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"FX Hedging explained"
"Become an expert in hedging the FX exposure ! Learn how to master the FXderivatives instruments !There are a lot of risks related to a business, some of them arequite obvious, others are not.A power break is an example of riskAcompetitor entering the market with a substitute product is another type of riskA big company coming to town may absorb a lot of working force causing the salaries to increaseThe bankruptcy of a supplier could cause serious purchase problemsThe bankruptcy of a big customer may endanger the company'sprofitabilityWhat happens if any of these risks take place ? How much money can you lose ? Can you quantify ? Hardly, I would say... And even if you couldcalculate the losses, what instruments can you use in order to protect your business ?The first good news about the FXrisk is that it can be calculated exactly. For example, if you have an exposure of one million dollars and the FX rate moves adversely by 0.05, then you could lose 50,000. Precisely !The other good news about the FX risk is that you have a lot of instruments to protect. So, why not learn how to do it ?"
Price: 164.99

"SQL Server Administration on Linux Basics"
"Your wait is finally over as we bring to you the first ever course onSQLServer Administrationon Linux. This beginnercourse being the prefaceto the Advance Administration of SQLServer on Linux, will help you jump start on SQLServer without caring about the platform. Thecourse has been designed bySME's workingin SQLServer and Linux with over a decade of experience in Industry. This course will be helpful for both beginners and seasoned DBA's. This course focuses on Administration of SQLServer and Linux for a novice and help us alsoto understand the kerberos authentication and working with Active Directory on Linux."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo hablar en pblico (y tener xito)"
"Si buscas aprender ciertas ideas, ""tips"", experiencias u ocurrencias de Cmo hablar en pblico, este no es tu curso. Para ello puedes dirigirte a Youtube donde dispones de amplio material.Este es un curso para que aprendas algo que te va a servir tanto profesional como socialmente. Va a requerir algn esfuerzo por tu parte, el curso lleva temas multimedia (videos) con los que se aprende de forma sencilla y prctica, pero tambin contiene lecturas y test para controlar lo que vas aprendiendo. Porque este es el objetivo: que aprendas todo lo necesario para comunicarte con una o con mil personas. Porque si adquieres unos buenos conocimientos sobre comunicacin, te van a facilitar mucho las cosas.ObjetivosPor medio del aprendizaje de la comunicacin verbal y no verbal el curso pretende que el alumno adquiera los conocimientos suficientes para comunicarse de forma exitosa con las personas, ya sea para su actividad profesional o social. MtodoEl curso se divide en 4 mdulos: Comunicacin verbal Hablar en pblico Comunicacin no verbal Comunicacin comercial Videos Lecturas Tests Y utiliza tres formas de aprendizaje: Con ello se pretende un aprendizaje prctico, cmodo, sencillo y rpido. Temario0 IntroduccinCOMUNICACIN VERBAL La comunicacin verbal Lectura la comunicacin verbal Test de comunicacin verbal Los propsitos de la comunicacin Lectura los propsitos de la comunicacin Test los propsitos de la comunicacin Cualidades de la voz y variedad vocal Lectura cualidades de la voz Test cualidades de la voz Las reglas del mtodo Tcnicas para perder el miedo Tcnicas para vender el miedo Tcnicas de memoria visual Hablar en pblico y tener xito Naturalidad La audiencia La primera impresin Superar el nerviosismo Prepararse Los interlocutores El ritmo Lectura cmo hablar en pblico I Test cmo hablar en pblico I El qu y el cmo Creatividad La Storytelling Lectura cmo hablar en pblico II Test cmo hablar en pblico II La charla Lectura cmo hablar en pblico III Test cmo hablar en pblico III Los gestos Concepto de comunicacin no verbal Comunicacin corporal Lectura I comunicacin no verbal Test I comunicacin no verbal Comunicacin paralingstica Comunicacin verbal espacial Postura y movimiento Gestos y expresiones de la cara Contacto visual Vestimenta y aspecto Una buena imagen Tener estilo Imagen personal Lectura II comunicacin no verbal Test II comunicacin no verbal Proceso de comunicacin comercial Fases de la comunicacin comercial Estrategias para mejorar la comunicacin Lectura comunicacin comercial Manual de cmo hablar en pblico Examen del cursoHABLAR EN PBLICO Y TENER XITO LA COMUNICACIN NO VERBAL COMUNICACIN COMERCIAL"
Price: 19.99

"SAP BI Berechtigungen sind einfach"
"Wenn Sie ein Projekt in SAP BI durchfhren, mssen Sie meistens komplexe Zugriffsrechte vergeben damit sensible Firmendaten nicht in falsche Hnde geraten. Dieser Kurs vermittelt Ihnen anhand vieler Beispiele die entscheidenden Schritte zur Entwicklung und Realisierung eines Berechtigungskonzepts in SAP Business Intelligence.Lernen Sie in diesem Kurs, inwiefern sich SAPBIund SAPERPBerechtigungen unterscheiden undwie Sie mit Analyse- und Objektberechtigungen in SAP Business Warehousearbeiten, Berechtigungsmodelle konzipieren, analysieren und anpassen."
Price: 69.99

"Digital Marketing Analytics"
"Il corso ti consente di prendere il controllo del tuo business online attraverso un metodo semplice e molto pratico nell'uso dei dati che realmente servono per ottenere i tuoi obiettivi di marketing digitale. Potrai capire come si fa misurazione, il tracciamento corretto dei dati, le tecnologie da utilizzare e come approcciare i dati con una visione e startegia chiara.Si comprender quali sono i tipi di conversioni per modelli di business, come tracciare al meglio il proprio sito e come configurare il tracciamento di attivit di advertising per capire la migliore achimia e creativit che possibile usare per non spendere inutilmente soldi in pubblicit.Attraverso esempi pratici e casi di studio si proceder a fare una analisi delle cose che funzionanoo meno e che consentono un miglioramento dei propri risultati attraverso strumenti di test e di visual analytics.Limportanza dei dati ormai considerato preziosa quanto il petrolio, le informazioni sono una ricchezza inestimabile che consente a chi gestisce i propri dati grandi opportunit di crescita della propria azienda, per questo le professioni del futuro come quella del Digital Analyst, figura ricercatissima sul mercato sar sempre pi importante per guidare le aziende verso un approccio data-driven e che consentir di sviluppare tecnologie di Intelligenza Artificiale.Con questo corso si acquisir un mindset strutturato per cogliere le nuove opportunit e sfide del'attuale e prossimo mercato."
Price: 119.99

"Java Selenium Cucumber Framework Part 2"
"This is second part of Java Selenium Cucumber Framework Tutorial.I recommend to watch first free part of the training before this course:Java Selenium Cucumber Framework Part 1 (details about this course are in Lecture 2 which is a free preview)In Java Selenium Cucumber Framework Part 2 we will learn how to :- create cucumber test written in Gherkin using Java Selenium Cucumber automation framework which we will continuously build during the course.- create Java Glue Code (Step definitions)- create Java Page Object Model and Page Factory with Java and Selenium Webdriver- identify elements on web page using Chrome Developer tools- build xpaths for identifying elements- create test for login to Facebook- use basic Selenium commands- run test as Cucumber test using Cucumber for Java plugin in IntelliJ- create java runner, call it from from TestNG xml file and run test as TestNG test- adjust maven pom xml file, create maven command to run the test and run test as maven build"
Price: 19.99

"Git, Bitbucket, Jenkins in Java Selenium Cucumber Framework"
"This course is related to two another courses about Java Selenium Cucumber Framework:Java Selenium Cucumber Framework Part 1 (free course) , Java Selenium Cucumber Framework Part 2 (paid course), details about these courses are in Lecture 2 which is a free preview.Anyway, it is not necessary to finish both courses before this course.As a part of this course it is attached the framework (which was created in two courses mentioned above), so you need to do just basic environment setup on your PC, which is explained in free course Java Selenium Cucumber Framework Part 1.In ""Git, Bitbucket, Jenkins in Java Selenium Cucumber Framework"" course, you will learn how to:- setup git on your PC- integrate git into existing project (Java Selenium Cucumber Framework) in IDEA IntelliJ- create account and git repository in Bitbucket- push your project (Java Selenium Cucumber Framework) into git Bitbucket repository- work with git in IDEA IntelliJ and in Bitbucket repository (create branch - local and remote, pull from master, merge from master to branch, push to branch, create pull request, merge to master)- run Jenkins as Docker container- create Jenkins slave from Docker host PC- create Jenkins job which will pull Java Selenium Cucumber Framework from Bitbucket git repository, run the tests on Jenkins slave and display detailed Cucumber reports"
Price: 19.99

"Blogs: Marketing de Artculos para Empresas y Negocios"
"Aprende como optimizar los artculos de tublog para mejorar tu posicionamiento en los motores de bsqueda y obtener ms consultas de potenciales clientes.Mejora tus habilidades como bloggerAprende como sacar ideas para generar nuevos artculos.Organiza los temas a escribir para ser ms productivo.Conoce las normas decopyright para evitar infraccionesde derechos de autor.Optimizatus artculos para que tenganms trfico orgnico y consultas.Establece un ritmo de publicacin.Una gran habilidad que puedes desarrollarAprender a creary optimizar contenidos permite que tublog puedaobtener visitas y consultas de potenciales clientes. Un blog es una gran herramienta para cualquier negocio o empresa, pero para aprovecharla almximo debes seguir una estrategia ydesarrollar habilidades especficas quetepermitan (mediante la publicacin de artculos)conectar con tu pblico objetivo.Contenidos y descripcin generalEl presente curso tiene ms de 3horas de videoyun PDF de 80 pginas sobre blogs ymarketing de artculos para empresas y negocios, el curso estadiseado para personas que ya poseen un blogydeseanmejorar la calidad de sus artculos,aumentar el trfico orgnico de su blog ygenerar consultas de potenciales clientes.En primer lugar se har una introduccin a los blogs para negocios y empresas, luego se abordarn los posibles usos que puedes darle alblog de tu negocioy qutipos de artculos puedes escribir en el mismo.Luego se aprender como optimizarartculos mediante el establecimientode categoras adecuadas, tener una correctaestructura,inclusin de llamados a la accin yel uso correcto de imgenes,adems de aprendercmo establecer un ritmo adecuadode publicacin.Posteriormente se ver como gestionar loscomentarios y consultas recibidasen nuestro blog adems de compartiralgunos lineamientos para publicarnuestros artculos en las redes sociales.Al finalizar de este curso, tendrs habilidades valiosas que te ayudarn a desarrollarel blog de tu empresa o negocio (generando ms visitas orgnicas y consultas de potenciales clientes) adems derecibirun certificado verificable de finalizacin al terminarel curso."
Price: 59.99

"The Ultimate Course To Dropshipping"
"There has never been agreater time in the existence of the worldto make money by clicking some buttons on a screen.The dream of removing yourselffrom the9-5 grind to work on yourown terms, on yourownbusiness,isattainable toeveryone.Have you just had enough of working for someone else? Maybe it's for a person you're not really fond of. Or maybe you're just ready for a new career, one where you're in control of your hours and how much money you can make...And one where you can work from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a laptop and internet connection.Well, there's good news!InThe Ultimate Course To Dropshipping,I'll take you through the ins and outs of creating your own dropshipping business from scratch.In this course, you will learn:What dropshipping is and the BIG advantages it has over other onlinebusinessesHow to choose the perfect product that will net you profitsHow to build a brand and an audience that are drawn to your productsHow toset up an eCommerce storeHow to write engaging copy and sales pitches that will have potential customers ready to pounce on your offersAnd much more!Upon completion of this courseyou will know exactly what to doto create the online business that you've always wanted, but just didn't know how to begin.Get serious about breaking free from the traditional job path and build your life of freedom. In this course, I'll show you the roadmap to do just that!"
Price: 49.99

"The Face Anatomy Drawing Course: Anatomy To Render"
"-Drawing portrait course- Guarantee of 100% refund of your purchase in 30 days if you are not satisfied with the course.- learn the bsicanatomy of the face- Learn to make a realistic portrait step by stepAimed at students of Fine Arts, Architecture, Academies and Applied Arts Schools, as well as Tattooists, Artists, Urban Sketchers, Cartoonists, Cartoonists and anyone who wants to learn to represent a human face Realistically. With 3d models and basic drawing practices, we will learn the structures that form the characteristics of the face. With simple exercises we will learn to educate our eyes to understand the anatomy of the human face.The course contains more than 4hours of theoretical classes in the form of videos and original pedagogical material. If the objectives are met, we guarantee that in a period of 3 to 6 weeksyou will be able to draw a portrait realistically. The teaching structure will be to carry out the proposed exercises until they are overcome. If you want to learn how to draw portraits, welcome.The structure of the course consists of simple explanations of the different anatomical parts of the face, with the help of 3d models and drawing exercises where we will study how these structures are applied to a real portrait.Take this course if you want to learn how to draw a portrait in a simple, fast and fun way.Thank you for choosing this course.Who is it for?-This anatomy course is aimed at both students of fine arts and anyone who wants to learn to draw the portrait-It is also aimed at drawing teachers who want to get better tools for learning-If you already draw and want to strengthen your knowledge or even reinforce them, this is your courseDo you need to reinforce your drawing level in Fine Arts? By doing this course you will achieve it"
Price: 89.99

"The Skull Anatomy : Drawing Course"
"Learn the anatomy of the skull in a simple and fun way.Understanding the structures beneath our skin allows us to create better and more accurate portraits.The skull is like a puzzle, where different bones come together to create it, in each chapter we will cover these bones one by one with the help of 3D models.Then we will trace these bones in a real portrait and compare the gender differencesAt the end of this course you can trace the anatomy of the skull on any face."
Price: 19.99

"The Facial Muscle Anatomy: Drawing Course"
"facial muscle anotomy for artistsIf you are a student of fine art, you like to draw anime or manga or tatoo artiststhis coursewill help you take your portraits to another levelThis course is designed for both beginners and professionals who want to have a better understanding of the anatomy of the face.In this course you will learn, in an easy and fun way, the different facial muscles.Humans have many muscles in our face, understand how these muscles work, allows us to draw the face in a more realistic and each chapter we will look at a different group of muscles, and we will make a tracing of these muscles in a real photo.Welcome"
Price: 19.99

"The Facial Expressions Drawing Course: Anatomy to render"
"You wantto learn howto draw portraits like a professional?With this course you will learn everything you need to know about the anatomy of facial exphressions.If you are an art student, anime or you like to draw faces, this course can take your portraits to the next level.Understanding the structures under the skin will allow you to create more realistic and accurate portraits.In this course we will study how the muscles of the face interact with each other to create different facial expressions.we will use professional models in 3d, so you can see the different expressions in several angles and we will make a tracing of the muscles on real portraits, we will see that muscles are active and passive in each exprsion"
Price: 19.99

"The Ultimate Portrait Drawing Course - Beginner to advanced"
"-LEARN HOW TO DRAW PORTRAITS LIKE A PRO IN 20 MINUTES- Ifyou want to become a professional illustrator for the video game or comic industry, you definitely need to learn how to draw.-Mastering drawing will help to take your portfolio to another level and get the job of your drenas.that is why I developed this course, in which you will Learn in 20 minutes my method to create portraits like this one.It took me many years to develop a simple and effective method that could help anyone, even a beginner to create realistic portraits.Learning to represent a human face in a precise way. will allow you to create your own characters, like a zombie a troll or any carcter that you want.In the first chapter of this course I will teach you my method in 20 minutes, this method will allow you to represent a human face accurately from any angle and position.and in the following chapters I will explain each step in a more detailed way and you can see in real time how I draw this portrait of the mother of Dragns.we will make a test portrait at the beginning and end of the course, I guarantee that at the end of this course your portrait will look amazingIf you are ready to start, you only need pencil and paper and in 20 minutes you will learn how to draw like a pro.You gat your 30 days money back garanty and i will be ther for you to answer all your question and give you feedback of your work.ok guys I see you in the first chapter.god bless"
Price: 89.99

"Curso De Dibujo: Como Dibujar Un Retrato De Principio a Fin"
"-Te gustaria aprender a dibujar un retrato como un profesional- Site quieres convertir en un ilustrador profesional para la industria de los video juegos o el comic, definitivamente necesitas aprender a dibujar.-Dominar el dibujo te ayudara a llevar tu portafolio a otro nivel y asi conseguir el trabajo de tus por eso que desarrolle este curso, en el aprenderas en 20 minutos mi metodo para crear retratos como tomo muchos aos desarrollar un metodo simple y efectivo que pudiera ayudar a cualquier persona, incluso si es un principiante a crear retratos realistas.en el primer capitulo de este curso te ensaere en 20 minutos mi metodo, este metodo te permitira representar un rostro humano de manera precisa desde cualquier angulo y posicion.aprender a representar un rostro humano de una forma precisa te permitira crear tus propios personajes, como un zoombie o un hada.y en los siguientes capitulos te explicare cada paso de forma mas detallada y podras ver en tiempo real como dibujo este retrato.haremos un retrato de prueba al principio y final del curso, te garantizo que al final del curso tu retrato lucira increiblesi estas listo para empezar, solo necesitas lapiz y papel y en 20 minutos aprrenderas a dibujar como un profesional.ok chicos los veo en el primer capitulo."
Price: 89.99

"The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Minecraft Pro! (2019)"
"This is mine and Ben's course, named 'The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft'.This course will consist of many lectures on everything you could possibly need to know about Minecraft, from it's history to easter eggs, you will learn skills, context and things you can do to have more fun!The target audience for this course is literally anyone. The language used in this course isn't too basic or too advanced, and the things we cover are pretty straight forward. If you have already played Minecraft before still feel free to take this course, however some elements you might already know. It's your call, review the course curriculum and decide wether this course could be useful:)People of all ages are welcome to enroll, our videos are family friendly and can be watched by kids any age.We have spent many, many hours on this course and hope all of our information is passed to you crystal clear. Our approach to this course has been clarity, with our number 1 rule to ourselves being - MAKESUREYOUARECLEAR. This is why we believe our course will provide you with all of the key information, and you will 100% understand.Editing by Franco CreanScripts, Filming and Course created by Franco Crean and Benjamin Spacey"
Price: 19.99

"The Ultimate Guide To Making 2D Mobile Game In Unity - C#"
"This is a course on how to make your own mobilegame in Unity from scratch using C#. This course will teach you to program and also how to use Unity. This course is for beginners but there are parts for more intermediate programmers. This course is designed for learning to make mobile games within unity. It will show you how to get the app on your mobile device from unityfor testing and also for having fun with the game. The course is structered so you learn to install and look around Unity, then learn to program (not in unity), make first mobile game in unity, and then make the last or the second mobilegame in unity."
Price: 39.99

"Ultimate Guide For Photoshop Beginners To Get Proficient"
"This is a course on how to make your old photos in to something new in Photoshop. This course will teach you to program and also how to use Photoshop. This course is for beginners but there are parts for more intermediate Artists. This course is designed for learning to make Photoshopwithin Photoshop.The course is structured so you learn to look around Photoshop, then learn to usePhotoshoptools, and thenstart making new photos."
Price: 39.99

"How to Produce Prediction Map in GIS With ArcGIS and Excel?"
"Since the late 1980s, the widely popular and efficient geographic information system (GIS) has facilitated the development of new machine learning, data-driven, and empirical methods that reduce generalization errors.In the this course, i have shared a famous and solid bivariatetechnique (Frequency ratio), to help you start your first prediction map using ArcMap and Excel only.UPDATES March 2019: Course full data was uploaded with Section 2. I will explain the spatial correlation between; prediction factors, and the dependent factor. Also, how to find theautocorrelations between; the prediction factors, by considering their prediction importance or contribution. Finally, I willProduce susceptibility map using; Microsoft Excel and ESRI ArcGISonly. Model predictionvalidation will be measured by most common statistical method of Area under the curve (AUC)."
Price: 99.99

"Prediction Maps & Validation using Logistic Regression & ROC"
"In the this course, i have shared complete process (A to Z ) based on my published articles, about how to evaluate and compare the results of applying the multivariate logistic regression method in Hazard prediction mapping using GIS and R environment.Since last decade, geographic information system (GIS) has been facilitated the development of new machine learning, data-driven, and empirical methods that reduce generalization errors. Moreover, it gives new dimensions for the integrated research field.STAY FOCUSED: Logistic regression (binary classification, whether dependent factor will occur (Y) in  a particular places, or not) used for fitting a regression curve, and it is a special case of linear regression when the output variable is categorical, where we are using a log of odds as the dependent variable. Why logistic regression is special? It takes a linear combination of features and applies a nonlinear function (sigmoid) to it, so its a tiny instance of the neural network!In the current course, I used experimental data that consist of : Independent factor Y (Landslide training data locations) 75 observations; Dependent factors X (Elevation, slope, NDVI, Curvature, and landcover)I will explain the spatial correlation between; prediction factors, and the dependent factor. Also, how to find the autocorrelations between; the prediction factors, by considering their prediction importance or contribution. Finally, I will Produce susceptibility map using; R studio and ESRI ArcGIS only. Model prediction validation will be measured by most common statistical method of Area under (AUC) the  ROC curve.At the the end of this course, you will be efficiently able to process, predict and validate any sort of data related to natural sciences hazard research, using advanced Logistic regression analysis capability.Keywords: R studio, GIS, Logistic regression, Mapping, Prediction"
Price: 99.99

"Missing Data Imputation Using Statistical Techniques in R"
"In this course, you will learn how to effectively apply and validatethreeof the most powerful imputation techniques.When information is unavailable for a cell location, the location will be assigned as NoData <NA> :Model functions are MICE, missForest, andHmiscData with multiple columns and attributes used in the exerciseUnderstand the main concept behind each method and how does it workLearn the different options related to each method to make the maximum use of itValidation datawill be used to compare between the results to determine the best function for your data.* Code script is available with the supplementary resources inside the courseThe student will be effectively capable to use the code and apply it with confidence to any type of data available."
Price: 19.99

"Step-by-Step of Precipitation Thresholds for Slopes failures"
"In this course, wego through the development and validation of precipitation rainfall threshold step-by-step.You will learn how to effectively build,apply and validate the most powerful Precipitation thresholds, and much more:[Excel sheet and Articlesareavailable for the exercise application purposes]What is all about with experience sharing : focus on that thresholds that Induces LandslidesHow to prepare the data for threshold analysisErrors and UncertaintiesCorrelation between station recordsSpatial pattern analysis for incidents and stationsa. Compute the Distance Matrix [distance matrix, rename the source stations as text and target as ID]b. Compute Nearest Neighbor Analysis [shared nearest neighbor clustering, high no.= less groups]c. Select points by delete unwanted and outliers 6. Correlationanalysis 7. Precipitation Threshold Analysis that Induces Landslides types a. ID, IE, b. E-Date, I-Date, c. Antecedents and others 8.Reliability index 9.Processing steps : first comes first 10.Temporal analysisTools: Microsoft excel and open source GIS software QGIS.Data used in the tutorial, is strictly protected under copyright law of Landslides (Journal of the International Consortium on Landslides). Please cite the article below:Althuwaynee O F., Asikoglu O. & Eris E. (2018) Threshold contour production of rainfall intensity that induces landslides in susceptible regions of northern Turkey Landslides. DOI :10.1007/s10346- 018-0968-2"
Price: 99.99

"Amazon FBA - How to Pick Profitable Products in 2 Hours"
"I designed this course to help you start your Amazon FBA business on the right foot and avoid the most EXPENSIVEMISTAKE Private Label sellers do - SELLING THE WRONG PRODUCT!Learn to effectively identify lucrative products based on real time, accurate data and common sense rather than emotions and impulse. We will cover the following aspects:Criteria for a Successful ProductEffective Product Research ToolsIdentifying Highly Profitable Potential Products to Sell Using Real Time DataAnalysing Potential Products and Making a Final Decision Based on Common SenseDifferentiating Our Product from the Competition After struggling to find the right products for almost 2 years and making tons of mistakes, I finally nailed it down and in 2015 after series of failures I finally launched my first successful product. Every product Ive launched since then has been a success so I decided I am now ready to pass my experience and knowhow onto YOU fellow Amazon FBA seller.My Definition for a Successful Product: A Product That Sells at Least 300 units/month and makes $5,000 - $10,000+ in SalesThe course has been designed to teach you through EXAMPLES (no boring theory), easy to digest and enable you to take immediate action. Only the most information is covered (no blabbing). Thank you so much for stopping by and Ill see you inside!"
Price: 109.99

"Sourcing Alibaba Supplier and Shipping to Amazon FBA"
"I tried to make this case study as real as possible. You can watch me sourcing the best of best Alibaba suppliers, communicating with them, drafting purchase contract and more. I demonstrate how to create a new product listing on Amazon, including purchasing a UPC code. Watch me creating an FBAshipping plan and generating FNSKU and Case labels for my product. Learn the best practices for crafting an optimized product listing. Finally, I explain how different shipping modes work and how to accurately calculate shipping costs + invoices of how much i have paid for my shipments from China to Amazon USA"
Price: 149.99

"Management Consulting: Analytics and Data Visualization"
"A picture is worth a thousand words - especially when you are trying to understand and gain insights from data. It is especially relevant when you are trying to find relationships among thousands or even millions of variables and determine their relative importance.Organizations of all kinds generate huge amounts of data each minute, hour and day. Everyone including executives, departmental decision makers, call center workers, and employees on production lines hopes to learn things from collected data that can help them make better decisions, take smarter actions and operate more efficiently. If your data has hundreds of rows, one of the best ways to discern important relationships doesnt depend on the software you are using, but your mindset. Without a clear roadmap to transform raw data into charts, any technology would be not possible to help you out. In this course, I'll share with you the fundamentals of creating a management consulting chart. I'll talk about how to find and research the data that you want to build data visualization, how to come up with and optimize the chart types, and the importance of delivering key messages and storyline. I'll then focus on how to design a chart in detail, as well as color coding that can help you understand just what you're getting back from colors. Finally, I will let you know the essential checklist to make sure everything you'vedone is good to go. If you're ready to make sure that you choose the right chart for the right data to delivery effective data visualization, then let's get started."
Price: 199.99

"Microcontrolador PIC com Linguagem C"
"Seja bem-vindo ao curso de Microcontrolador PIC com Linguagem C. Este um curso introdutrio onde sero abordados os pontos necessrios para que voc possa planejar seus prprios projetos utilizando os principais recursos presentes nos Microcontroladores PIC. So mais de 11 horas de vdeo aulas como exemplos de programas mostrando como utilizar os recursos de microcontroladores PIC focando principalmente das famlias 16F e 18F. Se voc no tem experincia no assunto e deseja compreender como funciona um Microcontrolador e ainda aprender como de criar seus prprios projetos e programas, este curso para voc. No decorrer do curso veremos alguns conceitos bsicos de eletrnica e programao para que mesmo aqueles que tenham pouca experincia com eletrnica sejam capazes de acompanhar todo o caminho para a criao dos projetos apresentados no curso.Est em dvida? Experimente! O curso incluiGarantia de devoluo do dinheiro em 30 dias;Mais 11 horas de vdeo sob demanda ;40 recursos para download;Acesso total vitalcio;Acesso no dispositivo mvel e na TV/Chromecast;Certificado de Concluso.====================================>>> VEJA O QUE OS ALUNOS ESTO COMENTANDO <<< ""Est sendo melhor do que esperava!"", Lucas Miguel Santana Ferreira. ""O curso muito interessante, esta dentro das minhas expectativas e excelente didtica."", Tiago Ventura. ""Bom contedo e boa didtica do professor."" , Eduardo Henrique. ""Este curso me ajudou muito, principalmente durante o desenvolvimento do meu TCC na faculdade de Engenharia Eltrica em que desenvolvi um sistema utilizando PIC 18F4550 e linguagem C; e muitas rotinas que usei nele eu aprendi neste curso. Metodologia de aprendizado rpido e prtico e com exerccios desafiadores. Recomendo. "", Juliano Rodrigues. ""gostei muito do curso, excelente didtica e conhecimento do professor, valeu muito, quando tiver cursos novos por favor me notifique. Ta de parabns "", Gustavo Barbeiro Alonso . ""Curso muito didtico em com uma dinmica suave. Extremamente orientador para aqueles que querem ingressar nesse mundo de programao e partir destas aulas buscar se aprofundar mais e mais."", Marcos Abedoral. ""Eu consegui aprender bastante sobre os microcontroladores e j consigo utiliz-los em situaes simples. Eu achei o curso muito bom porque ensina bem direcionado e isso ajuda bastante, alm de passar pelos detalhes do funcionamento interno do microcontrolador, o que facilita na leitura do datasheet do componente. "" , Vitor Guilherme.====================================Neste curso vamos utilizar um simulador de placas didticas para que voc consiga programar os recursos do PIC nas primeiras aulas do curso sem a necessidade comprar componentes.Veremos tambm como montar nosso prprio circuito com um Microcontrolador PIC, programar e executar o conjunto no simulador.O curso est dividido em 14 sees descritas a seguir:1.      Apresentao. uma seo curta onde o instrutor apresentado e fala um pouco sobre o conceito de microcontrolador. Tambm feita nossa primeira simulao.2.      Programao em Linguagem C. Com mais de 2 horas de vdeo, nesta seo so apresentados conceitos bsicos da linguagem de programao C. Sero vistos conceitos como variveis, tipos de dados, estruturas de controle e de repetio e diversos outros.3.      Viso Geral Sobre Microcontroladores. Neste ponto falamos sobre a composio de um microcontrolador, memrias e perifricos.4.      Configurando o Projeto no CCS. Nesta seo ns comearemos a usar o compilador especfico para PIC e trazemos informaes sobre a estrutura do projeto e os arquivos necessrios para comear.5.      Portas de Entrada e Sada. As portas de entrada e sada uma das formas de o microcontrolador se comunicar com o mundo fsico. Vamos entender como controlar os pinos fsicos do chip para realizar aes com LEDs, botes e tambm nesta seo que conheceremos as funes de atraso.6.      Displays de 7 Segmentos. Depois de conhecer como controlar os bits das portas vamos utiliz-los neste seo para controlar Displays de 7 segmentos e veremos como controlar mais de um Display utilizando transistores para chaveamento.7.      Display LCD. Alm dos nmeros! Nesta seo vamos utilizar o Display LCD 2x16 para apresentar mais informaes para o usurio com mensagens mais complexas de at 32 caracteres por vez.8.      Teclado Matricial. Uma forma de economizar recursos do microcontrolador utilizando entradas em uma disposio matricial, e isso abordado neste mdulo.9.      Converso Analgico-Digital. O mundo real analgico! Por isso neste mdulo vamos entender como funciona o mdulo de converso analgico para digital para ler sensores analgicos e apresentar informaes no microcontrolador.10.      Temporizao com Timer0: Contar o tempo preciso, isso se faz da melhor forma utilizando os temporizadores dedicados de um microcontrolador. Vamos entender como configurar o Timer0 para contar intervalos de tempo.11.  Modulao por Largura de Pulso (PWM): O controle de intensidade de um LED ou velocidade de um motor possvel quando modulamos a largura de um pulso para controlar sua alimentao. No entendeu? neste mdulo veremos como funciona o PWM com o PIC e como possvel realizar este tipo de controle.12.  Persistncia de Dados com EEPROM: Muitas vezes precisamos gravar informaes no microcontrolador e queremos que esta informao no seja perdida quando desligamos o chip. Vamos aprender como fazemos isso com o PIC nesta seo.13.  Comunicao Serial UART: A necessidade de comunicao entre diversos equipamentos, incluindo o seu computador, possvel quando utilizamos o mdulo de comunicao serial UART. Esta seo traz ao menos 3 exemplos que como podemos utilizar este mdulo.14.  Interrupo Externa: As interrupes externas so utilizadas para perceber mudanas de estado de agentes externos ao chip. Neste mdulo vamos configurar a interrupo externa e entender como utiliz-las.15.  Gravao do Chip Fsico: Todo o conhecimento apresentado ao longo do curso tem um propsito: criar nossos projetos reais! Nesta seo apresentado como gravar o chip utilizando gravadores encontrados no mercado."
Price: 74.99

"Introduo Engenharia com Arduino"
"Bem vindo ao curso de Introduo Engenharia com Arduino.A engenharia faz parte da nossa vida cotidiana em diversos aspectos. A plataforma microcontrolada Arduino abriu as portas do vasto mundo da engenharia eletrnica e computao para o pblico em geral, proporcionando uma forma prtica de criar nossas prprias solues e implementar nossas ideias. Ela utilizada em projetos comoautomao residencial, predial ou industrial;impressoras 3D;robtica educacional;arte eletrnica;brinquedos etc.Estudantes, profissionais e hobbistas de reas como arte, educao e engenharia esto utilizando a plataforma Arduino cada vez mais para por em prtica suas ideias.Neste curso vamos ver o que e como funciona a plataforma Arduino. Sero apresentados diversos exemplos cobrindo contedos essenciais para a criao de vrios outros projetos. Os conhecimentos necessrios para curso, como a base para programao e eletrnica, sero apresentados durante as aulas.No curso sero apresentados os conceitos bsicos utilizando o TinkerCad, uma ferramenta de simulao online. Ento voc no precisa se preocupar em comprar materiais para inciar o curso, mas se preferir voc pode sim montar os exemplos!===== CURSO ATUALIZADO (31/08/2019) =====Novas aulas adicionadas em duas sees somando mais de 70 minutos de aula acrescentados.Seo 11, Alm do Simulador, com as aulas:O que preciso para ir alm do Simulador? Como instalar a IDE do Arduino.Conhecendo a IDE do Arduino. Enviando o programa para a Placa.Seo 12, Shields, com as aulas:O que so Shields? Conhecento a Shield Multifuno.Controlando LEDs da Shield Multifuno. Alerta Sonoro com a Shield Multifuno. Usando o Display com a Bilbioteca da Shield Multifuno. =======================Est em dvida? Experimente! O curso incluiGarantia de devoluo do dinheiro em 30 dias;8,5 horas de vdeo sob demanda ;Acesso total vitalcio;Acesso no dispositivo mvel e na TV/Chromecast;Certificado de Concluso.====================================>>> VEJA O QUE OS ALUNOS ESTO COMENTANDO <<< ""At o momento est sendo tudo que eu esperava... Numa linguagem simples... showww."", Jander Ribeiro. ""Mais um curso que atende ou supera as expectativas."", Eduardo Henrique. ""muito obrigado esse curso foi muito bom para mim estava com bastante duvida da faculdade."", Adilson Carlos Viana Carlos. ""Aulas bem intuitivas e de fcil entendimento. Parabns."", Carlos Mrio Andr. ""O contedo t bacana, pra quem iniciante t timo."", Francisco Leandro Costa da Silva. O curso est dividido em 10 sees descritas a seguir:Apresentao. uma seo curta onde o instrutor apresentado e fala sobre o curso de forma geral. Tambm feita a apresentao do simulador online e mostrado onde voc pode comprar materiais.Componentes Bsicos. Neste seo vamos falar sobre alguns componentes essenciais, como LED, Resistor, Diodo e Transistor. Veremos como eles funcionam de forma prtica sem se aprofundar em teorias complexas.Introduo Programao com Arduino. No se sente seguro para programar? No tem problema. Nesta seo vamos abordar as principais estruturas da linguagem utilizada pelo Arduino. Conhecendo o Arduino. Ao chegar nesta seo voc j ter visto os conceitos iniciais da programao e ento vamos aplicar estes conceitos para manipular alguns LEDs.Botes e Chaves com Arduino. Dando um passo a frente vamos compreender como utilizar botes de presso e chaves liga-desliga com o Arduino.Display de 7 Segmentos. Amplamente utilizados, os Display de 7 Segmentos permitem mostrar informaes aos usurios e eles sero abordados de vrias formas para que voc fixe e use-o da melhor forma.Display LCD. O uso de Displays LCD no poderia ficar de forma. Vamos ver como fazer a montagem corretamente e apresentar informaes importantes neste tipo de Display. Converso Analgico-Digital. ""O Mundo Real Analgico!"". Sim, e por isso que esta seo traz um contedo valioso para que voc possa conectar seu Arduino com a realidade.Usando Motores. O uso de atuadores so sempre requeridos em projetos de automao, plataformas mveis, robs etc. Vamos tratar nesta seo de como utilizar os motores dc e de passo... Ah, no sabe o que so? Depois desta seo isso no ser problema!Modulao por Largura de Pulso ( PWM ). Para proporcionar um controle mais afinado esta seo mostra como controlar a intensidade de LEDs e a velocidade de Motores utilizando PWM no Arduino.Alm do Simulador. Com as aulas sobre o que preciso para ir alm do Simulador como a instalao da IDE do Arduino e gravao do programa na placa.Shields. Com aulas prticas, inicia mostrando o que uma shield e o uso da Shields Multifuno na prtica.Crie, inove, projete. Coloque suas ideias em prtica com o curso Introduo Engenharia com Arduino."
Price: 74.99

"Customer Acquisition Cost and Customer Lifetime Value"
"Marketing & customer analytics have become increasingly important and popular in business. Keywords such as customer acquisition cost (CAC) and customer lifetime value (CLV/LTV) appear in nearly every job description of a role titled business analyst or data scientist. While most courses focus on the technical requirements such as machine learning or coding skills, few has devoted effort to teach an equally if not more important ability : business acumen.I am Dr. Alan Zhang. Iwas formerly a marketing professor and am currently a data scientist of marketing analytics. Through this course, Iwant to prepare you with the basic knowledge on two important customer analytics concepts: CAC and CLV. From this course, you will get all of these to help you become ready for your current or future jobs:high-quality instructorextensive level of lecturesstep-by-step guidancepractice opportunitiesfinal capstone project"
Price: 194.99

"Dropshipping Facile stratgie Monoproduit Funnel Shopify 2.0"
"Vous avez envie de tester uneboutiqueen ligne rapidement et facilement ? Vous n'avez pas envie d'avoir du stock ? Alors ce cours en Dropshippingest fait pour vous. Si vous tes dbutant et que vous ne savez pas par o commencer, vous aller suivre tape par tape la construction d'uneBoutique avec un thme Mono produit. Je vous explique tout de A Z en filmant mon cran. Vous allez comprendre et appliquer la stratgie du Mono produit pour russir, rapidement et facilement, dans le Dropshipping. Installation, configuration, optimisation, SEO, publicit, mises aux normes lgales en vigueur ... C'est tout ce que vous serez capable de raliser en suivantcette Formation."
Price: 19.99

"Shopify pour dbutants en E-commerce : Le guide Complet"
"*******************Veuillez noter que nous continuons d'ajouter du contenu rgulirement ! Nous voulons en faire le meilleurguide progressifetpratiquepour apprendre installerShopify.*******************Ce cours va vous enseigner lesbases de l'installation d'une boutique Shopify,tapes par tapes.Ensuite vous saurez choisir quel type de theme Shopify installer et comment le faire.Enfin vous aurez tout un chapitre consacr la preuve sociale, trs peu de formateurs en parlent et pourtant c'est ce qui fera la diffrence sur votre boutique.Vous aurez accs vie tout lecontenu du cours,actuel et futur !Ce cours vient avec unegarantie de 30jours! Si vous n'tes pas satisfait, il vous suffit de vous faire rembourser !Lors de la ralisation de ce cours, nous avons essay de respecter deux grands principes pdagogiques: que le cours soitprogressifet qu'il soitpratique.Vous ne serez jamais confront des nos notions dont vous n'avez pas les pr-requis.L'installationncessite une bonne dose d'investissement personnelet d'coute, et il faudra vous forcer ne pas sauter des vidos ou des exercices !Nous sommes disponibles si vous avez la moindre question, et plus particulirement via le Q&Rqui permettra aux autres tudiants de voir vos questions et nos rponses. bientt et bon courage,Raphal."
Price: 19.99