Welding Supplies from IOC Homepage
"The Business of Aging in the Longevity Economy" |
"As we continue to live longer and healthier lives, it is vital that we develop innovative solutions to support the aging and their caregivers to enable fulfilling and comfortable living for all. These solutions require a multidisciplinary approach to construct healthier understandings of aging and build a more age-integrated society. The Business of Aging in the Longevity Economy will introduce you to the interdisciplinary field of aging, important concepts of senior living administration, and to the master of science degree at Georgetown University in Aging & Health. This three-module course is appropriate for anyone interested in learning about aging personally or professionally, including college graduates who are interested in aging social and policy issues as well as mid-career or encore-career students who seek professional advancement or a shift in career track. We feature faculty experts who address the following topics: The rapidly aging world The collapse of the “Three Legged Stool of Caregiving” The demand for new aging services workers The new health concerns in older adults: Loneliness The future of aging, including markets and needs for “nana” technologies and senior housing In this context, we will take you on a virtual tour of a senior living community and hear first-hand from industry experts on the business models being implemented. We will also hear from students in the Aging and Health Masters’ program who will share their insights as they prepare to enter the workforce. Following are the key contributors: Pam Sauders Andrew Carle Christine McGrath Ann Oldenburg Robert Foster Tara McMullen Sonya Barsness"
Price: 139.00 |
"Six Sigma: Define and Measure" |
"Understand the background and meaning of Six Sigma and the five steps of the DMAIC process improvement flow: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. Discuss what ""Quality"" means and how to identify the Voice of the Customer. You will learn how to set an improvement project goal, calculate process yield, and identify Critical-to-Quality parameters. You will learn how to map a process and to use the necessary statistical techniques to establish the baseline performance of a process and to calculate the process capability. To complement the lectures, we provide interactive exercises, which allow learners to see the statistics ""in action."" Learners then master the statistical concepts by completing practice problems. These are then reinforced using interactive case studies, which illustrate the application of the statistics in quality improvement situations. Upon successful completion of this program, learners will earn the TUM Lean and Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification, confirming mastery of Lean Six Sigma fundamentals to a Green Belt level. The material is based on the American Society for Quality (www.asq.org) Body of Knowledge up to a Green Belt Level. The Professional Certificate is designed as preparation for a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt exam."
Price: 99.00 |
"Six Sigma: Analyze, Improve, Control" |
"Learn how to statistically analyze data with the Six Sigma methodology using inferential statistical techniques to determine confidence intervals and to test hypotheses based on sample data. You will also review cause and effect techniques for root cause analysis. You will learn how to perform correlation and regression analyses in order to confirm the root cause and understand how to improve your process and plan designed experiments. You will learn how to implement statistical process control using control charts and quality management tools, including the 8 Disciplines and the 5 Whys to reduce risk and manage process deviations. To complement the lectures, learners are provided with interactive exercises, which allow learners to see the statistics ""in action."" Learners then master statistical concepts by completing practice problems. These are then reinforced using interactive case studies, which illustrate the application of the statistics in quality improvement situations. Upon successful completion of this program, learners will earn the TUM Lean and Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification, confirming mastery of Lean Six Sigma fundamentals to a Green Belt level. The material is based on the American Society for Quality (www.asq.org) Body of Knowledge up to a Green Belt Level. The Professional Certificate is designed as preparation for a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt exam."
Price: 99.00 |
"Lean Production" |
"Learn about Lean Management, a customer-centric methodology that improves processes by eliminating waste and focusing on value-added tasks. This course will introduce the main tenets of the Toyota Production System, which includes Just-in-Time manufacturing, quality management tools, and the critical concept of Kaizen, the Japanese practice of continuous improvement. You will also learn about the key organization and managerial approaches that are used in Lean. You will learn how to analyze process flows in order to establish process capacity and identify the process bottleneck. You will then calculate resource utilization and cycle time to evaluate the impact of set up times, batching, defects and reworks on key process performance measures, including inventory, flow rate and flow time. We will also discuss the impact of key concepts of Lean, including Heijunka, Kanban, Jidoka, Andon, Poka Yoke, and 5S, which help achieve increased productivity and quality. Upon successful completion of this program, learners will earn the TUM Lean and Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification, confirming mastery of Lean Six Sigma fundamentals to a Green Belt level. The material is based on the American Society for Quality (www.asq.org) Body of Knowledge up to a Green Belt Level. The Professional Certificate is designed as preparation for a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt exam."
Price: 99.00 |
"Europe Without Borders?" |
"Do you wonder what the European Union is all about? What challenges does it face and can it survive them? How will the eurozone crisis, the refugee crisis, Brexit and the COVID-19 outbreak reshape Europe? This is the course for you! In this course, we will introduce you to key concepts and historical turning points, which have shaped contemporary Europe. What is national sovereignty and can it be shared? What impact has the 1989 collapse of communism had on Europe and is the East-West divide still relevant today? Can the North-South division triggered by the eurozone crisis be overcome, or will it be reinforced through the COVID-19 outbreak? And finally, what is the best size for a political unit? The course’s ultimate focus is on the function and status of national and European borders and the question of what it means to belong to a political community: who is in, who is out? How and why are people included or excluded? And, what, finally, is the future of a borderless Europe? Taught by a skeptical European who lived, studied and worked in Germany, Slovakia, Ireland, Australia and Hong Kong, this course includes a number of interviews with leading scholars, practitioners and best-selling authors, including Timothy Garton Ash, David Goodhart, Kalypso Nicolaïdis, George Papandreou and Helen Thompson. The European Union pervades all aspects of people’s lives. But the course will be of particular interest to many professionals dealing with the EU whether they are EU citizens, or not."
Price: 99.00 |
"Sustainable Cities" |
"Did you know that experts estimate an additional three billion people will live in cities by 2050? What will the impact be on the current world population – half of which currently lives in cities and contributes to about three-fourths of global economic output? The opportunities are vast –but so, too, are the potential issues. In Sustainable Cities , you will learn about the major challenges currently faced by urban areas around the world – including poverty, unemployment, poor housing infrastructure, and constraints on productivity – and the extraordinary potential of these areas to enable change in the future. From infrastructure to culture to economic opportunity, learn how harnessing the power of urban development for global progress is imperative. This course examines how urban sustainability can be delivered with increasing productivity and reduced inequality; provision of universal basic services and infrastructure; protection of the urban environments; and other solutions and investments, both speculative and in action around the world. You will emerge from this course understanding how governments, private stakeholders and other actors can improve urban development to heed the call of Sustainable Development Goal 11 – “making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable“ by 2030. This course has been developed through a partnership between the SDG Academy and the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) , which is working to transform the current nature of urban education and practice in India. This course is for: Anyone interested in the concept of sustainable cities – including those interested in the development of their own local community – who wants to understand the foundations of modern urban development Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students in architecture, real estate development, sustainable development, sustainable business, international development, public policy, and other related fields Sustainable development practitioners interested in the elements of sustainability that impact urban areas worldwide Private-sector actors , such as those who work in real estate development, technology, telecommunications, transportation, or energy – whose work can contribute to and redefine urban areas"
Price: 49.00 |
"Data Science: Productivity Tools" |
"A typical data analysis project may involve several parts, each including several data files and different scripts with code. Keeping all this organized can be challenging. Part of our Professional Certificate Program in Data Science, this course explains how to use Unix/Linux as a tool for managing files and directories on your computer and how to keep the file system organized. You will be introduced to the version control systems git, a powerful tool for keeping track of changes in your scripts and reports. We also introduce you to GitHub and demonstrate how you can use this service to keep your work in a repository that facilitates collaborations. Finally, you will learn to write reports in R markdown which permits you to incorporate text and code into a document. We'll put it all together using the powerful integrated desktop environment RStudio."
Price: 49.00 |
"Bioethics: The Law, Medicine, and Ethics of Reproductive Technologies and Genetics" |
"Bioethics provides an overview of the legal, medical, and ethical questions around reproduction and human genetics and how to apply legal reasoning to these questions. This law course includes interviews with individuals who have used surrogacy and sperm donation, with medical professionals who are experts in current reproductive technologies like In Vitro Fertilization and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, and bioethicists and journalists who study the ownership and use of genetic information within human tissue. Additional Harvard colleagues will also share with you their thoughts on topics such as disability law as it relates to reproductive technology. While the law and ethics surrounding these technologies are a central component to this course, we also show you examples of the deeply personal and human side of these issues. Throughout the course, and with the help of law students, we will discuss leading legal cases in this field, which will illuminate the types of questions the law has struggled with – stretching and evolving over time. From the famous Baby M surrogacy case, to cases on the paternity of sperm donors, to a case related to the ownership of human tissue turned into a commercial product, and others. We will show you the ethical, legal, and rhetorical underpinnings, which have served as the basis for various court decisions over the past 20 or 30 years. We will also explore potential future technologies and their implications for society: genetic enhancements to increase our intelligence, let us live a hundred years longer, or make us immune to diseases – and the possibility of creating animal-human hybrids, for example a mouse with a humanized brain. The content within this course is intended to be instructive, and show how legal reasoning has been applied, or could be applied, to questions related to parenthood, reproduction, and other issues surrounding human genetic material. The material organized within this course should be considered an authoritative overview, but is not intended to serve as medical or legal advice."
Price: 99.00 |
"Responsible Innovation: Ethics, Safety and Technology" |
"There is no doubt that technological innovation is one of the key elements driving human progress. However, new technologies also raise ethical questions, have serious implications for society and the environment and pose new risks, often unknown and unknowable before the new technologies reach maturity. They may even lead to radical disruptions. Just think about robots, self-driving vehicles, medical engineering and the Internet of Things. They are strongly dependent on social acceptance and cannot escape public debates of regulation and ethics. If we want to innovate, we have to do that responsibly. We need to reflect on –and include- our societal values in this process. This course will give you a framework to do so. The first part of the course focuses on ethical questions/framework and concerns with respect to new technologies. The second part deals with (unknown) risks and safety of new technologies including a number of qualitative and quantitative risk assessment methods. The last part of the course is about the new, value driven, design process which take into account our societal concerns and conflicting values. Case studies (ethical concerns, risks) for reflection and discussions during the course include – among others- the coronavirus, nanotechnology, self-driving vehicles, robots, AI, big data & health, nuclear energy and CO2 capture and coolants. Affordable (frugal) innovations for low-income groups and emerging markets are also covered in the course. You can test and discuss your viewpoint. The course is for all engineering students who are looking for a methodical approach to judge responsible innovations from a broader – societal- perspective."
Price: 50.00 |
"Machine Learning (aprendizaje automático) con Python: una introducción práctica" |
"Este curso en linea te sumergirá en los conceptos básicos acerca del Machine Learning (aprendizaje automático) con Python, siendo este ultimo un lenguaje de programación accesible y conocido. Aprenderás sobre el aprendizaje supervisado y no supervisado, veras como se relaciona el modelado estadístico con el aprendizaje automático y haras una comparación de cada uno. ¡Verás ejemplos del aprendizaje automático en la vida real y como este afecta a la sociedad de formas que quizas ni te imaginabas Vamos a explorar muchos algoritmos populares, incluyendo la clasificación, la regresión, la agrupación en clusteres y la reducción dimensional y modelos populares como la división de tren / prueba, el error cuadrático medio y los bosques aleatorios. Lo más importante de todo es que este curso transformara tus conocimientos teóricos en habilidades prácticas utilizando laboratorios reales. ¡Prepárate para aprender mas que tu propia máquina!"
Price: 49.00 |
"English Grammar and Style" |
"With the rise of social media and the Internet, many people are writing more today for different mediums than ever before. We'll present materials that cover grammatical principles, word usage, writing style, sentence and paragraph structure, and punctuation. We'll introduce you to some marvelous resources that we have annotated for your guidance. We'll show you video clips of interviews conducted with distinguished grammarians, challenge you with quizzes and writing activities that will give you strategies to help you to build skills that will enhance the quality of your writing, and invite you to participate in discussions and assess the work of your peers."
Price: 99.00 |
"Gestión de Contenidos Digitales y Marketing Turístico de Ciudad" |
"El manejo de las redes sociales (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) y sus entornos digitales, son hoy herramientas de marketing fundamentales en las formas de comunicación, promoción y difusión en internet tanto desde el punto de vista de los contenidos digitales como de los productos, actividades y ofertas que tienen como retos las empresas, organizaciones e instituciones. El dominio de las herramientas digitales, formas redaccionales, y las estrategias multimediales forman parte de un know how indispensable para las comunicaciones internas y externas, para fidelizar audiencias, y para generar conversación en redes sociales (marketing viral). Por esta razón, y teniendo en cuenta que este tipo de herramientas tecnológicas acercan con mayor rapidez a nuevas audiencias que no se encuentran en las ciudades ni en los países, se hace indispensable el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas de este tipo para lograr establecer una marca de ciudad reconocida a nivel mundial (city marketing) y darle un estatus turístico trasversal que apoye a los gestores turísticos de las ciudades. En este curso de marketing usaremos la ciudad de Bogotá como ejemplo. Este curso de marketing digital fue realizado con el apoyo de la Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá-Instituto Distrital de Turismo."
Price: 49.00 |
"Découvrir la science politique" |
"Le politique nous concerne tous : chaque jour, des décisions publiques sont adoptées qui impactent notre quotidien. Dans quel contexte ces décisions sont-elles adoptées ? Au 21ème siècle, de nombreux paradoxes brouillent la vision que nous pouvons en avoir. Qu’est-ce que le pouvoir dans la société actuelle ? Quels acteurs en détiennent ? L’État demeure-t-il un acteur politique majeur s’il est concurrencé par des organisations internationales et régionales ? Comment la démocratie prônée par la communauté internationale se différencie-t-elle des régimes autoritaires voire totalitaires ? Quelle est la place des idéologies dans le monde actuel ? Le cours vise à comprendre et à expliquer des phénomènes politiques à partir d’une posture d’analyse critique."
Price: 50.00 |
"Discover Political Science" |
"Politics impact all of us. Everyday, political decisions impact many areas of our lives. In the 21st century, multiple paradoxes blur our vision of these decisions. In which context are these decisions made? What is power in a multi-level society? Does the state remain the main political actor, if it is in competition with international and regional organizations? Can democracy – pushed forward by the international community – coexist with authoritarian, or even totalitarian, regimes? What is the role of ideologies in contemporary politics? The course aims at understanding and explaining political phenomena from a critical standpoint. The course material and exercises are in English but please note that the videos are in French with English subtitles."
Price: 50.00 |
"Discover Political Science" |
"Politics impact all of us. Everyday, political decisions impact many areas of our lives. In the 21st century, multiple paradoxes blur our vision of these decisions. In which context are these decisions made? What is power in a multi-level society? Does the state remain the main political actor, if it is in competition with international and regional organizations? Can democracy – pushed forward by the international community – coexist with authoritarian, or even totalitarian, regimes? What is the role of ideologies in contemporary politics? The course aims at understanding and explaining political phenomena from a critical standpoint. The course material and exercises are in English but please note that the videos are in French with English subtitles."
Price: 50.00 |
"La Terre comme système : une approche géographique" |
"Ce cours a pour titre: La Terre comme système: une approche géographique. Il se propose de passer en revue les différents éléments d’une planète où des humains toujours plus nombreux, dotés de capacités d’action toujours plus puissantes, sont en passe de modifier plus profondément que par le passé la totalité des environnements terrestres. On ne peut pas exclure, en effet, que toute forme de vie sauvage sur Terre ait disparu d’ici le 22e siècle. Les milieux autrefois qualifiés de «naturels» sont de plus en plus des milieux anthropisés, plus ou moins modifiés par la longue coévolution des humains et de la nature. Cette transformation des environnements terrestres, qui débute au cours de la préhistoire, s’est intensifiée au moment de la révolution industrielle et de la mobilisation massive des énergies fossiles. Depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l’artificialisation des environnements est devenue globale. La grande accélération de la deuxième moitié du 20e siècle se marque par des changements qui affectent non pas un lieu ou une région, mais bien l’ensemble des enveloppes qui composent la zone critique de la planète. L’objectif de ce cours est d’offrir un aperçu des divers éléments du Système-Terre, en insistant sur les forces et les interactions. Depuis les années 1950, les cadres conceptuels de nombreuses disciplines ont été modifiés grâce à la double révolution systémique et quantitative, àl’émergence de grandes théories unificatrices, et au rôle joué par les programmes internationaux. Les satellites, les ordinateurs et les bases de données ont profondément transformé la géographie physique des environnements terrestres. Cinq séquences composent ce cours: Des humains dans la nature, Du système au géosystème, Le système abiotique et la géodiversité, Le système biotique et la biodiversité, Le système anthropique et la diversité culturelle. Si toutes ces questions vous intéressent, je vous invite à vous inscrire pour suivre ce cours, La Terre comme système , une coupe transversale à plusieurs champs disciplinaires. Le cours est accompagné d’exercices et de ressources documentaires, et je ne manquerai pas de répondre à toutes vos questions. Bienvenue en géographie!"
Price: 50.00 |
"Machine Learning (aprendizaje automático) con Python: una introducción práctica" |
"Este curso en linea te sumergirá en los conceptos básicos acerca del Machine Learning (aprendizaje automático) con Python, siendo este ultimo un lenguaje de programación accesible y conocido. Aprenderás sobre el aprendizaje supervisado y no supervisado, veras como se relaciona el modelado estadístico con el aprendizaje automático y haras una comparación de cada uno. ¡Verás ejemplos del aprendizaje automático en la vida real y como este afecta a la sociedad de formas que quizas ni te imaginabas Vamos a explorar muchos algoritmos populares, incluyendo la clasificación, la regresión, la agrupación en clusteres y la reducción dimensional y modelos populares como la división de tren / prueba, el error cuadrático medio y los bosques aleatorios. Lo más importante de todo es que este curso transformara tus conocimientos teóricos en habilidades prácticas utilizando laboratorios reales. ¡Prepárate para aprender mas que tu propia máquina!"
Price: 49.00 |
"Public Speaking" |
"When asked, many people cite public speaking as one of their biggest fears. In fact, many renowned public speakers admit that they were once extremely anxious about speaking in front of groups. Good public speaking is more than a performance. It is the result of: Critical thinking Well-organized narrative Reasoning Research Preparation In this course, part of the Soft Skills Professional Certificate program, you will study methods that help to reduce anxiety, build confidence, and customize a process which will results in successful speaking experiences. This course is designed to equip you with knowledge of the principles necessary for formal public speaking with an emphasis on organization, evidence, language use, strategy, delivery, ethics, and effective use of media aids. This course may be audited free of charge. Learners also have the opportunity to earn a verified certificate of completion. Exclusive learning opportunities such as live events hosted by subject matter experts will be available for verified learners."
Price: 49.00 |
"Visual Presentation" |
"Visual elements are critical components in effective communication and presentation. The importance of imagery and how it relates to branding, memory recall, and awareness cannot be underestimated. Whether it's a document, presentation, or video, using one relevant image can replace an entire section of text and be more impactful. This course, part of the Soft Skills Professional Certificate program, is an introduction to key principles, best practices, and ethics of visual communication for professionals who are not designers by trade. Learners will practice creating visual communication that seeks to educate, inform, persuade, and/or entertain specific target audiences. You will also analyze visual messages appearing in a variety of media and digital platforms. This course may be audited free of charge. Learners also have the opportunity to earn a verified certificate of completion. Exclusive learning opportunities such as live events hosted by subject matter experts will be available for verified learners."
Price: 49.00 |
"Teamwork & Collaboration" |
"In today’s workplace, professionals don’t work alone, and rarely work with just one other person. More often, we are required to work in groups to strategize, design solutions, ideate, motivate, manage, and execute. This course, part of the Soft Skills Professional Certificate program, complements business communication skills and expands those competencies to provide a foundation for decision-making, consensus-building, and problem-solving within a group environment. In this course, learners will analyze and evaluate their own experiences of leading and participating in teams, and will relate them to industry examples. Topics in the course also include: Team formation and development Building, leading, organizing, and motivating teams Managing conflict in groups to build productive professional relationships Collaboration among cross-functional teams Interpersonal relationship dynamics in small groups This course may be audited free of charge. Learners also have the opportunity to earn a verified certificate of completion. Exclusive learning opportunities such as live events hosted by subject matter experts will be available for verified learners."
Price: 49.00 |
"On-Ramp to AP* Physics C: Mechanics" |
"This short course is intended for the high-school students who have taken an introductory-level physics course, acquired some background in Mechanics and intend to take a more advanced course – for instance, AP Physics C. The course helps the students refresh and strengthen their fluency with the mathematical tools and the fundamental topics in Mechanics: Kinematics, Newton’s laws and Laws of Conservation. The last unit of the course contains a comprehensive Final Exam. The students who completed this mini-course will be well-prepared to tackle more advanced course material in the fall. Learn more about our High School and AP* Exam Preparation Courses * Advanced Placement and AP are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these offerings."
Price: 25.00 |
"Leading High-Performing Teams" |
"This course will blend business theory and real-world insights to teach you the skills you need to better lead people and teams within your organization. Key topics will include motivation, communication, conflict management, team dynamics, and development of a healthy organizational culture. These “people skills” rank among the most challenging competencies for both novice and experienced leaders. This course will challenge you to understand your followers on a deeper level, as well as help you to reflect and improve on your own leadership practice. The course will draw on knowledge from psychology, human resource management, and organizational behavior, as well as the expertise of the management faculty and the The University of Queensland. Through a series of engaging videos, interviews, written reflections, peer feedback, self-insight activities, and simulations, we unpack the ingredients that are critical for developing more effective people and higher performing teams."
Price: 5.00 |
"HTML5 and CSS Fundamentals" |
"This course is part of W3C's ""Front-End Web Developer"" Professional Certificate. Learn the basics of Web design and style to give your Web sites a professional look and feel.The Microsoft team and experts from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) will guide you step-by-step in how to use the latest Web standards to create a site to be proud of. During the course, you will learn the basic building blocks of Web design and style – HTML5 and CSS – to give your site a professional look and feel. By the end of the course, you should understand all the fundamental elements – from headers and links to images and sidebars – and leave having built a basic framework for your own Web site. This course has been initially developed by Dale A. Schouten, Anusha Muthiah and Christopher Perkins, as part of a partnership between W3C and Intel®."
Price: 199.00 |
"Nutrition, Exercise and Sports" |
"Are you involved in sports and do you want to have a better understanding of the role of nutrition on performance and health? Do you want to learn whether certain nutritional strategies could be relevant for your own athletic performance and/or muscle growth? Are you a dietitian, physiotherapist or a health/sport coach and do you want to be able to provide proper nutritional advice for your clients? Or, are you none of the above but interested in nutrition and sports and want to make your own informed decisions about your daily food intake? Then this online course is for you! Nutrition is crucial to live an active and healthy life, to support training, and to optimize performance. In this course, researchers and teachers from Wageningen University & Research will familiarize you with the nutritional aspects of exercise and sports. What are the basic concepts in exercise physiology and sport nutrition science? How is exercise being fueled for the different types of sports like; power sports, sprinting and endurance exercise? And how does protein support skeletal muscle mass and performance? In this course you will learn to estimate energy needs and understand thermoregulation and fluid balance. You will learn about the role of micronutrients and supplements in exercise performance. Moreover, you will be introduced to some health issues related to doing exercise. This course also touches upon how the lessons learned from nutrition and sports research can be applied during ageing. For example, what are the benefits of extra protein in vulnerable age groups? Be aware that thiscourse will not tell you exactly what to eat. Instead, you will learn and understand the nutritional aspects of exercise and sport, so you can make your own informed decisions and critically evaluate nutritional advices and claims. For whom? This course is especially useful for: Sport- and health coaches, Physiotherapists and Dietitians People working in the (sport) food industry Athletes and professional sporters Everyone with a healthy appetite for knowledge about nutrition, exercise and sports Ready to join the MOOC? This course contains several interesting and inspiring interviews with nutrition and sport professionals. It will provide basic understanding of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, and contains challenging assignments that will give you insight in nutritional needs and performance benefits for (your) athletes, your clients or yourself."
Price: 49.00 |
"Energy Demand in Buildings" |
"Building design strongly influences the quantity of heating, cooling and electricity needed during building operation. Therefore, a correct thermal design is essential to achieve low energy and low carbon buildings, with good indoor air quality. This course will enable you to understand the basic principles of the energy chain: demand, supply and distribution; and how they relate to design principles for sustainable and energy-efficient buildings. Second, you will discover what type of heat losses and gains take place in buildings’ operations. You will learn how to estimate these flows using simple meteorological data and construction properties. You will acquire knowledge on how to estimate heat transfer through construction, ventilation, solar radiation or caused by internal sources or heat storage in the construction. Third, you will learn to make estimates of buildings’ energy needs on an hourly basis by using simple static energy balances: how much energy comes in and out and which air temperature is needed? When is there heating or cooling? How much electricity is needed? Fourth, you will discover how to extend your estimates to yearly energy demand, which is essential to make sure that a building is energy efficient and to estimate energy savings and energy costs. You will then also be able to determine the size of the needed heating and cooling equipment (which determines the costs of equipment). Finally, you will learn how to optimize building design and will be able to find out the optimal window size or the optimum insulation thickness for your building. You will know why putting windows on the south façade is not always energy-efficient. You will understand the thermal interactions between building components and be able to make informed decisions on how to increase the energy efficiency of new and existing buildings. This course is part of the PCP Buildings as Sustainable Energy Systems. In the other courses in this program you can learn how to choose low carbon energy supply, how to create a comfortable indoor environment, and how to control and optimize HVAC systems."
Price: 99.00 |
"Energy Supply Systems for Buildings" |
"In this course, you will discover the supply side of buildings’ energy chain. The first step is to consider how to convert natural resources into the energy needed by buildings: what are the options to create heat, cold and electricity? You will learn about efficiency and use this concept to estimate building’s primary energy use and carbon emissions. This concept is widely used in many national and international policies and building regulations, and is essential to counteract climate change. You will study the performances of single heating systems like electrical heating, gas, or renewables like biomass, solar boilers and geothermal heat, followed by single cooling systems like evaporative cooling and environmental cold. We will also examine the systems that concurrently produce heat and cold. Do you know for instance that a heat pump and a cooling machine are identical devices? You will learn about the basic working principles of heat pumps and how to make sure they achieve high performance levels. After this course you will know how an Aquifer Thermal Storage makes smart use of the ground to deliver cold in summer and heat in winter. Diverse electricity generation methods using turbines (wind, hydro), photovoltaics or hydrogen fuel cells will also be examined. You will learn how cogeneration of heat and power works and why this is important for the rational use of energy resources. You will also know why heat pumps are often combined with boilers or to which extent it is worth to invest in batteries for your solar panels. By the end of the course you will be able to decide on how to combine energy conversion systems at building level in order to match buildings’ energy demand while keeping costs acceptable, using a minimum of natural resources and producing a minimum of carbon emissions. This course is part of the PCP Buildings as Sustainable Energy Systems. In the other courses in this program you can learn how to design buildings with low energy demand, how to create a comfortable indoor environment, and how to control and optimize HVAC systems."
Price: 99.00 |
"Thermal Comfort in Buildings" |
"Even in the well-accepted indoor temperature range of 20-24°C (68-75°F), people can experience thermal discomfort. Complaints about the indoor thermal environment are one of the major complaints building and facility managers have to deal with, and they spend a large amount of their time and money to solve them. People spend more than 80% of their time in buildings. Therefore a good thermal comfort and quality of the indoor environment are essential for their wellbeing, health and productivity. In this course you will learn how to ensure good indoor thermal comfort and air quality, and how these factors relate to building design and to buildings’ energy systems. Comfort complaints mean user dissatisfaction, which in turn means delays and resistance to accept technologies needed for low carbon emission buildings. So if you want to discover what to pay attention to in your energy designs, or in designing new concepts for sustainable buildings, this course is for you. First you will discover the two main theories of thermal comfort, learning which measurable physical parameters and combinations of parameters impact people’s comfort. Second, you will understand why it is so difficult to create indoor environments satisfying everyone and which main parameters to tune to make buildings comfortable. Third, you will discover how to measure, analyze and solve existing comfort complaints, and finally you will find out what determines a healthy indoor air quality. This course is part of the PCP Buildings as Sustainable Energy Systems. In the other courses in this program you can learn how to design buildings with low energy demand, how to choose low carbon energy supply, and how to control and optimize HVAC systems."
Price: 99.00 |
"Efficient HVAC Systems" |
"In this course you will start by identifying the different steps a HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) engineers need to follow to come to a proper design while collaborating with the architect. You will then learn how to distribute heat and cold using air and water systems, what temperature levels to use in both and how that relates to the type of energy supply and to the thermal quality of the building construction. You will further deepen your knowledge on air handling units and how to humidify and dehumidify air when needed and what that does mean for the energy consumption. As ventilation systems are often responsible for local thermal discomfort, you will also discover how different distribution systems lead to different comfort experiences and different indoor air qualities and you will know which simple control techniques can be applied. Finally you will study a modern complex system consisting of an aquifer thermal storage, heat pump, boiler, solar collector, PV-cells, air handling unit, water and air distribution systems. This will allow you to develop skills to catch the complexity of such HVAC systems and to understand the basic rules of how to control them to get the best out of them and how to use data from the Building Energy Management System to help you in this task. This course is part of the PCP Buildings as Sustainable Energy Systems. In the other courses in this program you can learn how to design buildings with low energy demand, how to choose low carbon energy supply and how to determine if this will lead to a comfortable indoor environment."
Price: 99.00 |
"IoT System Design: Software and Hardware Integration" |
"This course is designed toteach you how systems are developed using IoT technology. Many engineers and developers tend to focus ona single discipline - either software or hardware. However, in today’s connectedage it's critical to have a comprehensive understanding of both disciplines and how they are intertwined. In this practical course,you'll gain a holistic understanding of system development from both software and hardware perspectives. A truly hands-on experience, you will develop your own embedded system. In doing so, you'll learn as much from your failures as your successes as you go along. Note: In this course, we will use DE10-Nano Development Kit by Terasic Inc."
Price: 49.00 |
"Cosmic Rays, Dark Matter, and the Mysteries of the Universe" |
"In the Universe, high-energy cosmic rays are violently propagating in space. While we know these cosmic rays come from outside of the solar system, exactly how and where they originate is a mystery. Professor Shoji Torii from Waseda University and many researchers from around the world, believe that understanding about their origin will help resolve the mysteries of the Universe, such as, supernova remnants, dark matter, and even the Universe’s evolution. The most widely accepted theory is that high-energy cosmic rays are created by supernova explosions, but there are many other possibilities. Professor Torii hypothesis that these mysterious cosmic rays originate by the annihilation or decay of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPS). That is, they are candidates of dark matter. To examine this theory and to truly understand where high-energy cosmic rays originate and propagate, Professor Torii, along with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and in collaboration with NASA and the Italian space Agency (ASI) have developed the Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET), now onboard the international space station. Join us on this course on high-energy cosmic rays and get the latest research findings from the International Space Station to help unravel some of our greatest mysteries."
Price: 49.00 |