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"Escuela de espalda. Consigue una vida sana y sin dolor"
"Los estudios dicen que al 80% de nosotros sufriremos dolor de espalda en algn momento de nuestra vida. Yo estoy convencido de que ese nmero es bastante optimista.Como yo tambin soy bastante optimista, he creado este proyecto, con el objetivo de ofrecerte una SOLUCIN DURADERA para el dolor de espalda, y basado en 2 aspectos que considero bsicos para conseguirlo:Darte informacin actualizada que cambiar tu forma de ver y entender el dolor de espalda.Fortalecer de manera adecuada y progresiva los msculos de tu columnaHe creado este curso pensando en ti, como ""usuario"" de una columna vertebral, al que habitualmente nadie ha enseado como es, como funciona, cules son sus puntos dbiles, y un montn de dudas ms que seguro que tienes, has tenido o tendrs, y que no sabes a quin preguntar.Por un lado encontrarslecciones brevescon explicaciones sencillas, aunque no por ello bsicas, con 3 grandes reas:- La columna vertebral, cmo es y cmo funciona- El sistema nervioso, el control del movimiento, y el dolor- El ejercicio como medicinaPor otro lado, te darfichas de ejercicios para que desde movimientos relativamente sencillos, a secuencias ms complejas puedas salir del crculo vicioso FRMACOS + REPOSO, que no slo no funciona, sino que es una de las grandes causas del dolor.En definitiva, el objetivo de este curso es darte recursos y autonoma para que puedas tomar tus decisiones y mejorar tu calidad de vida. No necesitas ser un experto en mecnica para conducir un coche, pero s tienes que tener unos pocos conceptos bsicos claros, o de lo contrario puedes hacerte dao. Lo mismo sucede con la espalda, tener estos conocimientos cambiar tu relacin con la espalda, estoy convencido"
Price: 49.99

"Hack Your Fitness"
"Cardio exercises. Weight training. Calorie counting. Youre hitting the gym five days a week and eating healthy, balancing a busy career and family responsibilities, but your workout isnt working out. Despite the hours spent pedaling, running, and lifting, the lean, muscular, six-pack body youve been sweating to attain and maintain remains stubbornly out of reach.Let fitness guru Jay Kim show you how to optimize your workout routine and nutritious food preparation to get maximum results in minimum time.InHack Your Fitness, Kim shares his goal-winning formulaa combination of intermittent fasting, caloriecycling, macronutrients, and compound exercise trainingthat helped him lose fat and gain muscle, while only spending three hours a week in the gym. This regimen isnt a quick-fix solution for people looking to drop pounds without changing their habits. Its a simple, but not necessarily easy, lifestyle design that will help you get slim and trimfor lifeif youre committed to the patience and persistence required in sustaining your bodys health.Featuring step-by-step exercise routines and nutritious meal plans,Hack Your Fitnesspresents a streamlined, time-saving workout plan that will get you in and out of the gym and back to your life."
Price: 179.99

"Excuses Blowout"
"Are You In Your Own Way? Feeling Stuck?It's time to stop making excuses. Maybe you're feeling stuck because you don't have theconfidence to take action, or you don't enjoy what you do, or maybe you just feel lost?This practical course breaks through all of these issues to give you back the control. Through practical videos, worksheets and hypnotherapy tracks you will:Increase your confidence &know where you currently get your confidence fromBecome emotionally committed to your goals, so you ensure you achieve themBuild a support team and get accountable - the two main reasons people fail or give up on their dreams"
Price: 34.99

"Financial management - Foundations of Finance (Theory)"
"This course contains the lecture covering the Concept of Finance- Basics in TheoryYou will learn these concepts given below from this course and also you will get thesupporting resource material for exam preparation which isprovided along with this course. Topics covered:Financial Management - IntroductionObjectives of Financial ManagementConcept of Risk and ReturnConcept ofTime value of moneyCalculation for Single AssetCalculation for Portfolio of AssetFeatures of Bonds and sharesBasic Asset valuation ModelValuation of Bonds and SharesAll these concepts were explained with the example problems.At the end of the course, a sample descriptive type test Question paper for your practice.You can ask me any questions related to Finance and I will clarify your queries.Resource Materials:Year Question PapersPower point NotesAfter taking this course, you will have a very clear cut idea on Concept of Finance - Basics and also you will be to solve the problem so easily."
Price: 1280.00

"Communication Skills for Beginners"
"Communication skills arethe key and fundamental for the success in personallife or in professional life. So if you are struggling to develop your communications skills, then this course is for you.Do youfindit hard to write a first sentence of an article?Do you find it difficult to speak in front of the group of audience?Do you find it hard to read a book?Do you find it difficultto listen and understand what others are saying?When your Lecturer or Boss tell you to make a presentation or speak in-front of the group of audience, you might have struggled to speakWhen you are required to write a letter or any technical article or your assignment, you might have found it difficult to write.So this Course will help you to read and listen effectively and also make you to start write an article confidently as well as make you to speak or present in front of audience confidently. This course will help you to master the communication techniques which you can apply and get better results faster.Course will contain the following:Basics of communication skillsHow to develop reading skillHow to develop writing skillHow to develop listening skillHow to develop speaking skillEach of these skills were explained in a simple way with a technique, tips and suggestions to improve it and along with thelecture videos and theself assessment at the end of every chapter.At the end of this course,Bymastering these techniques you will gainconfidence to write and speak to your audience and also expand your knowledge by listening and reading effectively."
Price: 1920.00

"Wzorce Projektowe (Design Patterns)"
"Wzorce Projektowe (Design Patterns) s tematem istniejcym w wiecie programowania od wielu, wielu lat i zagociy w nim ju na dobre. Pytanie o wybrany wzorzec jest niemal pewniakiem podczas rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej na startowe pozycje w brany.W tym kursie poznasz popularne wzorce suce do uatwienia tworzenia skomplikowanych obiektw, dynamicznej zmiany ich zachowa czy takie, ktre pozwalaj na komunikacj pomidzy dwoma rnymi interfejsami. S to uniwersalne rozwizania suce do rozwizywania problemw, z ktrymi programistom czsto przychodzi si zmaga w codziennej pracy.Naszym celem jest zapewnienie kursantowi:wiedzy teoretycznej,zdolnoci wykrycia w ywym kodzie moliwoci zastosowania danego wzorca,umiejtnoci poprawnego zaimplementowania wzorca,gdzie owo ""poprawnie""to nieprzekopiowaniediagramu UML wymylonego dla jakiego abstrakcyjnego problemu, lecz taka implementacja, ktra idealnie wpasuje si w konkretny kontekst biznesowy.Kurs jestdostpny w rozdzielczoci 1080p - wystarczy w playerze Udemy wybra AUTO w polu wyboru rozdzielczoci. Przy dostatecznie dobrym poczeniu internetowym filmy bd wwczas wywietlanew najwyszej moliwej rozdzielczoci."
Price: 399.99

"Fingerpicking Basics for Ukulele"
"Are you bored with strumming? Do you want to make your ukulele playing more beautiful? Do you want to develop a more sophisticated sound?Fingerpicking on the ukulele is a very satisfying style to play, and can really show off what a beautiful instrument the ukulele can be. This course is designed to help you develop the necessary physical skill to introduce fingerpicking to your repertoire of musical skills.   How to start picking  What does your rhythm (strumming) hand have to do  Develop necessary skills in each finger  Learn a few basic patterns  How to apply them to songs you already know.This course is suitable for ukulele players of all levels. If you have learned a few chords and played a couple of songs, this is a benefit but not necessary. You can start with fingerpicking as a complete newbie if you would like to.I have been teaching ukulele to players of from age 5-99 all around the Hampshire, for 8 years, from one-to-one coaching to classes of around 60 students. I direct an acoustic band which includes a ukulele section, for which I create suitable arrangements, select music, train members to performance standard and incorporate multi levels of skill.Many thanks for all your help Dielle, I really feel I got to grips with the technical stuff Sue  ""This is a very good beginner course and I am going to implement these fingerpicking styles as I learn more."" Susan   The tutors are inspirational Peter, Hayling Ukulele Club    "
Price: 29.99

"U.S. Citizenship Practice Tests"
"This is a practice test course. These are questions that you may be asked and need to know in ordertopass the Civics Interview portion of the U.S Citizenship and Naturalization Test. Are you ready to become a U.S citizen?*Reminder*During the U.S Civics interview portion of the test, remain relax and focused"
Price: 19.99

"Find The Right IT Job - Linux, Coding, Networking or Storage"
"Have you ever dreamed of getting a job in IT but don't know where to start. This course is designed to target those students who do not have a clear path in IT career. You have heard from so many people that you should get a job in IT, but in which field? You might have also heard from people to get a job in system administration, database, programming, networking etc. but are those jobs the right fit for you?In this course you will learn different components of IT, different types of jobs in IT and which job is right for you based on your background, your knowledge, your education and your taste."
Price: 59.99

"Complete Linux Training Course to Get Your Dream IT Job 2020"
"Linux is the number ONE operating system for the Corporate world.If you want to start your career in Linux and have little or no knowledge of Linux then I can help.  In this course you will  learn Linux installation, configuration, administration, troubleshooting, command line, OS tools and much more...  I have also included  Resume and Interview workshop that will definitely help you get your  dream IT job. In addition to the lectures there will be quizzes, homework and hand-out material just like a live classroom training I have been teaching this exact course in a classroom environment in New York City.  Please note 80% of my students who took this course got the job in Linux within months.  Imagine those who take my course only to level  up their career, how productive this training can be for them Following is the list of topics I will cover in this course:Module 1 Understanding Linux ConceptsWhat is Linux?   Everyday use of Linux   Unix vs. Linux   Quiz, Homework and Handouts      Module 2 Download, Install and Configure    What is Oracle Virtual Box?   Downloading and Installing Oracle Virtual BoxCreating virtual machine    Linux Distributions   Different way to install Linux   Downloading and Installing Linux (CentOS)   Redhat Linux installation (Optional)   Linux Desktop (GUI)   Virtual Machine Management   Linux vs. Windows   Who Uses Linux?   Quiz, Homework and Handouts    Module 3 System Access and File System   Accessing Linux systemDownload and install Putty   Connect Linux VM via Putty   Important Things to Remember in Linux   Introduction to File SystemFile system structure descriptionFile system navigation commandsFile System Paths   Directory listing overview   Creating Files and Directories   Finding Files and Directories (find, locate)    Changing PasswordWildcard (*, $, ^)Combining and Splitting Files (cat and cut)   Soft and Hard Links (ln)   Quiz, Homework and Handouts     Module 4 Linux Fundamentals   Commands Syntax   File Permissions (chmod)   File Ownership (chown, chgrp)Getting Help (man, whatis etc.)   TAB completion and up arrow keys   Adding text to file   Pipes ( )   File Maintenance Commands   File Display Commands   Filters / Text Processing Commands (cut, sort, grep, awk, uniq, wc)   Compare Files (diff, cmp)   Compress and Un-compress files/directories (tar, gzip, gunzip)Combining and Splitting Files    Linux vs. Windows Commands   Quiz, Homework and Handouts   Module 5 System Administration   Linux File Editors (vi text editor)sed Command    User account management   Switch users and Sudo access   Monitor users   Talking to users (users, wall, write)Linux Directory Service - Account AuthenticationDifference between Active Directory, LDAP, IDM, WinBIND, OpenLDAP etc.System utility commands (date, uptime, hostname, which, cal, bc etc.)   Processes and schedules (systemctl, ps, top, kill, crontab and at)   Process ManagementSystem Monitoring Commands (top, df, dmesg, iostat 1, netstat, free etc.)   OS Maintenance Commands (shutdown, reboot, halt, init etc.)   Changing System Hostname (hostnamectl)   Finding System Information (uname, cat /etc/redhat-release, cat /etc/*rel*, dmidecode)   System Architecture (arch)   Terminal control keys   Terminal Commands (clear, exit, script)   Recover root Password (single user mode)SOS Report    Quiz, Homework and Handouts      Module 6 Shell Scripting  Linux Kernel    What is a Shell? Types of Shells  Shell scripting   Basic Shell scripts   If-then scripts   For loop scripts   do-while scripts    Case statement scripts   Aliases Shell History  Command history     Module 7 Networking, Servers and System Updates  Enabling internet in Linux VM   Network Components   Network files and commands (ping, ifconfig, netstat, tcpdump, networking config files)   NIC Information (ethtool)   NIC or Port BondingDownloading Files or Apps (wget)curl and ping CommandsFile Transfer CommandsSystem updates and repositories (rpm and yum)System Upgrade/Patch Management   Create Local Repository from CD/DVDAdvance Package Management   SSH and Telnet   DNS   Hostname and IP Lookup (nslookup and dig)   NTP   chronyd (Newer version of NTP)Sendmail   Apache Web Server (http)   Central Logger (rsyslogd)Securing Linux Machine (OS Hardening)OpenLDAP Installation   Quiz, Homework and Handouts    Module 8 Disk Management and Run LevelsSystem run levelsLinux Boot ProcessMessage of the DayDisk partition (df, fdisk, etc.)StorageLogical Volume Management (LVM)LVM Configuration during InstallationAdd Disk and Create Standard PartitionAdd Disk and Create LVM PartitionLVM Configuration during InstallationAdd Virtual Disk and Create New LVM Partition (pvcreate, vgcreate, lvcreate,)Extend Disk using LVMAdding Swap SpaceRAIDQuiz, Homework and Handouts      Module 9 All About Resume  Resume workshop Cover Letter  Linux job description or duties Exposure to Other TechnologiesHomework and Handouts    Module 10 All About Interview   IT ComponentsIT Job StatisticsLinus Around UsLinux Operating System Jobs   IT Management JobsPost Resume and What to ExpectInterview workshopRedhat Certifications (RHCSA, RHCE etc.)Join Linux Community200+ interview questionsHomeworkCourse RecapCommands We Have LearnedDon't Give upCongratulationsRecap - HandoutsAdditional ResourcesMany extra lectures=============================================================================================Here is the testimonial from my students:To all of you that are looking for a REALLY GOOD LINUX course, THIS IS IT, SERIOUSLY I promise you won't find a course on LINUX here that is THIS GOOD. -- T.J. Marstiller (Udemy Student)Imran is a very knowledgeable and engaging instructor. As others have said, you can tell that he is not just trying to sell a course, but that he is invested in giving his students a strong career foundation with a positive and approachable attitude. He is also entertaining with his use of pop culture and practical work examples. It really feels like you're in a classroom with him. I'm taking this course mainly as a hobbyist, but got a lot from it already. The homework assignments, quizzes, and handouts help reinforce the material.   -- Raymond B.  (Udemy Student)Main thing about course is its simplicity and the hierarchy. Design is very good and easy which helps to understand things better.  -- Akash Garg (Udemy Student)I just love the teaching ad the learning experience I am getting  -- Jacob Samba (Udemy Student)Imran Afzal might be my favorite teacher I've EVER had. He is funny, and engaging. The course was easy to follow, and with no experience starting I am now extremely comfortable with Linux, and actually really like it. He does make you do your googles, but this is not a bad thing especially considering the nature of IT and documentation to solve your own problems. I highly recommend.  -- Vanessa Diaz-Goumond (Udemy Student)The course is run very well and I really like the handouts and the homework that is assigned. The homework helps me learn and continue with the learning process even when adult life is still progressing forward.  -- Thomas Rogers (Udemy Student)Such an amazing instructor. Imran must have put in a lot of effort in structuring the course and taking the student step by step, he takes his time in explaining everything, from what Linux is, how to down load it, coding, etc. I have taken other courses from Imran. I am a student for life. Keep it up and please keep preparing more courses for please like us who can benefit from your way of teaching, knowledge and experience. Thank you.  -- Ali Shiekh (Udemy Student)In the first place I say a big thank you to the instructor for making such a great course. I was afraid to learn Linux. I now feel very comfortable with Linux. I have understood both the concept behind and the practical as well. I would recommend every one who is NEW to Linux and wants to grab it once and for all without wasting time to go ahead and ENROLL. You will not regret it. I would like the instructor to do same for WINDOWS SERVER ADMIN., I don't seem to find any better and beginner oriented course out there that could be matched with this course. To me, it is the BEST Linux Course on Online. I just started some real world projects with Linux after this great course, I was new to Linux and in just a month I am on the command line always playing.  -- Opoku Bright (Udemy Student)I genuinely look forward to additional courses in the future. This has been so informative. You hear the name oracle all the time, but this was well put in laymans terms  -- Atoofa Hasan (Classroom Student)Imran Afzal eats, breathes and sleeps Linux! He really knows his stuff. I feel like he has brought me from a novice level education to masters level in a short time period. Anyone who is looking to get a job in Linux should definitely take this course.  -- TJ Walker (Udemy Student)"
Price: 199.99

"3 Days Linux Administration Course"
"This course is designed for those students who do not have enough time to learn Linux.  They want to be able to do Linux installation and manage the Linux server by running commands in 3 days.  Spend a few hours with me everyday for the next 3 days and I will make sure you will learn the following:Day 1 Installation, Configuration, File System and Basic Commands  Understanding of Linux?   What is Oracle Virtual Box?   Downloading and Installing Oracle Virtual Box   Creating virtual machine   Linux Distributions   Downloading and Installing Linux (CentOS)   Download and install Putty   Connect Linux VM via Putty   Changing Password   Introduction to File System   File system structure description   File system navigation commands   Directory listing overview   Creating Files and Directories   File system paths   Finding Files and Directories (find, locate)   Wildcard (*, $, ^)   Quiz and Handouts  Day 2 Linux System Administration  File Permissions (chmod)   File Ownership (chown, chgrp)   Getting Help (man, whatis etc.)   Adding text to file   Pipes ( )   File Maintenance Commands   File Display Commands   Filters / Text Processing Commands (cut, sort, grep, awk, uniq, wc)   Compare Files (diff, cmp)   Compress and un-compress files/directories (tar, gzip, gunzip)   Linux File Editors (vi text editor)   User account management (useradd, groupadd, usermod, userdel, groupdel)Switch users and Sudo access   Monitor users (who, id, last)System utility commands (date, uptime, hostname, which, cal, bc etc.)Quiz and Handouts  Day 3 Advance Linux System Administration  Processes and schedules (systemctl, ps, top, kill, crontab and at)   System Monitoring Commands (top, df, dmesg, iostat 1, netstat, free etc.)   OS Maintenance Commands (shutdown, reboot, halt, init etc.)   Changing System Hostname (hostnamectl)   Finding System Information (uname, cat /etc/redhat-release, cat /etc/*rel*, dmidecode)   Terminal control keys   Linux Kernel   What is Shell?   Shell scripting   Basic Shell scripts   AliasesCommand history   Enabling Internet in Linux VM   Network Files and Commands (ping, ifconfig, netstat, tcpdump, networking config files)   Network Interface (ethtool)   System Updates and Repositories (rpm and yum)   System Upgrade and Path Management   System Run Levels    File transfer (ftp, scp, rsync etc.)   Message of the Day   Disk Partition (df, fdisk, etc.)   Quiz and Handouts=============================================================================================Here is the testimonial from my students:To all of you that are looking for a REALLY GOOD LINUX course, THIS IS IT, SERIOUSLY I promise you won't find a course on LINUX here that is THIS GOOD. -- T.J. Marstiller (Udemy Student)Imran is a very knowledgeable and engaging instructor. As others have said, you can tell that he is not just trying to sell a course, but that he is invested in giving his students a strong career foundation with a positive and approachable attitude. He is also entertaining with his use of pop culture and practical work examples. It really feels like you're in a classroom with him. I'm taking this course mainly as a hobbyist, but got a lot from it already. The homework assignments, quizzes, and handouts help reinforce the material.   -- Raymond B.  (Udemy Student)Main thing about course is its simplicity and the hierarchy. Design is very good and easy which helps to understand things better.  -- Akash Garg (Udemy Student)I just love the teaching ad the learning experience I am getting  -- Jacob Samba (Udemy Student)Imran Afzal might be my favorite teacher I've EVER had. He is funny, and engaging. The course was easy to follow, and with no experience starting I am now extremely comfortable with Linux, and actually really like it. He does make you do your googles, but this is not a bad thing especially considering the nature of IT and documentation to solve your own problems. I highly recommend.  -- Vanessa Diaz-Goumond (Udemy Student)The course is run very well and I really like the handouts and the homework that is assigned. The homework helps me learn and continue with the learning process even when adult life is still progressing forward.  -- Thomas Rogers (Udemy Student)Such an amazing instructor. Imran must have put in a lot of effort in structuring the course and taking the student step by step, he takes his time in explaining everything, from what Linux is, how to down load it, coding, etc. I have taken other courses from Imran. I am a student for life. Keep it up and please keep preparing more courses for please like us who can benefit from your way of teaching, knowledge and experience. Thank you.  -- Ali Shiekh (Udemy Student)In the first place I say a big thank you to the instructor for making such a great course. I was afraid to learn Linux. I now feel very comfortable with Linux. I have understood both the concept behind and the practical as well. I would recommend every one who is NEW to Linux and wants to grab it once and for all without wasting time to go ahead and ENROLL. You will not regret it. I would like the instructor to do same for WINDOWS SERVER ADMIN., I don't seem to find any better and beginner oriented course out there that could be matched with this course. To me, it is the BEST Linux Course on Online. I just started some real world projects with Linux after this great course, I was new to Linux and in just a month I am on the command line always playing.  -- Opoku Bright (Udemy Student)I genuinely look forward to additional courses in the future. This has been so informative. You hear the name oracle all the time, but this was well put in laymans terms  -- Atoofa Hasan (Classroom Student)Imran Afzal eats, breathes and sleeps Linux! He really knows his stuff. I feel like he has brought me from a novice level education to masters level in a short time period. Anyone who is looking to get a job in Linux should definitely take this course.  -- TJ Walker (Udemy Student)"
Price: 199.99

"Linux Crash Course For Beginners"
"This course is for someone who needs basic training in Linux, someone who is already in IT and wants to add a new skill.  It is specifically designed for those who have been really busy with their work and don't have enough time.  Now you don't have to stay awake at night or sneak out of your lunch break.  You will learn so many Linux commands in just 2 days.  Sounds unreal?  Well take a look at my syllabus and you see what I will be covering and then ask yourself if it is worth spending a couple of hours for only 2 days:Saturday Basic Linux Understanding of Linux?What is Oracle Virtual Box?    Oracle Virtual Box Installation   Creating virtual machine   Linux Distributions   Linux Installation   Download and install Putty   Connect Linux VM via Putty   Changing Password   Introduction to File System   File system structure description   File system navigation commands   Directory listing overview   Creating Files and Directories   File Permissions (chmod)   File Ownership (chown, chgrp)   Getting Help (man, whatis etc.)   Adding text to file   Pipes ( )   Quiz, Homework and Handouts  Sunday Advance Linux File Maintenance CommandsFile Display CommandsFilters / Text Processing Commands (cut, sort, grep, awk, uniq, wc)Finding System Information (uname, cat /etc/redhat-release, cat /etc/*rel*, dmidecode)Linux File Editors (vi text editor)User account managementSwitch users and Sudo accessSystem utility commands (date, uptime, hostname, which, cal, bc etc.)Processes and schedules (systemctl, ps, top, kill, crontab and at)OS Maintenance Commands (shutdown, reboot, halt, init etc.)System Monitoring Commands (top, df, dmesg, iostat 1, netstat, free etc.)   Shell scripting   Basic Shell scripts   Aliases   Command history   Enabling Internet in Linux VM   Network Files and Commands (ping, ifconfig, netstat, tcpdump, networking config files)   System Updates and Repositories (rpm and yum)   System Run Levels    Quiz, Homework and Handouts=============================================================================================Here is the testimonial from my students:To all of you that are looking for a REALLY GOOD LINUX course, THIS IS IT, SERIOUSLY I promise you won't find a course on LINUX here that is THIS GOOD. -- T.J. Marstiller (Udemy Student)Imran is a very knowledgeable and engaging instructor. As others have said, you can tell that he is not just trying to sell a course, but that he is invested in giving his students a strong career foundation with a positive and approachable attitude. He is also entertaining with his use of pop culture and practical work examples. It really feels like you're in a classroom with him. I'm taking this course mainly as a hobbyist, but got a lot from it already. The homework assignments, quizzes, and handouts help reinforce the material.   -- Raymond B.  (Udemy Student)Main thing about course is its simplicity and the hierarchy. Design is very good and easy which helps to understand things better.  -- Akash Garg (Udemy Student)I just love the teaching ad the learning experience I am getting  -- Jacob Samba (Udemy Student)Imran Afzal might be my favorite teacher I've EVER had. He is funny, and engaging. The course was easy to follow, and with no experience starting I am now extremely comfortable with Linux, and actually really like it. He does make you do your googles, but this is not a bad thing especially considering the nature of IT and documentation to solve your own problems. I highly recommend.  -- Vanessa Diaz-Goumond (Udemy Student)The course is run very well and I really like the handouts and the homework that is assigned. The homework helps me learn and continue with the learning process even when adult life is still progressing forward.  -- Thomas Rogers (Udemy Student)Such an amazing instructor. Imran must have put in a lot of effort in structuring the course and taking the student step by step, he takes his time in explaining everything, from what Linux is, how to down load it, coding, etc. I have taken other courses from Imran. I am a student for life. Keep it up and please keep preparing more courses for please like us who can benefit from your way of teaching, knowledge and experience. Thank you.  -- Ali Shiekh (Udemy Student)In the first place I say a big thank you to the instructor for making such a great course. I was afraid to learn Linux. I now feel very comfortable with Linux. I have understood both the concept behind and the practical as well. I would recommend every one who is NEW to Linux and wants to grab it once and for all without wasting time to go ahead and ENROLL. You will not regret it. I would like the instructor to do same for WINDOWS SERVER ADMIN., I don't seem to find any better and beginner oriented course out there that could be matched with this course. To me, it is the BEST Linux Course on Online. I just started some real world projects with Linux after this great course, I was new to Linux and in just a month I am on the command line always playing.  -- Opoku Bright (Udemy Student)I genuinely look forward to additional courses in the future. This has been so informative. You hear the name oracle all the time, but this was well put in laymans terms  -- Atoofa Hasan (Classroom Student)Imran Afzal eats, breathes and sleeps Linux! He really knows his stuff. I feel like he has brought me from a novice level education to masters level in a short time period. Anyone who is looking to get a job in Linux should definitely take this course.  -- TJ Walker (Udemy Student)"
Price: 199.99

"Complete Linux Bash Shell Scripting with Real Life Examples"
"This course is design for those who have some experience in Linux and want to learn or refine their Linux shell scripting skills.  Most of the scripts practiced in this training are based on real life examples.For the hobbyists this is fun to do, for the aspiring Linux system admins these are essential skills and for the experienced Linux engineers these are skills to be consolidatedIn this training we will cover the following:Section 1 (Lab Setup)         What is Virtual Box?         Downloading and installing Virtual Box         Creating first virtual machine         Linux installation Section: 2 (Shell Scripting Basics)         What is Kernel?         What is a Shell?         Shell Scripting?         Type of Shells         Starting a Shell         How to Run a Shell Script Section: 3 (Scripting Standards)         Naming Convention         Script File Permissions         Shell Script Format         Sequence of Script Execution Section: 4 (Basic Shell Scripts)         Creating 1st script         Script to run basic tasks         Defining variable         Input/output script         Conditions/If else statement scripts         Case statement scripts         For loop scripts         Do-while scripts         Exist Status         Handouts Section: 5 (Real Life Scripts)         Accessing data from files         Check remote servers connectivity         Script for scheduling and notification         Script to delete old files         Backup filesystem         For loops scripts for file system 1         For loops scripts for file system 2         Copy files to remote hosts         User directory assignment         List of users logged in by date         Central logging (rsyslog) script         Script for user account management         Disable inactive users         Check process status and killing it         Status on total number of files         Script to create system inventory         Getting online help         HomeworkAdditional Resources         This section has so many additional Linux related lectures=============================================================================================Here is the testimonial from my students:To all of you that are looking for a REALLY GOOD LINUX course, THIS IS IT, SERIOUSLY I promise you won't find a course on LINUX here that is THIS GOOD. -- T.J. Marstiller (Udemy Student)Imran is a very knowledgeable and engaging instructor. As others have said, you can tell that he is not just trying to sell a course, but that he is invested in giving his students a strong career foundation with a positive and approachable attitude. He is also entertaining with his use of pop culture and practical work examples. It really feels like you're in a classroom with him. I'm taking this course mainly as a hobbyist, but got a lot from it already. The homework assignments, quizzes, and handouts help reinforce the material.   -- Raymond B.  (Udemy Student)Main thing about course is its simplicity and the hierarchy. Design is very good and easy which helps to understand things better.  -- Akash Garg (Udemy Student)I just love the teaching ad the learning experience I am getting  -- Jacob Samba (Udemy Student)Imran Afzal might be my favorite teacher I've EVER had. He is funny, and engaging. The course was easy to follow, and with no experience starting I am now extremely comfortable with Linux, and actually really like it. He does make you do your googles, but this is not a bad thing especially considering the nature of IT and documentation to solve your own problems. I highly recommend.  -- Vanessa Diaz-Goumond (Udemy Student)The course is run very well and I really like the handouts and the homework that is assigned. The homework helps me learn and continue with the learning process even when adult life is still progressing forward.  -- Thomas Rogers (Udemy Student)Such an amazing instructor. Imran must have put in a lot of effort in structuring the course and taking the student step by step, he takes his time in explaining everything, from what Linux is, how to down load it, coding, etc. I have taken other courses from Imran. I am a student for life. Keep it up and please keep preparing more courses for please like us who can benefit from your way of teaching, knowledge and experience. Thank you.  -- Ali Shiekh (Udemy Student)In the first place I say a big thank you to the instructor for making such a great course. I was afraid to learn Linux. I now feel very comfortable with Linux. I have understood both the concept behind and the practical as well. I would recommend every one who is NEW to Linux and wants to grab it once and for all without wasting time to go ahead and ENROLL. You will not regret it. I would like the instructor to do same for WINDOWS SERVER ADMIN., I don't seem to find any better and beginner oriented course out there that could be matched with this course. To me, it is the BEST Linux Course on Online. I just started some real world projects with Linux after this great course, I was new to Linux and in just a month I am on the command line always playing.  -- Opoku Bright (Udemy Student)I genuinely look forward to additional courses in the future. This has been so informative. You hear the name oracle all the time, but this was well put in laymans terms  -- Atoofa Hasan (Classroom Student)Imran Afzal eats, breathes and sleeps Linux! He really knows his stuff. I feel like he has brought me from a novice level education to masters level in a short time period. Anyone who is looking to get a job in Linux should definitely take this course.  -- TJ Walker (Udemy Student)"
Price: 199.99

"Complete Linux Security & Hardening with Practical Examples"
"If you have basic understanding of Linux and want to enhance your skill in Linux security and system hardening then this course is perfect fit for you.  Many security policies and standards require system administrators to address specific user authentication concerns, application of updates, system auditing and logging, file system integrity, and more. This course provides strategies for addressing specific policy and configuration concerns.This course is intended to develop the skills needed to ensure data integrity on computer systems for organizations with high security standards.  I have 35,000+ students on Udemy platform and many of them are able to secure their dream job in IT field just by taking my courses.  I always start with basic and then dive into advance levelThis course is best for someone who:wants to learn almost everything about Linux securitywants to step-up in his/her careeris looking for a job in Linuxneeds technical guidance on how to enhance the security of Linux systemsis responsible for implementing security policy requirements on Linux systems consistently and in a reproducible waymust be able to demonstrate that Linux systems meet security policy requirementsmaintains continued adherence to security requirements, including management of security-critical operating system/software updates===================================================================================Overview of the course:There are total of 10 sections in this courseSection 1 Introduction and Course OverviewCourse OverviewDownload SyllabusSection 2 Security ConceptsWhat is Security and OS Hardening?Comparing House Security with Computer SecuritySecuring All Operating SystemsImportance of Linux SecuritySecurity Implementation ToolsType of Security BreachQuiz, Handouts and HomeworkSection 3 - Lab Setup (optional)What is VirtualBox?Installing Oracle VirtualBoxCreating First Virtual MachineLinux InstallationSection 4 - Securing User EnvironmentUnderstanding /etc/passwd, /etc/group and /etc/shadowThe /etc/login.def FileCreate User Account and Change PasswordChange Password ParametersSet Password PolicyLock or Disable User Accounts AutomaticallyLock or Disable User Accounts ManuallyLock User Account After 3 Failed AttemptsRestrict root LoginDisable SSH Access for a Specific UserImplement UID/GID PolicyCentralized Authentication Servicesudo AccessMonitor User ActivitySection 5 - PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module)What is PAM?The Importance of PAMThe PAM Configuration Files FormatPAM Config File Module InterfacesAccount Access Through PAMPAM Config File Control FlagsPAM Config File Modules (SO)PAM Aware Services and StacksSection 6 - Securing Linux FilesystemLinux File TypesLinux File AttributesLinux File Ownership and PermissionsChanging File PermissionChanging File OwnershipAccess Control List (ACL)Section 7 - Securing Linux SystemMessage of the Day and customizing message of the dayPhysical Server SecurityRemove Unnecessary or Orphan PackagesKeep Kernel and System Up to DateStop and Disable Unwanted ServicesSeparate Disk PartitionsDisable Ctrl+Alt+DeleteRunning One Service per SystemChange Default Console PasswordsDisable USB Stick DetectionEnable Network Time Protocol (NTP or Chronyd)Lockdown CronjobsChange SSH PortsSELinux (longest lecture and lab)BackupsSection 8 - Securing Linux System NetworkIntroduction to Firewalliptables (tables, chains and targets)iptables (practical examples)Firewall (firewalld)firewalld (Practical Examples)firewalld (GUI)Encrypt Incoming and Outgoing TrafficSSH vs. TelnetTurn Off IPV6 (If not in use)Section 9 - Securing Environment Around LinuxHardware/Network FirewallNetwork Address Translation (NAT)VPN TunnelApplication and Database EncryptionSection 10 - Additional ResourcesMany more lectures on Linux...===================================================================================Here is the testimonial from my students:To all of you that are looking for a REALLY GOOD LINUX course, THIS IS IT, SERIOUSLY I promise you won't find a course on LINUX here that is THIS GOOD. -- T.J. Marstiller (Udemy Student)Imran is a very knowledgeable and engaging instructor. As others have said, you can tell that he is not just trying to sell a course, but that he is invested in giving his students a strong career foundation with a positive and approachable attitude. He is also entertaining with his use of pop culture and practical work examples. It really feels like you're in a classroom with him. I'm taking this course mainly as a hobbyist, but got a lot from it already. The homework assignments, quizzes, and handouts help reinforce the material.   -- Raymond B.  (Udemy Student)Main thing about course is its simplicity and the hierarchy. Design is very good and easy which helps to understand things better.  -- Akash Garg (Udemy Student)I just love the teaching ad the learning experience I am getting  -- Jacob Samba (Udemy Student)Imran Afzal might be my favorite teacher I've EVER had. He is funny, and engaging. The course was easy to follow, and with no experience starting I am now extremely comfortable with Linux, and actually really like it. He does make you do your googles, but this is not a bad thing especially considering the nature of IT and documentation to solve your own problems. I highly recommend.  -- Vanessa Diaz-Goumond (Udemy Student)The course is run very well and I really like the handouts and the homework that is assigned. The homework helps me learn and continue with the learning process even when adult life is still progressing forward.  -- Thomas Rogers (Udemy Student)Such an amazing instructor. Imran must have put in a lot of effort in structuring the course and taking the student step by step, he takes his time in explaining everything, from what Linux is, how to down load it, coding, etc. I have taken other courses from Imran. I am a student for life. Keep it up and please keep preparing more courses for please like us who can benefit from your way of teaching, knowledge and experience. Thank you.  -- Ali Shiekh (Udemy Student)In the first place I say a big thank you to the instructor for making such a great course. I was afraid to learn Linux. I now feel very comfortable with Linux. I have understood both the concept behind and the practical as well. I would recommend every one who is NEW to Linux and wants to grab it once and for all without wasting time to go ahead and ENROLL. You will not regret it. I would like the instructor to do same for WINDOWS SERVER ADMIN., I don't seem to find any better and beginner oriented course out there that could be matched with this course. To me, it is the BEST Linux Course on Online. I just started some real world projects with Linux after this great course, I was new to Linux and in just a month I am on the command line always playing.  -- Opoku Bright (Udemy Student)I genuinely look forward to additional courses in the future. This has been so informative. You hear the name oracle all the time, but this was well put in laymans terms  -- Atoofa Hasan (Classroom Student)Imran Afzal eats, breathes and sleeps Linux! He really knows his stuff. I feel like he has brought me from a novice level education to masters level in a short time period. Anyone who is looking to get a job in Linux should definitely take this course.  -- TJ Walker (Udemy Student)"
Price: 199.99

"Complete Windows Server 2016 Administration Course"
"Windows is one of the basic operating system that every person should know if you want to get into IT.  Whether you are just starting your career or moving up in your existing IT field, you always have to start with Windows and this course will teach you everything you need to know about Windows 2016 administration In this course you will  learn Windows 2016 installation, configuration, administration, troubleshooting, command line, OS tools and much more...  I have also included Resume and Interview workshop that will definitely help you get your  dream IT job.In addition to the lectures there will be quizzes, homework and hand-out material just like a live classroom training I have been teaching this exact course in a classroom environment in New York City.  Please note 80% of my students who took this course got the job in Windows within months.  Imagine those who take my course only to level  up their career, how productive this training can be for them Following is the list of topics I will cover in this course:Module 1 Understanding of Microsoft Windows      What is Windows?      Different Versions of Windows      Microsoft Background and Products      Windows Market Share - Everyday Windows      Windows vs. Linux vs. MAC      Quiz, Handouts and Homework Module 2 Setting up a Lab      Oracle Virtual Box      Installing Oracle Virtual Box      Creating First Virtual Machine      Quiz, Handouts and Homework Module 3 - Windows Installation and Configuration      Different Ways to Install OS      Downloading Windows Server 2016      Installing Windows Server 2016      Adding Resources      Hostname and System Information      Windows Server GUI Overview      Quiz, Handouts and Homework Module 4 - System Access and File System      Accessing Windows System      File System and Description      Navigating to File System      File Types and Creation      File Properties      Finding Files and Directories      File Maintenance (copy, delete, move and rename)      Files Operations      File Editing Short-Cut Keys      Quiz, Handouts and Homework Module 5 - System Administration      User Account Management      Elevating User Roles      Monitor Users Activity (Task manager and command line)      System Utilities Under Accessories      Programs and Service Management (Control panel and services)      System Resource Monitoring (Task Manager)      Windows Event Logs      System Maintenance      Jobs and Schedules      Windows Settings      Server Manager Dashboard      Installing and Uninstalling Programs      Windows Applications (Microsoft or 3rd Party)      Windows Short-Cut Keys (e.g. Alt+Ctl+Del etc.)      Check System Hardware      Quiz, Handouts and Homework Module 6 - Advance Windows Administration      Roles vs. Features      Adding Roles and Features      What is Domain Controller?      Domain Controller and Active Directory      Active Directory Prerequisites      What is DNS?      Active Directory Installation      Active Directory ""Users and Computers      Active Directory User Account Management      Installing Windows Client      Joining the Domain from Windows 7 and 10      Active Directory ""Administrative Center      Active Directory ""Domain and Trust      Active Directory ""Module for Windows PowerShell      Active Directory ""Site and Services      Group Policy Management      DNS Administration      Web Server (IIS) Installation      Quiz, Handouts and Homework Module 7 - Windows Scripting and Command Line      Windows Batch Scripting      First Batch Script ""Hello World      Script to Automate Simple Tasks      Windows PowerShell      Windows PowerShell Commands      Windows PowerShell ISE (Integrated Scripting Environment)      Windows Management Instrument (WMIC)      Difference Between DOS and PowerShell      Quiz, Handouts and Homework Module 8 - Networking and System Updates      What is NIC?      Enable Internet on the VM      NIC Teaming      Network Configuration      Windows Updates      NTP Configuration      File Transfer Methods      FTP Server Installation and Configuration      Sharing FileSystem (Samba or NFS)      WSUS Server Installation and Configuration      Windows Firewall      Quiz, Handouts and Homework Module 9 Storage Management      What is Computer Storage?      Type of Computer Storage      How to Add Disk      Extend an Existing Disk      Disk Cleanup and Defragmentation      RAID      Windows Backup and Restore      Quiz, Handouts and Homework Module 10 - Additional Resources      What is IT?      IT Components      Facts about IT      IT Management Jobs      Resume Workshop      Interview Workshop      Post Resume and What to Expect      VMWare Workstation Player Download and Installation      Install Oracle VirtualBox on MAC      Quiz, Handouts and Homework===================================================================================Here is the testimonial from my students:As a System Administrator, I knew a lot of what you explained in this course. But there were a few new things I was able to learn and so far, it has paid of wonderfully. I feel I am now on my way to Senior System Administrator and I have you to thank for helping me get there. I really enjoyed this course! Thank you so much again!! -- Riley WrightImran is a very knowledgeable and engaging instructor. As others have said, you can tell that he is not just trying to sell a course, but that he is invested in giving his students a strong career foundation with a positive and approachable attitude. He is also entertaining with his use of pop culture and practical work examples. It really feels like you're in a classroom with him. I'm taking this course mainly as a hobbyist, but got a lot from it already. The homework assignments, quizzes, and handouts help reinforce the material.   -- Raymond B.  (Udemy Student)Main thing about course is its simplicity and the hierarchy. Design is very good and easy which helps to understand things better.  -- Akash Garg (Udemy Student)I just love the teaching ad the learning experience I am getting  -- Jacob Samba (Udemy Student)Very useful course, even an absolute beginner can able to understand perfectly this course. You're a great guy Imran:) -- E Vigneshwaran (Udemy Student)The course is run very well and I really like the handouts and the homework that is assigned. The homework helps me learn and continue with the learning process even when adult life is still progressing forward.  -- Thomas Rogers (Udemy Student)I am preparing for the server exam and this course has been awesome. I appreciate the time and effort to explain all parts of the OS. -- Victoria Worthy (Udemy Student)Course encouraging as it added values to my skills in Windows Server 2016 with basic fundamental details on scripting and building website. Well it was not in depth yet it still gives clear clue on where to start from. All lesson we deliver in a professional, clear and precise that one can build there own server from scratch to end. Thanks you. -- Karvee Kolliemelen (Udemy Student)I genuinely look forward to additional courses in the future. This has been so informative. You hear the name oracle all the time, but this was well put in laymans terms  -- Atoofa Hasan (Classroom Student)Imran Afzal eats, breathes and sleeps in Windows and Linux! He really knows his stuff. I feel like he has brought me from a novice level education to masters level in a short time period. Anyone who is looking to get a job in Linux should definitely take this course.  -- TJ Walker (Udemy Student)"
Price: 199.99

"Real World SAP - SD Pricing Cost Plus Scenario"
"Learn how to configure and work with SAP SD pricing for the real world! In this class we run a mini-project where we implement pricing for a Cost Plus pricing scenario - a business model where the cost of the product is marked up to derive the customer price. You'll learn why a Cost Plus scenario is used, the configuration of pricing conditions, access sequences, and the pricing procedure. Learn SAP SD pricing from one of the top experts in the field!"
Price: 144.99

"Real World SAP - Plant Maintenance Orders and Notifications"
"Ever wonder what SAP Plant Maintenance is all about?This course provides a solid introduction to SAP Plant Maintenance functionality with a focus on the two primary documents Notification and Maintenance Orders.This journey through the SAPsystem has a business process focus andis structured along thetwo mostcommon paths of maintenance functionality: Planned Maintenance and Unplanned Maintenance. At the end you'll learn how to configure your own Order and Notification document types."
Price: 139.99

"Connect and Close Essential Sales Course"
"TheConnect and Close Essentialsales course teaches you the importance of knowingwhat emotional state your customer is in when they are standing in front of you.Learn these secrets and start toconnect and closeyour way to a 75% close rate.Most time,if you do not make a sale, its not because you havent connected to the product,but thatyou have not connected to your customer!It is all about how toconnect and close. Not product training.In this course you will learn:The three zones of emotions and which emotional statesare crucial to closing the saleHow to observe your client and understand what zone they are inon any given dayWhen to ""Walk Away"" from a customerWhen to put your customer ""In The Box""Why you should not simply ""slash your price"" to keep a customerAnd more!"
Price: 79.99

"Dating at 40+ - defining your personal brand for success"
"This course has been designed and put together by Lesley Everett, specifically for people 40+ who are starting dating again.Being an established expert in Personal Branding, Lesley's aim with this course is to provide you with the very best succinct advice to build confidence and create impact with your brand. It is aimed at those who want to gain some quick, practical and proven tips from the very best in the industry on this topic.Lesley is a recognised leading expert on the subject of Personal Branding. She is the founder and CEO of Walking TALL. Together they workwith private individuals and corporate entities to help maximise the element ofpersonal brand. Lesley has written 3 successful books on Personal Branding and how the individual brand of a person does affect perceptions and ultimately determine business success or failure. Who we are and how we come across is important not just in business but in our personal lives too - and what more important area could there be other than our search for that special someone.In this course Lesley willprovide you everything you need to give you theconfidenceto steer through the daunting tasks surrounding dating.Full of tips and proven techniques, the content will increase your confidence and improve your self esteem while giving you great tools to help you sell yourself well and authentically."
Price: 49.99

"Professional Personal Branding - The Definitive Course"
"This highly focused and content-rich course has been compiled by LesleyEverett, who is recognised as a globalleading expert in Personal Branding.Lesley isthe creator of the well-known Walking TALL method for Personal Branding.The course is full of proven practical tools and techniques to build your professional brand, from one of the most respected coaches on this topic. Lesley has coached many senior executives from FTSE 500 companies with outstanding success, and she brings all her experience and knowledge to you here in a succinct and effective way. Lesleyhas been interviewed many times on TV in both UK and USA on her views on celebrity personal brands and howcorporate brands are enhanced by people brands are regularly sought after and written about in the media."
Price: 129.99

"Archicad - preparing for the online test"
"GRAPHISOFT Archicad is an industry leading BIMsoftware for architects and engineers. The knowledge of it is highly in demand within the industry and requires constant training. For the assessment of the professional skills of this software the company has created the online testing and certification process for the users. This particular course is focused to breakdown the online Archicad test for better understanding. Give hints on improving your score and showing the pathway for the official certification for the professionals and training entities.Note*The certification may not be the same for different countries.The procedure given in this course is suitable for Russia, Georgia and CIS countries and maybe other countries.Please consult with your Archicad resellers or nearest GRAPHISOFToffices for more info."
Price: 19.99

"( - - - - - - .......) 5 ( - - - - ) ."
Price: 199.99

"LaNUMEROLOGAcomo mtodo de interpretacin se aplica al anlisis de tu fecha de nacimiento y tu nombre completo, analizando profundamente los cdigos y claves secretas que en estos datos se esconden y todas sus correspondencias con el ORDEN numrico universal PITAGRICO.LaNUMEROLOGAnos brindaherramientas prcticas quenos dan informacin, consejos y sugerencias, que nos facilitan el auto conocimiento y nos permite prcticas reveladoras de aspectos de nuestra personalidad que pueden resultar claves en nuestro desarrollo y realizacin personal.Se trata de unCURSO EN LNEA en formato deVIDEOS y apoyo de informacin enPDF PARA SER DESCARGABLE.BENEFICIOS:Usar esta tcnica como una herramienta de autoconocimiento y conexin CON TU INTERIORConocer los diferentes procesos psicolgicos, fsicos, emocionales y espirituales que conforman la experiencia humana a travs de los nmeros.RECONOCER Y ACTUARSer capaz de discernir la informacin de los nmeros para aplicarlos a la vida diaria, SABER CUL ES TU POTENCIAL Y CULES SON TUS BLOQUEOSDetermina tus capacidades y potencialidades y cmo activarlas.Activa de forma exitosa tus talentos latentes y de otras personas.Descubrir tu misin de vida a travs del xito EMOCIONAL, PROFESIONAL, vocacional Y ESPIRITUALA realizar consultas acertadas de numerologa para terceros.Planear y proyectar LO QUE DESEAS SER Y HACER EN TU VIDA"
Price: 2970.00

"Investimento Bitcoin"
"Aprender de maneira simples, atravs de5 mdulos.1 O que Bitcoin2O que soCriptomoedas3 Como ganhar dinheiro com Bitcoin4 Programa de Recompensa5 Simulao de Investimento.Sabendo comovai a economia no mundo, muitas pessoas tm buscado alternativas de ganhar muito com pouco esforo, possvel? SIM, afinal de contas, muitas j so as pessoas que vivem somente do bitcoin ganhando muito mais do que nos empregos antigos.Mas como toda e qualquer coisa no mundo, para se ter o mnimo de sucesso merece a nossa inteira ateno. no estou falando que voctera que mudar de emprego, NO. Voc pode muito bem continuar com o seu emprego ou profisso, e fazer alguns investimentos em bitcoin, que provavelmente lhe dar mais resultado que o emprego, vai por mim.Eu sou testemunha viva disto. Estaremos falando mais arespeito, e partilharei com voc o resultado do meu investimento."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo vivir ante una prdida importante en nuestra vida?"
"Es importante saber qu hacer ante una perdida importante en nuestras vidas, ya sea de algn ser querido, de un trabajo, de una relacin personal o incluso de nuestra salud. La Tanatologa es la disciplina que nos ensea a lidiar con la prdida aprendiendo a elaborar un duelo de manera correcta para no estancarnos en alguna etapa.Al finalizar este curso conocers ms sobre los duelos y su funcin en nuestra vida, cules son las etapas de un duelo, como influye nuestra forma de vinculacin en la infancia con nuestra reaccin a los duelos, los tipos de duelo que existen, cmo se afronta un duelo y el papel de la familia y de un tanatlogo en un proceso de prdida."
Price: 570.00

"Instagram Clone w/ Swift 4, Firebase and Push Notifications"
"**Source Code with updates for Swift 4.2 &Firebase 5 Available Now!!****Located in Lecture 1 Resources Section **What are we building?In this course, you will learn how to build a complete versionof Instagram ready to be published on the App Store. Throughout the process, you will develop high level programming, app design and app development skills.Prior Experience?No prior programming experience is required! The course will move a little fast if you're a complete beginner, but you will pick things up along the way. We will be teaching you how to program from scratch, all the way from the absolute basics to high level programming techniques and bestpractices.Why take this course?Taking this course will give you the knowledge and skills you need to become a professional iOSDeveloper, and vital skills that you will need to be able to build your own mobile apps from the ground up. You're not just learning how to build Instagram, but rather learning how to become a full stack app developer. All of the techniques taught in this course will give you the foundation you need to become a successful advanced levelprogrammer, whether it be asa freelancer, a professional, or both.This is also a great item to add to your portfolio or GitHub profile, its awesome to show off at interviews or have as code to send potential employers!What will you learn?Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of Swift 4 & XcodeImplement the Model View Controller systemAdvanced levelprogramming and app development skillsAdvanced level User Interface DesignAdvanced level back end engineeringHow to communicate with adatabase(read/write)How to monitor events in a databaseHow to structure data for optimum performance How to build a fully functioning social networkHow to implement push notifications using Firebase Cloud MessagingHow to programmatically construct storyboardsHow to parse incoming JSONdata from databaseHow to build a directmessaging feature using FirebaseHow to use CocoaTouch classes, UIKit, UserNotifications and moreHow to use CocoaPods and custom third party softwaresHow to implement/use protocolsHow to implement custom subclasses for clean and reusable code How to dynamically size collection view cellsHow to create extensions and functions for clean and reusable codeWhat features are included?Home feed with paginationSearch feed with posts and ability to search for usersCreate users,make posts, like posts, comment on postsHashtags and mentionsDirect messagingIn app notificationsPush notifications for likes, comments,follows and mentionsFollow/UnfollowusersView followers/following usersComplete pagination of data using Firebasefor scalabilityEdit profile featureDeleting postsEdit postsSaved PhotosAbility to see who has liked postsLogging in and logging out"
Price: 199.99

"Modelagem Industrial do Vesturio"
"Nesta aula abordaremos os seguintes itens: Traado bsico da saia justa, destacar o molde e dar costura.Posteriormente abordaremos tambm:ampliao e reduo e aplicao de modelo.Disponibilizarei uma lista de materiais que ser necessria para a execuo deste curso. Na aula doisaplicaremos trs modelo de saia no bsico."
Price: 69.99

"The Comprehensive DNS guide, modern approach for DevOps"
"Hi! Welcome to DNS comprehensive guide with DevOps culture in mind.Whether you are a beginner, who is seeking to better understand DNS fundamentals, or you are experienced sysadmin, who want to accelerate your career, you can benefit from this course!I have prepared a short checklist, whichwill help you to decide if content of this course is right for you.If you are:wondering how one of the most critical internet services worksnot fully confident about your DNS knowledge, and want to put it in ordermanaging your whole infrastructure as code, but you still clicking through a DNS control panelwondering how to be in charge of all your domains and DNS entriesnot sure if you are following best practice for DNSeslooking for a real life examples andtipsWant to improve your DevOps skillsyou will benefit from this course!In this course I will teach you foundations of Domain Name Service, how the growing demands of market made this technology evolve, what are the modern ways to manage DNS, and how this fairly simple service can help you achieve High Avaliability or route your users to closest destination. I will also incorporate some details on how you can achieve better availability of DNS service itself with use of popular DNS cloud providers. I will also reveal how nowadays cloud services utilise CNAME for traffic routing.I have selected a state of the art tools and technologies for all examples - no ancient software in this course! Afterwards, you will be able to go beyond and utilise sophisticated tools or popular cloud services. It is proven, that you can master a skill only by exercising, thats why I have prepared a labs, and quizzes in pair with theoretical material.Take a next step in your DevOps journey with myComprehensive DNS guide!"
Price: 99.99

"Learn AWS Infrastructure for Production & Intro to Terraform"
"If you are looking to boost your career in the field of AWS then you are inthe right spot, In this course you will learn how to apply the AWSConcepts to build your Infrastructure from scratch which can handle any production workload and can scale to any number of customers.Ihave created this course to help students who are new to AWS understand howthe AWSServices work together to host a web application using best practices and a secure 3 tier architecture.You will learn the most trending and high in demand skill of managing ""Infrastructure as Code"" using Terraform from basics and I will show you step by step process of how to write your infrastructure as code by creating all the components in our infrastructure using Terraform.At the end of the course Ihave also included ""Devops using Slack"" section which gives you an idea of how you can get visibility in you cloud by using Cloudwatch Alarms, Scaling Policies and SNStopics posting messages to slack.This course is a complete hands on and Ihave attached the required resources at the respective sections."
Price: 154.99

"Serving Static Angular 5 Apps using AWS S3 & Cloudfront"
"Are you passionate to learn &explore AWSConcepts ?Are you that person who gets overwhelmed when you hear about servers & configurations ?Are you that developer who writes Apps but doesn't know how to go LIVEwith it ?Are you that person who wants to go LIVE with a scalable solution and maintain low cost ?If you are one of these persons, then you are in the right place, because Ihave created this course by keeping the following things in my mind.1. Easy to manage2. Scales to handle any amount of traffic3. Reliable4. Cost Effective.In this course you will learn the following concepts.1. Install Angular Framework & Build a sample application.2. Learn about AWSS3 &Hosting static websites on S33. Learn about Cloudfront &configure cloudfront to work with s3 buckets4. Learn to configure DNSusing Godaddy and Route53.By the end of this course, with in an hour you can host your Angular 5 or any single page application on S3 and serve it via Cloudfront which will be able to scale to any number of users in a simple and cost effective way.Ireally hope that you take this course and learn something new about AWS Concepts. I will see you in the course."
Price: 24.99