Portable DEF System, 55 Gallons |
Portable DEF packages transport easily for refills in-shop, in-field, and on the road. DEF System with 9gpm Dispense Heavy Duty DEF Tank with Fully Enclosed Lockable Pump Cover, Built-In Easy Lift Handles, Stainless Steel Pump (9gpm) with Auto Shutoff Nozzle and 20ft. Hose. 55 Gallon Capacity 32in.L x 27in.W x 29in.H
Price: 1883.55
Portable DEF System, 75 Gallons |
Portable DEF packages transport easily for refills in-shop, in-field, and on the road. DEFs shelf life is calculated on atmospheric storage conditions. DEF will degrade as time passes due to temperature and exposure to light. If stored between 10F-90F, expected shelf life is 1 year. If stored temperature does not exceed 75F for an extended period of time, expected shelf life is approximately 2 years. DEF System with 9gpm DispenseHeavy Duty DEF Tank with Fully Enclosed Lockable Pump Cover, Built-In Easy Lift Handles, Stainless Steel Pump (9gpm) with Auto Shutoff Nozzle and 20ft. Hose.75 Gallon Capacity, 51in.L x 21in.W x 31in.H
Price: 1982.32
Portable DEF Tank Package, 120 Gallons |
DEF is contained in a separate tank; never fill a diesel fuel tank with DEF. DEF is consumed at roughly 3% of diesel fuel consumption. For every 100 gallons of diesel, 3 gallons of DEF are required. 120 Gallon DEF Tank Package Includes Tank with 2in. Draw/Fill Port, Stainless Steel Pump Mounting Strap, Removable Poly Pallet and Micro-Matic Closed System. Requires DFE Pump Package. 120 Gallon Capacity 34in. W x 34in. D x 36in. H 110 Lbs.
Price: 1116.38
Portable DEF Tank Package, 70 Gallons |
DEF is contained in a separate tank; never fill a diesel fuel tank with DEF. DEF is consumed at roughly 3% of diesel fuel consumption. For every 100 gallons of diesel, 3 gallons of DEF are required. 70 Gallon DEF Tank Package Includes Tank with 2in. Draw/Fill Port, Stainless Steel Pump Mounting Strap, and Removable Poly Pallet. Requires DEF Pump and Micro-Matic Closed System or Bulkhead Draw Kit. 70 Gallon Capacity 34in. W x 34in. D x 25in. H 95 Lbs.
Price: 844.78
Portable DEF Tank, 120 Gallons |
DEF is contained in a separate tank; never fill a diesel fuel tank with DEF. DEF is consumed at roughly 3% of diesel fuel consumption. For every 100 gallons of diesel, 3 gallons of DEF are required. 120 Gallon DEF Tank with Poly Pallet Includes Tank with 2in. Draw/Fill Port and Removable Poly Pallet. Requires DEF Dispense, Micro-Matic Closed System and Stainless Steel Pump Mounting Strap. 120 Gallon Capacity 34in. W x 34in. D x 36in. H 65 Lbs.
Price: 550.24
Portable Diesel System, 100 Gallons |
Fluidall 100 Gallon Mobile DIESEL Tank - 51in.L x 21in.W x 38in.H - with Lockable Pump Cover, 10gpm Pump and 16ft. Hose Diesel Fuel System with 10gpm Dispense Heavy-Duty Poly Tank with Strap Down Grooves, Built-In Easy-Lift Handles, Lockable Pump Cover, Recessed Drain Plug, 12v Rotary Vane DieselFlo Pump, 16ft. Hose, NBR Gaskets and Seals.
Price: 1407.38
Portable Diesel System, 55 Gallons |
Fluidall 55 Gallon Mobile DIESEL Tank - 32in.L x 27in.W x 30in.H - with Lockable Pump Cover, 10gpm Pump and 16ft. Hose Diesel Fuel System with 10gpm Dispense Heavy-Duty Poly Tank with Strap Down Grooves, Built-In Easy-Lift Handles, Lockable Pump Cover, Recessed Drain Plug, 12v Rotary Vane DieselFlo Pump, 16ft. Hose, NBR Gaskets and Seals.
Price: 1202.80
Portable Diesel System, 75 Gallons |
Fluidall 75 Gallon Mobile DIESEL Tank - 51in.L x 21in.W x 31in.H - with Lockable Pump Cover, 10gpm Pump and 16ft. Hose Diesel Fuel System with 10gpm Dispense Heavy-Duty Poly Tank with Strap Down Grooves, Built-In Easy-Lift Handles, Lockable Pump Cover, Recessed Drain Plug, 12v Rotary Vane DieselFlo Pump, 16ft. Hose, NBR Gaskets and Seals.
Price: 1305.08
Portable Grease Pump Package for 35 LB Pail (LP-2002-AL) |
Portable grease pump package for 35-pound pail. Includes 50:1 ratio pump with 2" air motor, drum cover, follower plate, carry handle, 10' material hose, Z-swivel and control handle.
Price: 665.00
Quaker State Advanced Durability SAE 10W-30 Motor Oil - Case of 6 (1 qt) |
Quaker State Advanced Durability motor oil: Minimizes friction-related wear 3x better than the wear standard set by top American and Japanese automotive manufacturers. Meets or exceeds latest oil standards for protection under high temperature and severe service conditions.
Price: 52.08
Quaker State Advanced Durability SAE 10W-40 Motor Oil - Case of 6 (1 qt) |
Quaker State Advanced Durability motor oil: Minimizes friction-related wear 3x better than the wear standard set by top American and Japanese automotive manufacturers. Meets or exceeds latest oil standards for protection under high temperature and severe service conditions.
Price: 51.58
Quaker State Advanced Durability SAE 20W-50 Motor Oil - Case of 6 (1 qt) |
Quaker State Advanced Durability motor oil: Minimizes friction-related wear 3x better than the wear standard set by top American and Japanese automotive manufacturers. Meets or exceeds latest oil standards for protection under high temperature and severe service conditions.
Price: 47.38
Quaker State Advanced Durability SAE 5W-20 Motor Oil - Case of 12 (1 qt) |
Quaker State Advanced Durability motor oil: Minimizes friction-related wear 3x better than the wear standard set by top American and Japanese automotive manufacturers. Meets or exceeds latest oil standards for protection under high temperature and severe service conditions.
Price: 51.91
Power Service Bio Kleen - 4 One Gallon Jugs |
Bio KleenDiesel Fuel Biocide is a dual-phase(effective in both diesel fuel and water) biocide that kills microbes infuel, including bacteria and fungus. Use this product to rid your fuel system ofmicrobial contamination.Benefits Dual-Phase - effective in both diesel fuel and water Effective as a quick-kill biocide and for long-termdiesel fuel maintenance Kills microbes (bacteria and fungus) that grow indispersed and free water associated with diesel fuels Prevents fuel-filter plugging - helps prevent fuelsystem failures Protects fuel system components against organicacids created by microbial growth - prevents fuel tank corrosion Improves fuel performance Reduces engine maintenance costs Effective in all diesel fuels, including Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), biodiesel and biodiesel blendsDirections for Use Use slug dosage or intermittent metering of Bio Kleen DieselFuel Biocide to attain shock-treatment concentrations ofcontaminated diesel fuel tanks or for maintenance-treatmentconcentrations. STORE ABOVE 50F.Shock treatment of diesel fuel bulk-storage or equipmenttanks: Treat total capacity of each tank - not the amount of fuel in thetank at the time of treatment. Add 1 ounce of Bio Kleen to each20 gallons of equipment fuel tank capacity (see treatment ratiochart on the other side). After treatment has been added, fillthe tank with diesel fuel to maximum capacity so that the rising level of diesel fuel treats the entire interior walls of the tank.Maintenance treatment of diesel fuel bulk-storage orequipment tanks: Treat total capacity of each tank at the ratio of 1 ounce of BioKleen to each 55 gallons of diesel fuel in the tank (see treatmentratio chart on the other side). After treatment, fill the tank tomaximum capacity.Shock treatment and maintenance treatment: Recirculate fuel in tank for 30 minutes following treatment,if possible. Let diesel fuel set for eight hours before usingto achieve maximum effectiveness. Treatment may result inadditional accumulations of water and dead microbesat the bottom of the tank. If so, pump or drain tank bottoms tocomplete tank clean-up.When to use a biocide: Make visual inspections of bulk-storage tanks. Dark, slimygrowth may be detected at the interface area between thediesel fuel and the water-bottom or throughout the fuel. Arotten egg odor may also be detected. Look for slime on interior walls of tanks and in the sump area - check water drawnfrom the sump area for slimy debris. Microbial growth canmultiply rapidly and may form into long strings and form matsor globules. These are the most common signs of contaminationand require immediate treatment.Develop a treatment schedule: Shock treatment may be performed to solve contamination problems, followed by maintenance treatments at regularly scheduled intervals. Or, the shock treatment may be repeated every three months. Following treatment of the tank, inspect filters frequently until plugging no longer occurs.Practice good housekeeping: Although Bio Kleen is a dual-phase biocide and is effective in both diesel fuel and water, it is recommended that accumulated water be drained or pumped regularly from tank bottoms and that sump areas be drained. Filtering is also recommended to remove fungal debris. Inspect filters and screens regularly. A good maintenance program can reduce microbial growth and increase effectiveness of shock and maintenance treatments. TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF BIO KLEEN DIESEL FUEL BIOCIDEColor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yellow to Brown Density (lbs/gal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.83 Sulfur Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <15 parts per million (ppm) Flash Point . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160F. Pour Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50F. Solubility In Diesel Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Completely Soluble In Biodiesel and Biodiesel Blends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Completely Soluble In Kerosene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Completely Soluble Shipping and Handling Part Nos. 9016, 9128 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consumer Commodity ORMD Part No. 9055 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UN3142, Disinfectant, Liquid Toxic, N.O.S., (4-(2-Nitrobutyl) Morpholine) Use of Bio Kleen Diesel Fuel Biocide will not harm diesel oxidation catalysts or dieselparticulate filters on 2007 or newer engines. This diesel fuel additive complies with the federal low sulfur content requirements for use in diesel motor vehicles and non-road engines.
Price: 754.00
Pumicized Citrus Lotion Conditioner Enriched Hand Cleaner - Case of 4 (1 Gallon) |
$67.80/price per case** Includes 4 gallons per case!! Premium, citrus-based lotion hand cleaner. Natural citrus oils and fine-grain, American pumice. Petroleum solvent-free. NPE-free and VOC-compliant pH-balanced and biodegradable.
Price: 67.80
Pumicized Turbo Cherry - Case of 4 (1 Gallon) |
$75.92/per case** Includes 4 gallons per case!! Heavy-duty lotion hand cleaner. Fresh, cherry fragrance. Fine-ground, American pumice. Water-soluable and biodegradable. VOC-complant and NPE-free. Ten skin care ingredients.
Price: 75.92
Quaker State 5W-30 Synthetic Blend Motor Oil - DEXOS 1 Approved (Case of 6/1 qts) |
The dexos specification holds motor oils to the same stringent requirements as GM's most advanced engine technology. GM dexos testing contains specific proprietary tests that are not included in current industry standards. Meaning, GM dexos approved oils exceed the performance of today's conventional oil.
Price: 31.92
Quaker State Advanced Durability SAE 5W-30 Motor Oil - Case of 12 (1 qt) |
Quaker State Advanced Durability motor oil: Minimizes friction-related wear 3x better than the wear standard set by top American and Japanese automotive manufacturers. Meets or exceeds latest oil standards for protection under high temperature and severe service conditions.
Price: 52.08
Quaker State Defy 10W-40 Synthetic Blend Motor Oil - Case of 6 (1 qt) |
Over time, all engines age and experience wear that could severely shorten engine life. Quaker State Defy is a synthetic blend motor oil that's engineered to defy time by preventing 98% of future engine wear including camshaft wear and bearing wear. Quaker State Defy contains increased zinc anti-wear agents that target high-temperature and high-wear surfaces to help you get the most life out of your engine
Price: 26.96
Quaker State Defy 5W-20 Synthetic Blend Motor Oil - Case of 6 (1 qt) |
Quaker State Defy Synthetic Blend Motor Oil Help virtually stop the aging process inside your engine.
Price: 29.40
Quaker State Defy 5W-30 Synthetic Blend Motor Oil - Case of 6 (1 qt) |
Quaker State Defy Synthetic Blend Motor Oil Help virtually stop the aging process inside your engine.
Price: 26.96
Quaker State Enhanced Durability SAE 10W-30 Synthetic Blend Motor Oil - Case of 6 (1 qt) |
Some engines are asked to work harder than others. Quaker State Enhanced Durability Synthetic Blend coats your motor with a low-friction, heat-resistant film that reduces metal-to-metal contact when temperatures and stress levels are high.
Price: 29.82
Quaker State Multi Vehicle ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid - Case of 6 (1 qt) |
Quaker State Multi-Vehicle ATF is formulated to provide protection for most vehicles manufactured after 1983. (Please check your owner's manual to verify compatibility.) In addition, this multi-vehicle transmission fluid's outstanding anti-wear performance provides optimum protection of gears and transmission fluid pumps. Quaker State Multi-Vehicle ATF has excellent cold-temperature flow properties. Plus, this multi-vehicle transmission fluid has enhanced anti-oxidation properties, thermal stability and corrosion resistance that help maintain year-round protection of transmission components
Price: 56.28
Quaker State Ultimate Durability Euro L 5W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil - Case of 6 (1 qt) |
Quaker State Ultimate Durability Full Synthetic motor oil is our best weapon against wear. No leading synthetic motor oil provides better protection from friction-related wear than Quaker State Ultimate Durability.
Price: 46.28
Quaker State Ultimate Durability European 5W-30 Engine Oil - Case of 6 (1 qt) |
Quaker State European Engine Formulation Ultra Diesel Full Synthetic Motor Oil is a premium synthetic engine oil that is formulated to meet the needs of advanced European automobiles. It is specifically formulated for the requirements of advanced diesel engines with Diesel Particulate Filter Emission Systems (DPF) installed.
Price: 43.09
Quaker State Ultimate Durability Full Synthetic Dexos1 Approved, 5W30 Motor Oil - Case of 6 (1 qt) |
Quaker State Ultimate Durability Full Synthetic motor oil is your best weapon against wear. No leading synthetic motor oil provides better protection from friction-related wear. Unsurpassed protection against friction-related wear, especially as temperatures increase. Improved resistance to engine stress at high RPMs and under heavy loads. Superior resistance to thermal and viscosity breakdown. Superior lubrication at low and high temperatures. Exceeds the most stringent car manufacturer requirements for cleanliness and protection - including GM dexos1.
Price: 30.45
Quaker State Ultimate Durability SAE 0W-20 Full Synthetic Motor Oil - Case of 6 (1 qt) |
Quaker State Ultimate Durability Full Synthetic motor oil is our best weapon against wear. No leading synthetic motor oil provides better protection from friction-related wear than Quaker State Ultimate Durability.
Price: 44.52
Quaker State Ultimate Durability SAE 10W-30 Full Synthetic Motor Oil - Case of 6 (1 qt) |
Quaker State Ultimate Durability Full Synthetic motor oil is our best weapon against wear. No leading synthetic motor oil provides better protection from friction-related wear than Quaker State Ultimate Durability.
Price: 42.59
Quaker State Ultimate Durability SAE 5W-20 Full Synthetic Motor Oil - Case of 6 (1 qt) |
Quaker State Ultimate Durability Full Synthetic motor oil is our best weapon against wear. No leading synthetic motor oil provides better protection from friction-related wear than Quaker State Ultimate Durability.
Price: 42.59