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"Study material for Certified Ethereum Expert (CEE)"
"About Certification** This is a supporting training material for the Certified Ethereum Expert CEE by Blockchain Council. This isthe training material only. Certification is not the part of this training. **A Certified Ethereum Expert is a skilled professional who understands and knows deeply what is Ethereum and how Ethereum works and also uses the same knowledge to build Blockchain or Ethereum-based applications for enterprises and businesses. The CEE credential certifies individuals in the Ethereum discipline of Smart Contracts Technology from a vendor-neutral perspective.Certified Ethereum Expert is an exhaustive training & exam based program aim to provide a proof of the knowledge of the certificate holder in Ethereum space. The Ethereum is evolving very fast & enabling businesses to build very powerful solutions at a lesser cost. Enterprises are struggling to identify the right talent to deploy on the Ethereum-based projects in-house. This certification will work as a bridge between enterprises & resources (employees, consultants & advisors) to give enterprises confidence in the quick hire.The purpose of the CEE credential is to:Establish and govern minimum standards for credentialing professional Ethereum expert as it specializes in enterprise development measures.Inform the public that credentialed individuals meet or exceed the minimum standards.Reinforce Ethereum expertise as a unique and self-regulating profession.BenefitsGet hired easilyProveyour Ethereum skills & understandingGrasp the deep understanding of Ethereum & how it worksImplement your skills to any Ethreum projectsBuild your own Ethereum businesses with acquired knowledge"
Price: 129.99

"Study Material for Certified Solidity Developer (CSD)"
"About Certification** This is a supporting training material for the Certified Solidity Developer CSDby Blockchain Council. This isthe training material only. Certification is not the part of this training. **Have you heard of Ethereum & Smart Contracts?Have you ever thought of writing smart contracts or your own cryptocurrencies?Do you know smart contracts are written in Solidity Programming Language?Solidity is a programming language for writing smart contracts which run on Ethereum Virtual Machine on Blockchain.It is acontract-oriented, high-level language whose syntax is similar to that of JavaScript and it is designed to target the Ethereum Virtual Machine.In this course, wewill teach you everything related to Solidity to build Smart Contracts based Blockchain application on Ethereum. Youwill learn:What is Ethereum, Smart Contracts & Blockchain?What isSolidity & Ethereum Virtual Machine?How toinstall & SetupSolidity Development Environment?How to write first basic smart contracts?Data types, control structure, functions, inheritance, mathematical operations, etc.How to deploy & test smart contracts in Solidity?Building a Ticketing SystemApplicationsThis course will enable you to build any kind of Blockchain application on Ethereum using Solidity which is the most common language for writing Ethereum Blockchain."
Price: 129.99

"Study material for Certified Smart Contract Developer (CSCD)"
"About Certification** This is a supporting training material for the Certified Smart Contract Developer CSCD by Blockchain Council. This isthe training material only. Certification is not the part of this training on Udemy. **Have you heard of Ethereum & Smart Contracts? Have you ever thought of writing smart contracts or your cryptocurrencies? Do you know smart contracts are written in Solidity Programming Language? Solidity is a programming language for writing smart contracts which run on Ethereum Virtual Machine on Blockchain. It is a contract-oriented, high-level language whose syntax is similar to that of JavaScript and it is designed to target the Ethereum Virtual Machine. In this course, wewill teach you everything related to Smart contracts, how to build one based on Blockchain application on Ethereum. We will learn what: What is Ethereum, Smart Contracts & Blockchain?What is Solidity & Ethereum Virtual Machine?How to install & Setup Solidity Development Environment?How to write first basic smart contracts?Data types, control structure, functions, inheritance, mathematical operations, etc.How to deploy & test smart contracts in Solidity?Building FiveApplicationsERC20 Token DevelopmentDecentralised Investigation Report Filing SystemA ToDo Smart ContractA Smart Contract for buying and selling of Smart ContractsVoting Ballot on BlockchainThis course will enable you to build any Blockchain application on Ethereum using Solidity as Smart Contracts which is the most common language for writing Ethereum Blockchain."
Price: 129.99

"Study material for Certified Cryptocurrency Expert (CCE)"
"About Certification** This is a supporting training material for the Certified Cryptocurrency ExpertCCEby Blockchain Council. This isthe training material only. Certification is not the part of this training on Udemy. **Have you heard of Cryptocurrencies & tokens?Have you ever thought what they are and how they are formed?Do you know about Mining of Cryptocurrencies and working of ICOs?Cryptocurrency is a digital asset which is virtual and has no intrinsic value. It is created over a secure decentralised database which stores information immutably over the peer-to-peer network.In this course, we will teach you everything related to Cryptocurrencies & Digital Assets andwill develop an understanding of using and trading Cryptocurrencies.We will learn:What is Cryptocurrency, Anatomy of Cryptocurrency,Features of Cryptocurrencies?Why would you use a Cryptocurrency, and how it works?What are some famous Cryptocurrencies, what defines their prices and their pros and cons?What is Blockchain Mining? What are Miners and What Do They Do? How to mine Cryptocurrencies?What is an ICO, how ICO works and why they are theygaining traction?Introduction to Trading exchanges, Cryptocurrency wallets, and Trading of Cryptocurrencies, etc.What Cryptocurrencies you should buy and how to trade Cryptocurrencies?Risks, rewards, and Current trends and analysis, etc.This course will enable you to understand basic concepts of Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies andit will develop your understanding of working, uses and trading of Cryptocurrencies."
Price: 129.99

"Study Material for Certified Cryptocurrency Trader (CCT)"
"About Certification** This is a supporting training material for the Certified Cryptocurrency Trader CCTby Blockchain Council. This isthe training material only. Certification is not the part of this training on Udemy. **Have you heard of Cryptocurrencies & tokens?Have you ever thought what they are and how are they formed?Dont you get excited from the eye-popping returns of these Cryptocurrencies?In this course, we will teach you everything related to trading Cryptocurrencies & digital assets.You will learn:What is Cryptocurrency, how it works, and what defines the price of Cryptocurrencies?What do you need to start investing and trading Cryptocurrencies?Cryptocurrency exchanges & wallets.Introduction to Trading, types of trading, risk management, Trading psychology, etc.How to buy your first Cryptocurrency?Tools and platforms, Chart analysis, Candlesticks chart analysis, Trading Strategies, etc.How to successfully trade cryptocurrencies, and how to build your Cryptocurrency portfolio?How to predict the markets and what trading rules you should consider?This course will enable you to acquire information about Cryptocurrency trading, and it will develop your Cryptocurrency trading skills.So, are you interested in trading Cryptocurrencies?If you are, then definitely go through the course and learn all the skills that you will need to excel in trading. And, if not, then you must take this course to understand what is trading, how it is different from stock trading and what are the steps to get involved with Cryptocurrency trading?"
Price: 129.99

"Procesowanie i Retusz w Photoshop - Czarno & Biale Zdjecia"
"Prbujesz tworzy idealne czarno & biae zdjcia but wcia im czego brakuje?Jeste w najlepszym miejscu by zacza. Popraw swoje umiejtnoci i naucz si tworzy wyjatkowe czarno & biae zdjcia w Photoshopie.W tym kursie przedstawi ci co czego nikt inny do tej pory nie pokaza. Naucz ciebie jak sprawi by twoje zdjcia byy dynamiczne, czyste i pene kontrastw.Ja jestem profesjonalnym retuszerem modowym i beauty, jak i rwnie instruktorem pgrogramu photoshop z 6 letnim dowiadczeniem w zakresie nauczania. Pracuj z magazynami, telewizja, stronami internetowymi, fryzjerami po to by ich kampanie wygladay idealnie.Jedynym z moich ulubionych rodzajw fotografii jest ta w czerni i bieli. Ale nie jest to atwe by robi to naprawd dobrze. Ja znam odpowiednia drog!Zaczniemy bardzo prosto on konwersji raw - poka wam na co zwraca uwag od samego poczatku. Nastpnie poka wam jak odpowiednia oczyci zdjcia w prosty, a zarazem najlepszy sposb.Nastpnie wskoczymi na nieco gbsze wody i poka wam jak osiagna perfekcj w doskonaleniu kontrastw - dowiecie si jak dopasowa kontrasty poprzez selektywna prac z maskami. Poka wam rwie jak tworzy i jak pracowa z maskami jasnoci jak i rwnie wykorzysta zasig kolorw do pracy ze wiatem i cieniem. Jak tworzy idealne selekcje i osiagna niesamowia kontrol nad wiatem - co jest niezwykle wane przy zdjciach czarno biaych.Oczywicie to nie jest wszytsko. Poniewa poka wam jak pracowa nawet z detalami takimi jak usta, oczy, wosy lub cz garderoby. Poza wszystkim co najlepsze w maskach oraz pracy z kanaami, poka wam jak wydoby nawet wicej dynamiki przez doskonalenia procesu Dodge & Burn. Zobaczycie nad ktrymi miejscami powinnimy pracowa tak by nie przedobrzy i nie zniszczy zdjcia!Na kocu kadej sekcji poka wam moje finaowe kroki w programie camera raw, ktry jest niesamowicie pomocny przy pracy z finaowymi kontrastami lub przy pracy w skali czarno biaej.W ostatniej sekcji przejdziemy do zdj fashion na ktrych poka wam mj szybki proces retuszu i edycji na zdjciach otdorowych.Chcesz poprawi swj warsztat i zosta topowym retuszerem? Ten kurs jest dla Ciebie!Powodzenia!Marcin"
Price: 489.99

"Photoshop for Photographers - Beginner to Professional"
"If you love to capture amazing views, and moments. But constantly feel something could be improved in your images, whether theyre landscapes, cityscapes, portraits, or fashion images. This courses is the best place to be.I am Marcin, phtoshop educator, with 6 milion views on my photoshop free educational videos, and over 100 000 students who watched purchased my premium courses. Except that, i am professional internationaly published retoucher and post production arist, working with magazines, tv, websites, fashion designers and top hairdressers.I am here, to explain you phototoshop in the easiest possible way. I designed this course as I would explain photoshop to my friend who just want to start adventure with photoshop, and become pro.So i deliver you, all you need to know to become one, i give you tips and techniques that you want to use, and also, save your time by removing useles, tools and techniques that could only teach you wrong habits.In this course - you will learn everything you need about camera row, how to preoces and edit your images, how to fix them, and how to give them extra punch.In photoshop you will learn how to clean background, signs, skin and hair.You will learn to edit landscape and cityscape images, work with masks, adjust and master contrasts, shadows and highlights. You will learn basics of color harmony, and how to apply it to your photoshop work. How to color grade you image and how to work selectively with each color.You will also learn basics of composing - just to make sure your images will be always impressive, you will learn how to combine two average images into one outstanding image. You will learn how to create great panoramic images - even without wide lenses by combining and adjusting images!After all, we will be focused on portraits, on cleaning up, retouching with curves, working with etails, adjusting colors.You will get everything you want to know about photoshop for your photography. After training lessons, we will practice together on a lot of images, starting from landscape edititing on a few different image examples!Then we will beworking on few different portraits which you can follow along. Because I am not only giving you knowledge - I train it with You!See you in the first lesson!"
Price: 199.99

"Photoshop Dla Fotografw - Od Zera do Profesjonalisty!"
"Jeli uwielbiacierobi zdjcia by uchwyci niezapomniane momenty, ale wcia czujecie, e co mogoby zosta poprawione, nie wane czy sa to krajobrazy, zdjcia architektury, portrety czy zdjcia modowe. Ten kurs jest zdecydowanie najlepszym miejscem by zacza.Ja jestem Marcin, nauczyciel photoshopa z ponad 6 milionami wywietle na moich darmoch edykacyjnych filmach, jak i rwnie z ponad 100 000 studentw ktrzy zdecydowali si zakupi moje kursy premium. Poza tym, jestem profesjonalnym retuszerem, pracujacym z magazynami, telewizja, portalami internetowymi, kreatorami mody oraz fryzjerami.Jestem tutaj, by wyjani tobie photoshopa w najprostszy moliwy sposb. Zaprojektowaem ten kurs, tak jkabym wyjania go koledze, ktry chce zacza przygod z photoshopem i zosta profesjonalista.Wic dostarczam wam wszystko co potrzebujecie by takim profesjonalista zosta, dziel z wami porady i techniki ktrych chcecie uywa, jak i rownie oszczdzam wam czas pomijajac narzdzia ktre moga wam przynie tylko ze nawyki.W tym kursie - nauczysz si wszytskiego co musisz wiedziec o programie camera raw, jak wywoa i edytowa swoje zdjcia, jak naprawi je, jak i rwnie da im dodatkowego kopa.Na poczatku przygody z photoshopem nauczycie si jak oczyci to, usuwa niepotrzebne elementy, jak retuszowa skor i wosy.Nauczysz si jak edytowa krajobrazy, pracowa z maskami, dopasowywa kontrasty, cienie i swiata. Nauczysz si podstaw harmoni kolorw i tego jak zaaplikowa je do twojej pracy. Jak gradowa zdjcie, i jak pracowa selektywanie z kadym kolorem.Nauczycie si rwnie podstaw kompozycji - by si upewni, e wasze zdjcia sa zawsze niesamowite! Nauczysz si jak poaczyc dwa rednie zdjcia by stworzy jedno ktre si wyrni z tumu. Nauczysz si te jak tworzy niesamowite panoramy - nawet bez szerokiego obiektywu poprzez laczenie i dopasowywanie zdj!Po pracy z krajobrazami skupimy si na portretach, na czyszczeniu, retuszu z wykorzystaniem krzywych, pracy z detalami i dopasowywaniu kolorw.Dostaniesz wszystko co chcesz wiedzieo photoshopie dla twojej fotografii i nie tylko. Poza lekcjami treningowymi, bdziemy razem praktykowa na duej iloci zdj, zaczynajac od krajobnrazw na kilku innych przykadach. Nastpnie zrobimy nieco praktycznej pracy na portretach ktre moesz ledzi i pracowa wsplnie ze mna! Poniewa ja nie tylko daj wam wiedz - ja z wami trenuj!Do zobaczenia w pierwszej lekcjiMarcin"
Price: 609.99

"Photoshop CC: Studio Image Retouching with Dodge & Burn"
"Professional Retouching is complex business that many, even great photographers struggle. Thats why it is so important to learn this from the right people in the right way.I am Marcin Mikus, author of this course. I am professional retoucher specializing in Fashion, Beauty and Commercial retouching. My work can be seen in variety of fashion magazines worldwide. I know how to retouch fast and in the right way. Thats why I am the best person you could have to teach you lingerie and swimmwear retouching.Lingerie and swimwear are one of most desired types of photography - yet, one of the most difficult when it comes to retouching. Learning this the right way, puts you above the competition.For Photographers:Except retouching I am myself huge enthusiast of photography, thats why I understand how time taking process is to organize session, shoot, and select images. And after all there are images you need to retouch and deliver! I know what means to retouch efficient and at the same time non-destructive and natural, creating great atmosphere and dynamic lights on the images!I will teach you how to process your Raw files and then teach you how to clean them up in photoshop - fast and natural. I will practice with you Dodge & Burn process in my special training lessons so you will not spend hours during the Dodge & Burn process. And what is most important, I understand how the lights and shadows work. I will show you how to adjust contrast and polish lights, howt o work selectively just on the model - not on the background.And of course color grading and skin tones. One of most important things in such a photography like lingerie and swimwear. It is your task to create amazing color composition. I will share knowledge on color theory, so you will know your color choices will be on point. You will know how to create desired skin tones, how to warm them up. Or how to work on background. Just to make sure - you deliver outstanding images!For Retouchers:This is my thing! I have been retoucher for a good years and I have been working with variety of photographers. I know how this works looks like, and I know what companies, agencies, or magazines require from images. I will teach you everything you will need to know to work as a retoucher. Every subject you might face during your retouching work is explained in this course!Course subjects:RAW Processing in Camera Raw as well as in LightroomImage selection and adjusting images during raw processingCleaning up lessons: skin retouching, hair retouching, background hair cleaning up, body hair retouching, clothes retouching, make up retouchingTraining lessons with retouching toolsIntroduction to masks and Dodge & BurnTraining lessons for Dodge & BurnFull Dodge & Burn Process, explaining how to do it. How to build layers and customize Dodge & Burn bursh.Color corrections and fixing color shifts.Working with Lights and shadows selectively using luminosity masks.Extracting Model from the Background.Working with light on specyfic areas.Color Grading.Working selectively with color and skin tones.Skin Toning.Making final adjustements to the images.Liquifying images.Final touch ups for printing.Be a post production professional!Marcin"
Price: 199.99

"Night Light Portraits - Photoshop Retouching"
"In this course we are looking at the subject of night portrait photography and editing in photoshop.Night portraits can be really impressive form of art, yet they can be nothing without proper knowledge of photoshop which is cruical for creating stunning portraits at night.Why is it so demanding? It is no secret that to take a great portrait we need to have enough light, simply because it is way easier to take images in such an environment. Unfortunately when taking portraits at night we have much less light available - and the one that we have it's often from neons or lanterns. Naturaly if we want to create good image we will not be using high iso which will give us a lot of noise and rough look. We will try to preserve as many details as possible - and because of that our images might be underexposed.In this course I will lead you step by step from raw conversion. I will show you how to make image look better in camera raw or lightroom and prepare it for retouching in photoshop.In photoshop I will teach how how to clean up image in non destructive way using empty layer and dodge & burn, as well as I will show you techniques that will help you to even out harsh transitions!As a next step we will be working with lights and shadows, we will be adjusting contrasts and working with colors based on color harmonies. I will show you not onlhy how to tone the image but how to use existing colors better to make the object stand out.We will finish the course with my final adjustements, just to make sure every light and color on the image is as it supposed to be!Enjoy!Marcin"
Price: 59.99

"Creating LUTs in Photoshop - For Images and Videos!"
"Editing videos can be challenging. It often depends on many different conditions to edit a video or a still frame.There are a lot of different conditions to edit for in Great way to help you speed up your editing process are LUTs!So what the LUT stand for? It means Look Up Tables which use RGB (red, green and blue) channels of an frame, which you can apply to other image or video to change it RGB values. Which can also save you a lot of time!So who LUTs are so important and how can they improve your workflow? Imagine you are having set of an images that need to have the same colors. You can just use one image to create the certain effect and save it as and Look Up Table, and after that just apply excatly the same after to all of your images without wasting time. Or maybe you work on the video to which you want to apply some creative color grading. You can use LUTs on your videos to create the look you really want withing wasting a time.In this coruse we will work and create 3D LUTS. Whichgive you accurate and realistic color control by putting color into a 3D cube which hold inputs and outputs of your RGB channels.LUTs are extremaly beneficial for enhancing tones and lights of the videos and images without spending hours on editing. Learning how to create them can allow you to customize color grading for your own needs, or help you to sell LUTs to other people who are looking for saving time solutions.In this course I am going to teach you everything from beginning that is needed to create high quality LUTs. We will start simple by indoructing you photoshop adjustement layers which are cruical part when it comes to creating basic LUTs.Later, with help of LUT generator we will be creating advanced LUTs using Adjustement layers and Camera Raw, which gives you amazing control on each and specyfic color as well as allows you to adjust the contrast in a very precise way!Create you own LUTs, to stand out with your color grading, and inspire other people by giving them the oportunity to use your color expertise on their projects!What is the great part of this course - you will get acces to the 12 LUTs we created in this coruse. As well as acces to the images that will help you to create your own LUTs for the future!Enjoy the course!Marcin"
Price: 99.99

"Portrait with Black and White Background: Photoshop Tutorial"
"In this class you will take a photograph and isolate the background making it black and white in photoshop. This is a great technique to bring life to some of those otherwise bland portraits.Adobe Photoshop is one of the most useful tools to learn. It has so many applications, and is used by people in a handful of industries including: photography, marketing, illustration, branding, video, and more.Required ClassSuppliesAdobe Photoshop. All class tutorials are recorded on a Mac using Photoshop CC. You do not need a Mac or the most recent version of Photoshop to follow along. Most of the tools are consistent across all versions of Photoshop.Please note: Photoshop Elements is a limited version of Photoshop and is not recommended for this course."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Alexa"
"Hello learners, this is an Intermediatelevelcourse onAlexa Skills Development,which will enhance your knowledge on building Alexa Skills, as you will learn about integrating APIs,Web applications, Raspberry pi 3and AWS IoT along with an Alexa Skill.The coursebegins withthe date skill, a skill thatwill interact with the Wikipedia API to get useful informationofa date. After that,asimple IoT Skill, which will help you understand the basics of interacting with AWS IoT. Then, the color game skill, where you will build an Interactive web game with an Alexa Skill, which will help you understand the changes required for controlling an existing web application using an Alexa skill. Lastly, the Raspberry pi-car skill, where you will learn to control the Raspberry pi-car using an Alexa Skill through AWS IoT.The coursegives detailed explanations for all the coding involved in developing theseAlexa Skillsand alsohas fewprojectsthatcan help you topracticeand masterthe concepts byyourself. While doing theprojects and going through the course, you can feel free toask yourdoubts on the Udemy discussion forum. Youwill get a responsewithin one working day. Thank you and have a nice time learning."
Price: 194.99

"Mastering Google Actions"
"Hello learners, this is an Intermediatelevelcourse onGoogle Actions,which will enhance your knowledge on building actions for Google Assistant.The course starts off with integrating yourGoogle Action with the Firebase database and then you will be introduced to the various Node.js commands that will be of use in communicating with the Database.We will then make an extremely useful ""Remembering Action"" making use of the database to create a highly personalized experience for the users.Then we will move into creating a Guessing Game that will showcase many functionalities of Firebase Database and Dialogflow.We will also take a look at the add-ons Google Assistant offers like, Carousel, Listings and SuggestionsFinally we will control our Raspberry Pi using Google Assistant by making the Raspberry Pi as a server.The coursegives detailed explanations for all the coding involved in developing theseActions and alsohas fewprojectsthatcan help you topracticeand masterthe concepts byyourself. While doing theprojects and going through the course,feel free toask yourdoubts on the Udemy discussion forum. You can bet ongetting a responsewithin one working day. Thank you and have a nice time learning."
Price: 194.99

"Mastering Alexa for Business"
"Hello learners, this is the nextcourse in the series of coursesonAlexa Skills Development,which will help you get started with Alexa for business of AWS and buildAlexaskills that will besuitable solutions for a business problem orimprovements for already existing processes.The course kicks off with the exploration ofthe features of Alexa for business, and then in the next section, we will develop a private skill that will help to improve the process of sending Emails within the organization. After that, in the next section, we will develop a private skill that will guide new recruits to get familiar with the places inside an organization and then, we will develop a private skill that will help everyone to send maintenance issues as slack messages and SMS alerts to the Maintenance team. Finally, In the last section, we will develop a private skill that will flash brief organization related announcements and news.The coursegives detailed explanations for all the coding involved in developing theseAlexa Skillsand alsohas fewprojectsthatcan help you topracticeand masterthe concepts byyourself. While doing theprojects and going through the course, you can feel free toask yourdoubts on the Udemy discussion forum. Youwill get a responsewithin one working day. Thank you and have a nice time learning."
Price: 194.99

"From Classroom Teacher to Educational Consultant Academy"
"Im Kiana, and Im a teacherpreneur and educational consultant. Im passionate about empowering educators to earn more money and work a flexible schedule while remaining in the field of education. Heres the story of why I became an educational consultantI began in education as a secondary mathematics teacher, and I loved the positive impact I made in the lives of my students, however, it didnt take long to realize that I wanted to impact education in a greater way.After my years in the classroom, I was worked as an elementary and secondary instructional coach. I thrived in instructional coaching and loved the ability to travel to and speak at conferences and to work directly with teachers, which allowed me to impact more students. The only downside was my income didnt increase at all with this new position.I realized that there were a few pieces of the puzzle missing to create true fulfillment in my career.Freedom in my life, lifestyle, and careerFulfillment and the ability to dedicate more time to my familyMore time for my dreams and desires-because I wanted to purse entrepreneurial endeavors and had virtually no time to do soThen, I stumbled upon the titleEducational Consultanton LinkedIN. After reading the profiles of a few consultants, and doing additional research online, I knew becoming an educational consultant would be the key to being able to:Serve teachers and studentsin an impactful wayHave aflexible schedulewhere I could have control over my work scheduleDouble my teacher compensation while working a fraction of the timeThe vision of where I wanted to be was crystal clear; I just needed a plan for how to get there.In this online academy, Ive packaged all of the insight and knowledge from my quest in becoming an educational consultant and made it readily available and easily accessible for you.Maybe you are currently:Working in a school you love, but you desire to impact more students and teachersStuck in the classroom and looking for a way to work directly with teachersWorking as an instructional leader out of the classroom and ready to explore options on a bigger scaleYour heart is leading you to impact education in a bigger way. You want to share your experience and knowledge with as many teachers as possible without having to start your own company from scratch. You want to align yourself with an education-focused company that will position you to increase your impact and serve more teachers and students. You also want to be compensated greater in the process.From Classroom Teacher To Educational Consultant Academy is your blueprint for aligning with education focused companies as an Educational Consultant with so you can increase your impact and serve more teachers while earning more money.From Classroom Teacher To Consultant Academywill help you identify the companies you should align with to become an educational consultant, outline an exact process for securing a position with a company, and finally walk into a career in education you never knew was possible.I createdFrom Classroom Teacher To Consultant Academyfor amazing educators like you. The ones who are ready to make the leap from the classroom and serve education in a broader way as an educational consultant.In From Classroom Teacher To Educational Consultant Academy you will learn to:Identity education focused companies that would be a great fit for you to consult forRe-write your teacher resume to highlight the skills required to be a consultantWrite a letter of introduction that sets you apart for the crowdConduct an innovative job search process that will land you multiple offersLeverage LinkedIn to grow your network as a consultantInterview like an educational consultant proWork with school leaders and adult learnersHere's What You'll Have Access To:- A SERIES OF 3 LEARNING MODULES- ENGAGING TEACHING VIDEOS- DETAILED WORKSHEETS TO DOCUMENT NOTES AND ACTION STEPS- BONUS CAREER RESOURCES AND EXPERT INTERVIEWSThis academy is not for you ifYou dont want to explore options for being an instructional leader outside the traditional classroomYou dont have at least two hours each week while in the academy to dedicate to building your dream career in educationPartnering with an education-focused company to deliver consulting on behalf of their company is not really what you see yourself doingYoure actually really happy being a classroom teacher and do not have a desire to explore other opportunitiesYoure biggest goal is to just get out of the classroom and never teach another lesson againYoure content with the compensation you earn as an educator and do not desire to earn moreBecause the truth isAlthough educational consultants are educators we work in a variety of educational settings including in school, for districts, and onlineTo get the maximum benefit from the online academy, you will have to do the workThis is not a course that will help you start your own consulting company. I teach you the strategies Ive used to partner with national education-focused companies to consult for existing, established, and well respected companies in educationEducational consultants serve teachers in a variety of ways including teaching model lessons from time-to-timeEducational Consultants have the potential increase their compensation substantially, often working fewer days and with greater flexibility."
Price: 99.99

"Moldes de silicon y replica de la figura humana (escultura)"
"Este curso te permite aprender a realizar piezas tridimensionales de resina llena y solidaa partir de una escultura anatomica original: puede ser una pieza de tu creacin (no sabes como hacerle? Aprende como en el curso: ""Aprende los secretos de esculpir la figura humana masculina)o simplemente una piezaque te encanta.Para lograr esto, realizaremos paso a paso todo el proceso: crearemos un molde de caucho de silicon con concha de resina con fibra de vidrioy haremos el ""vaciado"" de resina solida(el resultado final).Una vez que realices un molde de caucho de silicon, puedes hacer numerosas piezas a partir de estas: bastar con repetir el proceso del ""vaciado"" las veces que quieras, todas sern idnticas al objeto original.ES UNA TECNICA DIFERENTE RESPETO AL OTRO CURSO DE MOLDES Y FIBRA DE VIDRIOQUE IMPARTO (Secretos de moldes en silicon y escultura en fibra de vidrio).Puedes crear replicas de tus propios modelados en plastilina, barro, epoxica, cermica etc o replicar otras piezas de material rgido.Esta tecnica es LABASE DE:-escultura tradicional para crear mas de una pieza a partir del modelado original. la pieza final puede ser de resina llena sin fibra de vidrio (como en este video), de resina y fibra de vidrio,de yeso o cemento, de cualquier otro material- la tcnica de la cera perdida en bronce. De este mismo molde se pueden elaborar ceras que enla fundicin se utilizan para crear los bronces finales- pronto estaremos subiendo un video de como realizar un trabajo de bronce- en la industria de los ART TOYS para crear modelos idnticos que puedes luego customizar, modificar e intervenir.Conoce los materiales mas indicados y profesionales y el proceso creativo paso a paso.Realiza tu propia pieza gracias a instrucciones sencillas y claras.ES ELCOMPLEMENTO IDEALDE LOSCURSOS DE MODELADO, buscalos en Udemy:- APRENDE LOS SECRETOS DE LA ESCULTURA Y MODELADO PROFESIONAL- APRENDE LOS SECRETOS DE ESCULPIR LA FIGURA HUMANA MASCULINAIMPORTANTE: este curso ensea una tcnica diferente respeto al curso ""Moldes en silicon y replicas en fibra de vidrio"". De que forma son diferentes?1) El curso ""Secretos de moldes en silicon y escultura en fibra de vidrio"" ensea diferentes tipos de llaves y el silicon contenido en la resina (ac las llaves son de otro tipo y el silicon ocupa el mismo ancho de la resina)2) En el curso""Secretos de moldes en silicon y escultura en fibra de vidrio"" haremos piezas huecas (ligeras, apto a piezas como lamparas o piezas grandes para ahorrar material)mientras en este curso haremos piezas llenas (mas apto para piezas pequeas)Recuerda que gozas de una garanta de 30 das!"
Price: 54.99

"Learn fiberglass-silicon molds and sculpture"
"More than 600 students in the same Spanish version! This course allows you to learn how to make three-dimensional pieces of resin and fiberglass from an original piece: it can be a piece of your creation or simply an object that you love.To achieve this, we will carry out the entire process step by step: we will create a mold made of silicone rubber with resin shell with glass fiber and we will make the hollow ""emptying"" also of resin with fiberglass (the final result).Once you make a silicon rubber mold, you can make numerous pieces from these: just repeat the process of ""emptying"" as many times as you want, all will be identical to the original object.You can create replicas of your own modeling in plasticine, mud, epoxy, ceramics etc or replicate other pieces of rigid material.This technique is THE BASIS OF:- Traditional sculpture to create more than one piece from the original modeling. The final piece can be resin and fiberglass (as in this video), filled resin without fiberglass, plaster or cement, any other material- the technique of lost wax in bronze. From this same mold can be made waxes that in the foundry are used to create the final bronzes - soon we will be uploading a video of how to make a bronze work- in the ART TOYS industry to create identical models that you can then customize, modify and intervene.Know the most indicated and professional materials and the creative process step by step.Make your own piece thanks to simple and clear instructions.IT IS THE IDEAL COMPLEMENT OF THE MODELING COURSE, look for itin Udemy:- LEARN THE SECRETS OF SCULPTURE AND PROFESSIONAL MODELING- LEARN TU SCULPT THE MALE BODYCLARIFICATION:- In this course ""Learn the secrets of fiberglass and silicon molds and sculptures"" the final figure is hollow (fiberglass is used in layers) and filled (optional) with polyurethane, although it can be left hollow (for example to make a lamp ) THIS TECHNIQUE IS SUITABLE FOR MEDIUM OR LARGE PARTS- In the course ""how to mold and cast in resin the human figure"" the final figure is solid (filled with resin) and fiberglass is NOT used. THIS TECHNIQUE IS SUITABLE FOR SMALL OR MEDIUM PIECESDo not miss the advice and techniques of a professional!Remember that you have a 30 day guarantee!"
Price: 74.99

"How to Confidently make Business Approaches that get Results"
"If you've ever struggled opening doors to businesses, large or small to form business relationships, then theIMPACT toolis the course for you.I created this course at the request of corporates and universities to help solve a growing problem. To help solve the issue with how many people approach building relationships and forming deals, which often leads many people to failure and rejection. It doesn't have to be that way though!I am paid handsomely to teach this course at corporate workshops and at leading universities to entrepreneurial students and it's always had fantastic feedback. I produce this same course for you here so you can use the same technique that I created and now teach leading professionals. It's the same tool I used in my business to form relationships with Virgin, Sony, Microsoft and many other leading brands and all that as a solo entrepreneur, many miles away from where any of these companies are based. I'll teach you how I did it and how easy it is to repeat if you follow my Impact tool.The IMPACT tool will take you step by step through a process that will help change the way you think about relations and the way you approach them. I teach you how to create true win-wins that everyone warms too and in many cases even thank you for approaching them.If you want to learn this amazing tool, then hit the button above and see you on the inside!Business Relationship Excellence: Create IMPACT to win deals. Business development and sales will feel a breeze."
Price: 194.99

"OSINT: Open-Source Intelligence"
"In this course you will be learning about OSINT (Open-source intelligence) from a hacker's point of view. Tools, techniques, setting up a virtual lab, and how to protect yourself. This is a comprehensive course that will be using free open source tools to investigate people and companies. No matter if you are totally new to the fascinating world of OSINT and hacking or have some experience, this course willwalk you through how both hackers and investigators use these tools and why.Get stuck or have a question? Always feel free to send me a message and I will do my best to help you out!"
Price: 49.99

"Ethereum Game Development: Build A Game On The Blockchain"
"Have you seen everyone else get involved with Ethereum...But youre confused on how to join?Have you heard about Ethereum Development...But not sure how to build something practical?Maybe, youre interested in learning Advanced Ethereum Development...By building a fun game (Tic-Tac-Toe)?Well, worry no more!In this Ethereum Game Development Course, were going to help you alleviate all of those questions you have around building something practical,upon the Ethereum Blockchain....Working with the ecosystem at more depth, practically, than any other Ethereum Development Course, so by the end, youll have greater proficiency in Ethereum Development.Just so youre aware, Myself - Ravinder, and Thomas, will be taking you through this course.Were creators of some of the Best-Selling Cryptocurrency & Blockchain courses. Teaching, now approaching, 100,000+ Learners in over 190Countries. Which is pretty incredible, it just goes to prove the scale of Cryptocurrency & Blockchain adoption globally.Now this course has a pure and simple goal.Were going to help you build a Tic-Tac-ToeGame upon the Ethereum Blockchain, so you can become a more proficient Ethereum Blockchain Developer. Following which, youll have worked with the Ethereum Blockchain at a more advanced level.Thats the pure and simple goal, but, that entails covering every element of the Ethereum Blockchain Development journey, which were sure youre going to find fascinating."
Price: 199.99

"Cryptocurrency Mastery A-Z: Complete Guide To AltCoins"
"Have you heard about Cryptocurrencies...But Not Exactly Sure On What They Are?Seen everyone else get involved with Cryptocurrencies...But Youre Confused On How To Join In?Maybeyoure interested in learning about the...Economic And Technological Impact Of Cryptocurrencies?Well, worry no more...In this Cryptocurrency Mastery Course, Im going to help you alleviate all of those questions you have around Cryptocurrencies, and then more!Discussing the ecosystem much more concisely than any other Cryptocurrency course, so by the end...You Will Be An Educated Cryptocurrency User!Just so youre aware, Im the instructor that will be taking you through this course...My name is; Ravinder, and Im the creator of some of the Best-Selling Cryptocurrency & Blockchain courses.Teaching, Now Approaching, 100,000+ Learners in over 190 Countries.Which is pretty incredible!It Just Goes To Prove The Scale Of Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Adoption Globally!Now this course, has a pure and simple goal.Im Going To Help You Understand Cryptocurrencies, With No Fluff...So you can become an educated user within this ecosystem. Following which you can use this new gained knowledge to potentially profit from it.Thats the pure and simple goal, but, that entails...Touching Upon Every Element Of This Ecosystem...Which Im sure youre going to find fascinating.I look forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 49.99

"Complete CSS Flexbox course & a real world website project"
"Before Flexbox arrived on the screen, we had to use relative or absolute positioning, floats, clears and 100s of lines of code to achieve a decent website layout.All of that's changed now.With CSS Flexbox, you can layout your website's design in just a few lines of code, and even make it responsive!No more frameworks like Bootstrap to make up for the shortcomings in CSS. Become a professional web designer in just a few hours.If you know the very basics of HTML and CSS, you're all set.Spend a few hours learning a bunch of Flexboxsyntaxes, and you'll be creatingawesome web layoutsin no time at all!You don't need to learn a bunch of frameworks to become a pro web designer now!What will you learn in ourcourse?1. How to create a simple one dimensional web layout with header, footer, 2-3 columns with content and navigation bar without using floats or positioning properties.2. How to make your website, no matter the layout, into a full-blownresponsive website, without using any external frameworks like Bootstrap.3. How to create widgets, carousels, applications, galleries, navigation bars, menu items etc.,andhow to display & positionthem without worrying abut collapsing elements like you usually do.4. How to control the position, size and spacing of elements relative to their parent elements and each other and how to make each item responsive.5. How to layout the elements of your website horizontally or vertically or both and how to change the alignment with just a single line of code.6. How to order elements on the page without changing their order in your HTML code.7. How to automatically change the width and heights of the elements so they fill up the space of their parent containers, without giving fixed dimensions.What are some real world applications of what you learn in thiscourse?By applying the concepts you learn in this course, you can code and design:1. A simple, one dimensional, 2 or 3 column website that are perfect for small businesses.2. More complicated websites with more columns. With the concepts you learn, your imagination is your only limit. You can make the layout as simple or complicated as you want it to be.3. Create websites for smart phones and tablets. Responsive web designing.4. Turn an existing website responsive by adding flexbox properties to the layout.5. Create portfolio websites of every kind that can be showcased in your projects and job applications.6. Get freelance projects on the fly because you now have a VERY valuable skillset added to your resume.Sky is the limit!You can apply what you learn here anywhere in the web space, in any sphere.Your imagination is your only obstacle to how you applywhat you learn here in yourreal world projects.How is this course designed?Our course has 4 modules, where each module will thoroughly explain the intricacies of one of the concepts in Flexbox with a wealth of over-the-shoulder examples.We'll be using a real world example to explain the concepts.Here are the modules:Module 1 -Flex container and display- This is thefoundationsmodule. Well look at how to make an element a flex container so that its child items can be manipulated. We'll also look at what Flex items are and their significance. In this module, we'll be creating and designing a menu bar, one that looks like the ones used in websites of the real world. We'll be using this menu bar to explain the Flex properties and how they affect website elements.Module 2 -Basic flex properties- In this module, well look at how to manipulate the flex items of a flex container, that is, how to shrink it, grow it, wrap it if it gets too big for the screen, set a basic width or height for it, etc.Module 3 -Enhancement properties-Well look at further enhancement properties for the flex items, like aligning them in multiple ways, manipulating individual items, changing orders, etcModule 4 - Create a website - real world project -In this module, you'll learn how to create a simple, 2-column website, one that looks like most of the small business HTMLwebsites out there. You'll also learn how to make it completely responsive.We also cover a lot ofexamples and projects, like:1. Mini project at the start of the website where we create a real world navigation/menu bar and make it completely responsive.2. A real world 2-column website with a responsive header, navigation bar, 2 columns (main content and sidebar)and footer. We'll also make the entire website responsive.Why should you choose our course?1. We like to bethorough in our teaching. You'll find everything you need to start creating awesome web designs and layoutswith Flexboxcode/syntaxesin this course. You won't have to look anywhere else.2. We strongly advocatelearning by doing, rather than just listening or reading. Our lectures are filled with awealth of examplesthat explain every concept clearly.3. If you follow along with our examples in ourover-the-shoulder trainings, and create the mini project and apply the propertiesalong with us, you'll be confident in embarking into the world of Flexboxand web design (responsive and otherwise)by the time you finish ourcourse. You'll be able to confidently add this as askill in your resume.4. We prefercreating fun projects to explain the conceptsand to keep things interesting as well.You'll learn how to apply the concepts you learn in the course in the real world projects andexamples.So, what are you waiting for?Enroll nowand start creating awesomeweb layouts and designs with CSSFlexboxsyntaxes in no time at all!"
Price: 94.99

"Real-time Credit card Fraud Detection using Spark 2.2"
"Real-time Credit card Fraud Detection is implemented using Spark Kafka and Cassandra. Spark ML Pipeline Stages like String Indexer, One Hot Encoder and Vector Assembler is used for Pre-processing Machine Learning model is created using the Random Forest AlgorithmData balancing is done using K-means Algorithm Integration of Spark Streaming Job with Kafka and CassandraExactly-once semantics is achieved using Spark Streaming custom offset managementAirflow Automation framework is used to automate Spark Jobs on Spark Standalone Cluster."
Price: 24.99

"Best Gov't Grants & Free Services to Start Internet Business"
"Stop Wasting Time On Google Looking for Free Money and Help To Start A Business or To Work On Your Invention.If youGoogle ""Business Grants"" right now, you'll get116 MILLIONwebsites that are promising to help you.If you Google 'Invention Grants"", you see 25 MILLIONwebsites.You're not going to live long enough to figure out which of these websites offer legitimate funding and help. And you will never find those legitimatehidden treasures that actually help you get the money you need and give you all they free help necessary for you to start and grow.WHYDOESTHEGOVERNMENTDOTHIS?The law says that they have to spend this money on inventors and entrepreneurs every year. The politicians passed thislaw becausestudies show that small businesses and inventors create more jobs for the rest of us then the big companies.1...Be One of the 17,000 New Small Businesses That Share $4.6 Billion Every Year2AnyEntrepreneur or Inventor Can GetFree Consulting from The Best Business Expertsin America3...10 Ways YouCan Put $10,000 into Your Pocket After One Free Visit4Watch Video Interviews of These Free Experts and Learn How They Help You5Watch 10 Video InterviewsPeople Like You Who Explain Their SuccessUsing These Programs6Learn AboutSpecial Banks that Give You Free Grant Money toStart Your Business7Learn How To Search ""TheGreatest Database in America"" because ItOnly's Shows You Free Money Sources and Services to Live On While You Start Your Business8LearnThe Truth About Grants and OtherFree Money Programs on The Internet and Never Be ScammedAgainGet all the websites, applications andcontact information you needto start taking advantage of these great opportunities TODAY!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Gov't Grants To Get Out of Debt Free...NO Debt Relief Scams"
"Consumers Waste Millions On Debt Relief Scams Every year millions of Americas are wasting thousands and thousands of dollars falling for debt scams that proliferate the internet. A Google search of Debt shows 274 MILLION websites. Bad People Prey On Your Fear and Anxiety They play on your fear and anxiety of being in debt and the fact that the average consumer is unaware that there are free programs all across the country that can help you solve your debt problems for free. You Never Find the Free Help Using Google These programs dont advertise on Google, so you will never find then when you search the internet for debt relief. This course will show you: -How to avoid debt relief scams -How the internet makes you pay for financial services when you dont have to -How some of best free financial counselors in America will help you solve your debt problems for free -How to never pay anyone to solve your student debt problems -How knowledge from free experts can give you instant peace of mind with your debt problems -How you can tap into free government grants, direct payments, services and more experts to help solve your financial problems"
Price: 19.99

"California Residents: Apply To 327 Grants & Free Services"
"In 2018 every householdin Californiawill receive an average of $25,106.99in extraincomefrom Government programs....(Source: U.S.Bureau of Economic Analysis)This course isAmerica'sMost Complete Reference Sourceto (practically) Every Free Source of Money and Help available from Government Offices, Non-Profit Organizations and the Internet for People Living in CaliforniaIncluding: Personal Grants, Forgivable Loans, Unclaimed Property, Free Professional Services & Sources of Extra Income That Cost Zero $0Programs you will never find searching Google because these programs don't advertise.Produced By America's #1 Free Money Expert Matthew Lesko Award Winning Financial Columnist, Serial Entrepreneur,and New York Times Best Selling Author Over 40 Years of Free Money Research ExperienceLearn where to applyand how to apply, to every legitimate programavailableto you because you live in Georgia.Money Programs And Services No One Tells You About.YOUNEVERNEED AGRANTWRITER -90% Of Applications for Individual Grants are 3 or 4 PageFill-In-the Blank FormsFor All Incomes and for Every Aspect of Your Life: -Pay Your Bills and Expenses -Free Training To Get A Better Job -Start a Home Business or Become a Freelancer -Get Out of Debt -Get Your Student Loans Forgiven -Get aGEDor a Phd -Pay for Health Care, Dental Care or Pet Care -Emergency Money for Rent, Mortgage or Utility Payments -Free Transportation and Day Care -Free Legal Help -Free Child Care, Elder Care, and Respite Care -Loans Cheaper Than The Bank and Some You Don't Pay Back -18 Government Agencies Sitting on Unclaimed Money You Forgot About -Free Tax Helpand Grants From The IRS -Generate Extra Cash from Your Home, Car, Closet or Your Extra TimeEvery Money Program and Service Described Requires ZERO $0 Cash -$8,000 Grant to Train for A Better Job -Banks That Put an Extra $5,000 Grant Into Your Savings Account -Show An Employer to Get $9,600 from Gov't If They Hire You -Go to The Best Graduate Schools In the World for $1,000 -Accredited University Provides Free OnlineEducation -Double Your Salary With Paid IT Apprenticeship -Free Help ToGetRid of Creditors -Business Loans at Zero0% Interest -$1,165 Extra Cash Because You Are A Senior -$700 Emergency Cash -Save $1,000 Per Month On Your Mortgage Payment -$35,000 Because You Were A Victim of Crime -$2,500 To Work on an Art Project -Get $1,000 From A Bill CollectorWho's Not Nice -Free Cars and Free Car Repairs -Free Cell Phone and 500 Minutes Per Month -Cash To Buy Fresh Food At Farmers Market -Get $2,000 Windfall for Unclaimed Cash -$7,000 to $50,000 To Fix Up Your Home -Monthly Grants To Pay Mortgage Payments -$3,500 Grants for Co-Pays On Your Health Insurance -$22,000 to Adapt a Car for Your Disability -50% Off Pet VetBills -Gov't Lawyers Collect When You Get A Bad Check -$30,000 Back from Your Mortgage Company -6 Million Who Don't Apply for $2,482 IRS Grant -Free Database of 10,000 Personal Grants -Get Free Money from Your Congressperson -$25/Hr to Be a Part-Time Flexible Home Assistant -Make $12-$15HrDelivering Groceries -Be One of the 800,000 Pet Lovers Making Up to $30K/Yrat Home -Make $300 Having Extra People Over for Dinner -Make an Extra $800/Mowith Real Estate Owning No Real Estate -Make Up to $350/Mowith Your Car When You Are Not Using It -Make $1,300 with A Yard Sale with No Yard -Make $300/MoSharing Your Knowledge and Skills on Line -Start a T-Shirt Business With ZERO $0 Cash -Get $3,000/Moto Work On Your Art or Craft -Free Cars and Car RepairMatthew Lesko Fair Trade GuaranteeI Will Always, Always, AlwaysRefund Your Money, If For Any Reason You Do Not Believe This Is Fair Product Sold at a Fair PriceThis course isAmerica'sMost Complete Reference Sourceto (practically) Every Free Source of Money and Help available from Government Offices, Non-Profit Organizations and the Internet for People Living in California."
Price: 79.99

"New Jersey Residents: Apply To 327 Grants and Free Services"
"In 2018 every householdin New Jerseywill receive an average of $19,784.01 in extraincomefrom Government programs....(Source: U.S.Bureau of Economic Analysis)This course isAmerica'sMost Complete Reference Sourceto (practically) Every Free Source of Money and Help available from Government Offices, Non-Profit Organizations and the Internet for People Living in NewJersey.Including: Personal Grants, Forgivable Loans, Unclaimed Property, Free Professional Services & Sources of Extra Income That Cost Zero $0Programs you will never find searching Google because these programs don't advertise.Produced By America's #1 Free Money Expert Matthew Lesko Award Winning Financial Columnist, Serial Entrepreneur,and New York Times Best Selling Author Over 40 Years of Free Money Research ExperienceLearn where to applyand how to apply, to every legitimate programavailableto you because you live in Georgia.Money Programs And Services No One Tells You About.YOUNEVERNEED AGRANTWRITER -90% Of Applications for Individual Grants are 3 or 4 PageFill-In-the Blank FormsFor All Incomes and for Every Aspect of Your Life: -Pay Your Bills and Expenses -Free Training To Get A Better Job -Start a Home Business or Become a Freelancer -Get Out of Debt -Get Your Student Loans Forgiven -Get aGEDor a Phd -Pay for Health Care, Dental Care or Pet Care -Emergency Money for Rent, Mortgage or Utility Payments -Free Transportation and Day Care -Free Legal Help -Free Child Care, Elder Care, and Respite Care -Loans Cheaper Than The Bank and Some You Don't Pay Back -18 Government Agencies Sitting on Unclaimed Money You Forgot About -Free Tax Helpand Grants From The IRS -Generate Extra Cash from Your Home, Car, Closet or Your Extra TimeEvery Money Program and Service Described Requires ZERO $0 Cash -$8,000 Grant to Train for A Better Job -Banks That Put an Extra $5,000 Grant Into Your Savings Account -Show An Employer to Get $9,600 from Gov't If They Hire You -Go to The Best Graduate Schools In the World for $1,000 -Accredited University Provides Free OnlineEducation -Double Your Salary With Paid IT Apprenticeship -Free Help ToGetRid of Creditors -Business Loans at Zero0% Interest -$1,165 Extra Cash Because You Are A Senior -$700 Emergency Cash -Save $1,000 Per Month On Your Mortgage Payment -$35,000 Because You Were A Victim of Crime -$2,500 To Work on an Art Project -Get $1,000 From A Bill CollectorWho's Not Nice -Free Cars and Free Car Repairs -Free Cell Phone and 500 Minutes Per Month -Cash To Buy Fresh Food At Farmers Market -Get $2,000 Windfall for Unclaimed Cash -$7,000 to $50,000 To Fix Up Your Home -Monthly Grants To Pay Mortgage Payments -$3,500 Grants for Co-Pays On Your Health Insurance -$22,000 to Adapt a Car for Your Disability -50% Off Pet VetBills -Gov't Lawyers Collect When You Get A Bad Check -$30,000 Back from Your Mortgage Company -6 Million Who Don't Apply for $2,482 IRS Grant -Free Database of 10,000 Personal Grants -Get Free Money from Your Congressperson -$25/Hr to Be a Part-Time Flexible Home Assistant -Make $12-$15HrDelivering Groceries -Be One of the 800,000 Pet Lovers Making Up to $30K/Yrat Home -Make $300 Having Extra People Over for Dinner -Make an Extra $800/Mowith Real Estate Owning No Real Estate -Make Up to $350/Mowith Your Car When You Are Not Using It -Make $1,300 with A Yard Sale with No Yard -Make $300/MoSharing Your Knowledge and Skills on Line -Start a T-Shirt Business With ZERO $0 Cash -Get $3,000/Moto Work On Your Art or Craft -Free Cars and Car RepairMatthew Lesko Fair Trade GuaranteeI Will Always, Always, AlwaysRefund Your Money, If For Any Reason You Do Not Believe This Is Fair Product Sold at a Fair PriceThis course isAmerica'sMost Complete Reference Sourceto (practically) Every Free Source of Money and Help available from Government Offices, Non-Profit Organizations and the Internet for People Living in New Jersey."
Price: 79.99

"New York Residents Apply to 327 Grants and Free Services"
"In 2018 every householdin New Yourwill receive an average of $19,784.01 in extraincomefrom Government programs....(Source: U.S.Bureau of Economic Analysis)This course isAmerica'sMost Complete Reference Sourceto (practically) Every Free Source of Money and Help available from Government Offices, Non-Profit Organizations and the Internet for People Living in New YorkIncluding: Personal Grants, Forgivable Loans, Unclaimed Property, Free Professional Services & Sources of Extra Income That Cost Zero $0Programs you will never find searching Google because these programs don't advertise.Produced By America's #1 Free Money Expert Matthew Lesko Award Winning Financial Columnist, Serial Entrepreneur,and New York Times Best Selling Author Over 40 Years of Free Money Research ExperienceLearn where to applyand how to apply, to every legitimate programavailableto you because you live in Georgia.Money Programs And Services No One Tells You About.YOUNEVERNEED AGRANTWRITER -90% Of Applications for Individual Grants are 3 or 4 PageFill-In-the Blank FormsFor All Incomes and for Every Aspect of Your Life: -Pay Your Bills and Expenses -Free Training To Get A Better Job -Start a Home Business or Become a Freelancer -Get Out of Debt -Get Your Student Loans Forgiven -Get aGEDor a Phd -Pay for Health Care, Dental Care or Pet Care -Emergency Money for Rent, Mortgage or Utility Payments -Free Transportation and Day Care -Free Legal Help -Free Child Care, Elder Care, and Respite Care -Loans Cheaper Than The Bank and Some You Don't Pay Back -18 Government Agencies Sitting on Unclaimed Money You Forgot About -Free Tax Helpand Grants From The IRS -Generate Extra Cash from Your Home, Car, Closet or Your Extra TimeEvery Money Program and Service Described Requires ZERO $0 Cash -$8,000 Grant to Train for A Better Job -Banks That Put an Extra $5,000 Grant Into Your Savings Account -Show An Employer to Get $9,600 from Gov't If They Hire You -Go to The Best Graduate Schools In the World for $1,000 -Accredited University Provides Free OnlineEducation -Double Your Salary With Paid IT Apprenticeship -Free Help ToGetRid of Creditors -Business Loans at Zero0% Interest -$1,165 Extra Cash Because You Are A Senior -$700 Emergency Cash -Save $1,000 Per Month On Your Mortgage Payment -$35,000 Because You Were A Victim of Crime -$2,500 To Work on an Art Project -Get $1,000 From A Bill CollectorWho's Not Nice -Free Cars and Free Car Repairs -Free Cell Phone and 500 Minutes Per Month -Cash To Buy Fresh Food At Farmers Market -Get $2,000 Windfall for Unclaimed Cash -$7,000 to $50,000 To Fix Up Your Home -Monthly Grants To Pay Mortgage Payments -$3,500 Grants for Co-Pays On Your Health Insurance -$22,000 to Adapt a Car for Your Disability -50% Off Pet VetBills -Gov't Lawyers Collect When You Get A Bad Check -$30,000 Back from Your Mortgage Company -6 Million Who Don't Apply for $2,482 IRS Grant -Free Database of 10,000 Personal Grants -Get Free Money from Your Congressperson -$25/Hr to Be a Part-Time Flexible Home Assistant -Make $12-$15HrDelivering Groceries -Be One of the 800,000 Pet Lovers Making Up to $30K/Yrat Home -Make $300 Having Extra People Over for Dinner -Make an Extra $800/Mowith Real Estate Owning No Real Estate -Make Up to $350/Mowith Your Car When You Are Not Using It -Make $1,300 with A Yard Sale with No Yard -Make $300/MoSharing Your Knowledge and Skills on Line -Start a T-Shirt Business With ZERO $0 Cash -Get $3,000/Moto Work On Your Art or Craft -Free Cars and Car RepairMatthew Lesko Fair Trade GuaranteeI Will Always, Always, AlwaysRefund Your Money, If For Any Reason You Do Not Believe This Is Fair Product Sold at a Fair PriceThis course isAmerica'sMost Complete Reference Sourceto (practically) Every Free Source of Money and Help available from Government Offices, Non-Profit Organizations and the Internet for People Living in New York."
Price: 79.99

"Illinois Residents Apply to 327 Grants & Free Services"
"In 2018 every householdin Illinoiswill receive an average of $20,229.57in extraincomefrom Government programs....(Source: U.S.Bureau of Economic Analysis)This course isAmerica'sMost Complete Reference Sourceto (practically) Every Free Source of Money and Help available from Government Offices, Non-Profit Organizations and the Internet for People Living in Illinois.Including: Personal Grants, Forgivable Loans, Unclaimed Property, Free Professional Services & Sources of Extra Income That Cost Zero $0Programs you will never find searching Google because these programs don't advertise.Produced By America's #1 Free Money Expert Matthew Lesko Award Winning Financial Columnist, Serial Entrepreneur,and New York Times Best Selling Author Over 40 Years of Free Money Research ExperienceLearn where to applyand how to apply, to every legitimate programavailableto you because you live in Georgia.Money Programs And Services No One Tells You About.YOUNEVERNEED AGRANTWRITER -90% Of Applications for Individual Grants are 3 or 4 PageFill-In-the Blank FormsFor All Incomes and for Every Aspect of Your Life: -Pay Your Bills and Expenses -Free Training To Get A Better Job -Start a Home Business or Become a Freelancer -Get Out of Debt -Get Your Student Loans Forgiven -Get aGEDor a Phd -Pay for Health Care, Dental Care or Pet Care -Emergency Money for Rent, Mortgage or Utility Payments -Free Transportation and Day Care -Free Legal Help -Free Child Care, Elder Care, and Respite Care -Loans Cheaper Than The Bank and Some You Don't Pay Back -18 Government Agencies Sitting on Unclaimed Money You Forgot About -Free Tax Helpand Grants From The IRS -Generate Extra Cash from Your Home, Car, Closet or Your Extra TimeEvery Money Program and Service Described Requires ZERO $0 Cash -$8,000 Grant to Train for A Better Job -Banks That Put an Extra $5,000 Grant Into Your Savings Account -Show An Employer to Get $9,600 from Gov't If They Hire You -Go to The Best Graduate Schools In the World for $1,000 -Accredited University Provides Free OnlineEducation -Double Your Salary With Paid IT Apprenticeship -Free Help ToGetRid of Creditors -Business Loans at Zero0% Interest -$1,165 Extra Cash Because You Are A Senior -$700 Emergency Cash -Save $1,000 Per Month On Your Mortgage Payment -$35,000 Because You Were A Victim of Crime -$2,500 To Work on an Art Project -Get $1,000 From A Bill CollectorWho's Not Nice -Free Cars and Free Car Repairs -Free Cell Phone and 500 Minutes Per Month -Cash To Buy Fresh Food At Farmers Market -Get $2,000 Windfall for Unclaimed Cash -$7,000 to $50,000 To Fix Up Your Home -Monthly Grants To Pay Mortgage Payments -$3,500 Grants for Co-Pays On Your Health Insurance -$22,000 to Adapt a Car for Your Disability -50% Off Pet VetBills -Gov't Lawyers Collect When You Get A Bad Check -$30,000 Back from Your Mortgage Company -6 Million Who Don't Apply for $2,482 IRS Grant -Free Database of 10,000 Personal Grants -Get Free Money from Your Congressperson -$25/Hr to Be a Part-Time Flexible Home Assistant -Make $12-$15HrDelivering Groceries -Be One of the 800,000 Pet Lovers Making Up to $30K/Yrat Home -Make $300 Having Extra People Over for Dinner -Make an Extra $800/Mowith Real Estate Owning No Real Estate -Make Up to $350/Mowith Your Car When You Are Not Using It -Make $1,300 with A Yard Sale with No Yard -Make $300/MoSharing Your Knowledge and Skills on Line -Start a T-Shirt Business With ZERO $0 Cash -Get $3,000/Moto Work On Your Art or Craft -Free Cars and Car RepairMatthew Lesko Fair Trade GuaranteeI Will Always, Always, AlwaysRefund Your Money, If For Any Reason You Do Not Believe This Is Fair Product Sold at a Fair PriceThis course isAmerica'sMost Complete Reference Sourceto (practically) Every Free Source of Money and Help available from Government Offices, Non-Profit Organizations and the Internet for People Living in Illinois."
Price: 79.99