"Project Management MicroMasters Capstone Exam" |
"The capstone exam includes the evaluation of the competencies and performance tasks, which define a successful project manager. The capstone exam is the culminating component of the RITx Project Management MicroMasters program that is designed to provide you with the in-depth knowledge and skills needed to be a successful project manager in any industry. In order to qualify for the Project Management MicroMasters credential, you will need to earn a verified certificate in each of the three RITx Project Management MicroMasters courses and pass the verified capstone exam. The capstone exam will test knowledge across all three MicroMasters courses, so it is strongly recommended you complete PM9001x, PM9002x, and PM9003x prior to participating in this exam. It will be a webcam proctored timed exam and will feature problems similar to the graded assignments in the different modules as well as some writing."
Price: 450.00 ![]() |
"Hacking PostgreSQL: Data Access Methods" |
"This course is about data storage and data processing technologies with examples from PostgreSQL. It is geared toward database core developers, operation systems developers, system architects, and all those who want to understand databases in more detail. PostgreSQL is considered the most advanced free open-source database engine. It is developed by a community of hackers around the world - some of them are students just like you! In this course, you will learn how to use PostgreSQL indices, how to change them according to your demands, and how to implement your ideas and give back to thecommunity."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Dynamics and Control" |
"This is an interactive course about the basic concepts of Systems, Control and their impact in all the human activities. First, the basic concepts of systems, dynamics, structure and control are introduced. Then, looking at many examples in Nature and human made devices, we will realize that the dynamic behavior of most systems can be modified by adding a control system. Later we will see how knowing how to evaluate the dynamic behavior of a system and measure its performance will provide the tools to design new controlled systems fulfilling some requirements. By considering which are the benefits of control and the challenges for the future we will open the mind to tackle new applications and develop new scenarios from the micro-systems level to the common systems and the whole universe. An overview of the techniques available for a deeper introduction to the subject will be presented at the end. Control technology is said to be a hidden technology. We do not notice it under normal operation, but it appears if a failure happens. Looking around in Nature and at human made devices, we realize that their behavior presents analogies and that we can manipulate their temporal evolution. Characterizing the dynamic behavior of systems and the possibility to change it by introducing control devices is the main aim of the course. You will learn to analyze the dynamic properties of a system and the options to change its behavior according to some requirements.You will learn the basic concepts to undertake further studies in control engineering and its use in a variety of disciplines, from human and social sciences to any engineering field."
Price: 50.00 ![]() |
"ODS en la Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas: Retos de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible" |
"Este curso sobre sustentabilidad se enfocará en los retos de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) en el panorama actual de la cooperación al desarrollo. En el 2015, los líderes mundiales acordaron un conjunto de objetivos globales para beneficio de todas las naciones, asegurando la prosperidad de todas las personas. Son un total de 17 objetivos, los cuales deben de lograrse en 2030. Se trata de un curso enfocado en sostenibilidad destinado al público en general para disponer de un primer conocimiento sobre la Agenda del Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas para el año 2030 (Agenda 2030), sus Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y los retos que nos plantea."
Price: 25.00 ![]() |
"Buscar en Internet" |
"En un mundo virtual en el que hay cientos de millones de páginas disponibles con información de todo tipo, buscar en Internet de forma eficaz es una habilidad cada día más necesaria. Aprende con nosotros a separar el grano de la paja usando las herramientas disponibles y realizando las preguntas de forma adecuada. En el curso aprenderás a planificar una búsqueda desde el comienzo y a utilizar las diversas herramientas que Internet pone a tu alcance para que encuentres aquello que necesitas. Veremos herramientas para buscar vídeos, imágenes, contenido libre de derechos e información institucional, entre otras muchas cosas."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Gestión participativa: motivación y liderazgo organizacional" |
"En este curso de liderazgo y habilidades blandas veremos una definición analítica de la gestión participativa y cómo implantar y medir el grado de despliegue de las prácticas de alta implicación (High Involvement Work Practices oHIWP) en las empresas. También analizaremos como se pueden medir los resultados de estas prácticas dentro de una organización, para así ver el impacto que pueden tener los empleados en las decisiones que afectan a toda la organización. En este curso de gestión participativa conocerás cómo los lideres pueden tomar mejores decisiones considerando la experiencia y el conocimiento de sus empleados. Los empleados participan activamente en este tipo de gestión proporcionado sugerencias, ideas, análisis y retroalimentación para que así los lideres puedan tomar mejores decisiones."
Price: 79.00 ![]() |
"Principles of Machine Learning: R Edition" |
"Machine learning uses computers to run predictive models that learn from existing data in order to forecast future behaviors, outcomes, and trends. In this data science course, you will be given clear explanations of machine learning theory combined with practical scenarios and hands-on experience building, validating, and deploying machine learning models. You will learn how to build and derive insights from these models using R, and Azure Notebooks. edX offers financial assistance for learners who want to earn Verified Certificates but who may not be able to pay the fee. To apply for financial assistance, enroll in the course, then follow this link to complete an application for assistance. Note: These courses will retire in June. Please enroll only if you are able to finish your coursework in time."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"CitiesX: The Past, Present and Future of Urban Life" |
"For the first time in human history, more than fifty percent of the world’s population lives in urban areas. Cities allow for the exchange of ideas, and generate remarkable innovations in business, art, and ideas. Cities are also home to millions living in poverty. Urban living can provide a pathway to a better life, but that’s not always the case for many people around the world. CitiesX will give you a far-ranging look at the past, present and future of cities, with the aim of teaching you how to better understand, appreciate and improve urban areas. The course will explore key concepts of urban development by examining cities around the world, including London, Rio de Janeiro, New York City, Shanghai, Mumbai, Kigali, and many more. The course includes a historical exploration of cities: how urban centers like ancient Rome resulted from consolidation of imperial power, how cities like Sao Paulo grew as important hotbeds of industry, and how cities like Seattle became hubs of technology and human capital. CitiesX also dives into pressing social and urban planning issues like public health, transportation, zoning, gentrification, cost of living, crime, and congestion. The course includes interviews and insights from academics, policy makers, urban leaders and city residents. The analytical framework of the course comes from economics, but is enhanced by conversations with experts from other disciplines (including Sociology, Urban Planning, Journalism, Anthropology, History, Art & Music) to provide learners with a greater understanding of all aspects of urbanism. Support for CitiesX is generously provided by Tishman Speyer."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Studio Advanced: Expanded Course Creation Techniques" |
"Studio Advanced is a course for experienced course designers in edX Studio - people who have already built at least one online class on the edX platform. If you're more of an edX beginner, you might want to take StudioX first. This course has been designed to enable you to dip in and out of learning as you require it, as well as support linear learning pathways. The course is organized into four main sections: advanced planning, improved procedures, short projects and long projects."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Family Engagement in Education" |
"In this education course, you will learn what family engagement is and why it matters to the success of students and schools. We will explore the research linking family engagement to better educational outcomes and speak directly with researchers, educators, students, and families about promising practices in the field. Family engagement describes what families do at home and in the community to support their children’s learning and development. It also encompasses the shared partnership and responsibility between home and school. Such engagement is essential for school improvement. It is also increasingly recognized as an integral element for proficient practice as an educator."
Price: 70.00 ![]() |
"Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies" |
"This business and management course, taught by Harvard Business School professor Tarun Khanna, takes an inter-disciplinary approach to understanding and solving complex social problems. You will learn about prior attempts to address these problems across the emerging markets, identify points of opportunity for smart entrepreneurial efforts, and propose and develop your own creative solutions. The focus of this course is on individual agency—what can you do to address a defined problem? The creative process starts with immersion in the problem-at-hand and the harnessing of diverse perspectives. The course then touches on issues related to financing, scaling up of operations, branding, the management of property rights, and the creation of appropriate metrics for assessing progress and social value, in the fast-growing but institutionally compromised settings of emerging markets. The settings are diverse, sectoral (healthcare, online commerce, fintech, infrastructure) and geographic (India and South Asia, China, Africa, Latin America). But the emphasis is less on comprehensive coverage than on developing a way of thinking with a bias-to-action."
Price: 125.00 ![]() |
"edX101: Overview of Creating an edX Course" |
"This course is designed to show faculty, instructors and organizational leadership how to create a course on edX. The course will cover the strategy behind getting the word out about a course, creating course content that is interactive, engaging, and accessible, and delivering a finished course."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"StudioX: Creating a Course with edX Studio" |
"In this course, we will introduce you to edX Studio, edX’s course-authoring tool. This course is ideal for course authors and course teams interested in uncovering the nuts and bolts of building an edX course. We will cover everything you need to know to successfully create your first course on the edX platform, including: The basics of course set-up Adding course content, including videos, assessments, and interactive components Configuring course settings and optimizing the course experience for learners Through engaging activities and hands-on learning, this course will walk you through the course development process directly in Studio."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"VideoX: Creating Video for the edX Platform" |
"VideoX is an introduction to the video creation process for edX.org. This course is part of the edX Course Creator XSeries and should be taken after completing StudioX. After completing this course, you will be able to: identify best practices for video production and implement them in your edX course, recognize common pitfalls in the video production process and determine how to avoid such difficulties, train your instructor on edX best practices, including edX course segmentation and how to present content on-camera, create an effective plan for video production that accounts for time, resources and your production team's abilities, identify the main recording methods used in video production, understand what each method involves (in terms of technical, physical and logistical considerations) and employ them to create high-quality, impactful videos, utilize non-linear editing systems to manipulate your raw footage and incorporate graphics, animations and third-party media to produce polished video segments, describe the editing process from start to finish, encode your finished videos, upload them to edX and incorporate them into your course, and how to work with instructors - segmentation and how to talk to the camera VideoX is a course for everyone and does not require any previous experience in video production. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!"
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"BlendedX: Blended Learning with edX" |
"Educational technology is developing rapidly, and that development has presented educators with an opportunity to rethink and improve their pedagogical practices. The concept of blended learning provides a framework to help educators integrate online educational technologies into face-to-face classes purposefully. When done effectively, blended learning has been shown to enhance student engagement and improve students’ learning outcomes. In this self-paced course, we introduce you to principles and practices of blended learning. We cover the benefits and challenges of creating blended learning experiences, discuss how to design and deliver a successful blended course, and provide specific strategies and examples for using edX content in your classroom. This course is rich with case examples of institutions who have adopted blended learning, with stories shared from faculty around the world. The course also references research on blended learning models, and its impact."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to C++" |
"C++ is a general purpose programming language that supports various computer programming models such as object-oriented programming and generic programming. It was created by Bjarne Stroustrup and, “Its main purpose was to make writing good programs easier and more pleasant for the individual programmer.”* By learning C++, you can create applications that will run on a wide variety of hardware platforms such as personal computers running Windows, Linux, UNIX, and Mac OS X, as well as small form factor hardware such as IoT devices like the Raspberry PI and Arduino–based boards. (Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Third Edition. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1997). Note: These courses will retire in June. Please enroll only if you are able to finish your coursework in time."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Coaching Skills for Learner-Centred Conversations" |
"This interactive course will introduce you to coaching skills for learner-centred conversations. As well as learning about and practicing these skills, you will have the opportunity to reflect on how you can use and integrate these skills into your own educational contexts. The modules will cover: Key principles of coaching approaches in education Creating the conditions needed for an effective learning relationship Applying coaching approaches to conversations with learners Using coaching approaches in feedback conversations"
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Scientific Methods and Research" |
"What does it mean to conduct research? What are the distinct stages of the research process? What are the requirements of modern scientific research? How do you analyze a scientific article? This course will teach you to conduct research in accordance with scientific methodology. You'll learn to analyze scientific articles in engineering and science subjects, and how to conduct scientific experiments. The course will help to develop the core skill of a scientist, giving you the research tools to succeed. The course material is well-suited for anyone interested in the problems of uncovering knowledge and science; giving you a methodology for the achievement of educational and scientific activities. This course is for anyone who has ever said, “Science is interesting.” It will appeal to those who want to learn the processes behind modern scientific research."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Biology - The Secret of Life" |
"Read fully to understand the verified-certificate option. Join Professor Eric Lander and the MITx Biology team in an exciting learning experience available for free to all enrolled learners. The 7.00x Introductory Biology course materials are available for exploration and completion by registering as an auditor or verified-track learner, including video, interactive problem sets, and exams. We strongly encourage you to work through the activities, towards a goal of learning biology. We have optimized the course settings for learning: instant feedback after trying problems and all content available at all times for self-paced progress. You receive feedback on correctness of answers, but the problem submissions do not count toward the grade for a certificate. Instead, we offer a thorough and robust means of certifying edX learners in their mastery of the MITx introductory biology content, through a the MITx 7.00x Introduction to Biology Competency Exam. This challenging option is available only to those who register for the verified-certificate track, and successful completion of this exam is the only assessment that counts toward a certificate. We highly recommend preparing for the Competency Exam certification by using the current course materials and MIT OpenCourseWare problems. The next Competency Exam will be open June 16, 2020 to June 23, 2020. 7.00x is an introductory level biology course hosted by professor Eric Lander, who was one of the leaders of the Human Genome Project. The course content reflects the topics taught in the MIT introductory biology courses and many biology courses across the world. As a learner, you will first focus on the structure and function of macromolecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins. You will discover how changes in the structure of some of these macromolecules alter their functions and what the implications of such changes have on human health. As you continue in the course, you will apply an understanding of heredity and information flow within cells to human health and disease and will learn about molecular biological techniques and their potential to impact our changing world. After you complete this course, you will have a foundation in biology that will allow you to understand the remarkable medical revolution going on today. MITx 7.00x: Introduction to Biology – The Secret of Life will let you explore the mysteries of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, recombinant DNA technology and genomics, and rational medicine. Good luck in your journey!"
Price: 150.00 ![]() |
"Using GPUs to Scale and Speed-up Deep Learning" |
"Training acomplex deep learning model with a very large datasetcan take hours, days and occasionally weeks to train. So, what is the solution? Accelerated hardware. Youcan use accelerated hardware such as Google’s Tensor Processing Unit(TPU) or Nvidia GPU to accelerateyourconvolutional neural network computations timeon the Cloud. These chips arespecifically designed to support the training of neural networks, as well as the use of trained networks(inference).Accelerated hardware has recently been proven to significantly reduce training time. But the problem is that your datamight be sensitiveand you may not feel comfortable uploading iton apublic cloud, preferring to analyze it on-premise.In this case, youneed to use an in-house system withGPU support. One solution isto useIBM’s Power SystemswithNvidia GPU andPowerAI. ThePowerAIplatform supports popular machine learning libraries and dependencies including Tensorflow, Caffe, Torch, and Theano. In this course, you'll understand what GPU-based accelerated hardware is and how it can benefit your deep learning scaling needs. You'll also deploydeep learning networks on GPU accelerated hardware for several problems, including the classification ofimages and videos."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Road Traffic Safety in Automotive Engineering" |
"Engineers in the automotive industry are required to understand basic safety concepts. With increasing worldwide efforts to develop connected and self-driving vehicles, traffic safety is facing huge new challenges. This course is for students or professionals who have a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering or similar and who are interested in a future in the vehicle industry or in road design and traffic engineering. It's also of value for people already working in these areas who wantbetter insight into safety issues. This course teaches the fundamentals of active safety (systems for avoiding crashes or reducing crash consequences) as well as passive safety (systems for avoiding or reducing injuries). Key concepts include in-crash protective systems, collision avoidance, and safe automated driving. The course will introduce scientific and engineering methodologies that are used in the development and assessment of traffic safety and vehicle safety. This includes methods to study the different components of real-world traffic systems with the goal to identify and understand safety problems and hazards. It includes methods to investigate the attitudes and behavior of drivers and other road users as well as recent solutions to improve active safety. Italso includes methods to study human body tolerance to impact and solutions to minimize the injury risk in crashes. Study topics include crash data analysis and in-situ observational studies of drivers and other road users by the use of instrumented vehicles and roadside camera systems. Solutions in active safety, such as driver alertness monitoring, driver information as well as collision avoidance and collision mitigation systems, will be described. Examples of in-crash protective systems are combinations of traditional restraints such as seat belts and airbags but with advanced functions such as automatic adaption to the individual occupant as well as pre-collision activation based on advanced integrated sensor systems and communication systems. The course will be based on recorded lectures that use videos and animations to enhance the experience. Online tutorials that access simulation models will give the participants an experience of influencing parameters in active safety and passive safety systems. As a result of support from MathWorks, students will be granted access to MATLAB/Simulink for the duration of the course."
Price: 249.00 ![]() |
"Regards croisés sur les migrations" |
"«La migration fait partie de l’ADN de l’humanité. La migration est une réponse normale aux défis économiques, politiques, sociaux et environnementaux. Tant qu’il y aura des différentiels de développement et de démocratie sur notre planète, il y aura des mouvements migratoires.» Ces mots sont de François Crépeau, le Rapporteur spécial des Nations Unies sur les droits de l'homme des migrants. Pourtant, les discours sur les migrations sont rarement positifs. Les informations parlent d’afflux de migrants, de mesures prises pour limiter les migrations... et livrent des images fortes sur les personnes en fuite sur les routes ou sur la mer. Pas un jour ne se passe sans que l’actualité ne nous confronte à des questions complexes liées aux migrations. Le sujet est omniprésent dans les médias, dans la politique, dans les discussions familiales... et pourtant, il est largement méconnu. Ce cours offre des regards croisés, interdisciplinaires, sur différentes thématiques transversales liées aux migrations. Une dizaine de professeurs et de chercheurs en sciences humaines, issus de 6 facultés différentes, sont à l’origine de ce programme: anthropologues, économistes, démographes, juristes, sociologues et psychologues. Ils s’associent à des experts belges et internationaux pour informer, échanger et raisonner les questions que posent les migrations. Confrontez votre regard à celui de ces experts autour des questions suivantes: Quels sont les avantages des migrations pour les pays d’accueil? Est-il permis de refouler les migrants aux frontières? Les migrations sont-elles positives pour l’économie? Comment les familles de migrants vivent-elles la migration? Vous apprendrez à repérer les préjugés et stéréotypes, à décoder les récits médiatiques pour pouvoir analyser les phénomènes des migrations de manière plus critique."
Price: 50.00 ![]() |
"Redes de difracción en comunicaciones ópticas" |
"Con este curso podrás conocer qué son y qué proporcionan las redes de difracción sobre fibra en telecomunicaciones y sensores. Podrás entender el funcionamiento de forma intuitiva, e incluso detallada para las redes de difracción más comunes. El curso requiere conocimientos básicos de propagación de ondas y de tratamiento de señales, así como de mátemáticas, en todos los casos a un nivel equivalente a los primeros cursos de un grado técnico, si bien el curso trata de ser antocontenido y descriptivo sin entrar en desarrollos complejos, de forma que pueda ser aprovechado por el máximo espectro posible de alumnado. Unidades: Fundamentos de redes de difracción I. Fundamentos de redes de difracción II. Análisis y diseño de redes de difracción en fibra. Aplicaciones en telecomunicaciones. Aplicaciones en sensores."
Price: 30.00 ![]() |
"Applied Scrum for Agile Project Management" |
"Version 2 of this course series delivers beyond the original agile certification. It includes updated content, better audit and verified learner experiences, and bonus videos on key topics. Bonus video for this course is on “Agile in Government.” The follow-on to this course series on “Advanced Scrum” is expected by the end of Summer 2020. Scrum and Agile are often considered synonymous, and there is a good reason. Scrum embodies the simplest and most pure approach to managing project work at the team level. Scrum is employed by over half of all Agile practitioners across all industries. While agile may have started in software development, many industries now use an agile methodology to deliver their work. The basis for agile, the agile manifesto, extends well beyond its origins in extreme programming and agile software development. Development teams around the world are now using kanban boards and assigning strong product owners to direct self-organizing teams to deliver on prioritized product backlogs. And nearly every new product has some sort of IT component and goes through an agile development lifecycle. Today nearly 100% of IT organizations use Agile and many other industries are quickly following; The likelihood of being on a Scrum or Scrum-like project is quickly approaching 50/50 or better over time. While the Mastering Agile Professional Certificate program emphasizes principles at the heart of all Agile frameworks, in this course we start by learning the key project management processes, roles, mechanics, and philosophies behind Scrum. This will provide the basis for all understanding Agile in its purest form over four weeks exploring Why, Who, How, and finally What Scrum looks like applied in the real world. From understanding the agile team members, like scrum master and product owner, to the important differences in lean and agile processes. While this course will not make you an agile certified practitioner (PMI-ACP), or certified scrum master (CSM), it offers a more fundamental agile certification based on agile principles and how scaled agile is applied in industry today. You'll finish this course more than ready to begin your agile journey, which we hope takes you to the next course in the series on “Sprint Planning for Faster Agile Team Delivery.” Upon successful completion of this course, learners can earn 10 Professional Development Unit (PDU) credits, which are recognized by the Project Management Institute (PMI). PDU credits are essential to those looking to maintain certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP)."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
Justice |
"Taught by lauded Harvard professor Michael Sandel, Justice explores critical analysis of classical and contemporary theories of justice, including discussion of present-day applications. Topics include affirmative action, income distribution, same-sex marriage, the role of markets, debates about rights (human rights and property rights), arguments for and against equality, dilemmas of loyalty in public and private life. The course invites learners to subject their own views on these controversies to critical examination. The principal readings for the course are texts by Aristotle, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill, and John Rawls. Other assigned readings include writings by contemporary philosophers, court cases, and articles about political controversies that raise philosophical questions."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Agile Process, Project, and Program Controls" |
"Version 2 of this course series delivers beyond the original agile certification. It includes updated content, better audit and verified learner experiences, and bonus videos on key topics. The follow-on to this course series on “Advanced Scrum” is expected by the end of Summer 2020. Agile provides greater opportunities for control and risk management and offers unique benefits that traditional methods miss. As a project manager or program manager the emphasis should always be on delivering value and benefits. With complex projects these demand increase and knowing you've delivered value can be difficult for even those with years of project management experience. **** However, in this course we'll cover the agile practices and management skills necessary to delivery value with certainty, such as: **** Transparency with daily standup meetings discussing work status, risk, and pace. How a clear definition of done drives acceptance by all key stakeholders. Measuring performance and benefits of working solutions during project delivery. Iteratively testing to gain authentic feedback on solution requirements and stability. Regular retrospectives that drive continuous improvement into the team. How agile project management ensures success and uniquely tackles business risk Quality management principles to reduce project risk and technical debt Manage and reduce interdependencies between project teams to scale programs at speed Making the business case for agile contracts and how they ensure deliverables achieve business outcomes and objectives In this course, you will learn how these levers of control far exceed traditional management methods of earned value management (EVM), which relies on estimates and no changes in scope. We'll discuss how the key to unlocking the control potential is to learn what to manage, and how to measure it. It's no longer just ensure the deliverables are delivered on-time and under-budget. This shift to benefits management is in-line with how the PMBOK is changing to integrate program management concerns into project management with an emphasis on value and not just delivery of scope specifications. The Agile revolution requires program managers to embrace this type of continuing education to advance and grow in your project management career. **** So how do programs ensure smooth project delivery? **** This answer is bottoms-up with different controls at each level of management, separating the concerns between the program, the individual projects, and the team processes. For teams, it’s a focus on team velocity and how to ensure its measurement is useful for diagnosing internal and external productivity constraints. For the project, the focus is on how to integrate teams of teams on related projects and ensure stead delivery of product roadmaps. For the program, the focus is on what capabilities are delivered and how to measure return on investment (ROI) capabilities provide. This also requires understanding your portfolio and contracting processes. **** While this course will not make you an agile certified practitioner (PMI-ACP), or certified scrum master (CSM), it offers a more fundamental agile certification based on agile principles and how agile leadership is applied in industry today. You'll finish this course more than ready to continue your agile journey, which we hope either completes your certificate with us or takes you to one of our most popular courses in the series, ""Agile Leadership Principles and Practices."" Upon successful completion of this course, learners can earn 10 Professional Development Unit (PDU) credits, which are recognized by the Project Management Institute (PMI). PDU credits are essential to those looking to maintain certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP)."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"Agile Innovation and Problem Solving Skills" |
"Version 2 of this course series delivers beyond the original agile certification. It includes updated content, better audit and verified learner experiences, and bonus videos on key topics. The follow-on to this course series on “Advanced Scrum” is expected by the end of Summer 2020. **** Innovative products and services change lives, and having the right innovative process creates an competitive advantage. Ultimately, innovation is about one thing: problem solving. **** As an agile problem solver, you'll need to expand your critical thinking skills to address the key sources of risk in developing best solutions for your new products and business lines. The Problem-solving techniques covered begin with problem definition, beginning with job descriptions and applying the right soft skills to enhance requirements gathering. This ensures you're targeting a good problem to solve, and that you understand the business model. The course then moves on to practices such as ""brainstorm and storm drain"" to target new creative solutions. You will learn how innovation works on fast feedback cycles to test possible solutions and target root causes of defects. Creative thinking isn't a straight line, and neither should the problem-solving process be a straight line. Each course of action needs early and frequent testing. **** Key lessons taught in this course are: Delivering business value, not technical scope with User Stories Why innovating is the key to risk management and gaining a competitive advantage The best innovation process for startups in new markets or disruptive innovations, versus sustaining product and process innovations How to employ an innovation process that fits your business model and situation Using Cross-functional teams and user stories to gather accurate requirements Leveraging constraints to apply tested solutions to new technology and new innovations Applying Test-Driven Design (TDD) to deliver better designs with less designing By following best practices of Agile, including timeboxes, constraint-based thinking processes, and empathetic problem solving, you'll learn how to provide a sustainable innovation environment for your teams. While this course will not make you an agile certified practitioner (PMI-ACP), or certified scrum master (CSM), it offers a more fundamental agile certification based on agile principles and how agile innovation is accomplished in industry today. You'll finish this course more than ready to continue your agile journey, which we hope takes you to the next course in the series on “Agile Leadership Principles and Practices.” Upon successful completion of this course, learners can earn 10 Professional Development Unit (PDU) credits, which are recognized by the Project Management Institute (PMI). PDU credits are essential to those looking to maintain certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP). **** Upon successful completion of this course, learners can earn 10 Professional Development Unit (PDU) credits, which are recognized by the Project Management Institute (PMI). PDU credits are essential to those looking to maintain certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP)."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"Agile Leadership Principles and Practices" |
"Version 2 of this course series delivers beyond the original agile certification. It includes updated content, better audit and verified learner experiences, and bonus videos on key topics. The follow-on to this course series on “Advanced Scrum” is expected by the end of Summer 2020. Agile can often challenge project managers in the realm of leadership. Old styles of command-control are now a thing of the past, except for the most conservative organizations. While good leaders employ a variety of leadership skills and leadership styles to motivate team members, even this is not enough. Simply setting a common goal and maintaining positive attitudes while raising your emotional intelligence will make you a better leader; but will it truly unlock your team's potential? **** Instead of leadership traits, Agile leadership emphasizes facilitation and communication skills. This is teachable and much more powerful. This unique and effective leadership style challenges traditional beliefs in what leadership means. **** Great leaders understand that the leader can no longer stand in the way of their team. Modern society, mindsets, and global competition demand new leadership roles, and leadership qualities all together that empower and motivate the team to new levels of productivity. Business leaders that miss this critical shift in leadership styles concede a powerful competitive advantage to the Agile leader. **** In this course, you will learn how this new style of leadership redefines and redistributes team roles by: **** Motivating through empowerment to gain better decisions Facilitating the creativity and inclusivity of a high-functioning team Identifying and managing decision making biases Negotiating conflicts across individuals, teams, and organizations Ensuring success through delegation and powerful constraint-based metrics. You’ll learn to turn one internally motivated and critically thinking mind into many; and driving speed and innovation through leveraging all talents on the team. While this course will not make you an agile certified practitioner (PMI-ACP), or certified scrum master (CSM), it offers a more fundamental agile certification based on agile principles and how agile leadership is applied in industry today. You'll finish this course more than ready to continue your agile journey, which we hope takes you to the next course in the series on Agile Process, Project, and Program Controls. **** Upon successful completion of this course, learners can earn 10 Professional Development Unit (PDU) credits, which are recognized by the Project Management Institute (PMI). PDU credits are essential to those looking to maintain certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP)."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"Sprint Planning for Faster Agile Team Delivery" |
"Version 2 of this course series delivers beyond the original agile certification. It includes updated content, better audit and verified learner experiences, and bonus videos on key topics. The follow-on to this course series on “Advanced Scrum” is expected by the end of Summer 2020. Speed is by far the most sought-after benefit of Agile. First mover advantages, the economic cost of delays, and the enabling effect on innovation drive the search for speed. Agile offers the fastest means of attaining speed: managing scope. But beyond the hype over scope management, there are key principles of non-traditional task management that ensure the scope chosen is delivered as efficiently as possible. In this course, you'll learn how to drive speed into any project by selecting and limiting work-in-progress through agile planning and task management. There are two principle roles involved, the scrum master and the product owner. However, the entire scrum team needs to understand the principles behind backlog refinement, sprint planning, and execution throughout the sprint cycle. In this course we'll show you how to run effective sprint planning meetings that produce a sprint backlog ready to deliver on your sprint goals and release objectives. You'll learn the power of prioritizing backlog items, and why we agile planning and sprint planning isn't just a managed list you work top-down in priority order. Instead, scrum teams commit to achieving goals and work together to ensure the user stories that are highest priority get delivered in this sprint, so the upcoming sprint isn't delayed. This also means understanding your team capacity and how to ensure safe and on-time delivery of the highest items on the product backlog that actually matter to your customer. While this course will not make you an agile certified practitioner (PMI-ACP), or certified scrum master (CSM), it offers a more fundamental agile certification based on agile principles and how sprint planning enables hyper productivity in industry today. You'll finish this course more than ready to continue your agile journey, which we hope takes you to the next course in the series on “Agile Innovation and Problem Solving Skills.” Upon successful completion of this course, learners can earn 10 Professional Development Unit (PDU) credits, which are recognized by the Project Management Institute (PMI). PDU credits are essential to those looking to maintain certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP)."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"New Horizons in Chinese Philosophy|中国哲学新视野" |
"1.This is a philosophy course. It is a study of the world in most general sense. It is concerned with nature of the world and knowledge of the world. 2.This is Chinese philosophy: a philosophical study of Chinese thoughts. New horizons emerge from predicate inquiry of Chinese philosophizing."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |