda y tratar cualquier protuberancia de disco y nervios pellizcados. Usted aprender exactamente cmo y por qu estos ejercicios funcionan para que tenga una comprensin clara de lo que est haciendo para eliminar su dolor y los sntomas de irradiacin (como entumecimiento, hormigueo o dolor en las piernas, las nalgas o los pies si tiene alguno). Tambin, aprender otras tcnicas de alivio del dolor, como la forma de ayudar a desencadenar dolor de punto y nudos en la parte superior e inferior de la espalda.Una vez que hayas estudiado este curso, sabrs:Qu causa su dolor de espalda y cmo eliminar esas causas de su vida diaria de modo que su parte posterior pueda sanar finalmente y usted pueda librarse del dolor.Cmo tratar su propio dolor de espalda sin necesidad de medicamentos, tratamientos o ciruga.Qu hace que sus discos se abomben y los nervios se pellizquen y cmo evitar que esto suceda en el futuro.Cmo ahorrar miles de dlares en tratamientos innecesarios.Cmo reparar su propio dolor de espalda si alguna vez llega a tener una recurrencia de sus sntomas de nuevo.Este bajo precio es por un tiempo estrictamente limitado, as que inscrbete en este cursoAHORApara aprender a eliminar tu dolor de espalda y recuperar tu calidad de vida!"
Price: 49.99

"Massage Relaxation Dtente, Le Cours Professionnel pour Tous"
"MASSAGE RELAXATION DTENTE, Cours Facile, Simple, Excellent, est la version franaise du Award Winning IslaVerde SpaRELAXATION MASSAGE quiest le Cours de Massagele PLUS POPULAIRE D'UDEMY.Le Spa Isla Verde remporte nouveau le Prix d'excellence de TripAdvisor ! Les commentaires sont loquents: C'est l'un des meilleurs cours de massage que j'aie jamais suivi! Ces mthodes sont hautement suprieures ce qu'on nous a enseign dans les cours de formation en spa et en esthtique. Parce que je veux que les gens sachent quel point ce cours est gnial ! Je suis quelqu'un qui n'a pas d'exprience en massage, mais en voyant ce cours, j'ai t inspir le prendre pour ma femme, et j'ai ador ! J'tais arriv un point o je n'tais pas sr si c'tait une carrire que je voulais vraiment continuer mais maintenant j'ai maintenant une passion renouvele ! Bravo ! Lorsquon parle d'une Clinique de massage ou d'un Spa, son meilleur atout est la qualit de ses massages. Sans techniques et squences dehaute qualit, il est trs difficile de crer lenthousiasme ncessaire une pratique prospre. Ce cours va vous donner les comptences ncessaires pour offrir une exprience extraordinaire de massage de dtente vos clients. Le Spa Isla Verde est class le Spa numro 1 sur TripAdvisor dans une rgion hautement comptitive. un certain moment, il a reu plus de 100 avis, TOUS des 5 TOILES ! Peu importe que vous ayez dj fait du massage ou que vous nayez aucune exprience. Mark vous guide pas pas et vous montre, non seulement ce que lui ont appris ses 25 annes dexprience mais il vous montre aussi les faons dviter les erreurs quil a faites en cours de route. MARK PERREN-JONESInstructeur et Meilleur Vendeur Udemy, Spcialiste en Traitements de la Douleur, Massothrapeute Hautement Reconnu en Rducation et en Acupuncture. Mark est aussi propritaire du renomm Spa Isla Verde. Il a plus de 25 ans d'exprience en massage et en acupuncture. Il a travaill dans des spas et de cliniques du monde entier. Tout au long de sa carrire, il a mass des prsidents et leurs familles, des athltes olympiens, des sportifs professionnels et des clbrits internationales.MARIE BERTHE LEBLANC Massothrapeute depuis plus de 25 ans, a mass des milliers de personnes en clinique prive et dans des spa renomms au Qubec. Traductrice pour ce cours de massothrapie de qualit professionnelle, pour tous. N'hsitez-pas me communiquer vos questions auxquelles je vous rponds personnellement. Bon cours !"
Price: 194.99

"Spanish- An Effortless Journey To Learning Spanish!"
"""Absolutely amazing great Spanish lessons great teacher ...brilliant opened my eyes to somethings would suit someone with no knowledge of Spanish"" 5 STARS""This Spanish Course is well produced, easy to understand and follow. The instructor gives clear and concise explanations with a very cheerful and encouraging voice. "" J.B. 5 STARSBienvenidos!If you don't know what that means in Spanish you have come to the right place!It means welcome in Spanish and I want to welcome you to my fun and easySpanish course. Yes you read that correctly-a fun and easy Spanish course and yes it is not a typo-you will learn thousands of Spanish words in under 2 hours! Effortlessly!If you are like me, learning a language(like Spanish) can be so dry and boring. I have seen so many books and courses on Spanish that have put me to sleep within an hour or if I have somehow still managed to remain awake I have all but completely switched off. Did someone say sub-conjunctive-infinitive-something? Zzzzz......Come with me on a fun ride to lean the Spanish language. I am going to show you just how easy it is to learn the wonderful Spanish language without having to learn long vocabulary lists, dry and boring conjugation routines and...did someone say conjugation? Zzzzzz..I will have you speaking Spanish phrases with effortless ease!As you will see, learning a new language does not have to be boring so let's get going- wouldn't you want to be able to knowthousands of words in Spanish in less than 2 hours without having to memorize them?Come on!Let's go for it!I promise you it really will be fun, interesting and above all- easy!"
Price: 154.99

"Aromatherapy- Using Essential Oils For Natural Living (5 CE)"
"What people are saying in Mark's aromatherapy course:""Are you looking for the Essential Oils class that will enable you to learn and experiment freely on your own when completing the actual aromatherapy course? Look no further, because THIS IS IT! "" A.J. ""Through the years I have taken several aromatherapy essential oils courses. Mark's lectures are by far the best I have taken."" L.W.""There's so much info I was able to glean from Mark, I don't even know where to start. This was definitely what I was looking for in an Aromatherapy class & instructor"" L.B.Mark is a Fully Certified Aromatherapist in Aromatherapy and an essential oil specialist, approved by The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA), and the Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) both leading governing bodies for educational standards for Aromatherapists.Learn aromatherapy and use essential oils today from best-selling instructor, Mark Perren-Jones!NEW! A complete section on aromatherapy essential oil blending has just been added to Mark's aromatherapy course! This is a complete and comprehensive beginner's aromatherapy course to guide you on how to use essential oils in your everyday life.Imagine being able to use aromatherapy and essential oils to make your own all natural cleaning products, bath bombs, toilet fizzies, muscle and joint relieving balms and salves, diffuser blends, bath salts, foot scrubs, room sprays and so much more.In this Aromatherapy course Mark teaches you how you can apply aromatherapy and essential oils to all aspects of your life for your health, your home and your happiness.Learn Aromatherapy to Blend by the notes: You will learn how use aromatherapy and essential oils to make incredible therapeutic and aromatic bouquets that stimulate, soothe, calm, ease pain and energize the mind and body.Learn aromatherapy to make beauty products: You will learn how to use aromatherapy essential oils to make scrubs, bath salts, foot scrubs, bath bombs, serums, deodorants and much more!Learn Aromatherapy to Treat Pains: You will learn which are the best essential oils to treat sprains and muscular aches and pains and learn how to make muscle rubs and salves using the most potent aromatherapy essential oil blends and also make your own pain relieving balmsLearn Aromatherapy for your Health: You will learn which are the best, most powerful essential oils to make your own all natural insect repellents. Also, which are the most potent essential oils to treat skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema and acne. You are going to be able to use aromatherapy in your everyday life to treat headaches, use essential oils to treat fungal problems, burns, insomnia, make anti itch creams and so much more!Learn Aromatherapy to have a Chemical Free Home: You will learn how to make dozens of essential oil combinations so that you can have your own all natural air freshener, laundry powder, house cleaners, glass cleaners, wood polishes and much more!                      You will come away from this Aromatherapy course with a thorough grounding in how to use essential oils in your day to day life!You will also learn which essential oils are best for use with your diffuser for different emotional states.You will know what dilution rates will need to be applied for each situation.You will know how to treat certain health and skin conditions using essential oils plus be able to use various blends of massage oils for different situations.Finally, you will understand just how incredible aromatherapy and essential oils are and how powerful they are when used properly.Make no doubt about it, there is a reason that essential oils have been used for thousands of years-they are very powerful therapeutic tools and once you begin using them you will wonder why you haven't been using them all of your life!Mark is an Approved Continuing Education Provider(APCE) with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (#1805) and you will receive 5 CEU credits on completion of this courseOn completion of this course you will receive a certificate from the Isla Verde Spa Training Academy  and also be eligible to join to CTAA if you so desire.All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association). On completion of this course, you will have access to join the CTAA if you please. As a member of the CTAA you will receive these benefits:A Professional Certificate showing that you have full membership with CTAA as a Practitioner.Access to discounted Therapist Practitioner Insurance with your membership (subject to their Insurance Partners)Access to their CTAA Logo to place on your Website/Social Media/EmailFree CTAA Directory Listing Have the opportunity to write a blog/article within the complementary therapy field that you work, that will be shared on their Website and Social Media to enable you to reach a larger audience and have exposure to yourself and your website."
Price: 194.99

"Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage Certificate Course"
"""I thought it was great! Thank you Mark. I gave my first two Lomi Lomi massages straight after the course and both clients couldnt say enough good things, one even said its the best body treatment he has ever had in his life!! Wow - my confidence is soaring."" L.G.Wouldn't you just love to know how to do this incredible form of massage? Maybe start your own business? Change your career?Well, you can from best-selling massage instructor, Mark Perren-Jones.In this Lomi Lomi massage course, you will learn everything you need to know to give someone an incredible Lomi Lomi massage experience!This form of massage is unique in many ways as you utilize the forearms a lot throughout the massage sequence. It is not only fabulous for your client but is also much easier for you as a massage therapist because it is not so hard on the joints.Another reason Lomi Lomi massage is so beautifully relaxing is that the hands will often be going in different directions on different areas of the body. You will feel a deep sense of relaxation like no other massage form.When performing Lomi Lomi massage as you will see, it is literally like doing a dance as you move around the bodyIn this online massage course, whether you do massage for a living, for extra money or simply just for friends or family you will learn all of the skills needed to perform a fabulous Lomi Lomi massage that will have them begging for more!You will learn:Our Full Body Lomi Lomi  Massage sequence as Mark explains everything he is doing along the way and why.Correct Body Alignment and Postural Problems which is so important in any massage style but especially in this one.Plus so much more!When it comes to a massage clinic or spa, your best asset is your massage. Without an incredible massage sequence and techniques, it will be very difficult to have a thriving practice.This Lomi Lomi massage course will give you the skills set to give your clients an amazing massage experience.It doesn't matter whether you have done massage before or have no experience at all.Mark guides you step by step and shows you not only what his 20 years of experience have helped him, but also he shows you the ways to avoid the mistakes that he has made along the way.Enroll in this course and set yourself up for life as a Great Lomi Lomi Massage Therapist!Mark is an Approved Continuing Education Provider(APCE) with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (#1805) and you will receive 5 CEU credits on completion of this massage courseOn completion of this course you will receive a certificate from the Isla Verde Spa Training Academy  and also be eligible to join to CTAA if you so desire.All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association). On completion of this course, you will have access to join the CTAA if you please. As a member of the CTAA you will receive these benefits:A Professional Certificate showing that you have full membership with CTAA as a Practitioner.Access to discounted Therapist Practitioner Insurance with your membership (subject to their Insurance Partners)Access to their CTAA Logo to place on your Website/Social Media/EmailFree CTAA Directory Listing Have the opportunity to write a blog/article within the complementary therapy field that you work, that will be shared on their Website and Social Media to enable you to reach a larger audience and have exposure to yourself and your website."
Price: 194.99

"Thai Foot Reflexology Massage Certificate Course"
"What people are saying:""I've been doing traditional reflexology for 19 years as a massage professional and wanted to compare Thai reflexology with what I'd learned. Mark's course is excellent, both for the professional practitioner and for a person interested in offering a session to friends and family. ."" K.M.  ""What an AMAZING reflexology course, so full of information, I have been practicing Reflexology and Thai foot massage since 2012, and I still learned a lot from this course, I have already enrolled for some of Marks other courses"" S.S.""These reflexology courses are a breath of fresh air for a therapist!"" N.M.Learn Thai foot reflexology massage to treat your friends, family, partner or your massage clients. It is easy, simple and a joy to do. You will have them begging for more!By the end of this course, you will have the skills to start up your own reflexology business and start earning money as a reflexologist. Wouldn't it be great to earn extra money or begin a new career? There is a very good reason that Thai foot reflexologists are employed in the best spas throughout the world-the Thai foot reflexology treatments are simply world class!Mark studied traditional foot reflexology but then studied the Thai foot reflexology system and saw that not only was their system way more complete but it also made more sense as a form of treatment over traditional foot reflexology.Now, for the first time on Udemy, you can learn this unique system of treating the feet and the legs which in turn is treating the whole body.By taking this online Thai foot reflexology massage course you will :increase your client base in your massage clinic or spa by offering something many other places do not offer. There are very few people offering Thai foot reflexology massage outside of Thailand. You will be able to use Thai foot reflexology on your friends, your partner or your family and have them begging for you to continue.They will absolutely love this form of foot massage!You will not get tired doing Thai foot reflexology because they do not overuse their thumbs like it is taught in the traditional foot reflexology system so you will not get injured.You will learn all about the energy lines and how to stimulate the specific reflexology points.You will know how to correctly use your bodyweight and treat with their way of gently rocking back and forwards in time to your will learn advanced Thai reflexology massage techniques to treat muscular and joint pain.In this Thai foot reflexology massage course, Mark guides you step by step through the movements, techniques, mobilizations, reflex points and energy lines. He explains why, when it comes to foot reflexology, the Thai foot reflexology system is second to none.Thai foot reflexology massage has been performed in Thailand for thousands of years as a complete holistic treatment for body, mind and spirit. It is seen as a way to remain healthy and not simply an indulgence. Not only do they treat the reflex points on the feet but also they massage the energy lines(called sen)on the legs to balance and stimulate the movement of energy throughout the body.If you are already treating people with traditional foot reflexology as a massage therapist or would just like to offer foot reflexology to your clients then I urge you to try this course. This will be a fabulous treatment that you can offer your clients and have them begging for more!Mark is an Approved Continuing Education Provider(APCE) with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork ( NCBTMB #1805) On completion of this course you will receive a certificate from the Isla Verde Spa Training Academy  and also be eligible to join to CTAA if you so desire.All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association). On completion of this course, you will have access to join the CTAA if you please. As a member of the CTAA you will receive these benefits:A Professional Certificate showing that you have full membership with CTAA as a Practitioner.Access to discounted Therapist Practitioner Insurance with your membership (subject to their Insurance Partners)Access to their CTAA Logo to place on your Website/Social Media/EmailFree CTAA Directory Listing Have the opportunity to write a blog/article within the complementary therapy field that you work, that will be shared on their Website and Social Media to enable you to reach a larger audience and have exposure to yourself and your website."
Price: 199.99

"Aromatherapy-Make Your Own Chemical Free Cleaning Products"
"Using aromatherapy essential oils and completely natural products you are about to learn how  to create all your own 100% natural cleaning products. Imagine cleaning everything in your home without any toxic chemicals and have the smell of aromatherapy essential oils in your course rather than chemical fragrances!And the best part is, it is so quick and easy, and so much less expensive. You will be saving A LOT of money!Do not worry, you don't need to have any previous knowledge of aromatherapy.Mark is a Fully Certified Aromatherapist in Aromatherapy and an essential oil specialist, approved by The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA), and the Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) both leading governing bodies for educational standards for Aromatherapists.Sound good? I thought so. And the best part is, it is so simple and they work better!LEARN HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN 100% NATURAL PRODUCTS USING AROMATHERAPY ESSENTIAL OILS SUCH AS:Liquid Laundry SoapGarbage Can TabletsBath Bomb FizziesToilet Cleaning FizziesFoaming Hand SoapScouring PastesFloor CleanersStain RemoversClothes WhitenersFruit And Vegetable CleanersWood PolishAir FreshenersStainless Steel Cleaners And PolishesAll Purpose Disinfecting SpraysThe Best Grout CleanersBath and Tub CleanersGoo/Sticker RemoversAnd So Much More!Think about how incredible it is going to be to go from:Toxic chemicals to using aromatherapy essential oils and completely natural productsSmelling horrible chemical fragrances in your house to aromatherapy essential oilsDestroying the environment to helping it.Harming your health and your family to helping it.Spending enormous amounts per year to spending a minuscule amountUsing lots of time cleaning to having more time to doing the things you love!In fact, what I teach you is so simple, you will wonder why you didn't do this years ago.How good will you feel when you, your friends and your family walk into the house and it's the cleanest it has ever been from your new all natural cleaning regime AND you are helping the environment, helping your health and that of your children and also saving a ton of money as well!Let's all get together and do our bit to help our health, our pockets and our planet!All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association). On completion of this course, you will have access to join the CTAA if you please. As a member of the CTAA you will receive these benefits:A Professional Certificate showing that you have full membership with CTAA as a Practitioner.Access to discounted Therapist Practitioner Insurance with your membership (subject to their Insurance Partners)Access to their CTAA Logo to place on your Website/Social Media/EmailFree CTAA Directory Listing Have the opportunity to write a blog/article within the complementary therapy field that you work, that will be shared on their Website and Social Media to enable you to reach a larger audience and have exposure to yourself and your website."
Price: 194.99

"Introduccin a HEC-RAS: modelacin de inundaciones"
"HEC-RAS es un programa del Cuerpo de Ingenieros del ejrcito de los Estados Unidos, para la modelacin de inundaciones en ros naturales y otros canales. En este curso introductorio se ver el proceso para la realizacin de modelos unidimensionales, aunque a partir de la versin 5 del programa, se ha incorporadoel modelado bidimensional del flujo, as como las capacidades de modelado de transferencia de sedimentos.El curso avanzar a travs de todo el proceso de generacin del modelo: desde la creacin de la geometra, entrada de datos de anlisis, ejecucin del modelo, y exportacin de los datos.Se trata de un curso eminentemente prctico con las dosis de teora justas y necesarias, donde se aportan los materiales para seguir cada leccin en tiempo real.HecRas es un programa para el clculo de avenidas e inundaciones."
Price: 199.99

"Audacity: curso completo de edicin de audio para Dummies"
"Audacity te permite editar archivos de audio en todos los formatos ms conocidos.Con este programa podrs importar archivos de sonido y msica, as comoagregar efectosa las pistas de audio y unir, por ejemplo, canciones o podcasts.Funciones de nivel profesionalAudacity ofrece muchas funciones de edicin y de grabacin de nivel profesional. Te permite hacer grabaciones en vivo as como modificar pistas de audio. Despus puedes guardar los cambios en uno de los muchos formatos de audio compatibles. Adems, Audacity incluye innumerables herramientas, como efectos, unecualizador y un analizador de espectro. Tambin puedes ampliar las funciones de Audacity a travs de complementos gratuitos.Todolo que necesitas al alcance de la manoTienes acceso a todas las opciones desde la interfaz principal de Audacity. Con los comandosCortar,CopiaryPegarrealizas los cambios bsicos sobre una pista de audio. Audacity tambin te brinda la posibilidad deagregar voceso canciones grabadas con un micrfono conectado a la tarjeta de sonido.Tambin utilizas el ratn para ubicar las tijeras virtuales. Audacity te muestra las grabaciones o los archivos de msica en una lnea de tiempo horizontal. En caso de cometer un error, puedes eliminar las modificaciones realizadas pulsandoDeshacer.Un destacado editor de audio de cdigo abiertoCon Audacity podrs realizar tus propiasmezclas de audio en un instante. Gracias a sus numerosas opciones y efectos de sonido, logrars darles a tusproducciones una calidad de sonido muy buena. Lograr un producto final adecuado slo requiere un poco de prctica y de paciencia."
Price: 64.99

"ArcGis 10.x desde cero"
"ArcGis es el Sistema de Informacin Geogrfica ms extendido del mundo. Bajo el nombre genrico ArcGIS se agrupan varias aplicaciones para la captura, edicin, anlisis, tratamiento, diseo, publicacin e impresin de informacin geogrfica.En este curso introductorio veremos los elementos principales de la interfaz del programa, as como las principales funcionalidades del mismo. Igualmente se tocarn algunos aspectos de anlisis espacial y procesamiento de datos. Dejando para un futuro curso, el uso ms detallado de las herramientas Spatial Analyst y 3D Analyst.El curso aporta los materiales y recursos necesarios para seguir las explicaciones del instructor."
Price: 199.99

"Canva: Curso completo de diseo grfico"
"En este curso aprenders a crear diseos grficos increbles, hermosos y profesionales dentro de Canva, una de las aplicaciones de diseo grfico gratuitas ms importantes del mundo.Has intentado producir tus propios diseos grficos y simplemente no se ven profesionales?Has subcontratado un trabajo de diseo grfico, pagando un montn de dinero sin obtener diseos con los que ests completamente satisfecho/a?Deseas comenzar con el diseo grfico pero no tienes una formacin de diseo formal y no sabes por dnde empezar?Este curso es para ti! Te ensear todo lo que necesitas saber para poder producir todos tus diseos, rpida y fcilmente. Canva es una plataforma increble y es mucho ms fcil de aprender que otros costosos software de diseo grfico. Puedes lograr excelentes resultados, y dado que Canva es de uso gratuito, puedes ahorrar enormes cantidades de dinero en subcontrataro comprar software.Yo mismo he usadoCanva en muchos de misproyectos de diseo y siempre confantsticos resultados finales!El curso se divide en tres partes:En la primera partese cubre todas las habilidades bsicas que necesitas para usar Canva de manera eficiente y efectiva. Te mostrara usar todas las herramientas y elementos disponibles, y cubrir temas como:Texto y tipografaUsar formas y lneasAgregar iconos e ilustracionesTrabajando con imgenes y filtrosAjuste de color, alineacin y transparenciaExportando tu trabajoY mucho msTambin te mostrar el sitio web que utilizo para obtener todas mis fotografas, absolutamente gratis. Una gran biblioteca de fotografas de archivo profesionales a tu alcance, todas de forma gratuita, con todas las licencias comerciales incluidas. Este solo recurso te ahorrar un montn de dinero enfotografas!En la segunda parte, cubriremos algunas teoras bsicas del diseo grfico, y te mostrar algunos consejos y trucos dentro de Canva para ayudarte a que tutrabajo se destaque. Cubriremos reas tales como:Tipografa y emparejamiento de fuentesLneas y espaciamientoAccesos directos y trucos rpidosEnmascaramiento de textoTeora bsica del colorFinalmente, en la tercera parte, mostraremos proyectos concretos. Pero a diferencia de otros cursos que explican diseos genricos, quiero realizar lecciones que muestren proyectos reales que a ti te interesen. As que en esta seccin espero tus propuestas para proyectos que tengas que realizar como una miniatura para YouTube o una publicacin en Instagram. De esta formaaplicaremos nuestras nuevas habilidades a ejemplos del mundo real.Al final de este curso, habrs creado algunos diseos increbles y habrs dominado las habilidades necesarias para lograr resultados profesionales. Podrs aplicar estas habilidades a cualquier proyecto que desees, y con ms de 3 horas de lecciones en vdeo, llevars tus habilidades de diseo grfico al prximo nivel.Hay una Garanta 100%de devolucin de dinero de 30 das, por lo que puedes inscribirte aeste curso sin riesgos!Inscrbeteahora"
Price: 124.99

"Disea tu e-book profesionalmente para Amazon Kindle"
"Con la informacin contenida en este curso, descubrirs cmo puedes dar formato a tus propios libros Kindle, de manera rpida y sencilla, utilizando el software gratuito SIGIL.Cuando se trata del formato de Kindle, Internet est inundado de informacin confusa, obsoleta, contradictoria y, a veces, simplemente errnea. Amazon no ayuda con la situacin, con dispositivos Kindle de diferentes tamaos y resoluciones de pantalla variados, diversas capacidades de dispositivo y diferentes formatos de archivo. No es de extraar que tantas personas terminen con problemas de formato que resultan en bajas calificaciones y malas crticas para sus libros.Evita fcilmente que esto te suceda realizando este curso, y aplicando la informacin que se ensea en l.Aprenders de un instructor que ya ha publicado en Amazon, y que utiliza estas tcnicas para actualizar y enviar sus propios libros a Amazon.Este no es un curso sobre cmo ensearte a poner negrita, cursiva o cualquier otro formato de texto bsico. Cualquiera que haya usado un procesador de textos sabe cmo hacer esas cosas. Este curso trata sobre ensearte las cosas que NECESITAS saber para que tu libro Kindle tenga un buen formato, sea aceptado por Amazon y te ayude a evitar las calificaciones de 1 estrella y las malas crticas, solo porque tu libro no estaba correctamente diseado.La verdad es que no importa qu tan bueno sea el contenido de tu libro, o en cunto tiempo lo hayas escrito. Todo lo que necesitas es un ndice de contenidos que no funciona, una imagen que es demasiado pequea, o incluso algn texto mal distribuido, para tener a muchos lectores disgustados. No importa lo poco que hayan pagado por tu libro, esperan calidad. Si tu formato deficiente estropea su experiencia de lectura, te dejarn una calificacin de 1 estrella y una mala crtica.Dentro del curso, encontrars un rea de discusin donde puedes interactuar con el instructor y otros estudiantes, hacer preguntas y obtener ayuda sobre cualquier problema que puedas tener. El instructor tambin est abierto a las sugerencias de los estudiantes para nuevos temas.Por qu arriesgarse a tirar meses de duro trabajo? Aprende cmo dar formato a tu libro Kindle correctamente y apntate a este curso ahora."
Price: 99.99

"Crea un ecommerce y vende en Internet con WooCommerce"
"Alguna vez has querido crear tu propia tienda en lnea y vender tus productos en la web? No es tan difcil como podras pensar.Con Wordpress y WooCommerce, puedes tener un sitio web de comercio electrnico totalmente profesional que te permita vender cualquier cosa imaginable, desde productos fsicos hasta productos digitales.WooCommerce te permite convertir tu sitio web en WordPress, en una tienda online increblemente fcil de usar. WooCommerce es el complemento y solucin de comercio electrnico ms confiable y ms extendida.Este curso te ensear todo lo que necesitas saber sobre cmo crear un sitio web de comercio electrnico con WooCommerce.Este curso te ensear el proceso paso a paso de cmo disear e implementar tus productos en WooCommerce.Aprende los conceptos bsicos de WooCommerce: agrega productos simples y variables, imgenes, pasarelas de pago, administracin de pedidos, categoras, envo, impuestos, y ms.Si ests pensando en crear tu propia tienda online, este tu curso."
Price: 99.99

"How storytelling helps you to reinvent the way you sell."
"This course is for anyone who wants to share ideas, close a sale and develop relationships.If you dont feel like a natural communicator, or if you find it hard to get your message across, this programme is perfect for you. It will help you to become a confident, relaxed and accomplished communicator.No previous experience is needed, just a desire to learn and commitment to take action.Ive given thousands of presentations and trained countless people over more than 30 years. And Im now sharing this experience with you.I'll teach you everything you need to know about how to develop and tell powerful attention grabbing stories.How to write stories that have star quality and maximum impact.How to use a proven structure to create great stories every time.How to design stories so they flow beautifully.How to present stories in a way that captivates your audience."
Price: 24.99

"Intelligent Selling Masterclass"
"The ability to sell your product or service is key to your survival and prosperity. But it's an area that's a problem for many businesspeople.Without sales, companies and economies have no future. But selling isnt about pushing a product or service, its about solving problems. Thats why the best salespeople are seen as problem solvers, trusted advisors who can be relied upon to give great advice.This course will help you to understand what it takes to be an excellent salesperson. It will give you the basic skills you need to be able to successfully sell your product orservice. Its based on strategies and skills that are proven over more than 30 yearsto deliver the best results in the most effective way.In this course well cover the following areas;#What intelligent selling is.#The six qualities of an intelligent salesperson.#A simple process that helps you to sell.#The power of questions and how to get the information you need.#The best way to close a sale.#How to handle objections effectively.#Sales forecasting made easy.#Simple steps to improve your performance."
Price: 24.99

"Marketing strategy made easy."
"This course is for anyone who wants to launch a product or service in a way thats most likely to succeed.If you dont think you have the skills to be a marketeer, think again!This short course is based on strategies and skills that are proven to deliver the best results in the most effective way. You will learn fourkey things;How to think more simply about developing a marketing plan.How to use a Market Opportunity Assessment to quickly assess market potential.How to use the Compass framework to develop a complete marketing plan.How to put the plan into action to build a strong pipeline of sales prospects to sell to.As with all my programmes, no previous experience is needed. The only thing you do need is an open mind, the desire to succeed and the commitment to use the ideas in your business."
Price: 34.99

"Sales Mastery Foundations"
"We all know that sales skills are important. So when a business underachieves its usually seen as a sales problem. Sometimes it is, but usually it isnt.Poor sales performance is the effect but the root cause is often elsewhere;Ineffective planning.Weak and uninspiring messages.Poor communication.No sales process.Lack of experience.These are called Barriers to Success. And unless you overcome them, you wont ever achieve your true potential.This course describes the typical barriers every business faces. It explains how they are linked and what you can do to overcome them.Sales foundations introduces you to the 5 Principles of Success.Ill describe what they are and Ill show you how you can master them to achieve your true business potential."
Price: 19.99

"Abstract Painting - Stained Glass Method"
"Learn how to paint one of my favorite styles, the Stained Glass Method. Called that because many people have suggested these paintings remind them of stained glass panels.The Stained Glass Method is a fun and easy way to learn and practice several techniques, that will come in handy on all of your other paintings too.You'll be painting loosely during the first few steps, and then tightening things up a bit for the final details. Learning how to vary these 2 opposing styles; loose and tight, at will and to the exact degree that you want, is a very valuable skill to possess You'll also be practicing and developing your skills with transparent washes juxtaposed against opaque shapes.The finished compositions are gestural and expressive, and quite popular among collectors.I think you'll find these demonstrations fun and informative, and I do hope you decide to join us. As always if you have any questions, I'm here to help you."
Price: 99.99

"Abstract Painting Vertical Theme"
"Are you constantly looking for new ways to create abstract art? Or maybe you just enjoy finding out how other artists create their work. I know I do.In this Course ""Abstract Painting Vertical Theme"" you'll learn some of the many ways that you can develop an abstract painting with a vertical composition.Jill Adams left this 5 Star Review""I recently finished a painting in the vertical theme that was covered in this course and it sold fast. I had thought of using tape before but was unsure how to do it. Thank you, Andy Morris, for this insightful course.""Catherine McEwan wrote""Andy is a great teacher. He makes it all so easy, and his style is very relaxing. This is a great course for anyone interested in making unusual marks with acrylic paint I would highly recommend all of Andy's courses. You can learn to do almost anything with acrylic paint, and have lots of fun along the way. Thanks Andy for another great course!"" ________________________________________________There are basically 6 different compositionthemes;All Over DesignCantileverRadial DesignDiagonalHorizontalVerticalThis course will focus on the Vertical Theme.Paintings with vertical compositions (or theme) convey a sense of stability, growth, and spirituality. A sense of reaching upward towards the heavens.In step by step demos I'll be showing you four different ways you can introduce these qualities of the vertical themeinto your art.This course is suitable for both beginner and more advanced students. No matter what level you are at, you are sure to get a lot out of these lessons. As always you'll get;Lifetime AccessDownloadable Videos30 Day Money Back GuaranteeI imagine most of you are familiar with who I am and have already taken other courses that I offer, but for those that aren't yet acquainted, let me introduce myself. I'm Andy Morris and I've been creating art full time since 2009. I live and work in Dallas, TX.Over the years I've learned and developed numerous techniques and styles for creating abstract paintings. In 2014 I started offeringonline courses to share my knowledge and skills with others. This course is the 7th in an ongoing series of such courses.It is my great honor and privilege to be teachingmore than 7000 studentsin over 130 countries. I sincerely hope the lessons I provide are helpful and informative as they explore their artistic journey.Creating Abstract Art has been nothing short of transformational in my own life, as I suspect it has been for many of you.So now if your ready go ahead and click the button to enroll today, and I'll see you on the inside."
Price: 99.99

"Acrylic Abstract Painting - Loosen Up"
"Are you interested in Loosening Up your art work?Finding new ways to put more Life and Energy into your Acrylic Paintings?Welcome to ""Acrylic Abstract Painting - Loosen Up"".In this course I'm going to be showing you several ways that you can loosen up your acrylic abstract paintings.You may be thinking ""What dies loosen up mean?"" or ""Why should you want to loosen up my paintings?"" or simply ""How can you loosen up your abstract paintings?""Let's start at the beginning. Loosen Up means giving your paintings a more expressive, emotionally charged feeling to them. It means learning to trust your own intuition more.And loosening up your work will release more of your unique inner creativity, allowing you to express yourself better as an artist.So How Do You Do That?How do you loosen up? Well that's what this course is all about. I'll be sharing with you techniques that I've personally used to help me, and that you can use also to get looser more expressive compositions.Now some of these techniques are a little weird, but I'll ask you to keep an open mind and just try them.You'll LearnThe Long Brush ExerciseAttack and Retreat ExerciseAtmospheric Painting TechniqueJuicy Brush Approach to Painting AbstractsI promise you'll have a Lot of Fun and by the time you complete the course you'll know how to Loosen Up Your Paintings!"
Price: 99.99

"IBM SPSS Modeler: Techniques for Missing Data"
"IBM SPSS Modeler is a data mining workbench that allows you to build predictive models quickly and intuitively without programming. Analysts typically use SPSS Modeler to analyze data by mining historical data and then deploying models to generate predictions for recent (or even real-time) data. Overview: Techniques for Missing Data is a series of self-paced videos (three hours of content). Students will learn how missing data is identified and handled in Modeler. Students also will learn different approaches to dealing with missing data including imputation of missing values, removing missing data, and running parallel streams with and without missing data. Students will also learn how to use the Type, Data Audit, and Filler nodes to identify and handle missing data."
Price: 49.99

"Mastering and Tuning Decision Trees"
"IBM SPSS Modeler is a data mining workbench that allows you to build predictive models quickly and intuitively without programming. Analysts typically use SPSS Modeler to analyze data by mining historical data and then deploying models to generate predictions for recent (or even real-time) data.Overview: Mastering and Tuning Decision Trees is a series of self-paced videos that discusses the decision tree methods (CHAID, C5.0, CRT, and QUEST) available in IBM SPSS Modeler. These techniques produces a rule based predictive model for an outcome variable based on the values of the predictor variables. Students will gain an understanding of the situations in which one would this technique, its assumptions, how to do the analysis automatically as well as interactively, and how to interpret the results. Particular emphasis is made on contrasting CHAID and C&RT in detail. Tuning the adjusting of parameters to optimize performance is demonstrated using both CHAID and C&RT."
Price: 49.99

"IBM SPSS Modeler: Getting Started"
"IBM SPSS Modeler is a data mining workbench that helps you build predictive models quickly and intuitively, without programming. Analysts typically use SPSS Modeler to analyze data by doing data mining and then deploying models. Overview: This course introduces students to data mining and to the functionality available within IBM SPSS Modeler. The series of stand-alone videos, are designed to introduce students to specific nodes or data mining topics. Each video consists of detailed instructions explaining why we are using a technique, in what situations it is used, how to set it up, and how to interpret the results. This course is broken up into phases. The Introduction to Data Mining Phase is designed to get you up to speed on the idea of data mining. You will also learn about the CRISP-DM methodology which will serve as a guide throughout the course and you will also learn how to navigate within Modeler. The Data Understanding Phase addresses the need to understand what your data resources are and the characteristics of those resources. We will discuss how to read data into Modeler. We will also focus on describing, exploring, and assessing data quality. The Data Preparation Phase discusses how to integrate and construct data. While the Modeling Phase will focus on building a predictive model. The Evaluation Phase focuses how to take your data mining results so that you can achieve your business objectives. And finally the Deployment Phase allows you to do something with your findings."
Price: 49.99

"Aclara y logra tus METAS de manera sencilla y divertida!"
"Quieres maximizar las probabilidades de que tusdeseos y OBJETIVOS DE VIDAsean logrados?Te has imaginado tus sueos hacindose realidad?Es en verdad esto possible? S, s lo es! Y ser cierto que ciertas tcnicas, como el Mapa del Tesoro y la visualizacin, funcionan a tu favor? !Te sorprenders de lo efectivas que son! Existen toneladas de testimonies que lo prueban y en este curso incluye algunos impactantes que te motivarn e inspirarn. Pero te menciono slo unos pocos ejemplos de la vida real sobre lo que otros participantes han conseguido con el uso de esta tcnica: Encontrar un apartamento en circunstancias casi imposibles y en el momento perfecto. Establecer una maravillosa relacin de pareja; !Una verdadera historia de amor! Conseguir el auto de sus sueos. Recibir el monto de dinero necesario para comprar una casa propia. Lograr viajar por el mundo con un presupuesto limitado. Haber conseguido la aprobacin de importantes proyectos profesionales. Lograr resultados ms all de los esperados bajo entornos difciles. Sanar de enfermedades. Todos estos ejemplos de vida reales fueron logrados por medio del uso de sta y otras tcnicas de La Serie de Tesoros. Y la tcnica del Mapa de Tesoro ha funcionado a la perfeccin en todos estos casos. El Mapa del Tesoro es una tcnica altamente ponderosa para atraer a tu vida la manifestacin de tus deseos y objetivos. Es muy fcil de elaborar y sumamente divertido. Nunca dejan de sorprenderme los testimonios de los participantes! En este curso yo te guo paso-a-paso en un maravilloso viaje donde terminars con tu grandioso Mapa del Tesoro, totalmente empoderado y energizado para atraer a tu vida la manifestacin de lo que en l has plasmado. No soy de las personas que ofrecen Milagros, pociones mgicas o pastillas para resultados inmediatos para aprovecharme de tu deseo de querer ver tus sueos convertirse en realidad. Todos queremos ver nuestros deseos manifestarse! Pero si lo que buscas es fantasa y magia, entonces este curso no es para ti. Pero si buscas una gua efectiva y pies en tierra que te ayude a lograr tus objetivos y conquistar tus sueos dentro de un escenario realista, entonces este curso es para ti! Como ha sido mencionado en el video promocional, El Mapa del Tesoro (o Cartelera de Realidades) es una de las tcnicas de La Serie de Tesoros, un cofre dorado que no est lleno de oro, sino de tcnicas sorprerdentes altamente prcticas y efectivas, fciles de aprender y aplicar, y con el propsito central de procurar a las personas bienestar integral, paz y felicidad. He creado La Serie de Tesoros basada en mis ms de 20 aos de experiencia professional y personal, de investigacin y prctica dedicada y seria de las enseanzas de la filosofa de El Nuevo Pensamiento, de la Psicologa Positiva y de la Psicologa Transpersonal. Te invito a dar el paso para comenzar tu ascenso a la cima de la montaa y contemplar la belleza del valle, al igual que el gusanito que logr sus sueos, historia que puedes escuchar enseguida en la Clase 26: El Poder de un Sueo. APROVECHA LA OPORTUNIDAD AHORA MISMO!!! Es un placer y un honor ser tu Coach Personal! BIENVENID@"
Price: 49.99

"Learn Social Engineering From Scratch"
"Note: The contents of this course are not covered in any of my other courses except for some basics. Although social engineering is covered in one of my other courses, that course only covers the basics where this course dives much deeper in this topic covering more techniques, more operating systems, advanced exploitation, advanced post exploitation, bypassing security and more!Welcome to this comprehensive course on Social Engineering! In this course, you will start as a beginner with no previous knowledge in hacking, and by the end of it you'll be at a high level in social engineering being able hack into all major operating systems (windows, OS X, Linux and Android) like black-hat hackers and secure yourself from hackers.This course is focused on the practical side of social engineering without neglecting the theory, first you'll learn how to install the needed software (on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X), then the course is divided into a number of sections to represent the steps you'd take to successfully hack a target using social engineering.1. Information Gathering - First before doing anything you need to know your target, in this section you'll learn how to gather information about your target whether it is a company, website or just a person. You will learn how to discover anything that is associated with your target such as websites, links, companies, users, emails, phone numbers, friends, social networks accounts ...etc, you will also learn how to graph all of this information and use it to build a smart attack strategy.2. Generating Malware  - Now that you gathered enough information about your target and came up with an attack strategy, the next step is create custom malware that is attractive to the target. In this section you will learn how to generate evil files (files that execute tasks you want on the target computer), this includes backdoors, keyloggers, credential harvester and more, these files will work on all operating systems (Windows, OS X, Linux and Android), you'll also learn how to enhance these files to make them bypass all anti-virus programs, and make them look and function just like any other file such as an image or a pdf,  or even embed them in legitimate Microsoft Office documents. 3. Delivery Methods - Now that you have your custom-made trojan ready, in this section you will learn a number of social engineering techniques to deliver it to the target, you will learn how to create fake websites that look identical to websites the target trusts, send emails that appear like they're coming from people the target trusts and use fake login pages and fake updates to hack into the target, you'll also learn advanced social engineering techniques to lure the target into visiting an evil URL and hack into their system without even interacting with them.4. Post Exploitation - In this section you will learn how to interact with the systems you compromised whether they use Windows, Linux, OS X or even Android. Youll learn how to access the file system (read/write/upload/execute), maintain your access, escalate your privileges, spy on the target, use the target computer as a pivot to hack other computers and more! If your target uses Android then you'll also learn how to read their messages, find their location, access their other accounts (such as Whatsapp, Facebook ...etc) and more!Finally at the end of the course you will learn how to protect yourself and your systems from these attacks.All the attacks in this course are practical attacks that work against real computers, in each technique you will understand the theory behind it and how it works, then you'll learn how to use that technique in a real life scenario, so by the end of the course you'll be able to modify these techniques or combine them to come up with more powerful attacks and adopt them to different scenarios and different operating systems.With this course you'll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we'll respond to you within 15 hours.Notes: This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against devices that I have permission to test.This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih & zSecurity, no other organization is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANIZATION IS INVOLVED."
Price: 189.99

"Network Hacking Continued - Intermediate to Advanced"
"Welcome to this advanced network hacking course, this course is designed to build up on what you already know about network hacking, therefore I recommend finishing the network hacking section of my general ethical hacking course or finishing my network hacking course before starting this one.Just like all of my other courses, this course is highly practical, but it will not neglect the theory, since this is an advanced course we will be breaking each attack into its smaller components and understand how each of these components work, therefore by the end of the course you will be able to mix these attacks and adopt them to suit different situations and different scenarios, you will also be able to write your own man in the middle scripts to implement your own attacks.Because this course builds on what you learn in the courses mentioned above, the main sections here have similar titles to the main sections in these courses, but the topics covered here are more advanced.This course is divided into three main sections:Pre-Connection Attacks - in this section you will learn how to extend the pre-connection attacks you already know, for example you will learn how to run these attacks against networks and clients that use 5Ghz and extend the deauthentication attack to target multiple clients and multiple networks at the same time.Gaining Access - In this section you will learn a number of advanced techniques to gain access to various network configurations and various network encryptions. First you will learn how to overcome some security features that would prevent you from even trying any attacks, you will learn how to discover and target hidden networks and bypass mac filtering whether it is implemented using a black-list or a white-list. As you go through all of the lectures in this section, you will learn how to manually configure and create a fake access point, you will understand exactly how it works and the services it relies on, therefore by the end of this section you will be able to create custom fake access points to suit your needs, so you will be able to create fake captive portals, steal WPA/WPA2 passwords or use it to spy on clients that connect to it. This section is divided into a number of subsections each covering a specific topic:Captive Portals - captive portals are open networks that require users to login after connecting to it, they are usually used in hotels and airports. In this subsection you will learn three methods to hack captive portals.WEP Cracking - Even though this is an old and weak encryption, this is still used in some networks and you can not call yourself a hacker if you can not crack it, by now you should know how to rack WEP if OPEN authentication is used, in this section you will learn how to gain access to WEP networks that use Shared Key Authentication (SKA) as all of the methods that you learned so far will NOT work against SKA.WPA & WPA2 cracking - In this section you will learn more advanced techniques to gain access to WPA & WPA2 networks, this section is divided into even smaller subsections:Exploiting WPS - in this subsection you will learn how to debug reaver's output and exploit the WPS feature on more routers using reaver's advanced options, you will also learn how to unlock some routers if they lock after a number of failed attempts.Advanced Wordlist Attacks - in this subsection you will learn how to run more advanced wordlist attacks, this will increase your chances of cracking the key; you will learn how to use huge wordlists without wasting storage, save the cracking progress so that you can pause and resume and crack the key much faster using the GPU instead of the CPU.Evil Twin Attack - Finally if none of the above methods work, the last resort is to use social engineering to get the key, in this subsection you will learn how to get the password for a target WPA/WPA2 network using social engineering, without guessing and without using a wordlist.WPA & WPA2 Enterprise - These networks are usually used in companies and colleges, these are secure networks that use WPA or WPA2 but also require users to login with a username and password after connecting, in this subsection you will understand how they work and how to hack them.Post-Connection Attacks - In this section you will learn a number of advanced attacks that you can run after connecting to a network, all of the attacks in this subsection work against WiFi and ethernet networks, you will learn how to manually bypass HTTPS and capture sensitive data, you will be able to use this method regardless of how you became the man in the middle so you will be able to use it with any scenario or situation when interesting data is flowing through your computer, you will also learn how to inject javascript/HTML in HTTPS websites, bypass router-side security and run ARP poisoning attacks without raising any alarms. You will also learn how to manually analyse data flows and build your own MITM attack ideas, not only that but I will also teach you how to write your own scripts to execute your own MITM attacks. By the end of this section you will learn the right methodology of building your own attack, you'll learn how to analyse network flows, run a simple test, translate that into a working script that implements your attack, and finally test that script against a remote computer.Finally at the end of the course you will learn how to protect yourself and your systems from these attacks.All the attacks in this course are practical attacks that work against real computers, in each technique you will understand the theory behind it and how it works, then you'll learn how to use that technique in a real life scenario, so by the end of the course you'll be able to modify these techniques or combine them to come up with more powerful attacks and adopt them to different scenarios and different operating systems.With this course you'll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we'll respond to you within 15 hours.Notes: This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against devices that I have permission to test.This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih & zSecurity, no other organization is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANIZATION IS INVOLVED."
Price: 189.99