"Introduction à la philosophie de Friedrich Nietzsche" |
"Durant les six semaines que durera notre cours, nous parcourrons, accompagnés par la musique de Bizet, mais aussi par celle de Wagner et de Strauss, les ouvrages majeurs de Friedrich Nietzsche: La Naissance de la tragédie, Le Gai savoir, Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra ou encore La Généalogie de la morale. Nous entrerons dans son univers conceptuel et tenterons de dissiper les malentendus tenaces qui entourent, aujourd’hui encore, certaines notions comme le «surhumain» ou la «volonté de puissance». Nous évoquerons les étapes marquantes de sa vie et montrerons comment il a tissé, à partir d’expériences très intimes, l’expérience de la maladie et de la souffrance, une pensée originale qui fait droit à la puissance pulsionnelle du corps. Et nous lirons et commenterons de nombreux extraits de son œuvre afin de faire entendre sa voix et de faire vibrer son style, unique dans l’histoire de la philosophie. Nietzsche a dit à propos de Montaigne: «Le fait qu’un tel homme ait écrit accroît le plaisir de vivre sur cette terre». J’espère pouvoir vous convaincre que le même hommage peut être rendu à Nietzsche lui-même, Nietzsche qui avait fait de la critique des conformismes le sens de sa quête philosophique, de la légèreté son idéal moral, et du chant et de la danse les formes d’expression privilégiées d’une vie pleinement vécue. A très bientôt pour ce cours d’introduction à la philosophie de Friedrich Nietzsche!"
Price: 50.00 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence (AI)" |
"What do self-driving cars, face recognition, web search, industrial robots, missile guidance, and tumor detection have in common? They are all complex real world problems being solved with applications of intelligence (AI). This course will provide a broad understanding of the basic techniques for building intelligent computer systems and an understanding of how AI is applied to problems. You will learn about the history of AI, intelligent agents, state-space problem representations, uninformed and heuristic search, game playing, logical agents, and constraint satisfaction problems. Hands on experience will be gained by building a basic search agent. Adversarial search will be explored through the creation of a game and an introduction to machine learning includes work on linear regression."
Price: 249.00 ![]() |
"4G Network Essentials" |
"4G is the cutting-edge network technology that links millions of smartphones to the internet. But how does it actually work? Ideal for network engineers, sales engineers, application developers, and many other telecoms pros, this course will help you to understand the technology behind the apps and devices we use every day. You’ll get a solid overview of LTE/EPC (Long Term Evolution / Evolved Packet Core) 4G networks, how they work, how the network architecture is designed, and which protocols are used. First, you’ll gain exposure to the global architecture of the network, how the radio interface works, and how security is guaranteed. Then you’ll dive into the operational side. What is a bearer? How is it quickly configured and released? How does 4G handle millions of terminals that are on the move all the time? Over the next few years, the advent of 5G will see over 20 billion mobile terminals go online. By mastering the key concepts of 4G, you can be ready for the next chapter in mobile networking—and the jobs of the future. Whether you’re a graduate student or already in a professional role, targeting a career move or just building your skills, you’ll gain plenty of detailed, practical knowledge that you can put into practice immediately. This coursehas received financial support from the Patrick & Lina Drahi Foundation."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Inteligencia emocional para el liderazgo efectivo y colaboración" |
"El liderazgo emocional para la construcción de un efectivo equipo de trabajo es un conjunto de habilidades profesionales y personales, así como cualidades y actitudes que permiten desempeñar un rol orientado a resultados positivos para mejorar la calidad de vida personal y laboral; que favorece el cumplimiento de las metas y objetivos quecada persona define. Este curso online aporta una visión práctica del liderazgo emocional efectivo. Durante las diversas actividades, analizarás, evaluarás y conocerás herramientas prácticas, para poder definir y construir un equipo de trabajo de alto rendimiento y autodirigido en un ambiente social o profesional. En este curso de inteligencia emocional también aprenderás cómo manejar la construcción emocional en los diferentes tipos de liderazgo que se presentan en nuestra vida profesional y cotidiana."
Price: 75.00 ![]() |
"Improving Your Business Through a Culture of Health" |
"While the United States is one of the world’s wealthiest nations, it is far from the healthiest. Our nation’s burden of disease affects businesses every day, from sick employees and families reducing productivity and increasing costs, to product recalls and failures, to environmental scandals such as toxic chemical emissions harming communities and reputations. Named Runner Up for Best Online Program of 2018 by ProEd, this HarvardX course is presented by leading faculty from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Harvard Business School and will provide businesses with strategies, tactics, and tools to gain a competitive advantage by implementing a Culture of Health to address these issues and stay ahead. Embracing a Culture of Health can improve your employees’ well-being as well as the health of your consumers, your communities, and the environment. A Culture of Health can help you to reduce costs, increase revenues and profits, and enhance your company’s reputation. For example, employees who work in a healthy and safe environment spend less time away from work for health reasons, decreasing interruptions, while increasing output and employee retention. When employees and customers spend less on health care, they have more disposable income to spend on non–health care needs, boosting the economy, and benefiting your business. Strengthening your business using the Culture of Health approach will enhance the greater good by promoting well-being—benefitting society, your business and employees, your customers and communities, and you."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"China’s Political and Intellectual Foundations: From Sage Kings to Confucius" |
"This course, the first in a comprehensive series on China, introduces you to the history, geography, and culture of the country. Time, space, and identity — enduring issues in Chinese history — are explored. You’ll study China’s early dynasties to understand how physical geography impacted its inhabitants and how the many ethnicities within the country affected Chinese identity. You’ll learn about China’s origins as told in ancient texts and through modern archeology. You’ll explore the first dynasties during the Chinese bronze age, the many facets of Confucianism and his Analects, and the competing schools of thought that followed. New political and moral ideas appear in Chinese culture in this period — ideas that make up the country’s intellectual foundations and still resonate today. Join us to learn about China’s origins and how early concepts in Chinese culture still matter in the 21st century."
Price: 139.00 ![]() |
"China’s First Empires and the Rise of Buddhism" |
"This course, the second in a collection on Chinese history and culture, addresses how the Qin dynasty conquered China and established a new system of government and how the Han dynasty built a stable, centralized empire that lasted for hundreds of years. We cover the early history of Buddhism in China and how the rising feudal aristocracy responded to the loss of empire by looking inward. In this period, the Qin forged a new, unified empire, discovered new ways of mobilizing the population, and introduced the imperial ideology of “Cosmic Resonance”. However, this early dynasty was short-lived and soon gave way to the Han. Though the Han struggled with many tensions — centralism vs. regionalism, feudalism vs. bureaucracy — it lasted much longer than the Qin and established a stable relationship between Chinese society and the state. Later, aristocratic culture and concerns around self-actualization became important in Chinese culture. Buddhism was also established in this period, and learners will discover how that religion spread throughout the country. Join us to learn about China’s first unified empires and how the relationship to the self evolved with the spread of aristocratic culture and Buddhism."
Price: 139.00 ![]() |
"Cosmopolitan Tang: Aristocratic Culture in China" |
"By the Tang period, China was divided into northern and southern dynasties with different rulers and political systems. The north was conquered by relatively unsophisticated barbarians, but in the south, the aristocratic families established a refined appreciation of writing and literature. In this course, the third in a large collection covering all of Chinese history, you’ll learn about the Cosmopolitan Tang and the reemergence of great aristocratic clans. You’ll discover how these clans formed a kind of state aristocracy that dominated Tang government and society. This period — a product of the Medieval period, and of the development of Buddhism and Daoism — gave the world a model for modern statehood the great cosmopolitan empire that defined it is among the highest achievements in Medieval culture. Join us to discover those achievements through readings of classical Chinese poetry and a review of the ancient art of calligraphy."
Price: 139.00 ![]() |
"Creativity & Entrepreneurship" |
"Creativity & Entrepreneurship will help you tap into your inner creativity and learn how to leverage it for career development or business innovation. Presented by Berklee Institute for Creative Entrepreneurship founder Panos Panay, this course features interviews with world renown entrepreneurs, innovators, songwriters, producers, creative directors, educators, performers, visual artists and chefs as they discuss parallels between the creative and entrepreneurial journeys. The course approaches entrepreneurship as a creative process, a fundamental human instinct that we all possess and can unlock._ Creativity & Entrepreneurship _applies concepts from the creative and musical creation process, such as observing, prototyping, iterating and embracing failure, as a means of guiding you through the concept of thinking like a startup. You will develop the basic mindset, knowledge, and insights required to pursue an entrepreneurial career, whether as the steward of your own career or as the founder of a new business in any field. Creativity & Entrepreneurship is about the side of entrepreneurship you won’t learn at a business school but, instead, in the music studio. About video original music ""Maria Antoinette"" by Leo Pigot (feat. Brite Lite Brite)"
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Crear música con tecnología" |
"El curso de producción musical comenzará con algo de información sobre la naturaleza del sonido y la forma en la que lo percibimos. Estudiaremos los componentes necesarios para grabar audio en la computadora, con el fin de comprender los dispositivos que el sonido debe atravesar durante el proceso de producción musical. En este curso de música nos centraremos en las herramientas de edición, esenciales para la producción de música contemporánea, que todas las estaciones de trabajo de audio digital (EAD) proveen. Estudiaremos las funciones básicas del hardware y el software para crear música de las consolas y mezcladoras de sonido, incluidos volumen, panorámicas, mute, buses, inserciones, envíos y submezclas. En este curso enfocado en las herramientas de la ingeniería de sonido nos centraremos en: Las herramientas que se pueden utilizar para dar efectos musicales a la dinámica de las pistas y en cómo usarlas en un contexto musical Veremos la ecualización y el delay, y estudiaremos los diversos efectos de sonido que se derivan de estos dispositivos Estudiaremos el sintetizador, una herramienta muy importante dentro de la producción de música contemporánea Aprenderemos cómo funciona el sintetizador, el cual te dará un lenguaje para describir el sonido. La música es una forma de arte colaborativa, por lo tanto, no hay nada más poderoso que una comunicación efectiva"
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Fundamentos de la guitarra eléctrica y acústica" |
"Este curso de música enfocado en cómo tocar guitarra te permitirá conocer e implementar los conocimientos necesarios para aprender a tocar guitarra eléctrica o acústica. Este curso de guitarra tendrá un enfoque amigable, permitiéndote desarrollar rápidamente las habilidades necesarias para dominar la guitarra, elMOOC comenzará con la teoría básica de la música, luego pasará por la técnica de la interpretación y terminará con la exploración del instrumento. En caso de que llevesmucho tiempo pensando en empezar a tocar guitarra acústica o eléctrica, este curso en línea te proporcionará una base de fácil acceso queva de la teoría a la práctica. Cuando se aprende por primera vez a tocar guitarra, es importante que el material se presente por etapas, de una manera amena que permita captar los conceptos básicos del instrumento y la música. El curso introductorio a la guitarra cubre los siguientes puntos: Comienza simplemente con las partes de la guitarra, los nombres de las cuerdas, la afinación y la técnica; ya sea el estilo con los dedos o con vitela Después explora los conceptos básicos de la teoría musical con temas tales como escalas, triadas, acordes, digitación y formas Al final de este MOOC, los estudiantes comprenderán la estructura, partes y accesorios del instrumento, además de comprender su mantenimiento básico. Los guitarristas aprenderán el funcionamiento de su instrumento junto con las opciones básicas de amplificación, efectos de pedales y sonidos. Los estudiantes también aprenderán a desarrollar la técnica correcta y a aplicar conceptos de teoría al tocar. Tendrán el conocimiento necesario para seguir con la mayoría de los cursos de guitarra intermedios. Fomentamos la comunicación y la discusión entre nuestros estudiantes, para que compartan sus avances con estudiantes de todas partes de mundo y formemos una comunidad interactiva de nuevos guitarristas."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Grabar y mezclar música" |
"Este curso de producción musical se concentrará en escribir una canción en la que trabajarás en las próximas cuatro semanas. El próximo paso es prepararte para convertir tu idea en una grabación musical. ¿Cómo harás realidad tu visión en la fase de producción? La mejor manera de avanzar es hacer un cronograma y un plan detallado de producción dividido en tres partes, en este curso te mostraremos cómo hacerlo. Mientras avanzas en el proceso, recuerda que trabajarás con software de producción contemporáneo el cual te ofrece la maravillosa ventaja de poder realizar cambios en el futuro. Finalmente, en este curso de música, realizarás cualquier modificación final necesaria en tu arreglo en respuesta a la evaluación constructiva de tus pares y de expertos de musica sobre tu última tarea, y luego harás una mezcla final y publicarás el resultado. En este curso conocerás el proceso creativo y de implementación al cual se enfrenta un productor de música en un estudio de grabación profesional."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Introduction To Music Theory" |
"Do you have a passion for music and want to learn more about how it works? Are you a musician who learned by ear and has no formal training? Would you like to study music but are unsure of where to begin? Then this music theory course is for you. This course includes six lessons that will give you the knowledge and skills you need to understand basic music theory. You’ll learn from Berklee College of Music professor George W. Russell, Jr. and from Berklee students who share their musical journey and offer advice for those wanting to study music. Above all, the course is designed to impart the joy of creating music and sharing it with others."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to the Music Business" |
"Three things are clear about today’s music industry: The consumption of music is expanding at the greatest rate in history and from the most portals ever imagined, the cost of producing music is decreasing, and the number of artists creating and seeking to expose their work and develop careers through the Internet has increased dramatically. As demand grows and Internet piracy wanes, ad-supported and subscription models will generate unprecedented revenues that will surpass even the best of past earnings. And, many astute “music industry-watchers” predict a steep rise in business activity and trade earnings by the end of the decade. Whether you’re a music creator, consumer, or facilitator of this process, you’ll want to understand the history, underpinnings, and basics of the music business. This course has been developed to provide students with the latest instruction on the best way for creators, consumers, and facilitators to navigate the resurgence of one of the world’s most exciting industries: the music business. Course author John Kellogg—administrator, educator, entertainment lawyer, performer, and radio and television personality—offers students the opportunity to learn the fundamental principles of the developing new music business, for now and into the future."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Music For Wellness" |
"You love music. You listen to music all the time. Maybe you sing, play an instrument, or compose music. You don’t need to have musical talent to use music to enhance your well being, and even your health. Learn simple techniques to enrich your mind, body, and spirit through music. The methods can be applied in your daily life, particularly when you are feeling down or stressed out. Developed by a board-certified music therapist and a vocalist/pianist/composer/recording artist specializing in Indian music, these strategies combine science with the wisdom of Eastern philosophy. In the course, discover how to unlock your creativity. You will learn not only how to listen to music in a new way, but also how to listen to the impact that music has on you. You will find out how to care for yourself by practicing coping techniques that are supported by music that is special to you."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Producción musical y su efecto en la composición" |
"En este curso de producción musical aprenderás sobre el proceso de producción y cómo este está relacionado directamente con la composición, conocerás lo que pasa en un estudio de grabación. Este curso te permitirá aprender de un equipo de músicos con reconocimiento internacional y conocerás los pasos del proceso de producir música. El ganador del Latin Grammy®, Enrique Gonzalez Müller, profesor de Berklee College of Music y reconocido productor e ingeniero de sonido, facilitará esta exploración en la producción y la composición musical, guiándonos a través de la producción de un tema musical en todas sus etapas, desde el demo hasta la versión final. Con esta experiencia, se demostrará la importancia de capturar las emociones que genera la música y plasmarlas en la grabación, maximizando los elementos originales que brinda una composición. Estudiantes de Berklee College of Music y la banda ganadora del Latin Grammy® Los Amigos Invisibles darán vida al proceso y ejemplificarán los conceptos de esta interesante exploración. Tu profesor asistente en este curso de producción y composición musical será Sergio Torres-Letelier. Sergio es un compositor de cine, arreglista y productor musical, nacido en Chile y radicado en Los Angeles, USA. Tras obtener el título de Intérprete Instrumental (Batería) otorgado por el Instituto Profesional Escuela Moderna de Música de Santiago de Chile, Sergio fue aceptado en Berklee College of Music, en donde obtuvo un Bachelor Degree en Film Scoring, con un Minor en Conducción para Cine y Televisión."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Vocal Recording Technology" |
"We are in the midst of an explosion of musical creativity as a result of technologies that allow you to record music using your laptop or tablet. Whether you are a singer, music producer, audio engineer, or just someone that likes to make good music with vocals, it is essential to have an understanding of vocal technologies for music production. This music production course provides learners with insight into the voice itself, the recording environment, microphones, equalization, compressors, A-D-A conversion, the listening environment, human perception, natural widening concepts, artificial widening concepts, reverb, delay, and more. Grammy-award winning record producer, audio engineer, recording artist, and educator Prince Charles Alexander offers students a first-hand opportunity to learn the technologies behind vocal production, so that you can enhance your music productions with the most compelling and effective vocal tracks."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Taxes and Decision Making" |
"Build your accounting foundation with this course on U.S. federal income taxation. You’ll learn about the taxation of both businesses and individuals. In addition to income tax laws, you’ll discover how to reduce the present value of income taxes. Topics will include tax planning strategies, qualified business income deduction, tax compliance, and more. Verified Learners will need to purchase a textbook in order to successfully complete the course. See the FAQ for details."
Price: 499.00 ![]() |
"Sign Language: Factors Contributing to Natural Change" |
"In this course, we will explore how language changes over time. We know from documentation that early ASL does not look the same as it does today. The earliest indications suggest that it originated as gesture, but that’s not what people learn today. That’s because, as it was passed down, it evolved and changed. In this course, we will look at the historical data and discuss how the language changed."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Sign Language: Emergence and Evolution" |
"ASL has a long history and good documentation. This course, Emergence and Evolution of Sign Language, explores the origins of ASL by beginning with the key events and key concepts. How do people learn signed languages? Why do people enjoy using them? This key information will provide a foundation for understanding the relationship between how people use language, how it’s learned, and how a language community is formed and sustained. This foundation will illustrate how the language survives, which is equally important to recognize. These ideas will be discussed in this core course and they provide a foundation of understanding about where language comes from and why they vary."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Sign Language: Factors Contributing to Natural Structure" |
"In this course, we will look at how people make sign language work—and to understand this, we have to analyze the actual language. In this course, Professor Ted Supalla will walk you through examples of how alterations within a sign can change its meaning and how this can affect word order in a sentence. This is discussed under the broad term “structure”, because a number of things can influence signed language grammar. Many factors have to be considered, which is why we have to take a layered, cumulative approach here."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Sign Language: Factors Contributing to Natural Learning" |
"In this course, we will look at how multiple, varying factors can account for language-learning patterns. Age, for example, is a key factor that predicts fluency. Another topic of particular importance to signed languages is the mind. Knowing that spoken language primarily activates the left hemisphere, in this course we will explore how signed languages also primarily activate the left hemisphere."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Mechanics of Deformable Structures: Part 2" |
"In this course: (1) you will learn to model the multi-axial stress-strain response of isotropic linear elastic material due to combined loads (axial, torsional, bending); (2) you will learn to obtain objective measures of the severity of the loading conditions to prevent failure; (3) you will learn to use energy methods to efficiently predict the structural response of statically determinate and statically indeterminate structures. This course will give you a foundation to predict and prevent structural failure and will introduce you to energy methods, which form one basis for numerical techniques (like the Finite Element Method) to solve complex mechanics problems This is the third course in a 3-part series. In this series you will learn how mechanical engineers can use analytical methods and “back of the envelope” calculations to predict structural behavior. The three courses in the series are: Part 1 – 2.01x: Elements of Structures. (Elastic response of Structural Elements: bars, shafts, beams). Part 2 – 2.02.1x Mechanics of Deformable Structures: Part 1. (Assemblages of Elastic, Elastic-Plastic, and Viscoelastic Structural Elements). Part 3 – 2.02.2x Mechanics of Deformable Structures: Part 2. (Multi-axial Loading and Deformation. Energy Methods). These courses are based on the first subject in solid mechanics for MIT Mechanical Engineering students. Join them and learn to rely on the notions of equilibrium, geometric compatibility, and constitutive material response to ensure that your structures will perform their specified mechanical function without failing."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"'Talk to me': Improving mental health and suicide prevention in young adults" |
"Poor mental health affects one in four people, and young adults are particularly susceptible. Do you feel confident approaching the topic of mental health with people you care about, or are concerned about? 'Talk to Me': Improving mental health and suicide prevention in young adults , is a German-Australian collaboration developed in response to the growing need to provide young people and those around them with the knowledge, skills, and understanding to recognise, identify, and respond to mental health challenges in themselves and others. Key topics in this MOOC include understanding contributing factors to poor mental health, how to talk about addressing poor mental health, and strategies to increase mental fitness. Please note: This course contains content that crosses over with TTM2x: Managing Study, Stress, and Mental Health at University (Modules 1 and 2). However, this MOOC contains an extra four modules of content which are aimed at parents, teachers, health professionals, GPs, social workers, counsellors, coaches, and other 'gatekeepers' - people in positions of responsibility with regular contact with young people. We are grateful to the following organisations for their contribution to and continued support of this MOOC: Healthway Western Australia The Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators Curtin University Teaching Excellence Fund Australia-Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme - Universities Australia"
Price: 139.00 ![]() |
"Qué funciona en educación: políticas educativas basadas en evidencia" |
"Este curso sintetiza las principales investigaciones teóricas y prácticas que sustentan políticas educativas basadas en evidencia y profundiza sobre los principales avances y desafíos de los sistemas educativos de América Latina y el Caribe. El curso ha sido organizado alrededor de cinco áreas clave que se han identificado en sistemas de aprendizaje exitosos. •La necesidad de definir metas altas de aprendizaje estudiantil que guíen todas las actividades del sistema educativo. •Asegurar el acceso a programas de desarrollo infantil temprano y preescolar de alta calidad para que todos los estudiantes ingresen al sistema escolar listos para aprender. •Contar con docentes efectivos que permitan mejorar y reducir brechas de aprendizajes. •Asegurar que todas las escuelas cuenten con los recursos adecuados y sean capaces de utilizarlos efectivamente para promover el aprendizaje de sus alumnos. •Asegurar que todos los jóvenes adquieran las habilidades necesarias para alcanzar su máximo potencial en el mundo del trabajo y contribuir a la sociedad. El curso está dirigido a personas interesadas en mejorar la calidad de la educación a través de políticas educativas basadas en evidencia."
Price: 25.00 ![]() |
"Electronic Trading in Financial Markets" |
"Taught by instructors with decades of experience on Wall Street, Electronic Trading in Financial Markets is a comprehensive study of the impact of technology on financial market systems. This economics and finance course provides students with a foundation in market structure (what is ‘liquidity?’) before building to introduce electronic trading fundamentals (order books) and advanced electronic trading techniques (algorithmic trading). Learners will study the history of technology in markets, the details of electronic trading protocols and the impact of innovation on market structure. This course is broken down into 6 modules: Module 1: Fundamentals of Market Structure Module 2: Fundamentals of Electronic Trading Module 3: Mechanics of an Order Book Module 4: Advanced Electronic Trading Module 5: Electronic Trading in Fixed Income Module 6: Innovation Guidelines Upon completion of this course, participants will receive a certificate bearing the New York Institute of Finance (NYIF) name. A NYIF certificate, highly valued in the financial industry, will bolster a resume or LinkedIn profile and prove the skills you’ve gained to potential employers."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"The Mechatronics Revolution: Fundamentals and Core Concepts" |
"The Mechatronics Revolution is upon us. Never before has it been easier to build robotic devices and computer-controlled machines. The confluence of low-cost embedded computers, sensors, and actuators has made experimentation and prototyping easier than ever. Course modules will explore the mechatronics design process, fundamentals of microcontrollers, embedded systems programming, actuator control, and sensor interfacing. Through several hands-on labs, students will solidify their knowledge of core mechatronics concepts and gain real-world experience building their own mechatronic systems. The mechatronics lab kit, TI-RSLK-Mechkit (available on Mouser.com), provides all the materials needed to complete the lab assignments and build a small robot. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be equipped with the fundamental knowledge they need to harness the Mechatronics Revolution."
Price: 149.00 ![]() |
"Analytics in Python" |
"Data is the lifeblood of an organization. Competency in programming is an essential skill for successfully extracting information and knowledge from data. The goal of this course is to introduce learners to the basics of programming in Python and to give a working knowledge of how to use programs to deal with data. In this course, we will first cover the basics of programming and then focus on using Python on the entire data management process from data acquisition to analysis of data big data and small data. This is an intensive hands-on course that will equip and reward learners with proficiency in data management skills."
Price: 249.00 ![]() |
"Animation and CGI Motion" |
"How do you create realistic animations? How do you predict the motion of materials? It’s key to the success of animated films to ensure (was insure) audiences believe in characters. This course will show you how to create lifelike animations focusing on the technical aspects of CGI animation and also give you a glimpse into how studios approach the art of physically-based animation. You will learn the fundamental concepts of physical simulation, including: integration of ordinary differential equations such as those needed to predict the motion of a dress in the wind. formulation of models for physical phenomena such as crumpling sheet metal and flowing water. treatment of discontinuities such as fractures and collisions. simulation of liquids and solids in both Lagrangian and Eulerian coordinates. artistic control of physically-based animations. These concepts will be put into practice in the programming assignments spanning: Discretizing and integrating Newton’s equations of motion Constrained Lagrangian Mechanics Collisions, contact, and friction: detection and response Continuum mechanics Finite elements Rigid body simulation Thin shell and cloth simulation Elastic rod and hair simulation Fluid simulation"
Price: 249.00 ![]() |
"Demand and Supply Analytics" |
"How do airlines decide when to increase ticket prices? Should a hotel charge less per night for a long stay than a short one? Why do some software companies bundle very different products together? How should a fashion retailer decide when do start discounting clothes? Why do so many discounted rates end in "".99""? How should a company balance the risk of holding too much inventory on hand and the risk of turning away customers? Does it ever make sense for retailers to lie to suppliers about how much they will need to order? Should retailers with multiple locations hold most of their inventory in a central warehouse or at the individual locations? These are only a small sample of the operational and pricing challenges all businesses regularly face. These challenges are often addressed individually and in isolation but, in reality, all of these decisions interact with each other. This class looks at the demand and supply management challenges faced by companies in various industries and provides an introduction to the tools that can be used to address these challenges."
Price: 249.00 ![]() |