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"Adobe AIR ve ActionScript 3.0 ile Mobil Oyun Programlama"
"Bu eitim setinde bir zamanlar popler olan ve herkesin nasl yapabilirim diye dnd Flappy Bird oyununun Adobe Flash/Animate CC ve ActionScript 3.0 ile nasl programlanacan, bu oyunun da Android (Mobil) versiyonun nasl hazrlanacan sfrdan balayan herkes iin anlatmaya altm.Semi olduumuz bu oyun rneini adm adm kendi izimlerinizle (nasl izeceinizi de gstereceim) nasl yapacanz reneceksiniz. Edineceiniz bilgiler ile daha farkl oyun trleri de gelitirmek kendi elinizde."
Price: 19.99

"Google Web Designer"
"Google Web Designer, bir grsel ve kod arayz kullanarak HTML5 reklamlar ve dier web ieriini tasarlamanz ve oluturmanz salayan, HTML5 ve CSS3 ile yaplm gelimi bir web uygulamasdr. Bu eitim seti ile de, Google Web Designer ile reklamclk reklam eleri olutururken resim galerileri, videolar, reklam a aralar ve baka eler eklemenizi salayan bir bileenleri kullanmay reneceksiniz."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Flash / Animate CC ile HTML5 Animasyon Hazrlama"
"Bu kursta, AdobeFlash Pro CC, yeni ismi ile Adobe Animate CCile izim, boyama ve animasyon tekniklerini reneceksiniz.ster e-learning gibi ihtiyalarnz iineitim animasyonlar,isterseniz de web sayfalarnda kullanacanz tantm amalanimasyonlarnz rahatlklahazrlayabileceksiniz.createJS ile HTML5 olarak yaynlamay, animasyonlarnz konrol edebilmek iin de createJS ile JavaScript kodlar kullanarak animasyonunuzu nasl kontrol edebileceinizi uygulama zerindenreneceksiniz."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Edge Animate CC"
"Adobe Edge Animate CC, web tasarmclarnn masast ve mobil tarayclar iin hazrlad arayzlerde rahatlkla kullanabilecekleri web, dijital yaynclk, zengin medya reklamcl ve dier birok alan iin etkileimli HTML5 animasyonlar oluturmalarn salar. Bu eitim setinde de adm adm Adobe Edge Animate CC'yi nasl kullanacanz ve nasl ierik retebileceiniz konusunda teknikleri reneceksiniz."
Price: 19.99

"OpenCart 3 - Crie o seu E-commerce sem saber programar!"
"Este curso destinado a todos que queiram aprender a desenvolver uma loja virtual completa SEM SABER PROGRAMAR, desde o cadastro de produtos at campanhas de marketing. Com a sua loja, voc poder vender produtos fsicos e digitais da forma que voc quiser de acordo com as diversas personalizaes que a loja oferece.Venha conosco conhecer esta incrvel e gratuita ferramenta para lojas virtuais chamada OpenCart!"
Price: 339.99

"Scratch Programming - Build 11 Games in Scratch 3.0 Bootcamp"
"****THISCOURSECOVERSGAMEDEVELOPMENTINSCRATCH3.0 ANDCODINGPRINCIPLESTOFILLTHEGAPBETWEENSCRATCH3.0 AND REALCODING***In this course you will be able to develop 11 different games (including the great Arcade Arkanoid Game) in Scratch programming language. For the development of this game, is used Scratch because isan educational programming environmentthat is hasan easy graphical interface that it will allow us to drag and drop the right blocks of coding.I promise you that it will be a funny and exciting course that it will motivate you to learn coding in more depth.Scratch3.0 is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations.Using Scratch, users can create online projects and develop them into almost anything by using a simple block-like interface. When they are ready, they then share, and also discuss their creations with each other. Scratch was developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at theMIT Media Lab.Scratchis designed to help children (ages 8 and up) learn to utilize their imaginations, practice common sense, and, most importantly, to interact with computers.Scratch is the best educational programming software for kids available today. With Scratch, you can create games andinteractive art projectsall while having lots of fun!This course uses the amazing Scratch program developed by MIT to teach coding this courseis meant for:-Everybody that is interested in learning to code, from kids to adults,Scratch was developed by MIT to teach people to code. It is the best way to learn to code that I have been aware of in my lifetime.-Anyone interested in teaching beginning programming as a career or business.Teaching kids to code is becoming big business. Want to start your owncoding academy schoolor get a position as an instructor? They all use Scratch programming, learnScratch here from a University programming instructor.-Anyone that already knows how to code that wants to learn from ScratchProgrammingand build some fun games.Why did we get into programming in the first place? Because its fun and Scratch is super fun! No matter your level, you will have fun and learn from Scratch. I know I did and that is what the people at MIT intended."
Price: 149.99

"Programming Fundamentals + Python 3 Cram Course in 7 Days"
"**** In this course, you'll learn the programming and algorithmic logic for applying it to EVERY PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. ****Firstly, you will learn about how programming works, the sequential order and the variables. Next, we'll get into conditional statements, and while and do while loops. Once you know the basics, you can more easily learn specific languages to build on top of what you already know. It's time to introduce you to skills you can apply to almost any programming language in the future.Join over 200,000 students just like you whore having massive success in Python.Want to go from no previous coding experience -- overwhelmed and confused about where to even start -- to advanced Python programmer, able to seamlessly build creative and exciting programs with confidence?You wouldnt be reading this otherwise. Heres the great newsYouve just stumbled upon the most complete, in-depth beginner to advanced Python programming course online. Whether you want to:- become an in-demand Python developer for exciting software companies- go freelance and work from home, setting your own schedule and rates- sharpen your core programming skills to reach the advanced level- simply bring your own ideas to life with your first profitable program...this complete Python developer course is exactly what you need, and more. (Youll even get a certification of completion to add to your arsenal)What makes this course a bestseller?Master Python in 7 Days! Learn the basic of computer programming, variables, if-statements and decision making, loops, funtions and files input-output, XML Processing and Database Handling.After this course you will be able to code your fancy app for your work or your personal porfolio. Learning Python will give you more opportunities for jobs and career advancement because Python is one of the most requested skills in 2019!This course requires no previous programming or Python experience. If youve never programmed a computer before, or if you know another programming language and want to learn Python, this course will teach you everything you need."
Price: 194.99

"GDPR - A 3-Step Process for applying GDPR +Tools +Templates"
"********No1 BEST SELLING COURSE IN GDPR***********TOOLS, TEMPLATES, AUTOMATEDSOFTWAREANDEVERYTHINGYOUNEEDFORGDPRCOMPLIANCEISHERE***This course is a resource to educate the public about the main elements of the General Data ProtectionRegulation GDPR.After four years of preparation and debate the GDPR wasfinally approvedby the EU Parliament on14 April 2016. Enforcement date:25May 2018- at which time those organizations in non-compliance GDPR may faceheavy fines.The EUGeneral Data Protection Regulation GDPRreplaces theData Protection Directive 95/46/EC and was designed to harmonize data privacy laws across Europe,toprotect and empower all EU citizens data privacy and to reshape the way organizations across the region approach data privacy.The key articlesof the GDPR, as well asinformation on its business impact,can be found throughout this course.Remember this course comes with 'LIFETIMEACCESS' giving you an amazing ongoing reference resource in GDPR.WithCOURSECERTIFICATE for GDPRincluded!"
Price: 149.99

"Project Management Certification Training + 2 Practice Exams"
"****This course contains pretty much everything you need to pass the Project Management Certification exams. **** This course is designed to get you ready to take and pass any Project ManagementCertification Exams in the next 3 days!This course includes also an overview of the Project Management Certification methodology used in a project management environment.The majority of people that consider Project Management as a qualification do so for career and personal development reasons. Iam excited to start this Project Management journey together!Read what other students are saying about the A-Z Project Management Certification Training + Question Bank + Practice Exams + Tipscourse:I PASSED the exams! Really great preparation. Thank you for this course Dr. Christos! (Markus Aurelyus, 5 star)Really engaging. Very detailed, with nice pace and very informative. Best course for Project Management. I passed the exams with this course! Thank you!. (Daphne Douglas, 5 stars)The course offers clear examples and explanations of Project Management. It is by far the best project management course I've ever attended to. Congrats! (Stefanos Tsimogiannis, 5 stars)I just passed the certification exams! The content of the course was clear, focusing on the main points and giving proper examples. The information he provided was easy to comprehend, quite concise, up-to-the-point and valuable. (Nantia Mignolo, 5 stars)."
Price: 194.99

"CySA+ Fast Track Exam Preparation + Question Bank +SOS Tips"
"This Cybersecurity course is designed to get you ready to take and pass the newCompTIA CySA+ (CS0-001) exams (the previous name was CompTIACSA+)in the next 2 evenings. We cover everything you need to pass the exam CompTIA CySA+ (previous CSA+) by breaking down the content. You will learn everything you need to know topass the exam CompTIA CySA+ on your first attempt!This course covers everything you need to know to pass your CompTIA CySA+ Certification (CS0-001) Exam. The first goal of the course is to make sure you are ready to pass the CompTIA CySA+ exam. The course covers all the CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-001) Objective Domains: 1.0 CySA+ Threat Management 27% 2.0 CySA+Vulnerability Management 26% 3.0 CySA+ Cyber Incident Response 23% 4.0 CySA+Security Architecture and Tool Sets24% TopicsCompTIACySA+ include: Threat managementImplement an information security vulnerability management process.Analyzing reconnaissanceDistinguish threat data or behavior to determine the impact of an incident.Prepare a toolkit and use appropriate forensics tools during an investigation. Analyze common symptoms to select the best course of action to support incident response.Determining the impact of incidentsUsing various cybersecurity tools and technologies.Read what other students are saying about ""CySA+ Fast Track Exam Preparation + Question Bank +SOS Tips"" course:I just love the course. The pacing and delivery perfectly suits the type of lecture I want especially for courses as technical as CompTIA CySA+. The Presentation was easy to follow, with the choice of words avoiding the use of academic jargons.What I love with the modules is that while they are dedicated to the content of the CySA+ Manual, the delivery and presentation. A proof of the instructors experience and competence. (Rilgson, 5 stars)CySA+ are hard exams to pass. Dr. Christos really helped me to pass the exams! I am grateful for taking this course. (Grungeris, 5 stars)Thank you for your help, I PASSED the exam today and wouldn't have done it without your course!Thank you for responding and actually being an active instructor. (Juiryes, 5 stars)This is one of the best course for fast and easy preparation. I have passed CompTIA CySA+ exam. Dr. Christos knows how to explain issues easily. (Dankinson, 5 stars)Really best value for money. It pretty much covers every topic required, that should do it to get your certification.Dr. Christos is really good instructor and you can tell how in-depth knowledge he has. I would recommend for all the CompTIA CySA+ aspiring candidates. (Geller, 5 stars)NOTE: CompTIA originally released this certification as CSA+. They had copyright issues and had to change the acronym to CySA+. It is the same certification and the same course."
Price: 149.99

"UX/UI Designer. Take This Profession. From 0 To Professional"
"WELCOMETOTHECOMPREHENSIVECOURSEONUX/UIDESIGN 2018!THISCOURSEISPREPAREDINSUCHAWAYTHATWOULDBETHEBESTCOURSEFORUXUIDESIGNER!On the course: UX / UI Designer. Take this profession. From 0 to professional, you will learn how to be a professional UXUI designer.You will receive insider information that has accumulated over the few years for 1 hour of viewing this course.You will take all the skills and tools to be a professional designer.Here is just a brief information that you will receive:1. All the secrets of literate UX for creating outstanding products.2. Get resources that are real support for a professional UX / UI designer.3. Get workflows that will make your work easier and you can create outstanding products.4. Get the skills to interact with developers and customers.5. Get Live Hacks, which will help you find large and interesting projects.The UX UI designer's profession is becoming more and more popular and if you become a UX UI designer, then you will geta bright future, doing the business that you like.By the end of this course, you ...You master all the necessary information in order to make high-quality research and implement it in user design, creating truly great projects and masterpieces.You will receive secrets and life khaki, which will make you 2-3 heads stronger than your competitors.You get information on how to properly work with clients and how to create your portfolio properly.You will allow to build a career like UX UI designer quickly and efficiently."
Price: 94.99

"Trader Take This Profession. From 0 To Professional"
"WELCOMETOTHECOMPREHENSIVECOURSEONTRADINGINFINANCIALMARKETS!On the course: Trader -Take this profession. From 0 to professional, you will learn how to be a professional trader.You will receive insider information that has accumulated over the few years for 1 hour of viewing this course.You will take all the skills and tools to be a professional trader.At the end of the course you will learn how to trade in any financial market. You will develop your own trading strategy and learn the money management.And become a professional trader!"
Price: 194.99

"Project Management. Sales. Take This Profession. Pro Edition"
"WELCOMETOTHECOMPREHENSIVECOURSEON BUSINESSDEVELOPMENT, SALES AND PROJECTMANAGEMENT!On the course: Business Development. Sales. Project Management, you will learn how to be a professional project manager or sales manager.You will receive insider information that has accumulated over the 8 years for 1 hour of viewing this course. You will take all the skills and tools to be a project manager or sales manager.At the end of the course you will learn how tobecome a project manager or sales manager!"
Price: 94.99

"The Complete Investment Course 2018. From 0 To Professional"
"WELCOMETOTHE COMPLETEINVESTMENTCOURSE. FROM0 TOPROFESSIONAL.On this course you will learn how to be a professional investor.After finishing the course you will be able to create your own profitable investment portfolio with approximate profit 100% per year.You will receive insider information that has accumulated over the 8 years for 1 hour of viewing this course. You will take all the skills and tools to be a professional investor.At the end of the course you willbe able to create your own profitable investment portfolio with approximate profit 100% per year!"
Price: 149.99

"MS Word:"
", Microsoft Word. 15 . , , . . , , 15 , , ."
Price: 39.99

"Effective Email: How to master your inbox and outbox"
"Email is a ubiquitous tool that many people enjoy complaining about. Email is not a poor tool, but it is a tool that is often poorly employed. Your inbox may havethousands of emails. Which ones are important?Which ones require action on your part?Do you really need the quote from the caterer for your wedding five years ago? We will cover a variety of effective practices making up a system that will free you from the angst and dread of your inbox. You will be able to get on top of your email and remain there with less time than you are spending now getting further behind. We will cover how to set up your email folders in a way that will enable your GTDpractice or help you employ some effective practices inspired by David Allen's book. We will cover how to clear your inbox in a GTD fashion so you can focus on what is really important to you.It's not just in handling receivedemail that may professionals falter. Much of the email written in the workplace is so poorly composed that it is any wonder that people bother to read it, let alone act on it. The emails you write and send can achieve the results you want, if you take the time (it doesn't require much) to make the email clear and easy on the recipients.This course will cover several simple practices you can start using today to get more positiveresults out of the emails you send."
Price: 199.99

"Build an amazing physique with Kettlebells"
"Learn how to use kettlebell for just 20 mins a day to change your shape and become much much healthier.Lose body fat, increase muscle mass, improve posture, increase cardiovascular fitness and feel GREAT.This course is design to help beginngers learn how to use kettlebell and enjoy it. It doesn't matter if you have never picked one up before, by the end of this training I am confident you will be an expert.JOIN US in this journey to a healthier, more confident you."
Price: 39.99

"The 4-Week Stress Detox"
"Have you ever experienced stress before? Your palms start to sweat, you heart begins to race, and your mind is full of emotions... this is the stress response.We can't eliminate stress from our life, but what we can do is take control of our stress response with these 4 proven strategies.In this course you will learn what stress is and how to overcome the stress response by:1) Adopting an Attitude of Gratitude2) Standing up to Stress with a Power Posture3) Focusing on your Mind and Body with Mindful Movements4) Utilizing Better Breathing TechniquesIf you want a long-term strategy to combat stress that you can learn in just 4 weeks, then we have the solution for you!If you are ready to overcome stress, to take control of your live, and live healthier and better then this course is for you.Discover easy to implement solutions and a step-by-step plan of action. We are here to support you in your journey of overcoming stress in a natural way!What You'll Get Inside This Course:17 Videos SeriesWhat to ExpectIntroductionThe Stress ResponseAdopt an Attitude of GratitudeAttitude of Gratitude 31 Day JournalPower PosturePosture Habit ResetMindful MovementsMindful Movements: Anti-Gravity ExercisesMindful Movements: Desk ExercisesMindful Movements: Beautiful to the CoreMindful Movements: Posture ExercisesBetter BreathingHow to Perform Diaphragmatic BreathingHow to Perform Parasympathetic Posture BreaksNew Habit FormationYou Cant Eliminate Stressors, But You Can Overcome Stress5 Digital DownloadsThe 31 Day Attitude of Gratitude JournalThe Mindful Movement GuideThe Power Posture PDFThe Good Sleep GuideThe Better Breathing Guide"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Web Services With Java Course"
"Welcome to this course: The Complete Web Services With Java Course. Are you a fan of Java? Want to use it to create powerful web applications? Then this course is perfect for you. A web service is a service offered by an electronic device to another electronic device, communicating with each other via the World Wide Web. As described by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), web services provide a standard means of interoperating between software applications running on a variety of platforms and frameworks. Web services are characterized by their great interoperability and extensibility, as well as their machine-processable descriptions, thanks to the use of XML. Web services can be combined in a loosely coupled way to achieve complex operations. Programs providing simple services can interact with each other to deliver sophisticated added-value services.In this course, you'll learn:Simplify API developmentBuild portable RESTful web APIsSee how the role of RESTful web services changes with emerging technologies and trendsSecure your RESTful web services with various authentication and authorization mechanismsLearn to to write REST-style and SOAP-based web servicesUnderstand the design and coding guidelines to build well-performing RESTful APIsGet to grips with the various metadata solutions to describe, produce, and consume RESTful web servicesAt the end of this course, you will have a deep understanding of Java needed to build powerful web services. So let's get started."
Price: 149.99

"Learning JavaScript Shell Scripting"
"Welcome to this course: Learning JavaScript Shell Scripting. JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based, multi-paradigm, and interpreted programming language. Shell is a program that gives the user direct interaction with the operating system. Scripts are collections of commands that are stored in a file. The shell can read this file and act on the commands as if they were typed on the keyboard. Shell scripting is used to automate day-to-day administration, and for testing or product development tasks.In this course, you'll learn:Introduction to JavaScript Shell ScriptLearn how to connect shell conceptsLearn and understand ShellJSLearn about options with commanderLearning functional pipelines and reusing scriptsLearn to test shell scriptsAt the end of this course, youll get to understand the capabilities of shell scripting. So let's get started."
Price: 149.99

"The Complete Concurrent and Parallel Programming Course"
"Welcome to this course: The Complete Concurrent and Parallel Programming Course. The terms concurrency and parallelism are often used in relation to multithreaded programs. Concurrency means that an application is making progress on more than one task at the same time (concurrently). Parallelism means that an application splits its tasks up into smaller subtasks which can be processed in parallel, for instance on multiple CPUs at the exact same time.In this course, you'll learn:Learn about concurrency and parallelismLearn and understand multiprocessingLearn and understand multithreadingLearn about thread-safety in javaLearn about high-level concurrent typesLearn parallelism and distributed computingAt the end of this course, you will be an expert in Concurrent and Parallel programming. What are you waiting for? Let's get started!"
Price: 149.99

"Database Techniques For Java Developers"
"Welcome to this course: Database Techniques For Java Developers. We live in an increasingly data-centric and data-driven world. Java is a general-purpose computer programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented, and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. Java uses JDBC, an API that defines how a client may access a database.In this course, you'll learn:Learn and understand JDBCLearn about the Java JDBC, JPA, and MongoDB APIsLearn and understand the distinctions in programmingLearn about SQLite3, PostgreSQL, and MongoDBLearn the basics of schema design and normalization for RDBMS systemsAt the end of this course, you will have a deep understanding of the database needed to build powerful web services. What are you waiting for? Let's get started!"
Price: 149.99

"Learning Lambdas and Streams In Java 8"
"Welcome to this course: Learning Lambdas and Streams In Java 8. Java 8 introduced a host of new features, including lambda functions and streams. With the release of Java 8 the lambda function was introduced. You can write functions inline without having to define a class. This course also teaches you how to work with Java 8 streams and how to use the different kind of available stream operations. You'll learn about the processing order and how the ordering of stream operations affect runtime performance.In this course, you'll learn:Learn about the basics of Java 8Learn about the basics of LambdasLearn and understand InterfacesLearn about the basics of StreamsLearn Advanced Streams and Parallell StreamsAt the end of this course, you will be an expert in using Lambdas and Streams. What are you waiting for? Let's get started!"
Price: 149.99

"Learning Java Performance Optimization"
"Welcome to this course: Learning Java Performance Optimization. Java is one of the most in demand and highest paying programming language. Java is a very popular language and JVM is a popular platform to build high performance programs in Java. This course will be your one-stop guide to optimize the performance of your Java applications.In this course, you'll learn:Work with JIT compilersUnderstand the Different Types of Data StructureGenerate JSON with code examplesGo from zero to hero in Functional ProgrammingLearn to make an application thread safeUnderstand the usage of profiling toolsLeverage some of the multithreaded capabilities of JavaLeverage the command-line tools to speed up application developmentAt the end of this course, you will have a deep understanding of the java needed to build powerful web applications. What are you waiting for? Let's get started!"
Price: 149.99

"Learning Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)"
"Welcome to this course: Learning Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a graphical subsystem by Microsoft for rendering user interfaces in Windows-based applications. It is Microsoft's latest approach to a GUI framework, used with the .NET framework. WPF employs XAML, an XML-based language, to define and link various interface elements. WPF applications can be deployed as standalone desktop programs or hosted as an embedded object in a website. Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) in Visual Studio provides developers with a unified programming model for building modern line-of-business desktop applications on Windows.In this course, you'll learn:Learn the basics of Windows Presentation FoundationLearn how to install Visual StudioLearn and understand WPFLearn and understand XAMLLearn WPF Layout BasicsLearn to build a complete applicationAt the end of this course, you will build a complete application with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). So let's get started."
Price: 149.99

"Everything You Need to Know About Mold Illness"
"Not many people, including doctors, know the dangerous health effects of toxic mold. Mold can completely ruin your health as it causes dysfunction in many bodily systems. Up to 50%of buildings today are contaminated with toxic mold, and it needs to be addressed.Many people are misdiagnosed with brain disorders like A.D.D, alzheimers, and depression. Little do they know, mold can bethe cause of it all.Have you or any of your loved ones been diagnosed with any of the following?-chronic fatigue syndrome-A.D.D.-fibromyalgia-dementia-depression-multiple SclerosisThese can all be the result of toxic mold. This is why it's so important to get to the root cause of disease. Instead of just looking at how we can treat an illness with medicine, we need to see how we can eliminate the cause.Toxic mold can causehormone imbalance, liver dysfunction, neurotransmitter imbalance leading to depression, gut infections such as parasites and yeast, and weight fluctuations. By using a whole body approach, you can bring the body back into balance."
Price: 19.99

"Management Consulting: Succeeding as a Management Consultant"
"Imagine you could learn the techniques taught by the worlds top consulting firms: McKinsey and BCG without ever working at a firm! What if you could put yourself in a position to earn a six-figure salary, not to mention maximize the efficiency of any business interests you have, all from the comfort of your own home? Management consulting involves identifying and suggesting important changes to what a company does and how they do itdeveloping a working strategic plan and guiding its execution with optimum effectiveness. A management consultant learns everything about the product or service a company sells for profit and then finds more efficient and more profitable ways to sell that product or service. The results of hiring a management consultant could be learning how accomplish existing tasks with better results, learning how to accomplish existing tasks more quickly, learning new methods to achieve the same ends, or all of these at once. You can see why management consulting is a growing field very much in demand in todays marketplace College graduates receive offers from top firms with compensation approaching or exceeding $90,000 in their first year alone. Experienced management consultants can earn well over six figures plus bonuses. And while these consultants are helping companies improve their bottom linesand being compensated nicely for their effortscertain consulting techniques can be applied to individual problems, allowing you to employ what you learn to improve your business and personal life. Getting Hired For Management Consulting Positions gives you unlimited access to over 50 training videos you can view on any device. You will receive step-by-step guides to brainstorming, estimation, profitability, and market entry cases. You will also receive in-depth case studies, templates, tool kits, and methodologies. You can read and refer back to the all-inclusive, 200-page powerpoint curriculum at any time. Topics include: Management consulting fundamentals Which one of these consulting firms is best? Reasons why everyone must learn management consulting A day in a management consulting firm Steps to become a management consultant Estimate how many people fly in and out of O'Hare International AirportHelp Netflix increase profitability Help Magnotta Vidal ice wine figure out the ways to increase sales Design strategies for Lifetime Fitness to enter foreign marketsLets create your success story together! Click on the link above! Enroll right away to become a member of our online management consultant community."
Price: 199.99

"Build an app with ASPNET Core and Angular from scratch"
"This course has been updated and is now using Angular v8 and .Net Core 3.0Have you learnt the basics of ASP.NET Core and Angular?  Not sure where to go next?  This course should be able to help with that.  In this course we start from nothing and incrementally build up our API and Angular front end until we have a fully functional Web Application that we then publish to IIS and a Linux server.These are 2 of the hottest frameworks right now for the 'back-end' (Microsoft's ASP.NET Core) and the 'front-end' (Google's Angular) and are well worth spending the time to learn.In this course we build a complete application from start to finish and every line of code is demonstrated and explained.This course is right up to date as at November 2019 using ASP.NET Core 3.0 and Angular v8 and as these frameworks evolve, this course will evolve with it.  Read some of the great reviews of the course:Jim says ""The absolute best course for building an API in .Net core and working with Angular!""Daniyal says: ""This is a complete project based course from start to finish with real world experience using technologies that are currently in demand in the market. People interested in learning latest technologies should consider this course.""Here are some of the things you will learn about in this course:Setting up the developer environmentCreating the ASP.NET Core WebAPI and the Angular app using the DotNet CLI and the Angular CLIAdding a Client side login and register function to our Angular applicationAdding 3rd party components to add some pizzazz to the appAdding routing to the Angular application and securing routes.Using Automapper in ASP.NET CoreBuilding a great looking UI using BootstrapAdding Photo Upload functionality as well as a cool looking gallery in AngularAngular Template forms and Reactive forms and validationPaging, Sorting and FilteringAdding a Private Messaging system to the appPublishing the application to both IIS and LinuxMany more things as wellTools you need for this courseIn this course all the lessons are demonstrated using Visual Studio Code, a free (and fantastic) cross platform code editor.   You can of course use any code editor you like and any Operating system you like... as long as it's Windows, Linux or MacIs this course for you?This course is very practical, about 90%+ of the lessons will involve you coding along with me on this project.  If you are the type of person who gets the most out of learning by doing, then this course is definitely for you.  On this course we will build an example Dating Application, completely from scratch using the DotNet CLI and the Angular CLI to help us get started.  All you will need to get started is a computer with your favourite operating system, and a passion for learning how to build an application using ASP.NET Core and Angular.  "
Price: 189.99

"Build an app with React, Redux and Firestore from scratch"
"*** Re-recorded and fully up to date as at June 2019***Do you want to learn React and Redux in the context of building a complete application?   Do you want to learn about Firestore, the new Database offering from Google that provides 'live data' to our application?  Are you the type of learner who gets most out of actually building an application rather than watching endless slides about how something is supposed to work?  If so then this course is for you!In this course we build a complete application from start to finish.  Every line of code is demonstrated and explained.  We warm up by building a CRUD application in React, we then enhance it by adding Redux and following that we add in Firestore to provide the persistence layer for the application.Here are just some of the things you will learn about in this course:Setting up the developer environmentCreating a React application using the create-react-app utility from FacebookLogin and Register functionality using Firebase authenticationAdding social login for Facebook and Google into the applicationGoogle maps and Places autocomplete integrationPhoto uploading using drag and drop, with resizing and cropping of the images before uploadAdding a live chat systemPaging, Sorting and Filtering with FirestoreInfinite scroll for the paginationFirestore database designCreating reusable form components with Redux formsBuilding a great looking application with Semantic UIMany more things as wellTools you need for this courseIn this course all lessons are demonstrated using Visual Studio Code, a free (and really good) cross platform code editor.  You can of course use your preferred IDE or Code editor of choice and any operating system you like... well as long as it's either Max OSX, Windows or Linux.Is this course for you?This course is extremely practical.  About 90% of our time is spent actually building the application.  If you are the type of person who gets the most out of learning 'by doing', then this course will be for you.Please note that we do not start from zero coding knowledge.   Whilst this is aimed at beginner/intermediate level, you will need to have some basic javascript knowledge (not a lot is needed) or if you are coming from another programming language then you should be fine with this course.  It's designed to take you from beginner level to having the skills to build a much more significant application.What do we do on this courseWe are building a social events application, much like Facebook events or Meetup.   Building a social application gives us opportunity to build more than just a simple CRUD application."
Price: 189.99

"Face Fitness:"
"FaceFitness: ""! , , . -, . , . , . , , , , , , . ! ? ! ,"
Price: 59.99