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"Japanese styleWEB"
"What is Japanese traditional design?WEBWEBWEB1423WEBHTMLCSS"
Price: 2400.00

"Photoshop Secrets and Tricks for Photoshop Heroes"
"You want to learn how to use Photoshop cc 2017 in Editing your images and creating a great effects like those you see every day ? Right- then you have come to the right place :)What makes me qualified to teach you?My name is MUSTAFAAHMEDand I've been editing photos and graphicswith Adobe Photoshopfor more then4 years. PlusI've been working as a Photoshop Instructor as a career- with over 500,000 students on my Youtube Channel.I Promise You ThatI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.You Will Receive the answer in maximum 8 hours.What We will learn? Get the best Photoshop versionCreate new projects and share your workLearn aboutlayers and the layers panelMasterCleaning Faces TecniquesMove, select, and edit layersCreate and modify shapesDesign Great Logo effect using your own pictureChange eye colors easilyLearn Converting images to pencildrawingsLearn Scattered Image effect"
Price: 19.99

"Java bsico para todos"
"Este curso ofrece conceptos bsicos para aprender a utilizar java en el rea de la programacin y en cada clase aprenders como se piensa y razona cuando programes hasta finalizar el curso. Aprenderas a la manipulacion de los tipos de datos y como se realiza mediante las sentencias de control. Se introducira en las clases ejercicios para ayudarte a ti como estudiante para que mejores tu logica al momento de programar."
Price: 19.99

Price: 6000.00

"Seven Surefire Ways to Write Great Fiction Characters!"
"From Katniss Everdeen toHarry Potter to Jo March,great charactershave that incredibly special,ineffablesomethingaboutthem that holds readers in their thrall and keeps them turning pages...but what is it?In a word, it's their humanity--theirbeautifulhumanity--that rings true andlights upand leaps off the page. Chances are your favorite film and book characters radiateit as well. (Iknow mine do!)Learn here seven master strategies that willenable you tocraft positively luminouscharacters you'll love writing--and thatyourreaders willabsolutelyadore."
Price: 19.99

"Pointers in C - Simple Examples and Memory Location Diagrams"
"Pointers explained with illustrations.Understand the idea and philosophy of pointers once and for all.C is a wonderful programming language. It is used in OS, complex system softwares. C is simple, however, the concept of Pointers sometimes can be difficult. In this course you are going to learn pointers from the very beginning. Get the basic concepts, idea logic of pointers and use it in your programs. Get a good foundation of Pointers.Course will be updated regularly more and more material is going to be added regarding pointers. So this will build a solid foundation of Pointers for all C and related Programmers.Learn Coding, Learn C, Learn Pointers!"
Price: 49.99

"Complete Regular Expressions Bootcamp - Go from zero to hero"
"Hello and Welcome to the complete Regular Expressions Bootcamp - Learn how to use Regular Expression or regex from scratch. This course will help you to go from zero to hero in Regex for all Programming languages.Regular Expressions are made easy so that everyone can understand with examples. If you are a student or office worker, learn the skill with in a day or a few days depending on your schedule.This course is designed such that you learn Regular Expressions efficiently and FAST with logic and philosophy of regex. You don't have to copy regex code but you learn the skill its idea and application.Complex topics like Assertions, lookaround lookahead and lookbehind simplified so that everyone can understand."
Price: 139.99

"Build Mobile Apps with Ionic Framework"
"With an several hoursof content, become a master in buildingmobile Apps with Ionic Framework.I start by introducing the course and an overview of what you will learn from this course.We then take a look at installing all the necessary software you will need for the course.To help you all benefit, I have plans in place to help each individual when possible with your own specific needs. You are not only getting lesson content. You are also getting one on one support."
Price: 49.99

"Ultimate Russian language course: from zero to Hero!"
"Russian languagebelongs to the Top 10 of the most popular languagesin the world.Are you going to travel to Russia? Do you have Russian friends or would like to meet the new one? This Russian language course will help you.Here you will learn the basics of Russian language in a very short time without any headache. No preparation is required!Thus, in the next 9 sections you willlearn the following: How to handleRussian alphabet and grammar How to introduce yourself so that everyone understands you How to deal withNumbers You will be able to talk about your family and friends You will be able to explain what you do for a living and what you like doing in your free time Finally, you will learn more about stereotypes and Russian culture In order to deepen what you learn you will receive supporting material, various exercises and tasks for the lessons. Should you have any questions feel free to contact me any time. I am here to help you. Besides you have no risk at all because if you do not like the course there is a full 30-day money back guarantee.Start right now and learn to speak your first Russian words and sentences today See you soon! Your Valeria Poka-poka!"
Price: 29.99

"Excel Pivot Tables -Artful Decision making in data Analysis"
"*** Course with Applied learning approach, Easily Learn to develop trends and patterns, Decode Pivot table with practical examples, Life time Access, and 100%money-back guarantee!*** Why you need improve data Handling skills ? Data Analysis has become an inseparable parts of our lives. Enormous amount of data is collected on daily basis in every industry IT, Hospitality, Aviation, Banking , Tourism and Real Estate . Data always remain in abstract form. It doesnt make a sense unless until you process them, draw trends and patterns. Data has its own simple language you just have to understand it.Once learn, you discover amazing new facts, information or insights about the data ,which will immensely improve your thinking and decision making. And remember Success in personal and professional life depends upon quality of data analysis and decision making.Master the art of Excel pivot table to make strategic decisions A Pivot Table is a simple and an extremely powerful tool that you can use to slice and dice data. You can track and analyze hundreds of thousands of data points with a compact table. That table can be changed dynamically to get different perspectives of the data. . Creating pivot table is extremely simple and fast process. Reports can be created just by dragging and dropping, without performing any calculations. More over pivot table creates very interactive reports which further help you take correct decision. Content and Overview: - Irrespective of the domain and industry, apart from giving necessary knowledge, tool and techniques this is my attempt to help you improve decision making process. I have tried to use applied learning approach while designing the course. This approach integrates class room learning with real-world situations. In this entire course we will learn pivot table, through some real life situations which you are likely to face. Every lecture we will try to unfold pivot table through real life problems. What will you learn? Mechanics of the Pivot table. Structuring the Table data in proper format. How to design pivot table as per your needs. How to prepare excellent reports using various pivot table tools. How to make correct use of Visuals such as Charts and Conditional Formatting to improve understanding. How to use filtering tools such as Timelines and slicers to improve focus on critical areas. How to use power query. Who is the target Audience? Anyone who wants to learn the art of data analysis. Anyone who handles excel on day to day basis.Anyone who wants to improve decision making and there by becoming more productive. Anyone who wants to achieve something substantial in life by applying simple principles, From,Any of the industry IT, Hospitality, Aviation, Banking, Tourism and Real Estate to name a few, and Any of the department Marketing, Sales, Production, Accounting, Finance, HR and QAQC to name a few.Post purchase support : - A complete support and assistance is available for you.I would really love to see you use this on regular basis .Money Back Guarantee : - On top of it UDEMY gives money back guarantee for 30 days if you are not satisfied.See you inside the course and add this amazing tool to your knowledge portfolio."
Price: 159.99

"3D Excel Gantt charts - An Innovative Project Management !"
"Learn to create Dynamic 3D Gantt charts,timelines and milestones using Excel charts and formatting techniques, No codes No macros. First such course !!! No need to go scrolling through pages , Learn to put all the critical information on a single page.Project management is like juggling many balls at a time. One needs to develop tremendous skills to manage different tasks and various task dependencies , material , people , funds and information. The moment you miss a ball or a dead line , entire project may go haywire with some serious repercussions.3D Gantt chart is just a next big step into project management.Remember scrolling through numerous pages reviewing the schedule ?With 3D Excel Gantt charts you can review all the critical information on a single page instantly giving a complete picture of the project in one go. It accurately captures position of a task against timeline as well as in space, there by giving an invaluable understanding of the project.what is a 3D Excel Gantt chart -A typical Gantt chart is a representation of activity position only against time. A 3D Gantt chart accurately captures position of each activity against time and space.Moreover you can use different formats as well as pictures to present critical information in most visually appealing formats. And remember its all dynamic any changes you wish to make gets instantly reflected for comparison.Advantages of a Gantt chart-D Gantt charts create stunning visualize image of a project schedule.Graphical nature makes it quite easier to read. Ability to represent critical information on a single page gives far better understanding of the project.This is a great techniques and when combined with project schedule gives a great control over the entire project and different processes.For these reasons, 3D Gantt charts are invaluable in any review of the schedule.1) Clarity - At any point of time , you know what to do and when to do.2) Much Improved communication- Communications remains to be a major concern, It instantly improves visualization , understanding and better communication.3) It provides a base around which all other verticals can work effectively.4) Improved focus - You can channelize your efforts and resources in far better manner.5) Progress Measurement. It helps you find slippage,delay reasons and take timely corrective actions.6) Better time management - Time is remains to be the most critical aspect in any project. So it helps project team understand the severity of of time delays while managing projects.Ideal student for this course - Ideal student for this course is the one who works with the task lists or activities on regular basis. It is beneficial for a project manager , a construction manager ,a project engineer, a vendor, a contractor or a coordinator to efficiently manage projects.What are primary requirements if you wish to undertake this course ?All You need is basic knowledge of excel , willingness to learn new things and an open mind.All the lectures are adequately supported by resources in the form of PDFs and Editable Excel templates. With only few adjustments you can use them with your own project data.Post purchase support : - A complete support and assistance is available for you, no matter at what stage you project is. I would really love to see you use this innovative tool on regular basis .Money Back Guarantee : - On top of it UDEMY gives money back guarantee for 30 days if you are still not satisfied.See you inside the course and add this amazing tool to your knowledge portfolio."
Price: 159.99

"Aprende a utilizar GETRESPONSE resolviendo un caso prctico."
"Bienvenid@ al curso de GetResponse. Esta es una excelente oportunidad para ahorrar tiempo y dinero y a continuacin te explico por qu.GetResponse es la mejor herramienta que podrs encontrar para tu negocio digital o fsico. Te ofrece 7 herramientas, que si las consigues por separado gastars una enorme fortuna. Por eso digo que ahorrars dinero.Tiempo;pues el hecho que te permite automatizar todos tus procesos, desde la captacin, pasando por la maduracin y la venta. Haz las cosas una nica vez y utilzalas miles de veces. Con GetResponse podrs trabajar en piloto automtico.Ya te platiqu mucho de la herramienta, muy bonita, muy padre, pero el problema que me he encontrando y en donde vi una oportunidad es el siguiente:La gente no sabe como utilizar la herramienta de manera adecuada. No explota todas las caractersticas que nos ofrecen y por lo tanto, pues estamos desperdiciando el potencial.Tambin es cierto que GetResponse nos ofrece un excelente mdulo de ayuda, pero, ms del 50% est en ingls y lo ms importante, no est enfocado a resolver un problema, es decir, GetResponse slo te dice como utilizar la herramienta, pero no te dice como aplicarla a un caso real.Es por eso que me decid a crear este curso. Es un tutorial en donde vas a aprender a utilizar GetResponse y lo mejor de todo, aplicando un caso. Vamos a hacer lo necesario para vender este curso. Es decir, pasar por todas las etapas de la estrategia que he aplicado, para vender este manual, pero siempre apoyado con GetResponse.Hablar tambin un poquitn del Marketing Digital, especficamente del Marketing de Contenidos.Aqu no voy a ir al men y conforme aparezca un enlace explicar. NO, aqu explicar de acuerdo a las necesidades de la estrategia y que no slo se aplican para la venta de este curso, se puede aplicar a prcticamente cualquier tipo de negocio, incluso fsico.Los temas a tratar son:Las Autorespuestas.Los Newsletters.Las Automatizaciones.Los Webinarios.Etiquetas.Puntuaciones.Encuestas.Formularios.Pginas de destino.Entre otros temas ms.Y sin ms rollo, espero que te animes y adquieras el curso. Vers que te servir en el desarrollo de tu negocio."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Affiliate Marketing Step by Step"
"Did youknow how that you can start makinga passive income through Affiliate Marketing?Do you want to know how?After creatingseveral Online Courses, A Big Email-List, A Blog, A Youtube Channel - We decided that we would like to show you how you can startMaking MoneywithAffiliate Marketing Online. ""Excellent presentation and extraordinary lecture.I think he is the master of his course topic.I am highly recommended this course to anybody."" -Md. Jashedul AlamIn today's world - Anything is possible.We are living in a unique time where anybody can start a business with minimum investments, where you can start making aPassive Income Online through different sources. ""Great info. Now I am ready to get started!!!"" - Susan ParkerWhat You Will Learn In This Course.How Affiliate Marketing can make you moneyDifferent types of Affiliate MarketingHow to use the different Affiliate Marketing typesHow to make money with thedifferent methodsWhich one of these typesof Affiliate Marketing that's best to start with.How to find your nicheHow to get paidHow to create your blog for Affiliate MarketingWould you like to know how to start making money while you sleep, how you can stop trading your hours for money? Well, then this course is a great Start For You!So Where To Start?In this course you're going to learn how you can start earning money online withAffiliate Marketing. We will teach you how and why you should start doing this today.A QuickHeads up..We really want you to be pumped up to start making a passive income from Affiliate Marketingand truly we hope you are ready. We also want to be clear with that it will take time and a lot of effort to get the results you desire. If are you ready to put in the work that's needed tobecome a great Affiliate Marketer, then what are you waiting for?Enroll now!"
Price: 54.99

"The Complete Passive Income Course"
"Do you ever think about how you can make more money? Is your income dependent of you showing up at work?Hi and welcome to the Passive Income 2018 course where we help you to start building a Passive Income bymaking system that will run on autopilot.In this course we'll walk you through the stepsyou""ll need to take in order to start making money online!Take a Look at These Top Rated Reviews... ""Excellent course, they were very thourough. Makes me feel like I can start these businesses today! I will definitely take more courses by Robin and Jesper."" - Jay Williams ""Not anywhere near the end just yet - but so far the course is fantastic! Very applicable knowledge, great resources, friendly instructor. The foundations of my blog are complete - looking forwarding to creating an e-book, YouTube channel, online course, and perhaps even multiples of each. Will definitely be enrolling into another two or three of their courses."" - Nicholas Petropouleas ""The course is really cool and amazing. You will find the useful information that you need in the reality. Moreoverthe lecturerss speak are really clear and perfect."" - Lin Hiu WaiWhat a passive income isHow to create a website with a blogHow to create a Passive Income on YouTubeHow to create a Passive Incomeselling E-booksHow to create a Passive Income from Online CoursesHow to create a Passive Income with Affiliate MarketingHow and why you would outsource tasksAfter Building A Youtube Channel, An Email-List, A Blog, doing Affiliate Marketing,Online Courses and more to it, we now want to show you that building aPassive Income Onlinereally works.Today we are living in a unique time with loads of opportunities for online small businesses, and the best part is that you don't need to invest that much to make a Passive Incometoday.The technology is today in a rapidgrowth and the possibilities to start earning moneypassivelyis getting easier and easier. Are you ready to builda system that earns you money while you are sleeping, traveling, working outor hanging out with your kids?It's possible to do that, starting today!So Where To Start?In this course you're going to learn how you can start earning money online by creating different Passive Incomestreams. We will walk you through everything in a step-by-step model where we'll show you how you can start your income streams today!Read This..When you're going through this course we suggest you to either taking notes and/or doing the things we are doing along with us. You will if you will start making your website with us and start up several possible income streams online, are your ready?Enroll now!LoveRobin &Jesper"
Price: 199.99

"The Google Analytics Training Course"
"How do you know that the things on your website is working? Would You like to to find out what's working for you to grow your Website and your Business, starting from today?From Beginner to Advanced with Google AnalyticsAt the end of this course you will be able to measure & analyse data on your website from Google Analytics to see what's working and what's not. With that information you'll be able to optimize your website to drive more traffic and sales for your Business. ""This course have all you need and goes from a - z. I recommend it!"" - Hamid ""This is a great guide for the entire google analytics, also a perfect manual to come back to. Very very satisfied!"" - Stephan Bell ""The course made me understand google analytics more. I love how they went through the whole process step by step."" - Patricia Anne Lizares We'll Start Off With:CreatingaGoogle Analytics AccountInstalling aTracking CodeAccessDemo Datafrom a Real ExampleAddingFiltersto Remove own TrafficAnalyzingReal Time ReportsAnalyzingAudience ReportsAnalyzingAcquisition ReportsAnalyzingBehavior ReportsDeep DivingInto Data withDimensions & SegmentsTracking Marketing Campaigns withCampaign TaggingAdding Colleagues & Freelancersto Google AnalyticsConfiguringGoal TrackingRemovingSpamTrafficSetting UpCustom AlertsLearn how to masterAnalytics IntelligenceNotice that you'll have... Lifetime Access to All Future Updates Quick & Helpful Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back GuaranteeLoveRobin &Jesper"
Price: 149.99

"The YouTube Marketing & YouTube Ads Course"
"Do you want to know the Secrets behind our YouTube Success?Want to build your brand online?Make apassive incomethrough YouTubemarketing and maybe grow your YouTube Channel far beyond what you thought was possible?Today YouTube is one of the absolutely best platforms to be active on when it comes to marketing. For one,it's for Free and second you havebillionsof potential customers out there just waiting to watch your videos.How can we help you grow your YouTube Channel?We'll, we have taken the best from what we've learned fromour journey on YouTube where we've gone from0 - 50kSubscribersin 6months, and we decided to make a course out of it.In this course youll learn how to:Subscribers HacksMonetize your YouTube ChannelDrive Traffic to yourYouTube channelResearchfor the best Keywordsto aimCreate awesome Channel ArtUse YouTube SEOGet Clicked OnMake your own YouTube Adsand a lot more.....Ready to Grow Your Current YouTube Channel, or are You New To YouTube? Doesn't Matter!See You in The Course!- Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 149.99

"Email Marketing - The Complete Guide to MailChimp"
"If you're Sending Emails within your Business or planing on doing so, this course is for you!We will use MailChimp, which up to 2000 Email Subscribers are FREE to use for Email Marketing. WithMailChimp you'llbe able toautomate emails you send out. This Course is 100 % Practical -learn Email Marketing from the beginning.Take A Look atTheseTop Rated Reviews...""So far it's great! Very comprehensive course, every question I've had in my mind so far has gotten answered, lovely."" - ItsFrickinVegan ""This is a well designed and well paced course that is ideal for a beginner"" - Angelo Hurley ""Most Excellent!"" - Suzanne LeeIn This Course You'll Learn toBuild a Converting Landing PageCreate Email ListsLearn to Add Subscribers ManuallySendEmails Personalized EmailsCreate Sign-Up FormsAdd Sign-Up Forms to Your WebsiteDesign and Add Pop-Ups to Your WebsiteGet Subscribers at Live Events with a Tablet.Design and Manage Email TemplatesCreate Campaignsand MUCH More!Start Growing Your Email ListToday!LoveRobin &Jesper"
Price: 149.99

"Pinterest Marketing for Beginners"
"Did you know that Pinterest has an audience ofOver 200 Million Open-Minded People ready to listen and buy your ideas and products?Want to build yourbrandonline?Make apassive incomeusing Pinterest as an powerful Marketing tool?Pinterest is one of thebest platforms to be active on when it comes tomarketingToday! If you use Pinterest the Smart Waythen you have the chance to drive traffic to your website 24 hours a day - 365 days a year!Does it sound like a good deal?In this course youll learn how to:Follow the Best in Your NicheOptimize your Profile to Get Clicks to WebsiteDesign BoardsDesign Your Own Pins & Connect the to Your WebsiteGet Targeted Followersand more.....Ready to Grow Your Business using Pinterest?See You in The Course!Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 124.99

"Twitter Marketing for Beginners"
"With over 300+million monthly active users and a young demographic to boot, Twitter is a great platform for Marketing.Want to build yourbrandonline?Make apassive incomeusing Twitter as an powerful Marketing tool?Twitteris one of thebest platforms to be active on when it comes tomarketing today due the massive audience!If you useTwitter the Smart Waythen you have the chance todrive traffic to your website 24 hours a day - 365 days a year!Sounds like a good deal?In this course youll learn how to:Follow the Bestin Your NicheOptimize your Profile toGet Clicks to WebsiteUse Twitter to Find CustomersDesign Your Header PhotoGet TargetedFollowers on TwitterEngage Your Audience with Pollsand more.....Ready to Grow Your Business usingTwitter?See You in The Course!- Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 124.99

"LinkedIn Marketing for Beginners"
"Do You Want to get More Leads and Sales?Would You like to know How to Attract the Right People to Your Business using LinkedIn?The You've come to the Right Place!Regardless if you've been on LinkedIn for years or just starting out, this course will help you to optimize your chances for more leads and more sales. Using the right hacks and ways to hack the platform you're now having the chance toGrowyour Business the Smart Way using LinkedIn.In this LinkedIn Marketingcourse youll learn how to:How to create anOPTIMIZEDLinkedIn profileWhat type of cover images and headlines you need to use (examples inside)How tobuild a brandand become an expertHow to generate business leads from LinkedInCreate a LinkedIn marketingsystem (ABC) that works when you sleepBonuses - Free templates, scripts and cheat sheetsIn this course youll learn how to:Optimize Your LinkedIn ProfileTo Design Cover Image and Brand itWrite Articles Within LinkedInCreate a Company Page on LinkedInHow to Grow Your Email List with LinkedInand more.....Ready to Grow Your Business usingLinkedIn?See You in The Course!- Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 124.99

"Social Media Marketing Masterclass - 8 Courses in 1"
"Would you like to know theShortcuts to Successin getting moreSales, Traffic to your Website, Brand Awareness & Growing a Business using Social Media Marketing?Today You Can Market Your Products, Services & Grow a Business Onlinefor FREEusing Social Media - to Billions of people!Are YouReady to Sell more Products, Get more Clients &Grow your Business using Social Media?Take A Look atTheseTop Rated Reviews... ""This course truly covers all the big social media platforms and are stuffed with hacks and automation to market you business!"" - Rebecca Walsh ""I am learning things that I never knew about social media and Facebook. I felt like I had a good grasp on the technology, but I was only scratching the surface!"" - Jared Lindsey ""Learned a lot from social media, this is a great masterclass. I have some lectures left, so far impressive course. instructors really knows what they are talking about. recommend this course"" - VijayMaster Social Media Marketing And Ads Today!In this course you will learn how to master:Facebook MarketingYouTube MarketingInstagram MarketingPinterest MarketingLinkedIn MarketingTwitter MarketingQuora MarketingIn This Course You'll Get the Smartest ShortcutsTo GiveYou the Best Results for Whatever Goals You Have!WhetherYou Want to Become a Social Media Marketing Expert or Just Want the Latest and Most Effective Hacks and Shortcuts to Success Online, This Course is For You!Oh.... We Almost Forgot! You'll Learn How to Create Ads on All 7 Platforms as a Bonus!See You in The Course!Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 199.99

"7 Social Media Marketing Hacks for Success"
"Would you like to get 7 Secret Hacks to Grow Your Following on Social Media, Get People to Your Website, Get Brand Awareness & Drive More Sales?Today You Can Market Your Products, Services & Grow a Business OnlineforFREEusing Social Media - to Billions of people!Are YouReady to Sell more Products, Get more Clients &Grow your Business using Social Media?This Course Includes Secret Hacks From...Facebook MarketingYouTube MarketingInstagram MarketingPinterest MarketingLinkedIn MarketingTwitter MarketingQuora MarketingIn This Course You'll Get theSmartest HacksTo GiveYou theBest Resultsfor Whatever Goals You Have!See You in The Course!- Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 99.99

"The Complete Digital Marketing Guide - 18 Courses in 1"
"Congratulations, You Found It!The Complete Digital Marketing Guide. In this Course you'll get 18 Courses in 1, instead of buying 18 different Courses around Digital Marketing - This Course has it all!This is a 100 % Practical Course - Get Ready For Real Time Hands-On Experience From The First Lecture!Take A Look at These Top Rated Reviews... ""For one more time I have to say that you are doing amazing work guys. I Am currently doing a degree in Digital Marketing and you can't imagine how helpful you are to me. ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS : GUYS, GET THIS COURSE AND SUPPORT THESE AMAZING GUYS WHO ARE DOING THEIR BEST TO PROVIDE A QUALITY COURSE THAT YOU CANNOT FIND ANYWHERE!!!"" - Theofilos Georgiou ""I have learned so much from this course. I have taken best selling courses in digital marketing, but they where not as complete and detailed as this course. this course is for you who want to learn digital marketing. Big thank you!"" - Mari Boggi ""This course is covers everything in digital marketing. Teaching is on screen and everything is shown step by step. It is without any doubt the best course i have taken. Strongly recommended"" - Linna Hggblad ""This has everything on digital marketing, thank you!!"" - Pavly YmerenkoAfter This Course You'll Be Able ToGrow Your Online BusinessWork as a Digital Marketing FreelancerGet Hired as a Digital Marketing ExpertWhat You Will Master Inside This CourseSales PsychologyMarket ResearchWordPress Website CreationEmail MarketingCopywritingSEO (Search Engine Optimization)Instagram MarketingFacebook MarketingFacebook AdsFacebook Ecommerce AdsFacebook Messenger ChatbotsFacebook Messenger AdsYouTube MarketingPinterest MarketingLinkedIn MarketingTwitter MarketingQuora MarketingContent Marketing MachineGoogle AnalyticsGoogle AdsThe Course includes Articles, Templates & Tools That'll Optimize Your Digital Marketing Journey!The majority of the tools in this Course is for FREE and will give you instant results. Paid tools are only the very BEST.Who Is The Target Audience?Website Owners Who Want to Increase Web Traffic, Conversions, and SalesBusiness Owners Who Want to use Digital Marketing to Grow their BusinessAnyone Want to Master Social Media MarketingAnyone Struggling to Get Traffic and SalesIf You're New In Business & Want to Market EffectivelyAnyone Looking to Start a Career in Digital Marketing SpaceAnyone Wants to Build a Brand and a Fan Base on Social MediaYou who Wants to Master Digital Media MarketingAnyone Wanting to Set up a Website from ScratchSomeone with a job who wants to create their own business on the sideSee You Inside The Complete Digital Marketing Guide!Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 199.99

"34 Digital Marketing Hacks - Improve Social Media Marketing"
"34 Digital Marketing -Secret HacksThat'llGet People to Your Website, Grow Your Brand & Drive More Sales!Learn how You Can GetInstant Resultsusing EasyDigital Marketing Hacks That We'll Share In This Course.Are YouReady to Sell more Products, Get more Clients &Grow your Business using Digital Marketing?Take A Look atTheseTop Rated Reviews... ""So helpful! I've learned so much in just the first three lectures!"" - Lorian Pecker ""Very informative and gave me so many ideas to improve my internet presence! Thank you!"" - Marjorie ""Awesome course. It has a lot of helpful content on digital marketing secrets. Thank you."" - Bobbie SmithThis Course Includes Secret Hacks From...Facebook MarketingYouTube MarketingInstagram MarketingLinkedIn MarketingPinterest MarketingQuora MarketingSEO (Search Engine Optimization)Bonus Section Including The Content Marketing Machine!In this section we'll teach you how to create valuable content to grow your following across 7 different Digital Marketing platform from one video!We start on YouTube, move on to you WordPress website, then to Quora, then Twitter, then Instagram, then Facebook and last we're uploading content to Pinterest.Enroll in thisDigital Marketing Hacks Course Now to get the most effective hacks to success!See You in The Course!- Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 99.99

"CC ++C19721C ++CIoTCC ++UnityCJavaC ++COSCC ++JavaPHPCC ++CWindowsVisualStuido 2017 Community EditionVisualStuido 2017 Community EditionC/ C ++IDEOS"
Price: 24000.00

Price: 19800.00

"Crafts for Kids: Autumn and Winter"
"Crafting is fun, and there's no denying its wonderful ability to help children develop their creativity, personality, and fine motor skills. Children and adults alike take joy in seeing something that they've made with their own hands come to life and become a thing of beauty. This craft course is a celebration of that joy and one that will bring a smile to every child's face. This essential collection of autumn and winter crafts will see you delight friends and family with everything from back to school keychains to Valentine's cards. There's something for every holiday: Christmas tree decorations, spooky Halloween treats, and New Year's delights! I'lleven introduce you to the Danish style of hygge living and share great ideas and projects that let you incorporate it in your life. Plus all of the tips, tricks, and templates for each craft are included!"
Price: 24.99

"Crafts and Table Settings for Autumn"
"There is something magical about handmade crafts. Each craft is much more than just the glitter and glue holding it together. Everything made from your hands contains your time, care, and love, and this craft course is a celebration of those ingredients!This one-stop autumn craft course will prepare you for Back to School, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and will even introduce you to the Danish concept of hygge. Throughout the course you will learn to create 24+ homemade treasures, as well as learn how to set a themed table based around each special occasion and holiday. It's the perfect arts and crafts course for adults and children.Each craft lesson includes detailed video instructions, written directions, a required materials list, and any necessary templates. So get ready to delight friends and family with themed parties and crafts. All the tips, tricks, and templates youll need are included! All you need to do is grab a warm cup of coffee and you're ready to go!Themes Covered:Back to SchoolHalloweenThanksgiving Hygge"
Price: 19.99

"Crafts and Table Settings for Winter"
"Crafting in winter is all about creating wonderful traditions and memories around special holidays. There is a wonderful magic in the air at this time of year, and its a great time to gather the family and create together!This one-stop winter craft course will prepare you for Christmas, the New Year, Valentine's, and will even introduce you to the Danish concept of hygge. Throughout the course you will learn to create 24+ homemade treasures, as well as learn how to set a themed table based around each special occasion.Each craft lesson includes detailed video instructions, written directions, a required materials list, and any necessary templates. So get ready to delight friends and family with themed parties and crafts. All the tips, tricks, and templates youll need to make your winter merry and bright are included just add roaring fire and get crafting!"
Price: 19.99

"Parenting: Life Skills for Children's Development"
"Earn the confidence to help your child positively grow in the six primary life skills areas & support their developmentLearn how to improve your child's:LanguageSocial and Personal ConfidencePhysicalityUnderstanding and Acceptance of OthersFascination with the World Around ThemOur children are on their journey towards independence from the day they are born. In order for them to live positive independent lives without us (their parents), we need to teach them essential life skills.These valuable life skills can not be learned from a book, school, or even an app. They must be learned from parents and other important adults and role models in their lives.In this course, you will get an insight into life skills as they apply to your child's development and discover how you can help your child grow in each area. Together, all of the pieces of this developmental puzzle will fall into place as we discover each life skill and how to better help our children.You will enjoy in-depth, well-organised material covering each life skill: language, social competence, personal competence, nature, culture and values, and body and movement. Each skill is broken down with practical exercises that providereal world application to help you immediately reach your child and watchthem positively develop and grow."
Price: 39.99