Is the Quran God's Word? - Final Sale Item |
"this book will finally put to rest a century long debate - Is Quran God's word? Dr.Zakir naik has used logic ,rationality and scientific facts to help one form their opinion.Pages: 76 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Dr.Zakir Naik"
Price: 8

Islam Today - Final Sale Item |
This briefbook encompasses everything is worth takingPages: 50 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Abul A'La Maudoodi
Price: 9

The Noble Life Of Muhammad Hayat-e-Tayyaba - Final Sale Item |
"This book describes complete life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) , divided into many sections from his life to death .Pages: 200 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Muhammad Abdul Hai"
Price: 12.99

The Message Of Quran & Islam A Scientific Analysis Of The Holy Quran - Final Sale Item |
the document containing the coplete message holy quaran. It was conveyed by god to muhammad (peace be upon him) .he was last of god's prothets.Pages: 98 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Muhammad A.Asadi
Price: 6

Teachings of Islam - Final Sale Item |
"In this book we have tried to explain in a very simple language some basic creeds and the problems of the day-to-day life. Those people who cannot read the larger books, they can, with the help of this book, can learn some essential features of Islam. This book will be of much help to those people who have a littile knowledge of english.Pages: 80 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Mohammad Abdul Hai"
Price: 6

Islam Dress Code for Women - Final Sale Item |
"The author of this book dr.zikra zohara is a young scholar,recently completed phPages: 48 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Dr.Zikra Zohra"
Price: 6

Answers to Non-muslims' Common question About Islam - Final Sale Item |
the common misconception about islam arise in the minds of a majority of non Pages: 76 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Dr.Zakir Naik
Price: 6

An-Nawawi's Forty Hadith - Final Sale Item |
"The sunna, in the form of hadith, is complementary to the holy book it self: it helps to explain and clarify the holy Qur'an and to present practical applications of its ladge of his faith remains incomplete, and without it the non-muslim is unable to form a true picture of the islamic faith and its fundamental spiritual, moral, legislative, and cultural principles. Pages: 127 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Translated by Ezzedin Ibrahim & Denys Johnson-Davies"
Price: 15

Forty Hadith Qudsi - Final Sale Item |
"The present book, a selection of hadith qudsi (i.e. the saying of prophat muhammad as revealed to him by the almighty) with a translation into english, is a companian voluam to our translation of the forty hadith of the Imam an _Nawawi. We thought it might be useful to perface the book with a short study about hadith Qudsi ( Sacred Hadith ), their source book, the subjects treated, and the considerations taken into account when making our selection and preparing the translation. Pages: 151 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Translated by Ezzedin Ibrahim & Denys Johnson-Davies"
Price: 8

Wonders Of Supplications - Final Sale Item |
"Supplication is the best means for man's communion with Allah. No earthly joy is greater then the happiness of supplicating. It help relive man's burder. He enjoy most the thought that his supplication will be approved by Allah. He feels his wishes and dreams will come true. As one turns to Allah with conviction, he can perceive divine mercy enveloping him. He experiences it first hand.Pages: 104 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Muhammad Ilyas Nadvi"
Price: 6

Focus On Islam - Final Sale Item |
"Focus on Islam' as the topic itself suggests, is an endeavour of the globally renowned religious scholor, Dr. Zakir Naik in the form of his lecture, delivered to approach the people, especially the Non-Muslims eith the teachings of islam. It also consists of making the clearifications of the doubts being cherished by them either due to their individual ignorance, inheritance of anti-Islamic information or misguidance.Pages: 70 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Dr.Zakir Naik"
Price: 6

Immam Al-Ghazali's Repentance Tauba from Ihya Ulmoom-id-Din - Final Sale Item |
Tauba or repentance is the beginning for anyone to start their journey in the path of Islam. This books helps to oercome sins and repent from Allah for mistakes in life.Pages: 75 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Translated by Maulana Fazlul Karim
Price: 12.99

Is Non-Vegetarian Food Permitted or Prohibited for Human Being - Final Sale Item |
"The book I your hand is in fact the speech of Dr.Zakir Naik,which is a rejoinder to the questions and remarks of Mr.Rashmibbhai Zaveri,the president of the Ibdian Vegentarian Congress and other Non-Muslims scholars invited to give their remarks on the selected topic .Here,Mr.Zaveri tries to give several references in support of eating veg.food while on the contrary;he tries his best in finding fault in consumotion of Non-Veg.food.Pages: 48 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Dr.Zakir Nair"
Price: 4

100 Guidelines for Human Life - Final Sale Item |
100 guidelines in human lifes highlights the do's and don't's For any Muslim in today's lifestyle. Many people who do not know or are confused about anything can look into this book for clarification and reasonPages: 111 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Dr.syed Shahid Ali
Price: 7

Universal Brotherhood - Final Sale Item |
"Acquainting the people with the virtues of univarsal brotherhood, Dr zakir Naik brings to notice the importance on unity for all mankind by eliminating the misconceptions about Islam.Pages: 76 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Dr.Zakir Naik"
Price: 6

Quranic Stories - Final Sale Item |
Quranic stories have been mostly written for adults . It describes events from Quran with islamic teaching .Pages: 74 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Mohd.Abdul Hai
Price: 6

Business Islam Made Easy - Final Sale Item |
"Deen is complete. Every aspect of life can be designed on Islamic basics. By studying and practising on the law as stipulated, one's earinings will become pure,halaal and naturally full of barakaat (Blessings).Pages: 112 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Maulana M.Aashiq Ilahi Buland Shehri Muhajir Madani (R.A.)"
Price: 9

Religious Obligations Of Muslim Women - Final Sale Item |
"The role and responsibilities of women in society.From the sale and purchace of females in old Arabia to the absolute freedom of modern Western female,mankind has winessed one failure after another in achieving an equilibrium between the responsibilities of the two gendeers so that both can make contributions to society according to and on harmony with their inherent physical and psycholigical natures.Pages: 71 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Dr.Israr Ahmed"
Price: 6

Social Fabric And Hadith - Final Sale Item |
Islam is the best law from the creator of man for humanity to follow.Islamic law based on Quran and hadith aims to guide mankind towards good and away from evil.Pages: 127 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Dr. Farida Khanam Dr. Syed Shahid Ali
Price: 10

Women And Quranic In Junctions - Final Sale Item |
"Highly critical comments have, in the resent past, appeared in the press all over the world suggesting that Muslim women in Muslim countries and socities are victims of discrimination and haraasment . Somehow an inference has been drawn that islamic injunctions sanction or condones this descrimination. In other words, custom and practice have been confused with precept and belief. Pages: 93 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Iftikhar Sharwani"
Price: 10

Namaz Muslim Prayer(With Diagrams) - Final Sale Item |
This simple book is meant for thouse who cannot read difficult and advanced ones.Such persons will be glad to get hold of this book.It will help then learn the important of all forms of prayer (namaz).Namaz is the most important of all forms of prayers in islam.Pages: 48 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Muhammad Abdul Hai
Price: 6

Easy Commentary Of Last 21 Suras (Aasan Tafseer) - Final Sale Item |
"This book translates and describes last 21 surahs .It also helps to understand the situation and spiritual importance for that surah.Pages: 112 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: M,Abdul Hai (Rah)"
Price: 9

Panjsurah Shareef - Final Sale Item |
This book contains the most important 16 surahs with their translation to their significance.Pages: 130 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Mifti Afzal Hoosen Elias
Price: 8

Islam An Introduction - Final Sale Item |
This book helps the youth of today to understand Islam through rationality and logicPages: 166 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Muhammad Ilyas Nadvi Maktaba al Hasanat
Price: 8

A Mental Hijrah Towards a Unified Muslim World-View - Final Sale Item |
"This book is divided in to 5 parts - Islamic Framework,Worship,wisdom,research and vision. The author has explained islam and everthing around in a very beautiful and new approach .Pages: 175 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Abdur Rahim Choudhary,Ph.D."
Price: 10

Arabic for beginners Teach Yourself - Final Sale Item |
Arabic for beginners helps any beginner to understand this language from alphabets to gender and most importantly the grammatical rules.Pages: 232 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Abdul Hamid Siddiqui
Price: 12

Rights of Women in Islam Modern or Outdated? - Final Sale Item |
"To dispel the misconceptions prevalent aming the non-Muslims as well as the ignorant Muslims about the virtues of islam, and simultaneously disseminate these virtues and clarifications in the in the light of the Qur'anic verses and hadith along with the applicable logic as rejoinder to such critics, Which will surely be a perfect source to acquaint the people with the facts and goodness of Islam.Pages: 77 PagesBook Type: PaperbackAuthor: Dr.Zakir Naik"
Price: 6
