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"Ethical Sales: Learn to Sell Based on Social Responsibility"
"Would you like to learn how to sell ethically?And have you ever wondered whether it is somehow possible to double, tripple or even quadruple salesin a short period of time?Then this course is for you!In this course,I will show you step by step how to sell more products via the phone, television and online. We will cover in-depth strategies and after taking this course, you will be able to generate more sales than ever before. Let me takeon a journey of ethical selling, honest promotion and self-discovery.In this course, we will cover the following topics in detail:Basic sales strategies - Before we start with more advanced material, we will cover some quite basic sales strategies and talk about yoursales mindset. We will cover basic cold-calling strategies, online sales strategies and much more!Emailmarketing - You will now learn how to conduct professional email marketing with Mailchimp. After completing this chapter, you will know more about lead generation, lists, Mailchimp templates and email campaigns.Cold-calling -We will now cover highly effective cold-calling strategies that will 10X your closing rate. You will learn about exit and closing strategies, we will cover rhetorical hacks and much more!Sales funnels - I will now show you step by step how to set up highly converting sales funnels such as 4 week email sales funnels, interest driven sales funnels and many more. We will cover each funnel's individual funnel plan and you can watch me draw them out step by step.Gumroad - If you want to sell your products online, then this chapter is for you! We will cover how to use Gumroad to sell your products online, including membership products, drip and subscriptions products, physical and digital products.15 sales strategies: At the end of this course, we will cover 15 ethical sales strategies that you can use in order to double, tripple or even quadruple your sales. After completing this chapter, you will be able to apply them right away.After completing this course, you will be able to do the following:Generate leads and convert them into paying customersConduct professional email marketing with MailchimpUse cold-calling in order to generate more salesUse highly converting sales funnels to turn leads into paying customersUse 15+ sales strategies in order to double, tripple or even quadruple your salesWhile other courses leave you confused, this is an A-Z guide - the complete ethicalsales masterclass!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time!YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the take this course right now button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!"
Price: 199.99

"25 Sales Strategies for B2B & B2C: The Complete Course"
"Would you like to generate more B2Bor B2C sales?But do you struggle with coming up with highly effective sales strategies?Then this course is for you!In this course, you will learn aboutpersuasion techniques, online and offline sales, the FRAT system and much more!So what exactly are we going to cover in this course?Persuasion techniques - You will learn step by step how to get a business or a customer to tell you why they need you. We will learn about psychological effects, conservative but also aggressive sales strategies and you will learn how to sell people as quickly as possible.Cold-Calling -We will now cover highly effective cold-calling strategies that will 10X your closing rate. You will learn about exit and closing strategies, we will cover rhetorical hacks and much more! After completing this part of the course, you will feel more confident when talking to people on the phone and you will be able to close them more quickly.Additional strategies - We will cover all the strategies that helped me and many other sales people to increase sales while not increasingtheeffort.I will let you in on a couple of sales secrets and you will take action toward generatingmore salesright away.After completing this course, you will be able to:Understand and apply highly effective persuasion strategiesGenerate more B2B and B2C sales through highly converting sales strategiesAccelerate at cold-calling and close more sales every dayKnow how to convince potential clients of your solutionWhile other courses leave you confused, this is an A-Z guide - the complete B2Band B2C 25 sales hacksmasterclass!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time!YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the take this course right now button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!"
Price: 184.99

"Protheus 12 - Arquitetura e instalao na prtica"
"Entre no mundo do sistema ERP  mais utilizado em todo o Brasil, o Protheus, da TOTVS.Aprenderemos desde o inicio, como instalar e configurar o sistema para correto funcionamento, assim como toda a sua arquitetura e aplicaes que complementam o ERP. Veremos como instalar servios do Protheus no Windows Server, como executar o Protheus via navegadores web, estrutura de arquivos e pastas, criar ambientes para testes e muito mais!Hoje o mercado de trabalho est cada vez mais exigindo altos nveis de conhecimento e aqui est sua melhor chance de adquirir o conhecimento inicial necessrio para alavancar de uma vez por todas a sua carreira! Se voc est na pgina deste curso, por que j faz ideia do quanto profissionais devidamente qualificados em ERP so procurados pelas empresas de todo o Brasil, no deixe de comear a aprender ainda hoje algo que pode mudar sua carreira para sempre. Matricule-se agora mesmo no curso de Arquitetura e instalao Protheus 12 e faa a diferena.** APRENDA NA PRTICA! **Protheus, ADVPL e TOTVS so produtos e marcas registradas de  propriedade da TOTVS S.A. Logotipos TOTVS e Microsiga so de propriedade  da TOTVS S.A."
Price: 189.99

"Programando em ADVPL - Aprenda do Zero"
"O sistema ERP Protheus da TOTVS est presente em inmeras empresas de vrios segmentos pelo Brasil. Aprender ADVPL se torna uma tarefa um tanto difcil para quem nunca teve contato com a linguagem, pensando nisso, a RCTI resolveu dar continuidade no curso de Arquitetura e instalao do Protheus 12 com um curso completo de ADVPL do Zero!No curso voc vai iniciar instalando a IDE TOTVS Developer Studio, utilizada para desenvolver os programas em ADVPL. Depois vamos aprender como utilizar as perspectivas da ferramenta, at criarmos o nosso primeiro programa em ADVPL, o famoso ""OL MUNDO"". A partir da teremos aulas prticas para voc fixar de maneira fcil cada contedo passado no curso. Caso voc no tenha muita familiaridade com estes assuntos ou com os nomes ditos aqui, no se preocupe, voc vai aprender tudo o que precisa para continuar seus estudos sobre o Protheus e se tornar um profissional altamente qualificado no mercado de trabalho.Este curso avaliado em um alto valor, mas agora voc poder aprender com um valor totalmente simblico.O que voc est esperando? Inscreva-se no curso e aproveite tamanha oportunidade e qualquer duvida, estarei a disposio.* Protheus, ADVPL e TOTVS so produtos e marcas registradas de  propriedade da TOTVS S.A. Logotipos TOTVS e Microsiga so de propriedade  da TOTVS S.A. *"
Price: 159.99

"Protheus - Treinamento APSDU"
"Se voc iniciante no mundo do sistema ERP Protheus, da TOTVS, ou se precisa reaprender algumas funcionalidades, ou apenas entender sobre banco de dados no Protheus, este curso para voc. Esta uma tima oportunidade para aprender sobre uma ferramenta muito poderosa do sistema ERP Protheus.Nunca foi feito e disponibilizado um curso totalmente dedicado ao APSDU do Protheus, embora estar presente na vida de qualquer analista Protheus, o APSDU as vezes passa despercebido diante do aprendizado total do sistema, na maioria das vezes causando frustraes por no terem o devido conhecimento.Neste curso voc vai aprender do zero como utilizar a ferramenta e assim poder alavancar seu conhecimento e sua carreira. No perca esta oportunidade e comesse hoje mesmo o curso.** O curso ainda acompanha um E-book gratuito como material de apoio ao aluno ;)** Protheus, ADVPL e TOTVS so produtos e marcas registradas de  propriedade da TOTVS S.A. Logotipos TOTVS e Microsiga so de propriedade  da TOTVS S.A. **"
Price: 99.99

"Road To Financial Freedom - Dropshipping Masterclass"
"The hardest part of succeeding is finding the right path. This course is designed to do just that.What you will learn:How to pick the right store for your personal success.How to find the right products to fill your new site.How to set up a Shopify store to look like a legitimate retail storeWhat free apps you will need to streamline your success.Techniques to find influencers that are perfect for your site.How to create an awesome advertisement that makes you stand out.How to take all this information to make serious money.How to scale your advertisements effectively and efficiency.What you need to do to ensure long term success.What's Included:20 lecturevideosTemplates for streamlined successQuestions answered herebefore anyother platformAre you ready to turn your dreams into a reality?"
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Messenger Chat Bots & Marketing: The Complete Guide"
"Would you like to create chat bots for product suggestions or customer service? And have you ever though about Facebook messenger and how to make money with it? Then this course is for you.In this course, I will turn you into a professional chat bot creator & online marketer focussed on Facebook advertising. So, what are we going to learn in this course? In the first chapter of this course, I will show you how to create a buyer persona and launch Facebook ads. You will get a complete training course on Facebook ads - in particular we are going to cover messages ads, and in this regard single image ads, single video ads and slideshow ads. Afterwards, we will talk about traffic and engagement ads as well as how to create cheap ads to create as much messenger traffic as possible. In the second part of this course, I will introduce you to Facebook chat bots and I will teach you how to create one. You will later on learn how to turn your chat bot into a customer service chat bot and products suggestions chat bot. In the last part of this course, I will throw in my best Facebook messenger and chat bot marketing strategies for you to copy and apply. Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time. Go ahead and click the 'take this course' button right now and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling. Yours sincerely,Leon Chaudhari - instructor - "
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Fundraising: The Complete Crowdfunding Course"
"Would you like to raise money but think that it's too difficult to get donations quickly? And have you got a goal in mind for which you would like to raise money? Then this course is for you! In this course, I will show you step by step how you can get started with Facebook fundraising - a new and exciting way to raise money for you company, personal projects, family members, and more! So, what exactly are you going to gain from enrolling in this course? In the first chapter of this course, we will focus on the basics of Facebook fundraising and learn how to build an e-mail list via Mailchimp quickly. You will learn how to create highly converting landing pages quickly and how you can use these landing pages in order to collect leads, so basically names and e-mail addresses. Afterwards, in the second part of this course, you will learn how to get started with Facebook ads, you will learn how to create engagement, messenger and traffic ads, in particular we will focus on highly converting single image and collection ads. We will continue by concentrating our efforts on generating a positive return on investment and I will show you how to invest 1 USD and get 2 USD in profit out of it! Additionally, you will learn how to make videos for your fundraising go viral through an in-depths Facebook ads training that I have included for you in this course. At the end of this course, you will know exactly how to get people to your Facebook fundraiser and you will have mastered the skill of persuasion. While other courses leave you confused, this course is an A-Z guide - the complete certified course on Facebooks fundraising tool. Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.YOU HAVE NOTHING TO RISK BUT EVERYTHING TO GAIN! Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever. Go ahead and click the 'take this course button' and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling! "
Price: 174.99

"Facebook Werbeanzeigen fr Email Marketing Meisterkurs"
"Mchtest du gerne mehr Leads generieren und die Grundlagen von EmailMarketing mit Mailchimp kennen lernen? Und wolltest du schon immer einmal wissen wie man hochkonvertierende FacebookWerbeanzeigen erstellt? Dann ist dies genau der richtige Kurs fr dich!In diesem Kurs werde ich dir Schritt fr Schritt zeigen wie du mehr Leads mit Facebook generieren kannst und sie dafr verwendest mehr Kunden in dein Unternehmen reinzubringen!Folgende Dinge wirst du in diesem Kurs lernen...Zu Beginn des Kurses werden wir uns nochmal die Grundlagen von FacebookSeiten anschauen - wie erstellt man sie?Was sind Metabeschreibungen?Und vieles mehr!Sobald wir damit fertig sind, werden wir uns mit der Email Marketing Software Mailchimp auseinandersetzen. Du wirst lernen wie man Listen, Templates & Kampagnen mit Mailchimp erstellt und skaliert. Auerdem wirst du lernen Sign up Seiten mit Mailchimp zu erstellen ber die Leute sich frzum Beispiel deinen Newsletter einschreiben knnen.Darauf hin werden wir uns mit FacebookWerbeanzeigen beschftigen. Du wirst lernen wie man sieplant, erstellt und skaliert. Wir werden uns dabei besonders auf Messenger Werbeanzeigen konzentrieren. Nachdem du dieses Kapitel abgeschlossen hast, wirst du fr jeden Dollar den du in deine Werbeanzeige investierst potentiell 2, 5, 10, vielleicht sogar 20 Dollar rausbekommen.Folge Dinge wirst du knnen wenn du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast:Plane, erstelle und skaliere hoch konvertierende Facebook Messenger WerbeanzeigenVerstehe wie man Mailchimp verwendet und Landing Pages erstelltGeneriere Leads via Facebook Werbeanzeigen fr deine Email ListeGeneriere hohe ffnungs- und Click Through Raten mit Facebook Messenger WerbeanzeigenErstelle Content der deine potentiellenKundenanimiert Handlungen vorzunehmenAber genug des Redens.Lasse uns anfangen!Schreibe dich in den Kurs jetzt ein und wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im ersten Video!Deswegen nochmals: Nimm' diese Chance jetzt wahr!Ich zhle auf dich!"
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Messenger Marketing: Der Komplette Messenger Kurs"
"Wrdest du gerne wissen wie man intelligente ChatBots programmiert und via dem Facebook Messenger mehr Kunden erreicht?Findest du EmailMarketing zu kompliziert oder lohnt es sich fr dich einfach nicht mehr? Dann ist dies genau der richtige Kurs fr dich!In diesem Kurs werde ich dir zeigen wie man hochkonvertierende Facebook Messenger Werbeanzeigen erstellt, intelligente Chat Bots programmiert und mehr Kunden gewinnt.Auf folgende Dinge werden wir hier in diesemKurs genauer eingehen:Am Anfang des Kurses werden wir uns ber Facebook Seiten,Autoresponder und Chat Bots unterhalten.Du wirst lernen wie man einenAutoresponder erstellt und wir werden uns Schritt fr Schritt anschauen wie du eine knstliche Intelligenz programmieren kannst. Keine Sorge, du brauchst keine existierenden Programmierkenntnisse hierfr. Diese knstliche Intelligenz wird die Nachrichten die deine FacebookSeite bekommt automatisch beantworten und dir mehrere Stunden jede Woche an Zeit sparen.Anschlieend bekommst du von mir eine komplette Einfhrung ins Thema FacebookWerbeanzeigen. Wir werden ber den Facebook Powereditor sprechen und ich werdedir zeigen wie du ihn benutzt um hochkonvertierende FacebookWerbeanzeigen zu erstellen. Sobald wir damit fertig sind, werden wir insThema Facebook Messenger Werbeanzeigen einsteigen und du wirst lernen wie du mit FacebookMessenger Werbeanzeigen ffnungsraten von bis 90% generieren kannst.Am Ende des Kurses werde ich dir dann noch mal meine 5 bestenTipps geben mit denen du hohe ffnungs- und Click Through Raten generieren kannst.Folgende Dinge wirst du tun knnen, wenn du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast:Erstelle hoch konvertierende Facebook Messenger WerbeanzeigenGewinne neue Kunden durch effektive Content Marketing StrategienNutze Facebook Gruppen um neue Kunden zu akquirieren und haltenLerne intelligente Chat Bots zu programmierenLerne Autoresponder fr deine Facebook Seiten zu programmierenAber genug des Redens.Lasse uns anfangen!Schreibe dich in den Kurs jetzt ein und wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im ersten Video!Deswegen nochmals: Nimm' diese Chance jetzt wahr!Ich zhle auf dich!"
Price: 199.99

", . , . , , . , , , . , . (20- ), (MSc in Finance, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom), ABZ Petroleum Investments (- ) : , : , , , , , / , . :, , , : , : -- : , . - ( ) ! ! , . , 31 2013 -- -. , , . , 31 2013"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Tennis Course: Take Your Game To The Next Level"
"This course will go over every aspect of the game with the purpose of helping you improve the most in the least amount of time. Each lesson has key elements that willprovide you with important tips that will enhance your performance no matter what your level. If you are a beginner, you will learn essential stroke components,proper technique, and can take advantage of the conditioning videos. For advanced players, you will learn how to take specific strokes and make them world class. There are some stroke specific lessons you won't find anywhere else, like the Serve Harder Training Program. Students all over the world have benefited from Coach Joseph Correa's knowledge of the game. These are some of the things you will learn:- How to hit a topspin forehand, topspin backhand,slice backhand, kick serve,slice serve, increase serve speed- How to prepare for a tennis tournament (including the training program calendar)- How to improve your conditioning- Improve yourmental toughness- When to use specific strategiesFor more advanced players, the SERVEHARDERTRAININGPROGRAM is included so that you can start serving harder than ever before. The Serve Harder Training Program charts are also included so that you can track your progress and perform the training in an organized fashion. When youtrainwith a plan you reach your goals much faster.Also, you will find a TENNIS TOURNAMENT TRAININGcalendar so that you can make REAL changes in a specific amount of time. For many tennis players, training hard isn't the problem, it's seeing progress that becomes difficult over time.What students are saying aboutthe course:Philan A. BoweVery good, this is excellent for beginners or someone who needs a refresher course in tennis. It would be nice if he had a test hitter to demonstrate some of the drills. Loved it!V. SilverThis is a great program that takes you through the type of training the real pros do (but adapted for what you can handle). I have worked with Joseph Correa for several years and he took me from USTA 2.5 to 4.0. I had to learn not only tennis technique but also footwork, agility and fitness specifically for tennis. But all that was great for general fitness as well, and really fun.Sunil JethwaniThe Coach is very experienced ,and has provided easy to follow instructions/tips/techniques for players to improve on various aspect of their Tennis game.The course is logically divided into different videos , each having very good explanation covering different topics of Tennis skills like forehand,kickserves,volleys, forehand and backhand topspin/slices etc . - This course should definitely help players in basic and intermediate level , who are serious about their games , to improve their game play in tournaments .."
Price: 99.99

"El Curso de Tenis Completo: Lleva tu Juego al Prximo Nivel"
"Mi nombre es Joseph Correa y te quieroinvitar a mi curso de tenis. He competido a nivel profesional y tambin soyentrenador de tenis y se lo que se necesita hacer para mejorar tu juego detenis.Siquieres ganar ms y ser un campen en el tenis, necesitas comenzar este curso. Aprenderscosas nuevas que no existen en otros lugares como:- Los beneficios de la recuperacin activa- Como utilizar mtodos avanzados deentrenamiento mental- Como ejecutar todos los golpes con tcnicaperfecta- La manera correcta de prepararse para untorneo (que comer, como entrenar, que pensar, cuando dormir y mucho mas)Estecurso tiene dos componentes muy especiales que ayudaran a jugadores de altonivel a triunfar. Estos dos son:1.En el entrenamiento de servicio avanzado2. El entrenamiento para torneos de tenisLa mayora de los jugadores ms exitosos enel mundo utilizan entrenamientos similares y es gracias a eso que han sido tanexitosos.Estas son algunas cosas que aprenders en el curso que servira a jugadores de todo nivel:Cmo golpear unaderecha con topspin, revs con topspin, un revs conslice, un saque con efecto ""kick"", un saque conslice, y una incrementada velocidad de servicio. Cmo prepararte para un torneo (incluyendo el calendario de entrenamiento) Cmo mejorar tu condicin physica utlizando metodos modernosMejorar la fortaleza mental atraves de meditacion y visualizacionesCundo usar estrategias especficas para ganar masPara los jugadores ms avanzados, el PROGRAMA DE ENTRENAMIENTO PARA UN SERVICIO MS DURO est incluido, para que puedas empezar a tener saques ms duros que antes. Las tablas del Programa de Entrenamiento para un Servicio ms Duro tambin estn incluidas para que puedas seguir tu progreso y realizar el entrenamiento de forma organizada. Cuando entrenas con un plan, llegas a tus objetivos ms rpido. Tambin encontrars un calendario de ENTRENAMIENTO PARA TORNEO DE TENIS, para que puedas hacer cambios REALES en un periodo de tiempo especfico. Para muchos jugadores de tenis, entrenar duro no es el problema, sino ver el progreso que se vuelve difcil a lo largo del tiempo.Comienza hoy este curso y descubre tu potencial!"
Price: 99.99

"Der komplette Tenniskurs"
"Diese Lektionen gehen ber jeden Aspektdes Spiels mit dem Ziel, Ihnen zu helfen, das meiste in der krzesten Zeit zuverbessern. Jede Lektion hat ein wesentliches Element, das Ihnen wichtige Tippsgeben wird, die Ihre Leistung verbessern, egal auf welchem Niveau Sie sind.Wenn Sie ein Anfnger sind, werden Sie wesentliche Schlagbestandteile lernen,die richtige Technik und Sie knnen sich die Videos zu Nutze machen.Fortgeschrittene Spieler werden lernen, wie man bestimmte Schlge trifft undsie Weltklasse macht. Es gibt ein paar schlagspezifische Lektionen, die Sienirgendwo anders finden werden, wie z. B. das hrtere Schlagtrainingsprogramm.Kursteilnehmer auf der ganzen Welt haben von Coach Joseph Correas Wissen berdas Spiel profitiert.Einige dieser Dinge, die Sie lernen,sind:- Wie man eine Topspin-Vorhand,Topspin-Rckhand, Slice-Rckhand, Kick-Aufschlag, Slice-Aufschlag, erhhteAufschlag-Geschwindigkeit trifft- Wie man sich fr ein Tennisturnier(inkl. Trainingsprogrammkalender) vorbereitet- Wie man die Kondition verbessert- Verbesserung der mentalenBelastbarkeit- Wann sind spezifische StrategienanzuwendenFr fortgeschrittenere Spieler ist dasHRTERE SCHLAGTRAININGSPROGRAMM enthalten, so dass Sie beginnen knnen, denAufschlag hrter als jemals zuvor zu schlagen. Die Tabellen des hrterenSchlagtrainingsprogramms sind ebenfalls enthalten, so dass Sie IhrenFortschritt verfolgen knnen und das Training in einer organisierten Art undWeise durchfhren knnen. Wenn Sie nach Plan trainieren, erreichen Sie IhreZiele viel schneller.Auerdem finden Sie einen TENNIS-TURNIERTRAININGSkalender, so dass Sie in einer bestimmten Zeit ECHTE Vernderungenvornehmen knnen. Fr viele Tennisspieler ist ein hartes Training kein Problem,sondern einen Fortschritt zu sehen, ist mit der Zeit schwierig."
Price: 99.99

"Curso Completo de Tnis: Leve Seu Jogo Para o Prximo Nvel"
"Estas lies vo abordar todos os aspectos do jogo com a finalidade de ajud-lo a melhorar o mximo em menos tempo. Cada lio tem elementos-chave que iro lhe fornecer dicas importantes que iro melhorar o seu desempenho, no importa qual o seu nvel. Se voc um iniciate, voc aprender componentes essenciais do curso, tcnica apropriada, e pode aproveitar-se dos vdeos de condicionamento. Jogadores avanados iro aprender a dar tacadas especficas e torn-las de alto nvel. H algumas lies especficas do curso sobre tacadas voc no encontrar em nenhum outro lugar, como o Programa de Treinamento Saque Mais Forte. Estudantes de todo o mundo tm beneficiado do conhecimento do treinador Joseph Correa sobre o jogo.Estas so algumas das coisas que voc vai aprender: - Como bater um topspin forehand, topspin backhand, backhand slice, saque Kick, saque slice, aumentar a velocidade de saque - Como se preparar para um torneio de tnis (incluindo o calendrio do programa de formao) - Como melhorar o seu condicionamento - Melhore a sua dureza mental - Quando utilizar estratgias especficas Para jogadores mais avanados, o PROGRAMA DE TREINAMENTO SAQUE MAIS FORTE incluso, para que voc possa comear a sacar mais forte do que nunca. Os grficos do Programa de Treinamento Saque Mais Forte tambm so inclusos para que voc possa acompanhar o seu progresso e realizar o treinamento de forma organizada. Quando voc treina com um plano voc alcana seus objetivos muito mais rapidamente. Tambm, voc encontrar um calendrio do TREINAMENTO PARA TORNEIO DE TNIS, para que voc possa fazer mudanas VERDADEIRAS em um determinado tempo especfico. Para muitos tenistas, treinar duro no o problema, ver progressos que se torna difcil ao longo do tempo."
Price: 99.99

"Corso di tennis completo"
"Queste lezioni tratteranno ogniaspetto del gioco allo scopo di aiutarti a migliorare al massimo nel minortempo possibile. Ogni lezione presenta elementi chiave che ti fornirannosuggerimenti importanti che miglioreranno le tue prestazioni indipendentementedal tuo livello. Se sei un principiante, imparerai le componenti essenziali deltratto, la tecnica corretta e potrai sfruttare i video di preparazione. Igiocatoriavanzati, impareranno come eseguire colpi specifici e ad eseguirli alivello mondiale. Ci sono alcune lezioni specifiche su colpi che non troveraida nessun'altra parte, come il programma di allenamento Serve Harder. Studentidi tutto il mondo hanno tratto vantaggio dalla conoscenza dell'allenatoreJoseph Correa. Queste sono alcune delle cose cheimparerai:- Come colpire un dritto sultopspin, rovescio in topspin, rovescio in slice, servizio in kick, servizio inslice, aumentare la velocit del servizio.- Come prepararsi per un torneodi tennis (incluso il calendario del programma di allenamento)- Come migliorare il tuocondizionamento- Migliorare la tua forza mentale- Quando utilizzare strategiespecifichePer i giocatori pi esperti, ilPROGRAMMA DI ADDESTRAMENTO SERV HARDER incluso in modo da poter iniziare aservire pi duramente che mai. Sono inclusi anche i grafici del programma diallenamento Serve Harder in modo da poter tenere traccia dei tuoi progressi edeseguire l'allenamento in modo organizzato. Quando ti alleni con un pianoraggiungi i tuoi obiettivi molto pi velocemente.Inoltre, troverai un calendarioper il L'ALLENAMENTO TORNEO TENNIS in modo che tu possa fare progressi REALI inun determinato periodo di tempo. Per molti giocatori di tennis, allenarsiduramente non un problema, vedere progressi nel tempo che diventadifficile."
Price: 99.99

"Learn a proper meditation for All Ages"
"onelightsystem OLS teacher Everyone should to know how to receive direct & seeing the Light ""a proper meditation"" this is simplified personalized introduction with preparation class to oneLight mediation system specially designed for all Ages and all levels ! Teacher Nazar is based in Bay area this is pre-schedduled beginning class for 12/05 can begin at 6:20 - 6:55 amCA USA We will begin with about meditation as a daily practice (how and why) now as early morning before sunrise to seek knowledge about the new Light is coming sunrise 7:10 Q/A 2. prospective students introduction -does the seeker has any meditation experience ?3. How To receive direct & seeing the Light (safety transparentregulations)from our Star step by step Q/A 4. How to prepare for next class 2. Q/A class 2. 1. About Q/A 5 min.2. Teacher receiving student notes 3. Teacher creating groups practice4. how to prepare for OLS INITI to become an OLS student 4. How to prepare for next class 3. Q/A 5 min. During or afteryou complete OLS intro meditation preparation class you will be able to have Additional* %discount applied during OLSassessment process to determinate OLS INITI. Service fees'*. to receive OLS initi and become and active student continue attending the class to cultivate advance abilities."
Price: 34.99

"Selenium 3 MasterClass for the Absolute Beginner - Hands On"
"Selenium Certification Training will help you in mastering the various concepts of Selenium from scratch. Selenium Training will help you master important concepts such as TestNG, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid, XPath and Waits, IFrames and Alerts in Selenium 3, POM Frameworks, Data Driven Framework, Hybrid Framework and so on. This Selenium Certification Training is also a gateway towards your Automation testing career.Selenium WebDriver Training - Expert LevelOne of the Biggest, Oldest and Most Demanding Selenium course on Udemy. Cover almost everything you need to Master in Selenium Webdriver & Automation Testing Framework designing like Hybrid Framework, Data-Driven framework, Cucumber BDD Framework.Update: New Lectures added based on recent 3.5.1 WebDriver library updateYOU ARE ABOUT TO MASTER THE SELENIUM AUTOMATION.Latest Addition: Complete Cucumber Framework from ScratchCovers: TestNG, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium GRID, Selenium Framework Designing, All Major Selenium Automation Frameworks, Reporting, Live Projects, and Interview Preparation.********What makes this course unique from others**********************200+ Lectures, Around 48+ hours of Latest and unique content which you will not find in any other Selenium courses on Udemy. This course covers Basics + Advance + Architect level topics on Selenium and Framework designing.You will also get Live support in your queries and project via interactive webinar sessions and Team Viewers.**************************************************************************************************From ground till sky level this course covers every concept in Selenium automation which is a need of current automation industry.**********COURSE HIGHLIGHTS**************************TestNG / Seleliun WebDriver with all Advance level conceptsSelenium GRIDJUnit / TestNG, ANT, Report generation, batch executionSVN and MAVENGit, GitHUBContinuous Integration - Jenkins / HudsonData Driven FrameworkHybrid (Keyword + DataDriven) FrameworkPage Object Model with factoriesJava Collection FrameworkCucumber Framework DesigningLive Examples and Assignments*******************************************************************************************************Not just the video lectures you will see the entire coding part done step by step and the lectures are explained in a very detailed and practical approach is taken in every example by the trainer."
Price: 199.99

"API Testing Automation: REST Assured API Testing with Java"
"API Testing online training course is designed to make you an expert in working with Backend Testing. Our Industry Experts have more experience in working with Backend Testing and will ensure that you get trained and become expert in Rest Assured Testing.You would be able to Design the API Testing Framework and pro in API Testing.Understanding of Complete API Testing and API Testing Terminology.How to Use PostMan and complete Knowledge of API Calling and Response Handling.Why this course? REST Assured API is powerful API released by google (just like Selenium for Web)  to Automate REST API's.  In the 21st century, almost all web applications use web services to communicate or interact with each other. Most modern-day web services are built on Representational state transfer (REST) architecture; REST has gained a lot of popularity and it will continue to do the same due to its simplicity in comparison with other technologies.90%of the IT industry now heading towards this API for automating Services Learn Everything You Need to Know About REST API Automation Even If You've Never worked Before on this domain.   The course covers Basics To Advanced Level With Rest Assured, Postman, Java, TestNG, RestAssured Framework Implementation & HTTP Client Framework implementation From Scratch with rich examples.On course completion, You will be Mastered in REST API Automation  and can implement Successfully it in your workplace or will surely land on High Paying Job. We start from Beginners level and go through Advanced FRAMEWORK level. This is a single course for everything you need to know related to Rest API Manual testing and Automation.This course explains : *******************************************************************What is API and WebServicesREST and SOAP Base API TestingREST API Basics and TerminologyGetting started with REST API TestingClient-Server ArchitectureHTTP ProtocolREST API Requests and ResponseREST API Testing using POSTMANJSON/XML ParsersTestNG Automation Framework for REST TestingCore Java Concepts for F/W implementationAPI AutomationREST API Java Framework Design and ImplementationREST API Framework CI with Jenkins, GITPlay Around JSONJSON with Jackson LibrarySupplement Tutorials and ResourcesAPI Automation Tips & Tricks and Interview Material *****************************************************************************At the end of this course, you can pick any REST API over Net and can automate it comfortably with all necessary validationsHappy Testing and Wish you Good luck!!!!!!!"
Price: 199.99

"Java For Testers : The Ultimate Java Tutorial For Tester"
"This is only Java related course and it's great because it covers just the right amount of Java which is needed for automation, but this course does not cover Selenium WebDriver and REST API Automation or any other type of automation tool.This is a comprehensive yet simple course on java programming language and it concentrates on Java programming concepts.*************************** No Prior Coding Experience Needed ***************************This course assumes that you have no programming background. If you have some experience then, it's just a bonus point. You have never code, have some experience or have a lot of experience any other programming language, this course is one stop place for you.Java is one of the most and useful programming languages to learn You can build back-end of web applications and build robust test automation framework. Specially for Selenium WebDriver GUI automation, Java is most popular choice and has the largest community.Why learn Java compared to other programming languages?Thats easy.Java is the most popular programming language in use (TIOBE index) since its the only language that works across all computer platforms (and android mobile) without needing to be recompiled (edited) for each one.You code once, and the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) does all the work in making sure your awesome new programme runs smoothly on any platform, whether Windows, Mac, Linux or Android mobile.You will get the best in class support from the instructor for any question you have related to the course.Each lecture consist of a video screencast and code filesThere are quizzes, homework to test your knowledgeHigh focus on practice and asking questionsYou will also learn coding best practicesMarket is never short of jobs in Java programming language, there are ample of jobs in both Java development and Automation Testing using Java.This course is backed by udemy's 30-day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason, you will get the money back. In addition to that you will keep all the code files of the course as a thank you for trying out the course !!!What are you waiting for? Enroll today and learn the powerful Java language !!!"
Price: 189.99

"DevOps MasterClass : Docker Kubernetes Jenkins for DevOps"
"Longest DevOps Course  Certification Course On Udemy. Celebrating #12000 Genuine Students, #12000 DevOps Certified Engineers with DevOps Specialization.People are getting Pro in Jenkins, Docker, Docker Swarm & Kubernetes and we are helping them to get more knowledge on DevOps Practices.This DevOps Certification Training Course will prepare you for a career in DevOps, the fast-growing field that bridges the gap between software developers and operations. The DevOps training course focuses heavily on the use of Docker containers, GIT & Jenkins, a technology that is revolutionizing the way apps are deployed in the cloud today and is a critical skillset to master in the cloud age.This DevOps Certification Training Course will prepare you for a career in DevOpsAfter completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Diagnose a teams delivery pipeline and bring forward prioritized recommendations to improve it 2. Explain the skill sets and roles involved in DevOps and how they contribute toward a continuous delivery capability 3. Review and deliver automation tests across the development stack 4. Explain the key jobs of system operations and how todays leading techniques and tools apply to them 5. Explain how high-functioning teams use DevOps and related methods to reach a continuous delivery capability 6. Facilitate prioritized, iterative team progress on improving a delivery pipelineCourse Objective?This DevOps training is designed to help you become a DevOps practitioner. During this course, our expert DevOps instructors will help you: Understand the DevOps EcosystemLearn about automatic Source Code Management using GIT and Continuous Integration using JenkinsUnderstand, Build and Test Automation: how to build an appropriate delivery pipeline and perform test automation on itUnderstand Containerization using Docker: identify the difference between containers and VMsMaster Docker Commands and Use-cases: deals with the various networking concepts in Docker, the best way to use the Docker Volume, and creating Docker fileMaster Puppet: learn Configuration management and ""Infrastructure-as-Code"". You can learn about the master-agent architecture and catalog compilation in PuppetLearn Continuous Monitoring using Nagios: integrate Jenkins, Docker, and Puppet, and learn about system monitoring using Nagios and its componentsExecute a live ProjectWho should take this course?DevOps career opportunities are thriving worldwide. DevOps was featured as one of the 11 best jobs in America for 2017, according to CBS News, and data from Payscale shows that DevOps Managers earn as much as $122,234 per year, with DevOps engineers making as much as $151,561. DevOps jobs are the third-highest tech role ranked by employer demand on Indeed but have the second-highest talent deficit.This DevOps training course will be of benefit the following professional roles:Software DevelopersTechnical Project ManagersArchitectsOperations SupportDeployment engineersIT managersDevelopment managersPrerequisite knowledge of software development, preferably in Java, and the UNIX/Linux command-line tools are essential for this course."
Price: 199.99

"Data Structures and Algorithms MasterClass: Coding Interview"
"Data Structures?They're here.Algorithms?Covered.Lots of questions with well-explainedsolutions?Yep!Maybe you have taken other courses on this topicthat focus more on teaching how to passjob interview tests(theory)instead of how to make good choices for the programs you develop(implementation).Or maybe you are ready to move from a junior programming position to a more senior one and need to get skilled in advanced concepts like data structures, and how to apply them to your own projects.Whatever the reason, ifyou are looking for a course that focus on theimplementations to give you a complete understanding of how things work, then this is the course for you.Complete source code is included and available foryou to download.This is a hands-on course! If you want to try understand things at a deep level, and work on implementations, rather than theory, then again,this is the course for you.Topics covered:-ArraysLinkedListsTreesHashtablesStacksQueuesHeapsSort algorithmsSearch algorithmsJava CollectionWhylearn about data structures and algorithms?The reality is, the more you learn about data structures and algorithms, the better a programmer you become.Why?Because, data structures and algorithms are effectively patterns for solving problems. You want to add as many of them as you can to your skill-set. By doing so, you will find you solve more problems, and use the right tools for the job, in a more elegant way. And you will learn a heap of them in this course.The sooner you sign up for this course, the sooner you will have the skills and knowledge you need to increase your job or consulting opportunities. Java developers with key skills and understanding of data structures and algorithms are in high demand and get paid extremely well.If you are ready for that new job promotion or consulting opportunity, it's time to get started.Why not get started today?Click theSignupbutton to sign up for the course."
Price: 194.99

"Cucumber Selenium MasterClass: Design BDD Framework"
"Best Selenium with Cucumber Online Training on Internetis organized by Anshul Chauhan. We provide most learning environment for major technical Selenium with Cucumber at affordable price. Thebest Selenium with Cucumber training on Internetoffers the best technical IT training for the regarding Selenium with Cucumber. We provide basic and advanced levelSelenium with Cucumber Training with proper practically knowledge. At here, Selenium with Cucumber Training is offered by industry experts having 8-10 Yrs. of experience.Behavior-driven development, acceptance testing, and test-driven development is one of the latest, most important trends in software delivery. Learn how to implement BDD Cucumber software delivery with Cucumber framework using Java, Selenium, and JUnit. Apply your knowledge to a real-world application.In this course, you will how toWrite a feature fileApply Gherkin syntaxOutline a Given-When-Then scenarioParameterize data into scenariosPass data from steps to glue codeIntegrate Cucumber with SeleniumAll the above topics are discussed from scratch level with lots of Practical examples for better understanding..Wish you good Luck!"
Price: 154.99

"Matrisez l'audio avec Unity - Crez votre AudioManager"
"Bienvenue dans cette formation complte sur l'API Audio de Unity.Avec plus de 5 heures de formation, vous allez crer votre premier AudioManager qui vous permettra de grer avec facilit vos sons dans vos jeux vidos, et vous tudierez aussi certains cas d'tudes typiques des jeux vidos.Vous apprendrez ainsi comment matrisez l'audio sous Unity en commenant par les bases, puis progressivement comment crer des ambiances de jeu diffrentes gres par script, en utilisant les snapshot et les effets.De plus nous utiliserons le microphone du device pour recrer un My TomTalking Like.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dernire Mise jour Mars 2019-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I/ Les bases de l'AudioLa premire section reprend les bases de l'API Audio en prsentant : AudioClipAudioSourceAudioListenerUtilisation concrte de l'API pour jouer une musique de fond et bien d'autres choses.II/ Premire version de l'AudioManagerPuis nous verrons comment crer la premire version de notre AudioManager, qui jouera le rle de centralisateur des sons. ""Un anneau pour les unifier..."" Vous prendrez ainsi le rle de dveloppeur afin d'implmenter la gestion de vos sons.Tout passera par lui, musique comme bruitages, permettant de simplifier le process des lancements d'AudioClip dans votre jeu vido.III/ Prsentation de l'AudioMixerL'AudioMixer sera ensuite prsent afin de pouvoir mixer nos AudioClip et de rgler trs facilement les niveaux sonores de nos sons.(AudioMixerGroup, Soloed, Mute, Views, Colors, Hirarchie des AudioGroup...)Cette tude thorique est bien sr toujours accompagne de mises en pratiques, comme l'ajout d'une musique d'ambiance supplmentaire.IV/ Amlioration de l'AudioManagerCette section nous amnera sur la finalisation de notre AudioManager:prise en charge des sons 3D ajout de la gestion d'AudioMixerGroup sur l'AudioManagermodifications du script initialV/ Etude des effetsCette partie prsente certains effets (lowpass, echo, reverb...) ainsi que leur utilisation sur la table de mixage.Un premier cas d'tude sera ajout trs prochainement.VI/ Etude des SnapshotsLes snapshots permettent d'apporter des ambiance de sons diffrentes de manire simplifie. Nous allons voir ici comment changer d'ambiance par script, tout en prparant notre table de mixage.VII/ Etude de cas : son touffEn partant d'un package existant, nous allons ajouter progressivement diffrents sons et musiques d'ambiance, tout en utilisant encore une fois les snapshots. Ainsi nous pourrons changer par script, l'ambiance gnrale de notre scne.VIII/ Dveloppement deMy Tom Talking LikeEn rutilisant les connaissances acquises travers ce cours, nous allons recrer cette application qui permet d'enregistrer une voix, puis de la dformer avant de l'entendre de nouveau.Tous les sons utiles sont mis disposition afin de pouvoir suivre la formation. A chaque fois une rfrence l'auteur sera faite.Toutes les vidos sont enregistres en 1080p, assurant une qualit optimale de votre visionnage.La formation dispose aussi de QCM et exercices pour valider vos acquis.N'hsitez plus et matrisez l'API Sound de Unity en cliquant sur Suivre ce cours en haut droite."
Price: 74.99

"Crez 4 Apps et Jeux en Ralit Augmente-Vuforia-Unity 2018"
"Bienvenuedans cette formation compltesur l'utilisation de la ralit augmente avecUnity et Vuforia.Matrisez le dveloppement d'applications et jeux vidos 3Den ralit augmente ds maintenant !Devenez Dveloppeur Unity spcialis en AR...Apprenez le dveloppement de jeuxen 3D grce cette formation sur la ralit augmente avec Vuforia et Unity.Crez 4 apps et jeux 3D en ralit augmente:- Votre propreJEU VIDOde TOWER DEFENSECONCEPT en ralit augmente (AR) en utilisant ImageTarget de Vuforia. Dveloppement complet !!- Placer des modles 3D au sol, parfaitement plaqu grce Vuforia Ground Plane et crer votre premire exprience avec le concept Cute Cat- Imiter l'application Ikea Place pour disposer des modles 3D dans votre salon (section en cours de ralisation, remplace en Mai par CuteCat qui prsente moins de complexit quand on dbute sur Vuforia Ground Plane)- Cration d'un mini-jeu bricks shooter base sur l'utilisation du moteur physique de Unity, en utilisant User Defined Target de VuforiaAvec 14heures de formation, vous allez ici plonger dans l'univers de la ralit augmente.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dernire Mise jour Mars 2019-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------##Ajouts futurs envisags:- Prsentation deVuforia Fusion - Une section complte surMarkerless- Une section sur le dveloppement avec iOSI/ IntroductionLa premire section prsente la ralit augmente en gnral, tout en indiquant des solutions alternatives Vuforia. Un point est fait aussi sur les technologies futures que l'on peut dj exploiter en termede dveloppement et derecherchecomme le sdkARCore.Enfin nous verrons pourquoi utiliser Vuforia avec Unity 3D.II/ Premiers pas VuforiaLa seconde section vous propose de faire vos premiers pas dans le monde de l'AR, en vous guidant afin de crer votre premire database et votre premier marker de type ImageTarget. Cration du compte Vuforia, cration de la licence, types de target possibles... l'essentiel de nos besoins avec Vuforia pour le jeu complet et avanc,sera couvertdans cette section.Enfin la mise en place et le premier test sera ralis dans Unity 3D.III/ Dveloppement du mini-jeu BricksShooterCette section propose d'utiliser le concept UDT (User Defined Target) de Vuforia pour crer un mini-jeu utilisant le moteur physique de Unity (collider, rigidbody, gravity...) tout en voyant le concept de prefab sous Unity.IV/ Poser des modles au sol grce Vuforia Ground Plane : Cute Cat ConceptEn se basant sur Vuforia Ground Plane, nous allons voir comment placer des modles au sol. Nous tudieronsla dmo initiale de Vuforia GP Sample, puis crerons le Cute Cat Concept from scratch.Section mise jour avec le dernier package de Vuforia GP.V/Dveloppement du concept del'application Ikea LikeAvecVuforia Ground Plane, nous allons raliser uneapplication de type Ikea Place Likepermettant de placer parfaitement au sol, des modles 3D et d'interagir avec eux.Ce sera l'occasion de rutiliser vos connaissances sur Vuforia Ground Plane, tout en imitant certaines fonctionnalits de l'application Ikea Place.Section mise jour avec le dernier package de Vuforia GP.VI/ Dveloppement du jeu complet - ARTower Defense ConceptNous commencerons concrtement le dveloppement complet du troisime jeu vido :Cahier de charges et tude pralable - ConceptionCration de la TourUtilisation de TextMesh et premire interface avec Unity UIArchitecture du jeu - pseudodiagramme de classesNotion de programmation oriente objet (POO)Systme de communication entre les objets par EventAinsi le jeu vido sera construit couche par couche, fonctionnalit par fonctionnalit, tout en suivant de prs le diagramme de classe prsent au dbut du projet.L'objet Enemy apparatra donc, ainsi que la notion de vagues d'ennemis ou encore l'utilisation du NavMesh (NavMeshAgent, NavMeshObstacle) afin de pouvoir diriger vers la Tour tous les ennemis.Nous verrons aussi comment utiliser les animations 3D, d'un modle , sous Unity, avec Animation et Animator de Unity. A ce stade nos ennemis pourront dtruire la Tour.Il sera alors temps d'ajouter notre Player qui pourra donc lancer nos 2 sorts:Barre de manaGestion du manaLancement des sorts en utilisant RaycastVisualisation su sort de Destruction (effet de particules)Effet du sort sur les ennemisMise jour de l'interfaceFinalisation et ajout de sonsVII/ Cration d'un Terrain sous UnityUne section entire est ddie la ralisation d'un Terrain dans l'diteur de Unity : notion de dimensions, prise en main, sculpture et texturage .VIII/ Dployer pour AndroidUne section entire est ddie l'installation des outils ncessaires au dploiement sous Android : java, android, et build sous UnityIX/ Autres technologies VuforiaDe plus avec la mise jour de Mars 2018, vous pouvez maintenant dcouvrir l'option Extended Tracking qui peut s'avrer trs utile !! D'autres technologies seront ajoutes ici.Ce cours complet sur l'utilisation de la ralit augmente avecVuforia est en constante volution, tout en suivant les dernires volutions des technologies, mais aussi selon vos besoins et blocages...bref c'est un cours vivant et ractif, rien n'est fig !!En prenant ce cours vous tes assur(e)s de rester jour, mais aussi de profiter ultrieurement d'ajouts futurs (cf prvisionnel des mises jour tout en haut...).Tous les sons utiles sont mis disposition afin de pouvoir suivre la formation. A chaque fois une rfrence l'auteur sera faite.Si vous rencontrez des difficults en cours d'apprentissage, vous pouvezme contacter par email et je ferai de mon possible pour vous dbloquer.N'hsitez plus et plongez dans la cration d'applications et jeux vidos, en ralit augmente,en cliquant surSuivre ce coursen haut droite."
Price: 149.99

"Crez votre jeu Facebook et Unity - Facebook API"
"Formation pourapprendrecrervotre unJEU VIDO 2D webavec Facebook et Unity, de type Flappy Bird.Bienvenuedans cette formation axesur l'utilisation deFacebook avecUnity afin d'apprendre les fonctionnalits indispensables tout jeu vido utilisant Facebook :- crer une application Facebook- hberger son jeu vido- authentification- rcupration des informations de l'utilisateur (dont l'avatar)- partager du contenu la timeline de l'utilisateur.Retrouver ici les principes de base du dveloppement de jeux vidos avec facebook, tout en utilisant le langage C# dans les scripts.Afin de pouvoir suivre sereinement le cours, voici les pr-requis:Avoir des bases dans le langage c-sharp (C#)Les bases de l'utilisation de UnityCe cours n'est donc pas destin aux dbutants, si c'est votre cas, veuillez plutt commencer votre apprentissage par un autre cours : Codez des jeux vidos en C# Unity Dveloppeur vol 1La premire section vous permettra de crer votre premire application Facebook, choix de la plateforme WebGL, hbergement web, dcouverte du dashboard Facebook, dployer sur les serveurs... vous verrez ainsi les bases des services Facebook, sans oublier le paramtrage de Unity.Dans la seconde section nous mettrons enplace les bases du jeu vido qui sera cre dans ce cours. Ainsi nous commencerons concrtement le dveloppement de votre jeu vido :Etude du package initial du jeuCration d'un prefab heartGestion de la vie du joueurPrise en main du projetNous verrons donc comment grer les collisisions 2D, notion de layer et order in layer, utiliser un rigidbody...La troisime section entre dans l'API Facebook, afin de pouvoir se connecter. L'API sera ainsi tudie, puis mise en place dans un script qui sera intgrer par vos soins, dans le jeu vido.Nous en profiterons pour gnrer les prefabs coeur tout en utilisant une interface pour visualiser les vies l'cran.Une fois connects, il sera temps d'afficher les informations dans la section 4. Le graphe de Facebook sera prsente afin de comprendre la requte sur le noeud ""me"" qui permettra entre autres, de rcuprer le pseudo du joueur.De plus nous verrons la notion de pooler, notion essentielle dans la cration de jeux vidos, puis nous l'utiliserons pour gnrer efficacement nos coeurs.Le tout sera affich l'cran, puis un test en ligne sur le serveur sera effectu. Enfin l'implmentation de la rcupration de l'avatar sera traite en exercice.Pour terminer nous verrons dans la section 5, comment partager du contenu sur Facebook. La mthode ShareLink du sdk Facebook pour Unity sera utilise est utilise dans notre jeu vido tout en modifiant le comportement initial du jeu au GameOver.Une nouvelle interface sera donc mise en place et le script GameControl sera modifi en consquence... Nous verrons donc comment crer des boutons et leur donner une action accomplir grce l'EventSystem de Unity.Nous utiliserons aussi PlayerPrefs afin d'enregistrer le pseudo et l'avatar du joueur.Note:l'accs ce cours vous offre aussi la possibilit de rejoindre gratuitement la communaut Make Your Game, et ainsi retrouver plus de contenu sur la cration de jeux vidos:https://makeyourgame.funToutes lesvidos sont enregistres en 1080p, assurant une qualit optimale de votre visionnage.Si vous rencontrez des difficults en cours d'apprentissage, vous pouvezme contacter par email et je ferai de mon possible pour vous dbloquer.N'hsitez plus et plongez dans la cration de votre premier jeu, avec Facebook et Unity,en cliquant surSuivre ce coursen haut droite."
Price: 59.99

"Codez des jeux vidos en C# Unity Dveloppeur vol 1"
"Bienvenue sur ce premier volume, cibl sur lapprentissage des bases du langage C#, orient clairement pour les jeux vidos. Dans ce cours vous allez apprendre coder votre premier jeu vido en C# avec Unity 2018 de manire progressive.En effet, commencer Unity sans de solides bases de programmation est une utopie. Vous ne serez jamais un dveloppeur autonome, si vous nadoptez pas les rflexes et les bonnes pratiques.Ainsi dans ce volume 1 de la srie Codezdes jeux vidos en C# - Unity Dveloppeur , vous allez apprendre rellement coder afin de pouvoir terme, crer par vous mme vos propres systmes pour vos futurs jeux.Dans ce cours vous allez apprendre ""parler"" le C#, tout en vous spcialisant pour les jeux vidos!!Crez votre premier jeu vidogrce Unity. Ralisez le jeu du +/- en mode console, puis sous Unity en mode fentr !Au final vous disposerez d'un jeu finalis.ContenuDans un premier temps et tout en prsentant les bases du langage C# (variables, boucles, conditions, fonctions, notion de scope, sparation des vues et plus encore ), nous allons dvelopper le mini-jeu du +/- en mode console.Cela nous permettra de se concentrer avant toute chose sur la notion dalgorithme et surtout de logique, indispensable tout dveloppeur. De plus nous verrons quelquesbonnes pratiques de codage et ce ds le dbut : paramtrer une application, sparer les vues de la logique mtier, mode dev, dcomposer le code en fonctions...Peu peu nous verrons des points essentiels pour tout dbutant, sur lAPI de Unity: Start/Update, crer son premier projet, paramtrer le projet, dcouvrir l'UI de Unity, faire un build PC, Utiliser la console, utiliser certains Input du clavier et de la souris, appel de fonctions depuis l'interface ...Ainsi sur chaque nouvelle notion, un parallle sera fait avec Unity.Enfin nous intgrerons votre script initialement en pur C#, dans lditeur Unity afin de profiter dune interface pour le mini-jeu. Ce sera loccasion dapprendre utiliser un script existant permettant dutiliser linterface utilisateur (UI) de Unity.Au final vous aurez ralis votre premier jeu vido complet. Ce jeu pourra tre lanc depuis votre PC, via un excutable...comme un...vrai jeu !!Ce cours est compatible Unity 5, Unity 2107 et Unity 2018.Si vous rencontrez des difficults en cours d'apprentissage, vous pouvez utiliser la section Questions/Rponseset je ferai de mon possible pour vous dbloquer.Commencez ds maintenant, au travers de ce premier volume, votre formation Dveloppeur Unity.Rejoignez le cours,en cliquant surSuivre ce coursen haut droite."
Price: 59.99

"Neuromarketing: La neurociencia detrs del marketing"
"La finalidad del marketing es posicionar tu marca en la mente de tu prospecto. El saber como comunicarte con tus prospecto y tener las herramientas necesarias es el secreto que impulsara tu marca a un siguiente nivelEn NEUROMARKETING:La neurociencia detrs del marketing vas a descubrirtodos los secretos detrs del marketing para generar un mensaje persuasivoVas a conocer la ciencia detrs del marketingvas a tener en tus manos la estrategia secreta de las grandes marcas como Cocacola que les ha permitido posicionarsu marca en la mente de sus clientesVas a ser capaz de elaborar una campaa de marketing altamente persuasivoPero antes de que tomes una decisin final, djame contarte algo.A lo largo de los ltimos dos aos de experiencia he conocido cientos de personas que inician un negocio propio y la falta de una buena estrategia de marketing no les permite vender y al finalsolo deciden abandonar su proyectoy esperode todo corazn que este no sea tu casoMIGARANTAEn el improbable caso que despus de 60 das de adquirir y aplicar nuestro sistema, no logras hacer un cambio significativo en tu vida. Solo escrbeme un correo a info@inmensamente.nety te devolver el 100% de tu inversin si hacerte ninguna pregunta.Tu inversin est totalmente fuera de riesgoBONOSmaterialde trabajoAcceso a la tribu inmensamente con asesoras mensuales para implementar nuestro sistema en tu negocio""Antes de dar clic en el enlace recuerda nuestra garanta de calidad: tu inversin est totalmente fuera de riesgo"""
Price: 94.99

"Neuromarketing II: Desnudando la mente del consumidor"
"Entender como funciona la mente del consumidor durante el proceso de venta es la clave para diferenciarse y conectar de manera profunda tu marca en el inconsciente de las personasEn el curso Neuromarketing II: Desnudando la mente del consumidor. Conocers como entender la mente del consumidor y tendrs las herramientas necesarias para implementarlo en tu negocio."
Price: 94.99

"Cmo usar Getresponse desde cero"
"El email marketing es la forma ms poderosa de mantenerse comunicado con tus prospectos y automatizar tu proceso de ventas.Con Getresponse vas a poder construir un embudo de ventas totalmente automatizado.Aprende como crear una pgina de captura, un email usando plantillas y desde cero, tambin encontrars como automatizar tu proceso de envo de emailsde acuerdo a las acciones que tomen tus prospectos y mucho ms...Atrevete a conocer esta maravillosa herramienta."
Price: 29.99