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"Japanese Business Management" |
"The Japanese economy was once described as the “rising sun,” overcoming all odds to become an economic superpower. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, many of the largest companies in the world with the highest capitalization were Japanese. Often, the key to Japan's success was attributed to its unique business model, strategies and practices. However, Japan no longer enjoys strong growth. Since the infamous “burst of the bubble”, Japanese companies have slipped from dominance and lost their competitive edge to companies in America, China and other regions. Japan's once highly acclaimed business management has been critiqued, judged, and brought into question. Japan is now in a transitional phase. Some companies are cementing their traditional business practices, others are transforming their strategies entirely, while still others are unsure how to adapt to the new times. This course is essential for anyone aiming to be a global leader. Ithelpsthem understand the basics of Japanese business, Japan's rise (including its successes and failures), and allows them to seefuture potential. The course takes a holistic approach. It looks not only at strategy and practices, but also at the entire management ecosystem. It explores factors ranging from socioeconomic to international interventions that helped shape Japanese corporate culture, strategy and vision. This course has been designed to give future leaders the right mindset to be a global leader. Learners study various corporate philosophies and case studies to see firsthand the benefits - and limitations - of Japanese business management."
Price: 49.00 |
"Creative Coding" |
"In Creative Coding, students learn to design and create media using object-oriented programming as a medium for design, art, and games. With a strong focus on creating interactive experiences for the web, the course moves past the sequential problem solving found in typical beginner programming and coding courses, so that designers and creatives can apply programming concepts to work in a variety of media, such as 2D graphics, animation, image and video processing. By the end of this course, students will be able to read and write javascript for creative and design applications. Whether you are a graphic designer, UX/UI designer, web designer, or accessibility designer, this course will arm you with fundamental coding skills using javascript and other languages as a method of expression."
Price: 249.00 |
"Theories of Media and Technology" |
"Students in this course will build critical, applicable knowledge and understanding of the pervasive impact of media and technology on culture. You will learn influential concepts of media and technology, and be able to apply these ideas to contemporary trends, issues, and your own practice of art and design. Whether you are a graphic designer, UX/UI designer, web designer, or accessibility designer, this course will help you connect your work immediately to a deep, evolving framework of ideas and questions that enrich our understanding of how people consume, create, and use media, how human and non-human objects are related, how games make us think about platforms and software, and how we currently view traditional media such as sound, pictures and video."
Price: 249.00 |
"Disaster Medicine Training" |
"This course sets the foundation for SEMPER members’ disaster knowledge, which will be supplemented by in-person lectures as well as field exercises. All SEMPER members are required to complete this course. Non-SEMPER members interested in learning more about disaster medicine or any person wishing to deploy to a disaster is also welcomed to complete this course."
Price: 50.00 |
"Alianzas: un vehículo para lograr el desarrollo sostenible" |
"La agenda 2030 y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) se han consolidado como marco de referencia para las organizaciones y los ciudadanos interesados en avanzar hacia el desarrollo sostenible del planeta. Dentro de este marco, el Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible número 17 destaca las ventajas de las alianzas estratégicas para lograr que esa agenda se haga efectiva. Las alianzas nos permiten analizar problemas desde diferentes perspectivas y proporcionar soluciones más integrales, y favorecen el apalancamiento de recursos, el intercambio de conocimientos, la transferencia de tecnologías y la ejecución efectiva de programas de desarrollo. Pero, trabajar en alianza exige un cambio de perspectiva, una nueva forma de relacionarse con nuestros socios, una forma diferente de dividir las responsabilidades, tomar decisiones y monitorear los resultados. ¿Estamos preparados para trabajar en alianza? El siguiente MOOC, coordinado por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y la Red de Soluciones de Desarrollo Sostenible de Naciones Unidas, se presenta como una guía práctica para promover e implementar alianzas para el desarrollo sostenible. Concretamente, el curso analiza el concepto de alianza y el marco de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Adicionalmente, analiza los diferentes actores que suelen participar en este tipo de alianzas y las áreas recomendadas por Naciones Unidas para la implementación de alianzas para el desarrollo sostenible. El curso ofrece, además, herramientas y buenas prácticas para promover, crear, gestionar, gobernar y evaluar y monitorear alianzas. Y analiza las principales habilidades a desplegar para la implementación efectiva de este tipo de alianzas. El curso combina lecturas teóricas con múltiples casos reales, y ofrece múltiples actividades prácticas para que la experiencia de aprendizaje sea amena y efectiva. También cuenta con las perspectivas de diversos actores, como expertos de las Naciones Unidas y del BID, líderes empresariales, funcionarios públicos y representantes de ONGs y otras entidades. Esta capacitación puede resultar de gran utilidad para quien trabaja en programas de desarrollo sostenible, principalmente funcionarios públicos, pero también agentes del sector privado, tercer sector, universidades o fundaciones trabajando en estos temas."
Price: 25.00 |
"Archeoastronomia e Orologi Solari" |
"Il corso affronta lo studio di due discipline solo apparentemente lontane da loro. La prima, la più giovane per codificazione scientifica, avvenuta solo nel XIX secolo, è stata denominata “Archeoastronomia”, ovvero la scienza che studia gli allineamenti astronomici di alcuni particolati edifici del passato e il loro significato. Si registra oggi una crescente importanza di tale disciplina da quando architetti, archeologi e studiosi di astronomia si sono resi conto che l’archeoastronomia fornisce una chiave di lettura spesso nuova e inaspettata della forma e della funzione di molti monumenti del passato. Dopo una parte propedeutica di introduzione alla astronomia, in particolar modo ai modelli geometrici usati per lo studio dei suoi fenomeni connessi alle due discipline oggetto del corso, quali ad esempio il movimento apparente del Sole e delle stelle, vengono affrontati alcuni esempi come casi studio. In particolare il corso propone tre ricerche innovative e inedite sul circolo di pietre megalitico di Callanish in Scozia, sulla chiesa Rupestre di San Nicola di Myra nelle vicinanze della citta pugliese di Mottola e sull’osservatorio astronomico Maya di Cichen Itza, dal 1988 patrimonio dell’umanità UNSECO. La seconda parte del corso è dedicata alla gnomonica, ovvero la scienza per la costruzione degli orologi solari, che si basa sui medesimi processi geometrici analizzati per il moto apparente del Sole. Il corso ne illustra il funzionamento di una larga gamma di diverse tipologie di orologi solari e fornisce quelle conoscenze indispensabili per poter nuovamente leggere la misura del tempo grazie a questi sofisticati strumenti artistici e, al contempo scientifici, del passato. Vengono inoltre descritte alcune meridiane monumentali della città di Napoli, costruite entrambe nel XVII secolo ad opera di eminenti studiosi operanti in quei tempi nel fiorente clima culturale della corte del Borboni, la prima collocata nella Certosa di San Martino e la seconda nel Gran Salone del Museo Archeologico Nazionale_MANN. This course combines two independent subjects whose distance from each other is only apparent. The first, archeoastronomy, was scientifically codified in the XIXth century and it is the study of the astronomical alignments of some peculiar buildings from the past along with their meaning. This discipline has been gaining more and more attention since architects, archeologists and astronomy scholars realized that archeoastronomy permits to have a new and unexpected perspective on the shape and functions of many monuments. After a preparatory introduction to astronomy and to the geometrical models used to study the phenomena connected to these two disciplines such as the apparent motion of the sun and the stars, the students will be presented with three innovative and unpublished researches on the circle of megalithic stones in Callanish (Scotland), on Saint Nicholas from Myra rock church near Mottola (Apulia) and on the Mayan astronomical observatory of Cichen Itza (Unesco World Heritage Site since 1988). The second part of this course is dedicated to gnomonics, i.e. the study of the sundials construction which is based on the same geometrical processes analyzed in the apparent motion of the sun. This MOOC will then show how several types of sundials work so as to enable the students to read the time through these sophisticated artistic and scientific tools from the past. Moreover, the users will also be introduced to two monumental sundials in Naples that were built in the XVIIth century by the eminent scholars that were then active in the thriving court of the Bourbons: the Charterhouse of Saint Martin’s sundial and the one kept in the Great Hall of the National Archaelogical Museum (MANN)."
Price: 60.00 |
"Analisi dei dati" |
"Viviamo nel ""big data age"", qualunque attività umana, qualsiasi azione, produce dati. Questo corso affronta le diverse fasi dell’indagine statistica, dal campionamento statistico all’utilizzo degli strumenti inferenziali per ottenere stime, puntuali o intervallari, e per verificare la plausibilità di ipotesi su una o più caratteristiche della popolazione oggetto di studio. In altre parole, lo scopo formativo del corso è di condurre lo studente verso una matura capacità di sintesi e di astrazione nella formalizzazione e nell’analisi dei problemi economico-gestionali attraverso l’impiego degli strumenti di statistica inferenziale ritenuti più adeguati agli obiettivi di analisi e alle caratteristiche dei dati raccolti. Today, we live in a big data age where all human activities and actions produce data. In this course, we will trace the steps of statistical surveys: from statistical sampling, to the inferential tools used for interval and point estimates and for verifying the plausibility of hypotheses on one or more characteristics of the population studied. In other words, the scope of this course is to provide the students with a sensible synthetic ability as well as with a mature competence of abstraction when formalizing and analyzing the economic and managerial problems with the most appropriate tools."
Price: 60.00 |
"Basi di dati" |
"I sistemi di database sono diventati fondamentali nei sistemi di gestione delle informazioni, contribuendo allo sviluppo di una società sempre più basata sulla conoscenza. Tutte le moderne applicazioni IT sfruttano un database per la memorizzazione, l'elaborazione e il recupero delle informazioni. Viene quindi presentato il linguaggio SQL per l'interazione con un database relazionale e vengono introdotti i problemi di progettazione dei sistemi che interagiscono con i database. Infine, le tecnologie dei moderni sistemi di database sono descritte utilizzando il DBMS Oracle. Database Systems have become fundamental in information management systems, contributing to the development of an increasingly knowledge-based society. All modern IT applications now exploit a database for storing, processing and retrieving information. The course illustrates the basic concepts for understanding not only database models and their evolution, but also the principles of their conceptual, logical and physical design within so-called information systems. The SQL language for interaction with a relational database is then presented and the problems of designing systems that interact with databases are introduced. Finally, the technologies of modern database systems are described by using the Oracle DBMS."
Price: 60.00 |
"Economia e gestione delle imprese" |
"Un corso per conoscere i processi manageriali ed imprenditoriali, focalizzando l’attenzione sui fondamenti teorici, sulle funzioni di direzione e gestione aziendale e sugli strumenti di supporto ai problemi decisionali. Allo studente vengono inizialmente fornite le basi di conoscenza sulle finalità imprenditoriali e sul ciclo di direzione aziendale, con particolare riferimento ai modelli organizzativi, ai principi di conduzione delle risorse umane (stile di leadership e tecniche di motivazione), alle attività di programmazione e controllo di direzione. Ci si concentra poi sulle strategie di impresa e sulle modalità per acquisire e mantenere un vantaggio competitivo. Si sviluppano poi competenze nelle diverse aree di gestione di un’impresa: marketing e gestione commerciale, produzione, finanza aziendale, human-resource management, logistica e approvvigionamenti. Attraverso business case ed interviste a testimoni privilegiati, inoltre, si favorisce un percorso di apprendimento applicativo su specifiche problematiche gestionali come: i metodi di valutazione della performance economico-finanziaria (ratio analysis), gli strumenti di analisi strategica (Five forces analysis, Value chain, Business Model, SWOT analysis, VRIO analysis), i processi economico-finanziari di pianificazione e controllo (financial planning and control) e di valutazione degli investimenti (Discounted cash flow, Internal rate of Return, Pay-back period), i piani di fattibilità (Business plan), le analisi della potenzialità economico-strutturale (break-even analysis) e le tecniche di gestione delle scorte (two-bin system). The scope of this course is to acquaint users with the main entrepreneurial and managerial processes. The main focus will be on its theory, on the business directional and management functions and on the tools supporting the decision-making problems. At first, the students will learn the basic knowledge of the business purposes and its management cycle with special reference to the organizational models, the principle of conducting the human resources (leadership styles and motivational techniques) and the planning and management control activities. Then, the course will show business strategies and how to acquire and keep a competitive advantage. Moreover, the students will be able to develop further competences in diverse areas of business management (marketing and commercial operations, production, business finance, human resource management, logistics and supplies) and will delve into this discipline through case-studies and interviews. The lessons will include specific management issues such as Ratio analysis, Five forces analysis, Value chain, Business Model, SWOT Analysis, VRIO Analysis, Financial planning and control, investments evaluation processes (Discounted cash-flow, Internal Rate of Return, Pay-back Period), Business Plan, Break-even analysis and Two-bin system."
Price: 60.00 |
"I sistemi Operativi Moderni" |
"Questo corso presenta i concetti fondamentali dei moderni sistemi operativi. Gli argomenti includono architetture dei sistemi operativi, pianificazione dei processi, sincronizzazione dei processi simultanei, gestione della memoria e memoria virtuale, I / O e file system e macchine virtuali e hypervisor. I concetti in questo corso non sono limitati a nessun particolare sistema operativo o piattaforma hardware. Discuteremo con esempi esempi nel sistema operativo Unix e presenteremo anche il sistema operativo Android. This course presents the fundamental concepts of modern operating systems. It also explores the design and the implementation issues of computer operating systems. Topics include operating system architectures, process scheduling, synchronization of concurrent processes, memory management and virtual memory, I/O and file systems, and virtual machines and hypervisors. The concepts in this course are not limited to any particular operating system or hardware platform. We will discuss examples in Unix OS, and we will also present Android OS."
Price: 60.00 |
"Il Teatro e le sue illusioni prospettiche" |
"Il corso intende fornire allo studente i basilari principi geometrici per la progettazione e la gestione del progetto di quelle scene teatrali, che fondano la propria espressività sugli effetti prospettici delle architetture e degli spazi illusori allestiti sul palcoscenico. La scenografia teatrale è una disciplina caratterizzata da un insieme complesso di fasi, che mirano ciascuna a ricreare un voluto effetto illusorio, ideato in prima istanza dallo scenografo con la creazione del bozzetto della scena. Il bozzetto, realizzato in prospettiva, è una immagine pittorica che contiene tutte le indicazioni necessarie all'allestimento della scena, di cui deve essere garantita l'esatta trasposizione nello spazio del palcoscenico. Lo strumento di progettazione, controllo e di realizzazione della voluta illusione progettata nel bozzetto una particolare scena è da secoli la prospettiva. Il corso fornisce alcuni indispensabili principi geometrici per la progettazione della prospettiva solida accelerata, metodo illusorio di costruzione di uno spazio fisico che simula agli occhi degli spettatori profondità maggiori di quelle realmente esistenti nello spazio del palco teatrale. Attraverso un sintetico percorso tra le tappe storiche fondamentali toccate dalla scenografia dal XVI secolo ad oggi e grazie all'acquisizione di alcuni cenni di scenotecnica, il corso si propone di guidare lo studente nella gestione dei processi geometrici che intervengono nella trasposizione scenica del bozzetto, dall’immagine dipinta, e dunque bidimensionale, alla tridimensionalità dello spazio del palcoscenico teatrale. Si presentano infine i lavori di tre tesi di laurea, allo scopo di mostrare allo studente come un uso consapevole della dei processi prospettici applicati alle illusioni della scena teatrale ha reso possibile tre proposte di allestimento di alcune tra le principali e più famose opere liriche: l’Aida, la Tosca e la Madama Butterfly. The scope of this course is to provide the students with the basic geometrical principals on the planning and management of those theatrical scenes characterized by the stage’s architecture and illusion spaces’ perspective effects. Theatrical scenography is made of several complex phases aiming at recreating an intended illusory effect firstly sketched by the scenographer. The sketch is made in perspective and it consists in a painting containing all the instructions needed for its exact implementation on the stage. In fact, the planning, control and reproduction of a specific desidered illusion on a scene has been granted for centuries now, by perspective. This MOOC will present some of the essential geometric principles on the accelerated solid perspective, i.e. an illusory method used for the construction of a physical space tricking the audience with greater depths than there actually are on the stage. Moreover, the students will master the geometry behind the scenic reproduction of the sketch: from the two-dimensional painting to the three-dimensional space of the stage, by going on a short journey through the historical phases of scenography from the XVIth century to today and through the acquisition of fundamental concepts of this discipline. This course will finally show how the conscious use of the perspective processes applied to the theatrical scene has led to the stage implementation of three graduation thesis proposals in three famous operas: Aida, Tosca and Madama Butterfly."
Price: 60.00 |
"Introduzione alla sociologia" |
"Il corso studia le società del presente e del passato. La sociologia ci spinge ad esaminare le realtà prossime, la vita di tutti i giorni: come la gente lavora, viaggia, vive, si muove e come partecipa, quali sono i collegamenti tra questioni pubbliche e problemi personali. La sociologia è un “punto di vista” dal quale osservare i fenomeni sociali, non l’unico, ma utile ed indispensabile per dar conto della complessità della realtà sociale. Le dieci lezioni tratteranno i diversi ambiti e/o aspetti di fenomeni sociali (demografici, normativi, spaziali, culturali, religiosi, educativi, economici, politici), dedicando particolare attenzione al tema delle disuguaglianze che per molti aspetti è un oggetto privilegiato della considerazione sociologica. This aim of this MOOC is to study past and current societies. Through sociology, we get to examine aspects of everyday life such as the way people work, travel, live, commute, take part in the civil society and how they link public and private issues. Sociology is a “point of view” from which to observe the social phenomena. Although it is not the only one, it certainly is useful and essential to comprehend how complex social realities are. This course will deal with the several aspects of the social phenomena (demographic, normative, spatial, cultural, religious, educational, economical and political ones) and focus on inequality, being this topic one the privileged subjects of sociology."
Price: 60.00 |
"Laboratorio di programmazione: strumenti e programmi" |
"Nella seconda parte del corso di Laboratorio di Programmazione l'attività pratica è predominante ed è possibile approfondire gli aspetti fondamentali della materia. In particolare verranno proposti problemi di varia difficoltà, allo scopo di sviluppare algoritmi relativi alla loro risoluzione, e utilizzati due linguaggi di programmazione per il calcolo tecnico scientifico: il linguaggio Fortran e il linguaggio C. Per lo sviluppo dei programmi è necessario un sistema di calcolo con sistema operativo LINUX, ma viene proposto in alternativa anche un ambiente di sviluppo web accessibile attraverso un comune browser. I programmi riguarderanno algoritmi di ordinamento, ricerche, operazioni su matrici e vettori, semplici problemi di matematica, per concludere con alcuni programmi finalizzati a studiare l'influenza del sistema aritmetico floating point sugli algoritmi. Prima di accedere a questo corso, verifica la tua conoscenza degli argomenti attraverso il corso Laboratorio di Programmazione. The second part of this course will mainly be based on practical activities and on an in-depth examination of the essential parts of this discipline. In particular, the students will: carry out diverse problems, develop the relevant solution algorithms and use two programming languages for the scientific-technical calculations: Fortran and C. The programs will be developed through a calculation system with LINUX operating system as well as with an alternative web development environment through a common browser. The programs will involve sorting algorithms, researches, operations on matrices and vectors, simple maths problems and problems aimed at studying the influence of the floating point arithmetic system on algorithms."
Price: 60.00 |
"Management e Marketing nel turismo" |
"Il turismo è una delle industrie più dinamiche e in evoluzione in tutto il mondo. In questo corso esamineremo le principali tematiche, strategiche e di marketing, delle imprese della filiera. Tale settore è infatti strategico in Italia, una delle prime destinazioni quotate in tutto il mondo, con oltre 200 milioni di presenze ogni anno. Il corso fornisce agli studenti le core competences e gli strumenti metodologici di base necessari per analizzare le politiche strategiche e di marketing delle imprese operanti nel settore turistico. Il percorso formativo si propone di trasmettere le capacità operative nonché le soft skills necessarie ad applicare concretamente le conoscenze e le metodologie acquisite durante il corso, composto da 10 macro-argomenti che sono riassunti tenendo conto dei diversi settori: dalle imprese di trasporto a quelle ricettive, dalle imprese di ristorazione al settore crocieristico, passando per le agenzie di viaggio, i tour operator ed in generale il destination management. The scope of this course is to analyze the main strategic and marketing topics of one of the most dynamic business in Italy: tourism. Our country is in fact one of the most popular destinations in the whole world, with more than 200 million tourists per year. By the end of this MOOC, the students will be able to analyze touristic businesses in terms of strategy and marketing policies thanks to the core competences and methodology that they will be provided with. The lessons will cover 10 macro-areas such as transport companies, tourist accommodation, food industry, cruise industry, travel agencies, tour operators and destination management, and they all pursue the object of enriching the users with both the operational and soft skills required in this field."
Price: 60.00 |
"Programmazione I" |
"Questo corso si occupa della programmazione orientata agli oggetti (classi, oggetti, ereditarietà, polimorfismo, le altre relazioni tra classi), la memoria dinamica, lo sviluppo di alcuni contenitori quali pile e code, la gestione delle eccezioni. Imparerai a progettare un algoritmo e i concetti fondamentali di programmazione utilizzando come linguaggio di riferimento il linguaggio C++. Per sviluppare gli esempi e gli esercizi presentati durante il corso è possibile utilizzare un qualsiasi compilatore C++ (Standard). Si segnalano: l'ambiente di sviluppo DevC++ (GNU General Public License) per Windows, Xcode per Mac OS X, il compilatore GNU C++ su Linux, l'ambiente C++ per piattaforma Eclipse. The aim of this course is to illustrate the object-oriented programming (classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism and other relationships between classes), the dynamic memory, the development of other containers such as piles and queues and the management of the exceptions. Moreover, the students will learn how to design algorithms and other fundamental programming concepts in C++ language. All the examples and exercises of this course can be developed with any C++ (Standard) compiler: the environment development DevC++ (GNU General Public License) for Windows, Xcode for Mac OS X, GNU C++ for Linux and the environment C++ for Eclipse."
Price: 60.00 |
"Storia Economica" |
"La storia non si ripete, la storia è solo una lente raffinata di osservazione della realtà. Con questo corso ripercorreremo attraverso una prospettiva globale quelli che sono i temi classici della storia economica: dal mercantilismo, alla rivoluzione industriale, le grandi guerre fino alla fase della globalizzazione attuale e alla crisi economica. L’obiettivo formativo è di valutare fatti, processi, interpretazioni e approcci differenti rilevanti, per acquisire una visione ampia e stimolare una considerazione critica delle più attuali problematiche economiche. Su argomenti ritenuti fondamentali, lo scenario storico viene disegnato comparativamente: a) come tradizionale descrizione di fenomeni sistemici o di successioni per fasi e transizioni da un sistema all’altro; b) secondo le tendenze più recenti, all’interno di precisi paradigmi economici, coincidenti con schemi teorici (commercio internazionale, convergenza) integrati con posizioni di mainstream economico. History doesn’t repeat itself. History is just a refined observation lens of reality. This course will retrace the steps of the history of economics in a global perspective: mercantilism, the industrial revolution, the world wars, globalization and the financial crisis. Its aim is to evaluate facts, processes, interpretations and different relevant approaches so as to get a wide, critical perspective on the current financial issues. Essential historic events will be described comparatively: • traditionally, as systematic phenomena or as facts made of phases and transitions from one system to another; • contemporarily, as events comprehended in precise financial paradigms coinciding with theoretical schemes (international trade, convergence) and integrated with economical mainstream positions."
Price: 60.00 |
"Photoshop: una herramienta para presentaciones innovadoras" |
"¿Te gustaría realizar presentaciones de alto impacto con el programa Photoshop para que tus imágenes fotográficas tengan un contenido potente y contundente para lograr mensajes claros y directos? En este curso online entenderás, a través de Adobe Photoshop, el poder de la fotografía en el mundo de la cultura visual contemporánea, para que puedas obtener imágenes que funcionen coherentemente con tus propias presentaciones y logres un mensaje comunicativo claro y puntual. No se necesita ningún conocimiento previo ni de manejo de cámaras ni del programa en sí."
Price: 49.00 |
"Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2" |
"Welcome to the self paced course, Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2! Algorithms are the heart of computer science, and the subject has countless practical applications as well as intellectual depth. This course is an introduction to algorithms for learners with at least a little programming experience. The course is rigorous but emphasizes the big picture and conceptual understanding over low-level implementation and mathematical details. After completing this course, you will have a greater mastery of algorithms than almost anyone without a graduate degree in the subject. Specific topics in Part 2 include: greedy algorithms (scheduling, minimum spanning trees, clustering, Huffman codes), dynamic programming (knapsack, sequence alignment, optimal search trees, shortest paths), NP-completeness and what it means for the algorithm designer, analysis of heuristics, local search. Learners will practice and master the fundamentals of algorithms through several types of assessments. There are 6 multiple-choice problem sets to test your understanding of the most important concepts. There are also 6 programming assignments, where you implement one of the algorithms covered in lecture in a programming language of your choosing. The course concludes with a multiple-choice final. There are no assignment due dates and you can work through the course materials and assignments at your own pace."
Price: 149.00 |
"El cerebro y las emociones en el lenguaje" |
"La emoción tiene una influencia sustancial en los procesos cognitivos de los seres humanos, incluida la percepción, la atención, el aprendizaje, la memoria, el razonamiento y la resolución de problemas; pero también en la construcción de las relaciones con el entorno social. Cada vez se suma más evidencia sobre los procesos cognitivo-comunicativos y lingüísticos que promueven el comportamiento social; como por ejemplo, reconocer emociones en el lenguaje del otro, su asociación con aspectos concretos de la comunicación y el hecho de entender que no necesariamente piensa y siente igual a nosotros. Este curso de inteligencia emocional ayuda a entender cómo se procesa el lenguaje emocional y así darnos pistas sobre como producir, modular e interpretar el lenguaje emocional. Este curso en línea se suscribe en el campo de la neurociencia cognitiva y social; es decir, sobre el origen biológico de los procesos que suponen la interacción con nuestros propios congéneres."
Price: 49.00 |
"Java Programming Fundamentals" |
"Java is one of the most in-demand programming languages today. This course is designed to provide students the basic skills and knowledge on Java. Learn how to solve programming problems using functions, for loops, conditional statements, recursive algorithms, and learn about the Object-Oriented Paradigm (OPP)."
Price: 49.00 |
"Marketing your Android apps" |
"Almost anyone who is developing Android Applications thinks about the possibility of selling it for profit. The App developing industry is booming and there is plenty of room for people to get in on the action. However, even though it sounds straight-forward, selling Apps is actually quite difficult. Probably the most obvious way to get started is selling access to it, but it isn’t the only way to do it. In this course you will find several ways that can prove to be extremely profitable. Learn how to promote and monetize your apps. This course presents the best practices of advertising, monetizing and publishing your app. It also covers an introduction to business models that will help you make money from an app using Google AdMob, and Google’s mobile advertising platform specifically designed for mobile apps."
Price: 49.00 |
"Financial Market Analysis" |
"In this IMFx course you will learn, from hands-on demonstrations, how to price different types of bonds, how to calculate different measures of bond yields and how to compare them across different types of instruments. You will become familiar with the term structure of interest rates, a key ingredient in establishing benchmark rates used to price securities in the markets and a valuable tool for monetary policy design and diagnosis. You’ll gain an understanding of the firm fundamentals that can explain why a stock price may go up or down, or why it might be higher for one company in comparison to another, you will be able to apply these fundamentals at the economy-wide level to analyze valuations of the stock market as a whole. Finally, you will gain insight into investors’ decisions. You’ll explore the main criteria that an investor uses to determine how to construct the best possible portfolio of risky assets. You will also adopt the perspective of a policymaker interested in understanding how monetary policy affects the risk and return properties of financial investments. In short, the FMAx course is designed to provide a common language in finance, thus allowing you to interpret and analyze financial data. It will also provide you with a foundation upon which you can proceed to more advanced or policy-oriented training in areas in which macroeconomics and finance meet. Financial Market Analysis is offered by the IMF with financial support from the Government of Japan."
Price: 25.00 |
"Financial Programming and Policies, Part 2: Program Design" |
"In this macroeconomics course, you will improve your skills in macroeconomic policy analysis and learn to design an economic and financial program, using real economic data. The financial programming exercise simulates what IMF (International Monetary Fund) desk economists routinely do in their country surveillance and program work. In the first part of the course (modules 1–7), you will analyze the economic outlook of a country case and then help to build a baseline scenario — namely, a set of projections for the main macroeconomic sectors (real, external, government and monetary) that reflects the analyst’s best guess of what will happen to the economy in the coming year, assuming no policy change. In the second part (modules 8–10), you will learn and discuss how macroeconomic policies can be used to address poor performance and reduce macroeconomic imbalances. We will illustrate the workings of monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policies by using a simple Keynesian model of an open economy. In the final module you will design an IMF–supported lending program scenario for our country case. Financial Programming and Policies, Part 2 is offered by the IMF with financial support from the Government of Japan."
Price: 25.00 |
"Gestión Territorial y Gobernabilidad para el Turismo en Colombia" |
"MOOC ¿Quieres aprender cómo desde la Gestión Territorial, la Gobernabilidad para el Turismo, puedes adquirir herramientas para afrontar con éxito los retos de cara a un posconflicto? Este curso fue diseñado por el Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo con el apoyo de FONTUR, constituye un instrumento que permitirá fortalecer las habilidades de los Gestores Regionales del Turismo, sus socios naturales y estratégicos, aprehender herramientas de gestión de lo público desde la óptica del sector, potenciarlo a través de la relación y gestión en clave de desarrollo integral del entorno para fortalecer el enfoque productivo en entornos de paz."
Price: 49.00 |
"Evaluating Social Programs" |
"At a Glance Learn why randomized evaluations matter and how they can be used to rigorously measure the social impact of development programs Free and self-paced - enroll anytime before August 14, and complete the course at your own pace Upgrade to the Certificate Track ($99) to verify your grade in the course and gain permanent access to course materials Organizations -- contact the J-PAL Training Team to learn how to enroll your staff as a cohort in our blended learning program More About the Course This course will provide a thorough understanding of randomized evaluations, with pragmatic step-by-step training for conducting one’s own evaluation. Through a combination of lectures and case studies from real randomized evaluations, the course will focus on the benefits and methods of randomization, choosing an appropriate sample size, and common threats and pitfalls to the validity of an experiment. While the course centers on the why, how, and when of randomized evaluations, it will also impart insights on the importance of needs assessments, effectively measuring outcomes, quality control, and the monitoring methods most useful for impact evaluations. This social impact course is designed for people from a variety of backgrounds: managers and researchers from international development organizations, foundations, governments, and non-governmental organizations from around the world, as well as trained economists looking to retool."
Price: 99.00 |
"Aprende a diseñar jardines verticales y cuadros vivos" |
"Te damos una cálida bienvenida al Curso de Jardinería Vertical y Cuadros Vivos, donde aprenderemos a realizar 3 tipos de cuadros. Te vamos a introducir en este nuevo mundo de la jardinería vertical. Los jardines verticales son muros vegetales que pueden ser usados tanto en interior como en exterior, sin necesidad de suelo o sustrato horizontal. Los cuadros vivos son la mínima expresión del jardín vertical. Aportan los mismos beneficios de forma compacta y de fácil instalación. En los jardines la protagonista es la vegetación. La vegetación es el conjunto de plantas, que en éste caso van a componer éste jardín. Los vamos a estar acompañando a lo largo de éste recorrido, que les permita conectarse nuevamente con la naturaleza, revalorizar la flora en la que ustedes viven, y de alguna manera, volver hacer un uso más eficiente de los recursos naturales."
Price: 29.00 |
"Diseño de Jardines" |
"Lo que éste curso pretende brindarles son herramientas básicas para el armado de éstos jardines en el espacio donde ustedes decidan realizarlo. Cualquier lugar en donde nosotros decidamos intervenir y que las plantas sean las protagonistas es un espacio verde. Ese espacio verde puede tener diferentes tamaños, y de acuerdo a eso, algunos criterios que nos permiten diferenciarlos son, si la superficie que involucra ese espacio verde es de más o de menos que una hectárea. Si son grandes superficies mayores a una hectárea, generalmente se habla de parques. Si son de menos de una hectárea y en general de uso residencial, urbano se habla de jardines. Hay jardines botánicos especializados que tienen mayor tamaño, y que se dedican a una actividad específica. Y otros jardines como los que ustedes van a poder desarrollar en su casa, en alguna institución educativa, o donde se lo soliciten, como un centro vecinal, por ejemplo, de menor tamaño, y generalmente esos son los que nosotros conocemos como jardines. En los jardines la protagonista es la vegetación. La vegetación es el conjunto de plantas, que en éste caso van a componer éste jardín. Para hablar de las plantas y saber cómo intervenir en un jardín, tenemos que recordar cuáles son las tres partes básicas de toda planta: raíces, tallo y las hojas y éstas hojas que se modifican y se transforman en flores que luego darán frutos, que en su interior van a contener la semilla que muchas veces vamos a usar para sembrar en nuestros jardines. De a poco vamos a ir viendo qué conviene hacer y cómo, en los distintos tipos de jardines que vamos a ir enseñando en éste curso. Los vamos a estar acompañando a lo largo de éste recorrido, para que el jardín que decidan hacer con la intencionalidad que ustedes le vayan a dar les permita conectarse nuevamente con la naturaleza, si es que estaban un poco desconectados, revalorizar la flora en la que ustedes viven, y de alguna manera, volver hacer un uso más eficiente de los recursos naturales."
Price: 29.00 |
"Mi Propia Huerta Orgánica" |
"En el curso Mi propia huerta aprenderemos a aprovechar mejor el agua, evitar inundaciones, amortiguar el impacto de las altas temperaturas y construir un refugio natural para la flora y fauna autóctonas. A través de la producción de alimentos agroecológicos en nuestra casa podemos ser responsables del sustento propio. Este curso está organizado en tres módulos: se exponen ideas básicas sobre las características de las huertas, lo que se puede sembrar, de los sustratos, y las herramientas con las que se debe trabajar. Conceptos básicos sobre herramientas, suelos, riego, plantas. Una huerta es cualquier espacio, área, lugar, al que vamos a destinar para el cultivo de diferentes plantas, hortalizas, que son las típicas que se cultivan en una huerta, aromáticas, algunas medicinales que vamos a dedicar al consumo personal y que vamos a empezar a caracterizar dependiendo de los usos a los que se las va a destinar. Lo interesante es que todas estas plantas que se cultivan en la huerta, son plantas que tienen raíces, tallos y hojas, y de éstas diferentes plantas vamos aprovechar nutrientes que nos ofrecen para alimentarnos, y de a poco vamos a ir aprendiendo que esas partes también nos sirven para multiplicar a las especies de estacas, como por ejemplo en el romero. De a poco, capítulo a capítulo, en este curso vamos a ir tratando de desarrollar técnicas básicas para que todos podamos tener nuestra huerta, ya sea en un balcón, en una maceta o en cualquier área que destinemos a tal fin."
Price: 29.00 |
"Data Science: Machine Learning and Predictions" |
"One of the principal responsibilities of a data scientist is to make reliable predictions based on data. When the amount of data available is enormous, it helps if some of the analysis can be automated. Machine learning is a way of identifying patterns in data and using them to automatically make predictions or decisions. In this data science course, you will learn basic concepts and elements of machine learning. The two main methods of machine learning you will focus on are regression and classification. Regression is used when you seek to predict a numerical quantity. Classification is used when you try to predict a category (e.g., given information about a financial transaction, predict whether it is fraudulent or legitimate). For regression, you will learn how to measure the correlation between two variables and compute a best-fit line for making predictions when the underlying relationship is linear. The course will also teach you how to quantify the uncertainty in your prediction using the bootstrap method. These techniques will be motivated by a wide range of examples. For classification, you will learn the k-nearest neighbor classification algorithm, learn how to measure the effectiveness of your classifier, and apply it to real-world tasks including medical diagnoses and predicting genres of movies. The course will highlight the assumptions underlying the techniques, and will provide ways to assess whether those assumptions are good. It will also point out pitfalls that lead to overly optimistic or inaccurate predictions."
Price: 199.00 |
"Data Science: Inferential Thinking through Simulations" |
"Using real-world examples from a wide range of domains including law, medicine, and football, you’ll learn how data scientists make conclusions about unknowns based on the data available. Often, the data we have are not complete, yet we’d still like to draw inferences about the world and quantify the uncertainty in our conclusions. This is called statistical inference. In this course, you will learn the framework for statistical inference and apply them to real-world data sets. Notably, you will learn how to conduct hypothesis testing—comparing theoretical predictions to actual data, and choosing whether to accept those predictions. You will utilize the power of computation to conduct simulations by which you can evaluate theories or hypotheses about how the world works. This course will teach you the power of statistical inference: given a random sample, how do we predict some quantity that we cannot observe directly? You will also learn how to by quantifying the uncertainty in the conclusions you draw from hypothesis testing. This helps assess whether patterns that appear to be present in the data actually represent a true relationship in the world, or whether they might merely reflect random fluctuations due to chance. Throughout this course, we will go over multiple methods for estimation and hypothesis testing, based on simulations and the bootstrap method. Finally, you will learn about randomized controlled experiments and how to draw conclusions about causality. The course emphasizes the conceptual basis of inference, the logic of the decision-making process, and the sound interpretation of results."
Price: 199.00 |