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"INDESIGN 2018 - Comment crer un EBOOK rapidement?"
"INDESIGN 2018 - Comment crer un EBOOK rapidement?#######################################################################Ensemble dcouvrons les outils principaux utiliser et les modules que l'on ne doit pas oublier afin de crer un Ebook au complet.#######################################################################3 Chapitres:Aperus des outils et modules de Indesign 2018Comment crer un Ebook?Comment exporter son Ebook en ligne et le partager?#######################################################################+ En prime dans la section BONUS,vous pouvez telecharger l'Ebooks concernant chaque Chapitre de ce courspour l`imprimer ou l`utiliser sur Ordinateur ou votre Smartphone.#######################################################################"
Price: 19.99

"Dvelopper FlappyBird avec Unity? NIVEAU 1"
"UNITY 2018 - Unity pour les dbutants - Explication Complte pour crer son premier jeu 2Davec UNITY#######################################################################Le meilleur moyen de dbuter dans la cration d'un jeu 2D dans Unity est de suivre un exemple dans sa totalit.Dans ce cours vous allez dcouvrir tape par tape comment utiliser Unity afin de crer votre premier jeu 2D. Ce cours vous donne les rponses, ce qui signifie qu'en suivant ce cours d'une heure, vous allez avoir votre premier jeu jouable!Peur du code? Vous vous dtes que le code c'est trop compliqu ou que votre cerveau n'est pas fait pour a?Eh bien ne vous inquitez pas, dans ce cours NIVEAU 1, j'utilise trs peu de ligne de code, votre devoir sera de recopier ces lignes de code l'emplacement voulu et tout fonctionnera parfaitement. Ces lignes de codes sont crit en CSHARP, C#. Je les utilise pour dplacer le personnage et le faire bouger, donc c'est la premire chose connatre pour n'importe quel jeu que vous souhaiteriez crer plus tard.#######################################################################12Chapitres:Crer son premier Projet dans UnityLes rglages pour son Premier ProjetCrer son personnage et le faire bougerQue la camra suive le dplacement du personnageCrer les obstaclesCollision entre le Personnage et l'obstacleCrer des obstacles l'infini pendant que l'on joueCrer le dcorCrer un ScoreComment on dmarre notre jeu?Que se passe-t-il quand on perd?Ajout et Rangement#######################################################################+ En prime vous allez pouvoir tlcharger 3 EBOOKS concernant:Comment installer UNITYComment installer VISUALSTUDIOComment jouer son jeu sur son Smartphone Android ou IOS#######################################################################"
Price: 19.99

"Build a FlappyBird Game with Unity? LEVEL 1"
"UNITY 2018 - Unity for beginners - Complete Explanation to create your first 2D game with UNITY#######################################################################The best way to start creating a 2D game in the unit is to follow an example in its entirety.In this course you will discover your first 2D game. This course gives you the answers, which means that by following this one-hour course, you have your first playable game!Fear of the code? Are you that the code is too complicated or your brain is not made for that?Well do not worry, in this LEVEL 1 course, I use very little line of code, your task will be to copy these lines of code to the desired location and everything works perfectly. These lines of code are written in CSHARP, C #. I use to move the character and move it, so this is the first thing to choose for any game you wanted me to create later.#######################################################################12 Chapters:Create your first project Project in UnitySettings for his First ProjectCreate your character and make him moveThat the camera follows the movement of the characterCreate obstaclesCollision between the Character and the obstacleCreate infinite obstacles while playingCreate the decorCreate a scoreComment on launching our game?What happens when we lose?Addition and Storage#######################################################################+ As a bonus you will be able to download 3 EBOOKS about:How to install UNITYHow to install VISUAL STUDIOComment play his game on smartphone Smartphone Android or IOS#######################################################################"
Price: 19.99

"Como hacer ventas con llamada en fro (cold calling)"
"LLEVO MAS DE 8 AOS IMPARTIENDO ESTE CURSO PRESENCIAL EN EMPRESAS. ES POSIBLE QUE VEAS MUCHOS CURSOS PERO POCOS SERN LOS PONENTES QUE LO IMPARTAN DE FORMA PRESENCIAL. 30 DAS DE GARANTA SI NO QUEDAS SATISFECHO TE DEVOLVEMOS TU DINERO La nica manera comprobada de que todos remen en la misma direccin a la hora de vender es seguir un sistema de llamadas. OLVDATE DE OTRO TIPO DE SOLUCIONES. En ms de 10 aos dirigiendo equipos comerciales no he encontrado ninguna otra solucin.El telemarketing o televenta es el sistema ms utilizado para la venta directa ya que se puede llegar a muchos clientes en muy poco tiempo y la efectividad es mucho mayor que el email marketing. El problema es que en la mayora  de las ocasiones no se usa un sistema y esto hace que muchsima gente fracase haciendo televenta. Se cansan de hacer llamadas improductivas y de recibir un alto porcentajes de noes. En este curso vamos a ver como se crea un sistema de ventas para televenta y como aumentar las ventas que se produzcan con un correcto crosselling y upselling. Una vez usas un sistema, adems de aumentar las ventas, aumenta la motivacin de las personas que lo aplican. En este curso se aprende a crear un sistema desde la captacin al cierre, viendo tcnicas para usar crosselling y upselling, incorporndolo correctamente al sistema de ventas y postventa. Tambin en el servicio de postventa se vern sencillas tcnicas de fidelizacin para consolidar los clientes existentes.La motivacin es esencial a la hora de enfrentarse a la venta por eso no se descuida ni las tcnicas para mantener una mente positiva ni las que yo uso para mantener la motivacin en los momentos ms difciles."
Price: 24.99

"SQL Oracle na Prtica para INICIANTES"
"O Curso SQL na Prtica para Oracle - Simples, Fcil e Rpido foi desenvolvido pensando em voc que quer apreender os principais comando de Consulta e Manipulao de Dados com a Linguagem SQL. O SQL simplesmente a linguagem de banco de dados mais solicitada e utilizada no mercado e pelas maiores organizaes do mundo quando falamos de manipulao de dados em banco de dados.Esse contedo tambm foi preparado para voc que quer trabalhar como Desenvolvedor de Sistemas, Analista de Banco de dados, Analista SQL, DBA, Business Intelligence e outros afins ligados a Banco de Dados.Neste treinamento voc ter a oportunidade de ver na prtica e tambm de praticar os comandos SQL explicados, visualizando os resultados da obteno dos dados no banco de dados Oracle.A escolha do estudo do SQL no Oracle foi para te dar a oportunidade de j trabalhar com um dos banco de dados mais utilizado no Mundo e por consequncia onde a maioria das vagas que necessitam de conhecimento de SQL existem. Apesar de utilizarmos o ORACLE, o SQL apresentado ser o no padro ANSI permitindo assim seu uso em outros bancos de dados que seguem esse padro como SQL SERVER, Postgres, MySQL e outros.Alm disso tambm iremos utilizar o SQL Developer, interface de conexo e consulta aos dados no Oracle. O conhecimento dessa ferramenta importante para j te inserir a uma das ferramentas utilizadas no mercado de trabalho para uso do SQL.Voc no fim de cada mdulo ter o desafio de resolver uma srie de exerccios prticos para assim te ajudar na assimilao de todo conhecimento da Linguagem SQL no ORACLE."
Price: 204.99

"Etsy - Hebrew"
", : - , , , , ,, , , , , , , , ,"
Price: 99.99

"commencer le dropshipping a seulement un dollar (services)"
"Aprs avoir suivezce cours vous aller commencer a gagner de l'argent avec un fond de 1 dollar. donc vous avais juste besoin d'un PC et un moyen de paiement qui contient 1 dollar.Ce cours consiste aapprendre une nouvelle mthode de dropshipping.C'est une mthode facile a applique et vous allez rien perdre a part quelqueminutes de votre temps."
Price: 29.99

"Talend Integration - Curso de ETL e Integrao de Dados"
"O Talend Data Integration uma soluo aberta e escalvel de integrao de dados e qualidade de dados para integrar, limpar e perfilar todos e qualquer tipo de dados.Possui mais de 900 componentes pr-construdos. Trabalha com armazenamento em nuvem , integrao de dados , gerenciamento de dados , gerenciamento de dados mestre , qualidade de dados, preparao de dados e software e servios de integrao empresariais.Se voc buscar aprender a integrar bases de diversos formatos, arquivos , dentre outros, deve conhecer a ferramenta open source que mais cresce no mercado, com um Front End agradvel, fcil e super simples de interagir."
Price: 159.99

"4 TOP Data Discovery: Power BI,Tableau,Qlik Sense,ODV"
"O curso busca abordar as 4 principias ferramentas Data Discovery do mercado, a ideia permitir uma viso geral pelo aluno sobre como funcionam as ferramentas Power BI, Tableau, Qlik Sense e Oracle Data Visualization.Alm das aulas sobre os produtos, o aluno conta com aulas sobre construo de projetos de DW, entendendo um pouco mais sobre a rea.Com o entendimento de cada ferramenta o aluno poder se aprofundar nos conceitos e tcnicas de cada produto, escolhendo o melhor para sua carreira profissional.A ideia permitir uma liberdade e viso de como funciona todo o portflio de ferramentas Data Discovery Dentro do curso o aluno ter dicas e informaes de como realizar mais videoaulas sobre cada ferramenta.4 APOSTILAS COMPLETAS DAS FERRAMENTAS! INDITAS!"
Price: 144.99

"EXCEL PARA GESTORES - O Guia Prtico do Excel"
"Este curso preparado com o que existe de mais prtico para gestores e estudantes que desejam aprender a trabalhar com o Excel de forma simples e direta. Todo o curso conta com slides e apostila prpria que facilita o aprendizado fora do ambiente de aulas. VOC S ENCONTRA MATERIAL PRPRIO AQUI!O curso composto de videoaulas que totalizam vrias horas de vdeo ininterruptas, exerccios prticos para fixao sobre Excel. Voc pode estudar os mdulos no momento em que desejar. Voc ainda aprender tcnicas avanadas de Excel com bastante aprofundamento prtico, alm de contar com dicas valiosas de um Professor Mestre formado nas reas de estatstica e computao. Conhea e aprenda uma das ferramentas mais utilizadas no mundo e mais utilizadas por profissionais das mais variadas reas."
Price: 174.99

"Aprenda com Recursos Incrveis Shell Script - Linux"
"O curso de Shell Script Linux aborda o uso de comandos e scripts em Shell, os quais representam a base de manuseio profissional do Sistema Operacional Linux.Os scripts Shell possuem diversas aplicaes na configurao e acionamento de vrios tipos de aplicativos em diversas distribuies no mercado de Linux, como o Ubuntu, Debian e Red Hat. A variedade de aplicaes que podem ser criadas com o uso de Shell script vasta. possvel escrever programas elaborados em Shell Script, substituindo aplicativos que demandariam muito mais tempo para serem escritos em uma linguagem mais sofisticada.A interface para este tipo de ambiente bem simples e intuitiva, permitindo ao desenvolvedor utilizar-se de qualquer aplicativo de edio em modo texto.O curso todo pautado em VEJA-FAA-PRATIQUE um mtodo simples de aprender praticando na hora, com videoaulas diretas e com o que h de melhor, MATERIAL PRPRIO! NICO COM APOSTILA PASSO A PASSO."
Price: 99.99

"Como aprender PL/SQL em tempo recorde - prtico/fcil"
"O curso designado para aquele que deseja aprender a trabalhar com banco de dados ORACLE na sua plenitude, com material prprio (NICO COM MATERIAL PRPRIO!) todo o curso modularizado de forma que voc compreenda passo a passo o que o professor apresenta nas videoaulas e o que voc pratica. Com uma imerso em comandos e construo de funes e procedures, o curso   pautado em um conhecimento de mais de 15 anos do professor Grimaldo Oliveira na rea de Business Intelligence que constri dezenas de bancos de dados em diversos segmentos (Recursos Humanos, Planejamento, Administrao, Segurana, Sade, Dentre outros) para governo e rea privada.A grade do curso super vasta, vejamos: Instalao de ferramentas, diferenas entre comandos DML, DDL e DCL, privilgios de DBA, comandos DCL e suas variaes, comandos DML e suas variaes, comandos de juno de tabelas, manipulao de strings, comandos de agregao(incluindo agrupamento de resultados), criao de subconsultas, consultas hierarquizadas, criao de views, definio de bloco annimo, estrutura condicional, tipo de dados, sada de resultados, estrutura de repetio, uso de cursores implcitos, uso de cursores explcitos, tratamento de excees, construo de subprogramas,uso de triggers e construo de pacotes.Venha e se surpreenda tambm com a didtica e facilidade no aprendizado do curso de PL/SQL."
Price: 204.99

"Modelagem de Dados para DW - A Referncia Definitiva"
"O curso totalmente pautado nas tcnicas de construo de projetos de Data Warehouse. Com mais de 15 anos de experincias e dezenas de projetos construdo, fica fcil aprender e entender tudo que possvel para se modelar um banco de dados para recepo e armazenamento dos dados para serem utilizados em projetos de Business IntelligenceO Data Warehouse o corao de um projeto que permitir a coleta, tratamento, transformao, e preparao para exibio dos dados em ferramentas OLAP e Data Discovery.Voc ter uma gama de exerccios totalmente prticos de modelagem de dados para DW, trabalhando com modelos Star Schema, discutindo e aprendendo diretamente em base de dados comerciais. ESTE O NICO CURSO DE MODELAGEM DE DADOS PARA DW EM PORTUGUS DA UDEMY, NO H OUTRO!Esta a sua chance de aprender de forma clara e sem preocupao, o suporte que ofereo aos alunos direto e franco, pode retirar suas dvidas quando quiser e responderei em tempo hbil.H 5 modelos principais que utilizo em meu curso: Modelo de Dados :- Hotel (Faturamento e Dirias)- Infraes de Trnsito- Notas Fiscais- Livraria- Empresa de Varejo- Empresa de LogsticaVoc conta com trs vdeos exclusivos passo a passo para a construo do seu DW, desde o levantamento com os gestores, a busca pelos dados nas bases de dados e a construo do modelo multidimensional. Voc entender e aprender de forma definitiva a construo de projetos de DW. No tenha mais dvidas, inscreva-se este o curso que procurava!"
Price: 144.99

"WEKA na Veia - Minerao de Dados sem Mistrios"
"As grandes empresas esto em busca de profissionais que saibam tratar e trabalhar dados, permitindo que novos insights sejam descobertos e aplicados ao seu negcio.Atualmente, a minerao de dados se mostra fundamental para a descoberta de novas informaes e conhecimento, formatados em regras e padres, a partir de grandes bases de dados. Nesta perspectiva, torna-se importante o desenvolvimento de um raciocnio crtico acerca dos principais conceitos, problemas e algoritmos relacionados rea de minerao de dados. Esta abordagem visa uma sintonia com as tendncias empregadas atualmente no mercado no uso desta tecnologia de modo a preparar o futuro profissional a avaliar e, sobretudo, facilitar seu entendimento no emprego de metodologias e tecnologias avanadas.O curso aborda o tema Minerao de Dados, atravs de aulas prticas e tericas, utilizando-se de tcnicas avanadas de descoberta de conhecimento, os quais provm a capacidade de descobrir novas informaes, formatadas em regras e padres, oriundas da anlise de grandes bases de dados. Nesta perspectiva, o desenvolvimento de um raciocnio crtico acerca dos principais conceitos, problemas e algoritmos relacionados a rea de Minerao de Dados a principal habilidade adquirida por quem conclui o curso.Todo o contedo visto praticado na ferramenta WEKA, que gratuita e de fcil entendimento.So 6 laboratrios totalmente prticos que voc pode realizar durante o curso, detalhados e explicados passo a passo.Voc entender os algoritmos e poder praticar com suas bases de dados,seja arquivo texto ou banco de dados.Contar com um Framework integrado que apresenta os resultados estatsticos.Venha e confira!"
Price: 174.99

"Linguagem R: Estrutura, Operao e Mtodos Estatsticos"
"Voc chegou at aqui por que deseja aprender a Linguagem R. Voc j percebeu que a grade de nosso curso muito grande, que o contedo super rico, que realmente vai atender as suas expectativas.Vou complementar com informaes que vo deixar voc definitivamente tranquilo.- Sou profissional da rea de dados h 15 anos.- Tenho +50 cursos na Udemy e mais de 8 anos na rea EAD.- Sou professor de ps-graduao na rea de dados a mais de 8 anos.- Sou estatstico desde 1997. - Todo o curso de Linguagem R tem MATERIAL PRPRIO, um texto com tudo passo a passo, nico e bem articulado.Agora vamos a descrio do nosso curso de Linguagem R. O objetivo principal do curso permitir que aspectos bsicos com nfase no entendimento da linguagem R como sua estrutura e a forma de operao sejam compreendidos. O curso foi preparado e estruturado para que desde o iniciante at o mais avanado em tcnicas estatsticas aprenda a trabalhar com a ferramenta R. O material pode ser acompanhado utilizando o R instalado em outros sistemas operacionais, tal como Windows ou Linux.Durante o curso, o aluno ter que assistir as videoaulas e praticar diretamente no seu computador. A ementa sumarizada :O que a Linguagem R, Instalao da Ferramenta, Aprimoramento do Uso doR-Studio, Entendimento do Uso dos Objetos no R (Vetor, Matriz, Data Frame, Lista e Funes),Uso de Pacotes no R, Leitura de Arquivos no R, Sumarizando Dados, Grficos com o R, Anlise Estatstica e o Uso Geral da Estatstica, Uso de componentes como Minerao de Dados e o GOOGLE VIS.Venha e junte-se aos seus colegas."
Price: 189.99

"Talend Data Integration para Data Warehouse - Completo"
"O Talend Data Integration uma soluo aberta e escalvel de integrao de dados e qualidade de dados para integrar, limpar e perfilar todos e qualquer tipo de dados.Possui mais de 900 componentes pr-construdos. Trabalha com armazenamento em nuvem , integrao de dados , gerenciamento de dados , gerenciamento de dados mestre , qualidade de dados, preparao de dados e software e servios de integrao empresariais.A ferramenta open source e uma das mais completas do mundo. Na rea de Data Warehouse(DW), ela utilizando nas mais diversas empresas dos ramos Governamentais, Financeiro, dentre outros.O curso foi pensado para dar um treinamento completo ao aluno que deseja implantar um DW em sua empresa ou prestar servio em corporaes. Voc aprender todas as tcnicas principais de levantamento de dados com gestores na indita Matriz de Necessidades ( TCNICA INDITA DO PROFESSOR UTILIZADO EM DEZENAS DE PROJETOS) construo do documento Fonte de Dados que destinado ao levantamento dos dados nas bases de dados da empresa (TCNICA INDITA DO PROFESSOR UTILIZADO EM DEZENAS DE PROJETOS) sendo um dos principais componentes de um projeto de DW.STAGING -> DIMENSO -> FATO -> AUTOMATIZAO DA CARGAO Talend totalmente grfico, d adeus a construo de scripts e querys para carregar dados em um DW.No perca tempo, venha e aprenda de forma completa."
Price: 414.99

"How to create 2018 Planner with Evernote and Google Docs"
"If you are like me, you probably at the end of every year wonder, why my plan for this year didnt work. What I did wrong? What I did right? This year I found out, that I can plan everything using just two free tools-Evernote and Google Docs.Course will be great for people,who like to plan stuff and reflect on good and bad actions they have taken in their life.In this course we will learn how to create great free diary to reflect, great habit tracker and as well monthly task planners, which work. You will end year doing much more you love, than just cross off some unimportant tasks.As for this course we are creating cool digital planner using Evernot, you will not need to spend money on $40 paper planner which you don't use anyway. You will have this 2018 planner always with you in your mobile phone, office computer or just iPad on the trip.We will use 2 tools- Evernote and Google Docs.Evernote is great tool for keeping up your stuff in one place, which is accessible by computer or mobile phone.Google Docs is easy to access and integrate in Evernote, as well you can update it on the go if you have mobile phone. No need to turn on the light at night to just write down some task for tomorrow.In this course you will learn how to set up great FREE 2018 Planner with Evernote and Google Docs, which you can use daily to reach your goals and have better 2018!"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Selenium Java Automation Engineer Bootcamp"
"Hi! Welcome to the Automation EngineerBootcamp, the one andonly course you need to learn automation from scratch.There are a lot of tutorials for web development but only few for the Automation skills. Among them,this course is without a doubt the most comprehensive and complete on the market due to following reasons.This is the one and only course taught by professional SeniorAutomation Engineer with more than 8 years of experience.You do NOT need any prior programming knowledge. Most of my students who are enrolled tend to be outside of programming background but eventually work to end up as Automation Engineer in fortune 500 companies.90% of my bootcamp students go on to get full-time automation engineerjobs. Most of them are complete beginners when I start working with them.Everything I cover is up-to-date and relevant to today's developer industry meaning it covers the latest Selenium 3.0 which just was released on the market recently. This course does not cut any corners.This is the only complete beginner full-stack automation engineer course that covers Java, JUnit, Maven, Selenium Webdriver, Selenium Grid,Docker,Cucumber and ATDD.You will be able to learn everything step by stepwhich means that you don't have to rewind the video back and forth to grasp the concept.The course isconstantly updatedwith new content, projects, and modules. Think of it as a subscription to a never-ending supply of developer training.Also starting from Java Beginner level to Docker, Selenium Grid and Cucumber, the students will be expert in Automation and would be able to demonstrate excellent automation skills in market.When you're learning technology that is very new and seems to scare you to enhance your career in technology, this course works as a stepping stone as I would explain you the programming knowledge in practical way such that it will encourage to learn more about programming language and definitely excite you to be an Automation Engineer.This is a course designed for the complete beginner, yet it covers some of the most exciting and relevant topics in the industry.Course Curriculumhave been divided into 19sections starting with basics of Java Programming Language and eventually gaining speed with Selenium WebDriver Automation tool and finally closing with design of Automation Framework with Selenium Grid, Docker and Cucumberwhich is commonly used in the Automation Industry. This course comprises the topics starting from beginner level to advanced level hence you would be expert in Automation and can market yourself easily in the Automation Industry.Section1: IntroductionIntroductionCourse OverviewSection 2: Software SetupJava Installation for MacBash Profile Set up for MacJava Installation for WindowsIntelliJ installation for MacIntelliJ Installation for WindowsSection 3: Java EssentialsHello WorldWhat is String?Datatypes in JavaConditional Execution - If & ElseConditional Execution - If, Else If &ElseConditional Execution - OR, ANDConditional Execution - SwitchArrays in JavaLooping in Java - for loopLooping in Java - while loopLooping in Java - Arrays - part 1Looping in Java - Arrays - part 2String InterpolationJava Methods part 1Java Methods part 2What are Java ClassesTypes of Java Method - Static MethodsTypes of Java Method - Instance MethodsTypes of Java Method - Constructor MethodGetters and Setters in JavaInstance Variables in JavaJava Static Variables & ConstantsWhat are Java Packages?Java String Class MethodsJava Integer Class MethodsRegular Expressions in JavaSection 4: Intermediate JavaJava OOP - EncapsulationJava OOP - Inheritance - part 1Java OOP - Inheritance - part 2Java OOP - PolymorphismJava OOP - OverridingJava OOP - OverloadingJava OOP - Abstract ClassJava OOP - InterfaceJava OOP - Array ListJava OOP - Linked ListJava OOP - VectorJava Access Modifiers - PrivateJava Access Modifiers - DefaultJava Access Modifiers - ProtectedJava Access Modifiers - PublicJava Access Modifiers RecapJava File IO Types - Byte StreamJava File IO Types - Character StreamSection 5: JUnit Testing FrameworkIntro to JUnit - part 1JUnit ContinuedSection 6: Java Build Tool - MavenIntro to MavenMaven Installation for MacMaven Installation for WindowsMaven Project DemoSection 7: Automation BasicsIntro to WebApplication - part 1Intro to WebApplication - part 2What is Testing?Testing Continued..Testing Continued part 2Automation TestingSection 8: Selenium BasicsIntroduction & Brief History of SeleniumSelenium IDESelenium IDE DemoSelenium RC &Selenium WebDriverDifference between Selenium RC &Selenium WebDriverSection 9: Selenium WebDriver Hands OnSelenium Server Installation without MavenSelenium Server Installation with MavenAutomation TestcaseFirefox GeckoDriver InstallationSelenium Test Automation in FirefoxChrome Driver InstallationSelenium Test Automation in ChromeSelenium Test Automation in SafariSelenium Test Automation in Internet ExplorerSection 10: Selenium Element LocatorsSelenium Element Locators - ID, NameSelenium Element Locators - XPath Element LocatorSelenium Element Locators - CSSSection 11: Intermediate Selenium WebDriverSelenium Wait - Implicit waitSelenium Wait - Explicit waitSelenium Automation - Headers &ImagesSelenium Automation - Checkboxes & DropdownsSelenium Automation - CalendarSelenium Automation - Alerts/PopupsSelenium Automation - IFrames/FramesSelenium Automation - Multiple WindowsSelenium Automation - Capture ScreenshotSection 12: Data Driven FrameworkIntro to Data Driven FrameworkExcel Data Driven Framework - part 1Excel Data Driven Framework - part 2Excel Data Driven Framework - part 3YAMLData Driven Framework -part 1YAML Data Driven Framework - part 2YAML Data Driven Framework - part 3Introduction to RDBMSPostgres Database InstallationPostgres Database Installation for WindowsSQLpart 1SQL part 2Database Driven Framework using DatabasePgAdmin IntroDatabase Driven Framework DemoSection 13: Testing FrameworkIntro to TestNGSelenium Automation using TestNG FrameworkDifference between JUnit Vs TestNGTestNG - Dependency Annotation DemoTestNG - XML Parameterization DemoTestNG - Dataprovider Parameterization DemoSection 15: Advanced Selenium - Selenium GridIntro to Selenium GridSelenium Grid - Hub setupSelenium Grid - Windows - Node setupSelenium Grid Automation in Firefox browserSelenium Grid Automation in ChromeSelenium Grid Automation in SafariSelenium Grid Automation in IESelenium Grid Automation using HTMLUnit DriverSelenium Grid - Parallel Test Node SetupSelenium Grid - Parallel Test ExecutionSection 16:Advanced Selenium - DockerIntro to DockerDocker Installation for MacDocker Installation for WindowsDocker Machine InstallationDocker Compose part 1Docker Automation using Docker Compose yaml fileDocker Swarm IntroductionDocker Automation using Docker Swarm part 1Docker Automation using Docker Swarm part 2Section17: ATDD(Acceptance Test Driven Development)FrameworkIntro to ATDDIntro to CucumberCucumber Feature CreationCucumber Test RunnerCucumber TestNG File CreationCucumber Step DefinitionsAutomation Using Cucumber Framework DemoCucumber Gem Installation in WindowsSection18: ATDD ParameterizationATDD - Cucumber ParameterizationCucumber Project StructureATDD - Cucumber Parameterization Newtours website DemoParameterization using YAML- Cucumber Newtours Project part 1Parameterization using YAML- Cucumber Newtours Project part 2Parameterization using YAML- Cucumber Newtours Projectpart 3Parameterization using YAML- Cucumber Newtours Projectpart 4Parameterization using YAML- Cucumber Newtours Projectpart 5Section 19: ConclusionHelpful ResourcesFinal WordsThroughout the course,If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I got into this Automation Engineer field because I was exhausted doing manual testing and love the challenge of automation as well aslove teaching andworking with people and helping students learn. Sign up today and see how fun, exciting, and rewarding automation industry can be.Who is the target audience?This course is for anyone who wants to learn about automation, regardless of previous experience or prior programming language.It's perfect for complete beginners with zero experience.It's absolutely perfect for manual testers who would like to enhance their career in Automation Field.It's also great for anyone who does have some experience in a few of the technologies(like Java, Testing) but not all.If you want to take ONE COURSE to learn everything you need to know about Automation, sign off on this course."
Price: 199.99

"Purpose Driven Business Analyst Career - Basic"
"Thank You!Welcome to Guru's Odyssey programme on being a Purpose Driven Business Analyst forPractical Skills & BasicGuidance. Our aim at Guru's Odyssey is to bring common sense approach to every aspect of project delivery in allsectors taking example of complexInvestment Banking projectso thatprojects can be delivered on time and with highest quality for the clients.Majority of projects in technology fail because we have become too much dependenton various popular tools and technologies. We have stopped developing our practical and usefulsoft skills and stoppedusing simple methods of delivering projects. My teamsaim is to bring back simple methods of project delivery and provide direction toaspiringor experienced BAs to think about working as a team, how to developsoft skills, focus onclear communication, work in collaboration with others, provide new dimension to negotiation and networking and so on.We hope that thiscourse will raise enough basicquestions in your mind about being an effective and efficientBusiness Analyst. This course will provide basic guidance by raising questions onpractical skillsyou must focus onto be aBusiness Analyst. And if you find it interesting then spend some more time from your busy schedule to build more knowledge based onthe questions raised in this programme.Our Moto is ""Strong Roots, Smarter Generation"" and we strongly believe that if we work together then we will be able to build a smart work force who work on delivering good value for internal and external clients and build a solid foundation for the organisation along with personal growth.With Best Wishes ...."
Price: 49.99

"Purpose Driven Business Analyst Career - Advance"
"Thank You!Welcome to Guru's Odyssey programme on being aPurpose Driven Business Analyst forPractical Skills & Advance Guidance.Our aim at Guru's Odyssey is to bring common sense approach to every aspect of project delivery in allsectors taking example of complexInvestment Banking projectso thatprojects can be delivered on time and with highest quality for the clients.Majority of projects in technology fail because we have become too much dependenton various popular tools and technologies. We have stopped developing our practical and usefulsoft skills and stoppedusing simple methods of delivering projects. My teamsaim is to bring back simple methods of project delivery and provide direction toaspiringor experienced BAs or Lead BAsto think about working as a team, how to developsoft skills, focus onclear communication, work in collaboration with others, provide new dimension to negotiation and networking and so on.We hope that thiscourse will raise enough questions in your mind about being an effective and efficientBusiness Analyst but at the same time provide details explanations / answers to some of these questions. This course will provide some guidance by raising questions onpractical skillsyou must focus onto be a [Lead]Business Analyst. Our Moto is ""Strong Roots, Smarter Generation"" and we strongly believe that if we work together then we will be able to build a smart work force who work on delivering good value for internal and external clients and build a solid foundation for the organisation along with personal growth.With Best Wishes ...."
Price: 199.99

"Purpose Driven Plan - Retirement Security"
"Thank You!Guru's Odyssey teamonce again brings a guidance course for everyone to take advantage off.Most of us have been busy working and saving for our retirement. We are doing whatever we can to invest our saving in financial plans where the money grows so that at the time of retirement we do not face financial challenges. But in this single dimension focus we are guilty of forgetting that world is changing and our requirement at the time of retirement 20-30 years from now may not be same compared to what people have today. One of the crucial areas we Technocrats are forgetting is that there are24hrs in a day and at the time of retirement we have to think about how we are going to spend our time. So a simple question ""Have you thought about what you are going to do in 24hrs of your retirement day?"" leads to lot of confusion in people and they are at loss because they never focused on this question. Also there are not many courses or articles written about this challenge.I have taken up this challenge and I amtrying to answer with my own experience what one could do to plan for their retirement. I am not going to discuss about Financial planning because there are so many experts in this area and I believe there is a need for something like this coursefor today's technical guys who are always working with machines and do not much focus on soft skills /people skills / networking which is the key requirement for a retired individual.I am sure you will take advantage of my experience and mistakes from this course to build up your own plan for retirement.Thank you once again for visiting my page and I will see you in the course."
Price: 129.99

"Amazon EC2 Master Class"
"AmazonEC2 Super Master Class EC2 Bible is thebestcourse on EC2. It covers all basic and advanced topics with realtime examples. Course is created by AWS engineers who supported thousands of EC2 instances in production environment>Learn EC2 instance types , AMI relatime examples : Elasticsearch AMI , webservers AMI > Use Terraform to launch ec2 instances with realtime examples > Understand EBS and instance store in depth. Incremental nature of snapshots explained with detailed illustration >Learn how to use AWS CLI : ec2 run instances , ec2 describe instances and other realtime use cases > Learn how to use Application Load Balancer , Classic Load Balancer > Understand autoscaling groups and policies > Use EC2 Systems manager in production to manage hundreds of instances Run instance feature , inventory feature explained with examples Note:This course is Linux based mostly (not windows focused)"
Price: 19.99

"New Technique: Multidimensional Mapping"
"What is the Multidimensional Mapping? Where is it derived from?The basic tools to start create the mapping right awayWhy is it called Multidimensional Mapping? Which are the dimensions?Simple way to construct first multidimensional map using 7 steps guidelineQuick way to create hand-drawn multidimensional map, and even much simpler in Digital formsEffective and Shorten time in learning for self-study, lecture notes taking with Multidimensional mappingCollaboration and Brainstorming in team that improvised with creativity"
Price: 99.99

"Business Email and Letter Writting"
"For most of us, email is the most common form of business communication so its important to get it right. Although emails usually arent as formal as letters, they still need to be professional to present a good image of you and your company.In this course you will learn how to write formal business emails and letters that are short, clear, and to the point. This course teaches you how to get results and build better relationships with clients, colleagues, and customers. Email is the communication tool of choice for most of us. Email's great because you don't have to be available at the same time as your conversation partner to communicate.There's one problem: most of us are drowning in emails. The average person using email for business receives and sends over 100 emails a day, according to a report published by the Radicati Group.On top of that, emails are all too easily misunderstood. A recent study by Sendmail found that 64% of people have sent or received an email that caused unintended anger or confusion.Because of the volume of emails we send and receive, and because emails are often misinterpreted, it's important to write emails clearly and concisely.In this course you will learn how to write clear, effective and professional business emails & letters."
Price: 19.99

"THIS COURSEIS BASED ON THE NOTION THAT WE ALL HAVE THE CAPACITY TOsucceed, but most of us only use a very small portion of our minds,and therefore of our capacity. In an age when creativity and time arethe key commodities, learning how to learn is the key skill and thebrain is the key organ. Only if we can learn faster and more effectivelywill we be able to thrive.Most of us dont understand the central role our minds havein helping us to perform more effectively: we are simply not taughthow to learn or how to apply our learning. While we have discoveredmore about the brain and how it works in the last decade thanwe have ever known before, we apply very little of this in our daily ,working or personal lives.It is possible for everyone to learn faster, work smarter, andbe more fulfilled.Being Smarter Than You Weretranslates what we know about how thebrain works into useful insights for the workplace. It has been writtenfrom theconviction that intelligence is multifaceted and notfixed at birth. It draws ideas from the broadest possible range ofsubject areas, psychology, motivation theoryto accelerated learning, memory to diet.HOPE YOU LIKE MY MODEST COURSE :)))))))))))"
Price: 19.99

"Ultimate E-mail List Building Course without Ads"
"DO YOU WANT TO BUILD YOUR E-MAIL LIST AND LAUNCH YOUR PROGRAM LIKE A BOSS?HERE IS HOW YOU CAN DO IT!You are anonline business owner or a blogger.You are a coach, a teacher, a service provider or even a product-based owner.And you have something amazing to share with the world.It can just be an idea of creating a group program for your audience or publishing an amazing online course to reach your dream income goal and create an amazing passive income strategy.You have an idea, but you think you dont have the right audience in placeto make your launch successful.You dont have an email list that are filled with potential leads.This course teaches you everything that you need to launch your program or course and scale your online business.You will learn how tobuild an amazing email list with potential leads and raving fansTurn these potential leads into amazing client.Build a successful community online who loves you for what you do.Create and irresistible offer for your audienceLearn the right marketing strategies and the best organic marketing methodsUSING THE EXACT STRATEGIES, I SCALED MY E-MAIL LIST TO 800+ AND MY FACEBOOK GROUP BY 400+ IN JUST 3 WEEKS.Because my of email list - I HAVE ALSO SUCCESSFULLY LAUNCHED MY PROGRAM AND BOOKED 4 1:1 CLIENTS & EARN $1K+ EVERY MONTH WITH PASSIVE STRATEGIES.Ive taken everything Ive learned from list-building & organic marketing and will share the exact steps you need to take to confidently Skyrocket your E-mail list.Result: Build your E-mail List with raving fans & potential buyers[in turn making it easy for you to launch your program Like a BOSS, become Fully Booked & have consistent 2k/5k and above months]."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Elliott Wave: Become A Professional Trader or Analyst"
"The Elliott Wave Principle has been used by major Institutional Traders from Paul Tudor Jones, who predicted the 1987 Stock Market crash, to George Soros, to Marty Schwartz and more recently Ramki a former analyst with Chase Manhattan now JPM.Elliott Wave was developed by Ralph Nelson Elliott who catalogued 75 years of stock market behaviour. This form of analysis plays a major role in behavioural finance today and most professional traders are required to have some knowledge on this subject. Not only will it save you a lot of losses but you will become aware when to stay out of the market and when to get in. In other words you graduate from a pig into asheep dog, keeping the herd in line.I have been a professional trader for a little over a decade, I have worked with both Hedgefunds and Institutional financiers. I successfully used Elliott Wave in 2014 to predict the drop of the Australian Dollar versus the US Dollarto 68c from its highs of 81c, at the time this was almost impossible to imagine, as I alsopredicted the Pounds decline to 1.52 that same year from 1.7100. See the 2014videoElliott Wave has brought me a lot of trading success and those of my clients, a great compliment to any trading idea for established traders not yet reaping the potential gains in the multi asset arena. New beginners will do well to start from here.The course has been designed to be simple intuitive and easy for everyone to grasp. There are real practical working methods which also show you how you can position in relation to managing risk. If there is any other content you would like us to include, I am happy to keep updating lectures. I expect on completion you will be a very capable multi-asset trader with good risk and application concepts when trading Elliott Wave in global markets.What you will learn - - Learn a Macro approach to trading. - Learn to analyze the like path of money flow based on the market cycle- Know when a market is over-valued or about to be marked up - See the big picture that aids your smaller pictureRemember to check the resource section for your updated Discord link if you have questions, we are always happy to support new traders."
Price: 149.99

"Wyckoff Trading: Making Profits With Demand And Supply"
"Richard Wyckoff was one of the most successful investors of his day. He retired to 9 and a half acre estate in the Hamptons New York after a successful career in speculating. He used the very simple economic concept of demand and supply to understand the operations of the large composite men behind every major move, discounting any need for news or any other analysis. His approach was renowned in the stock market and later led to Elliott Wave and others building the foundations for modern analysis.The course will introduce and empower traders in this professional analysis that can be used in all markets over all time frames. A trading methodology that has given me super normal gains. My last Wyckoff success was my purchase Cosan: CZZ, that I bought in 2016 and yielded a stunning 170%return in under 6 months, also TTWO that yielded a 300%return in just under 3 years. If not for my understanding of Wyckoff finding value investments in an overvalued stock market will be challenging.Wyckoffian logic will remain the dominant force in market analysis. This course will empower you to trade with confidence and develop robust investment skills."
Price: 149.99

"Volume Price Analysis: Beat The Market"
"In this exciting short course we attempt to teach traders the very basic fundamental and technical skills to trade any market using volume price and spread analysis. Used famously by Jesse Livermore who beat brokers all over the United States and became the most revered speculator. Richard Wyckoff successfully used VSA to build the most comprehensive understanding of market and insider behaviour allowing traders to keep profiting. Volume price analysis will remain one of markets few viable technical strategies.The course includes practical examples using current assets and in-depth descriptions of volume and price relationships. This is practical hands on guide for someone who is new to volume analysis and still not yet convinced of the potential. Perfect for currency traders and commodity CFD traders. I hope you enjoy this course and any questions don't hesitate to message us."
Price: 179.99

"Fibonacci Trading Magic: Profiting From Low Risk Trades"
"We have often seen many traders try and use Fibonacci with no real foundation, this often leads to a lot misconceptions by beginners observing. So we have decided to compile some of the best strategies and applications of your Fibonacci retracement andexpansion to help new and old traders use Fibonacci's to devastating effect the way they should be. We may not be able to make you a millionaire....Never say never but we can definitely do our darn best to give you the most optimal techniques in the professional world to help you kick broker a@@.Some of the greatest traders like Paul T Jones and Marty Schwartz have all played with Fibs. It is still one of the best go to tools today in any market and we hope to show you that the myththat Fibonacci is over used is just that... A MYTH!The course will direct you in the proper professional use of your Fibs. Introduce you to some new ratios beyond the standard. You will be directed in the use of retracement and expansion with some touches into EW principle, eliminating the rough concept of Fibonacci time, which is bordering on mysticism and focusing more on the practical use of Fibs grounded in solid principle. We hope that by the end of the course you will have a solid command of how to use Fibonacci to make returns and elevate your trading skills. We have included some innovative memory techniques to help with execution, we hope you find it fun and helpful."
Price: 199.99